in this case, the 2nd 264 field has to subfield $c, but only the 1st is included in the 2nd mapped field. I guess this could be fixed by adding a "entityPerRepeatedSubfield" instruction. 264 rule from mapping file: "264": [ { "rules": [ { "conditions": [ {"type": "remove_ending_punc, trim"} ] } ], "target": "", "subfield": ["a"], "description": "Place of publication", "subFieldDelimiter": [ { "value": " ; ", "subfields": ["a"] } ] }, { "rules": [ { "conditions": [ {"type": "remove_ending_punc, trim"} ] } ], "target": "publication.publisher", "subfield": ["b"], "description": "Publisher of publication", "subFieldDelimiter": [ { "value": " ; ", "subfields": ["b"] } ] }, { "rules": [ { "conditions": [ {"type": "remove_ending_punc, trim, trim_period"} ] } ], "target": "publication.dateOfPublication", "subfield": ["c"], "description": "Date of publication", "subFieldDelimiter": [ { "value": " ; ", "subfields": ["c"] } ] }, { "rules": [ { "conditions": [ {"type": "set_publisher_role"} ] } ], "target": "publication.role", "subfield": [ "a", "b", "c" ], "description": "Role of publication, defined by 2nd indicator", "applyRulesOnConcatenatedData": true } ] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 264 fields from MARC source: { "264": { "ind1": " ", "ind2": "1", "subfields": [ {"a": "Wakefield, MA :"}, {"b": "Fesarius Publications,"}, {"c": "[1988]"} ] } }, { "264": { "ind1": " ", "ind2": "4", "subfields": [ {"c": "©1988,"}, {"c": "▒<84><97>1988"} ] } } ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- instance output: "publication": [ { "role": "Publication", "place": "Wakefield, MA", "publisher": "Fesarius Publications", "dateOfPublication": "[1988]" }, {"dateOfPublication": "©1988 ;"} ]