create schema diku_mod_source_record_storage_new3; alter schema diku_mod_source_record_storage_new3 owner to folio_admin; set search_path = "diku_mod_source_record_storage_new3", "public"; create type job_execution_status as enum ('PARENT', 'NEW', 'FILE_UPLOADED', 'PARSING_IN_PROGRESS', 'PARSING_FINISHED', 'PROCESSING_IN_PROGRESS', 'PROCESSING_FINISHED', 'COMMIT_IN_PROGRESS', 'COMMITTED', 'ERROR', 'DISCARDED'); create type record_type as enum ('MARC'); create type record_state_type as enum ('ACTUAL', 'DRAFT', 'OLD', 'DELETED'); create table snapshots ( id uuid not null constraint pk_snapshots primary key, status job_execution_status not null, processing_started_date timestamp not null ); create table records ( id uuid not null constraint pk_records primary key, snapshotid uuid not null constraint fk_records_snapshots references snapshots, matchedprofileid uuid not null, matchedid uuid not null, generation integer not null, recordtype record_type not null, instanceid uuid, state record_state_type not null, orderinfile integer, suppressdiscovery boolean default false, createdbyuserid uuid, createddate timestamp, updatedbyuserid uuid, updateddate timestamp ); create index idx_records_snapshotid on records (snapshotid); create index idx_records_instanceid on records (instanceid); create unique index idx_records_matchedid_gen on records (matchedid, generation); create index idx_records_updateddate on records (updateddate); create index idx_records_matchedid_state on records (matchedid, state); create table raw_records ( id uuid not null constraint pk_raw_record primary key constraint fk_raw_records_records references records, content text ); create table marc_records ( id uuid not null constraint pk_marc_records primary key constraint fk_marc_records_records references records, content jsonb ); create table error_records ( id uuid not null constraint pk_error_records primary key constraint fk_error_records_records references records, content jsonb, description varchar(1024) ); -- create view v_source_records_all(id, updateddate, jsonb) as -- SELECT r.matchedid AS id, -- r.updateddate, -- json_build_object('id', r.matchedid, 'content', mr.content)::jsonb AS jsonb -- FROM records r -- JOIN marc_records mr ON = -- WHERE r.state = 'ACTUAL'::record_state_type; -- -- alter table v_source_records_all -- owner to folio_admin; create function update_records_set_updated_date() returns trigger language plpgsql as $$ BEGIN NEW.updateddate := current_timestamp; RETURN NEW; END; $$; create trigger update_records_set_updated_date before insert or update on records for each row execute procedure update_records_set_updated_date(); create function insert_records_set_created_date() returns trigger language plpgsql as $$ BEGIN NEW.createddate := current_timestamp; NEW.updateddate := NEW.createddate; RETURN NEW; END; $$; create trigger insert_records_set_created_date before insert or update on records for each row execute procedure insert_records_set_created_date(); create function get_source_marc_record_by_id(p_id uuid) returns TABLE ( id uuid, jsonb jsonb ) language sql as $$ select r.matchedId id, json_build_object('id', r.matchedid, 'content', mr.content)::jsonb jsonb from (select rds.matchedid, from records rds where rds.matchedid = p_id and rds.state = 'ACTUAL') r inner join marc_records mr on =; $$; create function get_source_marc_record_by_id_alt(p_id uuid) returns TABLE ( id uuid, jsonb jsonb ) language sql as $$ select r.matchedId id, json_build_object('id', r.matchedid, 'content', mr.content)::jsonb jsonb from ( select rr.matchedid, from ( select id, matchedid, generation, max(generation) over (partition by matchedId) max_generation from records rds where rds.matchedid = p_id) rr where generation = max_generation) r inner join marc_records mr on =; $$; create function get_source_marc_record_by_instance_id(p_instanceid uuid) returns TABLE ( id uuid, jsonb jsonb ) language sql as $$ select r.matchedId id, json_build_object('id', r.matchedid, 'content', mr.content)::jsonb jsonb from (select rds.matchedid, from records rds where rds.instanceId = p_instanceId and rds.state = 'ACTUAL') r inner join marc_records mr on =; $$; create function get_source_marc_record_by_instance_id_alt(p_instanceid uuid) returns TABLE ( id uuid, jsonb jsonb ) language sql as $$ select r.matchedId id, json_build_object('id', r.matchedid, 'content', mr.content)::jsonb jsonb from ( select rr.matchedid, from ( select id, matchedid, generation, max(generation) over (partition by matchedId) max_generation from records rds where rds.instanceid = p_instanceId) rr where generation = max_generation) r inner join marc_records mr on =; $$; create function get_all_source_marc_records(p_offset integer, p_limit integer) returns TABLE ( id uuid, jsonb jsonb ) language sql as $$ select r.matchedId id, json_build_object('id', r.matchedid, 'content', mr.content)::jsonb jsonb from (select matchedid, id from (select id, matchedid from records where state = 'ACTUAL' order by matchedid) rr offset p_offset limit p_limit) r inner join marc_records mr on =; $$; create function get_all_source_marc_records_alt(p_offset integer, p_limit integer) returns TABLE ( id uuid, jsonb jsonb ) language sql as $$ select r.matchedId id, json_build_object('id', r.matchedid, 'content', mr.content)::jsonb jsonb from ( select matchedid, id from ( select id, matchedid, generation, max(generation) over (partition by matchedId) max_generation from records order by matchedid) rr where generation = max_generation offset p_offset limit p_limit) r inner join marc_records mr on =; $$; create function get_source_marc_records_for_period(p_from timestamp without time zone, p_till timestamp without time zone, p_offset integer, p_limit integer) returns TABLE ( id uuid, jsonb jsonb ) language sql as $$ select r.matchedId id, json_build_object('id', r.matchedid, 'content', mr.content)::jsonb jsonb from ( select matchedid, id from records where updateddate between p_from and p_till and state = 'ACTUAL' order by updateddate offset p_offset limit p_limit) r inner join marc_records mr on =; $$; create function get_source_marc_records_for_period_alt(p_from timestamp without time zone, p_till timestamp without time zone, p_offset integer, p_limit integer) returns TABLE ( id uuid, jsonb jsonb ) language sql as $$ select r.matchedId id, json_build_object('id', r.matchedid, 'content', mr.content)::jsonb jsonb from ( select matchedid, id from ( select id, matchedid, generation, max(generation) over (partition by matchedId) max_generation from records where updateddate between p_from and p_till order by updateddate) r where generation = max_generation offset p_offset limit p_limit) r inner join marc_records mr on =; $$;