Started by user Adam Dickmeiss Connecting to using id-jenkins/****** (Jenkins U/P with oath token) Obtained Jenkinsfile from e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 Running in Durability level: MAX_SURVIVABILITY Loading library folio_jenkins_shared_libs@master Examining folio-org/jenkins-pipeline-libs Attempting to resolve master as a branch Resolved master as branch master at revision 0d7878b732bec4586dfac3f5cdf0ae76e6a60110 using credential folio-jenkins-github-token Cloning the remote Git repository Cloning with configured refspecs honoured and without tags Cloning repository > git init /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/folio-org/okapi/v2.39.0@libs/folio_jenkins_shared_libs # timeout=10 Fetching upstream changes from > git --version # timeout=10 using GIT_ASKPASS to set credentials Jenkins U/P with oath token > git fetch --no-tags --progress -- +refs/heads/master:refs/remotes/origin/master # timeout=10 > git config remote.origin.url # timeout=10 > git config --add remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/master:refs/remotes/origin/master # timeout=10 > git config remote.origin.url # timeout=10 Fetching without tags Fetching upstream changes from using GIT_ASKPASS to set credentials Jenkins U/P with oath token > git fetch --no-tags --progress -- +refs/heads/master:refs/remotes/origin/master # timeout=10 Checking out Revision 0d7878b732bec4586dfac3f5cdf0ae76e6a60110 (master) > git config core.sparsecheckout # timeout=10 > git checkout -f 0d7878b732bec4586dfac3f5cdf0ae76e6a60110 # timeout=10 Commit message: "Merge pull request #83 from folio-org/fix-kubedeploy" > git --version # timeout=10 [Pipeline] Start of Pipeline [Pipeline] properties [Pipeline] node Running on jenkins-slave-all-00h9of8ah5are on FOLIO Jenkins Slave03 Docker Host in /home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0 [Pipeline] { [Pipeline] timeout Timeout set to expire in 1 hr 0 min [Pipeline] { [Pipeline] stage [Pipeline] { (Checkout) [Pipeline] deleteDir [Pipeline] slackSend Slack Send Pipeline step running, values are - baseUrl: , teamDomain: folio-project, channel: folio-ci, color: #808080, botUser: false, tokenCredentialId: FOLIO_Slack, notifyCommitters: false, iconEmoji: , username: [Pipeline] checkout using credential folio-jenkins-github-token Cloning the remote Git repository Cloning with configured refspecs honoured and with tags Cleaning workspace Pruning obsolete local branches Fetching with tags Cloning repository > git init /home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0 # timeout=10 Fetching upstream changes from > git --version # timeout=10 using GIT_ASKPASS to set credentials Jenkins U/P with oath token > git fetch --tags --progress +refs/tags/v2.39.0:refs/tags/v2.39.0 # timeout=10 > git config remote.origin.url # timeout=10 > git config --add remote.origin.fetch +refs/tags/v2.39.0:refs/tags/v2.39.0 # timeout=10 > git config remote.origin.url # timeout=10 > git rev-parse --verify HEAD # timeout=10 No valid HEAD. Skipping the resetting > git clean -fdx # timeout=10 Fetching upstream changes from using GIT_ASKPASS to set credentials Jenkins U/P with oath token > git fetch --tags --progress --prune +refs/tags/v2.39.0:refs/tags/v2.39.0 # timeout=10 Checking out Revision e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 (v2.39.0) > git config core.sparsecheckout # timeout=10 > git checkout -f e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 # timeout=10 Commit message: "[maven-release-plugin] prepare release v2.39.0" First time build. Skipping changelog. > git --version # timeout=10 fatal: bad object 0d7878b732bec4586dfac3f5cdf0ae76e6a60110 > git remote # timeout=10 > git submodule init # timeout=10 > git submodule sync # timeout=10 > git config --get remote.origin.url # timeout=10 > git submodule init # timeout=10 > git config -f .gitmodules --get-regexp ^submodule\.(.+)\.url # timeout=10 > git config --get submodule.okapi-core/src/main/raml/raml-util.url # timeout=10 > git config -f .gitmodules --get submodule.okapi-core/src/main/raml/raml-util.path # timeout=10 > git submodule update --init --recursive okapi-core/src/main/raml/raml-util # timeout=10 > git remote # timeout=10 > git submodule init # timeout=10 > git submodule sync # timeout=10 > git config --get remote.origin.url # timeout=10 > git submodule init # timeout=10 > git config -f .gitmodules --get-regexp ^submodule\.(.+)\.url # timeout=10 > git config --get submodule.okapi-core/src/main/raml/raml-util.url # timeout=10 > git config -f .gitmodules --get submodule.okapi-core/src/main/raml/raml-util.path # timeout=10 > git submodule update --init --recursive okapi-core/src/main/raml/raml-util # timeout=10 [Pipeline] echo Checked out branch: v2.39.0 [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // stage [Pipeline] stage [Pipeline] { (Set Environment) [Pipeline] echo Okapi URL: [Pipeline] echo FOLIO Registry: [Pipeline] readMavenPom [Pipeline] readMavenPom [Pipeline] sh + git tag -l --points-at HEAD [Pipeline] sh + tr -d v + git tag -l --points-at HEAD [Pipeline] sh + git config remote.origin.url + awk -F / '{print $5}' + sed -e 's/\.git//' [Pipeline] sh + git rev-parse HEAD [Pipeline] sh + git config remote.origin.url [Pipeline] echo Maven Project Name: okapi [Pipeline] echo Maven Project Version: 2.39.0 [Pipeline] echo Git Project Name: okapi [Pipeline] echo Git Project Url: [Pipeline] echo Git Commit SHA1: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // stage [Pipeline] stage [Pipeline] { (Lint raml-cop) [Pipeline] echo Assessing RAML and running 'raml-cop' ... [Pipeline] sh + mkdir -p ci [Pipeline] sh + echo '
[Pipeline] sh
+ python3 /usr/local/bin/ -l info --validate-only
[Pipeline] sh
+ echo '
' [Pipeline] readFile [Pipeline] publishHTML [htmlpublisher] Archiving HTML reports... [htmlpublisher] Archiving at BUILD level /home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0/ci to /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/folio-org/jobs/okapi/branches/v2-39-0.tpofjv/builds/1/htmlreports/LintRamlCopReport [Pipeline] sh + rm -rf ci [Pipeline] echo No issues detected. [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // stage [Pipeline] stage [Pipeline] { (Maven Build) [Pipeline] echo Building Maven artifact: okapi Version: 2.39.0 [Pipeline] withMaven [withMaven] Options: [] [withMaven] Available options: [withMaven] using JDK installation openjdk-8-jenkins-slave-all [withMaven] using Maven installation 'maven3-jenkins-slave-all' [Pipeline] { [Pipeline] sh WARNING: Unknown parameter(s) found for class type 'org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.steps.durable_task.ShellStep': returnStdOut + mvn dependency:list + grep -i snapshot Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dmaven.ext.class.path="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554/pipeline-maven-spy.jar" -Dorg.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.maven.reportsFolder="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554" + true [Pipeline] sh + mvn clean org.jacoco:jacoco-maven-plugin:prepare-agent install org.jacoco:jacoco-maven-plugin:report ----- withMaven Wrapper script ----- Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dmaven.ext.class.path="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554/pipeline-maven-spy.jar" -Dorg.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.maven.reportsFolder="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554" Apache Maven 3.3.9 Maven home: /usr/share/maven Java version: 1.8.0_242, vendor: Private Build Java home: /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/jre Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: UTF-8 OS name: "linux", version: "4.4.0-1087-aws", arch: "amd64", family: "unix" [INFO] [jenkins-event-spy] Generate /home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554/maven-spy-20200416-142357-643052553064061345208.log.tmp ... [INFO] Scanning for projects... [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Reactor Build Order: [INFO] [INFO] okapi [INFO] okapi-common [INFO] okapi-test-module [INFO] okapi-test-auth-module [INFO] okapi-test-header-module [INFO] okapi-core [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (2 KB at 3.2 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (5 KB at 283.9 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (41 KB at 1753.2 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (53 KB at 2899.3 KB/sec) [INFO] [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Building okapi 2.39.0 [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-clean-plugin:2.5:clean (default-clean) @ okapi --- [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (4 KB at 305.5 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (13 KB at 1046.5 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloaded: (221 KB at 4697.3 KB/sec) [INFO] [INFO] --- jacoco-maven-plugin:0.8.5:prepare-agent (default-cli) @ okapi --- [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (3 KB at 203.1 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (22 KB at 1781.0 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (24 KB at 1953.4 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (4 KB at 292.4 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (4 KB at 296.0 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (17 KB at 1364.2 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (2 KB at 188.3 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (6 KB at 524.3 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (4 KB at 305.5 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (3 KB at 282.8 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (2 KB at 135.5 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (8 KB at 759.5 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (11 KB at 1050.2 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (815 B at 79.6 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (5 KB at 414.1 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (17 KB at 1694.1 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (4 KB at 390.3 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (4 KB at 325.6 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (6 KB at 444.1 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (11 KB at 1080.2 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (7 KB at 588.5 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (2 KB at 204.1 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (3 KB at 216.8 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (910 B at 98.7 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (6 KB at 522.9 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (3 KB at 289.2 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (7 KB at 201.2 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (9 KB at 745.5 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (6 KB at 502.6 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (3 KB at 224.1 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (2 KB at 209.3 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (3 KB at 243.7 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (3 KB at 100.5 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (2 KB at 181.5 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (8 KB at 754.4 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (3 KB at 223.7 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (4 KB at 450.8 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (2 KB at 212.5 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (4 KB at 467.7 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (2 KB at 160.8 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (5 KB at 401.6 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (3 KB at 252.8 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (24 KB at 2371.3 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (3 KB at 218.6 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (4 KB at 325.8 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (2 KB at 155.9 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (3 KB at 255.6 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (3 KB at 329.7 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (3 KB at 282.6 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (2 KB at 197.8 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (2 KB at 246.0 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (2 KB at 91.2 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (2 KB at 192.3 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (18 KB at 1970.1 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (2 KB at 192.9 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (4 KB at 403.6 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (6 KB at 550.2 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (3 KB at 269.4 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (738 B at 90.1 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (4 KB at 416.3 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (14 KB at 1516.5 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (8 KB at 947.6 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (4 KB at 466.9 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (6 KB at 853.8 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (15 KB at 1658.4 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (3 KB at 322.8 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (2 KB at 173.8 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (3 KB at 264.4 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (6 KB at 670.8 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (13 KB at 1345.8 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (61 KB at 6052.2 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (4 KB at 380.0 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (3 KB at 254.4 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (3 KB at 359.4 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (11 KB at 1218.5 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (4 KB at 447.8 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (4 KB at 382.2 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (4 KB at 385.7 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (2 KB at 229.7 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (161 KB at 7658.3 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (51 KB at 1635.2 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (48 KB at 1447.7 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (197 KB at 4924.7 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (46 KB at 1111.5 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (150 KB at 3474.5 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (461 KB at 9597.5 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (30 KB at 587.5 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (37 KB at 636.1 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (145 KB at 2408.4 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (515 KB at 8578.1 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (50 KB at 819.5 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (104 KB at 1549.0 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (14 KB at 183.8 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (60 KB at 806.0 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (106 KB at 1387.1 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (73 KB at 916.9 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (46 KB at 555.8 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (28 KB at 332.0 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (14 KB at 140.2 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (49 KB at 505.3 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (240 KB at 2415.7 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (191 KB at 1927.4 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (17 KB at 158.7 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (37 KB at 355.7 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (232 KB at 2250.3 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (37 KB at 333.7 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (30 KB at 272.2 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (12 KB at 99.8 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (121 KB at 1083.8 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (155 KB at 1344.3 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (256 KB at 2130.6 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (50 KB at 400.5 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (30 KB at 235.0 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (298 KB at 2363.9 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (52 KB at 402.2 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (15 KB at 112.7 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (1185 KB at 8583.6 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (276 KB at 1967.0 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (37 KB at 255.4 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (191 KB at 1344.3 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (575 KB at 3989.9 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (69 KB at 459.1 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloaded: (113 KB at 752.9 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloaded: (50 KB at 325.2 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloaded: (33 KB at 216.3 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloaded: (126 KB at 822.7 KB/sec) [INFO] argLine set to -javaagent:/home/jenkins/.m2/repository/org/jacoco/org.jacoco.agent/0.8.5/org.jacoco.agent-0.8.5-runtime.jar=destfile=/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0/target/jacoco.exec [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-checkstyle-plugin:3.1.1:check (check) @ okapi --- [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (750 B at 91.6 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (5 KB at 586.5 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (22 KB at 2747.1 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (5 KB at 610.4 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (5 KB at 623.3 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (2 KB at 178.1 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (22 KB at 1287.3 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (5 KB at 476.5 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (965 B at 117.8 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (2 KB at 228.7 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (19 KB at 2626.5 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (25 KB at 3488.6 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (15 KB at 1850.6 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (2 KB at 201.0 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (4 KB at 482.8 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (2 KB at 190.2 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (2 KB at 222.4 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (8 KB at 731.9 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (9 KB at 1250.8 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (16 KB at 2285.6 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (5 KB at 682.1 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (10 KB at 1141.6 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (13 KB at 1829.4 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (18 KB at 2241.8 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (16 KB at 1958.1 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (6 KB at 851.6 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (7 KB at 761.5 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (16 KB at 2241.2 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (3 KB at 426.5 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (2 KB at 191.0 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (3 KB at 305.2 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (6 KB at 784.9 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (9 KB at 1101.8 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (2 KB at 213.6 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (18 KB at 2191.7 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (2 KB at 214.3 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (3 KB at 326.4 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (17 KB at 2095.2 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (6 KB at 852.5 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (4 KB at 496.3 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (2 KB at 122.5 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (3 KB at 320.1 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (5 KB at 586.4 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (18 KB at 1974.8 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (7 KB at 855.0 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (7 KB at 754.6 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (147 B at 17.9 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (167 B at 20.4 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (156 B at 16.9 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (6 KB at 838.9 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (142 B at 19.8 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (653 B at 79.7 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (5 KB at 526.4 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (10 KB at 1201.0 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (12 KB at 1650.5 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (4 KB at 475.6 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (145 B at 20.2 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (4 KB at 429.1 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (3 KB at 354.6 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (11 KB at 1296.4 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (7 KB at 849.2 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (10 KB at 1211.9 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (2 KB at 193.0 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (4 KB at 395.5 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (2 KB at 214.3 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (19 KB at 2317.4 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (3 KB at 365.5 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (18 KB at 2183.5 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (4 KB at 443.2 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (3 KB at 370.7 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (21 KB at 2624.5 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (6 KB at 632.6 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (3 KB at 370.4 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (3 KB at 344.4 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (11 KB at 1325.3 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (124 KB at 12386.7 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (2 KB at 175.5 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (632 B at 77.1 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (4 KB at 441.5 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (5 KB at 537.6 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (18 KB at 2197.9 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (76 KB at 8416.0 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (16 KB at 1512.6 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (11 KB at 1333.0 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (13 KB at 1602.2 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (3 KB at 336.6 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (10 KB at 1242.7 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (3 KB at 278.1 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (5 KB at 597.9 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (3 KB at 292.8 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (3 KB at 294.5 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (6 KB at 756.6 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (3 KB at 337.2 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (4 KB at 274.3 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (18 KB at 1097.3 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (190 KB at 7029.6 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (32 KB at 1037.3 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (151 KB at 4703.4 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (46 KB at 1170.0 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloaded: (169 KB at 4329.1 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (287 KB at 6356.1 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (136 KB at 2154.0 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (161 KB at 2923.2 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (11 KB at 168.3 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (16 KB at 203.1 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (1201 KB at 15588.5 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (52 KB at 624.5 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloaded: (60 KB at 720.8 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (12 KB at 131.5 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (37 KB at 434.6 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (339 KB at 3639.3 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloaded: (26 KB at 272.3 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (88 KB at 925.2 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (322 KB at 3180.1 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloaded: (447 KB at 4417.9 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (44 KB at 423.1 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (117 KB at 1072.0 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (246 KB at 2212.8 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (258 KB at 2235.5 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (5 KB at 35.9 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (23 KB at 195.4 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (8 KB at 67.5 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (84 KB at 677.6 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (344 KB at 2506.0 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (242 KB at 1747.3 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (5 KB at 31.1 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (330 KB at 2259.9 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (435 KB at 2958.2 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (3 KB at 14.2 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (14 KB at 87.4 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (9 KB at 54.3 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (197 KB at 1243.7 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloaded: (1317 KB at 8228.4 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloaded: (439 KB at 2438.7 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloaded: (2723 KB at 12966.4 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloaded: (5366 KB at 19299.0 KB/sec) [INFO] You have 0 Checkstyle violations. [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.5.2:install (default-install) @ okapi --- [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (3 KB at 300.9 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (3 KB at 266.0 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (3 KB at 265.0 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (4 KB at 336.7 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (2 KB at 228.4 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (2 KB at 235.5 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (11 KB at 1361.9 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (41 KB at 4548.4 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (4 KB at 439.1 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (13 KB at 1208.4 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (35 KB at 2877.8 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (153 KB at 11740.0 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (48 KB at 3684.0 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (30 KB at 2231.8 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (50 KB at 2926.0 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (66 KB at 3473.2 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloaded: (26 KB at 1318.7 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (86 KB at 4276.8 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloaded: (79 KB at 2307.0 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloaded: (324 KB at 8998.4 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloaded: (152 KB at 4102.9 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloaded: (228 KB at 6143.7 KB/sec) [INFO] Installing /home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0/pom.xml to /home/jenkins/.m2/repository/org/folio/okapi/okapi/2.39.0/okapi-2.39.0.pom [INFO] [INFO] --- jacoco-maven-plugin:0.8.5:report (default-cli) @ okapi --- [INFO] Skipping JaCoCo execution due to missing execution data file. [INFO] [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Building okapi-common 2.39.0 [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-clean-plugin:2.5:clean (default-clean) @ okapi-common --- [INFO] [INFO] --- jacoco-maven-plugin:0.8.5:prepare-agent (default-cli) @ okapi-common --- [INFO] argLine set to -javaagent:/home/jenkins/.m2/repository/org/jacoco/org.jacoco.agent/0.8.5/org.jacoco.agent-0.8.5-runtime.jar=destfile=/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0/okapi-common/target/jacoco.exec [INFO] [INFO] --- git-commit-id-plugin:2.2.1:revision (get-the-git-infos) @ okapi-common --- [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (4 KB at 367.0 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (22 KB at 2697.1 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (5 KB at 577.7 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (2 KB at 274.8 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (5 KB at 589.6 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (13 KB at 1841.9 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (2 KB at 200.1 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (3 KB at 287.5 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (8 KB at 965.2 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (21 KB at 2525.9 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (1023 B at 142.7 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (612 B at 74.7 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (6 KB at 751.3 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (2 KB at 273.3 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (965 B at 134.6 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (10 KB at 1415.9 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (11 KB at 1333.7 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (363 B at 44.3 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (3 KB at 351.6 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (14 KB at 1952.4 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (4 KB at 541.7 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (8 KB at 887.5 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (3 KB at 265.0 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (3 KB at 316.9 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (2 KB at 125.6 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (3 KB at 427.5 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (3 KB at 311.0 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (3 KB at 391.9 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (4 KB at 571.1 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (2 KB at 242.3 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (2 KB at 245.4 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (4 KB at 467.1 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (5 KB at 611.5 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (6 KB at 846.0 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (8 KB at 1086.9 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (19 KB at 2711.4 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (2 KB at 170.1 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (8 KB at 1087.5 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (19 KB at 1108.3 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (5 KB at 679.0 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (29 KB at 3590.9 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (7 KB at 947.5 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (10 KB at 1377.9 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (2 KB at 139.5 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (7 KB at 904.6 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (26 KB at 3687.9 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (4 KB at 394.9 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (5 KB at 606.0 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (6 KB at 635.9 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (16 KB at 1946.5 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (5 KB at 374.1 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (13 KB at 1170.8 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (18 KB at 2240.4 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (49 KB at 6121.7 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (3 KB at 375.1 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (12 KB at 1440.9 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (4 KB at 541.3 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (44 KB at 3129.6 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (6 KB at 380.7 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (151 KB at 7171.8 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (192 KB at 9139.9 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (52 KB at 2221.4 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (44 KB at 1906.8 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (3 KB at 110.8 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (5 KB at 181.8 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (350 KB at 12036.1 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (41 KB at 1406.2 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (41 KB at 1268.3 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (25 KB at 702.5 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (285 KB at 7691.0 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (545 KB at 13273.1 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (59 KB at 1419.4 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (18 KB at 402.0 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (156 KB at 3624.2 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (142 KB at 2887.2 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (49 KB at 953.5 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (61 KB at 1136.8 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (46 KB at 819.1 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (131 KB at 2336.0 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (253 KB at 4077.6 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (20 KB at 313.0 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (612 KB at 7641.4 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (1144 KB at 12997.8 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (274 KB at 3007.0 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (123 KB at 1210.0 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (2255 KB at 20494.6 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (579 KB at 5161.9 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (61 KB at 526.9 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloaded: (277 KB at 2401.4 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloaded: (26 KB at 215.9 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloaded: (5 KB at 36.1 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloaded: (2113 KB at 16002.1 KB/sec) [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.6:resources (default-resources) @ okapi-common --- [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (7 KB at 728.2 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (2 KB at 233.3 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (2 KB at 208.0 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (2 KB at 281.5 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (2 KB at 174.9 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (6 KB at 628.1 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (889 B at 124.0 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (3 KB at 399.4 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (3 KB at 420.6 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (5 KB at 702.1 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (890 B at 124.2 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (3 KB at 463.5 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (29 KB at 3138.2 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (35 KB at 3128.6 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (114 KB at 9455.0 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (149 KB at 11389.5 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (56 KB at 3449.0 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (21 KB at 1266.8 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (6 KB at 341.0 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (10 KB at 510.9 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (24 KB at 1258.0 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (14 KB at 664.6 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (37 KB at 1500.3 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (85 KB at 3124.6 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (86 KB at 3159.7 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (48 KB at 1653.4 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (11 KB at 333.4 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloaded: (7 KB at 195.6 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloaded: (43 KB at 1238.1 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloaded: (218 KB at 6226.9 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloaded: (60 KB at 1611.5 KB/sec) [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources. [INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0/okapi-common/src/main/resources [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.3:compile (default-compile) @ okapi-common --- [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (12 KB at 1032.8 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (2 KB at 212.3 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (2 KB at 231.7 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (8 KB at 966.8 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (3 KB at 416.3 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (3 KB at 302.6 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (2 KB at 87.8 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (3 KB at 252.0 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (2 KB at 175.4 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (4 KB at 408.2 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (2 KB at 258.4 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (2 KB at 176.1 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (2 KB at 284.5 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (15 KB at 1852.8 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (2 KB at 219.7 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (8 KB at 974.1 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (25 KB at 3008.9 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (5 KB at 699.4 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (5 KB at 578.9 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (4 KB at 564.6 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (5 KB at 688.3 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (865 B at 120.7 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (6 KB at 649.0 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (690 B at 96.3 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (769 B at 107.3 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (2 KB at 180.7 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (9 KB at 956.5 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (22 KB at 1983.1 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (22 KB at 1667.1 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (174 KB at 10857.4 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (223 KB at 13103.7 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (17 KB at 1088.7 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (13 KB at 794.8 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (39 KB at 1743.8 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (11 KB at 464.1 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (37 KB at 1530.9 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (14 KB at 574.8 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (167 KB at 5932.3 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (25 KB at 884.3 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (5 KB at 143.8 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (212 KB at 6222.4 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (46 KB at 1323.8 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (19 KB at 524.0 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (131 KB at 3187.5 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloaded: (44 KB at 1037.0 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloaded: (118 KB at 2561.1 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloaded: (350 KB at 7440.3 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloaded: (625 KB at 12492.0 KB/sec) [INFO] Changes detected - recompiling the module! [INFO] Compiling 19 source files to /home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0/okapi-common/target/classes [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-checkstyle-plugin:3.1.1:check (check) @ okapi-common --- [INFO] You have 0 Checkstyle violations. [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.6:testResources (default-testResources) @ okapi-common --- [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources. [INFO] Copying 3 resources [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.3:testCompile (default-testCompile) @ okapi-common --- [INFO] Changes detected - recompiling the module! [INFO] Compiling 12 source files to /home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0/okapi-common/target/test-classes [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-surefire-plugin:2.17:test (default-test) @ okapi-common --- [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (6 KB at 744.3 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (2 KB at 226.6 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (17 KB at 2017.6 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (3 KB at 319.6 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (3 KB at 394.9 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (4 KB at 484.9 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (17 KB at 2039.9 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (260 KB at 18512.1 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloaded: (10 KB at 707.1 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (39 KB at 2034.3 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (206 KB at 10287.1 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloaded: (38 KB at 1854.1 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloaded: (144 KB at 6850.4 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloaded: (309 KB at 13408.8 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloaded: (15 KB at 460.2 KB/sec) [INFO] Surefire report directory: /home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0/okapi-common/target/surefire-reports [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (3 KB at 221.1 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (3 KB at 290.3 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (63 KB at 6978.9 KB/sec) ------------------------------------------------------- T E S T S ------------------------------------------------------- Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dmaven.ext.class.path="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554/pipeline-maven-spy.jar" -Dorg.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.maven.reportsFolder="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554" Running org.folio.okapi.common.CqlUtilTest Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.147 sec - in org.folio.okapi.common.CqlUtilTest Running org.folio.okapi.common.ModuleIdTest Tests run: 4, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.001 sec - in org.folio.okapi.common.ModuleIdTest Running org.folio.okapi.common.UrlDecoderTest Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0 sec - in org.folio.okapi.common.UrlDecoderTest Running org.folio.okapi.common.ConfigTest Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.014 sec - in org.folio.okapi.common.ConfigTest Running org.folio.okapi.common.MessagesTest 14:24:07 INFO Messages Loading messages from /infra-messages/ 14:24:07 INFO Messages Loading messages from /infra-messages/ Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.635 sec - in org.folio.okapi.common.MessagesTest Running org.folio.okapi.common.PauseResumeTest Tests run: 4, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.907 sec - in org.folio.okapi.common.PauseResumeTest Running org.folio.okapi.common.SemVerTest Tests run: 3, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.003 sec - in org.folio.okapi.common.SemVerTest Running org.folio.okapi.common.OkapiStringUtilTest Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.001 sec - in org.folio.okapi.common.OkapiStringUtilTest Running org.folio.okapi.common.OkapiTokenTest Tests run: 8, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.077 sec - in org.folio.okapi.common.OkapiTokenTest Running org.folio.okapi.common.ModuleVersionReporterTest 14:24:08 WARN oduleVersionReporter META-INF/maven/org.folio.okapi.okapi-common/ not found 14:24:08 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module null null started 14:24:08 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:24:08 WARN oduleVersionReporter META-INF/maven/doesNotExist/ not found 14:24:08 WARN oduleVersionReporter doesNotExist not found Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.003 sec - in org.folio.okapi.common.ModuleVersionReporterTest Running org.folio.okapi.common.OkapiClientTest 14:24:09 ERROR ttpClientRequestImpl io.netty.resolver.dns.DnsResolveContext$SearchDomainUnknownHostException: Search domain query failed. Original hostname: 'xxxx.index.gyf' failed to resolve 'xxxx.index.gyf.ec2.internal' after 2 queries 14:24:09 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=500 msg=OkapiClient: No OkapiUrl specified 14:24:09 INFO OkapiClient 919;479200/920 REQ okapiClient test-lib GET http://localhost:9230/test1 14:24:09 INFO OkapiClient 919;479200/920 RES 200 4862us okapiClient http://localhost:9230/test1 14:24:09 INFO OkapiClient 919;479200/920 REQ okapiClient test-lib GET http://localhost:9230/test_not_found 14:24:09 INFO OkapiClient 919;479200/920 RES 404 2466us okapiClient http://localhost:9230/test_not_found 14:24:09 INFO OkapiClient 919;479200/920 REQ okapiClient test-lib POST http://localhost:9230/test1 14:24:09 INFO OkapiClient 919;479200/920 RES 200 2344us okapiClient http://localhost:9230/test1 14:24:09 INFO OkapiClient 919;479200/920 REQ okapiClient test-lib GET http://localhost:9230/test2?p=%2Ftest1 14:24:09 INFO OkapiClient 919;479200/920 RES 200 6476us okapiClient http://localhost:9230/test2?p=%2Ftest1 14:24:09 INFO OkapiClient 919;479200/920 REQ okapiClient test-lib GET http://localhost:9230/test2?p=%2Fbad 14:24:09 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=404 msg=404:

Resource not found

14:24:09 INFO OkapiClient 919;479200/920 RES 404 18486us okapiClient http://localhost:9230/test2?p=%2Fbad 14:24:09 INFO OkapiClient 919;479200/920 REQ okapiClient test-lib DELETE http://localhost:9230/test1 14:24:09 INFO OkapiClient 919;479200/920 RES 204 2905us okapiClient http://localhost:9230/test1 14:24:09 INFO OkapiClient 919;479200/920 REQ okapiClient test-lib HEAD http://localhost:9230/test1 14:24:09 INFO OkapiClient 919;479200/920 RES 200 1852us okapiClient http://localhost:9230/test1 14:24:09 INFO OkapiClient 919;479200/920 REQ okapiClient test-lib POST http://localhost:9230/test1 14:24:09 INFO OkapiClient 919;479200/920 RES 200 1976us okapiClient http://localhost:9230/test1 14:24:09 ERROR ttpClientRequestImpl$AnnotatedConnectException: Connection refused: localhost/ 14:24:09 ERROR ttpClientRequestImpl$AnnotatedConnectException: Connection refused: localhost/ 14:24:09 ERROR ttpClientRequestImpl$AnnotatedConnectException: Connection refused: localhost/ 14:24:09 ERROR ttpClientRequestImpl$AnnotatedConnectException: Connection refused: localhost/ 14:24:09 ERROR ttpClientRequestImpl$AnnotatedConnectException: Connection refused: localhost/ 14:24:09 ERROR ttpClientRequestImpl$AnnotatedConnectException: Connection refused: localhost/ 14:24:09 ERROR ttpClientRequestImpl$AnnotatedConnectException: Connection refused: localhost/ 14:24:09 ERROR ttpClientRequestImpl$AnnotatedConnectException: Connection refused: localhost/ 14:24:09 ERROR ttpClientRequestImpl$AnnotatedConnectException: Connection refused: localhost/ 14:24:09 ERROR ttpClientRequestImpl$AnnotatedConnectException: Connection refused: localhost/ 14:24:09 ERROR ttpClientRequestImpl$AnnotatedConnectException: Connection refused: localhost/ 14:24:09 ERROR ttpClientRequestImpl$AnnotatedConnectException: Connection refused: localhost/ 14:24:09 ERROR ttpClientRequestImpl$AnnotatedConnectException: Connection refused: localhost/ 14:24:09 ERROR ttpClientRequestImpl$AnnotatedConnectException: Connection refused: localhost/ 14:24:09 ERROR ttpClientRequestImpl$AnnotatedConnectException: Connection refused: localhost/ 14:24:09 ERROR ttpClientRequestImpl$AnnotatedConnectException: Connection refused: localhost/ Tests run: 15, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.473 sec - in org.folio.okapi.common.OkapiClientTest Running org.folio.okapi.common.ErrorTest Tests run: 4, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.001 sec - in org.folio.okapi.common.ErrorTest Results : Tests run: 47, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0 [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:2.4:jar (default-jar) @ okapi-common --- [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (5 KB at 443.2 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (3 KB at 391.9 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (2 KB at 211.5 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (3 KB at 376.4 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (19 KB at 2596.8 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (1018 B at 142.0 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (22 KB at 1936.5 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloaded: (60 KB at 4921.4 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloaded: (57 KB at 4064.2 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloaded: (181 KB at 12865.4 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloaded: (203 KB at 13523.6 KB/sec) [INFO] Building jar: /home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0/okapi-common/target/okapi-common-2.39.0.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-shade-plugin:2.4:shade (default) @ okapi-common --- [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (4 KB at 490.8 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (2 KB at 214.8 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (13 KB at 1512.0 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (2 KB at 239.1 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (2 KB at 269.9 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (6 KB at 670.8 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (10 KB at 1326.6 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (3 KB at 255.6 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (3 KB at 113.0 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (3 KB at 305.2 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (8 KB at 1013.1 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (11 KB at 1346.9 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (47 KB at 5769.7 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (11 KB at 1320.7 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (2 KB at 269.9 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (6 KB at 766.6 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (3 KB at 292.4 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (3 KB at 254.3 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (3 KB at 292.1 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (3 KB at 291.3 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (6 KB at 667.7 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (2 KB at 239.1 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (52 KB at 4328.3 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (52 KB at 3713.2 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (29 KB at 2363.0 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (41 KB at 2546.2 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (279 KB at 12096.2 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (63 KB at 3267.2 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (150 KB at 7120.3 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (22 KB at 1068.9 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (170 KB at 7370.4 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloaded: (43 KB at 1691.2 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloaded: (20 KB at 798.6 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloaded: (33 KB at 1194.1 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloaded: (1610 KB at 27751.2 KB/sec) [INFO] Including org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-api:jar:2.12.1 in the shaded jar. [INFO] Including io.vertx:vertx-core:jar:4.0.0-milestone4 in the shaded jar. [INFO] Including io.netty:netty-common:jar:4.1.42.Final in the shaded jar. [INFO] Including io.netty:netty-buffer:jar:4.1.42.Final in the shaded jar. [INFO] Including io.netty:netty-transport:jar:4.1.42.Final in the shaded jar. [INFO] Including io.netty:netty-handler:jar:4.1.42.Final in the shaded jar. [INFO] Including io.netty:netty-codec:jar:4.1.42.Final in the shaded jar. [INFO] Including io.netty:netty-handler-proxy:jar:4.1.42.Final in the shaded jar. [INFO] Including io.netty:netty-codec-socks:jar:4.1.42.Final in the shaded jar. [INFO] Including io.netty:netty-codec-http:jar:4.1.42.Final in the shaded jar. [INFO] Including io.netty:netty-codec-http2:jar:4.1.42.Final in the shaded jar. [INFO] Including io.netty:netty-resolver:jar:4.1.42.Final in the shaded jar. [INFO] Including io.netty:netty-resolver-dns:jar:4.1.42.Final in the shaded jar. [INFO] Including io.netty:netty-codec-dns:jar:4.1.42.Final in the shaded jar. [INFO] Including com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-core:jar:2.10.1 in the shaded jar. [INFO] Including io.vertx:vertx-web:jar:4.0.0-milestone4 in the shaded jar. [INFO] Including io.vertx:vertx-web-common:jar:4.0.0-milestone4 in the shaded jar. [INFO] Including io.vertx:vertx-auth-common:jar:4.0.0-milestone4 in the shaded jar. [INFO] Including io.vertx:vertx-bridge-common:jar:4.0.0-milestone4 in the shaded jar. [INFO] Including org.z3950.zing:cql-java:jar:1.13 in the shaded jar. [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.5.2:install (default-install) @ okapi-common --- [INFO] Installing /home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0/okapi-common/target/okapi-common-2.39.0.jar to /home/jenkins/.m2/repository/org/folio/okapi/okapi-common/2.39.0/okapi-common-2.39.0.jar [INFO] Installing /home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0/okapi-common/pom.xml to /home/jenkins/.m2/repository/org/folio/okapi/okapi-common/2.39.0/okapi-common-2.39.0.pom [INFO] [INFO] --- jacoco-maven-plugin:0.8.5:report (default-cli) @ okapi-common --- [INFO] Loading execution data file /home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0/okapi-common/target/jacoco.exec [INFO] Analyzed bundle 'okapi-common' with 19 classes [INFO] [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Building okapi-test-module 2.39.0 [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-clean-plugin:2.5:clean (default-clean) @ okapi-test-module --- [INFO] [INFO] --- jacoco-maven-plugin:0.8.5:prepare-agent (default-cli) @ okapi-test-module --- [INFO] argLine set to -javaagent:/home/jenkins/.m2/repository/org/jacoco/org.jacoco.agent/0.8.5/org.jacoco.agent-0.8.5-runtime.jar=destfile=/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0/okapi-test-module/target/jacoco.exec [INFO] [INFO] --- git-commit-id-plugin:2.2.1:revision (get-the-git-infos) @ okapi-test-module --- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:3.0.1:copy-resources (filter-descriptor-inputs) @ okapi-test-module --- [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (748 B at 73.0 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (4 KB at 459.7 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (22 KB at 2628.1 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (5 KB at 575.8 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (6 KB at 792.8 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (5 KB at 639.4 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (6 KB at 681.6 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (5 KB at 293.4 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (37 KB at 2285.2 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (15 KB at 1653.2 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (10 KB at 992.8 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (48 KB at 4717.2 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (2 KB at 187.9 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (4 KB at 391.1 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (9 KB at 1166.0 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (5 KB at 378.6 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (50 KB at 3817.4 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (181 KB at 15066.7 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloaded: (152 KB at 10791.3 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloaded: (9 KB at 487.2 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloaded: (76 KB at 3263.7 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloaded: (242 KB at 8626.9 KB/sec) [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources. [INFO] Copying 2 resources [INFO] [INFO] --- copy-rename-maven-plugin:1.0:rename (rename-descriptor-outputs) @ okapi-test-module --- [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (10 KB at 879.5 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloaded: (262 KB at 18683.9 KB/sec) [INFO] Renamed /home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0/okapi-test-module/target/ModuleDescriptor-template.json to /home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0/okapi-test-module/target/ModuleDescriptor.json [INFO] Renamed /home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0/okapi-test-module/target/ModuleDescriptorTimer-template.json to /home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0/okapi-test-module/target/ModuleDescriptorTimer.json [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:3.0.1:resources (default-resources) @ okapi-test-module --- [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources. [INFO] Copying 1 resource [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.3:compile (default-compile) @ okapi-test-module --- [INFO] Changes detected - recompiling the module! [INFO] Compiling 1 source file to /home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0/okapi-test-module/target/classes [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-checkstyle-plugin:3.1.1:check (check) @ okapi-test-module --- [INFO] You have 0 Checkstyle violations. [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:3.0.1:testResources (default-testResources) @ okapi-test-module --- [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources. [INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0/okapi-test-module/src/test/resources [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.3:testCompile (default-testCompile) @ okapi-test-module --- [INFO] Changes detected - recompiling the module! [INFO] Compiling 1 source file to /home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0/okapi-test-module/target/test-classes [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-surefire-plugin:2.17:test (default-test) @ okapi-test-module --- [INFO] Surefire report directory: /home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0/okapi-test-module/target/surefire-reports ------------------------------------------------------- T E S T S ------------------------------------------------------- Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dmaven.ext.class.path="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554/pipeline-maven-spy.jar" -Dorg.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.maven.reportsFolder="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554" Running SampleModuleTest 14:24:13 WARN oduleVersionReporter META-INF/maven/org.folio.okapi/okapi-test-module/ not found 14:24:13 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module null null started 14:24:13 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:24:13 INFO MainVerticle Starting okapi-test-module 1338@2dcd032ebaca on port 9230 14:24:13 INFO MainVerticle Writing 1338 14:24:13 WARN oduleVersionReporter META-INF/maven/org.folio.okapi/okapi-test-module/ not found 14:24:13 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module null null started 14:24:13 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:24:13 INFO MainVerticle Starting okapi-test-module 1338@2dcd032ebaca on port 9230 14:24:13 INFO MainVerticle Writing 1338 14:24:13 INFO MainVerticle POST /_/tenant to okapi-est-module for tenant my-lib 14:24:14 INFO MainVerticle module_from=m-1.0.0 module_to=m-1.0.1 14:24:14 INFO MainVerticle POST /_/tenant to okapi-est-module for tenant my-lib 14:24:14 INFO MainVerticle module_from=m-1.0.0 module_to=m-1.0.1 14:24:14 INFO MainVerticle DELETE /_/tenant to okapi-est-module for tenant my-lib 14:24:14 INFO MainVerticle POST /_/tenant/disable to okapi-est-module for tenant my-lib 14:24:14 INFO MainVerticle module_from=m-1.0.0 module_to=null 14:24:14 INFO MainVerticle POST /_/tenant to okapi-est-module for tenant my-lib 14:24:14 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=Unexpected end-of-input: expected close marker for Object (start marker at [Source: (io.netty.buffer.ByteBufInputStream); line: 1, column: 1]) at [Source: (io.netty.buffer.ByteBufInputStream); line: 1, column: 2] 14:24:14 INFO MainVerticle POST /_/tenant to okapi-est-module for tenant my-lib 14:24:14 INFO MainVerticle module_from=m-1.0.0 module_to=m-1.0.1 14:24:14 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=java.util.LinkedHashMap cannot be cast to io.vertx.core.json.JsonArray 14:24:14 WARN oduleVersionReporter META-INF/maven/org.folio.okapi/okapi-test-module/ not found 14:24:14 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module null null started 14:24:14 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:24:14 INFO MainVerticle Starting okapi-test-module 1338@2dcd032ebaca on port 9230 14:24:14 INFO MainVerticle Writing 1338 14:24:14 INFO OkapiClient REQ okapiClient my-lib GET http://localhost:9230/testb?q=a 14:24:14 INFO MainVerticle Headers, as seen by okapi-test-module: 14:24:14 INFO MainVerticle content-length:0 14:24:14 INFO MainVerticle host:localhost:9230 14:24:14 INFO MainVerticle X-all-headers:HBL 14:24:14 INFO MainVerticle X-delay:2 14:24:14 INFO MainVerticle X-my-header:my 14:24:14 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-Match-Path-Pattern:/testb 14:24:14 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-Tenant:my-lib 14:24:14 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-Url:http://localhost:9230 14:24:14 INFO MainVerticle X-Url-Params:q=a 14:24:14 INFO OkapiClient RES 200 11126us okapiClient http://localhost:9230/testb?q=a Tests run: 3, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 1.795 sec - in SampleModuleTest Results : Tests run: 3, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0 [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:2.4:jar (default-jar) @ okapi-test-module --- [INFO] Building jar: /home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0/okapi-test-module/target/okapi-test-module-2.39.0.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-shade-plugin:2.4:shade (default) @ okapi-test-module --- [INFO] Including org.folio.okapi:okapi-common:jar:2.39.0 in the shaded jar. [INFO] Including org.z3950.zing:cql-java:jar:1.13 in the shaded jar. [INFO] Including org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-api:jar:2.12.1 in the shaded jar. [INFO] Including org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-core:jar:2.12.1 in the shaded jar. [INFO] Including org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-1.2-api:jar:2.12.1 in the shaded jar. [INFO] Including io.vertx:vertx-core:jar:4.0.0-milestone4 in the shaded jar. [INFO] Including io.netty:netty-common:jar:4.1.42.Final in the shaded jar. [INFO] Including io.netty:netty-buffer:jar:4.1.42.Final in the shaded jar. [INFO] Including io.netty:netty-transport:jar:4.1.42.Final in the shaded jar. [INFO] Including io.netty:netty-handler:jar:4.1.42.Final in the shaded jar. [INFO] Including io.netty:netty-codec:jar:4.1.42.Final in the shaded jar. [INFO] Including io.netty:netty-handler-proxy:jar:4.1.42.Final in the shaded jar. [INFO] Including io.netty:netty-codec-socks:jar:4.1.42.Final in the shaded jar. [INFO] Including io.netty:netty-codec-http:jar:4.1.42.Final in the shaded jar. [INFO] Including io.netty:netty-codec-http2:jar:4.1.42.Final in the shaded jar. [INFO] Including io.netty:netty-resolver:jar:4.1.42.Final in the shaded jar. [INFO] Including io.netty:netty-resolver-dns:jar:4.1.42.Final in the shaded jar. [INFO] Including io.netty:netty-codec-dns:jar:4.1.42.Final in the shaded jar. [INFO] Including com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-core:jar:2.10.1 in the shaded jar. [INFO] Including io.vertx:vertx-web:jar:4.0.0-milestone4 in the shaded jar. [INFO] Including io.vertx:vertx-web-common:jar:4.0.0-milestone4 in the shaded jar. [INFO] Including io.vertx:vertx-auth-common:jar:4.0.0-milestone4 in the shaded jar. [INFO] Including io.vertx:vertx-bridge-common:jar:4.0.0-milestone4 in the shaded jar. [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.5.2:install (default-install) @ okapi-test-module --- [INFO] Installing /home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0/okapi-test-module/target/okapi-test-module-2.39.0.jar to /home/jenkins/.m2/repository/org/folio/okapi/okapi-test-module/2.39.0/okapi-test-module-2.39.0.jar [INFO] Installing /home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0/okapi-test-module/pom.xml to /home/jenkins/.m2/repository/org/folio/okapi/okapi-test-module/2.39.0/okapi-test-module-2.39.0.pom [INFO] [INFO] --- jacoco-maven-plugin:0.8.5:report (default-cli) @ okapi-test-module --- [INFO] Loading execution data file /home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0/okapi-test-module/target/jacoco.exec [INFO] Analyzed bundle 'okapi-test-module' with 1 classes [INFO] [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Building okapi-test-auth-module 2.39.0 [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (7 KB at 672.9 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (4 KB at 419.6 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (67 KB at 5540.4 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloaded: (1371 KB at 45672.2 KB/sec) [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-clean-plugin:2.5:clean (default-clean) @ okapi-test-auth-module --- [INFO] [INFO] --- jacoco-maven-plugin:0.8.5:prepare-agent (default-cli) @ okapi-test-auth-module --- [INFO] argLine set to -javaagent:/home/jenkins/.m2/repository/org/jacoco/org.jacoco.agent/0.8.5/org.jacoco.agent-0.8.5-runtime.jar=destfile=/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0/okapi-test-auth-module/target/jacoco.exec [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:3.0.1:copy-resources (filter-descriptor-inputs) @ okapi-test-auth-module --- [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources. [INFO] Copying 1 resource [INFO] [INFO] --- copy-rename-maven-plugin:1.0:rename (rename-descriptor-outputs) @ okapi-test-auth-module --- [INFO] Renamed /home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0/okapi-test-auth-module/target/ModuleDescriptor-template.json to /home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0/okapi-test-auth-module/target/ModuleDescriptor.json [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:3.0.1:resources (default-resources) @ okapi-test-auth-module --- [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources. [INFO] Copying 1 resource [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.3:compile (default-compile) @ okapi-test-auth-module --- [INFO] Changes detected - recompiling the module! [INFO] Compiling 3 source files to /home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0/okapi-test-auth-module/target/classes [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-checkstyle-plugin:3.1.1:check (check) @ okapi-test-auth-module --- [INFO] You have 0 Checkstyle violations. [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:3.0.1:testResources (default-testResources) @ okapi-test-auth-module --- [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources. [INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0/okapi-test-auth-module/src/test/resources [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.3:testCompile (default-testCompile) @ okapi-test-auth-module --- [INFO] Changes detected - recompiling the module! [INFO] Compiling 1 source file to /home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0/okapi-test-auth-module/target/test-classes [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-surefire-plugin:2.17:test (default-test) @ okapi-test-auth-module --- [INFO] Surefire report directory: /home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0/okapi-test-auth-module/target/surefire-reports ------------------------------------------------------- T E S T S ------------------------------------------------------- Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dmaven.ext.class.path="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554/pipeline-maven-spy.jar" -Dorg.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.maven.reportsFolder="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554" Running AuthModuleTest 14:24:17 INFO MainVerticle Starting auth 1439@2dcd032ebaca on port 9230 14:24:17 INFO Auth test-auth: Ok login for foo: dummyJwt.eyJzdWIiOiJmb28iLCJ0ZW5hbnQiOiJteS1saWIifQ==.sig 14:24:17 INFO Auth ovTok=null 14:24:17 INFO Auth ovTok=null 14:24:17 INFO MainVerticle Starting auth 1439@2dcd032ebaca on port 9230 14:24:17 INFO MainVerticle Starting auth 1439@2dcd032ebaca on port 9230 14:24:18 INFO MainVerticle Starting auth 1439@2dcd032ebaca on port 9230 14:24:18 INFO MainVerticle Starting auth 1439@2dcd032ebaca on port 9230 14:24:18 INFO Auth test-auth: Auth accept OK 14:24:18 INFO MainVerticle Starting auth 1439@2dcd032ebaca on port 9230 14:24:18 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=Bad Json payload b 14:24:18 INFO MainVerticle Starting auth 1439@2dcd032ebaca on port 9230 14:24:18 INFO MainVerticle Starting auth 1439@2dcd032ebaca on port 9230 14:24:18 INFO Auth test-auth: Ok login for foo: dummyJwt.eyJzdWIiOiJmb28iLCJ0ZW5hbnQiOiJteS1saWIifQ==.sig 14:24:18 INFO Auth ovTok=null 14:24:18 INFO MainVerticle Starting auth 1439@2dcd032ebaca on port 9230 14:24:18 INFO Auth test-auth: Ok login for foo: dummyJwt.eyJzdWIiOiJmb28iLCJ0ZW5hbnQiOiJteS1saWIifQ==.sig 14:24:18 INFO Auth ovTok=null 14:24:18 WARN Auth test-auth: Rejecting request to /_/tenant because of X-Okapi-Permissions-Required: a,b 14:24:18 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=403 msg=/_/tenant can not require permissions 14:24:18 INFO MainVerticle Starting auth 1439@2dcd032ebaca on port 9230 14:24:18 WARN Auth test-auth: Bad passwd for 'foo'. Got 'badpassword' expected 'foo-password 14:24:18 INFO MainVerticle Starting auth 1439@2dcd032ebaca on port 9230 14:24:18 WARN Auth test-auth: Bad JWT, can not split in three parts. 'a.b 14:24:18 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=Auth.check: Bad JWT 14:24:18 INFO MainVerticle Starting auth 1439@2dcd032ebaca on port 9230 14:24:18 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=401 msg=Permissions required: foo,bar 14:24:18 INFO MainVerticle Starting auth 1439@2dcd032ebaca on port 9230 14:24:18 WARN Auth test-auth: Bad dummy JWT, starts with 'a', not 'dummyJwt' 14:24:18 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=Auth.check needs a dummyJwt 14:24:18 INFO MainVerticle Starting auth 1439@2dcd032ebaca on port 9230 14:24:18 INFO MainVerticle Starting auth 1439@2dcd032ebaca on port 9230 14:24:18 INFO MainVerticle Starting auth 1439@2dcd032ebaca on port 9230 14:24:18 WARN Auth test-auth: Bad dummy JWT, starts with 'a', not 'dummyJwt' 14:24:18 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=Auth.check needs a dummyJwt Tests run: 16, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 2.357 sec - in AuthModuleTest Results : Tests run: 16, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0 [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:2.4:jar (default-jar) @ okapi-test-auth-module --- [INFO] Building jar: /home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0/okapi-test-auth-module/target/okapi-test-auth-module-2.39.0.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-shade-plugin:2.4:shade (default) @ okapi-test-auth-module --- [INFO] Including org.folio.okapi:okapi-common:jar:2.39.0 in the shaded jar. [INFO] Including org.z3950.zing:cql-java:jar:1.13 in the shaded jar. [INFO] Including com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-core:jar:2.10.1 in the shaded jar. [INFO] Including com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-databind:jar:2.10.1 in the shaded jar. [INFO] Including com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-annotations:jar:2.10.1 in the shaded jar. [INFO] Including org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-api:jar:2.12.1 in the shaded jar. [INFO] Including org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-core:jar:2.12.1 in the shaded jar. [INFO] Including org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-1.2-api:jar:2.12.1 in the shaded jar. [INFO] Including io.vertx:vertx-core:jar:4.0.0-milestone4 in the shaded jar. [INFO] Including io.netty:netty-common:jar:4.1.42.Final in the shaded jar. [INFO] Including io.netty:netty-buffer:jar:4.1.42.Final in the shaded jar. [INFO] Including io.netty:netty-transport:jar:4.1.42.Final in the shaded jar. [INFO] Including io.netty:netty-handler:jar:4.1.42.Final in the shaded jar. [INFO] Including io.netty:netty-codec:jar:4.1.42.Final in the shaded jar. [INFO] Including io.netty:netty-handler-proxy:jar:4.1.42.Final in the shaded jar. [INFO] Including io.netty:netty-codec-socks:jar:4.1.42.Final in the shaded jar. [INFO] Including io.netty:netty-codec-http:jar:4.1.42.Final in the shaded jar. [INFO] Including io.netty:netty-codec-http2:jar:4.1.42.Final in the shaded jar. [INFO] Including io.netty:netty-resolver:jar:4.1.42.Final in the shaded jar. [INFO] Including io.netty:netty-resolver-dns:jar:4.1.42.Final in the shaded jar. [INFO] Including io.netty:netty-codec-dns:jar:4.1.42.Final in the shaded jar. [INFO] Including io.vertx:vertx-web:jar:4.0.0-milestone4 in the shaded jar. [INFO] Including io.vertx:vertx-web-common:jar:4.0.0-milestone4 in the shaded jar. [INFO] Including io.vertx:vertx-auth-common:jar:4.0.0-milestone4 in the shaded jar. [INFO] Including io.vertx:vertx-bridge-common:jar:4.0.0-milestone4 in the shaded jar. [WARNING] jackson-core-2.10.1.jar, jackson-databind-2.10.1.jar, jackson-annotations-2.10.1.jar define 1 overlapping classes: [WARNING] - module-info [WARNING] maven-shade-plugin has detected that some class files are [WARNING] present in two or more JARs. When this happens, only one [WARNING] single version of the class is copied to the uber jar. [WARNING] Usually this is not harmful and you can skip these warnings, [WARNING] otherwise try to manually exclude artifacts based on [WARNING] mvn dependency:tree -Ddetail=true and the above output. [WARNING] See [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.5.2:install (default-install) @ okapi-test-auth-module --- [INFO] Installing /home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0/okapi-test-auth-module/target/okapi-test-auth-module-2.39.0.jar to /home/jenkins/.m2/repository/org/folio/okapi/okapi-test-auth-module/2.39.0/okapi-test-auth-module-2.39.0.jar [INFO] Installing /home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0/okapi-test-auth-module/pom.xml to /home/jenkins/.m2/repository/org/folio/okapi/okapi-test-auth-module/2.39.0/okapi-test-auth-module-2.39.0.pom [INFO] [INFO] --- jacoco-maven-plugin:0.8.5:report (default-cli) @ okapi-test-auth-module --- [INFO] Loading execution data file /home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0/okapi-test-auth-module/target/jacoco.exec [INFO] Analyzed bundle 'okapi-test-auth-module' with 3 classes [INFO] [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Building okapi-test-header-module 2.39.0 [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-clean-plugin:2.5:clean (default-clean) @ okapi-test-header-module --- [INFO] [INFO] --- jacoco-maven-plugin:0.8.5:prepare-agent (default-cli) @ okapi-test-header-module --- [INFO] argLine set to -javaagent:/home/jenkins/.m2/repository/org/jacoco/org.jacoco.agent/0.8.5/org.jacoco.agent-0.8.5-runtime.jar=destfile=/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0/okapi-test-header-module/target/jacoco.exec [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.6:resources (default-resources) @ okapi-test-header-module --- [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources. [INFO] Copying 1 resource [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.3:compile (default-compile) @ okapi-test-header-module --- [INFO] Changes detected - recompiling the module! [INFO] Compiling 1 source file to /home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0/okapi-test-header-module/target/classes [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-checkstyle-plugin:3.1.1:check (check) @ okapi-test-header-module --- [INFO] You have 0 Checkstyle violations. [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.6:testResources (default-testResources) @ okapi-test-header-module --- [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources. [INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0/okapi-test-header-module/src/test/resources [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.3:testCompile (default-testCompile) @ okapi-test-header-module --- [INFO] Changes detected - recompiling the module! [INFO] Compiling 1 source file to /home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0/okapi-test-header-module/target/test-classes [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-surefire-plugin:2.17:test (default-test) @ okapi-test-header-module --- [INFO] Surefire report directory: /home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0/okapi-test-header-module/target/surefire-reports ------------------------------------------------------- T E S T S ------------------------------------------------------- Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dmaven.ext.class.path="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554/pipeline-maven-spy.jar" -Dorg.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.maven.reportsFolder="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554" Running HeaderModuleTest 14:24:21 INFO MainVerticle Starting okapi-test-header-module 1842@2dcd032ebaca on port 9230 14:24:21 INFO MainVerticle tenantPermissions: a, b, c Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 1.685 sec - in HeaderModuleTest Results : Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0 [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:2.4:jar (default-jar) @ okapi-test-header-module --- [INFO] Building jar: /home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0/okapi-test-header-module/target/okapi-test-header-module-2.39.0.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-shade-plugin:2.4:shade (default) @ okapi-test-header-module --- [INFO] Including org.folio.okapi:okapi-common:jar:2.39.0 in the shaded jar. [INFO] Including org.z3950.zing:cql-java:jar:1.13 in the shaded jar. [INFO] Including org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-api:jar:2.12.1 in the shaded jar. [INFO] Including org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-core:jar:2.12.1 in the shaded jar. [INFO] Including org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-1.2-api:jar:2.12.1 in the shaded jar. [INFO] Including io.vertx:vertx-core:jar:4.0.0-milestone4 in the shaded jar. [INFO] Including io.netty:netty-common:jar:4.1.42.Final in the shaded jar. [INFO] Including io.netty:netty-buffer:jar:4.1.42.Final in the shaded jar. [INFO] Including io.netty:netty-transport:jar:4.1.42.Final in the shaded jar. [INFO] Including io.netty:netty-handler:jar:4.1.42.Final in the shaded jar. [INFO] Including io.netty:netty-codec:jar:4.1.42.Final in the shaded jar. [INFO] Including io.netty:netty-handler-proxy:jar:4.1.42.Final in the shaded jar. [INFO] Including io.netty:netty-codec-socks:jar:4.1.42.Final in the shaded jar. [INFO] Including io.netty:netty-codec-http:jar:4.1.42.Final in the shaded jar. [INFO] Including io.netty:netty-codec-http2:jar:4.1.42.Final in the shaded jar. [INFO] Including io.netty:netty-resolver:jar:4.1.42.Final in the shaded jar. [INFO] Including io.netty:netty-resolver-dns:jar:4.1.42.Final in the shaded jar. [INFO] Including io.netty:netty-codec-dns:jar:4.1.42.Final in the shaded jar. [INFO] Including com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-core:jar:2.10.1 in the shaded jar. [INFO] Including io.vertx:vertx-web:jar:4.0.0-milestone4 in the shaded jar. [INFO] Including io.vertx:vertx-web-common:jar:4.0.0-milestone4 in the shaded jar. [INFO] Including io.vertx:vertx-auth-common:jar:4.0.0-milestone4 in the shaded jar. [INFO] Including io.vertx:vertx-bridge-common:jar:4.0.0-milestone4 in the shaded jar. [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.5.2:install (default-install) @ okapi-test-header-module --- [INFO] Installing /home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0/okapi-test-header-module/target/okapi-test-header-module-2.39.0.jar to /home/jenkins/.m2/repository/org/folio/okapi/okapi-test-header-module/2.39.0/okapi-test-header-module-2.39.0.jar [INFO] Installing /home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0/okapi-test-header-module/pom.xml to /home/jenkins/.m2/repository/org/folio/okapi/okapi-test-header-module/2.39.0/okapi-test-header-module-2.39.0.pom [INFO] [INFO] --- jacoco-maven-plugin:0.8.5:report (default-cli) @ okapi-test-header-module --- [INFO] Loading execution data file /home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0/okapi-test-header-module/target/jacoco.exec [INFO] Analyzed bundle 'okapi-test-header-module' with 1 classes [INFO] [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Building okapi-core 2.39.0 [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (12 KB at 1126.7 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (4 KB at 534.7 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (14 KB at 1649.0 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (4 KB at 562.5 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (846 B at 118.0 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (13 KB at 1840.8 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (2 KB at 191.4 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (12 KB at 1674.2 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (846 B at 118.0 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (3 KB at 437.7 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (12 KB at 1661.1 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (5 KB at 681.3 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (4 KB at 544.9 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (2 KB at 161.7 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (2 KB at 255.4 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (2 KB at 236.7 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (2 KB at 179.0 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (4 KB at 430.9 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (2 KB at 161.7 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (23 KB at 1883.9 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (6 KB at 760.2 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (4 KB at 515.3 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (3 KB at 296.2 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (15 KB at 2102.4 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (51 KB at 7228.9 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (9 KB at 1279.3 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (2 KB at 243.0 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (15 KB at 2130.2 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (2 KB at 203.7 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (2 KB at 243.8 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (5 KB at 802.2 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (14 KB at 1859.8 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (18 KB at 2913.7 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (17 KB at 1782.9 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (7 KB at 891.9 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (16 KB at 2186.2 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (5 KB at 554.8 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (14 KB at 1878.3 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (4 KB at 576.5 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (17 KB at 2292.4 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (3 KB at 286.8 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (22 KB at 3094.7 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (62 KB at 6840.5 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (3 KB at 456.1 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (17 KB at 2301.5 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (8 KB at 1262.4 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (9 KB at 1233.4 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (10 KB at 523.5 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (11 KB at 1154.3 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (4 KB at 184.3 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (6 KB at 647.0 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (6 KB at 731.3 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (5 KB at 575.5 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (5 KB at 614.5 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (11 KB at 1478.1 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (2 KB at 247.3 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (26 KB at 3666.9 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (3 KB at 246.4 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (14 KB at 1642.9 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (4 KB at 485.4 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (25 KB at 3510.7 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (6 KB at 790.5 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (8 KB at 834.0 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (3 KB at 338.3 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (7 KB at 886.6 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (19 KB at 2617.7 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (2 KB at 170.1 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (4 KB at 468.2 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (4 KB at 537.5 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (2 KB at 163.8 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (6 KB at 515.8 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (3 KB at 413.4 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (3 KB at 386.2 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (3 KB at 334.4 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (2 KB at 177.2 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (6 KB at 993.2 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (8 KB at 1023.4 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (3 KB at 391.9 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (2 KB at 179.1 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (4 KB at 477.5 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (13 KB at 1255.4 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (2 KB at 147.6 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (12 KB at 1378.5 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (2 KB at 204.1 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (7 KB at 949.2 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (33 KB at 4007.3 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (963 B at 134.3 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (14 KB at 1648.4 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (3 KB at 387.1 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (986 B at 160.5 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (7 KB at 891.9 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (16 KB at 1912.5 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (5 KB at 641.2 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (13 KB at 1793.9 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (5 KB at 734.0 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (11 KB at 1724.3 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (2 KB at 282.6 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (10 KB at 1418.0 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (9 KB at 1178.9 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (20 KB at 1320.4 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (61 KB at 6681.1 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (20 KB at 2829.1 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (61 KB at 8590.0 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (23 KB at 3143.8 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (20 KB at 2762.0 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (9 KB at 1188.5 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (14 KB at 1870.7 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (2 KB at 207.7 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (2 KB at 243.7 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (13 KB at 1752.5 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (61 KB at 1047.0 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (3 KB at 236.2 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (13 KB at 1561.4 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (11 KB at 1268.1 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (13 KB at 1834.1 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (23 KB at 2087.9 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (109 KB at 6795.8 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (41 KB at 1609.5 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (96 KB at 3815.5 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (15 KB at 624.2 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (12 KB at 382.8 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (83 KB at 2428.5 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (21 KB at 581.8 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (180 KB at 5132.0 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (270 KB at 7079.6 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (483 KB at 10264.7 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (149 KB at 3027.8 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (89 KB at 1777.2 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (736 KB at 13870.8 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (31 KB at 538.3 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (136 KB at 2143.5 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (1402 KB at 20611.5 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (211 KB at 3092.3 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (610 KB at 8133.2 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (317 KB at 3634.9 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (731 KB at 8024.9 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (39 KB at 420.0 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (125 KB at 1298.0 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (71 KB at 747.4 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (201 KB at 1931.0 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (425 KB at 4004.6 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (46 KB at 407.9 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (17 KB at 143.3 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (101 KB at 885.6 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (5 KB at 32.3 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (365 KB at 2583.1 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (167 KB at 1155.4 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (76 KB at 506.0 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (263 KB at 1753.2 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (66 KB at 420.2 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (228 KB at 1411.1 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloaded: (568 KB at 3527.6 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (33 KB at 197.9 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (57 KB at 329.7 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (168 KB at 981.0 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (294 KB at 1696.6 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (37 KB at 204.6 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (9 KB at 49.3 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (31 KB at 170.8 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (62 KB at 332.5 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (4456 KB at 23206.3 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloaded: (245 KB at 1306.8 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (62 KB at 317.8 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (168 KB at 852.6 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (216 KB at 1094.6 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (1109 KB at 5486.0 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (68 KB at 331.9 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (44 KB at 210.4 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (47 KB at 218.8 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (41 KB at 187.0 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (156 KB at 665.8 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (2204 KB at 8640.5 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (894 KB at 3370.6 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (52 KB at 179.0 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (400 KB at 1374.2 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloaded: (112 KB at 378.7 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloaded: (1190 KB at 4019.0 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloaded: (11537 KB at 27731.0 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloaded: (73 KB at 169.2 KB/sec) [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-clean-plugin:2.5:clean (default-clean) @ okapi-core --- [INFO] [INFO] --- jacoco-maven-plugin:0.8.5:prepare-agent (default-cli) @ okapi-core --- [INFO] argLine set to -javaagent:/home/jenkins/.m2/repository/org/jacoco/org.jacoco.agent/0.8.5/org.jacoco.agent-0.8.5-runtime.jar=destfile=/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0/okapi-core/target/jacoco.exec [INFO] [INFO] --- git-commit-id-plugin:2.2.1:revision (get-the-git-infos) @ okapi-core --- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.6:resources (default-resources) @ okapi-core --- [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources. [INFO] Copying 2 resources [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.3:compile (default-compile) @ okapi-core --- [INFO] Changes detected - recompiling the module! [INFO] Compiling 67 source files to /home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0/okapi-core/target/classes [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-checkstyle-plugin:3.1.1:check (check) @ okapi-core --- [INFO] You have 0 Checkstyle violations. [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.6:testResources (default-testResources) @ okapi-core --- [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources. [INFO] Copying 1 resource [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.3:testCompile (default-testCompile) @ okapi-core --- [INFO] Changes detected - recompiling the module! [INFO] Compiling 32 source files to /home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0/okapi-core/target/test-classes [WARNING] /home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0/okapi-core/src/test/java/org/folio/okapi/util/[106,13] unchecked method invocation: method seq in class org.folio.okapi.util.CompList is applied to given types required: io.vertx.core.Handler> found: io.vertx.core.Promise [WARNING] /home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0/okapi-core/src/test/java/org/folio/okapi/util/[106,14] unchecked conversion required: io.vertx.core.Handler> found: io.vertx.core.Promise [INFO] /home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0/okapi-core/src/test/java/raml/ Some input files use or override a deprecated API. [INFO] /home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0/okapi-core/src/test/java/raml/ Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details. [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-surefire-plugin:2.17:test (default-test) @ okapi-core --- [INFO] Surefire report directory: /home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0/okapi-core/target/surefire-reports ------------------------------------------------------- T E S T S ------------------------------------------------------- Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dmaven.ext.class.path="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554/pipeline-maven-spy.jar" -Dorg.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.maven.reportsFolder="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554" Running org.folio.okapi.ProxyTest 14:24:31 INFO Messages Loading messages from /infra-messages/ 14:24:31 WARN oduleVersionReporter META-INF/maven/org.folio.okapi/okapi-core/ not found 14:24:31 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module null null started 14:24:31 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:24:31 INFO MainVerticle clusterManager not in use 14:24:31 INFO MainVerticle Proxy using inmemory storage 14:24:31 INFO InternalModule InternalModule starting okapiversion=null 14:24:31 INFO Storage prepareDatabases: NORMAL 14:24:31 INFO MainVerticle startModmanager 14:24:31 INFO MainVerticle startTenants 14:24:31 INFO MainVerticle checkInternalModules 14:24:32 INFO MainVerticle Creating the superTenant supertenant 14:24:32 INFO MainVerticle starting env 14:24:32 INFO MainVerticle Starting discovery 14:24:32 INFO MainVerticle Starting deployment 14:24:32 INFO MainVerticle API Gateway started PID 1909@2dcd032ebaca. Listening on port 9230 14:24:32 INFO MainVerticle Deploy completed succesfully 14:24:32 INFO TenantManager starting supertenant 14:24:32 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant supertenant module null seq1 0 14:24:32 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant supertenant 14:24:32 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:24:33 INFO ProxyContext 601513/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:24:33 WARN ProxyContext 601513/proxy Module 'auth-module-1.0.0' handlers /authn/login: uses old type path. Use a pathPattern instead 14:24:33 WARN ProxyContext 601513/proxy Module 'auth-module-1.0.0' handlers /authn/login: uses DEPRECATED level. 14:24:33 WARN ProxyContext 601513/proxy Module 'auth-module-1.0.0' handlers uses type=request-response. That is the default, you can leave it out 14:24:33 WARN ProxyContext 601513/proxy Module 'auth-module-1.0.0' filters /: uses old type path. Use a pathPattern instead 14:24:33 INFO ProxyContext 601513/proxy RES 201 39995us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:24:33 INFO ProxyContext 832195/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:24:33 INFO ProxyContext 832195/proxy RES 201 4458us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:24:33 INFO ProxyContext 757851/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:24:33 INFO ProxyContext 757851/proxy RES 201 6450us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:24:33 INFO ProxyContext 682644/discovery REQ supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:24:33 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { "instId" : "localhost-9238", "srvcId" : "edge-module-1.0.0", "url" : "http://localhost:9238" } 14:24:33 INFO ProxyContext 682644/discovery RES 201 10403us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:24:33 INFO ProxyContext 249498/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/supertenant/install okapi-0.0.0 14:24:33 INFO TenantManager mod available: auth-module-1.0.0 14:24:33 INFO TenantManager mod available: basic-module-1.0.0 14:24:33 INFO TenantManager mod available: edge-module-1.0.0 14:24:33 INFO TenantManager mod available: okapi-0.0.0 14:24:33 INFO TenantManager mod enabled: okapi-0.0.0 14:24:33 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 0 tml.size 2 14:24:33 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id edge-module-1.0.0 action enable 14:24:33 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:24:33 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies edge-module-1.0.0 14:24:33 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id edge-module-1.0.0 14:24:33 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 1 tml.size 2 14:24:33 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id auth-module-1.0.0 action enable 14:24:33 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:24:33 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies auth-module-1.0.0 14:24:33 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id auth-module-1.0.0 14:24:33 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 2 tml.size 2 14:24:33 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id edge-module-1.0.0 action enable 14:24:33 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id auth-module-1.0.0 action enable 14:24:33 INFO DepResolution getNextTM done null 14:24:33 INFO DepResolution installModules.returning OK 14:24:33 INFO DiscoveryManager autoDeploy edge-module-1.0.0 14:24:33 INFO DiscoveryManager autoDeploy edge-module-1.0.0 consider localhost 14:24:33 INFO DiscoveryManager autoDeploy edge-module-1.0.0 already deployed on localhost 14:24:33 INFO DiscoveryManager autoDeploy auth-module-1.0.0 14:24:33 INFO DiscoveryManager autoDeploy auth-module-1.0.0 consider localhost 14:24:33 INFO DiscoveryManager autoDeploy auth-module-1.0.0 must deploy on node localhost 14:24:33 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { "srvcId" : "auth-module-1.0.0", "nodeId" : "localhost", "descriptor" : { "exec" : "java -Dport=%p -jar ../okapi-test-auth-module/target/okapi-test-auth-module-fat.jar" } } 14:24:33 INFO DeploymentManager deploy instId 0835d02c-2d94-4c0b-9e95-f5e83180cb8b Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dmaven.ext.class.path="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554/pipeline-maven-spy.jar" -Dorg.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.maven.reportsFolder="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554" 14:24:34 INFO MainVerticle Starting auth 1953@2dcd032ebaca on port 9231 14:24:34 INFO ? Succeeded in deploying verticle 14:24:34 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9231 count 0 14:24:34 INFO TcpPortWaiting Connected to service at host localhost port 9231 count 0 14:24:35 INFO InternalModule installUpgradeModules returns: [ { "id" : "edge-module-1.0.0", "action" : "enable" }, { "id" : "auth-module-1.0.0", "action" : "enable" } ] 14:24:35 INFO ProxyContext 249498/proxy RES 200 1179371us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/supertenant/install?deploy=true 14:24:35 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant supertenant module null seq1 0 14:24:35 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant supertenant 14:24:35 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:24:35 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant supertenant module null seq1 0 14:24:35 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant supertenant 14:24:35 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:24:35 INFO ProxyContext 230160/authn REQ supertenant POST /authn/login auth-module-1.0.0 auth-module-1.0.0 14:24:35 INFO ProxyContext 230160/authn RES 202 118540us auth-module-1.0.0 http://localhost:9231/authn/login?deploy=true 14:24:35 INFO Auth test-auth: Ok login for peter: dummyJwt.eyJzdWIiOiJwZXRlciIsInRlbmFudCI6InN1cGVydGVuYW50In0=.sig 14:24:35 INFO ProxyService New X-Okapi-Token returned by module auth-module-1.0.0 14:24:35 INFO ProxyContext 230160/authn RES 200 205449us auth-module-1.0.0 http://localhost:9231/authn/login?deploy=true 14:24:35 INFO ProxyContext 880431/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/tenants auth-module-1.0.0 okapi-0.0.0 14:24:35 INFO ProxyContext 880431/proxy RES 202 15130us auth-module-1.0.0 http://localhost:9231/_/proxy/tenants 14:24:35 INFO ProxyContext 880431/proxy RES 200 4251us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants 14:24:35 INFO ProxyContext 136502/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants auth-module-1.0.0 okapi-0.0.0 14:24:35 INFO Auth ovTok=null 14:24:35 INFO ProxyContext 136502/proxy RES 202 6111us auth-module-1.0.0 http://localhost:9231/_/proxy/tenants 14:24:35 INFO ProxyContext 136502/proxy RES 201 1477us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants 14:24:35 INFO ProxyContext 448496/edge REQ supertenant GET /edge/roskilde auth-module-1.0.0 edge-module-1.0.0 14:24:35 INFO ProxyContext 448496/edge RES 202 4399us auth-module-1.0.0 http://localhost:9231/edge/roskilde 14:24:35 INFO ProxyTest myEdgeHandle 14:24:35 INFO ProxyContext 130863/authn RES 404 - okapi No suitable module found for path /authn/login for tenant roskilde 14:24:35 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=404 msg=No suitable module found for path /authn/login for tenant roskilde 14:24:35 INFO ProxyContext 448496/edge RES 404 24786us edge-module-1.0.0 http://localhost:9238/edge/roskilde 14:24:35 INFO ProxyContext 639937/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install auth-module-1.0.0 okapi-0.0.0 14:24:35 INFO Auth ovTok=null 14:24:35 INFO ProxyContext 639937/proxy RES 202 4698us auth-module-1.0.0 http://localhost:9231/_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install?deploy=true 14:24:35 INFO TenantManager mod available: auth-module-1.0.0 14:24:35 INFO TenantManager mod available: basic-module-1.0.0 14:24:35 INFO TenantManager mod available: edge-module-1.0.0 14:24:35 INFO TenantManager mod available: okapi-0.0.0 14:24:35 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 0 tml.size 2 14:24:35 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id basic-module-1.0.0 action enable 14:24:35 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:24:35 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies basic-module-1.0.0 14:24:35 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id basic-module-1.0.0 14:24:35 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 1 tml.size 2 14:24:35 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id auth-module-1.0.0 action enable 14:24:35 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:24:35 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies auth-module-1.0.0 14:24:35 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id auth-module-1.0.0 14:24:35 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 2 tml.size 2 14:24:35 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id basic-module-1.0.0 action enable 14:24:35 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id auth-module-1.0.0 action enable 14:24:35 INFO DepResolution getNextTM done null 14:24:35 INFO DepResolution installModules.returning OK 14:24:35 INFO DiscoveryManager autoDeploy basic-module-1.0.0 14:24:35 INFO DiscoveryManager autoDeploy basic-module-1.0.0 consider localhost 14:24:35 INFO DiscoveryManager autoDeploy basic-module-1.0.0 must deploy on node localhost 14:24:35 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { "srvcId" : "basic-module-1.0.0", "nodeId" : "localhost", "descriptor" : { "exec" : "java -Dport=%p -jar ../okapi-test-module/target/okapi-test-module-fat.jar" } } 14:24:35 INFO DeploymentManager deploy instId d656e1f4-08a9-427f-80df-7c52d94849cd Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dmaven.ext.class.path="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554/pipeline-maven-spy.jar" -Dorg.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.maven.reportsFolder="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554" 14:24:36 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module okapi-test-module 2.39.0 started 14:24:36 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:24:36 INFO MainVerticle Starting okapi-test-module 1982@2dcd032ebaca on port 9232 14:24:36 INFO ? Succeeded in deploying verticle 14:24:36 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9232 count 0 14:24:36 INFO TcpPortWaiting Connected to service at host localhost port 9232 count 0 14:24:36 INFO DiscoveryManager autoDeploy auth-module-1.0.0 14:24:36 INFO DiscoveryManager autoDeploy auth-module-1.0.0 consider localhost 14:24:36 INFO DiscoveryManager autoDeploy auth-module-1.0.0 already deployed on localhost 14:24:36 INFO ProxyService syscall begin POST http://localhost:9232/_/tenant 14:24:36 INFO OkapiClient 639937/proxy;617916/tenant REQ okapiClient roskilde POST http://localhost:9232/_/tenant 14:24:36 INFO MainVerticle POST /_/tenant to okapi-est-module for tenant roskilde 14:24:36 INFO MainVerticle module_from=null module_to=basic-module-1.0.0 14:24:36 INFO OkapiClient 639937/proxy;617916/tenant RES 200 126803us okapiClient http://localhost:9232/_/tenant 14:24:36 INFO ProxyService syscall return POST http://localhost:9232/_/tenant 14:24:36 INFO InternalModule installUpgradeModules returns: [ { "id" : "basic-module-1.0.0", "action" : "enable" }, { "id" : "auth-module-1.0.0", "action" : "enable" } ] 14:24:36 INFO ProxyContext 639937/proxy RES 200 1152623us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install?deploy=true 14:24:36 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module null seq1 0 14:24:36 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant roskilde 14:24:36 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:24:36 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module null seq1 0 14:24:36 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant roskilde 14:24:36 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:24:36 INFO ProxyContext 341610/edge REQ supertenant GET /edge/roskilde auth-module-1.0.0 edge-module-1.0.0 14:24:36 INFO ProxyContext 341610/edge RES 202 3673us auth-module-1.0.0 http://localhost:9231/edge/roskilde 14:24:36 INFO ProxyTest myEdgeHandle 14:24:36 INFO ProxyContext 911636/authn REQ roskilde POST /authn/login auth-module-1.0.0 auth-module-1.0.0 14:24:36 INFO ProxyContext 911636/authn RES 202 2552us auth-module-1.0.0 http://localhost:9231/authn/login 14:24:36 INFO Auth test-auth: Ok login for peter: dummyJwt.eyJzdWIiOiJwZXRlciIsInRlbmFudCI6InJvc2tpbGRlIn0=.sig 14:24:36 INFO ProxyService New X-Okapi-Token returned by module auth-module-1.0.0 14:24:36 INFO ProxyContext 911636/authn RES 200 3137us auth-module-1.0.0 http://localhost:9231/authn/login 14:24:36 INFO ProxyContext 209080/testb REQ roskilde GET /testb/1 auth-module-1.0.0 basic-module-1.0.0 14:24:36 INFO Auth ovTok=null 14:24:36 INFO ProxyContext 209080/testb RES 202 3106us auth-module-1.0.0 http://localhost:9231/testb/1 14:24:36 INFO ProxyContext 209080/testb RES 200 5464us basic-module-1.0.0 http://localhost:9232/testb/1 14:24:36 INFO ProxyContext 341610/edge RES 200 51262us edge-module-1.0.0 http://localhost:9238/edge/roskilde 14:24:36 INFO ProxyContext 484288/edge REQ supertenant GET /edge/unknown auth-module-1.0.0 edge-module-1.0.0 14:24:36 INFO ProxyContext 484288/edge RES 202 3404us auth-module-1.0.0 http://localhost:9231/edge/unknown 14:24:36 INFO ProxyTest myEdgeHandle 14:24:36 INFO ProxyContext 933008/authn RES 400 - okapi No such Tenant unknown 14:24:36 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=No such Tenant unknown 14:24:36 INFO ProxyContext 484288/edge RES 400 6356us edge-module-1.0.0 http://localhost:9238/edge/unknown 14:24:36 INFO ProxyContext 637575/discovery REQ supertenant DELETE /_/discovery/modules auth-module-1.0.0 okapi-0.0.0 14:24:36 INFO Auth ovTok=null 14:24:36 INFO ProxyContext 637575/discovery RES 202 5060us auth-module-1.0.0 http://localhost:9231/_/discovery/modules 14:24:36 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy all 14:24:36 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy auth-module-1.0.0 0835d02c-2d94-4c0b-9e95-f5e83180cb8b 14:24:36 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy srvcId=auth-module-1.0.0 instId=0835d02c-2d94-4c0b-9e95-f5e83180cb8b node=localhost 14:24:36 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy calling.. 14:24:36 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy basic-module-1.0.0 d656e1f4-08a9-427f-80df-7c52d94849cd 14:24:36 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy srvcId=basic-module-1.0.0 instId=d656e1f4-08a9-427f-80df-7c52d94849cd node=localhost 14:24:36 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy calling.. 14:24:36 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy edge-module-1.0.0 localhost-9238 14:24:36 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy srvcId=edge-module-1.0.0 instId=localhost-9238 node=null 14:24:36 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy remove 14:24:36 INFO DeploymentManager undeploy instId 0835d02c-2d94-4c0b-9e95-f5e83180cb8b 14:24:36 INFO DeploymentManager undeploy instId d656e1f4-08a9-427f-80df-7c52d94849cd 14:24:36 INFO ProxyContext 637575/discovery RES 204 54838us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:24:36 INFO ProxyContext 902833/discovery REQ supertenant DELETE /_/discovery/modules auth-module-1.0.0 okapi-0.0.0 14:24:36 INFO ProxyContext 902833/discovery RES 404 - okapi No running module instance found for auth-module-1.0.0 14:24:36 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=404 msg=No running module instance found for auth-module-1.0.0 14:24:37 WARN oduleVersionReporter META-INF/maven/org.folio.okapi/okapi-core/ not found 14:24:37 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module null null started 14:24:37 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:24:37 INFO MainVerticle clusterManager not in use 14:24:37 INFO MainVerticle Proxy using inmemory storage 14:24:37 INFO InternalModule InternalModule starting okapiversion=null 14:24:37 INFO Storage prepareDatabases: NORMAL 14:24:37 INFO MainVerticle startModmanager 14:24:37 INFO MainVerticle startTenants 14:24:37 INFO MainVerticle checkInternalModules 14:24:37 INFO MainVerticle Creating the superTenant supertenant 14:24:37 INFO MainVerticle starting env 14:24:37 INFO MainVerticle Starting discovery 14:24:37 INFO MainVerticle Starting deployment 14:24:37 INFO MainVerticle API Gateway started PID 1909@2dcd032ebaca. Listening on port 9230 14:24:37 INFO MainVerticle Deploy completed succesfully 14:24:37 INFO TenantManager starting supertenant 14:24:37 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant supertenant module null seq1 0 14:24:37 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant supertenant 14:24:37 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:24:37 INFO ProxyContext 147838/proxy RES 400 - okapi Invalid Token: Missing . separator for token 14:24:37 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=Invalid Token: Missing . separator for token 14:24:37 INFO ProxyContext 394338/proxy RES 400 - okapi Invalid Token: Input byte[] should at least have 2 bytes for base64 bytes 14:24:37 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=Invalid Token: Input byte[] should at least have 2 bytes for base64 bytes 14:24:37 INFO ProxyContext 978587/proxy RES 400 - okapi Invalid Token: Failed to decode:Unexpected end-of-input: expected close marker for Object (start marker at [Source: (String)"{ "; line: 1, column: 1]) at [Source: (String)"{ "; line: 2, column: 1] 14:24:37 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=Invalid Token: Failed to decode:Unexpected end-of-input: expected close marker for Object (start marker at [Source: (String)"{ "; line: 1, column: 1]) at [Source: (String)"{ "; line: 2, column: 1] 14:24:37 INFO ProxyContext 330711/discovery REQ supertenant DELETE /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:24:37 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy all 14:24:37 INFO ProxyContext 330711/discovery RES 204 814us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:24:37 WARN oduleVersionReporter META-INF/maven/org.folio.okapi/okapi-core/ not found 14:24:37 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module null null started 14:24:37 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:24:37 INFO MainVerticle clusterManager not in use 14:24:37 INFO MainVerticle Proxy using inmemory storage 14:24:37 INFO InternalModule InternalModule starting okapiversion=null 14:24:37 INFO Storage prepareDatabases: NORMAL 14:24:37 INFO MainVerticle startModmanager 14:24:37 INFO MainVerticle startTenants 14:24:37 INFO MainVerticle checkInternalModules 14:24:37 INFO MainVerticle Creating the superTenant supertenant 14:24:37 INFO MainVerticle starting env 14:24:37 INFO MainVerticle Starting discovery 14:24:37 INFO MainVerticle Starting deployment 14:24:37 INFO MainVerticle API Gateway started PID 1909@2dcd032ebaca. Listening on port 9230 14:24:37 INFO MainVerticle Deploy completed succesfully 14:24:37 INFO TenantManager starting supertenant 14:24:37 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant supertenant module null seq1 0 14:24:37 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant supertenant 14:24:37 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:24:37 INFO ProxyContext 712731/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/nodes okapi-0.0.0 14:24:37 INFO ProxyContext 712731/discovery RES 200 5311us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/nodes 14:24:37 INFO ProxyContext 083388/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/nodes/gyf okapi-0.0.0 14:24:37 INFO ProxyContext 083388/discovery RES 404 805us okapi gyf 14:24:37 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=404 msg=gyf 14:24:37 INFO ProxyContext 141172/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/nodes/localhost okapi-0.0.0 14:24:37 INFO ProxyContext 141172/discovery RES 200 739us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/nodes/localhost 14:24:37 INFO ProxyContext 206075/xyz RES 404 - okapi No suitable module found for path /_/xyz for tenant supertenant 14:24:37 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=404 msg=No suitable module found for path /_/xyz for tenant supertenant 14:24:37 INFO ProxyContext 185247/deployment REQ supertenant POST /_/deployment/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:24:37 INFO ProxyContext 185247/deployment RES 400 659us okapi Failed to decode:Unexpected character ('}' (code 125)): was expecting double-quote to start field name at [Source: (String)"{ "instId" : "BAD", }"; line: 3, column: 2] 14:24:37 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=Failed to decode:Unexpected character ('}' (code 125)): was expecting double-quote to start field name at [Source: (String)"{ "instId" : "BAD", }"; line: 3, column: 2] 14:24:37 INFO ProxyContext 396850/deployment REQ supertenant POST /_/deployment/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:24:37 INFO ProxyContext 396850/deployment RES 400 851us okapi Needs srvcId 14:24:37 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=Needs srvcId 14:24:37 INFO ProxyContext 565330/deployment REQ supertenant POST /_/deployment/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:24:37 INFO DeploymentManager deploy instId eda3988a-31cd-4cd6-b3ba-3cb40760a06b 14:24:37 INFO ProxyContext 565330/deployment RES 400 983us okapi No LaunchDescriptor 14:24:37 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=No LaunchDescriptor 14:24:37 INFO ProxyContext 065093/deployment REQ supertenant POST /_/deployment/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:24:37 INFO DeploymentManager deploy instId 5fee4a15-b750-4d17-9ab5-e59e751a3e5a Error: Unable to access jarfile ../okapi-test-auth-module/target/okapi-unknown.jar 14:24:37 WARN DeploymentManager Deploying auth-1 failed 14:24:37 INFO ProxyContext 065093/deployment RES 400 10523us okapi Service returned with exit code 1 14:24:37 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=Service returned with exit code 1 14:24:37 INFO ProxyContext 667775/deployment REQ supertenant POST /_/deployment/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:24:37 INFO DeploymentManager deploy instId 59630784-ef1e-4105-9f8a-d7427acb023d Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dmaven.ext.class.path="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554/pipeline-maven-spy.jar" -Dorg.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.maven.reportsFolder="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554" 14:24:38 INFO MainVerticle Starting auth 2104@2dcd032ebaca on port 9231 14:24:38 INFO ? Succeeded in deploying verticle 14:24:38 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9231 count 0 14:24:38 INFO TcpPortWaiting Connected to service at host localhost port 9231 count 0 14:24:38 INFO ProxyContext 667775/deployment RES 201 1005589us okapi-0.0.0 /_/deployment/modules 14:24:38 INFO ProxyContext 199010/deployment REQ supertenant GET /_/deployment/modules/59630784-ef1e-4105-9f8a-d7427acb023d okapi-0.0.0 14:24:38 INFO ProxyContext 199010/deployment RES 200 742us okapi-0.0.0 /_/deployment/modules/59630784-ef1e-4105-9f8a-d7427acb023d 14:24:38 INFO ProxyContext 363800/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:24:38 INFO ProxyContext 363800/proxy RES 400 1937us okapi Failed to decode:Invalid entry type: UNKNOWN-ROUTE-TYPE at [Source: (String)"{ "id" : "auth-1", "name" : "auth", "provides" : [ { "id" : "auth", "version" : "1.2", "handlers" : [ { "methods" : [ "POST" ], "path" : "/authn/login", "level" : "20", "type" : "UNKNOWN-ROUTE-TYPE" } ] } ], "filters" : [ { "methods" : [ "*" ], "path" : "/", "phase" : "auth", "type" : "UNKNOWN-ROUTE-TYPE", "permissionsDesired" : [ "auth.extra" ] } ], "requires" : [ ] }"; line: 11, column: 16] (through reference chain: org.folio.okapi.bean.ModuleDescriptor["provides"]->java.lang.Object[][0]->org.folio.okapi.bean.InterfaceDescriptor["handlers"]->java.lang.Object[][0]->org.folio.okapi.bean.RoutingEntry["type"]) 14:24:38 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=Failed to decode:Invalid entry type: UNKNOWN-ROUTE-TYPE at [Source: (String)"{ "id" : "auth-1", "name" : "auth", "provides" : [ { "id" : "auth", "version" : "1.2", "handlers" : [ { "methods" : [ "POST" ], "path" : "/authn/login", "level" : "20", "type" : "UNKNOWN-ROUTE-TYPE" } ] } ], "filters" : [ { "methods" : [ "*" ], "path" : "/", "phase" : "auth", "type" : "UNKNOWN-ROUTE-TYPE", "permissionsDesired" : [ "auth.extra" ] } ], "requires" : [ ] }"; line: 11, column: 16] (through reference chain: org.folio.okapi.bean.ModuleDescriptor["provides"]->java.lang.Object[][0]->org.folio.okapi.bean.InterfaceDescriptor["handlers"]->java.lang.Object[][0]->org.folio.okapi.bean.RoutingEntry["type"]) 14:24:38 INFO ProxyContext 970628/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:24:38 WARN ProxyContext 970628/proxy Module 'auth-1' handlers /authn/login: uses old type path. Use a pathPattern instead 14:24:38 WARN ProxyContext 970628/proxy Module 'auth-1' handlers /authn/login: uses DEPRECATED level. 14:24:38 WARN ProxyContext 970628/proxy Module 'auth-1' handlers uses type=request-response. That is the default, you can leave it out 14:24:38 WARN ProxyContext 970628/proxy Module 'auth-1' filters /: uses old type path. Use a pathPattern instead 14:24:38 INFO ProxyContext 970628/proxy RES 201 7727us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:24:38 INFO ProxyContext 911885/proxy REQ supertenant PUT /_/proxy/modules/auth-1misMatch okapi-0.0.0 14:24:38 INFO ProxyContext 911885/proxy RES 400 548us okapi id=auth-1misMatch 14:24:38 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 id=auth-1misMatch 14:24:38 INFO ProxyContext 365467/proxy REQ supertenant PUT /_/proxy/modules/auth-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:24:38 INFO ProxyContext 365467/proxy RES 400 536us okapi Failed to decode:Unexpected end-of-input within/between Object entries at [Source: (String)"{ "bad Json" "; line: 1, column: 14] 14:24:38 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=Failed to decode:Unexpected end-of-input within/between Object entries at [Source: (String)"{ "bad Json" "; line: 1, column: 14] 14:24:38 INFO ProxyContext 549243/proxy REQ supertenant PUT /_/proxy/modules/auth-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:24:38 WARN ProxyContext 549243/proxy Module 'auth-1' handlers /authn/login: uses old type path. Use a pathPattern instead 14:24:38 WARN ProxyContext 549243/proxy Module 'auth-1' handlers /authn/login: uses DEPRECATED level. 14:24:38 WARN ProxyContext 549243/proxy Module 'auth-1' handlers uses type=request-response. That is the default, you can leave it out 14:24:38 WARN ProxyContext 549243/proxy Module 'auth-1' filters /: uses old type path. Use a pathPattern instead 14:24:38 INFO ProxyContext 549243/proxy RES 200 4101us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules/auth-1 14:24:38 INFO ProxyContext 960875/proxy REQ supertenant PUT /_/proxy/modules/auth2-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:24:38 WARN ProxyContext 960875/proxy Module 'auth2-1' handlers /authn/login: uses old type path. Use a pathPattern instead 14:24:38 WARN ProxyContext 960875/proxy Module 'auth2-1' handlers /authn/login: uses DEPRECATED level. 14:24:38 WARN ProxyContext 960875/proxy Module 'auth2-1' handlers uses type=request-response. That is the default, you can leave it out 14:24:38 WARN ProxyContext 960875/proxy Module 'auth2-1' filters /: uses old type path. Use a pathPattern instead 14:24:38 WARN ProxyContext 960875/proxy Module 'auth2-1' filters /: uses DEPRECATED level. Use a phase=auth instead 14:24:38 INFO ProxyContext 960875/proxy RES 200 3574us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules/auth2-1 14:24:38 INFO ProxyContext 443195/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/modules/auth2-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:24:38 INFO ProxyContext 443195/proxy RES 204 2766us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules/auth2-1 14:24:38 INFO ProxyContext 250974/deployment REQ supertenant POST /_/deployment/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:24:38 INFO DeploymentManager deploy instId fd84663d-4656-4aad-a3d3-e0890a855fcb Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dmaven.ext.class.path="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554/pipeline-maven-spy.jar" -Dorg.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.maven.reportsFolder="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554" 14:24:39 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module okapi-test-module 2.39.0 started 14:24:39 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:24:39 INFO MainVerticle Starting okapi-test-module 2131@2dcd032ebaca on port 9232 14:24:39 INFO ? Succeeded in deploying verticle 14:24:39 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9232 count 0 14:24:39 INFO TcpPortWaiting Connected to service at host localhost port 9232 count 0 14:24:39 INFO ProxyContext 250974/deployment RES 201 1016407us okapi-0.0.0 /_/deployment/modules 14:24:39 INFO ProxyContext 623836/deployment REQ supertenant GET /_/deployment/modules/fd84663d-4656-4aad-a3d3-e0890a855fcb okapi-0.0.0 14:24:39 INFO ProxyContext 623836/deployment RES 200 476us okapi-0.0.0 /_/deployment/modules/fd84663d-4656-4aad-a3d3-e0890a855fcb 14:24:39 INFO ProxyContext 137195/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:24:39 INFO ProxyContext 137195/proxy RES 400 979us okapi Failed to decode:Unrecognized field "routingEntries" (class org.folio.okapi.bean.ModuleDescriptor), not marked as ignorable (13 known properties: "optional", "launchDescriptor", "uiDescriptor", "name", "env", "requires", "metadata", "provides", "tags", "id", "replaces", "permissionSets", "filters"]) at [Source: (String)"{ "id" : "sample-module-1", "name" : "sample module", "requires" : [ { "id" : "SOMETHINGWEDONOTHAVE", "version" : "1.2" } ], "routingEntries" : [ ] }"; line: 8, column: 23] (through reference chain: org.folio.okapi.bean.ModuleDescriptor["routingEntries"]) 14:24:39 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=Failed to decode:Unrecognized field "routingEntries" (class org.folio.okapi.bean.ModuleDescriptor), not marked as ignorable (13 known properties: "optional", "launchDescriptor", "uiDescriptor", "name", "env", "requires", "metadata", "provides", "tags", "id", "replaces", "permissionSets", "filters"]) at [Source: (String)"{ "id" : "sample-module-1", "name" : "sample module", "requires" : [ { "id" : "SOMETHINGWEDONOTHAVE", "version" : "1.2" } ], "routingEntries" : [ ] }"; line: 8, column: 23] (through reference chain: org.folio.okapi.bean.ModuleDescriptor["routingEntries"]) 14:24:39 INFO ProxyContext 670980/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:24:39 INFO ProxyContext 670980/proxy RES 400 680us okapi Failed to decode:Unexpected character ('}' (code 125)): was expecting double-quote to start field name at [Source: (String)"{ "id" : "sample-module-1", "name" : "sample module", "provides" : [ { "id" : "sample", "version" : "1.0" } ], "requires" : [ { "id" : "auth", "version" : "9.9" } ], }"; line: 12, column: 2] 14:24:39 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=Failed to decode:Unexpected character ('}' (code 125)): was expecting double-quote to start field name at [Source: (String)"{ "id" : "sample-module-1", "name" : "sample module", "provides" : [ { "id" : "sample", "version" : "1.0" } ], "requires" : [ { "id" : "auth", "version" : "9.9" } ], }"; line: 12, column: 2] 14:24:39 INFO ProxyContext 336731/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:24:39 WARN ProxyContext 336731/proxy Module 'sample-module-1' handlers /testb: uses old type path. Use a pathPattern instead 14:24:39 WARN ProxyContext 336731/proxy Module 'sample-module-1' handlers /testb: uses DEPRECATED level. 14:24:39 WARN ProxyContext 336731/proxy Module 'sample-module-1' handlers uses type=request-response. That is the default, you can leave it out 14:24:39 INFO ProxyContext 336731/proxy RES 201 3829us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:24:39 INFO ProxyContext 780659/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/modules/auth-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:24:39 ERROR ProxyContext 780659/proxy delete module failed: USER:delete: module auth-1: Missing dependency: sample-module-1 requires auth: 1.2 14:24:39 INFO ProxyContext 780659/proxy RES 400 1585us okapi delete: module auth-1: Missing dependency: sample-module-1 requires auth: 1.2 14:24:39 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=delete: module auth-1: Missing dependency: sample-module-1 requires auth: 1.2 14:24:39 INFO ProxyContext 980481/proxy REQ supertenant PUT /_/proxy/modules/auth-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:24:39 WARN ProxyContext 980481/proxy Module 'auth-1' handlers /authn/login: uses old type path. Use a pathPattern instead 14:24:39 WARN ProxyContext 980481/proxy Module 'auth-1' handlers /authn/login: uses DEPRECATED level. 14:24:39 WARN ProxyContext 980481/proxy Module 'auth-1' handlers uses type=request-response. That is the default, you can leave it out 14:24:39 WARN ProxyContext 980481/proxy Module 'auth-1' filters /: uses old type path. Use a pathPattern instead 14:24:39 INFO ProxyContext 980481/proxy RES 400 2448us okapi update: module auth-1: Incompatible version for module sample-module-1 interface auth. Need 1.2. Have 1.0/auth-1 14:24:39 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=update: module auth-1: Incompatible version for module sample-module-1 interface auth. Need 1.2. Have 1.0/auth-1 14:24:39 INFO ProxyContext 846953/proxy REQ supertenant PUT /_/proxy/modules/auth-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:24:39 WARN ProxyContext 846953/proxy Module 'auth-1' handlers /authn/login: uses old type path. Use a pathPattern instead 14:24:39 WARN ProxyContext 846953/proxy Module 'auth-1' handlers /authn/login: uses DEPRECATED level. 14:24:39 WARN ProxyContext 846953/proxy Module 'auth-1' handlers uses type=request-response. That is the default, you can leave it out 14:24:39 WARN ProxyContext 846953/proxy Module 'auth-1' filters /: uses old type path. Use a pathPattern instead 14:24:39 INFO ProxyContext 846953/proxy RES 200 2782us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules/auth-1 14:24:39 INFO ProxyContext 652419/proxy RES 404 - okapi No suitable module found for path /_/proxy/tenants/ for tenant supertenant 14:24:39 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=404 msg=No suitable module found for path /_/proxy/tenants/ for tenant supertenant 14:24:39 INFO ProxyContext 388910/proxy REQ supertenant PUT /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde okapi-0.0.0 14:24:39 INFO ProxyContext 388910/proxy RES 200 1348us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde 14:24:39 INFO ProxyContext 442127/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:24:39 INFO ProxyContext 442127/proxy RES 400 2561us okapi Missing dependency: sample-module-1 requires auth: 1.2 14:24:39 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg= Missing dependency: sample-module-1 requires auth: 1.2 14:24:39 INFO ProxyContext 082636/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:24:39 INFO ProxyContext 082636/proxy RES 404 543us okapi UnknonwModule-1 14:24:39 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=404 msg=UnknonwModule-1 14:24:39 INFO ProxyContext 937300/proxy RES 404 - okapi No suitable module found for path /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/ for tenant supertenant 14:24:39 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=404 msg=No suitable module found for path /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/ for tenant supertenant 14:24:39 INFO ProxyContext 014876/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:24:39 INFO ProxyContext 014876/proxy RES 201 1775us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules 14:24:39 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module null seq1 0 14:24:39 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant roskilde 14:24:39 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:24:39 INFO ProxyContext 070927/proxy RES 404 - okapi No suitable module found for path /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/ for tenant supertenant 14:24:39 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=404 msg=No suitable module found for path /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/ for tenant supertenant 14:24:39 INFO ProxyContext 262270/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:24:39 INFO ProxyContext 262270/proxy RES 200 2328us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules 14:24:39 INFO ProxyContext 258146/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/auth-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:24:39 INFO ProxyContext 258146/proxy RES 200 874us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/auth-1 14:24:39 INFO ProxyContext 700884/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:24:39 INFO ProxyContext 700884/proxy RES 400 665us okapi Failed to decode:Unexpected end-of-input: expected close marker for Object (start marker at [Source: (String)"{"; line: 1, column: 1]) at [Source: (String)"{"; line: 1, column: 2] 14:24:39 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=Failed to decode:Unexpected end-of-input: expected close marker for Object (start marker at [Source: (String)"{"; line: 1, column: 1]) at [Source: (String)"{"; line: 1, column: 2] 14:24:39 INFO ProxyContext 036537/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:24:39 WARN TenantManager Module 'sample-module-1' uses old-fashioned tenant interface. Define InterfaceType=system, and add a RoutingEntry. Falling back to calling /_/tenant. 14:24:39 INFO ProxyService syscall begin POST http://localhost:9231/_/tenant 14:24:39 INFO OkapiClient 036537/proxy;722040/tenant REQ okapiClient roskilde POST http://localhost:9231/_/tenant 14:24:40 INFO OkapiClient 036537/proxy;722040/tenant RES 202 234653us okapiClient http://localhost:9231/_/tenant 14:24:40 INFO ProxyService syscall return POST http://localhost:9231/_/tenant 14:24:40 INFO ProxyService syscall begin POST http://localhost:9232/_/tenant 14:24:40 INFO OkapiClient 036537/proxy;721344/tenant REQ okapiClient roskilde POST http://localhost:9232/_/tenant 14:24:40 INFO MainVerticle POST /_/tenant to okapi-est-module for tenant roskilde 14:24:40 INFO MainVerticle module_from=null module_to=sample-module-1 14:24:40 INFO OkapiClient 036537/proxy;721344/tenant RES 200 103525us okapiClient http://localhost:9232/_/tenant 14:24:40 INFO ProxyService syscall return POST http://localhost:9232/_/tenant 14:24:40 INFO ProxyContext 036537/proxy RES 201 347373us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules 14:24:40 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module null seq1 0 14:24:40 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant roskilde 14:24:40 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:24:40 INFO ProxyContext 160418/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:24:40 INFO ProxyContext 160418/proxy RES 400 570us okapi Module sample-module-1 already provided 14:24:40 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=Module sample-module-1 already provided 14:24:40 INFO ProxyContext 760717/proxy RES 404 - okapi No suitable module found for path /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/ for tenant supertenant 14:24:40 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=404 msg=No suitable module found for path /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/ for tenant supertenant 14:24:40 INFO ProxyContext 303489/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:24:40 INFO ProxyContext 303489/proxy RES 200 743us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules 14:24:40 INFO ProxyContext 916884/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/auth-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:24:40 INFO ProxyContext 916884/proxy RES 400 1092us okapi Missing dependency: sample-module-1 requires auth: 1.2 14:24:40 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg= Missing dependency: sample-module-1 requires auth: 1.2 14:24:40 INFO ProxyContext 563190/proxy REQ supertenant PUT /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde okapi-0.0.0 14:24:40 INFO ProxyContext 563190/proxy RES 200 1415us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde 14:24:40 INFO ProxyContext 835680/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:24:40 INFO ProxyContext 835680/proxy RES 200 883us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules 14:24:40 INFO ProxyContext 240771/testb RES 404 - okapi No suitable module found for path /testb for tenant supertenant 14:24:40 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=404 msg=No suitable module found for path /testb for tenant supertenant 14:24:40 INFO ProxyContext 399222/ RES 404 - okapi No suitable module found for path / for tenant roskilde 14:24:40 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=404 msg=No suitable module found for path / for tenant roskilde 14:24:40 INFO ProxyContext 131768/testb REQ roskilde GET /testb auth-1 sample-module-1 14:24:40 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=401 msg=Permissions required: sample.needed 14:24:40 INFO ProxyContext 131768/testb RES 401 6561us auth-1 http://localhost:9231/testb 14:24:40 INFO ProxyContext 981113/authn REQ roskilde POST /authn/login auth-1 auth-1 14:24:40 WARN Auth test-auth: Bad passwd for 'peter'. Got 'peter-wrong-password' expected 'peter-password 14:24:40 INFO ProxyContext 981113/authn RES 401 45270us auth-1 http://localhost:9231/authn/login 14:24:40 INFO ProxyContext 296600/authn REQ roskilde POST /authn/login auth-1 auth-1 14:24:40 INFO Auth test-auth: Ok login for peter: dummyJwt.eyJzdWIiOiJwZXRlciIsInRlbmFudCI6InJvc2tpbGRlIn0=.sig 14:24:40 INFO ProxyService New X-Okapi-Token returned by module auth-1 14:24:40 INFO ProxyContext 296600/authn RES 200 3626us auth-1 http://localhost:9231/authn/login 14:24:40 INFO Auth test-auth: Ok login for peter: dummyJwt.eyJzdWIiOiJwZXRlciIsInRlbmFudCI6InJvc2tpbGRlIn0=.sig 14:24:40 INFO ProxyService New X-Okapi-Token returned by module auth-1 14:24:40 INFO ProxyContext 296600/authn RES 200 3027us auth-1 http://localhost:9231/authn/login 14:24:40 INFO ProxyContext 383355/testb REQ roskilde GET /testb auth-1 sample-module-1 14:24:40 INFO Auth ovTok=null 14:24:40 WARN ProxyService Removing X-Okapi-Token returned by module auth-1 (RMB-478) 14:24:40 INFO ProxyContext 383355/testb RES 202 13567us auth-1 http://localhost:9231/testb?query=foo&limit=10 14:24:40 INFO MainVerticle Headers, as seen by okapi-test-module: 14:24:40 INFO MainVerticle Accept:*/* 14:24:40 INFO MainVerticle Accept-Encoding:gzip,deflate 14:24:40 INFO MainVerticle Connection:Keep-Alive 14:24:40 INFO MainVerticle Content-Type:text/plain 14:24:40 INFO MainVerticle Host:localhost:9230 14:24:40 INFO MainVerticle transfer-encoding:chunked 14:24:40 INFO MainVerticle User-Agent:Apache-HttpClient/4.5.3 (Java/1.8.0_242) 14:24:40 INFO MainVerticle X-all-headers:HBL 14:24:40 INFO MainVerticle X-Auth-Permissions-Desired:sample.extra,auth.extra 14:24:40 INFO MainVerticle X-Auth-Permissions-Required:sample.needed 14:24:40 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-Permissions:sample.extra,auth.extra 14:24:40 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-Request-Id:383355/testb 14:24:40 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-request-ip: 14:24:40 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-request-method:GET 14:24:40 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-request-timestamp:1587047080500 14:24:40 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-Tenant:roskilde 14:24:40 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-Token:dummyJwt.eyJzdWIiOiJzYW1wbGUubW9kcGVybSIsInRlbmFudCI6InNhbXBsZS1tb2R1bGUtMSJ9.sig 14:24:40 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-Url:http://localhost:9230 14:24:40 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-User-Id:peter 14:24:40 INFO MainVerticle X-Url-Params:query=foo&limit=10 14:24:40 WARN ProxyService Removing X-Okapi-Token returned by module sample-module-1 (RMB-478) 14:24:40 INFO ProxyContext 383355/testb RES 200 13438us sample-module-1 http://localhost:9232/testb?query=foo&limit=10 14:24:40 INFO ProxyContext 489928/testb REQ roskilde GET /testb auth-1 sample-module-1 14:24:40 INFO Auth ovTok=null 14:24:40 WARN ProxyService Removing X-Okapi-Token returned by module auth-1 (RMB-478) 14:24:40 INFO ProxyContext 489928/testb RES 202 4967us auth-1 http://localhost:9231/testb 14:24:40 INFO ProxyContext 489928/testb RES 200 3010us sample-module-1 http://localhost:9232/testb 14:24:40 INFO ProxyContext 438167/testb REQ roskilde POST /testb auth-1 sample-module-1 14:24:40 INFO Auth ovTok=null 14:24:40 WARN ProxyService Removing X-Okapi-Token returned by module auth-1 (RMB-478) 14:24:40 INFO ProxyContext 438167/testb RES 202 4547us auth-1 http://localhost:9231/testb?query=foo 14:24:40 WARN ProxyService Removing X-Okapi-Token returned by module sample-module-1 (RMB-478) 14:24:40 INFO ProxyContext 438167/testb RES 200 7959us sample-module-1 http://localhost:9232/testb?query=foo 14:24:40 INFO ProxyContext 103154/TESTB RES 404 - okapi No suitable module found for path /TESTB for tenant roskilde 14:24:40 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=404 msg=No suitable module found for path /TESTB for tenant roskilde 14:24:40 INFO ProxyContext 737316/testb RES 404 - okapi No suitable module found for path /testb for tenant roskilde 14:24:40 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=404 msg=No suitable module found for path /testb for tenant roskilde 14:24:40 INFO ProxyContext 960385/testbZZZ REQ roskilde GET /testbZZZ auth-1 sample-module-1 14:24:40 INFO Auth ovTok=null 14:24:40 WARN ProxyService Removing X-Okapi-Token returned by module auth-1 (RMB-478) 14:24:40 INFO ProxyContext 960385/testbZZZ RES 202 3280us auth-1 http://localhost:9231/testbZZZ 14:24:40 INFO ProxyContext 960385/testbZZZ RES 404 2298us sample-module-1 http://localhost:9232/testbZZZ 14:24:40 INFO ProxyContext 466093/testb REQ roskilde GET /testb auth-1 sample-module-1 14:24:40 INFO Auth ovTok=null 14:24:40 WARN ProxyService Removing X-Okapi-Token returned by module auth-1 (RMB-478) 14:24:40 INFO ProxyContext 466093/testb RES 202 3178us auth-1 http://localhost:9231/testb?p=parameters&q=query 14:24:40 INFO ProxyContext 466093/testb RES 200 2072us sample-module-1 http://localhost:9232/testb?p=parameters&q=query 14:24:40 INFO ProxyContext 200474/testb REQ roskilde GET /testb auth-1 sample-module-1 14:24:40 INFO Auth ovTok=null 14:24:40 WARN ProxyService Removing X-Okapi-Token returned by module auth-1 (RMB-478) 14:24:40 INFO ProxyContext 200474/testb RES 202 2968us auth-1 http://localhost:9231/testb 14:24:40 INFO ProxyContext 200474/testb RES 200 2075us sample-module-1 http://localhost:9232/testb 14:24:40 INFO ProxyContext 375185/ RES 404 - okapi No suitable module found for path / for tenant roskilde 14:24:40 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=404 msg=No suitable module found for path / for tenant roskilde 14:24:40 INFO ProxyContext 064913/testb REQ roskilde GET /testb auth-1 sample-module-1 14:24:40 INFO Auth ovTok=null 14:24:40 WARN ProxyService Removing X-Okapi-Token returned by module auth-1 (RMB-478) 14:24:40 INFO ProxyContext 064913/testb RES 202 3408us auth-1 http://localhost:9231/testb 14:24:40 WARN ProxyService Removing X-Okapi-Token returned by module sample-module-1 (RMB-478) 14:24:40 INFO ProxyContext 064913/testb RES 200 3051us sample-module-1 http://localhost:9232/testb 14:24:40 INFO ProxyContext 480549/testb REQ roskilde GET /testb auth-1 sample-module-1 14:24:40 INFO Auth ovTok=null 14:24:40 WARN ProxyService Removing X-Okapi-Token returned by module auth-1 (RMB-478) 14:24:40 INFO ProxyContext 480549/testb RES 202 3331us auth-1 http://localhost:9231/testb 14:24:40 WARN ProxyService Removing X-Okapi-Token returned by module sample-module-1 (RMB-478) 14:24:40 INFO ProxyContext 480549/testb RES 200 3019us sample-module-1 http://localhost:9232/testb 14:24:40 INFO ProxyContext 217083/testb RES 400 - okapi Different tokens in Authentication and X-Okapi-Token. Use only one of them 14:24:40 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=Different tokens in Authentication and X-Okapi-Token. Use only one of them 14:24:40 INFO ProxyContext 995200/testb RES 400 - okapi Invalid Token: Missing . separator for token 14:24:40 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=Invalid Token: Missing . separator for token 14:24:40 INFO ProxyContext 813443/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:24:40 WARN ProxyContext 813443/proxy Module 'sample-module2-1' has no Requires section. If the module really does not require any other interfaces, provide an empty array to be explicit about it. 14:24:40 WARN ProxyContext 813443/proxy Module 'sample-module2-1' filters /testb: uses old type path. Use a pathPattern instead 14:24:40 WARN ProxyContext 813443/proxy Module 'sample-module2-1' filters /testb: uses DEPRECATED level. Use a phase=auth instead 14:24:40 INFO ProxyContext 813443/proxy RES 201 2008us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:24:40 INFO ProxyContext 682177/discovery REQ supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:24:40 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { "instId" : "sample2-inst", "srvcId" : "sample-module2-1", "url" : "http://localhost:9232" } 14:24:40 INFO ProxyContext 682177/discovery RES 201 1336us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:24:40 INFO ProxyContext 096886/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/modules/sample-module2-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:24:40 INFO ProxyContext 096886/discovery RES 200 1016us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules/sample-module2-1 14:24:40 INFO ProxyContext 973276/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/modules/sample-module2-1/sample2-inst okapi-0.0.0 14:24:40 INFO ProxyContext 973276/discovery RES 200 1376us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules/sample-module2-1/sample2-inst 14:24:40 INFO ProxyContext 835171/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/modules/foo/xyz okapi-0.0.0 14:24:40 INFO ProxyContext 835171/discovery RES 404 170us okapi foo/xyz 14:24:40 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=404 msg=foo/xyz 14:24:40 INFO ProxyContext 582949/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/modules/sample-module2-1/xyz okapi-0.0.0 14:24:40 INFO ProxyContext 582949/discovery RES 404 266us okapi sample-module2-1/xyz 14:24:40 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=404 msg=sample-module2-1/xyz 14:24:40 INFO ProxyContext 654228/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/modules/foo/sample2-inst okapi-0.0.0 14:24:40 INFO ProxyContext 654228/discovery RES 404 175us okapi foo/sample2-inst 14:24:40 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=404 msg=foo/sample2-inst 14:24:40 INFO ProxyContext 241954/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/health okapi-0.0.0 14:24:40 INFO ProxyContext 241954/discovery RES 200 7546us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/health 14:24:40 INFO ProxyContext 882764/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/health/sample-module2-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:24:40 INFO ProxyContext 882764/discovery RES 200 2534us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/health/sample-module2-1 14:24:40 INFO ProxyContext 784351/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/health/sample-module2-1/sample2-inst okapi-0.0.0 14:24:40 INFO ProxyContext 784351/discovery RES 200 2606us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/health/sample-module2-1/sample2-inst 14:24:40 INFO ProxyContext 018236/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/health/sample-module2-1/xyz okapi-0.0.0 14:24:40 INFO ProxyContext 018236/discovery RES 404 379us okapi sample-module2-1/xyz 14:24:40 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=404 msg=sample-module2-1/xyz 14:24:40 INFO ProxyContext 689377/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/health/foo/sample2-inst okapi-0.0.0 14:24:40 INFO ProxyContext 689377/discovery RES 404 165us okapi foo/sample2-inst 14:24:40 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=404 msg=foo/sample2-inst 14:24:40 INFO ProxyContext 042922/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:24:40 WARN TenantManager Module 'sample-module2-1' uses old-fashioned tenant interface. Define InterfaceType=system, and add a RoutingEntry. Falling back to calling /_/tenant. 14:24:40 INFO ProxyService syscall begin POST http://localhost:9231/_/tenant 14:24:40 INFO OkapiClient 042922/proxy;380718/tenant REQ okapiClient roskilde POST http://localhost:9231/_/tenant 14:24:40 INFO OkapiClient 042922/proxy;380718/tenant RES 202 2627us okapiClient http://localhost:9231/_/tenant 14:24:40 INFO ProxyService syscall return POST http://localhost:9231/_/tenant 14:24:40 INFO ProxyService syscall begin POST http://localhost:9232/_/tenant 14:24:40 INFO OkapiClient 042922/proxy;239246/tenant REQ okapiClient roskilde POST http://localhost:9232/_/tenant 14:24:40 INFO MainVerticle POST /_/tenant to okapi-est-module for tenant roskilde 14:24:40 INFO MainVerticle module_from=null module_to=sample-module2-1 14:24:40 INFO OkapiClient 042922/proxy;239246/tenant RES 200 3549us okapiClient http://localhost:9232/_/tenant 14:24:40 INFO ProxyService syscall return POST http://localhost:9232/_/tenant 14:24:40 INFO ProxyContext 042922/proxy RES 201 11428us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules 14:24:40 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module null seq1 0 14:24:40 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant roskilde 14:24:40 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:24:40 INFO ProxyContext 115871/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/sample-module2-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:24:40 INFO ProxyContext 115871/proxy RES 204 1098us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/sample-module2-1 14:24:40 INFO ProxyContext 164965/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:24:40 WARN TenantManager Module 'sample-module2-1' uses old-fashioned tenant interface. Define InterfaceType=system, and add a RoutingEntry. Falling back to calling /_/tenant. 14:24:40 INFO ProxyService syscall begin POST http://localhost:9231/_/tenant 14:24:40 INFO OkapiClient 164965/proxy;259984/tenant REQ okapiClient roskilde POST http://localhost:9231/_/tenant 14:24:40 INFO OkapiClient 164965/proxy;259984/tenant RES 202 1754us okapiClient http://localhost:9231/_/tenant 14:24:40 INFO ProxyService syscall return POST http://localhost:9231/_/tenant 14:24:40 INFO ProxyService syscall begin POST http://localhost:9232/_/tenant 14:24:40 INFO OkapiClient 164965/proxy;935448/tenant REQ okapiClient roskilde POST http://localhost:9232/_/tenant 14:24:40 INFO MainVerticle POST /_/tenant to okapi-est-module for tenant roskilde 14:24:40 INFO MainVerticle module_from=null module_to=sample-module2-1 14:24:40 INFO OkapiClient 164965/proxy;935448/tenant RES 200 2718us okapiClient http://localhost:9232/_/tenant 14:24:40 INFO ProxyService syscall return POST http://localhost:9232/_/tenant 14:24:40 INFO ProxyContext 164965/proxy RES 201 8446us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules 14:24:40 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module null seq1 0 14:24:40 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant roskilde 14:24:40 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:24:40 INFO ProxyContext 586564/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:24:40 WARN ProxyContext 586564/proxy Module 'sample-module3-1' has no Requires section. If the module really does not require any other interfaces, provide an empty array to be explicit about it. 14:24:40 WARN ProxyContext 586564/proxy Module 'sample-module3-1' filters /testb: uses old type path. Use a pathPattern instead 14:24:40 WARN ProxyContext 586564/proxy Module 'sample-module3-1' filters /testb: uses DEPRECATED level. Use a phase=auth instead 14:24:40 WARN ProxyContext 586564/proxy Module 'sample-module3-1' filters /testb: uses old type path. Use a pathPattern instead 14:24:40 WARN ProxyContext 586564/proxy Module 'sample-module3-1' filters /testb: uses DEPRECATED level. Use a phase=auth instead 14:24:40 WARN ProxyContext 586564/proxy Module 'sample-module3-1' filters /testb: uses old type path. Use a pathPattern instead 14:24:40 WARN ProxyContext 586564/proxy Module 'sample-module3-1' filters /testb: uses DEPRECATED level. Use a phase=auth instead 14:24:40 INFO ProxyContext 586564/proxy RES 201 2272us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:24:40 INFO ProxyContext 537026/discovery REQ supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:24:40 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { "instId" : "sample3-instance", "srvcId" : "sample-module3-1", "url" : "http://localhost:9232" } 14:24:40 INFO ProxyContext 537026/discovery RES 201 1377us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:24:40 INFO ProxyContext 588750/discovery REQ supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:24:40 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { "instId" : "sample3-instance", "srvcId" : "sample-module2-1", "url" : "http://localhost:9232" } 14:24:40 INFO ProxyContext 588750/discovery RES 400 1280us okapi Duplicate instId sample3-instance 14:24:40 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=Duplicate instId sample3-instance 14:24:40 INFO ProxyContext 605515/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:24:40 WARN TenantManager Module 'sample-module3-1' uses old-fashioned tenant interface. Define InterfaceType=system, and add a RoutingEntry. Falling back to calling /_/tenant. 14:24:40 INFO ProxyService syscall begin POST http://localhost:9231/_/tenant 14:24:40 INFO OkapiClient 605515/proxy;191820/tenant REQ okapiClient roskilde POST http://localhost:9231/_/tenant 14:24:40 INFO OkapiClient 605515/proxy;191820/tenant RES 202 1804us okapiClient http://localhost:9231/_/tenant 14:24:40 INFO ProxyService syscall return POST http://localhost:9231/_/tenant 14:24:40 INFO ProxyService syscall begin POST http://localhost:9232/_/tenant 14:24:40 INFO OkapiClient 605515/proxy;470590/tenant REQ okapiClient roskilde POST http://localhost:9232/_/tenant 14:24:40 INFO MainVerticle POST /_/tenant to okapi-est-module for tenant roskilde 14:24:40 INFO MainVerticle module_from=null module_to=sample-module3-1 14:24:40 INFO OkapiClient 605515/proxy;470590/tenant RES 200 2467us okapiClient http://localhost:9232/_/tenant 14:24:40 INFO ProxyService syscall return POST http://localhost:9232/_/tenant 14:24:40 INFO ProxyContext 605515/proxy RES 201 10485us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules 14:24:40 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module null seq1 0 14:24:40 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant roskilde 14:24:40 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:24:40 INFO ProxyContext 167924/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:24:40 INFO ProxyContext 167924/proxy RES 200 1070us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules 14:24:40 INFO ProxyContext 693194/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/tenants/unknown/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:24:40 INFO ProxyContext 693194/proxy RES 404 197us okapi unknown 14:24:40 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=404 msg=unknown 14:24:41 INFO ProxyContext 636112/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/tenants/unknown/modules/unknown okapi-0.0.0 14:24:41 INFO ProxyContext 636112/proxy RES 404 203us okapi unknown 14:24:41 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=404 msg=unknown 14:24:41 INFO ProxyContext 718179/testb REQ roskilde GET /testb sample-module3-1 auth-1 sample-module-1 sample-module2-1 sample-module3-1 sample-module3-1 14:24:41 INFO ProxyContext 718179/testb RES 200 1947us sample-module3-1 http://localhost:9232/testb 14:24:41 INFO Auth ovTok=null 14:24:41 WARN ProxyService Removing X-Okapi-Token returned by module auth-1 (RMB-478) 14:24:41 INFO ProxyContext 718179/testb RES 202 3500us auth-1 http://localhost:9231/testb 14:24:41 INFO ProxyContext 718179/testb RES 200 1572us sample-module-1 http://localhost:9232/testb 14:24:41 INFO ProxyContext 718179/testb RES 200 1671us sample-module2-1 http://localhost:9232/testb 14:24:41 INFO ProxyContext 718179/testb RES 200 2192us sample-module3-1 http://localhost:9232/testb 14:24:41 INFO ProxyContext 718179/testb RES 200 1296us sample-module3-1 http://localhost:9232/testb 14:24:41 INFO ProxyContext 379011/testb REQ roskilde POST /testb sample-module3-1 auth-1 sample-module-1 sample-module2-1 sample-module3-1 sample-module3-1 14:24:41 INFO ProxyContext 379011/testb RES 200 1756us sample-module3-1 http://localhost:9232/testb 14:24:41 INFO Auth ovTok=null 14:24:41 WARN ProxyService Removing X-Okapi-Token returned by module auth-1 (RMB-478) 14:24:41 INFO ProxyContext 379011/testb RES 202 3716us auth-1 http://localhost:9231/testb 14:24:41 INFO ProxyContext 379011/testb RES 200 2107us sample-module-1 http://localhost:9232/testb 14:24:41 INFO ProxyContext 379011/testb RES 200 5726us sample-module2-1 http://localhost:9232/testb 14:24:41 INFO ProxyContext 379011/testb RES 200 1661us sample-module3-1 http://localhost:9232/testb 14:24:41 INFO ProxyContext 379011/testb RES 200 1432us sample-module3-1 http://localhost:9232/testb 14:24:41 INFO ProxyContext 901640/testb REQ roskilde GET /testb sample-module3-1 auth-1 sample-module-1 sample-module2-1 sample-module3-1 sample-module3-1 14:24:41 INFO ProxyContext 901640/testb RES 200 1114us sample-module3-1 http://localhost:9232/testb 14:24:41 INFO Auth ovTok=null 14:24:41 WARN ProxyService Removing X-Okapi-Token returned by module auth-1 (RMB-478) 14:24:41 INFO ProxyContext 901640/testb RES 202 2836us auth-1 http://localhost:9231/testb 14:24:41 INFO ProxyContext 901640/testb RES 200 1245us sample-module-1 http://localhost:9232/testb 14:24:41 INFO ProxyContext 901640/testb RES 200 1361us sample-module2-1 http://localhost:9232/testb 14:24:41 INFO ProxyContext 901640/testb RES 200 1259us sample-module3-1 http://localhost:9232/testb 14:24:41 INFO ProxyContext 901640/testb RES 200 1043us sample-module3-1 http://localhost:9232/testb 14:24:41 INFO ProxyContext 442507/testb REQ roskilde POST /testb sample-module3-1 auth-1 sample-module-1 sample-module2-1 sample-module3-1 sample-module3-1 14:24:41 INFO ProxyContext 442507/testb RES 200 1567us sample-module3-1 http://localhost:9232/testb 14:24:41 INFO Auth ovTok=null 14:24:41 WARN ProxyService Removing X-Okapi-Token returned by module auth-1 (RMB-478) 14:24:41 INFO ProxyContext 442507/testb RES 202 3174us auth-1 http://localhost:9231/testb 14:24:41 INFO ProxyContext 442507/testb RES 200 1808us sample-module-1 http://localhost:9232/testb 14:24:41 INFO ProxyContext 166570/testb REQ roskilde GET /testb sample-module3-1 auth-1 sample-module-1 sample-module2-1 sample-module3-1 sample-module3-1 14:24:41 INFO ProxyContext 166570/testb RES 200 1314us sample-module3-1 http://localhost:9232/testb 14:24:41 INFO Auth ovTok=null 14:24:41 WARN ProxyService Removing X-Okapi-Token returned by module auth-1 (RMB-478) 14:24:41 INFO ProxyContext 166570/testb RES 202 2773us auth-1 http://localhost:9231/testb 14:24:41 INFO ProxyContext 166570/testb RES 200 2326us sample-module-1 http://localhost:9232/testb 14:24:41 INFO ProxyContext 166570/testb RES 200 1341us sample-module2-1 http://localhost:9232/testb 14:24:41 INFO ProxyContext 166570/testb RES 200 1133us sample-module3-1 http://localhost:9232/testb 14:24:41 INFO ProxyContext 166570/testb RES 200 1162us sample-module3-1 http://localhost:9232/testb 14:24:41 INFO ProxyContext 836641/testb REQ roskilde POST /testb sample-module3-1 auth-1 sample-module-1 sample-module2-1 sample-module3-1 sample-module3-1 14:24:41 INFO ProxyContext 836641/testb RES 200 1512us sample-module3-1 http://localhost:9232/testb 14:24:41 INFO Auth ovTok=null 14:24:41 WARN ProxyService Removing X-Okapi-Token returned by module auth-1 (RMB-478) 14:24:41 INFO ProxyContext 836641/testb RES 202 2840us auth-1 http://localhost:9231/testb 14:24:41 INFO ProxyContext 836641/testb RES 200 1892us sample-module-1 http://localhost:9232/testb 14:24:41 INFO ProxyContext 836641/testb RES 200 1698us sample-module2-1 http://localhost:9232/testb 14:24:41 INFO ProxyContext 836641/testb RES 200 1482us sample-module3-1 http://localhost:9232/testb 14:24:41 INFO ProxyContext 836641/testb RES 200 1253us sample-module3-1 http://localhost:9232/testb 14:24:41 INFO ProxyContext 891906/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:24:41 INFO ProxyContext 891906/proxy RES 200 690us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules 14:24:41 INFO ProxyContext 737100/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/sample-module3-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:24:41 INFO ProxyContext 737100/proxy RES 204 746us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/sample-module3-1 14:24:41 INFO ProxyContext 864953/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:24:41 INFO ProxyContext 864953/proxy RES 200 702us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules 14:24:41 INFO ProxyContext 841855/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:24:41 INFO ProxyContext 841855/discovery RES 200 1516us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:24:41 INFO ProxyContext 757871/discovery REQ supertenant DELETE /_/discovery/modules/sample-module2-1/sample2-inst okapi-0.0.0 14:24:41 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy: srvcId sample-module2-1 instId sample2-inst 14:24:41 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy sample-module2-1 sample2-inst 14:24:41 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy srvcId=sample-module2-1 instId=sample2-inst node=null 14:24:41 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy remove 14:24:41 INFO ProxyContext 757871/discovery RES 204 2253us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules/sample-module2-1/sample2-inst 14:24:41 INFO ProxyContext 530587/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:24:41 INFO ProxyContext 530587/discovery RES 200 858us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:24:41 INFO ProxyContext 350240/testb REQ roskilde GET /testb auth-1 sample-module-1 sample-module2-1 14:24:41 INFO ProxyContext 350240/testb RES 404 - okapi No running module instance found for sample-module2-1 14:24:41 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=404 msg=No running module instance found for sample-module2-1 14:24:41 INFO ProxyContext 914025/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/sample-module-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:24:41 INFO ProxyContext 914025/proxy RES 204 776us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/sample-module-1 14:24:41 INFO ProxyContext 340235/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:24:41 INFO ProxyContext 340235/proxy RES 204 2967us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules 14:24:41 INFO ProxyContext 575616/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:24:41 INFO ProxyContext 575616/proxy RES 200 352us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules 14:24:41 INFO ProxyContext 898371/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/tenants/unknown-tenant/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:24:41 INFO ProxyContext 898371/proxy RES 400 297us okapi unknown-tenant 14:24:41 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=unknown-tenant 14:24:41 INFO ProxyContext 234662/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde okapi-0.0.0 14:24:41 INFO ProxyContext 234662/proxy RES 204 1021us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde 14:24:41 INFO ProxyContext 585879/discovery REQ supertenant DELETE /_/discovery/modules/sample-module3-1/sample3-instance okapi-0.0.0 14:24:41 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy: srvcId sample-module3-1 instId sample3-instance 14:24:41 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy sample-module3-1 sample3-instance 14:24:41 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy srvcId=sample-module3-1 instId=sample3-instance node=null 14:24:41 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy remove 14:24:41 INFO ProxyContext 585879/discovery RES 204 1054us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules/sample-module3-1/sample3-instance 14:24:41 INFO ProxyContext 245699/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/modules/sample-module3-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:24:41 INFO ProxyContext 245699/proxy RES 204 904us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules/sample-module3-1 14:24:41 INFO ProxyContext 173092/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/modules/sample-module-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:24:41 INFO ProxyContext 173092/proxy RES 204 749us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules/sample-module-1 14:24:41 INFO ProxyContext 576420/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/modules/sample-module2-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:24:41 INFO ProxyContext 576420/proxy RES 204 740us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules/sample-module2-1 14:24:41 INFO ProxyContext 572288/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/modules/auth-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:24:41 INFO ProxyContext 572288/proxy RES 204 656us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules/auth-1 14:24:41 INFO ProxyContext 861315/deployment REQ supertenant DELETE /_/deployment/modules/59630784-ef1e-4105-9f8a-d7427acb023d okapi-0.0.0 14:24:41 INFO DeploymentManager undeploy instId 59630784-ef1e-4105-9f8a-d7427acb023d 14:24:41 INFO ProxyContext 861315/deployment RES 204 48860us okapi-0.0.0 /_/deployment/modules/59630784-ef1e-4105-9f8a-d7427acb023d 14:24:41 INFO ProxyContext 715089/deployment REQ supertenant DELETE /_/deployment/modules/fd84663d-4656-4aad-a3d3-e0890a855fcb okapi-0.0.0 14:24:41 INFO DeploymentManager undeploy instId fd84663d-4656-4aad-a3d3-e0890a855fcb 14:24:41 INFO ProxyContext 715089/deployment RES 204 56260us okapi-0.0.0 /_/deployment/modules/fd84663d-4656-4aad-a3d3-e0890a855fcb 14:24:41 INFO ProxyContext 717264/discovery REQ supertenant DELETE /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:24:41 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy all 14:24:41 INFO ProxyContext 717264/discovery RES 204 497us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:24:41 WARN oduleVersionReporter META-INF/maven/org.folio.okapi/okapi-core/ not found 14:24:41 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module null null started 14:24:41 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:24:41 INFO MainVerticle clusterManager not in use 14:24:41 INFO MainVerticle Proxy using inmemory storage 14:24:41 INFO InternalModule InternalModule starting okapiversion=null 14:24:41 INFO Storage prepareDatabases: NORMAL 14:24:41 INFO MainVerticle startModmanager 14:24:41 INFO MainVerticle startTenants 14:24:41 INFO MainVerticle checkInternalModules 14:24:41 INFO MainVerticle Creating the superTenant supertenant 14:24:41 INFO MainVerticle starting env 14:24:41 INFO MainVerticle Starting discovery 14:24:41 INFO MainVerticle Starting deployment 14:24:41 INFO MainVerticle API Gateway started PID 1909@2dcd032ebaca. Listening on port 9230 14:24:41 INFO MainVerticle Deploy completed succesfully 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager starting supertenant 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant supertenant module null seq1 0 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant supertenant 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:24:41 INFO ProxyContext 773417/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:24:41 WARN ProxyContext 773417/proxy Module 'timer-module-1.0.0' handlers /timercall/3: uses old type path. Use a pathPattern instead 14:24:41 INFO ProxyContext 773417/proxy RES 201 2328us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:24:41 INFO ProxyContext 007105/discovery REQ supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:24:41 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { "instId" : "localhost-9235", "srvcId" : "timer-module-1.0.0", "url" : "http://localhost:9235" } 14:24:41 INFO ProxyContext 007105/discovery RES 201 1254us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:24:41 INFO ProxyContext 668313/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants okapi-0.0.0 14:24:41 INFO ProxyContext 668313/proxy RES 201 633us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants 14:24:41 INFO ProxyContext 694088/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install okapi-0.0.0 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager mod available: okapi-0.0.0 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager mod available: timer-module-1.0.0 14:24:41 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 0 tml.size 1 14:24:41 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id timer-module-1.0.0 action enable 14:24:41 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:24:41 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies timer-module-1.0.0 14:24:41 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id timer-module-1.0.0 14:24:41 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 1 tml.size 1 14:24:41 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id timer-module-1.0.0 action enable 14:24:41 INFO DepResolution getNextTM done null 14:24:41 INFO DepResolution installModules.returning OK 14:24:41 INFO DiscoveryManager autoDeploy timer-module-1.0.0 14:24:41 INFO DiscoveryManager autoDeploy timer-module-1.0.0 consider localhost 14:24:41 INFO DiscoveryManager autoDeploy timer-module-1.0.0 already deployed on localhost 14:24:41 INFO ProxyService syscall begin POST http://localhost:9235/_/tenant 14:24:41 INFO OkapiClient 694088/proxy;570113/tenant REQ okapiClient roskilde POST http://localhost:9235/_/tenant 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest myTimerHandle p=/_/tenant 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-request-method:POST 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Url:http://localhost:9230 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Request-Id:694088/proxy;570113/tenant 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-request-timestamp:1587047081496 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest Accept:*/* 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-request-ip: 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Url-to:http://localhost:9235 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Match-Path-Pattern:/_/proxy/tenants/{tenantId}/install 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Tenant:roskilde 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest Content-Type:application/json; charset=UTF-8 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest content-length:40 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest host:localhost:9235 14:24:41 INFO OkapiClient 694088/proxy;570113/tenant RES 200 7011us okapiClient http://localhost:9235/_/tenant 14:24:41 INFO ProxyService syscall return POST http://localhost:9235/_/tenant 14:24:41 INFO InternalModule installUpgradeModules returns: [ { "id" : "timer-module-1.0.0", "action" : "enable" } ] 14:24:41 INFO ProxyContext 694088/proxy RES 200 15004us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install?deploy=true 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module null seq1 0 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant roskilde 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module timer-module-1.0.0 seq1 1 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager timer call start module timer-module-1.0.0 for tenant roskilde 14:24:41 INFO ProxyService syscall begin POST http://localhost:9235/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO OkapiClient 044514/timercall REQ okapiClient roskilde POST http://localhost:9235/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 1 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest myTimerHandle p=/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Url:http://localhost:9230 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Request-Id:044514/timercall 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest Accept:*/* 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Url-to:http://localhost:9235 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Tenant:roskilde 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest Content-Type:application/json; charset=UTF-8 14:24:41 INFO ProxyContext 595590/timercall REQ roskilde POST /timercall/100 timer-module-1.0.0 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest content-length:0 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest host:localhost:9235 14:24:41 INFO OkapiClient 044514/timercall RES 200 4934us okapiClient http://localhost:9235/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest myTimerHandle p=/timercall/100 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest Accept:text/plain 14:24:41 INFO ProxyService syscall return POST http://localhost:9235/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Tenant:roskilde 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest Content-Type:text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager timer call succeeded to module timer-module-1.0.0 for tenant roskilde 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest Host:localhost:9230 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest Connection:Keep-Alive 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest User-Agent:Apache-HttpClient/4.5.3 (Java/1.8.0_242) 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest Accept-Encoding:gzip,deflate 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Request-Id:595590/timercall 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Url:http://localhost:9230 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-request-ip: 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-request-timestamp:1587047081527 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-request-method:POST 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Match-Path-Pattern:/timercall/{id} 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest transfer-encoding:chunked 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module timer-module-1.0.0 seq1 1 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager timer call start module timer-module-1.0.0 for tenant roskilde 14:24:41 INFO ProxyService syscall begin POST http://localhost:9235/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO OkapiClient 844404/timercall REQ okapiClient roskilde POST http://localhost:9235/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 1 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest myTimerHandle p=/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Url:http://localhost:9230 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Request-Id:844404/timercall 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest Accept:*/* 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Url-to:http://localhost:9235 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Tenant:roskilde 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest Content-Type:application/json; charset=UTF-8 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest content-length:0 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest host:localhost:9235 14:24:41 INFO OkapiClient 844404/timercall RES 200 4836us okapiClient http://localhost:9235/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO ProxyService syscall return POST http://localhost:9235/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager timer call succeeded to module timer-module-1.0.0 for tenant roskilde 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module timer-module-1.0.0 seq1 2 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager timer call start module timer-module-1.0.0 for tenant roskilde 14:24:41 INFO ProxyService syscall begin GET http://localhost:9235/timercall/3 14:24:41 INFO OkapiClient 299283/timercall REQ okapiClient roskilde GET http://localhost:9235/timercall/3 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 1 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest myTimerHandle p=/timercall/3 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Url:http://localhost:9230 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Request-Id:299283/timercall 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest Accept:*/* 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Url-to:http://localhost:9235 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Tenant:roskilde 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest Content-Type:application/json; charset=UTF-8 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest content-length:0 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest host:localhost:9235 14:24:41 INFO OkapiClient 299283/timercall RES 404 3541us okapiClient http://localhost:9235/timercall/3 14:24:41 INFO ProxyService syscall return GET http://localhost:9235/timercall/3 14:24:41 WARN ProxyService GET request for timer-module-1.0.0 /timercall/3 failed with 404: Unsupported method 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager timer call failed to module timer-module-1.0.0 for tenant roskilde : GET request for timer-module-1.0.0 /timercall/3 failed with 404: Unsupported method 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module timer-module-1.0.0 seq1 1 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager timer call start module timer-module-1.0.0 for tenant roskilde 14:24:41 INFO ProxyService syscall begin POST http://localhost:9235/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO OkapiClient 381161/timercall REQ okapiClient roskilde POST http://localhost:9235/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 1 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest myTimerHandle p=/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Url:http://localhost:9230 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Request-Id:381161/timercall 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest Accept:*/* 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Url-to:http://localhost:9235 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Tenant:roskilde 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest Content-Type:application/json; charset=UTF-8 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest content-length:0 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest host:localhost:9235 14:24:41 INFO OkapiClient 381161/timercall RES 200 4321us okapiClient http://localhost:9235/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO ProxyService syscall return POST http://localhost:9235/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager timer call succeeded to module timer-module-1.0.0 for tenant roskilde 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module timer-module-1.0.0 seq1 1 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager timer call start module timer-module-1.0.0 for tenant roskilde 14:24:41 INFO ProxyService syscall begin POST http://localhost:9235/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO OkapiClient 526573/timercall REQ okapiClient roskilde POST http://localhost:9235/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 1 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest myTimerHandle p=/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Url:http://localhost:9230 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Request-Id:526573/timercall 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest Accept:*/* 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Url-to:http://localhost:9235 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Tenant:roskilde 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest Content-Type:application/json; charset=UTF-8 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest content-length:0 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest host:localhost:9235 14:24:41 INFO OkapiClient 526573/timercall RES 200 4263us okapiClient http://localhost:9235/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO ProxyService syscall return POST http://localhost:9235/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager timer call succeeded to module timer-module-1.0.0 for tenant roskilde 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module timer-module-1.0.0 seq1 1 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager timer call start module timer-module-1.0.0 for tenant roskilde 14:24:41 INFO ProxyService syscall begin POST http://localhost:9235/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO OkapiClient 769184/timercall REQ okapiClient roskilde POST http://localhost:9235/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 1 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest myTimerHandle p=/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Url:http://localhost:9230 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Request-Id:769184/timercall 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest Accept:*/* 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Url-to:http://localhost:9235 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Tenant:roskilde 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest Content-Type:application/json; charset=UTF-8 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest content-length:0 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest host:localhost:9235 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module timer-module-1.0.0 seq1 2 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager timer call start module timer-module-1.0.0 for tenant roskilde 14:24:41 INFO ProxyService syscall begin GET http://localhost:9235/timercall/3 14:24:41 INFO OkapiClient 531548/timercall REQ okapiClient roskilde GET http://localhost:9235/timercall/3 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 1 14:24:41 INFO OkapiClient 769184/timercall RES 200 5383us okapiClient http://localhost:9235/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO ProxyService syscall return POST http://localhost:9235/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager timer call succeeded to module timer-module-1.0.0 for tenant roskilde 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest myTimerHandle p=/timercall/3 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Url:http://localhost:9230 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Request-Id:531548/timercall 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest Accept:*/* 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Url-to:http://localhost:9235 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Tenant:roskilde 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest Content-Type:application/json; charset=UTF-8 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest content-length:0 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest host:localhost:9235 14:24:41 INFO OkapiClient 531548/timercall RES 404 4958us okapiClient http://localhost:9235/timercall/3 14:24:41 INFO ProxyService syscall return GET http://localhost:9235/timercall/3 14:24:41 WARN ProxyService GET request for timer-module-1.0.0 /timercall/3 failed with 404: Unsupported method 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager timer call failed to module timer-module-1.0.0 for tenant roskilde : GET request for timer-module-1.0.0 /timercall/3 failed with 404: Unsupported method 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module timer-module-1.0.0 seq1 1 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager timer call start module timer-module-1.0.0 for tenant roskilde 14:24:41 INFO ProxyService syscall begin POST http://localhost:9235/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO OkapiClient 034334/timercall REQ okapiClient roskilde POST http://localhost:9235/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 1 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest myTimerHandle p=/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Url:http://localhost:9230 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Request-Id:034334/timercall 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest Accept:*/* 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Url-to:http://localhost:9235 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Tenant:roskilde 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest Content-Type:application/json; charset=UTF-8 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest content-length:0 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest host:localhost:9235 14:24:41 INFO OkapiClient 034334/timercall RES 200 3528us okapiClient http://localhost:9235/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO ProxyService syscall return POST http://localhost:9235/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager timer call succeeded to module timer-module-1.0.0 for tenant roskilde 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module timer-module-1.0.0 seq1 1 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager timer call start module timer-module-1.0.0 for tenant roskilde 14:24:41 INFO ProxyService syscall begin POST http://localhost:9235/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO OkapiClient 079449/timercall REQ okapiClient roskilde POST http://localhost:9235/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 1 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest myTimerHandle p=/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Url:http://localhost:9230 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Request-Id:079449/timercall 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest Accept:*/* 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Url-to:http://localhost:9235 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Tenant:roskilde 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest Content-Type:application/json; charset=UTF-8 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest content-length:0 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest host:localhost:9235 14:24:41 INFO OkapiClient 079449/timercall RES 200 3411us okapiClient http://localhost:9235/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO ProxyService syscall return POST http://localhost:9235/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager timer call succeeded to module timer-module-1.0.0 for tenant roskilde 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module timer-module-1.0.0 seq1 1 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager timer call start module timer-module-1.0.0 for tenant roskilde 14:24:41 INFO ProxyService syscall begin POST http://localhost:9235/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO OkapiClient 934919/timercall REQ okapiClient roskilde POST http://localhost:9235/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 1 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module timer-module-1.0.0 seq1 2 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest myTimerHandle p=/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager timer call start module timer-module-1.0.0 for tenant roskilde 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Url:http://localhost:9230 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Request-Id:934919/timercall 14:24:41 INFO ProxyService syscall begin GET http://localhost:9235/timercall/3 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest Accept:*/* 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Url-to:http://localhost:9235 14:24:41 INFO OkapiClient 864530/timercall REQ okapiClient roskilde GET http://localhost:9235/timercall/3 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Tenant:roskilde 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 1 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest Content-Type:application/json; charset=UTF-8 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest content-length:0 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest host:localhost:9235 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest myTimerHandle p=/timercall/3 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Url:http://localhost:9230 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Request-Id:864530/timercall 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest Accept:*/* 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Url-to:http://localhost:9235 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Tenant:roskilde 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest Content-Type:application/json; charset=UTF-8 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest content-length:0 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest host:localhost:9235 14:24:41 INFO OkapiClient 864530/timercall RES 404 2745us okapiClient http://localhost:9235/timercall/3 14:24:41 INFO ProxyService syscall return GET http://localhost:9235/timercall/3 14:24:41 WARN ProxyService GET request for timer-module-1.0.0 /timercall/3 failed with 404: Unsupported method 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager timer call failed to module timer-module-1.0.0 for tenant roskilde : GET request for timer-module-1.0.0 /timercall/3 failed with 404: Unsupported method 14:24:41 INFO OkapiClient 934919/timercall RES 200 5443us okapiClient http://localhost:9235/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO ProxyService syscall return POST http://localhost:9235/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager timer call succeeded to module timer-module-1.0.0 for tenant roskilde 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module timer-module-1.0.0 seq1 1 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager timer call start module timer-module-1.0.0 for tenant roskilde 14:24:41 INFO ProxyService syscall begin POST http://localhost:9235/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO OkapiClient 648100/timercall REQ okapiClient roskilde POST http://localhost:9235/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 1 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest myTimerHandle p=/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Url:http://localhost:9230 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Request-Id:648100/timercall 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest Accept:*/* 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Url-to:http://localhost:9235 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Tenant:roskilde 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest Content-Type:application/json; charset=UTF-8 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest content-length:0 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest host:localhost:9235 14:24:41 INFO OkapiClient 648100/timercall RES 200 4282us okapiClient http://localhost:9235/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO ProxyService syscall return POST http://localhost:9235/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager timer call succeeded to module timer-module-1.0.0 for tenant roskilde 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module timer-module-1.0.0 seq1 1 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager timer call start module timer-module-1.0.0 for tenant roskilde 14:24:41 INFO ProxyService syscall begin POST http://localhost:9235/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO OkapiClient 576464/timercall REQ okapiClient roskilde POST http://localhost:9235/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 1 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest myTimerHandle p=/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Url:http://localhost:9230 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Request-Id:576464/timercall 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest Accept:*/* 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Url-to:http://localhost:9235 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Tenant:roskilde 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest Content-Type:application/json; charset=UTF-8 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest content-length:0 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest host:localhost:9235 14:24:41 INFO ProxyContext 595590/timercall RES 200 104372us timer-module-1.0.0 http://localhost:9235/timercall/100 14:24:41 INFO OkapiClient 576464/timercall RES 200 3874us okapiClient http://localhost:9235/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO ProxyService syscall return POST http://localhost:9235/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager timer call succeeded to module timer-module-1.0.0 for tenant roskilde 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest timerDelaySum=110 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module timer-module-1.0.0 seq1 2 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager timer call start module timer-module-1.0.0 for tenant roskilde 14:24:41 INFO ProxyService syscall begin GET http://localhost:9235/timercall/3 14:24:41 INFO OkapiClient 242344/timercall REQ okapiClient roskilde GET http://localhost:9235/timercall/3 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 1 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest myTimerHandle p=/timercall/3 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Url:http://localhost:9230 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Request-Id:242344/timercall 14:24:41 INFO ProxyContext 639088/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install okapi-0.0.0 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest Accept:*/* 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Url-to:http://localhost:9235 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Tenant:roskilde 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest Content-Type:application/json; charset=UTF-8 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest content-length:0 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest host:localhost:9235 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager mod available: okapi-0.0.0 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager mod available: timer-module-1.0.0 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager mod enabled: timer-module-1.0.0 14:24:41 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 0 tml.size 1 14:24:41 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id timer-module-1.0.0 action disable 14:24:41 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: return tm for action disable 14:24:41 INFO DepResolution removeModuleDependencies timer-module-1.0.0 14:24:41 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id timer-module-1.0.0 14:24:41 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 1 tml.size 1 14:24:41 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id timer-module-1.0.0 action disable 14:24:41 INFO DepResolution getNextTM done null 14:24:41 INFO DepResolution installModules.returning OK 14:24:41 INFO ProxyService syscall begin POST http://localhost:9235/_/tenant/disable 14:24:41 INFO OkapiClient 639088/proxy;738521/tenant REQ okapiClient roskilde POST http://localhost:9235/_/tenant/disable 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module timer-module-1.0.0 seq1 1 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest myTimerHandle p=/_/tenant/disable 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager timer call start module timer-module-1.0.0 for tenant roskilde 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-request-method:POST 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Url:http://localhost:9230 14:24:41 INFO ProxyService syscall begin POST http://localhost:9235/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Request-Id:639088/proxy;738521/tenant 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-request-timestamp:1587047081641 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest Accept:*/* 14:24:41 INFO OkapiClient 662344/timercall REQ okapiClient roskilde POST http://localhost:9235/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-request-ip: 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Url-to:http://localhost:9235 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 1 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Match-Path-Pattern:/_/proxy/tenants/{tenantId}/install 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Tenant:roskilde 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest Content-Type:application/json; charset=UTF-8 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest content-length:42 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest host:localhost:9235 14:24:41 INFO OkapiClient 242344/timercall RES 404 7431us okapiClient http://localhost:9235/timercall/3 14:24:41 INFO ProxyService syscall return GET http://localhost:9235/timercall/3 14:24:41 WARN ProxyService GET request for timer-module-1.0.0 /timercall/3 failed with 404: Unsupported method 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager timer call failed to module timer-module-1.0.0 for tenant roskilde : GET request for timer-module-1.0.0 /timercall/3 failed with 404: Unsupported method 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest myTimerHandle p=/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Url:http://localhost:9230 14:24:41 INFO OkapiClient 639088/proxy;738521/tenant RES 200 3073us okapiClient http://localhost:9235/_/tenant/disable 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Request-Id:662344/timercall 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest Accept:*/* 14:24:41 INFO ProxyService syscall return POST http://localhost:9235/_/tenant/disable 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Url-to:http://localhost:9235 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Tenant:roskilde 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest Content-Type:application/json; charset=UTF-8 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest content-length:0 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest host:localhost:9235 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager autoUndeploy mdF timer-module-1.0.0 14:24:41 INFO DiscoveryManager autoUndeploy timer-module-1.0.0 14:24:41 INFO InternalModule installUpgradeModules returns: [ { "id" : "timer-module-1.0.0", "action" : "disable" } ] 14:24:41 INFO ProxyContext 639088/proxy RES 200 9332us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install?deploy=true 14:24:41 INFO OkapiClient 662344/timercall RES 200 4929us okapiClient http://localhost:9235/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO ProxyService syscall return POST http://localhost:9235/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager timer call succeeded to module timer-module-1.0.0 for tenant roskilde 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module timer-module-1.0.0 seq1 1 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module timer-module-1.0.0 for tenant roskilde 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:24:41 INFO ProxyContext 471272/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install okapi-0.0.0 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager mod available: okapi-0.0.0 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager mod available: timer-module-1.0.0 14:24:41 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 0 tml.size 1 14:24:41 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id timer-module-1.0.0 action enable 14:24:41 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:24:41 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies timer-module-1.0.0 14:24:41 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id timer-module-1.0.0 14:24:41 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 1 tml.size 1 14:24:41 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id timer-module-1.0.0 action enable 14:24:41 INFO DepResolution getNextTM done null 14:24:41 INFO DepResolution installModules.returning OK 14:24:41 INFO DiscoveryManager autoDeploy timer-module-1.0.0 14:24:41 INFO DiscoveryManager autoDeploy timer-module-1.0.0 consider localhost 14:24:41 INFO DiscoveryManager autoDeploy timer-module-1.0.0 already deployed on localhost 14:24:41 INFO ProxyService syscall begin POST http://localhost:9235/_/tenant 14:24:41 INFO OkapiClient 471272/proxy;136339/tenant REQ okapiClient roskilde POST http://localhost:9235/_/tenant 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest myTimerHandle p=/_/tenant 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-request-method:POST 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module timer-module-1.0.0 seq1 2 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Url:http://localhost:9230 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Request-Id:471272/proxy;136339/tenant 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module timer-module-1.0.0 for tenant roskilde 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-request-timestamp:1587047081665 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest Accept:*/* 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-request-ip: 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Url-to:http://localhost:9235 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Match-Path-Pattern:/_/proxy/tenants/{tenantId}/install 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Tenant:roskilde 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest Content-Type:application/json; charset=UTF-8 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest content-length:40 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest host:localhost:9235 14:24:41 INFO OkapiClient 471272/proxy;136339/tenant RES 200 3092us okapiClient http://localhost:9235/_/tenant 14:24:41 INFO ProxyService syscall return POST http://localhost:9235/_/tenant 14:24:41 INFO InternalModule installUpgradeModules returns: [ { "id" : "timer-module-1.0.0", "action" : "enable" } ] 14:24:41 INFO ProxyContext 471272/proxy RES 200 8725us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install?deploy=true 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module null seq1 0 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant roskilde 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module timer-module-1.0.0 seq1 1 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager timer call start module timer-module-1.0.0 for tenant roskilde 14:24:41 INFO ProxyService syscall begin POST http://localhost:9235/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO OkapiClient 745461/timercall REQ okapiClient roskilde POST http://localhost:9235/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 1 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest myTimerHandle p=/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Url:http://localhost:9230 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Request-Id:745461/timercall 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest Accept:*/* 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Url-to:http://localhost:9235 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Tenant:roskilde 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest Content-Type:application/json; charset=UTF-8 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest content-length:0 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest host:localhost:9235 14:24:41 INFO ProxyContext 050064/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install okapi-0.0.0 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager mod available: okapi-0.0.0 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager mod available: timer-module-1.0.0 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager mod enabled: timer-module-1.0.0 14:24:41 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 0 tml.size 1 14:24:41 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id timer-module-1.0.0 action disable 14:24:41 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: return tm for action disable 14:24:41 INFO DepResolution removeModuleDependencies timer-module-1.0.0 14:24:41 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id timer-module-1.0.0 14:24:41 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 1 tml.size 1 14:24:41 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id timer-module-1.0.0 action disable 14:24:41 INFO DepResolution getNextTM done null 14:24:41 INFO DepResolution installModules.returning OK 14:24:41 INFO ProxyService syscall begin POST http://localhost:9235/_/tenant/disable 14:24:41 INFO OkapiClient 050064/proxy;289061/tenant REQ okapiClient roskilde POST http://localhost:9235/_/tenant/disable 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module timer-module-1.0.0 seq1 1 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest myTimerHandle p=/_/tenant/disable 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager timer call start module timer-module-1.0.0 for tenant roskilde 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-request-method:POST 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Url:http://localhost:9230 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Request-Id:050064/proxy;289061/tenant 14:24:41 INFO ProxyService syscall begin POST http://localhost:9235/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-request-timestamp:1587047081692 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest Accept:*/* 14:24:41 INFO OkapiClient 227035/timercall REQ okapiClient roskilde POST http://localhost:9235/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-request-ip: 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Url-to:http://localhost:9235 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Match-Path-Pattern:/_/proxy/tenants/{tenantId}/install 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Tenant:roskilde 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 1 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest Content-Type:application/json; charset=UTF-8 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest content-length:42 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest host:localhost:9235 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest myTimerHandle p=/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Url:http://localhost:9230 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Request-Id:227035/timercall 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest Accept:*/* 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Url-to:http://localhost:9235 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Tenant:roskilde 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest Content-Type:application/json; charset=UTF-8 14:24:41 INFO OkapiClient 745461/timercall RES 200 14879us okapiClient http://localhost:9235/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest content-length:0 14:24:41 INFO ProxyService syscall return POST http://localhost:9235/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest host:localhost:9235 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager timer call succeeded to module timer-module-1.0.0 for tenant roskilde 14:24:41 INFO OkapiClient 050064/proxy;289061/tenant RES 200 4783us okapiClient http://localhost:9235/_/tenant/disable 14:24:41 INFO ProxyService syscall return POST http://localhost:9235/_/tenant/disable 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager autoUndeploy mdF timer-module-1.0.0 14:24:41 INFO DiscoveryManager autoUndeploy timer-module-1.0.0 14:24:41 INFO InternalModule installUpgradeModules returns: [ { "id" : "timer-module-1.0.0", "action" : "disable" } ] 14:24:41 INFO ProxyContext 050064/proxy RES 200 10925us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install?deploy=true 14:24:41 INFO OkapiClient 227035/timercall RES 200 5070us okapiClient http://localhost:9235/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO ProxyService syscall return POST http://localhost:9235/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager timer call succeeded to module timer-module-1.0.0 for tenant roskilde 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module timer-module-1.0.0 seq1 2 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module timer-module-1.0.0 for tenant roskilde 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module timer-module-1.0.0 seq1 1 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module timer-module-1.0.0 for tenant roskilde 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:24:41 INFO ProxyContext 997145/timercall RES 404 - okapi No suitable module found for path /timercall/100 for tenant roskilde 14:24:41 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=404 msg=No suitable module found for path /timercall/100 for tenant roskilde 14:24:41 INFO ProxyContext 589198/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install okapi-0.0.0 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager mod available: okapi-0.0.0 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager mod available: timer-module-1.0.0 14:24:41 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 0 tml.size 1 14:24:41 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id timer-module-1.0.0 action enable 14:24:41 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:24:41 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies timer-module-1.0.0 14:24:41 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id timer-module-1.0.0 14:24:41 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 1 tml.size 1 14:24:41 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id timer-module-1.0.0 action enable 14:24:41 INFO DepResolution getNextTM done null 14:24:41 INFO DepResolution installModules.returning OK 14:24:41 INFO DiscoveryManager autoDeploy timer-module-1.0.0 14:24:41 INFO DiscoveryManager autoDeploy timer-module-1.0.0 consider localhost 14:24:41 INFO DiscoveryManager autoDeploy timer-module-1.0.0 already deployed on localhost 14:24:41 INFO ProxyService syscall begin POST http://localhost:9235/_/tenant 14:24:41 INFO OkapiClient 589198/proxy;888495/tenant REQ okapiClient roskilde POST http://localhost:9235/_/tenant 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest myTimerHandle p=/_/tenant 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-request-method:POST 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Url:http://localhost:9230 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Request-Id:589198/proxy;888495/tenant 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-request-timestamp:1587047081824 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest Accept:*/* 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-request-ip: 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Url-to:http://localhost:9235 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Match-Path-Pattern:/_/proxy/tenants/{tenantId}/install 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Tenant:roskilde 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest Content-Type:application/json; charset=UTF-8 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest content-length:40 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest host:localhost:9235 14:24:41 INFO OkapiClient 589198/proxy;888495/tenant RES 200 3209us okapiClient http://localhost:9235/_/tenant 14:24:41 INFO ProxyService syscall return POST http://localhost:9235/_/tenant 14:24:41 INFO InternalModule installUpgradeModules returns: [ { "id" : "timer-module-1.0.0", "action" : "enable" } ] 14:24:41 INFO ProxyContext 589198/proxy RES 200 9465us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install?deploy=true 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module null seq1 0 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant roskilde 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module timer-module-1.0.0 seq1 1 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager timer call start module timer-module-1.0.0 for tenant roskilde 14:24:41 INFO ProxyService syscall begin POST http://localhost:9235/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO OkapiClient 524959/timercall REQ okapiClient roskilde POST http://localhost:9235/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 1 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest myTimerHandle p=/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Url:http://localhost:9230 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Request-Id:524959/timercall 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest Accept:*/* 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Url-to:http://localhost:9235 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Tenant:roskilde 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest Content-Type:application/json; charset=UTF-8 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest content-length:0 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest host:localhost:9235 14:24:41 INFO ProxyContext 751008/timercall REQ roskilde POST /timercall/100 timer-module-1.0.0 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest myTimerHandle p=/timercall/100 14:24:41 INFO OkapiClient 524959/timercall RES 200 5158us okapiClient http://localhost:9235/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest Accept:text/plain 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Tenant:roskilde 14:24:41 INFO ProxyService syscall return POST http://localhost:9235/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest Content-Type:text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager timer call succeeded to module timer-module-1.0.0 for tenant roskilde 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest Host:localhost:9230 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest Connection:Keep-Alive 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest User-Agent:Apache-HttpClient/4.5.3 (Java/1.8.0_242) 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest Accept-Encoding:gzip,deflate 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Request-Id:751008/timercall 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Url:http://localhost:9230 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-request-ip: 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-request-timestamp:1587047081850 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-request-method:POST 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Match-Path-Pattern:/timercall/{id} 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest transfer-encoding:chunked 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module timer-module-1.0.0 seq1 1 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager timer call start module timer-module-1.0.0 for tenant roskilde 14:24:41 INFO ProxyService syscall begin POST http://localhost:9235/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO OkapiClient 224058/timercall REQ okapiClient roskilde POST http://localhost:9235/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 1 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest myTimerHandle p=/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Url:http://localhost:9230 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Request-Id:224058/timercall 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest Accept:*/* 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Url-to:http://localhost:9235 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Tenant:roskilde 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest Content-Type:application/json; charset=UTF-8 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest content-length:0 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest host:localhost:9235 14:24:41 INFO OkapiClient 224058/timercall RES 200 3109us okapiClient http://localhost:9235/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO ProxyService syscall return POST http://localhost:9235/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager timer call succeeded to module timer-module-1.0.0 for tenant roskilde 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module timer-module-1.0.0 seq1 2 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager timer call start module timer-module-1.0.0 for tenant roskilde 14:24:41 INFO ProxyService syscall begin GET http://localhost:9235/timercall/3 14:24:41 INFO OkapiClient 018062/timercall REQ okapiClient roskilde GET http://localhost:9235/timercall/3 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 1 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest myTimerHandle p=/timercall/3 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Url:http://localhost:9230 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Request-Id:018062/timercall 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest Accept:*/* 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Url-to:http://localhost:9235 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Tenant:roskilde 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest Content-Type:application/json; charset=UTF-8 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest content-length:0 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest host:localhost:9235 14:24:41 INFO OkapiClient 018062/timercall RES 404 2072us okapiClient http://localhost:9235/timercall/3 14:24:41 INFO ProxyService syscall return GET http://localhost:9235/timercall/3 14:24:41 WARN ProxyService GET request for timer-module-1.0.0 /timercall/3 failed with 404: Unsupported method 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager timer call failed to module timer-module-1.0.0 for tenant roskilde : GET request for timer-module-1.0.0 /timercall/3 failed with 404: Unsupported method 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module timer-module-1.0.0 seq1 1 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager timer call start module timer-module-1.0.0 for tenant roskilde 14:24:41 INFO ProxyService syscall begin POST http://localhost:9235/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO OkapiClient 661582/timercall REQ okapiClient roskilde POST http://localhost:9235/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 1 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest myTimerHandle p=/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Url:http://localhost:9230 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Request-Id:661582/timercall 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest Accept:*/* 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Url-to:http://localhost:9235 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Tenant:roskilde 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest Content-Type:application/json; charset=UTF-8 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest content-length:0 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest host:localhost:9235 14:24:41 INFO OkapiClient 661582/timercall RES 200 2849us okapiClient http://localhost:9235/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO ProxyService syscall return POST http://localhost:9235/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager timer call succeeded to module timer-module-1.0.0 for tenant roskilde 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module timer-module-1.0.0 seq1 1 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager timer call start module timer-module-1.0.0 for tenant roskilde 14:24:41 INFO ProxyService syscall begin POST http://localhost:9235/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO OkapiClient 566842/timercall REQ okapiClient roskilde POST http://localhost:9235/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 1 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest myTimerHandle p=/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Url:http://localhost:9230 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Request-Id:566842/timercall 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest Accept:*/* 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Url-to:http://localhost:9235 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Tenant:roskilde 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest Content-Type:application/json; charset=UTF-8 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest content-length:0 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest host:localhost:9235 14:24:41 INFO OkapiClient 566842/timercall RES 200 3016us okapiClient http://localhost:9235/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO ProxyService syscall return POST http://localhost:9235/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager timer call succeeded to module timer-module-1.0.0 for tenant roskilde 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module timer-module-1.0.0 seq1 1 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager timer call start module timer-module-1.0.0 for tenant roskilde 14:24:41 INFO ProxyService syscall begin POST http://localhost:9235/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO OkapiClient 885387/timercall REQ okapiClient roskilde POST http://localhost:9235/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 1 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest myTimerHandle p=/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Url:http://localhost:9230 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Request-Id:885387/timercall 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest Accept:*/* 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Url-to:http://localhost:9235 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Tenant:roskilde 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest Content-Type:application/json; charset=UTF-8 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest content-length:0 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest host:localhost:9235 14:24:41 INFO OkapiClient 885387/timercall RES 200 3210us okapiClient http://localhost:9235/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO ProxyService syscall return POST http://localhost:9235/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager timer call succeeded to module timer-module-1.0.0 for tenant roskilde 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module timer-module-1.0.0 seq1 2 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager timer call start module timer-module-1.0.0 for tenant roskilde 14:24:41 INFO ProxyService syscall begin GET http://localhost:9235/timercall/3 14:24:41 INFO OkapiClient 817063/timercall REQ okapiClient roskilde GET http://localhost:9235/timercall/3 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 1 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest myTimerHandle p=/timercall/3 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Url:http://localhost:9230 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Request-Id:817063/timercall 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest Accept:*/* 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Url-to:http://localhost:9235 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Tenant:roskilde 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest Content-Type:application/json; charset=UTF-8 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest content-length:0 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest host:localhost:9235 14:24:41 INFO OkapiClient 817063/timercall RES 404 2019us okapiClient http://localhost:9235/timercall/3 14:24:41 INFO ProxyService syscall return GET http://localhost:9235/timercall/3 14:24:41 WARN ProxyService GET request for timer-module-1.0.0 /timercall/3 failed with 404: Unsupported method 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager timer call failed to module timer-module-1.0.0 for tenant roskilde : GET request for timer-module-1.0.0 /timercall/3 failed with 404: Unsupported method 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module timer-module-1.0.0 seq1 1 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager timer call start module timer-module-1.0.0 for tenant roskilde 14:24:41 INFO ProxyService syscall begin POST http://localhost:9235/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO OkapiClient 992233/timercall REQ okapiClient roskilde POST http://localhost:9235/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 1 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest myTimerHandle p=/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Url:http://localhost:9230 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Request-Id:992233/timercall 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest Accept:*/* 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Url-to:http://localhost:9235 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Tenant:roskilde 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest Content-Type:application/json; charset=UTF-8 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest content-length:0 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest host:localhost:9235 14:24:41 INFO OkapiClient 992233/timercall RES 200 3456us okapiClient http://localhost:9235/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO ProxyService syscall return POST http://localhost:9235/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager timer call succeeded to module timer-module-1.0.0 for tenant roskilde 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module timer-module-1.0.0 seq1 1 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager timer call start module timer-module-1.0.0 for tenant roskilde 14:24:41 INFO ProxyService syscall begin POST http://localhost:9235/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO OkapiClient 523533/timercall REQ okapiClient roskilde POST http://localhost:9235/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 1 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest myTimerHandle p=/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Url:http://localhost:9230 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Request-Id:523533/timercall 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest Accept:*/* 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Url-to:http://localhost:9235 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Tenant:roskilde 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest Content-Type:application/json; charset=UTF-8 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest content-length:0 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest host:localhost:9235 14:24:41 INFO OkapiClient 523533/timercall RES 200 3012us okapiClient http://localhost:9235/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO ProxyService syscall return POST http://localhost:9235/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager timer call succeeded to module timer-module-1.0.0 for tenant roskilde 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module timer-module-1.0.0 seq1 1 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager timer call start module timer-module-1.0.0 for tenant roskilde 14:24:41 INFO ProxyService syscall begin POST http://localhost:9235/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO OkapiClient 211012/timercall REQ okapiClient roskilde POST http://localhost:9235/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 1 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module timer-module-1.0.0 seq1 2 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager timer call start module timer-module-1.0.0 for tenant roskilde 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest myTimerHandle p=/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Url:http://localhost:9230 14:24:41 INFO ProxyService syscall begin GET http://localhost:9235/timercall/3 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Request-Id:211012/timercall 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest Accept:*/* 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Url-to:http://localhost:9235 14:24:41 INFO OkapiClient 960286/timercall REQ okapiClient roskilde GET http://localhost:9235/timercall/3 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Tenant:roskilde 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest Content-Type:application/json; charset=UTF-8 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 1 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest content-length:0 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest host:localhost:9235 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest myTimerHandle p=/timercall/3 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Url:http://localhost:9230 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Request-Id:960286/timercall 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest Accept:*/* 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Url-to:http://localhost:9235 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Tenant:roskilde 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest Content-Type:application/json; charset=UTF-8 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest content-length:0 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest host:localhost:9235 14:24:41 INFO OkapiClient 960286/timercall RES 404 1972us okapiClient http://localhost:9235/timercall/3 14:24:41 INFO ProxyService syscall return GET http://localhost:9235/timercall/3 14:24:41 WARN ProxyService GET request for timer-module-1.0.0 /timercall/3 failed with 404: Unsupported method 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager timer call failed to module timer-module-1.0.0 for tenant roskilde : GET request for timer-module-1.0.0 /timercall/3 failed with 404: Unsupported method 14:24:41 INFO OkapiClient 211012/timercall RES 200 4250us okapiClient http://localhost:9235/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO ProxyService syscall return POST http://localhost:9235/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager timer call succeeded to module timer-module-1.0.0 for tenant roskilde 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module timer-module-1.0.0 seq1 1 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager timer call start module timer-module-1.0.0 for tenant roskilde 14:24:41 INFO ProxyService syscall begin POST http://localhost:9235/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO OkapiClient 999579/timercall REQ okapiClient roskilde POST http://localhost:9235/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 1 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest myTimerHandle p=/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Url:http://localhost:9230 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Request-Id:999579/timercall 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest Accept:*/* 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Url-to:http://localhost:9235 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Tenant:roskilde 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest Content-Type:application/json; charset=UTF-8 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest content-length:0 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest host:localhost:9235 14:24:41 INFO OkapiClient 999579/timercall RES 200 3070us okapiClient http://localhost:9235/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO ProxyService syscall return POST http://localhost:9235/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager timer call succeeded to module timer-module-1.0.0 for tenant roskilde 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module timer-module-1.0.0 seq1 1 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager timer call start module timer-module-1.0.0 for tenant roskilde 14:24:41 INFO ProxyService syscall begin POST http://localhost:9235/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO OkapiClient 259513/timercall REQ okapiClient roskilde POST http://localhost:9235/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 1 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest myTimerHandle p=/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Url:http://localhost:9230 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Request-Id:259513/timercall 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest Accept:*/* 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Url-to:http://localhost:9235 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Tenant:roskilde 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest Content-Type:application/json; charset=UTF-8 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest content-length:0 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest host:localhost:9235 14:24:41 INFO OkapiClient 259513/timercall RES 200 3191us okapiClient http://localhost:9235/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO ProxyService syscall return POST http://localhost:9235/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager timer call succeeded to module timer-module-1.0.0 for tenant roskilde 14:24:41 INFO ProxyContext 751008/timercall RES 200 103324us timer-module-1.0.0 http://localhost:9235/timercall/100 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module timer-module-1.0.0 seq1 2 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager timer call start module timer-module-1.0.0 for tenant roskilde 14:24:41 INFO ProxyService syscall begin GET http://localhost:9235/timercall/3 14:24:41 INFO OkapiClient 706915/timercall REQ okapiClient roskilde GET http://localhost:9235/timercall/3 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 1 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest myTimerHandle p=/timercall/3 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Url:http://localhost:9230 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Request-Id:706915/timercall 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest Accept:*/* 14:24:41 INFO ProxyContext 468523/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install okapi-0.0.0 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Url-to:http://localhost:9235 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Tenant:roskilde 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest Content-Type:application/json; charset=UTF-8 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest content-length:0 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest host:localhost:9235 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager mod available: okapi-0.0.0 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager mod available: timer-module-1.0.0 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager mod enabled: timer-module-1.0.0 14:24:41 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 0 tml.size 1 14:24:41 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id timer-module-1.0.0 action disable 14:24:41 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: return tm for action disable 14:24:41 INFO DepResolution removeModuleDependencies timer-module-1.0.0 14:24:41 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id timer-module-1.0.0 14:24:41 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 1 tml.size 1 14:24:41 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id timer-module-1.0.0 action disable 14:24:41 INFO DepResolution getNextTM done null 14:24:41 INFO DepResolution installModules.returning OK 14:24:41 INFO ProxyService syscall begin POST http://localhost:9235/_/tenant/disable 14:24:41 INFO OkapiClient 468523/proxy;311190/tenant REQ okapiClient roskilde POST http://localhost:9235/_/tenant/disable 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module timer-module-1.0.0 seq1 1 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager timer call start module timer-module-1.0.0 for tenant roskilde 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest myTimerHandle p=/_/tenant/disable 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-request-method:POST 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Url:http://localhost:9230 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Request-Id:468523/proxy;311190/tenant 14:24:41 INFO ProxyService syscall begin POST http://localhost:9235/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-request-timestamp:1587047081961 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest Accept:*/* 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-request-ip: 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Url-to:http://localhost:9235 14:24:41 INFO OkapiClient 886161/timercall REQ okapiClient roskilde POST http://localhost:9235/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Match-Path-Pattern:/_/proxy/tenants/{tenantId}/install 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Tenant:roskilde 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest Content-Type:application/json; charset=UTF-8 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest content-length:42 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 1 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest host:localhost:9235 14:24:41 INFO OkapiClient 706915/timercall RES 404 6732us okapiClient http://localhost:9235/timercall/3 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest myTimerHandle p=/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Url:http://localhost:9230 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Request-Id:886161/timercall 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest Accept:*/* 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Url-to:http://localhost:9235 14:24:41 INFO ProxyService syscall return GET http://localhost:9235/timercall/3 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Tenant:roskilde 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest Content-Type:application/json; charset=UTF-8 14:24:41 WARN ProxyService GET request for timer-module-1.0.0 /timercall/3 failed with 404: Unsupported method 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest content-length:0 14:24:41 INFO ProxyTest host:localhost:9235 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager timer call failed to module timer-module-1.0.0 for tenant roskilde : GET request for timer-module-1.0.0 /timercall/3 failed with 404: Unsupported method 14:24:41 INFO OkapiClient 468523/proxy;311190/tenant RES 200 3195us okapiClient http://localhost:9235/_/tenant/disable 14:24:41 INFO ProxyService syscall return POST http://localhost:9235/_/tenant/disable 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager autoUndeploy mdF timer-module-1.0.0 14:24:41 INFO DiscoveryManager autoUndeploy timer-module-1.0.0 14:24:41 INFO InternalModule installUpgradeModules returns: [ { "id" : "timer-module-1.0.0", "action" : "disable" } ] 14:24:41 INFO ProxyContext 468523/proxy RES 200 7721us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install?deploy=true 14:24:41 INFO OkapiClient 886161/timercall RES 200 4080us okapiClient http://localhost:9235/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO ProxyService syscall return POST http://localhost:9235/timercall/1 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager timer call succeeded to module timer-module-1.0.0 for tenant roskilde 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module timer-module-1.0.0 seq1 1 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module timer-module-1.0.0 for tenant roskilde 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:24:41 INFO ProxyContext 748138/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde okapi-0.0.0 14:24:41 INFO ProxyContext 748138/proxy RES 204 191us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module timer-module-1.0.0 seq1 2 14:24:41 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module timer-module-1.0.0 for tenant roskilde 14:24:42 INFO ProxyContext 029524/discovery REQ supertenant DELETE /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:24:42 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy all 14:24:42 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy timer-module-1.0.0 localhost-9235 14:24:42 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy srvcId=timer-module-1.0.0 instId=localhost-9235 node=null 14:24:42 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy remove 14:24:42 INFO ProxyContext 029524/discovery RES 204 921us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:24:42 WARN oduleVersionReporter META-INF/maven/org.folio.okapi/okapi-core/ not found 14:24:42 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module null null started 14:24:42 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:24:42 INFO MainVerticle clusterManager not in use 14:24:42 INFO MainVerticle Proxy using inmemory storage 14:24:42 INFO InternalModule InternalModule starting okapiversion=null 14:24:42 INFO Storage prepareDatabases: NORMAL 14:24:42 INFO MainVerticle startModmanager 14:24:42 INFO MainVerticle startTenants 14:24:42 INFO MainVerticle checkInternalModules 14:24:42 INFO MainVerticle Creating the superTenant supertenant 14:24:42 INFO MainVerticle starting env 14:24:42 INFO MainVerticle Starting discovery 14:24:42 INFO MainVerticle Starting deployment 14:24:42 INFO MainVerticle API Gateway started PID 1909@2dcd032ebaca. Listening on port 9230 14:24:42 INFO MainVerticle Deploy completed succesfully 14:24:42 INFO TenantManager starting supertenant 14:24:42 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant supertenant module null seq1 0 14:24:42 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant supertenant 14:24:42 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:24:42 INFO ProxyContext 778857/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants okapi-0.0.0 14:24:42 INFO ProxyContext 778857/proxy RES 201 658us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants 14:24:42 INFO ProxyContext 504747/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:24:42 WARN ProxyContext 504747/proxy Module 'auth-module-1.0.0' handlers /authn/login: uses old type path. Use a pathPattern instead 14:24:42 WARN ProxyContext 504747/proxy Module 'auth-module-1.0.0' handlers /authn/login: uses DEPRECATED level. 14:24:42 WARN ProxyContext 504747/proxy Module 'auth-module-1.0.0' handlers uses type=request-response. That is the default, you can leave it out 14:24:42 WARN ProxyContext 504747/proxy Module 'auth-module-1.0.0' filters /: uses old type path. Use a pathPattern instead 14:24:42 INFO ProxyContext 504747/proxy RES 201 2224us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:24:42 INFO ProxyContext 323651/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:24:42 INFO ProxyContext 323651/proxy RES 201 1190us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:24:42 INFO ProxyContext 705765/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install okapi-0.0.0 14:24:42 INFO TenantManager mod available: auth-module-1.0.0 14:24:42 INFO TenantManager mod available: basic-module-1.0.0 14:24:42 INFO TenantManager mod available: okapi-0.0.0 14:24:42 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 0 tml.size 2 14:24:42 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id basic-module-1.0.0 action enable 14:24:42 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:24:42 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies basic-module-1.0.0 14:24:42 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id basic-module-1.0.0 14:24:42 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 1 tml.size 2 14:24:42 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id auth-module-1.0.0 action enable 14:24:42 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:24:42 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies auth-module-1.0.0 14:24:42 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id auth-module-1.0.0 14:24:42 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 2 tml.size 2 14:24:42 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id basic-module-1.0.0 action enable 14:24:42 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id auth-module-1.0.0 action enable 14:24:42 INFO DepResolution getNextTM done null 14:24:42 INFO DepResolution installModules.returning OK 14:24:42 INFO DiscoveryManager autoDeploy basic-module-1.0.0 14:24:42 INFO DiscoveryManager autoDeploy basic-module-1.0.0 consider localhost 14:24:42 INFO DiscoveryManager autoDeploy basic-module-1.0.0 must deploy on node localhost 14:24:42 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { "srvcId" : "basic-module-1.0.0", "nodeId" : "localhost", "descriptor" : { "exec" : "java -Dport=%p -jar ../okapi-test-module/target/okapi-test-module-fat.jar" } } 14:24:42 INFO DeploymentManager deploy instId d173ad90-bf7f-4208-a55a-53b37b1609e3 Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dmaven.ext.class.path="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554/pipeline-maven-spy.jar" -Dorg.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.maven.reportsFolder="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554" 14:24:42 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module okapi-test-module 2.39.0 started 14:24:42 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:24:42 INFO MainVerticle Starting okapi-test-module 2262@2dcd032ebaca on port 9231 14:24:42 INFO ? Succeeded in deploying verticle 14:24:43 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9231 count 0 14:24:43 INFO TcpPortWaiting Connected to service at host localhost port 9231 count 0 14:24:43 INFO DiscoveryManager autoDeploy auth-module-1.0.0 14:24:43 INFO DiscoveryManager autoDeploy auth-module-1.0.0 consider localhost 14:24:43 INFO DiscoveryManager autoDeploy auth-module-1.0.0 must deploy on node localhost 14:24:43 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { "srvcId" : "auth-module-1.0.0", "nodeId" : "localhost", "descriptor" : { "exec" : "java -Dport=%p -jar ../okapi-test-auth-module/target/okapi-test-auth-module-fat.jar" } } 14:24:43 INFO DeploymentManager deploy instId 7b0c7b07-5131-48ef-a1a5-5208cda81a14 Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dmaven.ext.class.path="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554/pipeline-maven-spy.jar" -Dorg.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.maven.reportsFolder="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554" 14:24:43 INFO MainVerticle Starting auth 2287@2dcd032ebaca on port 9232 14:24:43 INFO ? Succeeded in deploying verticle 14:24:44 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9232 count 0 14:24:44 INFO TcpPortWaiting Connected to service at host localhost port 9232 count 0 14:24:44 INFO ProxyService syscall begin POST http://localhost:9231/_/tenant 14:24:44 INFO OkapiClient 705765/proxy;887939/tenant REQ okapiClient roskilde POST http://localhost:9231/_/tenant 14:24:44 INFO MainVerticle POST /_/tenant to okapi-est-module for tenant roskilde 14:24:44 INFO MainVerticle module_from=null module_to=basic-module-1.0.0 14:24:44 INFO OkapiClient 705765/proxy;887939/tenant RES 200 131029us okapiClient http://localhost:9231/_/tenant 14:24:44 INFO ProxyService syscall return POST http://localhost:9231/_/tenant 14:24:44 INFO InternalModule installUpgradeModules returns: [ { "id" : "basic-module-1.0.0", "action" : "enable" }, { "id" : "auth-module-1.0.0", "action" : "enable" } ] 14:24:44 INFO ProxyContext 705765/proxy RES 200 2151236us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install?deploy=true 14:24:44 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module null seq1 0 14:24:44 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant roskilde 14:24:44 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:24:44 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module null seq1 0 14:24:44 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant roskilde 14:24:44 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:24:44 INFO ProxyContext 259364/authn REQ roskilde POST /authn/login auth-module-1.0.0 auth-module-1.0.0 14:24:44 INFO ProxyContext 259364/authn RES 202 76635us auth-module-1.0.0 http://localhost:9232/authn/login?deploy=true 14:24:44 INFO Auth test-auth: Ok login for peter: dummyJwt.eyJzdWIiOiJwZXRlciIsInRlbmFudCI6InJvc2tpbGRlIn0=.sig 14:24:44 INFO ProxyService New X-Okapi-Token returned by module auth-module-1.0.0 14:24:44 INFO ProxyContext 259364/authn RES 200 200606us auth-module-1.0.0 http://localhost:9232/authn/login?deploy=true 14:24:44 INFO ProxyContext 871544/testb REQ roskilde GET /testb/hugo auth-module-1.0.0 basic-module-1.0.0 14:24:44 INFO ProxyContext 871544/testb RES 202 13431us auth-module-1.0.0 http://localhost:9232/testb/hugo 14:24:44 INFO ProxyContext 871544/testb RES 200 6090us basic-module-1.0.0 http://localhost:9231/testb/hugo 14:24:44 INFO ProxyContext 387436/testb REQ roskilde GET /testb/hugo auth-module-1.0.0 basic-module-1.0.0 14:24:44 INFO Auth ovTok=null 14:24:44 INFO ProxyContext 387436/testb RES 202 3429us auth-module-1.0.0 http://localhost:9232/testb/hugo 14:24:44 INFO ProxyContext 387436/testb RES 200 2210us basic-module-1.0.0 http://localhost:9231/testb/hugo 14:24:44 INFO ProxyContext 964461/testb REQ roskilde GET /testb/hugo auth-module-1.0.0 basic-module-1.0.0 14:24:44 INFO Auth ovTok=dummyJwt 14:24:44 INFO ProxyContext 964461/testb RES 202 2951us auth-module-1.0.0 http://localhost:9232/testb/hugo 14:24:44 INFO ProxyContext 964461/testb RES 200 2247us basic-module-1.0.0 http://localhost:9231/testb/hugo 14:24:44 INFO ProxyContext 495517/testb REQ roskilde GET /testb/hugo auth-module-1.0.0 basic-module-1.0.0 14:24:44 INFO Auth ovTok=nomatch 14:24:44 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=Bad additonal token: nomatch 14:24:44 INFO ProxyContext 495517/testb RES 400 2850us auth-module-1.0.0 http://localhost:9232/testb/hugo 14:24:44 INFO ProxyContext 550670/discovery REQ supertenant DELETE /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:24:44 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy all 14:24:44 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy auth-module-1.0.0 7b0c7b07-5131-48ef-a1a5-5208cda81a14 14:24:44 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy srvcId=auth-module-1.0.0 instId=7b0c7b07-5131-48ef-a1a5-5208cda81a14 node=localhost 14:24:44 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy calling.. 14:24:44 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy basic-module-1.0.0 d173ad90-bf7f-4208-a55a-53b37b1609e3 14:24:44 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy srvcId=basic-module-1.0.0 instId=d173ad90-bf7f-4208-a55a-53b37b1609e3 node=localhost 14:24:44 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy calling.. 14:24:44 INFO DeploymentManager undeploy instId 7b0c7b07-5131-48ef-a1a5-5208cda81a14 14:24:44 INFO DeploymentManager undeploy instId d173ad90-bf7f-4208-a55a-53b37b1609e3 14:24:44 INFO ProxyContext 550670/discovery RES 204 57021us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:24:44 WARN oduleVersionReporter META-INF/maven/org.folio.okapi/okapi-core/ not found 14:24:44 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module null null started 14:24:44 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:24:44 INFO MainVerticle clusterManager not in use 14:24:44 INFO MainVerticle Proxy using inmemory storage 14:24:44 INFO InternalModule InternalModule starting okapiversion=null 14:24:44 INFO Storage prepareDatabases: NORMAL 14:24:44 INFO MainVerticle startModmanager 14:24:44 INFO MainVerticle startTenants 14:24:44 INFO MainVerticle checkInternalModules 14:24:44 INFO MainVerticle Creating the superTenant supertenant 14:24:44 INFO MainVerticle starting env 14:24:44 INFO MainVerticle Starting discovery 14:24:44 INFO MainVerticle Starting deployment 14:24:44 INFO MainVerticle API Gateway started PID 1909@2dcd032ebaca. Listening on port 9230 14:24:44 INFO MainVerticle Deploy completed succesfully 14:24:44 INFO TenantManager starting supertenant 14:24:44 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant supertenant module null seq1 0 14:24:44 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant supertenant 14:24:44 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:24:44 INFO ProxyContext 642040/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants okapi-0.0.0 14:24:44 INFO ProxyContext 642040/proxy RES 201 611us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants 14:24:44 INFO ProxyContext 311823/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:24:44 WARN ProxyContext 311823/proxy Module 'sample-module-1' handlers /testb: uses old type path. Use a pathPattern instead 14:24:44 WARN ProxyContext 311823/proxy Module 'sample-module-1' handlers /testr: uses old type path. Use a pathPattern instead 14:24:44 WARN ProxyContext 311823/proxy Module 'sample-module-1' has no Requires section. If the module really does not require any other interfaces, provide an empty array to be explicit about it. 14:24:44 INFO ProxyContext 311823/proxy RES 201 2401us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:24:44 INFO ProxyContext 012423/discovery REQ supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:24:44 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { "srvcId" : "sample-module-1", "nodeId" : "localhost" } 14:24:44 INFO DeploymentManager deploy instId 3216aa55-dde5-4fd2-b385-0e3b7f6e9901 Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dmaven.ext.class.path="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554/pipeline-maven-spy.jar" -Dorg.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.maven.reportsFolder="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554" 14:24:45 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module okapi-test-module 2.39.0 started 14:24:45 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:24:45 INFO MainVerticle Starting okapi-test-module 2386@2dcd032ebaca on port 9231 14:24:45 INFO ? Succeeded in deploying verticle 14:24:45 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9231 count 0 14:24:45 INFO TcpPortWaiting Connected to service at host localhost port 9231 count 0 14:24:45 INFO ProxyContext 012423/discovery RES 201 1005851us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:24:45 INFO ProxyContext 010660/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:24:45 INFO ProxyContext 010660/proxy RES 201 879us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules 14:24:45 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module null seq1 0 14:24:45 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant roskilde 14:24:45 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:24:45 INFO ProxyContext 248308/testr REQ roskilde GET /testr sample-module-1 14:24:45 INFO ProxyContext 248308/testr RES 200 95177us sample-module-1 http://localhost:9231/testr 14:24:45 INFO ProxyContext 401290/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:24:45 WARN ProxyContext 401290/proxy Module 'header-module-1' has no Requires section. If the module really does not require any other interfaces, provide an empty array to be explicit about it. 14:24:45 INFO ProxyContext 401290/proxy RES 201 1895us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:24:45 INFO ProxyContext 114491/discovery REQ supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:24:45 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { "srvcId" : "header-module-1", "nodeId" : "localhost" } 14:24:45 INFO DeploymentManager deploy instId 9c5f0b44-4c99-4c52-ad20-2f1ec3b4561f Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dmaven.ext.class.path="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554/pipeline-maven-spy.jar" -Dorg.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.maven.reportsFolder="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554" 14:24:46 INFO MainVerticle Starting okapi-test-header-module 2411@2dcd032ebaca on port 9232 14:24:46 INFO ? Succeeded in deploying verticle 14:24:46 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9232 count 0 14:24:46 INFO TcpPortWaiting Connected to service at host localhost port 9232 count 0 14:24:46 INFO ProxyContext 114491/discovery RES 201 1006608us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:24:46 INFO ProxyContext 772831/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:24:46 INFO ProxyContext 772831/proxy RES 201 1102us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules 14:24:46 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module null seq1 0 14:24:46 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant roskilde 14:24:46 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:24:46 INFO ProxyContext 119672/testb REQ roskilde GET /testb sample-module-1 14:24:46 INFO ProxyContext 119672/testb RES 200 2206us sample-module-1 http://localhost:9231/testb 14:24:47 INFO ProxyContext 028185/red REQ roskilde GET /red header-module-1 sample-module-1 14:24:47 INFO ProxyContext 028185/red RES 200 2037us sample-module-1 http://localhost:9231/testr 14:24:47 INFO ProxyContext 900482/badredirect RES 500 - okapi Redirecting /badredirect to /nonexisting FAILED. No suitable module found 14:24:47 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=500 msg=Redirecting /badredirect to /nonexisting FAILED. No suitable module found 14:24:47 INFO ProxyContext 466785/simpleloop RES 500 - okapi Redirect loop: -> /simpleloop -> /simpleloop -> /simpleloop 14:24:47 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=500 msg=Redirect loop: -> /simpleloop -> /simpleloop -> /simpleloop 14:24:47 INFO ProxyContext 672306/loop1 RES 500 - okapi Redirect loop: -> /loop2 -> /loop1 -> /loop2 14:24:47 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=500 msg=Redirect loop: -> /loop2 -> /loop1 -> /loop2 14:24:47 INFO ProxyContext 849181/multiple REQ roskilde POST /multiple header-module-1 header-module-1 sample-module-1 sample-module-1 14:24:47 INFO ProxyContext 849181/multiple RES 200 8468us sample-module-1 http://localhost:9231/testr 14:24:47 INFO ProxyContext 849181/multiple RES 200 2722us sample-module-1 http://localhost:9231/testr 14:24:47 INFO ProxyContext 113926/red REQ roskilde GET /red header-module-1 sample-module-1 14:24:47 INFO ProxyContext 113926/red RES 200 6454us sample-module-1 http://localhost:9231/testr?foo=bar 14:24:47 INFO ProxyContext 413602/chain1 REQ roskilde GET /chain1 sample-module-1 header-module-1 header-module-1 sample-module-1 14:24:47 INFO ProxyContext 413602/chain1 RES 200 2593us sample-module-1 http://localhost:9231/testr 14:24:47 INFO ProxyContext 393475/redlight REQ roskilde GET /redlight header-module-1 sample-module-1 14:24:47 INFO ProxyContext 393475/redlight RES 404 2286us sample-module-1 http://localhost:9231/testrlight 14:24:47 INFO ProxyContext 805749/red REQ roskilde GET /red/blue/red header-module-1 sample-module-1 14:24:47 INFO ProxyContext 805749/red RES 404 2088us sample-module-1 http://localhost:9231/testr/blue/red?color=%2Fred 14:24:47 INFO ProxyContext 595596/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde okapi-0.0.0 14:24:47 INFO ProxyContext 595596/proxy RES 204 178us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde 14:24:47 INFO ProxyContext 355795/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/modules/sample-module-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:24:47 INFO ProxyContext 355795/proxy RES 204 730us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules/sample-module-1 14:24:47 INFO ProxyContext 999457/discovery REQ supertenant DELETE /_/discovery/modules/sample-module-1/3216aa55-dde5-4fd2-b385-0e3b7f6e9901 okapi-0.0.0 14:24:47 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy: srvcId sample-module-1 instId 3216aa55-dde5-4fd2-b385-0e3b7f6e9901 14:24:47 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy sample-module-1 3216aa55-dde5-4fd2-b385-0e3b7f6e9901 14:24:47 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy srvcId=sample-module-1 instId=3216aa55-dde5-4fd2-b385-0e3b7f6e9901 node=localhost 14:24:47 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy calling.. 14:24:47 INFO DeploymentManager undeploy instId 3216aa55-dde5-4fd2-b385-0e3b7f6e9901 14:24:47 INFO ProxyContext 999457/discovery RES 204 100644us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules/sample-module-1/3216aa55-dde5-4fd2-b385-0e3b7f6e9901 14:24:47 INFO ProxyContext 730454/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/modules/header-module-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:24:47 INFO ProxyContext 730454/proxy RES 204 816us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules/header-module-1 14:24:47 INFO ProxyContext 373572/discovery REQ supertenant DELETE /_/discovery/modules/header-module-1/9c5f0b44-4c99-4c52-ad20-2f1ec3b4561f okapi-0.0.0 14:24:47 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy: srvcId header-module-1 instId 9c5f0b44-4c99-4c52-ad20-2f1ec3b4561f 14:24:47 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy header-module-1 9c5f0b44-4c99-4c52-ad20-2f1ec3b4561f 14:24:47 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy srvcId=header-module-1 instId=9c5f0b44-4c99-4c52-ad20-2f1ec3b4561f node=localhost 14:24:47 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy calling.. 14:24:47 INFO DeploymentManager undeploy instId 9c5f0b44-4c99-4c52-ad20-2f1ec3b4561f 14:24:47 INFO ProxyContext 373572/discovery RES 204 83974us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules/header-module-1/9c5f0b44-4c99-4c52-ad20-2f1ec3b4561f 14:24:47 INFO ProxyContext 429416/discovery REQ supertenant DELETE /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:24:47 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy all 14:24:47 INFO ProxyContext 429416/discovery RES 204 404us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:24:47 WARN oduleVersionReporter META-INF/maven/org.folio.okapi/okapi-core/ not found 14:24:47 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module null null started 14:24:47 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:24:47 INFO MainVerticle clusterManager not in use 14:24:47 INFO MainVerticle Proxy using inmemory storage 14:24:47 INFO InternalModule InternalModule starting okapiversion=null 14:24:47 INFO Storage prepareDatabases: NORMAL 14:24:47 INFO MainVerticle startModmanager 14:24:47 INFO MainVerticle startTenants 14:24:47 INFO MainVerticle checkInternalModules 14:24:47 INFO MainVerticle Creating the superTenant supertenant 14:24:47 INFO MainVerticle starting env 14:24:47 INFO MainVerticle Starting discovery 14:24:47 INFO MainVerticle Starting deployment 14:24:47 INFO MainVerticle API Gateway started PID 1909@2dcd032ebaca. Listening on port 9230 14:24:47 INFO MainVerticle Deploy completed succesfully 14:24:47 INFO TenantManager starting supertenant 14:24:47 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant supertenant module null seq1 0 14:24:47 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant supertenant 14:24:47 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:24:47 INFO ProxyContext 310324/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants okapi-0.0.0 14:24:47 INFO ProxyContext 310324/proxy RES 201 943us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants 14:24:47 INFO ProxyContext 209184/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:24:47 INFO ProxyContext 209184/proxy RES 201 1203us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:24:47 INFO ProxyContext 366987/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install okapi-0.0.0 14:24:47 INFO ProxyContext 366987/proxy RES 400 362us okapi Missing action for id basic-module-1.0.0 14:24:47 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=Missing action for id basic-module-1.0.0 14:24:47 INFO ProxyContext 653865/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install okapi-0.0.0 14:24:47 INFO TenantManager mod available: basic-module-1.0.0 14:24:47 INFO TenantManager mod available: okapi-0.0.0 14:24:47 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 0 tml.size 1 14:24:47 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id basic-module-1.0.0 action enable 14:24:47 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:24:47 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies basic-module-1.0.0 14:24:47 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id basic-module-1.0.0 14:24:47 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 1 tml.size 1 14:24:47 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id basic-module-1.0.0 action enable 14:24:47 INFO DepResolution getNextTM done null 14:24:47 INFO DepResolution installModules.returning OK 14:24:47 INFO DiscoveryManager autoDeploy basic-module-1.0.0 14:24:47 INFO DiscoveryManager autoDeploy basic-module-1.0.0 consider localhost 14:24:47 INFO DiscoveryManager autoDeploy basic-module-1.0.0 must deploy on node localhost 14:24:47 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { "srvcId" : "basic-module-1.0.0", "nodeId" : "localhost", "descriptor" : { "exec" : "java -Dport=%p -jar ../okapi-test-module/target/okapi-test-module-fat.jar" } } 14:24:47 INFO DeploymentManager deploy instId a4115a07-6c9d-496d-9ad7-a37008351e2c Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dmaven.ext.class.path="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554/pipeline-maven-spy.jar" -Dorg.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.maven.reportsFolder="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554" 14:24:48 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module okapi-test-module 2.39.0 started 14:24:48 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:24:48 INFO MainVerticle Starting okapi-test-module 2511@2dcd032ebaca on port 9231 14:24:48 INFO ? Succeeded in deploying verticle 14:24:48 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9231 count 0 14:24:48 INFO TcpPortWaiting Connected to service at host localhost port 9231 count 0 14:24:48 INFO ProxyService syscall begin POST http://localhost:9231/_/tenant 14:24:48 INFO OkapiClient 653865/proxy;464385/tenant REQ okapiClient roskilde POST http://localhost:9231/_/tenant 14:24:48 INFO MainVerticle POST /_/tenant to okapi-est-module for tenant roskilde 14:24:48 INFO MainVerticle module_from=null module_to=basic-module-1.0.0 14:24:49 INFO OkapiClient 653865/proxy;464385/tenant RES 200 124961us okapiClient http://localhost:9231/_/tenant 14:24:49 INFO ProxyService syscall return POST http://localhost:9231/_/tenant 14:24:49 INFO InternalModule installUpgradeModules returns: [ { "id" : "basic-module-1.0.0", "action" : "enable" } ] 14:24:49 INFO ProxyContext 653865/proxy RES 200 1138478us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install?deploy=true 14:24:49 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module null seq1 0 14:24:49 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant roskilde 14:24:49 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:24:49 INFO ProxyContext 194823/testb REQ roskilde GET /testb/hugo basic-module-1.0.0 14:24:49 INFO ProxyContext 194823/testb RES 200 7947us basic-module-1.0.0 http://localhost:9231/testb/hugo 14:24:49 INFO ProxyContext 682173/testb REQ roskilde GET /testb/client_id basic-module-1.0.0 14:24:49 INFO ProxyContext 682173/testb RES 200 2290us basic-module-1.0.0 http://localhost:9231/testb/client_id 14:24:49 INFO ProxyContext 844787/testb REQ roskilde GET /testb/client_id%252Fx basic-module-1.0.0 14:24:49 INFO ProxyContext 844787/testb RES 200 2662us basic-module-1.0.0 http://localhost:9231/testb/client_id%252Fx 14:24:49 INFO ProxyContext 050747/testb RES 404 - okapi No suitable module found for path /testb/client_id/x for tenant roskilde 14:24:49 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=404 msg=No suitable module found for path /testb/client_id/x for tenant roskilde 14:24:49 INFO ProxyContext 693908/discovery REQ supertenant DELETE /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:24:49 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy all 14:24:49 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy basic-module-1.0.0 a4115a07-6c9d-496d-9ad7-a37008351e2c 14:24:49 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy srvcId=basic-module-1.0.0 instId=a4115a07-6c9d-496d-9ad7-a37008351e2c node=localhost 14:24:49 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy calling.. 14:24:49 INFO DeploymentManager undeploy instId a4115a07-6c9d-496d-9ad7-a37008351e2c 14:24:49 INFO ProxyContext 693908/discovery RES 204 44003us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:24:49 WARN oduleVersionReporter META-INF/maven/org.folio.okapi/okapi-core/ not found 14:24:49 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module null null started 14:24:49 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:24:49 INFO MainVerticle clusterManager not in use 14:24:49 INFO MainVerticle Proxy using inmemory storage 14:24:49 INFO InternalModule InternalModule starting okapiversion=null 14:24:49 INFO Storage prepareDatabases: NORMAL 14:24:49 INFO MainVerticle startModmanager 14:24:49 INFO MainVerticle startTenants 14:24:49 INFO MainVerticle checkInternalModules 14:24:49 INFO MainVerticle Creating the superTenant supertenant 14:24:49 INFO MainVerticle starting env 14:24:49 INFO MainVerticle Starting discovery 14:24:49 INFO MainVerticle Starting deployment 14:24:49 INFO MainVerticle API Gateway started PID 1909@2dcd032ebaca. Listening on port 9230 14:24:49 INFO MainVerticle Deploy completed succesfully 14:24:49 INFO TenantManager starting supertenant 14:24:49 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant supertenant module null seq1 0 14:24:49 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant supertenant 14:24:49 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:24:49 INFO ProxyContext 238878/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants okapi-0.0.0 14:24:49 INFO ProxyContext 238878/proxy RES 201 487us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants 14:24:49 INFO ProxyContext 499491/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:24:49 INFO ProxyContext 499491/proxy RES 201 1997us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:24:49 INFO ProxyContext 164798/discovery REQ supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:24:49 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { "instId" : "localhost-1-9235", "srvcId" : "timer-module-1.0.0", "url" : "http://localhost:9235" } 14:24:49 INFO ProxyContext 164798/discovery RES 201 816us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:24:49 INFO ProxyContext 999700/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:24:49 INFO ProxyContext 999700/proxy RES 201 1340us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:24:49 INFO ProxyContext 721306/discovery REQ supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:24:49 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { "instId" : "localhost-2-9235", "srvcId" : "business-module-1.0.0", "url" : "http://localhost:9235" } 14:24:49 INFO ProxyContext 721306/discovery RES 201 925us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:24:49 INFO ProxyContext 433140/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:24:49 INFO ProxyContext 433140/proxy RES 201 1351us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:24:49 INFO ProxyContext 254521/discovery REQ supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:24:49 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { "instId" : "localhost-3-9235", "srvcId" : "timer-module-2.0.0", "url" : "http://localhost:9235" } 14:24:49 INFO ProxyContext 254521/discovery RES 201 1212us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:24:49 INFO ProxyContext 377293/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:24:49 INFO ProxyContext 377293/proxy RES 201 1350us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:24:49 INFO ProxyContext 023454/discovery REQ supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:24:49 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { "instId" : "localhost-4-9235", "srvcId" : "business-module-2.0.0", "url" : "http://localhost:9235" } 14:24:49 INFO ProxyContext 023454/discovery RES 201 934us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:24:49 INFO ProxyContext 799447/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install okapi-0.0.0 14:24:49 INFO TenantManager mod available: business-module-1.0.0 14:24:49 INFO TenantManager mod available: business-module-2.0.0 14:24:49 INFO TenantManager mod available: okapi-0.0.0 14:24:49 INFO TenantManager mod available: timer-module-1.0.0 14:24:49 INFO TenantManager mod available: timer-module-2.0.0 14:24:49 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 0 tml.size 2 14:24:49 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id business-module-1.0.0 action enable 14:24:49 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:24:49 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies business-module-1.0.0 14:24:49 INFO DepResolution Dependency OK for existing enable id timer-module-1.0.0 14:24:49 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies timer-module-1.0.0 14:24:49 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id timer-module-1.0.0 14:24:49 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id business-module-1.0.0 14:24:49 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 1 tml.size 2 14:24:49 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id timer-module-1.0.0 action enable 14:24:49 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id business-module-1.0.0 action enable 14:24:49 INFO DepResolution getNextTM done null 14:24:49 INFO DepResolution installModules.returning OK 14:24:49 INFO ProxyService syscall begin POST http://localhost:9235/_/tenant 14:24:49 INFO OkapiClient 799447/proxy;007099/tenant REQ okapiClient roskilde POST http://localhost:9235/_/tenant 14:24:49 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module null seq1 0 14:24:49 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant roskilde 14:24:49 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:24:49 INFO ProxyTest myTimerHandle p=/_/tenant 14:24:49 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-request-method:POST 14:24:49 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Url:http://localhost:9230 14:24:49 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Request-Id:799447/proxy;007099/tenant 14:24:49 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-request-timestamp:1587047089274 14:24:49 INFO ProxyTest Accept:*/* 14:24:49 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-request-ip: 14:24:49 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Url-to:http://localhost:9235 14:24:49 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Match-Path-Pattern:/_/proxy/tenants/{tenantId}/install 14:24:49 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Tenant:roskilde 14:24:49 INFO ProxyTest Content-Type:application/json; charset=UTF-8 14:24:49 INFO ProxyTest content-length:43 14:24:49 INFO ProxyTest host:localhost:9235 14:24:49 INFO OkapiClient 799447/proxy;007099/tenant RES 200 7478us okapiClient http://localhost:9235/_/tenant 14:24:49 INFO ProxyService syscall return POST http://localhost:9235/_/tenant 14:24:49 INFO InternalModule installUpgradeModules returns: [ { "id" : "timer-module-1.0.0", "action" : "enable" }, { "id" : "business-module-1.0.0", "action" : "enable" } ] 14:24:49 INFO ProxyContext 799447/proxy RES 200 12935us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install 14:24:49 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module null seq1 0 14:24:49 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant roskilde 14:24:49 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:24:49 INFO ProxyContext 523160/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/upgrade okapi-0.0.0 14:24:49 INFO TenantManager mod available: business-module-1.0.0 14:24:49 INFO TenantManager mod enabled: business-module-1.0.0 14:24:49 INFO TenantManager mod available: business-module-2.0.0 14:24:49 INFO TenantManager mod available: okapi-0.0.0 14:24:49 INFO TenantManager mod available: timer-module-1.0.0 14:24:49 INFO TenantManager mod enabled: timer-module-1.0.0 14:24:49 INFO TenantManager mod available: timer-module-2.0.0 14:24:49 INFO TenantManager upgrade.. enable business-module-2.0.0 14:24:49 INFO TenantManager upgrade.. enable timer-module-2.0.0 14:24:49 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 0 tml.size 2 14:24:49 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id business-module-2.0.0 action enable 14:24:49 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:24:49 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies business-module-2.0.0 14:24:49 INFO DepResolution Dependency OK for existing enable id timer-module-2.0.0 14:24:49 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies timer-module-2.0.0 14:24:49 INFO DepResolution resolveModuleConflicts from timer-module-1.0.0 14:24:49 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id timer-module-2.0.0 14:24:49 INFO DepResolution resolveModuleConflicts from business-module-1.0.0 14:24:49 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id business-module-2.0.0 14:24:49 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 1 tml.size 2 14:24:49 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id timer-module-2.0.0 action enable 14:24:49 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id business-module-2.0.0 action enable 14:24:49 INFO DepResolution getNextTM done null 14:24:49 INFO DepResolution installModules.returning OK 14:24:49 INFO InternalModule installUpgradeModules returns: [ { "id" : "timer-module-2.0.0", "from" : "timer-module-1.0.0", "action" : "enable" }, { "id" : "business-module-2.0.0", "from" : "business-module-1.0.0", "action" : "enable" } ] 14:24:49 INFO ProxyContext 523160/proxy RES 200 5604us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/upgrade?simulate=true 14:24:49 INFO ProxyContext 369027/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/upgrade okapi-0.0.0 14:24:49 INFO TenantManager mod available: business-module-1.0.0 14:24:49 INFO TenantManager mod enabled: business-module-1.0.0 14:24:49 INFO TenantManager mod available: business-module-2.0.0 14:24:49 INFO TenantManager mod available: okapi-0.0.0 14:24:49 INFO TenantManager mod available: timer-module-1.0.0 14:24:49 INFO TenantManager mod enabled: timer-module-1.0.0 14:24:49 INFO TenantManager mod available: timer-module-2.0.0 14:24:49 INFO TenantManager upgrade.. enable business-module-2.0.0 14:24:49 INFO TenantManager upgrade.. enable timer-module-2.0.0 14:24:49 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 0 tml.size 2 14:24:49 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id business-module-2.0.0 action enable 14:24:49 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:24:49 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies business-module-2.0.0 14:24:49 INFO DepResolution Dependency OK for existing enable id timer-module-2.0.0 14:24:49 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies timer-module-2.0.0 14:24:49 INFO DepResolution resolveModuleConflicts from timer-module-1.0.0 14:24:49 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id timer-module-2.0.0 14:24:49 INFO DepResolution resolveModuleConflicts from business-module-1.0.0 14:24:49 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id business-module-2.0.0 14:24:49 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 1 tml.size 2 14:24:49 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id timer-module-2.0.0 action enable 14:24:49 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id business-module-2.0.0 action enable 14:24:49 INFO DepResolution getNextTM done null 14:24:49 INFO DepResolution installModules.returning OK 14:24:49 INFO ProxyService syscall begin POST http://localhost:9235/_/tenant 14:24:49 INFO OkapiClient 369027/proxy;460062/tenant REQ okapiClient roskilde POST http://localhost:9235/_/tenant 14:24:49 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module null seq1 0 14:24:49 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant roskilde 14:24:49 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:24:49 INFO ProxyTest myTimerHandle p=/_/tenant 14:24:49 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-request-method:POST 14:24:49 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Url:http://localhost:9230 14:24:49 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Request-Id:369027/proxy;460062/tenant 14:24:49 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-request-timestamp:1587047089322 14:24:49 INFO ProxyTest Accept:*/* 14:24:49 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-request-ip: 14:24:49 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Url-to:http://localhost:9235 14:24:49 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Match-Path-Pattern:/_/proxy/tenants/{tenantId}/upgrade 14:24:49 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Tenant:roskilde 14:24:49 INFO ProxyTest Content-Type:application/json; charset=UTF-8 14:24:49 INFO ProxyTest content-length:86 14:24:49 INFO ProxyTest host:localhost:9235 14:24:49 INFO OkapiClient 369027/proxy;460062/tenant RES 400 2370us okapiClient http://localhost:9235/_/tenant 14:24:49 INFO ProxyService syscall return POST http://localhost:9235/_/tenant 14:24:49 WARN ProxyService POST request for business-module-2.0.0 /_/tenant failed with 400: timer response 14:24:49 INFO ProxyContext 369027/proxy RES 400 7507us okapi POST request for business-module-2.0.0 /_/tenant failed with 400: timer response 14:24:49 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=POST request for business-module-2.0.0 /_/tenant failed with 400: timer response 14:24:49 INFO ProxyContext 580586/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:24:49 INFO ProxyContext 580586/proxy RES 200 482us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules 14:24:49 INFO ProxyContext 936022/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install okapi-0.0.0 14:24:49 INFO TenantManager mod available: business-module-1.0.0 14:24:49 INFO TenantManager mod enabled: business-module-1.0.0 14:24:49 INFO TenantManager mod available: business-module-2.0.0 14:24:49 INFO TenantManager mod available: okapi-0.0.0 14:24:49 INFO TenantManager mod available: timer-module-1.0.0 14:24:49 INFO TenantManager mod available: timer-module-2.0.0 14:24:49 INFO TenantManager mod enabled: timer-module-2.0.0 14:24:49 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 0 tml.size 1 14:24:49 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id timer-module-2.0.0 action disable 14:24:49 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: return tm for action disable 14:24:49 INFO DepResolution removeModuleDependencies timer-module-2.0.0 14:24:49 INFO DepResolution removeModuleDependencies business-module-1.0.0 14:24:49 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id business-module-1.0.0 14:24:49 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id timer-module-2.0.0 14:24:49 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 1 tml.size 2 14:24:49 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id business-module-1.0.0 action disable 14:24:49 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id timer-module-2.0.0 action disable 14:24:49 INFO DepResolution getNextTM done null 14:24:49 INFO DepResolution installModules.returning OK 14:24:49 INFO InternalModule installUpgradeModules returns: [ { "id" : "business-module-1.0.0", "action" : "disable" }, { "id" : "timer-module-2.0.0", "action" : "disable" } ] 14:24:49 INFO ProxyContext 936022/proxy RES 200 3266us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install?simulate=true 14:24:49 INFO ProxyContext 903737/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/timer-module-2.0.0 okapi-0.0.0 14:24:49 INFO ProxyContext 903737/proxy RES 204 576us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/timer-module-2.0.0 14:24:49 INFO ProxyContext 551822/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:24:49 INFO ProxyContext 551822/proxy RES 200 396us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules 14:24:49 INFO ProxyContext 567610/discovery REQ supertenant DELETE /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:24:49 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy all 14:24:49 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy business-module-1.0.0 localhost-2-9235 14:24:49 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy srvcId=business-module-1.0.0 instId=localhost-2-9235 node=null 14:24:49 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy remove 14:24:49 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy business-module-2.0.0 localhost-4-9235 14:24:49 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy srvcId=business-module-2.0.0 instId=localhost-4-9235 node=null 14:24:49 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy remove 14:24:49 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy timer-module-1.0.0 localhost-1-9235 14:24:49 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy srvcId=timer-module-1.0.0 instId=localhost-1-9235 node=null 14:24:49 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy remove 14:24:49 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy timer-module-2.0.0 localhost-3-9235 14:24:49 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy srvcId=timer-module-2.0.0 instId=localhost-3-9235 node=null 14:24:49 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy remove 14:24:49 INFO ProxyContext 567610/discovery RES 204 1732us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:24:49 WARN oduleVersionReporter META-INF/maven/org.folio.okapi/okapi-core/ not found 14:24:49 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module null null started 14:24:49 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:24:49 INFO MainVerticle clusterManager not in use 14:24:49 INFO MainVerticle Proxy using inmemory storage 14:24:49 INFO InternalModule InternalModule starting okapiversion=null 14:24:49 INFO Storage prepareDatabases: NORMAL 14:24:49 INFO MainVerticle startModmanager 14:24:49 INFO MainVerticle startTenants 14:24:49 INFO MainVerticle checkInternalModules 14:24:49 INFO MainVerticle Creating the superTenant supertenant 14:24:49 INFO MainVerticle starting env 14:24:49 INFO MainVerticle Starting discovery 14:24:49 INFO MainVerticle Starting deployment 14:24:49 INFO MainVerticle API Gateway started PID 1909@2dcd032ebaca. Listening on port 9230 14:24:49 INFO MainVerticle Deploy completed succesfully 14:24:49 INFO TenantManager starting supertenant 14:24:49 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant supertenant module null seq1 0 14:24:49 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant supertenant 14:24:49 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:24:49 INFO ProxyContext 709706/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants okapi-0.0.0 14:24:49 INFO ProxyContext 709706/proxy RES 201 624us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants 14:24:49 INFO ProxyContext 026584/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:24:49 WARN ProxyContext 026584/proxy Module 'request-pre-1.0.0' has no Requires section. If the module really does not require any other interfaces, provide an empty array to be explicit about it. 14:24:49 WARN ProxyContext 026584/proxy Module 'request-pre-1.0.0' filters /testb: uses old type path. Use a pathPattern instead 14:24:49 INFO ProxyContext 026584/proxy RES 201 1156us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:24:49 INFO ProxyContext 811036/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:24:49 WARN ProxyContext 811036/proxy Module 'request-post-1.0.0' has no Requires section. If the module really does not require any other interfaces, provide an empty array to be explicit about it. 14:24:49 WARN ProxyContext 811036/proxy Module 'request-post-1.0.0' filters /testb: uses old type path. Use a pathPattern instead 14:24:49 INFO ProxyContext 811036/proxy RES 201 1211us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:24:49 INFO ProxyContext 411643/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:24:49 WARN ProxyContext 411643/proxy Module 'request-only-1.0.0' has no Requires section. If the module really does not require any other interfaces, provide an empty array to be explicit about it. 14:24:49 WARN ProxyContext 411643/proxy Module 'request-only-1.0.0' filters /testb: uses old type path. Use a pathPattern instead 14:24:49 WARN ProxyContext 411643/proxy Module 'request-only-1.0.0' filters /testb: uses DEPRECATED level. Use a phase=auth instead 14:24:49 INFO ProxyContext 411643/proxy RES 201 1361us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:24:49 INFO ProxyContext 545398/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:24:49 WARN ProxyContext 545398/proxy Module 'auth-f-module-1' handlers /authn/login: uses old type path. Use a pathPattern instead 14:24:49 WARN ProxyContext 545398/proxy Module 'auth-f-module-1' handlers /authn/login: uses DEPRECATED level. 14:24:49 WARN ProxyContext 545398/proxy Module 'auth-f-module-1' handlers uses type=request-response. That is the default, you can leave it out 14:24:49 WARN ProxyContext 545398/proxy Module 'auth-f-module-1' filters /: uses old type path. Use a pathPattern instead 14:24:49 INFO ProxyContext 545398/proxy RES 201 1356us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:24:49 INFO ProxyContext 584088/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:24:49 WARN ProxyContext 584088/proxy Module 'sample-module-1.0.0' handlers /testb: uses old type path. Use a pathPattern instead 14:24:49 WARN ProxyContext 584088/proxy Module 'sample-module-1.0.0' has no Requires section. If the module really does not require any other interfaces, provide an empty array to be explicit about it. 14:24:49 INFO ProxyContext 584088/proxy RES 201 1109us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:24:49 INFO ProxyContext 883094/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install okapi-0.0.0 14:24:49 INFO TenantManager mod available: auth-f-module-1 14:24:49 INFO TenantManager mod available: okapi-0.0.0 14:24:49 INFO TenantManager mod available: request-only-1.0.0 14:24:49 INFO TenantManager mod available: request-post-1.0.0 14:24:49 INFO TenantManager mod available: request-pre-1.0.0 14:24:49 INFO TenantManager mod available: sample-module-1.0.0 14:24:49 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 0 tml.size 2 14:24:49 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id sample-module-1.0.0 action enable 14:24:49 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:24:49 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies sample-module-1.0.0 14:24:49 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id sample-module-1.0.0 14:24:49 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 1 tml.size 2 14:24:49 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id request-only-1.0.0 action enable 14:24:49 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:24:49 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies request-only-1.0.0 14:24:49 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id request-only-1.0.0 14:24:49 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 2 tml.size 2 14:24:49 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id sample-module-1.0.0 action enable 14:24:49 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id request-only-1.0.0 action enable 14:24:49 INFO DepResolution getNextTM done null 14:24:49 INFO DepResolution installModules.returning OK 14:24:49 INFO DiscoveryManager autoDeploy sample-module-1.0.0 14:24:49 INFO DiscoveryManager autoDeploy sample-module-1.0.0 consider localhost 14:24:49 INFO DiscoveryManager autoDeploy sample-module-1.0.0 must deploy on node localhost 14:24:49 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { "srvcId" : "sample-module-1.0.0", "nodeId" : "localhost", "descriptor" : { "exec" : "java -Dport=%p -jar ../okapi-test-module/target/okapi-test-module-fat.jar" } } 14:24:49 INFO DeploymentManager deploy instId f8d62d3c-022d-4ff9-a2bd-103b5880a66f Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dmaven.ext.class.path="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554/pipeline-maven-spy.jar" -Dorg.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.maven.reportsFolder="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554" 14:24:50 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module okapi-test-module 2.39.0 started 14:24:50 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:24:50 INFO MainVerticle Starting okapi-test-module 2606@2dcd032ebaca on port 9231 14:24:50 INFO ? Succeeded in deploying verticle 14:24:50 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9231 count 0 14:24:50 INFO TcpPortWaiting Connected to service at host localhost port 9231 count 0 14:24:50 INFO DiscoveryManager autoDeploy request-only-1.0.0 14:24:50 INFO DiscoveryManager autoDeploy request-only-1.0.0 consider localhost 14:24:50 INFO DiscoveryManager autoDeploy request-only-1.0.0 must deploy on node localhost 14:24:50 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { "srvcId" : "request-only-1.0.0", "nodeId" : "localhost", "descriptor" : { "exec" : "java -Dport=%p -jar ../okapi-test-module/target/okapi-test-module-fat.jar" } } 14:24:50 INFO DeploymentManager deploy instId ff1491d2-7595-4c01-945d-3a2db4cd8011 Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dmaven.ext.class.path="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554/pipeline-maven-spy.jar" -Dorg.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.maven.reportsFolder="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554" 14:24:51 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module okapi-test-module 2.39.0 started 14:24:51 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:24:51 INFO MainVerticle Starting okapi-test-module 2633@2dcd032ebaca on port 9232 14:24:51 INFO ? Succeeded in deploying verticle 14:24:51 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9232 count 0 14:24:51 INFO TcpPortWaiting Connected to service at host localhost port 9232 count 0 14:24:51 WARN TenantManager Module 'sample-module-1.0.0' uses old-fashioned tenant interface. Define InterfaceType=system, and add a RoutingEntry. Falling back to calling /_/tenant. 14:24:51 INFO ProxyService syscall begin POST http://localhost:9231/_/tenant 14:24:51 INFO OkapiClient 883094/proxy;071488/tenant REQ okapiClient roskilde POST http://localhost:9231/_/tenant 14:24:51 INFO MainVerticle POST /_/tenant to okapi-est-module for tenant roskilde 14:24:51 INFO MainVerticle module_from=null module_to=sample-module-1.0.0 14:24:51 INFO OkapiClient 883094/proxy;071488/tenant RES 200 125948us okapiClient http://localhost:9231/_/tenant 14:24:51 INFO ProxyService syscall return POST http://localhost:9231/_/tenant 14:24:51 INFO InternalModule installUpgradeModules returns: [ { "id" : "sample-module-1.0.0", "action" : "enable" }, { "id" : "request-only-1.0.0", "action" : "enable" } ] 14:24:51 INFO ProxyContext 883094/proxy RES 200 2145235us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install?deploy=true 14:24:51 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module null seq1 0 14:24:51 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant roskilde 14:24:51 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:24:51 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module null seq1 0 14:24:51 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant roskilde 14:24:51 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:24:51 INFO ProxyContext 206044/testb REQ roskilde POST /testb request-only-1.0.0 sample-module-1.0.0 14:24:51 INFO ProxyContext 206044/testb RES 200 76873us request-only-1.0.0 http://localhost:9232/testb 14:24:51 INFO ProxyContext 206044/testb RES 200 7032us sample-module-1.0.0 http://localhost:9231/testb 14:24:51 INFO ProxyContext 014073/testb REQ roskilde POST /testb request-only-1.0.0 sample-module-1.0.0 14:24:51 INFO ProxyContext 014073/testb RES 500 2913us request-only-1.0.0 http://localhost:9232/testb 14:24:51 INFO ProxyContext 183831/discovery REQ supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:24:51 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { "instId" : "localhost-9236", "srvcId" : "request-pre-1.0.0", "url" : "http://localhost:9236" } 14:24:51 INFO ProxyContext 183831/discovery RES 201 945us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:24:51 INFO ProxyContext 572554/discovery REQ supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:24:51 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { "instId" : "localhost-9237", "srvcId" : "request-post-1.0.0", "url" : "http://localhost:9237" } 14:24:51 INFO ProxyContext 572554/discovery RES 201 965us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:24:51 INFO ProxyContext 084529/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install okapi-0.0.0 14:24:51 INFO TenantManager mod available: auth-f-module-1 14:24:51 INFO TenantManager mod available: okapi-0.0.0 14:24:51 INFO TenantManager mod available: request-only-1.0.0 14:24:51 INFO TenantManager mod enabled: request-only-1.0.0 14:24:51 INFO TenantManager mod available: request-post-1.0.0 14:24:51 INFO TenantManager mod available: request-pre-1.0.0 14:24:51 INFO TenantManager mod available: sample-module-1.0.0 14:24:51 INFO TenantManager mod enabled: sample-module-1.0.0 14:24:51 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 0 tml.size 3 14:24:51 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id request-pre-1.0.0 action enable 14:24:51 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:24:51 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies request-pre-1.0.0 14:24:51 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id request-pre-1.0.0 14:24:51 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 1 tml.size 3 14:24:51 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id auth-f-module-1 action enable 14:24:51 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:24:51 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies auth-f-module-1 14:24:51 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id auth-f-module-1 14:24:51 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 2 tml.size 3 14:24:51 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id request-only-1.0.0 action disable 14:24:51 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: return tm for action disable 14:24:51 INFO DepResolution removeModuleDependencies request-only-1.0.0 14:24:51 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id request-only-1.0.0 14:24:51 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 3 tml.size 3 14:24:51 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id request-pre-1.0.0 action enable 14:24:51 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id auth-f-module-1 action enable 14:24:51 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id request-only-1.0.0 action disable 14:24:51 INFO DepResolution getNextTM done null 14:24:51 INFO DepResolution installModules.returning OK 14:24:51 INFO DiscoveryManager autoDeploy request-pre-1.0.0 14:24:51 INFO DiscoveryManager autoDeploy request-pre-1.0.0 consider localhost 14:24:51 INFO DiscoveryManager autoDeploy request-pre-1.0.0 already deployed on localhost 14:24:51 INFO DiscoveryManager autoDeploy auth-f-module-1 14:24:51 INFO DiscoveryManager autoDeploy auth-f-module-1 consider localhost 14:24:51 INFO DiscoveryManager autoDeploy auth-f-module-1 must deploy on node localhost 14:24:51 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { "srvcId" : "auth-f-module-1", "nodeId" : "localhost", "descriptor" : { "exec" : "java -Dport=%p -jar ../okapi-test-auth-module/target/okapi-test-auth-module-fat.jar" } } 14:24:51 INFO DeploymentManager deploy instId 8b6ba522-6af9-430b-adab-8ff1f5fa0f0f Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dmaven.ext.class.path="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554/pipeline-maven-spy.jar" -Dorg.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.maven.reportsFolder="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554" 14:24:52 INFO MainVerticle Starting auth 2658@2dcd032ebaca on port 9233 14:24:52 INFO ? Succeeded in deploying verticle 14:24:52 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9233 count 0 14:24:52 INFO TcpPortWaiting Connected to service at host localhost port 9233 count 0 14:24:52 INFO TenantManager autoUndeploy mdF request-only-1.0.0 14:24:52 INFO DiscoveryManager autoUndeploy request-only-1.0.0 14:24:52 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy srvcId=request-only-1.0.0 instId=ff1491d2-7595-4c01-945d-3a2db4cd8011 node=localhost 14:24:52 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy calling.. 14:24:52 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module null seq1 0 14:24:52 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant roskilde 14:24:52 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:24:52 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module null seq1 0 14:24:52 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant roskilde 14:24:52 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:24:52 INFO DeploymentManager undeploy instId ff1491d2-7595-4c01-945d-3a2db4cd8011 14:24:52 INFO InternalModule installUpgradeModules returns: [ { "id" : "request-pre-1.0.0", "action" : "enable" }, { "id" : "auth-f-module-1", "action" : "enable" }, { "id" : "request-only-1.0.0", "action" : "disable" } ] 14:24:52 INFO ProxyContext 084529/proxy RES 200 1073540us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install?deploy=true 14:24:52 INFO ProxyContext 377465/authn REQ roskilde POST /authn/login auth-f-module-1 auth-f-module-1 14:24:53 INFO ProxyContext 377465/authn RES 202 108703us auth-f-module-1 http://localhost:9233/authn/login 14:24:53 INFO Auth test-auth: Ok login for peter: dummyJwt.eyJzdWIiOiJwZXRlciIsInRlbmFudCI6InJvc2tpbGRlIn0=.sig 14:24:53 INFO ProxyService New X-Okapi-Token returned by module auth-f-module-1 14:24:53 INFO ProxyContext 377465/authn RES 200 389631us auth-f-module-1 http://localhost:9233/authn/login 14:24:53 INFO ProxyContext 865469/testb REQ roskilde POST /testb auth-f-module-1 request-pre-1.0.0 sample-module-1.0.0 14:24:53 INFO Auth ovTok=null 14:24:53 INFO ProxyContext 865469/testb RES 202 14578us auth-f-module-1 http://localhost:9233/testb 14:24:53 INFO ProxyTest myPreHandle! 14:24:53 INFO ProxyContext 865469/testb RES 200 4083us sample-module-1.0.0 http://localhost:9231/testb 14:24:53 INFO ProxyTest myPreHandle end=Okapi 14:24:53 INFO ProxyContext 357684/testb REQ roskilde DELETE /testb auth-f-module-1 sample-module-1.0.0 14:24:53 INFO Auth ovTok=null 14:24:53 INFO ProxyContext 357684/testb RES 202 2999us auth-f-module-1 http://localhost:9233/testb 14:24:53 INFO ProxyContext 357684/testb RES 204 5674us sample-module-1.0.0 http://localhost:9231/testb 14:24:53 INFO ProxyContext 615251/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install okapi-0.0.0 14:24:53 INFO TenantManager mod available: auth-f-module-1 14:24:53 INFO TenantManager mod enabled: auth-f-module-1 14:24:53 INFO TenantManager mod available: okapi-0.0.0 14:24:53 INFO TenantManager mod available: request-only-1.0.0 14:24:53 INFO TenantManager mod available: request-post-1.0.0 14:24:53 INFO TenantManager mod available: request-pre-1.0.0 14:24:53 INFO TenantManager mod enabled: request-pre-1.0.0 14:24:53 INFO TenantManager mod available: sample-module-1.0.0 14:24:53 INFO TenantManager mod enabled: sample-module-1.0.0 14:24:53 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 0 tml.size 1 14:24:53 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id request-post-1.0.0 action enable 14:24:53 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:24:53 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies request-post-1.0.0 14:24:53 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id request-post-1.0.0 14:24:53 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 1 tml.size 1 14:24:53 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id request-post-1.0.0 action enable 14:24:53 INFO DepResolution getNextTM done null 14:24:53 INFO DepResolution installModules.returning OK 14:24:53 INFO DiscoveryManager autoDeploy request-post-1.0.0 14:24:53 INFO DiscoveryManager autoDeploy request-post-1.0.0 consider localhost 14:24:53 INFO DiscoveryManager autoDeploy request-post-1.0.0 already deployed on localhost 14:24:53 INFO InternalModule installUpgradeModules returns: [ { "id" : "request-post-1.0.0", "action" : "enable" } ] 14:24:53 INFO ProxyContext 615251/proxy RES 200 5368us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install?deploy=true 14:24:53 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module null seq1 0 14:24:53 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant roskilde 14:24:53 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:24:53 INFO ProxyContext 368017/testb REQ roskilde DELETE /testb auth-f-module-1 sample-module-1.0.0 14:24:53 INFO Auth ovTok=null 14:24:53 INFO ProxyContext 368017/testb RES 202 3491us auth-f-module-1 http://localhost:9233/testb 14:24:53 INFO ProxyContext 368017/testb RES 204 2044us sample-module-1.0.0 http://localhost:9231/testb 14:24:53 INFO ProxyContext 288329/testb REQ roskilde POST /testb auth-f-module-1 request-pre-1.0.0 sample-module-1.0.0 request-post-1.0.0 14:24:53 INFO Auth ovTok=null 14:24:53 INFO ProxyContext 288329/testb RES 202 3265us auth-f-module-1 http://localhost:9233/testb 14:24:53 INFO ProxyTest myPreHandle! 14:24:53 INFO ProxyTest myPreHandle end=Okapi 14:24:53 INFO ProxyContext 288329/testb RES 200 3471us sample-module-1.0.0 http://localhost:9231/testb 14:24:53 INFO ProxyTest myPostHandle! 14:24:53 INFO ProxyTest myPostHandle end=Hello Okapi 14:24:53 INFO ProxyContext 536771/discovery REQ supertenant DELETE /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:24:53 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy all 14:24:53 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy auth-f-module-1 8b6ba522-6af9-430b-adab-8ff1f5fa0f0f 14:24:53 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy srvcId=auth-f-module-1 instId=8b6ba522-6af9-430b-adab-8ff1f5fa0f0f node=localhost 14:24:53 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy calling.. 14:24:53 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy request-post-1.0.0 localhost-9237 14:24:53 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy srvcId=request-post-1.0.0 instId=localhost-9237 node=null 14:24:53 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy remove 14:24:53 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy request-pre-1.0.0 localhost-9236 14:24:53 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy srvcId=request-pre-1.0.0 instId=localhost-9236 node=null 14:24:53 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy remove 14:24:53 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy sample-module-1.0.0 f8d62d3c-022d-4ff9-a2bd-103b5880a66f 14:24:53 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy srvcId=sample-module-1.0.0 instId=f8d62d3c-022d-4ff9-a2bd-103b5880a66f node=localhost 14:24:53 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy calling.. 14:24:53 INFO DeploymentManager undeploy instId 8b6ba522-6af9-430b-adab-8ff1f5fa0f0f 14:24:53 INFO DeploymentManager undeploy instId f8d62d3c-022d-4ff9-a2bd-103b5880a66f 14:24:53 INFO ProxyContext 536771/discovery RES 204 87525us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:24:53 WARN oduleVersionReporter META-INF/maven/org.folio.okapi/okapi-core/ not found 14:24:53 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module null null started 14:24:53 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:24:53 INFO MainVerticle clusterManager not in use 14:24:53 INFO MainVerticle Proxy using inmemory storage 14:24:53 INFO InternalModule InternalModule starting okapiversion=null 14:24:53 INFO Storage prepareDatabases: NORMAL 14:24:53 INFO MainVerticle startModmanager 14:24:53 INFO MainVerticle startTenants 14:24:53 INFO MainVerticle checkInternalModules 14:24:53 INFO MainVerticle Creating the superTenant supertenant 14:24:53 INFO MainVerticle starting env 14:24:53 INFO MainVerticle Starting discovery 14:24:53 INFO MainVerticle Starting deployment 14:24:53 INFO MainVerticle API Gateway started PID 1909@2dcd032ebaca. Listening on port 9230 14:24:53 INFO MainVerticle Deploy completed succesfully 14:24:53 INFO TenantManager starting supertenant 14:24:53 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant supertenant module null seq1 0 14:24:53 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant supertenant 14:24:53 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:24:53 INFO ProxyContext 900757/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:24:53 INFO ProxyContext 900757/proxy RES 201 1046us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:24:54 INFO ProxyContext 481607/discovery REQ supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:24:54 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { "instId" : "localhost-9235", "srvcId" : "timer-module-1.0.0", "url" : "http://localhost:9235" } 14:24:54 INFO ProxyContext 481607/discovery RES 201 877us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:24:54 INFO ProxyContext 129872/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants okapi-0.0.0 14:24:54 INFO ProxyContext 129872/proxy RES 201 406us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants 14:24:54 INFO ProxyContext 273793/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:24:54 INFO ProxyContext 273793/proxy RES 200 237us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules 14:24:54 INFO ProxyContext 356370/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install okapi-0.0.0 14:24:54 INFO TenantManager mod available: okapi-0.0.0 14:24:54 INFO TenantManager mod available: timer-module-1.0.0 14:24:54 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 0 tml.size 1 14:24:54 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id timer-module-1.0.0 action enable 14:24:54 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:24:54 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies timer-module-1.0.0 14:24:54 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id timer-module-1.0.0 14:24:54 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 1 tml.size 1 14:24:54 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id timer-module-1.0.0 action enable 14:24:54 INFO DepResolution getNextTM done null 14:24:54 INFO DepResolution installModules.returning OK 14:24:54 INFO ProxyService syscall begin POST http://localhost:9235/_/tenant 14:24:54 INFO OkapiClient 356370/proxy;019631/tenant REQ okapiClient roskilde POST http://localhost:9235/_/tenant 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest myTimerHandle p=/_/tenant 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-request-method:POST 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Url:http://localhost:9230 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Request-Id:356370/proxy;019631/tenant 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-request-timestamp:1587047094031 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest Accept:*/* 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-request-ip: 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Url-to:http://localhost:9235 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Match-Path-Pattern:/_/proxy/tenants/{tenantId}/install 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Tenant:roskilde 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest Content-Type:application/json; charset=UTF-8 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest content-length:40 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest host:localhost:9235 14:24:54 INFO OkapiClient 356370/proxy;019631/tenant RES 200 3616us okapiClient http://localhost:9235/_/tenant 14:24:54 INFO ProxyService syscall return POST http://localhost:9235/_/tenant 14:24:54 INFO InternalModule installUpgradeModules returns: [ { "id" : "timer-module-1.0.0", "action" : "enable" } ] 14:24:54 INFO ProxyContext 356370/proxy RES 200 7034us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install 14:24:54 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module null seq1 0 14:24:54 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant roskilde 14:24:54 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:24:54 INFO ProxyContext 143810/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:24:54 INFO ProxyContext 143810/proxy RES 200 385us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules 14:24:54 INFO ProxyContext 140336/timercall REQ roskilde POST /timercall/1 timer-module-1.0.0 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest myTimerHandle p=/timercall/1 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest Accept:text/plain 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Tenant:roskilde 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest Content-Type:text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest Host:localhost:9230 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest Connection:Keep-Alive 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest User-Agent:Apache-HttpClient/4.5.3 (Java/1.8.0_242) 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest Accept-Encoding:gzip,deflate 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Request-Id:140336/timercall 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Url:http://localhost:9230 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-request-ip: 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-request-timestamp:1587047094060 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-request-method:POST 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Match-Path-Pattern:/timercall/{id} 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest transfer-encoding:chunked 14:24:54 INFO ProxyContext 140336/timercall RES 200 4743us timer-module-1.0.0 http://localhost:9235/timercall/1 14:24:54 INFO ProxyContext 324287/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:24:54 INFO ProxyContext 324287/proxy RES 201 1431us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:24:54 INFO ProxyContext 605425/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:24:54 INFO ProxyContext 605425/proxy RES 201 1262us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:24:54 INFO ProxyContext 983593/discovery REQ supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:24:54 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { "instId" : "localhost-9238", "srvcId" : "edge-module-1.0.0", "url" : "http://localhost:9238" } 14:24:54 INFO ProxyContext 983593/discovery RES 201 775us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:24:54 INFO ProxyContext 666768/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install okapi-0.0.0 14:24:54 INFO TenantManager mod available: edge-module-1.0.0 14:24:54 INFO TenantManager mod available: okapi-0.0.0 14:24:54 INFO TenantManager mod available: timer-module-1.0.0 14:24:54 INFO TenantManager mod enabled: timer-module-1.0.0 14:24:54 INFO TenantManager mod available: timer-module-1.0.1 14:24:54 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 0 tml.size 2 14:24:54 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id edge-module-1.0.0 action enable 14:24:54 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:24:54 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies edge-module-1.0.0 14:24:54 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id edge-module-1.0.0 14:24:54 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 1 tml.size 2 14:24:54 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id timer-module-1.0.1 action enable 14:24:54 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:24:54 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies timer-module-1.0.1 14:24:54 INFO DepResolution resolveModuleConflicts from timer-module-1.0.0 14:24:54 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id timer-module-1.0.1 14:24:54 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 2 tml.size 2 14:24:54 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id edge-module-1.0.0 action enable 14:24:54 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id timer-module-1.0.1 action enable 14:24:54 INFO DepResolution getNextTM done null 14:24:54 INFO DepResolution installModules.returning OK 14:24:54 INFO ProxyContext 666768/proxy RES 400 5610us okapi No running instances for module timer-module-1.0.1. Can not invoke /_/tenant 14:24:54 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=No running instances for module timer-module-1.0.1. Can not invoke /_/tenant 14:24:54 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module null seq1 0 14:24:54 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant roskilde 14:24:54 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:24:54 INFO ProxyContext 742307/discovery REQ supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:24:54 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { "instId" : "localhost1-9235", "srvcId" : "timer-module-1.0.1", "url" : "http://localhost:9235" } 14:24:54 INFO ProxyContext 742307/discovery RES 201 791us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:24:54 INFO ProxyContext 779712/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:24:54 INFO ProxyContext 779712/proxy RES 200 478us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules 14:24:54 INFO ProxyContext 877329/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install okapi-0.0.0 14:24:54 INFO TenantManager mod available: edge-module-1.0.0 14:24:54 INFO TenantManager mod enabled: edge-module-1.0.0 14:24:54 INFO TenantManager mod available: okapi-0.0.0 14:24:54 INFO TenantManager mod available: timer-module-1.0.0 14:24:54 INFO TenantManager mod enabled: timer-module-1.0.0 14:24:54 INFO TenantManager mod available: timer-module-1.0.1 14:24:54 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 0 tml.size 2 14:24:54 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id edge-module-1.0.0 action uptodate 14:24:54 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id timer-module-1.0.1 action enable 14:24:54 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:24:54 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies timer-module-1.0.1 14:24:54 INFO DepResolution resolveModuleConflicts from timer-module-1.0.0 14:24:54 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id timer-module-1.0.1 14:24:54 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 1 tml.size 2 14:24:54 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id edge-module-1.0.0 action uptodate 14:24:54 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id timer-module-1.0.1 action enable 14:24:54 INFO DepResolution getNextTM done null 14:24:54 INFO DepResolution installModules.returning OK 14:24:54 INFO ProxyService syscall begin POST http://localhost:9235/_/tenant 14:24:54 INFO OkapiClient 877329/proxy;040436/tenant REQ okapiClient roskilde POST http://localhost:9235/_/tenant 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest myTimerHandle p=/_/tenant 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-request-method:POST 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Url:http://localhost:9230 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Request-Id:877329/proxy;040436/tenant 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-request-timestamp:1587047094174 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest Accept:*/* 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-request-ip: 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Url-to:http://localhost:9235 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Match-Path-Pattern:/_/proxy/tenants/{tenantId}/install 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Tenant:roskilde 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest Content-Type:application/json; charset=UTF-8 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest content-length:80 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest host:localhost:9235 14:24:54 INFO OkapiClient 877329/proxy;040436/tenant RES 400 3067us okapiClient http://localhost:9235/_/tenant 14:24:54 INFO ProxyService syscall return POST http://localhost:9235/_/tenant 14:24:54 WARN ProxyService POST request for timer-module-1.0.1 /_/tenant failed with 400: timer response 14:24:54 INFO ProxyContext 877329/proxy RES 400 8926us okapi POST request for timer-module-1.0.1 /_/tenant failed with 400: timer response 14:24:54 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=POST request for timer-module-1.0.1 /_/tenant failed with 400: timer response 14:24:54 INFO ProxyContext 776235/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:24:54 INFO ProxyContext 776235/proxy RES 200 851us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules 14:24:54 INFO ProxyContext 776780/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install okapi-0.0.0 14:24:54 INFO TenantManager mod available: edge-module-1.0.0 14:24:54 INFO TenantManager mod enabled: edge-module-1.0.0 14:24:54 INFO TenantManager mod available: okapi-0.0.0 14:24:54 INFO TenantManager mod available: timer-module-1.0.0 14:24:54 INFO TenantManager mod enabled: timer-module-1.0.0 14:24:54 INFO TenantManager mod available: timer-module-1.0.1 14:24:54 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 0 tml.size 2 14:24:54 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id edge-module-1.0.0 action uptodate 14:24:54 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id timer-module-1.0.1 action enable 14:24:54 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:24:54 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies timer-module-1.0.1 14:24:54 INFO DepResolution resolveModuleConflicts from timer-module-1.0.0 14:24:54 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id timer-module-1.0.1 14:24:54 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 1 tml.size 2 14:24:54 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id edge-module-1.0.0 action uptodate 14:24:54 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id timer-module-1.0.1 action enable 14:24:54 INFO DepResolution getNextTM done null 14:24:54 INFO DepResolution installModules.returning OK 14:24:54 INFO ProxyService syscall begin POST http://localhost:9235/_/tenant 14:24:54 INFO OkapiClient 776780/proxy;106987/tenant REQ okapiClient roskilde POST http://localhost:9235/_/tenant 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest myTimerHandle p=/_/tenant 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-request-method:POST 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Url:http://localhost:9230 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Request-Id:776780/proxy;106987/tenant 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-request-timestamp:1587047094216 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest Accept:*/* 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-request-ip: 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Url-to:http://localhost:9235 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Match-Path-Pattern:/_/proxy/tenants/{tenantId}/install 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Tenant:roskilde 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest Content-Type:application/json; charset=UTF-8 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest content-length:80 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest host:localhost:9235 14:24:54 INFO OkapiClient 776780/proxy;106987/tenant RES 200 2464us okapiClient http://localhost:9235/_/tenant 14:24:54 INFO ProxyService syscall return POST http://localhost:9235/_/tenant 14:24:54 INFO ProxyService syscall begin POST http://localhost:9235/permissionscall 14:24:54 INFO OkapiClient 776780/proxy;235932/permissionscall REQ okapiClient roskilde POST http://localhost:9235/permissionscall 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest myTimerHandle p=/permissionscall 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-request-method:POST 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Url:http://localhost:9230 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Request-Id:776780/proxy;235932/permissionscall 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-request-timestamp:1587047094216 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest Accept:*/* 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-request-ip: 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Url-to:http://localhost:9235 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Match-Path-Pattern:/_/proxy/tenants/{tenantId}/install 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Tenant:roskilde 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest Content-Type:application/json; charset=UTF-8 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest content-length:124 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest host:localhost:9235 14:24:54 INFO OkapiClient 776780/proxy;235932/permissionscall RES 400 3285us okapiClient http://localhost:9235/permissionscall 14:24:54 INFO ProxyService syscall return POST http://localhost:9235/permissionscall 14:24:54 WARN ProxyService POST request for timer-module-1.0.1 /permissionscall failed with 400: timer permissions response 14:24:54 INFO ProxyContext 776780/proxy RES 400 18287us okapi POST request for timer-module-1.0.1 /permissionscall failed with 400: timer permissions response 14:24:54 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=POST request for timer-module-1.0.1 /permissionscall failed with 400: timer permissions response 14:24:54 INFO ProxyContext 965310/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:24:54 INFO ProxyContext 965310/proxy RES 200 774us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules 14:24:54 INFO ProxyContext 699143/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install okapi-0.0.0 14:24:54 INFO TenantManager mod available: edge-module-1.0.0 14:24:54 INFO TenantManager mod enabled: edge-module-1.0.0 14:24:54 INFO TenantManager mod available: okapi-0.0.0 14:24:54 INFO TenantManager mod available: timer-module-1.0.0 14:24:54 INFO TenantManager mod enabled: timer-module-1.0.0 14:24:54 INFO TenantManager mod available: timer-module-1.0.1 14:24:54 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 0 tml.size 2 14:24:54 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id edge-module-1.0.0 action uptodate 14:24:54 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id timer-module-1.0.1 action enable 14:24:54 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:24:54 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies timer-module-1.0.1 14:24:54 INFO DepResolution resolveModuleConflicts from timer-module-1.0.0 14:24:54 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id timer-module-1.0.1 14:24:54 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 1 tml.size 2 14:24:54 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id edge-module-1.0.0 action uptodate 14:24:54 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id timer-module-1.0.1 action enable 14:24:54 INFO DepResolution getNextTM done null 14:24:54 INFO DepResolution installModules.returning OK 14:24:54 INFO ProxyService syscall begin POST http://localhost:9235/_/tenant 14:24:54 INFO OkapiClient 699143/proxy;681147/tenant REQ okapiClient roskilde POST http://localhost:9235/_/tenant 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest myTimerHandle p=/_/tenant 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-request-method:POST 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Url:http://localhost:9230 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Request-Id:699143/proxy;681147/tenant 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-request-timestamp:1587047094257 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest Accept:*/* 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-request-ip: 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Url-to:http://localhost:9235 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Match-Path-Pattern:/_/proxy/tenants/{tenantId}/install 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Tenant:roskilde 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest Content-Type:application/json; charset=UTF-8 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest content-length:80 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest host:localhost:9235 14:24:54 INFO OkapiClient 699143/proxy;681147/tenant RES 200 2668us okapiClient http://localhost:9235/_/tenant 14:24:54 INFO ProxyService syscall return POST http://localhost:9235/_/tenant 14:24:54 INFO ProxyService syscall begin POST http://localhost:9235/permissionscall 14:24:54 INFO OkapiClient 699143/proxy;622149/permissionscall REQ okapiClient roskilde POST http://localhost:9235/permissionscall 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest myTimerHandle p=/permissionscall 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-request-method:POST 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Url:http://localhost:9230 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Request-Id:699143/proxy;622149/permissionscall 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-request-timestamp:1587047094257 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest Accept:*/* 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-request-ip: 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Url-to:http://localhost:9235 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Match-Path-Pattern:/_/proxy/tenants/{tenantId}/install 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Tenant:roskilde 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest Content-Type:application/json; charset=UTF-8 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest content-length:124 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest host:localhost:9235 14:24:54 INFO OkapiClient 699143/proxy;622149/permissionscall RES 200 3596us okapiClient http://localhost:9235/permissionscall 14:24:54 INFO ProxyService syscall return POST http://localhost:9235/permissionscall 14:24:54 INFO ProxyService syscall begin POST http://localhost:9235/permissionscall 14:24:54 INFO OkapiClient 699143/proxy;839179/permissionscall REQ okapiClient roskilde POST http://localhost:9235/permissionscall 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest myTimerHandle p=/permissionscall 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-request-method:POST 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Url:http://localhost:9230 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Request-Id:699143/proxy;839179/permissionscall 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-request-timestamp:1587047094257 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest Accept:*/* 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-request-ip: 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Url-to:http://localhost:9235 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Match-Path-Pattern:/_/proxy/tenants/{tenantId}/install 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Tenant:roskilde 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest Content-Type:application/json; charset=UTF-8 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest content-length:105 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest host:localhost:9235 14:24:54 INFO OkapiClient 699143/proxy;839179/permissionscall RES 200 2279us okapiClient http://localhost:9235/permissionscall 14:24:54 INFO ProxyService syscall return POST http://localhost:9235/permissionscall 14:24:54 INFO ProxyService syscall begin POST http://localhost:9235/permissionscall 14:24:54 INFO OkapiClient 699143/proxy;457031/permissionscall REQ okapiClient roskilde POST http://localhost:9235/permissionscall 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest myTimerHandle p=/permissionscall 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-request-method:POST 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Url:http://localhost:9230 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Request-Id:699143/proxy;457031/permissionscall 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-request-timestamp:1587047094257 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest Accept:*/* 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-request-ip: 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Url-to:http://localhost:9235 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Match-Path-Pattern:/_/proxy/tenants/{tenantId}/install 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Tenant:roskilde 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest Content-Type:application/json; charset=UTF-8 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest content-length:130 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest host:localhost:9235 14:24:54 INFO OkapiClient 699143/proxy;457031/permissionscall RES 200 2763us okapiClient http://localhost:9235/permissionscall 14:24:54 INFO ProxyService syscall return POST http://localhost:9235/permissionscall 14:24:54 INFO InternalModule installUpgradeModules returns: [ { "id" : "edge-module-1.0.0", "action" : "uptodate" }, { "id" : "timer-module-1.0.1", "from" : "timer-module-1.0.0", "action" : "enable" } ] 14:24:54 INFO ProxyContext 699143/proxy RES 200 22473us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install 14:24:54 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module null seq1 0 14:24:54 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant roskilde 14:24:54 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:24:54 INFO ProxyContext 353377/timercall REQ roskilde POST /timercall/1 timer-module-1.0.1 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest myTimerHandle p=/timercall/1 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest Accept:text/plain 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Tenant:roskilde 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest Content-Type:text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest Host:localhost:9230 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest Connection:Keep-Alive 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest User-Agent:Apache-HttpClient/4.5.3 (Java/1.8.0_242) 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest Accept-Encoding:gzip,deflate 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Request-Id:353377/timercall 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Url:http://localhost:9230 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-request-ip: 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-request-timestamp:1587047094291 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-request-method:POST 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Match-Path-Pattern:/timercall/{id} 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest transfer-encoding:chunked 14:24:54 INFO ProxyContext 353377/timercall RES 200 4541us timer-module-1.0.1 http://localhost:9235/timercall/1 14:24:54 INFO ProxyContext 286575/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:24:54 INFO ProxyContext 286575/proxy RES 201 1543us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:24:54 INFO ProxyContext 555514/discovery REQ supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:24:54 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { "instId" : "localhost2-9235", "srvcId" : "timer-module-1.0.2", "url" : "http://localhost:9235" } 14:24:54 INFO ProxyContext 555514/discovery RES 201 1091us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:24:54 INFO ProxyContext 163720/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install okapi-0.0.0 14:24:54 INFO TenantManager mod available: edge-module-1.0.0 14:24:54 INFO TenantManager mod enabled: edge-module-1.0.0 14:24:54 INFO TenantManager mod available: okapi-0.0.0 14:24:54 INFO TenantManager mod available: timer-module-1.0.0 14:24:54 INFO TenantManager mod available: timer-module-1.0.1 14:24:54 INFO TenantManager mod enabled: timer-module-1.0.1 14:24:54 INFO TenantManager mod available: timer-module-1.0.2 14:24:54 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 0 tml.size 1 14:24:54 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id timer-module-1.0.2 action enable 14:24:54 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:24:54 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies timer-module-1.0.2 14:24:54 INFO DepResolution resolveModuleConflicts from timer-module-1.0.1 14:24:54 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id timer-module-1.0.2 14:24:54 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 1 tml.size 1 14:24:54 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id timer-module-1.0.2 action enable 14:24:54 INFO DepResolution getNextTM done null 14:24:54 INFO DepResolution installModules.returning OK 14:24:54 INFO ProxyService syscall begin POST http://localhost:9235/_/tenant 14:24:54 INFO OkapiClient 163720/proxy;310098/tenant REQ okapiClient roskilde POST http://localhost:9235/_/tenant 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest myTimerHandle p=/_/tenant 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-request-method:POST 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Url:http://localhost:9230 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Request-Id:163720/proxy;310098/tenant 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-request-timestamp:1587047094334 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest Accept:*/* 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-request-ip: 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Url-to:http://localhost:9235 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Match-Path-Pattern:/_/proxy/tenants/{tenantId}/install 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Tenant:roskilde 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest Content-Type:application/json; charset=UTF-8 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest content-length:80 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest host:localhost:9235 14:24:54 INFO OkapiClient 163720/proxy;310098/tenant RES 200 2638us okapiClient http://localhost:9235/_/tenant 14:24:54 INFO ProxyService syscall return POST http://localhost:9235/_/tenant 14:24:54 INFO ProxyService syscall begin POST http://localhost:9235/permissionscall 14:24:54 INFO OkapiClient 163720/proxy;504325/permissionscall REQ okapiClient roskilde POST http://localhost:9235/permissionscall 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest myTimerHandle p=/permissionscall 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-request-method:POST 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Url:http://localhost:9230 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Request-Id:163720/proxy;504325/permissionscall 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-request-timestamp:1587047094334 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest Accept:*/* 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-request-ip: 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Url-to:http://localhost:9235 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Match-Path-Pattern:/_/proxy/tenants/{tenantId}/install 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest X-Okapi-Tenant:roskilde 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest Content-Type:application/json; charset=UTF-8 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest content-length:130 14:24:54 INFO ProxyTest host:localhost:9235 14:24:54 INFO OkapiClient 163720/proxy;504325/permissionscall RES 400 4471us okapiClient http://localhost:9235/permissionscall 14:24:54 INFO ProxyService syscall return POST http://localhost:9235/permissionscall 14:24:54 WARN ProxyService POST request for timer-module-1.0.2 /permissionscall failed with 400: timer permissions response 14:24:54 INFO ProxyContext 163720/proxy RES 400 14616us okapi POST request for timer-module-1.0.2 /permissionscall failed with 400: timer permissions response 14:24:54 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=POST request for timer-module-1.0.2 /permissionscall failed with 400: timer permissions response 14:24:54 INFO ProxyContext 651964/discovery REQ supertenant DELETE /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:24:54 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy all 14:24:54 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy edge-module-1.0.0 localhost-9238 14:24:54 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy srvcId=edge-module-1.0.0 instId=localhost-9238 node=null 14:24:54 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy remove 14:24:54 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy timer-module-1.0.0 localhost-9235 14:24:54 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy srvcId=timer-module-1.0.0 instId=localhost-9235 node=null 14:24:54 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy remove 14:24:54 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy timer-module-1.0.1 localhost1-9235 14:24:54 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy srvcId=timer-module-1.0.1 instId=localhost1-9235 node=null 14:24:54 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy remove 14:24:54 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy timer-module-1.0.2 localhost2-9235 14:24:54 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy srvcId=timer-module-1.0.2 instId=localhost2-9235 node=null 14:24:54 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy remove 14:24:54 INFO ProxyContext 651964/discovery RES 204 2938us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules Tests run: 10, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 25.224 sec - in org.folio.okapi.ProxyTest Running org.folio.okapi.ModuleTest 14:24:54 WARN oduleVersionReporter META-INF/maven/org.folio.okapi/okapi-core/ not found 14:24:54 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module null null started 14:24:54 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:24:54 INFO MainVerticle clusterManager not in use 14:24:54 INFO MainVerticle Proxy using inmemory storage 14:24:54 INFO InternalModule InternalModule starting okapiversion=null 14:24:54 INFO Storage prepareDatabases: NORMAL 14:24:54 INFO MainVerticle startModmanager 14:24:54 INFO MainVerticle startTenants 14:24:54 INFO MainVerticle checkInternalModules 14:24:54 INFO MainVerticle Creating the superTenant supertenant 14:24:54 INFO MainVerticle starting env 14:24:54 INFO MainVerticle Starting discovery 14:24:54 INFO MainVerticle Starting deployment 14:24:54 INFO MainVerticle API Gateway started PID 1909@2dcd032ebaca. Listening on port 9230 14:24:54 INFO MainVerticle Deploy completed succesfully 14:24:54 INFO TenantManager starting supertenant 14:24:54 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant supertenant module null seq1 0 14:24:54 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant supertenant 14:24:54 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:24:54 INFO ProxyContext 418209/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants okapi-0.0.0 14:24:54 INFO ProxyContext 418209/proxy RES 201 661us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants 14:24:54 INFO ProxyContext 722148/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:24:54 WARN ProxyContext 722148/proxy Module 'sample-module-1' has no Requires section. If the module really does not require any other interfaces, provide an empty array to be explicit about it. 14:24:54 WARN ProxyContext 722148/proxy Module 'sample-module-1' filters /test2: uses old type path. Use a pathPattern instead 14:24:54 WARN ProxyContext 722148/proxy Module 'sample-module-1' filters /test2: uses DEPRECATED level. Use a phase=auth instead 14:24:54 INFO ProxyContext 722148/proxy RES 201 1498us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:24:54 INFO ProxyContext 013196/discovery REQ supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:24:54 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { "srvcId" : "sample-module-1", "nodeId" : "localhost", "descriptor" : { "exec" : "java -Dport=%p -jar ../okapi-test-module/target/okapi-test-module-fat.jar" } } 14:24:54 INFO DeploymentManager deploy instId 6f896e4f-d2b8-496c-b373-c4957423e8b1 Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dmaven.ext.class.path="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554/pipeline-maven-spy.jar" -Dorg.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.maven.reportsFolder="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554" 14:24:55 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module okapi-test-module 2.39.0 started 14:24:55 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:24:55 INFO MainVerticle Starting okapi-test-module 2806@2dcd032ebaca on port 9231 14:24:55 INFO ? Succeeded in deploying verticle 14:24:55 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9231 count 0 14:24:55 INFO TcpPortWaiting Connected to service at host localhost port 9231 count 0 14:24:55 INFO ProxyContext 013196/discovery RES 201 1006152us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:24:55 INFO ProxyContext 234220/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:24:55 INFO ProxyContext 234220/proxy RES 201 603us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules 14:24:55 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module null seq1 0 14:24:55 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant roskilde 14:24:55 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:24:55 INFO ProxyContext 791258/test2 RES 404 - okapi No suitable module found for path /test2 for tenant roskilde 14:24:55 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=404 msg=No suitable module found for path /test2 for tenant roskilde 14:24:55 INFO ProxyContext 488524/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/sample-module-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:24:55 INFO ProxyContext 488524/proxy RES 204 682us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/sample-module-1 14:24:55 INFO ProxyContext 435711/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/modules/sample-module-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:24:55 INFO ProxyContext 435711/proxy RES 204 439us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules/sample-module-1 14:24:55 INFO ProxyContext 462983/discovery REQ supertenant DELETE /_/discovery/modules/sample-module-1/6f896e4f-d2b8-496c-b373-c4957423e8b1 okapi-0.0.0 14:24:55 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy: srvcId sample-module-1 instId 6f896e4f-d2b8-496c-b373-c4957423e8b1 14:24:55 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy sample-module-1 6f896e4f-d2b8-496c-b373-c4957423e8b1 14:24:55 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy srvcId=sample-module-1 instId=6f896e4f-d2b8-496c-b373-c4957423e8b1 node=localhost 14:24:55 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy calling.. 14:24:55 INFO DeploymentManager undeploy instId 6f896e4f-d2b8-496c-b373-c4957423e8b1 14:24:55 INFO ProxyContext 462983/discovery RES 204 34246us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules/sample-module-1/6f896e4f-d2b8-496c-b373-c4957423e8b1 14:24:55 INFO ProxyContext 305585/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:24:55 WARN ProxyContext 305585/proxy Module 'sample-module-1' has no Requires section. If the module really does not require any other interfaces, provide an empty array to be explicit about it. 14:24:55 WARN ProxyContext 305585/proxy Module 'sample-module-1' filters /test2: uses old type path. Use a pathPattern instead 14:24:55 WARN ProxyContext 305585/proxy Module 'sample-module-1' filters /test2: uses DEPRECATED level. Use a phase=auth instead 14:24:55 INFO ProxyContext 305585/proxy RES 201 1086us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:24:55 INFO ProxyContext 118756/discovery REQ supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:24:55 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { "srvcId" : "sample-module-1", "nodeId" : "localhost", "descriptor" : { "exec" : "java -Dport=%p -jar ../okapi-test-module/target/okapi-test-module-fat.jar" } } 14:24:55 INFO DeploymentManager deploy instId 35624543-6456-4615-b99b-ae5e950f89d9 Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dmaven.ext.class.path="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554/pipeline-maven-spy.jar" -Dorg.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.maven.reportsFolder="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554" 14:24:56 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module okapi-test-module 2.39.0 started 14:24:56 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:24:56 INFO MainVerticle Starting okapi-test-module 2854@2dcd032ebaca on port 9231 14:24:56 INFO ? Succeeded in deploying verticle 14:24:56 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9231 count 0 14:24:56 INFO TcpPortWaiting Connected to service at host localhost port 9231 count 0 14:24:56 INFO ProxyContext 118756/discovery RES 201 1005964us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:24:56 INFO ProxyContext 173164/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:24:56 INFO ProxyContext 173164/proxy RES 201 674us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules 14:24:56 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module null seq1 0 14:24:56 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant roskilde 14:24:56 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:24:56 INFO ProxyContext 971992/test2 RES 404 - okapi No suitable module found for path /test2 for tenant roskilde 14:24:56 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=404 msg=No suitable module found for path /test2 for tenant roskilde 14:24:56 INFO ProxyContext 976366/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/sample-module-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:24:56 INFO ProxyContext 976366/proxy RES 204 483us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/sample-module-1 14:24:56 INFO ProxyContext 608002/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/modules/sample-module-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:24:56 INFO ProxyContext 608002/proxy RES 204 456us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules/sample-module-1 14:24:56 INFO ProxyContext 566333/discovery REQ supertenant DELETE /_/discovery/modules/sample-module-1/35624543-6456-4615-b99b-ae5e950f89d9 okapi-0.0.0 14:24:56 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy: srvcId sample-module-1 instId 35624543-6456-4615-b99b-ae5e950f89d9 14:24:56 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy sample-module-1 35624543-6456-4615-b99b-ae5e950f89d9 14:24:56 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy srvcId=sample-module-1 instId=35624543-6456-4615-b99b-ae5e950f89d9 node=localhost 14:24:56 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy calling.. 14:24:56 INFO DeploymentManager undeploy instId 35624543-6456-4615-b99b-ae5e950f89d9 14:24:56 INFO ProxyContext 566333/discovery RES 204 35802us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules/sample-module-1/35624543-6456-4615-b99b-ae5e950f89d9 14:24:56 INFO ProxyContext 571848/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:24:56 WARN ProxyContext 571848/proxy Module 'sample-module-1' has no Requires section. If the module really does not require any other interfaces, provide an empty array to be explicit about it. 14:24:56 WARN ProxyContext 571848/proxy Module 'sample-module-1' filters /test2: uses old type path. Use a pathPattern instead 14:24:56 WARN ProxyContext 571848/proxy Module 'sample-module-1' filters /test2: uses DEPRECATED level. Use a phase=auth instead 14:24:56 INFO ProxyContext 571848/proxy RES 201 1296us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:24:56 INFO ProxyContext 998534/discovery REQ supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:24:56 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { "srvcId" : "sample-module-1", "nodeId" : "localhost", "descriptor" : { "exec" : "java -Dport=%p -jar ../okapi-test-module/target/okapi-test-module-fat.jar" } } 14:24:56 INFO DeploymentManager deploy instId 0d1954fc-17f7-4080-b7fd-b3b85af2112f Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dmaven.ext.class.path="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554/pipeline-maven-spy.jar" -Dorg.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.maven.reportsFolder="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554" 14:24:57 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module okapi-test-module 2.39.0 started 14:24:57 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:24:57 INFO MainVerticle Starting okapi-test-module 2904@2dcd032ebaca on port 9231 14:24:57 INFO ? Succeeded in deploying verticle 14:24:57 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9231 count 0 14:24:57 INFO TcpPortWaiting Connected to service at host localhost port 9231 count 0 14:24:57 INFO ProxyContext 998534/discovery RES 201 1005337us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:24:57 INFO ProxyContext 187416/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:24:57 INFO ProxyContext 187416/proxy RES 201 730us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules 14:24:57 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module null seq1 0 14:24:57 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant roskilde 14:24:57 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:24:57 INFO ProxyContext 693458/test2 RES 404 - okapi No suitable module found for path /test2 for tenant roskilde 14:24:57 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=404 msg=No suitable module found for path /test2 for tenant roskilde 14:24:57 INFO ProxyContext 245328/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/sample-module-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:24:57 INFO ProxyContext 245328/proxy RES 204 491us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/sample-module-1 14:24:57 INFO ProxyContext 821072/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/modules/sample-module-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:24:57 INFO ProxyContext 821072/proxy RES 204 458us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules/sample-module-1 14:24:57 INFO ProxyContext 943995/discovery REQ supertenant DELETE /_/discovery/modules/sample-module-1/0d1954fc-17f7-4080-b7fd-b3b85af2112f okapi-0.0.0 14:24:57 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy: srvcId sample-module-1 instId 0d1954fc-17f7-4080-b7fd-b3b85af2112f 14:24:57 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy sample-module-1 0d1954fc-17f7-4080-b7fd-b3b85af2112f 14:24:57 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy srvcId=sample-module-1 instId=0d1954fc-17f7-4080-b7fd-b3b85af2112f node=localhost 14:24:57 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy calling.. 14:24:57 INFO DeploymentManager undeploy instId 0d1954fc-17f7-4080-b7fd-b3b85af2112f 14:24:57 INFO ProxyContext 943995/discovery RES 204 42305us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules/sample-module-1/0d1954fc-17f7-4080-b7fd-b3b85af2112f 14:24:57 INFO ProxyContext 079630/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde okapi-0.0.0 14:24:57 INFO ProxyContext 079630/proxy RES 204 158us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde 14:24:57 INFO ModuleTest Cleaning up after ModuleTest 14:24:57 WARN oduleVersionReporter META-INF/maven/org.folio.okapi/okapi-core/ not found 14:24:57 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module null null started 14:24:57 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:24:57 INFO MainVerticle clusterManager not in use 14:24:57 INFO MainVerticle Proxy using inmemory storage 14:24:57 INFO InternalModule InternalModule starting okapiversion=null 14:24:57 INFO Storage prepareDatabases: NORMAL 14:24:57 INFO MainVerticle startModmanager 14:24:57 INFO MainVerticle startTenants 14:24:57 INFO MainVerticle checkInternalModules 14:24:57 INFO MainVerticle Creating the superTenant supertenant 14:24:57 INFO MainVerticle starting env 14:24:57 INFO MainVerticle Starting discovery 14:24:57 INFO MainVerticle Starting deployment 14:24:57 INFO MainVerticle API Gateway started PID 1909@2dcd032ebaca. Listening on port 9230 14:24:57 INFO MainVerticle Deploy completed succesfully 14:24:57 INFO TenantManager starting supertenant 14:24:57 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant supertenant module null seq1 0 14:24:57 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant supertenant 14:24:57 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:24:57 INFO ProxyContext 134734/deployment REQ supertenant GET /_/deployment/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:24:57 INFO ProxyContext 134734/deployment RES 200 572us okapi-0.0.0 /_/deployment/modules 14:24:57 INFO ProxyContext 634510/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/nodes okapi-0.0.0 14:24:57 INFO ProxyContext 634510/discovery RES 200 261us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/nodes 14:24:57 INFO ProxyContext 060072/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:24:57 INFO ProxyContext 060072/discovery RES 200 150us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:24:57 INFO ProxyContext 482560/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:24:57 INFO ProxyContext 482560/proxy RES 200 1011us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:24:57 INFO ProxyContext 247361/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/tenants okapi-0.0.0 14:24:57 INFO ProxyContext 247361/proxy RES 200 269us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants 14:24:57 INFO ProxyContext 561958/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants okapi-0.0.0 14:24:57 INFO ProxyContext 561958/proxy RES 201 391us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants 14:24:57 INFO ProxyContext 993475/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:24:57 INFO ProxyContext 993475/proxy RES 201 711us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules 14:24:57 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module null seq1 0 14:24:57 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant roskilde 14:24:57 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:24:57 INFO ProxyContext 749714/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:24:57 WARN ProxyContext 749714/proxy Module 'header-1' handlers /_/tenantPermissions: uses old type path. Use a pathPattern instead 14:24:57 WARN ProxyContext 749714/proxy Module 'header-1' handlers /_/tenantPermissions: uses DEPRECATED level. 14:24:57 WARN ProxyContext 749714/proxy Module 'header-1' has no Requires section. If the module really does not require any other interfaces, provide an empty array to be explicit about it. 14:24:57 INFO ProxyContext 749714/proxy RES 201 1171us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:24:57 INFO ProxyContext 262940/discovery REQ supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:24:57 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { "instId" : "header-1-inst", "srvcId" : "header-1", "nodeId" : "localhost" } 14:24:57 INFO DeploymentManager deploy instId header-1-inst Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dmaven.ext.class.path="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554/pipeline-maven-spy.jar" -Dorg.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.maven.reportsFolder="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554" 14:24:58 INFO MainVerticle Starting okapi-test-header-module 2977@2dcd032ebaca on port 9231 14:24:58 INFO ? Succeeded in deploying verticle 14:24:58 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9231 count 0 14:24:58 INFO TcpPortWaiting Connected to service at host localhost port 9231 count 0 14:24:58 INFO ProxyContext 262940/discovery RES 201 1005915us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:24:58 INFO ProxyContext 999228/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:24:58 INFO ProxyService syscall begin POST http://localhost:9231/_/tenantPermissions 14:24:58 INFO OkapiClient 999228/proxy;214125/tenantPermissions REQ okapiClient roskilde POST http://localhost:9231/_/tenantPermissions 14:24:59 INFO MainVerticle tenantPermissions: { "moduleId" : "okapi-0.0.0", "perms" : [ { "permissionName" : "okapi.deployment... 14:24:59 INFO OkapiClient 999228/proxy;214125/tenantPermissions RES 200 93809us okapiClient http://localhost:9231/_/tenantPermissions 14:24:59 INFO ProxyService syscall return POST http://localhost:9231/_/tenantPermissions 14:24:59 INFO ProxyService syscall begin POST http://localhost:9231/_/tenantPermissions 14:24:59 INFO OkapiClient 999228/proxy;859004/tenantPermissions REQ okapiClient roskilde POST http://localhost:9231/_/tenantPermissions 14:24:59 INFO MainVerticle tenantPermissions: { "moduleId" : "header-1", "perms" : null } 14:24:59 INFO OkapiClient 999228/proxy;859004/tenantPermissions RES 200 2244us okapiClient http://localhost:9231/_/tenantPermissions 14:24:59 INFO ProxyService syscall return POST http://localhost:9231/_/tenantPermissions 14:24:59 INFO ProxyContext 999228/proxy RES 201 100211us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules 14:24:59 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module null seq1 0 14:24:59 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant roskilde 14:24:59 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:24:59 INFO ProxyContext 767630/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:24:59 WARN ProxyContext 767630/proxy Module 'sample-module-1' handlers /testb: uses old type path. Use a pathPattern instead 14:24:59 WARN ProxyContext 767630/proxy Module 'sample-module-1' handlers /testb: uses DEPRECATED level. 14:24:59 WARN ProxyContext 767630/proxy Module 'sample-module-1' handlers uses type=request-response. That is the default, you can leave it out 14:24:59 WARN ProxyContext 767630/proxy Module 'sample-module-1' handlers /_/tenant: uses old type path. Use a pathPattern instead 14:24:59 WARN ProxyContext 767630/proxy Module 'sample-module-1' handlers /_/tenant: uses DEPRECATED level. 14:24:59 WARN ProxyContext 767630/proxy Module 'sample-module-1' handlers /_/tenant: uses DEPRECATED type 'system' 14:24:59 WARN ProxyContext 767630/proxy Module 'sample-module-1' has no Requires section. If the module really does not require any other interfaces, provide an empty array to be explicit about it. 14:24:59 INFO ProxyContext 767630/proxy RES 201 1701us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:24:59 INFO ProxyContext 580856/discovery REQ supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:24:59 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { "instId" : "sample-1-inst", "srvcId" : "sample-module-1", "nodeId" : "localhost" } 14:24:59 INFO DeploymentManager deploy instId sample-1-inst Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dmaven.ext.class.path="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554/pipeline-maven-spy.jar" -Dorg.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.maven.reportsFolder="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554" 14:24:59 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module okapi-test-module 2.39.0 started 14:24:59 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:24:59 INFO MainVerticle Starting okapi-test-module 3002@2dcd032ebaca on port 9232 14:24:59 INFO ? Succeeded in deploying verticle 14:25:00 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9232 count 0 14:25:00 INFO TcpPortWaiting Connected to service at host localhost port 9232 count 0 14:25:00 INFO ProxyContext 580856/discovery RES 201 1004837us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:25:00 INFO ProxyContext 702694/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:00 INFO ProxyService syscall begin POST http://localhost:9232/_/tenant 14:25:00 INFO OkapiClient 702694/proxy;796799/tenant REQ okapiClient roskilde POST http://localhost:9232/_/tenant 14:25:00 INFO MainVerticle POST /_/tenant to okapi-est-module for tenant roskilde 14:25:00 INFO MainVerticle module_from=null module_to=sample-module-1 14:25:00 INFO OkapiClient 702694/proxy;796799/tenant RES 200 125513us okapiClient http://localhost:9232/_/tenant 14:25:00 INFO ProxyService syscall return POST http://localhost:9232/_/tenant 14:25:00 INFO ProxyService syscall begin POST http://localhost:9231/_/tenantPermissions 14:25:00 INFO OkapiClient 702694/proxy;043766/tenantPermissions REQ okapiClient roskilde POST http://localhost:9231/_/tenantPermissions 14:25:00 INFO MainVerticle tenantPermissions: { "moduleId" : "sample-module-1", "perms" : [ { "permissionName" : "everything",... 14:25:00 INFO OkapiClient 702694/proxy;043766/tenantPermissions RES 200 2689us okapiClient http://localhost:9231/_/tenantPermissions 14:25:00 INFO ProxyService syscall return POST http://localhost:9231/_/tenantPermissions 14:25:00 INFO ProxyContext 702694/proxy RES 201 132054us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules 14:25:00 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module null seq1 0 14:25:00 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant roskilde 14:25:00 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:25:00 INFO ProxyContext 586779/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:00 WARN ProxyContext 586779/proxy Module 'sample-module2-1' has no Requires section. If the module really does not require any other interfaces, provide an empty array to be explicit about it. 14:25:00 INFO ProxyContext 586779/proxy RES 201 868us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:25:00 INFO ProxyContext 416280/discovery REQ supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:00 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { "instId" : "sample2-1-inst", "srvcId" : "sample-module2-1", "nodeId" : "localhost" } 14:25:00 INFO DeploymentManager deploy instId sample2-1-inst Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dmaven.ext.class.path="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554/pipeline-maven-spy.jar" -Dorg.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.maven.reportsFolder="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554" 14:25:01 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module okapi-test-module 2.39.0 started 14:25:01 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:25:01 INFO MainVerticle Starting okapi-test-module 3029@2dcd032ebaca on port 9233 14:25:01 INFO ? Succeeded in deploying verticle 14:25:01 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9233 count 0 14:25:01 INFO TcpPortWaiting Connected to service at host localhost port 9233 count 0 14:25:01 INFO ProxyContext 416280/discovery RES 201 1004954us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:25:01 INFO ProxyContext 260373/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:01 INFO ProxyService syscall begin POST http://localhost:9231/_/tenantPermissions 14:25:01 INFO OkapiClient 260373/proxy;479339/tenantPermissions REQ okapiClient roskilde POST http://localhost:9231/_/tenantPermissions 14:25:01 INFO MainVerticle tenantPermissions: { "moduleId" : "sample-module2-1", "perms" : null } 14:25:01 INFO OkapiClient 260373/proxy;479339/tenantPermissions RES 200 2238us okapiClient http://localhost:9231/_/tenantPermissions 14:25:01 INFO ProxyService syscall return POST http://localhost:9231/_/tenantPermissions 14:25:01 INFO ProxyContext 260373/proxy RES 201 4050us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules 14:25:01 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module null seq1 0 14:25:01 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant roskilde 14:25:01 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:25:01 INFO ProxyContext 876173/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/sample-module-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:25:01 INFO ProxyContext 876173/proxy RES 204 561us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/sample-module-1 14:25:01 INFO ProxyContext 009922/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:01 WARN ProxyContext 009922/proxy Module 'auth-1' handlers /authn/login: uses old type path. Use a pathPattern instead 14:25:01 WARN ProxyContext 009922/proxy Module 'auth-1' handlers /authn/login: uses DEPRECATED level. 14:25:01 WARN ProxyContext 009922/proxy Module 'auth-1' handlers uses type=request-response. That is the default, you can leave it out 14:25:01 WARN ProxyContext 009922/proxy Module 'auth-1' filters /: uses old type path. Use a pathPattern instead 14:25:01 INFO ProxyContext 009922/proxy RES 201 2129us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:25:01 INFO ProxyContext 141713/discovery REQ supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:01 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { "instId" : "auth-1-inst", "srvcId" : "auth-1", "nodeId" : "localhost" } 14:25:01 INFO DeploymentManager deploy instId auth-1-inst Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dmaven.ext.class.path="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554/pipeline-maven-spy.jar" -Dorg.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.maven.reportsFolder="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554" 14:25:01 INFO MainVerticle Starting auth 3054@2dcd032ebaca on port 9234 14:25:02 INFO ? Succeeded in deploying verticle 14:25:02 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9234 count 0 14:25:02 INFO TcpPortWaiting Connected to service at host localhost port 9234 count 0 14:25:02 INFO ProxyContext 141713/discovery RES 201 1008919us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:25:02 INFO ProxyContext 290561/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:02 INFO ProxyService syscall begin POST http://localhost:9231/_/tenantPermissions 14:25:02 INFO OkapiClient 290561/proxy;060462/tenantPermissions REQ okapiClient roskilde POST http://localhost:9231/_/tenantPermissions 14:25:02 INFO MainVerticle tenantPermissions: { "moduleId" : "auth-1", "perms" : null } 14:25:02 INFO OkapiClient 290561/proxy;060462/tenantPermissions RES 200 2650us okapiClient http://localhost:9231/_/tenantPermissions 14:25:02 INFO ProxyService syscall return POST http://localhost:9231/_/tenantPermissions 14:25:02 INFO ProxyContext 290561/proxy RES 201 5318us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules 14:25:02 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module null seq1 0 14:25:02 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant roskilde 14:25:02 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:25:02 INFO ProxyContext 723549/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:02 INFO ProxyService syscall begin POST http://localhost:9234/_/tenant 14:25:02 INFO OkapiClient 723549/proxy;604690/tenant REQ okapiClient roskilde POST http://localhost:9234/_/tenant 14:25:02 INFO OkapiClient 723549/proxy;604690/tenant RES 202 236946us okapiClient http://localhost:9234/_/tenant 14:25:02 INFO ProxyService syscall return POST http://localhost:9234/_/tenant 14:25:02 INFO ProxyService syscall begin POST http://localhost:9232/_/tenant 14:25:02 INFO OkapiClient 723549/proxy;445830/tenant REQ okapiClient roskilde POST http://localhost:9232/_/tenant 14:25:02 INFO MainVerticle POST /_/tenant to okapi-est-module for tenant roskilde 14:25:02 INFO MainVerticle module_from=null module_to=sample-module-1 14:25:02 INFO OkapiClient 723549/proxy;445830/tenant RES 200 2992us okapiClient http://localhost:9232/_/tenant 14:25:02 INFO ProxyService syscall return POST http://localhost:9232/_/tenant 14:25:02 INFO ProxyService syscall begin POST http://localhost:9234/_/tenantPermissions 14:25:02 INFO OkapiClient 723549/proxy;091839/tenantPermissions REQ okapiClient roskilde POST http://localhost:9234/_/tenantPermissions 14:25:02 INFO OkapiClient 723549/proxy;091839/tenantPermissions RES 202 2046us okapiClient http://localhost:9234/_/tenantPermissions 14:25:02 INFO ProxyService syscall return POST http://localhost:9234/_/tenantPermissions 14:25:02 INFO ProxyService syscall begin POST http://localhost:9231/_/tenantPermissions 14:25:02 INFO OkapiClient 723549/proxy;785682/tenantPermissions REQ okapiClient roskilde POST http://localhost:9231/_/tenantPermissions 14:25:02 INFO MainVerticle tenantPermissions: { "moduleId" : "sample-module-1", "perms" : [ { "permissionName" : "everything",... 14:25:02 INFO OkapiClient 723549/proxy;785682/tenantPermissions RES 200 2420us okapiClient http://localhost:9231/_/tenantPermissions 14:25:02 INFO ProxyService syscall return POST http://localhost:9231/_/tenantPermissions 14:25:02 INFO ProxyContext 723549/proxy RES 201 250063us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules 14:25:02 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module null seq1 0 14:25:02 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant roskilde 14:25:02 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:25:02 INFO ProxyContext 407763/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/sample-module-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:25:02 INFO ProxyContext 407763/proxy RES 204 502us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/sample-module-1 14:25:02 INFO ProxyContext 189150/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/auth-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:25:02 INFO ProxyContext 189150/proxy RES 204 452us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/auth-1 14:25:02 INFO ProxyContext 023929/discovery REQ supertenant DELETE /_/discovery/modules/auth-1/auth-1-inst okapi-0.0.0 14:25:02 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy: srvcId auth-1 instId auth-1-inst 14:25:02 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy auth-1 auth-1-inst 14:25:02 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy srvcId=auth-1 instId=auth-1-inst node=localhost 14:25:02 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy calling.. 14:25:02 INFO DeploymentManager undeploy instId auth-1-inst 14:25:02 INFO ProxyContext 023929/discovery RES 204 28855us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules/auth-1/auth-1-inst 14:25:02 INFO ProxyContext 116708/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/modules/auth-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:25:02 INFO ProxyContext 116708/proxy RES 204 658us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules/auth-1 14:25:02 INFO ProxyContext 633704/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/sample-module2-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:25:02 INFO ProxyContext 633704/proxy RES 204 444us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/sample-module2-1 14:25:02 INFO ProxyContext 482867/discovery REQ supertenant DELETE /_/discovery/modules/sample-module2-1/sample2-1-inst okapi-0.0.0 14:25:02 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy: srvcId sample-module2-1 instId sample2-1-inst 14:25:02 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy sample-module2-1 sample2-1-inst 14:25:02 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy srvcId=sample-module2-1 instId=sample2-1-inst node=localhost 14:25:02 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy calling.. 14:25:02 INFO DeploymentManager undeploy instId sample2-1-inst 14:25:02 INFO ProxyContext 482867/discovery RES 204 51357us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules/sample-module2-1/sample2-1-inst 14:25:02 INFO ProxyContext 345865/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/modules/sample-module2-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:25:02 INFO ProxyContext 345865/proxy RES 204 643us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules/sample-module2-1 14:25:02 INFO ProxyContext 196587/discovery REQ supertenant DELETE /_/discovery/modules/sample-module-1/sample-1-inst okapi-0.0.0 14:25:02 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy: srvcId sample-module-1 instId sample-1-inst 14:25:02 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy sample-module-1 sample-1-inst 14:25:02 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy srvcId=sample-module-1 instId=sample-1-inst node=localhost 14:25:02 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy calling.. 14:25:02 INFO DeploymentManager undeploy instId sample-1-inst 14:25:02 INFO ProxyContext 196587/discovery RES 204 74322us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules/sample-module-1/sample-1-inst 14:25:02 INFO ProxyContext 109610/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/modules/sample-module-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:25:02 INFO ProxyContext 109610/proxy RES 204 706us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules/sample-module-1 14:25:02 INFO ProxyContext 333139/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/header-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:25:02 INFO ProxyContext 333139/proxy RES 204 439us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/header-1 14:25:02 INFO ProxyContext 101467/discovery REQ supertenant DELETE /_/discovery/modules/header-1/header-1-inst okapi-0.0.0 14:25:02 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy: srvcId header-1 instId header-1-inst 14:25:02 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy header-1 header-1-inst 14:25:02 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy srvcId=header-1 instId=header-1-inst node=localhost 14:25:02 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy calling.. 14:25:02 INFO DeploymentManager undeploy instId header-1-inst 14:25:02 INFO ProxyContext 101467/discovery RES 204 113167us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules/header-1/header-1-inst 14:25:02 INFO ProxyContext 314343/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/modules/header-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:25:02 INFO ProxyContext 314343/proxy RES 204 523us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules/header-1 14:25:02 INFO ProxyContext 370832/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/okapi-0.0.0 okapi-0.0.0 14:25:02 INFO ProxyContext 370832/proxy RES 204 763us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/okapi-0.0.0 14:25:02 INFO ProxyContext 387646/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde okapi-0.0.0 14:25:02 INFO ProxyContext 387646/proxy RES 204 257us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde 14:25:02 INFO ProxyContext 940684/deployment REQ supertenant GET /_/deployment/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:02 INFO ProxyContext 940684/deployment RES 200 183us okapi-0.0.0 /_/deployment/modules 14:25:02 INFO ProxyContext 810816/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/nodes okapi-0.0.0 14:25:02 INFO ProxyContext 810816/discovery RES 200 660us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/nodes 14:25:02 INFO ProxyContext 720648/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:02 INFO ProxyContext 720648/discovery RES 200 179us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:25:02 INFO ProxyContext 079808/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:02 INFO ProxyContext 079808/proxy RES 200 626us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:25:02 INFO ProxyContext 118342/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/tenants okapi-0.0.0 14:25:02 INFO ProxyContext 118342/proxy RES 200 208us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants 14:25:02 INFO ModuleTest Cleaning up after ModuleTest 14:25:03 WARN oduleVersionReporter META-INF/maven/org.folio.okapi/okapi-core/ not found 14:25:03 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module null null started 14:25:03 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:25:03 INFO MainVerticle clusterManager not in use 14:25:03 INFO MainVerticle Proxy using inmemory storage 14:25:03 INFO InternalModule InternalModule starting okapiversion=null 14:25:03 INFO Storage prepareDatabases: NORMAL 14:25:03 INFO MainVerticle startModmanager 14:25:03 INFO MainVerticle startTenants 14:25:03 INFO MainVerticle checkInternalModules 14:25:03 INFO MainVerticle Creating the superTenant supertenant 14:25:03 INFO MainVerticle starting env 14:25:03 INFO MainVerticle Starting discovery 14:25:03 INFO MainVerticle Starting deployment 14:25:03 INFO MainVerticle API Gateway started PID 1909@2dcd032ebaca. Listening on port 9230 14:25:03 INFO MainVerticle Deploy completed succesfully 14:25:03 INFO TenantManager starting supertenant 14:25:03 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant supertenant module null seq1 0 14:25:03 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant supertenant 14:25:03 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:25:03 INFO ProxyContext 463153/deployment REQ supertenant GET /_/deployment/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:03 INFO ProxyContext 463153/deployment RES 200 208us okapi-0.0.0 /_/deployment/modules 14:25:03 INFO ProxyContext 920391/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/nodes okapi-0.0.0 14:25:03 INFO ProxyContext 920391/discovery RES 200 263us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/nodes 14:25:03 INFO ProxyContext 828428/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:03 INFO ProxyContext 828428/discovery RES 200 182us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:25:03 INFO ProxyContext 497967/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:03 INFO ProxyContext 497967/proxy RES 200 480us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:25:03 INFO ProxyContext 289082/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/tenants okapi-0.0.0 14:25:03 INFO ProxyContext 289082/proxy RES 200 229us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants 14:25:03 INFO ProxyContext 195798/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants okapi-0.0.0 14:25:03 INFO ProxyContext 195798/proxy RES 201 422us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants 14:25:03 INFO ProxyContext 543081/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde okapi-0.0.0 14:25:03 INFO ProxyContext 543081/proxy RES 200 687us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde 14:25:03 INFO ProxyContext 431502/proxy REQ supertenant PUT /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde okapi-0.0.0 14:25:03 INFO ProxyContext 431502/proxy RES 200 343us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde 14:25:03 INFO ProxyContext 230385/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:03 WARN ProxyContext 230385/proxy Module 'sample-f-module-1' handlers uses type=request-response. That is the default, you can leave it out 14:25:03 WARN ProxyContext 230385/proxy Module 'sample-f-module-1' has no Requires section. If the module really does not require any other interfaces, provide an empty array to be explicit about it. 14:25:03 INFO ProxyContext 230385/proxy RES 201 1020us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:25:03 INFO ProxyContext 403915/discovery REQ supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:03 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { "instId" : "sample-f-1-inst", "srvcId" : "sample-f-module-1", "nodeId" : "localhost" } 14:25:03 INFO DeploymentManager deploy instId sample-f-1-inst Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dmaven.ext.class.path="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554/pipeline-maven-spy.jar" -Dorg.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.maven.reportsFolder="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554" 14:25:03 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module okapi-test-module 2.39.0 started 14:25:03 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:25:03 INFO MainVerticle Starting okapi-test-module 3202@2dcd032ebaca on port 9231 14:25:03 INFO ? Succeeded in deploying verticle 14:25:04 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9231 count 0 14:25:04 INFO TcpPortWaiting Connected to service at host localhost port 9231 count 0 14:25:04 INFO ProxyContext 403915/discovery RES 201 1005506us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:25:04 INFO ProxyContext 335405/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:04 INFO ProxyContext 335405/proxy RES 201 686us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules 14:25:04 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module null seq1 0 14:25:04 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant roskilde 14:25:04 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:25:04 INFO ProxyContext 923727/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:04 WARN ProxyContext 923727/proxy Module 'auth-f-module-1' handlers /authn/login: uses old type path. Use a pathPattern instead 14:25:04 WARN ProxyContext 923727/proxy Module 'auth-f-module-1' handlers /authn/login: uses DEPRECATED level. 14:25:04 WARN ProxyContext 923727/proxy Module 'auth-f-module-1' handlers uses type=request-response. That is the default, you can leave it out 14:25:04 WARN ProxyContext 923727/proxy Module 'auth-f-module-1' filters /: uses old type path. Use a pathPattern instead 14:25:04 INFO ProxyContext 923727/proxy RES 201 1148us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:25:04 INFO ProxyContext 252698/discovery REQ supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:04 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { "instId" : "auth-f-1-inst", "srvcId" : "auth-f-module-1", "nodeId" : "localhost" } 14:25:04 INFO DeploymentManager deploy instId auth-f-1-inst Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dmaven.ext.class.path="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554/pipeline-maven-spy.jar" -Dorg.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.maven.reportsFolder="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554" 14:25:04 INFO MainVerticle Starting auth 3227@2dcd032ebaca on port 9232 14:25:04 INFO ? Succeeded in deploying verticle 14:25:05 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9232 count 0 14:25:05 INFO TcpPortWaiting Connected to service at host localhost port 9232 count 0 14:25:05 INFO ProxyContext 252698/discovery RES 201 1005922us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:25:05 INFO ProxyContext 773976/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:05 INFO ProxyContext 773976/proxy RES 201 850us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules 14:25:05 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module null seq1 0 14:25:05 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant roskilde 14:25:05 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:25:05 INFO ProxyContext 214196/authn REQ roskilde POST /authn/login auth-f-module-1 auth-f-module-1 14:25:05 INFO ProxyContext 214196/authn RES 202 74182us auth-f-module-1 http://localhost:9232/authn/login 14:25:05 INFO Auth test-auth: Ok login for peter: dummyJwt.eyJzdWIiOiJwZXRlciIsInRlbmFudCI6InJvc2tpbGRlIn0=.sig 14:25:05 INFO ProxyService New X-Okapi-Token returned by module auth-f-module-1 14:25:05 INFO ProxyContext 214196/authn RES 200 205163us auth-f-module-1 http://localhost:9232/authn/login 14:25:05 INFO ProxyContext 332206/testb REQ roskilde GET /testb auth-f-module-1 sample-f-module-1 14:25:05 INFO Auth ovTok=null 14:25:05 INFO ProxyContext 332206/testb RES 202 13205us auth-f-module-1 http://localhost:9232/testb 14:25:05 INFO MainVerticle Headers, as seen by okapi-test-module: 14:25:05 INFO MainVerticle Accept:*/* 14:25:05 INFO MainVerticle Accept-Encoding:gzip,deflate 14:25:05 INFO MainVerticle Connection:Keep-Alive 14:25:05 INFO MainVerticle Host:localhost:9230 14:25:05 INFO MainVerticle transfer-encoding:chunked 14:25:05 INFO MainVerticle User-Agent:Apache-HttpClient/4.5.3 (Java/1.8.0_242) 14:25:05 INFO MainVerticle X-all-headers:BL 14:25:05 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-Match-Path-Pattern:/testb 14:25:05 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-Request-Id:332206/testb 14:25:05 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-request-ip: 14:25:05 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-request-method:GET 14:25:05 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-request-timestamp:1587047105475 14:25:05 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-Tenant:roskilde 14:25:05 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-Token:dummyJwt.eyJzdWIiOiJwZXRlciIsInRlbmFudCI6InJvc2tpbGRlIn0=.sig 14:25:05 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-Url:http://localhost:9230 14:25:05 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-User-Id:peter 14:25:05 INFO ProxyContext 332206/testb RES 200 77067us sample-f-module-1 http://localhost:9231/testb 14:25:05 INFO ProxyContext 476528/testb REQ roskilde GET /testb auth-f-module-1 sample-f-module-1 14:25:05 WARN Auth test-auth: Bad JWT, can not split in three parts. 'bad token 14:25:05 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=Auth.check: Bad JWT 14:25:05 INFO ProxyContext 476528/testb RES 400 2536us auth-f-module-1 http://localhost:9232/testb 14:25:05 INFO ProxyContext 616924/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:05 WARN ProxyContext 616924/proxy Module 'pre-f-module-1' filters /: uses old type path. Use a pathPattern instead 14:25:05 INFO ProxyContext 616924/proxy RES 201 1077us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:25:05 INFO ProxyContext 156482/discovery REQ supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:05 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { "instId" : "pre-f-1-inst", "srvcId" : "pre-f-module-1", "nodeId" : "localhost" } 14:25:05 INFO DeploymentManager deploy instId pre-f-1-inst Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dmaven.ext.class.path="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554/pipeline-maven-spy.jar" -Dorg.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.maven.reportsFolder="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554" 14:25:06 INFO MainVerticle Starting auth 3254@2dcd032ebaca on port 9233 14:25:06 INFO ? Succeeded in deploying verticle 14:25:06 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9233 count 0 14:25:06 INFO TcpPortWaiting Connected to service at host localhost port 9233 count 0 14:25:06 INFO ProxyContext 156482/discovery RES 201 1005531us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:25:06 INFO ProxyContext 795686/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:06 INFO ProxyContext 795686/proxy RES 201 1344us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules 14:25:06 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module null seq1 0 14:25:06 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant roskilde 14:25:06 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:25:06 INFO ProxyContext 663283/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:06 WARN ProxyContext 663283/proxy Module 'post-f-module-1' filters /: uses old type path. Use a pathPattern instead 14:25:06 INFO ProxyContext 663283/proxy RES 201 2322us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:25:06 INFO ProxyContext 650651/discovery REQ supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:06 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { "instId" : "post-f-1-inst", "srvcId" : "post-f-module-1", "nodeId" : "localhost" } 14:25:06 INFO DeploymentManager deploy instId post-f-1-inst Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dmaven.ext.class.path="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554/pipeline-maven-spy.jar" -Dorg.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.maven.reportsFolder="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554" 14:25:07 INFO MainVerticle Starting auth 3279@2dcd032ebaca on port 9234 14:25:07 INFO ? Succeeded in deploying verticle 14:25:07 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9234 count 0 14:25:07 INFO TcpPortWaiting Connected to service at host localhost port 9234 count 0 14:25:07 INFO ProxyContext 650651/discovery RES 201 1006198us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:25:07 INFO ProxyContext 115963/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:07 INFO ProxyContext 115963/proxy RES 201 982us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules 14:25:07 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module null seq1 0 14:25:07 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant roskilde 14:25:07 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:25:07 INFO ProxyContext 801477/testb REQ roskilde GET /testb auth-f-module-1 pre-f-module-1 sample-f-module-1 post-f-module-1 14:25:07 INFO Auth ovTok=null 14:25:07 INFO ProxyContext 801477/testb RES 202 3088us auth-f-module-1 http://localhost:9232/testb 14:25:07 INFO ProxyContext 801477/testb RES 202 81994us pre-f-module-1 http://localhost:9233/testb 14:25:07 INFO MainVerticle Headers, as seen by okapi-test-module: 14:25:07 INFO MainVerticle Accept:*/* 14:25:07 INFO MainVerticle Accept-Encoding:gzip,deflate 14:25:07 INFO MainVerticle Connection:Keep-Alive 14:25:07 INFO MainVerticle content-length:0 14:25:07 INFO MainVerticle Host:localhost:9230 14:25:07 INFO MainVerticle User-Agent:Apache-HttpClient/4.5.3 (Java/1.8.0_242) 14:25:07 INFO MainVerticle X-all-headers:BL 14:25:07 INFO MainVerticle X-Auth-Filter-Phase:pre / 14:25:07 INFO MainVerticle X-filter-post:203 14:25:07 INFO MainVerticle X-filter-pre:202 14:25:07 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-Match-Path-Pattern:/testb 14:25:07 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-Request-Id:801477/testb 14:25:07 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-request-ip: 14:25:07 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-request-method:GET 14:25:07 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-request-timestamp:1587047107670 14:25:07 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-Tenant:roskilde 14:25:07 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-Token:dummyJwt.eyJzdWIiOiJwZXRlciIsInRlbmFudCI6InJvc2tpbGRlIn0=.sig 14:25:07 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-Url:http://localhost:9230 14:25:07 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-User-Id:peter 14:25:07 INFO ProxyContext 801477/testb RES 200 6005us sample-f-module-1 http://localhost:9231/testb 14:25:07 INFO ProxyContext 801477/testb RES 203 93125us post-f-module-1 http://localhost:9234/testb 14:25:07 INFO ProxyContext 165759/testb REQ roskilde GET /testb auth-f-module-1 pre-f-module-1 sample-f-module-1 post-f-module-1 14:25:07 INFO Auth ovTok=null 14:25:07 INFO ProxyContext 165759/testb RES 202 2682us auth-f-module-1 http://localhost:9232/testb 14:25:07 INFO ProxyContext 165759/testb RES 500 2255us pre-f-module-1 http://localhost:9233/testb 14:25:07 INFO MainVerticle Headers, as seen by okapi-test-module: 14:25:07 INFO MainVerticle Accept:*/* 14:25:07 INFO MainVerticle Accept-Encoding:gzip,deflate 14:25:07 INFO MainVerticle Connection:Keep-Alive 14:25:07 INFO MainVerticle content-length:0 14:25:07 INFO MainVerticle Host:localhost:9230 14:25:07 INFO MainVerticle User-Agent:Apache-HttpClient/4.5.3 (Java/1.8.0_242) 14:25:07 INFO MainVerticle X-all-headers:BL 14:25:07 INFO MainVerticle X-Auth-Filter-Phase:pre / 14:25:07 INFO MainVerticle X-filter-post:203 14:25:07 INFO MainVerticle X-filter-pre:202 14:25:07 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-Match-Path-Pattern:/testb 14:25:07 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-Request-Id:165759/testb 14:25:07 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-request-ip: 14:25:07 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-request-method:GET 14:25:07 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-request-timestamp:1587047107875 14:25:07 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-Tenant:roskilde 14:25:07 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-Token:dummyJwt.eyJzdWIiOiJwZXRlciIsInRlbmFudCI6InJvc2tpbGRlIn0=.sig 14:25:07 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-Url:http://localhost:9230 14:25:07 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-User-Id:peter 14:25:07 INFO MainVerticle X-request-post-error:true 14:25:07 INFO MainVerticle X-request-pre-error:true 14:25:07 INFO ProxyContext 165759/testb RES 200 6212us sample-f-module-1 http://localhost:9231/testb 14:25:07 INFO ProxyContext 165759/testb RES 500 3521us post-f-module-1 http://localhost:9234/testb 14:25:07 INFO ProxyContext 117901/testb REQ roskilde GET /testb auth-f-module-1 pre-f-module-1 sample-f-module-1 post-f-module-1 14:25:07 INFO Auth ovTok=null 14:25:07 INFO ProxyContext 117901/testb RES 202 3042us auth-f-module-1 http://localhost:9232/testb 14:25:07 INFO ProxyContext 117901/testb RES 202 2241us pre-f-module-1 http://localhost:9233/testb 14:25:07 INFO ProxyContext 117901/testb RES 500 1823us sample-f-module-1 http://localhost:9231/testb 14:25:07 INFO ProxyContext 117901/testb RES 203 3013us post-f-module-1 http://localhost:9234/testb 14:25:07 INFO ProxyContext 276086/testb REQ roskilde GET /testb auth-f-module-1 pre-f-module-1 sample-f-module-1 post-f-module-1 14:25:07 WARN Auth test-auth: Bad JWT, can not split in three parts. 'bad token 14:25:07 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=Auth.check: Bad JWT 14:25:07 INFO ProxyContext 276086/testb RES 400 3478us auth-f-module-1 http://localhost:9232/testb 14:25:07 INFO ProxyContext 276086/testb RES 202 1808us pre-f-module-1 http://localhost:9233/testb 14:25:07 INFO ProxyContext 276086/testb RES 203 3294us post-f-module-1 http://localhost:9234/testb 14:25:07 INFO ProxyContext 826645/testb REQ roskilde GET /testb auth-f-module-1 pre-f-module-1 sample-f-module-1 post-f-module-1 14:25:07 INFO Auth ovTok=null 14:25:07 INFO ProxyContext 826645/testb RES 202 2685us auth-f-module-1 http://localhost:9232/testb 14:25:07 INFO ProxyContext 826645/testb RES 500 1886us pre-f-module-1 http://localhost:9233/testb 14:25:07 INFO MainVerticle Headers, as seen by okapi-test-module: 14:25:07 INFO MainVerticle Accept:*/* 14:25:07 INFO MainVerticle Accept-Encoding:gzip,deflate 14:25:07 INFO MainVerticle Connection:Keep-Alive 14:25:07 INFO MainVerticle content-length:0 14:25:07 INFO MainVerticle Host:localhost:9230 14:25:07 INFO MainVerticle User-Agent:Apache-HttpClient/4.5.3 (Java/1.8.0_242) 14:25:07 INFO MainVerticle X-all-headers:BL 14:25:07 INFO MainVerticle X-Auth-Filter-Phase:pre / 14:25:07 INFO MainVerticle X-filter-post:203 14:25:07 INFO MainVerticle X-filter-pre:202 14:25:07 INFO MainVerticle X-filter-pre-error:true 14:25:07 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-Match-Path-Pattern:/testb 14:25:07 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-Request-Id:826645/testb 14:25:07 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-request-ip: 14:25:07 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-request-method:GET 14:25:07 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-request-timestamp:1587047107934 14:25:07 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-Tenant:roskilde 14:25:07 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-Token:dummyJwt.eyJzdWIiOiJwZXRlciIsInRlbmFudCI6InJvc2tpbGRlIn0=.sig 14:25:07 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-Url:http://localhost:9230 14:25:07 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-User-Id:peter 14:25:07 INFO ProxyContext 826645/testb RES 200 6399us sample-f-module-1 http://localhost:9231/testb 14:25:07 INFO ProxyContext 826645/testb RES 203 2608us post-f-module-1 http://localhost:9234/testb 14:25:07 INFO ProxyContext 833317/testb REQ roskilde GET /testb auth-f-module-1 pre-f-module-1 sample-f-module-1 post-f-module-1 14:25:07 INFO Auth ovTok=null 14:25:07 INFO ProxyContext 833317/testb RES 202 2722us auth-f-module-1 http://localhost:9232/testb 14:25:07 INFO ProxyContext 833317/testb RES 202 2380us pre-f-module-1 http://localhost:9233/testb 14:25:07 INFO MainVerticle Headers, as seen by okapi-test-module: 14:25:07 INFO MainVerticle Accept:*/* 14:25:07 INFO MainVerticle Accept-Encoding:gzip,deflate 14:25:07 INFO MainVerticle Connection:Keep-Alive 14:25:07 INFO MainVerticle content-length:0 14:25:07 INFO MainVerticle Host:localhost:9230 14:25:07 INFO MainVerticle User-Agent:Apache-HttpClient/4.5.3 (Java/1.8.0_242) 14:25:07 INFO MainVerticle X-all-headers:BL 14:25:07 INFO MainVerticle X-Auth-Filter-Phase:pre / 14:25:07 INFO MainVerticle X-filter-post:203 14:25:07 INFO MainVerticle X-filter-post-error:true 14:25:07 INFO MainVerticle X-filter-pre:202 14:25:07 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-Match-Path-Pattern:/testb 14:25:07 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-Request-Id:833317/testb 14:25:07 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-request-ip: 14:25:07 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-request-method:GET 14:25:07 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-request-timestamp:1587047107957 14:25:07 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-Tenant:roskilde 14:25:07 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-Token:dummyJwt.eyJzdWIiOiJwZXRlciIsInRlbmFudCI6InJvc2tpbGRlIn0=.sig 14:25:07 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-Url:http://localhost:9230 14:25:07 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-User-Id:peter 14:25:07 INFO ProxyContext 833317/testb RES 200 4803us sample-f-module-1 http://localhost:9231/testb 14:25:07 INFO ProxyContext 833317/testb RES 500 2678us post-f-module-1 http://localhost:9234/testb 14:25:07 INFO ProxyContext 759251/testb REQ roskilde POST /testb auth-f-module-1 pre-f-module-1 sample-f-module-1 post-f-module-1 14:25:07 INFO Auth ovTok=null 14:25:07 INFO ProxyContext 759251/testb RES 202 2970us auth-f-module-1 http://localhost:9232/testb 14:25:07 INFO ProxyContext 759251/testb RES 202 10323us pre-f-module-1 http://localhost:9233/testb 14:25:07 INFO MainVerticle Headers, as seen by okapi-test-module: 14:25:07 INFO MainVerticle Accept:*/* 14:25:07 INFO MainVerticle Accept-Encoding:gzip,deflate 14:25:07 INFO MainVerticle Connection:Keep-Alive 14:25:07 INFO MainVerticle content-length:11 14:25:07 INFO MainVerticle Content-Type:text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 14:25:07 INFO MainVerticle Host:localhost:9230 14:25:07 INFO MainVerticle User-Agent:Apache-HttpClient/4.5.3 (Java/1.8.0_242) 14:25:07 INFO MainVerticle X-all-headers:BL 14:25:07 INFO MainVerticle X-Auth-Filter-Phase:pre / 14:25:07 INFO MainVerticle X-filter-post:203 14:25:07 INFO MainVerticle X-filter-pre:202 14:25:07 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-Match-Path-Pattern:/testb 14:25:07 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-Request-Id:759251/testb 14:25:07 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-request-ip: 14:25:07 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-request-method:POST 14:25:07 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-request-timestamp:1587047107977 14:25:07 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-Tenant:roskilde 14:25:07 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-Token:dummyJwt.eyJzdWIiOiJwZXRlciIsInRlbmFudCI6InJvc2tpbGRlIn0=.sig 14:25:07 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-Url:http://localhost:9230 14:25:07 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-User-Id:peter 14:25:08 INFO ProxyContext 759251/testb RES 200 14572us sample-f-module-1 http://localhost:9231/testb 14:25:08 INFO ProxyContext 759251/testb RES 203 2889us post-f-module-1 http://localhost:9234/testb HTTP/1.1 200 OK X-Okapi-Trace: POST auth-f-module-1 http://localhost:9232/testb : 202 2952us X-Okapi-Trace: POST pre-f-module-1 http://localhost:9233/testb : 202 10302us X-Okapi-Trace: POST sample-f-module-1 http://localhost:9231/testb : 200 14548us X-Handler-header: OK Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 transfer-encoding: chunked X-Okapi-Trace: POST post-f-module-1 http://localhost:9234/testb : 203 2875us Hello Accept:*/* Accept-Encoding:gzip,deflate Connection:Keep-Alive content-length:11 Content-Type:text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Host:localhost:9230 User-Agent:Apache-HttpClient/4.5.3 (Java/1.8.0_242) X-all-headers:BL X-Auth-Filter-Phase:pre / X-filter-post:203 X-filter-pre:202 X-Okapi-Match-Path-Pattern:/testb X-Okapi-Request-Id:759251/testb X-Okapi-request-ip: X-Okapi-request-method:POST X-Okapi-request-timestamp:1587047107977 X-Okapi-Tenant:roskilde X-Okapi-Token:dummyJwt.eyJzdWIiOiJwZXRlciIsInRlbmFudCI6InJvc2tpbGRlIn0=.sig X-Okapi-Url:http://localhost:9230 X-Okapi-User-Id:peter Testing... 14:25:08 INFO ProxyContext 045721/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/post-f-module-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:25:08 INFO ProxyContext 045721/proxy RES 204 449us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/post-f-module-1 14:25:08 INFO ProxyContext 740651/discovery REQ supertenant DELETE /_/discovery/modules/post-f-module-1/post-f-1-inst okapi-0.0.0 14:25:08 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy: srvcId post-f-module-1 instId post-f-1-inst 14:25:08 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy post-f-module-1 post-f-1-inst 14:25:08 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy srvcId=post-f-module-1 instId=post-f-1-inst node=localhost 14:25:08 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy calling.. 14:25:08 INFO DeploymentManager undeploy instId post-f-1-inst 14:25:08 INFO ProxyContext 740651/discovery RES 204 42232us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules/post-f-module-1/post-f-1-inst 14:25:08 INFO ProxyContext 565311/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/modules/post-f-module-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:25:08 INFO ProxyContext 565311/proxy RES 204 583us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules/post-f-module-1 14:25:08 INFO ProxyContext 264968/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/pre-f-module-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:25:08 INFO ProxyContext 264968/proxy RES 204 653us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/pre-f-module-1 14:25:08 INFO ProxyContext 659500/discovery REQ supertenant DELETE /_/discovery/modules/pre-f-module-1/pre-f-1-inst okapi-0.0.0 14:25:08 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy: srvcId pre-f-module-1 instId pre-f-1-inst 14:25:08 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy pre-f-module-1 pre-f-1-inst 14:25:08 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy srvcId=pre-f-module-1 instId=pre-f-1-inst node=localhost 14:25:08 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy calling.. 14:25:08 INFO DeploymentManager undeploy instId pre-f-1-inst 14:25:08 INFO ProxyContext 659500/discovery RES 204 42697us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules/pre-f-module-1/pre-f-1-inst 14:25:08 INFO ProxyContext 466166/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/modules/pre-f-module-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:25:08 INFO ProxyContext 466166/proxy RES 204 1277us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules/pre-f-module-1 14:25:08 INFO ProxyContext 840308/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/auth-f-module-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:25:08 INFO ProxyContext 840308/proxy RES 204 593us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/auth-f-module-1 14:25:08 INFO ProxyContext 067959/discovery REQ supertenant DELETE /_/discovery/modules/auth-f-module-1/auth-f-1-inst okapi-0.0.0 14:25:08 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy: srvcId auth-f-module-1 instId auth-f-1-inst 14:25:08 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy auth-f-module-1 auth-f-1-inst 14:25:08 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy srvcId=auth-f-module-1 instId=auth-f-1-inst node=localhost 14:25:08 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy calling.. 14:25:08 INFO DeploymentManager undeploy instId auth-f-1-inst 14:25:08 INFO ProxyContext 067959/discovery RES 204 39941us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules/auth-f-module-1/auth-f-1-inst 14:25:08 INFO ProxyContext 011572/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/modules/auth-f-module-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:25:08 INFO ProxyContext 011572/proxy RES 204 799us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules/auth-f-module-1 14:25:08 INFO ProxyContext 616192/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/sample-f-module-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:25:08 INFO ProxyContext 616192/proxy RES 204 619us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/sample-f-module-1 14:25:08 INFO ProxyContext 005399/discovery REQ supertenant DELETE /_/discovery/modules/sample-f-module-1/sample-f-1-inst okapi-0.0.0 14:25:08 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy: srvcId sample-f-module-1 instId sample-f-1-inst 14:25:08 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy sample-f-module-1 sample-f-1-inst 14:25:08 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy srvcId=sample-f-module-1 instId=sample-f-1-inst node=localhost 14:25:08 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy calling.. 14:25:08 INFO DeploymentManager undeploy instId sample-f-1-inst 14:25:08 INFO ProxyContext 005399/discovery RES 204 41201us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules/sample-f-module-1/sample-f-1-inst 14:25:08 INFO ProxyContext 841912/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/modules/sample-f-module-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:25:08 INFO ProxyContext 841912/proxy RES 204 644us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules/sample-f-module-1 14:25:08 INFO ProxyContext 969412/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde okapi-0.0.0 14:25:08 INFO ProxyContext 969412/proxy RES 204 152us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde 14:25:08 INFO ProxyContext 779299/deployment REQ supertenant GET /_/deployment/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:08 INFO ProxyContext 779299/deployment RES 200 148us okapi-0.0.0 /_/deployment/modules 14:25:08 INFO ProxyContext 134571/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/nodes okapi-0.0.0 14:25:08 INFO ProxyContext 134571/discovery RES 200 251us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/nodes 14:25:08 INFO ProxyContext 556645/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:08 INFO ProxyContext 556645/discovery RES 200 152us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:25:08 INFO ProxyContext 667408/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:08 INFO ProxyContext 667408/proxy RES 200 395us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:25:08 INFO ProxyContext 946852/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/tenants okapi-0.0.0 14:25:08 INFO ProxyContext 946852/proxy RES 200 238us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants 14:25:08 INFO ModuleTest Cleaning up after ModuleTest 14:25:08 WARN oduleVersionReporter META-INF/maven/org.folio.okapi/okapi-core/ not found 14:25:08 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module null null started 14:25:08 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:25:08 INFO MainVerticle clusterManager not in use 14:25:08 INFO MainVerticle Proxy using inmemory storage 14:25:08 INFO InternalModule InternalModule starting okapiversion=null 14:25:08 INFO Storage prepareDatabases: NORMAL 14:25:08 INFO MainVerticle startModmanager 14:25:08 INFO MainVerticle startTenants 14:25:08 INFO MainVerticle checkInternalModules 14:25:08 INFO MainVerticle Creating the superTenant supertenant 14:25:08 INFO MainVerticle starting env 14:25:08 INFO MainVerticle Starting discovery 14:25:08 INFO MainVerticle Starting deployment 14:25:08 INFO MainVerticle API Gateway started PID 1909@2dcd032ebaca. Listening on port 9230 14:25:08 INFO MainVerticle Deploy completed succesfully 14:25:08 INFO TenantManager starting supertenant 14:25:08 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant supertenant module null seq1 0 14:25:08 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant supertenant 14:25:08 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:25:08 WARN oduleVersionReporter META-INF/maven/org.folio.okapi/okapi-core/ not found 14:25:08 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module null null started 14:25:08 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:25:08 INFO MainVerticle clusterManager not in use 14:25:08 INFO MainVerticle Proxy using inmemory storage 14:25:08 INFO InternalModule InternalModule starting okapiversion=null 14:25:08 INFO Storage prepareDatabases: NORMAL 14:25:08 INFO MainVerticle startModmanager 14:25:08 INFO MainVerticle startTenants 14:25:08 INFO MainVerticle checkInternalModules 14:25:08 INFO MainVerticle Creating the superTenant supertenant 14:25:08 INFO MainVerticle starting env 14:25:08 INFO MainVerticle Starting discovery 14:25:08 INFO MainVerticle Starting deployment 14:25:08 INFO MainVerticle API Gateway started PID 1909@2dcd032ebaca. Listening on port 9230 14:25:08 INFO MainVerticle Deploy completed succesfully 14:25:08 INFO TenantManager starting supertenant 14:25:08 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant supertenant module null seq1 0 14:25:08 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant supertenant 14:25:08 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:25:08 WARN oduleVersionReporter META-INF/maven/org.folio.okapi/okapi-core/ not found 14:25:08 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module null null started 14:25:08 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:25:08 INFO MainVerticle clusterManager not in use 14:25:08 INFO MainVerticle Proxy using inmemory storage 14:25:08 INFO InternalModule InternalModule starting okapiversion=3.0.0 14:25:08 INFO Storage prepareDatabases: NORMAL 14:25:08 INFO MainVerticle startModmanager 14:25:08 INFO MainVerticle startTenants 14:25:08 INFO MainVerticle checkInternalModules 14:25:08 INFO MainVerticle Creating the superTenant supertenant 14:25:08 INFO MainVerticle starting env 14:25:08 INFO MainVerticle Starting discovery 14:25:08 INFO MainVerticle Starting deployment 14:25:08 INFO MainVerticle API Gateway started PID 1909@2dcd032ebaca. Listening on port 9230 14:25:08 INFO MainVerticle Deploy completed succesfully 14:25:08 INFO TenantManager starting supertenant 14:25:08 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant supertenant module null seq1 0 14:25:08 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant supertenant 14:25:08 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:25:08 WARN oduleVersionReporter META-INF/maven/org.folio.okapi/okapi-core/ not found 14:25:08 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module null null started 14:25:08 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:25:08 INFO MainVerticle clusterManager not in use 14:25:08 INFO MainVerticle Proxy using inmemory storage 14:25:08 INFO InternalModule InternalModule starting okapiversion=2.0.0 14:25:08 INFO Storage prepareDatabases: NORMAL 14:25:08 INFO MainVerticle startModmanager 14:25:08 INFO MainVerticle startTenants 14:25:08 INFO MainVerticle checkInternalModules 14:25:08 INFO MainVerticle Creating the superTenant supertenant 14:25:08 INFO MainVerticle starting env 14:25:08 INFO MainVerticle Starting discovery 14:25:08 INFO MainVerticle Starting deployment 14:25:08 INFO MainVerticle API Gateway started PID 1909@2dcd032ebaca. Listening on port 9230 14:25:08 INFO MainVerticle Deploy completed succesfully 14:25:08 INFO TenantManager starting supertenant 14:25:08 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant supertenant module null seq1 0 14:25:08 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant supertenant 14:25:08 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:25:08 INFO ModuleTest Cleaning up after ModuleTest 14:25:08 WARN oduleVersionReporter META-INF/maven/org.folio.okapi/okapi-core/ not found 14:25:08 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module null null started 14:25:08 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:25:08 INFO MainVerticle clusterManager not in use 14:25:08 INFO MainVerticle Proxy using inmemory storage 14:25:08 INFO InternalModule InternalModule starting okapiversion=null 14:25:08 INFO Storage prepareDatabases: NORMAL 14:25:08 INFO MainVerticle startModmanager 14:25:08 INFO MainVerticle startTenants 14:25:08 INFO MainVerticle checkInternalModules 14:25:08 INFO MainVerticle Creating the superTenant supertenant 14:25:08 INFO MainVerticle starting env 14:25:08 INFO MainVerticle Starting discovery 14:25:08 INFO MainVerticle Starting deployment 14:25:08 INFO MainVerticle API Gateway started PID 1909@2dcd032ebaca. Listening on port 9230 14:25:08 INFO MainVerticle Deploy completed succesfully 14:25:08 INFO TenantManager starting supertenant 14:25:08 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant supertenant module null seq1 0 14:25:08 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant supertenant 14:25:08 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:25:08 WARN oduleVersionReporter META-INF/maven/org.folio.okapi/okapi-core/ not found 14:25:08 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module null null started 14:25:08 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:25:08 INFO MainVerticle clusterManager not in use 14:25:08 INFO MainVerticle Proxy using inmemory storage 14:25:08 INFO InternalModule InternalModule starting okapiversion=null 14:25:08 INFO Storage prepareDatabases: PURGE 14:25:08 INFO ModuleTest Cleaning up after ModuleTest 14:25:08 WARN oduleVersionReporter META-INF/maven/org.folio.okapi/okapi-core/ not found 14:25:08 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module null null started 14:25:08 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:25:08 INFO MainVerticle clusterManager not in use 14:25:08 INFO MainVerticle Proxy using inmemory storage 14:25:08 INFO InternalModule InternalModule starting okapiversion=null 14:25:08 INFO Storage prepareDatabases: NORMAL 14:25:08 INFO MainVerticle startModmanager 14:25:08 INFO MainVerticle startTenants 14:25:08 INFO MainVerticle checkInternalModules 14:25:08 INFO MainVerticle Creating the superTenant supertenant 14:25:08 INFO MainVerticle starting env 14:25:08 INFO MainVerticle Starting discovery 14:25:08 INFO MainVerticle Starting deployment 14:25:08 INFO MainVerticle API Gateway started PID 1909@2dcd032ebaca. Listening on port 9230 14:25:08 INFO MainVerticle Deploy completed succesfully 14:25:08 INFO TenantManager starting supertenant 14:25:08 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant supertenant module null seq1 0 14:25:08 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant supertenant 14:25:08 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:25:08 INFO ProxyContext 761582/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:08 WARN ProxyContext 761582/proxy Module 'ui-1' has no Requires section. If the module really does not require any other interfaces, provide an empty array to be explicit about it. 14:25:08 INFO ProxyContext 761582/proxy RES 201 2951us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:25:08 INFO ProxyContext 799880/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/modules/ui-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:25:08 INFO ProxyContext 799880/proxy RES 200 681us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules/ui-1 14:25:08 INFO ProxyContext 765007/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/modules/ui-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:25:08 INFO ProxyContext 765007/proxy RES 204 425us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules/ui-1 14:25:08 INFO ProxyContext 621837/deployment REQ supertenant GET /_/deployment/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:08 INFO ProxyContext 621837/deployment RES 200 153us okapi-0.0.0 /_/deployment/modules 14:25:08 INFO ProxyContext 993987/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/nodes okapi-0.0.0 14:25:08 INFO ProxyContext 993987/discovery RES 200 189us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/nodes 14:25:08 INFO ProxyContext 027532/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:08 INFO ProxyContext 027532/discovery RES 200 126us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:25:08 INFO ProxyContext 673409/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:08 INFO ProxyContext 673409/proxy RES 200 589us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:25:08 INFO ProxyContext 825382/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/tenants okapi-0.0.0 14:25:08 INFO ProxyContext 825382/proxy RES 200 250us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants 14:25:08 INFO ModuleTest Cleaning up after ModuleTest 14:25:08 WARN oduleVersionReporter META-INF/maven/org.folio.okapi/okapi-core/ not found 14:25:08 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module null null started 14:25:08 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:25:08 INFO MainVerticle clusterManager not in use 14:25:08 INFO MainVerticle Proxy using inmemory storage 14:25:08 INFO InternalModule InternalModule starting okapiversion=null 14:25:08 INFO Storage prepareDatabases: NORMAL 14:25:08 INFO MainVerticle startModmanager 14:25:08 INFO MainVerticle startTenants 14:25:08 INFO MainVerticle checkInternalModules 14:25:08 INFO MainVerticle Creating the superTenant supertenant 14:25:08 INFO MainVerticle starting env 14:25:08 INFO MainVerticle Starting discovery 14:25:08 INFO MainVerticle Starting deployment 14:25:08 INFO MainVerticle API Gateway started PID 1909@2dcd032ebaca. Listening on port 9230 14:25:08 INFO MainVerticle Deploy completed succesfully 14:25:08 INFO TenantManager starting supertenant 14:25:08 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant supertenant module null seq1 0 14:25:08 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant supertenant 14:25:08 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:25:08 INFO ModuleTest Cleaning up after ModuleTest 14:25:08 WARN oduleVersionReporter META-INF/maven/org.folio.okapi/okapi-core/ not found 14:25:08 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module null null started 14:25:08 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:25:08 INFO MainVerticle clusterManager not in use 14:25:08 INFO MainVerticle Proxy using inmemory storage 14:25:08 INFO InternalModule InternalModule starting okapiversion=null 14:25:08 INFO Storage prepareDatabases: NORMAL 14:25:08 INFO MainVerticle startModmanager 14:25:08 INFO MainVerticle startTenants 14:25:08 INFO MainVerticle checkInternalModules 14:25:08 INFO MainVerticle Creating the superTenant supertenant 14:25:08 INFO MainVerticle starting env 14:25:08 INFO MainVerticle Starting discovery 14:25:08 INFO MainVerticle Starting deployment 14:25:08 INFO MainVerticle API Gateway started PID 1909@2dcd032ebaca. Listening on port 9230 14:25:08 INFO MainVerticle Deploy completed succesfully 14:25:08 INFO TenantManager starting supertenant 14:25:08 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant supertenant module null seq1 0 14:25:08 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant supertenant 14:25:08 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:25:08 INFO ModuleTest testVersion starting 14:25:08 INFO ProxyContext 198023/version REQ supertenant GET /_/version okapi-0.0.0 14:25:08 INFO ProxyContext 198023/version RES 200 151us okapi-0.0.0 /_/version 14:25:08 INFO ModuleTest Cleaning up after ModuleTest 14:25:08 WARN oduleVersionReporter META-INF/maven/org.folio.okapi/okapi-core/ not found 14:25:08 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module null null started 14:25:08 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:25:08 INFO MainVerticle clusterManager not in use 14:25:08 INFO MainVerticle Proxy using inmemory storage 14:25:08 INFO InternalModule InternalModule starting okapiversion=null 14:25:08 INFO Storage prepareDatabases: NORMAL 14:25:08 INFO MainVerticle startModmanager 14:25:08 INFO MainVerticle startTenants 14:25:08 INFO MainVerticle checkInternalModules 14:25:08 INFO MainVerticle Creating the superTenant supertenant 14:25:08 INFO MainVerticle starting env 14:25:08 INFO MainVerticle Starting discovery 14:25:08 INFO MainVerticle Starting deployment 14:25:08 INFO MainVerticle API Gateway started PID 1909@2dcd032ebaca. Listening on port 9230 14:25:08 INFO MainVerticle Deploy completed succesfully 14:25:08 INFO TenantManager starting supertenant 14:25:08 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant supertenant module null seq1 0 14:25:08 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant supertenant 14:25:08 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:25:08 INFO ModuleTest Redirect test starting 14:25:08 INFO ProxyContext 241626/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:08 WARN ProxyContext 241626/proxy Module 'sample-module-1' handlers /testb: uses old type path. Use a pathPattern instead 14:25:08 WARN ProxyContext 241626/proxy Module 'sample-module-1' has no Requires section. If the module really does not require any other interfaces, provide an empty array to be explicit about it. 14:25:08 INFO ProxyContext 241626/proxy RES 201 1066us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:25:08 INFO ProxyContext 565293/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:08 WARN ProxyContext 565293/proxy Module 'sample-module-2' handlers /testb: uses old type path. Use a pathPattern instead 14:25:08 WARN ProxyContext 565293/proxy Module 'sample-module-2' has no Requires section. If the module really does not require any other interfaces, provide an empty array to be explicit about it. 14:25:08 INFO ProxyContext 565293/proxy RES 201 1076us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:25:08 INFO ProxyContext 790725/proxy REQ supertenant PUT /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde okapi-0.0.0 14:25:08 INFO ProxyContext 790725/proxy RES 200 348us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde 14:25:08 INFO ProxyContext 001383/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:08 INFO ProxyContext 001383/proxy RES 201 584us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules 14:25:08 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module null seq1 0 14:25:08 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant roskilde 14:25:08 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:25:08 INFO ProxyContext 381279/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:08 INFO ProxyContext 381279/proxy RES 400 408us okapi Interface sample is provided by sample-module-1 and sample-module-2. 14:25:08 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=Interface sample is provided by sample-module-1 and sample-module-2. 14:25:08 INFO ProxyContext 141258/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/interfaces okapi-0.0.0 14:25:08 INFO ProxyContext 141258/proxy RES 200 1599us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/interfaces?full=true 14:25:08 INFO ProxyContext 406710/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/interfaces okapi-0.0.0 14:25:08 INFO ProxyContext 406710/proxy RES 200 278us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/interfaces?full=false 14:25:08 INFO ProxyContext 939214/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/interfaces okapi-0.0.0 14:25:08 INFO ProxyContext 939214/proxy RES 200 259us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/interfaces?full=false&type=proxy 14:25:08 INFO ProxyContext 617692/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/interfaces okapi-0.0.0 14:25:08 INFO ProxyContext 617692/proxy RES 200 261us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/interfaces?full=false&type=system 14:25:08 INFO ProxyContext 196448/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/interfaces/sample okapi-0.0.0 14:25:08 INFO ProxyContext 196448/proxy RES 200 1095us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/interfaces/sample 14:25:08 INFO ProxyContext 377560/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/interfaces/sample okapi-0.0.0 14:25:08 INFO ProxyContext 377560/proxy RES 200 237us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/interfaces/sample?type=proxy 14:25:08 INFO ProxyContext 105743/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/tenants/foo/interfaces/sample okapi-0.0.0 14:25:08 INFO ProxyContext 105743/proxy RES 404 162us okapi foo 14:25:08 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=404 msg=foo 14:25:08 INFO ProxyContext 047793/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/interfaces/bar okapi-0.0.0 14:25:08 INFO ProxyContext 047793/proxy RES 200 490us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/interfaces/bar 14:25:08 INFO ProxyContext 438794/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/sample-module-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:25:08 INFO ProxyContext 438794/proxy RES 204 1153us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/sample-module-1 14:25:08 INFO ProxyContext 615845/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/modules/sample-module-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:25:08 INFO ProxyContext 615845/proxy RES 204 619us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules/sample-module-1 14:25:08 INFO ProxyContext 732666/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/modules/sample-module-2 okapi-0.0.0 14:25:08 INFO ProxyContext 732666/proxy RES 204 573us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules/sample-module-2 14:25:08 INFO ProxyContext 220661/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:08 WARN ProxyContext 220661/proxy Module 'sample-module-3' handlers /testb: uses old type path. Use a pathPattern instead 14:25:08 WARN ProxyContext 220661/proxy Module 'sample-module-3' has no Requires section. If the module really does not require any other interfaces, provide an empty array to be explicit about it. 14:25:08 INFO ProxyContext 220661/proxy RES 201 1237us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:25:08 INFO ProxyContext 891235/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:08 WARN ProxyContext 891235/proxy Module 'sample-module-4' handlers /testb: uses old type path. Use a pathPattern instead 14:25:08 WARN ProxyContext 891235/proxy Module 'sample-module-4' has no Requires section. If the module really does not require any other interfaces, provide an empty array to be explicit about it. 14:25:08 INFO ProxyContext 891235/proxy RES 201 1497us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:25:08 INFO ProxyContext 156684/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/interfaces/sample okapi-0.0.0 14:25:08 INFO ProxyContext 156684/proxy RES 200 263us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/interfaces/sample 14:25:08 INFO ProxyContext 164301/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:08 INFO ProxyContext 164301/proxy RES 201 737us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules 14:25:08 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module null seq1 0 14:25:08 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant roskilde 14:25:08 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:25:08 INFO ProxyContext 113157/discovery REQ supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:08 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { "instId" : "sample-3-inst", "srvcId" : "sample-module-3", "nodeId" : "localhost" } 14:25:08 INFO DeploymentManager deploy instId sample-3-inst Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dmaven.ext.class.path="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554/pipeline-maven-spy.jar" -Dorg.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.maven.reportsFolder="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554" 14:25:09 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module okapi-test-module 2.39.0 started 14:25:09 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:25:09 INFO MainVerticle Starting okapi-test-module 3541@2dcd032ebaca on port 9231 14:25:09 INFO ? Succeeded in deploying verticle 14:25:09 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9231 count 0 14:25:09 INFO TcpPortWaiting Connected to service at host localhost port 9231 count 0 14:25:09 INFO ProxyContext 113157/discovery RES 201 1005142us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:25:09 INFO ProxyContext 197048/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:09 INFO ProxyContext 197048/proxy RES 201 852us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules 14:25:09 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module null seq1 0 14:25:09 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant roskilde 14:25:09 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:25:09 INFO ProxyContext 543282/discovery REQ supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:09 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { "instId" : "sample-4-inst", "srvcId" : "sample-module-4", "nodeId" : "localhost" } 14:25:09 INFO DeploymentManager deploy instId sample-4-inst Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dmaven.ext.class.path="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554/pipeline-maven-spy.jar" -Dorg.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.maven.reportsFolder="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554" 14:25:10 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module okapi-test-module 2.39.0 started 14:25:10 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:25:10 INFO MainVerticle Starting okapi-test-module 3566@2dcd032ebaca on port 9232 14:25:10 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9232 count 0 14:25:10 INFO ? Succeeded in deploying verticle 14:25:10 INFO TcpPortWaiting Connected to service at host localhost port 9232 count 0 14:25:10 INFO ProxyContext 543282/discovery RES 201 1005435us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:25:10 INFO ProxyContext 113024/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/interfaces/sample okapi-0.0.0 14:25:10 INFO ProxyContext 113024/proxy RES 200 313us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/interfaces/sample 14:25:10 INFO ProxyContext 383881/testb RES 404 - okapi No suitable module found for path /testb for tenant roskilde 14:25:10 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=404 msg=No suitable module found for path /testb for tenant roskilde 14:25:10 INFO ProxyContext 150479/testb RES 404 - okapi No suitable module found for path /testb for tenant roskilde 14:25:10 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=404 msg=No suitable module found for path /testb for tenant roskilde 14:25:10 INFO ProxyContext 505001/testb REQ roskilde GET /testb sample-module-3 14:25:10 INFO ProxyContext 505001/testb RES 200 76835us sample-module-3 http://localhost:9231/testb 14:25:10 INFO ProxyContext 044253/testb REQ roskilde GET /testb sample-module-4 14:25:10 INFO ProxyContext 044253/testb RES 200 67277us sample-module-4 http://localhost:9232/testb 14:25:10 INFO ProxyContext 536722/testb REQ roskilde POST /testb sample-module-3 14:25:10 INFO ProxyContext 536722/testb RES 200 9360us sample-module-3 http://localhost:9231/testb 14:25:10 INFO ProxyContext 274591/testb REQ roskilde POST /testb sample-module-4 14:25:10 INFO ProxyContext 274591/testb RES 200 8340us sample-module-4 http://localhost:9232/testb 14:25:10 INFO ProxyContext 810825/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/sample-module-3 okapi-0.0.0 14:25:10 INFO ProxyContext 810825/proxy RES 204 466us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/sample-module-3 14:25:10 INFO ProxyContext 819013/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/sample-module-4 okapi-0.0.0 14:25:10 INFO ProxyContext 819013/proxy RES 204 398us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/sample-module-4 14:25:10 INFO ProxyContext 513148/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/modules/sample-module-3 okapi-0.0.0 14:25:10 INFO ProxyContext 513148/proxy RES 204 453us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules/sample-module-3 14:25:10 INFO ProxyContext 258164/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/modules/sample-module-4 okapi-0.0.0 14:25:10 INFO ProxyContext 258164/proxy RES 204 435us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules/sample-module-4 14:25:10 INFO ProxyContext 611042/discovery REQ supertenant DELETE /_/discovery/modules/sample-module-3/sample-3-inst okapi-0.0.0 14:25:10 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy: srvcId sample-module-3 instId sample-3-inst 14:25:10 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy sample-module-3 sample-3-inst 14:25:10 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy srvcId=sample-module-3 instId=sample-3-inst node=localhost 14:25:10 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy calling.. 14:25:10 INFO DeploymentManager undeploy instId sample-3-inst 14:25:11 INFO ProxyContext 611042/discovery RES 204 46264us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules/sample-module-3/sample-3-inst 14:25:11 INFO ProxyContext 854155/discovery REQ supertenant DELETE /_/discovery/modules/sample-module-4/sample-4-inst okapi-0.0.0 14:25:11 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy: srvcId sample-module-4 instId sample-4-inst 14:25:11 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy sample-module-4 sample-4-inst 14:25:11 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy srvcId=sample-module-4 instId=sample-4-inst node=localhost 14:25:11 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy calling.. 14:25:11 INFO DeploymentManager undeploy instId sample-4-inst 14:25:11 INFO ProxyContext 854155/discovery RES 204 48687us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules/sample-module-4/sample-4-inst 14:25:11 INFO ModuleTest Cleaning up after ModuleTest 14:25:11 WARN oduleVersionReporter META-INF/maven/org.folio.okapi/okapi-core/ not found 14:25:11 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module null null started 14:25:11 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:25:11 INFO MainVerticle clusterManager not in use 14:25:11 INFO MainVerticle Proxy using inmemory storage 14:25:11 INFO InternalModule InternalModule starting okapiversion=null 14:25:11 INFO Storage prepareDatabases: NORMAL 14:25:11 INFO MainVerticle startModmanager 14:25:11 INFO MainVerticle startTenants 14:25:11 INFO MainVerticle checkInternalModules 14:25:11 INFO MainVerticle Creating the superTenant supertenant 14:25:11 INFO MainVerticle starting env 14:25:11 INFO MainVerticle Starting discovery 14:25:11 INFO MainVerticle Starting deployment 14:25:11 INFO MainVerticle API Gateway started PID 1909@2dcd032ebaca. Listening on port 9230 14:25:11 INFO MainVerticle Deploy completed succesfully 14:25:11 INFO TenantManager starting supertenant 14:25:11 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant supertenant module null seq1 0 14:25:11 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant supertenant 14:25:11 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:25:11 WARN oduleVersionReporter META-INF/maven/org.folio.okapi/okapi-core/ not found 14:25:11 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module null null started 14:25:11 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:25:11 INFO MainVerticle clusterManager not in use 14:25:11 INFO MainVerticle Proxy using inmemory storage 14:25:11 INFO InternalModule InternalModule starting okapiversion=null 14:25:11 INFO Storage prepareDatabases: INIT 14:25:11 INFO ModuleTest Cleaning up after ModuleTest 14:25:11 WARN oduleVersionReporter META-INF/maven/org.folio.okapi/okapi-core/ not found 14:25:11 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module null null started 14:25:11 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:25:11 INFO MainVerticle clusterManager not in use 14:25:11 INFO MainVerticle Proxy using inmemory storage 14:25:11 INFO InternalModule InternalModule starting okapiversion=null 14:25:11 INFO Storage prepareDatabases: NORMAL 14:25:11 INFO MainVerticle startModmanager 14:25:11 INFO MainVerticle startTenants 14:25:11 INFO MainVerticle checkInternalModules 14:25:11 INFO MainVerticle Creating the superTenant supertenant 14:25:11 INFO MainVerticle starting env 14:25:11 INFO MainVerticle Starting discovery 14:25:11 INFO MainVerticle Starting deployment 14:25:11 INFO MainVerticle API Gateway started PID 1909@2dcd032ebaca. Listening on port 9230 14:25:11 INFO MainVerticle Deploy completed succesfully 14:25:11 INFO TenantManager starting supertenant 14:25:11 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant supertenant module null seq1 0 14:25:11 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant supertenant 14:25:11 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:25:11 INFO ProxyContext 744378/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:11 WARN ProxyContext 744378/proxy Module 'sample-module-5.0' handlers /testb: uses old type path. Use a pathPattern instead 14:25:11 WARN ProxyContext 744378/proxy Module 'sample-module-5.0' handlers /testb: uses DEPRECATED level. 14:25:11 WARN ProxyContext 744378/proxy Module 'sample-module-5.0' handlers uses type=request-response. That is the default, you can leave it out 14:25:11 WARN ProxyContext 744378/proxy Module 'sample-module-5.0' has no Requires section. If the module really does not require any other interfaces, provide an empty array to be explicit about it. 14:25:11 INFO ProxyContext 744378/proxy RES 201 1650us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:25:11 INFO ProxyContext 932571/deployment REQ supertenant GET /_/deployment/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:11 INFO ProxyContext 932571/deployment RES 200 152us okapi-0.0.0 /_/deployment/modules 14:25:11 INFO ProxyContext 992974/deployment REQ supertenant GET /_/deployment/modules/not_found okapi-0.0.0 14:25:11 INFO ProxyContext 992974/deployment RES 404 146us okapi not found: not_found 14:25:11 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=404 msg=not found: not_found 14:25:11 INFO ProxyContext 239390/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:11 INFO ProxyContext 239390/discovery RES 200 161us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:25:11 INFO ProxyContext 765309/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/modules/not_found okapi-0.0.0 14:25:11 INFO ProxyContext 765309/discovery RES 404 194us okapi not_found 14:25:11 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=404 msg=not_found 14:25:11 INFO ProxyContext 843978/discovery RES 404 - okapi No suitable module found for path /_/discovery/modules/ for tenant supertenant 14:25:11 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=404 msg=No suitable module found for path /_/discovery/modules/ for tenant supertenant 14:25:11 INFO ProxyContext 583520/discovery REQ supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:11 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { "instId" : "localhost-9231", "srvcId" : "sample-module-5.0", "descriptor" : { "exec" : "java -Dport=%p -jar ../okapi-test-module/target/okapi-test-module-fat.jar" } } 14:25:11 INFO ProxyContext 583520/discovery RES 400 553us okapi missing nodeId 14:25:11 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=missing nodeId 14:25:11 INFO ProxyContext 009719/discovery REQ supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:11 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { "srvcId" : "sample-module-5.0" } 14:25:11 INFO ProxyContext 009719/discovery RES 400 460us okapi Needs instId 14:25:11 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=Needs instId 14:25:11 INFO ProxyContext 413162/discovery REQ supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:11 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { "instId" : "localhost-9231", "srvcId" : "sample-module-5.0", "nodeId" : "foobarhost", "descriptor" : { "exec" : "java -Dport=%p -jar ../okapi-test-module/target/okapi-test-module-fat.jar" } } 14:25:11 INFO ProxyContext 413162/discovery RES 404 496us okapi foobarhost 14:25:11 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=404 msg=foobarhost 14:25:11 INFO ProxyContext 136761/discovery REQ supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:11 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { "instId" : "localhost-9231", "srvcId" : "sample-module-5.0", "nodeId" : "localhost", "descriptor" : { "exec" : "java -Dport=%p -jar ../okapi-test-module/target/okapi-test-module-fat.jar" } } 14:25:11 INFO DeploymentManager deploy instId localhost-9231 Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dmaven.ext.class.path="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554/pipeline-maven-spy.jar" -Dorg.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.maven.reportsFolder="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554" 14:25:11 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module okapi-test-module 2.39.0 started 14:25:11 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:25:11 INFO MainVerticle Starting okapi-test-module 3688@2dcd032ebaca on port 9231 14:25:11 INFO ? Succeeded in deploying verticle 14:25:12 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9231 count 0 14:25:12 INFO TcpPortWaiting Connected to service at host localhost port 9231 count 0 14:25:12 INFO ProxyContext 136761/discovery RES 201 1004915us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:25:12 INFO ProxyContext 099175/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/modules/sample-module-5.0/localhost-9231 okapi-0.0.0 14:25:12 INFO ProxyContext 099175/discovery RES 200 349us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules/sample-module-5.0/localhost-9231 14:25:12 INFO ProxyContext 617203/deployment REQ supertenant GET /_/deployment/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:12 INFO ProxyContext 617203/deployment RES 200 206us okapi-0.0.0 /_/deployment/modules 14:25:12 INFO ProxyContext 489368/discovery REQ supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:12 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { "instId" : "localhost-9231", "srvcId" : "sample-module-5.0", "nodeId" : "localhost", "url" : "http://localhost:9231", "descriptor" : { "exec" : "java -Dport=%p -jar ../okapi-test-module/target/okapi-test-module-fat.jar" } } 14:25:12 INFO ProxyContext 489368/discovery RES 400 2756us okapi already deployed: localhost-9231 14:25:12 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=already deployed: localhost-9231 14:25:12 INFO ProxyContext 539641/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/modules/sample-module-5.0 okapi-0.0.0 14:25:12 INFO ProxyContext 539641/discovery RES 200 287us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules/sample-module-5.0 14:25:12 INFO ProxyContext 530869/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:12 INFO ProxyContext 530869/discovery RES 200 270us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:25:12 INFO ProxyContext 952113/env REQ supertenant POST /_/env okapi-0.0.0 14:25:12 INFO ProxyContext 952113/env RES 201 989us okapi-0.0.0 /_/env 14:25:12 INFO ModuleTest testDeployment2 14:25:12 INFO ProxyContext 604839/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/modules/sample-module-5.0 okapi-0.0.0 14:25:12 INFO ProxyContext 604839/proxy RES 204 514us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules/sample-module-5.0 14:25:12 INFO ProxyContext 582094/env REQ supertenant DELETE /_/env/name1 okapi-0.0.0 14:25:12 INFO ProxyContext 582094/env RES 204 734us okapi-0.0.0 /_/env/name1 14:25:12 INFO ProxyContext 811983/discovery REQ supertenant DELETE /_/discovery/modules/sample-module-5.0/localhost-9231 okapi-0.0.0 14:25:12 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy: srvcId sample-module-5.0 instId localhost-9231 14:25:12 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy sample-module-5.0 localhost-9231 14:25:12 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy srvcId=sample-module-5.0 instId=localhost-9231 node=localhost 14:25:12 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy calling.. 14:25:12 INFO DeploymentManager undeploy instId localhost-9231 14:25:12 INFO ProxyContext 811983/discovery RES 204 43465us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules/sample-module-5.0/localhost-9231 14:25:12 INFO ProxyContext 838653/discovery REQ supertenant DELETE /_/discovery/modules/sample-module-5.0/localhost-9231 okapi-0.0.0 14:25:12 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy: srvcId sample-module-5.0 instId localhost-9231 14:25:12 WARN DiscoveryManager deployment.get failed 14:25:12 INFO ProxyContext 838653/discovery RES 404 436us okapi sample-module-5.0/localhost-9231 14:25:12 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=404 msg=sample-module-5.0/localhost-9231 14:25:12 INFO ProxyContext 892114/deployment REQ supertenant GET /_/deployment/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:12 INFO ProxyContext 892114/deployment RES 200 178us okapi-0.0.0 /_/deployment/modules 14:25:12 INFO ProxyContext 602614/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/modules/sample-module-5.0 okapi-0.0.0 14:25:12 INFO ProxyContext 602614/discovery RES 404 106us okapi sample-module-5.0 14:25:12 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=404 msg=sample-module-5.0 14:25:12 INFO ProxyContext 448502/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/modules/UNKNOWN-MODULE okapi-0.0.0 14:25:12 INFO ProxyContext 448502/discovery RES 404 103us okapi UNKNOWN-MODULE 14:25:12 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=404 msg=UNKNOWN-MODULE 14:25:12 INFO ProxyContext 994427/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:12 WARN ProxyContext 994427/proxy Module 'sample-module-depl-1' handlers /testb: uses old type path. Use a pathPattern instead 14:25:12 WARN ProxyContext 994427/proxy Module 'sample-module-depl-1' handlers /testb: uses DEPRECATED level. 14:25:12 WARN ProxyContext 994427/proxy Module 'sample-module-depl-1' handlers uses type=request-response. That is the default, you can leave it out 14:25:12 WARN ProxyContext 994427/proxy Module 'sample-module-depl-1' has no Requires section. If the module really does not require any other interfaces, provide an empty array to be explicit about it. 14:25:12 INFO ProxyContext 994427/proxy RES 201 1138us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:25:12 INFO ProxyContext 949353/discovery REQ supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:12 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { "instId" : "localhost-9231", "srvcId" : "sample-module-depl-1", "nodeId" : "http://localhost:9230" } 14:25:12 INFO DeploymentManager deploy instId localhost-9231 Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dmaven.ext.class.path="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554/pipeline-maven-spy.jar" -Dorg.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.maven.reportsFolder="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554" 14:25:12 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module okapi-test-module 2.39.0 started 14:25:12 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:25:12 INFO MainVerticle Starting okapi-test-module 3736@2dcd032ebaca on port 9231 14:25:13 INFO ? Succeeded in deploying verticle 14:25:13 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9231 count 0 14:25:13 INFO TcpPortWaiting Connected to service at host localhost port 9231 count 0 14:25:13 INFO ProxyContext 949353/discovery RES 201 1004555us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:25:13 INFO ProxyContext 614286/discovery REQ supertenant DELETE /_/discovery/modules/sample-module-depl-1/localhost-9231 okapi-0.0.0 14:25:13 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy: srvcId sample-module-depl-1 instId localhost-9231 14:25:13 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy sample-module-depl-1 localhost-9231 14:25:13 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy srvcId=sample-module-depl-1 instId=localhost-9231 node=http://localhost:9230 14:25:13 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy calling.. 14:25:13 INFO DeploymentManager undeploy instId localhost-9231 14:25:13 INFO ProxyContext 614286/discovery RES 204 61103us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules/sample-module-depl-1/localhost-9231 14:25:13 INFO ProxyContext 565479/discovery REQ supertenant DELETE /_/discovery/modules/sample-module-depl-1/localhost-9231 okapi-0.0.0 14:25:13 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy: srvcId sample-module-depl-1 instId localhost-9231 14:25:13 WARN DiscoveryManager deployment.get failed 14:25:13 INFO ProxyContext 565479/discovery RES 404 423us okapi sample-module-depl-1/localhost-9231 14:25:13 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=404 msg=sample-module-depl-1/localhost-9231 14:25:13 INFO ProxyContext 186292/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/modules/sample-module-depl-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:25:13 INFO ProxyContext 186292/proxy RES 204 465us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules/sample-module-depl-1 14:25:13 INFO ProxyContext 652730/deployment REQ supertenant GET /_/deployment/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:13 INFO ProxyContext 652730/deployment RES 200 195us okapi-0.0.0 /_/deployment/modules 14:25:13 INFO ProxyContext 599420/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/nodes okapi-0.0.0 14:25:13 INFO ProxyContext 599420/discovery RES 200 225us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/nodes 14:25:13 INFO ProxyContext 884527/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:13 INFO ProxyContext 884527/discovery RES 200 135us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:25:13 INFO ProxyContext 595048/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:13 INFO ProxyContext 595048/proxy RES 200 385us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:25:13 INFO ProxyContext 414218/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/tenants okapi-0.0.0 14:25:13 INFO ProxyContext 414218/proxy RES 200 206us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants 14:25:13 INFO ModuleTest Cleaning up after ModuleTest 14:25:13 WARN oduleVersionReporter META-INF/maven/org.folio.okapi/okapi-core/ not found 14:25:13 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module null null started 14:25:13 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:25:13 INFO MainVerticle clusterManager not in use 14:25:13 INFO MainVerticle Proxy using inmemory storage 14:25:13 INFO InternalModule InternalModule starting okapiversion=null 14:25:13 INFO Storage prepareDatabases: NORMAL 14:25:13 INFO MainVerticle startModmanager 14:25:13 INFO MainVerticle startTenants 14:25:13 INFO MainVerticle checkInternalModules 14:25:13 INFO MainVerticle Creating the superTenant supertenant 14:25:13 INFO MainVerticle starting env 14:25:13 INFO MainVerticle Starting discovery 14:25:13 INFO MainVerticle Starting deployment 14:25:13 INFO MainVerticle API Gateway started PID 1909@2dcd032ebaca. Listening on port 9230 14:25:13 INFO MainVerticle Deploy completed succesfully 14:25:13 INFO TenantManager starting supertenant 14:25:13 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant supertenant module null seq1 0 14:25:13 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant supertenant 14:25:13 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:25:13 INFO ProxyContext 851159/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:13 INFO ProxyContext 851159/proxy RES 201 575us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:25:13 INFO ProxyContext 238035/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:13 INFO ProxyContext 238035/proxy RES 201 585us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:25:13 INFO ProxyContext 128915/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:13 INFO ProxyContext 128915/proxy RES 201 749us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:25:13 INFO ProxyContext 220204/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:13 INFO ProxyContext 220204/proxy RES 201 577us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:25:13 INFO ProxyContext 035688/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:13 INFO ProxyContext 035688/proxy RES 201 617us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:25:13 INFO ProxyContext 085026/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:13 INFO ProxyContext 085026/proxy RES 201 619us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:25:13 INFO ProxyContext 777930/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:13 INFO ProxyContext 777930/proxy RES 201 653us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:25:13 INFO ProxyContext 699001/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:13 INFO ProxyContext 699001/proxy RES 201 670us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:25:13 INFO ProxyContext 934274/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:13 INFO ProxyContext 934274/proxy RES 201 899us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:25:13 INFO ProxyContext 928327/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:13 INFO ProxyContext 928327/proxy RES 201 620us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:25:13 INFO ProxyContext 262229/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:13 INFO ProxyContext 262229/proxy RES 200 800us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:25:13 INFO ModuleTest Cleaning up after ModuleTest 14:25:13 WARN oduleVersionReporter META-INF/maven/org.folio.okapi/okapi-core/ not found 14:25:13 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module null null started 14:25:13 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:25:13 INFO MainVerticle clusterManager not in use 14:25:13 INFO MainVerticle Proxy using inmemory storage 14:25:13 INFO InternalModule InternalModule starting okapiversion=null 14:25:13 INFO Storage prepareDatabases: NORMAL 14:25:13 INFO MainVerticle startModmanager 14:25:13 INFO MainVerticle startTenants 14:25:13 INFO MainVerticle checkInternalModules 14:25:13 INFO MainVerticle Creating the superTenant supertenant 14:25:13 INFO MainVerticle starting env 14:25:13 INFO MainVerticle Starting discovery 14:25:13 INFO MainVerticle Starting deployment 14:25:13 INFO MainVerticle API Gateway started PID 1909@2dcd032ebaca. Listening on port 9230 14:25:13 INFO MainVerticle Deploy completed succesfully 14:25:13 INFO TenantManager starting supertenant 14:25:13 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant supertenant module null seq1 0 14:25:13 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant supertenant 14:25:13 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:25:13 INFO ProxyContext 141546/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:13 WARN ProxyContext 141546/proxy Module 'sample-module-5.0' handlers /testb: uses old type path. Use a pathPattern instead 14:25:13 WARN ProxyContext 141546/proxy Module 'sample-module-5.0' handlers uses type=request-response. That is the default, you can leave it out 14:25:13 WARN ProxyContext 141546/proxy Module 'sample-module-5.0' has no Requires section. If the module really does not require any other interfaces, provide an empty array to be explicit about it. 14:25:13 INFO ProxyContext 141546/proxy RES 201 959us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:25:13 INFO ProxyContext 702652/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:13 WARN ProxyContext 702652/proxy Module 'header-module-1.0' has no Requires section. If the module really does not require any other interfaces, provide an empty array to be explicit about it. 14:25:13 WARN ProxyContext 702652/proxy Module 'header-module-1.0' filters /testb: uses old type path. Use a pathPattern instead 14:25:13 WARN ProxyContext 702652/proxy Module 'header-module-1.0' filters /testb: uses DEPRECATED level. Use a phase=auth instead 14:25:13 INFO ProxyContext 702652/proxy RES 201 1010us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:25:13 INFO ProxyContext 480678/discovery REQ supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:13 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { "srvcId" : "sample-module-5.0", "nodeId" : "localhost", "descriptor" : { "exec" : "java -Dport=%p -jar ../okapi-test-module/target/okapi-test-module-fat.jar" } } 14:25:13 INFO DeploymentManager deploy instId 8d1a65a5-927d-495f-9c99-1988719533df Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dmaven.ext.class.path="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554/pipeline-maven-spy.jar" -Dorg.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.maven.reportsFolder="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554" 14:25:14 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module okapi-test-module 2.39.0 started 14:25:14 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:25:14 INFO MainVerticle Starting okapi-test-module 3832@2dcd032ebaca on port 9231 14:25:14 INFO ? Succeeded in deploying verticle 14:25:14 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9231 count 0 14:25:14 INFO TcpPortWaiting Connected to service at host localhost port 9231 count 0 14:25:14 INFO ProxyContext 480678/discovery RES 201 1009678us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:25:14 INFO ProxyContext 288972/discovery REQ supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:14 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { "srvcId" : "header-module-1.0", "nodeId" : "localhost", "descriptor" : { "exec" : "java -Dport=%p -jar ../okapi-test-header-module/target/okapi-test-header-module-fat.jar" } } 14:25:14 INFO DeploymentManager deploy instId b06e2815-15fb-4765-a33e-56bea419c2f8 Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dmaven.ext.class.path="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554/pipeline-maven-spy.jar" -Dorg.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.maven.reportsFolder="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554" 14:25:15 INFO MainVerticle Starting okapi-test-header-module 3860@2dcd032ebaca on port 9232 14:25:15 INFO ? Succeeded in deploying verticle 14:25:15 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9232 count 0 14:25:15 INFO TcpPortWaiting Connected to service at host localhost port 9232 count 0 14:25:15 INFO ProxyContext 288972/discovery RES 201 1009023us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:25:15 INFO ProxyContext 808636/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants okapi-0.0.0 14:25:15 INFO ProxyContext 808636/proxy RES 201 374us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants 14:25:15 INFO ProxyContext 277477/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:15 INFO ProxyContext 277477/proxy RES 201 563us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules 14:25:15 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module null seq1 0 14:25:15 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant roskilde 14:25:15 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:25:15 INFO ProxyContext 803861/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/modules/sample-module-5.0 okapi-0.0.0 14:25:15 ERROR ProxyContext 803861/proxy delete module failed: USER:delete: module sample-module-5.0 is used by tenant roskilde 14:25:15 INFO ProxyContext 803861/proxy RES 400 679us okapi delete: module sample-module-5.0 is used by tenant roskilde 14:25:15 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=delete: module sample-module-5.0 is used by tenant roskilde 14:25:15 INFO ProxyContext 189311/proxy REQ supertenant PUT /_/proxy/modules/sample-module-5.0 okapi-0.0.0 14:25:15 WARN ProxyContext 189311/proxy Module 'sample-module-5.0' handlers /testb: uses old type path. Use a pathPattern instead 14:25:15 WARN ProxyContext 189311/proxy Module 'sample-module-5.0' handlers uses type=request-response. That is the default, you can leave it out 14:25:15 WARN ProxyContext 189311/proxy Module 'sample-module-5.0' has no Requires section. If the module really does not require any other interfaces, provide an empty array to be explicit about it. 14:25:15 INFO ProxyContext 189311/proxy RES 400 952us okapi update: module sample-module-5.0 is used by tenant roskilde 14:25:15 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=update: module sample-module-5.0 is used by tenant roskilde 14:25:15 INFO ProxyContext 744612/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:15 INFO ProxyContext 744612/proxy RES 201 579us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules 14:25:15 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module null seq1 0 14:25:15 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant roskilde 14:25:15 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:25:15 INFO ProxyContext 310732/testb REQ roskilde POST /testb header-module-1.0 sample-module-5.0 14:25:15 INFO ProxyContext 310732/testb RES 200 87596us header-module-1.0 http://localhost:9232/testb 14:25:15 INFO ProxyContext 310732/testb RES 200 98238us sample-module-5.0 http://localhost:9231/testb 14:25:15 INFO ProxyContext 782718/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/sample-module-5.0 okapi-0.0.0 14:25:15 INFO ProxyContext 782718/proxy RES 204 566us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/sample-module-5.0 14:25:15 INFO ProxyContext 538701/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:15 INFO ProxyContext 538701/proxy RES 201 688us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules 14:25:15 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module null seq1 0 14:25:15 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant roskilde 14:25:15 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:25:15 INFO ProxyContext 196771/testb REQ roskilde POST /testb header-module-1.0 sample-module-5.0 14:25:15 INFO ProxyContext 196771/testb RES 200 5613us header-module-1.0 http://localhost:9232/testb 14:25:15 INFO ProxyContext 196771/testb RES 200 6215us sample-module-5.0 http://localhost:9231/testb 14:25:15 INFO ProxyContext 927968/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde okapi-0.0.0 14:25:15 INFO ProxyContext 927968/proxy RES 204 240us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde 14:25:15 INFO ProxyContext 866666/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/modules/sample-module-5.0 okapi-0.0.0 14:25:15 INFO ProxyContext 866666/proxy RES 204 683us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules/sample-module-5.0 14:25:15 INFO ProxyContext 950581/discovery REQ supertenant DELETE /_/discovery/modules/sample-module-5.0/8d1a65a5-927d-495f-9c99-1988719533df okapi-0.0.0 14:25:15 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy: srvcId sample-module-5.0 instId 8d1a65a5-927d-495f-9c99-1988719533df 14:25:15 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy sample-module-5.0 8d1a65a5-927d-495f-9c99-1988719533df 14:25:15 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy srvcId=sample-module-5.0 instId=8d1a65a5-927d-495f-9c99-1988719533df node=localhost 14:25:15 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy calling.. 14:25:15 INFO DeploymentManager undeploy instId 8d1a65a5-927d-495f-9c99-1988719533df 14:25:16 INFO ProxyContext 950581/discovery RES 204 72129us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules/sample-module-5.0/8d1a65a5-927d-495f-9c99-1988719533df 14:25:16 INFO ProxyContext 797788/discovery REQ supertenant DELETE /_/discovery/modules/header-module-1.0/b06e2815-15fb-4765-a33e-56bea419c2f8 okapi-0.0.0 14:25:16 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy: srvcId header-module-1.0 instId b06e2815-15fb-4765-a33e-56bea419c2f8 14:25:16 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy header-module-1.0 b06e2815-15fb-4765-a33e-56bea419c2f8 14:25:16 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy srvcId=header-module-1.0 instId=b06e2815-15fb-4765-a33e-56bea419c2f8 node=localhost 14:25:16 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy calling.. 14:25:16 INFO DeploymentManager undeploy instId b06e2815-15fb-4765-a33e-56bea419c2f8 14:25:16 INFO ProxyContext 797788/discovery RES 204 65686us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules/header-module-1.0/b06e2815-15fb-4765-a33e-56bea419c2f8 14:25:16 INFO ProxyContext 517590/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/modules/header-module-1.0 okapi-0.0.0 14:25:16 INFO ProxyContext 517590/proxy RES 204 571us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules/header-module-1.0 14:25:16 INFO ProxyContext 277196/deployment REQ supertenant GET /_/deployment/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:16 INFO ProxyContext 277196/deployment RES 200 192us okapi-0.0.0 /_/deployment/modules 14:25:16 INFO ProxyContext 852644/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/nodes okapi-0.0.0 14:25:16 INFO ProxyContext 852644/discovery RES 200 301us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/nodes 14:25:16 INFO ProxyContext 156500/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:16 INFO ProxyContext 156500/discovery RES 200 278us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:25:16 INFO ProxyContext 418779/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:16 INFO ProxyContext 418779/proxy RES 200 435us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:25:16 INFO ProxyContext 871323/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/tenants okapi-0.0.0 14:25:16 INFO ProxyContext 871323/proxy RES 200 286us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants 14:25:16 INFO ModuleTest Cleaning up after ModuleTest 14:25:16 WARN oduleVersionReporter META-INF/maven/org.folio.okapi/okapi-core/ not found 14:25:16 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module null null started 14:25:16 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:25:16 INFO MainVerticle clusterManager not in use 14:25:16 INFO MainVerticle Proxy using inmemory storage 14:25:16 INFO InternalModule InternalModule starting okapiversion=null 14:25:16 INFO Storage prepareDatabases: NORMAL 14:25:16 INFO MainVerticle startModmanager 14:25:16 INFO MainVerticle startTenants 14:25:16 INFO MainVerticle checkInternalModules 14:25:16 INFO MainVerticle Creating the superTenant supertenant 14:25:16 INFO MainVerticle starting env 14:25:16 INFO MainVerticle Starting discovery 14:25:16 INFO MainVerticle Starting deployment 14:25:16 INFO MainVerticle API Gateway started PID 1909@2dcd032ebaca. Listening on port 9230 14:25:16 INFO MainVerticle Deploy completed succesfully 14:25:16 INFO TenantManager starting supertenant 14:25:16 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant supertenant module null seq1 0 14:25:16 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant supertenant 14:25:16 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:25:16 INFO ProxyContext 675876/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:16 WARN ProxyContext 675876/proxy Module 'sample-1.2.3-alpha.1' has no Requires section. If the module really does not require any other interfaces, provide an empty array to be explicit about it. 14:25:16 INFO ProxyContext 675876/proxy RES 201 1049us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:25:16 INFO ProxyContext 642494/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:16 WARN ProxyContext 642494/proxy Module 'sample-1.2.3-SNAPSHOT.5' has no Requires section. If the module really does not require any other interfaces, provide an empty array to be explicit about it. 14:25:16 INFO ProxyContext 642494/proxy RES 201 1016us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:25:16 INFO ProxyContext 002997/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:16 WARN ProxyContext 002997/proxy Module 'sample-1.2.3-alpha.1+2017' has no Requires section. If the module really does not require any other interfaces, provide an empty array to be explicit about it. 14:25:16 INFO ProxyContext 002997/proxy RES 201 1108us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:25:16 INFO ModuleTest Cleaning up after ModuleTest 14:25:16 WARN oduleVersionReporter META-INF/maven/org.folio.okapi/okapi-core/ not found 14:25:16 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module null null started 14:25:16 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:25:16 INFO MainVerticle clusterManager not in use 14:25:16 INFO MainVerticle Proxy using inmemory storage 14:25:16 INFO InternalModule InternalModule starting okapiversion=null 14:25:16 INFO Storage prepareDatabases: NORMAL 14:25:16 INFO MainVerticle startModmanager 14:25:16 INFO MainVerticle startTenants 14:25:16 INFO MainVerticle checkInternalModules 14:25:16 INFO MainVerticle Creating the superTenant supertenant 14:25:16 INFO MainVerticle starting env 14:25:16 INFO MainVerticle Starting discovery 14:25:16 INFO MainVerticle Starting deployment 14:25:16 INFO MainVerticle API Gateway started PID 1909@2dcd032ebaca. Listening on port 9230 14:25:16 INFO MainVerticle Deploy completed succesfully 14:25:16 INFO TenantManager starting supertenant 14:25:16 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant supertenant module null seq1 0 14:25:16 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant supertenant 14:25:16 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:25:16 INFO ProxyContext 797102/deployment REQ supertenant GET /_/deployment/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:16 INFO ProxyContext 797102/deployment RES 200 287us okapi-0.0.0 /_/deployment/modules 14:25:16 INFO ProxyContext 161272/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/nodes okapi-0.0.0 14:25:16 INFO ProxyContext 161272/discovery RES 200 321us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/nodes 14:25:16 INFO ProxyContext 975636/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:16 INFO ProxyContext 975636/discovery RES 200 205us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:25:16 INFO ProxyContext 877746/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:16 INFO ProxyContext 877746/proxy RES 200 465us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:25:16 INFO ProxyContext 918942/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/tenants okapi-0.0.0 14:25:16 INFO ProxyContext 918942/proxy RES 200 270us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants 14:25:16 INFO ProxyContext 544407/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/nodes okapi-0.0.0 14:25:16 INFO ProxyContext 544407/discovery RES 200 231us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/nodes 14:25:16 INFO ProxyContext 465225/discovery REQ supertenant PUT /_/discovery/nodes/localhost okapi-0.0.0 14:25:16 INFO ProxyContext 465225/discovery RES 200 1052us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/nodes/localhost 14:25:16 INFO ProxyContext 655125/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/nodes okapi-0.0.0 14:25:16 INFO ProxyContext 655125/discovery RES 200 271us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/nodes 14:25:16 INFO ProxyContext 974172/discovery REQ supertenant PUT /_/discovery/nodes/foobarhost okapi-0.0.0 14:25:16 INFO ProxyContext 974172/discovery RES 404 242us okapi foobarhost 14:25:16 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=404 msg=foobarhost 14:25:16 INFO ProxyContext 603604/discovery REQ supertenant PUT /_/discovery/nodes/localhost okapi-0.0.0 14:25:16 INFO ProxyContext 603604/discovery RES 400 260us okapi Can not change nodeId for node localhost 14:25:16 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=Can not change nodeId for node localhost 14:25:16 INFO ProxyContext 020667/discovery REQ supertenant PUT /_/discovery/nodes/localhost okapi-0.0.0 14:25:16 INFO ProxyContext 020667/discovery RES 400 329us okapi Can not change the URL for node localhost 14:25:16 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=Can not change the URL for node localhost 14:25:16 INFO ProxyContext 068237/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/nodes/localhost okapi-0.0.0 14:25:16 INFO ProxyContext 068237/discovery RES 200 265us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/nodes/localhost 14:25:16 INFO ProxyContext 366507/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/nodes/NewName okapi-0.0.0 14:25:16 INFO ProxyContext 366507/discovery RES 200 238us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/nodes/NewName 14:25:16 INFO ModuleTest node test!!!!!!!!!!!! 14:25:16 INFO ProxyContext 742371/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/nodes/http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A9230 okapi-0.0.0 14:25:16 INFO ProxyContext 742371/discovery RES 200 283us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/nodes/http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A9230 14:25:16 INFO ProxyContext 767586/deployment REQ supertenant GET /_/deployment/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:16 INFO ProxyContext 767586/deployment RES 200 153us okapi-0.0.0 /_/deployment/modules 14:25:16 INFO ProxyContext 930334/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/nodes okapi-0.0.0 14:25:16 INFO ProxyContext 930334/discovery RES 200 256us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/nodes 14:25:16 INFO ProxyContext 102107/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:16 INFO ProxyContext 102107/discovery RES 200 175us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:25:16 INFO ProxyContext 974914/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:16 INFO ProxyContext 974914/proxy RES 200 448us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:25:16 INFO ProxyContext 918229/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/tenants okapi-0.0.0 14:25:16 INFO ProxyContext 918229/proxy RES 200 374us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants 14:25:16 INFO ModuleTest Cleaning up after ModuleTest 14:25:16 WARN oduleVersionReporter META-INF/maven/org.folio.okapi/okapi-core/ not found 14:25:16 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module null null started 14:25:16 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:25:16 INFO MainVerticle clusterManager not in use 14:25:16 INFO MainVerticle Proxy using inmemory storage 14:25:16 INFO InternalModule InternalModule starting okapiversion=null 14:25:16 INFO Storage prepareDatabases: NORMAL 14:25:16 INFO MainVerticle startModmanager 14:25:16 INFO MainVerticle startTenants 14:25:16 INFO MainVerticle checkInternalModules 14:25:16 INFO MainVerticle Creating the superTenant supertenant 14:25:16 INFO MainVerticle starting env 14:25:16 INFO MainVerticle Starting discovery 14:25:16 INFO MainVerticle Starting deployment 14:25:16 INFO MainVerticle API Gateway started PID 1909@2dcd032ebaca. Listening on port 9230 14:25:16 INFO MainVerticle Deploy completed succesfully 14:25:16 INFO TenantManager starting supertenant 14:25:16 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant supertenant module null seq1 0 14:25:16 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant supertenant 14:25:16 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:25:16 INFO ProxyContext 475165/deployment REQ supertenant GET /_/deployment/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:16 INFO ProxyContext 475165/deployment RES 200 145us okapi-0.0.0 /_/deployment/modules 14:25:16 INFO ProxyContext 547356/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/nodes okapi-0.0.0 14:25:16 INFO ProxyContext 547356/discovery RES 200 225us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/nodes 14:25:16 INFO ProxyContext 886414/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:16 INFO ProxyContext 886414/discovery RES 200 132us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:25:16 INFO ProxyContext 845122/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:16 INFO ProxyContext 845122/proxy RES 200 382us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:25:16 INFO ProxyContext 154216/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/tenants okapi-0.0.0 14:25:16 INFO ProxyContext 154216/proxy RES 200 230us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants 14:25:16 INFO ProxyContext 778924/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:16 INFO ProxyContext 778924/proxy RES 200 431us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:25:16 INFO ProxyContext 646629/proxy RES 404 - okapi No suitable module found for path /_/proxy/modules/ for tenant supertenant 14:25:16 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=404 msg=No suitable module found for path /_/proxy/modules/ for tenant supertenant 14:25:16 INFO ProxyContext 931367/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/modules/no-module okapi-0.0.0 14:25:16 INFO ProxyContext 931367/proxy RES 404 98us okapi no-module 14:25:16 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=404 msg=no-module 14:25:16 INFO ProxyContext 839671/foo RES 404 - okapi No suitable module found for path /_/foo for tenant supertenant 14:25:16 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=404 msg=No suitable module found for path /_/foo for tenant supertenant 14:25:16 INFO ProxyContext 803356/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:16 INFO ProxyContext 803356/proxy RES 400 695us okapi Failed to decode:Unexpected character (',' (code 44)): was expecting double-quote to start field name at [Source: (String)"{ "id" : "sample-module-1+1", "name" : "sample module", "provides" : [ { "id" : "sample", "version" : "1.0", "handlers" : [ { "methods" : [ "GET", "POST", "DELETE" ], "pathPattern" : "/testb", "type" : "request-response", "permissionsRequired" : [ "sample.needed" ], "permissionsDesired" : [ "sample.extra" ], "modulePermissions" : [ "sample.modperm" ] } ] }, { "id" : "recurse", "version" : "1.0", "handlers" : [ { "metho"[truncated 1039 chars]; line: 26, column: 23] (through reference chain: org.folio.okapi.bean.ModuleDescriptor["provides"]->java.lang.Object[][2]) 14:25:16 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=Failed to decode:Unexpected character (',' (code 44)): was expecting double-quote to start field name at [Source: (String)"{ "id" : "sample-module-1+1", "name" : "sample module", "provides" : [ { "id" : "sample", "version" : "1.0", "handlers" : [ { "methods" : [ "GET", "POST", "DELETE" ], "pathPattern" : "/testb", "type" : "request-response", "permissionsRequired" : [ "sample.needed" ], "permissionsDesired" : [ "sample.extra" ], "modulePermissions" : [ "sample.modperm" ] } ] }, { "id" : "recurse", "version" : "1.0", "handlers" : [ { "metho"[truncated 1039 chars]; line: 26, column: 23] (through reference chain: org.folio.okapi.bean.ModuleDescriptor["provides"]->java.lang.Object[][2]) 14:25:16 INFO ProxyContext 304197/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:16 INFO ProxyContext 304197/proxy RES 400 352us okapi Failed to decode:Missing semantic version for: bad module id?!+1 at [Source: (String)"{ "id" : "bad module id?!+1", "name" : "sample module", "provides" : [ { "id" : "sample", "version" : "1.0", "handlers" : [ { "methods" : [ "GET", "POST", "DELETE" ], "pathPattern" : "/testb", "type" : "request-response", "permissionsRequired" : [ "sample.needed" ], "permissionsDesired" : [ "sample.extra" ], "modulePermissions" : [ "sample.modperm" ] } ] }, { "id" : "recurse", "version" : "1.0", "handlers" : [ { "metho"[truncated 1037 chars]; line: 2, column: 10] (through reference chain: org.folio.okapi.bean.ModuleDescriptor["id"]) 14:25:16 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=Failed to decode:Missing semantic version for: bad module id?!+1 at [Source: (String)"{ "id" : "bad module id?!+1", "name" : "sample module", "provides" : [ { "id" : "sample", "version" : "1.0", "handlers" : [ { "methods" : [ "GET", "POST", "DELETE" ], "pathPattern" : "/testb", "type" : "request-response", "permissionsRequired" : [ "sample.needed" ], "permissionsDesired" : [ "sample.extra" ], "modulePermissions" : [ "sample.modperm" ] } ] }, { "id" : "recurse", "version" : "1.0", "handlers" : [ { "metho"[truncated 1037 chars]; line: 2, column: 10] (through reference chain: org.folio.okapi.bean.ModuleDescriptor["id"]) 14:25:16 INFO ProxyContext 160990/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:16 INFO InternalModule createModule validate failed: id is missing for module 14:25:16 INFO ProxyContext 160990/proxy RES 400 363us okapi id is missing for module 14:25:16 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=id is missing for module 14:25:16 INFO ProxyContext 757443/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:16 INFO ProxyContext 757443/proxy RES 400 447us okapi Failed to decode:Missing semantic version for: at [Source: (String)"{ "id" : "", "name" : "sample module", "provides" : [ { "id" : "sample", "version" : "1.0", "handlers" : [ { "methods" : [ "GET", "POST", "DELETE" ], "pathPattern" : "/testb", "type" : "request-response", "permissionsRequired" : [ "sample.needed" ], "permissionsDesired" : [ "sample.extra" ], "modulePermissions" : [ "sample.modperm" ] } ] }, { "id" : "recurse", "version" : "1.0", "handlers" : [ { "methods" : [ "GET" ], "[truncated 1020 chars]; line: 2, column: 10] (through reference chain: org.folio.okapi.bean.ModuleDescriptor["id"]) 14:25:16 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=Failed to decode:Missing semantic version for: at [Source: (String)"{ "id" : "", "name" : "sample module", "provides" : [ { "id" : "sample", "version" : "1.0", "handlers" : [ { "methods" : [ "GET", "POST", "DELETE" ], "pathPattern" : "/testb", "type" : "request-response", "permissionsRequired" : [ "sample.needed" ], "permissionsDesired" : [ "sample.extra" ], "modulePermissions" : [ "sample.modperm" ] } ] }, { "id" : "recurse", "version" : "1.0", "handlers" : [ { "methods" : [ "GET" ], "[truncated 1020 chars]; line: 2, column: 10] (through reference chain: org.folio.okapi.bean.ModuleDescriptor["id"]) 14:25:16 INFO ProxyContext 390752/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:16 INFO ProxyContext 390752/proxy RES 400 494us okapi Failed to decode:Invalid entry type: strange interface type at [Source: (String)"{ "id" : "sample-module-1+1", "name" : "sample module", "provides" : [ { "id" : "sample", "version" : "1.0", "handlers" : [ { "methods" : [ "GET", "POST", "DELETE" ], "pathPattern" : "/testb", "type" : "request-response", "permissionsRequired" : [ "sample.needed" ], "permissionsDesired" : [ "sample.extra" ], "modulePermissions" : [ "sample.modperm" ] } ] }, { "id" : "recurse", "version" : "1.0", "handlers" : [ { "metho"[truncated 1069 chars]; line: 31, column: 16] (through reference chain: org.folio.okapi.bean.ModuleDescriptor["provides"]->java.lang.Object[][2]->org.folio.okapi.bean.InterfaceDescriptor["handlers"]->java.lang.Object[][0]->org.folio.okapi.bean.RoutingEntry["type"]) 14:25:16 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=Failed to decode:Invalid entry type: strange interface type at [Source: (String)"{ "id" : "sample-module-1+1", "name" : "sample module", "provides" : [ { "id" : "sample", "version" : "1.0", "handlers" : [ { "methods" : [ "GET", "POST", "DELETE" ], "pathPattern" : "/testb", "type" : "request-response", "permissionsRequired" : [ "sample.needed" ], "permissionsDesired" : [ "sample.extra" ], "modulePermissions" : [ "sample.modperm" ] } ] }, { "id" : "recurse", "version" : "1.0", "handlers" : [ { "metho"[truncated 1069 chars]; line: 31, column: 16] (through reference chain: org.folio.okapi.bean.ModuleDescriptor["provides"]->java.lang.Object[][2]->org.folio.okapi.bean.InterfaceDescriptor["handlers"]->java.lang.Object[][0]->org.folio.okapi.bean.RoutingEntry["type"]) 14:25:16 INFO ProxyContext 618780/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:16 INFO ProxyContext 618780/proxy RES 400 395us okapi Failed to decode:Invalid entry type: strange-re-type at [Source: (String)"{ "id" : "sample-module-1+1", "name" : "sample module", "provides" : [ { "id" : "sample", "version" : "1.0", "handlers" : [ { "methods" : [ "GET", "POST", "DELETE" ], "pathPattern" : "/testb", "type" : "strange-re-type", "permissionsRequired" : [ "sample.needed" ], "permissionsDesired" : [ "sample.extra" ], "modulePermissions" : [ "sample.modperm" ] } ] }, { "id" : "recurse", "version" : "1.0", "handlers" : [ { "method"[truncated 1035 chars]; line: 10, column: 16] (through reference chain: org.folio.okapi.bean.ModuleDescriptor["provides"]->java.lang.Object[][0]->org.folio.okapi.bean.InterfaceDescriptor["handlers"]->java.lang.Object[][0]->org.folio.okapi.bean.RoutingEntry["type"]) 14:25:16 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=Failed to decode:Invalid entry type: strange-re-type at [Source: (String)"{ "id" : "sample-module-1+1", "name" : "sample module", "provides" : [ { "id" : "sample", "version" : "1.0", "handlers" : [ { "methods" : [ "GET", "POST", "DELETE" ], "pathPattern" : "/testb", "type" : "strange-re-type", "permissionsRequired" : [ "sample.needed" ], "permissionsDesired" : [ "sample.extra" ], "modulePermissions" : [ "sample.modperm" ] } ] }, { "id" : "recurse", "version" : "1.0", "handlers" : [ { "method"[truncated 1035 chars]; line: 10, column: 16] (through reference chain: org.folio.okapi.bean.ModuleDescriptor["provides"]->java.lang.Object[][0]->org.folio.okapi.bean.InterfaceDescriptor["handlers"]->java.lang.Object[][0]->org.folio.okapi.bean.RoutingEntry["type"]) 14:25:16 INFO ProxyContext 115061/proxy REQ supertenant PUT /_/proxy/modules/sample-module-1+1 okapi-0.0.0 14:25:16 INFO ProxyContext 115061/proxy RES 400 301us okapi Failed to decode:Invalid entry type: strange-re-type at [Source: (String)"{ "id" : "sample-module-1+1", "name" : "sample module", "provides" : [ { "id" : "sample", "version" : "1.0", "handlers" : [ { "methods" : [ "GET", "POST", "DELETE" ], "pathPattern" : "/testb", "type" : "strange-re-type", "permissionsRequired" : [ "sample.needed" ], "permissionsDesired" : [ "sample.extra" ], "modulePermissions" : [ "sample.modperm" ] } ] }, { "id" : "recurse", "version" : "1.0", "handlers" : [ { "method"[truncated 1035 chars]; line: 10, column: 16] (through reference chain: org.folio.okapi.bean.ModuleDescriptor["provides"]->java.lang.Object[][0]->org.folio.okapi.bean.InterfaceDescriptor["handlers"]->java.lang.Object[][0]->org.folio.okapi.bean.RoutingEntry["type"]) 14:25:16 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=Failed to decode:Invalid entry type: strange-re-type at [Source: (String)"{ "id" : "sample-module-1+1", "name" : "sample module", "provides" : [ { "id" : "sample", "version" : "1.0", "handlers" : [ { "methods" : [ "GET", "POST", "DELETE" ], "pathPattern" : "/testb", "type" : "strange-re-type", "permissionsRequired" : [ "sample.needed" ], "permissionsDesired" : [ "sample.extra" ], "modulePermissions" : [ "sample.modperm" ] } ] }, { "id" : "recurse", "version" : "1.0", "handlers" : [ { "method"[truncated 1035 chars]; line: 10, column: 16] (through reference chain: org.folio.okapi.bean.ModuleDescriptor["provides"]->java.lang.Object[][0]->org.folio.okapi.bean.InterfaceDescriptor["handlers"]->java.lang.Object[][0]->org.folio.okapi.bean.RoutingEntry["type"]) 14:25:16 INFO ProxyContext 165347/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:16 INFO InternalModule createModule validate failed: Bad routing entry, needs a pathPattern or at least a path 14:25:16 INFO ProxyContext 165347/proxy RES 400 763us okapi Bad routing entry, needs a pathPattern or at least a path 14:25:16 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=Bad routing entry, needs a pathPattern or at least a path 14:25:16 INFO ProxyContext 711424/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:16 INFO ProxyContext 711424/proxy RES 400 435us okapi Failed to decode:Invalid character . for pathPattern at [Source: (String)"{ "id" : "sample-module-1+1", "name" : "sample module", "provides" : [ { "id" : "sample", "version" : "1.0", "handlers" : [ { "methods" : [ "GET", "POST", "DELETE" ], "pathPattern" : "/test.*b(/?)", "type" : "request-response", "permissionsRequired" : [ "sample.needed" ], "permissionsDesired" : [ "sample.extra" ], "modulePermissions" : [ "sample.modperm" ] } ] }, { "id" : "recurse", "version" : "1.0", "handlers" : [ { "[truncated 1043 chars]; line: 9, column: 23] (through reference chain: org.folio.okapi.bean.ModuleDescriptor["provides"]->java.lang.Object[][0]->org.folio.okapi.bean.InterfaceDescriptor["handlers"]->java.lang.Object[][0]->org.folio.okapi.bean.RoutingEntry["pathPattern"]) 14:25:16 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=Failed to decode:Invalid character . for pathPattern at [Source: (String)"{ "id" : "sample-module-1+1", "name" : "sample module", "provides" : [ { "id" : "sample", "version" : "1.0", "handlers" : [ { "methods" : [ "GET", "POST", "DELETE" ], "pathPattern" : "/test.*b(/?)", "type" : "request-response", "permissionsRequired" : [ "sample.needed" ], "permissionsDesired" : [ "sample.extra" ], "modulePermissions" : [ "sample.modperm" ] } ] }, { "id" : "recurse", "version" : "1.0", "handlers" : [ { "[truncated 1043 chars]; line: 9, column: 23] (through reference chain: org.folio.okapi.bean.ModuleDescriptor["provides"]->java.lang.Object[][0]->org.folio.okapi.bean.InterfaceDescriptor["handlers"]->java.lang.Object[][0]->org.folio.okapi.bean.RoutingEntry["pathPattern"]) 14:25:16 INFO ProxyContext 404542/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:16 INFO InternalModule createModule validate failed: Redirect entry without redirectPath 14:25:16 INFO ProxyContext 404542/proxy RES 400 757us okapi Redirect entry without redirectPath 14:25:16 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=Redirect entry without redirectPath 14:25:16 INFO ProxyContext 963242/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:16 WARN ProxyContext 963242/proxy Module 'sample-module-1+1' handlers uses type=request-response. That is the default, you can leave it out 14:25:16 WARN ProxyContext 963242/proxy Module 'sample-module-1+1' handlers /_/tenant: uses old type path. Use a pathPattern instead 14:25:16 WARN ProxyContext 963242/proxy Module 'sample-module-1+1' handlers /_/tenant: uses DEPRECATED level. 14:25:16 WARN ProxyContext 963242/proxy Module 'sample-module-1+1' handlers /_/tenant: uses DEPRECATED type 'system' 14:25:16 WARN ProxyContext 963242/proxy Module 'sample-module-1+1' has no Requires section. If the module really does not require any other interfaces, provide an empty array to be explicit about it. 14:25:16 INFO ProxyContext 963242/proxy RES 201 8003us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules?check=true 14:25:16 INFO ProxyContext 297012/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:16 WARN ProxyContext 297012/proxy Module 'sample-module-1+1' handlers uses type=request-response. That is the default, you can leave it out 14:25:16 WARN ProxyContext 297012/proxy Module 'sample-module-1+1' handlers /_/tenant: uses old type path. Use a pathPattern instead 14:25:16 WARN ProxyContext 297012/proxy Module 'sample-module-1+1' handlers /_/tenant: uses DEPRECATED level. 14:25:16 WARN ProxyContext 297012/proxy Module 'sample-module-1+1' handlers /_/tenant: uses DEPRECATED type 'system' 14:25:16 WARN ProxyContext 297012/proxy Module 'sample-module-1+1' has no Requires section. If the module really does not require any other interfaces, provide an empty array to be explicit about it. 14:25:16 INFO ProxyContext 297012/proxy RES 201 2203us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:25:16 INFO ProxyContext 998738/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:16 WARN ProxyContext 998738/proxy Module 'sample-module-1+1' handlers uses type=request-response. That is the default, you can leave it out 14:25:16 WARN ProxyContext 998738/proxy Module 'sample-module-1+1' handlers /_/tenant: uses old type path. Use a pathPattern instead 14:25:16 WARN ProxyContext 998738/proxy Module 'sample-module-1+1' handlers /_/tenant: uses DEPRECATED level. 14:25:16 WARN ProxyContext 998738/proxy Module 'sample-module-1+1' handlers /_/tenant: uses DEPRECATED type 'system' 14:25:16 WARN ProxyContext 998738/proxy Module 'sample-module-1+1' has no Requires section. If the module really does not require any other interfaces, provide an empty array to be explicit about it. 14:25:16 INFO ProxyContext 998738/proxy RES 400 2771us okapi create: module sample-module-1+1 already exists 14:25:16 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=create: module sample-module-1+1 already exists 14:25:16 FATAL ModuleTest locSampleModule=/_/proxy/modules/sample-module-1%2B1 14:25:16 INFO ProxyContext 066995/proxy REQ supertenant PUT /_/proxy/modules/sample-module-1%2B1 okapi-0.0.0 14:25:16 WARN ProxyContext 066995/proxy Module 'sample-module-1+1' handlers uses type=request-response. That is the default, you can leave it out 14:25:16 WARN ProxyContext 066995/proxy Module 'sample-module-1+1' handlers /_/tenant: uses old type path. Use a pathPattern instead 14:25:16 WARN ProxyContext 066995/proxy Module 'sample-module-1+1' handlers /_/tenant: uses DEPRECATED level. 14:25:16 WARN ProxyContext 066995/proxy Module 'sample-module-1+1' handlers /_/tenant: uses DEPRECATED type 'system' 14:25:16 WARN ProxyContext 066995/proxy Module 'sample-module-1+1' has no Requires section. If the module really does not require any other interfaces, provide an empty array to be explicit about it. 14:25:16 INFO ProxyContext 066995/proxy RES 200 3383us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules/sample-module-1%2B1 14:25:16 INFO ProxyContext 737526/discovery REQ supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:16 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { } 14:25:16 INFO ProxyContext 737526/discovery RES 400 637us okapi Needs srvcId 14:25:16 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=Needs srvcId 14:25:16 INFO ProxyContext 446157/discovery REQ supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:16 INFO ProxyContext 446157/discovery RES 400 468us okapi Failed to decode:Empty srvcId not allowed at [Source: (String)"{"srvcId" : ""}"; line: 1, column: 13] (through reference chain: org.folio.okapi.bean.DeploymentDescriptor["srvcId"]) 14:25:16 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=Failed to decode:Empty srvcId not allowed at [Source: (String)"{"srvcId" : ""}"; line: 1, column: 13] (through reference chain: org.folio.okapi.bean.DeploymentDescriptor["srvcId"]) 14:25:16 INFO ProxyContext 702071/discovery REQ supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:16 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { "srvcId" : "1" } 14:25:16 INFO ProxyContext 702071/discovery RES 404 805us okapi Module 1 not found 14:25:16 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=404 msg=Module 1 not found 14:25:16 INFO ProxyContext 900218/discovery REQ supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:16 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { "srvcId" : "1", "nodeId" : "foo" } 14:25:16 INFO ProxyContext 900218/discovery RES 404 743us okapi Module 1 not found 14:25:16 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=404 msg=Module 1 not found 14:25:16 INFO ProxyContext 183265/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/modules/sample-module-1%2B1 okapi-0.0.0 14:25:16 INFO ProxyContext 183265/proxy RES 200 529us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules/sample-module-1%2B1 14:25:16 INFO ProxyContext 342240/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:16 INFO ProxyContext 342240/proxy RES 200 593us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:25:16 INFO ProxyContext 701921/discovery REQ supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:16 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { "instId" : "sample-inst", "srvcId" : "sample-module-1+1", "nodeId" : "node1" } 14:25:16 INFO DeploymentManager deploy instId sample-inst Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dmaven.ext.class.path="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554/pipeline-maven-spy.jar" -Dorg.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.maven.reportsFolder="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554" 14:25:17 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module okapi-test-module 2.39.0 started 14:25:17 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:25:17 INFO MainVerticle Starting okapi-test-module 4005@2dcd032ebaca on port 9231 14:25:17 INFO ? Succeeded in deploying verticle 14:25:17 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9231 count 0 14:25:17 INFO TcpPortWaiting Connected to service at host localhost port 9231 count 0 14:25:17 INFO ProxyContext 701921/discovery RES 201 1004983us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:25:17 INFO ProxyContext 114058/discovery REQ supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:17 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { "instId" : "sample-inst", "srvcId" : "sample-module-1+1", "nodeId" : "node1" } 14:25:17 INFO ProxyContext 114058/discovery RES 400 1196us okapi already deployed: sample-inst 14:25:17 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=already deployed: sample-inst 14:25:17 INFO ProxyContext 235547/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants okapi-0.0.0 14:25:17 INFO ProxyContext 235547/proxy RES 201 378us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants 14:25:17 INFO ProxyContext 049879/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:17 INFO ProxyService syscall begin POST http://localhost:9231/_/tenant 14:25:17 INFO OkapiClient 049879/proxy;519964/tenant REQ okapiClient roskilde POST http://localhost:9231/_/tenant 14:25:17 INFO MainVerticle POST /_/tenant to okapi-est-module for tenant roskilde 14:25:17 INFO MainVerticle module_from=null module_to=sample-module-1+1 14:25:17 INFO OkapiClient 049879/proxy;519964/tenant RES 200 102659us okapiClient http://localhost:9231/_/tenant 14:25:17 INFO ProxyService syscall return POST http://localhost:9231/_/tenant 14:25:17 INFO ProxyContext 049879/proxy RES 201 104920us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules 14:25:17 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module null seq1 0 14:25:17 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant roskilde 14:25:17 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:25:17 INFO ProxyContext 875725/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:17 INFO ProxyContext 875725/proxy RES 404 789us okapi UnknownModule 14:25:17 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=404 msg=UnknownModule 14:25:18 INFO ProxyContext 080945/testb REQ roskilde GET /testb sample-module-1+1 14:25:18 INFO ProxyContext 080945/testb RES 200 5660us sample-module-1+1 http://localhost:9231/testb 14:25:18 INFO ProxyContext 409750/testb REQ roskilde DELETE /testb sample-module-1+1 14:25:18 INFO ProxyContext 409750/testb RES 204 2510us sample-module-1+1 http://localhost:9231/testb 14:25:18 INFO ProxyContext 225655/testb REQ roskilde GET /testb sample-module-1+1 14:25:18 INFO ProxyContext 225655/testb RES 200 2651us sample-module-1+1 http://localhost:9231/testb?query=foo&limit=10 14:25:18 INFO ProxyContext 825233/recurse REQ roskilde GET /recurse sample-module-1+1 14:25:18 INFO ProxyContext 825233/recurse;110892/recurse REQ roskilde GET /recurse sample-module-1+1 14:25:18 INFO ProxyContext 825233/recurse;110892/recurse;887489/recurse REQ roskilde GET /recurse sample-module-1+1 14:25:18 INFO ProxyContext 825233/recurse;110892/recurse;887489/recurse;168181/recurse REQ roskilde GET /recurse sample-module-1+1 14:25:18 INFO ProxyContext 825233/recurse;110892/recurse;887489/recurse;168181/recurse;478011/recurse REQ roskilde GET /recurse sample-module-1+1 14:25:18 INFO ProxyContext 825233/recurse;110892/recurse;887489/recurse;168181/recurse;478011/recurse;955816/recurse REQ roskilde GET /recurse sample-module-1+1 14:25:18 INFO ProxyContext 825233/recurse;110892/recurse;887489/recurse;168181/recurse;478011/recurse;955816/recurse RES 200 1662us sample-module-1+1 http://localhost:9231/recurse?depth=0 14:25:18 INFO ProxyContext 825233/recurse;110892/recurse;887489/recurse;168181/recurse;478011/recurse RES 200 69076us sample-module-1+1 http://localhost:9231/recurse?depth=1 14:25:18 INFO ProxyContext 825233/recurse;110892/recurse;887489/recurse;168181/recurse RES 200 74331us sample-module-1+1 http://localhost:9231/recurse?depth=2 14:25:18 INFO ProxyContext 825233/recurse;110892/recurse;887489/recurse RES 200 79708us sample-module-1+1 http://localhost:9231/recurse?depth=3 14:25:18 INFO ProxyContext 825233/recurse;110892/recurse RES 200 85830us sample-module-1+1 http://localhost:9231/recurse?depth=4 14:25:18 INFO ProxyContext 825233/recurse RES 200 143556us sample-module-1+1 http://localhost:9231/recurse?depth=5 14:25:18 INFO ProxyContext 317644/invoke;252887/testb REQ roskilde GET /testb sample-module-1+1 14:25:18 INFO ProxyContext 317644/invoke;252887/testb RES 200 1825us sample-module-1+1 http://localhost:9231/testb 14:25:18 INFO ProxyContext 417277/invoke;597801/testb RES 404 - okapi No suitable module found for path /testb/foo/bar for tenant roskilde 14:25:18 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=404 msg=No suitable module found for path /testb/foo/bar for tenant roskilde 14:25:18 INFO ProxyContext 084328/invoke;789847/testb REQ roskilde GET /testb sample-module-1+1 14:25:18 INFO ProxyContext 084328/invoke;789847/testb RES 200 2117us sample-module-1+1 http://localhost:9231/testb?query=foo 14:25:18 INFO ProxyContext 398961/invoke;147336/testb REQ roskilde POST /testb sample-module-1+1 14:25:18 INFO ProxyContext 398961/invoke;147336/testb RES 200 3068us sample-module-1+1 http://localhost:9231/testb?query=foo 14:25:18 INFO ProxyContext 363128/testb REQ roskilde GET /testb sample-module-1+1 14:25:18 INFO ProxyContext 363128/testb RES 200 1400us sample-module-1+1 http://localhost:9231/testb 14:25:18 INFO ProxyContext 602106/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:18 INFO ProxyContext 602106/proxy RES 201 1382us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:25:18 INFO ProxyContext 751806/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:18 INFO ProxyContext 751806/proxy RES 201 920us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules 14:25:18 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module null seq1 0 14:25:18 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant roskilde 14:25:18 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:25:18 INFO ProxyContext 287870/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:18 INFO ProxyContext 287870/proxy RES 201 643us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:25:18 INFO ProxyContext 690288/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/empty-module-1.0 okapi-0.0.0 14:25:18 INFO ProxyContext 690288/proxy RES 201 1265us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/empty-module-1.0 14:25:18 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module null seq1 0 14:25:18 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant roskilde 14:25:18 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:25:18 INFO ProxyContext 715845/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/empty-module-1.1 okapi-0.0.0 14:25:18 INFO ProxyContext 715845/proxy RES 204 381us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/empty-module-1.1 14:25:18 INFO ProxyContext 992760/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/modules/empty-module-1.1 okapi-0.0.0 14:25:18 INFO ProxyContext 992760/proxy RES 204 554us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules/empty-module-1.1 14:25:18 INFO ProxyContext 742207/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/modules/empty-module-1.0 okapi-0.0.0 14:25:18 INFO ProxyContext 742207/proxy RES 204 528us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules/empty-module-1.0 14:25:18 INFO ProxyContext 942396/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/sample-module-1%2B1 okapi-0.0.0 14:25:18 INFO ProxyContext 942396/proxy RES 204 494us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/sample-module-1%2B1 14:25:18 INFO ProxyContext 364329/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde okapi-0.0.0 14:25:18 INFO ProxyContext 364329/proxy RES 204 150us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde 14:25:18 INFO ProxyContext 898016/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/modules/sample-module-1%2B1 okapi-0.0.0 14:25:18 INFO ProxyContext 898016/proxy RES 204 766us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules/sample-module-1%2B1 14:25:18 INFO ProxyContext 607865/discovery REQ supertenant DELETE /_/discovery/modules/sample-module-1%2B1/sample-inst okapi-0.0.0 14:25:18 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy: srvcId sample-module-1+1 instId sample-inst 14:25:18 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy sample-module-1+1 sample-inst 14:25:18 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy srvcId=sample-module-1+1 instId=sample-inst node=node1 14:25:18 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy calling.. 14:25:18 INFO DeploymentManager undeploy instId sample-inst 14:25:18 INFO ProxyContext 607865/discovery RES 204 39913us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules/sample-module-1%2B1/sample-inst 14:25:18 INFO ProxyContext 827060/deployment REQ supertenant GET /_/deployment/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:18 INFO ProxyContext 827060/deployment RES 200 138us okapi-0.0.0 /_/deployment/modules 14:25:18 INFO ProxyContext 924833/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/nodes okapi-0.0.0 14:25:18 INFO ProxyContext 924833/discovery RES 200 184us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/nodes 14:25:18 INFO ProxyContext 991556/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:18 INFO ProxyContext 991556/discovery RES 200 122us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:25:18 INFO ProxyContext 895830/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:18 INFO ProxyContext 895830/proxy RES 200 431us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:25:18 INFO ProxyContext 239554/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/tenants okapi-0.0.0 14:25:18 INFO ProxyContext 239554/proxy RES 200 175us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants 14:25:18 INFO ModuleTest Cleaning up after ModuleTest Download org.folio.okapi.ModuleTest$$Lambda$458/853148196@1b118bcb:Linux:B64 START Download org.folio.okapi.ModuleTest$$Lambda$458/853148196@1b118bcb:Linux:B64 DownloadSize: 159090047 Download org.folio.okapi.ModuleTest$$Lambda$458/853148196@1b118bcb:Linux:B64 0% 1% 2% 3% 4% 5% 6% 7% 8% 9% 10% 11% 12% 13% 14% 15% 16% 17% 18% 19% 20% 21% 22% 23% 24% 25% 26% 27% 28% 29% 30% 31% 32% 33% 34% 35% 36% 37% 38% 39% 40% 41% 42% 43% 44% 45% 46% 47% 48% 49% 50% 51% 52% 53% 54% 55% 56% 57% 58% 59% 60% 61% 62% 63% 64% 65% 66% 67% 68% 69% 70% 71% 72% 73% 74% 75% 76% 77% 78% 79% 80% 81% 82% 83% 84% 85% 86% 87% 88% 89% 90% 91% 92% 93% 94% 95% 96% 97% 98% 99% 100% Download org.folio.okapi.ModuleTest$$Lambda$458/853148196@1b118bcb:Linux:B64 downloaded with 155361kb/s Download org.folio.okapi.ModuleTest$$Lambda$458/853148196@1b118bcb:Linux:B64 DONE Extract /home/jenkins/.embedpostgresql/postgresql-10.12-1-linux-x64-binaries.tar.gz START ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Extract /home/jenkins/.embedpostgresql/postgresql-10.12-1-linux-x64-binaries.tar.gz DONE 14:25:22 INFO Executable start AbstractPostgresConfig{storage=Storage{dbDir=/tmp/postgresql-embed-832fb100-4505-4039-abb3-f8aa1551c4e1/db-content-92d4f150-eb2f-4a79-8065-98318958c305, dbName='okapi', isTmpDir=true}, network=Net{host='localhost', port=9238}, timeout=Timeout{startupTimeout=15000}, credentials=Credentials{username='okapi', password='okapi25'}, args=[], additionalInitDbParams=[-E, SQL_ASCII, --locale=C, --lc-collate=C, --lc-ctype=C]} 14:25:22 INFO Executable start AbstractPostgresConfig{storage=Storage{dbDir=/tmp/postgresql-embed-832fb100-4505-4039-abb3-f8aa1551c4e1/db-content-92d4f150-eb2f-4a79-8065-98318958c305, dbName='okapi', isTmpDir=true}, network=Net{host='localhost', port=9238}, timeout=Timeout{startupTimeout=15000}, credentials=Credentials{username='okapi', password='okapi25'}, args=[okapi], additionalInitDbParams=[]} 14:25:24 INFO Executable start AbstractPostgresConfig{storage=Storage{dbDir=/tmp/postgresql-embed-832fb100-4505-4039-abb3-f8aa1551c4e1/db-content-92d4f150-eb2f-4a79-8065-98318958c305, dbName='okapi', isTmpDir=true}, network=Net{host='localhost', port=9238}, timeout=Timeout{startupTimeout=15000}, credentials=Credentials{username='okapi', password='okapi25'}, args=[], additionalInitDbParams=[-E, SQL_ASCII, --locale=C, --lc-collate=C, --lc-ctype=C]} 14:25:24 WARN oduleVersionReporter META-INF/maven/org.folio.okapi/okapi-core/ not found 14:25:24 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module null null started 14:25:24 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:25:24 INFO MainVerticle clusterManager not in use 14:25:25 INFO MainVerticle Proxy using postgres storage 14:25:25 INFO InternalModule InternalModule starting okapiversion=null 14:25:25 WARN Storage Will initialize the whole database! 14:25:25 WARN Storage The postgres_db_init option is DEPRECATED! use 'initdatabase' command (instead of 'dev' on the command line) 14:25:25 INFO Storage prepareDatabases: INIT 14:25:25 WARN NoticeResponse Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='00000', message='table "env" does not exist, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='tablecmds.c', line='917', routine='DropErrorMsgNonExistent', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 14:25:25 WARN NoticeResponse Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='00000', message='table "deployments" does not exist, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='tablecmds.c', line='917', routine='DropErrorMsgNonExistent', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 14:25:25 WARN NoticeResponse Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='00000', message='table "tenants" does not exist, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='tablecmds.c', line='917', routine='DropErrorMsgNonExistent', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 14:25:25 WARN NoticeResponse Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='00000', message='table "modules" does not exist, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='tablecmds.c', line='917', routine='DropErrorMsgNonExistent', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 14:25:25 INFO MainVerticle startModmanager 14:25:25 INFO MainVerticle startTenants 14:25:25 INFO MainVerticle checkInternalModules 14:25:25 INFO MainVerticle Creating the superTenant supertenant 14:25:25 INFO MainVerticle starting env 14:25:25 INFO MainVerticle Starting discovery 14:25:25 INFO MainVerticle Starting deployment 14:25:25 INFO MainVerticle API Gateway started PID 1909@2dcd032ebaca. Listening on port 9230 14:25:25 INFO MainVerticle Deploy completed succesfully 14:25:25 INFO TenantManager starting supertenant 14:25:25 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant supertenant module null seq1 0 14:25:25 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant supertenant 14:25:25 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:25:25 INFO ProxyContext 823571/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants okapi-0.0.0 14:25:25 INFO ProxyContext 823571/proxy RES 201 12498us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants 14:25:25 INFO ProxyContext 564414/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:25 WARN ProxyContext 564414/proxy Module 'sample-module-1' has no Requires section. If the module really does not require any other interfaces, provide an empty array to be explicit about it. 14:25:25 WARN ProxyContext 564414/proxy Module 'sample-module-1' filters /test2: uses old type path. Use a pathPattern instead 14:25:25 WARN ProxyContext 564414/proxy Module 'sample-module-1' filters /test2: uses DEPRECATED level. Use a phase=auth instead 14:25:25 INFO ProxyContext 564414/proxy RES 201 9915us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:25:25 INFO ProxyContext 346317/discovery REQ supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:25 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { "srvcId" : "sample-module-1", "nodeId" : "localhost", "descriptor" : { "exec" : "java -Dport=%p -jar ../okapi-test-module/target/okapi-test-module-fat.jar" } } 14:25:25 INFO DeploymentManager deploy instId 837d897c-9db9-41e2-86d3-34f39a2b7d44 Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dmaven.ext.class.path="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554/pipeline-maven-spy.jar" -Dorg.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.maven.reportsFolder="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554" 14:25:25 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module okapi-test-module 2.39.0 started 14:25:25 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:25:25 INFO MainVerticle Starting okapi-test-module 4112@2dcd032ebaca on port 9231 14:25:26 INFO ? Succeeded in deploying verticle 14:25:26 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9231 count 0 14:25:26 INFO TcpPortWaiting Connected to service at host localhost port 9231 count 0 14:25:26 INFO ProxyContext 346317/discovery RES 201 1007104us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:25:26 INFO ProxyContext 052533/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:26 INFO ProxyContext 052533/proxy RES 201 13992us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules 14:25:26 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module null seq1 0 14:25:26 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant roskilde 14:25:26 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:25:26 INFO ProxyContext 038944/test2 RES 404 - okapi No suitable module found for path /test2 for tenant roskilde 14:25:26 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=404 msg=No suitable module found for path /test2 for tenant roskilde 14:25:26 INFO ProxyContext 137314/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/sample-module-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:25:26 INFO ProxyContext 137314/proxy RES 204 3641us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/sample-module-1 14:25:26 INFO ProxyContext 208516/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/modules/sample-module-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:25:26 INFO ProxyContext 208516/proxy RES 204 3522us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules/sample-module-1 14:25:26 INFO ProxyContext 149397/discovery REQ supertenant DELETE /_/discovery/modules/sample-module-1/837d897c-9db9-41e2-86d3-34f39a2b7d44 okapi-0.0.0 14:25:26 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy: srvcId sample-module-1 instId 837d897c-9db9-41e2-86d3-34f39a2b7d44 14:25:26 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy sample-module-1 837d897c-9db9-41e2-86d3-34f39a2b7d44 14:25:26 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy srvcId=sample-module-1 instId=837d897c-9db9-41e2-86d3-34f39a2b7d44 node=localhost 14:25:26 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy calling.. 14:25:26 INFO DeploymentManager undeploy instId 837d897c-9db9-41e2-86d3-34f39a2b7d44 14:25:26 INFO ProxyContext 149397/discovery RES 204 48866us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules/sample-module-1/837d897c-9db9-41e2-86d3-34f39a2b7d44 14:25:26 INFO ProxyContext 860100/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:26 WARN ProxyContext 860100/proxy Module 'sample-module-1' has no Requires section. If the module really does not require any other interfaces, provide an empty array to be explicit about it. 14:25:26 WARN ProxyContext 860100/proxy Module 'sample-module-1' filters /test2: uses old type path. Use a pathPattern instead 14:25:26 WARN ProxyContext 860100/proxy Module 'sample-module-1' filters /test2: uses DEPRECATED level. Use a phase=auth instead 14:25:26 INFO ProxyContext 860100/proxy RES 201 3369us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:25:26 INFO ProxyContext 778716/discovery REQ supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:26 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { "srvcId" : "sample-module-1", "nodeId" : "localhost", "descriptor" : { "exec" : "java -Dport=%p -jar ../okapi-test-module/target/okapi-test-module-fat.jar" } } 14:25:26 INFO DeploymentManager deploy instId 9b25f1b5-ee21-44ee-826f-c88b0bfc9353 Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dmaven.ext.class.path="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554/pipeline-maven-spy.jar" -Dorg.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.maven.reportsFolder="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554" 14:25:26 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module okapi-test-module 2.39.0 started 14:25:26 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:25:26 INFO MainVerticle Starting okapi-test-module 4162@2dcd032ebaca on port 9231 14:25:27 INFO ? Succeeded in deploying verticle 14:25:27 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9231 count 0 14:25:27 INFO TcpPortWaiting Connected to service at host localhost port 9231 count 0 14:25:27 INFO ProxyContext 778716/discovery RES 201 1011479us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:25:27 INFO ProxyContext 602918/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:27 INFO ProxyContext 602918/proxy RES 201 3270us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules 14:25:27 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module null seq1 0 14:25:27 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant roskilde 14:25:27 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:25:27 INFO ProxyContext 226485/test2 RES 404 - okapi No suitable module found for path /test2 for tenant roskilde 14:25:27 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=404 msg=No suitable module found for path /test2 for tenant roskilde 14:25:27 INFO ProxyContext 584854/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/sample-module-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:25:27 INFO ProxyContext 584854/proxy RES 204 3525us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/sample-module-1 14:25:27 INFO ProxyContext 591865/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/modules/sample-module-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:25:27 INFO ProxyContext 591865/proxy RES 204 1904us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules/sample-module-1 14:25:27 INFO ProxyContext 518198/discovery REQ supertenant DELETE /_/discovery/modules/sample-module-1/9b25f1b5-ee21-44ee-826f-c88b0bfc9353 okapi-0.0.0 14:25:27 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy: srvcId sample-module-1 instId 9b25f1b5-ee21-44ee-826f-c88b0bfc9353 14:25:27 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy sample-module-1 9b25f1b5-ee21-44ee-826f-c88b0bfc9353 14:25:27 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy srvcId=sample-module-1 instId=9b25f1b5-ee21-44ee-826f-c88b0bfc9353 node=localhost 14:25:27 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy calling.. 14:25:27 INFO DeploymentManager undeploy instId 9b25f1b5-ee21-44ee-826f-c88b0bfc9353 14:25:27 INFO ProxyContext 518198/discovery RES 204 94460us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules/sample-module-1/9b25f1b5-ee21-44ee-826f-c88b0bfc9353 14:25:27 INFO ProxyContext 320223/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:27 WARN ProxyContext 320223/proxy Module 'sample-module-1' has no Requires section. If the module really does not require any other interfaces, provide an empty array to be explicit about it. 14:25:27 WARN ProxyContext 320223/proxy Module 'sample-module-1' filters /test2: uses old type path. Use a pathPattern instead 14:25:27 WARN ProxyContext 320223/proxy Module 'sample-module-1' filters /test2: uses DEPRECATED level. Use a phase=auth instead 14:25:27 INFO ProxyContext 320223/proxy RES 201 3006us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:25:27 INFO ProxyContext 202875/discovery REQ supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:27 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { "srvcId" : "sample-module-1", "nodeId" : "localhost", "descriptor" : { "exec" : "java -Dport=%p -jar ../okapi-test-module/target/okapi-test-module-fat.jar" } } 14:25:27 INFO DeploymentManager deploy instId 1108aa59-cb98-4560-811b-79d619b2d63b Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dmaven.ext.class.path="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554/pipeline-maven-spy.jar" -Dorg.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.maven.reportsFolder="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554" 14:25:28 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module okapi-test-module 2.39.0 started 14:25:28 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:25:28 INFO MainVerticle Starting okapi-test-module 4210@2dcd032ebaca on port 9231 14:25:28 INFO ? Succeeded in deploying verticle 14:25:28 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9231 count 0 14:25:28 INFO TcpPortWaiting Connected to service at host localhost port 9231 count 0 14:25:28 INFO ProxyContext 202875/discovery RES 201 1006782us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:25:28 INFO ProxyContext 090114/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:28 INFO ProxyContext 090114/proxy RES 201 3825us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules 14:25:28 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module null seq1 0 14:25:28 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant roskilde 14:25:28 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:25:28 INFO ProxyContext 225460/test2 RES 404 - okapi No suitable module found for path /test2 for tenant roskilde 14:25:28 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=404 msg=No suitable module found for path /test2 for tenant roskilde 14:25:28 INFO ProxyContext 272738/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/sample-module-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:25:28 INFO ProxyContext 272738/proxy RES 204 2973us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/sample-module-1 14:25:28 INFO ProxyContext 756134/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/modules/sample-module-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:25:28 INFO ProxyContext 756134/proxy RES 204 2068us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules/sample-module-1 14:25:28 INFO ProxyContext 744580/discovery REQ supertenant DELETE /_/discovery/modules/sample-module-1/1108aa59-cb98-4560-811b-79d619b2d63b okapi-0.0.0 14:25:28 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy: srvcId sample-module-1 instId 1108aa59-cb98-4560-811b-79d619b2d63b 14:25:28 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy sample-module-1 1108aa59-cb98-4560-811b-79d619b2d63b 14:25:28 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy srvcId=sample-module-1 instId=1108aa59-cb98-4560-811b-79d619b2d63b node=localhost 14:25:28 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy calling.. 14:25:28 INFO DeploymentManager undeploy instId 1108aa59-cb98-4560-811b-79d619b2d63b 14:25:28 INFO ProxyContext 744580/discovery RES 204 53463us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules/sample-module-1/1108aa59-cb98-4560-811b-79d619b2d63b 14:25:28 INFO ProxyContext 717430/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde okapi-0.0.0 14:25:28 INFO ProxyContext 717430/proxy RES 204 1746us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde 14:25:28 INFO ModuleTest Cleaning up after ModuleTest 14:25:28 WARN oduleVersionReporter META-INF/maven/org.folio.okapi/okapi-core/ not found 14:25:28 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module null null started 14:25:28 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:25:28 INFO MainVerticle clusterManager not in use 14:25:28 INFO MainVerticle Proxy using postgres storage 14:25:28 INFO InternalModule InternalModule starting okapiversion=null 14:25:28 WARN Storage Will initialize the whole database! 14:25:28 WARN Storage The postgres_db_init option is DEPRECATED! use 'initdatabase' command (instead of 'dev' on the command line) 14:25:28 INFO Storage prepareDatabases: INIT 14:25:28 INFO MainVerticle startModmanager 14:25:28 INFO MainVerticle startTenants 14:25:28 INFO MainVerticle checkInternalModules 14:25:28 INFO MainVerticle Creating the superTenant supertenant 14:25:28 INFO MainVerticle starting env 14:25:28 INFO MainVerticle Starting discovery 14:25:28 INFO MainVerticle Starting deployment 14:25:28 INFO MainVerticle API Gateway started PID 1909@2dcd032ebaca. Listening on port 9230 14:25:28 INFO MainVerticle Deploy completed succesfully 14:25:28 INFO TenantManager starting supertenant 14:25:28 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant supertenant module null seq1 0 14:25:28 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant supertenant 14:25:28 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:25:28 INFO ProxyContext 052359/deployment REQ supertenant GET /_/deployment/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:28 INFO ProxyContext 052359/deployment RES 200 182us okapi-0.0.0 /_/deployment/modules 14:25:28 INFO ProxyContext 562738/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/nodes okapi-0.0.0 14:25:28 INFO ProxyContext 562738/discovery RES 200 186us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/nodes 14:25:28 INFO ProxyContext 018712/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:28 INFO ProxyContext 018712/discovery RES 200 121us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:25:28 INFO ProxyContext 684525/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:28 INFO ProxyContext 684525/proxy RES 200 447us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:25:28 INFO ProxyContext 654646/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/tenants okapi-0.0.0 14:25:28 INFO ProxyContext 654646/proxy RES 200 163us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants 14:25:28 INFO ProxyContext 678982/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants okapi-0.0.0 14:25:28 INFO ProxyContext 678982/proxy RES 201 2311us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants 14:25:28 INFO ProxyContext 443576/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:28 INFO ProxyContext 443576/proxy RES 201 3212us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules 14:25:28 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module null seq1 0 14:25:28 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant roskilde 14:25:28 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:25:28 INFO ProxyContext 664033/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:28 WARN ProxyContext 664033/proxy Module 'header-1' handlers /_/tenantPermissions: uses old type path. Use a pathPattern instead 14:25:28 WARN ProxyContext 664033/proxy Module 'header-1' handlers /_/tenantPermissions: uses DEPRECATED level. 14:25:28 WARN ProxyContext 664033/proxy Module 'header-1' has no Requires section. If the module really does not require any other interfaces, provide an empty array to be explicit about it. 14:25:28 INFO ProxyContext 664033/proxy RES 201 2257us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:25:28 INFO ProxyContext 071322/discovery REQ supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:28 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { "instId" : "header-1-inst", "srvcId" : "header-1", "nodeId" : "localhost" } 14:25:28 INFO DeploymentManager deploy instId header-1-inst Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dmaven.ext.class.path="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554/pipeline-maven-spy.jar" -Dorg.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.maven.reportsFolder="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554" 14:25:29 INFO MainVerticle Starting okapi-test-header-module 4285@2dcd032ebaca on port 9231 14:25:29 INFO ? Succeeded in deploying verticle 14:25:29 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9231 count 0 14:25:29 INFO TcpPortWaiting Connected to service at host localhost port 9231 count 0 14:25:29 INFO ProxyContext 071322/discovery RES 201 1006254us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:25:29 INFO ProxyContext 537848/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:29 INFO ProxyService syscall begin POST http://localhost:9231/_/tenantPermissions 14:25:29 INFO OkapiClient 537848/proxy;070113/tenantPermissions REQ okapiClient roskilde POST http://localhost:9231/_/tenantPermissions 14:25:29 INFO MainVerticle tenantPermissions: { "moduleId" : "okapi-0.0.0", "perms" : [ { "permissionName" : "okapi.deployment... 14:25:29 INFO OkapiClient 537848/proxy;070113/tenantPermissions RES 200 103926us okapiClient http://localhost:9231/_/tenantPermissions 14:25:29 INFO ProxyService syscall return POST http://localhost:9231/_/tenantPermissions 14:25:29 INFO ProxyService syscall begin POST http://localhost:9231/_/tenantPermissions 14:25:29 INFO OkapiClient 537848/proxy;056917/tenantPermissions REQ okapiClient roskilde POST http://localhost:9231/_/tenantPermissions 14:25:29 INFO MainVerticle tenantPermissions: { "moduleId" : "header-1", "perms" : null } 14:25:29 INFO OkapiClient 537848/proxy;056917/tenantPermissions RES 200 2417us okapiClient http://localhost:9231/_/tenantPermissions 14:25:29 INFO ProxyService syscall return POST http://localhost:9231/_/tenantPermissions 14:25:29 INFO ProxyContext 537848/proxy RES 201 113210us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules 14:25:29 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module null seq1 0 14:25:29 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant roskilde 14:25:29 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:25:29 INFO ProxyContext 124199/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:29 WARN ProxyContext 124199/proxy Module 'sample-module-1' handlers /testb: uses old type path. Use a pathPattern instead 14:25:29 WARN ProxyContext 124199/proxy Module 'sample-module-1' handlers /testb: uses DEPRECATED level. 14:25:29 WARN ProxyContext 124199/proxy Module 'sample-module-1' handlers uses type=request-response. That is the default, you can leave it out 14:25:29 WARN ProxyContext 124199/proxy Module 'sample-module-1' handlers /_/tenant: uses old type path. Use a pathPattern instead 14:25:29 WARN ProxyContext 124199/proxy Module 'sample-module-1' handlers /_/tenant: uses DEPRECATED level. 14:25:29 WARN ProxyContext 124199/proxy Module 'sample-module-1' handlers /_/tenant: uses DEPRECATED type 'system' 14:25:29 WARN ProxyContext 124199/proxy Module 'sample-module-1' has no Requires section. If the module really does not require any other interfaces, provide an empty array to be explicit about it. 14:25:29 INFO ProxyContext 124199/proxy RES 201 3173us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:25:29 INFO ProxyContext 346503/discovery REQ supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:29 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { "instId" : "sample-1-inst", "srvcId" : "sample-module-1", "nodeId" : "localhost" } 14:25:29 INFO DeploymentManager deploy instId sample-1-inst Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dmaven.ext.class.path="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554/pipeline-maven-spy.jar" -Dorg.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.maven.reportsFolder="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554" 14:25:30 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module okapi-test-module 2.39.0 started 14:25:30 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:25:30 INFO MainVerticle Starting okapi-test-module 4312@2dcd032ebaca on port 9232 14:25:30 INFO ? Succeeded in deploying verticle 14:25:30 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9232 count 0 14:25:30 INFO TcpPortWaiting Connected to service at host localhost port 9232 count 0 14:25:30 INFO ProxyContext 346503/discovery RES 201 1006516us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:25:30 INFO ProxyContext 385974/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:30 INFO ProxyService syscall begin POST http://localhost:9232/_/tenant 14:25:30 INFO OkapiClient 385974/proxy;152260/tenant REQ okapiClient roskilde POST http://localhost:9232/_/tenant 14:25:30 INFO MainVerticle POST /_/tenant to okapi-est-module for tenant roskilde 14:25:31 INFO MainVerticle module_from=null module_to=sample-module-1 14:25:31 INFO OkapiClient 385974/proxy;152260/tenant RES 200 108518us okapiClient http://localhost:9232/_/tenant 14:25:31 INFO ProxyService syscall return POST http://localhost:9232/_/tenant 14:25:31 INFO ProxyService syscall begin POST http://localhost:9231/_/tenantPermissions 14:25:31 INFO OkapiClient 385974/proxy;214614/tenantPermissions REQ okapiClient roskilde POST http://localhost:9231/_/tenantPermissions 14:25:31 INFO MainVerticle tenantPermissions: { "moduleId" : "sample-module-1", "perms" : [ { "permissionName" : "everything",... 14:25:31 INFO OkapiClient 385974/proxy;214614/tenantPermissions RES 200 2349us okapiClient http://localhost:9231/_/tenantPermissions 14:25:31 INFO ProxyService syscall return POST http://localhost:9231/_/tenantPermissions 14:25:31 INFO ProxyContext 385974/proxy RES 201 116960us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules 14:25:31 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module null seq1 0 14:25:31 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant roskilde 14:25:31 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:25:31 INFO ProxyContext 654235/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:31 WARN ProxyContext 654235/proxy Module 'sample-module2-1' has no Requires section. If the module really does not require any other interfaces, provide an empty array to be explicit about it. 14:25:31 INFO ProxyContext 654235/proxy RES 201 2292us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:25:31 INFO ProxyContext 834732/discovery REQ supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:31 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { "instId" : "sample2-1-inst", "srvcId" : "sample-module2-1", "nodeId" : "localhost" } 14:25:31 INFO DeploymentManager deploy instId sample2-1-inst Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dmaven.ext.class.path="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554/pipeline-maven-spy.jar" -Dorg.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.maven.reportsFolder="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554" 14:25:31 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module okapi-test-module 2.39.0 started 14:25:31 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:25:31 INFO MainVerticle Starting okapi-test-module 4337@2dcd032ebaca on port 9233 14:25:31 INFO ? Succeeded in deploying verticle 14:25:32 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9233 count 0 14:25:32 INFO TcpPortWaiting Connected to service at host localhost port 9233 count 0 14:25:32 INFO ProxyContext 834732/discovery RES 201 1006471us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:25:32 INFO ProxyContext 306724/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:32 INFO ProxyService syscall begin POST http://localhost:9231/_/tenantPermissions 14:25:32 INFO OkapiClient 306724/proxy;395441/tenantPermissions REQ okapiClient roskilde POST http://localhost:9231/_/tenantPermissions 14:25:32 INFO MainVerticle tenantPermissions: { "moduleId" : "sample-module2-1", "perms" : null } 14:25:32 INFO OkapiClient 306724/proxy;395441/tenantPermissions RES 200 2234us okapiClient http://localhost:9231/_/tenantPermissions 14:25:32 INFO ProxyService syscall return POST http://localhost:9231/_/tenantPermissions 14:25:32 INFO ProxyContext 306724/proxy RES 201 7236us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules 14:25:32 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module null seq1 0 14:25:32 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant roskilde 14:25:32 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:25:32 INFO ProxyContext 207064/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/sample-module-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:25:32 INFO ProxyContext 207064/proxy RES 204 4067us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/sample-module-1 14:25:32 INFO ProxyContext 348218/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:32 WARN ProxyContext 348218/proxy Module 'auth-1' handlers /authn/login: uses old type path. Use a pathPattern instead 14:25:32 WARN ProxyContext 348218/proxy Module 'auth-1' handlers /authn/login: uses DEPRECATED level. 14:25:32 WARN ProxyContext 348218/proxy Module 'auth-1' handlers uses type=request-response. That is the default, you can leave it out 14:25:32 WARN ProxyContext 348218/proxy Module 'auth-1' filters /: uses old type path. Use a pathPattern instead 14:25:32 INFO ProxyContext 348218/proxy RES 201 2833us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:25:32 INFO ProxyContext 578447/discovery REQ supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:32 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { "instId" : "auth-1-inst", "srvcId" : "auth-1", "nodeId" : "localhost" } 14:25:32 INFO DeploymentManager deploy instId auth-1-inst Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dmaven.ext.class.path="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554/pipeline-maven-spy.jar" -Dorg.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.maven.reportsFolder="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554" 14:25:32 INFO MainVerticle Starting auth 4362@2dcd032ebaca on port 9234 14:25:32 INFO ? Succeeded in deploying verticle 14:25:33 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9234 count 0 14:25:33 INFO TcpPortWaiting Connected to service at host localhost port 9234 count 0 14:25:33 INFO ProxyContext 578447/discovery RES 201 1006992us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:25:33 INFO ProxyContext 704561/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:33 INFO ProxyService syscall begin POST http://localhost:9231/_/tenantPermissions 14:25:33 INFO OkapiClient 704561/proxy;668859/tenantPermissions REQ okapiClient roskilde POST http://localhost:9231/_/tenantPermissions 14:25:33 INFO MainVerticle tenantPermissions: { "moduleId" : "auth-1", "perms" : null } 14:25:33 INFO OkapiClient 704561/proxy;668859/tenantPermissions RES 200 2340us okapiClient http://localhost:9231/_/tenantPermissions 14:25:33 INFO ProxyService syscall return POST http://localhost:9231/_/tenantPermissions 14:25:33 INFO ProxyContext 704561/proxy RES 201 7624us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules 14:25:33 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module null seq1 0 14:25:33 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant roskilde 14:25:33 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:25:33 INFO ProxyContext 076871/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:33 INFO ProxyService syscall begin POST http://localhost:9234/_/tenant 14:25:33 INFO OkapiClient 076871/proxy;744407/tenant REQ okapiClient roskilde POST http://localhost:9234/_/tenant 14:25:33 INFO OkapiClient 076871/proxy;744407/tenant RES 202 290279us okapiClient http://localhost:9234/_/tenant 14:25:33 INFO ProxyService syscall return POST http://localhost:9234/_/tenant 14:25:33 INFO ProxyService syscall begin POST http://localhost:9232/_/tenant 14:25:33 INFO OkapiClient 076871/proxy;002593/tenant REQ okapiClient roskilde POST http://localhost:9232/_/tenant 14:25:33 INFO MainVerticle POST /_/tenant to okapi-est-module for tenant roskilde 14:25:33 INFO MainVerticle module_from=null module_to=sample-module-1 14:25:33 INFO OkapiClient 076871/proxy;002593/tenant RES 200 3524us okapiClient http://localhost:9232/_/tenant 14:25:33 INFO ProxyService syscall return POST http://localhost:9232/_/tenant 14:25:33 INFO ProxyService syscall begin POST http://localhost:9234/_/tenantPermissions 14:25:33 INFO OkapiClient 076871/proxy;734323/tenantPermissions REQ okapiClient roskilde POST http://localhost:9234/_/tenantPermissions 14:25:33 INFO OkapiClient 076871/proxy;734323/tenantPermissions RES 202 1997us okapiClient http://localhost:9234/_/tenantPermissions 14:25:33 INFO ProxyService syscall return POST http://localhost:9234/_/tenantPermissions 14:25:33 INFO ProxyService syscall begin POST http://localhost:9231/_/tenantPermissions 14:25:33 INFO OkapiClient 076871/proxy;382964/tenantPermissions REQ okapiClient roskilde POST http://localhost:9231/_/tenantPermissions 14:25:33 INFO MainVerticle tenantPermissions: { "moduleId" : "sample-module-1", "perms" : [ { "permissionName" : "everything",... 14:25:33 INFO OkapiClient 076871/proxy;382964/tenantPermissions RES 200 2517us okapiClient http://localhost:9231/_/tenantPermissions 14:25:33 INFO ProxyService syscall return POST http://localhost:9231/_/tenantPermissions 14:25:33 INFO ProxyContext 076871/proxy RES 201 306667us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules 14:25:33 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module null seq1 0 14:25:33 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant roskilde 14:25:33 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:25:33 INFO ProxyContext 822288/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/sample-module-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:25:33 INFO ProxyContext 822288/proxy RES 204 3925us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/sample-module-1 14:25:33 INFO ProxyContext 340284/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/auth-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:25:33 INFO ProxyContext 340284/proxy RES 204 2666us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/auth-1 14:25:33 INFO ProxyContext 746829/discovery REQ supertenant DELETE /_/discovery/modules/auth-1/auth-1-inst okapi-0.0.0 14:25:33 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy: srvcId auth-1 instId auth-1-inst 14:25:33 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy auth-1 auth-1-inst 14:25:33 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy srvcId=auth-1 instId=auth-1-inst node=localhost 14:25:33 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy calling.. 14:25:33 INFO DeploymentManager undeploy instId auth-1-inst 14:25:33 INFO ProxyContext 746829/discovery RES 204 45287us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules/auth-1/auth-1-inst 14:25:33 INFO ProxyContext 732543/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/modules/auth-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:25:33 INFO ProxyContext 732543/proxy RES 204 2559us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules/auth-1 14:25:33 INFO ProxyContext 976779/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/sample-module2-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:25:33 INFO ProxyContext 976779/proxy RES 204 3493us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/sample-module2-1 14:25:33 INFO ProxyContext 634887/discovery REQ supertenant DELETE /_/discovery/modules/sample-module2-1/sample2-1-inst okapi-0.0.0 14:25:33 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy: srvcId sample-module2-1 instId sample2-1-inst 14:25:33 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy sample-module2-1 sample2-1-inst 14:25:33 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy srvcId=sample-module2-1 instId=sample2-1-inst node=localhost 14:25:33 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy calling.. 14:25:33 INFO DeploymentManager undeploy instId sample2-1-inst 14:25:33 INFO ProxyContext 634887/discovery RES 204 40532us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules/sample-module2-1/sample2-1-inst 14:25:33 INFO ProxyContext 233064/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/modules/sample-module2-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:25:33 INFO ProxyContext 233064/proxy RES 204 2063us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules/sample-module2-1 14:25:33 INFO ProxyContext 343576/discovery REQ supertenant DELETE /_/discovery/modules/sample-module-1/sample-1-inst okapi-0.0.0 14:25:33 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy: srvcId sample-module-1 instId sample-1-inst 14:25:33 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy sample-module-1 sample-1-inst 14:25:33 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy srvcId=sample-module-1 instId=sample-1-inst node=localhost 14:25:33 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy calling.. 14:25:33 INFO DeploymentManager undeploy instId sample-1-inst 14:25:33 INFO ProxyContext 343576/discovery RES 204 55235us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules/sample-module-1/sample-1-inst 14:25:33 INFO ProxyContext 023608/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/modules/sample-module-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:25:33 INFO ProxyContext 023608/proxy RES 204 2129us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules/sample-module-1 14:25:33 INFO ProxyContext 096126/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/header-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:25:33 INFO ProxyContext 096126/proxy RES 204 3272us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/header-1 14:25:33 INFO ProxyContext 139227/discovery REQ supertenant DELETE /_/discovery/modules/header-1/header-1-inst okapi-0.0.0 14:25:33 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy: srvcId header-1 instId header-1-inst 14:25:33 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy header-1 header-1-inst 14:25:33 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy srvcId=header-1 instId=header-1-inst node=localhost 14:25:33 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy calling.. 14:25:33 INFO DeploymentManager undeploy instId header-1-inst 14:25:33 INFO ProxyContext 139227/discovery RES 204 61253us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules/header-1/header-1-inst 14:25:33 INFO ProxyContext 907700/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/modules/header-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:25:33 INFO ProxyContext 907700/proxy RES 204 1981us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules/header-1 14:25:33 INFO ProxyContext 520077/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/okapi-0.0.0 okapi-0.0.0 14:25:33 INFO ProxyContext 520077/proxy RES 204 3107us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/okapi-0.0.0 14:25:33 INFO ProxyContext 853496/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde okapi-0.0.0 14:25:33 INFO ProxyContext 853496/proxy RES 204 1838us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde 14:25:33 INFO ProxyContext 090795/deployment REQ supertenant GET /_/deployment/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:33 INFO ProxyContext 090795/deployment RES 200 106us okapi-0.0.0 /_/deployment/modules 14:25:33 INFO ProxyContext 202940/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/nodes okapi-0.0.0 14:25:33 INFO ProxyContext 202940/discovery RES 200 262us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/nodes 14:25:33 INFO ProxyContext 786762/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:33 INFO ProxyContext 786762/discovery RES 200 189us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:25:33 INFO ProxyContext 018507/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:33 INFO ProxyContext 018507/proxy RES 200 389us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:25:33 INFO ProxyContext 368881/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/tenants okapi-0.0.0 14:25:33 INFO ProxyContext 368881/proxy RES 200 194us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants 14:25:33 INFO ModuleTest Cleaning up after ModuleTest 14:25:33 WARN oduleVersionReporter META-INF/maven/org.folio.okapi/okapi-core/ not found 14:25:33 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module null null started 14:25:33 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:25:33 INFO MainVerticle clusterManager not in use 14:25:33 INFO MainVerticle Proxy using postgres storage 14:25:33 INFO InternalModule InternalModule starting okapiversion=null 14:25:33 WARN Storage Will initialize the whole database! 14:25:33 WARN Storage The postgres_db_init option is DEPRECATED! use 'initdatabase' command (instead of 'dev' on the command line) 14:25:33 INFO Storage prepareDatabases: INIT 14:25:33 INFO MainVerticle startModmanager 14:25:33 INFO MainVerticle startTenants 14:25:33 INFO MainVerticle checkInternalModules 14:25:33 INFO MainVerticle Creating the superTenant supertenant 14:25:33 INFO MainVerticle starting env 14:25:33 INFO MainVerticle Starting discovery 14:25:33 INFO MainVerticle Starting deployment 14:25:33 INFO MainVerticle API Gateway started PID 1909@2dcd032ebaca. Listening on port 9230 14:25:33 INFO MainVerticle Deploy completed succesfully 14:25:33 INFO TenantManager starting supertenant 14:25:33 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant supertenant module null seq1 0 14:25:33 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant supertenant 14:25:33 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:25:33 INFO ProxyContext 332223/deployment REQ supertenant GET /_/deployment/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:33 INFO ProxyContext 332223/deployment RES 200 140us okapi-0.0.0 /_/deployment/modules 14:25:33 INFO ProxyContext 813388/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/nodes okapi-0.0.0 14:25:33 INFO ProxyContext 813388/discovery RES 200 210us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/nodes 14:25:33 INFO ProxyContext 260817/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:33 INFO ProxyContext 260817/discovery RES 200 123us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:25:33 INFO ProxyContext 967631/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:33 INFO ProxyContext 967631/proxy RES 200 375us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:25:33 INFO ProxyContext 979806/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/tenants okapi-0.0.0 14:25:33 INFO ProxyContext 979806/proxy RES 200 162us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants 14:25:33 INFO ProxyContext 004248/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants okapi-0.0.0 14:25:33 INFO ProxyContext 004248/proxy RES 201 3026us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants 14:25:33 INFO ProxyContext 255796/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde okapi-0.0.0 14:25:33 INFO ProxyContext 255796/proxy RES 200 128us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde 14:25:33 INFO ProxyContext 103208/proxy REQ supertenant PUT /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde okapi-0.0.0 14:25:33 INFO ProxyContext 103208/proxy RES 200 2690us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde 14:25:33 INFO ProxyContext 726555/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:33 WARN ProxyContext 726555/proxy Module 'sample-f-module-1' handlers uses type=request-response. That is the default, you can leave it out 14:25:33 WARN ProxyContext 726555/proxy Module 'sample-f-module-1' has no Requires section. If the module really does not require any other interfaces, provide an empty array to be explicit about it. 14:25:33 INFO ProxyContext 726555/proxy RES 201 2725us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:25:33 INFO ProxyContext 358701/discovery REQ supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:33 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { "instId" : "sample-f-1-inst", "srvcId" : "sample-f-module-1", "nodeId" : "localhost" } 14:25:33 INFO DeploymentManager deploy instId sample-f-1-inst Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dmaven.ext.class.path="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554/pipeline-maven-spy.jar" -Dorg.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.maven.reportsFolder="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554" 14:25:34 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module okapi-test-module 2.39.0 started 14:25:34 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:25:34 INFO MainVerticle Starting okapi-test-module 4512@2dcd032ebaca on port 9231 14:25:34 INFO ? Succeeded in deploying verticle 14:25:34 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9231 count 0 14:25:34 INFO TcpPortWaiting Connected to service at host localhost port 9231 count 0 14:25:34 INFO ProxyContext 358701/discovery RES 201 1007271us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:25:34 INFO ProxyContext 626219/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:34 INFO ProxyContext 626219/proxy RES 201 4172us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules 14:25:34 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module null seq1 0 14:25:34 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant roskilde 14:25:34 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:25:34 INFO ProxyContext 998009/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:34 WARN ProxyContext 998009/proxy Module 'auth-f-module-1' handlers /authn/login: uses old type path. Use a pathPattern instead 14:25:34 WARN ProxyContext 998009/proxy Module 'auth-f-module-1' handlers /authn/login: uses DEPRECATED level. 14:25:34 WARN ProxyContext 998009/proxy Module 'auth-f-module-1' handlers uses type=request-response. That is the default, you can leave it out 14:25:34 WARN ProxyContext 998009/proxy Module 'auth-f-module-1' filters /: uses old type path. Use a pathPattern instead 14:25:34 INFO ProxyContext 998009/proxy RES 201 3295us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:25:34 INFO ProxyContext 260957/discovery REQ supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:34 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { "instId" : "auth-f-1-inst", "srvcId" : "auth-f-module-1", "nodeId" : "localhost" } 14:25:34 INFO DeploymentManager deploy instId auth-f-1-inst Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dmaven.ext.class.path="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554/pipeline-maven-spy.jar" -Dorg.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.maven.reportsFolder="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554" 14:25:35 INFO MainVerticle Starting auth 4541@2dcd032ebaca on port 9232 14:25:35 INFO ? Succeeded in deploying verticle 14:25:35 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9232 count 0 14:25:35 INFO TcpPortWaiting Connected to service at host localhost port 9232 count 0 14:25:35 INFO ProxyContext 260957/discovery RES 201 1006146us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:25:35 INFO ProxyContext 671458/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:35 INFO ProxyContext 671458/proxy RES 201 4132us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules 14:25:35 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module null seq1 0 14:25:35 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant roskilde 14:25:35 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:25:35 INFO ProxyContext 958091/authn REQ roskilde POST /authn/login auth-f-module-1 auth-f-module-1 14:25:36 INFO ProxyContext 958091/authn RES 202 70642us auth-f-module-1 http://localhost:9232/authn/login 14:25:36 INFO Auth test-auth: Ok login for peter: dummyJwt.eyJzdWIiOiJwZXRlciIsInRlbmFudCI6InJvc2tpbGRlIn0=.sig 14:25:36 INFO ProxyService New X-Okapi-Token returned by module auth-f-module-1 14:25:36 INFO ProxyContext 958091/authn RES 200 220901us auth-f-module-1 http://localhost:9232/authn/login 14:25:36 INFO ProxyContext 322881/testb REQ roskilde GET /testb auth-f-module-1 sample-f-module-1 14:25:36 INFO Auth ovTok=null 14:25:36 INFO ProxyContext 322881/testb RES 202 15171us auth-f-module-1 http://localhost:9232/testb 14:25:36 INFO MainVerticle Headers, as seen by okapi-test-module: 14:25:36 INFO MainVerticle Accept:*/* 14:25:36 INFO MainVerticle Accept-Encoding:gzip,deflate 14:25:36 INFO MainVerticle Connection:Keep-Alive 14:25:36 INFO MainVerticle Host:localhost:9230 14:25:36 INFO MainVerticle transfer-encoding:chunked 14:25:36 INFO MainVerticle User-Agent:Apache-HttpClient/4.5.3 (Java/1.8.0_242) 14:25:36 INFO MainVerticle X-all-headers:BL 14:25:36 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-Match-Path-Pattern:/testb 14:25:36 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-Request-Id:322881/testb 14:25:36 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-request-ip: 14:25:36 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-request-method:GET 14:25:36 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-request-timestamp:1587047136245 14:25:36 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-Tenant:roskilde 14:25:36 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-Token:dummyJwt.eyJzdWIiOiJwZXRlciIsInRlbmFudCI6InJvc2tpbGRlIn0=.sig 14:25:36 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-Url:http://localhost:9230 14:25:36 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-User-Id:peter 14:25:36 INFO ProxyContext 322881/testb RES 200 88426us sample-f-module-1 http://localhost:9231/testb 14:25:36 INFO ProxyContext 777689/testb REQ roskilde GET /testb auth-f-module-1 sample-f-module-1 14:25:36 WARN Auth test-auth: Bad JWT, can not split in three parts. 'bad token 14:25:36 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=Auth.check: Bad JWT 14:25:36 INFO ProxyContext 777689/testb RES 400 3367us auth-f-module-1 http://localhost:9232/testb 14:25:36 INFO ProxyContext 861525/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:36 WARN ProxyContext 861525/proxy Module 'pre-f-module-1' filters /: uses old type path. Use a pathPattern instead 14:25:36 INFO ProxyContext 861525/proxy RES 201 4470us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:25:36 INFO ProxyContext 015940/discovery REQ supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:36 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { "instId" : "pre-f-1-inst", "srvcId" : "pre-f-module-1", "nodeId" : "localhost" } 14:25:36 INFO DeploymentManager deploy instId pre-f-1-inst Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dmaven.ext.class.path="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554/pipeline-maven-spy.jar" -Dorg.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.maven.reportsFolder="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554" 14:25:37 INFO MainVerticle Starting auth 4572@2dcd032ebaca on port 9233 14:25:37 INFO ? Succeeded in deploying verticle 14:25:37 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9233 count 0 14:25:37 INFO TcpPortWaiting Connected to service at host localhost port 9233 count 0 14:25:37 INFO ProxyContext 015940/discovery RES 201 1008250us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:25:37 INFO ProxyContext 902369/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:37 INFO ProxyContext 902369/proxy RES 201 3660us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules 14:25:37 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module null seq1 0 14:25:37 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant roskilde 14:25:37 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:25:37 INFO ProxyContext 487397/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:37 WARN ProxyContext 487397/proxy Module 'post-f-module-1' filters /: uses old type path. Use a pathPattern instead 14:25:37 INFO ProxyContext 487397/proxy RES 201 6670us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:25:37 INFO ProxyContext 682116/discovery REQ supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:37 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { "instId" : "post-f-1-inst", "srvcId" : "post-f-module-1", "nodeId" : "localhost" } 14:25:37 INFO DeploymentManager deploy instId post-f-1-inst Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dmaven.ext.class.path="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554/pipeline-maven-spy.jar" -Dorg.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.maven.reportsFolder="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554" 14:25:38 INFO MainVerticle Starting auth 4597@2dcd032ebaca on port 9234 14:25:38 INFO ? Succeeded in deploying verticle 14:25:38 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9234 count 0 14:25:38 INFO TcpPortWaiting Connected to service at host localhost port 9234 count 0 14:25:38 INFO ProxyContext 682116/discovery RES 201 1006327us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:25:38 INFO ProxyContext 289825/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:38 INFO ProxyContext 289825/proxy RES 201 4001us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules 14:25:38 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module null seq1 0 14:25:38 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant roskilde 14:25:38 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:25:38 INFO ProxyContext 094945/testb REQ roskilde GET /testb auth-f-module-1 pre-f-module-1 sample-f-module-1 post-f-module-1 14:25:38 INFO Auth ovTok=null 14:25:38 INFO ProxyContext 094945/testb RES 202 3804us auth-f-module-1 http://localhost:9232/testb 14:25:38 INFO ProxyContext 094945/testb RES 202 69487us pre-f-module-1 http://localhost:9233/testb 14:25:38 INFO MainVerticle Headers, as seen by okapi-test-module: 14:25:38 INFO MainVerticle Accept:*/* 14:25:38 INFO MainVerticle Accept-Encoding:gzip,deflate 14:25:38 INFO MainVerticle Connection:Keep-Alive 14:25:38 INFO MainVerticle content-length:0 14:25:38 INFO MainVerticle Host:localhost:9230 14:25:38 INFO MainVerticle User-Agent:Apache-HttpClient/4.5.3 (Java/1.8.0_242) 14:25:38 INFO MainVerticle X-all-headers:BL 14:25:38 INFO MainVerticle X-Auth-Filter-Phase:pre / 14:25:38 INFO MainVerticle X-filter-post:203 14:25:38 INFO MainVerticle X-filter-pre:202 14:25:38 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-Match-Path-Pattern:/testb 14:25:38 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-Request-Id:094945/testb 14:25:38 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-request-ip: 14:25:38 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-request-method:GET 14:25:38 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-request-timestamp:1587047138464 14:25:38 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-Tenant:roskilde 14:25:38 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-Token:dummyJwt.eyJzdWIiOiJwZXRlciIsInRlbmFudCI6InJvc2tpbGRlIn0=.sig 14:25:38 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-Url:http://localhost:9230 14:25:38 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-User-Id:peter 14:25:38 INFO ProxyContext 094945/testb RES 200 5796us sample-f-module-1 http://localhost:9231/testb 14:25:38 INFO ProxyContext 094945/testb RES 203 75625us post-f-module-1 http://localhost:9234/testb 14:25:38 INFO ProxyContext 723856/testb REQ roskilde GET /testb auth-f-module-1 pre-f-module-1 sample-f-module-1 post-f-module-1 14:25:38 INFO Auth ovTok=null 14:25:38 INFO ProxyContext 723856/testb RES 202 2522us auth-f-module-1 http://localhost:9232/testb 14:25:38 INFO ProxyContext 723856/testb RES 500 3620us pre-f-module-1 http://localhost:9233/testb 14:25:38 INFO MainVerticle Headers, as seen by okapi-test-module: 14:25:38 INFO MainVerticle Accept:*/* 14:25:38 INFO MainVerticle Accept-Encoding:gzip,deflate 14:25:38 INFO MainVerticle Connection:Keep-Alive 14:25:38 INFO MainVerticle content-length:0 14:25:38 INFO MainVerticle Host:localhost:9230 14:25:38 INFO MainVerticle User-Agent:Apache-HttpClient/4.5.3 (Java/1.8.0_242) 14:25:38 INFO MainVerticle X-all-headers:BL 14:25:38 INFO MainVerticle X-Auth-Filter-Phase:pre / 14:25:38 INFO MainVerticle X-filter-post:203 14:25:38 INFO MainVerticle X-filter-pre:202 14:25:38 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-Match-Path-Pattern:/testb 14:25:38 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-Request-Id:723856/testb 14:25:38 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-request-ip: 14:25:38 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-request-method:GET 14:25:38 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-request-timestamp:1587047138627 14:25:38 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-Tenant:roskilde 14:25:38 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-Token:dummyJwt.eyJzdWIiOiJwZXRlciIsInRlbmFudCI6InJvc2tpbGRlIn0=.sig 14:25:38 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-Url:http://localhost:9230 14:25:38 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-User-Id:peter 14:25:38 INFO MainVerticle X-request-post-error:true 14:25:38 INFO MainVerticle X-request-pre-error:true 14:25:38 INFO ProxyContext 723856/testb RES 200 6487us sample-f-module-1 http://localhost:9231/testb 14:25:38 INFO ProxyContext 723856/testb RES 500 2640us post-f-module-1 http://localhost:9234/testb 14:25:38 INFO ProxyContext 926112/testb REQ roskilde GET /testb auth-f-module-1 pre-f-module-1 sample-f-module-1 post-f-module-1 14:25:38 INFO Auth ovTok=null 14:25:38 INFO ProxyContext 926112/testb RES 202 3069us auth-f-module-1 http://localhost:9232/testb 14:25:38 INFO ProxyContext 926112/testb RES 202 2078us pre-f-module-1 http://localhost:9233/testb 14:25:38 INFO ProxyContext 926112/testb RES 500 1991us sample-f-module-1 http://localhost:9231/testb 14:25:38 INFO ProxyContext 926112/testb RES 203 2808us post-f-module-1 http://localhost:9234/testb 14:25:38 INFO ProxyContext 727231/testb REQ roskilde GET /testb auth-f-module-1 pre-f-module-1 sample-f-module-1 post-f-module-1 14:25:38 WARN Auth test-auth: Bad JWT, can not split in three parts. 'bad token 14:25:38 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=Auth.check: Bad JWT 14:25:38 INFO ProxyContext 727231/testb RES 400 2281us auth-f-module-1 http://localhost:9232/testb 14:25:38 INFO ProxyContext 727231/testb RES 202 1700us pre-f-module-1 http://localhost:9233/testb 14:25:38 INFO ProxyContext 727231/testb RES 203 2813us post-f-module-1 http://localhost:9234/testb 14:25:38 INFO ProxyContext 452467/testb REQ roskilde GET /testb auth-f-module-1 pre-f-module-1 sample-f-module-1 post-f-module-1 14:25:38 INFO Auth ovTok=null 14:25:38 INFO ProxyContext 452467/testb RES 202 2552us auth-f-module-1 http://localhost:9232/testb 14:25:38 INFO ProxyContext 452467/testb RES 500 1681us pre-f-module-1 http://localhost:9233/testb 14:25:38 INFO MainVerticle Headers, as seen by okapi-test-module: 14:25:38 INFO MainVerticle Accept:*/* 14:25:38 INFO MainVerticle Accept-Encoding:gzip,deflate 14:25:38 INFO MainVerticle Connection:Keep-Alive 14:25:38 INFO MainVerticle content-length:0 14:25:38 INFO MainVerticle Host:localhost:9230 14:25:38 INFO MainVerticle User-Agent:Apache-HttpClient/4.5.3 (Java/1.8.0_242) 14:25:38 INFO MainVerticle X-all-headers:BL 14:25:38 INFO MainVerticle X-Auth-Filter-Phase:pre / 14:25:38 INFO MainVerticle X-filter-post:203 14:25:38 INFO MainVerticle X-filter-pre:202 14:25:38 INFO MainVerticle X-filter-pre-error:true 14:25:38 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-Match-Path-Pattern:/testb 14:25:38 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-Request-Id:452467/testb 14:25:38 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-request-ip: 14:25:38 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-request-method:GET 14:25:38 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-request-timestamp:1587047138680 14:25:38 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-Tenant:roskilde 14:25:38 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-Token:dummyJwt.eyJzdWIiOiJwZXRlciIsInRlbmFudCI6InJvc2tpbGRlIn0=.sig 14:25:38 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-Url:http://localhost:9230 14:25:38 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-User-Id:peter 14:25:38 INFO ProxyContext 452467/testb RES 200 7222us sample-f-module-1 http://localhost:9231/testb 14:25:38 INFO ProxyContext 452467/testb RES 203 2611us post-f-module-1 http://localhost:9234/testb 14:25:38 INFO ProxyContext 211818/testb REQ roskilde GET /testb auth-f-module-1 pre-f-module-1 sample-f-module-1 post-f-module-1 14:25:38 INFO Auth ovTok=null 14:25:38 INFO ProxyContext 211818/testb RES 202 2853us auth-f-module-1 http://localhost:9232/testb 14:25:38 INFO ProxyContext 211818/testb RES 202 2037us pre-f-module-1 http://localhost:9233/testb 14:25:38 INFO MainVerticle Headers, as seen by okapi-test-module: 14:25:38 INFO MainVerticle Accept:*/* 14:25:38 INFO MainVerticle Accept-Encoding:gzip,deflate 14:25:38 INFO MainVerticle Connection:Keep-Alive 14:25:38 INFO MainVerticle content-length:0 14:25:38 INFO MainVerticle Host:localhost:9230 14:25:38 INFO MainVerticle User-Agent:Apache-HttpClient/4.5.3 (Java/1.8.0_242) 14:25:38 INFO MainVerticle X-all-headers:BL 14:25:38 INFO MainVerticle X-Auth-Filter-Phase:pre / 14:25:38 INFO MainVerticle X-filter-post:203 14:25:38 INFO MainVerticle X-filter-post-error:true 14:25:38 INFO MainVerticle X-filter-pre:202 14:25:38 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-Match-Path-Pattern:/testb 14:25:38 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-Request-Id:211818/testb 14:25:38 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-request-ip: 14:25:38 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-request-method:GET 14:25:38 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-request-timestamp:1587047138704 14:25:38 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-Tenant:roskilde 14:25:38 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-Token:dummyJwt.eyJzdWIiOiJwZXRlciIsInRlbmFudCI6InJvc2tpbGRlIn0=.sig 14:25:38 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-Url:http://localhost:9230 14:25:38 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-User-Id:peter 14:25:38 INFO ProxyContext 211818/testb RES 200 6545us sample-f-module-1 http://localhost:9231/testb 14:25:38 INFO ProxyContext 211818/testb RES 500 2566us post-f-module-1 http://localhost:9234/testb 14:25:38 INFO ProxyContext 799707/testb REQ roskilde POST /testb auth-f-module-1 pre-f-module-1 sample-f-module-1 post-f-module-1 14:25:38 INFO Auth ovTok=null 14:25:38 INFO ProxyContext 799707/testb RES 202 3007us auth-f-module-1 http://localhost:9232/testb 14:25:38 INFO ProxyContext 799707/testb RES 202 14118us pre-f-module-1 http://localhost:9233/testb 14:25:38 INFO MainVerticle Headers, as seen by okapi-test-module: 14:25:38 INFO MainVerticle Accept:*/* 14:25:38 INFO MainVerticle Accept-Encoding:gzip,deflate 14:25:38 INFO MainVerticle Connection:Keep-Alive 14:25:38 INFO MainVerticle content-length:11 14:25:38 INFO MainVerticle Content-Type:text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 14:25:38 INFO MainVerticle Host:localhost:9230 14:25:38 INFO MainVerticle User-Agent:Apache-HttpClient/4.5.3 (Java/1.8.0_242) 14:25:38 INFO MainVerticle X-all-headers:BL 14:25:38 INFO MainVerticle X-Auth-Filter-Phase:pre / 14:25:38 INFO MainVerticle X-filter-post:203 14:25:38 INFO MainVerticle X-filter-pre:202 14:25:38 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-Match-Path-Pattern:/testb 14:25:38 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-Request-Id:799707/testb 14:25:38 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-request-ip: 14:25:38 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-request-method:POST 14:25:38 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-request-timestamp:1587047138728 14:25:38 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-Tenant:roskilde 14:25:38 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-Token:dummyJwt.eyJzdWIiOiJwZXRlciIsInRlbmFudCI6InJvc2tpbGRlIn0=.sig 14:25:38 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-Url:http://localhost:9230 14:25:38 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-User-Id:peter 14:25:38 INFO ProxyContext 799707/testb RES 200 17524us sample-f-module-1 http://localhost:9231/testb 14:25:38 INFO ProxyContext 799707/testb RES 203 2803us post-f-module-1 http://localhost:9234/testb HTTP/1.1 200 OK X-Okapi-Trace: POST auth-f-module-1 http://localhost:9232/testb : 202 2988us X-Okapi-Trace: POST pre-f-module-1 http://localhost:9233/testb : 202 14095us X-Okapi-Trace: POST sample-f-module-1 http://localhost:9231/testb : 200 17502us X-Handler-header: OK Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 transfer-encoding: chunked X-Okapi-Trace: POST post-f-module-1 http://localhost:9234/testb : 203 2790us Hello Accept:*/* Accept-Encoding:gzip,deflate Connection:Keep-Alive content-length:11 Content-Type:text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Host:localhost:9230 User-Agent:Apache-HttpClient/4.5.3 (Java/1.8.0_242) X-all-headers:BL X-Auth-Filter-Phase:pre / X-filter-post:203 X-filter-pre:202 X-Okapi-Match-Path-Pattern:/testb X-Okapi-Request-Id:799707/testb X-Okapi-request-ip: X-Okapi-request-method:POST X-Okapi-request-timestamp:1587047138728 X-Okapi-Tenant:roskilde X-Okapi-Token:dummyJwt.eyJzdWIiOiJwZXRlciIsInRlbmFudCI6InJvc2tpbGRlIn0=.sig X-Okapi-Url:http://localhost:9230 X-Okapi-User-Id:peter Testing... 14:25:38 INFO ProxyContext 824682/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/post-f-module-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:25:38 INFO ProxyContext 824682/proxy RES 204 3905us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/post-f-module-1 14:25:38 INFO ProxyContext 877157/discovery REQ supertenant DELETE /_/discovery/modules/post-f-module-1/post-f-1-inst okapi-0.0.0 14:25:38 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy: srvcId post-f-module-1 instId post-f-1-inst 14:25:38 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy post-f-module-1 post-f-1-inst 14:25:38 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy srvcId=post-f-module-1 instId=post-f-1-inst node=localhost 14:25:38 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy calling.. 14:25:38 INFO DeploymentManager undeploy instId post-f-1-inst 14:25:38 INFO ProxyContext 877157/discovery RES 204 46351us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules/post-f-module-1/post-f-1-inst 14:25:38 INFO ProxyContext 025207/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/modules/post-f-module-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:25:38 INFO ProxyContext 025207/proxy RES 204 2183us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules/post-f-module-1 14:25:38 INFO ProxyContext 937503/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/pre-f-module-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:25:38 INFO ProxyContext 937503/proxy RES 204 3159us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/pre-f-module-1 14:25:38 INFO ProxyContext 853609/discovery REQ supertenant DELETE /_/discovery/modules/pre-f-module-1/pre-f-1-inst okapi-0.0.0 14:25:38 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy: srvcId pre-f-module-1 instId pre-f-1-inst 14:25:38 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy pre-f-module-1 pre-f-1-inst 14:25:38 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy srvcId=pre-f-module-1 instId=pre-f-1-inst node=localhost 14:25:38 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy calling.. 14:25:38 INFO DeploymentManager undeploy instId pre-f-1-inst 14:25:38 INFO ProxyContext 853609/discovery RES 204 37356us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules/pre-f-module-1/pre-f-1-inst 14:25:38 INFO ProxyContext 841275/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/modules/pre-f-module-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:25:38 INFO ProxyContext 841275/proxy RES 204 2144us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules/pre-f-module-1 14:25:38 INFO ProxyContext 443498/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/auth-f-module-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:25:38 INFO ProxyContext 443498/proxy RES 204 3192us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/auth-f-module-1 14:25:38 INFO ProxyContext 192466/discovery REQ supertenant DELETE /_/discovery/modules/auth-f-module-1/auth-f-1-inst okapi-0.0.0 14:25:38 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy: srvcId auth-f-module-1 instId auth-f-1-inst 14:25:38 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy auth-f-module-1 auth-f-1-inst 14:25:38 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy srvcId=auth-f-module-1 instId=auth-f-1-inst node=localhost 14:25:38 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy calling.. 14:25:38 INFO DeploymentManager undeploy instId auth-f-1-inst 14:25:38 INFO ProxyContext 192466/discovery RES 204 33756us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules/auth-f-module-1/auth-f-1-inst 14:25:38 INFO ProxyContext 392727/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/modules/auth-f-module-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:25:38 INFO ProxyContext 392727/proxy RES 204 2002us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules/auth-f-module-1 14:25:38 INFO ProxyContext 189410/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/sample-f-module-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:25:38 INFO ProxyContext 189410/proxy RES 204 2794us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/sample-f-module-1 14:25:38 INFO ProxyContext 534077/discovery REQ supertenant DELETE /_/discovery/modules/sample-f-module-1/sample-f-1-inst okapi-0.0.0 14:25:38 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy: srvcId sample-f-module-1 instId sample-f-1-inst 14:25:38 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy sample-f-module-1 sample-f-1-inst 14:25:38 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy srvcId=sample-f-module-1 instId=sample-f-1-inst node=localhost 14:25:38 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy calling.. 14:25:38 INFO DeploymentManager undeploy instId sample-f-1-inst 14:25:39 INFO ProxyContext 534077/discovery RES 204 48166us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules/sample-f-module-1/sample-f-1-inst 14:25:39 INFO ProxyContext 514054/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/modules/sample-f-module-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:25:39 INFO ProxyContext 514054/proxy RES 204 2150us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules/sample-f-module-1 14:25:39 INFO ProxyContext 251627/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde okapi-0.0.0 14:25:39 INFO ProxyContext 251627/proxy RES 204 1587us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde 14:25:39 INFO ProxyContext 394718/deployment REQ supertenant GET /_/deployment/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:39 INFO ProxyContext 394718/deployment RES 200 123us okapi-0.0.0 /_/deployment/modules 14:25:39 INFO ProxyContext 395848/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/nodes okapi-0.0.0 14:25:39 INFO ProxyContext 395848/discovery RES 200 161us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/nodes 14:25:39 INFO ProxyContext 451003/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:39 INFO ProxyContext 451003/discovery RES 200 88us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:25:39 INFO ProxyContext 280290/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:39 INFO ProxyContext 280290/proxy RES 200 369us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:25:39 INFO ProxyContext 217301/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/tenants okapi-0.0.0 14:25:39 INFO ProxyContext 217301/proxy RES 200 124us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants 14:25:39 INFO ModuleTest Cleaning up after ModuleTest 14:25:39 WARN oduleVersionReporter META-INF/maven/org.folio.okapi/okapi-core/ not found 14:25:39 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module null null started 14:25:39 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:25:39 INFO MainVerticle clusterManager not in use 14:25:39 INFO MainVerticle Proxy using postgres storage 14:25:39 INFO InternalModule InternalModule starting okapiversion=null 14:25:39 WARN Storage Will initialize the whole database! 14:25:39 WARN Storage The postgres_db_init option is DEPRECATED! use 'initdatabase' command (instead of 'dev' on the command line) 14:25:39 INFO Storage prepareDatabases: INIT 14:25:39 INFO MainVerticle startModmanager 14:25:39 INFO MainVerticle startTenants 14:25:39 INFO MainVerticle checkInternalModules 14:25:39 INFO MainVerticle Creating the superTenant supertenant 14:25:39 INFO MainVerticle starting env 14:25:39 INFO MainVerticle Starting discovery 14:25:39 INFO MainVerticle Starting deployment 14:25:39 INFO MainVerticle API Gateway started PID 1909@2dcd032ebaca. Listening on port 9230 14:25:39 INFO MainVerticle Deploy completed succesfully 14:25:39 INFO TenantManager starting supertenant 14:25:39 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant supertenant module null seq1 0 14:25:39 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant supertenant 14:25:39 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:25:39 WARN oduleVersionReporter META-INF/maven/org.folio.okapi/okapi-core/ not found 14:25:39 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module null null started 14:25:39 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:25:39 INFO MainVerticle clusterManager not in use 14:25:39 INFO MainVerticle Proxy using postgres storage 14:25:39 INFO InternalModule InternalModule starting okapiversion=null 14:25:39 INFO Storage prepareDatabases: NORMAL 14:25:39 WARN NoticeResponse Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='42P07', message='relation "env" already exists, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='parse_utilcmd.c', line='209', routine='transformCreateStmt', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 14:25:39 WARN NoticeResponse Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='42P07', message='relation "name" already exists, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='index.c', line='813', routine='index_create', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 14:25:39 WARN NoticeResponse Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='42P07', message='relation "deployments" already exists, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='parse_utilcmd.c', line='209', routine='transformCreateStmt', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 14:25:39 WARN NoticeResponse Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='42P07', message='relation "inst_id" already exists, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='index.c', line='813', routine='index_create', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 14:25:39 WARN NoticeResponse Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='42P07', message='relation "tenants" already exists, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='parse_utilcmd.c', line='209', routine='transformCreateStmt', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 14:25:39 WARN NoticeResponse Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='42P07', message='relation "tenant_id" already exists, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='index.c', line='813', routine='index_create', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 14:25:39 WARN NoticeResponse Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='42P07', message='relation "modules" already exists, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='parse_utilcmd.c', line='209', routine='transformCreateStmt', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 14:25:39 WARN NoticeResponse Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='42P07', message='relation "module_id" already exists, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='index.c', line='813', routine='index_create', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 14:25:39 INFO MainVerticle startModmanager 14:25:39 INFO MainVerticle startTenants 14:25:39 INFO MainVerticle checkInternalModules 14:25:39 INFO MainVerticle checkSuperTenant: Already have supertenant 14:25:39 INFO MainVerticle checkSuperTenant: enabled version is okapi-0.0.0 14:25:39 INFO MainVerticle starting env 14:25:39 INFO MainVerticle Starting discovery 14:25:39 INFO MainVerticle Starting deployment 14:25:39 INFO MainVerticle API Gateway started PID 1909@2dcd032ebaca. Listening on port 9230 14:25:39 INFO MainVerticle Deploy completed succesfully 14:25:39 INFO TenantManager starting supertenant 14:25:39 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant supertenant module null seq1 0 14:25:39 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant supertenant 14:25:39 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:25:39 WARN oduleVersionReporter META-INF/maven/org.folio.okapi/okapi-core/ not found 14:25:39 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module null null started 14:25:39 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:25:39 INFO MainVerticle clusterManager not in use 14:25:39 INFO MainVerticle Proxy using postgres storage 14:25:39 INFO InternalModule InternalModule starting okapiversion=3.0.0 14:25:39 INFO Storage prepareDatabases: NORMAL 14:25:39 WARN NoticeResponse Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='42P07', message='relation "env" already exists, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='parse_utilcmd.c', line='209', routine='transformCreateStmt', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 14:25:39 WARN NoticeResponse Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='42P07', message='relation "name" already exists, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='index.c', line='813', routine='index_create', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 14:25:39 WARN NoticeResponse Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='42P07', message='relation "deployments" already exists, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='parse_utilcmd.c', line='209', routine='transformCreateStmt', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 14:25:39 WARN NoticeResponse Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='42P07', message='relation "inst_id" already exists, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='index.c', line='813', routine='index_create', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 14:25:39 WARN NoticeResponse Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='42P07', message='relation "tenants" already exists, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='parse_utilcmd.c', line='209', routine='transformCreateStmt', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 14:25:39 WARN NoticeResponse Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='42P07', message='relation "tenant_id" already exists, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='index.c', line='813', routine='index_create', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 14:25:39 WARN NoticeResponse Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='42P07', message='relation "modules" already exists, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='parse_utilcmd.c', line='209', routine='transformCreateStmt', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 14:25:39 WARN NoticeResponse Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='42P07', message='relation "module_id" already exists, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='index.c', line='813', routine='index_create', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 14:25:39 INFO MainVerticle startModmanager 14:25:39 INFO MainVerticle startTenants 14:25:39 INFO MainVerticle checkInternalModules 14:25:39 INFO MainVerticle checkSuperTenant: Already have supertenant 14:25:39 INFO MainVerticle checkSuperTenant: Need to upgrade the stored version from okapi-0.0.0 to okapi-3.0.0 14:25:39 INFO MainVerticle starting env 14:25:39 INFO MainVerticle Starting discovery 14:25:39 INFO MainVerticle Starting deployment 14:25:39 INFO MainVerticle API Gateway started PID 1909@2dcd032ebaca. Listening on port 9230 14:25:39 INFO MainVerticle Deploy completed succesfully 14:25:39 INFO TenantManager starting supertenant 14:25:39 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant supertenant module null seq1 0 14:25:39 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant supertenant 14:25:39 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:25:39 INFO MainVerticle Upgraded the InternalModule version from 'okapi-0.0.0' to 'okapi-3.0.0' for supertenant 14:25:39 WARN oduleVersionReporter META-INF/maven/org.folio.okapi/okapi-core/ not found 14:25:39 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module null null started 14:25:39 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:25:39 INFO MainVerticle clusterManager not in use 14:25:39 INFO MainVerticle Proxy using postgres storage 14:25:39 INFO InternalModule InternalModule starting okapiversion=2.0.0 14:25:39 INFO Storage prepareDatabases: NORMAL 14:25:39 WARN NoticeResponse Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='42P07', message='relation "env" already exists, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='parse_utilcmd.c', line='209', routine='transformCreateStmt', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 14:25:39 WARN NoticeResponse Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='42P07', message='relation "name" already exists, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='index.c', line='813', routine='index_create', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 14:25:39 WARN NoticeResponse Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='42P07', message='relation "deployments" already exists, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='parse_utilcmd.c', line='209', routine='transformCreateStmt', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 14:25:39 WARN NoticeResponse Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='42P07', message='relation "inst_id" already exists, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='index.c', line='813', routine='index_create', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 14:25:39 WARN NoticeResponse Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='42P07', message='relation "tenants" already exists, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='parse_utilcmd.c', line='209', routine='transformCreateStmt', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 14:25:39 WARN NoticeResponse Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='42P07', message='relation "tenant_id" already exists, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='index.c', line='813', routine='index_create', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 14:25:39 WARN NoticeResponse Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='42P07', message='relation "modules" already exists, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='parse_utilcmd.c', line='209', routine='transformCreateStmt', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 14:25:39 WARN NoticeResponse Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='42P07', message='relation "module_id" already exists, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='index.c', line='813', routine='index_create', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 14:25:39 INFO MainVerticle startModmanager 14:25:39 INFO MainVerticle startTenants 14:25:39 INFO MainVerticle checkInternalModules 14:25:39 INFO MainVerticle checkSuperTenant: Already have supertenant 14:25:39 WARN MainVerticle checkSuperTenant: This Okapi is too old,2.0.0 we already have okapi-3.0.0 in the database. Use that! 14:25:39 INFO MainVerticle starting env 14:25:39 INFO MainVerticle Starting discovery 14:25:39 INFO MainVerticle Starting deployment 14:25:39 INFO MainVerticle API Gateway started PID 1909@2dcd032ebaca. Listening on port 9230 14:25:39 INFO MainVerticle Deploy completed succesfully 14:25:39 INFO TenantManager starting supertenant 14:25:39 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant supertenant module null seq1 0 14:25:39 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant supertenant 14:25:39 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:25:39 INFO ModuleTest Cleaning up after ModuleTest 14:25:39 WARN oduleVersionReporter META-INF/maven/org.folio.okapi/okapi-core/ not found 14:25:39 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module null null started 14:25:39 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:25:39 INFO MainVerticle clusterManager not in use 14:25:39 INFO MainVerticle Proxy using postgres storage 14:25:39 INFO InternalModule InternalModule starting okapiversion=null 14:25:39 WARN Storage Will initialize the whole database! 14:25:39 WARN Storage The postgres_db_init option is DEPRECATED! use 'initdatabase' command (instead of 'dev' on the command line) 14:25:39 INFO Storage prepareDatabases: INIT 14:25:39 INFO MainVerticle startModmanager 14:25:39 INFO MainVerticle startTenants 14:25:39 INFO MainVerticle checkInternalModules 14:25:39 INFO MainVerticle Creating the superTenant supertenant 14:25:39 INFO MainVerticle starting env 14:25:39 INFO MainVerticle Starting discovery 14:25:39 INFO MainVerticle Starting deployment 14:25:39 INFO MainVerticle API Gateway started PID 1909@2dcd032ebaca. Listening on port 9230 14:25:39 INFO MainVerticle Deploy completed succesfully 14:25:39 INFO TenantManager starting supertenant 14:25:39 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant supertenant module null seq1 0 14:25:39 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant supertenant 14:25:39 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:25:39 WARN oduleVersionReporter META-INF/maven/org.folio.okapi/okapi-core/ not found 14:25:39 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module null null started 14:25:39 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:25:39 INFO MainVerticle clusterManager not in use 14:25:39 INFO MainVerticle Proxy using postgres storage 14:25:39 INFO InternalModule InternalModule starting okapiversion=null 14:25:39 INFO Storage prepareDatabases: PURGE 14:25:39 INFO ModuleTest Cleaning up after ModuleTest 14:25:39 WARN oduleVersionReporter META-INF/maven/org.folio.okapi/okapi-core/ not found 14:25:39 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module null null started 14:25:39 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:25:39 INFO MainVerticle clusterManager not in use 14:25:39 INFO MainVerticle Proxy using postgres storage 14:25:39 INFO InternalModule InternalModule starting okapiversion=null 14:25:39 WARN Storage Will initialize the whole database! 14:25:39 WARN Storage The postgres_db_init option is DEPRECATED! use 'initdatabase' command (instead of 'dev' on the command line) 14:25:39 INFO Storage prepareDatabases: INIT 14:25:39 INFO MainVerticle startModmanager 14:25:39 INFO MainVerticle startTenants 14:25:39 INFO MainVerticle checkInternalModules 14:25:39 INFO MainVerticle Creating the superTenant supertenant 14:25:39 INFO MainVerticle starting env 14:25:39 INFO MainVerticle Starting discovery 14:25:39 INFO MainVerticle Starting deployment 14:25:39 INFO MainVerticle API Gateway started PID 1909@2dcd032ebaca. Listening on port 9230 14:25:39 INFO MainVerticle Deploy completed succesfully 14:25:39 INFO TenantManager starting supertenant 14:25:39 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant supertenant module null seq1 0 14:25:39 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant supertenant 14:25:39 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:25:39 INFO ProxyContext 900805/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:39 WARN ProxyContext 900805/proxy Module 'ui-1' has no Requires section. If the module really does not require any other interfaces, provide an empty array to be explicit about it. 14:25:39 INFO ProxyContext 900805/proxy RES 201 2095us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:25:39 INFO ProxyContext 754915/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/modules/ui-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:25:39 INFO ProxyContext 754915/proxy RES 200 179us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules/ui-1 14:25:39 INFO ProxyContext 125018/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/modules/ui-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:25:39 INFO ProxyContext 125018/proxy RES 204 2141us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules/ui-1 14:25:39 INFO ProxyContext 371563/deployment REQ supertenant GET /_/deployment/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:39 INFO ProxyContext 371563/deployment RES 200 150us okapi-0.0.0 /_/deployment/modules 14:25:39 INFO ProxyContext 384379/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/nodes okapi-0.0.0 14:25:39 INFO ProxyContext 384379/discovery RES 200 192us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/nodes 14:25:39 INFO ProxyContext 010414/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:39 INFO ProxyContext 010414/discovery RES 200 118us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:25:39 INFO ProxyContext 576457/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:39 INFO ProxyContext 576457/proxy RES 200 346us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:25:39 INFO ProxyContext 054789/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/tenants okapi-0.0.0 14:25:39 INFO ProxyContext 054789/proxy RES 200 187us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants 14:25:39 INFO ModuleTest Cleaning up after ModuleTest 14:25:39 WARN oduleVersionReporter META-INF/maven/org.folio.okapi/okapi-core/ not found 14:25:39 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module null null started 14:25:39 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:25:39 INFO MainVerticle clusterManager not in use 14:25:39 INFO MainVerticle Proxy using postgres storage 14:25:39 INFO InternalModule InternalModule starting okapiversion=null 14:25:39 WARN Storage Will initialize the whole database! 14:25:39 WARN Storage The postgres_db_init option is DEPRECATED! use 'initdatabase' command (instead of 'dev' on the command line) 14:25:39 INFO Storage prepareDatabases: INIT 14:25:39 INFO MainVerticle startModmanager 14:25:39 INFO MainVerticle startTenants 14:25:39 INFO MainVerticle checkInternalModules 14:25:39 INFO MainVerticle Creating the superTenant supertenant 14:25:39 INFO MainVerticle starting env 14:25:39 INFO MainVerticle Starting discovery 14:25:39 INFO MainVerticle Starting deployment 14:25:39 INFO MainVerticle API Gateway started PID 1909@2dcd032ebaca. Listening on port 9230 14:25:39 INFO MainVerticle Deploy completed succesfully 14:25:39 INFO TenantManager starting supertenant 14:25:39 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant supertenant module null seq1 0 14:25:39 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant supertenant 14:25:39 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:25:39 WARN oduleVersionReporter META-INF/maven/org.folio.okapi/okapi-core/ not found 14:25:39 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module null null started 14:25:39 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:25:39 INFO MainVerticle clusterManager not in use 14:25:39 INFO MainVerticle Proxy using postgres storage 14:25:39 INFO InternalModule InternalModule starting okapiversion=null 14:25:39 INFO Storage prepareDatabases: INIT 14:25:39 FATAL PostgresQuery getCon failed password authentication failed for user "okapi" 14:25:39 ERROR MainVerticle password authentication failed for user "okapi" 14:25:39 INFO ModuleTest Cleaning up after ModuleTest 14:25:39 WARN oduleVersionReporter META-INF/maven/org.folio.okapi/okapi-core/ not found 14:25:39 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module null null started 14:25:39 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:25:39 INFO MainVerticle clusterManager not in use 14:25:39 INFO MainVerticle Proxy using postgres storage 14:25:39 INFO InternalModule InternalModule starting okapiversion=null 14:25:39 WARN Storage Will initialize the whole database! 14:25:39 WARN Storage The postgres_db_init option is DEPRECATED! use 'initdatabase' command (instead of 'dev' on the command line) 14:25:39 INFO Storage prepareDatabases: INIT 14:25:40 INFO MainVerticle startModmanager 14:25:40 INFO MainVerticle startTenants 14:25:40 INFO MainVerticle checkInternalModules 14:25:40 INFO MainVerticle Creating the superTenant supertenant 14:25:40 INFO MainVerticle starting env 14:25:40 INFO MainVerticle Starting discovery 14:25:40 INFO MainVerticle Starting deployment 14:25:40 INFO MainVerticle API Gateway started PID 1909@2dcd032ebaca. Listening on port 9230 14:25:40 INFO MainVerticle Deploy completed succesfully 14:25:40 INFO TenantManager starting supertenant 14:25:40 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant supertenant module null seq1 0 14:25:40 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant supertenant 14:25:40 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:25:40 INFO ModuleTest testVersion starting 14:25:40 INFO ProxyContext 609739/version REQ supertenant GET /_/version okapi-0.0.0 14:25:40 INFO ProxyContext 609739/version RES 200 111us okapi-0.0.0 /_/version 14:25:40 INFO ModuleTest Cleaning up after ModuleTest 14:25:40 WARN oduleVersionReporter META-INF/maven/org.folio.okapi/okapi-core/ not found 14:25:40 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module null null started 14:25:40 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:25:40 INFO MainVerticle clusterManager not in use 14:25:40 INFO MainVerticle Proxy using postgres storage 14:25:40 INFO InternalModule InternalModule starting okapiversion=null 14:25:40 WARN Storage Will initialize the whole database! 14:25:40 WARN Storage The postgres_db_init option is DEPRECATED! use 'initdatabase' command (instead of 'dev' on the command line) 14:25:40 INFO Storage prepareDatabases: INIT 14:25:40 INFO MainVerticle startModmanager 14:25:40 INFO MainVerticle startTenants 14:25:40 INFO MainVerticle checkInternalModules 14:25:40 INFO MainVerticle Creating the superTenant supertenant 14:25:40 INFO MainVerticle starting env 14:25:40 INFO MainVerticle Starting discovery 14:25:40 INFO MainVerticle Starting deployment 14:25:40 INFO MainVerticle API Gateway started PID 1909@2dcd032ebaca. Listening on port 9230 14:25:40 INFO MainVerticle Deploy completed succesfully 14:25:40 INFO TenantManager starting supertenant 14:25:40 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant supertenant module null seq1 0 14:25:40 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant supertenant 14:25:40 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:25:40 INFO ModuleTest Redirect test starting 14:25:40 INFO ProxyContext 891755/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:40 WARN ProxyContext 891755/proxy Module 'sample-module-1' handlers /testb: uses old type path. Use a pathPattern instead 14:25:40 WARN ProxyContext 891755/proxy Module 'sample-module-1' has no Requires section. If the module really does not require any other interfaces, provide an empty array to be explicit about it. 14:25:40 INFO ProxyContext 891755/proxy RES 201 3325us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:25:40 INFO ProxyContext 749829/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:40 WARN ProxyContext 749829/proxy Module 'sample-module-2' handlers /testb: uses old type path. Use a pathPattern instead 14:25:40 WARN ProxyContext 749829/proxy Module 'sample-module-2' has no Requires section. If the module really does not require any other interfaces, provide an empty array to be explicit about it. 14:25:40 INFO ProxyContext 749829/proxy RES 201 2637us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:25:40 INFO ProxyContext 871442/proxy REQ supertenant PUT /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde okapi-0.0.0 14:25:40 INFO ProxyContext 871442/proxy RES 200 2250us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde 14:25:40 INFO ProxyContext 436759/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:40 INFO ProxyContext 436759/proxy RES 201 3446us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules 14:25:40 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module null seq1 0 14:25:40 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant roskilde 14:25:40 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:25:40 INFO ProxyContext 761793/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:40 INFO ProxyContext 761793/proxy RES 400 316us okapi Interface sample is provided by sample-module-1 and sample-module-2. 14:25:40 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=Interface sample is provided by sample-module-1 and sample-module-2. 14:25:40 INFO ProxyContext 433415/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/interfaces okapi-0.0.0 14:25:40 INFO ProxyContext 433415/proxy RES 200 216us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/interfaces?full=true 14:25:40 INFO ProxyContext 972226/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/interfaces okapi-0.0.0 14:25:40 INFO ProxyContext 972226/proxy RES 200 228us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/interfaces?full=false 14:25:40 INFO ProxyContext 477018/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/interfaces okapi-0.0.0 14:25:40 INFO ProxyContext 477018/proxy RES 200 231us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/interfaces?full=false&type=proxy 14:25:40 INFO ProxyContext 718508/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/interfaces okapi-0.0.0 14:25:40 INFO ProxyContext 718508/proxy RES 200 192us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/interfaces?full=false&type=system 14:25:40 INFO ProxyContext 374839/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/interfaces/sample okapi-0.0.0 14:25:40 INFO ProxyContext 374839/proxy RES 200 332us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/interfaces/sample 14:25:40 INFO ProxyContext 871372/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/interfaces/sample okapi-0.0.0 14:25:40 INFO ProxyContext 871372/proxy RES 200 241us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/interfaces/sample?type=proxy 14:25:40 INFO ProxyContext 001131/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/tenants/foo/interfaces/sample okapi-0.0.0 14:25:40 INFO ProxyContext 001131/proxy RES 404 102us okapi foo 14:25:40 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=404 msg=foo 14:25:40 INFO ProxyContext 274277/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/interfaces/bar okapi-0.0.0 14:25:40 INFO ProxyContext 274277/proxy RES 200 165us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/interfaces/bar 14:25:40 INFO ProxyContext 410365/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/sample-module-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:25:40 INFO ProxyContext 410365/proxy RES 204 3437us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/sample-module-1 14:25:40 INFO ProxyContext 982560/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/modules/sample-module-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:25:40 INFO ProxyContext 982560/proxy RES 204 2352us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules/sample-module-1 14:25:40 INFO ProxyContext 665256/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/modules/sample-module-2 okapi-0.0.0 14:25:40 INFO ProxyContext 665256/proxy RES 204 8721us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules/sample-module-2 14:25:40 INFO ProxyContext 098919/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:40 WARN ProxyContext 098919/proxy Module 'sample-module-3' handlers /testb: uses old type path. Use a pathPattern instead 14:25:40 WARN ProxyContext 098919/proxy Module 'sample-module-3' has no Requires section. If the module really does not require any other interfaces, provide an empty array to be explicit about it. 14:25:40 INFO ProxyContext 098919/proxy RES 201 2925us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:25:40 INFO ProxyContext 248126/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:40 WARN ProxyContext 248126/proxy Module 'sample-module-4' handlers /testb: uses old type path. Use a pathPattern instead 14:25:40 WARN ProxyContext 248126/proxy Module 'sample-module-4' has no Requires section. If the module really does not require any other interfaces, provide an empty array to be explicit about it. 14:25:40 INFO ProxyContext 248126/proxy RES 201 3636us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:25:40 INFO ProxyContext 059650/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/interfaces/sample okapi-0.0.0 14:25:40 INFO ProxyContext 059650/proxy RES 200 232us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/interfaces/sample 14:25:40 INFO ProxyContext 157519/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:40 INFO ProxyContext 157519/proxy RES 201 3300us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules 14:25:40 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module null seq1 0 14:25:40 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant roskilde 14:25:40 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:25:40 INFO ProxyContext 481791/discovery REQ supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:40 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { "instId" : "sample-3-inst", "srvcId" : "sample-module-3", "nodeId" : "localhost" } 14:25:40 INFO DeploymentManager deploy instId sample-3-inst Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dmaven.ext.class.path="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554/pipeline-maven-spy.jar" -Dorg.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.maven.reportsFolder="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554" 14:25:41 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module okapi-test-module 2.39.0 started 14:25:41 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:25:41 INFO MainVerticle Starting okapi-test-module 4882@2dcd032ebaca on port 9231 14:25:41 INFO ? Succeeded in deploying verticle 14:25:41 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9231 count 0 14:25:41 INFO TcpPortWaiting Connected to service at host localhost port 9231 count 0 14:25:41 INFO ProxyContext 481791/discovery RES 201 1007850us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:25:41 INFO ProxyContext 838908/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:41 INFO ProxyContext 838908/proxy RES 201 3424us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules 14:25:41 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module null seq1 0 14:25:41 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant roskilde 14:25:41 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:25:41 INFO ProxyContext 187593/discovery REQ supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:41 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { "instId" : "sample-4-inst", "srvcId" : "sample-module-4", "nodeId" : "localhost" } 14:25:41 INFO DeploymentManager deploy instId sample-4-inst Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dmaven.ext.class.path="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554/pipeline-maven-spy.jar" -Dorg.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.maven.reportsFolder="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554" 14:25:42 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module okapi-test-module 2.39.0 started 14:25:42 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:25:42 INFO MainVerticle Starting okapi-test-module 4909@2dcd032ebaca on port 9232 14:25:42 INFO ? Succeeded in deploying verticle 14:25:42 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9232 count 0 14:25:42 INFO TcpPortWaiting Connected to service at host localhost port 9232 count 0 14:25:42 INFO ProxyContext 187593/discovery RES 201 1006613us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:25:42 INFO ProxyContext 402049/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/interfaces/sample okapi-0.0.0 14:25:42 INFO ProxyContext 402049/proxy RES 200 285us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/interfaces/sample 14:25:42 INFO ProxyContext 050259/testb RES 404 - okapi No suitable module found for path /testb for tenant roskilde 14:25:42 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=404 msg=No suitable module found for path /testb for tenant roskilde 14:25:42 INFO ProxyContext 971725/testb RES 404 - okapi No suitable module found for path /testb for tenant roskilde 14:25:42 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=404 msg=No suitable module found for path /testb for tenant roskilde 14:25:42 INFO ProxyContext 409370/testb REQ roskilde GET /testb sample-module-3 14:25:42 INFO ProxyContext 409370/testb RES 200 87016us sample-module-3 http://localhost:9231/testb 14:25:42 INFO ProxyContext 678263/testb REQ roskilde GET /testb sample-module-4 14:25:42 INFO ProxyContext 678263/testb RES 200 82912us sample-module-4 http://localhost:9232/testb 14:25:42 INFO ProxyContext 223387/testb REQ roskilde POST /testb sample-module-3 14:25:42 INFO ProxyContext 223387/testb RES 200 7742us sample-module-3 http://localhost:9231/testb 14:25:42 INFO ProxyContext 983903/testb REQ roskilde POST /testb sample-module-4 14:25:42 INFO ProxyContext 983903/testb RES 200 7923us sample-module-4 http://localhost:9232/testb 14:25:42 INFO ProxyContext 810364/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/sample-module-3 okapi-0.0.0 14:25:42 INFO ProxyContext 810364/proxy RES 204 3264us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/sample-module-3 14:25:42 INFO ProxyContext 549697/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/sample-module-4 okapi-0.0.0 14:25:42 INFO ProxyContext 549697/proxy RES 204 3402us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/sample-module-4 14:25:42 INFO ProxyContext 615096/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/modules/sample-module-3 okapi-0.0.0 14:25:42 INFO ProxyContext 615096/proxy RES 204 2524us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules/sample-module-3 14:25:42 INFO ProxyContext 355021/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/modules/sample-module-4 okapi-0.0.0 14:25:42 INFO ProxyContext 355021/proxy RES 204 2069us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules/sample-module-4 14:25:42 INFO ProxyContext 609912/discovery REQ supertenant DELETE /_/discovery/modules/sample-module-3/sample-3-inst okapi-0.0.0 14:25:42 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy: srvcId sample-module-3 instId sample-3-inst 14:25:42 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy sample-module-3 sample-3-inst 14:25:42 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy srvcId=sample-module-3 instId=sample-3-inst node=localhost 14:25:42 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy calling.. 14:25:42 INFO DeploymentManager undeploy instId sample-3-inst 14:25:42 INFO ProxyContext 609912/discovery RES 204 50265us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules/sample-module-3/sample-3-inst 14:25:42 INFO ProxyContext 570988/discovery REQ supertenant DELETE /_/discovery/modules/sample-module-4/sample-4-inst okapi-0.0.0 14:25:42 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy: srvcId sample-module-4 instId sample-4-inst 14:25:42 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy sample-module-4 sample-4-inst 14:25:42 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy srvcId=sample-module-4 instId=sample-4-inst node=localhost 14:25:42 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy calling.. 14:25:42 INFO DeploymentManager undeploy instId sample-4-inst 14:25:42 INFO ProxyContext 570988/discovery RES 204 64118us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules/sample-module-4/sample-4-inst 14:25:42 INFO ModuleTest Cleaning up after ModuleTest 14:25:42 WARN oduleVersionReporter META-INF/maven/org.folio.okapi/okapi-core/ not found 14:25:42 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module null null started 14:25:42 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:25:42 INFO MainVerticle clusterManager not in use 14:25:42 INFO MainVerticle Proxy using postgres storage 14:25:42 INFO InternalModule InternalModule starting okapiversion=null 14:25:42 WARN Storage Will initialize the whole database! 14:25:42 WARN Storage The postgres_db_init option is DEPRECATED! use 'initdatabase' command (instead of 'dev' on the command line) 14:25:42 INFO Storage prepareDatabases: INIT 14:25:43 INFO MainVerticle startModmanager 14:25:43 INFO MainVerticle startTenants 14:25:43 INFO MainVerticle checkInternalModules 14:25:43 INFO MainVerticle Creating the superTenant supertenant 14:25:43 INFO MainVerticle starting env 14:25:43 INFO MainVerticle Starting discovery 14:25:43 INFO MainVerticle Starting deployment 14:25:43 INFO MainVerticle API Gateway started PID 1909@2dcd032ebaca. Listening on port 9230 14:25:43 INFO MainVerticle Deploy completed succesfully 14:25:43 INFO TenantManager starting supertenant 14:25:43 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant supertenant module null seq1 0 14:25:43 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant supertenant 14:25:43 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:25:43 WARN oduleVersionReporter META-INF/maven/org.folio.okapi/okapi-core/ not found 14:25:43 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module null null started 14:25:43 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:25:43 INFO MainVerticle clusterManager not in use 14:25:43 INFO MainVerticle Proxy using postgres storage 14:25:43 INFO InternalModule InternalModule starting okapiversion=null 14:25:43 INFO Storage prepareDatabases: INIT 14:25:44 INFO ModuleTest Cleaning up after ModuleTest 14:25:44 FATAL PostgresQuery query sql CREATE TABLE modules ( modulejson JSONB NOT NULL ) failed: closed 14:25:44 ERROR MainVerticle closed 14:25:44 WARN oduleVersionReporter META-INF/maven/org.folio.okapi/okapi-core/ not found 14:25:44 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module null null started 14:25:44 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:25:44 INFO MainVerticle clusterManager not in use 14:25:44 INFO MainVerticle Proxy using postgres storage 14:25:44 INFO InternalModule InternalModule starting okapiversion=null 14:25:44 WARN Storage Will initialize the whole database! 14:25:44 WARN Storage The postgres_db_init option is DEPRECATED! use 'initdatabase' command (instead of 'dev' on the command line) 14:25:44 INFO Storage prepareDatabases: INIT 14:25:45 INFO MainVerticle startModmanager 14:25:45 INFO MainVerticle startTenants 14:25:45 INFO MainVerticle checkInternalModules 14:25:45 INFO MainVerticle Creating the superTenant supertenant 14:25:45 INFO MainVerticle starting env 14:25:45 INFO MainVerticle Starting discovery 14:25:45 INFO MainVerticle Starting deployment 14:25:45 INFO MainVerticle API Gateway started PID 1909@2dcd032ebaca. Listening on port 9230 14:25:45 INFO MainVerticle Deploy completed succesfully 14:25:45 INFO TenantManager starting supertenant 14:25:45 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant supertenant module null seq1 0 14:25:45 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant supertenant 14:25:45 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:25:45 INFO ProxyContext 614985/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:45 WARN ProxyContext 614985/proxy Module 'sample-module-5.0' handlers /testb: uses old type path. Use a pathPattern instead 14:25:45 WARN ProxyContext 614985/proxy Module 'sample-module-5.0' handlers /testb: uses DEPRECATED level. 14:25:45 WARN ProxyContext 614985/proxy Module 'sample-module-5.0' handlers uses type=request-response. That is the default, you can leave it out 14:25:45 WARN ProxyContext 614985/proxy Module 'sample-module-5.0' has no Requires section. If the module really does not require any other interfaces, provide an empty array to be explicit about it. 14:25:45 INFO ProxyContext 614985/proxy RES 201 12700us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:25:45 INFO ProxyContext 953170/deployment REQ supertenant GET /_/deployment/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:45 INFO ProxyContext 953170/deployment RES 200 159us okapi-0.0.0 /_/deployment/modules 14:25:45 INFO ProxyContext 309678/deployment REQ supertenant GET /_/deployment/modules/not_found okapi-0.0.0 14:25:45 INFO ProxyContext 309678/deployment RES 404 119us okapi not found: not_found 14:25:45 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=404 msg=not found: not_found 14:25:45 INFO ProxyContext 648449/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:45 INFO ProxyContext 648449/discovery RES 200 146us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:25:45 INFO ProxyContext 442152/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/modules/not_found okapi-0.0.0 14:25:45 INFO ProxyContext 442152/discovery RES 404 150us okapi not_found 14:25:45 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=404 msg=not_found 14:25:45 INFO ProxyContext 285212/discovery RES 404 - okapi No suitable module found for path /_/discovery/modules/ for tenant supertenant 14:25:45 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=404 msg=No suitable module found for path /_/discovery/modules/ for tenant supertenant 14:25:45 INFO ProxyContext 931497/discovery REQ supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:45 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { "instId" : "localhost-9231", "srvcId" : "sample-module-5.0", "descriptor" : { "exec" : "java -Dport=%p -jar ../okapi-test-module/target/okapi-test-module-fat.jar" } } 14:25:45 INFO ProxyContext 931497/discovery RES 400 370us okapi missing nodeId 14:25:45 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=missing nodeId 14:25:45 INFO ProxyContext 623136/discovery REQ supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:45 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { "srvcId" : "sample-module-5.0" } 14:25:45 INFO ProxyContext 623136/discovery RES 400 504us okapi Needs instId 14:25:45 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=Needs instId 14:25:45 INFO ProxyContext 331164/discovery REQ supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:45 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { "instId" : "localhost-9231", "srvcId" : "sample-module-5.0", "nodeId" : "foobarhost", "descriptor" : { "exec" : "java -Dport=%p -jar ../okapi-test-module/target/okapi-test-module-fat.jar" } } 14:25:45 INFO ProxyContext 331164/discovery RES 404 508us okapi foobarhost 14:25:45 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=404 msg=foobarhost 14:25:45 INFO ProxyContext 453016/discovery REQ supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:45 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { "instId" : "localhost-9231", "srvcId" : "sample-module-5.0", "nodeId" : "localhost", "descriptor" : { "exec" : "java -Dport=%p -jar ../okapi-test-module/target/okapi-test-module-fat.jar" } } 14:25:45 INFO DeploymentManager deploy instId localhost-9231 Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dmaven.ext.class.path="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554/pipeline-maven-spy.jar" -Dorg.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.maven.reportsFolder="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554" 14:25:46 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module okapi-test-module 2.39.0 started 14:25:46 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:25:46 INFO MainVerticle Starting okapi-test-module 5038@2dcd032ebaca on port 9231 14:25:46 INFO ? Succeeded in deploying verticle 14:25:46 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9231 count 0 14:25:46 INFO TcpPortWaiting Connected to service at host localhost port 9231 count 0 14:25:46 INFO ProxyContext 453016/discovery RES 201 1008393us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:25:46 INFO ProxyContext 823945/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/modules/sample-module-5.0/localhost-9231 okapi-0.0.0 14:25:46 INFO ProxyContext 823945/discovery RES 200 278us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules/sample-module-5.0/localhost-9231 14:25:46 INFO ProxyContext 370550/deployment REQ supertenant GET /_/deployment/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:46 INFO ProxyContext 370550/deployment RES 200 180us okapi-0.0.0 /_/deployment/modules 14:25:46 INFO ProxyContext 830031/discovery REQ supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:46 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { "instId" : "localhost-9231", "srvcId" : "sample-module-5.0", "nodeId" : "localhost", "url" : "http://localhost:9231", "descriptor" : { "exec" : "java -Dport=%p -jar ../okapi-test-module/target/okapi-test-module-fat.jar" } } 14:25:46 INFO ProxyContext 830031/discovery RES 400 3021us okapi already deployed: localhost-9231 14:25:46 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=already deployed: localhost-9231 14:25:46 INFO ProxyContext 074463/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/modules/sample-module-5.0 okapi-0.0.0 14:25:46 INFO ProxyContext 074463/discovery RES 200 300us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules/sample-module-5.0 14:25:46 INFO ProxyContext 226702/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:46 INFO ProxyContext 226702/discovery RES 200 339us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:25:46 INFO ProxyContext 332143/env REQ supertenant POST /_/env okapi-0.0.0 14:25:46 INFO ProxyContext 332143/env RES 201 2259us okapi-0.0.0 /_/env 14:25:46 INFO ModuleTest doc2 { "instId" : "localhost-9231", "srvcId" : "sample-module-5.0", "nodeId" : "localhost", "url" : "http://localhost:9231", "descriptor" : { "exec" : "java -Dport=%p -jar ../okapi-test-module/target/okapi-test-module-fat.jar" } } 14:25:46 INFO ProxyContext 687508/deployment REQ supertenant DELETE /_/deployment/modules/localhost-9231 okapi-0.0.0 14:25:46 INFO DeploymentManager undeploy instId localhost-9231 14:25:46 INFO ProxyContext 687508/deployment RES 204 47416us okapi-0.0.0 /_/deployment/modules/localhost-9231 14:25:46 WARN oduleVersionReporter META-INF/maven/org.folio.okapi/okapi-core/ not found 14:25:46 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module null null started 14:25:46 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:25:46 INFO MainVerticle clusterManager not in use 14:25:46 INFO MainVerticle Proxy using postgres storage 14:25:46 INFO InternalModule InternalModule starting okapiversion=null 14:25:46 INFO Storage prepareDatabases: NORMAL 14:25:46 WARN NoticeResponse Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='42P07', message='relation "env" already exists, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='parse_utilcmd.c', line='209', routine='transformCreateStmt', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 14:25:46 WARN NoticeResponse Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='42P07', message='relation "name" already exists, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='index.c', line='813', routine='index_create', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 14:25:46 WARN NoticeResponse Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='42P07', message='relation "deployments" already exists, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='parse_utilcmd.c', line='209', routine='transformCreateStmt', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 14:25:46 WARN NoticeResponse Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='42P07', message='relation "inst_id" already exists, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='index.c', line='813', routine='index_create', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 14:25:46 WARN NoticeResponse Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='42P07', message='relation "tenants" already exists, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='parse_utilcmd.c', line='209', routine='transformCreateStmt', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 14:25:46 WARN NoticeResponse Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='42P07', message='relation "tenant_id" already exists, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='index.c', line='813', routine='index_create', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 14:25:46 WARN NoticeResponse Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='42P07', message='relation "modules" already exists, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='parse_utilcmd.c', line='209', routine='transformCreateStmt', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 14:25:46 WARN NoticeResponse Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='42P07', message='relation "module_id" already exists, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='index.c', line='813', routine='index_create', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 14:25:46 INFO MainVerticle startModmanager 14:25:46 INFO MainVerticle startTenants 14:25:46 INFO MainVerticle checkInternalModules 14:25:46 INFO MainVerticle checkSuperTenant: Already have supertenant 14:25:46 INFO MainVerticle checkSuperTenant: enabled version is okapi-0.0.0 14:25:46 INFO MainVerticle starting env 14:25:46 INFO MainVerticle Starting discovery 14:25:46 INFO MainVerticle Starting deployment 14:25:46 INFO MainVerticle API Gateway started PID 1909@2dcd032ebaca. Listening on port 9230 14:25:46 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { "instId" : "localhost-9231", "srvcId" : "sample-module-5.0", "nodeId" : "localhost", "url" : "http://localhost:9231", "descriptor" : { "exec" : "java -Dport=%p -jar ../okapi-test-module/target/okapi-test-module-fat.jar" } } 14:25:46 INFO DeploymentManager deploy instId localhost-9231 Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dmaven.ext.class.path="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554/pipeline-maven-spy.jar" -Dorg.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.maven.reportsFolder="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554" 14:25:47 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module okapi-test-module 2.39.0 started 14:25:47 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:25:47 INFO MainVerticle Starting okapi-test-module 5091@2dcd032ebaca on port 9231 14:25:47 INFO ? Succeeded in deploying verticle 14:25:47 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9231 count 0 14:25:47 INFO TcpPortWaiting Connected to service at host localhost port 9231 count 0 14:25:47 INFO MainVerticle Deploy completed succesfully 14:25:47 INFO TenantManager starting supertenant 14:25:47 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant supertenant module null seq1 0 14:25:47 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant supertenant 14:25:47 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:25:47 INFO ModuleTest testDeployment2 14:25:47 INFO ProxyContext 645045/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/modules/sample-module-5.0 okapi-0.0.0 14:25:48 INFO ProxyContext 645045/proxy RES 204 2511us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules/sample-module-5.0 14:25:48 INFO ProxyContext 671470/env REQ supertenant DELETE /_/env/name1 okapi-0.0.0 14:25:48 INFO ProxyContext 671470/env RES 204 3827us okapi-0.0.0 /_/env/name1 14:25:48 INFO ProxyContext 425569/discovery REQ supertenant DELETE /_/discovery/modules/sample-module-5.0/localhost-9231 okapi-0.0.0 14:25:48 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy: srvcId sample-module-5.0 instId localhost-9231 14:25:48 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy sample-module-5.0 localhost-9231 14:25:48 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy srvcId=sample-module-5.0 instId=localhost-9231 node=localhost 14:25:48 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy calling.. 14:25:48 INFO DeploymentManager undeploy instId localhost-9231 14:25:48 INFO ProxyContext 425569/discovery RES 204 41611us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules/sample-module-5.0/localhost-9231 14:25:48 INFO ProxyContext 784095/discovery REQ supertenant DELETE /_/discovery/modules/sample-module-5.0/localhost-9231 okapi-0.0.0 14:25:48 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy: srvcId sample-module-5.0 instId localhost-9231 14:25:48 WARN DiscoveryManager deployment.get failed 14:25:48 INFO ProxyContext 784095/discovery RES 404 374us okapi sample-module-5.0/localhost-9231 14:25:48 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=404 msg=sample-module-5.0/localhost-9231 14:25:48 INFO ProxyContext 434196/deployment REQ supertenant GET /_/deployment/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:48 INFO ProxyContext 434196/deployment RES 200 138us okapi-0.0.0 /_/deployment/modules 14:25:48 INFO ProxyContext 101178/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/modules/sample-module-5.0 okapi-0.0.0 14:25:48 INFO ProxyContext 101178/discovery RES 404 134us okapi sample-module-5.0 14:25:48 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=404 msg=sample-module-5.0 14:25:48 INFO ProxyContext 596129/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/modules/UNKNOWN-MODULE okapi-0.0.0 14:25:48 INFO ProxyContext 596129/discovery RES 404 110us okapi UNKNOWN-MODULE 14:25:48 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=404 msg=UNKNOWN-MODULE 14:25:48 INFO ProxyContext 064059/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:48 WARN ProxyContext 064059/proxy Module 'sample-module-depl-1' handlers /testb: uses old type path. Use a pathPattern instead 14:25:48 WARN ProxyContext 064059/proxy Module 'sample-module-depl-1' handlers /testb: uses DEPRECATED level. 14:25:48 WARN ProxyContext 064059/proxy Module 'sample-module-depl-1' handlers uses type=request-response. That is the default, you can leave it out 14:25:48 WARN ProxyContext 064059/proxy Module 'sample-module-depl-1' has no Requires section. If the module really does not require any other interfaces, provide an empty array to be explicit about it. 14:25:48 INFO ProxyContext 064059/proxy RES 201 2935us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:25:48 INFO ProxyContext 702059/discovery REQ supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:48 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { "instId" : "localhost-9231", "srvcId" : "sample-module-depl-1", "nodeId" : "http://localhost:9230" } 14:25:48 INFO DeploymentManager deploy instId localhost-9231 Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dmaven.ext.class.path="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554/pipeline-maven-spy.jar" -Dorg.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.maven.reportsFolder="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554" 14:25:48 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module okapi-test-module 2.39.0 started 14:25:48 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:25:48 INFO MainVerticle Starting okapi-test-module 5141@2dcd032ebaca on port 9231 14:25:48 INFO ? Succeeded in deploying verticle 14:25:49 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9231 count 0 14:25:49 INFO TcpPortWaiting Connected to service at host localhost port 9231 count 0 14:25:49 INFO ProxyContext 702059/discovery RES 201 1006470us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:25:49 INFO ProxyContext 695710/discovery REQ supertenant DELETE /_/discovery/modules/sample-module-depl-1/localhost-9231 okapi-0.0.0 14:25:49 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy: srvcId sample-module-depl-1 instId localhost-9231 14:25:49 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy sample-module-depl-1 localhost-9231 14:25:49 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy srvcId=sample-module-depl-1 instId=localhost-9231 node=http://localhost:9230 14:25:49 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy calling.. 14:25:49 INFO DeploymentManager undeploy instId localhost-9231 14:25:49 INFO ProxyContext 695710/discovery RES 204 51067us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules/sample-module-depl-1/localhost-9231 14:25:49 INFO ProxyContext 072387/discovery REQ supertenant DELETE /_/discovery/modules/sample-module-depl-1/localhost-9231 okapi-0.0.0 14:25:49 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy: srvcId sample-module-depl-1 instId localhost-9231 14:25:49 WARN DiscoveryManager deployment.get failed 14:25:49 INFO ProxyContext 072387/discovery RES 404 348us okapi sample-module-depl-1/localhost-9231 14:25:49 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=404 msg=sample-module-depl-1/localhost-9231 14:25:49 INFO ProxyContext 008879/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/modules/sample-module-depl-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:25:49 INFO ProxyContext 008879/proxy RES 204 1904us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules/sample-module-depl-1 14:25:49 INFO ProxyContext 126796/deployment REQ supertenant GET /_/deployment/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:49 INFO ProxyContext 126796/deployment RES 200 117us okapi-0.0.0 /_/deployment/modules 14:25:49 INFO ProxyContext 363899/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/nodes okapi-0.0.0 14:25:49 INFO ProxyContext 363899/discovery RES 200 154us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/nodes 14:25:49 INFO ProxyContext 984322/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:49 INFO ProxyContext 984322/discovery RES 200 136us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:25:49 INFO ProxyContext 247329/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:49 INFO ProxyContext 247329/proxy RES 200 429us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:25:49 INFO ProxyContext 894115/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/tenants okapi-0.0.0 14:25:49 INFO ProxyContext 894115/proxy RES 200 219us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants 14:25:49 INFO ModuleTest Cleaning up after ModuleTest 14:25:49 WARN oduleVersionReporter META-INF/maven/org.folio.okapi/okapi-core/ not found 14:25:49 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module null null started 14:25:49 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:25:49 INFO MainVerticle clusterManager not in use 14:25:49 INFO MainVerticle Proxy using postgres storage 14:25:49 INFO InternalModule InternalModule starting okapiversion=null 14:25:49 WARN Storage Will initialize the whole database! 14:25:49 WARN Storage The postgres_db_init option is DEPRECATED! use 'initdatabase' command (instead of 'dev' on the command line) 14:25:49 INFO Storage prepareDatabases: INIT 14:25:49 INFO MainVerticle startModmanager 14:25:49 INFO MainVerticle startTenants 14:25:49 INFO MainVerticle checkInternalModules 14:25:49 INFO MainVerticle Creating the superTenant supertenant 14:25:49 INFO MainVerticle starting env 14:25:49 INFO MainVerticle Starting discovery 14:25:49 INFO MainVerticle Starting deployment 14:25:49 INFO MainVerticle API Gateway started PID 1909@2dcd032ebaca. Listening on port 9230 14:25:49 INFO MainVerticle Deploy completed succesfully 14:25:49 INFO TenantManager starting supertenant 14:25:49 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant supertenant module null seq1 0 14:25:49 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant supertenant 14:25:49 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:25:49 INFO ProxyContext 764542/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:49 INFO ProxyContext 764542/proxy RES 201 2013us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:25:49 INFO ProxyContext 596548/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:49 INFO ProxyContext 596548/proxy RES 201 2400us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:25:49 INFO ProxyContext 927636/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:49 INFO ProxyContext 927636/proxy RES 201 2549us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:25:49 INFO ProxyContext 536365/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:49 INFO ProxyContext 536365/proxy RES 201 2334us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:25:49 INFO ProxyContext 745700/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:49 INFO ProxyContext 745700/proxy RES 201 2440us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:25:49 INFO ProxyContext 541325/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:49 INFO ProxyContext 541325/proxy RES 201 2430us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:25:49 INFO ProxyContext 544480/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:49 INFO ProxyContext 544480/proxy RES 201 2610us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:25:49 INFO ProxyContext 688096/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:49 INFO ProxyContext 688096/proxy RES 201 3913us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:25:49 INFO ProxyContext 691788/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:49 INFO ProxyContext 691788/proxy RES 201 3760us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:25:49 INFO ProxyContext 335136/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:49 INFO ProxyContext 335136/proxy RES 201 2606us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:25:49 INFO ProxyContext 614310/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:49 INFO ProxyContext 614310/proxy RES 200 625us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:25:49 INFO ModuleTest Cleaning up after ModuleTest 14:25:49 WARN oduleVersionReporter META-INF/maven/org.folio.okapi/okapi-core/ not found 14:25:49 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module null null started 14:25:49 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:25:49 INFO MainVerticle clusterManager not in use 14:25:49 INFO MainVerticle Proxy using postgres storage 14:25:49 INFO InternalModule InternalModule starting okapiversion=null 14:25:49 WARN Storage Will initialize the whole database! 14:25:49 WARN Storage The postgres_db_init option is DEPRECATED! use 'initdatabase' command (instead of 'dev' on the command line) 14:25:49 INFO Storage prepareDatabases: INIT 14:25:49 INFO MainVerticle startModmanager 14:25:49 INFO MainVerticle startTenants 14:25:49 INFO MainVerticle checkInternalModules 14:25:49 INFO MainVerticle Creating the superTenant supertenant 14:25:49 INFO MainVerticle starting env 14:25:49 INFO MainVerticle Starting discovery 14:25:49 INFO MainVerticle Starting deployment 14:25:49 INFO MainVerticle API Gateway started PID 1909@2dcd032ebaca. Listening on port 9230 14:25:49 INFO MainVerticle Deploy completed succesfully 14:25:49 INFO TenantManager starting supertenant 14:25:49 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant supertenant module null seq1 0 14:25:49 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant supertenant 14:25:49 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:25:49 INFO ProxyContext 090845/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:49 WARN ProxyContext 090845/proxy Module 'sample-module-5.0' handlers /testb: uses old type path. Use a pathPattern instead 14:25:49 WARN ProxyContext 090845/proxy Module 'sample-module-5.0' handlers uses type=request-response. That is the default, you can leave it out 14:25:49 WARN ProxyContext 090845/proxy Module 'sample-module-5.0' has no Requires section. If the module really does not require any other interfaces, provide an empty array to be explicit about it. 14:25:49 INFO ProxyContext 090845/proxy RES 201 3019us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:25:49 INFO ProxyContext 095578/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:49 WARN ProxyContext 095578/proxy Module 'header-module-1.0' has no Requires section. If the module really does not require any other interfaces, provide an empty array to be explicit about it. 14:25:49 WARN ProxyContext 095578/proxy Module 'header-module-1.0' filters /testb: uses old type path. Use a pathPattern instead 14:25:49 WARN ProxyContext 095578/proxy Module 'header-module-1.0' filters /testb: uses DEPRECATED level. Use a phase=auth instead 14:25:49 INFO ProxyContext 095578/proxy RES 201 3232us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:25:49 INFO ProxyContext 523860/discovery REQ supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:49 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { "srvcId" : "sample-module-5.0", "nodeId" : "localhost", "descriptor" : { "exec" : "java -Dport=%p -jar ../okapi-test-module/target/okapi-test-module-fat.jar" } } 14:25:49 INFO DeploymentManager deploy instId d3f1989b-b08a-487d-98c2-3b1548c5fbc4 Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dmaven.ext.class.path="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554/pipeline-maven-spy.jar" -Dorg.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.maven.reportsFolder="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554" 14:25:50 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module okapi-test-module 2.39.0 started 14:25:50 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:25:50 INFO MainVerticle Starting okapi-test-module 5239@2dcd032ebaca on port 9231 14:25:50 INFO ? Succeeded in deploying verticle 14:25:50 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9231 count 0 14:25:50 INFO TcpPortWaiting Connected to service at host localhost port 9231 count 0 14:25:50 INFO ProxyContext 523860/discovery RES 201 1007224us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:25:50 INFO ProxyContext 015209/discovery REQ supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:50 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { "srvcId" : "header-module-1.0", "nodeId" : "localhost", "descriptor" : { "exec" : "java -Dport=%p -jar ../okapi-test-header-module/target/okapi-test-header-module-fat.jar" } } 14:25:50 INFO DeploymentManager deploy instId 5ee18420-cd1b-427c-9030-74c28730fb99 Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dmaven.ext.class.path="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554/pipeline-maven-spy.jar" -Dorg.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.maven.reportsFolder="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554" 14:25:51 INFO MainVerticle Starting okapi-test-header-module 5266@2dcd032ebaca on port 9232 14:25:51 INFO ? Succeeded in deploying verticle 14:25:51 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9232 count 0 14:25:51 INFO TcpPortWaiting Connected to service at host localhost port 9232 count 0 14:25:51 INFO ProxyContext 015209/discovery RES 201 1010372us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:25:51 INFO ProxyContext 115614/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants okapi-0.0.0 14:25:51 INFO ProxyContext 115614/proxy RES 201 1948us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants 14:25:51 INFO ProxyContext 930561/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:51 INFO ProxyContext 930561/proxy RES 201 3259us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules 14:25:51 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module null seq1 0 14:25:51 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant roskilde 14:25:51 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:25:51 INFO ProxyContext 423708/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/modules/sample-module-5.0 okapi-0.0.0 14:25:51 ERROR ProxyContext 423708/proxy delete module failed: USER:delete: module sample-module-5.0 is used by tenant roskilde 14:25:51 INFO ProxyContext 423708/proxy RES 400 572us okapi delete: module sample-module-5.0 is used by tenant roskilde 14:25:51 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=delete: module sample-module-5.0 is used by tenant roskilde 14:25:51 INFO ProxyContext 896800/proxy REQ supertenant PUT /_/proxy/modules/sample-module-5.0 okapi-0.0.0 14:25:51 WARN ProxyContext 896800/proxy Module 'sample-module-5.0' handlers /testb: uses old type path. Use a pathPattern instead 14:25:51 WARN ProxyContext 896800/proxy Module 'sample-module-5.0' handlers uses type=request-response. That is the default, you can leave it out 14:25:51 WARN ProxyContext 896800/proxy Module 'sample-module-5.0' has no Requires section. If the module really does not require any other interfaces, provide an empty array to be explicit about it. 14:25:51 INFO ProxyContext 896800/proxy RES 400 803us okapi update: module sample-module-5.0 is used by tenant roskilde 14:25:51 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=update: module sample-module-5.0 is used by tenant roskilde 14:25:51 INFO ProxyContext 776331/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:51 INFO ProxyContext 776331/proxy RES 201 3035us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules 14:25:51 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module null seq1 0 14:25:51 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant roskilde 14:25:51 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:25:51 INFO ProxyContext 251944/testb REQ roskilde POST /testb header-module-1.0 sample-module-5.0 14:25:52 INFO ProxyContext 251944/testb RES 200 67313us header-module-1.0 http://localhost:9232/testb 14:25:52 INFO ProxyContext 251944/testb RES 200 72415us sample-module-5.0 http://localhost:9231/testb 14:25:52 INFO ProxyContext 280894/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/sample-module-5.0 okapi-0.0.0 14:25:52 INFO ProxyContext 280894/proxy RES 204 2842us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/sample-module-5.0 14:25:52 INFO ProxyContext 033134/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:52 INFO ProxyContext 033134/proxy RES 201 2800us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules 14:25:52 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module null seq1 0 14:25:52 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant roskilde 14:25:52 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:25:52 INFO ProxyContext 944446/testb REQ roskilde POST /testb header-module-1.0 sample-module-5.0 14:25:52 INFO ProxyContext 944446/testb RES 200 1722us header-module-1.0 http://localhost:9232/testb 14:25:52 INFO ProxyContext 944446/testb RES 200 2467us sample-module-5.0 http://localhost:9231/testb 14:25:52 INFO ProxyContext 818303/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde okapi-0.0.0 14:25:52 INFO ProxyContext 818303/proxy RES 204 1655us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde 14:25:52 INFO ProxyContext 560930/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/modules/sample-module-5.0 okapi-0.0.0 14:25:52 INFO ProxyContext 560930/proxy RES 204 1867us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules/sample-module-5.0 14:25:52 INFO ProxyContext 154715/discovery REQ supertenant DELETE /_/discovery/modules/sample-module-5.0/d3f1989b-b08a-487d-98c2-3b1548c5fbc4 okapi-0.0.0 14:25:52 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy: srvcId sample-module-5.0 instId d3f1989b-b08a-487d-98c2-3b1548c5fbc4 14:25:52 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy sample-module-5.0 d3f1989b-b08a-487d-98c2-3b1548c5fbc4 14:25:52 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy srvcId=sample-module-5.0 instId=d3f1989b-b08a-487d-98c2-3b1548c5fbc4 node=localhost 14:25:52 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy calling.. 14:25:52 INFO DeploymentManager undeploy instId d3f1989b-b08a-487d-98c2-3b1548c5fbc4 14:25:52 INFO ProxyContext 154715/discovery RES 204 48192us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules/sample-module-5.0/d3f1989b-b08a-487d-98c2-3b1548c5fbc4 14:25:52 INFO ProxyContext 022380/discovery REQ supertenant DELETE /_/discovery/modules/header-module-1.0/5ee18420-cd1b-427c-9030-74c28730fb99 okapi-0.0.0 14:25:52 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy: srvcId header-module-1.0 instId 5ee18420-cd1b-427c-9030-74c28730fb99 14:25:52 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy header-module-1.0 5ee18420-cd1b-427c-9030-74c28730fb99 14:25:52 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy srvcId=header-module-1.0 instId=5ee18420-cd1b-427c-9030-74c28730fb99 node=localhost 14:25:52 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy calling.. 14:25:52 INFO DeploymentManager undeploy instId 5ee18420-cd1b-427c-9030-74c28730fb99 14:25:52 INFO ProxyContext 022380/discovery RES 204 49598us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules/header-module-1.0/5ee18420-cd1b-427c-9030-74c28730fb99 14:25:52 INFO ProxyContext 208373/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/modules/header-module-1.0 okapi-0.0.0 14:25:52 INFO ProxyContext 208373/proxy RES 204 1924us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules/header-module-1.0 14:25:52 INFO ProxyContext 925999/deployment REQ supertenant GET /_/deployment/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:52 INFO ProxyContext 925999/deployment RES 200 142us okapi-0.0.0 /_/deployment/modules 14:25:52 INFO ProxyContext 778733/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/nodes okapi-0.0.0 14:25:52 INFO ProxyContext 778733/discovery RES 200 605us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/nodes 14:25:52 INFO ProxyContext 587491/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:52 INFO ProxyContext 587491/discovery RES 200 131us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:25:52 INFO ProxyContext 577614/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:52 INFO ProxyContext 577614/proxy RES 200 331us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:25:52 INFO ProxyContext 476671/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/tenants okapi-0.0.0 14:25:52 INFO ProxyContext 476671/proxy RES 200 160us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants 14:25:52 INFO ModuleTest Cleaning up after ModuleTest 14:25:52 WARN oduleVersionReporter META-INF/maven/org.folio.okapi/okapi-core/ not found 14:25:52 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module null null started 14:25:52 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:25:52 INFO MainVerticle clusterManager not in use 14:25:52 INFO MainVerticle Proxy using postgres storage 14:25:52 INFO InternalModule InternalModule starting okapiversion=null 14:25:52 WARN Storage Will initialize the whole database! 14:25:52 WARN Storage The postgres_db_init option is DEPRECATED! use 'initdatabase' command (instead of 'dev' on the command line) 14:25:52 INFO Storage prepareDatabases: INIT 14:25:52 INFO MainVerticle startModmanager 14:25:52 INFO MainVerticle startTenants 14:25:52 INFO MainVerticle checkInternalModules 14:25:52 INFO MainVerticle Creating the superTenant supertenant 14:25:52 INFO MainVerticle starting env 14:25:52 INFO MainVerticle Starting discovery 14:25:52 INFO MainVerticle Starting deployment 14:25:52 INFO MainVerticle API Gateway started PID 1909@2dcd032ebaca. Listening on port 9230 14:25:52 INFO MainVerticle Deploy completed succesfully 14:25:52 INFO TenantManager starting supertenant 14:25:52 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant supertenant module null seq1 0 14:25:52 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant supertenant 14:25:52 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:25:52 INFO ProxyContext 595507/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:52 WARN ProxyContext 595507/proxy Module 'sample-1.2.3-alpha.1' has no Requires section. If the module really does not require any other interfaces, provide an empty array to be explicit about it. 14:25:52 INFO ProxyContext 595507/proxy RES 201 2050us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:25:52 INFO ProxyContext 617537/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:52 WARN ProxyContext 617537/proxy Module 'sample-1.2.3-SNAPSHOT.5' has no Requires section. If the module really does not require any other interfaces, provide an empty array to be explicit about it. 14:25:52 INFO ProxyContext 617537/proxy RES 201 2211us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:25:52 INFO ProxyContext 202005/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:52 WARN ProxyContext 202005/proxy Module 'sample-1.2.3-alpha.1+2017' has no Requires section. If the module really does not require any other interfaces, provide an empty array to be explicit about it. 14:25:52 INFO ProxyContext 202005/proxy RES 201 2307us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:25:52 INFO ModuleTest Cleaning up after ModuleTest 14:25:52 WARN oduleVersionReporter META-INF/maven/org.folio.okapi/okapi-core/ not found 14:25:52 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module null null started 14:25:52 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:25:52 INFO MainVerticle clusterManager not in use 14:25:52 INFO MainVerticle Proxy using postgres storage 14:25:52 INFO InternalModule InternalModule starting okapiversion=null 14:25:52 WARN Storage Will initialize the whole database! 14:25:52 WARN Storage The postgres_db_init option is DEPRECATED! use 'initdatabase' command (instead of 'dev' on the command line) 14:25:52 INFO Storage prepareDatabases: INIT 14:25:52 INFO MainVerticle startModmanager 14:25:52 INFO MainVerticle startTenants 14:25:52 INFO MainVerticle checkInternalModules 14:25:52 INFO MainVerticle Creating the superTenant supertenant 14:25:52 INFO MainVerticle starting env 14:25:52 INFO MainVerticle Starting discovery 14:25:52 INFO MainVerticle Starting deployment 14:25:52 INFO MainVerticle API Gateway started PID 1909@2dcd032ebaca. Listening on port 9230 14:25:52 INFO MainVerticle Deploy completed succesfully 14:25:52 INFO TenantManager starting supertenant 14:25:52 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant supertenant module null seq1 0 14:25:52 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant supertenant 14:25:52 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:25:52 INFO ProxyContext 019414/deployment REQ supertenant GET /_/deployment/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:52 INFO ProxyContext 019414/deployment RES 200 119us okapi-0.0.0 /_/deployment/modules 14:25:52 INFO ProxyContext 352674/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/nodes okapi-0.0.0 14:25:52 INFO ProxyContext 352674/discovery RES 200 173us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/nodes 14:25:52 INFO ProxyContext 797815/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:52 INFO ProxyContext 797815/discovery RES 200 149us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:25:52 INFO ProxyContext 410848/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:52 INFO ProxyContext 410848/proxy RES 200 630us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:25:52 INFO ProxyContext 013310/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/tenants okapi-0.0.0 14:25:52 INFO ProxyContext 013310/proxy RES 200 192us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants 14:25:52 INFO ProxyContext 112715/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/nodes okapi-0.0.0 14:25:52 INFO ProxyContext 112715/discovery RES 200 169us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/nodes 14:25:52 INFO ProxyContext 618967/discovery REQ supertenant PUT /_/discovery/nodes/localhost okapi-0.0.0 14:25:52 INFO ProxyContext 618967/discovery RES 200 334us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/nodes/localhost 14:25:52 INFO ProxyContext 710149/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/nodes okapi-0.0.0 14:25:52 INFO ProxyContext 710149/discovery RES 200 202us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/nodes 14:25:52 INFO ProxyContext 065286/discovery REQ supertenant PUT /_/discovery/nodes/foobarhost okapi-0.0.0 14:25:52 INFO ProxyContext 065286/discovery RES 404 187us okapi foobarhost 14:25:52 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=404 msg=foobarhost 14:25:52 INFO ProxyContext 389812/discovery REQ supertenant PUT /_/discovery/nodes/localhost okapi-0.0.0 14:25:52 INFO ProxyContext 389812/discovery RES 400 183us okapi Can not change nodeId for node localhost 14:25:52 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=Can not change nodeId for node localhost 14:25:52 INFO ProxyContext 439454/discovery REQ supertenant PUT /_/discovery/nodes/localhost okapi-0.0.0 14:25:52 INFO ProxyContext 439454/discovery RES 400 226us okapi Can not change the URL for node localhost 14:25:52 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=Can not change the URL for node localhost 14:25:52 INFO ProxyContext 083763/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/nodes/localhost okapi-0.0.0 14:25:52 INFO ProxyContext 083763/discovery RES 200 234us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/nodes/localhost 14:25:52 INFO ProxyContext 788096/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/nodes/NewName okapi-0.0.0 14:25:52 INFO ProxyContext 788096/discovery RES 200 213us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/nodes/NewName 14:25:52 INFO ModuleTest node test!!!!!!!!!!!! 14:25:52 INFO ProxyContext 071725/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/nodes/http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A9230 okapi-0.0.0 14:25:52 INFO ProxyContext 071725/discovery RES 200 244us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/nodes/http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A9230 14:25:52 INFO ProxyContext 672457/deployment REQ supertenant GET /_/deployment/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:52 INFO ProxyContext 672457/deployment RES 200 228us okapi-0.0.0 /_/deployment/modules 14:25:52 INFO ProxyContext 417422/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/nodes okapi-0.0.0 14:25:52 INFO ProxyContext 417422/discovery RES 200 259us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/nodes 14:25:52 INFO ProxyContext 233555/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:52 INFO ProxyContext 233555/discovery RES 200 110us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:25:52 INFO ProxyContext 339527/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:52 INFO ProxyContext 339527/proxy RES 200 326us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:25:52 INFO ProxyContext 322600/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/tenants okapi-0.0.0 14:25:52 INFO ProxyContext 322600/proxy RES 200 164us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants 14:25:52 INFO ModuleTest Cleaning up after ModuleTest 14:25:52 WARN oduleVersionReporter META-INF/maven/org.folio.okapi/okapi-core/ not found 14:25:52 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module null null started 14:25:52 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:25:52 INFO MainVerticle clusterManager not in use 14:25:52 INFO MainVerticle Proxy using postgres storage 14:25:52 INFO InternalModule InternalModule starting okapiversion=null 14:25:52 WARN Storage Will initialize the whole database! 14:25:52 WARN Storage The postgres_db_init option is DEPRECATED! use 'initdatabase' command (instead of 'dev' on the command line) 14:25:52 INFO Storage prepareDatabases: INIT 14:25:53 INFO MainVerticle startModmanager 14:25:53 INFO MainVerticle startTenants 14:25:53 INFO MainVerticle checkInternalModules 14:25:53 INFO MainVerticle Creating the superTenant supertenant 14:25:53 INFO MainVerticle starting env 14:25:53 INFO MainVerticle Starting discovery 14:25:53 INFO MainVerticle Starting deployment 14:25:53 INFO MainVerticle API Gateway started PID 1909@2dcd032ebaca. Listening on port 9230 14:25:53 INFO MainVerticle Deploy completed succesfully 14:25:53 INFO TenantManager starting supertenant 14:25:53 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant supertenant module null seq1 0 14:25:53 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant supertenant 14:25:53 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:25:53 INFO ProxyContext 373875/deployment REQ supertenant GET /_/deployment/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:53 INFO ProxyContext 373875/deployment RES 200 118us okapi-0.0.0 /_/deployment/modules 14:25:53 INFO ProxyContext 574259/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/nodes okapi-0.0.0 14:25:53 INFO ProxyContext 574259/discovery RES 200 152us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/nodes 14:25:53 INFO ProxyContext 409748/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:53 INFO ProxyContext 409748/discovery RES 200 134us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:25:53 INFO ProxyContext 877703/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:53 INFO ProxyContext 877703/proxy RES 200 447us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:25:53 INFO ProxyContext 445567/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/tenants okapi-0.0.0 14:25:53 INFO ProxyContext 445567/proxy RES 200 210us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants 14:25:53 INFO ProxyContext 033642/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:53 INFO ProxyContext 033642/proxy RES 200 403us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:25:53 INFO ProxyContext 803668/proxy RES 404 - okapi No suitable module found for path /_/proxy/modules/ for tenant supertenant 14:25:53 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=404 msg=No suitable module found for path /_/proxy/modules/ for tenant supertenant 14:25:53 INFO ProxyContext 509300/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/modules/no-module okapi-0.0.0 14:25:53 INFO ProxyContext 509300/proxy RES 404 93us okapi no-module 14:25:53 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=404 msg=no-module 14:25:53 INFO ProxyContext 124433/foo RES 404 - okapi No suitable module found for path /_/foo for tenant supertenant 14:25:53 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=404 msg=No suitable module found for path /_/foo for tenant supertenant 14:25:53 INFO ProxyContext 386909/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:53 INFO ProxyContext 386909/proxy RES 400 481us okapi Failed to decode:Unexpected character (',' (code 44)): was expecting double-quote to start field name at [Source: (String)"{ "id" : "sample-module-1+1", "name" : "sample module", "provides" : [ { "id" : "sample", "version" : "1.0", "handlers" : [ { "methods" : [ "GET", "POST", "DELETE" ], "pathPattern" : "/testb", "type" : "request-response", "permissionsRequired" : [ "sample.needed" ], "permissionsDesired" : [ "sample.extra" ], "modulePermissions" : [ "sample.modperm" ] } ] }, { "id" : "recurse", "version" : "1.0", "handlers" : [ { "metho"[truncated 1039 chars]; line: 26, column: 23] (through reference chain: org.folio.okapi.bean.ModuleDescriptor["provides"]->java.lang.Object[][2]) 14:25:53 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=Failed to decode:Unexpected character (',' (code 44)): was expecting double-quote to start field name at [Source: (String)"{ "id" : "sample-module-1+1", "name" : "sample module", "provides" : [ { "id" : "sample", "version" : "1.0", "handlers" : [ { "methods" : [ "GET", "POST", "DELETE" ], "pathPattern" : "/testb", "type" : "request-response", "permissionsRequired" : [ "sample.needed" ], "permissionsDesired" : [ "sample.extra" ], "modulePermissions" : [ "sample.modperm" ] } ] }, { "id" : "recurse", "version" : "1.0", "handlers" : [ { "metho"[truncated 1039 chars]; line: 26, column: 23] (through reference chain: org.folio.okapi.bean.ModuleDescriptor["provides"]->java.lang.Object[][2]) 14:25:53 INFO ProxyContext 642111/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:53 INFO ProxyContext 642111/proxy RES 400 275us okapi Failed to decode:Missing semantic version for: bad module id?!+1 at [Source: (String)"{ "id" : "bad module id?!+1", "name" : "sample module", "provides" : [ { "id" : "sample", "version" : "1.0", "handlers" : [ { "methods" : [ "GET", "POST", "DELETE" ], "pathPattern" : "/testb", "type" : "request-response", "permissionsRequired" : [ "sample.needed" ], "permissionsDesired" : [ "sample.extra" ], "modulePermissions" : [ "sample.modperm" ] } ] }, { "id" : "recurse", "version" : "1.0", "handlers" : [ { "metho"[truncated 1037 chars]; line: 2, column: 10] (through reference chain: org.folio.okapi.bean.ModuleDescriptor["id"]) 14:25:53 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=Failed to decode:Missing semantic version for: bad module id?!+1 at [Source: (String)"{ "id" : "bad module id?!+1", "name" : "sample module", "provides" : [ { "id" : "sample", "version" : "1.0", "handlers" : [ { "methods" : [ "GET", "POST", "DELETE" ], "pathPattern" : "/testb", "type" : "request-response", "permissionsRequired" : [ "sample.needed" ], "permissionsDesired" : [ "sample.extra" ], "modulePermissions" : [ "sample.modperm" ] } ] }, { "id" : "recurse", "version" : "1.0", "handlers" : [ { "metho"[truncated 1037 chars]; line: 2, column: 10] (through reference chain: org.folio.okapi.bean.ModuleDescriptor["id"]) 14:25:53 INFO ProxyContext 114246/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:53 INFO InternalModule createModule validate failed: id is missing for module 14:25:53 INFO ProxyContext 114246/proxy RES 400 309us okapi id is missing for module 14:25:53 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=id is missing for module 14:25:53 INFO ProxyContext 674905/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:53 INFO ProxyContext 674905/proxy RES 400 313us okapi Failed to decode:Missing semantic version for: at [Source: (String)"{ "id" : "", "name" : "sample module", "provides" : [ { "id" : "sample", "version" : "1.0", "handlers" : [ { "methods" : [ "GET", "POST", "DELETE" ], "pathPattern" : "/testb", "type" : "request-response", "permissionsRequired" : [ "sample.needed" ], "permissionsDesired" : [ "sample.extra" ], "modulePermissions" : [ "sample.modperm" ] } ] }, { "id" : "recurse", "version" : "1.0", "handlers" : [ { "methods" : [ "GET" ], "[truncated 1020 chars]; line: 2, column: 10] (through reference chain: org.folio.okapi.bean.ModuleDescriptor["id"]) 14:25:53 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=Failed to decode:Missing semantic version for: at [Source: (String)"{ "id" : "", "name" : "sample module", "provides" : [ { "id" : "sample", "version" : "1.0", "handlers" : [ { "methods" : [ "GET", "POST", "DELETE" ], "pathPattern" : "/testb", "type" : "request-response", "permissionsRequired" : [ "sample.needed" ], "permissionsDesired" : [ "sample.extra" ], "modulePermissions" : [ "sample.modperm" ] } ] }, { "id" : "recurse", "version" : "1.0", "handlers" : [ { "methods" : [ "GET" ], "[truncated 1020 chars]; line: 2, column: 10] (through reference chain: org.folio.okapi.bean.ModuleDescriptor["id"]) 14:25:53 INFO ProxyContext 649489/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:53 INFO ProxyContext 649489/proxy RES 400 399us okapi Failed to decode:Invalid entry type: strange interface type at [Source: (String)"{ "id" : "sample-module-1+1", "name" : "sample module", "provides" : [ { "id" : "sample", "version" : "1.0", "handlers" : [ { "methods" : [ "GET", "POST", "DELETE" ], "pathPattern" : "/testb", "type" : "request-response", "permissionsRequired" : [ "sample.needed" ], "permissionsDesired" : [ "sample.extra" ], "modulePermissions" : [ "sample.modperm" ] } ] }, { "id" : "recurse", "version" : "1.0", "handlers" : [ { "metho"[truncated 1069 chars]; line: 31, column: 16] (through reference chain: org.folio.okapi.bean.ModuleDescriptor["provides"]->java.lang.Object[][2]->org.folio.okapi.bean.InterfaceDescriptor["handlers"]->java.lang.Object[][0]->org.folio.okapi.bean.RoutingEntry["type"]) 14:25:53 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=Failed to decode:Invalid entry type: strange interface type at [Source: (String)"{ "id" : "sample-module-1+1", "name" : "sample module", "provides" : [ { "id" : "sample", "version" : "1.0", "handlers" : [ { "methods" : [ "GET", "POST", "DELETE" ], "pathPattern" : "/testb", "type" : "request-response", "permissionsRequired" : [ "sample.needed" ], "permissionsDesired" : [ "sample.extra" ], "modulePermissions" : [ "sample.modperm" ] } ] }, { "id" : "recurse", "version" : "1.0", "handlers" : [ { "metho"[truncated 1069 chars]; line: 31, column: 16] (through reference chain: org.folio.okapi.bean.ModuleDescriptor["provides"]->java.lang.Object[][2]->org.folio.okapi.bean.InterfaceDescriptor["handlers"]->java.lang.Object[][0]->org.folio.okapi.bean.RoutingEntry["type"]) 14:25:53 INFO ProxyContext 248650/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:53 INFO ProxyContext 248650/proxy RES 400 370us okapi Failed to decode:Invalid entry type: strange-re-type at [Source: (String)"{ "id" : "sample-module-1+1", "name" : "sample module", "provides" : [ { "id" : "sample", "version" : "1.0", "handlers" : [ { "methods" : [ "GET", "POST", "DELETE" ], "pathPattern" : "/testb", "type" : "strange-re-type", "permissionsRequired" : [ "sample.needed" ], "permissionsDesired" : [ "sample.extra" ], "modulePermissions" : [ "sample.modperm" ] } ] }, { "id" : "recurse", "version" : "1.0", "handlers" : [ { "method"[truncated 1035 chars]; line: 10, column: 16] (through reference chain: org.folio.okapi.bean.ModuleDescriptor["provides"]->java.lang.Object[][0]->org.folio.okapi.bean.InterfaceDescriptor["handlers"]->java.lang.Object[][0]->org.folio.okapi.bean.RoutingEntry["type"]) 14:25:53 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=Failed to decode:Invalid entry type: strange-re-type at [Source: (String)"{ "id" : "sample-module-1+1", "name" : "sample module", "provides" : [ { "id" : "sample", "version" : "1.0", "handlers" : [ { "methods" : [ "GET", "POST", "DELETE" ], "pathPattern" : "/testb", "type" : "strange-re-type", "permissionsRequired" : [ "sample.needed" ], "permissionsDesired" : [ "sample.extra" ], "modulePermissions" : [ "sample.modperm" ] } ] }, { "id" : "recurse", "version" : "1.0", "handlers" : [ { "method"[truncated 1035 chars]; line: 10, column: 16] (through reference chain: org.folio.okapi.bean.ModuleDescriptor["provides"]->java.lang.Object[][0]->org.folio.okapi.bean.InterfaceDescriptor["handlers"]->java.lang.Object[][0]->org.folio.okapi.bean.RoutingEntry["type"]) 14:25:53 INFO ProxyContext 809602/proxy REQ supertenant PUT /_/proxy/modules/sample-module-1+1 okapi-0.0.0 14:25:53 INFO ProxyContext 809602/proxy RES 400 404us okapi Failed to decode:Invalid entry type: strange-re-type at [Source: (String)"{ "id" : "sample-module-1+1", "name" : "sample module", "provides" : [ { "id" : "sample", "version" : "1.0", "handlers" : [ { "methods" : [ "GET", "POST", "DELETE" ], "pathPattern" : "/testb", "type" : "strange-re-type", "permissionsRequired" : [ "sample.needed" ], "permissionsDesired" : [ "sample.extra" ], "modulePermissions" : [ "sample.modperm" ] } ] }, { "id" : "recurse", "version" : "1.0", "handlers" : [ { "method"[truncated 1035 chars]; line: 10, column: 16] (through reference chain: org.folio.okapi.bean.ModuleDescriptor["provides"]->java.lang.Object[][0]->org.folio.okapi.bean.InterfaceDescriptor["handlers"]->java.lang.Object[][0]->org.folio.okapi.bean.RoutingEntry["type"]) 14:25:53 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=Failed to decode:Invalid entry type: strange-re-type at [Source: (String)"{ "id" : "sample-module-1+1", "name" : "sample module", "provides" : [ { "id" : "sample", "version" : "1.0", "handlers" : [ { "methods" : [ "GET", "POST", "DELETE" ], "pathPattern" : "/testb", "type" : "strange-re-type", "permissionsRequired" : [ "sample.needed" ], "permissionsDesired" : [ "sample.extra" ], "modulePermissions" : [ "sample.modperm" ] } ] }, { "id" : "recurse", "version" : "1.0", "handlers" : [ { "method"[truncated 1035 chars]; line: 10, column: 16] (through reference chain: org.folio.okapi.bean.ModuleDescriptor["provides"]->java.lang.Object[][0]->org.folio.okapi.bean.InterfaceDescriptor["handlers"]->java.lang.Object[][0]->org.folio.okapi.bean.RoutingEntry["type"]) 14:25:53 INFO ProxyContext 451419/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:53 INFO InternalModule createModule validate failed: Bad routing entry, needs a pathPattern or at least a path 14:25:53 INFO ProxyContext 451419/proxy RES 400 574us okapi Bad routing entry, needs a pathPattern or at least a path 14:25:53 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=Bad routing entry, needs a pathPattern or at least a path 14:25:53 INFO ProxyContext 569638/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:53 INFO ProxyContext 569638/proxy RES 400 365us okapi Failed to decode:Invalid character . for pathPattern at [Source: (String)"{ "id" : "sample-module-1+1", "name" : "sample module", "provides" : [ { "id" : "sample", "version" : "1.0", "handlers" : [ { "methods" : [ "GET", "POST", "DELETE" ], "pathPattern" : "/test.*b(/?)", "type" : "request-response", "permissionsRequired" : [ "sample.needed" ], "permissionsDesired" : [ "sample.extra" ], "modulePermissions" : [ "sample.modperm" ] } ] }, { "id" : "recurse", "version" : "1.0", "handlers" : [ { "[truncated 1043 chars]; line: 9, column: 23] (through reference chain: org.folio.okapi.bean.ModuleDescriptor["provides"]->java.lang.Object[][0]->org.folio.okapi.bean.InterfaceDescriptor["handlers"]->java.lang.Object[][0]->org.folio.okapi.bean.RoutingEntry["pathPattern"]) 14:25:53 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=Failed to decode:Invalid character . for pathPattern at [Source: (String)"{ "id" : "sample-module-1+1", "name" : "sample module", "provides" : [ { "id" : "sample", "version" : "1.0", "handlers" : [ { "methods" : [ "GET", "POST", "DELETE" ], "pathPattern" : "/test.*b(/?)", "type" : "request-response", "permissionsRequired" : [ "sample.needed" ], "permissionsDesired" : [ "sample.extra" ], "modulePermissions" : [ "sample.modperm" ] } ] }, { "id" : "recurse", "version" : "1.0", "handlers" : [ { "[truncated 1043 chars]; line: 9, column: 23] (through reference chain: org.folio.okapi.bean.ModuleDescriptor["provides"]->java.lang.Object[][0]->org.folio.okapi.bean.InterfaceDescriptor["handlers"]->java.lang.Object[][0]->org.folio.okapi.bean.RoutingEntry["pathPattern"]) 14:25:53 INFO ProxyContext 820705/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:53 INFO InternalModule createModule validate failed: Redirect entry without redirectPath 14:25:53 INFO ProxyContext 820705/proxy RES 400 505us okapi Redirect entry without redirectPath 14:25:53 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=Redirect entry without redirectPath 14:25:53 INFO ProxyContext 409998/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:53 WARN ProxyContext 409998/proxy Module 'sample-module-1+1' handlers uses type=request-response. That is the default, you can leave it out 14:25:53 WARN ProxyContext 409998/proxy Module 'sample-module-1+1' handlers /_/tenant: uses old type path. Use a pathPattern instead 14:25:53 WARN ProxyContext 409998/proxy Module 'sample-module-1+1' handlers /_/tenant: uses DEPRECATED level. 14:25:53 WARN ProxyContext 409998/proxy Module 'sample-module-1+1' handlers /_/tenant: uses DEPRECATED type 'system' 14:25:53 WARN ProxyContext 409998/proxy Module 'sample-module-1+1' has no Requires section. If the module really does not require any other interfaces, provide an empty array to be explicit about it. 14:25:53 INFO ProxyContext 409998/proxy RES 201 3929us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules?check=true 14:25:53 INFO ProxyContext 162200/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:53 WARN ProxyContext 162200/proxy Module 'sample-module-1+1' handlers uses type=request-response. That is the default, you can leave it out 14:25:53 WARN ProxyContext 162200/proxy Module 'sample-module-1+1' handlers /_/tenant: uses old type path. Use a pathPattern instead 14:25:53 WARN ProxyContext 162200/proxy Module 'sample-module-1+1' handlers /_/tenant: uses DEPRECATED level. 14:25:53 WARN ProxyContext 162200/proxy Module 'sample-module-1+1' handlers /_/tenant: uses DEPRECATED type 'system' 14:25:53 WARN ProxyContext 162200/proxy Module 'sample-module-1+1' has no Requires section. If the module really does not require any other interfaces, provide an empty array to be explicit about it. 14:25:53 INFO ProxyContext 162200/proxy RES 201 1782us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:25:53 INFO ProxyContext 791125/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:53 WARN ProxyContext 791125/proxy Module 'sample-module-1+1' handlers uses type=request-response. That is the default, you can leave it out 14:25:53 WARN ProxyContext 791125/proxy Module 'sample-module-1+1' handlers /_/tenant: uses old type path. Use a pathPattern instead 14:25:53 WARN ProxyContext 791125/proxy Module 'sample-module-1+1' handlers /_/tenant: uses DEPRECATED level. 14:25:53 WARN ProxyContext 791125/proxy Module 'sample-module-1+1' handlers /_/tenant: uses DEPRECATED type 'system' 14:25:53 WARN ProxyContext 791125/proxy Module 'sample-module-1+1' has no Requires section. If the module really does not require any other interfaces, provide an empty array to be explicit about it. 14:25:53 INFO ProxyContext 791125/proxy RES 400 1447us okapi create: module sample-module-1+1 already exists 14:25:53 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=create: module sample-module-1+1 already exists 14:25:53 FATAL ModuleTest locSampleModule=/_/proxy/modules/sample-module-1%2B1 14:25:53 INFO ProxyContext 276617/proxy REQ supertenant PUT /_/proxy/modules/sample-module-1%2B1 okapi-0.0.0 14:25:53 WARN ProxyContext 276617/proxy Module 'sample-module-1+1' handlers uses type=request-response. That is the default, you can leave it out 14:25:53 WARN ProxyContext 276617/proxy Module 'sample-module-1+1' handlers /_/tenant: uses old type path. Use a pathPattern instead 14:25:53 WARN ProxyContext 276617/proxy Module 'sample-module-1+1' handlers /_/tenant: uses DEPRECATED level. 14:25:53 WARN ProxyContext 276617/proxy Module 'sample-module-1+1' handlers /_/tenant: uses DEPRECATED type 'system' 14:25:53 WARN ProxyContext 276617/proxy Module 'sample-module-1+1' has no Requires section. If the module really does not require any other interfaces, provide an empty array to be explicit about it. 14:25:53 INFO ProxyContext 276617/proxy RES 200 3985us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules/sample-module-1%2B1 14:25:53 INFO ProxyContext 470802/discovery REQ supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:53 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { } 14:25:53 INFO ProxyContext 470802/discovery RES 400 382us okapi Needs srvcId 14:25:53 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=Needs srvcId 14:25:53 INFO ProxyContext 852117/discovery REQ supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:53 INFO ProxyContext 852117/discovery RES 400 242us okapi Failed to decode:Empty srvcId not allowed at [Source: (String)"{"srvcId" : ""}"; line: 1, column: 13] (through reference chain: org.folio.okapi.bean.DeploymentDescriptor["srvcId"]) 14:25:53 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=Failed to decode:Empty srvcId not allowed at [Source: (String)"{"srvcId" : ""}"; line: 1, column: 13] (through reference chain: org.folio.okapi.bean.DeploymentDescriptor["srvcId"]) 14:25:53 INFO ProxyContext 988675/discovery REQ supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:53 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { "srvcId" : "1" } 14:25:53 INFO ProxyContext 988675/discovery RES 404 339us okapi Module 1 not found 14:25:53 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=404 msg=Module 1 not found 14:25:53 INFO ProxyContext 481397/discovery REQ supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:53 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { "srvcId" : "1", "nodeId" : "foo" } 14:25:53 INFO ProxyContext 481397/discovery RES 404 307us okapi Module 1 not found 14:25:53 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=404 msg=Module 1 not found 14:25:53 INFO ProxyContext 221026/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/modules/sample-module-1%2B1 okapi-0.0.0 14:25:53 INFO ProxyContext 221026/proxy RES 200 391us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules/sample-module-1%2B1 14:25:53 INFO ProxyContext 136884/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:53 INFO ProxyContext 136884/proxy RES 200 520us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:25:53 INFO ProxyContext 761634/discovery REQ supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:53 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { "instId" : "sample-inst", "srvcId" : "sample-module-1+1", "nodeId" : "node1" } 14:25:53 INFO DeploymentManager deploy instId sample-inst Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dmaven.ext.class.path="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554/pipeline-maven-spy.jar" -Dorg.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.maven.reportsFolder="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554" 14:25:53 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module okapi-test-module 2.39.0 started 14:25:53 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:25:53 INFO MainVerticle Starting okapi-test-module 5417@2dcd032ebaca on port 9231 14:25:54 INFO ? Succeeded in deploying verticle 14:25:54 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9231 count 0 14:25:54 INFO TcpPortWaiting Connected to service at host localhost port 9231 count 0 14:25:54 INFO ProxyContext 761634/discovery RES 201 1006748us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:25:54 INFO ProxyContext 653575/discovery REQ supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:54 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { "instId" : "sample-inst", "srvcId" : "sample-module-1+1", "nodeId" : "node1" } 14:25:54 INFO ProxyContext 653575/discovery RES 400 936us okapi already deployed: sample-inst 14:25:54 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=already deployed: sample-inst 14:25:54 INFO ProxyContext 271784/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants okapi-0.0.0 14:25:54 INFO ProxyContext 271784/proxy RES 201 1845us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants 14:25:54 INFO ProxyContext 074499/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:54 INFO ProxyService syscall begin POST http://localhost:9231/_/tenant 14:25:54 INFO OkapiClient 074499/proxy;982908/tenant REQ okapiClient roskilde POST http://localhost:9231/_/tenant 14:25:54 INFO MainVerticle POST /_/tenant to okapi-est-module for tenant roskilde 14:25:54 INFO MainVerticle module_from=null module_to=sample-module-1+1 14:25:54 INFO OkapiClient 074499/proxy;982908/tenant RES 200 111638us okapiClient http://localhost:9231/_/tenant 14:25:54 INFO ProxyService syscall return POST http://localhost:9231/_/tenant 14:25:54 INFO ProxyContext 074499/proxy RES 201 116512us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules 14:25:54 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module null seq1 0 14:25:54 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant roskilde 14:25:54 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:25:54 INFO ProxyContext 638602/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:54 INFO ProxyContext 638602/proxy RES 404 241us okapi UnknownModule 14:25:54 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=404 msg=UnknownModule 14:25:54 INFO ProxyContext 881123/testb REQ roskilde GET /testb sample-module-1+1 14:25:54 INFO ProxyContext 881123/testb RES 200 6740us sample-module-1+1 http://localhost:9231/testb 14:25:54 INFO ProxyContext 179228/testb REQ roskilde DELETE /testb sample-module-1+1 14:25:54 INFO ProxyContext 179228/testb RES 204 7586us sample-module-1+1 http://localhost:9231/testb 14:25:54 INFO ProxyContext 971367/testb REQ roskilde GET /testb sample-module-1+1 14:25:54 INFO ProxyContext 971367/testb RES 200 2646us sample-module-1+1 http://localhost:9231/testb?query=foo&limit=10 14:25:54 INFO ProxyContext 049559/recurse REQ roskilde GET /recurse sample-module-1+1 14:25:54 INFO ProxyContext 049559/recurse;501680/recurse REQ roskilde GET /recurse sample-module-1+1 14:25:54 INFO ProxyContext 049559/recurse;501680/recurse;538923/recurse REQ roskilde GET /recurse sample-module-1+1 14:25:54 INFO ProxyContext 049559/recurse;501680/recurse;538923/recurse;363944/recurse REQ roskilde GET /recurse sample-module-1+1 14:25:54 INFO ProxyContext 049559/recurse;501680/recurse;538923/recurse;363944/recurse;629881/recurse REQ roskilde GET /recurse sample-module-1+1 14:25:54 INFO ProxyContext 049559/recurse;501680/recurse;538923/recurse;363944/recurse;629881/recurse;899775/recurse REQ roskilde GET /recurse sample-module-1+1 14:25:54 INFO ProxyContext 049559/recurse;501680/recurse;538923/recurse;363944/recurse;629881/recurse;899775/recurse RES 200 1890us sample-module-1+1 http://localhost:9231/recurse?depth=0 14:25:54 INFO ProxyContext 049559/recurse;501680/recurse;538923/recurse;363944/recurse;629881/recurse RES 200 55708us sample-module-1+1 http://localhost:9231/recurse?depth=1 14:25:54 INFO ProxyContext 049559/recurse;501680/recurse;538923/recurse;363944/recurse RES 200 61662us sample-module-1+1 http://localhost:9231/recurse?depth=2 14:25:54 INFO ProxyContext 049559/recurse;501680/recurse;538923/recurse RES 200 68027us sample-module-1+1 http://localhost:9231/recurse?depth=3 14:25:54 INFO ProxyContext 049559/recurse;501680/recurse RES 200 74134us sample-module-1+1 http://localhost:9231/recurse?depth=4 14:25:54 INFO ProxyContext 049559/recurse RES 200 135530us sample-module-1+1 http://localhost:9231/recurse?depth=5 14:25:54 INFO ProxyContext 780562/invoke;445047/testb REQ roskilde GET /testb sample-module-1+1 14:25:54 INFO ProxyContext 780562/invoke;445047/testb RES 200 1349us sample-module-1+1 http://localhost:9231/testb 14:25:54 INFO ProxyContext 876252/invoke;759521/testb RES 404 - okapi No suitable module found for path /testb/foo/bar for tenant roskilde 14:25:54 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=404 msg=No suitable module found for path /testb/foo/bar for tenant roskilde 14:25:54 INFO ProxyContext 500473/invoke;893292/testb REQ roskilde GET /testb sample-module-1+1 14:25:54 INFO ProxyContext 500473/invoke;893292/testb RES 200 1714us sample-module-1+1 http://localhost:9231/testb?query=foo 14:25:54 INFO ProxyContext 507943/invoke;450021/testb REQ roskilde POST /testb sample-module-1+1 14:25:54 INFO ProxyContext 507943/invoke;450021/testb RES 200 2866us sample-module-1+1 http://localhost:9231/testb?query=foo 14:25:54 INFO ProxyContext 695632/testb REQ roskilde GET /testb sample-module-1+1 14:25:54 INFO ProxyContext 695632/testb RES 200 1239us sample-module-1+1 http://localhost:9231/testb 14:25:54 INFO ProxyContext 243143/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:54 INFO ProxyContext 243143/proxy RES 201 2105us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:25:54 INFO ProxyContext 900639/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:54 INFO ProxyContext 900639/proxy RES 201 3054us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules 14:25:54 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module null seq1 0 14:25:54 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant roskilde 14:25:54 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:25:54 INFO ProxyContext 297715/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:54 INFO ProxyContext 297715/proxy RES 201 2242us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:25:54 INFO ProxyContext 011139/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/empty-module-1.0 okapi-0.0.0 14:25:54 INFO ProxyContext 011139/proxy RES 201 3347us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/empty-module-1.0 14:25:54 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module null seq1 0 14:25:54 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant roskilde 14:25:54 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:25:54 INFO ProxyContext 756557/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/empty-module-1.1 okapi-0.0.0 14:25:54 INFO ProxyContext 756557/proxy RES 204 2637us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/empty-module-1.1 14:25:54 INFO ProxyContext 730796/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/modules/empty-module-1.1 okapi-0.0.0 14:25:54 INFO ProxyContext 730796/proxy RES 204 1879us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules/empty-module-1.1 14:25:54 INFO ProxyContext 233868/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/modules/empty-module-1.0 okapi-0.0.0 14:25:54 INFO ProxyContext 233868/proxy RES 204 1984us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules/empty-module-1.0 14:25:54 INFO ProxyContext 186996/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/sample-module-1%2B1 okapi-0.0.0 14:25:54 INFO ProxyContext 186996/proxy RES 204 2882us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/sample-module-1%2B1 14:25:54 INFO ProxyContext 164374/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde okapi-0.0.0 14:25:54 INFO ProxyContext 164374/proxy RES 204 1443us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde 14:25:54 INFO ProxyContext 113092/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/modules/sample-module-1%2B1 okapi-0.0.0 14:25:54 INFO ProxyContext 113092/proxy RES 204 1795us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules/sample-module-1%2B1 14:25:54 INFO ProxyContext 193324/discovery REQ supertenant DELETE /_/discovery/modules/sample-module-1%2B1/sample-inst okapi-0.0.0 14:25:54 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy: srvcId sample-module-1+1 instId sample-inst 14:25:54 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy sample-module-1+1 sample-inst 14:25:54 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy srvcId=sample-module-1+1 instId=sample-inst node=node1 14:25:54 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy calling.. 14:25:54 INFO DeploymentManager undeploy instId sample-inst 14:25:54 INFO ProxyContext 193324/discovery RES 204 40967us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules/sample-module-1%2B1/sample-inst 14:25:54 INFO ProxyContext 739253/deployment REQ supertenant GET /_/deployment/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:54 INFO ProxyContext 739253/deployment RES 200 125us okapi-0.0.0 /_/deployment/modules 14:25:54 INFO ProxyContext 741768/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/nodes okapi-0.0.0 14:25:54 INFO ProxyContext 741768/discovery RES 200 169us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/nodes 14:25:54 INFO ProxyContext 719370/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:54 INFO ProxyContext 719370/discovery RES 200 132us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:25:54 INFO ProxyContext 202281/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:54 INFO ProxyContext 202281/proxy RES 200 350us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:25:54 INFO ProxyContext 760482/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/tenants okapi-0.0.0 14:25:54 INFO ProxyContext 760482/proxy RES 200 204us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants 14:25:54 INFO ModuleTest Cleaning up after ModuleTest Download Version{3.4.1}:Linux:B64 START Download Version{3.4.1}:Linux:B64 DownloadSize: 86449060 Download Version{3.4.1}:Linux:B64 0% 1% 2% 3% 4% 5% 6% 7% 8% 9% 10% 11% 12% 13% 14% 15% 16% 17% 18% 19% 20% 21% 22% 23% 24% 25% 26% 27% 28% 29% 30% 31% 32% 33% 34% 35% 36% 37% 38% 39% 40% 41% 42% 43% 44% 45% 46% 47% 48% 49% 50% 51% 52% 53% 54% 55% 56% 57% 58% 59% 60% 61% 62% 63% 64% 65% 66% 67% 68% 69% 70% 71% 72% 73% 74% 75% 76% 77% 78% 79% 80% 81% 82% 83% 84% 85% 86% 87% 88% 89% 90% 91% 92% 93% 94% 95% 96% 97% 98% 99% 100% Download Version{3.4.1}:Linux:B64 downloaded with 84422kb/s Download Version{3.4.1}:Linux:B64 DONE Extract /home/jenkins/.embedmongo/linux/mongodb-linux-x86_64-3.4.1.tgz START Extract /home/jenkins/.embedmongo/linux/mongodb-linux-x86_64-3.4.1.tgz extract mongodb-linux-x86_64-3.4.1/bin/mongod Extract /home/jenkins/.embedmongo/linux/mongodb-linux-x86_64-3.4.1.tgz nothing left Extract /home/jenkins/.embedmongo/linux/mongodb-linux-x86_64-3.4.1.tgz DONE 14:25:57 INFO ProcessControl stopOrDestroyProcess: process hasn't exited [mongod output]note: noprealloc may hurt performance in many applications [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:25:57.497+0000 I CONTROL [initandlisten] MongoDB starting : pid=5487 port=9239 dbpath=/tmp/embedmongo-db-3bdd4aba-15b3-4077-a887-444ca12a7894 64-bit host=2dcd032ebaca [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:25:57.497+0000 I CONTROL [initandlisten] db version v3.4.1 [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:25:57.497+0000 I CONTROL [initandlisten] git version: 5e103c4f5583e2566a45d740225dc250baacfbd7 [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:25:57.497+0000 I CONTROL [initandlisten] allocator: tcmalloc [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:25:57.497+0000 I CONTROL [initandlisten] modules: none [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:25:57.497+0000 I CONTROL [initandlisten] build environment: [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:25:57.497+0000 I CONTROL [initandlisten] distarch: x86_64 [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:25:57.497+0000 I CONTROL [initandlisten] target_arch: x86_64 [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:25:57.497+0000 I CONTROL [initandlisten] options: { net: { bindIp: "localhost", http: { enabled: false }, port: 9239 }, security: { authorization: "disabled" }, storage: { dbPath: "/tmp/embedmongo-db-3bdd4aba-15b3-4077-a887-444ca12a7894", journal: { enabled: false }, mmapv1: { preallocDataFiles: false, smallFiles: true }, syncPeriodSecs: 0.0 } } [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:25:57.501+0000 I STORAGE [initandlisten] [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:25:57.501+0000 I STORAGE [initandlisten] ** WARNING: Using the XFS filesystem is strongly recommended with the WiredTiger storage engine [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:25:57.501+0000 I STORAGE [initandlisten] ** See [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:25:57.501+0000 I STORAGE [initandlisten] wiredtiger_open config: create,cache_size=15398M,session_max=20000,eviction=(threads_max=4),config_base=false,statistics=(fast),log=(enabled=true,archive=true,path=journal,compressor=snappy),file_manager=(close_idle_time=100000),checkpoint=(wait=0,log_size=2GB),statistics_log=(wait=0),,log=(enabled=false), [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:25:58.283+0000 W STORAGE [initandlisten] Detected configuration for non-active storage engine mmapv1 when current storage engine is wiredTiger [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:25:58.283+0000 I CONTROL [initandlisten] [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:25:58.283+0000 I CONTROL [initandlisten] ** WARNING: /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled is 'always'. [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:25:58.283+0000 I CONTROL [initandlisten] ** We suggest setting it to 'never' [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:25:58.283+0000 I CONTROL [initandlisten] [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:25:58.283+0000 I CONTROL [initandlisten] ** WARNING: /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/defrag is 'always'. [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:25:58.283+0000 I CONTROL [initandlisten] ** We suggest setting it to 'never' [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:25:58.283+0000 I CONTROL [initandlisten] [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:25:58.336+0000 I FTDC [initandlisten] Initializing full-time diagnostic data capture with directory '/tmp/embedmongo-db-3bdd4aba-15b3-4077-a887-444ca12a7894/' [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:25:58.414+0000 I INDEX [initandlisten] build index on: admin.system.version properties: { v: 2, key: { version: 1 }, name: "incompatible_with_version_32", ns: "admin.system.version" } [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:25:58.414+0000 I INDEX [initandlisten] building index using bulk method; build may temporarily use up to 500 megabytes of RAM [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:25:58.415+0000 I INDEX [initandlisten] build index done. scanned 0 total records. 0 secs [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:25:58.415+0000 I COMMAND [initandlisten] setting featureCompatibilityVersion to 3.4 [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:25:58.415+0000 I NETWORK [thread1] waiting for connections on port 9239 [mongod output] 14:25:58 INFO Executable start de.flapdoodle.embed.mongo.config.MongodConfigBuilder$ImmutableMongodConfig@346fb19a 14:25:58 WARN oduleVersionReporter META-INF/maven/org.folio.okapi/okapi-core/ not found 14:25:58 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module null null started 14:25:58 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:25:58 INFO MainVerticle clusterManager not in use 14:25:58 INFO MongoHandle Using mongo backend at localhost : 9239 / 14:25:58 INFO SLF4JLogger Cluster created with settings {hosts=[localhost:9239], mode=SINGLE, requiredClusterType=UNKNOWN, serverSelectionTimeout='30000 ms', maxWaitQueueSize=500} 14:25:58 INFO MainVerticle Proxy using mongo storage 14:25:58 INFO InternalModule InternalModule starting okapiversion=null 14:25:58 INFO Storage prepareDatabases: INIT 14:25:58 INFO SLF4JLogger No server chosen by com.mongodb.async.client.ClientSessionHelper$1@5ae59c92 from cluster description ClusterDescription{type=UNKNOWN, connectionMode=SINGLE, serverDescriptions=[ServerDescription{address=localhost:9239, type=UNKNOWN, state=CONNECTING}]}. Waiting for 30000 ms before timing out 2020-04-16T14:25:58.648+0000 I NETWORK [thread1] connection accepted from #1 (1 connection now open) [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:25:58.675+0000 I NETWORK [conn1] received client metadata from conn1: { driver: { name: "mongo-java-driver|async|mongo-java-driver-reactivestreams", version: "3.11.0|1.12.0" }, os: { type: "Linux", name: "Linux", architecture: "amd64", version: "4.4.0-1087-aws" }, platform: "Java/Private Build/1.8.0_242-8u242-b08-0ubuntu3~16.04-b08" } [mongod output] 14:25:58 INFO SLF4JLogger Opened connection [connectionId{localValue:1, serverValue:1}] to localhost:9239 14:25:58 INFO SLF4JLogger Monitor thread successfully connected to server with description ServerDescription{address=localhost:9239, type=STANDALONE, state=CONNECTED, ok=true, version=ServerVersion{versionList=[3, 4, 1]}, minWireVersion=0, maxWireVersion=5, maxDocumentSize=16777216, logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes=null, roundTripTimeNanos=5571928} 2020-04-16T14:25:58.731+0000 I NETWORK [thread1] connection accepted from #2 (2 connections now open) [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:25:58.734+0000 I NETWORK [conn2] received client metadata from conn2: { driver: { name: "mongo-java-driver|async|mongo-java-driver-reactivestreams", version: "3.11.0|1.12.0" }, os: { type: "Linux", name: "Linux", architecture: "amd64", version: "4.4.0-1087-aws" }, platform: "Java/Private Build/1.8.0_242-8u242-b08-0ubuntu3~16.04-b08" } [mongod output] 14:25:58 INFO SLF4JLogger Opened connection [connectionId{localValue:2, serverValue:2}] to localhost:9239 2020-04-16T14:25:58.761+0000 I COMMAND [conn2] CMD: drop DEFAULT_DB.okapi.env [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:25:58.793+0000 I COMMAND [conn2] CMD: drop DEFAULT_DB.okapi.deployments [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:25:58.796+0000 I COMMAND [conn2] CMD: drop DEFAULT_DB.okapi.tenants [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:25:58.797+0000 I COMMAND [conn2] CMD: drop DEFAULT_DB.okapi.modules [mongod output] 14:25:58 INFO MainVerticle startModmanager 14:25:58 INFO MainVerticle startTenants 14:25:58 INFO MainVerticle checkInternalModules 14:25:58 INFO MainVerticle Creating the superTenant supertenant 14:25:58 INFO MainVerticle starting env 14:25:58 INFO MainVerticle Starting discovery 14:25:58 INFO MainVerticle Starting deployment 14:25:58 INFO MainVerticle API Gateway started PID 1909@2dcd032ebaca. Listening on port 9230 14:25:58 INFO MainVerticle Deploy completed succesfully 14:25:58 INFO TenantManager starting supertenant 14:25:58 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant supertenant module null seq1 0 14:25:58 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant supertenant 14:25:58 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:25:58 INFO ProxyContext 794387/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants okapi-0.0.0 14:25:58 INFO ProxyContext 794387/proxy RES 201 4505us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants 14:25:58 INFO ProxyContext 890392/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:58 WARN ProxyContext 890392/proxy Module 'sample-module-1' has no Requires section. If the module really does not require any other interfaces, provide an empty array to be explicit about it. 14:25:58 WARN ProxyContext 890392/proxy Module 'sample-module-1' filters /test2: uses old type path. Use a pathPattern instead 14:25:58 WARN ProxyContext 890392/proxy Module 'sample-module-1' filters /test2: uses DEPRECATED level. Use a phase=auth instead 14:25:58 INFO ProxyContext 890392/proxy RES 201 3269us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:25:58 INFO ProxyContext 735976/discovery REQ supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:25:58 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { "srvcId" : "sample-module-1", "nodeId" : "localhost", "descriptor" : { "exec" : "java -Dport=%p -jar ../okapi-test-module/target/okapi-test-module-fat.jar" } } 14:25:58 INFO DeploymentManager deploy instId 0c228fcc-a8d5-4778-906b-91d77549490b Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dmaven.ext.class.path="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554/pipeline-maven-spy.jar" -Dorg.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.maven.reportsFolder="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554" 14:25:59 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module okapi-test-module 2.39.0 started 14:25:59 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:25:59 INFO MainVerticle Starting okapi-test-module 5524@2dcd032ebaca on port 9231 14:25:59 INFO ? Succeeded in deploying verticle 14:25:59 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9231 count 0 14:25:59 INFO TcpPortWaiting Connected to service at host localhost port 9231 count 0 2020-04-16T14:26:00.293+0000 I WRITE [conn2] update DEFAULT_DB.okapi.deployments query: { _id: "0c228fcc-a8d5-4778-906b-91d77549490b" } planSummary: IDHACK update: { $set: { instId: "0c228fcc-a8d5-4778-906b-91d77549490b", srvcId: "sample-module-1", nodeId: "localhost", url: "http://localhost:9231", descriptor: { exec: "java -Dport=%p -jar ../okapi-test-module/target/okapi-test-module-fat.jar" } }, $setOnInsert: { _id: "0c228fcc-a8d5-4778-906b-91d77549490b" } } keysExamined:0 docsExamined:0 nMatched:0 nModified:0 upsert:1 keysInserted:1 numYields:0 locks:{ Global: { acquireCount: { r: 3, w: 3 } }, Database: { acquireCount: { w: 2, W: 1 } }, Collection: { acquireCount: { w: 2 } } } 286ms [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:00.293+0000 I COMMAND [conn2] command DEFAULT_DB.$cmd command: update { update: "okapi.deployments", ordered: true, updates: [ { q: { _id: "0c228fcc-a8d5-4778-906b-91d77549490b" }, u: { $set: { instId: "0c228fcc-a8d5-4778-906b-91d77549490b", srvcId: "sample-module-1", nodeId: "localhost", url: "http://localhost:9231", descriptor: { exec: "java -Dport=%p -jar ../okapi-test-module/target/okapi-test-module-fat.jar" } }, $setOnInsert: { _id: "0c228fcc-a8d5-4778-906b-91d77549490b" } }, upsert: true } ] } numYields:0 reslen:139 locks:{ Global: { acquireCount: { r: 3, w: 3 } }, Database: { acquireCount: { w: 2, W: 1 } }, Collection: { acquireCount: { w: 2 } } } protocol:op_query 286ms [mongod output] 14:26:00 INFO ProxyContext 735976/discovery RES 201 1304423us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:26:00 INFO ProxyContext 458478/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:00 INFO ProxyContext 458478/proxy RES 201 6921us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules 14:26:00 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module null seq1 0 14:26:00 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant roskilde 14:26:00 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:26:00 INFO ProxyContext 485131/test2 RES 404 - okapi No suitable module found for path /test2 for tenant roskilde 14:26:00 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=404 msg=No suitable module found for path /test2 for tenant roskilde 14:26:00 INFO ProxyContext 939313/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/sample-module-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:26:00 INFO ProxyContext 939313/proxy RES 204 3776us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/sample-module-1 14:26:00 INFO ProxyContext 703136/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/modules/sample-module-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:26:00 INFO ProxyContext 703136/proxy RES 204 8047us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules/sample-module-1 14:26:00 INFO ProxyContext 661632/discovery REQ supertenant DELETE /_/discovery/modules/sample-module-1/0c228fcc-a8d5-4778-906b-91d77549490b okapi-0.0.0 14:26:00 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy: srvcId sample-module-1 instId 0c228fcc-a8d5-4778-906b-91d77549490b 14:26:00 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy sample-module-1 0c228fcc-a8d5-4778-906b-91d77549490b 14:26:00 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy srvcId=sample-module-1 instId=0c228fcc-a8d5-4778-906b-91d77549490b node=localhost 14:26:00 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy calling.. 14:26:00 INFO DeploymentManager undeploy instId 0c228fcc-a8d5-4778-906b-91d77549490b 14:26:00 INFO ProxyContext 661632/discovery RES 204 38007us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules/sample-module-1/0c228fcc-a8d5-4778-906b-91d77549490b 14:26:00 INFO ProxyContext 924679/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:00 WARN ProxyContext 924679/proxy Module 'sample-module-1' has no Requires section. If the module really does not require any other interfaces, provide an empty array to be explicit about it. 14:26:00 WARN ProxyContext 924679/proxy Module 'sample-module-1' filters /test2: uses old type path. Use a pathPattern instead 14:26:00 WARN ProxyContext 924679/proxy Module 'sample-module-1' filters /test2: uses DEPRECATED level. Use a phase=auth instead 14:26:00 INFO ProxyContext 924679/proxy RES 201 2776us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:26:00 INFO ProxyContext 213995/discovery REQ supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:00 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { "srvcId" : "sample-module-1", "nodeId" : "localhost", "descriptor" : { "exec" : "java -Dport=%p -jar ../okapi-test-module/target/okapi-test-module-fat.jar" } } 14:26:00 INFO DeploymentManager deploy instId e668fa44-34cd-4da9-b80f-a4badb55c6bf Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dmaven.ext.class.path="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554/pipeline-maven-spy.jar" -Dorg.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.maven.reportsFolder="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554" 14:26:01 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module okapi-test-module 2.39.0 started 14:26:01 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:26:01 INFO MainVerticle Starting okapi-test-module 5574@2dcd032ebaca on port 9231 14:26:01 INFO ? Succeeded in deploying verticle 14:26:01 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9231 count 0 14:26:01 INFO TcpPortWaiting Connected to service at host localhost port 9231 count 0 14:26:01 INFO ProxyContext 213995/discovery RES 201 1008574us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:26:01 INFO ProxyContext 998816/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:01 INFO ProxyContext 998816/proxy RES 201 4375us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules 14:26:01 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module null seq1 0 14:26:01 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant roskilde 14:26:01 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:26:01 INFO ProxyContext 811556/test2 RES 404 - okapi No suitable module found for path /test2 for tenant roskilde 14:26:01 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=404 msg=No suitable module found for path /test2 for tenant roskilde 14:26:01 INFO ProxyContext 374431/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/sample-module-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:26:01 INFO ProxyContext 374431/proxy RES 204 7306us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/sample-module-1 14:26:01 INFO ProxyContext 837760/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/modules/sample-module-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:26:01 INFO ProxyContext 837760/proxy RES 204 2611us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules/sample-module-1 14:26:01 INFO ProxyContext 379454/discovery REQ supertenant DELETE /_/discovery/modules/sample-module-1/e668fa44-34cd-4da9-b80f-a4badb55c6bf okapi-0.0.0 14:26:01 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy: srvcId sample-module-1 instId e668fa44-34cd-4da9-b80f-a4badb55c6bf 14:26:01 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy sample-module-1 e668fa44-34cd-4da9-b80f-a4badb55c6bf 14:26:01 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy srvcId=sample-module-1 instId=e668fa44-34cd-4da9-b80f-a4badb55c6bf node=localhost 14:26:01 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy calling.. 14:26:01 INFO DeploymentManager undeploy instId e668fa44-34cd-4da9-b80f-a4badb55c6bf 14:26:01 INFO ProxyContext 379454/discovery RES 204 54162us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules/sample-module-1/e668fa44-34cd-4da9-b80f-a4badb55c6bf 14:26:01 INFO ProxyContext 156514/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:01 WARN ProxyContext 156514/proxy Module 'sample-module-1' has no Requires section. If the module really does not require any other interfaces, provide an empty array to be explicit about it. 14:26:01 WARN ProxyContext 156514/proxy Module 'sample-module-1' filters /test2: uses old type path. Use a pathPattern instead 14:26:01 WARN ProxyContext 156514/proxy Module 'sample-module-1' filters /test2: uses DEPRECATED level. Use a phase=auth instead 14:26:01 INFO ProxyContext 156514/proxy RES 201 3361us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:26:01 INFO ProxyContext 584574/discovery REQ supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:01 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { "srvcId" : "sample-module-1", "nodeId" : "localhost", "descriptor" : { "exec" : "java -Dport=%p -jar ../okapi-test-module/target/okapi-test-module-fat.jar" } } 14:26:01 INFO DeploymentManager deploy instId 821a432e-6c01-4aa0-a1c2-8169d40fe42e Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dmaven.ext.class.path="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554/pipeline-maven-spy.jar" -Dorg.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.maven.reportsFolder="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554" 14:26:02 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9231 count 0 14:26:02 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module okapi-test-module 2.39.0 started 14:26:02 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:26:02 INFO MainVerticle Starting okapi-test-module 5622@2dcd032ebaca on port 9231 14:26:02 INFO ? Succeeded in deploying verticle 14:26:02 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9231 count 1 14:26:02 INFO TcpPortWaiting Connected to service at host localhost port 9231 count 1 14:26:02 INFO ProxyContext 584574/discovery RES 201 1209591us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:26:02 INFO ProxyContext 844100/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:02 INFO ProxyContext 844100/proxy RES 201 18659us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules 14:26:02 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module null seq1 0 14:26:02 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant roskilde 14:26:02 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:26:02 INFO ProxyContext 791712/test2 RES 404 - okapi No suitable module found for path /test2 for tenant roskilde 14:26:02 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=404 msg=No suitable module found for path /test2 for tenant roskilde 14:26:02 INFO ProxyContext 697020/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/sample-module-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:26:02 INFO ProxyContext 697020/proxy RES 204 10210us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/sample-module-1 14:26:02 INFO ProxyContext 906601/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/modules/sample-module-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:26:02 INFO ProxyContext 906601/proxy RES 204 2035us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules/sample-module-1 14:26:02 INFO ProxyContext 682558/discovery REQ supertenant DELETE /_/discovery/modules/sample-module-1/821a432e-6c01-4aa0-a1c2-8169d40fe42e okapi-0.0.0 14:26:02 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy: srvcId sample-module-1 instId 821a432e-6c01-4aa0-a1c2-8169d40fe42e 14:26:02 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy sample-module-1 821a432e-6c01-4aa0-a1c2-8169d40fe42e 14:26:02 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy srvcId=sample-module-1 instId=821a432e-6c01-4aa0-a1c2-8169d40fe42e node=localhost 14:26:02 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy calling.. 14:26:02 INFO DeploymentManager undeploy instId 821a432e-6c01-4aa0-a1c2-8169d40fe42e 14:26:02 INFO ProxyContext 682558/discovery RES 204 41354us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules/sample-module-1/821a432e-6c01-4aa0-a1c2-8169d40fe42e 14:26:02 INFO ProxyContext 277761/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde okapi-0.0.0 14:26:02 INFO ProxyContext 277761/proxy RES 204 1639us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde 14:26:02 INFO ModuleTest Cleaning up after ModuleTest 14:26:02 INFO SLF4JLogger Closed connection [connectionId{localValue:2, serverValue:2}] to localhost:9239 because the pool has been closed. 2020-04-16T14:26:02.807+0000 I - [conn2] end connection (2 connections now open) [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:02.807+0000 I - [conn1] end connection (1 connection now open) [mongod output] 14:26:02 WARN oduleVersionReporter META-INF/maven/org.folio.okapi/okapi-core/ not found 14:26:02 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module null null started 14:26:02 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:26:02 INFO MainVerticle clusterManager not in use 14:26:02 INFO MongoHandle Using mongo backend at localhost : 9239 / 14:26:02 INFO SLF4JLogger Cluster created with settings {hosts=[localhost:9239], mode=SINGLE, requiredClusterType=UNKNOWN, serverSelectionTimeout='30000 ms', maxWaitQueueSize=500} 14:26:02 INFO MainVerticle Proxy using mongo storage 14:26:02 INFO InternalModule InternalModule starting okapiversion=null 2020-04-16T14:26:02.819+0000 I NETWORK [thread1] connection accepted from #3 (1 connection now open) [mongod output] 14:26:02 INFO Storage prepareDatabases: INIT 14:26:02 INFO SLF4JLogger No server chosen by com.mongodb.async.client.ClientSessionHelper$1@5eda779 from cluster description ClusterDescription{type=UNKNOWN, connectionMode=SINGLE, serverDescriptions=[ServerDescription{address=localhost:9239, type=UNKNOWN, state=CONNECTING}]}. Waiting for 30000 ms before timing out 2020-04-16T14:26:02.820+0000 I NETWORK [conn3] received client metadata from conn3: { driver: { name: "mongo-java-driver|async|mongo-java-driver-reactivestreams", version: "3.11.0|1.12.0" }, os: { type: "Linux", name: "Linux", architecture: "amd64", version: "4.4.0-1087-aws" }, platform: "Java/Private Build/1.8.0_242-8u242-b08-0ubuntu3~16.04-b08" } [mongod output] 14:26:02 INFO SLF4JLogger Opened connection [connectionId{localValue:3, serverValue:3}] to localhost:9239 14:26:02 INFO SLF4JLogger Monitor thread successfully connected to server with description ServerDescription{address=localhost:9239, type=STANDALONE, state=CONNECTED, ok=true, version=ServerVersion{versionList=[3, 4, 1]}, minWireVersion=0, maxWireVersion=5, maxDocumentSize=16777216, logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes=null, roundTripTimeNanos=456326} 2020-04-16T14:26:02.825+0000 I NETWORK [thread1] connection accepted from #4 (2 connections now open) [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:02.825+0000 I NETWORK [conn4] received client metadata from conn4: { driver: { name: "mongo-java-driver|async|mongo-java-driver-reactivestreams", version: "3.11.0|1.12.0" }, os: { type: "Linux", name: "Linux", architecture: "amd64", version: "4.4.0-1087-aws" }, platform: "Java/Private Build/1.8.0_242-8u242-b08-0ubuntu3~16.04-b08" } [mongod output] 14:26:02 INFO SLF4JLogger Opened connection [connectionId{localValue:4, serverValue:4}] to localhost:9239 2020-04-16T14:26:02.828+0000 I COMMAND [conn4] CMD: drop DEFAULT_DB.okapi.env [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:02.829+0000 I COMMAND [conn4] CMD: drop DEFAULT_DB.okapi.deployments [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:02.831+0000 I COMMAND [conn4] CMD: drop DEFAULT_DB.okapi.tenants [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:04.342+0000 I COMMAND [conn4] command DEFAULT_DB.okapi.tenants command: drop { drop: "okapi.tenants" } numYields:0 reslen:87 locks:{ Global: { acquireCount: { r: 1, w: 1 } }, Database: { acquireCount: { W: 1 } } } protocol:op_query 1511ms [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:04.344+0000 I COMMAND [conn4] CMD: drop DEFAULT_DB.okapi.modules [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:04.478+0000 I COMMAND [conn4] command DEFAULT_DB.okapi.modules command: drop { drop: "okapi.modules" } numYields:0 reslen:87 locks:{ Global: { acquireCount: { r: 1, w: 1 } }, Database: { acquireCount: { W: 1 } } } protocol:op_query 133ms [mongod output] 14:26:04 INFO MainVerticle startModmanager 14:26:04 INFO MainVerticle startTenants 14:26:04 INFO MainVerticle checkInternalModules 14:26:04 INFO MainVerticle Creating the superTenant supertenant 14:26:04 INFO MainVerticle starting env 14:26:04 INFO MainVerticle Starting discovery 14:26:04 INFO MainVerticle Starting deployment 14:26:04 INFO MainVerticle API Gateway started PID 1909@2dcd032ebaca. Listening on port 9230 14:26:04 INFO MainVerticle Deploy completed succesfully 14:26:04 INFO TenantManager starting supertenant 14:26:04 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant supertenant module null seq1 0 14:26:04 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant supertenant 14:26:04 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:26:04 INFO ProxyContext 011626/deployment REQ supertenant GET /_/deployment/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:04 INFO ProxyContext 011626/deployment RES 200 125us okapi-0.0.0 /_/deployment/modules 14:26:04 INFO ProxyContext 558332/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/nodes okapi-0.0.0 14:26:04 INFO ProxyContext 558332/discovery RES 200 157us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/nodes 14:26:04 INFO ProxyContext 614412/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:04 INFO ProxyContext 614412/discovery RES 200 87us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:26:04 INFO ProxyContext 816868/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:04 INFO ProxyContext 816868/proxy RES 200 302us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:26:04 INFO ProxyContext 371457/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/tenants okapi-0.0.0 14:26:04 INFO ProxyContext 371457/proxy RES 200 133us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants 14:26:04 INFO ProxyContext 907693/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants okapi-0.0.0 14:26:04 INFO ProxyContext 907693/proxy RES 201 4406us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants 14:26:04 INFO ProxyContext 447941/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:04 INFO ProxyContext 447941/proxy RES 201 4468us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules 14:26:04 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module null seq1 0 14:26:04 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant roskilde 14:26:04 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:26:04 INFO ProxyContext 777357/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:04 WARN ProxyContext 777357/proxy Module 'header-1' handlers /_/tenantPermissions: uses old type path. Use a pathPattern instead 14:26:04 WARN ProxyContext 777357/proxy Module 'header-1' handlers /_/tenantPermissions: uses DEPRECATED level. 14:26:04 WARN ProxyContext 777357/proxy Module 'header-1' has no Requires section. If the module really does not require any other interfaces, provide an empty array to be explicit about it. 14:26:04 INFO ProxyContext 777357/proxy RES 201 3119us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:26:04 INFO ProxyContext 703640/discovery REQ supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:04 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { "instId" : "header-1-inst", "srvcId" : "header-1", "nodeId" : "localhost" } 14:26:04 INFO DeploymentManager deploy instId header-1-inst Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dmaven.ext.class.path="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554/pipeline-maven-spy.jar" -Dorg.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.maven.reportsFolder="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554" 14:26:05 INFO MainVerticle Starting okapi-test-header-module 5702@2dcd032ebaca on port 9231 14:26:05 INFO ? Succeeded in deploying verticle 14:26:05 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9231 count 0 14:26:05 INFO TcpPortWaiting Connected to service at host localhost port 9231 count 0 2020-04-16T14:26:06.178+0000 I WRITE [conn4] update DEFAULT_DB.okapi.deployments query: { _id: "header-1-inst" } planSummary: IDHACK update: { $set: { instId: "header-1-inst", srvcId: "header-1", nodeId: "localhost", url: "http://localhost:9231", descriptor: { exec: "java -Dport=%p -jar ../okapi-test-header-module/target/okapi-test-header-module-fat.jar" } }, $setOnInsert: { _id: "header-1-inst" } } keysExamined:0 docsExamined:0 nMatched:0 nModified:0 upsert:1 keysInserted:1 numYields:0 locks:{ Global: { acquireCount: { r: 3, w: 3 } }, Database: { acquireCount: { w: 2, W: 1 } }, Collection: { acquireCount: { w: 2 } } } 536ms [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:06.178+0000 I COMMAND [conn4] command DEFAULT_DB.$cmd command: update { update: "okapi.deployments", ordered: true, updates: [ { q: { _id: "header-1-inst" }, u: { $set: { instId: "header-1-inst", srvcId: "header-1", nodeId: "localhost", url: "http://localhost:9231", descriptor: { exec: "java -Dport=%p -jar ../okapi-test-header-module/target/okapi-test-header-module-fat.jar" } }, $setOnInsert: { _id: "header-1-inst" } }, upsert: true } ] } numYields:0 reslen:116 locks:{ Global: { acquireCount: { r: 3, w: 3 } }, Database: { acquireCount: { w: 2, W: 1 } }, Collection: { acquireCount: { w: 2 } } } protocol:op_query 536ms [mongod output] 14:26:06 INFO ProxyContext 703640/discovery RES 201 1543231us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:26:06 INFO ProxyContext 674200/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:06 INFO ProxyService syscall begin POST http://localhost:9231/_/tenantPermissions 14:26:06 INFO OkapiClient 674200/proxy;777832/tenantPermissions REQ okapiClient roskilde POST http://localhost:9231/_/tenantPermissions 14:26:06 INFO MainVerticle tenantPermissions: { "moduleId" : "okapi-0.0.0", "perms" : [ { "permissionName" : "okapi.deployment... 14:26:06 INFO OkapiClient 674200/proxy;777832/tenantPermissions RES 200 87170us okapiClient http://localhost:9231/_/tenantPermissions 14:26:06 INFO ProxyService syscall return POST http://localhost:9231/_/tenantPermissions 14:26:06 INFO ProxyService syscall begin POST http://localhost:9231/_/tenantPermissions 14:26:06 INFO OkapiClient 674200/proxy;205175/tenantPermissions REQ okapiClient roskilde POST http://localhost:9231/_/tenantPermissions 14:26:06 INFO MainVerticle tenantPermissions: { "moduleId" : "header-1", "perms" : null } 14:26:06 INFO OkapiClient 674200/proxy;205175/tenantPermissions RES 200 2196us okapiClient http://localhost:9231/_/tenantPermissions 14:26:06 INFO ProxyService syscall return POST http://localhost:9231/_/tenantPermissions 14:26:06 INFO ProxyContext 674200/proxy RES 201 96927us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules 14:26:06 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module null seq1 0 14:26:06 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant roskilde 14:26:06 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:26:06 INFO ProxyContext 154410/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:06 WARN ProxyContext 154410/proxy Module 'sample-module-1' handlers /testb: uses old type path. Use a pathPattern instead 14:26:06 WARN ProxyContext 154410/proxy Module 'sample-module-1' handlers /testb: uses DEPRECATED level. 14:26:06 WARN ProxyContext 154410/proxy Module 'sample-module-1' handlers uses type=request-response. That is the default, you can leave it out 14:26:06 WARN ProxyContext 154410/proxy Module 'sample-module-1' handlers /_/tenant: uses old type path. Use a pathPattern instead 14:26:06 WARN ProxyContext 154410/proxy Module 'sample-module-1' handlers /_/tenant: uses DEPRECATED level. 14:26:06 WARN ProxyContext 154410/proxy Module 'sample-module-1' handlers /_/tenant: uses DEPRECATED type 'system' 14:26:06 WARN ProxyContext 154410/proxy Module 'sample-module-1' has no Requires section. If the module really does not require any other interfaces, provide an empty array to be explicit about it. 14:26:06 INFO ProxyContext 154410/proxy RES 201 3742us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:26:06 INFO ProxyContext 353370/discovery REQ supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:06 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { "instId" : "sample-1-inst", "srvcId" : "sample-module-1", "nodeId" : "localhost" } 14:26:06 INFO DeploymentManager deploy instId sample-1-inst Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dmaven.ext.class.path="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554/pipeline-maven-spy.jar" -Dorg.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.maven.reportsFolder="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554" 14:26:06 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module okapi-test-module 2.39.0 started 14:26:06 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:26:06 INFO MainVerticle Starting okapi-test-module 5729@2dcd032ebaca on port 9232 14:26:07 INFO ? Succeeded in deploying verticle 14:26:07 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9232 count 0 14:26:07 INFO TcpPortWaiting Connected to service at host localhost port 9232 count 0 14:26:07 INFO ProxyContext 353370/discovery RES 201 1007255us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:26:07 INFO ProxyContext 110950/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:07 INFO ProxyService syscall begin POST http://localhost:9232/_/tenant 14:26:07 INFO OkapiClient 110950/proxy;016493/tenant REQ okapiClient roskilde POST http://localhost:9232/_/tenant 14:26:07 INFO MainVerticle POST /_/tenant to okapi-est-module for tenant roskilde 14:26:07 INFO MainVerticle module_from=null module_to=sample-module-1 14:26:07 INFO OkapiClient 110950/proxy;016493/tenant RES 200 138934us okapiClient http://localhost:9232/_/tenant 14:26:07 INFO ProxyService syscall return POST http://localhost:9232/_/tenant 14:26:07 INFO ProxyService syscall begin POST http://localhost:9231/_/tenantPermissions 14:26:07 INFO OkapiClient 110950/proxy;907597/tenantPermissions REQ okapiClient roskilde POST http://localhost:9231/_/tenantPermissions 14:26:07 INFO MainVerticle tenantPermissions: { "moduleId" : "sample-module-1", "perms" : [ { "permissionName" : "everything",... 14:26:07 INFO OkapiClient 110950/proxy;907597/tenantPermissions RES 200 2756us okapiClient http://localhost:9231/_/tenantPermissions 14:26:07 INFO ProxyService syscall return POST http://localhost:9231/_/tenantPermissions 14:26:07 INFO ProxyContext 110950/proxy RES 201 149446us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules 14:26:07 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module null seq1 0 14:26:07 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant roskilde 14:26:07 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:26:07 INFO ProxyContext 366480/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:07 WARN ProxyContext 366480/proxy Module 'sample-module2-1' has no Requires section. If the module really does not require any other interfaces, provide an empty array to be explicit about it. 14:26:07 INFO ProxyContext 366480/proxy RES 201 1988us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:26:07 INFO ProxyContext 076508/discovery REQ supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:07 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { "instId" : "sample2-1-inst", "srvcId" : "sample-module2-1", "nodeId" : "localhost" } 14:26:07 INFO DeploymentManager deploy instId sample2-1-inst Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dmaven.ext.class.path="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554/pipeline-maven-spy.jar" -Dorg.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.maven.reportsFolder="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554" 14:26:08 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module okapi-test-module 2.39.0 started 14:26:08 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:26:08 INFO MainVerticle Starting okapi-test-module 5754@2dcd032ebaca on port 9233 14:26:08 INFO ? Succeeded in deploying verticle 14:26:08 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9233 count 0 14:26:08 INFO TcpPortWaiting Connected to service at host localhost port 9233 count 0 14:26:08 INFO ProxyContext 076508/discovery RES 201 1006087us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:26:09 INFO ProxyContext 520491/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:09 INFO ProxyService syscall begin POST http://localhost:9231/_/tenantPermissions 14:26:09 INFO OkapiClient 520491/proxy;289505/tenantPermissions REQ okapiClient roskilde POST http://localhost:9231/_/tenantPermissions 14:26:09 INFO MainVerticle tenantPermissions: { "moduleId" : "sample-module2-1", "perms" : null } 14:26:09 INFO OkapiClient 520491/proxy;289505/tenantPermissions RES 200 2249us okapiClient http://localhost:9231/_/tenantPermissions 14:26:09 INFO ProxyService syscall return POST http://localhost:9231/_/tenantPermissions 14:26:09 INFO ProxyContext 520491/proxy RES 201 8057us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules 14:26:09 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module null seq1 0 14:26:09 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant roskilde 14:26:09 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:26:09 INFO ProxyContext 688029/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/sample-module-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:26:09 INFO ProxyContext 688029/proxy RES 204 3814us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/sample-module-1 14:26:09 INFO ProxyContext 134285/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:09 WARN ProxyContext 134285/proxy Module 'auth-1' handlers /authn/login: uses old type path. Use a pathPattern instead 14:26:09 WARN ProxyContext 134285/proxy Module 'auth-1' handlers /authn/login: uses DEPRECATED level. 14:26:09 WARN ProxyContext 134285/proxy Module 'auth-1' handlers uses type=request-response. That is the default, you can leave it out 14:26:09 WARN ProxyContext 134285/proxy Module 'auth-1' filters /: uses old type path. Use a pathPattern instead 14:26:09 INFO ProxyContext 134285/proxy RES 201 3277us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:26:09 INFO ProxyContext 099494/discovery REQ supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:09 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { "instId" : "auth-1-inst", "srvcId" : "auth-1", "nodeId" : "localhost" } 14:26:09 INFO DeploymentManager deploy instId auth-1-inst Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dmaven.ext.class.path="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554/pipeline-maven-spy.jar" -Dorg.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.maven.reportsFolder="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554" 14:26:10 INFO MainVerticle Starting auth 5782@2dcd032ebaca on port 9234 14:26:10 INFO ? Succeeded in deploying verticle 14:26:10 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9234 count 0 14:26:10 INFO TcpPortWaiting Connected to service at host localhost port 9234 count 0 14:26:10 INFO ProxyContext 099494/discovery RES 201 1010224us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:26:10 INFO ProxyContext 518846/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:10 INFO ProxyService syscall begin POST http://localhost:9231/_/tenantPermissions 14:26:10 INFO OkapiClient 518846/proxy;266164/tenantPermissions REQ okapiClient roskilde POST http://localhost:9231/_/tenantPermissions 14:26:10 INFO MainVerticle tenantPermissions: { "moduleId" : "auth-1", "perms" : null } 14:26:10 INFO OkapiClient 518846/proxy;266164/tenantPermissions RES 200 2815us okapiClient http://localhost:9231/_/tenantPermissions 14:26:10 INFO ProxyService syscall return POST http://localhost:9231/_/tenantPermissions 14:26:10 INFO ProxyContext 518846/proxy RES 201 10425us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules 14:26:10 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module null seq1 0 14:26:10 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant roskilde 14:26:10 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:26:10 INFO ProxyContext 898163/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:10 INFO ProxyService syscall begin POST http://localhost:9234/_/tenant 14:26:10 INFO OkapiClient 898163/proxy;300615/tenant REQ okapiClient roskilde POST http://localhost:9234/_/tenant 14:26:10 INFO OkapiClient 898163/proxy;300615/tenant RES 202 290825us okapiClient http://localhost:9234/_/tenant 14:26:10 INFO ProxyService syscall return POST http://localhost:9234/_/tenant 14:26:10 INFO ProxyService syscall begin POST http://localhost:9232/_/tenant 14:26:10 INFO OkapiClient 898163/proxy;055031/tenant REQ okapiClient roskilde POST http://localhost:9232/_/tenant 14:26:10 INFO MainVerticle POST /_/tenant to okapi-est-module for tenant roskilde 14:26:10 INFO MainVerticle module_from=null module_to=sample-module-1 14:26:10 INFO OkapiClient 898163/proxy;055031/tenant RES 200 2976us okapiClient http://localhost:9232/_/tenant 14:26:10 INFO ProxyService syscall return POST http://localhost:9232/_/tenant 14:26:10 INFO ProxyService syscall begin POST http://localhost:9234/_/tenantPermissions 14:26:10 INFO OkapiClient 898163/proxy;349939/tenantPermissions REQ okapiClient roskilde POST http://localhost:9234/_/tenantPermissions 14:26:10 INFO OkapiClient 898163/proxy;349939/tenantPermissions RES 202 1813us okapiClient http://localhost:9234/_/tenantPermissions 14:26:10 INFO ProxyService syscall return POST http://localhost:9234/_/tenantPermissions 14:26:10 INFO ProxyService syscall begin POST http://localhost:9231/_/tenantPermissions 14:26:10 INFO OkapiClient 898163/proxy;997701/tenantPermissions REQ okapiClient roskilde POST http://localhost:9231/_/tenantPermissions 14:26:10 INFO MainVerticle tenantPermissions: { "moduleId" : "sample-module-1", "perms" : [ { "permissionName" : "everything",... 14:26:10 INFO OkapiClient 898163/proxy;997701/tenantPermissions RES 200 2133us okapiClient http://localhost:9231/_/tenantPermissions 14:26:10 INFO ProxyService syscall return POST http://localhost:9231/_/tenantPermissions 14:26:10 INFO ProxyContext 898163/proxy RES 201 305936us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules 14:26:10 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module null seq1 0 14:26:10 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant roskilde 14:26:10 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:26:10 INFO ProxyContext 829820/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/sample-module-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:26:10 INFO ProxyContext 829820/proxy RES 204 4659us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/sample-module-1 14:26:10 INFO ProxyContext 644311/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/auth-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:26:10 INFO ProxyContext 644311/proxy RES 204 3943us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/auth-1 14:26:10 INFO ProxyContext 408219/discovery REQ supertenant DELETE /_/discovery/modules/auth-1/auth-1-inst okapi-0.0.0 14:26:10 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy: srvcId auth-1 instId auth-1-inst 14:26:10 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy auth-1 auth-1-inst 14:26:10 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy srvcId=auth-1 instId=auth-1-inst node=localhost 14:26:10 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy calling.. 14:26:10 INFO DeploymentManager undeploy instId auth-1-inst 14:26:11 INFO ProxyContext 408219/discovery RES 204 32160us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules/auth-1/auth-1-inst 14:26:11 INFO ProxyContext 584292/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/modules/auth-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:26:11 INFO ProxyContext 584292/proxy RES 204 1841us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules/auth-1 14:26:11 INFO ProxyContext 906335/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/sample-module2-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:26:11 INFO ProxyContext 906335/proxy RES 204 3602us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/sample-module2-1 14:26:11 INFO ProxyContext 056522/discovery REQ supertenant DELETE /_/discovery/modules/sample-module2-1/sample2-1-inst okapi-0.0.0 14:26:11 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy: srvcId sample-module2-1 instId sample2-1-inst 14:26:11 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy sample-module2-1 sample2-1-inst 14:26:11 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy srvcId=sample-module2-1 instId=sample2-1-inst node=localhost 14:26:11 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy calling.. 14:26:11 INFO DeploymentManager undeploy instId sample2-1-inst 14:26:11 INFO ProxyContext 056522/discovery RES 204 42535us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules/sample-module2-1/sample2-1-inst 14:26:11 INFO ProxyContext 944701/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/modules/sample-module2-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:26:11 INFO ProxyContext 944701/proxy RES 204 1574us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules/sample-module2-1 14:26:11 INFO ProxyContext 201891/discovery REQ supertenant DELETE /_/discovery/modules/sample-module-1/sample-1-inst okapi-0.0.0 14:26:11 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy: srvcId sample-module-1 instId sample-1-inst 14:26:11 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy sample-module-1 sample-1-inst 14:26:11 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy srvcId=sample-module-1 instId=sample-1-inst node=localhost 14:26:11 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy calling.. 14:26:11 INFO DeploymentManager undeploy instId sample-1-inst 14:26:11 INFO ProxyContext 201891/discovery RES 204 51342us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules/sample-module-1/sample-1-inst 14:26:11 INFO ProxyContext 001742/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/modules/sample-module-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:26:11 INFO ProxyContext 001742/proxy RES 204 1606us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules/sample-module-1 14:26:11 INFO ProxyContext 495902/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/header-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:26:11 INFO ProxyContext 495902/proxy RES 204 3410us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/header-1 14:26:11 INFO ProxyContext 001895/discovery REQ supertenant DELETE /_/discovery/modules/header-1/header-1-inst okapi-0.0.0 14:26:11 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy: srvcId header-1 instId header-1-inst 14:26:11 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy header-1 header-1-inst 14:26:11 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy srvcId=header-1 instId=header-1-inst node=localhost 14:26:11 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy calling.. 14:26:11 INFO DeploymentManager undeploy instId header-1-inst 14:26:11 INFO ProxyContext 001895/discovery RES 204 40435us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules/header-1/header-1-inst 14:26:11 INFO ProxyContext 720690/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/modules/header-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:26:11 INFO ProxyContext 720690/proxy RES 204 1878us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules/header-1 14:26:11 INFO ProxyContext 272691/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/okapi-0.0.0 okapi-0.0.0 14:26:11 INFO ProxyContext 272691/proxy RES 204 3348us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/okapi-0.0.0 14:26:11 INFO ProxyContext 293711/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde okapi-0.0.0 14:26:11 INFO ProxyContext 293711/proxy RES 204 1148us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde 14:26:11 INFO ProxyContext 831694/deployment REQ supertenant GET /_/deployment/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:11 INFO ProxyContext 831694/deployment RES 200 104us okapi-0.0.0 /_/deployment/modules 14:26:11 INFO ProxyContext 367281/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/nodes okapi-0.0.0 14:26:11 INFO ProxyContext 367281/discovery RES 200 165us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/nodes 14:26:11 INFO ProxyContext 107462/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:11 INFO ProxyContext 107462/discovery RES 200 97us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:26:11 INFO ProxyContext 642983/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:11 INFO ProxyContext 642983/proxy RES 200 308us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:26:11 INFO ProxyContext 881217/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/tenants okapi-0.0.0 14:26:11 INFO ProxyContext 881217/proxy RES 200 141us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants 14:26:11 INFO ModuleTest Cleaning up after ModuleTest 14:26:11 INFO SLF4JLogger Closed connection [connectionId{localValue:4, serverValue:4}] to localhost:9239 because the pool has been closed. 2020-04-16T14:26:11.222+0000 I - [conn4] end connection (2 connections now open) [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:11.222+0000 I - [conn3] end connection (1 connection now open) [mongod output] 14:26:11 WARN oduleVersionReporter META-INF/maven/org.folio.okapi/okapi-core/ not found 14:26:11 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module null null started 14:26:11 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:26:11 INFO MainVerticle clusterManager not in use 14:26:11 INFO MongoHandle Using mongo backend at localhost : 9239 / 14:26:11 INFO SLF4JLogger Cluster created with settings {hosts=[localhost:9239], mode=SINGLE, requiredClusterType=UNKNOWN, serverSelectionTimeout='30000 ms', maxWaitQueueSize=500} 14:26:11 INFO MainVerticle Proxy using mongo storage 2020-04-16T14:26:11.233+0000 I NETWORK [thread1] connection accepted from #5 (1 connection now open) [mongod output] 14:26:11 INFO InternalModule InternalModule starting okapiversion=null 14:26:11 INFO Storage prepareDatabases: INIT 14:26:11 INFO SLF4JLogger No server chosen by com.mongodb.async.client.ClientSessionHelper$1@65ac64c5 from cluster description ClusterDescription{type=UNKNOWN, connectionMode=SINGLE, serverDescriptions=[ServerDescription{address=localhost:9239, type=UNKNOWN, state=CONNECTING}]}. Waiting for 30000 ms before timing out 2020-04-16T14:26:11.234+0000 I NETWORK [conn5] received client metadata from conn5: { driver: { name: "mongo-java-driver|async|mongo-java-driver-reactivestreams", version: "3.11.0|1.12.0" }, os: { type: "Linux", name: "Linux", architecture: "amd64", version: "4.4.0-1087-aws" }, platform: "Java/Private Build/1.8.0_242-8u242-b08-0ubuntu3~16.04-b08" } [mongod output] 14:26:11 INFO SLF4JLogger Opened connection [connectionId{localValue:5, serverValue:5}] to localhost:9239 14:26:11 INFO SLF4JLogger Monitor thread successfully connected to server with description ServerDescription{address=localhost:9239, type=STANDALONE, state=CONNECTED, ok=true, version=ServerVersion{versionList=[3, 4, 1]}, minWireVersion=0, maxWireVersion=5, maxDocumentSize=16777216, logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes=null, roundTripTimeNanos=594667} 2020-04-16T14:26:11.237+0000 I NETWORK [thread1] connection accepted from #6 (2 connections now open) [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:11.239+0000 I NETWORK [conn6] received client metadata from conn6: { driver: { name: "mongo-java-driver|async|mongo-java-driver-reactivestreams", version: "3.11.0|1.12.0" }, os: { type: "Linux", name: "Linux", architecture: "amd64", version: "4.4.0-1087-aws" }, platform: "Java/Private Build/1.8.0_242-8u242-b08-0ubuntu3~16.04-b08" } [mongod output] 14:26:11 INFO SLF4JLogger Opened connection [connectionId{localValue:6, serverValue:6}] to localhost:9239 2020-04-16T14:26:11.240+0000 I COMMAND [conn6] CMD: drop DEFAULT_DB.okapi.env [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:11.242+0000 I COMMAND [conn6] CMD: drop DEFAULT_DB.okapi.deployments [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:11.243+0000 I COMMAND [conn6] CMD: drop DEFAULT_DB.okapi.tenants [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:11.749+0000 I COMMAND [conn6] command DEFAULT_DB.okapi.tenants command: drop { drop: "okapi.tenants" } numYields:0 reslen:87 locks:{ Global: { acquireCount: { r: 1, w: 1 } }, Database: { acquireCount: { W: 1 } } } protocol:op_query 505ms [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:11.750+0000 I COMMAND [conn6] CMD: drop DEFAULT_DB.okapi.modules [mongod output] 14:26:11 INFO MainVerticle startModmanager 14:26:11 INFO MainVerticle startTenants 14:26:11 INFO MainVerticle checkInternalModules 14:26:11 INFO MainVerticle Creating the superTenant supertenant 14:26:11 INFO MainVerticle starting env 14:26:11 INFO MainVerticle Starting discovery 14:26:11 INFO MainVerticle Starting deployment 14:26:11 INFO MainVerticle API Gateway started PID 1909@2dcd032ebaca. Listening on port 9230 14:26:11 INFO MainVerticle Deploy completed succesfully 14:26:11 INFO TenantManager starting supertenant 14:26:11 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant supertenant module null seq1 0 14:26:11 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant supertenant 14:26:11 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:26:11 INFO ProxyContext 021341/deployment REQ supertenant GET /_/deployment/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:11 INFO ProxyContext 021341/deployment RES 200 116us okapi-0.0.0 /_/deployment/modules 14:26:11 INFO ProxyContext 738801/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/nodes okapi-0.0.0 14:26:11 INFO ProxyContext 738801/discovery RES 200 282us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/nodes 14:26:11 INFO ProxyContext 702549/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:11 INFO ProxyContext 702549/discovery RES 200 101us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:26:11 INFO ProxyContext 013847/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:11 INFO ProxyContext 013847/proxy RES 200 418us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:26:11 INFO ProxyContext 836108/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/tenants okapi-0.0.0 14:26:11 INFO ProxyContext 836108/proxy RES 200 141us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants 14:26:11 INFO ProxyContext 538678/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants okapi-0.0.0 14:26:11 INFO ProxyContext 538678/proxy RES 201 1741us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants 14:26:11 INFO ProxyContext 044186/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde okapi-0.0.0 14:26:11 INFO ProxyContext 044186/proxy RES 200 130us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde 14:26:11 INFO ProxyContext 488561/proxy REQ supertenant PUT /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde okapi-0.0.0 14:26:11 INFO ProxyContext 488561/proxy RES 200 5474us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde 14:26:11 INFO ProxyContext 227549/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:11 WARN ProxyContext 227549/proxy Module 'sample-f-module-1' handlers uses type=request-response. That is the default, you can leave it out 14:26:11 WARN ProxyContext 227549/proxy Module 'sample-f-module-1' has no Requires section. If the module really does not require any other interfaces, provide an empty array to be explicit about it. 14:26:11 INFO ProxyContext 227549/proxy RES 201 2175us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:26:11 INFO ProxyContext 207812/discovery REQ supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:11 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { "instId" : "sample-f-1-inst", "srvcId" : "sample-f-module-1", "nodeId" : "localhost" } 14:26:11 INFO DeploymentManager deploy instId sample-f-1-inst Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dmaven.ext.class.path="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554/pipeline-maven-spy.jar" -Dorg.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.maven.reportsFolder="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554" 14:26:12 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module okapi-test-module 2.39.0 started 14:26:12 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:26:12 INFO MainVerticle Starting okapi-test-module 5932@2dcd032ebaca on port 9231 14:26:12 INFO ? Succeeded in deploying verticle 14:26:12 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9231 count 0 14:26:12 INFO TcpPortWaiting Connected to service at host localhost port 9231 count 0 2020-04-16T14:26:13.989+0000 I WRITE [conn6] update DEFAULT_DB.okapi.deployments query: { _id: "sample-f-1-inst" } planSummary: IDHACK update: { $set: { instId: "sample-f-1-inst", srvcId: "sample-f-module-1", nodeId: "localhost", url: "http://localhost:9231", descriptor: { exec: "java -Dport=%p -jar ../okapi-test-module/target/okapi-test-module-fat.jar" } }, $setOnInsert: { _id: "sample-f-1-inst" } } keysExamined:0 docsExamined:0 nMatched:0 nModified:0 upsert:1 keysInserted:1 numYields:0 locks:{ Global: { acquireCount: { r: 3, w: 3 } }, Database: { acquireCount: { w: 2, W: 1 } }, Collection: { acquireCount: { w: 2 } } } 997ms [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:13.989+0000 I COMMAND [conn6] command DEFAULT_DB.$cmd command: update { update: "okapi.deployments", ordered: true, updates: [ { q: { _id: "sample-f-1-inst" }, u: { $set: { instId: "sample-f-1-inst", srvcId: "sample-f-module-1", nodeId: "localhost", url: "http://localhost:9231", descriptor: { exec: "java -Dport=%p -jar ../okapi-test-module/target/okapi-test-module-fat.jar" } }, $setOnInsert: { _id: "sample-f-1-inst" } }, upsert: true } ] } numYields:0 reslen:118 locks:{ Global: { acquireCount: { r: 3, w: 3 } }, Database: { acquireCount: { w: 2, W: 1 } }, Collection: { acquireCount: { w: 2 } } } protocol:op_query 997ms [mongod output] 14:26:13 INFO ProxyContext 207812/discovery RES 201 2007845us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:26:13 INFO ProxyContext 876386/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:14 INFO ProxyContext 876386/proxy RES 201 4033us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules 14:26:14 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module null seq1 0 14:26:14 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant roskilde 14:26:14 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:26:14 INFO ProxyContext 860088/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:14 WARN ProxyContext 860088/proxy Module 'auth-f-module-1' handlers /authn/login: uses old type path. Use a pathPattern instead 14:26:14 WARN ProxyContext 860088/proxy Module 'auth-f-module-1' handlers /authn/login: uses DEPRECATED level. 14:26:14 WARN ProxyContext 860088/proxy Module 'auth-f-module-1' handlers uses type=request-response. That is the default, you can leave it out 14:26:14 WARN ProxyContext 860088/proxy Module 'auth-f-module-1' filters /: uses old type path. Use a pathPattern instead 14:26:14 INFO ProxyContext 860088/proxy RES 201 2259us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:26:14 INFO ProxyContext 057960/discovery REQ supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:14 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { "instId" : "auth-f-1-inst", "srvcId" : "auth-f-module-1", "nodeId" : "localhost" } 14:26:14 INFO DeploymentManager deploy instId auth-f-1-inst Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dmaven.ext.class.path="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554/pipeline-maven-spy.jar" -Dorg.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.maven.reportsFolder="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554" 14:26:14 INFO MainVerticle Starting auth 5959@2dcd032ebaca on port 9232 14:26:14 INFO ? Succeeded in deploying verticle 14:26:15 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9232 count 0 14:26:15 INFO TcpPortWaiting Connected to service at host localhost port 9232 count 0 14:26:15 INFO ProxyContext 057960/discovery RES 201 1006263us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:26:15 INFO ProxyContext 052337/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:15 INFO ProxyContext 052337/proxy RES 201 4627us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules 14:26:15 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module null seq1 0 14:26:15 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant roskilde 14:26:15 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:26:15 INFO ProxyContext 749129/authn REQ roskilde POST /authn/login auth-f-module-1 auth-f-module-1 14:26:15 INFO ProxyContext 749129/authn RES 202 78986us auth-f-module-1 http://localhost:9232/authn/login 14:26:15 INFO Auth test-auth: Ok login for peter: dummyJwt.eyJzdWIiOiJwZXRlciIsInRlbmFudCI6InJvc2tpbGRlIn0=.sig 14:26:15 INFO ProxyService New X-Okapi-Token returned by module auth-f-module-1 14:26:15 INFO ProxyContext 749129/authn RES 200 226376us auth-f-module-1 http://localhost:9232/authn/login 14:26:15 INFO ProxyContext 409861/testb REQ roskilde GET /testb auth-f-module-1 sample-f-module-1 14:26:15 INFO Auth ovTok=null 14:26:15 INFO ProxyContext 409861/testb RES 202 15052us auth-f-module-1 http://localhost:9232/testb 14:26:15 INFO MainVerticle Headers, as seen by okapi-test-module: 14:26:15 INFO MainVerticle Accept:*/* 14:26:15 INFO MainVerticle Accept-Encoding:gzip,deflate 14:26:15 INFO MainVerticle Connection:Keep-Alive 14:26:15 INFO MainVerticle Host:localhost:9230 14:26:15 INFO MainVerticle transfer-encoding:chunked 14:26:15 INFO MainVerticle User-Agent:Apache-HttpClient/4.5.3 (Java/1.8.0_242) 14:26:15 INFO MainVerticle X-all-headers:BL 14:26:15 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-Match-Path-Pattern:/testb 14:26:15 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-Request-Id:409861/testb 14:26:15 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-request-ip: 14:26:15 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-request-method:GET 14:26:15 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-request-timestamp:1587047175360 14:26:15 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-Tenant:roskilde 14:26:15 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-Token:dummyJwt.eyJzdWIiOiJwZXRlciIsInRlbmFudCI6InJvc2tpbGRlIn0=.sig 14:26:15 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-Url:http://localhost:9230 14:26:15 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-User-Id:peter 14:26:15 INFO ProxyContext 409861/testb RES 200 73441us sample-f-module-1 http://localhost:9231/testb 14:26:15 INFO ProxyContext 331525/testb REQ roskilde GET /testb auth-f-module-1 sample-f-module-1 14:26:15 WARN Auth test-auth: Bad JWT, can not split in three parts. 'bad token 14:26:15 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=Auth.check: Bad JWT 14:26:15 INFO ProxyContext 331525/testb RES 400 2622us auth-f-module-1 http://localhost:9232/testb 14:26:15 INFO ProxyContext 196191/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:15 WARN ProxyContext 196191/proxy Module 'pre-f-module-1' filters /: uses old type path. Use a pathPattern instead 14:26:15 INFO ProxyContext 196191/proxy RES 201 2420us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:26:15 INFO ProxyContext 419369/discovery REQ supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:15 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { "instId" : "pre-f-1-inst", "srvcId" : "pre-f-module-1", "nodeId" : "localhost" } 14:26:15 INFO DeploymentManager deploy instId pre-f-1-inst Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dmaven.ext.class.path="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554/pipeline-maven-spy.jar" -Dorg.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.maven.reportsFolder="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554" 14:26:16 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9233 count 0 14:26:16 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9233 count 1 14:26:17 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9233 count 2 14:26:17 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9233 count 3 14:26:18 INFO MainVerticle Starting auth 5984@2dcd032ebaca on port 9233 14:26:18 INFO ? Succeeded in deploying verticle 14:26:18 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9233 count 4 14:26:18 INFO TcpPortWaiting Connected to service at host localhost port 9233 count 4 14:26:18 INFO ProxyContext 419369/discovery RES 201 3011024us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:26:18 INFO ProxyContext 845436/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:18 INFO ProxyContext 845436/proxy RES 201 4305us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules 14:26:18 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module null seq1 0 14:26:18 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant roskilde 14:26:18 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:26:18 INFO ProxyContext 559419/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:18 WARN ProxyContext 559419/proxy Module 'post-f-module-1' filters /: uses old type path. Use a pathPattern instead 14:26:18 INFO ProxyContext 559419/proxy RES 201 12468us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:26:18 INFO ProxyContext 056387/discovery REQ supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:18 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { "instId" : "post-f-1-inst", "srvcId" : "post-f-module-1", "nodeId" : "localhost" } 14:26:18 INFO DeploymentManager deploy instId post-f-1-inst Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dmaven.ext.class.path="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554/pipeline-maven-spy.jar" -Dorg.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.maven.reportsFolder="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554" 14:26:19 INFO MainVerticle Starting auth 6011@2dcd032ebaca on port 9234 14:26:19 INFO ? Succeeded in deploying verticle 14:26:19 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9234 count 0 14:26:19 INFO TcpPortWaiting Connected to service at host localhost port 9234 count 0 14:26:19 INFO ProxyContext 056387/discovery RES 201 1007903us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:26:19 INFO ProxyContext 435458/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:19 INFO ProxyContext 435458/proxy RES 201 3607us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules 14:26:19 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module null seq1 0 14:26:19 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant roskilde 14:26:19 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:26:19 INFO ProxyContext 457540/testb REQ roskilde GET /testb auth-f-module-1 pre-f-module-1 sample-f-module-1 post-f-module-1 14:26:19 INFO Auth ovTok=null 14:26:19 INFO ProxyContext 457540/testb RES 202 2859us auth-f-module-1 http://localhost:9232/testb 14:26:19 INFO ProxyContext 457540/testb RES 202 62105us pre-f-module-1 http://localhost:9233/testb 14:26:19 INFO MainVerticle Headers, as seen by okapi-test-module: 14:26:19 INFO MainVerticle Accept:*/* 14:26:19 INFO MainVerticle Accept-Encoding:gzip,deflate 14:26:19 INFO MainVerticle Connection:Keep-Alive 14:26:19 INFO MainVerticle content-length:0 14:26:19 INFO MainVerticle Host:localhost:9230 14:26:19 INFO MainVerticle User-Agent:Apache-HttpClient/4.5.3 (Java/1.8.0_242) 14:26:19 INFO MainVerticle X-all-headers:BL 14:26:19 INFO MainVerticle X-Auth-Filter-Phase:pre / 14:26:19 INFO MainVerticle X-filter-post:203 14:26:19 INFO MainVerticle X-filter-pre:202 14:26:19 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-Match-Path-Pattern:/testb 14:26:19 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-Request-Id:457540/testb 14:26:19 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-request-ip: 14:26:19 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-request-method:GET 14:26:19 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-request-timestamp:1587047179570 14:26:19 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-Tenant:roskilde 14:26:19 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-Token:dummyJwt.eyJzdWIiOiJwZXRlciIsInRlbmFudCI6InJvc2tpbGRlIn0=.sig 14:26:19 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-Url:http://localhost:9230 14:26:19 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-User-Id:peter 14:26:19 INFO ProxyContext 457540/testb RES 200 5865us sample-f-module-1 http://localhost:9231/testb 14:26:19 INFO ProxyContext 457540/testb RES 203 71644us post-f-module-1 http://localhost:9234/testb 14:26:19 INFO ProxyContext 190330/testb REQ roskilde GET /testb auth-f-module-1 pre-f-module-1 sample-f-module-1 post-f-module-1 14:26:19 INFO Auth ovTok=null 14:26:19 INFO ProxyContext 190330/testb RES 202 2443us auth-f-module-1 http://localhost:9232/testb 14:26:19 INFO ProxyContext 190330/testb RES 500 1799us pre-f-module-1 http://localhost:9233/testb 14:26:19 INFO MainVerticle Headers, as seen by okapi-test-module: 14:26:19 INFO MainVerticle Accept:*/* 14:26:19 INFO MainVerticle Accept-Encoding:gzip,deflate 14:26:19 INFO MainVerticle Connection:Keep-Alive 14:26:19 INFO MainVerticle content-length:0 14:26:19 INFO MainVerticle Host:localhost:9230 14:26:19 INFO MainVerticle User-Agent:Apache-HttpClient/4.5.3 (Java/1.8.0_242) 14:26:19 INFO MainVerticle X-all-headers:BL 14:26:19 INFO MainVerticle X-Auth-Filter-Phase:pre / 14:26:19 INFO MainVerticle X-filter-post:203 14:26:19 INFO MainVerticle X-filter-pre:202 14:26:19 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-Match-Path-Pattern:/testb 14:26:19 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-Request-Id:190330/testb 14:26:19 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-request-ip: 14:26:19 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-request-method:GET 14:26:19 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-request-timestamp:1587047179719 14:26:19 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-Tenant:roskilde 14:26:19 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-Token:dummyJwt.eyJzdWIiOiJwZXRlciIsInRlbmFudCI6InJvc2tpbGRlIn0=.sig 14:26:19 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-Url:http://localhost:9230 14:26:19 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-User-Id:peter 14:26:19 INFO MainVerticle X-request-post-error:true 14:26:19 INFO MainVerticle X-request-pre-error:true 14:26:19 INFO ProxyContext 190330/testb RES 200 5448us sample-f-module-1 http://localhost:9231/testb 14:26:19 INFO ProxyContext 190330/testb RES 500 2183us post-f-module-1 http://localhost:9234/testb 14:26:19 INFO ProxyContext 793977/testb REQ roskilde GET /testb auth-f-module-1 pre-f-module-1 sample-f-module-1 post-f-module-1 14:26:19 INFO Auth ovTok=null 14:26:19 INFO ProxyContext 793977/testb RES 202 2555us auth-f-module-1 http://localhost:9232/testb 14:26:19 INFO ProxyContext 793977/testb RES 202 1678us pre-f-module-1 http://localhost:9233/testb 14:26:19 INFO ProxyContext 793977/testb RES 500 1743us sample-f-module-1 http://localhost:9231/testb 14:26:19 INFO ProxyContext 793977/testb RES 203 2050us post-f-module-1 http://localhost:9234/testb 14:26:19 INFO ProxyContext 762211/testb REQ roskilde GET /testb auth-f-module-1 pre-f-module-1 sample-f-module-1 post-f-module-1 14:26:19 WARN Auth test-auth: Bad JWT, can not split in three parts. 'bad token 14:26:19 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=Auth.check: Bad JWT 14:26:19 INFO ProxyContext 762211/testb RES 400 1995us auth-f-module-1 http://localhost:9232/testb 14:26:19 INFO ProxyContext 762211/testb RES 202 1486us pre-f-module-1 http://localhost:9233/testb 14:26:19 INFO ProxyContext 762211/testb RES 203 2186us post-f-module-1 http://localhost:9234/testb 14:26:19 INFO ProxyContext 772040/testb REQ roskilde GET /testb auth-f-module-1 pre-f-module-1 sample-f-module-1 post-f-module-1 14:26:19 INFO Auth ovTok=null 14:26:19 INFO ProxyContext 772040/testb RES 202 2059us auth-f-module-1 http://localhost:9232/testb 14:26:19 INFO ProxyContext 772040/testb RES 500 1513us pre-f-module-1 http://localhost:9233/testb 14:26:19 INFO MainVerticle Headers, as seen by okapi-test-module: 14:26:19 INFO MainVerticle Accept:*/* 14:26:19 INFO MainVerticle Accept-Encoding:gzip,deflate 14:26:19 INFO MainVerticle Connection:Keep-Alive 14:26:19 INFO MainVerticle content-length:0 14:26:19 INFO MainVerticle Host:localhost:9230 14:26:19 INFO MainVerticle User-Agent:Apache-HttpClient/4.5.3 (Java/1.8.0_242) 14:26:19 INFO MainVerticle X-all-headers:BL 14:26:19 INFO MainVerticle X-Auth-Filter-Phase:pre / 14:26:19 INFO MainVerticle X-filter-post:203 14:26:19 INFO MainVerticle X-filter-pre:202 14:26:19 INFO MainVerticle X-filter-pre-error:true 14:26:19 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-Match-Path-Pattern:/testb 14:26:19 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-Request-Id:772040/testb 14:26:19 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-request-ip: 14:26:19 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-request-method:GET 14:26:19 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-request-timestamp:1587047179762 14:26:19 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-Tenant:roskilde 14:26:19 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-Token:dummyJwt.eyJzdWIiOiJwZXRlciIsInRlbmFudCI6InJvc2tpbGRlIn0=.sig 14:26:19 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-Url:http://localhost:9230 14:26:19 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-User-Id:peter 14:26:19 INFO ProxyContext 772040/testb RES 200 5195us sample-f-module-1 http://localhost:9231/testb 14:26:19 INFO ProxyContext 772040/testb RES 203 2115us post-f-module-1 http://localhost:9234/testb 14:26:19 INFO ProxyContext 183424/testb REQ roskilde GET /testb auth-f-module-1 pre-f-module-1 sample-f-module-1 post-f-module-1 14:26:19 INFO Auth ovTok=null 14:26:19 INFO ProxyContext 183424/testb RES 202 2498us auth-f-module-1 http://localhost:9232/testb 14:26:19 INFO ProxyContext 183424/testb RES 202 1581us pre-f-module-1 http://localhost:9233/testb 14:26:19 INFO MainVerticle Headers, as seen by okapi-test-module: 14:26:19 INFO MainVerticle Accept:*/* 14:26:19 INFO MainVerticle Accept-Encoding:gzip,deflate 14:26:19 INFO MainVerticle Connection:Keep-Alive 14:26:19 INFO MainVerticle content-length:0 14:26:19 INFO MainVerticle Host:localhost:9230 14:26:19 INFO MainVerticle User-Agent:Apache-HttpClient/4.5.3 (Java/1.8.0_242) 14:26:19 INFO MainVerticle X-all-headers:BL 14:26:19 INFO MainVerticle X-Auth-Filter-Phase:pre / 14:26:19 INFO MainVerticle X-filter-post:203 14:26:19 INFO MainVerticle X-filter-post-error:true 14:26:19 INFO MainVerticle X-filter-pre:202 14:26:19 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-Match-Path-Pattern:/testb 14:26:19 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-Request-Id:183424/testb 14:26:19 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-request-ip: 14:26:19 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-request-method:GET 14:26:19 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-request-timestamp:1587047179779 14:26:19 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-Tenant:roskilde 14:26:19 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-Token:dummyJwt.eyJzdWIiOiJwZXRlciIsInRlbmFudCI6InJvc2tpbGRlIn0=.sig 14:26:19 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-Url:http://localhost:9230 14:26:19 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-User-Id:peter 14:26:19 INFO ProxyContext 183424/testb RES 200 6538us sample-f-module-1 http://localhost:9231/testb 14:26:19 INFO ProxyContext 183424/testb RES 500 2422us post-f-module-1 http://localhost:9234/testb 14:26:19 INFO ProxyContext 753619/testb REQ roskilde POST /testb auth-f-module-1 pre-f-module-1 sample-f-module-1 post-f-module-1 14:26:19 INFO Auth ovTok=null 14:26:19 INFO ProxyContext 753619/testb RES 202 2631us auth-f-module-1 http://localhost:9232/testb 14:26:19 INFO ProxyContext 753619/testb RES 202 9158us pre-f-module-1 http://localhost:9233/testb 14:26:19 INFO MainVerticle Headers, as seen by okapi-test-module: 14:26:19 INFO MainVerticle Accept:*/* 14:26:19 INFO MainVerticle Accept-Encoding:gzip,deflate 14:26:19 INFO MainVerticle Connection:Keep-Alive 14:26:19 INFO MainVerticle content-length:11 14:26:19 INFO MainVerticle Content-Type:text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 14:26:19 INFO MainVerticle Host:localhost:9230 14:26:19 INFO MainVerticle User-Agent:Apache-HttpClient/4.5.3 (Java/1.8.0_242) 14:26:19 INFO MainVerticle X-all-headers:BL 14:26:19 INFO MainVerticle X-Auth-Filter-Phase:pre / 14:26:19 INFO MainVerticle X-filter-post:203 14:26:19 INFO MainVerticle X-filter-pre:202 14:26:19 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-Match-Path-Pattern:/testb 14:26:19 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-Request-Id:753619/testb 14:26:19 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-request-ip: 14:26:19 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-request-method:POST 14:26:19 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-request-timestamp:1587047179800 14:26:19 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-Tenant:roskilde 14:26:19 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-Token:dummyJwt.eyJzdWIiOiJwZXRlciIsInRlbmFudCI6InJvc2tpbGRlIn0=.sig 14:26:19 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-Url:http://localhost:9230 14:26:19 INFO MainVerticle X-Okapi-User-Id:peter 14:26:19 INFO ProxyContext 753619/testb RES 200 19477us sample-f-module-1 http://localhost:9231/testb 14:26:19 INFO ProxyContext 753619/testb RES 203 2160us post-f-module-1 http://localhost:9234/testb HTTP/1.1 200 OK X-Okapi-Trace: POST auth-f-module-1 http://localhost:9232/testb : 202 2619us X-Okapi-Trace: POST pre-f-module-1 http://localhost:9233/testb : 202 9142us X-Okapi-Trace: POST sample-f-module-1 http://localhost:9231/testb : 200 19460us X-Handler-header: OK Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 transfer-encoding: chunked X-Okapi-Trace: POST post-f-module-1 http://localhost:9234/testb : 203 2150us Hello Accept:*/* Accept-Encoding:gzip,deflate Connection:Keep-Alive content-length:11 Content-Type:text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Host:localhost:9230 User-Agent:Apache-HttpClient/4.5.3 (Java/1.8.0_242) X-all-headers:BL X-Auth-Filter-Phase:pre / X-filter-post:203 X-filter-pre:202 X-Okapi-Match-Path-Pattern:/testb X-Okapi-Request-Id:753619/testb X-Okapi-request-ip: X-Okapi-request-method:POST X-Okapi-request-timestamp:1587047179800 X-Okapi-Tenant:roskilde X-Okapi-Token:dummyJwt.eyJzdWIiOiJwZXRlciIsInRlbmFudCI6InJvc2tpbGRlIn0=.sig X-Okapi-Url:http://localhost:9230 X-Okapi-User-Id:peter Testing... 14:26:19 INFO ProxyContext 668798/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/post-f-module-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:26:19 INFO ProxyContext 668798/proxy RES 204 3082us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/post-f-module-1 14:26:19 INFO ProxyContext 212807/discovery REQ supertenant DELETE /_/discovery/modules/post-f-module-1/post-f-1-inst okapi-0.0.0 14:26:19 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy: srvcId post-f-module-1 instId post-f-1-inst 14:26:19 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy post-f-module-1 post-f-1-inst 14:26:19 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy srvcId=post-f-module-1 instId=post-f-1-inst node=localhost 14:26:19 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy calling.. 14:26:19 INFO DeploymentManager undeploy instId post-f-1-inst 14:26:21 INFO ProxyContext 212807/discovery RES 204 1692263us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules/post-f-module-1/post-f-1-inst 14:26:21 INFO ProxyContext 755506/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/modules/post-f-module-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:26:21 INFO ProxyContext 755506/proxy RES 204 1798us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules/post-f-module-1 14:26:21 INFO ProxyContext 554231/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/pre-f-module-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:26:21 INFO ProxyContext 554231/proxy RES 204 5112us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/pre-f-module-1 14:26:21 INFO ProxyContext 075241/discovery REQ supertenant DELETE /_/discovery/modules/pre-f-module-1/pre-f-1-inst okapi-0.0.0 14:26:21 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy: srvcId pre-f-module-1 instId pre-f-1-inst 14:26:21 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy pre-f-module-1 pre-f-1-inst 14:26:21 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy srvcId=pre-f-module-1 instId=pre-f-1-inst node=localhost 14:26:21 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy calling.. 14:26:21 INFO DeploymentManager undeploy instId pre-f-1-inst 14:26:21 INFO ProxyContext 075241/discovery RES 204 78157us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules/pre-f-module-1/pre-f-1-inst 14:26:21 INFO ProxyContext 530912/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/modules/pre-f-module-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:26:21 INFO ProxyContext 530912/proxy RES 204 1830us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules/pre-f-module-1 14:26:21 INFO ProxyContext 687506/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/auth-f-module-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:26:21 INFO ProxyContext 687506/proxy RES 204 7342us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/auth-f-module-1 14:26:21 INFO ProxyContext 736789/discovery REQ supertenant DELETE /_/discovery/modules/auth-f-module-1/auth-f-1-inst okapi-0.0.0 14:26:21 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy: srvcId auth-f-module-1 instId auth-f-1-inst 14:26:21 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy auth-f-module-1 auth-f-1-inst 14:26:21 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy srvcId=auth-f-module-1 instId=auth-f-1-inst node=localhost 14:26:21 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy calling.. 14:26:21 INFO DeploymentManager undeploy instId auth-f-1-inst 14:26:21 INFO ProxyContext 736789/discovery RES 204 74336us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules/auth-f-module-1/auth-f-1-inst 14:26:21 INFO ProxyContext 234679/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/modules/auth-f-module-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:26:21 INFO ProxyContext 234679/proxy RES 204 2180us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules/auth-f-module-1 14:26:21 INFO ProxyContext 589599/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/sample-f-module-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:26:21 INFO ProxyContext 589599/proxy RES 204 5195us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/sample-f-module-1 14:26:21 INFO ProxyContext 790113/discovery REQ supertenant DELETE /_/discovery/modules/sample-f-module-1/sample-f-1-inst okapi-0.0.0 14:26:21 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy: srvcId sample-f-module-1 instId sample-f-1-inst 14:26:21 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy sample-f-module-1 sample-f-1-inst 14:26:21 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy srvcId=sample-f-module-1 instId=sample-f-1-inst node=localhost 14:26:21 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy calling.. 14:26:21 INFO DeploymentManager undeploy instId sample-f-1-inst 14:26:21 INFO ProxyContext 790113/discovery RES 204 92234us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules/sample-f-module-1/sample-f-1-inst 14:26:21 INFO ProxyContext 218422/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/modules/sample-f-module-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:26:21 INFO ProxyContext 218422/proxy RES 204 1868us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules/sample-f-module-1 14:26:21 INFO ProxyContext 011385/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde okapi-0.0.0 14:26:21 INFO ProxyContext 011385/proxy RES 204 1174us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde 14:26:21 INFO ProxyContext 472606/deployment REQ supertenant GET /_/deployment/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:21 INFO ProxyContext 472606/deployment RES 200 113us okapi-0.0.0 /_/deployment/modules 14:26:21 INFO ProxyContext 819404/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/nodes okapi-0.0.0 14:26:21 INFO ProxyContext 819404/discovery RES 200 176us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/nodes 14:26:21 INFO ProxyContext 245810/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:21 INFO ProxyContext 245810/discovery RES 200 122us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:26:21 INFO ProxyContext 335114/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:21 INFO ProxyContext 335114/proxy RES 200 526us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:26:21 INFO ProxyContext 414951/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/tenants okapi-0.0.0 14:26:21 INFO ProxyContext 414951/proxy RES 200 156us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants 14:26:21 INFO ModuleTest Cleaning up after ModuleTest 14:26:21 INFO SLF4JLogger Closed connection [connectionId{localValue:6, serverValue:6}] to localhost:9239 because the pool has been closed. 2020-04-16T14:26:21.884+0000 I - [conn6] end connection (2 connections now open) [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:21.884+0000 I - [conn5] end connection (1 connection now open) [mongod output] 14:26:21 WARN oduleVersionReporter META-INF/maven/org.folio.okapi/okapi-core/ not found 14:26:21 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module null null started 14:26:21 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:26:21 INFO MainVerticle clusterManager not in use 14:26:21 INFO MongoHandle Using mongo backend at localhost : 9239 / 14:26:21 INFO SLF4JLogger Cluster created with settings {hosts=[localhost:9239], mode=SINGLE, requiredClusterType=UNKNOWN, serverSelectionTimeout='30000 ms', maxWaitQueueSize=500} 14:26:21 INFO MainVerticle Proxy using mongo storage 14:26:21 INFO InternalModule InternalModule starting okapiversion=null 14:26:21 INFO Storage prepareDatabases: INIT 2020-04-16T14:26:21.904+0000 I NETWORK [thread1] connection accepted from #7 (1 connection now open) [mongod output] 14:26:21 INFO SLF4JLogger No server chosen by com.mongodb.async.client.ClientSessionHelper$1@2cb20eb4 from cluster description ClusterDescription{type=UNKNOWN, connectionMode=SINGLE, serverDescriptions=[ServerDescription{address=localhost:9239, type=UNKNOWN, state=CONNECTING}]}. Waiting for 30000 ms before timing out 2020-04-16T14:26:21.904+0000 I NETWORK [conn7] received client metadata from conn7: { driver: { name: "mongo-java-driver|async|mongo-java-driver-reactivestreams", version: "3.11.0|1.12.0" }, os: { type: "Linux", name: "Linux", architecture: "amd64", version: "4.4.0-1087-aws" }, platform: "Java/Private Build/1.8.0_242-8u242-b08-0ubuntu3~16.04-b08" } [mongod output] 14:26:21 INFO SLF4JLogger Opened connection [connectionId{localValue:7, serverValue:7}] to localhost:9239 14:26:21 INFO SLF4JLogger Monitor thread successfully connected to server with description ServerDescription{address=localhost:9239, type=STANDALONE, state=CONNECTED, ok=true, version=ServerVersion{versionList=[3, 4, 1]}, minWireVersion=0, maxWireVersion=5, maxDocumentSize=16777216, logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes=null, roundTripTimeNanos=978480} 2020-04-16T14:26:21.909+0000 I NETWORK [thread1] connection accepted from #8 (2 connections now open) [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:21.910+0000 I NETWORK [conn8] received client metadata from conn8: { driver: { name: "mongo-java-driver|async|mongo-java-driver-reactivestreams", version: "3.11.0|1.12.0" }, os: { type: "Linux", name: "Linux", architecture: "amd64", version: "4.4.0-1087-aws" }, platform: "Java/Private Build/1.8.0_242-8u242-b08-0ubuntu3~16.04-b08" } [mongod output] 14:26:21 INFO SLF4JLogger Opened connection [connectionId{localValue:8, serverValue:8}] to localhost:9239 2020-04-16T14:26:21.912+0000 I COMMAND [conn8] CMD: drop DEFAULT_DB.okapi.env [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:21.914+0000 I COMMAND [conn8] CMD: drop DEFAULT_DB.okapi.deployments [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:21.915+0000 I COMMAND [conn8] CMD: drop DEFAULT_DB.okapi.tenants [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:23.913+0000 I COMMAND [conn8] command DEFAULT_DB.okapi.tenants command: drop { drop: "okapi.tenants" } numYields:0 reslen:87 locks:{ Global: { acquireCount: { r: 1, w: 1 } }, Database: { acquireCount: { W: 1 } } } protocol:op_query 1998ms [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:23.915+0000 I COMMAND [conn8] CMD: drop DEFAULT_DB.okapi.modules [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:24.114+0000 I COMMAND [conn8] command DEFAULT_DB.okapi.modules command: drop { drop: "okapi.modules" } numYields:0 reslen:87 locks:{ Global: { acquireCount: { r: 1, w: 1 } }, Database: { acquireCount: { W: 1 } } } protocol:op_query 199ms [mongod output] 14:26:24 INFO MainVerticle startModmanager 14:26:24 INFO MainVerticle startTenants 14:26:24 INFO MainVerticle checkInternalModules 2020-04-16T14:26:24.638+0000 I COMMAND [conn8] warning: log line attempted (11kB) over max size (10kB), printing beginning and end ... command DEFAULT_DB.okapi.modules command: insert { insert: "okapi.modules", ordered: true, documents: [ { _id: "okapi-0.0.0", id: "okapi-0.0.0", name: "Okapi", requires: [], provides: [ { id: "okapi-proxy", version: "1.9", interfaceType: "internal", handlers: [] }, { id: "okapi", version: "1.9", interfaceType: "internal", handlers: [ { methods: [ "POST" ], pathPattern: "/_/deployment/modules", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/deployment/modules", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.deployment.get" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/deployment/modules/{instanceId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.deployment.get" ] }, { methods: [ "DELETE" ], pathPattern: "/_/deployment/modules/{instanceId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.deployment.delete" ] }, { methods: [ "POST" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/modules", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/modules", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.discovery.get" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/modules/{serviceId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.discovery.get" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/modules/{serviceId}/{instanceId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.discovery.get" ] }, { methods: [ "PUT" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/modules/{serviceId}/{instanceId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.discovery.put" ] }, { methods: [ "DELETE" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/modules", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.discovery.delete" ] }, { methods: [ "DELETE" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/modules/{serviceId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.discovery.delete" ] }, { methods: [ "DELETE" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/modules/{serviceId}/{instanceId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.discovery.delete" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/health", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/health/{serviceId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/health/{serviceId}/{instanceId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/nodes", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.discovery.nodes.get" ] }, { methods: [ "PUT" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/nodes/{nodeId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.discovery.nodes.put" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/nodes/{nodeId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.discovery.nodes.get" ] }, { methods: [ "POST" ], pathPattern: "/_/proxy/modules", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/proxy/modules", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/proxy/modules/{moduleId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [] }, { methods: [ "PUT" ], pathPattern: "/_/proxy/modules/{moduleId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.proxy.modules.put" ] }, { methods: [ "DELETE" ], pathPattern: "/_/proxy/modules/{moduleId}" .......... te", displayName: "Okapi - Delete a tenant", description: "Remove a tenant description" }, { permissionName: "", displayName: "Okapi - Upgrade modules", description: "Check if newer versions available, and upgrade" }, { permissionName: "", displayName: "Okapi - Enable modules and dependencies", description: "Check dependencies and enable/disable modules as needed" }, { permissionName: "", displayName: "Okapi - Enable a module for tenant", description: "Enable a module for the tenant" }, { permissionName: "", displayName: "Okapi - Enable a module and disable another", description: "Enable a module for the tenant, and disable another one" }, { permissionName: "okapi.proxy.tenants.modules.enabled.delete", displayName: "Okapi - Disable a module for tenant", description: "Disable a module for the tenant" }, { permissionName: "", displayName: "Okapi - post env variable", description: "Set up an environment variable for all modules" }, { permissionName: "okapi.env.list", displayName: "Okapi - list env variables", description: "List the environment variables" }, { permissionName: "okapi.env.get", displayName: "Okapi - get one env variable", description: "Get one environment variable" }, { permissionName: "okapi.env.delete", displayName: "Okapi - Delete env variable", description: "Delete one environment variable" }, { permissionName: "okapi.deploy", displayName: "Okapi - Manage deployments", description: "Deploy and undeploy modules", subPermissions: [ "", "okapi.deployment.get", "okapi.deployment.delete", "", "okapi.discovery.get", "okapi.discovery.put", "okapi.discovery.delete", "okapi.discovery.nodes.put", "", "okapi.discovery.nodes.get" ] }, { permissionName: "okapi.modules", displayName: "Okapi - Manage modules", description: "Manage ModuleDescriptors known to the system", subPermissions: [ "", "okapi.proxy.modules.put", "okapi.proxy.modules.delete", "" ] }, { permissionName: "okapi.tenants", displayName: "Okapi - Manage tenants", description: "Manage tenants known to the system", subPermissions: [ "", "okapi.proxy.tenants.put", "okapi.proxy.tenants.delete" ] }, { permissionName: "okapi.tenantmodules", displayName: "Okapi - Manage modules enabled for a tenant", description: "Enable and disable modules for a tenant", subPermissions: [ "", "", "okapi.proxy.tenants.modules.enabled.delete", "", "" ] }, { permissionName: "okapi.env", displayName: "Okapi - Manage environment variables", description: "Set up env vars for modules", subPermissions: [ "", "okapi.env.delete", "okapi.env.list", "okapi.env.get" ] }, { permissionName: "okapi.all", displayName: "Okapi - All permissions", description: "Anything goes", subPermissions: [ "okapi.deploy", "okapi.modules", "okapi.tenants", "okapi.tenantmodules", "okapi.env" ] } ] } ] } ninserted:1 keysInserted:1 numYields:0 reslen:44 locks:{ Global: { acquireCount: { r: 3, w: 3 } }, Database: { acquireCount: { w: 2, W: 1 } }, Collection: { acquireCount: { w: 2 } } } protocol:op_query 510ms [mongod output] 14:26:24 INFO MainVerticle Creating the superTenant supertenant 2020-04-16T14:26:25.978+0000 I COMMAND [conn8] command DEFAULT_DB.okapi.tenants command: insert { insert: "okapi.tenants", ordered: true, documents: [ { _id: "supertenant", descriptor: { id: "supertenant", name: "supertenant", description: "Okapi built-in super tenant" }, enabled: { okapi-0__0__0: true } } ] } ninserted:1 keysInserted:1 numYields:0 reslen:44 locks:{ Global: { acquireCount: { r: 3, w: 3 } }, Database: { acquireCount: { w: 2, W: 1 } }, Collection: { acquireCount: { w: 2 } } } protocol:op_query 1337ms [mongod output] 14:26:25 INFO MainVerticle starting env 14:26:25 INFO MainVerticle Starting discovery 14:26:25 INFO MainVerticle Starting deployment 14:26:25 INFO MainVerticle API Gateway started PID 1909@2dcd032ebaca. Listening on port 9230 14:26:25 INFO MainVerticle Deploy completed succesfully 14:26:25 INFO TenantManager starting supertenant 14:26:25 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant supertenant module null seq1 0 14:26:25 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant supertenant 14:26:25 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:26:25 INFO SLF4JLogger Closed connection [connectionId{localValue:8, serverValue:8}] to localhost:9239 because the pool has been closed. 2020-04-16T14:26:25.987+0000 I - [conn8] end connection (2 connections now open) [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:25.988+0000 I - [conn7] end connection (1 connection now open) [mongod output] 14:26:25 WARN oduleVersionReporter META-INF/maven/org.folio.okapi/okapi-core/ not found 14:26:25 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module null null started 14:26:25 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:26:25 INFO MainVerticle clusterManager not in use 14:26:25 INFO MongoHandle Using mongo backend at localhost : 9239 / 14:26:25 INFO SLF4JLogger Cluster created with settings {hosts=[localhost:9239], mode=SINGLE, requiredClusterType=UNKNOWN, serverSelectionTimeout='30000 ms', maxWaitQueueSize=500} 14:26:25 INFO MainVerticle Proxy using mongo storage 2020-04-16T14:26:25.994+0000 I NETWORK [thread1] connection accepted from #9 (1 connection now open) [mongod output] 14:26:25 INFO InternalModule InternalModule starting okapiversion=null 14:26:25 INFO Storage prepareDatabases: NORMAL 14:26:25 INFO MainVerticle startModmanager 2020-04-16T14:26:25.995+0000 I NETWORK [conn9] received client metadata from conn9: { driver: { name: "mongo-java-driver|async|mongo-java-driver-reactivestreams", version: "3.11.0|1.12.0" }, os: { type: "Linux", name: "Linux", architecture: "amd64", version: "4.4.0-1087-aws" }, platform: "Java/Private Build/1.8.0_242-8u242-b08-0ubuntu3~16.04-b08" } [mongod output] 14:26:25 INFO SLF4JLogger No server chosen by com.mongodb.async.client.ClientSessionHelper$1@60822cc0 from cluster description ClusterDescription{type=UNKNOWN, connectionMode=SINGLE, serverDescriptions=[ServerDescription{address=localhost:9239, type=UNKNOWN, state=CONNECTING}]}. Waiting for 30000 ms before timing out 14:26:25 INFO SLF4JLogger Opened connection [connectionId{localValue:9, serverValue:9}] to localhost:9239 14:26:25 INFO SLF4JLogger Monitor thread successfully connected to server with description ServerDescription{address=localhost:9239, type=STANDALONE, state=CONNECTED, ok=true, version=ServerVersion{versionList=[3, 4, 1]}, minWireVersion=0, maxWireVersion=5, maxDocumentSize=16777216, logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes=null, roundTripTimeNanos=620080} 2020-04-16T14:26:26.000+0000 I NETWORK [thread1] connection accepted from #10 (2 connections now open) [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:26.001+0000 I NETWORK [conn10] received client metadata from conn10: { driver: { name: "mongo-java-driver|async|mongo-java-driver-reactivestreams", version: "3.11.0|1.12.0" }, os: { type: "Linux", name: "Linux", architecture: "amd64", version: "4.4.0-1087-aws" }, platform: "Java/Private Build/1.8.0_242-8u242-b08-0ubuntu3~16.04-b08" } [mongod output] 14:26:26 INFO SLF4JLogger Opened connection [connectionId{localValue:10, serverValue:10}] to localhost:9239 14:26:26 INFO MainVerticle startTenants 14:26:26 INFO MainVerticle checkInternalModules 14:26:26 INFO MainVerticle checkSuperTenant: Already have supertenant 14:26:26 INFO MainVerticle checkSuperTenant: enabled version is okapi-0.0.0 14:26:26 INFO MainVerticle starting env 14:26:26 INFO MainVerticle Starting discovery 14:26:26 INFO MainVerticle Starting deployment 14:26:26 INFO MainVerticle API Gateway started PID 1909@2dcd032ebaca. Listening on port 9230 14:26:26 INFO MainVerticle Deploy completed succesfully 14:26:26 INFO TenantManager starting supertenant 14:26:26 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant supertenant module null seq1 0 14:26:26 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant supertenant 14:26:26 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:26:26 INFO SLF4JLogger Closed connection [connectionId{localValue:10, serverValue:10}] to localhost:9239 because the pool has been closed. 2020-04-16T14:26:26.018+0000 I - [conn10] end connection (2 connections now open) [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:26.018+0000 I - [conn9] end connection (1 connection now open) [mongod output] 14:26:26 WARN oduleVersionReporter META-INF/maven/org.folio.okapi/okapi-core/ not found 14:26:26 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module null null started 14:26:26 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:26:26 INFO MainVerticle clusterManager not in use 14:26:26 INFO MongoHandle Using mongo backend at localhost : 9239 / 14:26:26 INFO SLF4JLogger Cluster created with settings {hosts=[localhost:9239], mode=SINGLE, requiredClusterType=UNKNOWN, serverSelectionTimeout='30000 ms', maxWaitQueueSize=500} 14:26:26 INFO MainVerticle Proxy using mongo storage 14:26:26 INFO InternalModule InternalModule starting okapiversion=3.0.0 14:26:26 INFO Storage prepareDatabases: NORMAL 14:26:26 INFO MainVerticle startModmanager 2020-04-16T14:26:26.021+0000 I NETWORK [thread1] connection accepted from #11 (1 connection now open) [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:26.022+0000 I NETWORK [conn11] received client metadata from conn11: { driver: { name: "mongo-java-driver|async|mongo-java-driver-reactivestreams", version: "3.11.0|1.12.0" }, os: { type: "Linux", name: "Linux", architecture: "amd64", version: "4.4.0-1087-aws" }, platform: "Java/Private Build/1.8.0_242-8u242-b08-0ubuntu3~16.04-b08" } [mongod output] 14:26:26 INFO SLF4JLogger No server chosen by com.mongodb.async.client.ClientSessionHelper$1@7b51dc78 from cluster description ClusterDescription{type=UNKNOWN, connectionMode=SINGLE, serverDescriptions=[ServerDescription{address=localhost:9239, type=UNKNOWN, state=CONNECTING}]}. Waiting for 30000 ms before timing out 14:26:26 INFO SLF4JLogger Opened connection [connectionId{localValue:11, serverValue:11}] to localhost:9239 14:26:26 INFO SLF4JLogger Monitor thread successfully connected to server with description ServerDescription{address=localhost:9239, type=STANDALONE, state=CONNECTED, ok=true, version=ServerVersion{versionList=[3, 4, 1]}, minWireVersion=0, maxWireVersion=5, maxDocumentSize=16777216, logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes=null, roundTripTimeNanos=564078} 2020-04-16T14:26:26.025+0000 I NETWORK [thread1] connection accepted from #12 (2 connections now open) [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:26.026+0000 I NETWORK [conn12] received client metadata from conn12: { driver: { name: "mongo-java-driver|async|mongo-java-driver-reactivestreams", version: "3.11.0|1.12.0" }, os: { type: "Linux", name: "Linux", architecture: "amd64", version: "4.4.0-1087-aws" }, platform: "Java/Private Build/1.8.0_242-8u242-b08-0ubuntu3~16.04-b08" } [mongod output] 14:26:26 INFO SLF4JLogger Opened connection [connectionId{localValue:12, serverValue:12}] to localhost:9239 14:26:26 INFO MainVerticle startTenants 14:26:26 INFO MainVerticle checkInternalModules 14:26:26 INFO MainVerticle checkSuperTenant: Already have supertenant 14:26:26 INFO MainVerticle checkSuperTenant: Need to upgrade the stored version from okapi-0.0.0 to okapi-3.0.0 14:26:26 INFO MainVerticle starting env 2020-04-16T14:26:26.042+0000 I NETWORK [thread1] connection accepted from #13 (3 connections now open) [mongod output] 14:26:26 INFO MainVerticle Upgraded the InternalModule version from 'okapi-0.0.0' to 'okapi-3.0.0' for supertenant 2020-04-16T14:26:26.054+0000 I NETWORK [conn13] received client metadata from conn13: { driver: { name: "mongo-java-driver|async|mongo-java-driver-reactivestreams", version: "3.11.0|1.12.0" }, os: { type: "Linux", name: "Linux", architecture: "amd64", version: "4.4.0-1087-aws" }, platform: "Java/Private Build/1.8.0_242-8u242-b08-0ubuntu3~16.04-b08" } [mongod output] 14:26:26 INFO SLF4JLogger Opened connection [connectionId{localValue:13, serverValue:13}] to localhost:9239 14:26:26 INFO MainVerticle Starting discovery 14:26:26 INFO MainVerticle Starting deployment 14:26:26 INFO MainVerticle API Gateway started PID 1909@2dcd032ebaca. Listening on port 9230 14:26:26 INFO MainVerticle Deploy completed succesfully 14:26:26 INFO TenantManager starting supertenant 14:26:26 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant supertenant module null seq1 0 14:26:26 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant supertenant 14:26:26 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:26:26 INFO SLF4JLogger Closed connection [connectionId{localValue:12, serverValue:12}] to localhost:9239 because the pool has been closed. 14:26:26 INFO SLF4JLogger Closed connection [connectionId{localValue:13, serverValue:13}] to localhost:9239 because the pool has been closed. 2020-04-16T14:26:26.063+0000 I - [conn12] end connection (3 connections now open) [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:26.064+0000 I - [conn11] end connection (3 connections now open) [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:26.064+0000 I - [conn13] end connection (1 connection now open) [mongod output] 14:26:26 WARN oduleVersionReporter META-INF/maven/org.folio.okapi/okapi-core/ not found 14:26:26 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module null null started 14:26:26 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:26:26 INFO MainVerticle clusterManager not in use 14:26:26 INFO MongoHandle Using mongo backend at localhost : 9239 / 14:26:26 INFO SLF4JLogger Cluster created with settings {hosts=[localhost:9239], mode=SINGLE, requiredClusterType=UNKNOWN, serverSelectionTimeout='30000 ms', maxWaitQueueSize=500} 2020-04-16T14:26:26.068+0000 I NETWORK [thread1] connection accepted from #14 (1 connection now open) [mongod output] 14:26:26 INFO MainVerticle Proxy using mongo storage 2020-04-16T14:26:26.068+0000 I NETWORK [conn14] received client metadata from conn14: { driver: { name: "mongo-java-driver|async|mongo-java-driver-reactivestreams", version: "3.11.0|1.12.0" }, os: { type: "Linux", name: "Linux", architecture: "amd64", version: "4.4.0-1087-aws" }, platform: "Java/Private Build/1.8.0_242-8u242-b08-0ubuntu3~16.04-b08" } [mongod output] 14:26:26 INFO InternalModule InternalModule starting okapiversion=2.0.0 14:26:26 INFO Storage prepareDatabases: NORMAL 14:26:26 INFO MainVerticle startModmanager 14:26:26 INFO SLF4JLogger No server chosen by com.mongodb.async.client.ClientSessionHelper$1@520599d9 from cluster description ClusterDescription{type=UNKNOWN, connectionMode=SINGLE, serverDescriptions=[ServerDescription{address=localhost:9239, type=UNKNOWN, state=CONNECTING}]}. Waiting for 30000 ms before timing out 14:26:26 INFO SLF4JLogger Opened connection [connectionId{localValue:14, serverValue:14}] to localhost:9239 14:26:26 INFO SLF4JLogger Monitor thread successfully connected to server with description ServerDescription{address=localhost:9239, type=STANDALONE, state=CONNECTED, ok=true, version=ServerVersion{versionList=[3, 4, 1]}, minWireVersion=0, maxWireVersion=5, maxDocumentSize=16777216, logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes=null, roundTripTimeNanos=445552} 2020-04-16T14:26:26.077+0000 I NETWORK [thread1] connection accepted from #15 (2 connections now open) [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:26.077+0000 I NETWORK [conn15] received client metadata from conn15: { driver: { name: "mongo-java-driver|async|mongo-java-driver-reactivestreams", version: "3.11.0|1.12.0" }, os: { type: "Linux", name: "Linux", architecture: "amd64", version: "4.4.0-1087-aws" }, platform: "Java/Private Build/1.8.0_242-8u242-b08-0ubuntu3~16.04-b08" } [mongod output] 14:26:26 INFO SLF4JLogger Opened connection [connectionId{localValue:15, serverValue:15}] to localhost:9239 14:26:26 INFO MainVerticle startTenants 14:26:26 INFO MainVerticle checkInternalModules 14:26:26 INFO MainVerticle checkSuperTenant: Already have supertenant 14:26:26 WARN MainVerticle checkSuperTenant: This Okapi is too old,2.0.0 we already have okapi-3.0.0 in the database. Use that! 14:26:26 INFO MainVerticle starting env 14:26:26 INFO MainVerticle Starting discovery 14:26:26 INFO MainVerticle Starting deployment 14:26:26 INFO MainVerticle API Gateway started PID 1909@2dcd032ebaca. Listening on port 9230 14:26:26 INFO MainVerticle Deploy completed succesfully 14:26:26 INFO TenantManager starting supertenant 14:26:26 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant supertenant module null seq1 0 14:26:26 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant supertenant 14:26:26 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:26:26 INFO ModuleTest Cleaning up after ModuleTest 14:26:26 INFO SLF4JLogger Closed connection [connectionId{localValue:15, serverValue:15}] to localhost:9239 because the pool has been closed. 2020-04-16T14:26:26.098+0000 I - [conn15] end connection (2 connections now open) [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:26.099+0000 I - [conn14] end connection (2 connections now open) [mongod output] 14:26:26 WARN oduleVersionReporter META-INF/maven/org.folio.okapi/okapi-core/ not found 14:26:26 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module null null started 14:26:26 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:26:26 INFO MainVerticle clusterManager not in use 14:26:26 INFO MongoHandle Using mongo backend at localhost : 9239 / 14:26:26 INFO SLF4JLogger Cluster created with settings {hosts=[localhost:9239], mode=SINGLE, requiredClusterType=UNKNOWN, serverSelectionTimeout='30000 ms', maxWaitQueueSize=500} 14:26:26 INFO MainVerticle Proxy using mongo storage 2020-04-16T14:26:26.109+0000 I NETWORK [thread1] connection accepted from #16 (1 connection now open) [mongod output] 14:26:26 INFO InternalModule InternalModule starting okapiversion=null 14:26:26 INFO Storage prepareDatabases: INIT 14:26:26 INFO SLF4JLogger No server chosen by com.mongodb.async.client.ClientSessionHelper$1@5bdb86aa from cluster description ClusterDescription{type=UNKNOWN, connectionMode=SINGLE, serverDescriptions=[ServerDescription{address=localhost:9239, type=UNKNOWN, state=CONNECTING}]}. Waiting for 30000 ms before timing out 2020-04-16T14:26:26.110+0000 I NETWORK [conn16] received client metadata from conn16: { driver: { name: "mongo-java-driver|async|mongo-java-driver-reactivestreams", version: "3.11.0|1.12.0" }, os: { type: "Linux", name: "Linux", architecture: "amd64", version: "4.4.0-1087-aws" }, platform: "Java/Private Build/1.8.0_242-8u242-b08-0ubuntu3~16.04-b08" } [mongod output] 14:26:26 INFO SLF4JLogger Opened connection [connectionId{localValue:16, serverValue:16}] to localhost:9239 14:26:26 INFO SLF4JLogger Monitor thread successfully connected to server with description ServerDescription{address=localhost:9239, type=STANDALONE, state=CONNECTED, ok=true, version=ServerVersion{versionList=[3, 4, 1]}, minWireVersion=0, maxWireVersion=5, maxDocumentSize=16777216, logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes=null, roundTripTimeNanos=598124} 2020-04-16T14:26:26.118+0000 I NETWORK [thread1] connection accepted from #17 (2 connections now open) [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:26.118+0000 I NETWORK [conn17] received client metadata from conn17: { driver: { name: "mongo-java-driver|async|mongo-java-driver-reactivestreams", version: "3.11.0|1.12.0" }, os: { type: "Linux", name: "Linux", architecture: "amd64", version: "4.4.0-1087-aws" }, platform: "Java/Private Build/1.8.0_242-8u242-b08-0ubuntu3~16.04-b08" } [mongod output] 14:26:26 INFO SLF4JLogger Opened connection [connectionId{localValue:17, serverValue:17}] to localhost:9239 2020-04-16T14:26:26.120+0000 I COMMAND [conn17] CMD: drop DEFAULT_DB.okapi.env [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:26.121+0000 I COMMAND [conn17] CMD: drop DEFAULT_DB.okapi.deployments [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:26.122+0000 I COMMAND [conn17] CMD: drop DEFAULT_DB.okapi.tenants [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:26.123+0000 I COMMAND [conn17] CMD: drop DEFAULT_DB.okapi.modules [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:29.313+0000 I COMMAND [conn17] command DEFAULT_DB.okapi.modules command: drop { drop: "okapi.modules" } numYields:0 reslen:87 locks:{ Global: { acquireCount: { r: 1, w: 1 } }, Database: { acquireCount: { W: 1 } } } protocol:op_query 3190ms [mongod output] 14:26:29 INFO MainVerticle startModmanager 14:26:29 INFO MainVerticle startTenants 14:26:29 INFO MainVerticle checkInternalModules 2020-04-16T14:26:30.414+0000 I COMMAND [conn17] warning: log line attempted (11kB) over max size (10kB), printing beginning and end ... command DEFAULT_DB.okapi.modules command: insert { insert: "okapi.modules", ordered: true, documents: [ { _id: "okapi-0.0.0", id: "okapi-0.0.0", name: "Okapi", requires: [], provides: [ { id: "okapi-proxy", version: "1.9", interfaceType: "internal", handlers: [] }, { id: "okapi", version: "1.9", interfaceType: "internal", handlers: [ { methods: [ "POST" ], pathPattern: "/_/deployment/modules", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/deployment/modules", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.deployment.get" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/deployment/modules/{instanceId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.deployment.get" ] }, { methods: [ "DELETE" ], pathPattern: "/_/deployment/modules/{instanceId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.deployment.delete" ] }, { methods: [ "POST" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/modules", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/modules", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.discovery.get" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/modules/{serviceId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.discovery.get" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/modules/{serviceId}/{instanceId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.discovery.get" ] }, { methods: [ "PUT" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/modules/{serviceId}/{instanceId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.discovery.put" ] }, { methods: [ "DELETE" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/modules", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.discovery.delete" ] }, { methods: [ "DELETE" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/modules/{serviceId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.discovery.delete" ] }, { methods: [ "DELETE" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/modules/{serviceId}/{instanceId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.discovery.delete" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/health", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/health/{serviceId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/health/{serviceId}/{instanceId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/nodes", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.discovery.nodes.get" ] }, { methods: [ "PUT" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/nodes/{nodeId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.discovery.nodes.put" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/nodes/{nodeId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.discovery.nodes.get" ] }, { methods: [ "POST" ], pathPattern: "/_/proxy/modules", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/proxy/modules", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/proxy/modules/{moduleId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [] }, { methods: [ "PUT" ], pathPattern: "/_/proxy/modules/{moduleId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.proxy.modules.put" ] }, { methods: [ "DELETE" ], pathPattern: "/_/proxy/modules/{moduleId}" .......... e", displayName: "Okapi - Delete a tenant", description: "Remove a tenant description" }, { permissionName: "", displayName: "Okapi - Upgrade modules", description: "Check if newer versions available, and upgrade" }, { permissionName: "", displayName: "Okapi - Enable modules and dependencies", description: "Check dependencies and enable/disable modules as needed" }, { permissionName: "", displayName: "Okapi - Enable a module for tenant", description: "Enable a module for the tenant" }, { permissionName: "", displayName: "Okapi - Enable a module and disable another", description: "Enable a module for the tenant, and disable another one" }, { permissionName: "okapi.proxy.tenants.modules.enabled.delete", displayName: "Okapi - Disable a module for tenant", description: "Disable a module for the tenant" }, { permissionName: "", displayName: "Okapi - post env variable", description: "Set up an environment variable for all modules" }, { permissionName: "okapi.env.list", displayName: "Okapi - list env variables", description: "List the environment variables" }, { permissionName: "okapi.env.get", displayName: "Okapi - get one env variable", description: "Get one environment variable" }, { permissionName: "okapi.env.delete", displayName: "Okapi - Delete env variable", description: "Delete one environment variable" }, { permissionName: "okapi.deploy", displayName: "Okapi - Manage deployments", description: "Deploy and undeploy modules", subPermissions: [ "", "okapi.deployment.get", "okapi.deployment.delete", "", "okapi.discovery.get", "okapi.discovery.put", "okapi.discovery.delete", "okapi.discovery.nodes.put", "", "okapi.discovery.nodes.get" ] }, { permissionName: "okapi.modules", displayName: "Okapi - Manage modules", description: "Manage ModuleDescriptors known to the system", subPermissions: [ "", "okapi.proxy.modules.put", "okapi.proxy.modules.delete", "" ] }, { permissionName: "okapi.tenants", displayName: "Okapi - Manage tenants", description: "Manage tenants known to the system", subPermissions: [ "", "okapi.proxy.tenants.put", "okapi.proxy.tenants.delete" ] }, { permissionName: "okapi.tenantmodules", displayName: "Okapi - Manage modules enabled for a tenant", description: "Enable and disable modules for a tenant", subPermissions: [ "", "", "okapi.proxy.tenants.modules.enabled.delete", "", "" ] }, { permissionName: "okapi.env", displayName: "Okapi - Manage environment variables", description: "Set up env vars for modules", subPermissions: [ "", "okapi.env.delete", "okapi.env.list", "okapi.env.get" ] }, { permissionName: "okapi.all", displayName: "Okapi - All permissions", description: "Anything goes", subPermissions: [ "okapi.deploy", "okapi.modules", "okapi.tenants", "okapi.tenantmodules", "okapi.env" ] } ] } ] } ninserted:1 keysInserted:1 numYields:0 reslen:44 locks:{ Global: { acquireCount: { r: 3, w: 3 } }, Database: { acquireCount: { w: 2, W: 1 } }, Collection: { acquireCount: { w: 2 } } } protocol:op_query 1093ms [mongod output] 14:26:30 INFO MainVerticle Creating the superTenant supertenant 2020-04-16T14:26:31.268+0000 I COMMAND [conn17] command DEFAULT_DB.okapi.tenants command: insert { insert: "okapi.tenants", ordered: true, documents: [ { _id: "supertenant", descriptor: { id: "supertenant", name: "supertenant", description: "Okapi built-in super tenant" }, enabled: { okapi-0__0__0: true } } ] } ninserted:1 keysInserted:1 numYields:0 reslen:44 locks:{ Global: { acquireCount: { r: 3, w: 3 } }, Database: { acquireCount: { w: 2, W: 1 } }, Collection: { acquireCount: { w: 2 } } } protocol:op_query 852ms [mongod output] 14:26:31 INFO MainVerticle starting env 14:26:31 INFO MainVerticle Starting discovery 14:26:31 INFO MainVerticle Starting deployment 14:26:31 INFO MainVerticle API Gateway started PID 1909@2dcd032ebaca. Listening on port 9230 14:26:31 INFO MainVerticle Deploy completed succesfully 14:26:31 INFO TenantManager starting supertenant 14:26:31 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant supertenant module null seq1 0 14:26:31 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant supertenant 14:26:31 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:26:31 INFO SLF4JLogger Closed connection [connectionId{localValue:17, serverValue:17}] to localhost:9239 because the pool has been closed. 2020-04-16T14:26:31.280+0000 I - [conn17] end connection (2 connections now open) [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:31.280+0000 I - [conn16] end connection (1 connection now open) [mongod output] 14:26:31 WARN oduleVersionReporter META-INF/maven/org.folio.okapi/okapi-core/ not found 14:26:31 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module null null started 14:26:31 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:26:31 INFO MainVerticle clusterManager not in use 14:26:31 INFO MongoHandle Using mongo backend at localhost : 9239 / 14:26:31 INFO SLF4JLogger Cluster created with settings {hosts=[localhost:9239], mode=SINGLE, requiredClusterType=UNKNOWN, serverSelectionTimeout='30000 ms', maxWaitQueueSize=500} 14:26:31 INFO MainVerticle Proxy using mongo storage 2020-04-16T14:26:31.305+0000 I NETWORK [thread1] connection accepted from #18 (1 connection now open) [mongod output] 14:26:31 INFO InternalModule InternalModule starting okapiversion=null 14:26:31 INFO Storage prepareDatabases: PURGE 2020-04-16T14:26:31.306+0000 I NETWORK [conn18] received client metadata from conn18: { driver: { name: "mongo-java-driver|async|mongo-java-driver-reactivestreams", version: "3.11.0|1.12.0" }, os: { type: "Linux", name: "Linux", architecture: "amd64", version: "4.4.0-1087-aws" }, platform: "Java/Private Build/1.8.0_242-8u242-b08-0ubuntu3~16.04-b08" } [mongod output] 14:26:31 INFO SLF4JLogger No server chosen by com.mongodb.async.client.ClientSessionHelper$1@101b210 from cluster description ClusterDescription{type=UNKNOWN, connectionMode=SINGLE, serverDescriptions=[ServerDescription{address=localhost:9239, type=UNKNOWN, state=CONNECTING}]}. Waiting for 30000 ms before timing out 14:26:31 INFO SLF4JLogger Opened connection [connectionId{localValue:18, serverValue:18}] to localhost:9239 14:26:31 INFO SLF4JLogger Monitor thread successfully connected to server with description ServerDescription{address=localhost:9239, type=STANDALONE, state=CONNECTED, ok=true, version=ServerVersion{versionList=[3, 4, 1]}, minWireVersion=0, maxWireVersion=5, maxDocumentSize=16777216, logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes=null, roundTripTimeNanos=354844} 2020-04-16T14:26:31.310+0000 I NETWORK [thread1] connection accepted from #19 (2 connections now open) [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:31.310+0000 I NETWORK [conn19] received client metadata from conn19: { driver: { name: "mongo-java-driver|async|mongo-java-driver-reactivestreams", version: "3.11.0|1.12.0" }, os: { type: "Linux", name: "Linux", architecture: "amd64", version: "4.4.0-1087-aws" }, platform: "Java/Private Build/1.8.0_242-8u242-b08-0ubuntu3~16.04-b08" } [mongod output] 14:26:31 INFO SLF4JLogger Opened connection [connectionId{localValue:19, serverValue:19}] to localhost:9239 2020-04-16T14:26:31.311+0000 I COMMAND [conn19] CMD: drop DEFAULT_DB.okapi.env [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:31.313+0000 I COMMAND [conn19] CMD: drop DEFAULT_DB.okapi.deployments [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:31.314+0000 I COMMAND [conn19] CMD: drop DEFAULT_DB.okapi.tenants [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:31.314+0000 I COMMAND [conn19] CMD: drop DEFAULT_DB.okapi.modules [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:31.535+0000 I COMMAND [conn19] command DEFAULT_DB.okapi.modules command: drop { drop: "okapi.modules" } numYields:0 reslen:87 locks:{ Global: { acquireCount: { r: 1, w: 1 } }, Database: { acquireCount: { W: 1 } } } protocol:op_query 220ms [mongod output] 14:26:31 INFO ModuleTest Cleaning up after ModuleTest 14:26:31 WARN oduleVersionReporter META-INF/maven/org.folio.okapi/okapi-core/ not found 14:26:31 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module null null started 14:26:31 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:26:31 INFO MainVerticle clusterManager not in use 14:26:31 INFO MongoHandle Using mongo backend at localhost : 9239 / 14:26:31 INFO SLF4JLogger Cluster created with settings {hosts=[localhost:9239], mode=SINGLE, requiredClusterType=UNKNOWN, serverSelectionTimeout='30000 ms', maxWaitQueueSize=500} 14:26:31 INFO MainVerticle Proxy using mongo storage 14:26:31 INFO InternalModule InternalModule starting okapiversion=null 2020-04-16T14:26:31.770+0000 I NETWORK [thread1] connection accepted from #20 (3 connections now open) [mongod output] 14:26:31 INFO Storage prepareDatabases: INIT 14:26:31 INFO SLF4JLogger No server chosen by com.mongodb.async.client.ClientSessionHelper$1@55d49af3 from cluster description ClusterDescription{type=UNKNOWN, connectionMode=SINGLE, serverDescriptions=[ServerDescription{address=localhost:9239, type=UNKNOWN, state=CONNECTING}]}. Waiting for 30000 ms before timing out 2020-04-16T14:26:31.770+0000 I NETWORK [conn20] received client metadata from conn20: { driver: { name: "mongo-java-driver|async|mongo-java-driver-reactivestreams", version: "3.11.0|1.12.0" }, os: { type: "Linux", name: "Linux", architecture: "amd64", version: "4.4.0-1087-aws" }, platform: "Java/Private Build/1.8.0_242-8u242-b08-0ubuntu3~16.04-b08" } [mongod output] 14:26:31 INFO SLF4JLogger Opened connection [connectionId{localValue:20, serverValue:20}] to localhost:9239 14:26:31 INFO SLF4JLogger Monitor thread successfully connected to server with description ServerDescription{address=localhost:9239, type=STANDALONE, state=CONNECTED, ok=true, version=ServerVersion{versionList=[3, 4, 1]}, minWireVersion=0, maxWireVersion=5, maxDocumentSize=16777216, logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes=null, roundTripTimeNanos=548175} 2020-04-16T14:26:31.773+0000 I NETWORK [thread1] connection accepted from #21 (4 connections now open) [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:31.774+0000 I NETWORK [conn21] received client metadata from conn21: { driver: { name: "mongo-java-driver|async|mongo-java-driver-reactivestreams", version: "3.11.0|1.12.0" }, os: { type: "Linux", name: "Linux", architecture: "amd64", version: "4.4.0-1087-aws" }, platform: "Java/Private Build/1.8.0_242-8u242-b08-0ubuntu3~16.04-b08" } [mongod output] 14:26:31 INFO SLF4JLogger Opened connection [connectionId{localValue:21, serverValue:21}] to localhost:9239 2020-04-16T14:26:31.775+0000 I COMMAND [conn21] CMD: drop DEFAULT_DB.okapi.env [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:31.776+0000 I COMMAND [conn21] CMD: drop DEFAULT_DB.okapi.deployments [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:31.779+0000 I COMMAND [conn21] CMD: drop DEFAULT_DB.okapi.tenants [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:31.779+0000 I COMMAND [conn21] CMD: drop DEFAULT_DB.okapi.modules [mongod output] 14:26:31 INFO MainVerticle startModmanager 14:26:31 INFO MainVerticle startTenants 14:26:31 INFO MainVerticle checkInternalModules 2020-04-16T14:26:32.158+0000 I COMMAND [conn21] warning: log line attempted (11kB) over max size (10kB), printing beginning and end ... command DEFAULT_DB.okapi.modules command: insert { insert: "okapi.modules", ordered: true, documents: [ { _id: "okapi-0.0.0", id: "okapi-0.0.0", name: "Okapi", requires: [], provides: [ { id: "okapi-proxy", version: "1.9", interfaceType: "internal", handlers: [] }, { id: "okapi", version: "1.9", interfaceType: "internal", handlers: [ { methods: [ "POST" ], pathPattern: "/_/deployment/modules", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/deployment/modules", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.deployment.get" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/deployment/modules/{instanceId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.deployment.get" ] }, { methods: [ "DELETE" ], pathPattern: "/_/deployment/modules/{instanceId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.deployment.delete" ] }, { methods: [ "POST" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/modules", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/modules", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.discovery.get" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/modules/{serviceId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.discovery.get" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/modules/{serviceId}/{instanceId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.discovery.get" ] }, { methods: [ "PUT" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/modules/{serviceId}/{instanceId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.discovery.put" ] }, { methods: [ "DELETE" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/modules", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.discovery.delete" ] }, { methods: [ "DELETE" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/modules/{serviceId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.discovery.delete" ] }, { methods: [ "DELETE" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/modules/{serviceId}/{instanceId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.discovery.delete" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/health", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/health/{serviceId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/health/{serviceId}/{instanceId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/nodes", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.discovery.nodes.get" ] }, { methods: [ "PUT" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/nodes/{nodeId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.discovery.nodes.put" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/nodes/{nodeId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.discovery.nodes.get" ] }, { methods: [ "POST" ], pathPattern: "/_/proxy/modules", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/proxy/modules", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/proxy/modules/{moduleId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [] }, { methods: [ "PUT" ], pathPattern: "/_/proxy/modules/{moduleId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.proxy.modules.put" ] }, { methods: [ "DELETE" ], pathPattern: "/_/proxy/modules/{moduleId}" .......... te", displayName: "Okapi - Delete a tenant", description: "Remove a tenant description" }, { permissionName: "", displayName: "Okapi - Upgrade modules", description: "Check if newer versions available, and upgrade" }, { permissionName: "", displayName: "Okapi - Enable modules and dependencies", description: "Check dependencies and enable/disable modules as needed" }, { permissionName: "", displayName: "Okapi - Enable a module for tenant", description: "Enable a module for the tenant" }, { permissionName: "", displayName: "Okapi - Enable a module and disable another", description: "Enable a module for the tenant, and disable another one" }, { permissionName: "okapi.proxy.tenants.modules.enabled.delete", displayName: "Okapi - Disable a module for tenant", description: "Disable a module for the tenant" }, { permissionName: "", displayName: "Okapi - post env variable", description: "Set up an environment variable for all modules" }, { permissionName: "okapi.env.list", displayName: "Okapi - list env variables", description: "List the environment variables" }, { permissionName: "okapi.env.get", displayName: "Okapi - get one env variable", description: "Get one environment variable" }, { permissionName: "okapi.env.delete", displayName: "Okapi - Delete env variable", description: "Delete one environment variable" }, { permissionName: "okapi.deploy", displayName: "Okapi - Manage deployments", description: "Deploy and undeploy modules", subPermissions: [ "", "okapi.deployment.get", "okapi.deployment.delete", "", "okapi.discovery.get", "okapi.discovery.put", "okapi.discovery.delete", "okapi.discovery.nodes.put", "", "okapi.discovery.nodes.get" ] }, { permissionName: "okapi.modules", displayName: "Okapi - Manage modules", description: "Manage ModuleDescriptors known to the system", subPermissions: [ "", "okapi.proxy.modules.put", "okapi.proxy.modules.delete", "" ] }, { permissionName: "okapi.tenants", displayName: "Okapi - Manage tenants", description: "Manage tenants known to the system", subPermissions: [ "", "okapi.proxy.tenants.put", "okapi.proxy.tenants.delete" ] }, { permissionName: "okapi.tenantmodules", displayName: "Okapi - Manage modules enabled for a tenant", description: "Enable and disable modules for a tenant", subPermissions: [ "", "", "okapi.proxy.tenants.modules.enabled.delete", "", "" ] }, { permissionName: "okapi.env", displayName: "Okapi - Manage environment variables", description: "Set up env vars for modules", subPermissions: [ "", "okapi.env.delete", "okapi.env.list", "okapi.env.get" ] }, { permissionName: "okapi.all", displayName: "Okapi - All permissions", description: "Anything goes", subPermissions: [ "okapi.deploy", "okapi.modules", "okapi.tenants", "okapi.tenantmodules", "okapi.env" ] } ] } ] } ninserted:1 keysInserted:1 numYields:0 reslen:44 locks:{ Global: { acquireCount: { r: 3, w: 3 } }, Database: { acquireCount: { w: 2, W: 1 } }, Collection: { acquireCount: { w: 2 } } } protocol:op_query 372ms [mongod output] 14:26:32 INFO MainVerticle Creating the superTenant supertenant 2020-04-16T14:26:32.463+0000 I COMMAND [conn21] command DEFAULT_DB.okapi.tenants command: insert { insert: "okapi.tenants", ordered: true, documents: [ { _id: "supertenant", descriptor: { id: "supertenant", name: "supertenant", description: "Okapi built-in super tenant" }, enabled: { okapi-0__0__0: true } } ] } ninserted:1 keysInserted:1 numYields:0 reslen:44 locks:{ Global: { acquireCount: { r: 3, w: 3 } }, Database: { acquireCount: { w: 2, W: 1 } }, Collection: { acquireCount: { w: 2 } } } protocol:op_query 301ms [mongod output] 14:26:32 INFO MainVerticle starting env 14:26:32 INFO MainVerticle Starting discovery 14:26:32 INFO MainVerticle Starting deployment 14:26:32 INFO MainVerticle API Gateway started PID 1909@2dcd032ebaca. Listening on port 9230 14:26:32 INFO MainVerticle Deploy completed succesfully 14:26:32 INFO TenantManager starting supertenant 14:26:32 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant supertenant module null seq1 0 14:26:32 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant supertenant 14:26:32 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:26:32 INFO ProxyContext 170242/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:32 WARN ProxyContext 170242/proxy Module 'ui-1' has no Requires section. If the module really does not require any other interfaces, provide an empty array to be explicit about it. 14:26:32 INFO ProxyContext 170242/proxy RES 201 2075us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:26:32 INFO ProxyContext 096212/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/modules/ui-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:26:32 INFO ProxyContext 096212/proxy RES 200 151us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules/ui-1 14:26:32 INFO ProxyContext 734940/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/modules/ui-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:26:32 INFO ProxyContext 734940/proxy RES 204 2550us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules/ui-1 14:26:32 INFO ProxyContext 558881/deployment REQ supertenant GET /_/deployment/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:32 INFO ProxyContext 558881/deployment RES 200 156us okapi-0.0.0 /_/deployment/modules 14:26:32 INFO ProxyContext 165167/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/nodes okapi-0.0.0 14:26:32 INFO ProxyContext 165167/discovery RES 200 402us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/nodes 14:26:32 INFO ProxyContext 390647/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:32 INFO ProxyContext 390647/discovery RES 200 309us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:26:32 INFO ProxyContext 495237/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:32 INFO ProxyContext 495237/proxy RES 200 430us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:26:32 INFO ProxyContext 774868/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/tenants okapi-0.0.0 14:26:32 INFO ProxyContext 774868/proxy RES 200 200us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants 14:26:32 INFO ModuleTest Cleaning up after ModuleTest 14:26:32 INFO SLF4JLogger Closed connection [connectionId{localValue:21, serverValue:21}] to localhost:9239 because the pool has been closed. 2020-04-16T14:26:32.529+0000 I - [conn20] end connection (4 connections now open) [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:32.529+0000 I - [conn21] end connection (3 connections now open) [mongod output] 14:26:32 WARN oduleVersionReporter META-INF/maven/org.folio.okapi/okapi-core/ not found 14:26:32 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module null null started 14:26:32 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:26:32 INFO MainVerticle clusterManager not in use 14:26:32 INFO MongoHandle Using mongo backend at localhost : 9239 / 14:26:32 INFO SLF4JLogger Cluster created with settings {hosts=[localhost:9239], mode=SINGLE, requiredClusterType=UNKNOWN, serverSelectionTimeout='30000 ms', maxWaitQueueSize=500} 14:26:32 INFO MainVerticle Proxy using mongo storage 2020-04-16T14:26:32.546+0000 I NETWORK [thread1] connection accepted from #22 (3 connections now open) [mongod output] 14:26:32 INFO InternalModule InternalModule starting okapiversion=null 14:26:32 INFO Storage prepareDatabases: INIT 14:26:32 INFO SLF4JLogger No server chosen by com.mongodb.async.client.ClientSessionHelper$1@308ac97f from cluster description ClusterDescription{type=UNKNOWN, connectionMode=SINGLE, serverDescriptions=[ServerDescription{address=localhost:9239, type=UNKNOWN, state=CONNECTING}]}. Waiting for 30000 ms before timing out 2020-04-16T14:26:32.546+0000 I NETWORK [conn22] received client metadata from conn22: { driver: { name: "mongo-java-driver|async|mongo-java-driver-reactivestreams", version: "3.11.0|1.12.0" }, os: { type: "Linux", name: "Linux", architecture: "amd64", version: "4.4.0-1087-aws" }, platform: "Java/Private Build/1.8.0_242-8u242-b08-0ubuntu3~16.04-b08" } [mongod output] 14:26:32 INFO SLF4JLogger Opened connection [connectionId{localValue:22, serverValue:22}] to localhost:9239 14:26:32 INFO SLF4JLogger Monitor thread successfully connected to server with description ServerDescription{address=localhost:9239, type=STANDALONE, state=CONNECTED, ok=true, version=ServerVersion{versionList=[3, 4, 1]}, minWireVersion=0, maxWireVersion=5, maxDocumentSize=16777216, logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes=null, roundTripTimeNanos=440001} 2020-04-16T14:26:32.551+0000 I NETWORK [thread1] connection accepted from #23 (4 connections now open) [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:32.552+0000 I NETWORK [conn23] received client metadata from conn23: { driver: { name: "mongo-java-driver|async|mongo-java-driver-reactivestreams", version: "3.11.0|1.12.0" }, os: { type: "Linux", name: "Linux", architecture: "amd64", version: "4.4.0-1087-aws" }, platform: "Java/Private Build/1.8.0_242-8u242-b08-0ubuntu3~16.04-b08" } [mongod output] 14:26:32 INFO SLF4JLogger Opened connection [connectionId{localValue:23, serverValue:23}] to localhost:9239 2020-04-16T14:26:32.554+0000 I COMMAND [conn23] CMD: drop DEFAULT_DB.okapi.env [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:32.555+0000 I COMMAND [conn23] CMD: drop DEFAULT_DB.okapi.deployments [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:32.556+0000 I COMMAND [conn23] CMD: drop DEFAULT_DB.okapi.tenants [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:32.807+0000 I COMMAND [conn23] CMD: drop DEFAULT_DB.okapi.modules [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:33.007+0000 I COMMAND [conn23] command DEFAULT_DB.okapi.modules command: drop { drop: "okapi.modules" } numYields:0 reslen:87 locks:{ Global: { acquireCount: { r: 1, w: 1 } }, Database: { acquireCount: { W: 1 } } } protocol:op_query 200ms [mongod output] 14:26:33 INFO MainVerticle startModmanager 14:26:33 INFO MainVerticle startTenants 14:26:33 INFO MainVerticle checkInternalModules 2020-04-16T14:26:33.330+0000 I COMMAND [conn23] warning: log line attempted (11kB) over max size (10kB), printing beginning and end ... command DEFAULT_DB.okapi.modules command: insert { insert: "okapi.modules", ordered: true, documents: [ { _id: "okapi-0.0.0", id: "okapi-0.0.0", name: "Okapi", requires: [], provides: [ { id: "okapi-proxy", version: "1.9", interfaceType: "internal", handlers: [] }, { id: "okapi", version: "1.9", interfaceType: "internal", handlers: [ { methods: [ "POST" ], pathPattern: "/_/deployment/modules", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/deployment/modules", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.deployment.get" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/deployment/modules/{instanceId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.deployment.get" ] }, { methods: [ "DELETE" ], pathPattern: "/_/deployment/modules/{instanceId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.deployment.delete" ] }, { methods: [ "POST" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/modules", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/modules", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.discovery.get" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/modules/{serviceId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.discovery.get" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/modules/{serviceId}/{instanceId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.discovery.get" ] }, { methods: [ "PUT" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/modules/{serviceId}/{instanceId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.discovery.put" ] }, { methods: [ "DELETE" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/modules", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.discovery.delete" ] }, { methods: [ "DELETE" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/modules/{serviceId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.discovery.delete" ] }, { methods: [ "DELETE" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/modules/{serviceId}/{instanceId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.discovery.delete" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/health", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/health/{serviceId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/health/{serviceId}/{instanceId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/nodes", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.discovery.nodes.get" ] }, { methods: [ "PUT" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/nodes/{nodeId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.discovery.nodes.put" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/nodes/{nodeId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.discovery.nodes.get" ] }, { methods: [ "POST" ], pathPattern: "/_/proxy/modules", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/proxy/modules", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/proxy/modules/{moduleId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [] }, { methods: [ "PUT" ], pathPattern: "/_/proxy/modules/{moduleId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.proxy.modules.put" ] }, { methods: [ "DELETE" ], pathPattern: "/_/proxy/modules/{moduleId}" .......... te", displayName: "Okapi - Delete a tenant", description: "Remove a tenant description" }, { permissionName: "", displayName: "Okapi - Upgrade modules", description: "Check if newer versions available, and upgrade" }, { permissionName: "", displayName: "Okapi - Enable modules and dependencies", description: "Check dependencies and enable/disable modules as needed" }, { permissionName: "", displayName: "Okapi - Enable a module for tenant", description: "Enable a module for the tenant" }, { permissionName: "", displayName: "Okapi - Enable a module and disable another", description: "Enable a module for the tenant, and disable another one" }, { permissionName: "okapi.proxy.tenants.modules.enabled.delete", displayName: "Okapi - Disable a module for tenant", description: "Disable a module for the tenant" }, { permissionName: "", displayName: "Okapi - post env variable", description: "Set up an environment variable for all modules" }, { permissionName: "okapi.env.list", displayName: "Okapi - list env variables", description: "List the environment variables" }, { permissionName: "okapi.env.get", displayName: "Okapi - get one env variable", description: "Get one environment variable" }, { permissionName: "okapi.env.delete", displayName: "Okapi - Delete env variable", description: "Delete one environment variable" }, { permissionName: "okapi.deploy", displayName: "Okapi - Manage deployments", description: "Deploy and undeploy modules", subPermissions: [ "", "okapi.deployment.get", "okapi.deployment.delete", "", "okapi.discovery.get", "okapi.discovery.put", "okapi.discovery.delete", "okapi.discovery.nodes.put", "", "okapi.discovery.nodes.get" ] }, { permissionName: "okapi.modules", displayName: "Okapi - Manage modules", description: "Manage ModuleDescriptors known to the system", subPermissions: [ "", "okapi.proxy.modules.put", "okapi.proxy.modules.delete", "" ] }, { permissionName: "okapi.tenants", displayName: "Okapi - Manage tenants", description: "Manage tenants known to the system", subPermissions: [ "", "okapi.proxy.tenants.put", "okapi.proxy.tenants.delete" ] }, { permissionName: "okapi.tenantmodules", displayName: "Okapi - Manage modules enabled for a tenant", description: "Enable and disable modules for a tenant", subPermissions: [ "", "", "okapi.proxy.tenants.modules.enabled.delete", "", "" ] }, { permissionName: "okapi.env", displayName: "Okapi - Manage environment variables", description: "Set up env vars for modules", subPermissions: [ "", "okapi.env.delete", "okapi.env.list", "okapi.env.get" ] }, { permissionName: "okapi.all", displayName: "Okapi - All permissions", description: "Anything goes", subPermissions: [ "okapi.deploy", "okapi.modules", "okapi.tenants", "okapi.tenantmodules", "okapi.env" ] } ] } ] } ninserted:1 keysInserted:1 numYields:0 reslen:44 locks:{ Global: { acquireCount: { r: 3, w: 3 } }, Database: { acquireCount: { w: 2, W: 1 } }, Collection: { acquireCount: { w: 2 } } } protocol:op_query 316ms [mongod output] 14:26:33 INFO MainVerticle Creating the superTenant supertenant 2020-04-16T14:26:33.608+0000 I COMMAND [conn23] command DEFAULT_DB.okapi.tenants command: insert { insert: "okapi.tenants", ordered: true, documents: [ { _id: "supertenant", descriptor: { id: "supertenant", name: "supertenant", description: "Okapi built-in super tenant" }, enabled: { okapi-0__0__0: true } } ] } ninserted:1 keysInserted:1 numYields:0 reslen:44 locks:{ Global: { acquireCount: { r: 3, w: 3 } }, Database: { acquireCount: { w: 2, W: 1 } }, Collection: { acquireCount: { w: 2 } } } protocol:op_query 275ms [mongod output] 14:26:33 INFO MainVerticle starting env 14:26:33 INFO MainVerticle Starting discovery 14:26:33 INFO MainVerticle Starting deployment 14:26:33 INFO MainVerticle API Gateway started PID 1909@2dcd032ebaca. Listening on port 9230 14:26:33 INFO MainVerticle Deploy completed succesfully 14:26:33 INFO TenantManager starting supertenant 14:26:33 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant supertenant module null seq1 0 14:26:33 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant supertenant 14:26:33 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:26:33 INFO ModuleTest Cleaning up after ModuleTest 14:26:33 INFO SLF4JLogger Closed connection [connectionId{localValue:23, serverValue:23}] to localhost:9239 because the pool has been closed. 2020-04-16T14:26:33.619+0000 I - [conn23] end connection (4 connections now open) [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:33.619+0000 I - [conn22] end connection (3 connections now open) [mongod output] 14:26:33 WARN oduleVersionReporter META-INF/maven/org.folio.okapi/okapi-core/ not found 14:26:33 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module null null started 14:26:33 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:26:33 INFO MainVerticle clusterManager not in use 14:26:33 INFO MongoHandle Using mongo backend at localhost : 9239 / 14:26:33 INFO SLF4JLogger Cluster created with settings {hosts=[localhost:9239], mode=SINGLE, requiredClusterType=UNKNOWN, serverSelectionTimeout='30000 ms', maxWaitQueueSize=500} 14:26:33 INFO MainVerticle Proxy using mongo storage 14:26:33 INFO InternalModule InternalModule starting okapiversion=null 14:26:33 INFO Storage prepareDatabases: INIT 2020-04-16T14:26:33.630+0000 I NETWORK [thread1] connection accepted from #24 (3 connections now open) [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:33.631+0000 I NETWORK [conn24] received client metadata from conn24: { driver: { name: "mongo-java-driver|async|mongo-java-driver-reactivestreams", version: "3.11.0|1.12.0" }, os: { type: "Linux", name: "Linux", architecture: "amd64", version: "4.4.0-1087-aws" }, platform: "Java/Private Build/1.8.0_242-8u242-b08-0ubuntu3~16.04-b08" } [mongod output] 14:26:33 INFO SLF4JLogger No server chosen by com.mongodb.async.client.ClientSessionHelper$1@7dcf8bc6 from cluster description ClusterDescription{type=UNKNOWN, connectionMode=SINGLE, serverDescriptions=[ServerDescription{address=localhost:9239, type=UNKNOWN, state=CONNECTING}]}. Waiting for 30000 ms before timing out 14:26:33 INFO SLF4JLogger Opened connection [connectionId{localValue:24, serverValue:24}] to localhost:9239 14:26:33 INFO SLF4JLogger Monitor thread successfully connected to server with description ServerDescription{address=localhost:9239, type=STANDALONE, state=CONNECTED, ok=true, version=ServerVersion{versionList=[3, 4, 1]}, minWireVersion=0, maxWireVersion=5, maxDocumentSize=16777216, logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes=null, roundTripTimeNanos=698101} 2020-04-16T14:26:33.635+0000 I NETWORK [thread1] connection accepted from #25 (4 connections now open) [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:33.635+0000 I NETWORK [conn25] received client metadata from conn25: { driver: { name: "mongo-java-driver|async|mongo-java-driver-reactivestreams", version: "3.11.0|1.12.0" }, os: { type: "Linux", name: "Linux", architecture: "amd64", version: "4.4.0-1087-aws" }, platform: "Java/Private Build/1.8.0_242-8u242-b08-0ubuntu3~16.04-b08" } [mongod output] 14:26:33 INFO SLF4JLogger Opened connection [connectionId{localValue:25, serverValue:25}] to localhost:9239 2020-04-16T14:26:33.636+0000 I COMMAND [conn25] CMD: drop DEFAULT_DB.okapi.env [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:33.638+0000 I COMMAND [conn25] CMD: drop DEFAULT_DB.okapi.deployments [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:33.639+0000 I COMMAND [conn25] CMD: drop DEFAULT_DB.okapi.tenants [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:33.640+0000 I COMMAND [conn25] CMD: drop DEFAULT_DB.okapi.modules [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:33.816+0000 I COMMAND [conn25] command DEFAULT_DB.okapi.modules command: drop { drop: "okapi.modules" } numYields:0 reslen:87 locks:{ Global: { acquireCount: { r: 1, w: 1 } }, Database: { acquireCount: { W: 1 } } } protocol:op_query 175ms [mongod output] 14:26:33 INFO MainVerticle startModmanager 14:26:33 INFO MainVerticle startTenants 14:26:33 INFO MainVerticle checkInternalModules 2020-04-16T14:26:34.091+0000 I COMMAND [conn25] warning: log line attempted (11kB) over max size (10kB), printing beginning and end ... command DEFAULT_DB.okapi.modules command: insert { insert: "okapi.modules", ordered: true, documents: [ { _id: "okapi-0.0.0", id: "okapi-0.0.0", name: "Okapi", requires: [], provides: [ { id: "okapi-proxy", version: "1.9", interfaceType: "internal", handlers: [] }, { id: "okapi", version: "1.9", interfaceType: "internal", handlers: [ { methods: [ "POST" ], pathPattern: "/_/deployment/modules", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/deployment/modules", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.deployment.get" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/deployment/modules/{instanceId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.deployment.get" ] }, { methods: [ "DELETE" ], pathPattern: "/_/deployment/modules/{instanceId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.deployment.delete" ] }, { methods: [ "POST" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/modules", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/modules", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.discovery.get" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/modules/{serviceId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.discovery.get" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/modules/{serviceId}/{instanceId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.discovery.get" ] }, { methods: [ "PUT" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/modules/{serviceId}/{instanceId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.discovery.put" ] }, { methods: [ "DELETE" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/modules", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.discovery.delete" ] }, { methods: [ "DELETE" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/modules/{serviceId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.discovery.delete" ] }, { methods: [ "DELETE" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/modules/{serviceId}/{instanceId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.discovery.delete" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/health", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/health/{serviceId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/health/{serviceId}/{instanceId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/nodes", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.discovery.nodes.get" ] }, { methods: [ "PUT" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/nodes/{nodeId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.discovery.nodes.put" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/nodes/{nodeId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.discovery.nodes.get" ] }, { methods: [ "POST" ], pathPattern: "/_/proxy/modules", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/proxy/modules", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/proxy/modules/{moduleId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [] }, { methods: [ "PUT" ], pathPattern: "/_/proxy/modules/{moduleId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.proxy.modules.put" ] }, { methods: [ "DELETE" ], pathPattern: "/_/proxy/modules/{moduleId}" .......... te", displayName: "Okapi - Delete a tenant", description: "Remove a tenant description" }, { permissionName: "", displayName: "Okapi - Upgrade modules", description: "Check if newer versions available, and upgrade" }, { permissionName: "", displayName: "Okapi - Enable modules and dependencies", description: "Check dependencies and enable/disable modules as needed" }, { permissionName: "", displayName: "Okapi - Enable a module for tenant", description: "Enable a module for the tenant" }, { permissionName: "", displayName: "Okapi - Enable a module and disable another", description: "Enable a module for the tenant, and disable another one" }, { permissionName: "okapi.proxy.tenants.modules.enabled.delete", displayName: "Okapi - Disable a module for tenant", description: "Disable a module for the tenant" }, { permissionName: "", displayName: "Okapi - post env variable", description: "Set up an environment variable for all modules" }, { permissionName: "okapi.env.list", displayName: "Okapi - list env variables", description: "List the environment variables" }, { permissionName: "okapi.env.get", displayName: "Okapi - get one env variable", description: "Get one environment variable" }, { permissionName: "okapi.env.delete", displayName: "Okapi - Delete env variable", description: "Delete one environment variable" }, { permissionName: "okapi.deploy", displayName: "Okapi - Manage deployments", description: "Deploy and undeploy modules", subPermissions: [ "", "okapi.deployment.get", "okapi.deployment.delete", "", "okapi.discovery.get", "okapi.discovery.put", "okapi.discovery.delete", "okapi.discovery.nodes.put", "", "okapi.discovery.nodes.get" ] }, { permissionName: "okapi.modules", displayName: "Okapi - Manage modules", description: "Manage ModuleDescriptors known to the system", subPermissions: [ "", "okapi.proxy.modules.put", "okapi.proxy.modules.delete", "" ] }, { permissionName: "okapi.tenants", displayName: "Okapi - Manage tenants", description: "Manage tenants known to the system", subPermissions: [ "", "okapi.proxy.tenants.put", "okapi.proxy.tenants.delete" ] }, { permissionName: "okapi.tenantmodules", displayName: "Okapi - Manage modules enabled for a tenant", description: "Enable and disable modules for a tenant", subPermissions: [ "", "", "okapi.proxy.tenants.modules.enabled.delete", "", "" ] }, { permissionName: "okapi.env", displayName: "Okapi - Manage environment variables", description: "Set up env vars for modules", subPermissions: [ "", "okapi.env.delete", "okapi.env.list", "okapi.env.get" ] }, { permissionName: "okapi.all", displayName: "Okapi - All permissions", description: "Anything goes", subPermissions: [ "okapi.deploy", "okapi.modules", "okapi.tenants", "okapi.tenantmodules", "okapi.env" ] } ] } ] } ninserted:1 keysInserted:1 numYields:0 reslen:44 locks:{ Global: { acquireCount: { r: 3, w: 3 } }, Database: { acquireCount: { w: 2, W: 1 } }, Collection: { acquireCount: { w: 2 } } } protocol:op_query 268ms [mongod output] 14:26:34 INFO MainVerticle Creating the superTenant supertenant 2020-04-16T14:26:34.292+0000 I COMMAND [conn25] command DEFAULT_DB.okapi.tenants command: insert { insert: "okapi.tenants", ordered: true, documents: [ { _id: "supertenant", descriptor: { id: "supertenant", name: "supertenant", description: "Okapi built-in super tenant" }, enabled: { okapi-0__0__0: true } } ] } ninserted:1 keysInserted:1 numYields:0 reslen:44 locks:{ Global: { acquireCount: { r: 3, w: 3 } }, Database: { acquireCount: { w: 2, W: 1 } }, Collection: { acquireCount: { w: 2 } } } protocol:op_query 198ms [mongod output] 14:26:34 INFO MainVerticle starting env 14:26:34 INFO MainVerticle Starting discovery 14:26:34 INFO MainVerticle Starting deployment 14:26:34 INFO MainVerticle API Gateway started PID 1909@2dcd032ebaca. Listening on port 9230 14:26:34 INFO MainVerticle Deploy completed succesfully 14:26:34 INFO TenantManager starting supertenant 14:26:34 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant supertenant module null seq1 0 14:26:34 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant supertenant 14:26:34 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:26:34 INFO ModuleTest testVersion starting 14:26:34 INFO ProxyContext 793535/version REQ supertenant GET /_/version okapi-0.0.0 14:26:34 INFO ProxyContext 793535/version RES 200 104us okapi-0.0.0 /_/version 14:26:34 INFO ModuleTest Cleaning up after ModuleTest 14:26:34 INFO SLF4JLogger Closed connection [connectionId{localValue:25, serverValue:25}] to localhost:9239 because the pool has been closed. 2020-04-16T14:26:34.310+0000 I - [conn25] end connection (4 connections now open) [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:34.310+0000 I - [conn24] end connection (3 connections now open) [mongod output] 14:26:34 WARN oduleVersionReporter META-INF/maven/org.folio.okapi/okapi-core/ not found 14:26:34 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module null null started 14:26:34 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:26:34 INFO MainVerticle clusterManager not in use 14:26:34 INFO MongoHandle Using mongo backend at localhost : 9239 / 14:26:34 INFO SLF4JLogger Cluster created with settings {hosts=[localhost:9239], mode=SINGLE, requiredClusterType=UNKNOWN, serverSelectionTimeout='30000 ms', maxWaitQueueSize=500} 14:26:34 INFO MainVerticle Proxy using mongo storage 14:26:34 INFO InternalModule InternalModule starting okapiversion=null 14:26:34 INFO Storage prepareDatabases: INIT 14:26:34 INFO SLF4JLogger No server chosen by com.mongodb.async.client.ClientSessionHelper$1@f260b68 from cluster description ClusterDescription{type=UNKNOWN, connectionMode=SINGLE, serverDescriptions=[ServerDescription{address=localhost:9239, type=UNKNOWN, state=CONNECTING}]}. Waiting for 30000 ms before timing out 2020-04-16T14:26:34.343+0000 I NETWORK [thread1] connection accepted from #26 (3 connections now open) [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:34.343+0000 I NETWORK [conn26] received client metadata from conn26: { driver: { name: "mongo-java-driver|async|mongo-java-driver-reactivestreams", version: "3.11.0|1.12.0" }, os: { type: "Linux", name: "Linux", architecture: "amd64", version: "4.4.0-1087-aws" }, platform: "Java/Private Build/1.8.0_242-8u242-b08-0ubuntu3~16.04-b08" } [mongod output] 14:26:34 INFO SLF4JLogger Opened connection [connectionId{localValue:26, serverValue:26}] to localhost:9239 14:26:34 INFO SLF4JLogger Monitor thread successfully connected to server with description ServerDescription{address=localhost:9239, type=STANDALONE, state=CONNECTED, ok=true, version=ServerVersion{versionList=[3, 4, 1]}, minWireVersion=0, maxWireVersion=5, maxDocumentSize=16777216, logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes=null, roundTripTimeNanos=1036594} 2020-04-16T14:26:34.347+0000 I NETWORK [thread1] connection accepted from #27 (4 connections now open) [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:34.348+0000 I NETWORK [conn27] received client metadata from conn27: { driver: { name: "mongo-java-driver|async|mongo-java-driver-reactivestreams", version: "3.11.0|1.12.0" }, os: { type: "Linux", name: "Linux", architecture: "amd64", version: "4.4.0-1087-aws" }, platform: "Java/Private Build/1.8.0_242-8u242-b08-0ubuntu3~16.04-b08" } [mongod output] 14:26:34 INFO SLF4JLogger Opened connection [connectionId{localValue:27, serverValue:27}] to localhost:9239 2020-04-16T14:26:34.350+0000 I COMMAND [conn27] CMD: drop DEFAULT_DB.okapi.env [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:34.352+0000 I COMMAND [conn27] CMD: drop DEFAULT_DB.okapi.deployments [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:34.352+0000 I COMMAND [conn27] CMD: drop DEFAULT_DB.okapi.tenants [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:34.353+0000 I COMMAND [conn27] CMD: drop DEFAULT_DB.okapi.modules [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:34.526+0000 I COMMAND [conn27] command DEFAULT_DB.okapi.modules command: drop { drop: "okapi.modules" } numYields:0 reslen:87 locks:{ Global: { acquireCount: { r: 1, w: 1 } }, Database: { acquireCount: { W: 1 } } } protocol:op_query 172ms [mongod output] 14:26:34 INFO MainVerticle startModmanager 14:26:34 INFO MainVerticle startTenants 14:26:34 INFO MainVerticle checkInternalModules 2020-04-16T14:26:34.755+0000 I COMMAND [conn27] warning: log line attempted (11kB) over max size (10kB), printing beginning and end ... command DEFAULT_DB.okapi.modules command: insert { insert: "okapi.modules", ordered: true, documents: [ { _id: "okapi-0.0.0", id: "okapi-0.0.0", name: "Okapi", requires: [], provides: [ { id: "okapi-proxy", version: "1.9", interfaceType: "internal", handlers: [] }, { id: "okapi", version: "1.9", interfaceType: "internal", handlers: [ { methods: [ "POST" ], pathPattern: "/_/deployment/modules", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/deployment/modules", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.deployment.get" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/deployment/modules/{instanceId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.deployment.get" ] }, { methods: [ "DELETE" ], pathPattern: "/_/deployment/modules/{instanceId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.deployment.delete" ] }, { methods: [ "POST" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/modules", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/modules", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.discovery.get" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/modules/{serviceId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.discovery.get" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/modules/{serviceId}/{instanceId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.discovery.get" ] }, { methods: [ "PUT" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/modules/{serviceId}/{instanceId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.discovery.put" ] }, { methods: [ "DELETE" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/modules", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.discovery.delete" ] }, { methods: [ "DELETE" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/modules/{serviceId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.discovery.delete" ] }, { methods: [ "DELETE" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/modules/{serviceId}/{instanceId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.discovery.delete" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/health", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/health/{serviceId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/health/{serviceId}/{instanceId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/nodes", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.discovery.nodes.get" ] }, { methods: [ "PUT" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/nodes/{nodeId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.discovery.nodes.put" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/nodes/{nodeId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.discovery.nodes.get" ] }, { methods: [ "POST" ], pathPattern: "/_/proxy/modules", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/proxy/modules", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/proxy/modules/{moduleId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [] }, { methods: [ "PUT" ], pathPattern: "/_/proxy/modules/{moduleId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.proxy.modules.put" ] }, { methods: [ "DELETE" ], pathPattern: "/_/proxy/modules/{moduleId}" .......... te", displayName: "Okapi - Delete a tenant", description: "Remove a tenant description" }, { permissionName: "", displayName: "Okapi - Upgrade modules", description: "Check if newer versions available, and upgrade" }, { permissionName: "", displayName: "Okapi - Enable modules and dependencies", description: "Check dependencies and enable/disable modules as needed" }, { permissionName: "", displayName: "Okapi - Enable a module for tenant", description: "Enable a module for the tenant" }, { permissionName: "", displayName: "Okapi - Enable a module and disable another", description: "Enable a module for the tenant, and disable another one" }, { permissionName: "okapi.proxy.tenants.modules.enabled.delete", displayName: "Okapi - Disable a module for tenant", description: "Disable a module for the tenant" }, { permissionName: "", displayName: "Okapi - post env variable", description: "Set up an environment variable for all modules" }, { permissionName: "okapi.env.list", displayName: "Okapi - list env variables", description: "List the environment variables" }, { permissionName: "okapi.env.get", displayName: "Okapi - get one env variable", description: "Get one environment variable" }, { permissionName: "okapi.env.delete", displayName: "Okapi - Delete env variable", description: "Delete one environment variable" }, { permissionName: "okapi.deploy", displayName: "Okapi - Manage deployments", description: "Deploy and undeploy modules", subPermissions: [ "", "okapi.deployment.get", "okapi.deployment.delete", "", "okapi.discovery.get", "okapi.discovery.put", "okapi.discovery.delete", "okapi.discovery.nodes.put", "", "okapi.discovery.nodes.get" ] }, { permissionName: "okapi.modules", displayName: "Okapi - Manage modules", description: "Manage ModuleDescriptors known to the system", subPermissions: [ "", "okapi.proxy.modules.put", "okapi.proxy.modules.delete", "" ] }, { permissionName: "okapi.tenants", displayName: "Okapi - Manage tenants", description: "Manage tenants known to the system", subPermissions: [ "", "okapi.proxy.tenants.put", "okapi.proxy.tenants.delete" ] }, { permissionName: "okapi.tenantmodules", displayName: "Okapi - Manage modules enabled for a tenant", description: "Enable and disable modules for a tenant", subPermissions: [ "", "", "okapi.proxy.tenants.modules.enabled.delete", "", "" ] }, { permissionName: "okapi.env", displayName: "Okapi - Manage environment variables", description: "Set up env vars for modules", subPermissions: [ "", "okapi.env.delete", "okapi.env.list", "okapi.env.get" ] }, { permissionName: "okapi.all", displayName: "Okapi - All permissions", description: "Anything goes", subPermissions: [ "okapi.deploy", "okapi.modules", "okapi.tenants", "okapi.tenantmodules", "okapi.env" ] } ] } ] } ninserted:1 keysInserted:1 numYields:0 reslen:44 locks:{ Global: { acquireCount: { r: 3, w: 3 } }, Database: { acquireCount: { w: 2, W: 1 } }, Collection: { acquireCount: { w: 2 } } } protocol:op_query 223ms [mongod output] 14:26:35 INFO MainVerticle Creating the superTenant supertenant 2020-04-16T14:26:35.529+0000 I COMMAND [conn27] command DEFAULT_DB.okapi.tenants command: insert { insert: "okapi.tenants", ordered: true, documents: [ { _id: "supertenant", descriptor: { id: "supertenant", name: "supertenant", description: "Okapi built-in super tenant" }, enabled: { okapi-0__0__0: true } } ] } ninserted:1 keysInserted:1 numYields:0 reslen:44 locks:{ Global: { acquireCount: { r: 3, w: 3 } }, Database: { acquireCount: { w: 2, W: 1 } }, Collection: { acquireCount: { w: 2 } } } protocol:op_query 406ms [mongod output] 14:26:35 INFO MainVerticle starting env 14:26:35 INFO MainVerticle Starting discovery 14:26:35 INFO MainVerticle Starting deployment 14:26:35 INFO MainVerticle API Gateway started PID 1909@2dcd032ebaca. Listening on port 9230 14:26:35 INFO MainVerticle Deploy completed succesfully 14:26:35 INFO TenantManager starting supertenant 14:26:35 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant supertenant module null seq1 0 14:26:35 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant supertenant 14:26:35 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:26:35 INFO ModuleTest Redirect test starting 14:26:35 INFO ProxyContext 193957/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:35 WARN ProxyContext 193957/proxy Module 'sample-module-1' handlers /testb: uses old type path. Use a pathPattern instead 14:26:35 WARN ProxyContext 193957/proxy Module 'sample-module-1' has no Requires section. If the module really does not require any other interfaces, provide an empty array to be explicit about it. 14:26:35 INFO ProxyContext 193957/proxy RES 201 2370us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:26:35 INFO ProxyContext 380557/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:35 WARN ProxyContext 380557/proxy Module 'sample-module-2' handlers /testb: uses old type path. Use a pathPattern instead 14:26:35 WARN ProxyContext 380557/proxy Module 'sample-module-2' has no Requires section. If the module really does not require any other interfaces, provide an empty array to be explicit about it. 14:26:35 INFO ProxyContext 380557/proxy RES 201 2331us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:26:35 INFO ProxyContext 453180/proxy REQ supertenant PUT /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde okapi-0.0.0 14:26:35 INFO ProxyContext 453180/proxy RES 200 3202us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde 14:26:35 INFO ProxyContext 241221/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:35 INFO ProxyContext 241221/proxy RES 201 4727us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules 14:26:35 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module null seq1 0 14:26:35 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant roskilde 14:26:35 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:26:35 INFO ProxyContext 599726/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:35 INFO ProxyContext 599726/proxy RES 400 303us okapi Interface sample is provided by sample-module-1 and sample-module-2. 14:26:35 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=Interface sample is provided by sample-module-1 and sample-module-2. 14:26:35 INFO ProxyContext 903389/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/interfaces okapi-0.0.0 14:26:35 INFO ProxyContext 903389/proxy RES 200 301us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/interfaces?full=true 14:26:35 INFO ProxyContext 495259/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/interfaces okapi-0.0.0 14:26:35 INFO ProxyContext 495259/proxy RES 200 243us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/interfaces?full=false 14:26:35 INFO ProxyContext 611876/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/interfaces okapi-0.0.0 14:26:35 INFO ProxyContext 611876/proxy RES 200 473us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/interfaces?full=false&type=proxy 14:26:35 INFO ProxyContext 714975/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/interfaces okapi-0.0.0 14:26:35 INFO ProxyContext 714975/proxy RES 200 366us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/interfaces?full=false&type=system 14:26:35 INFO ProxyContext 792478/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/interfaces/sample okapi-0.0.0 14:26:35 INFO ProxyContext 792478/proxy RES 200 255us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/interfaces/sample 14:26:35 INFO ProxyContext 381300/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/interfaces/sample okapi-0.0.0 14:26:35 INFO ProxyContext 381300/proxy RES 200 210us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/interfaces/sample?type=proxy 14:26:35 INFO ProxyContext 631318/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/tenants/foo/interfaces/sample okapi-0.0.0 14:26:35 INFO ProxyContext 631318/proxy RES 404 127us okapi foo 14:26:35 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=404 msg=foo 14:26:35 INFO ProxyContext 352352/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/interfaces/bar okapi-0.0.0 14:26:35 INFO ProxyContext 352352/proxy RES 200 425us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/interfaces/bar 14:26:35 INFO ProxyContext 012604/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/sample-module-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:26:35 INFO ProxyContext 012604/proxy RES 204 2730us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/sample-module-1 14:26:35 INFO ProxyContext 578854/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/modules/sample-module-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:26:35 INFO ProxyContext 578854/proxy RES 204 2033us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules/sample-module-1 14:26:35 INFO ProxyContext 441520/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/modules/sample-module-2 okapi-0.0.0 14:26:35 INFO ProxyContext 441520/proxy RES 204 1766us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules/sample-module-2 14:26:35 INFO ProxyContext 898296/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:35 WARN ProxyContext 898296/proxy Module 'sample-module-3' handlers /testb: uses old type path. Use a pathPattern instead 14:26:35 WARN ProxyContext 898296/proxy Module 'sample-module-3' has no Requires section. If the module really does not require any other interfaces, provide an empty array to be explicit about it. 14:26:35 INFO ProxyContext 898296/proxy RES 201 2382us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:26:35 INFO ProxyContext 966765/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:35 WARN ProxyContext 966765/proxy Module 'sample-module-4' handlers /testb: uses old type path. Use a pathPattern instead 14:26:35 WARN ProxyContext 966765/proxy Module 'sample-module-4' has no Requires section. If the module really does not require any other interfaces, provide an empty array to be explicit about it. 14:26:35 INFO ProxyContext 966765/proxy RES 201 2889us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:26:35 INFO ProxyContext 615017/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/interfaces/sample okapi-0.0.0 14:26:35 INFO ProxyContext 615017/proxy RES 200 214us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/interfaces/sample 14:26:35 INFO ProxyContext 352251/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:35 INFO ProxyContext 352251/proxy RES 201 2853us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules 14:26:35 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module null seq1 0 14:26:35 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant roskilde 14:26:35 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:26:35 INFO ProxyContext 876321/discovery REQ supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:35 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { "instId" : "sample-3-inst", "srvcId" : "sample-module-3", "nodeId" : "localhost" } 14:26:35 INFO DeploymentManager deploy instId sample-3-inst Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dmaven.ext.class.path="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554/pipeline-maven-spy.jar" -Dorg.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.maven.reportsFolder="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554" 14:26:36 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module okapi-test-module 2.39.0 started 14:26:36 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:26:36 INFO MainVerticle Starting okapi-test-module 6331@2dcd032ebaca on port 9231 14:26:36 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9231 count 0 14:26:36 INFO ? Succeeded in deploying verticle 14:26:37 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9231 count 1 14:26:37 INFO TcpPortWaiting Connected to service at host localhost port 9231 count 1 2020-04-16T14:26:37.668+0000 I WRITE [conn27] update DEFAULT_DB.okapi.deployments query: { _id: "sample-3-inst" } planSummary: IDHACK update: { $set: { instId: "sample-3-inst", srvcId: "sample-module-3", nodeId: "localhost", url: "http://localhost:9231", descriptor: { exec: "java -Dport=%p -jar ../okapi-test-module/target/okapi-test-module-fat.jar" } }, $setOnInsert: { _id: "sample-3-inst" } } keysExamined:0 docsExamined:0 nMatched:0 nModified:0 upsert:1 keysInserted:1 numYields:0 locks:{ Global: { acquireCount: { r: 3, w: 3 } }, Database: { acquireCount: { w: 2, W: 1 } }, Collection: { acquireCount: { w: 2 } } } 662ms [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:37.668+0000 I COMMAND [conn27] command DEFAULT_DB.$cmd command: update { update: "okapi.deployments", ordered: true, updates: [ { q: { _id: "sample-3-inst" }, u: { $set: { instId: "sample-3-inst", srvcId: "sample-module-3", nodeId: "localhost", url: "http://localhost:9231", descriptor: { exec: "java -Dport=%p -jar ../okapi-test-module/target/okapi-test-module-fat.jar" } }, $setOnInsert: { _id: "sample-3-inst" } }, upsert: true } ] } numYields:0 reslen:116 locks:{ Global: { acquireCount: { r: 3, w: 3 } }, Database: { acquireCount: { w: 2, W: 1 } }, Collection: { acquireCount: { w: 2 } } } protocol:op_query 662ms [mongod output] 14:26:37 INFO ProxyContext 876321/discovery RES 201 1871579us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:26:37 INFO ProxyContext 428703/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:37 INFO ProxyContext 428703/proxy RES 201 3326us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules 14:26:37 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module null seq1 0 14:26:37 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant roskilde 14:26:37 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:26:37 INFO ProxyContext 480007/discovery REQ supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:37 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { "instId" : "sample-4-inst", "srvcId" : "sample-module-4", "nodeId" : "localhost" } 14:26:37 INFO DeploymentManager deploy instId sample-4-inst Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dmaven.ext.class.path="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554/pipeline-maven-spy.jar" -Dorg.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.maven.reportsFolder="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554" 14:26:38 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module okapi-test-module 2.39.0 started 14:26:38 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:26:38 INFO MainVerticle Starting okapi-test-module 6356@2dcd032ebaca on port 9232 14:26:38 INFO ? Succeeded in deploying verticle 14:26:38 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9232 count 0 14:26:38 INFO TcpPortWaiting Connected to service at host localhost port 9232 count 0 14:26:38 INFO ProxyContext 480007/discovery RES 201 1005984us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:26:38 INFO ProxyContext 521197/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/interfaces/sample okapi-0.0.0 14:26:38 INFO ProxyContext 521197/proxy RES 200 203us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/interfaces/sample 14:26:38 INFO ProxyContext 292343/testb RES 404 - okapi No suitable module found for path /testb for tenant roskilde 14:26:38 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=404 msg=No suitable module found for path /testb for tenant roskilde 14:26:38 INFO ProxyContext 114472/testb RES 404 - okapi No suitable module found for path /testb for tenant roskilde 14:26:38 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=404 msg=No suitable module found for path /testb for tenant roskilde 14:26:38 INFO ProxyContext 227613/testb REQ roskilde GET /testb sample-module-3 14:26:38 INFO ProxyContext 227613/testb RES 200 84395us sample-module-3 http://localhost:9231/testb 14:26:38 INFO ProxyContext 339618/testb REQ roskilde GET /testb sample-module-4 14:26:38 INFO ProxyContext 339618/testb RES 200 82509us sample-module-4 http://localhost:9232/testb 14:26:38 INFO ProxyContext 152786/testb REQ roskilde POST /testb sample-module-3 14:26:38 INFO ProxyContext 152786/testb RES 200 9252us sample-module-3 http://localhost:9231/testb 14:26:38 INFO ProxyContext 219877/testb REQ roskilde POST /testb sample-module-4 14:26:38 INFO ProxyContext 219877/testb RES 200 7284us sample-module-4 http://localhost:9232/testb 14:26:38 INFO ProxyContext 878221/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/sample-module-3 okapi-0.0.0 14:26:38 INFO ProxyContext 878221/proxy RES 204 2706us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/sample-module-3 14:26:38 INFO ProxyContext 054706/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/sample-module-4 okapi-0.0.0 14:26:38 INFO ProxyContext 054706/proxy RES 204 3637us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/sample-module-4 14:26:38 INFO ProxyContext 406400/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/modules/sample-module-3 okapi-0.0.0 14:26:38 INFO ProxyContext 406400/proxy RES 204 1506us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules/sample-module-3 14:26:38 INFO ProxyContext 826003/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/modules/sample-module-4 okapi-0.0.0 14:26:38 INFO ProxyContext 826003/proxy RES 204 1374us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules/sample-module-4 14:26:38 INFO ProxyContext 306510/discovery REQ supertenant DELETE /_/discovery/modules/sample-module-3/sample-3-inst okapi-0.0.0 14:26:38 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy: srvcId sample-module-3 instId sample-3-inst 14:26:38 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy sample-module-3 sample-3-inst 14:26:38 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy srvcId=sample-module-3 instId=sample-3-inst node=localhost 14:26:38 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy calling.. 14:26:38 INFO DeploymentManager undeploy instId sample-3-inst 14:26:39 INFO ProxyContext 306510/discovery RES 204 51869us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules/sample-module-3/sample-3-inst 14:26:39 INFO ProxyContext 339029/discovery REQ supertenant DELETE /_/discovery/modules/sample-module-4/sample-4-inst okapi-0.0.0 14:26:39 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy: srvcId sample-module-4 instId sample-4-inst 14:26:39 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy sample-module-4 sample-4-inst 14:26:39 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy srvcId=sample-module-4 instId=sample-4-inst node=localhost 14:26:39 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy calling.. 14:26:39 INFO DeploymentManager undeploy instId sample-4-inst 14:26:39 INFO ProxyContext 339029/discovery RES 204 57101us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules/sample-module-4/sample-4-inst 14:26:39 INFO ModuleTest Cleaning up after ModuleTest 14:26:39 INFO SLF4JLogger Closed connection [connectionId{localValue:27, serverValue:27}] to localhost:9239 because the pool has been closed. 2020-04-16T14:26:39.083+0000 I - [conn26] end connection (4 connections now open) [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:39.084+0000 I - [conn27] end connection (3 connections now open) [mongod output] 14:26:39 WARN oduleVersionReporter META-INF/maven/org.folio.okapi/okapi-core/ not found 14:26:39 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module null null started 14:26:39 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:26:39 INFO MainVerticle clusterManager not in use 14:26:39 INFO MongoHandle Using mongo backend at localhost : 9239 / 14:26:39 INFO SLF4JLogger Cluster created with settings {hosts=[localhost:9239], mode=SINGLE, requiredClusterType=UNKNOWN, serverSelectionTimeout='30000 ms', maxWaitQueueSize=500} 14:26:39 INFO MainVerticle Proxy using mongo storage 14:26:39 INFO InternalModule InternalModule starting okapiversion=null 2020-04-16T14:26:39.092+0000 I NETWORK [thread1] connection accepted from #28 (3 connections now open) [mongod output] 14:26:39 INFO Storage prepareDatabases: INIT 14:26:39 INFO SLF4JLogger No server chosen by com.mongodb.async.client.ClientSessionHelper$1@5f748a22 from cluster description ClusterDescription{type=UNKNOWN, connectionMode=SINGLE, serverDescriptions=[ServerDescription{address=localhost:9239, type=UNKNOWN, state=CONNECTING}]}. Waiting for 30000 ms before timing out 2020-04-16T14:26:39.093+0000 I NETWORK [conn28] received client metadata from conn28: { driver: { name: "mongo-java-driver|async|mongo-java-driver-reactivestreams", version: "3.11.0|1.12.0" }, os: { type: "Linux", name: "Linux", architecture: "amd64", version: "4.4.0-1087-aws" }, platform: "Java/Private Build/1.8.0_242-8u242-b08-0ubuntu3~16.04-b08" } [mongod output] 14:26:39 INFO SLF4JLogger Opened connection [connectionId{localValue:28, serverValue:28}] to localhost:9239 14:26:39 INFO SLF4JLogger Monitor thread successfully connected to server with description ServerDescription{address=localhost:9239, type=STANDALONE, state=CONNECTED, ok=true, version=ServerVersion{versionList=[3, 4, 1]}, minWireVersion=0, maxWireVersion=5, maxDocumentSize=16777216, logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes=null, roundTripTimeNanos=521815} 2020-04-16T14:26:39.096+0000 I NETWORK [thread1] connection accepted from #29 (4 connections now open) [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:39.096+0000 I NETWORK [conn29] received client metadata from conn29: { driver: { name: "mongo-java-driver|async|mongo-java-driver-reactivestreams", version: "3.11.0|1.12.0" }, os: { type: "Linux", name: "Linux", architecture: "amd64", version: "4.4.0-1087-aws" }, platform: "Java/Private Build/1.8.0_242-8u242-b08-0ubuntu3~16.04-b08" } [mongod output] 14:26:39 INFO SLF4JLogger Opened connection [connectionId{localValue:29, serverValue:29}] to localhost:9239 2020-04-16T14:26:39.097+0000 I COMMAND [conn29] CMD: drop DEFAULT_DB.okapi.env [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:39.098+0000 I COMMAND [conn29] CMD: drop DEFAULT_DB.okapi.deployments [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:39.099+0000 I COMMAND [conn29] CMD: drop DEFAULT_DB.okapi.tenants [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:39.571+0000 I COMMAND [conn29] command DEFAULT_DB.okapi.tenants command: drop { drop: "okapi.tenants" } numYields:0 reslen:87 locks:{ Global: { acquireCount: { r: 1, w: 1 } }, Database: { acquireCount: { W: 1 } } } protocol:op_query 472ms [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:39.572+0000 I COMMAND [conn29] CMD: drop DEFAULT_DB.okapi.modules [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:39.748+0000 I COMMAND [conn29] command DEFAULT_DB.okapi.modules command: drop { drop: "okapi.modules" } numYields:0 reslen:87 locks:{ Global: { acquireCount: { r: 1, w: 1 } }, Database: { acquireCount: { W: 1 } } } protocol:op_query 176ms [mongod output] 14:26:39 INFO MainVerticle startModmanager 14:26:39 INFO MainVerticle startTenants 14:26:39 INFO MainVerticle checkInternalModules 2020-04-16T14:26:40.088+0000 I COMMAND [conn29] warning: log line attempted (11kB) over max size (10kB), printing beginning and end ... command DEFAULT_DB.okapi.modules command: insert { insert: "okapi.modules", ordered: true, documents: [ { _id: "okapi-0.0.0", id: "okapi-0.0.0", name: "Okapi", requires: [], provides: [ { id: "okapi-proxy", version: "1.9", interfaceType: "internal", handlers: [] }, { id: "okapi", version: "1.9", interfaceType: "internal", handlers: [ { methods: [ "POST" ], pathPattern: "/_/deployment/modules", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/deployment/modules", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.deployment.get" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/deployment/modules/{instanceId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.deployment.get" ] }, { methods: [ "DELETE" ], pathPattern: "/_/deployment/modules/{instanceId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.deployment.delete" ] }, { methods: [ "POST" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/modules", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/modules", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.discovery.get" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/modules/{serviceId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.discovery.get" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/modules/{serviceId}/{instanceId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.discovery.get" ] }, { methods: [ "PUT" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/modules/{serviceId}/{instanceId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.discovery.put" ] }, { methods: [ "DELETE" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/modules", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.discovery.delete" ] }, { methods: [ "DELETE" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/modules/{serviceId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.discovery.delete" ] }, { methods: [ "DELETE" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/modules/{serviceId}/{instanceId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.discovery.delete" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/health", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/health/{serviceId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/health/{serviceId}/{instanceId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/nodes", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.discovery.nodes.get" ] }, { methods: [ "PUT" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/nodes/{nodeId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.discovery.nodes.put" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/nodes/{nodeId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.discovery.nodes.get" ] }, { methods: [ "POST" ], pathPattern: "/_/proxy/modules", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/proxy/modules", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/proxy/modules/{moduleId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [] }, { methods: [ "PUT" ], pathPattern: "/_/proxy/modules/{moduleId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.proxy.modules.put" ] }, { methods: [ "DELETE" ], pathPattern: "/_/proxy/modules/{moduleId}" .......... te", displayName: "Okapi - Delete a tenant", description: "Remove a tenant description" }, { permissionName: "", displayName: "Okapi - Upgrade modules", description: "Check if newer versions available, and upgrade" }, { permissionName: "", displayName: "Okapi - Enable modules and dependencies", description: "Check dependencies and enable/disable modules as needed" }, { permissionName: "", displayName: "Okapi - Enable a module for tenant", description: "Enable a module for the tenant" }, { permissionName: "", displayName: "Okapi - Enable a module and disable another", description: "Enable a module for the tenant, and disable another one" }, { permissionName: "okapi.proxy.tenants.modules.enabled.delete", displayName: "Okapi - Disable a module for tenant", description: "Disable a module for the tenant" }, { permissionName: "", displayName: "Okapi - post env variable", description: "Set up an environment variable for all modules" }, { permissionName: "okapi.env.list", displayName: "Okapi - list env variables", description: "List the environment variables" }, { permissionName: "okapi.env.get", displayName: "Okapi - get one env variable", description: "Get one environment variable" }, { permissionName: "okapi.env.delete", displayName: "Okapi - Delete env variable", description: "Delete one environment variable" }, { permissionName: "okapi.deploy", displayName: "Okapi - Manage deployments", description: "Deploy and undeploy modules", subPermissions: [ "", "okapi.deployment.get", "okapi.deployment.delete", "", "okapi.discovery.get", "okapi.discovery.put", "okapi.discovery.delete", "okapi.discovery.nodes.put", "", "okapi.discovery.nodes.get" ] }, { permissionName: "okapi.modules", displayName: "Okapi - Manage modules", description: "Manage ModuleDescriptors known to the system", subPermissions: [ "", "okapi.proxy.modules.put", "okapi.proxy.modules.delete", "" ] }, { permissionName: "okapi.tenants", displayName: "Okapi - Manage tenants", description: "Manage tenants known to the system", subPermissions: [ "", "okapi.proxy.tenants.put", "okapi.proxy.tenants.delete" ] }, { permissionName: "okapi.tenantmodules", displayName: "Okapi - Manage modules enabled for a tenant", description: "Enable and disable modules for a tenant", subPermissions: [ "", "", "okapi.proxy.tenants.modules.enabled.delete", "", "" ] }, { permissionName: "okapi.env", displayName: "Okapi - Manage environment variables", description: "Set up env vars for modules", subPermissions: [ "", "okapi.env.delete", "okapi.env.list", "okapi.env.get" ] }, { permissionName: "okapi.all", displayName: "Okapi - All permissions", description: "Anything goes", subPermissions: [ "okapi.deploy", "okapi.modules", "okapi.tenants", "okapi.tenantmodules", "okapi.env" ] } ] } ] } ninserted:1 keysInserted:1 numYields:0 reslen:44 locks:{ Global: { acquireCount: { r: 3, w: 3 } }, Database: { acquireCount: { w: 2, W: 1 } }, Collection: { acquireCount: { w: 2 } } } protocol:op_query 334ms [mongod output] 14:26:40 INFO MainVerticle Creating the superTenant supertenant 2020-04-16T14:26:40.612+0000 I COMMAND [conn29] command DEFAULT_DB.okapi.tenants command: insert { insert: "okapi.tenants", ordered: true, documents: [ { _id: "supertenant", descriptor: { id: "supertenant", name: "supertenant", description: "Okapi built-in super tenant" }, enabled: { okapi-0__0__0: true } } ] } ninserted:1 keysInserted:1 numYields:0 reslen:44 locks:{ Global: { acquireCount: { r: 3, w: 3 } }, Database: { acquireCount: { w: 2, W: 1 } }, Collection: { acquireCount: { w: 2 } } } protocol:op_query 311ms [mongod output] 14:26:40 INFO MainVerticle starting env 14:26:40 INFO MainVerticle Starting discovery 14:26:40 INFO MainVerticle Starting deployment 14:26:40 INFO MainVerticle API Gateway started PID 1909@2dcd032ebaca. Listening on port 9230 14:26:40 INFO MainVerticle Deploy completed succesfully 14:26:40 INFO TenantManager starting supertenant 14:26:40 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant supertenant module null seq1 0 14:26:40 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant supertenant 14:26:40 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:26:40 INFO SLF4JLogger Closed connection [connectionId{localValue:29, serverValue:29}] to localhost:9239 because the pool has been closed. 2020-04-16T14:26:40.618+0000 I - [conn29] end connection (4 connections now open) [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:40.618+0000 I - [conn28] end connection (3 connections now open) [mongod output] 14:26:40 WARN oduleVersionReporter META-INF/maven/org.folio.okapi/okapi-core/ not found 14:26:40 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module null null started 14:26:40 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:26:40 INFO MainVerticle clusterManager not in use 14:26:40 INFO MongoHandle Using mongo backend at localhost : 9239 / 14:26:40 INFO SLF4JLogger Cluster created with settings {hosts=[localhost:9239], mode=SINGLE, requiredClusterType=UNKNOWN, serverSelectionTimeout='30000 ms', maxWaitQueueSize=500} 14:26:40 INFO MainVerticle Proxy using mongo storage 14:26:40 INFO InternalModule InternalModule starting okapiversion=null 2020-04-16T14:26:40.621+0000 I NETWORK [thread1] connection accepted from #30 (3 connections now open) [mongod output] 14:26:40 INFO Storage prepareDatabases: INIT 2020-04-16T14:26:40.622+0000 I NETWORK [conn30] received client metadata from conn30: { driver: { name: "mongo-java-driver|async|mongo-java-driver-reactivestreams", version: "3.11.0|1.12.0" }, os: { type: "Linux", name: "Linux", architecture: "amd64", version: "4.4.0-1087-aws" }, platform: "Java/Private Build/1.8.0_242-8u242-b08-0ubuntu3~16.04-b08" } [mongod output] 14:26:40 INFO SLF4JLogger No server chosen by com.mongodb.async.client.ClientSessionHelper$1@2a27756c from cluster description ClusterDescription{type=UNKNOWN, connectionMode=SINGLE, serverDescriptions=[ServerDescription{address=localhost:9239, type=UNKNOWN, state=CONNECTING}]}. Waiting for 30000 ms before timing out 14:26:40 INFO SLF4JLogger Opened connection [connectionId{localValue:30, serverValue:30}] to localhost:9239 14:26:40 INFO SLF4JLogger Monitor thread successfully connected to server with description ServerDescription{address=localhost:9239, type=STANDALONE, state=CONNECTED, ok=true, version=ServerVersion{versionList=[3, 4, 1]}, minWireVersion=0, maxWireVersion=5, maxDocumentSize=16777216, logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes=null, roundTripTimeNanos=295890} 2020-04-16T14:26:40.624+0000 I NETWORK [thread1] connection accepted from #31 (4 connections now open) [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:40.624+0000 I NETWORK [conn31] received client metadata from conn31: { driver: { name: "mongo-java-driver|async|mongo-java-driver-reactivestreams", version: "3.11.0|1.12.0" }, os: { type: "Linux", name: "Linux", architecture: "amd64", version: "4.4.0-1087-aws" }, platform: "Java/Private Build/1.8.0_242-8u242-b08-0ubuntu3~16.04-b08" } [mongod output] 14:26:40 INFO SLF4JLogger Opened connection [connectionId{localValue:31, serverValue:31}] to localhost:9239 2020-04-16T14:26:40.626+0000 I COMMAND [conn31] CMD: drop DEFAULT_DB.okapi.env [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:40.626+0000 I COMMAND [conn31] CMD: drop DEFAULT_DB.okapi.deployments [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:40.627+0000 I COMMAND [conn31] CMD: drop DEFAULT_DB.okapi.tenants [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:40.628+0000 I COMMAND [conn31] CMD: drop DEFAULT_DB.okapi.modules [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:40.776+0000 I COMMAND [conn31] command DEFAULT_DB.okapi.modules command: drop { drop: "okapi.modules" } numYields:0 reslen:87 locks:{ Global: { acquireCount: { r: 1, w: 1 } }, Database: { acquireCount: { W: 1 } } } protocol:op_query 148ms [mongod output] 14:26:40 INFO ModuleTest Cleaning up after ModuleTest 14:26:40 WARN oduleVersionReporter META-INF/maven/org.folio.okapi/okapi-core/ not found 14:26:40 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module null null started 14:26:40 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:26:40 INFO MainVerticle clusterManager not in use 14:26:40 INFO MongoHandle Using mongo backend at localhost : 9239 / 14:26:40 INFO SLF4JLogger Cluster created with settings {hosts=[localhost:9239], mode=SINGLE, requiredClusterType=UNKNOWN, serverSelectionTimeout='30000 ms', maxWaitQueueSize=500} 14:26:40 INFO MainVerticle Proxy using mongo storage 14:26:40 INFO InternalModule InternalModule starting okapiversion=null 14:26:40 INFO Storage prepareDatabases: INIT 2020-04-16T14:26:40.785+0000 I NETWORK [thread1] connection accepted from #32 (5 connections now open) [mongod output] 14:26:40 INFO SLF4JLogger No server chosen by com.mongodb.async.client.ClientSessionHelper$1@7b6742b6 from cluster description ClusterDescription{type=UNKNOWN, connectionMode=SINGLE, serverDescriptions=[ServerDescription{address=localhost:9239, type=UNKNOWN, state=CONNECTING}]}. Waiting for 30000 ms before timing out 2020-04-16T14:26:40.788+0000 I NETWORK [conn32] received client metadata from conn32: { driver: { name: "mongo-java-driver|async|mongo-java-driver-reactivestreams", version: "3.11.0|1.12.0" }, os: { type: "Linux", name: "Linux", architecture: "amd64", version: "4.4.0-1087-aws" }, platform: "Java/Private Build/1.8.0_242-8u242-b08-0ubuntu3~16.04-b08" } [mongod output] 14:26:40 INFO SLF4JLogger Opened connection [connectionId{localValue:32, serverValue:32}] to localhost:9239 14:26:40 INFO SLF4JLogger Monitor thread successfully connected to server with description ServerDescription{address=localhost:9239, type=STANDALONE, state=CONNECTED, ok=true, version=ServerVersion{versionList=[3, 4, 1]}, minWireVersion=0, maxWireVersion=5, maxDocumentSize=16777216, logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes=null, roundTripTimeNanos=318260} 2020-04-16T14:26:40.791+0000 I NETWORK [thread1] connection accepted from #33 (6 connections now open) [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:40.791+0000 I NETWORK [conn33] received client metadata from conn33: { driver: { name: "mongo-java-driver|async|mongo-java-driver-reactivestreams", version: "3.11.0|1.12.0" }, os: { type: "Linux", name: "Linux", architecture: "amd64", version: "4.4.0-1087-aws" }, platform: "Java/Private Build/1.8.0_242-8u242-b08-0ubuntu3~16.04-b08" } [mongod output] 14:26:40 INFO SLF4JLogger Opened connection [connectionId{localValue:33, serverValue:33}] to localhost:9239 2020-04-16T14:26:40.792+0000 I COMMAND [conn33] CMD: drop DEFAULT_DB.okapi.env [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:40.793+0000 I COMMAND [conn33] CMD: drop DEFAULT_DB.okapi.deployments [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:40.794+0000 I COMMAND [conn33] CMD: drop DEFAULT_DB.okapi.tenants [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:40.795+0000 I COMMAND [conn33] CMD: drop DEFAULT_DB.okapi.modules [mongod output] 14:26:40 INFO MainVerticle startModmanager 14:26:40 INFO MainVerticle startTenants 14:26:40 INFO MainVerticle checkInternalModules 2020-04-16T14:26:41.381+0000 I COMMAND [conn33] warning: log line attempted (11kB) over max size (10kB), printing beginning and end ... command DEFAULT_DB.okapi.modules command: insert { insert: "okapi.modules", ordered: true, documents: [ { _id: "okapi-0.0.0", id: "okapi-0.0.0", name: "Okapi", requires: [], provides: [ { id: "okapi-proxy", version: "1.9", interfaceType: "internal", handlers: [] }, { id: "okapi", version: "1.9", interfaceType: "internal", handlers: [ { methods: [ "POST" ], pathPattern: "/_/deployment/modules", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/deployment/modules", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.deployment.get" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/deployment/modules/{instanceId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.deployment.get" ] }, { methods: [ "DELETE" ], pathPattern: "/_/deployment/modules/{instanceId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.deployment.delete" ] }, { methods: [ "POST" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/modules", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/modules", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.discovery.get" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/modules/{serviceId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.discovery.get" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/modules/{serviceId}/{instanceId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.discovery.get" ] }, { methods: [ "PUT" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/modules/{serviceId}/{instanceId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.discovery.put" ] }, { methods: [ "DELETE" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/modules", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.discovery.delete" ] }, { methods: [ "DELETE" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/modules/{serviceId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.discovery.delete" ] }, { methods: [ "DELETE" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/modules/{serviceId}/{instanceId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.discovery.delete" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/health", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/health/{serviceId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/health/{serviceId}/{instanceId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/nodes", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.discovery.nodes.get" ] }, { methods: [ "PUT" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/nodes/{nodeId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.discovery.nodes.put" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/nodes/{nodeId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.discovery.nodes.get" ] }, { methods: [ "POST" ], pathPattern: "/_/proxy/modules", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/proxy/modules", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/proxy/modules/{moduleId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [] }, { methods: [ "PUT" ], pathPattern: "/_/proxy/modules/{moduleId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.proxy.modules.put" ] }, { methods: [ "DELETE" ], pathPattern: "/_/proxy/modules/{moduleId}" .......... te", displayName: "Okapi - Delete a tenant", description: "Remove a tenant description" }, { permissionName: "", displayName: "Okapi - Upgrade modules", description: "Check if newer versions available, and upgrade" }, { permissionName: "", displayName: "Okapi - Enable modules and dependencies", description: "Check dependencies and enable/disable modules as needed" }, { permissionName: "", displayName: "Okapi - Enable a module for tenant", description: "Enable a module for the tenant" }, { permissionName: "", displayName: "Okapi - Enable a module and disable another", description: "Enable a module for the tenant, and disable another one" }, { permissionName: "okapi.proxy.tenants.modules.enabled.delete", displayName: "Okapi - Disable a module for tenant", description: "Disable a module for the tenant" }, { permissionName: "", displayName: "Okapi - post env variable", description: "Set up an environment variable for all modules" }, { permissionName: "okapi.env.list", displayName: "Okapi - list env variables", description: "List the environment variables" }, { permissionName: "okapi.env.get", displayName: "Okapi - get one env variable", description: "Get one environment variable" }, { permissionName: "okapi.env.delete", displayName: "Okapi - Delete env variable", description: "Delete one environment variable" }, { permissionName: "okapi.deploy", displayName: "Okapi - Manage deployments", description: "Deploy and undeploy modules", subPermissions: [ "", "okapi.deployment.get", "okapi.deployment.delete", "", "okapi.discovery.get", "okapi.discovery.put", "okapi.discovery.delete", "okapi.discovery.nodes.put", "", "okapi.discovery.nodes.get" ] }, { permissionName: "okapi.modules", displayName: "Okapi - Manage modules", description: "Manage ModuleDescriptors known to the system", subPermissions: [ "", "okapi.proxy.modules.put", "okapi.proxy.modules.delete", "" ] }, { permissionName: "okapi.tenants", displayName: "Okapi - Manage tenants", description: "Manage tenants known to the system", subPermissions: [ "", "okapi.proxy.tenants.put", "okapi.proxy.tenants.delete" ] }, { permissionName: "okapi.tenantmodules", displayName: "Okapi - Manage modules enabled for a tenant", description: "Enable and disable modules for a tenant", subPermissions: [ "", "", "okapi.proxy.tenants.modules.enabled.delete", "", "" ] }, { permissionName: "okapi.env", displayName: "Okapi - Manage environment variables", description: "Set up env vars for modules", subPermissions: [ "", "okapi.env.delete", "okapi.env.list", "okapi.env.get" ] }, { permissionName: "okapi.all", displayName: "Okapi - All permissions", description: "Anything goes", subPermissions: [ "okapi.deploy", "okapi.modules", "okapi.tenants", "okapi.tenantmodules", "okapi.env" ] } ] } ] } ninserted:1 keysInserted:1 numYields:0 reslen:44 locks:{ Global: { acquireCount: { r: 3, w: 3 } }, Database: { acquireCount: { w: 2, W: 1 } }, Collection: { acquireCount: { w: 2 } } } protocol:op_query 580ms [mongod output] 14:26:41 INFO MainVerticle Creating the superTenant supertenant 2020-04-16T14:26:41.789+0000 I COMMAND [conn33] command DEFAULT_DB.okapi.tenants command: insert { insert: "okapi.tenants", ordered: true, documents: [ { _id: "supertenant", descriptor: { id: "supertenant", name: "supertenant", description: "Okapi built-in super tenant" }, enabled: { okapi-0__0__0: true } } ] } ninserted:1 keysInserted:1 numYields:0 reslen:44 locks:{ Global: { acquireCount: { r: 3, w: 3 } }, Database: { acquireCount: { w: 2, W: 1 } }, Collection: { acquireCount: { w: 2 } } } protocol:op_query 261ms [mongod output] 14:26:41 INFO MainVerticle starting env 14:26:41 INFO MainVerticle Starting discovery 14:26:41 INFO MainVerticle Starting deployment 14:26:41 INFO MainVerticle API Gateway started PID 1909@2dcd032ebaca. Listening on port 9230 14:26:41 INFO MainVerticle Deploy completed succesfully 14:26:41 INFO TenantManager starting supertenant 14:26:41 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant supertenant module null seq1 0 14:26:41 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant supertenant 14:26:41 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:26:41 INFO ProxyContext 042676/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:41 WARN ProxyContext 042676/proxy Module 'sample-module-5.0' handlers /testb: uses old type path. Use a pathPattern instead 14:26:41 WARN ProxyContext 042676/proxy Module 'sample-module-5.0' handlers /testb: uses DEPRECATED level. 14:26:41 WARN ProxyContext 042676/proxy Module 'sample-module-5.0' handlers uses type=request-response. That is the default, you can leave it out 14:26:41 WARN ProxyContext 042676/proxy Module 'sample-module-5.0' has no Requires section. If the module really does not require any other interfaces, provide an empty array to be explicit about it. 14:26:41 INFO ProxyContext 042676/proxy RES 201 2076us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:26:41 INFO ProxyContext 350368/deployment REQ supertenant GET /_/deployment/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:41 INFO ProxyContext 350368/deployment RES 200 111us okapi-0.0.0 /_/deployment/modules 14:26:41 INFO ProxyContext 826188/deployment REQ supertenant GET /_/deployment/modules/not_found okapi-0.0.0 14:26:41 INFO ProxyContext 826188/deployment RES 404 94us okapi not found: not_found 14:26:41 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=404 msg=not found: not_found 14:26:41 INFO ProxyContext 100984/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:41 INFO ProxyContext 100984/discovery RES 200 165us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:26:41 INFO ProxyContext 917106/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/modules/not_found okapi-0.0.0 14:26:41 INFO ProxyContext 917106/discovery RES 404 113us okapi not_found 14:26:41 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=404 msg=not_found 14:26:41 INFO ProxyContext 042347/discovery RES 404 - okapi No suitable module found for path /_/discovery/modules/ for tenant supertenant 14:26:41 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=404 msg=No suitable module found for path /_/discovery/modules/ for tenant supertenant 14:26:41 INFO ProxyContext 814281/discovery REQ supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:41 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { "instId" : "localhost-9231", "srvcId" : "sample-module-5.0", "descriptor" : { "exec" : "java -Dport=%p -jar ../okapi-test-module/target/okapi-test-module-fat.jar" } } 14:26:41 INFO ProxyContext 814281/discovery RES 400 347us okapi missing nodeId 14:26:41 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=missing nodeId 14:26:41 INFO ProxyContext 813860/discovery REQ supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:41 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { "srvcId" : "sample-module-5.0" } 14:26:41 INFO ProxyContext 813860/discovery RES 400 339us okapi Needs instId 14:26:41 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=Needs instId 14:26:41 INFO ProxyContext 795283/discovery REQ supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:41 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { "instId" : "localhost-9231", "srvcId" : "sample-module-5.0", "nodeId" : "foobarhost", "descriptor" : { "exec" : "java -Dport=%p -jar ../okapi-test-module/target/okapi-test-module-fat.jar" } } 14:26:41 INFO ProxyContext 795283/discovery RES 404 498us okapi foobarhost 14:26:41 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=404 msg=foobarhost 14:26:41 INFO ProxyContext 720153/discovery REQ supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:41 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { "instId" : "localhost-9231", "srvcId" : "sample-module-5.0", "nodeId" : "localhost", "descriptor" : { "exec" : "java -Dport=%p -jar ../okapi-test-module/target/okapi-test-module-fat.jar" } } 14:26:41 INFO DeploymentManager deploy instId localhost-9231 Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dmaven.ext.class.path="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554/pipeline-maven-spy.jar" -Dorg.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.maven.reportsFolder="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554" 14:26:42 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module okapi-test-module 2.39.0 started 14:26:42 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:26:42 INFO MainVerticle Starting okapi-test-module 6501@2dcd032ebaca on port 9231 14:26:42 INFO ? Succeeded in deploying verticle 14:26:42 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9231 count 0 14:26:42 INFO TcpPortWaiting Connected to service at host localhost port 9231 count 0 2020-04-16T14:26:43.259+0000 I WRITE [conn33] update DEFAULT_DB.okapi.deployments query: { _id: "localhost-9231" } planSummary: IDHACK update: { $set: { instId: "localhost-9231", srvcId: "sample-module-5.0", nodeId: "localhost", url: "http://localhost:9231", descriptor: { exec: "java -Dport=%p -jar ../okapi-test-module/target/okapi-test-module-fat.jar" } }, $setOnInsert: { _id: "localhost-9231" } } keysExamined:0 docsExamined:0 nMatched:0 nModified:0 upsert:1 keysInserted:1 numYields:0 locks:{ Global: { acquireCount: { r: 3, w: 3 } }, Database: { acquireCount: { w: 2, W: 1 } }, Collection: { acquireCount: { w: 2 } } } 382ms [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:43.259+0000 I COMMAND [conn33] command DEFAULT_DB.$cmd command: update { update: "okapi.deployments", ordered: true, updates: [ { q: { _id: "localhost-9231" }, u: { $set: { instId: "localhost-9231", srvcId: "sample-module-5.0", nodeId: "localhost", url: "http://localhost:9231", descriptor: { exec: "java -Dport=%p -jar ../okapi-test-module/target/okapi-test-module-fat.jar" } }, $setOnInsert: { _id: "localhost-9231" } }, upsert: true } ] } numYields:0 reslen:117 locks:{ Global: { acquireCount: { r: 3, w: 3 } }, Database: { acquireCount: { w: 2, W: 1 } }, Collection: { acquireCount: { w: 2 } } } protocol:op_query 382ms [mongod output] 14:26:43 INFO ProxyContext 720153/discovery RES 201 1397154us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:26:43 INFO ProxyContext 720694/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/modules/sample-module-5.0/localhost-9231 okapi-0.0.0 14:26:43 INFO ProxyContext 720694/discovery RES 200 219us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules/sample-module-5.0/localhost-9231 14:26:43 INFO ProxyContext 281853/deployment REQ supertenant GET /_/deployment/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:43 INFO ProxyContext 281853/deployment RES 200 160us okapi-0.0.0 /_/deployment/modules 14:26:43 INFO ProxyContext 558554/discovery REQ supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:43 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { "instId" : "localhost-9231", "srvcId" : "sample-module-5.0", "nodeId" : "localhost", "url" : "http://localhost:9231", "descriptor" : { "exec" : "java -Dport=%p -jar ../okapi-test-module/target/okapi-test-module-fat.jar" } } 14:26:43 INFO ProxyContext 558554/discovery RES 400 671us okapi already deployed: localhost-9231 14:26:43 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=already deployed: localhost-9231 14:26:43 INFO ProxyContext 355070/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/modules/sample-module-5.0 okapi-0.0.0 14:26:43 INFO ProxyContext 355070/discovery RES 200 163us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules/sample-module-5.0 14:26:43 INFO ProxyContext 073963/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:43 INFO ProxyContext 073963/discovery RES 200 206us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:26:43 INFO ProxyContext 808853/env REQ supertenant POST /_/env okapi-0.0.0 2020-04-16T14:26:43.662+0000 I WRITE [conn33] update DEFAULT_DB.okapi.env query: { _id: "name1" } planSummary: IDHACK update: { $set: { name: "name1", value: "value1" }, $setOnInsert: { _id: "name1" } } keysExamined:0 docsExamined:0 nMatched:0 nModified:0 upsert:1 keysInserted:1 numYields:0 locks:{ Global: { acquireCount: { r: 3, w: 3 } }, Database: { acquireCount: { w: 2, W: 1 } }, Collection: { acquireCount: { w: 2 } } } 362ms [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:43.662+0000 I COMMAND [conn33] command DEFAULT_DB.$cmd command: update { update: "okapi.env", ordered: true, updates: [ { q: { _id: "name1" }, u: { $set: { name: "name1", value: "value1" }, $setOnInsert: { _id: "name1" } }, upsert: true } ] } numYields:0 reslen:108 locks:{ Global: { acquireCount: { r: 3, w: 3 } }, Database: { acquireCount: { w: 2, W: 1 } }, Collection: { acquireCount: { w: 2 } } } protocol:op_query 363ms [mongod output] 14:26:43 INFO ProxyContext 808853/env RES 201 364738us okapi-0.0.0 /_/env 14:26:43 INFO ModuleTest doc2 { "instId" : "localhost-9231", "srvcId" : "sample-module-5.0", "nodeId" : "localhost", "url" : "http://localhost:9231", "descriptor" : { "exec" : "java -Dport=%p -jar ../okapi-test-module/target/okapi-test-module-fat.jar" } } 14:26:43 INFO ProxyContext 305279/deployment REQ supertenant DELETE /_/deployment/modules/localhost-9231 okapi-0.0.0 14:26:43 INFO DeploymentManager undeploy instId localhost-9231 14:26:43 INFO ProxyContext 305279/deployment RES 204 46416us okapi-0.0.0 /_/deployment/modules/localhost-9231 14:26:43 INFO SLF4JLogger Closed connection [connectionId{localValue:33, serverValue:33}] to localhost:9239 because the pool has been closed. 2020-04-16T14:26:43.722+0000 I - [conn33] end connection (6 connections now open) [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:43.722+0000 I - [conn32] end connection (5 connections now open) [mongod output] 14:26:43 WARN oduleVersionReporter META-INF/maven/org.folio.okapi/okapi-core/ not found 14:26:43 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module null null started 14:26:43 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:26:43 INFO MainVerticle clusterManager not in use 14:26:43 INFO MongoHandle Using mongo backend at localhost : 9239 / 14:26:43 INFO SLF4JLogger Cluster created with settings {hosts=[localhost:9239], mode=SINGLE, requiredClusterType=UNKNOWN, serverSelectionTimeout='30000 ms', maxWaitQueueSize=500} 14:26:43 INFO MainVerticle Proxy using mongo storage 14:26:43 INFO InternalModule InternalModule starting okapiversion=null 2020-04-16T14:26:43.727+0000 I NETWORK [thread1] connection accepted from #34 (5 connections now open) [mongod output] 14:26:43 INFO Storage prepareDatabases: NORMAL 14:26:43 INFO MainVerticle startModmanager 2020-04-16T14:26:43.727+0000 I NETWORK [conn34] received client metadata from conn34: { driver: { name: "mongo-java-driver|async|mongo-java-driver-reactivestreams", version: "3.11.0|1.12.0" }, os: { type: "Linux", name: "Linux", architecture: "amd64", version: "4.4.0-1087-aws" }, platform: "Java/Private Build/1.8.0_242-8u242-b08-0ubuntu3~16.04-b08" } [mongod output] 14:26:43 INFO SLF4JLogger No server chosen by com.mongodb.async.client.ClientSessionHelper$1@50cb0d89 from cluster description ClusterDescription{type=UNKNOWN, connectionMode=SINGLE, serverDescriptions=[ServerDescription{address=localhost:9239, type=UNKNOWN, state=CONNECTING}]}. Waiting for 30000 ms before timing out 14:26:43 INFO SLF4JLogger Opened connection [connectionId{localValue:34, serverValue:34}] to localhost:9239 14:26:43 INFO SLF4JLogger Monitor thread successfully connected to server with description ServerDescription{address=localhost:9239, type=STANDALONE, state=CONNECTED, ok=true, version=ServerVersion{versionList=[3, 4, 1]}, minWireVersion=0, maxWireVersion=5, maxDocumentSize=16777216, logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes=null, roundTripTimeNanos=383075} 2020-04-16T14:26:43.730+0000 I NETWORK [thread1] connection accepted from #35 (6 connections now open) [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:43.731+0000 I NETWORK [conn35] received client metadata from conn35: { driver: { name: "mongo-java-driver|async|mongo-java-driver-reactivestreams", version: "3.11.0|1.12.0" }, os: { type: "Linux", name: "Linux", architecture: "amd64", version: "4.4.0-1087-aws" }, platform: "Java/Private Build/1.8.0_242-8u242-b08-0ubuntu3~16.04-b08" } [mongod output] 14:26:43 INFO SLF4JLogger Opened connection [connectionId{localValue:35, serverValue:35}] to localhost:9239 14:26:43 INFO MainVerticle startTenants 14:26:43 INFO MainVerticle checkInternalModules 14:26:43 INFO MainVerticle checkSuperTenant: Already have supertenant 14:26:43 INFO MainVerticle checkSuperTenant: enabled version is okapi-0.0.0 14:26:43 INFO MainVerticle starting env 14:26:43 INFO MainVerticle Starting discovery 14:26:43 INFO MainVerticle Starting deployment 14:26:43 INFO MainVerticle API Gateway started PID 1909@2dcd032ebaca. Listening on port 9230 14:26:43 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { "instId" : "localhost-9231", "srvcId" : "sample-module-5.0", "nodeId" : "localhost", "url" : "http://localhost:9231", "descriptor" : { "exec" : "java -Dport=%p -jar ../okapi-test-module/target/okapi-test-module-fat.jar" } } 14:26:43 INFO DeploymentManager deploy instId localhost-9231 Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dmaven.ext.class.path="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554/pipeline-maven-spy.jar" -Dorg.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.maven.reportsFolder="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554" 14:26:44 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module okapi-test-module 2.39.0 started 14:26:44 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:26:44 INFO MainVerticle Starting okapi-test-module 6557@2dcd032ebaca on port 9231 14:26:44 INFO ? Succeeded in deploying verticle 14:26:44 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9231 count 0 14:26:44 INFO TcpPortWaiting Connected to service at host localhost port 9231 count 0 14:26:44 INFO MainVerticle Deploy completed succesfully 14:26:44 INFO TenantManager starting supertenant 14:26:44 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant supertenant module null seq1 0 14:26:44 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant supertenant 14:26:44 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:26:44 INFO ModuleTest testDeployment2 14:26:44 INFO ProxyContext 846615/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/modules/sample-module-5.0 okapi-0.0.0 14:26:44 INFO ProxyContext 846615/proxy RES 204 1893us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules/sample-module-5.0 14:26:44 INFO ProxyContext 249154/env REQ supertenant DELETE /_/env/name1 okapi-0.0.0 14:26:44 INFO ProxyContext 249154/env RES 204 1260us okapi-0.0.0 /_/env/name1 14:26:44 INFO ProxyContext 247586/discovery REQ supertenant DELETE /_/discovery/modules/sample-module-5.0/localhost-9231 okapi-0.0.0 14:26:44 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy: srvcId sample-module-5.0 instId localhost-9231 14:26:44 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy sample-module-5.0 localhost-9231 14:26:44 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy srvcId=sample-module-5.0 instId=localhost-9231 node=localhost 14:26:44 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy calling.. 14:26:44 INFO DeploymentManager undeploy instId localhost-9231 14:26:44 INFO ProxyContext 247586/discovery RES 204 63710us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules/sample-module-5.0/localhost-9231 14:26:44 INFO ProxyContext 629602/discovery REQ supertenant DELETE /_/discovery/modules/sample-module-5.0/localhost-9231 okapi-0.0.0 14:26:44 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy: srvcId sample-module-5.0 instId localhost-9231 14:26:44 WARN DiscoveryManager deployment.get failed 14:26:44 INFO ProxyContext 629602/discovery RES 404 300us okapi sample-module-5.0/localhost-9231 14:26:44 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=404 msg=sample-module-5.0/localhost-9231 14:26:44 INFO ProxyContext 817388/deployment REQ supertenant GET /_/deployment/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:44 INFO ProxyContext 817388/deployment RES 200 113us okapi-0.0.0 /_/deployment/modules 14:26:44 INFO ProxyContext 914573/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/modules/sample-module-5.0 okapi-0.0.0 14:26:44 INFO ProxyContext 914573/discovery RES 404 71us okapi sample-module-5.0 14:26:44 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=404 msg=sample-module-5.0 14:26:44 INFO ProxyContext 541585/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/modules/UNKNOWN-MODULE okapi-0.0.0 14:26:44 INFO ProxyContext 541585/discovery RES 404 72us okapi UNKNOWN-MODULE 14:26:44 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=404 msg=UNKNOWN-MODULE 14:26:44 INFO ProxyContext 538236/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:44 WARN ProxyContext 538236/proxy Module 'sample-module-depl-1' handlers /testb: uses old type path. Use a pathPattern instead 14:26:44 WARN ProxyContext 538236/proxy Module 'sample-module-depl-1' handlers /testb: uses DEPRECATED level. 14:26:44 WARN ProxyContext 538236/proxy Module 'sample-module-depl-1' handlers uses type=request-response. That is the default, you can leave it out 14:26:44 WARN ProxyContext 538236/proxy Module 'sample-module-depl-1' has no Requires section. If the module really does not require any other interfaces, provide an empty array to be explicit about it. 14:26:44 INFO ProxyContext 538236/proxy RES 201 2597us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:26:44 INFO ProxyContext 522088/discovery REQ supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:44 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { "instId" : "localhost-9231", "srvcId" : "sample-module-depl-1", "nodeId" : "http://localhost:9230" } 14:26:44 INFO DeploymentManager deploy instId localhost-9231 Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dmaven.ext.class.path="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554/pipeline-maven-spy.jar" -Dorg.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.maven.reportsFolder="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554" 14:26:45 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module okapi-test-module 2.39.0 started 14:26:45 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:26:45 INFO MainVerticle Starting okapi-test-module 6608@2dcd032ebaca on port 9231 14:26:45 INFO ? Succeeded in deploying verticle 14:26:45 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9231 count 0 14:26:45 INFO TcpPortWaiting Connected to service at host localhost port 9231 count 0 14:26:45 INFO ProxyContext 522088/discovery RES 201 1006180us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:26:45 INFO ProxyContext 577913/discovery REQ supertenant DELETE /_/discovery/modules/sample-module-depl-1/localhost-9231 okapi-0.0.0 14:26:45 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy: srvcId sample-module-depl-1 instId localhost-9231 14:26:45 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy sample-module-depl-1 localhost-9231 14:26:45 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy srvcId=sample-module-depl-1 instId=localhost-9231 node=http://localhost:9230 14:26:45 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy calling.. 14:26:45 INFO DeploymentManager undeploy instId localhost-9231 14:26:45 INFO ProxyContext 577913/discovery RES 204 85657us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules/sample-module-depl-1/localhost-9231 14:26:45 INFO ProxyContext 082282/discovery REQ supertenant DELETE /_/discovery/modules/sample-module-depl-1/localhost-9231 okapi-0.0.0 14:26:45 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy: srvcId sample-module-depl-1 instId localhost-9231 14:26:45 WARN DiscoveryManager deployment.get failed 14:26:45 INFO ProxyContext 082282/discovery RES 404 268us okapi sample-module-depl-1/localhost-9231 14:26:45 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=404 msg=sample-module-depl-1/localhost-9231 14:26:45 INFO ProxyContext 344380/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/modules/sample-module-depl-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:26:45 INFO ProxyContext 344380/proxy RES 204 1682us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules/sample-module-depl-1 14:26:45 INFO ProxyContext 132945/deployment REQ supertenant GET /_/deployment/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:45 INFO ProxyContext 132945/deployment RES 200 96us okapi-0.0.0 /_/deployment/modules 14:26:45 INFO ProxyContext 084702/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/nodes okapi-0.0.0 14:26:45 INFO ProxyContext 084702/discovery RES 200 127us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/nodes 14:26:45 INFO ProxyContext 431153/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:45 INFO ProxyContext 431153/discovery RES 200 79us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:26:45 INFO ProxyContext 771790/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:45 INFO ProxyContext 771790/proxy RES 200 290us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:26:45 INFO ProxyContext 249788/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/tenants okapi-0.0.0 14:26:45 INFO ProxyContext 249788/proxy RES 200 105us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants 14:26:45 INFO ModuleTest Cleaning up after ModuleTest 14:26:45 INFO SLF4JLogger Closed connection [connectionId{localValue:35, serverValue:35}] to localhost:9239 because the pool has been closed. 2020-04-16T14:26:45.998+0000 I - [conn35] end connection (6 connections now open) [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:45.998+0000 I - [conn34] end connection (5 connections now open) [mongod output] 14:26:46 WARN oduleVersionReporter META-INF/maven/org.folio.okapi/okapi-core/ not found 14:26:46 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module null null started 14:26:46 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:26:46 INFO MainVerticle clusterManager not in use 14:26:46 INFO MongoHandle Using mongo backend at localhost : 9239 / 14:26:46 INFO SLF4JLogger Cluster created with settings {hosts=[localhost:9239], mode=SINGLE, requiredClusterType=UNKNOWN, serverSelectionTimeout='30000 ms', maxWaitQueueSize=500} 14:26:46 INFO MainVerticle Proxy using mongo storage 14:26:46 INFO InternalModule InternalModule starting okapiversion=null 2020-04-16T14:26:46.010+0000 I NETWORK [thread1] connection accepted from #36 (5 connections now open) [mongod output] 14:26:46 INFO Storage prepareDatabases: INIT 14:26:46 INFO SLF4JLogger No server chosen by com.mongodb.async.client.ClientSessionHelper$1@113a331 from cluster description ClusterDescription{type=UNKNOWN, connectionMode=SINGLE, serverDescriptions=[ServerDescription{address=localhost:9239, type=UNKNOWN, state=CONNECTING}]}. Waiting for 30000 ms before timing out 2020-04-16T14:26:46.010+0000 I NETWORK [conn36] received client metadata from conn36: { driver: { name: "mongo-java-driver|async|mongo-java-driver-reactivestreams", version: "3.11.0|1.12.0" }, os: { type: "Linux", name: "Linux", architecture: "amd64", version: "4.4.0-1087-aws" }, platform: "Java/Private Build/1.8.0_242-8u242-b08-0ubuntu3~16.04-b08" } [mongod output] 14:26:46 INFO SLF4JLogger Opened connection [connectionId{localValue:36, serverValue:36}] to localhost:9239 14:26:46 INFO SLF4JLogger Monitor thread successfully connected to server with description ServerDescription{address=localhost:9239, type=STANDALONE, state=CONNECTED, ok=true, version=ServerVersion{versionList=[3, 4, 1]}, minWireVersion=0, maxWireVersion=5, maxDocumentSize=16777216, logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes=null, roundTripTimeNanos=247169} 2020-04-16T14:26:46.012+0000 I NETWORK [thread1] connection accepted from #37 (6 connections now open) [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:46.012+0000 I NETWORK [conn37] received client metadata from conn37: { driver: { name: "mongo-java-driver|async|mongo-java-driver-reactivestreams", version: "3.11.0|1.12.0" }, os: { type: "Linux", name: "Linux", architecture: "amd64", version: "4.4.0-1087-aws" }, platform: "Java/Private Build/1.8.0_242-8u242-b08-0ubuntu3~16.04-b08" } [mongod output] 14:26:46 INFO SLF4JLogger Opened connection [connectionId{localValue:37, serverValue:37}] to localhost:9239 2020-04-16T14:26:46.014+0000 I COMMAND [conn37] CMD: drop DEFAULT_DB.okapi.env [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:46.015+0000 I COMMAND [conn37] CMD: drop DEFAULT_DB.okapi.deployments [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:46.664+0000 I COMMAND [conn37] command DEFAULT_DB.okapi.deployments command: drop { drop: "okapi.deployments" } numYields:0 reslen:91 locks:{ Global: { acquireCount: { r: 1, w: 1 } }, Database: { acquireCount: { W: 1 } } } protocol:op_query 649ms [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:46.665+0000 I COMMAND [conn37] CMD: drop DEFAULT_DB.okapi.tenants [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:46.845+0000 I COMMAND [conn37] command DEFAULT_DB.okapi.tenants command: drop { drop: "okapi.tenants" } numYields:0 reslen:87 locks:{ Global: { acquireCount: { r: 1, w: 1 } }, Database: { acquireCount: { W: 1 } } } protocol:op_query 179ms [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:46.846+0000 I COMMAND [conn37] CMD: drop DEFAULT_DB.okapi.modules [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:46.988+0000 I COMMAND [conn37] command DEFAULT_DB.okapi.modules command: drop { drop: "okapi.modules" } numYields:0 reslen:87 locks:{ Global: { acquireCount: { r: 1, w: 1 } }, Database: { acquireCount: { W: 1 } } } protocol:op_query 142ms [mongod output] 14:26:46 INFO MainVerticle startModmanager 14:26:46 INFO MainVerticle startTenants 14:26:46 INFO MainVerticle checkInternalModules 2020-04-16T14:26:47.403+0000 I COMMAND [conn37] warning: log line attempted (11kB) over max size (10kB), printing beginning and end ... command DEFAULT_DB.okapi.modules command: insert { insert: "okapi.modules", ordered: true, documents: [ { _id: "okapi-0.0.0", id: "okapi-0.0.0", name: "Okapi", requires: [], provides: [ { id: "okapi-proxy", version: "1.9", interfaceType: "internal", handlers: [] }, { id: "okapi", version: "1.9", interfaceType: "internal", handlers: [ { methods: [ "POST" ], pathPattern: "/_/deployment/modules", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/deployment/modules", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.deployment.get" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/deployment/modules/{instanceId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.deployment.get" ] }, { methods: [ "DELETE" ], pathPattern: "/_/deployment/modules/{instanceId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.deployment.delete" ] }, { methods: [ "POST" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/modules", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/modules", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.discovery.get" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/modules/{serviceId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.discovery.get" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/modules/{serviceId}/{instanceId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.discovery.get" ] }, { methods: [ "PUT" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/modules/{serviceId}/{instanceId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.discovery.put" ] }, { methods: [ "DELETE" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/modules", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.discovery.delete" ] }, { methods: [ "DELETE" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/modules/{serviceId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.discovery.delete" ] }, { methods: [ "DELETE" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/modules/{serviceId}/{instanceId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.discovery.delete" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/health", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/health/{serviceId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/health/{serviceId}/{instanceId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/nodes", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.discovery.nodes.get" ] }, { methods: [ "PUT" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/nodes/{nodeId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.discovery.nodes.put" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/nodes/{nodeId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.discovery.nodes.get" ] }, { methods: [ "POST" ], pathPattern: "/_/proxy/modules", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/proxy/modules", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/proxy/modules/{moduleId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [] }, { methods: [ "PUT" ], pathPattern: "/_/proxy/modules/{moduleId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.proxy.modules.put" ] }, { methods: [ "DELETE" ], pathPattern: "/_/proxy/modules/{moduleId}" .......... te", displayName: "Okapi - Delete a tenant", description: "Remove a tenant description" }, { permissionName: "", displayName: "Okapi - Upgrade modules", description: "Check if newer versions available, and upgrade" }, { permissionName: "", displayName: "Okapi - Enable modules and dependencies", description: "Check dependencies and enable/disable modules as needed" }, { permissionName: "", displayName: "Okapi - Enable a module for tenant", description: "Enable a module for the tenant" }, { permissionName: "", displayName: "Okapi - Enable a module and disable another", description: "Enable a module for the tenant, and disable another one" }, { permissionName: "okapi.proxy.tenants.modules.enabled.delete", displayName: "Okapi - Disable a module for tenant", description: "Disable a module for the tenant" }, { permissionName: "", displayName: "Okapi - post env variable", description: "Set up an environment variable for all modules" }, { permissionName: "okapi.env.list", displayName: "Okapi - list env variables", description: "List the environment variables" }, { permissionName: "okapi.env.get", displayName: "Okapi - get one env variable", description: "Get one environment variable" }, { permissionName: "okapi.env.delete", displayName: "Okapi - Delete env variable", description: "Delete one environment variable" }, { permissionName: "okapi.deploy", displayName: "Okapi - Manage deployments", description: "Deploy and undeploy modules", subPermissions: [ "", "okapi.deployment.get", "okapi.deployment.delete", "", "okapi.discovery.get", "okapi.discovery.put", "okapi.discovery.delete", "okapi.discovery.nodes.put", "", "okapi.discovery.nodes.get" ] }, { permissionName: "okapi.modules", displayName: "Okapi - Manage modules", description: "Manage ModuleDescriptors known to the system", subPermissions: [ "", "okapi.proxy.modules.put", "okapi.proxy.modules.delete", "" ] }, { permissionName: "okapi.tenants", displayName: "Okapi - Manage tenants", description: "Manage tenants known to the system", subPermissions: [ "", "okapi.proxy.tenants.put", "okapi.proxy.tenants.delete" ] }, { permissionName: "okapi.tenantmodules", displayName: "Okapi - Manage modules enabled for a tenant", description: "Enable and disable modules for a tenant", subPermissions: [ "", "", "okapi.proxy.tenants.modules.enabled.delete", "", "" ] }, { permissionName: "okapi.env", displayName: "Okapi - Manage environment variables", description: "Set up env vars for modules", subPermissions: [ "", "okapi.env.delete", "okapi.env.list", "okapi.env.get" ] }, { permissionName: "okapi.all", displayName: "Okapi - All permissions", description: "Anything goes", subPermissions: [ "okapi.deploy", "okapi.modules", "okapi.tenants", "okapi.tenantmodules", "okapi.env" ] } ] } ] } ninserted:1 keysInserted:1 numYields:0 reslen:44 locks:{ Global: { acquireCount: { r: 3, w: 3 } }, Database: { acquireCount: { w: 2, W: 1 } }, Collection: { acquireCount: { w: 2 } } } protocol:op_query 411ms [mongod output] 14:26:47 INFO MainVerticle Creating the superTenant supertenant 2020-04-16T14:26:47.744+0000 I COMMAND [conn37] command DEFAULT_DB.okapi.tenants command: insert { insert: "okapi.tenants", ordered: true, documents: [ { _id: "supertenant", descriptor: { id: "supertenant", name: "supertenant", description: "Okapi built-in super tenant" }, enabled: { okapi-0__0__0: true } } ] } ninserted:1 keysInserted:1 numYields:0 reslen:44 locks:{ Global: { acquireCount: { r: 3, w: 3 } }, Database: { acquireCount: { w: 2, W: 1 } }, Collection: { acquireCount: { w: 2 } } } protocol:op_query 337ms [mongod output] 14:26:47 INFO MainVerticle starting env 14:26:47 INFO MainVerticle Starting discovery 14:26:47 INFO MainVerticle Starting deployment 14:26:47 INFO MainVerticle API Gateway started PID 1909@2dcd032ebaca. Listening on port 9230 14:26:47 INFO MainVerticle Deploy completed succesfully 14:26:47 INFO TenantManager starting supertenant 14:26:47 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant supertenant module null seq1 0 14:26:47 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant supertenant 14:26:47 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:26:47 INFO ProxyContext 319134/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:47 INFO ProxyContext 319134/proxy RES 201 3567us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:26:47 INFO ProxyContext 842191/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:47 INFO ProxyContext 842191/proxy RES 201 2807us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:26:47 INFO ProxyContext 392692/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:47 INFO ProxyContext 392692/proxy RES 201 2425us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:26:47 INFO ProxyContext 396082/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:47 INFO ProxyContext 396082/proxy RES 201 1469us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:26:47 INFO ProxyContext 298369/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:47 INFO ProxyContext 298369/proxy RES 201 3873us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:26:47 INFO ProxyContext 086640/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:47 INFO ProxyContext 086640/proxy RES 201 1802us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:26:47 INFO ProxyContext 236821/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:47 INFO ProxyContext 236821/proxy RES 201 1692us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:26:47 INFO ProxyContext 210095/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:47 INFO ProxyContext 210095/proxy RES 201 1556us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:26:47 INFO ProxyContext 525476/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:47 INFO ProxyContext 525476/proxy RES 201 1990us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:26:47 INFO ProxyContext 150074/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:47 INFO ProxyContext 150074/proxy RES 201 1722us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:26:47 INFO ProxyContext 015514/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:47 INFO ProxyContext 015514/proxy RES 200 518us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:26:47 INFO ModuleTest Cleaning up after ModuleTest 14:26:47 INFO SLF4JLogger Closed connection [connectionId{localValue:37, serverValue:37}] to localhost:9239 because the pool has been closed. 2020-04-16T14:26:47.903+0000 I - [conn37] end connection (6 connections now open) [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:47.903+0000 I - [conn36] end connection (5 connections now open) [mongod output] 14:26:47 WARN oduleVersionReporter META-INF/maven/org.folio.okapi/okapi-core/ not found 14:26:47 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module null null started 14:26:47 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:26:47 INFO MainVerticle clusterManager not in use 14:26:47 INFO MongoHandle Using mongo backend at localhost : 9239 / 14:26:47 INFO SLF4JLogger Cluster created with settings {hosts=[localhost:9239], mode=SINGLE, requiredClusterType=UNKNOWN, serverSelectionTimeout='30000 ms', maxWaitQueueSize=500} 14:26:47 INFO MainVerticle Proxy using mongo storage 14:26:47 INFO InternalModule InternalModule starting okapiversion=null 2020-04-16T14:26:47.913+0000 I NETWORK [thread1] connection accepted from #38 (5 connections now open) [mongod output] 14:26:47 INFO Storage prepareDatabases: INIT 14:26:47 INFO SLF4JLogger No server chosen by com.mongodb.async.client.ClientSessionHelper$1@2322db2d from cluster description ClusterDescription{type=UNKNOWN, connectionMode=SINGLE, serverDescriptions=[ServerDescription{address=localhost:9239, type=UNKNOWN, state=CONNECTING}]}. Waiting for 30000 ms before timing out 2020-04-16T14:26:47.913+0000 I NETWORK [conn38] received client metadata from conn38: { driver: { name: "mongo-java-driver|async|mongo-java-driver-reactivestreams", version: "3.11.0|1.12.0" }, os: { type: "Linux", name: "Linux", architecture: "amd64", version: "4.4.0-1087-aws" }, platform: "Java/Private Build/1.8.0_242-8u242-b08-0ubuntu3~16.04-b08" } [mongod output] 14:26:47 INFO SLF4JLogger Opened connection [connectionId{localValue:38, serverValue:38}] to localhost:9239 14:26:47 INFO SLF4JLogger Monitor thread successfully connected to server with description ServerDescription{address=localhost:9239, type=STANDALONE, state=CONNECTED, ok=true, version=ServerVersion{versionList=[3, 4, 1]}, minWireVersion=0, maxWireVersion=5, maxDocumentSize=16777216, logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes=null, roundTripTimeNanos=258346} 2020-04-16T14:26:47.916+0000 I NETWORK [thread1] connection accepted from #39 (6 connections now open) [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:47.917+0000 I NETWORK [conn39] received client metadata from conn39: { driver: { name: "mongo-java-driver|async|mongo-java-driver-reactivestreams", version: "3.11.0|1.12.0" }, os: { type: "Linux", name: "Linux", architecture: "amd64", version: "4.4.0-1087-aws" }, platform: "Java/Private Build/1.8.0_242-8u242-b08-0ubuntu3~16.04-b08" } [mongod output] 14:26:47 INFO SLF4JLogger Opened connection [connectionId{localValue:39, serverValue:39}] to localhost:9239 2020-04-16T14:26:47.918+0000 I COMMAND [conn39] CMD: drop DEFAULT_DB.okapi.env [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:47.919+0000 I COMMAND [conn39] CMD: drop DEFAULT_DB.okapi.deployments [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:47.920+0000 I COMMAND [conn39] CMD: drop DEFAULT_DB.okapi.tenants [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:47.921+0000 I COMMAND [conn39] CMD: drop DEFAULT_DB.okapi.modules [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:48.274+0000 I COMMAND [conn39] command DEFAULT_DB.okapi.modules command: drop { drop: "okapi.modules" } numYields:0 reslen:87 locks:{ Global: { acquireCount: { r: 1, w: 1 } }, Database: { acquireCount: { W: 1 } } } protocol:op_query 353ms [mongod output] 14:26:48 INFO MainVerticle startModmanager 14:26:48 INFO MainVerticle startTenants 14:26:48 INFO MainVerticle checkInternalModules 2020-04-16T14:26:48.581+0000 I COMMAND [conn39] warning: log line attempted (11kB) over max size (10kB), printing beginning and end ... command DEFAULT_DB.okapi.modules command: insert { insert: "okapi.modules", ordered: true, documents: [ { _id: "okapi-0.0.0", id: "okapi-0.0.0", name: "Okapi", requires: [], provides: [ { id: "okapi-proxy", version: "1.9", interfaceType: "internal", handlers: [] }, { id: "okapi", version: "1.9", interfaceType: "internal", handlers: [ { methods: [ "POST" ], pathPattern: "/_/deployment/modules", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/deployment/modules", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.deployment.get" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/deployment/modules/{instanceId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.deployment.get" ] }, { methods: [ "DELETE" ], pathPattern: "/_/deployment/modules/{instanceId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.deployment.delete" ] }, { methods: [ "POST" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/modules", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/modules", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.discovery.get" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/modules/{serviceId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.discovery.get" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/modules/{serviceId}/{instanceId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.discovery.get" ] }, { methods: [ "PUT" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/modules/{serviceId}/{instanceId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.discovery.put" ] }, { methods: [ "DELETE" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/modules", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.discovery.delete" ] }, { methods: [ "DELETE" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/modules/{serviceId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.discovery.delete" ] }, { methods: [ "DELETE" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/modules/{serviceId}/{instanceId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.discovery.delete" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/health", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/health/{serviceId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/health/{serviceId}/{instanceId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/nodes", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.discovery.nodes.get" ] }, { methods: [ "PUT" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/nodes/{nodeId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.discovery.nodes.put" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/nodes/{nodeId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.discovery.nodes.get" ] }, { methods: [ "POST" ], pathPattern: "/_/proxy/modules", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/proxy/modules", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/proxy/modules/{moduleId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [] }, { methods: [ "PUT" ], pathPattern: "/_/proxy/modules/{moduleId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.proxy.modules.put" ] }, { methods: [ "DELETE" ], pathPattern: "/_/proxy/modules/{moduleId}" .......... te", displayName: "Okapi - Delete a tenant", description: "Remove a tenant description" }, { permissionName: "", displayName: "Okapi - Upgrade modules", description: "Check if newer versions available, and upgrade" }, { permissionName: "", displayName: "Okapi - Enable modules and dependencies", description: "Check dependencies and enable/disable modules as needed" }, { permissionName: "", displayName: "Okapi - Enable a module for tenant", description: "Enable a module for the tenant" }, { permissionName: "", displayName: "Okapi - Enable a module and disable another", description: "Enable a module for the tenant, and disable another one" }, { permissionName: "okapi.proxy.tenants.modules.enabled.delete", displayName: "Okapi - Disable a module for tenant", description: "Disable a module for the tenant" }, { permissionName: "", displayName: "Okapi - post env variable", description: "Set up an environment variable for all modules" }, { permissionName: "okapi.env.list", displayName: "Okapi - list env variables", description: "List the environment variables" }, { permissionName: "okapi.env.get", displayName: "Okapi - get one env variable", description: "Get one environment variable" }, { permissionName: "okapi.env.delete", displayName: "Okapi - Delete env variable", description: "Delete one environment variable" }, { permissionName: "okapi.deploy", displayName: "Okapi - Manage deployments", description: "Deploy and undeploy modules", subPermissions: [ "", "okapi.deployment.get", "okapi.deployment.delete", "", "okapi.discovery.get", "okapi.discovery.put", "okapi.discovery.delete", "okapi.discovery.nodes.put", "", "okapi.discovery.nodes.get" ] }, { permissionName: "okapi.modules", displayName: "Okapi - Manage modules", description: "Manage ModuleDescriptors known to the system", subPermissions: [ "", "okapi.proxy.modules.put", "okapi.proxy.modules.delete", "" ] }, { permissionName: "okapi.tenants", displayName: "Okapi - Manage tenants", description: "Manage tenants known to the system", subPermissions: [ "", "okapi.proxy.tenants.put", "okapi.proxy.tenants.delete" ] }, { permissionName: "okapi.tenantmodules", displayName: "Okapi - Manage modules enabled for a tenant", description: "Enable and disable modules for a tenant", subPermissions: [ "", "", "okapi.proxy.tenants.modules.enabled.delete", "", "" ] }, { permissionName: "okapi.env", displayName: "Okapi - Manage environment variables", description: "Set up env vars for modules", subPermissions: [ "", "okapi.env.delete", "okapi.env.list", "okapi.env.get" ] }, { permissionName: "okapi.all", displayName: "Okapi - All permissions", description: "Anything goes", subPermissions: [ "okapi.deploy", "okapi.modules", "okapi.tenants", "okapi.tenantmodules", "okapi.env" ] } ] } ] } ninserted:1 keysInserted:1 numYields:0 reslen:44 locks:{ Global: { acquireCount: { r: 3, w: 3 } }, Database: { acquireCount: { w: 2, W: 1 } }, Collection: { acquireCount: { w: 2 } } } protocol:op_query 299ms [mongod output] 14:26:48 INFO MainVerticle Creating the superTenant supertenant 2020-04-16T14:26:48.871+0000 I COMMAND [conn39] command DEFAULT_DB.okapi.tenants command: insert { insert: "okapi.tenants", ordered: true, documents: [ { _id: "supertenant", descriptor: { id: "supertenant", name: "supertenant", description: "Okapi built-in super tenant" }, enabled: { okapi-0__0__0: true } } ] } ninserted:1 keysInserted:1 numYields:0 reslen:44 locks:{ Global: { acquireCount: { r: 3, w: 3 } }, Database: { acquireCount: { w: 2, W: 1 } }, Collection: { acquireCount: { w: 2 } } } protocol:op_query 288ms [mongod output] 14:26:48 INFO MainVerticle starting env 14:26:48 INFO MainVerticle Starting discovery 14:26:48 INFO MainVerticle Starting deployment 14:26:48 INFO MainVerticle API Gateway started PID 1909@2dcd032ebaca. Listening on port 9230 14:26:48 INFO MainVerticle Deploy completed succesfully 14:26:48 INFO TenantManager starting supertenant 14:26:48 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant supertenant module null seq1 0 14:26:48 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant supertenant 14:26:48 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:26:48 INFO ProxyContext 668471/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:48 WARN ProxyContext 668471/proxy Module 'sample-module-5.0' handlers /testb: uses old type path. Use a pathPattern instead 14:26:48 WARN ProxyContext 668471/proxy Module 'sample-module-5.0' handlers uses type=request-response. That is the default, you can leave it out 14:26:48 WARN ProxyContext 668471/proxy Module 'sample-module-5.0' has no Requires section. If the module really does not require any other interfaces, provide an empty array to be explicit about it. 14:26:48 INFO ProxyContext 668471/proxy RES 201 2048us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:26:48 INFO ProxyContext 094547/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:48 WARN ProxyContext 094547/proxy Module 'header-module-1.0' has no Requires section. If the module really does not require any other interfaces, provide an empty array to be explicit about it. 14:26:48 WARN ProxyContext 094547/proxy Module 'header-module-1.0' filters /testb: uses old type path. Use a pathPattern instead 14:26:48 WARN ProxyContext 094547/proxy Module 'header-module-1.0' filters /testb: uses DEPRECATED level. Use a phase=auth instead 14:26:48 INFO ProxyContext 094547/proxy RES 201 2586us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:26:48 INFO ProxyContext 676013/discovery REQ supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:48 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { "srvcId" : "sample-module-5.0", "nodeId" : "localhost", "descriptor" : { "exec" : "java -Dport=%p -jar ../okapi-test-module/target/okapi-test-module-fat.jar" } } 14:26:48 INFO DeploymentManager deploy instId 3f7cb0cf-379f-4afc-b827-853e370d3886 Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dmaven.ext.class.path="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554/pipeline-maven-spy.jar" -Dorg.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.maven.reportsFolder="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554" 14:26:49 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module okapi-test-module 2.39.0 started 14:26:49 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:26:49 INFO MainVerticle Starting okapi-test-module 6713@2dcd032ebaca on port 9231 14:26:49 INFO ? Succeeded in deploying verticle 14:26:49 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9231 count 0 14:26:49 INFO TcpPortWaiting Connected to service at host localhost port 9231 count 0 2020-04-16T14:26:50.305+0000 I WRITE [conn39] update DEFAULT_DB.okapi.deployments query: { _id: "3f7cb0cf-379f-4afc-b827-853e370d3886" } planSummary: IDHACK update: { $set: { instId: "3f7cb0cf-379f-4afc-b827-853e370d3886", srvcId: "sample-module-5.0", nodeId: "localhost", url: "http://localhost:9231", descriptor: { exec: "java -Dport=%p -jar ../okapi-test-module/target/okapi-test-module-fat.jar" } }, $setOnInsert: { _id: "3f7cb0cf-379f-4afc-b827-853e370d3886" } } keysExamined:0 docsExamined:0 nMatched:0 nModified:0 upsert:1 keysInserted:1 numYields:0 locks:{ Global: { acquireCount: { r: 3, w: 3 } }, Database: { acquireCount: { w: 2, W: 1 } }, Collection: { acquireCount: { w: 2 } } } 406ms [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:50.307+0000 I COMMAND [conn39] command DEFAULT_DB.$cmd command: update { update: "okapi.deployments", ordered: true, updates: [ { q: { _id: "3f7cb0cf-379f-4afc-b827-853e370d3886" }, u: { $set: { instId: "3f7cb0cf-379f-4afc-b827-853e370d3886", srvcId: "sample-module-5.0", nodeId: "localhost", url: "http://localhost:9231", descriptor: { exec: "java -Dport=%p -jar ../okapi-test-module/target/okapi-test-module-fat.jar" } }, $setOnInsert: { _id: "3f7cb0cf-379f-4afc-b827-853e370d3886" } }, upsert: true } ] } numYields:0 reslen:139 locks:{ Global: { acquireCount: { r: 3, w: 3 } }, Database: { acquireCount: { w: 2, W: 1 } }, Collection: { acquireCount: { w: 2 } } } protocol:op_query 408ms [mongod output] 14:26:50 INFO ProxyContext 676013/discovery RES 201 1414738us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:26:50 INFO ProxyContext 167387/discovery REQ supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:50 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { "srvcId" : "header-module-1.0", "nodeId" : "localhost", "descriptor" : { "exec" : "java -Dport=%p -jar ../okapi-test-header-module/target/okapi-test-header-module-fat.jar" } } 14:26:50 INFO DeploymentManager deploy instId da737e1e-7f7d-4d0f-a854-036e594100b5 Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dmaven.ext.class.path="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554/pipeline-maven-spy.jar" -Dorg.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.maven.reportsFolder="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554" 14:26:50 INFO MainVerticle Starting okapi-test-header-module 6740@2dcd032ebaca on port 9232 14:26:51 INFO ? Succeeded in deploying verticle 14:26:51 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9232 count 0 14:26:51 INFO TcpPortWaiting Connected to service at host localhost port 9232 count 0 14:26:51 INFO ProxyContext 167387/discovery RES 201 1005079us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:26:51 INFO ProxyContext 883614/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants okapi-0.0.0 14:26:51 INFO ProxyContext 883614/proxy RES 201 1285us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants 14:26:51 INFO ProxyContext 825399/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:51 INFO ProxyContext 825399/proxy RES 201 4608us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules 14:26:51 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module null seq1 0 14:26:51 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant roskilde 14:26:51 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:26:51 INFO ProxyContext 899011/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/modules/sample-module-5.0 okapi-0.0.0 14:26:51 ERROR ProxyContext 899011/proxy delete module failed: USER:delete: module sample-module-5.0 is used by tenant roskilde 14:26:51 INFO ProxyContext 899011/proxy RES 400 836us okapi delete: module sample-module-5.0 is used by tenant roskilde 14:26:51 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=delete: module sample-module-5.0 is used by tenant roskilde 14:26:51 INFO ProxyContext 106997/proxy REQ supertenant PUT /_/proxy/modules/sample-module-5.0 okapi-0.0.0 14:26:51 WARN ProxyContext 106997/proxy Module 'sample-module-5.0' handlers /testb: uses old type path. Use a pathPattern instead 14:26:51 WARN ProxyContext 106997/proxy Module 'sample-module-5.0' handlers uses type=request-response. That is the default, you can leave it out 14:26:51 WARN ProxyContext 106997/proxy Module 'sample-module-5.0' has no Requires section. If the module really does not require any other interfaces, provide an empty array to be explicit about it. 14:26:51 INFO ProxyContext 106997/proxy RES 400 1389us okapi update: module sample-module-5.0 is used by tenant roskilde 14:26:51 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=update: module sample-module-5.0 is used by tenant roskilde 14:26:51 INFO ProxyContext 597599/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:51 INFO ProxyContext 597599/proxy RES 201 2495us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules 14:26:51 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module null seq1 0 14:26:51 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant roskilde 14:26:51 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:26:51 INFO ProxyContext 093855/testb REQ roskilde POST /testb header-module-1.0 sample-module-5.0 14:26:51 INFO ProxyContext 093855/testb RES 200 77062us header-module-1.0 http://localhost:9232/testb 14:26:51 INFO ProxyContext 093855/testb RES 200 88367us sample-module-5.0 http://localhost:9231/testb 14:26:51 INFO ProxyContext 506197/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/sample-module-5.0 okapi-0.0.0 14:26:51 INFO ProxyContext 506197/proxy RES 204 2457us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/sample-module-5.0 14:26:51 INFO ProxyContext 996763/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:51 INFO ProxyContext 996763/proxy RES 201 2211us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules 14:26:51 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module null seq1 0 14:26:51 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant roskilde 14:26:51 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:26:51 INFO ProxyContext 518226/testb REQ roskilde POST /testb header-module-1.0 sample-module-5.0 14:26:51 INFO ProxyContext 518226/testb RES 200 2049us header-module-1.0 http://localhost:9232/testb 14:26:51 INFO ProxyContext 518226/testb RES 200 2650us sample-module-5.0 http://localhost:9231/testb 14:26:51 INFO ProxyContext 129359/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde okapi-0.0.0 14:26:51 INFO ProxyContext 129359/proxy RES 204 1148us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde 14:26:51 INFO ProxyContext 153771/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/modules/sample-module-5.0 okapi-0.0.0 14:26:51 INFO ProxyContext 153771/proxy RES 204 1295us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules/sample-module-5.0 14:26:51 INFO ProxyContext 135876/discovery REQ supertenant DELETE /_/discovery/modules/sample-module-5.0/3f7cb0cf-379f-4afc-b827-853e370d3886 okapi-0.0.0 14:26:51 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy: srvcId sample-module-5.0 instId 3f7cb0cf-379f-4afc-b827-853e370d3886 14:26:51 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy sample-module-5.0 3f7cb0cf-379f-4afc-b827-853e370d3886 14:26:51 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy srvcId=sample-module-5.0 instId=3f7cb0cf-379f-4afc-b827-853e370d3886 node=localhost 14:26:51 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy calling.. 14:26:51 INFO DeploymentManager undeploy instId 3f7cb0cf-379f-4afc-b827-853e370d3886 14:26:51 INFO ProxyContext 135876/discovery RES 204 64181us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules/sample-module-5.0/3f7cb0cf-379f-4afc-b827-853e370d3886 14:26:51 INFO ProxyContext 789678/discovery REQ supertenant DELETE /_/discovery/modules/header-module-1.0/da737e1e-7f7d-4d0f-a854-036e594100b5 okapi-0.0.0 14:26:51 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy: srvcId header-module-1.0 instId da737e1e-7f7d-4d0f-a854-036e594100b5 14:26:51 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy header-module-1.0 da737e1e-7f7d-4d0f-a854-036e594100b5 14:26:51 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy srvcId=header-module-1.0 instId=da737e1e-7f7d-4d0f-a854-036e594100b5 node=localhost 14:26:51 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy calling.. 14:26:51 INFO DeploymentManager undeploy instId da737e1e-7f7d-4d0f-a854-036e594100b5 14:26:51 INFO ProxyContext 789678/discovery RES 204 57407us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules/header-module-1.0/da737e1e-7f7d-4d0f-a854-036e594100b5 14:26:51 INFO ProxyContext 794201/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/modules/header-module-1.0 okapi-0.0.0 14:26:51 INFO ProxyContext 794201/proxy RES 204 1305us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules/header-module-1.0 14:26:51 INFO ProxyContext 991814/deployment REQ supertenant GET /_/deployment/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:51 INFO ProxyContext 991814/deployment RES 200 102us okapi-0.0.0 /_/deployment/modules 14:26:51 INFO ProxyContext 211511/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/nodes okapi-0.0.0 14:26:51 INFO ProxyContext 211511/discovery RES 200 220us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/nodes 14:26:51 INFO ProxyContext 521940/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:51 INFO ProxyContext 521940/discovery RES 200 212us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:26:51 INFO ProxyContext 023449/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:51 INFO ProxyContext 023449/proxy RES 200 334us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:26:51 INFO ProxyContext 535505/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/tenants okapi-0.0.0 14:26:51 INFO ProxyContext 535505/proxy RES 200 147us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants 14:26:51 INFO ModuleTest Cleaning up after ModuleTest 14:26:51 INFO SLF4JLogger Closed connection [connectionId{localValue:39, serverValue:39}] to localhost:9239 because the pool has been closed. 2020-04-16T14:26:51.696+0000 I - [conn39] end connection (6 connections now open) [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:51.697+0000 I - [conn38] end connection (5 connections now open) [mongod output] 14:26:51 WARN oduleVersionReporter META-INF/maven/org.folio.okapi/okapi-core/ not found 14:26:51 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module null null started 14:26:51 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:26:51 INFO MainVerticle clusterManager not in use 14:26:51 INFO MongoHandle Using mongo backend at localhost : 9239 / 14:26:51 INFO SLF4JLogger Cluster created with settings {hosts=[localhost:9239], mode=SINGLE, requiredClusterType=UNKNOWN, serverSelectionTimeout='30000 ms', maxWaitQueueSize=500} 14:26:51 INFO MainVerticle Proxy using mongo storage 14:26:51 INFO InternalModule InternalModule starting okapiversion=null 2020-04-16T14:26:51.707+0000 I NETWORK [thread1] connection accepted from #40 (5 connections now open) [mongod output] 14:26:51 INFO Storage prepareDatabases: INIT 2020-04-16T14:26:51.708+0000 I NETWORK [conn40] received client metadata from conn40: { driver: { name: "mongo-java-driver|async|mongo-java-driver-reactivestreams", version: "3.11.0|1.12.0" }, os: { type: "Linux", name: "Linux", architecture: "amd64", version: "4.4.0-1087-aws" }, platform: "Java/Private Build/1.8.0_242-8u242-b08-0ubuntu3~16.04-b08" } [mongod output] 14:26:51 INFO SLF4JLogger No server chosen by com.mongodb.async.client.ClientSessionHelper$1@169761db from cluster description ClusterDescription{type=UNKNOWN, connectionMode=SINGLE, serverDescriptions=[ServerDescription{address=localhost:9239, type=UNKNOWN, state=CONNECTING}]}. Waiting for 30000 ms before timing out 14:26:51 INFO SLF4JLogger Opened connection [connectionId{localValue:40, serverValue:40}] to localhost:9239 14:26:51 INFO SLF4JLogger Monitor thread successfully connected to server with description ServerDescription{address=localhost:9239, type=STANDALONE, state=CONNECTED, ok=true, version=ServerVersion{versionList=[3, 4, 1]}, minWireVersion=0, maxWireVersion=5, maxDocumentSize=16777216, logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes=null, roundTripTimeNanos=272258} 2020-04-16T14:26:51.715+0000 I NETWORK [thread1] connection accepted from #41 (6 connections now open) [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:51.715+0000 I NETWORK [conn41] received client metadata from conn41: { driver: { name: "mongo-java-driver|async|mongo-java-driver-reactivestreams", version: "3.11.0|1.12.0" }, os: { type: "Linux", name: "Linux", architecture: "amd64", version: "4.4.0-1087-aws" }, platform: "Java/Private Build/1.8.0_242-8u242-b08-0ubuntu3~16.04-b08" } [mongod output] 14:26:51 INFO SLF4JLogger Opened connection [connectionId{localValue:41, serverValue:41}] to localhost:9239 2020-04-16T14:26:51.716+0000 I COMMAND [conn41] CMD: drop DEFAULT_DB.okapi.env [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:51.718+0000 I COMMAND [conn41] CMD: drop DEFAULT_DB.okapi.deployments [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:51.719+0000 I COMMAND [conn41] CMD: drop DEFAULT_DB.okapi.tenants [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:52.045+0000 I COMMAND [conn41] command DEFAULT_DB.okapi.tenants command: drop { drop: "okapi.tenants" } numYields:0 reslen:87 locks:{ Global: { acquireCount: { r: 1, w: 1 } }, Database: { acquireCount: { W: 1 } } } protocol:op_query 326ms [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:52.046+0000 I COMMAND [conn41] CMD: drop DEFAULT_DB.okapi.modules [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:52.357+0000 I COMMAND [conn41] command DEFAULT_DB.okapi.modules command: drop { drop: "okapi.modules" } numYields:0 reslen:87 locks:{ Global: { acquireCount: { r: 1, w: 1 } }, Database: { acquireCount: { W: 1 } } } protocol:op_query 310ms [mongod output] 14:26:52 INFO MainVerticle startModmanager 14:26:52 INFO MainVerticle startTenants 14:26:52 INFO MainVerticle checkInternalModules 2020-04-16T14:26:52.678+0000 I COMMAND [conn41] warning: log line attempted (11kB) over max size (10kB), printing beginning and end ... command DEFAULT_DB.okapi.modules command: insert { insert: "okapi.modules", ordered: true, documents: [ { _id: "okapi-0.0.0", id: "okapi-0.0.0", name: "Okapi", requires: [], provides: [ { id: "okapi-proxy", version: "1.9", interfaceType: "internal", handlers: [] }, { id: "okapi", version: "1.9", interfaceType: "internal", handlers: [ { methods: [ "POST" ], pathPattern: "/_/deployment/modules", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/deployment/modules", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.deployment.get" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/deployment/modules/{instanceId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.deployment.get" ] }, { methods: [ "DELETE" ], pathPattern: "/_/deployment/modules/{instanceId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.deployment.delete" ] }, { methods: [ "POST" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/modules", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/modules", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.discovery.get" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/modules/{serviceId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.discovery.get" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/modules/{serviceId}/{instanceId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.discovery.get" ] }, { methods: [ "PUT" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/modules/{serviceId}/{instanceId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.discovery.put" ] }, { methods: [ "DELETE" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/modules", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.discovery.delete" ] }, { methods: [ "DELETE" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/modules/{serviceId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.discovery.delete" ] }, { methods: [ "DELETE" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/modules/{serviceId}/{instanceId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.discovery.delete" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/health", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/health/{serviceId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/health/{serviceId}/{instanceId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/nodes", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.discovery.nodes.get" ] }, { methods: [ "PUT" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/nodes/{nodeId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.discovery.nodes.put" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/discovery/nodes/{nodeId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.discovery.nodes.get" ] }, { methods: [ "POST" ], pathPattern: "/_/proxy/modules", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "" ] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/proxy/modules", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [] }, { methods: [ "GET" ], pathPattern: "/_/proxy/modules/{moduleId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [] }, { methods: [ "PUT" ], pathPattern: "/_/proxy/modules/{moduleId}", type: "internal", permissionsRequired: [ "okapi.proxy.modules.put" ] }, { methods: [ "DELETE" ], pathPattern: "/_/proxy/modules/{moduleId}" .......... te", displayName: "Okapi - Delete a tenant", description: "Remove a tenant description" }, { permissionName: "", displayName: "Okapi - Upgrade modules", description: "Check if newer versions available, and upgrade" }, { permissionName: "", displayName: "Okapi - Enable modules and dependencies", description: "Check dependencies and enable/disable modules as needed" }, { permissionName: "", displayName: "Okapi - Enable a module for tenant", description: "Enable a module for the tenant" }, { permissionName: "", displayName: "Okapi - Enable a module and disable another", description: "Enable a module for the tenant, and disable another one" }, { permissionName: "okapi.proxy.tenants.modules.enabled.delete", displayName: "Okapi - Disable a module for tenant", description: "Disable a module for the tenant" }, { permissionName: "", displayName: "Okapi - post env variable", description: "Set up an environment variable for all modules" }, { permissionName: "okapi.env.list", displayName: "Okapi - list env variables", description: "List the environment variables" }, { permissionName: "okapi.env.get", displayName: "Okapi - get one env variable", description: "Get one environment variable" }, { permissionName: "okapi.env.delete", displayName: "Okapi - Delete env variable", description: "Delete one environment variable" }, { permissionName: "okapi.deploy", displayName: "Okapi - Manage deployments", description: "Deploy and undeploy modules", subPermissions: [ "", "okapi.deployment.get", "okapi.deployment.delete", "", "okapi.discovery.get", "okapi.discovery.put", "okapi.discovery.delete", "okapi.discovery.nodes.put", "", "okapi.discovery.nodes.get" ] }, { permissionName: "okapi.modules", displayName: "Okapi - Manage modules", description: "Manage ModuleDescriptors known to the system", subPermissions: [ "", "okapi.proxy.modules.put", "okapi.proxy.modules.delete", "" ] }, { permissionName: "okapi.tenants", displayName: "Okapi - Manage tenants", description: "Manage tenants known to the system", subPermissions: [ "", "okapi.proxy.tenants.put", "okapi.proxy.tenants.delete" ] }, { permissionName: "okapi.tenantmodules", displayName: "Okapi - Manage modules enabled for a tenant", description: "Enable and disable modules for a tenant", subPermissions: [ "", "", "okapi.proxy.tenants.modules.enabled.delete", "", "" ] }, { permissionName: "okapi.env", displayName: "Okapi - Manage environment variables", description: "Set up env vars for modules", subPermissions: [ "", "okapi.env.delete", "okapi.env.list", "okapi.env.get" ] }, { permissionName: "okapi.all", displayName: "Okapi - All permissions", description: "Anything goes", subPermissions: [ "okapi.deploy", "okapi.modules", "okapi.tenants", "okapi.tenantmodules", "okapi.env" ] } ] } ] } ninserted:1 keysInserted:1 numYields:0 reslen:44 locks:{ Global: { acquireCount: { r: 3, w: 3 } }, Database: { acquireCount: { w: 2, W: 1 } }, Collection: { acquireCount: { w: 2 } } } protocol:op_query 316ms [mongod output] 14:26:52 INFO MainVerticle Creating the superTenant supertenant 2020-04-16T14:26:52.985+0000 I COMMAND [conn41] command DEFAULT_DB.okapi.tenants command: insert { insert: "okapi.tenants", ordered: true, documents: [ { _id: "supertenant", descriptor: { id: "supertenant", name: "supertenant", description: "Okapi built-in super tenant" }, enabled: { okapi-0__0__0: true } } ] } ninserted:1 keysInserted:1 numYields:0 reslen:44 locks:{ Global: { acquireCount: { r: 3, w: 3 } }, Database: { acquireCount: { w: 2, W: 1 } }, Collection: { acquireCount: { w: 2 } } } protocol:op_query 305ms [mongod output] 14:26:52 INFO MainVerticle starting env 14:26:52 INFO MainVerticle Starting discovery 14:26:52 INFO MainVerticle Starting deployment 14:26:52 INFO MainVerticle API Gateway started PID 1909@2dcd032ebaca. Listening on port 9230 14:26:52 INFO MainVerticle Deploy completed succesfully 14:26:52 INFO TenantManager starting supertenant 14:26:52 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant supertenant module null seq1 0 14:26:52 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant supertenant 14:26:52 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:26:52 INFO ProxyContext 908752/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:53 WARN ProxyContext 908752/proxy Module 'sample-1.2.3-alpha.1' has no Requires section. If the module really does not require any other interfaces, provide an empty array to be explicit about it. 14:26:53 INFO ProxyContext 908752/proxy RES 201 1521us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:26:53 INFO ProxyContext 870031/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:53 WARN ProxyContext 870031/proxy Module 'sample-1.2.3-SNAPSHOT.5' has no Requires section. If the module really does not require any other interfaces, provide an empty array to be explicit about it. 14:26:53 INFO ProxyContext 870031/proxy RES 201 1610us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:26:53 INFO ProxyContext 769167/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:53 WARN ProxyContext 769167/proxy Module 'sample-1.2.3-alpha.1+2017' has no Requires section. If the module really does not require any other interfaces, provide an empty array to be explicit about it. 14:26:53 INFO ProxyContext 769167/proxy RES 201 5832us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:26:53 INFO ModuleTest Cleaning up after ModuleTest 14:26:53 INFO SLF4JLogger Closed connection [connectionId{localValue:41, serverValue:41}] to localhost:9239 because the pool has been closed. 2020-04-16T14:26:53.031+0000 I - [conn41] end connection (6 connections now open) [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:53.031+0000 I - [conn40] end connection (5 connections now open) [mongod output] 14:26:53 WARN oduleVersionReporter META-INF/maven/org.folio.okapi/okapi-core/ not found 14:26:53 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module null null started 14:26:53 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:26:53 INFO MainVerticle clusterManager not in use 14:26:53 INFO MongoHandle Using mongo backend at localhost : 9239 / 14:26:53 INFO SLF4JLogger Cluster created with settings {hosts=[localhost:9239], mode=SINGLE, requiredClusterType=UNKNOWN, serverSelectionTimeout='30000 ms', maxWaitQueueSize=500} 14:26:53 INFO MainVerticle Proxy using mongo storage 2020-04-16T14:26:53.044+0000 I NETWORK [thread1] connection accepted from #42 (5 connections now open) [mongod output] 14:26:53 INFO InternalModule InternalModule starting okapiversion=null 14:26:53 INFO Storage prepareDatabases: INIT 14:26:53 INFO SLF4JLogger No server chosen by com.mongodb.async.client.ClientSessionHelper$1@4b7850b0 from cluster description ClusterDescription{type=UNKNOWN, connectionMode=SINGLE, serverDescriptions=[ServerDescription{address=localhost:9239, type=UNKNOWN, state=CONNECTING}]}. Waiting for 30000 ms before timing out 2020-04-16T14:26:53.045+0000 I NETWORK [conn42] received client metadata from conn42: { driver: { name: "mongo-java-driver|async|mongo-java-driver-reactivestreams", version: "3.11.0|1.12.0" }, os: { type: "Linux", name: "Linux", architecture: "amd64", version: "4.4.0-1087-aws" }, platform: "Java/Private Build/1.8.0_242-8u242-b08-0ubuntu3~16.04-b08" } [mongod output] 14:26:53 INFO SLF4JLogger Opened connection [connectionId{localValue:42, serverValue:42}] to localhost:9239 14:26:53 INFO SLF4JLogger Monitor thread successfully connected to server with description ServerDescription{address=localhost:9239, type=STANDALONE, state=CONNECTED, ok=true, version=ServerVersion{versionList=[3, 4, 1]}, minWireVersion=0, maxWireVersion=5, maxDocumentSize=16777216, logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes=null, roundTripTimeNanos=311994} 2020-04-16T14:26:53.047+0000 I NETWORK [thread1] connection accepted from #43 (6 connections now open) [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:53.047+0000 I NETWORK [conn43] received client metadata from conn43: { driver: { name: "mongo-java-driver|async|mongo-java-driver-reactivestreams", version: "3.11.0|1.12.0" }, os: { type: "Linux", name: "Linux", architecture: "amd64", version: "4.4.0-1087-aws" }, platform: "Java/Private Build/1.8.0_242-8u242-b08-0ubuntu3~16.04-b08" } [mongod output] 14:26:53 INFO SLF4JLogger Opened connection [connectionId{localValue:43, serverValue:43}] to localhost:9239 2020-04-16T14:26:53.048+0000 I COMMAND [conn43] CMD: drop DEFAULT_DB.okapi.env [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:53.053+0000 I COMMAND [conn43] CMD: drop DEFAULT_DB.okapi.deployments [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:53.053+0000 I COMMAND [conn43] CMD: drop DEFAULT_DB.okapi.tenants [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:53.054+0000 I COMMAND [conn43] CMD: drop DEFAULT_DB.okapi.modules [mongod output] 14:26:53 INFO MainVerticle startModmanager 14:26:53 INFO MainVerticle startTenants 14:26:53 INFO MainVerticle checkInternalModules 14:26:53 INFO MainVerticle Creating the superTenant supertenant 14:26:53 INFO MainVerticle starting env 14:26:53 INFO MainVerticle Starting discovery 14:26:53 INFO MainVerticle Starting deployment 14:26:53 INFO MainVerticle API Gateway started PID 1909@2dcd032ebaca. Listening on port 9230 14:26:53 INFO MainVerticle Deploy completed succesfully 14:26:53 INFO TenantManager starting supertenant 14:26:53 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant supertenant module null seq1 0 14:26:53 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant supertenant 14:26:53 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:26:53 INFO ProxyContext 219542/deployment REQ supertenant GET /_/deployment/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:53 INFO ProxyContext 219542/deployment RES 200 144us okapi-0.0.0 /_/deployment/modules 14:26:53 INFO ProxyContext 221325/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/nodes okapi-0.0.0 14:26:53 INFO ProxyContext 221325/discovery RES 200 187us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/nodes 14:26:53 INFO ProxyContext 993894/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:53 INFO ProxyContext 993894/discovery RES 200 110us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:26:53 INFO ProxyContext 762591/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:53 INFO ProxyContext 762591/proxy RES 200 433us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:26:53 INFO ProxyContext 862654/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/tenants okapi-0.0.0 14:26:53 INFO ProxyContext 862654/proxy RES 200 158us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants 14:26:53 INFO ProxyContext 595505/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/nodes okapi-0.0.0 14:26:53 INFO ProxyContext 595505/discovery RES 200 146us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/nodes 14:26:53 INFO ProxyContext 826003/discovery REQ supertenant PUT /_/discovery/nodes/localhost okapi-0.0.0 14:26:53 INFO ProxyContext 826003/discovery RES 200 434us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/nodes/localhost 14:26:53 INFO ProxyContext 096357/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/nodes okapi-0.0.0 14:26:53 INFO ProxyContext 096357/discovery RES 200 278us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/nodes 14:26:53 INFO ProxyContext 739032/discovery REQ supertenant PUT /_/discovery/nodes/foobarhost okapi-0.0.0 14:26:53 INFO ProxyContext 739032/discovery RES 404 145us okapi foobarhost 14:26:53 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=404 msg=foobarhost 14:26:53 INFO ProxyContext 891466/discovery REQ supertenant PUT /_/discovery/nodes/localhost okapi-0.0.0 14:26:53 INFO ProxyContext 891466/discovery RES 400 164us okapi Can not change nodeId for node localhost 14:26:53 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=Can not change nodeId for node localhost 14:26:53 INFO ProxyContext 454216/discovery REQ supertenant PUT /_/discovery/nodes/localhost okapi-0.0.0 14:26:53 INFO ProxyContext 454216/discovery RES 400 159us okapi Can not change the URL for node localhost 14:26:53 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=Can not change the URL for node localhost 14:26:53 INFO ProxyContext 282360/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/nodes/localhost okapi-0.0.0 14:26:53 INFO ProxyContext 282360/discovery RES 200 207us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/nodes/localhost 14:26:53 INFO ProxyContext 077136/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/nodes/NewName okapi-0.0.0 14:26:53 INFO ProxyContext 077136/discovery RES 200 200us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/nodes/NewName 14:26:53 INFO ModuleTest node test!!!!!!!!!!!! 14:26:53 INFO ProxyContext 679223/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/nodes/http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A9230 okapi-0.0.0 14:26:53 INFO ProxyContext 679223/discovery RES 200 176us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/nodes/http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A9230 14:26:53 INFO ProxyContext 449243/deployment REQ supertenant GET /_/deployment/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:53 INFO ProxyContext 449243/deployment RES 200 195us okapi-0.0.0 /_/deployment/modules 14:26:53 INFO ProxyContext 739284/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/nodes okapi-0.0.0 14:26:53 INFO ProxyContext 739284/discovery RES 200 150us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/nodes 14:26:53 INFO ProxyContext 333968/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:53 INFO ProxyContext 333968/discovery RES 200 97us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:26:53 INFO ProxyContext 414106/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:53 INFO ProxyContext 414106/proxy RES 200 405us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:26:53 INFO ProxyContext 447311/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/tenants okapi-0.0.0 14:26:53 INFO ProxyContext 447311/proxy RES 200 150us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants 14:26:53 INFO ModuleTest Cleaning up after ModuleTest 14:26:53 INFO SLF4JLogger Closed connection [connectionId{localValue:43, serverValue:43}] to localhost:9239 because the pool has been closed. 2020-04-16T14:26:53.260+0000 I - [conn43] end connection (6 connections now open) [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:53.260+0000 I - [conn42] end connection (5 connections now open) [mongod output] 14:26:53 WARN oduleVersionReporter META-INF/maven/org.folio.okapi/okapi-core/ not found 14:26:53 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module null null started 14:26:53 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:26:53 INFO MainVerticle clusterManager not in use 14:26:53 INFO MongoHandle Using mongo backend at localhost : 9239 / 14:26:53 INFO SLF4JLogger Cluster created with settings {hosts=[localhost:9239], mode=SINGLE, requiredClusterType=UNKNOWN, serverSelectionTimeout='30000 ms', maxWaitQueueSize=500} 14:26:53 INFO MainVerticle Proxy using mongo storage 14:26:53 INFO InternalModule InternalModule starting okapiversion=null 14:26:53 INFO Storage prepareDatabases: INIT 14:26:53 INFO SLF4JLogger No server chosen by com.mongodb.async.client.ClientSessionHelper$1@78c1f52e from cluster description ClusterDescription{type=UNKNOWN, connectionMode=SINGLE, serverDescriptions=[ServerDescription{address=localhost:9239, type=UNKNOWN, state=CONNECTING}]}. Waiting for 30000 ms before timing out 14:26:53 INFO SLF4JLogger Opened connection [connectionId{localValue:44, serverValue:44}] to localhost:9239 14:26:53 INFO SLF4JLogger Monitor thread successfully connected to server with description ServerDescription{address=localhost:9239, type=STANDALONE, state=CONNECTED, ok=true, version=ServerVersion{versionList=[3, 4, 1]}, minWireVersion=0, maxWireVersion=5, maxDocumentSize=16777216, logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes=null, roundTripTimeNanos=340693} 14:26:53 INFO SLF4JLogger Opened connection [connectionId{localValue:45, serverValue:45}] to localhost:9239 2020-04-16T14:26:53.271+0000 I NETWORK [thread1] connection accepted from #44 (5 connections now open) [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:53.271+0000 I NETWORK [conn44] received client metadata from conn44: { driver: { name: "mongo-java-driver|async|mongo-java-driver-reactivestreams", version: "3.11.0|1.12.0" }, os: { type: "Linux", name: "Linux", architecture: "amd64", version: "4.4.0-1087-aws" }, platform: "Java/Private Build/1.8.0_242-8u242-b08-0ubuntu3~16.04-b08" } [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:53.274+0000 I NETWORK [thread1] connection accepted from #45 (6 connections now open) [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:53.274+0000 I NETWORK [conn45] received client metadata from conn45: { driver: { name: "mongo-java-driver|async|mongo-java-driver-reactivestreams", version: "3.11.0|1.12.0" }, os: { type: "Linux", name: "Linux", architecture: "amd64", version: "4.4.0-1087-aws" }, platform: "Java/Private Build/1.8.0_242-8u242-b08-0ubuntu3~16.04-b08" } [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:53.275+0000 I COMMAND [conn45] CMD: drop DEFAULT_DB.okapi.env [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:53.276+0000 I COMMAND [conn45] CMD: drop DEFAULT_DB.okapi.deployments [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:53.277+0000 I COMMAND [conn45] CMD: drop DEFAULT_DB.okapi.tenants [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:53.278+0000 I COMMAND [conn45] CMD: drop DEFAULT_DB.okapi.modules [mongod output] 14:26:53 INFO MainVerticle startModmanager 14:26:53 INFO MainVerticle startTenants 14:26:53 INFO MainVerticle checkInternalModules 14:26:53 INFO MainVerticle Creating the superTenant supertenant 14:26:53 INFO MainVerticle starting env 14:26:53 INFO MainVerticle Starting discovery 14:26:53 INFO MainVerticle Starting deployment 14:26:53 INFO MainVerticle API Gateway started PID 1909@2dcd032ebaca. Listening on port 9230 14:26:53 INFO MainVerticle Deploy completed succesfully 14:26:53 INFO TenantManager starting supertenant 14:26:53 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant supertenant module null seq1 0 14:26:53 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant supertenant 14:26:53 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:26:53 INFO ProxyContext 581816/deployment REQ supertenant GET /_/deployment/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:53 INFO ProxyContext 581816/deployment RES 200 151us okapi-0.0.0 /_/deployment/modules 14:26:53 INFO ProxyContext 342425/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/nodes okapi-0.0.0 14:26:53 INFO ProxyContext 342425/discovery RES 200 164us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/nodes 14:26:53 INFO ProxyContext 584030/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:53 INFO ProxyContext 584030/discovery RES 200 111us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:26:53 INFO ProxyContext 491505/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:53 INFO ProxyContext 491505/proxy RES 200 574us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:26:53 INFO ProxyContext 374343/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/tenants okapi-0.0.0 14:26:53 INFO ProxyContext 374343/proxy RES 200 145us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants 14:26:53 INFO ProxyContext 589048/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:53 INFO ProxyContext 589048/proxy RES 200 307us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:26:53 INFO ProxyContext 858907/proxy RES 404 - okapi No suitable module found for path /_/proxy/modules/ for tenant supertenant 14:26:53 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=404 msg=No suitable module found for path /_/proxy/modules/ for tenant supertenant 14:26:53 INFO ProxyContext 889084/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/modules/no-module okapi-0.0.0 14:26:53 INFO ProxyContext 889084/proxy RES 404 101us okapi no-module 14:26:53 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=404 msg=no-module 14:26:53 INFO ProxyContext 162481/foo RES 404 - okapi No suitable module found for path /_/foo for tenant supertenant 14:26:53 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=404 msg=No suitable module found for path /_/foo for tenant supertenant 14:26:53 INFO ProxyContext 336320/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:53 INFO ProxyContext 336320/proxy RES 400 760us okapi Failed to decode:Unexpected character (',' (code 44)): was expecting double-quote to start field name at [Source: (String)"{ "id" : "sample-module-1+1", "name" : "sample module", "provides" : [ { "id" : "sample", "version" : "1.0", "handlers" : [ { "methods" : [ "GET", "POST", "DELETE" ], "pathPattern" : "/testb", "type" : "request-response", "permissionsRequired" : [ "sample.needed" ], "permissionsDesired" : [ "sample.extra" ], "modulePermissions" : [ "sample.modperm" ] } ] }, { "id" : "recurse", "version" : "1.0", "handlers" : [ { "metho"[truncated 1039 chars]; line: 26, column: 23] (through reference chain: org.folio.okapi.bean.ModuleDescriptor["provides"]->java.lang.Object[][2]) 14:26:53 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=Failed to decode:Unexpected character (',' (code 44)): was expecting double-quote to start field name at [Source: (String)"{ "id" : "sample-module-1+1", "name" : "sample module", "provides" : [ { "id" : "sample", "version" : "1.0", "handlers" : [ { "methods" : [ "GET", "POST", "DELETE" ], "pathPattern" : "/testb", "type" : "request-response", "permissionsRequired" : [ "sample.needed" ], "permissionsDesired" : [ "sample.extra" ], "modulePermissions" : [ "sample.modperm" ] } ] }, { "id" : "recurse", "version" : "1.0", "handlers" : [ { "metho"[truncated 1039 chars]; line: 26, column: 23] (through reference chain: org.folio.okapi.bean.ModuleDescriptor["provides"]->java.lang.Object[][2]) 14:26:53 INFO ProxyContext 694766/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:53 INFO ProxyContext 694766/proxy RES 400 315us okapi Failed to decode:Missing semantic version for: bad module id?!+1 at [Source: (String)"{ "id" : "bad module id?!+1", "name" : "sample module", "provides" : [ { "id" : "sample", "version" : "1.0", "handlers" : [ { "methods" : [ "GET", "POST", "DELETE" ], "pathPattern" : "/testb", "type" : "request-response", "permissionsRequired" : [ "sample.needed" ], "permissionsDesired" : [ "sample.extra" ], "modulePermissions" : [ "sample.modperm" ] } ] }, { "id" : "recurse", "version" : "1.0", "handlers" : [ { "metho"[truncated 1037 chars]; line: 2, column: 10] (through reference chain: org.folio.okapi.bean.ModuleDescriptor["id"]) 14:26:53 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=Failed to decode:Missing semantic version for: bad module id?!+1 at [Source: (String)"{ "id" : "bad module id?!+1", "name" : "sample module", "provides" : [ { "id" : "sample", "version" : "1.0", "handlers" : [ { "methods" : [ "GET", "POST", "DELETE" ], "pathPattern" : "/testb", "type" : "request-response", "permissionsRequired" : [ "sample.needed" ], "permissionsDesired" : [ "sample.extra" ], "modulePermissions" : [ "sample.modperm" ] } ] }, { "id" : "recurse", "version" : "1.0", "handlers" : [ { "metho"[truncated 1037 chars]; line: 2, column: 10] (through reference chain: org.folio.okapi.bean.ModuleDescriptor["id"]) 14:26:53 INFO ProxyContext 656680/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:53 INFO InternalModule createModule validate failed: id is missing for module 14:26:53 INFO ProxyContext 656680/proxy RES 400 348us okapi id is missing for module 14:26:53 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=id is missing for module 14:26:53 INFO ProxyContext 046789/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:53 INFO ProxyContext 046789/proxy RES 400 345us okapi Failed to decode:Missing semantic version for: at [Source: (String)"{ "id" : "", "name" : "sample module", "provides" : [ { "id" : "sample", "version" : "1.0", "handlers" : [ { "methods" : [ "GET", "POST", "DELETE" ], "pathPattern" : "/testb", "type" : "request-response", "permissionsRequired" : [ "sample.needed" ], "permissionsDesired" : [ "sample.extra" ], "modulePermissions" : [ "sample.modperm" ] } ] }, { "id" : "recurse", "version" : "1.0", "handlers" : [ { "methods" : [ "GET" ], "[truncated 1020 chars]; line: 2, column: 10] (through reference chain: org.folio.okapi.bean.ModuleDescriptor["id"]) 14:26:53 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=Failed to decode:Missing semantic version for: at [Source: (String)"{ "id" : "", "name" : "sample module", "provides" : [ { "id" : "sample", "version" : "1.0", "handlers" : [ { "methods" : [ "GET", "POST", "DELETE" ], "pathPattern" : "/testb", "type" : "request-response", "permissionsRequired" : [ "sample.needed" ], "permissionsDesired" : [ "sample.extra" ], "modulePermissions" : [ "sample.modperm" ] } ] }, { "id" : "recurse", "version" : "1.0", "handlers" : [ { "methods" : [ "GET" ], "[truncated 1020 chars]; line: 2, column: 10] (through reference chain: org.folio.okapi.bean.ModuleDescriptor["id"]) 14:26:53 INFO ProxyContext 724083/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:53 INFO ProxyContext 724083/proxy RES 400 394us okapi Failed to decode:Invalid entry type: strange interface type at [Source: (String)"{ "id" : "sample-module-1+1", "name" : "sample module", "provides" : [ { "id" : "sample", "version" : "1.0", "handlers" : [ { "methods" : [ "GET", "POST", "DELETE" ], "pathPattern" : "/testb", "type" : "request-response", "permissionsRequired" : [ "sample.needed" ], "permissionsDesired" : [ "sample.extra" ], "modulePermissions" : [ "sample.modperm" ] } ] }, { "id" : "recurse", "version" : "1.0", "handlers" : [ { "metho"[truncated 1069 chars]; line: 31, column: 16] (through reference chain: org.folio.okapi.bean.ModuleDescriptor["provides"]->java.lang.Object[][2]->org.folio.okapi.bean.InterfaceDescriptor["handlers"]->java.lang.Object[][0]->org.folio.okapi.bean.RoutingEntry["type"]) 14:26:53 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=Failed to decode:Invalid entry type: strange interface type at [Source: (String)"{ "id" : "sample-module-1+1", "name" : "sample module", "provides" : [ { "id" : "sample", "version" : "1.0", "handlers" : [ { "methods" : [ "GET", "POST", "DELETE" ], "pathPattern" : "/testb", "type" : "request-response", "permissionsRequired" : [ "sample.needed" ], "permissionsDesired" : [ "sample.extra" ], "modulePermissions" : [ "sample.modperm" ] } ] }, { "id" : "recurse", "version" : "1.0", "handlers" : [ { "metho"[truncated 1069 chars]; line: 31, column: 16] (through reference chain: org.folio.okapi.bean.ModuleDescriptor["provides"]->java.lang.Object[][2]->org.folio.okapi.bean.InterfaceDescriptor["handlers"]->java.lang.Object[][0]->org.folio.okapi.bean.RoutingEntry["type"]) 14:26:53 INFO ProxyContext 132894/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:53 INFO ProxyContext 132894/proxy RES 400 357us okapi Failed to decode:Invalid entry type: strange-re-type at [Source: (String)"{ "id" : "sample-module-1+1", "name" : "sample module", "provides" : [ { "id" : "sample", "version" : "1.0", "handlers" : [ { "methods" : [ "GET", "POST", "DELETE" ], "pathPattern" : "/testb", "type" : "strange-re-type", "permissionsRequired" : [ "sample.needed" ], "permissionsDesired" : [ "sample.extra" ], "modulePermissions" : [ "sample.modperm" ] } ] }, { "id" : "recurse", "version" : "1.0", "handlers" : [ { "method"[truncated 1035 chars]; line: 10, column: 16] (through reference chain: org.folio.okapi.bean.ModuleDescriptor["provides"]->java.lang.Object[][0]->org.folio.okapi.bean.InterfaceDescriptor["handlers"]->java.lang.Object[][0]->org.folio.okapi.bean.RoutingEntry["type"]) 14:26:53 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=Failed to decode:Invalid entry type: strange-re-type at [Source: (String)"{ "id" : "sample-module-1+1", "name" : "sample module", "provides" : [ { "id" : "sample", "version" : "1.0", "handlers" : [ { "methods" : [ "GET", "POST", "DELETE" ], "pathPattern" : "/testb", "type" : "strange-re-type", "permissionsRequired" : [ "sample.needed" ], "permissionsDesired" : [ "sample.extra" ], "modulePermissions" : [ "sample.modperm" ] } ] }, { "id" : "recurse", "version" : "1.0", "handlers" : [ { "method"[truncated 1035 chars]; line: 10, column: 16] (through reference chain: org.folio.okapi.bean.ModuleDescriptor["provides"]->java.lang.Object[][0]->org.folio.okapi.bean.InterfaceDescriptor["handlers"]->java.lang.Object[][0]->org.folio.okapi.bean.RoutingEntry["type"]) 14:26:53 INFO ProxyContext 665036/proxy REQ supertenant PUT /_/proxy/modules/sample-module-1+1 okapi-0.0.0 14:26:53 INFO ProxyContext 665036/proxy RES 400 382us okapi Failed to decode:Invalid entry type: strange-re-type at [Source: (String)"{ "id" : "sample-module-1+1", "name" : "sample module", "provides" : [ { "id" : "sample", "version" : "1.0", "handlers" : [ { "methods" : [ "GET", "POST", "DELETE" ], "pathPattern" : "/testb", "type" : "strange-re-type", "permissionsRequired" : [ "sample.needed" ], "permissionsDesired" : [ "sample.extra" ], "modulePermissions" : [ "sample.modperm" ] } ] }, { "id" : "recurse", "version" : "1.0", "handlers" : [ { "method"[truncated 1035 chars]; line: 10, column: 16] (through reference chain: org.folio.okapi.bean.ModuleDescriptor["provides"]->java.lang.Object[][0]->org.folio.okapi.bean.InterfaceDescriptor["handlers"]->java.lang.Object[][0]->org.folio.okapi.bean.RoutingEntry["type"]) 14:26:53 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=Failed to decode:Invalid entry type: strange-re-type at [Source: (String)"{ "id" : "sample-module-1+1", "name" : "sample module", "provides" : [ { "id" : "sample", "version" : "1.0", "handlers" : [ { "methods" : [ "GET", "POST", "DELETE" ], "pathPattern" : "/testb", "type" : "strange-re-type", "permissionsRequired" : [ "sample.needed" ], "permissionsDesired" : [ "sample.extra" ], "modulePermissions" : [ "sample.modperm" ] } ] }, { "id" : "recurse", "version" : "1.0", "handlers" : [ { "method"[truncated 1035 chars]; line: 10, column: 16] (through reference chain: org.folio.okapi.bean.ModuleDescriptor["provides"]->java.lang.Object[][0]->org.folio.okapi.bean.InterfaceDescriptor["handlers"]->java.lang.Object[][0]->org.folio.okapi.bean.RoutingEntry["type"]) 14:26:53 INFO ProxyContext 523876/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:53 INFO InternalModule createModule validate failed: Bad routing entry, needs a pathPattern or at least a path 14:26:53 INFO ProxyContext 523876/proxy RES 400 645us okapi Bad routing entry, needs a pathPattern or at least a path 14:26:53 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=Bad routing entry, needs a pathPattern or at least a path 14:26:53 INFO ProxyContext 725687/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:53 INFO ProxyContext 725687/proxy RES 400 419us okapi Failed to decode:Invalid character . for pathPattern at [Source: (String)"{ "id" : "sample-module-1+1", "name" : "sample module", "provides" : [ { "id" : "sample", "version" : "1.0", "handlers" : [ { "methods" : [ "GET", "POST", "DELETE" ], "pathPattern" : "/test.*b(/?)", "type" : "request-response", "permissionsRequired" : [ "sample.needed" ], "permissionsDesired" : [ "sample.extra" ], "modulePermissions" : [ "sample.modperm" ] } ] }, { "id" : "recurse", "version" : "1.0", "handlers" : [ { "[truncated 1043 chars]; line: 9, column: 23] (through reference chain: org.folio.okapi.bean.ModuleDescriptor["provides"]->java.lang.Object[][0]->org.folio.okapi.bean.InterfaceDescriptor["handlers"]->java.lang.Object[][0]->org.folio.okapi.bean.RoutingEntry["pathPattern"]) 14:26:53 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=Failed to decode:Invalid character . for pathPattern at [Source: (String)"{ "id" : "sample-module-1+1", "name" : "sample module", "provides" : [ { "id" : "sample", "version" : "1.0", "handlers" : [ { "methods" : [ "GET", "POST", "DELETE" ], "pathPattern" : "/test.*b(/?)", "type" : "request-response", "permissionsRequired" : [ "sample.needed" ], "permissionsDesired" : [ "sample.extra" ], "modulePermissions" : [ "sample.modperm" ] } ] }, { "id" : "recurse", "version" : "1.0", "handlers" : [ { "[truncated 1043 chars]; line: 9, column: 23] (through reference chain: org.folio.okapi.bean.ModuleDescriptor["provides"]->java.lang.Object[][0]->org.folio.okapi.bean.InterfaceDescriptor["handlers"]->java.lang.Object[][0]->org.folio.okapi.bean.RoutingEntry["pathPattern"]) 14:26:53 INFO ProxyContext 036789/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:53 INFO InternalModule createModule validate failed: Redirect entry without redirectPath 14:26:53 INFO ProxyContext 036789/proxy RES 400 466us okapi Redirect entry without redirectPath 14:26:53 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=Redirect entry without redirectPath 14:26:53 INFO ProxyContext 099791/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:53 WARN ProxyContext 099791/proxy Module 'sample-module-1+1' handlers uses type=request-response. That is the default, you can leave it out 14:26:53 WARN ProxyContext 099791/proxy Module 'sample-module-1+1' handlers /_/tenant: uses old type path. Use a pathPattern instead 14:26:53 WARN ProxyContext 099791/proxy Module 'sample-module-1+1' handlers /_/tenant: uses DEPRECATED level. 14:26:53 WARN ProxyContext 099791/proxy Module 'sample-module-1+1' handlers /_/tenant: uses DEPRECATED type 'system' 14:26:53 WARN ProxyContext 099791/proxy Module 'sample-module-1+1' has no Requires section. If the module really does not require any other interfaces, provide an empty array to be explicit about it. 14:26:53 INFO ProxyContext 099791/proxy RES 201 3502us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules?check=true 14:26:53 INFO ProxyContext 647556/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:53 WARN ProxyContext 647556/proxy Module 'sample-module-1+1' handlers uses type=request-response. That is the default, you can leave it out 14:26:53 WARN ProxyContext 647556/proxy Module 'sample-module-1+1' handlers /_/tenant: uses old type path. Use a pathPattern instead 14:26:53 WARN ProxyContext 647556/proxy Module 'sample-module-1+1' handlers /_/tenant: uses DEPRECATED level. 14:26:53 WARN ProxyContext 647556/proxy Module 'sample-module-1+1' handlers /_/tenant: uses DEPRECATED type 'system' 14:26:53 WARN ProxyContext 647556/proxy Module 'sample-module-1+1' has no Requires section. If the module really does not require any other interfaces, provide an empty array to be explicit about it. 14:26:53 INFO ProxyContext 647556/proxy RES 201 3206us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:26:53 INFO ProxyContext 892523/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:53 WARN ProxyContext 892523/proxy Module 'sample-module-1+1' handlers uses type=request-response. That is the default, you can leave it out 14:26:53 WARN ProxyContext 892523/proxy Module 'sample-module-1+1' handlers /_/tenant: uses old type path. Use a pathPattern instead 14:26:53 WARN ProxyContext 892523/proxy Module 'sample-module-1+1' handlers /_/tenant: uses DEPRECATED level. 14:26:53 WARN ProxyContext 892523/proxy Module 'sample-module-1+1' handlers /_/tenant: uses DEPRECATED type 'system' 14:26:53 WARN ProxyContext 892523/proxy Module 'sample-module-1+1' has no Requires section. If the module really does not require any other interfaces, provide an empty array to be explicit about it. 14:26:53 INFO ProxyContext 892523/proxy RES 400 2031us okapi create: module sample-module-1+1 already exists 14:26:53 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=create: module sample-module-1+1 already exists 14:26:53 FATAL ModuleTest locSampleModule=/_/proxy/modules/sample-module-1%2B1 14:26:53 INFO ProxyContext 296855/proxy REQ supertenant PUT /_/proxy/modules/sample-module-1%2B1 okapi-0.0.0 14:26:53 WARN ProxyContext 296855/proxy Module 'sample-module-1+1' handlers uses type=request-response. That is the default, you can leave it out 14:26:53 WARN ProxyContext 296855/proxy Module 'sample-module-1+1' handlers /_/tenant: uses old type path. Use a pathPattern instead 14:26:53 WARN ProxyContext 296855/proxy Module 'sample-module-1+1' handlers /_/tenant: uses DEPRECATED level. 14:26:53 WARN ProxyContext 296855/proxy Module 'sample-module-1+1' handlers /_/tenant: uses DEPRECATED type 'system' 14:26:53 WARN ProxyContext 296855/proxy Module 'sample-module-1+1' has no Requires section. If the module really does not require any other interfaces, provide an empty array to be explicit about it. 14:26:53 INFO ProxyContext 296855/proxy RES 200 3586us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules/sample-module-1%2B1 14:26:53 INFO ProxyContext 548886/discovery REQ supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:53 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { } 14:26:53 INFO ProxyContext 548886/discovery RES 400 313us okapi Needs srvcId 14:26:53 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=Needs srvcId 14:26:53 INFO ProxyContext 920703/discovery REQ supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:53 INFO ProxyContext 920703/discovery RES 400 274us okapi Failed to decode:Empty srvcId not allowed at [Source: (String)"{"srvcId" : ""}"; line: 1, column: 13] (through reference chain: org.folio.okapi.bean.DeploymentDescriptor["srvcId"]) 14:26:53 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=Failed to decode:Empty srvcId not allowed at [Source: (String)"{"srvcId" : ""}"; line: 1, column: 13] (through reference chain: org.folio.okapi.bean.DeploymentDescriptor["srvcId"]) 14:26:53 INFO ProxyContext 267810/discovery REQ supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:53 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { "srvcId" : "1" } 14:26:53 INFO ProxyContext 267810/discovery RES 404 742us okapi Module 1 not found 14:26:53 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=404 msg=Module 1 not found 14:26:53 INFO ProxyContext 951851/discovery REQ supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:53 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { "srvcId" : "1", "nodeId" : "foo" } 14:26:53 INFO ProxyContext 951851/discovery RES 404 433us okapi Module 1 not found 14:26:53 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=404 msg=Module 1 not found 14:26:53 INFO ProxyContext 244507/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/modules/sample-module-1%2B1 okapi-0.0.0 14:26:53 INFO ProxyContext 244507/proxy RES 200 402us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules/sample-module-1%2B1 14:26:53 INFO ProxyContext 902966/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:53 INFO ProxyContext 902966/proxy RES 200 442us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:26:53 INFO ProxyContext 837239/discovery REQ supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:53 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { "instId" : "sample-inst", "srvcId" : "sample-module-1+1", "nodeId" : "node1" } 14:26:53 INFO DeploymentManager deploy instId sample-inst Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dmaven.ext.class.path="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554/pipeline-maven-spy.jar" -Dorg.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.maven.reportsFolder="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554" 14:26:54 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module okapi-test-module 2.39.0 started 14:26:54 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:26:54 INFO MainVerticle Starting okapi-test-module 6898@2dcd032ebaca on port 9231 14:26:54 INFO ? Succeeded in deploying verticle 14:26:54 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9231 count 0 14:26:54 INFO TcpPortWaiting Connected to service at host localhost port 9231 count 0 14:26:54 INFO ProxyContext 837239/discovery RES 201 1033405us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:26:54 INFO ProxyContext 572003/discovery REQ supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:54 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { "instId" : "sample-inst", "srvcId" : "sample-module-1+1", "nodeId" : "node1" } 14:26:54 INFO ProxyContext 572003/discovery RES 400 737us okapi already deployed: sample-inst 14:26:54 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=already deployed: sample-inst 14:26:54 INFO ProxyContext 111792/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants okapi-0.0.0 14:26:54 INFO ProxyContext 111792/proxy RES 201 1268us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants 14:26:54 INFO ProxyContext 831186/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:54 INFO ProxyService syscall begin POST http://localhost:9231/_/tenant 14:26:54 INFO OkapiClient 831186/proxy;691859/tenant REQ okapiClient roskilde POST http://localhost:9231/_/tenant 14:26:54 INFO MainVerticle POST /_/tenant to okapi-est-module for tenant roskilde 14:26:54 INFO MainVerticle module_from=null module_to=sample-module-1+1 14:26:54 INFO OkapiClient 831186/proxy;691859/tenant RES 200 98733us okapiClient http://localhost:9231/_/tenant 14:26:54 INFO ProxyService syscall return POST http://localhost:9231/_/tenant 14:26:54 INFO ProxyContext 831186/proxy RES 201 103083us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules 14:26:54 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module null seq1 0 14:26:54 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant roskilde 14:26:54 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:26:54 INFO ProxyContext 754501/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:54 INFO ProxyContext 754501/proxy RES 404 205us okapi UnknownModule 14:26:54 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=404 msg=UnknownModule 14:26:54 INFO ProxyContext 699664/testb REQ roskilde GET /testb sample-module-1+1 14:26:54 INFO ProxyContext 699664/testb RES 200 5489us sample-module-1+1 http://localhost:9231/testb 14:26:54 INFO ProxyContext 130020/testb REQ roskilde DELETE /testb sample-module-1+1 14:26:54 INFO ProxyContext 130020/testb RES 204 2526us sample-module-1+1 http://localhost:9231/testb 14:26:54 INFO ProxyContext 692458/testb REQ roskilde GET /testb sample-module-1+1 14:26:54 INFO ProxyContext 692458/testb RES 200 2346us sample-module-1+1 http://localhost:9231/testb?query=foo&limit=10 14:26:54 INFO ProxyContext 806782/recurse REQ roskilde GET /recurse sample-module-1+1 14:26:54 INFO ProxyContext 806782/recurse;097127/recurse REQ roskilde GET /recurse sample-module-1+1 14:26:54 INFO ProxyContext 806782/recurse;097127/recurse;568370/recurse REQ roskilde GET /recurse sample-module-1+1 14:26:54 INFO ProxyContext 806782/recurse;097127/recurse;568370/recurse;227712/recurse REQ roskilde GET /recurse sample-module-1+1 14:26:54 INFO ProxyContext 806782/recurse;097127/recurse;568370/recurse;227712/recurse;672317/recurse REQ roskilde GET /recurse sample-module-1+1 14:26:54 INFO ProxyContext 806782/recurse;097127/recurse;568370/recurse;227712/recurse;672317/recurse;349718/recurse REQ roskilde GET /recurse sample-module-1+1 14:26:54 INFO ProxyContext 806782/recurse;097127/recurse;568370/recurse;227712/recurse;672317/recurse;349718/recurse RES 200 1642us sample-module-1+1 http://localhost:9231/recurse?depth=0 14:26:54 INFO ProxyContext 806782/recurse;097127/recurse;568370/recurse;227712/recurse;672317/recurse RES 200 56191us sample-module-1+1 http://localhost:9231/recurse?depth=1 14:26:54 INFO ProxyContext 806782/recurse;097127/recurse;568370/recurse;227712/recurse RES 200 62244us sample-module-1+1 http://localhost:9231/recurse?depth=2 14:26:54 INFO ProxyContext 806782/recurse;097127/recurse;568370/recurse RES 200 67535us sample-module-1+1 http://localhost:9231/recurse?depth=3 14:26:54 INFO ProxyContext 806782/recurse;097127/recurse RES 200 73383us sample-module-1+1 http://localhost:9231/recurse?depth=4 14:26:54 INFO ProxyContext 806782/recurse RES 200 129309us sample-module-1+1 http://localhost:9231/recurse?depth=5 14:26:54 INFO ProxyContext 865922/invoke;069867/testb REQ roskilde GET /testb sample-module-1+1 14:26:54 INFO ProxyContext 865922/invoke;069867/testb RES 200 1656us sample-module-1+1 http://localhost:9231/testb 14:26:54 INFO ProxyContext 347477/invoke;512914/testb RES 404 - okapi No suitable module found for path /testb/foo/bar for tenant roskilde 14:26:54 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=404 msg=No suitable module found for path /testb/foo/bar for tenant roskilde 14:26:54 INFO ProxyContext 074494/invoke;777177/testb REQ roskilde GET /testb sample-module-1+1 14:26:54 INFO ProxyContext 074494/invoke;777177/testb RES 200 1856us sample-module-1+1 http://localhost:9231/testb?query=foo 14:26:54 INFO ProxyContext 565963/invoke;259003/testb REQ roskilde POST /testb sample-module-1+1 14:26:54 INFO ProxyContext 565963/invoke;259003/testb RES 200 3693us sample-module-1+1 http://localhost:9231/testb?query=foo 14:26:54 INFO ProxyContext 710616/testb REQ roskilde GET /testb sample-module-1+1 14:26:54 INFO ProxyContext 710616/testb RES 200 1417us sample-module-1+1 http://localhost:9231/testb 14:26:54 INFO ProxyContext 763963/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:54 INFO ProxyContext 763963/proxy RES 201 1940us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:26:54 INFO ProxyContext 161685/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:54 INFO ProxyContext 161685/proxy RES 201 2990us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules 14:26:54 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module null seq1 0 14:26:54 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant roskilde 14:26:54 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:26:54 INFO ProxyContext 501037/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:54 INFO ProxyContext 501037/proxy RES 201 1338us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:26:54 INFO ProxyContext 797978/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/empty-module-1.0 okapi-0.0.0 14:26:54 INFO ProxyContext 797978/proxy RES 201 2229us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/empty-module-1.0 14:26:54 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module null seq1 0 14:26:54 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant roskilde 14:26:54 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:26:54 INFO ProxyContext 245763/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/empty-module-1.1 okapi-0.0.0 14:26:54 INFO ProxyContext 245763/proxy RES 204 1972us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/empty-module-1.1 14:26:54 INFO ProxyContext 032786/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/modules/empty-module-1.1 okapi-0.0.0 14:26:54 INFO ProxyContext 032786/proxy RES 204 1225us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules/empty-module-1.1 14:26:54 INFO ProxyContext 621357/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/modules/empty-module-1.0 okapi-0.0.0 14:26:54 INFO ProxyContext 621357/proxy RES 204 1191us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules/empty-module-1.0 14:26:54 INFO ProxyContext 297619/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/sample-module-1%2B1 okapi-0.0.0 14:26:54 INFO ProxyContext 297619/proxy RES 204 2249us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/sample-module-1%2B1 14:26:54 INFO ProxyContext 793399/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde okapi-0.0.0 14:26:54 INFO ProxyContext 793399/proxy RES 204 867us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde 14:26:54 INFO ProxyContext 254764/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/modules/sample-module-1%2B1 okapi-0.0.0 14:26:54 INFO ProxyContext 254764/proxy RES 204 1173us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules/sample-module-1%2B1 14:26:54 INFO ProxyContext 404455/discovery REQ supertenant DELETE /_/discovery/modules/sample-module-1%2B1/sample-inst okapi-0.0.0 14:26:54 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy: srvcId sample-module-1+1 instId sample-inst 14:26:54 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy sample-module-1+1 sample-inst 14:26:54 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy srvcId=sample-module-1+1 instId=sample-inst node=node1 14:26:54 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy calling.. 14:26:54 INFO DeploymentManager undeploy instId sample-inst 14:26:55 INFO ProxyContext 404455/discovery RES 204 41385us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules/sample-module-1%2B1/sample-inst 14:26:55 INFO ProxyContext 528097/deployment REQ supertenant GET /_/deployment/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:55 INFO ProxyContext 528097/deployment RES 200 110us okapi-0.0.0 /_/deployment/modules 14:26:55 INFO ProxyContext 776578/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/nodes okapi-0.0.0 14:26:55 INFO ProxyContext 776578/discovery RES 200 171us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/nodes 14:26:55 INFO ProxyContext 864055/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:55 INFO ProxyContext 864055/discovery RES 200 105us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:26:55 INFO ProxyContext 110981/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:55 INFO ProxyContext 110981/proxy RES 200 340us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:26:55 INFO ProxyContext 490259/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/tenants okapi-0.0.0 14:26:55 INFO ProxyContext 490259/proxy RES 200 131us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants 14:26:55 INFO ModuleTest Cleaning up after ModuleTest 14:26:55 INFO SLF4JLogger Closed connection [connectionId{localValue:45, serverValue:45}] to localhost:9239 because the pool has been closed. 2020-04-16T14:26:55.057+0000 I - [conn45] end connection (6 connections now open) [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:55.057+0000 I - [conn44] end connection (5 connections now open) [mongod output] 14:26:55 INFO PostgresProcess trying to stop postgresql 14:26:55 INFO Executable start AbstractPostgresConfig{storage=Storage{dbDir=/tmp/postgresql-embed-832fb100-4505-4039-abb3-f8aa1551c4e1/db-content-92d4f150-eb2f-4a79-8065-98318958c305, dbName='okapi', isTmpDir=true}, network=Net{host='localhost', port=9238}, timeout=Timeout{startupTimeout=15000}, credentials=Credentials{username='okapi', password='okapi25'}, args=[stop], additionalInitDbParams=[]} 14:26:55 INFO ProcessControl execSuccess: false [kill, 4087] 2020-04-16T14:26:55.248+0000 I NETWORK [thread1] connection accepted from #46 (5 connections now open) [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:55.248+0000 I COMMAND [conn46] terminating, shutdown command received [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:55.248+0000 I NETWORK [conn46] shutdown: going to close listening sockets... [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:55.248+0000 I NETWORK [conn46] closing listening socket: 6 [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:55.248+0000 I NETWORK [conn46] closing listening socket: 7 [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:55.248+0000 I NETWORK [conn46] removing socket file: /tmp/mongodb-9239.sock [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:55.248+0000 I NETWORK [conn46] shutdown: going to flush diaglog... [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:55.248+0000 I FTDC [conn46] Shutting down full-time diagnostic data capture [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:55.250+0000 I STORAGE [conn46] WiredTigerKVEngine shutting down [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:55.306+0000 I STORAGE [conn46] shutdown: removing fs lock... [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:55.306+0000 I CONTROL [conn46] now exiting [mongod output] 2020-04-16T14:26:55.306+0000 I CONTROL [conn46] shutting down with code:0 [mongod output] Tests run: 48, Failures: 0, Errors: 1, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 121.038 sec <<< FAILURE! - in org.folio.okapi.ModuleTest testInitdatabase[1](org.folio.okapi.ModuleTest) Time elapsed: 1.819 sec <<< ERROR! java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException: Timed out at io.vertx.ext.unit.impl.CompletionImpl.await( at org.folio.okapi.ModuleTest.testInitdatabase( Running org.folio.okapi.HealthCheckTest 14:26:55 WARN oduleVersionReporter META-INF/maven/org.folio.okapi/okapi-core/ not found 14:26:55 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module null null started 14:26:55 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:26:55 INFO MainVerticle clusterManager not in use 14:26:55 INFO MainVerticle Proxy using inmemory storage 14:26:55 INFO InternalModule InternalModule starting okapiversion=null 14:26:55 INFO Storage prepareDatabases: NORMAL 14:26:55 INFO MainVerticle startModmanager 14:26:55 INFO MainVerticle startTenants 14:26:55 INFO MainVerticle checkInternalModules 14:26:55 INFO MainVerticle Creating the superTenant supertenant 14:26:55 INFO MainVerticle starting env 14:26:55 INFO MainVerticle Starting discovery 14:26:55 INFO MainVerticle Starting deployment 14:26:55 INFO MainVerticle API Gateway started PID 1909@2dcd032ebaca. Listening on port 9230 14:26:55 INFO MainVerticle Deploy completed succesfully 14:26:55 INFO TenantManager starting supertenant 14:26:55 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant supertenant module null seq1 0 14:26:55 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant supertenant 14:26:55 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:26:55 INFO ProxyContext 787390/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/health okapi-0.0.0 14:26:55 INFO ProxyContext 787390/proxy RES 200 123us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/health 14:26:55 INFO ProxyContext 917635/proxy RES 404 - okapi No suitable module found for path /_/proxy/health2 for tenant supertenant 14:26:55 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=404 msg=No suitable module found for path /_/proxy/health2 for tenant supertenant Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.15 sec - in org.folio.okapi.HealthCheckTest Running org.folio.okapi.EnvTest 14:26:55 WARN oduleVersionReporter META-INF/maven/org.folio.okapi/okapi-core/ not found 14:26:55 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module null null started 14:26:55 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:26:55 INFO MainVerticle clusterManager not in use 14:26:55 INFO MainVerticle Proxy using inmemory storage 14:26:55 INFO InternalModule InternalModule starting okapiversion=null 14:26:55 INFO Storage prepareDatabases: NORMAL 14:26:55 INFO MainVerticle startModmanager 14:26:55 INFO MainVerticle startTenants 14:26:55 INFO MainVerticle checkInternalModules 14:26:55 INFO MainVerticle Creating the superTenant supertenant 14:26:55 INFO MainVerticle starting env 14:26:55 INFO MainVerticle Starting discovery 14:26:55 INFO MainVerticle Starting deployment 14:26:55 INFO MainVerticle API Gateway started PID 1909@2dcd032ebaca. Listening on port 9230 14:26:55 INFO MainVerticle Deploy completed succesfully 14:26:55 INFO TenantManager starting supertenant 14:26:55 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant supertenant module null seq1 0 14:26:55 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant supertenant 14:26:55 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:26:55 INFO ProxyContext 959641/env REQ supertenant GET /_/env okapi-0.0.0 14:26:55 INFO ProxyContext 959641/env RES 200 635us okapi-0.0.0 /_/env 14:26:55 INFO ProxyContext 727839/env REQ supertenant GET /_/env/name1 okapi-0.0.0 14:26:55 INFO ProxyContext 727839/env RES 404 425us okapi name1 14:26:55 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=404 msg=name1 14:26:55 INFO ProxyContext 871436/env REQ supertenant POST /_/env okapi-0.0.0 14:26:55 INFO ProxyContext 871436/env RES 400 192us okapi missing name 14:26:55 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=missing name 14:26:55 INFO ProxyContext 986065/env REQ supertenant POST /_/env okapi-0.0.0 14:26:55 INFO ProxyContext 986065/env RES 400 166us okapi missing value 14:26:55 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=missing value 14:26:55 INFO ProxyContext 827167/env REQ supertenant POST /_/env okapi-0.0.0 14:26:55 INFO ProxyContext 827167/env RES 400 236us okapi Failed to decode:Unexpected character ('}' (code 125)): was expecting double-quote to start field name at [Source: (String)"{ "name" : "BADJSON", }"; line: 3, column: 2] 14:26:55 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=Failed to decode:Unexpected character ('}' (code 125)): was expecting double-quote to start field name at [Source: (String)"{ "name" : "BADJSON", }"; line: 3, column: 2] 14:26:55 INFO ProxyContext 541175/env REQ supertenant POST /_/env okapi-0.0.0 14:26:55 INFO ProxyContext 541175/env RES 201 202us okapi-0.0.0 /_/env 14:26:55 INFO ProxyContext 901037/env REQ supertenant GET /_/env/name1 okapi-0.0.0 14:26:55 INFO ProxyContext 901037/env RES 200 125us okapi-0.0.0 /_/env/name1 14:26:55 INFO ProxyContext 328204/env REQ supertenant GET /_/env okapi-0.0.0 14:26:55 INFO ProxyContext 328204/env RES 200 183us okapi-0.0.0 /_/env 14:26:55 INFO ProxyContext 397464/env REQ supertenant DELETE /_/env/name1 okapi-0.0.0 14:26:55 INFO ProxyContext 397464/env RES 204 114us okapi-0.0.0 /_/env/name1 14:26:55 INFO ProxyContext 122133/env REQ supertenant GET /_/env/name1 okapi-0.0.0 14:26:55 INFO ProxyContext 122133/env RES 404 85us okapi name1 14:26:55 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=404 msg=name1 14:26:55 INFO ProxyContext 034247/env REQ supertenant DELETE /_/env/name1 okapi-0.0.0 14:26:55 INFO ProxyContext 034247/env RES 404 94us okapi name1 14:26:55 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=404 msg=name1 14:26:55 INFO ProxyContext 172498/env REQ supertenant GET /_/env okapi-0.0.0 14:26:55 INFO ProxyContext 172498/env RES 200 135us okapi-0.0.0 /_/env 14:26:55 WARN oduleVersionReporter META-INF/maven/org.folio.okapi/okapi-core/ not found 14:26:55 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module null null started 14:26:55 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:26:55 INFO MainVerticle clusterManager not in use 14:26:55 INFO MainVerticle Proxy using inmemory storage 14:26:55 INFO InternalModule InternalModule starting okapiversion=null 14:26:55 INFO Storage prepareDatabases: NORMAL 14:26:55 INFO MainVerticle startModmanager 14:26:55 INFO MainVerticle startTenants 14:26:55 INFO MainVerticle checkInternalModules 14:26:55 INFO MainVerticle Creating the superTenant supertenant 14:26:55 INFO MainVerticle starting env 14:26:55 INFO MainVerticle Starting discovery 14:26:55 INFO MainVerticle Starting deployment 14:26:55 INFO MainVerticle API Gateway started PID 1909@2dcd032ebaca. Listening on port 9230 14:26:55 INFO MainVerticle Deploy completed succesfully 14:26:55 INFO TenantManager starting supertenant 14:26:55 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant supertenant module null seq1 0 14:26:55 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant supertenant 14:26:55 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:26:55 INFO ProxyContext 133149/env REQ supertenant POST /_/env okapi-0.0.0 14:26:55 INFO ProxyContext 133149/env RES 201 218us okapi-0.0.0 /_/env 14:26:55 INFO ProxyContext 844325/deployment REQ supertenant POST /_/deployment/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:55 INFO DeploymentManager deploy instId 576b43a0-575e-46e1-88f1-5c04bd767c3c Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dmaven.ext.class.path="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554/pipeline-maven-spy.jar" -Dorg.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.maven.reportsFolder="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554" 14:26:56 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module okapi-test-module 2.39.0 started 14:26:56 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:26:56 INFO MainVerticle Starting okapi-test-module 7030@2dcd032ebaca on port 9231 14:26:56 INFO ? Succeeded in deploying verticle 14:26:56 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9231 count 0 14:26:56 INFO TcpPortWaiting Connected to service at host localhost port 9231 count 0 14:26:56 INFO ProxyContext 844325/deployment RES 201 1004300us okapi-0.0.0 /_/deployment/modules 14:26:56 INFO ProxyContext 776328/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:56 INFO ProxyContext 776328/proxy RES 201 628us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:26:56 INFO ProxyContext 578856/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants okapi-0.0.0 14:26:56 INFO ProxyContext 578856/proxy RES 201 266us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants 14:26:56 INFO ProxyContext 476481/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:26:56 INFO ProxyService syscall begin POST http://localhost:9231/_/tenant 14:26:56 INFO OkapiClient 476481/proxy;220162/tenant REQ okapiClient roskilde POST http://localhost:9231/_/tenant 14:26:56 INFO MainVerticle POST /_/tenant to okapi-est-module for tenant roskilde 14:26:56 INFO MainVerticle module_from=null module_to=sample-module-1.0.0 14:26:56 INFO OkapiClient 476481/proxy;220162/tenant RES 200 119854us okapiClient http://localhost:9231/_/tenant 14:26:56 INFO ProxyService syscall return POST http://localhost:9231/_/tenant 14:26:56 INFO ProxyContext 476481/proxy RES 201 122138us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules 14:26:56 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module null seq1 0 14:26:56 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant roskilde 14:26:56 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:26:56 INFO ProxyContext 540451/testb REQ roskilde POST /testb sample-module-1.0.0 14:26:56 INFO ProxyContext 540451/testb RES 200 8421us sample-module-1.0.0 http://localhost:9231/testb 14:26:56 INFO ProxyContext 023435/deployment REQ supertenant DELETE /_/deployment/modules/576b43a0-575e-46e1-88f1-5c04bd767c3c okapi-0.0.0 14:26:56 INFO DeploymentManager undeploy instId 576b43a0-575e-46e1-88f1-5c04bd767c3c 14:26:57 INFO ProxyContext 023435/deployment RES 204 44400us okapi-0.0.0 /_/deployment/modules/576b43a0-575e-46e1-88f1-5c04bd767c3c Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 1.469 sec - in org.folio.okapi.EnvTest Running org.folio.okapi.MainDeployTest 14:26:57 WARN MainDeploy clusterHost not set 14:26:57 WARN MainDeploy clusterPort not set 14:26:57 INFO jFactory$Log4jLogger [LOCAL] [dev] [3.12] Prefer IPv4 stack is true, prefer IPv6 addresses is false 14:26:57 INFO jFactory$Log4jLogger [LOCAL] [dev] [3.12] Picked []:5701, using socket ServerSocket[addr=/,localport=5701], bind any local is true 14:26:57 INFO jFactory$Log4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.12] Hazelcast 3.12 (20190409 - 915d83a) starting at []:5701 14:26:57 INFO jFactory$Log4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.12] Copyright (c) 2008-2019, Hazelcast, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 14:26:58 INFO jFactory$Log4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.12] Backpressure is disabled 14:26:58 INFO jFactory$Log4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.12] Creating MulticastJoiner 14:26:59 INFO jFactory$Log4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.12] Starting 8 partition threads and 5 generic threads (1 dedicated for priority tasks) 14:26:59 INFO jFactory$Log4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.12] Diagnostics disabled. To enable add -Dhazelcast.diagnostics.enabled=true to the JVM arguments. 14:26:59 INFO jFactory$Log4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.12] []:5701 is STARTING 14:27:00 INFO SLF4JLogger Exception in monitor thread while connecting to server localhost:9239 com.mongodb.MongoSocketOpenException: Exception opening socket at com.mongodb.internal.connection.AsynchronousSocketChannelStream$OpenCompletionHandler.failed( ~[mongodb-driver-core-3.11.0.jar:?] at ~[?:1.8.0_242] at$ ~[?:1.8.0_242] at$ ~[?:1.8.0_242] at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( ~[?:1.8.0_242] at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ ~[?:1.8.0_242] at [?:1.8.0_242] Caused by: Connection refused at Method) ~[?:1.8.0_242] at ~[?:1.8.0_242] at ~[?:1.8.0_242] at ~[?:1.8.0_242] at$ ~[?:1.8.0_242] ... 1 more 14:27:01 INFO SLF4JLogger Exception in monitor thread while connecting to server localhost:9239 com.mongodb.MongoSocketOpenException: Exception opening socket at com.mongodb.internal.connection.AsynchronousSocketChannelStream$OpenCompletionHandler.failed( ~[mongodb-driver-core-3.11.0.jar:?] at ~[?:1.8.0_242] at ~[?:1.8.0_242] at ~[?:1.8.0_242] at ~[?:1.8.0_242] at$ ~[?:1.8.0_242] at$ ~[?:1.8.0_242] at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( ~[?:1.8.0_242] at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ ~[?:1.8.0_242] at [?:1.8.0_242] Caused by: Connection refused at Method) ~[?:1.8.0_242] at ~[?:1.8.0_242] ... 7 more 14:27:01 INFO jFactory$Log4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.12] Members {size:1, ver:1} [ Member []:5701 - b3c8d79b-a72b-43ce-91fd-68687a3b7725 this ] 14:27:01 INFO jFactory$Log4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.12] []:5701 is STARTED 14:27:01 INFO jFactory$Log4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.12] Initializing cluster partition table arrangement... 14:27:01 WARN oduleVersionReporter META-INF/maven/org.folio.okapi/okapi-core/ not found 14:27:01 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module null null started 14:27:01 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:27:01 INFO MainVerticle cluster NodeId b3c8d79b-a72b-43ce-91fd-68687a3b7725 14:27:01 INFO MainVerticle Proxy using inmemory storage 14:27:01 INFO InternalModule InternalModule starting okapiversion=null 14:27:01 INFO Storage prepareDatabases: NORMAL 14:27:01 INFO MainVerticle startModmanager 14:27:01 INFO MainVerticle startTenants 14:27:02 INFO MainVerticle checkInternalModules 14:27:02 INFO MainVerticle Creating the superTenant supertenant 14:27:02 INFO MainVerticle starting env 14:27:02 INFO MainVerticle Starting discovery 14:27:02 INFO MainVerticle Starting deployment 14:27:02 INFO MainVerticle API Gateway started PID 1909@2dcd032ebaca. Listening on port 9230 14:27:02 INFO MainVerticle Deploy completed succesfully 14:27:02 INFO TenantManager starting supertenant 14:27:02 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant supertenant module null seq1 0 14:27:02 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant supertenant 14:27:02 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:27:02 INFO ProxyContext 560836/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:27:02 INFO ProxyContext 560836/proxy RES 200 3629us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:27:02 INFO jFactory$Log4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.12] []:5701 is SHUTTING_DOWN 14:27:02 INFO jFactory$Log4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.12] Shutdown request of Member []:5701 - b3c8d79b-a72b-43ce-91fd-68687a3b7725 this is handled 14:27:02 INFO jFactory$Log4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.12] Shutting down multicast service... 14:27:02 INFO jFactory$Log4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.12] Shutting down connection manager... 14:27:02 INFO jFactory$Log4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.12] Shutting down node engine... 14:27:02 INFO jFactory$Log4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.12] Destroying node NodeExtension. 14:27:02 INFO jFactory$Log4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.12] Hazelcast Shutdown is completed in 37 ms. 14:27:02 INFO jFactory$Log4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.12] []:5701 is SHUTDOWN 14:27:02 WARN oduleVersionReporter META-INF/maven/org.folio.okapi/okapi-core/ not found 14:27:02 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module null null started 14:27:02 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:27:02 INFO MainVerticle clusterManager not in use 14:27:02 INFO MainVerticle Proxy using inmemory storage 14:27:02 INFO InternalModule InternalModule starting okapiversion=null 14:27:02 INFO Storage prepareDatabases: NORMAL 14:27:02 INFO MainVerticle startModmanager 14:27:02 INFO MainVerticle startTenants 14:27:02 INFO MainVerticle checkInternalModules 14:27:02 INFO MainVerticle Creating the superTenant supertenant 14:27:02 INFO MainVerticle starting env 14:27:02 INFO MainVerticle Starting discovery 14:27:02 INFO MainVerticle Starting deployment 14:27:02 INFO MainVerticle API Gateway started PID 1909@2dcd032ebaca. Listening on port 9230 14:27:02 INFO MainVerticle Deploy completed succesfully 14:27:02 INFO TenantManager starting supertenant 14:27:02 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant supertenant module null seq1 0 14:27:02 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant supertenant 14:27:02 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:27:02 WARN ? You're already on a Vert.x context, are you sure you want to create a new Vertx instance? 14:27:02 WARN oduleVersionReporter META-INF/maven/org.folio.okapi/okapi-core/ not found 14:27:02 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module null null started 14:27:02 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:27:02 INFO MainVerticle clusterManager not in use 14:27:02 INFO MainVerticle Proxy using inmemory storage 14:27:02 INFO InternalModule InternalModule starting okapiversion=null 14:27:02 INFO Storage prepareDatabases: NORMAL 14:27:02 INFO MainVerticle startModmanager 14:27:02 INFO MainVerticle startTenants 14:27:02 INFO MainVerticle checkInternalModules 14:27:02 INFO MainVerticle Creating the superTenant supertenant 14:27:02 INFO MainVerticle starting env 14:27:02 INFO MainVerticle Starting discovery 14:27:02 INFO MainVerticle Starting deployment 14:27:02 FATAL MainVerticle createHttpServer failed for port 9230$NativeIoException: bind(..) failed: Address already in use at ~[netty-transport-native-unix-common-4.1.15.Final.jar:4.1.15.Final] at ~[netty-transport-native-unix-common-4.1.15.Final.jar:4.1.15.Final] at ~[netty-transport-native-epoll-4.1.15.Final-linux-x86_64.jar:4.1.15.Final] at ~[netty-transport-native-epoll-4.1.15.Final-linux-x86_64.jar:4.1.15.Final] at$AbstractUnsafe.bind( ~[netty-transport-4.1.42.Final.jar:4.1.42.Final] at$HeadContext.bind( ~[netty-transport-4.1.42.Final.jar:4.1.42.Final] at ~[netty-transport-4.1.42.Final.jar:4.1.42.Final] at ~[netty-transport-4.1.42.Final.jar:4.1.42.Final] at ~[netty-transport-4.1.42.Final.jar:4.1.42.Final] at ~[netty-transport-4.1.42.Final.jar:4.1.42.Final] at io.netty.bootstrap.AbstractBootstrap$ ~[netty-transport-4.1.42.Final.jar:4.1.42.Final] at io.netty.util.concurrent.AbstractEventExecutor.safeExecute( [netty-common-4.1.42.Final.jar:4.1.42.Final] at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor.runAllTasksFrom( ~[netty-common-4.1.42.Final.jar:4.1.42.Final] at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor.runAllTasks( [netty-common-4.1.42.Final.jar:4.1.42.Final] at [netty-transport-native-epoll-4.1.15.Final-linux-x86_64.jar:4.1.15.Final] at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor$ [netty-common-4.1.42.Final.jar:4.1.42.Final] at io.netty.util.internal.ThreadExecutorMap$ [netty-common-4.1.42.Final.jar:4.1.42.Final] at [netty-common-4.1.42.Final.jar:4.1.42.Final] at [?:1.8.0_242] 14:27:02 ERROR MainVerticle bind(..) failed: Address already in use Usage: command [options] Commands: help Display help cluster Run in clustered mode dev Development mode deployment Deployment only. Clustered mode proxy Proxy + discovery. Clustered mode Options: -conf file Read Okapi configuration from local file -hazelcast-config-cp file Read Hazelcast config from class path -hazelcast-config-file file Read Hazelcast config from local file -hazelcast-config-url url Read Hazelcast config from URL -cluster-host ip Vertx cluster host -cluster-port port Vertx cluster port -enable-metrics 14:27:02 WARN MainDeploy clusterHost not set 14:27:02 WARN MainDeploy clusterPort not set 14:27:02 INFO jFactory$Log4jLogger [LOCAL] [dev] [3.12] Prefer IPv4 stack is true, prefer IPv6 addresses is false 14:27:02 INFO jFactory$Log4jLogger [LOCAL] [dev] [3.12] Picked []:5701, using socket ServerSocket[addr=/,localport=5701], bind any local is true 14:27:02 INFO jFactory$Log4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.12] Hazelcast 3.12 (20190409 - 915d83a) starting at []:5701 14:27:02 INFO jFactory$Log4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.12] Copyright (c) 2008-2019, Hazelcast, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 14:27:02 INFO jFactory$Log4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.12] Backpressure is disabled 14:27:02 INFO jFactory$Log4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.12] Creating MulticastJoiner 14:27:02 INFO jFactory$Log4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.12] Starting 8 partition threads and 5 generic threads (1 dedicated for priority tasks) 14:27:02 INFO jFactory$Log4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.12] Diagnostics disabled. To enable add -Dhazelcast.diagnostics.enabled=true to the JVM arguments. 14:27:02 INFO jFactory$Log4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.12] []:5701 is STARTING 14:27:05 INFO jFactory$Log4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.12] Members {size:1, ver:1} [ Member []:5701 - 77ed9bd3-7b2b-4281-877c-54b15cc1ffba this ] 14:27:05 INFO jFactory$Log4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.12] []:5701 is STARTED 14:27:05 INFO jFactory$Log4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.12] Initializing cluster partition table arrangement... 14:27:05 WARN oduleVersionReporter META-INF/maven/org.folio.okapi/okapi-core/ not found 14:27:05 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module null null started 14:27:05 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:27:05 INFO MainVerticle cluster NodeId 77ed9bd3-7b2b-4281-877c-54b15cc1ffba 14:27:05 INFO MainVerticle Proxy using inmemory storage 14:27:05 INFO InternalModule InternalModule starting okapiversion=null 14:27:05 INFO Storage prepareDatabases: NORMAL 14:27:05 INFO MainVerticle startModmanager 14:27:05 INFO MainVerticle startTenants 14:27:05 INFO MainVerticle checkInternalModules 14:27:05 INFO MainVerticle Creating the superTenant supertenant 14:27:05 INFO MainVerticle starting env 14:27:05 INFO MainVerticle Starting discovery 14:27:05 INFO MainVerticle API Gateway started PID 1909@2dcd032ebaca. Listening on port 9230 14:27:05 INFO MainVerticle Deploy completed succesfully 14:27:05 INFO TenantManager starting supertenant 14:27:05 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant supertenant module null seq1 0 14:27:05 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant supertenant 14:27:05 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:27:05 INFO ProxyContext 136095/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:27:05 INFO ProxyContext 136095/proxy RES 200 1915us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:27:05 INFO jFactory$Log4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.12] []:5701 is SHUTTING_DOWN 14:27:05 INFO jFactory$Log4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.12] Shutdown request of Member []:5701 - 77ed9bd3-7b2b-4281-877c-54b15cc1ffba this is handled 14:27:05 INFO jFactory$Log4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.12] Shutting down multicast service... 14:27:05 INFO jFactory$Log4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.12] Shutting down connection manager... 14:27:05 INFO jFactory$Log4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.12] Shutting down node engine... 14:27:05 INFO jFactory$Log4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.12] Destroying node NodeExtension. 14:27:05 INFO jFactory$Log4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.12] Hazelcast Shutdown is completed in 119 ms. 14:27:05 INFO jFactory$Log4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.12] []:5701 is SHUTDOWN 14:27:05 WARN MainDeploy clusterHost not set 14:27:05 WARN MainDeploy clusterPort not set 14:27:05 INFO jFactory$Log4jLogger [LOCAL] [dev] [3.12] Prefer IPv4 stack is true, prefer IPv6 addresses is false 14:27:05 INFO jFactory$Log4jLogger [LOCAL] [dev] [3.12] Picked []:5701, using socket ServerSocket[addr=/,localport=5701], bind any local is true 14:27:05 INFO jFactory$Log4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.12] Hazelcast 3.12 (20190409 - 915d83a) starting at []:5701 14:27:05 INFO jFactory$Log4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.12] Copyright (c) 2008-2019, Hazelcast, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 14:27:05 INFO jFactory$Log4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.12] Backpressure is disabled 14:27:05 INFO jFactory$Log4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.12] Creating MulticastJoiner 14:27:05 INFO jFactory$Log4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.12] Starting 8 partition threads and 5 generic threads (1 dedicated for priority tasks) 14:27:05 INFO jFactory$Log4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.12] Diagnostics disabled. To enable add -Dhazelcast.diagnostics.enabled=true to the JVM arguments. 14:27:05 INFO jFactory$Log4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.12] []:5701 is STARTING 14:27:07 INFO jFactory$Log4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.12] Members {size:1, ver:1} [ Member []:5701 - 50b640d1-f1f2-4b58-8b79-bbde47ea5283 this ] 14:27:07 INFO jFactory$Log4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.12] []:5701 is STARTED 14:27:07 INFO jFactory$Log4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.12] Initializing cluster partition table arrangement... 14:27:07 WARN oduleVersionReporter META-INF/maven/org.folio.okapi/okapi-core/ not found 14:27:07 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module null null started 14:27:07 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:27:07 INFO MainVerticle cluster NodeId 50b640d1-f1f2-4b58-8b79-bbde47ea5283 14:27:07 INFO MainVerticle Proxy using inmemory storage 14:27:07 INFO InternalModule InternalModule starting okapiversion=null 14:27:07 INFO Storage prepareDatabases: NORMAL 14:27:07 INFO MainVerticle startModmanager 14:27:07 INFO MainVerticle startTenants 14:27:07 INFO MainVerticle checkInternalModules 14:27:07 INFO MainVerticle Creating the superTenant supertenant 14:27:07 INFO MainVerticle starting env 14:27:07 INFO MainVerticle Starting discovery 14:27:07 INFO MainVerticle API Gateway started PID 1909@2dcd032ebaca. Listening on port 9230 14:27:07 INFO MainVerticle Deploy completed succesfully 14:27:07 INFO TenantManager starting supertenant 14:27:07 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant supertenant module null seq1 0 14:27:07 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant supertenant 14:27:07 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:27:07 INFO ProxyContext 002308/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:27:07 INFO ProxyContext 002308/proxy RES 200 1800us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:27:07 INFO jFactory$Log4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.12] []:5701 is SHUTTING_DOWN 14:27:07 INFO jFactory$Log4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.12] Shutdown request of Member []:5701 - 50b640d1-f1f2-4b58-8b79-bbde47ea5283 this is handled 14:27:07 INFO jFactory$Log4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.12] Shutting down multicast service... 14:27:07 INFO jFactory$Log4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.12] Shutting down connection manager... 14:27:07 INFO jFactory$Log4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.12] Shutting down node engine... 14:27:07 INFO jFactory$Log4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.12] Destroying node NodeExtension. 14:27:07 INFO jFactory$Log4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.12] Hazelcast Shutdown is completed in 77 ms. 14:27:07 INFO jFactory$Log4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.12] []:5701 is SHUTDOWN 14:27:08 WARN MainDeploy clusterHost not set 14:27:08 WARN MainDeploy clusterPort not set 14:27:08 INFO jFactory$Log4jLogger [LOCAL] [dev] [3.12] Prefer IPv4 stack is true, prefer IPv6 addresses is false 14:27:08 INFO jFactory$Log4jLogger [LOCAL] [dev] [3.12] Picked []:5701, using socket ServerSocket[addr=/,localport=5701], bind any local is true 14:27:08 INFO jFactory$Log4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.12] Hazelcast 3.12 (20190409 - 915d83a) starting at []:5701 14:27:08 INFO jFactory$Log4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.12] Copyright (c) 2008-2019, Hazelcast, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 14:27:08 INFO jFactory$Log4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.12] Backpressure is disabled 14:27:08 INFO jFactory$Log4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.12] Creating MulticastJoiner 14:27:08 INFO jFactory$Log4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.12] Starting 8 partition threads and 5 generic threads (1 dedicated for priority tasks) 14:27:08 INFO jFactory$Log4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.12] Diagnostics disabled. To enable add -Dhazelcast.diagnostics.enabled=true to the JVM arguments. 14:27:08 INFO jFactory$Log4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.12] []:5701 is STARTING 14:27:10 INFO jFactory$Log4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.12] Members {size:1, ver:1} [ Member []:5701 - 3bc9cde5-dd7f-4051-abdc-ced07da0d6b4 this ] 14:27:10 INFO jFactory$Log4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.12] []:5701 is STARTED 14:27:10 INFO jFactory$Log4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.12] Initializing cluster partition table arrangement... 14:27:10 WARN oduleVersionReporter META-INF/maven/org.folio.okapi/okapi-core/ not found 14:27:10 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module null null started 14:27:10 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:27:10 INFO MainVerticle cluster NodeId 3bc9cde5-dd7f-4051-abdc-ced07da0d6b4 14:27:10 INFO InternalModule InternalModule starting okapiversion=null 14:27:10 INFO Storage prepareDatabases: NORMAL 14:27:10 INFO MainVerticle startModmanager 14:27:10 INFO MainVerticle startTenants 14:27:10 INFO MainVerticle checkInternalModules 14:27:10 INFO MainVerticle Creating the superTenant supertenant 14:27:10 INFO MainVerticle starting env 14:27:10 INFO MainVerticle Starting discovery 14:27:10 INFO MainVerticle Starting deployment 14:27:10 INFO MainVerticle API Gateway started PID 1909@2dcd032ebaca. Listening on port 9230 14:27:10 INFO MainVerticle Deploy completed succesfully 14:27:10 INFO ProxyContext 275394/deployment REQ supertenant GET /_/deployment/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:27:10 INFO ProxyContext 275394/deployment RES 200 133us okapi-0.0.0 /_/deployment/modules 14:27:10 INFO jFactory$Log4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.12] []:5701 is SHUTTING_DOWN 14:27:10 INFO jFactory$Log4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.12] Shutdown request of Member []:5701 - 3bc9cde5-dd7f-4051-abdc-ced07da0d6b4 this is handled 14:27:10 INFO jFactory$Log4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.12] Shutting down multicast service... 14:27:10 INFO jFactory$Log4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.12] Shutting down connection manager... 14:27:10 INFO jFactory$Log4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.12] Shutting down node engine... 14:27:10 INFO jFactory$Log4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.12] Destroying node NodeExtension. 14:27:10 INFO jFactory$Log4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.12] Hazelcast Shutdown is completed in 20 ms. 14:27:10 INFO jFactory$Log4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.12] []:5701 is SHUTDOWN 14:27:10 WARN oduleVersionReporter META-INF/maven/org.folio.okapi/okapi-core/ not found 14:27:10 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module null null started 14:27:10 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:27:10 INFO MainVerticle clusterManager not in use 14:27:10 INFO MainVerticle Proxy using inmemory storage 14:27:10 INFO InternalModule InternalModule starting okapiversion=null 14:27:10 INFO Storage prepareDatabases: NORMAL 14:27:10 INFO MainVerticle startModmanager 14:27:10 INFO MainVerticle startTenants 14:27:10 INFO MainVerticle checkInternalModules 14:27:10 INFO MainVerticle Creating the superTenant supertenant 14:27:10 INFO MainVerticle starting env 14:27:10 INFO MainVerticle Starting discovery 14:27:10 INFO MainVerticle Starting deployment 14:27:10 INFO MainVerticle API Gateway started PID 1909@2dcd032ebaca. Listening on port 9230 14:27:10 INFO MainVerticle Deploy completed succesfully 14:27:10 INFO TenantManager starting supertenant 14:27:10 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant supertenant module null seq1 0 14:27:10 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant supertenant 14:27:10 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:27:10 INFO ProxyContext 754082/version REQ supertenant GET /_/version okapi-0.0.0 14:27:10 INFO ProxyContext 754082/version RES 200 84us okapi-0.0.0 /_/version 14:27:10 INFO MainDeploy clusterHost=foobar 14:27:10 INFO MainDeploy clusterPort=5701 14:27:10 WARN jFactory$Log4jLogger [LOCAL] [dev] [3.12] 'foobar' is not an IP address! Removing from interface list. 14:27:10 INFO jFactory$Log4jLogger [LOCAL] [dev] [3.12] Interfaces is enabled, trying to pick one address matching to one of: [10.10.1.*] 14:27:10 INFO jFactory$Log4jLogger [LOCAL] [dev] [3.12] Prefer IPv4 stack is true, prefer IPv6 addresses is false 14:27:10 ERROR jFactory$Log4jLogger [LOCAL] [dev] [3.12] Hazelcast CANNOT start on this node. No matching network interface found. Interface matching must be either disabled or updated in the hazelcast.xml config file. 14:27:10 ERROR jFactory$Log4jLogger [LOCAL] [dev] [3.12] Hazelcast CANNOT start on this node. No matching network interface found. Interface matching must be either disabled or updated in the hazelcast.xml config file. java.lang.RuntimeException: Hazelcast CANNOT start on this node. No matching network interface found. Interface matching must be either disabled or updated in the hazelcast.xml config file. at com.hazelcast.instance.DefaultAddressPicker.pickInterfaceAddressDef( ~[hazelcast-3.12.jar:3.12] at com.hazelcast.instance.DefaultAddressPicker.pickAddressDef( ~[hazelcast-3.12.jar:3.12] at com.hazelcast.instance.DefaultAddressPicker.getPublicAddressByPortSearch( ~[hazelcast-3.12.jar:3.12] at com.hazelcast.instance.DefaultAddressPicker.pickAddress( ~[hazelcast-3.12.jar:3.12] at com.hazelcast.instance.Node.( ~[hazelcast-3.12.jar:3.12] at com.hazelcast.instance.HazelcastInstanceImpl.createNode( ~[hazelcast-3.12.jar:3.12] at com.hazelcast.instance.HazelcastInstanceImpl.( ~[hazelcast-3.12.jar:3.12] at com.hazelcast.instance.HazelcastInstanceFactory.constructHazelcastInstance( ~[hazelcast-3.12.jar:3.12] at com.hazelcast.instance.HazelcastInstanceFactory.newHazelcastInstance( ~[hazelcast-3.12.jar:3.12] at com.hazelcast.instance.HazelcastInstanceFactory.newHazelcastInstance( ~[hazelcast-3.12.jar:3.12] at com.hazelcast.core.Hazelcast.newHazelcastInstance( ~[hazelcast-3.12.jar:3.12] at io.vertx.spi.cluster.hazelcast.HazelcastClusterManager.lambda$join$0( ~[vertx-hazelcast-4.0.0-milestone4.jar:4.0.0-milestone4] at io.vertx.core.impl.ContextImpl.lambda$null$0( ~[vertx-core-4.0.0-milestone4.jar:4.0.0-milestone4] at io.vertx.core.impl.AbstractContext.emit( ~[vertx-core-4.0.0-milestone4.jar:4.0.0-milestone4] at io.vertx.core.impl.ContextImpl.lambda$executeBlocking$1( ~[vertx-core-4.0.0-milestone4.jar:4.0.0-milestone4] at ~[vertx-core-4.0.0-milestone4.jar:4.0.0-milestone4] at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( [?:1.8.0_242] at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ [?:1.8.0_242] at [netty-common-4.1.42.Final.jar:4.1.42.Final] at [?:1.8.0_242] 14:27:10 ERROR ? Failed to join cluster java.lang.RuntimeException: Hazelcast CANNOT start on this node. No matching network interface found. Interface matching must be either disabled or updated in the hazelcast.xml config file. at com.hazelcast.instance.DefaultAddressPicker.pickInterfaceAddressDef( ~[hazelcast-3.12.jar:3.12] at com.hazelcast.instance.DefaultAddressPicker.pickAddressDef( ~[hazelcast-3.12.jar:3.12] at com.hazelcast.instance.DefaultAddressPicker.getPublicAddressByPortSearch( ~[hazelcast-3.12.jar:3.12] at com.hazelcast.instance.DefaultAddressPicker.pickAddress( ~[hazelcast-3.12.jar:3.12] at com.hazelcast.instance.Node.( ~[hazelcast-3.12.jar:3.12] at com.hazelcast.instance.HazelcastInstanceImpl.createNode( ~[hazelcast-3.12.jar:3.12] at com.hazelcast.instance.HazelcastInstanceImpl.( ~[hazelcast-3.12.jar:3.12] at com.hazelcast.instance.HazelcastInstanceFactory.constructHazelcastInstance( ~[hazelcast-3.12.jar:3.12] at com.hazelcast.instance.HazelcastInstanceFactory.newHazelcastInstance( ~[hazelcast-3.12.jar:3.12] at com.hazelcast.instance.HazelcastInstanceFactory.newHazelcastInstance( ~[hazelcast-3.12.jar:3.12] at com.hazelcast.core.Hazelcast.newHazelcastInstance( ~[hazelcast-3.12.jar:3.12] at io.vertx.spi.cluster.hazelcast.HazelcastClusterManager.lambda$join$0( ~[vertx-hazelcast-4.0.0-milestone4.jar:4.0.0-milestone4] at io.vertx.core.impl.ContextImpl.lambda$null$0( ~[vertx-core-4.0.0-milestone4.jar:4.0.0-milestone4] at io.vertx.core.impl.AbstractContext.emit( ~[vertx-core-4.0.0-milestone4.jar:4.0.0-milestone4] at io.vertx.core.impl.ContextImpl.lambda$executeBlocking$1( ~[vertx-core-4.0.0-milestone4.jar:4.0.0-milestone4] at ~[vertx-core-4.0.0-milestone4.jar:4.0.0-milestone4] at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( ~[?:1.8.0_242] at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ ~[?:1.8.0_242] at [netty-common-4.1.42.Final.jar:4.1.42.Final] at [?:1.8.0_242] 14:27:10 INFO jFactory$Log4jLogger Configuring Hazelcast from '/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0/okapi-core/foobar'. 14:27:10 INFO jFactory$Log4jLogger Configuring Hazelcast from 'foobar'. Usage: command [options] Commands: help Display help cluster Run in clustered mode dev Development mode deployment Deployment only. Clustered mode proxy Proxy + discovery. Clustered mode Options: -conf file Read Okapi configuration from local file -hazelcast-config-cp file Read Hazelcast config from class path -hazelcast-config-file file Read Hazelcast config from local file -hazelcast-config-url url Read Hazelcast config from URL -cluster-host ip Vertx cluster host -cluster-port port Vertx cluster port -enable-metrics Tests run: 16, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 14.223 sec - in org.folio.okapi.MainDeployTest Running org.folio.okapi.managers.DeploymentManagerTest 14:27:11 INFO DeploymentManager deploy instId 1 Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dmaven.ext.class.path="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554/pipeline-maven-spy.jar" -Dorg.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.maven.reportsFolder="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554" 14:27:11 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module okapi-test-module 2.39.0 started 14:27:11 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:27:11 INFO MainVerticle Starting okapi-test-module 7547@2dcd032ebaca on port 9231 14:27:12 INFO ? Succeeded in deploying verticle 14:27:12 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9231 count 0 14:27:12 INFO TcpPortWaiting Connected to service at host localhost port 9231 count 0 14:27:12 INFO DeploymentManager undeploy instId 1 14:27:12 INFO DeploymentManager fast shutdown 14:27:12 INFO DeploymentManager deploy instId 2 Error: Unable to access jarfile ../okapi-test-module/target/unknown.jar 14:27:12 WARN DeploymentManager Deploying sid failed 14:27:12 INFO DeploymentManager undeploy instId 1234 Tests run: 4, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 1.109 sec - in org.folio.okapi.managers.DeploymentManagerTest Running org.folio.okapi.managers.TenantManagerTest 14:27:12 WARN TenantManager TenantManager: updateDescriptor: getting tenant failed: org.folio.okapi.common.Failure@7c777e8e 14:27:12 WARN TenantManager TenantManager: Adding tenant failed: org.folio.okapi.common.Failure@6b3e44e 14:27:12 WARN TenantManager TenantManager: Updating database for tenant failed: org.folio.okapi.common.Failure@7b41a4cb 14:27:12 WARN TenantManager TenantManager: Deleting tenant failed: org.folio.okapi.common.Failure@572b868f 14:27:12 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant tenantId module moduleId seq1 0 14:27:12 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module moduleId for tenant tenantId Tests run: 4, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.037 sec - in org.folio.okapi.managers.TenantManagerTest Running org.folio.okapi.managers.DiscoveryManagerTest Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.003 sec - in org.folio.okapi.managers.DiscoveryManagerTest Running org.folio.okapi.MetricsTest 14:27:12 WARN oduleVersionReporter META-INF/maven/org.folio.okapi/okapi-core/ not found 14:27:12 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module null null started 14:27:12 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:27:12 INFO MainVerticle clusterManager not in use 14:27:12 INFO MainVerticle Proxy using inmemory storage 14:27:12 INFO InternalModule InternalModule starting okapiversion=null 14:27:12 INFO Storage prepareDatabases: NORMAL 14:27:12 INFO MainVerticle startModmanager 14:27:12 INFO MainVerticle startTenants 14:27:12 INFO MainVerticle checkInternalModules 14:27:12 INFO MainVerticle Creating the superTenant supertenant 14:27:12 INFO MainVerticle starting env 14:27:12 INFO MainVerticle Starting discovery 14:27:12 INFO MainVerticle Starting deployment 14:27:12 INFO MainVerticle API Gateway started PID 1909@2dcd032ebaca. Listening on port 9230 14:27:12 INFO MainVerticle Deploy completed succesfully 14:27:12 INFO TenantManager starting supertenant 14:27:12 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant supertenant module null seq1 0 14:27:12 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant supertenant 14:27:12 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:27:12 INFO ProxyContext 438163/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/health okapi-0.0.0 14:27:12 INFO ProxyContext 438163/proxy RES 200 80us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/health 4/16/20 2:27:12 PM ============================================================= -- Meters ---------------------------------------------------------------------- proxy.roskilde.DELETE./testb count = 6 mean rate = 0.04 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.04 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.14 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.18 events/second proxy.roskilde.GET./TESTB count = 1 mean rate = 0.01 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.02 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.12 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.17 events/second proxy.roskilde.GET./badredirect count = 1 mean rate = 0.01 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.02 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.13 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.17 events/second proxy.roskilde.GET./chain1 count = 1 mean rate = 0.01 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.02 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.13 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.17 events/second proxy.roskilde.GET./loop1 count = 1 mean rate = 0.01 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.02 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.13 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.17 events/second proxy.roskilde.GET./recurse count = 18 mean rate = 0.16 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.32 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.88 events/second 15-minute rate = 1.08 events/second proxy.roskilde.GET./red count = 2 mean rate = 0.01 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.04 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.25 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.34 events/second proxy.roskilde.GET./red/blue/red count = 1 mean rate = 0.01 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.02 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.13 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.17 events/second proxy.roskilde.GET./redlight count = 1 mean rate = 0.01 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.02 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.13 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.17 events/second proxy.roskilde.GET./simpleloop count = 1 mean rate = 0.01 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.02 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.13 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.17 events/second proxy.roskilde.GET./ count = 2 mean rate = 0.01 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.04 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.25 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.34 events/second proxy.roskilde.GET./testb count = 63 mean rate = 0.41 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.46 events/second 5-minute rate = 1.49 events/second 15-minute rate = 1.93 events/second proxy.roskilde.GET./testb/1 count = 1 mean rate = 0.01 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.02 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.12 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.17 events/second proxy.roskilde.GET./testb/client_id count = 1 mean rate = 0.01 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.02 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.13 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.17 events/second proxy.roskilde.GET./testb/client_id%252Fx count = 1 mean rate = 0.01 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.02 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.13 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.17 events/second proxy.roskilde.GET./testb/client_id/x count = 1 mean rate = 0.01 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.02 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.13 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.17 events/second proxy.roskilde.GET./testb/foo/bar count = 3 mean rate = 0.03 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.05 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.15 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.18 events/second proxy.roskilde.GET./testb/hugo count = 5 mean rate = 0.03 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.10 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.63 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.86 events/second proxy.roskilde.GET./testbZZZ count = 1 mean rate = 0.01 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.02 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.12 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.17 events/second proxy.roskilde.GET./testr count = 1 mean rate = 0.01 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.02 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.13 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.17 events/second proxy.roskilde.POST./authn/login count = 9 mean rate = 0.06 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.08 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.50 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.68 events/second proxy.roskilde.POST./multiple count = 1 mean rate = 0.01 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.02 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.13 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.17 events/second proxy.roskilde.POST./test2 count = 9 mean rate = 0.07 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.09 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.40 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.53 events/second proxy.roskilde.POST./testb count = 27 mean rate = 0.18 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.19 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.55 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.70 events/second proxy.roskilde.POST./timercall/1 count = 2 mean rate = 0.01 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.05 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.26 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.35 events/second proxy.roskilde.POST./timercall/100 count = 3 mean rate = 0.02 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.05 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.37 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.51 events/second proxy.supertenant.DELETE./_/deployment/modules/576b43a0-575e-46e1-88f1-5c04bd767c3c count = 1 mean rate = 0.06 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.17 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.19 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.20 events/second proxy.supertenant.DELETE./_/deployment/modules/59630784-ef1e-4105-9f8a-d7427acb023d count = 1 mean rate = 0.01 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.02 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.12 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.17 events/second proxy.supertenant.DELETE./_/deployment/modules/fd84663d-4656-4aad-a3d3-e0890a855fcb count = 1 mean rate = 0.01 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.02 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.12 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.17 events/second proxy.supertenant.DELETE./_/deployment/modules/localhost-9231 count = 2 mean rate = 0.02 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.06 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.16 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.18 events/second proxy.supertenant.DELETE./_/discovery/modules count = 11 mean rate = 0.07 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.08 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.50 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.68 events/second proxy.supertenant.DELETE./_/discovery/modules/auth-1/auth-1-inst count = 3 mean rate = 0.02 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.04 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.14 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.18 events/second proxy.supertenant.DELETE./_/discovery/modules/auth-f-module-1/auth-f-1-inst count = 3 mean rate = 0.02 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.04 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.14 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.18 events/second proxy.supertenant.DELETE./_/discovery/modules/header-1/header-1-inst count = 3 mean rate = 0.02 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.04 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.14 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.18 events/second proxy.supertenant.DELETE./_/discovery/modules/header-module-1.0/5ee18420-cd1b-427c-9030-74c28730fb99 count = 1 mean rate = 0.01 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.06 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.16 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.18 events/second proxy.supertenant.DELETE./_/discovery/modules/header-module-1.0/b06e2815-15fb-4765-a33e-56bea419c2f8 count = 1 mean rate = 0.01 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.03 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.14 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.18 events/second proxy.supertenant.DELETE./_/discovery/modules/header-module-1.0/da737e1e-7f7d-4d0f-a854-036e594100b5 count = 1 mean rate = 0.05 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.16 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.19 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.20 events/second proxy.supertenant.DELETE./_/discovery/modules/header-module-1/9c5f0b44-4c99-4c52-ad20-2f1ec3b4561f count = 1 mean rate = 0.01 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.02 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.13 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.17 events/second proxy.supertenant.DELETE./_/discovery/modules/post-f-module-1/post-f-1-inst count = 3 mean rate = 0.02 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.04 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.14 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.18 events/second proxy.supertenant.DELETE./_/discovery/modules/pre-f-module-1/pre-f-1-inst count = 3 mean rate = 0.02 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.04 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.14 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.18 events/second proxy.supertenant.DELETE./_/discovery/modules/sample-f-module-1/sample-f-1-inst count = 3 mean rate = 0.02 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.04 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.14 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.18 events/second proxy.supertenant.DELETE./_/discovery/modules/sample-module-1%2B1/sample-inst count = 3 mean rate = 0.03 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.05 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.15 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.18 events/second proxy.supertenant.DELETE./_/discovery/modules/sample-module-1/0c228fcc-a8d5-4778-906b-91d77549490b count = 1 mean rate = 0.01 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.07 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.16 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.19 events/second proxy.supertenant.DELETE./_/discovery/modules/sample-module-1/0d1954fc-17f7-4080-b7fd-b3b85af2112f count = 1 mean rate = 0.01 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.02 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.13 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.17 events/second proxy.supertenant.DELETE./_/discovery/modules/sample-module-1/1108aa59-cb98-4560-811b-79d619b2d63b count = 1 mean rate = 0.01 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.04 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.15 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.18 events/second proxy.supertenant.DELETE./_/discovery/modules/sample-module-1/3216aa55-dde5-4fd2-b385-0e3b7f6e9901 count = 1 mean rate = 0.01 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.02 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.13 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.17 events/second proxy.supertenant.DELETE./_/discovery/modules/sample-module-1/35624543-6456-4615-b99b-ae5e950f89d9 count = 1 mean rate = 0.01 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.02 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.13 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.17 events/second proxy.supertenant.DELETE./_/discovery/modules/sample-module-1/6f896e4f-d2b8-496c-b373-c4957423e8b1 count = 1 mean rate = 0.01 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.02 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.13 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.17 events/second proxy.supertenant.DELETE./_/discovery/modules/sample-module-1/821a432e-6c01-4aa0-a1c2-8169d40fe42e count = 1 mean rate = 0.01 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.07 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.16 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.19 events/second proxy.supertenant.DELETE./_/discovery/modules/sample-module-1/837d897c-9db9-41e2-86d3-34f39a2b7d44 count = 1 mean rate = 0.01 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.04 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.14 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.18 events/second proxy.supertenant.DELETE./_/discovery/modules/sample-module-1/9b25f1b5-ee21-44ee-826f-c88b0bfc9353 count = 1 mean rate = 0.01 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.04 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.14 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.18 events/second proxy.supertenant.DELETE./_/discovery/modules/sample-module-1/e668fa44-34cd-4da9-b80f-a4badb55c6bf count = 1 mean rate = 0.01 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.07 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.16 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.19 events/second proxy.supertenant.DELETE./_/discovery/modules/sample-module-1/sample-1-inst count = 3 mean rate = 0.02 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.04 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.14 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.18 events/second proxy.supertenant.DELETE./_/discovery/modules/sample-module-3/sample-3-inst count = 3 mean rate = 0.02 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.04 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.14 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.18 events/second proxy.supertenant.DELETE./_/discovery/modules/sample-module-4/sample-4-inst count = 3 mean rate = 0.02 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.04 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.14 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.18 events/second proxy.supertenant.DELETE./_/discovery/modules/sample-module-5.0/3f7cb0cf-379f-4afc-b827-853e370d3886 count = 1 mean rate = 0.05 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.16 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.19 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.20 events/second proxy.supertenant.DELETE./_/discovery/modules/sample-module-5.0/8d1a65a5-927d-495f-9c99-1988719533df count = 1 mean rate = 0.01 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.03 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.14 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.18 events/second proxy.supertenant.DELETE./_/discovery/modules/sample-module-5.0/d3f1989b-b08a-487d-98c2-3b1548c5fbc4 count = 1 mean rate = 0.01 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.06 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.16 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.18 events/second proxy.supertenant.DELETE./_/discovery/modules/sample-module-5.0/localhost-9231 count = 6 mean rate = 0.05 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.09 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.28 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.36 events/second proxy.supertenant.DELETE./_/discovery/modules/sample-module-depl-1/localhost-9231 count = 6 mean rate = 0.05 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.10 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.29 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.36 events/second proxy.supertenant.DELETE./_/discovery/modules/sample-module2-1/sample2-1-inst count = 3 mean rate = 0.02 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.04 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.14 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.18 events/second proxy.supertenant.DELETE./_/discovery/modules/sample-module2-1/sample2-inst count = 1 mean rate = 0.01 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.02 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.12 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.17 events/second proxy.supertenant.DELETE./_/discovery/modules/sample-module3-1/sample3-instance count = 1 mean rate = 0.01 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.02 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.12 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.17 events/second proxy.supertenant.DELETE./_/env/name1 count = 5 mean rate = 0.04 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.07 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.15 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.18 events/second proxy.supertenant.DELETE./_/proxy/modules/auth-1 count = 5 mean rate = 0.03 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.05 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.25 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.34 events/second proxy.supertenant.DELETE./_/proxy/modules/auth-f-module-1 count = 3 mean rate = 0.02 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.04 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.14 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.18 events/second proxy.supertenant.DELETE./_/proxy/modules/auth2-1 count = 1 mean rate = 0.01 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.02 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.12 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.17 events/second proxy.supertenant.DELETE./_/proxy/modules/empty-module-1.0 count = 3 mean rate = 0.03 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.05 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.15 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.18 events/second proxy.supertenant.DELETE./_/proxy/modules/empty-module-1.1 count = 3 mean rate = 0.03 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.05 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.15 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.18 events/second proxy.supertenant.DELETE./_/proxy/modules/header-1 count = 3 mean rate = 0.02 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.04 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.14 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.18 events/second proxy.supertenant.DELETE./_/proxy/modules/header-module-1 count = 1 mean rate = 0.01 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.02 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.13 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.17 events/second proxy.supertenant.DELETE./_/proxy/modules/header-module-1.0 count = 3 mean rate = 0.03 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.05 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.14 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.18 events/second proxy.supertenant.DELETE./_/proxy/modules/post-f-module-1 count = 3 mean rate = 0.02 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.04 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.14 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.18 events/second proxy.supertenant.DELETE./_/proxy/modules/pre-f-module-1 count = 3 mean rate = 0.02 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.04 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.14 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.18 events/second proxy.supertenant.DELETE./_/proxy/modules/sample-f-module-1 count = 3 mean rate = 0.02 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.04 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.14 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.18 events/second proxy.supertenant.DELETE./_/proxy/modules/sample-module-1 count = 17 mean rate = 0.11 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.08 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.16 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.19 events/second proxy.supertenant.DELETE./_/proxy/modules/sample-module-1%2B1 count = 3 mean rate = 0.03 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.05 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.15 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.18 events/second proxy.supertenant.DELETE./_/proxy/modules/sample-module-2 count = 3 mean rate = 0.02 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.04 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.14 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.18 events/second proxy.supertenant.DELETE./_/proxy/modules/sample-module-3 count = 3 mean rate = 0.02 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.04 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.14 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.18 events/second proxy.supertenant.DELETE./_/proxy/modules/sample-module-4 count = 3 mean rate = 0.02 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.04 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.14 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.18 events/second proxy.supertenant.DELETE./_/proxy/modules/sample-module-5.0 count = 9 mean rate = 0.07 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.13 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.43 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.53 events/second proxy.supertenant.DELETE./_/proxy/modules/sample-module-depl-1 count = 3 mean rate = 0.03 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.05 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.14 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.18 events/second proxy.supertenant.DELETE./_/proxy/modules/sample-module2-1 count = 4 mean rate = 0.03 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.03 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.13 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.17 events/second proxy.supertenant.DELETE./_/proxy/modules/sample-module3-1 count = 1 mean rate = 0.01 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.02 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.12 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.17 events/second proxy.supertenant.DELETE./_/proxy/modules/ui-1 count = 3 mean rate = 0.02 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.04 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.14 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.18 events/second proxy.supertenant.DELETE./_/proxy/tenants/roskilde count = 18 mean rate = 0.12 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.11 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.29 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.36 events/second proxy.supertenant.DELETE./_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules count = 1 mean rate = 0.01 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.02 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.12 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.17 events/second proxy.supertenant.DELETE./_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/auth-1 count = 4 mean rate = 0.03 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.03 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.13 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.17 events/second proxy.supertenant.DELETE./_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/auth-f-module-1 count = 3 mean rate = 0.02 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.04 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.14 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.18 events/second proxy.supertenant.DELETE./_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/empty-module-1.1 count = 3 mean rate = 0.03 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.05 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.15 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.18 events/second proxy.supertenant.DELETE./_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/header-1 count = 3 mean rate = 0.02 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.04 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.14 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.18 events/second proxy.supertenant.DELETE./_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/okapi-0.0.0 count = 3 mean rate = 0.02 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.04 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.14 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.18 events/second proxy.supertenant.DELETE./_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/post-f-module-1 count = 3 mean rate = 0.02 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.04 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.14 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.18 events/second proxy.supertenant.DELETE./_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/pre-f-module-1 count = 3 mean rate = 0.02 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.04 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.14 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.18 events/second proxy.supertenant.DELETE./_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/sample-f-module-1 count = 3 mean rate = 0.02 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.04 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.14 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.18 events/second proxy.supertenant.DELETE./_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/sample-module-1 count = 19 mean rate = 0.13 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.09 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.17 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.19 events/second proxy.supertenant.DELETE./_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/sample-module-1%2B1 count = 3 mean rate = 0.03 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.05 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.15 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.18 events/second proxy.supertenant.DELETE./_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/sample-module-3 count = 3 mean rate = 0.02 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.04 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.14 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.18 events/second proxy.supertenant.DELETE./_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/sample-module-4 count = 3 mean rate = 0.02 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.04 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.14 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.18 events/second proxy.supertenant.DELETE./_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/sample-module-5.0 count = 3 mean rate = 0.03 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.05 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.14 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.18 events/second proxy.supertenant.DELETE./_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/sample-module2-1 count = 4 mean rate = 0.03 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.03 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.13 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.17 events/second proxy.supertenant.DELETE./_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/sample-module3-1 count = 1 mean rate = 0.01 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.02 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.12 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.17 events/second proxy.supertenant.DELETE./_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/timer-module-2.0.0 count = 1 mean rate = 0.01 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.02 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.13 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.17 events/second proxy.supertenant.DELETE./_/proxy/tenants/unknown-tenant/modules count = 1 mean rate = 0.01 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.02 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.12 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.17 events/second proxy.supertenant.GET./_/deployment/modules count = 43 mean rate = 0.32 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.26 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.24 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.22 events/second proxy.supertenant.GET./_/deployment/modules/59630784-ef1e-4105-9f8a-d7427acb023d count = 1 mean rate = 0.01 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.02 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.12 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.17 events/second proxy.supertenant.GET./_/deployment/modules/fd84663d-4656-4aad-a3d3-e0890a855fcb count = 1 mean rate = 0.01 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.02 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.12 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.17 events/second proxy.supertenant.GET./_/deployment/modules/not_found count = 3 mean rate = 0.02 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.04 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.14 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.18 events/second proxy.supertenant.GET./_/discovery/health count = 1 mean rate = 0.01 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.02 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.12 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.17 events/second proxy.supertenant.GET./_/discovery/health/foo/sample2-inst count = 1 mean rate = 0.01 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.02 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.12 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.17 events/second proxy.supertenant.GET./_/discovery/health/sample-module2-1 count = 1 mean rate = 0.01 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.02 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.12 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.17 events/second proxy.supertenant.GET./_/discovery/health/sample-module2-1/sample2-inst count = 1 mean rate = 0.01 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.02 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.12 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.17 events/second proxy.supertenant.GET./_/discovery/health/sample-module2-1/xyz count = 1 mean rate = 0.01 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.02 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.12 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.17 events/second proxy.supertenant.GET./_/discovery/modules count = 41 mean rate = 0.27 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.25 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.35 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.38 events/second proxy.supertenant.GET./_/discovery/modules/UNKNOWN-MODULE count = 3 mean rate = 0.02 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.04 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.14 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.18 events/second proxy.supertenant.GET./_/discovery/modules/foo/sample2-inst count = 1 mean rate = 0.01 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.02 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.12 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.17 events/second proxy.supertenant.GET./_/discovery/modules/foo/xyz count = 1 mean rate = 0.01 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.02 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.12 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.17 events/second proxy.supertenant.GET./_/discovery/modules/not_found count = 3 mean rate = 0.02 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.04 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.14 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.18 events/second proxy.supertenant.GET./_/discovery/modules/sample-module-5.0 count = 6 mean rate = 0.05 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.09 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.28 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.36 events/second proxy.supertenant.GET./_/discovery/modules/sample-module-5.0/localhost-9231 count = 3 mean rate = 0.02 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.04 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.14 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.18 events/second proxy.supertenant.GET./_/discovery/modules/sample-module2-1 count = 1 mean rate = 0.01 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.02 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.12 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.17 events/second proxy.supertenant.GET./_/discovery/modules/sample-module2-1/sample2-inst count = 1 mean rate = 0.01 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.02 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.12 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.17 events/second proxy.supertenant.GET./_/discovery/modules/sample-module2-1/xyz count = 1 mean rate = 0.01 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.02 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.12 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.17 events/second proxy.supertenant.GET./_/discovery/nodes count = 40 mean rate = 0.26 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.23 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.22 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.21 events/second proxy.supertenant.GET./_/discovery/nodes/NewName count = 3 mean rate = 0.03 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.05 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.14 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.18 events/second proxy.supertenant.GET./_/discovery/nodes/gyf count = 1 mean rate = 0.01 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.02 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.12 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.17 events/second proxy.supertenant.GET./_/discovery/nodes/http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A9230 count = 3 mean rate = 0.03 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.05 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.14 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.18 events/second proxy.supertenant.GET./_/discovery/nodes/localhost count = 4 mean rate = 0.03 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.04 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.13 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.17 events/second proxy.supertenant.GET./_/env count = 3 mean rate = 0.18 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.51 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.58 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.59 events/second proxy.supertenant.GET./_/env/name1 count = 3 mean rate = 0.18 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.51 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.58 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.59 events/second proxy.supertenant.GET./_/foo count = 3 mean rate = 0.03 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.05 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.14 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.18 events/second proxy.supertenant.GET./_/proxy/health count = 2 mean rate = 0.12 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.17 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.19 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.20 events/second proxy.supertenant.GET./_/proxy/health2 count = 1 mean rate = 0.06 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.17 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.19 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.20 events/second proxy.supertenant.GET./_/proxy/modules count = 45 mean rate = 0.33 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.32 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.25 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.22 events/second proxy.supertenant.GET./_/proxy/modules/ count = 3 mean rate = 0.03 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.05 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.14 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.18 events/second proxy.supertenant.GET./_/proxy/modules/no-module count = 3 mean rate = 0.03 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.05 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.14 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.18 events/second proxy.supertenant.GET./_/proxy/modules/sample-module-1%2B1 count = 3 mean rate = 0.03 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.05 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.14 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.18 events/second proxy.supertenant.GET./_/proxy/modules/ui-1 count = 3 mean rate = 0.02 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.04 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.14 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.18 events/second proxy.supertenant.GET./_/proxy/tenants count = 34 mean rate = 0.22 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.19 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.21 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.20 events/second proxy.supertenant.GET./_/proxy/tenants/foo/interfaces/sample count = 3 mean rate = 0.02 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.04 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.14 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.18 events/second proxy.supertenant.GET./_/proxy/tenants/roskilde count = 3 mean rate = 0.02 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.04 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.14 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.18 events/second proxy.supertenant.GET./_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/interfaces count = 12 mean rate = 0.10 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.17 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.57 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.71 events/second proxy.supertenant.GET./_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/interfaces/bar count = 3 mean rate = 0.02 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.04 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.14 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.18 events/second proxy.supertenant.GET./_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/interfaces/sample count = 12 mean rate = 0.10 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.17 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.57 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.71 events/second proxy.supertenant.GET./_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules count = 14 mean rate = 0.09 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.14 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.88 events/second 15-minute rate = 1.20 events/second proxy.supertenant.GET./_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/ count = 2 mean rate = 0.01 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.04 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.25 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.34 events/second proxy.supertenant.GET./_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/auth-1 count = 1 mean rate = 0.01 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.02 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.12 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.17 events/second proxy.supertenant.GET./_/proxy/tenants/unknown/modules count = 1 mean rate = 0.01 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.02 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.12 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.17 events/second proxy.supertenant.GET./_/proxy/tenants/unknown/modules/unknown count = 1 mean rate = 0.01 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.02 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.12 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.17 events/second proxy.supertenant.GET./_/version count = 4 mean rate = 0.03 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.04 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.14 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.18 events/second proxy.supertenant.GET./edge/roskilde count = 2 mean rate = 0.01 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.03 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.24 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.34 events/second proxy.supertenant.GET./edge/unknown count = 1 mean rate = 0.01 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.02 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.12 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.17 events/second proxy.supertenant.GET./testb count = 1 mean rate = 0.01 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.02 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.12 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.17 events/second proxy.supertenant.POST./_/deployment/modules count = 7 mean rate = 0.05 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.11 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.73 events/second 15-minute rate = 1.02 events/second proxy.supertenant.POST./_/discovery/modules count = 98 mean rate = 0.62 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.46 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.36 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.27 events/second proxy.supertenant.POST./_/discovery/modules/ count = 3 mean rate = 0.02 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.04 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.14 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.18 events/second proxy.supertenant.POST./_/env count = 8 mean rate = 0.07 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.11 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.16 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.18 events/second proxy.supertenant.POST./_/proxy/modules count = 171 mean rate = 1.07 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.92 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.79 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.68 events/second proxy.supertenant.POST./_/proxy/tenants count = 24 mean rate = 0.15 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.11 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.18 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.19 events/second proxy.supertenant.POST./_/proxy/tenants/ count = 1 mean rate = 0.01 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.02 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.12 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.17 events/second proxy.supertenant.POST./_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install count = 21 mean rate = 0.13 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.05 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.16 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.19 events/second proxy.supertenant.POST./_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules count = 81 mean rate = 0.53 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.51 events/second 5-minute rate = 1.29 events/second 15-minute rate = 1.60 events/second proxy.supertenant.POST./_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/ count = 1 mean rate = 0.01 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.02 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.12 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.17 events/second proxy.supertenant.POST./_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/empty-module-1.0 count = 3 mean rate = 0.03 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.05 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.15 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.18 events/second proxy.supertenant.POST./_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/upgrade count = 2 mean rate = 0.01 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.04 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.26 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.34 events/second proxy.supertenant.POST./_/proxy/tenants/supertenant/install count = 1 mean rate = 0.01 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.02 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.12 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.17 events/second proxy.supertenant.POST./_/xyz count = 1 mean rate = 0.01 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.02 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.12 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.17 events/second proxy.supertenant.POST./authn/login count = 1 mean rate = 0.01 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.02 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.12 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.17 events/second proxy.supertenant.PUT./_/discovery/nodes/foobarhost count = 3 mean rate = 0.03 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.05 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.14 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.18 events/second proxy.supertenant.PUT./_/discovery/nodes/localhost count = 9 mean rate = 0.08 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.15 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.43 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.54 events/second proxy.supertenant.PUT./_/proxy/modules/auth-1 count = 4 mean rate = 0.03 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.07 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.49 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.68 events/second proxy.supertenant.PUT./_/proxy/modules/auth-1misMatch count = 1 mean rate = 0.01 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.02 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.12 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.17 events/second proxy.supertenant.PUT./_/proxy/modules/auth2-1 count = 1 mean rate = 0.01 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.02 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.12 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.17 events/second proxy.supertenant.PUT./_/proxy/modules/sample-module-1%2B1 count = 3 mean rate = 0.03 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.05 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.14 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.18 events/second proxy.supertenant.PUT./_/proxy/modules/sample-module-1+1 count = 3 mean rate = 0.03 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.05 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.14 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.18 events/second proxy.supertenant.PUT./_/proxy/modules/sample-module-5.0 count = 3 mean rate = 0.03 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.05 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.14 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.18 events/second proxy.supertenant.PUT./_/proxy/tenants/roskilde count = 8 mean rate = 0.05 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.06 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.26 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.35 events/second -- Timers ---------------------------------------------------------------------- deploy.0835d02c-2d94-4c0b-9e95-f5e83180cb8b.undeploy count = 1 mean rate = 0.01 calls/second 1-minute rate = 0.02 calls/second 5-minute rate = 0.12 calls/second 15-minute rate = 0.17 calls/second min = 46.62 milliseconds max = 46.62 milliseconds mean = 46.62 milliseconds stddev = 0.00 milliseconds median = 46.62 milliseconds 75% <= 46.62 milliseconds 95% <= 46.62 milliseconds 98% <= 46.62 milliseconds 99% <= 46.62 milliseconds 99.9% <= 46.62 milliseconds deploy.0c228fcc-a8d5-4778-906b-91d77549490b.undeploy count = 1 mean rate = 0.01 calls/second 1-minute rate = 0.07 calls/second 5-minute rate = 0.16 calls/second 15-minute rate = 0.19 calls/second min = 35.18 milliseconds max = 35.18 milliseconds mean = 35.18 milliseconds stddev = 0.00 milliseconds median = 35.18 milliseconds 75% <= 35.18 milliseconds 95% <= 35.18 milliseconds 98% <= 35.18 milliseconds 99% <= 35.18 milliseconds 99.9% <= 35.18 milliseconds deploy.0d1954fc-17f7-4080-b7fd-b3b85af2112f.undeploy count = 1 mean rate = 0.01 calls/second 1-minute rate = 0.02 calls/second 5-minute rate = 0.13 calls/second 15-minute rate = 0.17 calls/second min = 40.56 milliseconds max = 40.56 milliseconds mean = 40.56 milliseconds stddev = 0.00 milliseconds median = 40.56 milliseconds 75% <= 40.56 milliseconds 95% <= 40.56 milliseconds 98% <= 40.56 milliseconds 99% <= 40.56 milliseconds 99.9% <= 40.56 milliseconds deploy.1.undeploy count = 1 mean rate = 4.84 calls/second 1-minute rate = 0.00 calls/second 5-minute rate = 0.00 calls/second 15-minute rate = 0.00 calls/second min = 70.01 milliseconds max = 70.01 milliseconds mean = 70.01 milliseconds stddev = 0.00 milliseconds median = 70.01 milliseconds 75% <= 70.01 milliseconds 95% <= 70.01 milliseconds 98% <= 70.01 milliseconds 99% <= 70.01 milliseconds 99.9% <= 70.01 milliseconds deploy.1108aa59-cb98-4560-811b-79d619b2d63b.undeploy count = 1 mean rate = 0.01 calls/second 1-minute rate = 0.04 calls/second 5-minute rate = 0.15 calls/second 15-minute rate = 0.18 calls/second min = 50.55 milliseconds max = 50.55 milliseconds mean = 50.55 milliseconds stddev = 0.00 milliseconds median = 50.55 milliseconds 75% <= 50.55 milliseconds 95% <= 50.55 milliseconds 98% <= 50.55 milliseconds 99% <= 50.55 milliseconds 99.9% <= 50.55 milliseconds deploy.3216aa55-dde5-4fd2-b385-0e3b7f6e9901.undeploy count = 1 mean rate = 0.01 calls/second 1-minute rate = 0.02 calls/second 5-minute rate = 0.13 calls/second 15-minute rate = 0.17 calls/second min = 99.04 milliseconds max = 99.04 milliseconds mean = 99.04 milliseconds stddev = 0.00 milliseconds median = 99.04 milliseconds 75% <= 99.04 milliseconds 95% <= 99.04 milliseconds 98% <= 99.04 milliseconds 99% <= 99.04 milliseconds 99.9% <= 99.04 milliseconds deploy.35624543-6456-4615-b99b-ae5e950f89d9.undeploy count = 1 mean rate = 0.01 calls/second 1-minute rate = 0.02 calls/second 5-minute rate = 0.13 calls/second 15-minute rate = 0.17 calls/second min = 34.47 milliseconds max = 34.47 milliseconds mean = 34.47 milliseconds stddev = 0.00 milliseconds median = 34.47 milliseconds 75% <= 34.47 milliseconds 95% <= 34.47 milliseconds 98% <= 34.47 milliseconds 99% <= 34.47 milliseconds 99.9% <= 34.47 milliseconds deploy.3f7cb0cf-379f-4afc-b827-853e370d3886.undeploy count = 1 mean rate = 0.05 calls/second 1-minute rate = 0.16 calls/second 5-minute rate = 0.19 calls/second 15-minute rate = 0.20 calls/second min = 62.00 milliseconds max = 62.00 milliseconds mean = 62.00 milliseconds stddev = 0.00 milliseconds median = 62.00 milliseconds 75% <= 62.00 milliseconds 95% <= 62.00 milliseconds 98% <= 62.00 milliseconds 99% <= 62.00 milliseconds 99.9% <= 62.00 milliseconds deploy.576b43a0-575e-46e1-88f1-5c04bd767c3c.undeploy count = 1 mean rate = 0.06 calls/second 1-minute rate = 0.17 calls/second 5-minute rate = 0.19 calls/second 15-minute rate = 0.20 calls/second min = 44.14 milliseconds max = 44.14 milliseconds mean = 44.14 milliseconds stddev = 0.00 milliseconds median = 44.14 milliseconds 75% <= 44.14 milliseconds 95% <= 44.14 milliseconds 98% <= 44.14 milliseconds 99% <= 44.14 milliseconds 99.9% <= 44.14 milliseconds deploy.59630784-ef1e-4105-9f8a-d7427acb023d.undeploy count = 1 mean rate = 0.01 calls/second 1-minute rate = 0.02 calls/second 5-minute rate = 0.12 calls/second 15-minute rate = 0.17 calls/second min = 48.83 milliseconds max = 48.83 milliseconds mean = 48.83 milliseconds stddev = 0.00 milliseconds median = 48.83 milliseconds 75% <= 48.83 milliseconds 95% <= 48.83 milliseconds 98% <= 48.83 milliseconds 99% <= 48.83 milliseconds 99.9% <= 48.83 milliseconds deploy.5ee18420-cd1b-427c-9030-74c28730fb99.undeploy count = 1 mean rate = 0.01 calls/second 1-minute rate = 0.06 calls/second 5-minute rate = 0.16 calls/second 15-minute rate = 0.18 calls/second min = 46.87 milliseconds max = 46.87 milliseconds mean = 46.87 milliseconds stddev = 0.00 milliseconds median = 46.87 milliseconds 75% <= 46.87 milliseconds 95% <= 46.87 milliseconds 98% <= 46.87 milliseconds 99% <= 46.87 milliseconds 99.9% <= 46.87 milliseconds deploy.6f896e4f-d2b8-496c-b373-c4957423e8b1.undeploy count = 1 mean rate = 0.01 calls/second 1-minute rate = 0.02 calls/second 5-minute rate = 0.13 calls/second 15-minute rate = 0.17 calls/second min = 32.35 milliseconds max = 32.35 milliseconds mean = 32.35 milliseconds stddev = 0.00 milliseconds median = 32.35 milliseconds 75% <= 32.35 milliseconds 95% <= 32.35 milliseconds 98% <= 32.35 milliseconds 99% <= 32.35 milliseconds 99.9% <= 32.35 milliseconds deploy.7b0c7b07-5131-48ef-a1a5-5208cda81a14.undeploy count = 1 mean rate = 0.01 calls/second 1-minute rate = 0.02 calls/second 5-minute rate = 0.13 calls/second 15-minute rate = 0.17 calls/second min = 37.03 milliseconds max = 37.03 milliseconds mean = 37.03 milliseconds stddev = 0.00 milliseconds median = 37.03 milliseconds 75% <= 37.03 milliseconds 95% <= 37.03 milliseconds 98% <= 37.03 milliseconds 99% <= 37.03 milliseconds 99.9% <= 37.03 milliseconds deploy.821a432e-6c01-4aa0-a1c2-8169d40fe42e.undeploy count = 1 mean rate = 0.01 calls/second 1-minute rate = 0.07 calls/second 5-minute rate = 0.16 calls/second 15-minute rate = 0.19 calls/second min = 38.45 milliseconds max = 38.45 milliseconds mean = 38.45 milliseconds stddev = 0.00 milliseconds median = 38.45 milliseconds 75% <= 38.45 milliseconds 95% <= 38.45 milliseconds 98% <= 38.45 milliseconds 99% <= 38.45 milliseconds 99.9% <= 38.45 milliseconds deploy.837d897c-9db9-41e2-86d3-34f39a2b7d44.undeploy count = 1 mean rate = 0.01 calls/second 1-minute rate = 0.04 calls/second 5-minute rate = 0.14 calls/second 15-minute rate = 0.18 calls/second min = 45.87 milliseconds max = 45.87 milliseconds mean = 45.87 milliseconds stddev = 0.00 milliseconds median = 45.87 milliseconds 75% <= 45.87 milliseconds 95% <= 45.87 milliseconds 98% <= 45.87 milliseconds 99% <= 45.87 milliseconds 99.9% <= 45.87 milliseconds deploy.8b6ba522-6af9-430b-adab-8ff1f5fa0f0f.undeploy count = 1 mean rate = 0.01 calls/second 1-minute rate = 0.02 calls/second 5-minute rate = 0.13 calls/second 15-minute rate = 0.17 calls/second min = 51.86 milliseconds max = 51.86 milliseconds mean = 51.86 milliseconds stddev = 0.00 milliseconds median = 51.86 milliseconds 75% <= 51.86 milliseconds 95% <= 51.86 milliseconds 98% <= 51.86 milliseconds 99% <= 51.86 milliseconds 99.9% <= 51.86 milliseconds deploy.8d1a65a5-927d-495f-9c99-1988719533df.undeploy count = 1 mean rate = 0.01 calls/second 1-minute rate = 0.03 calls/second 5-minute rate = 0.14 calls/second 15-minute rate = 0.18 calls/second min = 70.51 milliseconds max = 70.51 milliseconds mean = 70.51 milliseconds stddev = 0.00 milliseconds median = 70.51 milliseconds 75% <= 70.51 milliseconds 95% <= 70.51 milliseconds 98% <= 70.51 milliseconds 99% <= 70.51 milliseconds 99.9% <= 70.51 milliseconds deploy.9b25f1b5-ee21-44ee-826f-c88b0bfc9353.undeploy count = 1 mean rate = 0.01 calls/second 1-minute rate = 0.04 calls/second 5-minute rate = 0.14 calls/second 15-minute rate = 0.18 calls/second min = 91.42 milliseconds max = 91.42 milliseconds mean = 91.42 milliseconds stddev = 0.00 milliseconds median = 91.42 milliseconds 75% <= 91.42 milliseconds 95% <= 91.42 milliseconds 98% <= 91.42 milliseconds 99% <= 91.42 milliseconds 99.9% <= 91.42 milliseconds deploy.9c5f0b44-4c99-4c52-ad20-2f1ec3b4561f.undeploy count = 1 mean rate = 0.01 calls/second 1-minute rate = 0.02 calls/second 5-minute rate = 0.13 calls/second 15-minute rate = 0.17 calls/second min = 82.55 milliseconds max = 82.55 milliseconds mean = 82.55 milliseconds stddev = 0.00 milliseconds median = 82.55 milliseconds 75% <= 82.55 milliseconds 95% <= 82.55 milliseconds 98% <= 82.55 milliseconds 99% <= 82.55 milliseconds 99.9% <= 82.55 milliseconds deploy.a4115a07-6c9d-496d-9ad7-a37008351e2c.undeploy count = 1 mean rate = 0.01 calls/second 1-minute rate = 0.02 calls/second 5-minute rate = 0.13 calls/second 15-minute rate = 0.17 calls/second min = 42.41 milliseconds max = 42.41 milliseconds mean = 42.41 milliseconds stddev = 0.00 milliseconds median = 42.41 milliseconds 75% <= 42.41 milliseconds 95% <= 42.41 milliseconds 98% <= 42.41 milliseconds 99% <= 42.41 milliseconds 99.9% <= 42.41 milliseconds deploy.auth-1-inst.undeploy count = 3 mean rate = 0.02 calls/second 1-minute rate = 0.04 calls/second 5-minute rate = 0.14 calls/second 15-minute rate = 0.18 calls/second min = 27.15 milliseconds max = 41.97 milliseconds mean = 32.70 milliseconds stddev = 6.04 milliseconds median = 29.43 milliseconds 75% <= 41.97 milliseconds 95% <= 41.97 milliseconds 98% <= 41.97 milliseconds 99% <= 41.97 milliseconds 99.9% <= 41.97 milliseconds deploy.auth-1.deploy count = 5 mean rate = 0.03 calls/second 1-minute rate = 0.04 calls/second 5-minute rate = 0.25 calls/second 15-minute rate = 0.34 calls/second min = 9.60 milliseconds max = 1007.55 milliseconds mean = 903.32 milliseconds stddev = 300.91 milliseconds median = 1004.08 milliseconds 75% <= 1004.46 milliseconds 95% <= 1007.55 milliseconds 98% <= 1007.55 milliseconds 99% <= 1007.55 milliseconds 99.9% <= 1007.55 milliseconds deploy.auth-f-1-inst.undeploy count = 3 mean rate = 0.02 calls/second 1-minute rate = 0.04 calls/second 5-minute rate = 0.14 calls/second 15-minute rate = 0.18 calls/second min = 30.83 milliseconds max = 69.55 milliseconds mean = 53.09 milliseconds stddev = 17.95 milliseconds median = 69.55 milliseconds 75% <= 69.55 milliseconds 95% <= 69.55 milliseconds 98% <= 69.55 milliseconds 99% <= 69.55 milliseconds 99.9% <= 69.55 milliseconds deploy.auth-f-module-1.deploy count = 4 mean rate = 0.03 calls/second 1-minute rate = 0.03 calls/second 5-minute rate = 0.13 calls/second 15-minute rate = 0.18 calls/second min = 1003.09 milliseconds max = 1004.33 milliseconds mean = 1003.44 milliseconds stddev = 0.52 milliseconds median = 1003.13 milliseconds 75% <= 1004.13 milliseconds 95% <= 1004.33 milliseconds 98% <= 1004.33 milliseconds 99% <= 1004.33 milliseconds 99.9% <= 1004.33 milliseconds deploy.auth-module-1.0.0.deploy count = 2 mean rate = 0.01 calls/second 1-minute rate = 0.02 calls/second 5-minute rate = 0.12 calls/second 15-minute rate = 0.17 calls/second min = 1005.95 milliseconds max = 1087.87 milliseconds mean = 1043.85 milliseconds stddev = 40.84 milliseconds median = 1005.95 milliseconds 75% <= 1087.87 milliseconds 95% <= 1087.87 milliseconds 98% <= 1087.87 milliseconds 99% <= 1087.87 milliseconds 99.9% <= 1087.87 milliseconds deploy.b06e2815-15fb-4765-a33e-56bea419c2f8.undeploy count = 1 mean rate = 0.01 calls/second 1-minute rate = 0.03 calls/second 5-minute rate = 0.14 calls/second 15-minute rate = 0.18 calls/second min = 64.14 milliseconds max = 64.14 milliseconds mean = 64.14 milliseconds stddev = 0.00 milliseconds median = 64.14 milliseconds 75% <= 64.14 milliseconds 95% <= 64.14 milliseconds 98% <= 64.14 milliseconds 99% <= 64.14 milliseconds 99.9% <= 64.14 milliseconds deploy.basic-module-1.0.0.deploy count = 3 mean rate = 0.02 calls/second 1-minute rate = 0.02 calls/second 5-minute rate = 0.13 calls/second 15-minute rate = 0.17 calls/second min = 1004.15 milliseconds max = 1006.30 milliseconds mean = 1005.41 milliseconds stddev = 0.93 milliseconds median = 1005.75 milliseconds 75% <= 1006.30 milliseconds 95% <= 1006.30 milliseconds 98% <= 1006.30 milliseconds 99% <= 1006.30 milliseconds 99.9% <= 1006.30 milliseconds deploy.d173ad90-bf7f-4208-a55a-53b37b1609e3.undeploy count = 1 mean rate = 0.01 calls/second 1-minute rate = 0.02 calls/second 5-minute rate = 0.13 calls/second 15-minute rate = 0.17 calls/second min = 53.97 milliseconds max = 53.97 milliseconds mean = 53.97 milliseconds stddev = 0.00 milliseconds median = 53.97 milliseconds 75% <= 53.97 milliseconds 95% <= 53.97 milliseconds 98% <= 53.97 milliseconds 99% <= 53.97 milliseconds 99.9% <= 53.97 milliseconds deploy.d3f1989b-b08a-487d-98c2-3b1548c5fbc4.undeploy count = 1 mean rate = 0.01 calls/second 1-minute rate = 0.06 calls/second 5-minute rate = 0.16 calls/second 15-minute rate = 0.18 calls/second min = 45.79 milliseconds max = 45.79 milliseconds mean = 45.79 milliseconds stddev = 0.00 milliseconds median = 45.79 milliseconds 75% <= 45.79 milliseconds 95% <= 45.79 milliseconds 98% <= 45.79 milliseconds 99% <= 45.79 milliseconds 99.9% <= 45.79 milliseconds deploy.d656e1f4-08a9-427f-80df-7c52d94849cd.undeploy count = 1 mean rate = 0.01 calls/second 1-minute rate = 0.02 calls/second 5-minute rate = 0.12 calls/second 15-minute rate = 0.17 calls/second min = 40.85 milliseconds max = 40.85 milliseconds mean = 40.85 milliseconds stddev = 0.00 milliseconds median = 40.85 milliseconds 75% <= 40.85 milliseconds 95% <= 40.85 milliseconds 98% <= 40.85 milliseconds 99% <= 40.85 milliseconds 99.9% <= 40.85 milliseconds deploy.da737e1e-7f7d-4d0f-a854-036e594100b5.undeploy count = 1 mean rate = 0.05 calls/second 1-minute rate = 0.16 calls/second 5-minute rate = 0.19 calls/second 15-minute rate = 0.20 calls/second min = 55.15 milliseconds max = 55.15 milliseconds mean = 55.15 milliseconds stddev = 0.00 milliseconds median = 55.15 milliseconds 75% <= 55.15 milliseconds 95% <= 55.15 milliseconds 98% <= 55.15 milliseconds 99% <= 55.15 milliseconds 99.9% <= 55.15 milliseconds deploy.e668fa44-34cd-4da9-b80f-a4badb55c6bf.undeploy count = 1 mean rate = 0.01 calls/second 1-minute rate = 0.07 calls/second 5-minute rate = 0.16 calls/second 15-minute rate = 0.19 calls/second min = 51.35 milliseconds max = 51.35 milliseconds mean = 51.35 milliseconds stddev = 0.00 milliseconds median = 51.35 milliseconds 75% <= 51.35 milliseconds 95% <= 51.35 milliseconds 98% <= 51.35 milliseconds 99% <= 51.35 milliseconds 99.9% <= 51.35 milliseconds deploy.f8d62d3c-022d-4ff9-a2bd-103b5880a66f.undeploy count = 1 mean rate = 0.01 calls/second 1-minute rate = 0.02 calls/second 5-minute rate = 0.13 calls/second 15-minute rate = 0.17 calls/second min = 81.97 milliseconds max = 81.97 milliseconds mean = 81.97 milliseconds stddev = 0.00 milliseconds median = 81.97 milliseconds 75% <= 81.97 milliseconds 95% <= 81.97 milliseconds 98% <= 81.97 milliseconds 99% <= 81.97 milliseconds 99.9% <= 81.97 milliseconds deploy.fd84663d-4656-4aad-a3d3-e0890a855fcb.undeploy count = 1 mean rate = 0.01 calls/second 1-minute rate = 0.02 calls/second 5-minute rate = 0.12 calls/second 15-minute rate = 0.17 calls/second min = 56.53 milliseconds max = 56.53 milliseconds mean = 56.53 milliseconds stddev = 0.00 milliseconds median = 56.53 milliseconds 75% <= 56.53 milliseconds 95% <= 56.53 milliseconds 98% <= 56.53 milliseconds 99% <= 56.53 milliseconds 99.9% <= 56.53 milliseconds deploy.ff1491d2-7595-4c01-945d-3a2db4cd8011.undeploy count = 1 mean rate = 0.01 calls/second 1-minute rate = 0.02 calls/second 5-minute rate = 0.13 calls/second 15-minute rate = 0.17 calls/second min = 57.45 milliseconds max = 57.45 milliseconds mean = 57.45 milliseconds stddev = 0.00 milliseconds median = 57.45 milliseconds 75% <= 57.45 milliseconds 95% <= 57.45 milliseconds 98% <= 57.45 milliseconds 99% <= 57.45 milliseconds 99.9% <= 57.45 milliseconds count = 1 mean rate = 0.01 calls/second 1-minute rate = 0.02 calls/second 5-minute rate = 0.12 calls/second 15-minute rate = 0.17 calls/second min = 1.27 milliseconds max = 1.27 milliseconds mean = 1.27 milliseconds stddev = 0.00 milliseconds median = 1.27 milliseconds 75% <= 1.27 milliseconds 95% <= 1.27 milliseconds 98% <= 1.27 milliseconds 99% <= 1.27 milliseconds 99.9% <= 1.27 milliseconds deploy.header-1-inst.undeploy count = 3 mean rate = 0.02 calls/second 1-minute rate = 0.04 calls/second 5-minute rate = 0.14 calls/second 15-minute rate = 0.18 calls/second min = 38.10 milliseconds max = 112.05 milliseconds mean = 57.87 milliseconds stddev = 27.32 milliseconds median = 38.10 milliseconds 75% <= 58.80 milliseconds 95% <= 112.05 milliseconds 98% <= 112.05 milliseconds 99% <= 112.05 milliseconds 99.9% <= 112.05 milliseconds deploy.header-1.deploy count = 3 mean rate = 0.02 calls/second 1-minute rate = 0.03 calls/second 5-minute rate = 0.14 calls/second 15-minute rate = 0.18 calls/second min = 1003.20 milliseconds max = 1004.57 milliseconds mean = 1003.47 milliseconds stddev = 0.53 milliseconds median = 1003.23 milliseconds 75% <= 1003.23 milliseconds 95% <= 1004.57 milliseconds 98% <= 1004.57 milliseconds 99% <= 1004.57 milliseconds 99.9% <= 1004.57 milliseconds deploy.header-module-1.0.deploy count = 3 mean rate = 0.03 calls/second 1-minute rate = 0.05 calls/second 5-minute rate = 0.14 calls/second 15-minute rate = 0.18 calls/second min = 1002.90 milliseconds max = 1007.43 milliseconds mean = 1003.76 milliseconds stddev = 1.55 milliseconds median = 1002.90 milliseconds 75% <= 1003.74 milliseconds 95% <= 1007.43 milliseconds 98% <= 1007.43 milliseconds 99% <= 1007.43 milliseconds 99.9% <= 1007.43 milliseconds deploy.header-module-1.deploy count = 1 mean rate = 0.01 calls/second 1-minute rate = 0.02 calls/second 5-minute rate = 0.13 calls/second 15-minute rate = 0.17 calls/second min = 1004.57 milliseconds max = 1004.57 milliseconds mean = 1004.57 milliseconds stddev = 0.00 milliseconds median = 1004.57 milliseconds 75% <= 1004.57 milliseconds 95% <= 1004.57 milliseconds 98% <= 1004.57 milliseconds 99% <= 1004.57 milliseconds 99.9% <= 1004.57 milliseconds deploy.localhost-9231.undeploy count = 8 mean rate = 0.07 calls/second 1-minute rate = 0.10 calls/second 5-minute rate = 0.29 calls/second 15-minute rate = 0.36 calls/second min = 38.33 milliseconds max = 83.38 milliseconds mean = 57.51 milliseconds stddev = 15.20 milliseconds median = 48.39 milliseconds 75% <= 61.59 milliseconds 95% <= 83.38 milliseconds 98% <= 83.38 milliseconds 99% <= 83.38 milliseconds 99.9% <= 83.38 milliseconds count = 3 mean rate = 0.02 calls/second 1-minute rate = 0.04 calls/second 5-minute rate = 0.14 calls/second 15-minute rate = 0.18 calls/second min = 40.79 milliseconds max = 1690.16 milliseconds mean = 928.70 milliseconds stddev = 821.49 milliseconds median = 1690.16 milliseconds 75% <= 1690.16 milliseconds 95% <= 1690.16 milliseconds 98% <= 1690.16 milliseconds 99% <= 1690.16 milliseconds 99.9% <= 1690.16 milliseconds count = 3 mean rate = 0.02 calls/second 1-minute rate = 0.04 calls/second 5-minute rate = 0.14 calls/second 15-minute rate = 0.18 calls/second min = 1003.34 milliseconds max = 1004.48 milliseconds mean = 1003.93 milliseconds stddev = 0.40 milliseconds median = 1004.05 milliseconds 75% <= 1004.05 milliseconds 95% <= 1004.48 milliseconds 98% <= 1004.48 milliseconds 99% <= 1004.48 milliseconds 99.9% <= 1004.48 milliseconds deploy.pre-f-1-inst.undeploy count = 3 mean rate = 0.02 calls/second 1-minute rate = 0.04 calls/second 5-minute rate = 0.14 calls/second 15-minute rate = 0.18 calls/second min = 34.59 milliseconds max = 75.07 milliseconds mean = 57.54 milliseconds stddev = 19.04 milliseconds median = 75.07 milliseconds 75% <= 75.07 milliseconds 95% <= 75.07 milliseconds 98% <= 75.07 milliseconds 99% <= 75.07 milliseconds 99.9% <= 75.07 milliseconds deploy.pre-f-module-1.deploy count = 3 mean rate = 0.02 calls/second 1-minute rate = 0.04 calls/second 5-minute rate = 0.14 calls/second 15-minute rate = 0.18 calls/second min = 1004.00 milliseconds max = 3008.25 milliseconds mean = 2070.20 milliseconds stddev = 999.83 milliseconds median = 3008.25 milliseconds 75% <= 3008.25 milliseconds 95% <= 3008.25 milliseconds 98% <= 3008.25 milliseconds 99% <= 3008.25 milliseconds 99.9% <= 3008.25 milliseconds deploy.request-only-1.0.0.deploy count = 1 mean rate = 0.01 calls/second 1-minute rate = 0.02 calls/second 5-minute rate = 0.13 calls/second 15-minute rate = 0.17 calls/second min = 1004.47 milliseconds max = 1004.47 milliseconds mean = 1004.47 milliseconds stddev = 0.00 milliseconds median = 1004.47 milliseconds 75% <= 1004.47 milliseconds 95% <= 1004.47 milliseconds 98% <= 1004.47 milliseconds 99% <= 1004.47 milliseconds 99.9% <= 1004.47 milliseconds deploy.sample-1-inst.undeploy count = 3 mean rate = 0.02 calls/second 1-minute rate = 0.04 calls/second 5-minute rate = 0.14 calls/second 15-minute rate = 0.18 calls/second min = 48.95 milliseconds max = 73.11 milliseconds mean = 54.38 milliseconds stddev = 9.03 milliseconds median = 48.95 milliseconds 75% <= 52.21 milliseconds 95% <= 73.11 milliseconds 98% <= 73.11 milliseconds 99% <= 73.11 milliseconds 99.9% <= 73.11 milliseconds deploy.sample-3-inst.undeploy count = 3 mean rate = 0.02 calls/second 1-minute rate = 0.04 calls/second 5-minute rate = 0.14 calls/second 15-minute rate = 0.18 calls/second min = 45.26 milliseconds max = 49.59 milliseconds mean = 48.39 milliseconds stddev = 1.61 milliseconds median = 49.59 milliseconds 75% <= 49.59 milliseconds 95% <= 49.59 milliseconds 98% <= 49.59 milliseconds 99% <= 49.59 milliseconds 99.9% <= 49.59 milliseconds deploy.sample-4-inst.undeploy count = 3 mean rate = 0.02 calls/second 1-minute rate = 0.04 calls/second 5-minute rate = 0.14 calls/second 15-minute rate = 0.18 calls/second min = 47.49 milliseconds max = 61.14 milliseconds mean = 55.19 milliseconds stddev = 4.29 milliseconds median = 54.71 milliseconds 75% <= 61.14 milliseconds 95% <= 61.14 milliseconds 98% <= 61.14 milliseconds 99% <= 61.14 milliseconds 99.9% <= 61.14 milliseconds deploy.sample-f-1-inst.undeploy count = 3 mean rate = 0.02 calls/second 1-minute rate = 0.04 calls/second 5-minute rate = 0.14 calls/second 15-minute rate = 0.18 calls/second min = 39.85 milliseconds max = 89.81 milliseconds mean = 68.21 milliseconds stddev = 23.27 milliseconds median = 89.81 milliseconds 75% <= 89.81 milliseconds 95% <= 89.81 milliseconds 98% <= 89.81 milliseconds 99% <= 89.81 milliseconds 99.9% <= 89.81 milliseconds deploy.sample-f-module-1.deploy count = 3 mean rate = 0.02 calls/second 1-minute rate = 0.04 calls/second 5-minute rate = 0.14 calls/second 15-minute rate = 0.18 calls/second min = 1004.07 milliseconds max = 1007.06 milliseconds mean = 1005.65 milliseconds stddev = 1.47 milliseconds median = 1007.06 milliseconds 75% <= 1007.06 milliseconds 95% <= 1007.06 milliseconds 98% <= 1007.06 milliseconds 99% <= 1007.06 milliseconds 99.9% <= 1007.06 milliseconds deploy.sample-inst.undeploy count = 3 mean rate = 0.03 calls/second 1-minute rate = 0.05 calls/second 5-minute rate = 0.15 calls/second 15-minute rate = 0.18 calls/second min = 37.94 milliseconds max = 39.60 milliseconds mean = 39.08 milliseconds stddev = 0.70 milliseconds median = 39.60 milliseconds 75% <= 39.60 milliseconds 95% <= 39.60 milliseconds 98% <= 39.60 milliseconds 99% <= 39.60 milliseconds 99.9% <= 39.60 milliseconds deploy.sample-module-1+1.deploy count = 3 mean rate = 0.03 calls/second 1-minute rate = 0.05 calls/second 5-minute rate = 0.14 calls/second 15-minute rate = 0.18 calls/second min = 1003.45 milliseconds max = 1003.68 milliseconds mean = 1003.59 milliseconds stddev = 0.11 milliseconds median = 1003.68 milliseconds 75% <= 1003.68 milliseconds 95% <= 1003.68 milliseconds 98% <= 1003.68 milliseconds 99% <= 1003.68 milliseconds 99.9% <= 1003.68 milliseconds deploy.sample-module-1.0.0.deploy count = 2 mean rate = 0.01 calls/second 1-minute rate = 0.03 calls/second 5-minute rate = 0.13 calls/second 15-minute rate = 0.17 calls/second min = 1003.95 milliseconds max = 1004.92 milliseconds mean = 1004.08 milliseconds stddev = 0.33 milliseconds median = 1003.95 milliseconds 75% <= 1003.95 milliseconds 95% <= 1004.92 milliseconds 98% <= 1004.92 milliseconds 99% <= 1004.92 milliseconds 99.9% <= 1004.92 milliseconds deploy.sample-module-1.deploy count = 14 mean rate = 0.09 calls/second 1-minute rate = 0.06 calls/second 5-minute rate = 0.15 calls/second 15-minute rate = 0.18 calls/second min = 1003.16 milliseconds max = 1205.77 milliseconds mean = 1027.45 milliseconds stddev = 65.01 milliseconds median = 1003.46 milliseconds 75% <= 1004.55 milliseconds 95% <= 1205.77 milliseconds 98% <= 1205.77 milliseconds 99% <= 1205.77 milliseconds 99.9% <= 1205.77 milliseconds deploy.sample-module-3.deploy count = 3 mean rate = 0.02 calls/second 1-minute rate = 0.04 calls/second 5-minute rate = 0.14 calls/second 15-minute rate = 0.18 calls/second min = 1003.81 milliseconds max = 1205.52 milliseconds mean = 1122.68 milliseconds stddev = 99.10 milliseconds median = 1205.52 milliseconds 75% <= 1205.52 milliseconds 95% <= 1205.52 milliseconds 98% <= 1205.52 milliseconds 99% <= 1205.52 milliseconds 99.9% <= 1205.52 milliseconds deploy.sample-module-4.deploy count = 3 mean rate = 0.02 calls/second 1-minute rate = 0.04 calls/second 5-minute rate = 0.14 calls/second 15-minute rate = 0.18 calls/second min = 1003.36 milliseconds max = 1003.99 milliseconds mean = 1003.56 milliseconds stddev = 0.20 milliseconds median = 1003.52 milliseconds 75% <= 1003.52 milliseconds 95% <= 1003.99 milliseconds 98% <= 1003.99 milliseconds 99% <= 1003.99 milliseconds 99.9% <= 1003.99 milliseconds deploy.sample-module-5.0.deploy count = 8 mean rate = 0.07 calls/second 1-minute rate = 0.10 calls/second 5-minute rate = 0.29 calls/second 15-minute rate = 0.36 calls/second min = 1003.07 milliseconds max = 1008.15 milliseconds mean = 1004.61 milliseconds stddev = 1.96 milliseconds median = 1003.45 milliseconds 75% <= 1007.77 milliseconds 95% <= 1008.15 milliseconds 98% <= 1008.15 milliseconds 99% <= 1008.15 milliseconds 99.9% <= 1008.15 milliseconds deploy.sample-module-depl-1.deploy count = 3 mean rate = 0.02 calls/second 1-minute rate = 0.04 calls/second 5-minute rate = 0.14 calls/second 15-minute rate = 0.18 calls/second min = 1002.89 milliseconds max = 1003.41 milliseconds mean = 1003.09 milliseconds stddev = 0.24 milliseconds median = 1002.89 milliseconds 75% <= 1003.35 milliseconds 95% <= 1003.41 milliseconds 98% <= 1003.41 milliseconds 99% <= 1003.41 milliseconds 99.9% <= 1003.41 milliseconds deploy.sample-module2-1.deploy count = 3 mean rate = 0.02 calls/second 1-minute rate = 0.03 calls/second 5-minute rate = 0.14 calls/second 15-minute rate = 0.18 calls/second min = 1003.15 milliseconds max = 1003.51 milliseconds mean = 1003.24 milliseconds stddev = 0.13 milliseconds median = 1003.15 milliseconds 75% <= 1003.24 milliseconds 95% <= 1003.51 milliseconds 98% <= 1003.51 milliseconds 99% <= 1003.51 milliseconds 99.9% <= 1003.51 milliseconds deploy.sample2-1-inst.undeploy count = 3 mean rate = 0.02 calls/second 1-minute rate = 0.04 calls/second 5-minute rate = 0.14 calls/second 15-minute rate = 0.18 calls/second min = 37.08 milliseconds max = 50.21 milliseconds mean = 41.22 milliseconds stddev = 4.51 milliseconds median = 40.37 milliseconds 75% <= 40.37 milliseconds 95% <= 50.21 milliseconds 98% <= 50.21 milliseconds 99% <= 50.21 milliseconds 99.9% <= 50.21 milliseconds deploy.sid.deploy count = 3 mean rate = 2.44 calls/second 1-minute rate = 0.00 calls/second 5-minute rate = 0.00 calls/second 15-minute rate = 0.00 calls/second min = 0.07 milliseconds max = 1005.26 milliseconds mean = 336.34 milliseconds stddev = 473.00 milliseconds median = 3.68 milliseconds 75% <= 1005.26 milliseconds 95% <= 1005.26 milliseconds 98% <= 1005.26 milliseconds 99% <= 1005.26 milliseconds 99.9% <= 1005.26 milliseconds proxy.roskilde.module.auth-1 count = 54 mean rate = 0.36 calls/second 1-minute rate = 0.96 calls/second 5-minute rate = 6.66 calls/second 15-minute rate = 9.19 calls/second min = 2.75 milliseconds max = 46.27 milliseconds mean = 6.61 milliseconds stddev = 9.75 milliseconds median = 3.50 milliseconds 75% <= 4.55 milliseconds 95% <= 45.22 milliseconds 98% <= 45.27 milliseconds 99% <= 46.27 milliseconds 99.9% <= 46.27 milliseconds proxy.roskilde.module.auth-f-module-1 count = 117 mean rate = 0.84 calls/second 1-minute rate = 0.85 calls/second 5-minute rate = 2.58 calls/second 15-minute rate = 3.22 calls/second min = 1.99 milliseconds max = 390.67 milliseconds mean = 33.88 milliseconds stddev = 73.45 milliseconds median = 2.99 milliseconds 75% <= 15.03 milliseconds 95% <= 226.35 milliseconds 98% <= 226.92 milliseconds 99% <= 389.59 milliseconds 99.9% <= 390.67 milliseconds proxy.roskilde.module.auth-module-1.0.0 count = 27 mean rate = 0.17 calls/second 1-minute rate = 0.17 calls/second 5-minute rate = 1.13 calls/second 15-minute rate = 1.54 calls/second min = 2.50 milliseconds max = 201.51 milliseconds mean = 35.70 milliseconds stddev = 63.98 milliseconds median = 3.43 milliseconds 75% <= 13.79 milliseconds 95% <= 200.61 milliseconds 98% <= 201.51 milliseconds 99% <= 201.51 milliseconds 99.9% <= 201.51 milliseconds proxy.roskilde.module.basic-module-1.0.0 count = 21 mean rate = 0.13 calls/second 1-minute rate = 0.08 calls/second 5-minute rate = 0.40 calls/second 15-minute rate = 0.52 calls/second min = 2.20 milliseconds max = 8.83 milliseconds mean = 4.34 milliseconds stddev = 2.26 milliseconds median = 2.96 milliseconds 75% <= 6.09 milliseconds 95% <= 8.83 milliseconds 98% <= 8.83 milliseconds 99% <= 8.83 milliseconds 99.9% <= 8.83 milliseconds proxy.roskilde.module.header-module-1 count = 8 mean rate = 0.05 calls/second 1-minute rate = 0.16 calls/second 5-minute rate = 1.00 calls/second 15-minute rate = 1.37 calls/second min = 0.00 milliseconds max = 0.02 milliseconds mean = 0.01 milliseconds stddev = 0.00 milliseconds median = 0.01 milliseconds 75% <= 0.01 milliseconds 95% <= 0.02 milliseconds 98% <= 0.02 milliseconds 99% <= 0.02 milliseconds 99.9% <= 0.02 milliseconds proxy.roskilde.module.header-module-1.0 count = 18 mean rate = 0.15 calls/second 1-minute rate = 0.29 calls/second 5-minute rate = 0.87 calls/second 15-minute rate = 1.07 calls/second min = 1.71 milliseconds max = 88.04 milliseconds mean = 39.39 milliseconds stddev = 37.12 milliseconds median = 67.29 milliseconds 75% <= 77.06 milliseconds 95% <= 87.57 milliseconds 98% <= 88.04 milliseconds 99% <= 88.04 milliseconds 99.9% <= 88.04 milliseconds count = 63 mean rate = 0.51 calls/second 1-minute rate = 0.86 calls/second 5-minute rate = 2.97 calls/second 15-minute rate = 3.74 calls/second min = 2.04 milliseconds max = 93.60 milliseconds mean = 13.16 milliseconds stddev = 26.15 milliseconds median = 2.60 milliseconds 75% <= 3.03 milliseconds 95% <= 75.63 milliseconds 98% <= 93.10 milliseconds 99% <= 93.13 milliseconds 99.9% <= 93.60 milliseconds proxy.roskilde.module.pre-f-module-1 count = 63 mean rate = 0.50 calls/second 1-minute rate = 0.86 calls/second 5-minute rate = 2.97 calls/second 15-minute rate = 3.74 calls/second min = 1.46 milliseconds max = 82.27 milliseconds mean = 12.63 milliseconds stddev = 22.97 milliseconds median = 1.98 milliseconds 75% <= 9.16 milliseconds 95% <= 69.49 milliseconds 98% <= 81.97 milliseconds 99% <= 81.99 milliseconds 99.9% <= 82.27 milliseconds proxy.roskilde.module.request-only-1.0.0 count = 6 mean rate = 0.04 calls/second 1-minute rate = 0.13 calls/second 5-minute rate = 0.77 calls/second 15-minute rate = 1.03 calls/second min = 2.90 milliseconds max = 77.24 milliseconds mean = 40.11 milliseconds stddev = 36.88 milliseconds median = 76.84 milliseconds 75% <= 76.87 milliseconds 95% <= 77.24 milliseconds 98% <= 77.24 milliseconds 99% <= 77.24 milliseconds 99.9% <= 77.24 milliseconds proxy.roskilde.module.request-post-1.0.0 count = 1 mean rate = 0.01 calls/second 1-minute rate = 0.02 calls/second 5-minute rate = 0.13 calls/second 15-minute rate = 0.17 calls/second min = 6.79 milliseconds max = 6.79 milliseconds mean = 6.79 milliseconds stddev = 0.00 milliseconds median = 6.79 milliseconds 75% <= 6.79 milliseconds 95% <= 6.79 milliseconds 98% <= 6.79 milliseconds 99% <= 6.79 milliseconds 99.9% <= 6.79 milliseconds proxy.roskilde.module.request-pre-1.0.0 count = 2 mean rate = 0.01 calls/second 1-minute rate = 0.05 calls/second 5-minute rate = 0.26 calls/second 15-minute rate = 0.35 calls/second min = 0.08 milliseconds max = 0.53 milliseconds mean = 0.30 milliseconds stddev = 0.22 milliseconds median = 0.53 milliseconds 75% <= 0.53 milliseconds 95% <= 0.53 milliseconds 98% <= 0.53 milliseconds 99% <= 0.53 milliseconds 99.9% <= 0.53 milliseconds proxy.roskilde.module.sample-f-module-1 count = 63 mean rate = 0.50 calls/second 1-minute rate = 0.79 calls/second 5-minute rate = 2.93 calls/second 15-minute rate = 3.72 calls/second min = 1.74 milliseconds max = 89.23 milliseconds mean = 17.19 milliseconds stddev = 25.15 milliseconds median = 6.40 milliseconds 75% <= 17.50 milliseconds 95% <= 77.07 milliseconds 98% <= 88.43 milliseconds 99% <= 89.23 milliseconds 99.9% <= 89.23 milliseconds proxy.roskilde.module.sample-module-1 count = 70 mean rate = 0.46 calls/second 1-minute rate = 0.79 calls/second 5-minute rate = 5.24 calls/second 15-minute rate = 7.18 calls/second min = 0.01 milliseconds max = 95.91 milliseconds mean = 7.78 milliseconds stddev = 19.09 milliseconds median = 2.62 milliseconds 75% <= 3.74 milliseconds 95% <= 15.04 milliseconds 98% <= 95.18 milliseconds 99% <= 95.91 milliseconds 99.9% <= 95.91 milliseconds proxy.roskilde.module.sample-module-1+1 count = 117 mean rate = 1.02 calls/second 1-minute rate = 2.08 calls/second 5-minute rate = 5.72 calls/second 15-minute rate = 7.02 calls/second min = 1.23 milliseconds max = 144.00 milliseconds mean = 32.55 milliseconds stddev = 41.25 milliseconds median = 3.69 milliseconds 75% <= 67.53 milliseconds 95% <= 129.31 milliseconds 98% <= 135.53 milliseconds 99% <= 143.55 milliseconds 99.9% <= 144.00 milliseconds proxy.roskilde.module.sample-module-1.0.0 count = 18 mean rate = 0.13 calls/second 1-minute rate = 0.36 calls/second 5-minute rate = 1.92 calls/second 15-minute rate = 2.59 calls/second min = 2.03 milliseconds max = 8.94 milliseconds mean = 6.86 milliseconds stddev = 2.32 milliseconds median = 8.40 milliseconds 75% <= 8.42 milliseconds 95% <= 8.94 milliseconds 98% <= 8.94 milliseconds 99% <= 8.94 milliseconds 99.9% <= 8.94 milliseconds proxy.roskilde.module.sample-module-3 count = 18 mean rate = 0.15 calls/second 1-minute rate = 0.26 calls/second 5-minute rate = 0.85 calls/second 15-minute rate = 1.07 calls/second min = 7.73 milliseconds max = 87.77 milliseconds mean = 46.62 milliseconds stddev = 37.58 milliseconds median = 76.81 milliseconds 75% <= 84.40 milliseconds 95% <= 87.02 milliseconds 98% <= 87.77 milliseconds 99% <= 87.77 milliseconds 99.9% <= 87.77 milliseconds proxy.roskilde.module.sample-module-4 count = 18 mean rate = 0.15 calls/second 1-minute rate = 0.26 calls/second 5-minute rate = 0.85 calls/second 15-minute rate = 1.07 calls/second min = 7.27 milliseconds max = 83.56 milliseconds mean = 44.14 milliseconds stddev = 36.52 milliseconds median = 67.25 milliseconds 75% <= 82.51 milliseconds 95% <= 83.25 milliseconds 98% <= 83.56 milliseconds 99% <= 83.56 milliseconds 99.9% <= 83.56 milliseconds proxy.roskilde.module.sample-module-5.0 count = 18 mean rate = 0.15 calls/second 1-minute rate = 0.29 calls/second 5-minute rate = 0.87 calls/second 15-minute rate = 1.07 calls/second min = 2.46 milliseconds max = 99.40 milliseconds mean = 44.68 milliseconds stddev = 41.80 milliseconds median = 72.39 milliseconds 75% <= 88.37 milliseconds 95% <= 98.21 milliseconds 98% <= 99.40 milliseconds 99% <= 99.40 milliseconds 99.9% <= 99.40 milliseconds proxy.roskilde.module.sample-module2-1 count = 15 mean rate = 0.10 calls/second 1-minute rate = 0.27 calls/second 5-minute rate = 1.85 calls/second 15-minute rate = 2.55 calls/second min = 1.32 milliseconds max = 6.00 milliseconds mean = 2.43 milliseconds stddev = 1.70 milliseconds median = 1.67 milliseconds 75% <= 1.93 milliseconds 95% <= 6.00 milliseconds 98% <= 6.00 milliseconds 99% <= 6.00 milliseconds 99.9% <= 6.00 milliseconds proxy.roskilde.module.sample-module3-1 count = 48 mean rate = 0.32 calls/second 1-minute rate = 0.86 calls/second 5-minute rate = 5.92 calls/second 15-minute rate = 8.17 calls/second min = 1.02 milliseconds max = 2.41 milliseconds mean = 1.52 milliseconds stddev = 0.35 milliseconds median = 1.47 milliseconds 75% <= 1.72 milliseconds 95% <= 2.19 milliseconds 98% <= 2.41 milliseconds 99% <= 2.41 milliseconds 99.9% <= 2.41 milliseconds proxy.roskilde.module.timer-module-1.0.0 count = 9 mean rate = 0.06 calls/second 1-minute rate = 0.11 calls/second 5-minute rate = 0.75 calls/second 15-minute rate = 1.02 calls/second min = 4.72 milliseconds max = 104.58 milliseconds mean = 66.45 milliseconds stddev = 48.05 milliseconds median = 103.32 milliseconds 75% <= 104.35 milliseconds 95% <= 104.58 milliseconds 98% <= 104.58 milliseconds 99% <= 104.58 milliseconds 99.9% <= 104.58 milliseconds proxy.roskilde.module.timer-module-1.0.1 count = 3 mean rate = 0.02 calls/second 1-minute rate = 0.07 calls/second 5-minute rate = 0.39 calls/second 15-minute rate = 0.52 calls/second min = 4.44 milliseconds max = 4.75 milliseconds mean = 4.58 milliseconds stddev = 0.13 milliseconds median = 4.54 milliseconds 75% <= 4.75 milliseconds 95% <= 4.75 milliseconds 98% <= 4.75 milliseconds 99% <= 4.75 milliseconds 99.9% <= 4.75 milliseconds proxy.supertenant.module.auth-module-1.0.0 count = 27 mean rate = 0.17 calls/second 1-minute rate = 0.44 calls/second 5-minute rate = 3.28 calls/second 15-minute rate = 4.57 calls/second min = 3.35 milliseconds max = 207.60 milliseconds mean = 40.81 milliseconds stddev = 68.12 milliseconds median = 5.23 milliseconds 75% <= 16.44 milliseconds 95% <= 205.45 milliseconds 98% <= 207.60 milliseconds 99% <= 207.60 milliseconds 99.9% <= 207.60 milliseconds proxy.supertenant.module.edge-module-1.0.0 count = 9 mean rate = 0.06 calls/second 1-minute rate = 0.15 calls/second 5-minute rate = 1.09 calls/second 15-minute rate = 1.52 calls/second min = 6.30 milliseconds max = 52.09 milliseconds mean = 27.85 milliseconds stddev = 18.42 milliseconds median = 24.79 milliseconds 75% <= 51.23 milliseconds 95% <= 52.09 milliseconds 98% <= 52.09 milliseconds 99% <= 52.09 milliseconds 99.9% <= 52.09 milliseconds proxy.supertenant.module.okapi-0.0.0 count = 2893 mean rate = 18.18 calls/second 1-minute rate = 14.85 calls/second 5-minute rate = 12.71 calls/second 15-minute rate = 10.65 calls/second min = 0.06 milliseconds max = 3011.16 milliseconds mean = 83.87 milliseconds stddev = 322.59 milliseconds median = 0.94 milliseconds 75% <= 2.99 milliseconds 95% <= 1005.44 milliseconds 98% <= 1033.36 milliseconds 99% <= 1692.26 milliseconds 99.9% <= 3011.02 milliseconds Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.091 sec - in org.folio.okapi.MetricsTest Running org.folio.okapi.bean.BeanTest io.vertx.core.json.DecodeException: Failed to decode:Interface _timer provided multiple times at [Source: (String)"{ "id" : "sample-module-1", "provides" : [ { "id" : "_timer", "version" : "1.0", "handlers" : [ { "methods" : [ "GET" ], "pathPattern" : "/test", "delay" : "1", "unit" : "second" } ] }, { "id" : "_timer", "version" : "1.0", "handlers" : [ { "methods" : [ "GET" ], "pathPattern" : "/test", "delay" : "1", "unit" : "second" } ] } ] }"; line: 21, column: 5] (through reference chain: org.folio.okapi.bean.ModuleDescriptor["provides"]) at io.vertx.core.json.jackson.DatabindCodec.fromParser( at io.vertx.core.json.jackson.DatabindCodec.fromString( at io.vertx.core.json.Json.decodeValue( at org.folio.okapi.bean.BeanTest.testMultipleProvides( at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod$1.runReflectiveCall( at at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod.invokeExplosively( at org.junit.internal.runners.statements.InvokeMethod.evaluate( at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$3.evaluate( at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner$1.evaluate( at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runLeaf( at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild( at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild( at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$ at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$1.schedule( at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runChildren( at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.access$100( at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$2.evaluate( at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$3.evaluate( at at org.apache.maven.surefire.junit4.JUnit4Provider.execute( at org.apache.maven.surefire.junit4.JUnit4Provider.executeTestSet( at org.apache.maven.surefire.junit4.JUnit4Provider.invoke( at org.apache.maven.surefire.booter.ForkedBooter.invokeProviderInSameClassLoader( at org.apache.maven.surefire.booter.ForkedBooter.runSuitesInProcess( at org.apache.maven.surefire.booter.ForkedBooter.main( Caused by: com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonMappingException: Interface _timer provided multiple times at [Source: (String)"{ "id" : "sample-module-1", "provides" : [ { "id" : "_timer", "version" : "1.0", "handlers" : [ { "methods" : [ "GET" ], "pathPattern" : "/test", "delay" : "1", "unit" : "second" } ] }, { "id" : "_timer", "version" : "1.0", "handlers" : [ { "methods" : [ "GET" ], "pathPattern" : "/test", "delay" : "1", "unit" : "second" } ] } ] }"; line: 21, column: 5] (through reference chain: org.folio.okapi.bean.ModuleDescriptor["provides"]) at com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonMappingException.from( at com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.deser.SettableBeanProperty._throwAsIOE( at com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.deser.SettableBeanProperty._throwAsIOE( at com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.deser.impl.MethodProperty.deserializeAndSet( at com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.deser.BeanDeserializer.vanillaDeserialize( at com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.deser.BeanDeserializer.deserialize( at com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper._readValue( at com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper.readValue( at io.vertx.core.json.jackson.DatabindCodec.fromParser( ... 29 more Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Interface _timer provided multiple times at org.folio.okapi.bean.ModuleDescriptor.setProvides( at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor80.invoke(Unknown Source) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( at com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.deser.impl.MethodProperty.deserializeAndSet( ... 34 more Tests run: 10, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.01 sec - in org.folio.okapi.bean.BeanTest Running org.folio.okapi.bean.RoutingEntryTest Tests run: 9, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0 sec - in org.folio.okapi.bean.RoutingEntryTest Running org.folio.okapi.bean.ModuleInterfaceTest Tests run: 3, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0 sec - in org.folio.okapi.bean.ModuleInterfaceTest Running org.folio.okapi.TenantRATest 14:27:12 WARN oduleVersionReporter META-INF/maven/org.folio.okapi/okapi-core/ not found 14:27:12 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module null null started 14:27:12 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:27:12 INFO MainVerticle clusterManager not in use 14:27:12 INFO MainVerticle Proxy using inmemory storage 14:27:12 INFO InternalModule InternalModule starting okapiversion=null 14:27:12 INFO Storage prepareDatabases: NORMAL 14:27:12 INFO MainVerticle startModmanager 14:27:12 INFO MainVerticle startTenants 14:27:12 INFO MainVerticle checkInternalModules 14:27:12 INFO MainVerticle Creating the superTenant supertenant 14:27:12 INFO MainVerticle starting env 14:27:12 INFO MainVerticle Starting discovery 14:27:12 INFO MainVerticle Starting deployment 14:27:12 INFO MainVerticle API Gateway started PID 1909@2dcd032ebaca. Listening on port 9230 14:27:12 INFO MainVerticle Deploy completed succesfully 14:27:12 INFO TenantManager starting supertenant 14:27:12 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant supertenant module null seq1 0 14:27:12 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant supertenant 14:27:12 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:27:12 INFO ProxyContext 764082/proxy RES 404 - okapi No suitable module found for path /_/proxy/tenants//modules for tenant supertenant 14:27:12 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=404 msg=No suitable module found for path /_/proxy/tenants//modules for tenant supertenant 14:27:12 INFO ProxyContext 692158/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/tenants okapi-0.0.0 14:27:12 INFO ProxyContext 692158/proxy RES 200 228us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants 14:27:12 INFO ProxyContext 106487/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/tenants/supertenant okapi-0.0.0 14:27:12 INFO ProxyContext 106487/proxy RES 400 126us okapi Can not delete the superTenant supertenant 14:27:12 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=Can not delete the superTenant supertenant 14:27:12 INFO ProxyContext 586250/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants okapi-0.0.0 14:27:12 INFO ProxyContext 586250/proxy RES 400 204us okapi Invalid tenant id Bad Id with Spaces and Specials: ?%! 14:27:12 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=Invalid tenant id Bad Id with Spaces and Specials: ?%! 14:27:12 INFO ProxyContext 299547/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants okapi-0.0.0 14:27:12 INFO ProxyContext 299547/proxy RES 201 351us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants 14:27:12 INFO ProxyContext 334551/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants okapi-0.0.0 14:27:12 INFO ProxyContext 334551/proxy RES 400 231us okapi Duplicate tenant id roskilde 14:27:12 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=Duplicate tenant id roskilde 14:27:12 INFO ProxyContext 383061/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/foo okapi-0.0.0 14:27:12 INFO ProxyContext 383061/proxy RES 404 180us okapi foo 14:27:12 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=404 msg=foo 14:27:12 INFO ProxyContext 994311/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde okapi-0.0.0 14:27:12 INFO ProxyContext 994311/proxy RES 200 137us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde 14:27:12 INFO ProxyContext 276722/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/tenants/roskildenone okapi-0.0.0 14:27:12 INFO ProxyContext 276722/proxy RES 404 97us okapi roskildenone 14:27:12 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=404 msg=roskildenone 14:27:12 INFO ProxyContext 145069/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/tenants okapi-0.0.0 14:27:12 INFO ProxyContext 145069/proxy RES 200 175us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants 14:27:12 INFO ProxyContext 310960/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde okapi-0.0.0 14:27:12 INFO ProxyContext 310960/proxy RES 204 122us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde 14:27:12 INFO ProxyContext 468573/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/tenants okapi-0.0.0 14:27:12 INFO ProxyContext 468573/proxy RES 200 182us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants 14:27:12 INFO ProxyContext 176240/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants okapi-0.0.0 14:27:12 INFO ProxyContext 176240/proxy RES 400 288us okapi Failed to decode:Unexpected end-of-input within/between Object entries at [Source: (String)"{ "id" : "roskildedk", "; line: 3, column: 1] 14:27:12 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=Failed to decode:Unexpected end-of-input within/between Object entries at [Source: (String)"{ "id" : "roskildedk", "; line: 3, column: 1] 14:27:12 INFO ProxyContext 367177/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants okapi-0.0.0 14:27:12 INFO ProxyContext 367177/proxy RES 201 282us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants 14:27:12 INFO ProxyContext 043630/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/tenants okapi-0.0.0 14:27:12 INFO ProxyContext 043630/proxy RES 200 239us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants 14:27:12 INFO ProxyContext 724372/proxy REQ supertenant PUT /_/proxy/tenants/roskildedk okapi-0.0.0 14:27:12 INFO ProxyContext 724372/proxy RES 400 304us okapi Failed to decode:Unexpected end-of-input within/between Object entries at [Source: (String)"{ "id" : "roskildedk", "; line: 3, column: 1] 14:27:12 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=Failed to decode:Unexpected end-of-input within/between Object entries at [Source: (String)"{ "id" : "roskildedk", "; line: 3, column: 1] 14:27:12 INFO ProxyContext 809574/proxy REQ supertenant PUT /_/proxy/tenants/roskildedk okapi-0.0.0 14:27:12 INFO ProxyContext 809574/proxy RES 400 187us okapi id=roskildedk 14:27:12 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 id=roskildedk 14:27:12 INFO ProxyContext 453521/proxy REQ supertenant PUT /_/proxy/tenants/roskildedk okapi-0.0.0 14:27:12 INFO ProxyContext 453521/proxy RES 200 240us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskildedk 14:27:12 INFO ProxyContext 063905/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/tenants/roskildedk okapi-0.0.0 14:27:12 INFO ProxyContext 063905/proxy RES 204 112us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskildedk 14:27:12 INFO ProxyContext 214712/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/tenants/roskildedknotThere okapi-0.0.0 14:27:12 INFO ProxyContext 214712/proxy RES 404 85us okapi roskildedknotThere 14:27:12 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=404 msg=roskildedknotThere 14:27:12 INFO ProxyContext 827507/proxy REQ supertenant PUT /_/proxy/tenants/roskildedk okapi-0.0.0 14:27:12 INFO ProxyContext 827507/proxy RES 200 209us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskildedk 14:27:12 INFO ProxyContext 476645/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/tenants/roskildedk okapi-0.0.0 14:27:12 INFO ProxyContext 476645/proxy RES 204 122us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskildedk 14:27:12 INFO ProxyContext 359304/proxy REQ supertenant PUT /_/proxy/tenants/supertenant okapi-0.0.0 14:27:12 INFO ProxyContext 359304/proxy RES 200 215us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/supertenant 14:27:12 INFO ProxyContext 278655/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/tenants okapi-0.0.0 14:27:12 INFO ProxyContext 278655/proxy RES 200 184us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants 14:27:12 INFO ProxyContext 797882/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants okapi-0.0.0 14:27:12 INFO ProxyContext 797882/proxy RES 201 295us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants 14:27:12 INFO ProxyContext 024855/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/tenants/30985305-47c0-45bd-bdca-2aab5c49db62 okapi-0.0.0 14:27:12 INFO ProxyContext 024855/proxy RES 204 115us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/30985305-47c0-45bd-bdca-2aab5c49db62 14:27:12 INFO ProxyContext 670384/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants okapi-0.0.0 14:27:12 INFO ProxyContext 670384/proxy RES 201 237us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants 14:27:12 INFO ProxyContext 359050/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/tenants/ringsted okapi-0.0.0 14:27:12 INFO ProxyContext 359050/proxy RES 200 120us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/ringsted 14:27:12 INFO ProxyContext 729486/proxy REQ supertenant PUT /_/proxy/tenants/ringsted okapi-0.0.0 14:27:12 INFO ProxyContext 729486/proxy RES 200 213us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/ringsted 14:27:12 INFO ProxyContext 165921/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/tenants/ringsted okapi-0.0.0 14:27:12 INFO ProxyContext 165921/proxy RES 204 102us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/ringsted Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.304 sec - in org.folio.okapi.TenantRATest Running org.folio.okapi.MultiTenantTest 14:27:12 WARN oduleVersionReporter META-INF/maven/org.folio.okapi/okapi-core/ not found 14:27:12 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module null null started 14:27:12 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:27:12 INFO MainVerticle clusterManager not in use 14:27:12 INFO MainVerticle Proxy using inmemory storage 14:27:12 INFO InternalModule InternalModule starting okapiversion=null 14:27:12 INFO Storage prepareDatabases: NORMAL 14:27:12 INFO MainVerticle startModmanager 14:27:12 INFO MainVerticle startTenants 14:27:12 INFO MainVerticle checkInternalModules 14:27:12 INFO MainVerticle Creating the superTenant supertenant 14:27:12 INFO MainVerticle starting env 14:27:12 INFO MainVerticle Starting discovery 14:27:12 INFO MainVerticle Starting deployment 14:27:12 INFO MainVerticle API Gateway started PID 1909@2dcd032ebaca. Listening on port 9230 14:27:12 INFO MainVerticle Deploy completed succesfully 14:27:12 INFO TenantManager starting supertenant 14:27:12 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant supertenant module null seq1 0 14:27:12 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant supertenant 14:27:12 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:27:12 INFO ProxyContext 055629/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:27:12 WARN ProxyContext 055629/proxy Module 'auth-1' handlers /authn/login: uses old type path. Use a pathPattern instead 14:27:12 WARN ProxyContext 055629/proxy Module 'auth-1' handlers /authn/login: uses DEPRECATED level. 14:27:12 WARN ProxyContext 055629/proxy Module 'auth-1' handlers uses type=request-response. That is the default, you can leave it out 14:27:12 WARN ProxyContext 055629/proxy Module 'auth-1' filters /: uses old type path. Use a pathPattern instead 14:27:12 INFO ProxyContext 055629/proxy RES 201 1004us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:27:12 INFO ProxyContext 679638/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:27:12 INFO ProxyContext 679638/proxy RES 201 673us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:27:12 INFO ProxyContext 519422/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:27:12 INFO ProxyContext 519422/proxy RES 201 525us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:27:12 INFO ProxyContext 046340/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/supertenant/install okapi-0.0.0 14:27:12 INFO TenantManager mod available: auth-1 14:27:12 INFO TenantManager mod available: okapi-0.0.0 14:27:12 INFO TenantManager mod enabled: okapi-0.0.0 14:27:12 INFO TenantManager mod available: sample-module-1.2.0 14:27:12 INFO TenantManager mod available: sample-module-2.0.0 14:27:12 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 0 tml.size 1 14:27:12 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id auth-1 action enable 14:27:12 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:27:12 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies auth-1 14:27:12 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id auth-1 14:27:12 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 1 tml.size 1 14:27:12 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id auth-1 action enable 14:27:12 INFO DepResolution getNextTM done null 14:27:12 INFO DepResolution installModules.returning OK 14:27:12 INFO DiscoveryManager autoDeploy auth-1 14:27:12 INFO DiscoveryManager autoDeploy auth-1 consider localhost 14:27:12 INFO DiscoveryManager autoDeploy auth-1 must deploy on node localhost 14:27:12 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { "srvcId" : "auth-1", "nodeId" : "localhost", "descriptor" : { "exec" : "java -Dport=%p -jar ../okapi-test-auth-module/target/okapi-test-auth-module-fat.jar" } } 14:27:12 INFO DeploymentManager deploy instId 40d70951-d3c2-4beb-bdd4-e4aea6821ff3 Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dmaven.ext.class.path="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554/pipeline-maven-spy.jar" -Dorg.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.maven.reportsFolder="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554" 14:27:13 INFO MainVerticle Starting auth 7836@2dcd032ebaca on port 9231 14:27:13 INFO ? Succeeded in deploying verticle 14:27:13 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9231 count 0 14:27:13 INFO TcpPortWaiting Connected to service at host localhost port 9231 count 0 14:27:13 INFO InternalModule installUpgradeModules returns: [ { "id" : "auth-1", "action" : "enable" } ] 14:27:13 INFO ProxyContext 046340/proxy RES 200 1009302us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/supertenant/install?deploy=true 14:27:13 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant supertenant module null seq1 0 14:27:13 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant supertenant 14:27:13 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:27:13 INFO ProxyContext 944396/authn REQ supertenant POST /authn/login auth-1 auth-1 14:27:13 INFO ProxyContext 944396/authn RES 202 81188us auth-1 http://localhost:9231/authn/login 14:27:14 INFO Auth test-auth: Ok login for peter: dummyJwt.eyJzdWIiOiJwZXRlciIsInRlbmFudCI6InN1cGVydGVuYW50In0=.sig 14:27:14 INFO ProxyService New X-Okapi-Token returned by module auth-1 14:27:14 INFO ProxyContext 944396/authn RES 200 192143us auth-1 http://localhost:9231/authn/login 14:27:14 INFO ProxyContext 122723/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants auth-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:27:14 INFO Auth ovTok=null 14:27:14 INFO ProxyContext 122723/proxy RES 202 13943us auth-1 http://localhost:9231/_/proxy/tenants 14:27:14 INFO ProxyContext 122723/proxy RES 201 292us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants 14:27:14 INFO ProxyContext 367388/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants auth-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:27:14 INFO Auth ovTok=null 14:27:14 INFO ProxyContext 367388/proxy RES 202 3316us auth-1 http://localhost:9231/_/proxy/tenants 14:27:14 INFO ProxyContext 367388/proxy RES 201 266us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants 14:27:14 INFO ProxyContext 805207/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/tenant1/install auth-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:27:14 INFO Auth ovTok=null 14:27:14 INFO ProxyContext 805207/proxy RES 202 2325us auth-1 http://localhost:9231/_/proxy/tenants/tenant1/install?deploy=true 14:27:14 INFO TenantManager mod available: auth-1 14:27:14 INFO TenantManager mod available: okapi-0.0.0 14:27:14 INFO TenantManager mod available: sample-module-1.2.0 14:27:14 INFO TenantManager mod available: sample-module-2.0.0 14:27:14 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 0 tml.size 1 14:27:14 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id sample-module-1.2.0 action enable 14:27:14 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:27:14 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies sample-module-1.2.0 14:27:14 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id sample-module-1.2.0 14:27:14 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 1 tml.size 1 14:27:14 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id sample-module-1.2.0 action enable 14:27:14 INFO DepResolution getNextTM done null 14:27:14 INFO DepResolution installModules.returning OK 14:27:14 INFO DiscoveryManager autoDeploy sample-module-1.2.0 14:27:14 INFO DiscoveryManager autoDeploy sample-module-1.2.0 consider localhost 14:27:14 INFO DiscoveryManager autoDeploy sample-module-1.2.0 must deploy on node localhost 14:27:14 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { "srvcId" : "sample-module-1.2.0", "nodeId" : "localhost", "descriptor" : { "exec" : "java -Dport=%p -jar ../okapi-test-module/target/okapi-test-module-fat.jar" } } 14:27:14 INFO DeploymentManager deploy instId 6d72dadc-35ac-4e3c-ada7-c07b8b8f6339 Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dmaven.ext.class.path="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554/pipeline-maven-spy.jar" -Dorg.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.maven.reportsFolder="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554" 14:27:14 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module okapi-test-module 2.39.0 started 14:27:14 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:27:14 INFO MainVerticle Starting okapi-test-module 7863@2dcd032ebaca on port 9232 14:27:14 INFO ? Succeeded in deploying verticle 14:27:15 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9232 count 0 14:27:15 INFO TcpPortWaiting Connected to service at host localhost port 9232 count 0 14:27:15 INFO ProxyService syscall begin POST http://localhost:9232/_/tenant 14:27:15 INFO OkapiClient 805207/proxy;622898/tenant REQ okapiClient tenant1 POST http://localhost:9232/_/tenant 14:27:15 INFO MainVerticle POST /_/tenant to okapi-est-module for tenant tenant1 14:27:15 INFO MainVerticle module_from=null module_to=sample-module-1.2.0 14:27:15 INFO OkapiClient 805207/proxy;622898/tenant RES 200 117965us okapiClient http://localhost:9232/_/tenant 14:27:15 INFO ProxyService syscall return POST http://localhost:9232/_/tenant 14:27:15 INFO InternalModule installUpgradeModules returns: [ { "id" : "sample-module-1.2.0", "action" : "enable" } ] 14:27:15 INFO ProxyContext 805207/proxy RES 200 1126077us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/tenant1/install?deploy=true 14:27:15 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant tenant1 module null seq1 0 14:27:15 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant tenant1 14:27:15 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:27:15 INFO ProxyContext 988810/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/tenant2/install auth-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:27:15 INFO Auth ovTok=null 14:27:15 INFO ProxyContext 988810/proxy RES 202 3883us auth-1 http://localhost:9231/_/proxy/tenants/tenant2/install?deploy=true 14:27:15 INFO TenantManager mod available: auth-1 14:27:15 INFO TenantManager mod available: okapi-0.0.0 14:27:15 INFO TenantManager mod available: sample-module-1.2.0 14:27:15 INFO TenantManager mod available: sample-module-2.0.0 14:27:15 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 0 tml.size 1 14:27:15 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id auth-1 action enable 14:27:15 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:27:15 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies auth-1 14:27:15 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id auth-1 14:27:15 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 1 tml.size 1 14:27:15 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id auth-1 action enable 14:27:15 INFO DepResolution getNextTM done null 14:27:15 INFO DepResolution installModules.returning OK 14:27:15 INFO DiscoveryManager autoDeploy auth-1 14:27:15 INFO DiscoveryManager autoDeploy auth-1 consider localhost 14:27:15 INFO DiscoveryManager autoDeploy auth-1 already deployed on localhost 14:27:15 INFO InternalModule installUpgradeModules returns: [ { "id" : "auth-1", "action" : "enable" } ] 14:27:15 INFO ProxyContext 988810/proxy RES 200 2341us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/tenant2/install?deploy=true 14:27:15 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant tenant2 module null seq1 0 14:27:15 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant tenant2 14:27:15 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:27:15 INFO ProxyContext 099443/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/modules auth-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:27:15 INFO Auth ovTok=null 14:27:15 INFO ProxyContext 099443/discovery RES 202 2774us auth-1 http://localhost:9231/_/discovery/modules 14:27:15 INFO ProxyContext 099443/discovery RES 200 329us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:27:15 INFO ProxyContext 502602/authn REQ tenant2 POST /authn/login auth-1 auth-1 14:27:15 INFO ProxyContext 502602/authn RES 202 1816us auth-1 http://localhost:9231/authn/login 14:27:15 INFO Auth test-auth: Ok login for peter: dummyJwt.eyJzdWIiOiJwZXRlciIsInRlbmFudCI6InRlbmFudDIifQ==.sig 14:27:15 INFO ProxyService New X-Okapi-Token returned by module auth-1 14:27:15 INFO ProxyContext 502602/authn RES 200 2704us auth-1 http://localhost:9231/authn/login 14:27:15 INFO ProxyContext 878044/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/tenant2/install auth-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:27:15 INFO Auth ovTok=null 14:27:15 INFO ProxyContext 878044/proxy RES 202 3585us auth-1 http://localhost:9231/_/proxy/tenants/tenant2/install?deploy=true 14:27:15 INFO TenantManager mod available: auth-1 14:27:15 INFO TenantManager mod enabled: auth-1 14:27:15 INFO TenantManager mod available: okapi-0.0.0 14:27:15 INFO TenantManager mod available: sample-module-1.2.0 14:27:15 INFO TenantManager mod available: sample-module-2.0.0 14:27:15 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 0 tml.size 1 14:27:15 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id okapi-0.0.0 action enable 14:27:15 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:27:15 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies okapi-0.0.0 14:27:15 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id okapi-0.0.0 14:27:15 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 1 tml.size 1 14:27:15 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id okapi-0.0.0 action enable 14:27:15 INFO DepResolution getNextTM done null 14:27:15 INFO DepResolution installModules.returning OK 14:27:15 INFO DiscoveryManager autoDeploy okapi-0.0.0 14:27:15 INFO InternalModule installUpgradeModules returns: [ { "id" : "okapi-0.0.0", "action" : "enable" } ] 14:27:15 INFO ProxyContext 878044/proxy RES 200 2971us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/tenant2/install?deploy=true 14:27:15 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant tenant2 module null seq1 0 14:27:15 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant tenant2 14:27:15 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:27:15 INFO ProxyContext 724792/proxy REQ tenant2 POST /_/proxy/tenants/tenant2/install auth-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:27:15 INFO Auth ovTok=null 14:27:15 INFO ProxyContext 724792/proxy RES 202 3136us auth-1 http://localhost:9231/_/proxy/tenants/tenant2/install?deploy=true 14:27:15 INFO TenantManager mod available: auth-1 14:27:15 INFO TenantManager mod enabled: auth-1 14:27:15 INFO TenantManager mod available: okapi-0.0.0 14:27:15 INFO TenantManager mod enabled: okapi-0.0.0 14:27:15 INFO TenantManager mod available: sample-module-1.2.0 14:27:15 INFO TenantManager mod available: sample-module-2.0.0 14:27:15 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 0 tml.size 1 14:27:15 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id sample-module-2.0.0 action enable 14:27:15 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:27:15 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies sample-module-2.0.0 14:27:15 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id sample-module-2.0.0 14:27:15 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 1 tml.size 1 14:27:15 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id sample-module-2.0.0 action enable 14:27:15 INFO DepResolution getNextTM done null 14:27:15 INFO DepResolution installModules.returning OK 14:27:15 INFO DiscoveryManager autoDeploy sample-module-2.0.0 14:27:15 INFO DiscoveryManager autoDeploy sample-module-2.0.0 consider localhost 14:27:15 INFO DiscoveryManager autoDeploy sample-module-2.0.0 must deploy on node localhost 14:27:15 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { "srvcId" : "sample-module-2.0.0", "nodeId" : "localhost" } 14:27:15 INFO ProxyContext 724792/proxy RES 400 2922us okapi Module sample-module-2.0.0 has no launchDescriptor 14:27:15 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=Module sample-module-2.0.0 has no launchDescriptor 14:27:15 INFO ProxyContext 777076/proxy REQ supertenant PUT /_/proxy/modules/sample-module-2.0.0 auth-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:27:15 INFO Auth ovTok=null 14:27:15 INFO ProxyContext 777076/proxy RES 202 2799us auth-1 http://localhost:9231/_/proxy/modules/sample-module-2.0.0 14:27:15 INFO ProxyContext 777076/proxy RES 200 906us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules/sample-module-2.0.0 14:27:15 INFO ProxyContext 124074/proxy REQ tenant2 POST /_/proxy/tenants/tenant2/install auth-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:27:15 INFO Auth ovTok=null 14:27:15 INFO ProxyContext 124074/proxy RES 202 2636us auth-1 http://localhost:9231/_/proxy/tenants/tenant2/install?deploy=true 14:27:15 INFO TenantManager mod available: auth-1 14:27:15 INFO TenantManager mod enabled: auth-1 14:27:15 INFO TenantManager mod available: okapi-0.0.0 14:27:15 INFO TenantManager mod enabled: okapi-0.0.0 14:27:15 INFO TenantManager mod available: sample-module-1.2.0 14:27:15 INFO TenantManager mod available: sample-module-2.0.0 14:27:15 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 0 tml.size 1 14:27:15 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id sample-module-2.0.0 action enable 14:27:15 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:27:15 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies sample-module-2.0.0 14:27:15 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id sample-module-2.0.0 14:27:15 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 1 tml.size 1 14:27:15 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id sample-module-2.0.0 action enable 14:27:15 INFO DepResolution getNextTM done null 14:27:15 INFO DepResolution installModules.returning OK 14:27:15 INFO DiscoveryManager autoDeploy sample-module-2.0.0 14:27:15 INFO DiscoveryManager autoDeploy sample-module-2.0.0 consider localhost 14:27:15 INFO DiscoveryManager autoDeploy sample-module-2.0.0 must deploy on node localhost 14:27:15 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { "srvcId" : "sample-module-2.0.0", "nodeId" : "localhost", "descriptor" : { "exec" : "java -Dport=%p -jar ../okapi-test-module/target/okapi-test-module-fat.jar" } } 14:27:15 INFO DeploymentManager deploy instId e4a8798b-145c-4cf9-a6d2-04d7f204d4de Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dmaven.ext.class.path="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554/pipeline-maven-spy.jar" -Dorg.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.maven.reportsFolder="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554" 14:27:16 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module okapi-test-module 2.39.0 started 14:27:16 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:27:16 INFO MainVerticle Starting okapi-test-module 7888@2dcd032ebaca on port 9233 14:27:16 INFO ? Succeeded in deploying verticle 14:27:16 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9233 count 0 14:27:16 INFO TcpPortWaiting Connected to service at host localhost port 9233 count 0 14:27:16 INFO ProxyService syscall begin POST http://localhost:9233/_/tenant 14:27:16 INFO OkapiClient 124074/proxy;371972/tenant REQ okapiClient tenant2 POST http://localhost:9233/_/tenant 14:27:16 INFO MainVerticle POST /_/tenant to okapi-est-module for tenant tenant2 14:27:16 INFO MainVerticle module_from=null module_to=sample-module-2.0.0 14:27:16 INFO OkapiClient 124074/proxy;371972/tenant RES 200 138040us okapiClient http://localhost:9233/_/tenant 14:27:16 INFO ProxyService syscall return POST http://localhost:9233/_/tenant 14:27:16 INFO InternalModule installUpgradeModules returns: [ { "id" : "sample-module-2.0.0", "action" : "enable" } ] 14:27:16 INFO ProxyContext 124074/proxy RES 200 1146412us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/tenant2/install?deploy=true 14:27:16 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant tenant2 module null seq1 0 14:27:16 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant tenant2 14:27:16 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:27:16 INFO ProxyContext 426767/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/modules auth-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:27:16 INFO Auth ovTok=null 14:27:16 INFO ProxyContext 426767/discovery RES 202 2323us auth-1 http://localhost:9231/_/discovery/modules 14:27:16 INFO ProxyContext 426767/discovery RES 200 271us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:27:16 INFO MultiTenantTest [ { "instId" : "40d70951-d3c2-4beb-bdd4-e4aea6821ff3", "srvcId" : "auth-1", "nodeId" : "localhost", "url" : "http://localhost:9231", "descriptor" : { "exec" : "java -Dport=%p -jar ../okapi-test-auth-module/target/okapi-test-auth-module-fat.jar" } }, { "instId" : "6d72dadc-35ac-4e3c-ada7-c07b8b8f6339", "srvcId" : "sample-module-1.2.0", "nodeId" : "localhost", "url" : "http://localhost:9232", "descriptor" : { "exec" : "java -Dport=%p -jar ../okapi-test-module/target/okapi-test-module-fat.jar" } }, { "instId" : "e4a8798b-145c-4cf9-a6d2-04d7f204d4de", "srvcId" : "sample-module-2.0.0", "nodeId" : "localhost", "url" : "http://localhost:9233", "descriptor" : { "exec" : "java -Dport=%p -jar ../okapi-test-module/target/okapi-test-module-fat.jar" } } ] 14:27:16 INFO ProxyContext 013456/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/tenant1/install auth-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:27:16 INFO Auth ovTok=null 14:27:16 INFO ProxyContext 013456/proxy RES 202 2205us auth-1 http://localhost:9231/_/proxy/tenants/tenant1/install?deploy=true 14:27:16 INFO TenantManager mod available: auth-1 14:27:16 INFO TenantManager mod available: okapi-0.0.0 14:27:16 INFO TenantManager mod available: sample-module-1.2.0 14:27:16 INFO TenantManager mod enabled: sample-module-1.2.0 14:27:16 INFO TenantManager mod available: sample-module-2.0.0 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 0 tml.size 1 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id sample-module-1.2.0 action disable 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: return tm for action disable 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution removeModuleDependencies sample-module-1.2.0 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id sample-module-1.2.0 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 1 tml.size 1 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id sample-module-1.2.0 action disable 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution getNextTM done null 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution installModules.returning OK 14:27:16 INFO TenantManager autoUndeploy mdF sample-module-1.2.0 14:27:16 INFO DiscoveryManager autoUndeploy sample-module-1.2.0 14:27:16 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy srvcId=sample-module-1.2.0 instId=6d72dadc-35ac-4e3c-ada7-c07b8b8f6339 node=localhost 14:27:16 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy calling.. 14:27:16 INFO DeploymentManager undeploy instId 6d72dadc-35ac-4e3c-ada7-c07b8b8f6339 14:27:16 INFO InternalModule installUpgradeModules returns: [ { "id" : "sample-module-1.2.0", "action" : "disable" } ] 14:27:16 INFO ProxyContext 013456/proxy RES 200 59136us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/tenant1/install?deploy=true 14:27:16 INFO ProxyContext 348384/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/tenant2/install auth-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:27:16 INFO Auth ovTok=null 14:27:16 INFO ProxyContext 348384/proxy RES 202 3351us auth-1 http://localhost:9231/_/proxy/tenants/tenant2/install?deploy=true 14:27:16 INFO TenantManager mod available: auth-1 14:27:16 INFO TenantManager mod enabled: auth-1 14:27:16 INFO TenantManager mod available: okapi-0.0.0 14:27:16 INFO TenantManager mod enabled: okapi-0.0.0 14:27:16 INFO TenantManager mod available: sample-module-1.2.0 14:27:16 INFO TenantManager mod available: sample-module-2.0.0 14:27:16 INFO TenantManager mod enabled: sample-module-2.0.0 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 0 tml.size 1 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id sample-module-2.0.0 action disable 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: return tm for action disable 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution removeModuleDependencies sample-module-2.0.0 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id sample-module-2.0.0 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 1 tml.size 1 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id sample-module-2.0.0 action disable 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution getNextTM done null 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution installModules.returning OK 14:27:16 INFO TenantManager autoUndeploy mdF sample-module-2.0.0 14:27:16 INFO DiscoveryManager autoUndeploy sample-module-2.0.0 14:27:16 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy srvcId=sample-module-2.0.0 instId=e4a8798b-145c-4cf9-a6d2-04d7f204d4de node=localhost 14:27:16 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy calling.. 14:27:16 INFO DeploymentManager undeploy instId e4a8798b-145c-4cf9-a6d2-04d7f204d4de 14:27:16 INFO InternalModule installUpgradeModules returns: [ { "id" : "sample-module-2.0.0", "action" : "disable" } ] 14:27:16 INFO ProxyContext 348384/proxy RES 200 88522us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/tenant2/install?deploy=true 14:27:16 INFO ProxyContext 016380/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/modules auth-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:27:16 INFO Auth ovTok=null 14:27:16 INFO ProxyContext 016380/discovery RES 202 6296us auth-1 http://localhost:9231/_/discovery/modules 14:27:16 INFO ProxyContext 016380/discovery RES 200 369us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:27:16 INFO ProxyContext 764128/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/supertenant/install auth-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:27:16 INFO Auth ovTok=null 14:27:16 INFO ProxyContext 764128/proxy RES 202 2661us auth-1 http://localhost:9231/_/proxy/tenants/supertenant/install?deploy=true 14:27:16 INFO TenantManager mod available: auth-1 14:27:16 INFO TenantManager mod enabled: auth-1 14:27:16 INFO TenantManager mod available: okapi-0.0.0 14:27:16 INFO TenantManager mod enabled: okapi-0.0.0 14:27:16 INFO TenantManager mod available: sample-module-1.2.0 14:27:16 INFO TenantManager mod available: sample-module-2.0.0 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 0 tml.size 1 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id auth-1 action disable 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: return tm for action disable 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution removeModuleDependencies auth-1 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id auth-1 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 1 tml.size 1 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id auth-1 action disable 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution getNextTM done null 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution installModules.returning OK 14:27:16 INFO InternalModule installUpgradeModules returns: [ { "id" : "auth-1", "action" : "disable" } ] 14:27:16 INFO ProxyContext 764128/proxy RES 200 1877us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/supertenant/install?deploy=true 14:27:16 INFO ProxyContext 247807/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:27:16 INFO ProxyContext 247807/discovery RES 200 231us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:27:16 INFO ProxyContext 284263/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/tenant2/install okapi-0.0.0 14:27:16 INFO TenantManager mod available: auth-1 14:27:16 INFO TenantManager mod enabled: auth-1 14:27:16 INFO TenantManager mod available: okapi-0.0.0 14:27:16 INFO TenantManager mod enabled: okapi-0.0.0 14:27:16 INFO TenantManager mod available: sample-module-1.2.0 14:27:16 INFO TenantManager mod available: sample-module-2.0.0 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 0 tml.size 1 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id auth-1 action disable 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: return tm for action disable 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution removeModuleDependencies auth-1 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id auth-1 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 1 tml.size 1 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id auth-1 action disable 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution getNextTM done null 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution installModules.returning OK 14:27:16 INFO TenantManager autoUndeploy mdF auth-1 14:27:16 INFO DiscoveryManager autoUndeploy auth-1 14:27:16 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy srvcId=auth-1 instId=40d70951-d3c2-4beb-bdd4-e4aea6821ff3 node=localhost 14:27:16 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy calling.. 14:27:16 INFO DeploymentManager undeploy instId 40d70951-d3c2-4beb-bdd4-e4aea6821ff3 14:27:16 INFO InternalModule installUpgradeModules returns: [ { "id" : "auth-1", "action" : "disable" } ] 14:27:16 INFO ProxyContext 284263/proxy RES 200 39590us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/tenant2/install?deploy=true 14:27:16 INFO ProxyContext 895246/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:27:16 INFO ProxyContext 895246/discovery RES 200 202us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:27:16 INFO ProxyContext 892164/discovery REQ supertenant DELETE /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:27:16 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy all 14:27:16 INFO ProxyContext 892164/discovery RES 204 453us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 3.962 sec - in org.folio.okapi.MultiTenantTest Running org.folio.okapi.util.LogHelperTest Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.002 sec - in org.folio.okapi.util.LogHelperTest Running org.folio.okapi.util.LockedStringMapTest Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.014 sec - in org.folio.okapi.util.LockedStringMapTest Running org.folio.okapi.util.DepResolutionTest 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 0 tml.size 1 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id moduleA-2.0.0 action enable 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies moduleA-2.0.0 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution resolveModuleConflicts from moduleA-1.0.0 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id moduleA-2.0.0 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies moduleD-2.0.0 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution Dependency OK already enabled id moduleA-2.0.0 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution resolveModuleConflicts from moduleD-1.0.0 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id moduleD-2.0.0 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 1 tml.size 2 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id moduleA-2.0.0 action enable 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id moduleD-2.0.0 action enable 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution getNextTM done null 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution installModules.returning OK 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 0 tml.size 1 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id moduleD-2.0.0 action enable 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies moduleD-2.0.0 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies moduleA-2.0.0 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution resolveModuleConflicts from moduleA-1.0.0 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id moduleA-2.0.0 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution resolveModuleConflicts from moduleD-1.0.0 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id moduleD-2.0.0 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 1 tml.size 2 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id moduleA-2.0.0 action enable 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id moduleD-2.0.0 action enable 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution getNextTM done null 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution installModules.returning OK 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 0 tml.size 1 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id moduleA-1.1.0 action enable 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies moduleA-1.1.0 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution resolveModuleConflicts from moduleA-1.0.0 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id moduleA-1.1.0 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 1 tml.size 1 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id moduleA-1.1.0 action enable 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution getNextTM done null 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution installModules.returning OK 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 0 tml.size 1 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id moduleE-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies moduleE-1.0.0 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 0 tml.size 1 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id moduleE-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies moduleE-1.0.0 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 0 tml.size 2 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id moduleE-2.0.0 action enable 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies moduleE-2.0.0 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies moduleA-2.0.0 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution resolveModuleConflicts from moduleA-1.0.0 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id moduleA-2.0.0 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution resolveModuleConflicts from moduleE-1.0.0 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id moduleE-2.0.0 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 1 tml.size 2 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id moduleA-2.0.0 action enable 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id moduleE-2.0.0 action enable 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution getNextTM done null 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution installModules.returning OK 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 0 tml.size 2 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id moduleA-2.0.0 action enable 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies moduleA-2.0.0 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution resolveModuleConflicts from moduleA-1.0.0 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id moduleA-2.0.0 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies moduleE-2.0.0 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution Dependency OK already enabled id moduleA-2.0.0 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution resolveModuleConflicts from moduleE-1.0.0 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id moduleE-2.0.0 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 1 tml.size 2 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id moduleA-2.0.0 action enable 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id moduleE-2.0.0 action enable 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution getNextTM done null 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution installModules.returning OK 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 0 tml.size 1 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id moduleE-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies moduleE-1.0.0 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies moduleB-1.0.0 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id moduleB-1.0.0 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id moduleE-1.0.0 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 1 tml.size 2 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id moduleB-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id moduleE-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution getNextTM done null 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution installModules.returning OK 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 0 tml.size 1 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id moduleE-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies moduleE-1.0.0 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies moduleC-1.0.0 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id moduleC-1.0.0 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id moduleE-1.0.0 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 1 tml.size 2 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id moduleC-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id moduleE-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution getNextTM done null 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution installModules.returning OK 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 0 tml.size 1 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id moduleD-1.1.0 action enable 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies moduleD-1.1.0 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 0 tml.size 1 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id moduleA-1.1.0 action enable 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies moduleA-1.1.0 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution resolveModuleConflicts from moduleA-1.0.0 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id moduleA-1.1.0 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 1 tml.size 1 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id moduleA-1.1.0 action enable 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution getNextTM done null 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution installModules.returning OK 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 0 tml.size 1 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id moduleD-1.1.0 action enable 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies moduleD-1.1.0 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies moduleA-1.1.0 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution resolveModuleConflicts from moduleA-1.0.0 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id moduleA-1.1.0 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id moduleD-1.1.0 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 1 tml.size 2 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id moduleA-1.1.0 action enable 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id moduleD-1.1.0 action enable 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution getNextTM done null 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution installModules.returning OK 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 0 tml.size 1 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id moduleD-1.1.0 action enable 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies moduleD-1.1.0 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies moduleA-1.1.0 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution resolveModuleConflicts from moduleA-1.0.0 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id moduleA-1.1.0 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution resolveModuleConflicts from moduleD-1.0.0 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id moduleD-1.1.0 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 1 tml.size 2 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id moduleA-1.1.0 action enable 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id moduleD-1.1.0 action enable 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution getNextTM done null 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution installModules.returning OK 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 0 tml.size 1 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id moduleA-1.0.0 action uptodate 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution getNextTM done null 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution installModules.returning OK 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 0 tml.size 1 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id moduleA-1.0.0 action conflict 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution getNextTM done null 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution installModules.returning OK 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 0 tml.size 1 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id moduleD-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies moduleD-1.0.0 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id moduleD-1.0.0 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 1 tml.size 1 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id moduleD-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution getNextTM done null 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution installModules.returning OK 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 0 tml.size 1 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id moduleD-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies moduleD-1.0.0 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution Dependency OK already enabled id moduleA-1.0.0 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id moduleD-1.0.0 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 1 tml.size 1 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id moduleD-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution getNextTM done null 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution installModules.returning OK 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 0 tml.size 1 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id moduleB-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies moduleB-1.0.0 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution resolveModuleConflicts remove moduleA-1.0.0 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id moduleB-1.0.0 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 1 tml.size 2 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id moduleA-1.0.0 action disable 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id moduleB-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution getNextTM done null 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution installModules.returning OK 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 0 tml.size 1 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id moduleD-1.1.0 action enable 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies moduleD-1.1.0 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 0 tml.size 2 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id moduleE-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies moduleE-1.0.0 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution Dependency OK for existing enable id moduleA-1.0.0 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies moduleA-1.0.0 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id moduleA-1.0.0 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id moduleE-1.0.0 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 1 tml.size 2 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id moduleA-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id moduleE-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution getNextTM done null 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution installModules.returning OK 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 0 tml.size 2 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id moduleE-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies moduleE-1.0.0 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution Dependency OK for existing enable id moduleB-1.0.0 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies moduleB-1.0.0 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id moduleB-1.0.0 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id moduleE-1.0.0 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 1 tml.size 2 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id moduleB-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id moduleE-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution getNextTM done null 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution installModules.returning OK 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 0 tml.size 1 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id moduleE-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies moduleE-1.0.0 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution Dependency OK already enabled id moduleA-1.0.0 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id moduleE-1.0.0 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 1 tml.size 1 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id moduleE-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution getNextTM done null 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution installModules.returning OK 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 0 tml.size 1 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id moduleA-2.0.0 action enable 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies moduleA-2.0.0 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution resolveModuleConflicts from moduleA-1.0.0 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id moduleA-2.0.0 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies moduleE-2.0.0 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution Dependency OK already enabled id moduleA-2.0.0 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution resolveModuleConflicts from moduleE-1.0.0 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id moduleE-2.0.0 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 1 tml.size 2 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id moduleA-2.0.0 action enable 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id moduleE-2.0.0 action enable 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution getNextTM done null 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution installModules.returning OK 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 0 tml.size 1 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id moduleE-2.0.0 action enable 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies moduleE-2.0.0 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies moduleA-2.0.0 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution resolveModuleConflicts from moduleA-1.0.0 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id moduleA-2.0.0 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution resolveModuleConflicts from moduleE-1.0.0 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id moduleE-2.0.0 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 1 tml.size 2 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id moduleA-2.0.0 action enable 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id moduleE-2.0.0 action enable 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution getNextTM done null 14:27:16 INFO DepResolution installModules.returning OK Tests run: 28, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.032 sec - in org.folio.okapi.util.DepResolutionTest Running org.folio.okapi.util.ProcessModuleHandleTest 0 sh: gyf: command not found Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dmaven.ext.class.path="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554/pipeline-maven-spy.jar" -Dorg.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.maven.reportsFolder="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554" openjdk version "1.8.0_242" OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_242-8u242-b08-0ubuntu3~16.04-b08) OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.242-b08, mixed mode) 14:27:16 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9231 count 0 14:27:17 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9231 count 1 14:27:17 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9231 count 2 14:27:18 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9231 count 3 14:27:18 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9231 count 4 14:27:19 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9231 count 5 9231 14:27:20 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9231 count 0 14:27:21 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9231 count 1 14:27:21 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9231 count 2 14:27:22 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9231 count 3 14:27:22 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9231 count 4 14:27:23 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9231 count 5 14:27:24 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9231 count 0 Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dmaven.ext.class.path="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554/pipeline-maven-spy.jar" -Dorg.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.maven.reportsFolder="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554" 14:27:24 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9231 count 1 14:27:24 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9231 count 2 14:27:25 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9231 count 3 14:27:25 INFO TcpPortWaiting Connected to service at host localhost port 9231 count 3 Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dmaven.ext.class.path="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554/pipeline-maven-spy.jar" -Dorg.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.maven.reportsFolder="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554" openjdk version "1.8.0_242" OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_242-8u242-b08-0ubuntu3~16.04-b08) OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.242-b08, mixed mode) 14:27:25 WARN ProcessModuleHandle when starting gyf 10 0 Cannot run program "gyf": error=2, No such file or directory at java.lang.ProcessBuilder.start( ~[?:1.8.0_242] at org.folio.okapi.service.impl.ProcessModuleHandle.lambda$start2$1( ~[classes/:?] at io.vertx.core.impl.ContextImpl.lambda$null$0( ~[vertx-core-4.0.0-milestone4.jar:4.0.0-milestone4] at io.vertx.core.impl.AbstractContext.emit( ~[vertx-core-4.0.0-milestone4.jar:4.0.0-milestone4] at io.vertx.core.impl.ContextImpl.lambda$executeBlocking$1( ~[vertx-core-4.0.0-milestone4.jar:4.0.0-milestone4] at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( [?:1.8.0_242] at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ [?:1.8.0_242] at [netty-common-4.1.42.Final.jar:4.1.42.Final] at [?:1.8.0_242] Caused by: error=2, No such file or directory at java.lang.UNIXProcess.forkAndExec(Native Method) ~[?:1.8.0_242] at java.lang.UNIXProcess.( ~[?:1.8.0_242] at java.lang.ProcessImpl.start( ~[?:1.8.0_242] at java.lang.ProcessBuilder.start( ~[?:1.8.0_242] ... 8 more Error: Unable to access jarfile unknown.jar sh: gyf: command not found Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dmaven.ext.class.path="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554/pipeline-maven-spy.jar" -Dorg.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.maven.reportsFolder="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554" 14:27:26 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module okapi-test-module 2.39.0 started 14:27:26 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:27:26 INFO MainVerticle Starting okapi-test-module 8465@2dcd032ebaca on port 9231 14:27:26 INFO ? Succeeded in deploying verticle 14:27:26 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9231 count 0 14:27:26 INFO TcpPortWaiting Connected to service at host localhost port 9231 count 0 Tests run: 13, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 9.673 sec - in org.folio.okapi.util.ProcessModuleHandleTest Running org.folio.okapi.util.CompListTest Tests run: 5, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.002 sec - in org.folio.okapi.util.CompListTest Running org.folio.okapi.util.GraphDotTest digraph okapi { mod__a__1_0_0 [label="mod-a-1.0.0"]; missing_int_1_1 [label="missing int 1.1", color=red]; mod__a__1_0_0 -> missing_int_1_1; } digraph okapi { mod__a__1_0_0 [label="mod-a-1.0.0"]; mod__b__1_0_0 [label="mod-b-1.0.0"]; missing_int_1_1 [label="missing int 1.1", color=red]; mod__b__1_0_0 -> missing_int_1_1; } digraph okapi { } digraph okapi { mod__a__1_0_0 [label="mod-a-1.0.0"]; mod__b__1_0_0 [label="mod-b-1.0.0"]; mod__b__1_0_0 -> mod__a__1_0_0; } Tests run: 4, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.003 sec - in org.folio.okapi.util.GraphDotTest Running org.folio.okapi.PullTest 14:27:26 WARN oduleVersionReporter META-INF/maven/org.folio.okapi/okapi-core/ not found 14:27:26 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module null null started 14:27:26 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:27:26 INFO MainVerticle clusterManager not in use 14:27:26 INFO MainVerticle Proxy using inmemory storage 14:27:26 INFO InternalModule InternalModule starting okapiversion=null 14:27:26 INFO Storage prepareDatabases: NORMAL 14:27:26 INFO MainVerticle startModmanager 14:27:26 INFO MainVerticle startTenants 14:27:26 INFO MainVerticle checkInternalModules 14:27:26 INFO MainVerticle Creating the superTenant supertenant 14:27:26 INFO MainVerticle starting env 14:27:26 INFO MainVerticle Starting discovery 14:27:26 INFO MainVerticle Starting deployment 14:27:26 INFO MainVerticle API Gateway started PID 1909@2dcd032ebaca. Listening on port 9230 14:27:26 INFO MainVerticle Deploy completed succesfully 14:27:26 INFO TenantManager starting supertenant 14:27:26 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant supertenant module null seq1 0 14:27:26 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant supertenant 14:27:26 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:27:26 WARN oduleVersionReporter META-INF/maven/org.folio.okapi/okapi-core/ not found 14:27:26 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module null null started 14:27:26 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:27:26 INFO MainVerticle clusterManager not in use 14:27:26 INFO MainVerticle Proxy using inmemory storage 14:27:26 INFO InternalModule InternalModule starting okapiversion=null 14:27:26 INFO Storage prepareDatabases: NORMAL 14:27:26 INFO MainVerticle startModmanager 14:27:26 INFO MainVerticle startTenants 14:27:26 INFO MainVerticle checkInternalModules 14:27:26 INFO MainVerticle Creating the superTenant supertenant 14:27:26 INFO MainVerticle starting env 14:27:26 INFO MainVerticle Starting discovery 14:27:26 INFO MainVerticle Starting deployment 14:27:26 INFO MainVerticle API Gateway started PID 1909@2dcd032ebaca. Listening on port 9231 14:27:26 INFO MainVerticle Deploy completed succesfully 14:27:26 INFO TenantManager starting supertenant 14:27:26 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant supertenant module null seq1 0 14:27:26 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant supertenant 14:27:26 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:27:26 INFO ProxyContext 638915/version REQ supertenant GET /_/version okapi-0.0.0 14:27:26 INFO ProxyContext 638915/version RES 200 94us okapi-0.0.0 /_/version 14:27:26 INFO ProxyContext 252250/version REQ supertenant GET /_/version okapi-0.0.0 14:27:26 INFO ProxyContext 252250/version RES 200 77us okapi-0.0.0 /_/version 14:27:26 INFO ProxyContext 971842/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/pull/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:27:26 INFO ProxyContext 971842/proxy RES 400 2978us okapi Failed to decode:Unexpected character ('b' (code 98)): was expecting double-quote to start field name at [Source: (String)"{ bad json"; line: 1, column: 4] 14:27:26 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=Failed to decode:Unexpected character ('b' (code 98)): was expecting double-quote to start field name at [Source: (String)"{ bad json"; line: 1, column: 4] 14:27:26 WARN oduleVersionReporter META-INF/maven/org.folio.okapi/okapi-core/ not found 14:27:26 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module null null started 14:27:26 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:27:26 INFO MainVerticle clusterManager not in use 14:27:26 INFO MainVerticle Proxy using inmemory storage 14:27:26 INFO InternalModule InternalModule starting okapiversion=null 14:27:26 INFO Storage prepareDatabases: NORMAL 14:27:26 INFO MainVerticle startModmanager 14:27:26 INFO MainVerticle startTenants 14:27:26 INFO MainVerticle checkInternalModules 14:27:26 INFO MainVerticle Creating the superTenant supertenant 14:27:26 INFO MainVerticle starting env 14:27:26 INFO MainVerticle Starting discovery 14:27:26 INFO MainVerticle Starting deployment 14:27:26 INFO MainVerticle API Gateway started PID 1909@2dcd032ebaca. Listening on port 9230 14:27:26 INFO MainVerticle Deploy completed succesfully 14:27:26 INFO TenantManager starting supertenant 14:27:26 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant supertenant module null seq1 0 14:27:26 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant supertenant 14:27:26 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:27:26 WARN oduleVersionReporter META-INF/maven/org.folio.okapi/okapi-core/ not found 14:27:26 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module null null started 14:27:26 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:27:26 INFO MainVerticle clusterManager not in use 14:27:26 INFO MainVerticle Proxy using inmemory storage 14:27:26 INFO InternalModule InternalModule starting okapiversion=null 14:27:26 INFO Storage prepareDatabases: NORMAL 14:27:26 INFO MainVerticle startModmanager 14:27:26 INFO MainVerticle startTenants 14:27:26 INFO MainVerticle checkInternalModules 14:27:26 INFO MainVerticle Creating the superTenant supertenant 14:27:26 INFO MainVerticle starting env 14:27:26 INFO MainVerticle Starting discovery 14:27:26 INFO MainVerticle Starting deployment 14:27:26 INFO MainVerticle API Gateway started PID 1909@2dcd032ebaca. Listening on port 9231 14:27:26 INFO MainVerticle Deploy completed succesfully 14:27:26 INFO TenantManager starting supertenant 14:27:26 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant supertenant module null seq1 0 14:27:26 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant supertenant 14:27:26 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:27:26 INFO ProxyContext 157871/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/pull/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:27:26 INFO ProxyContext 247505/version REQ supertenant GET /_/version okapi-0.0.0 14:27:26 INFO ProxyContext 247505/version RES 200 78us okapi-0.0.0 /_/version 14:27:26 INFO PullManager Remote registry at http://localhost:9231 is version 0.0.0 14:27:26 INFO PullManager pull smart 14:27:26 INFO ProxyContext 500422/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:27:26 INFO ProxyContext 500422/proxy RES 200 547us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules?full=true 14:27:26 INFO PullManager pull: 0 MDs to insert 14:27:26 INFO ProxyContext 157871/proxy RES 200 8568us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/pull/modules 14:27:26 INFO ProxyContext 464165/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:27:26 INFO ProxyContext 464165/proxy RES 201 416us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:27:26 INFO ProxyContext 665689/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:27:26 INFO ProxyContext 665689/proxy RES 200 283us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:27:26 INFO ProxyContext 357248/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:27:26 INFO ProxyContext 357248/proxy RES 200 651us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules?full=true 14:27:26 INFO ProxyContext 559560/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/pull/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:27:26 INFO ProxyContext 025539/version REQ supertenant GET /_/version okapi-0.0.0 14:27:26 INFO ProxyContext 025539/version RES 200 69us okapi-0.0.0 /_/version 14:27:26 INFO PullManager Remote registry at http://localhost:9231 is version 0.0.0 14:27:26 INFO PullManager pull smart 14:27:26 INFO ProxyContext 435307/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:27:26 INFO ProxyContext 435307/proxy RES 200 484us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules?full=true 14:27:26 INFO PullManager pull: 1 MDs to insert 14:27:26 INFO ProxyContext 559560/proxy RES 200 3492us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/pull/modules 14:27:26 INFO ProxyContext 949494/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:27:26 INFO ProxyContext 949494/proxy RES 201 680us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:27:26 INFO ProxyContext 535704/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:27:26 INFO ProxyContext 535704/proxy RES 201 675us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:27:26 INFO ProxyContext 008978/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/pull/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:27:26 INFO ProxyContext 703000/version REQ supertenant GET /_/version okapi-0.0.0 14:27:26 INFO ProxyContext 703000/version RES 200 53us okapi-0.0.0 /_/version 14:27:26 INFO PullManager Remote registry at http://localhost:9231 is version 0.0.0 14:27:26 INFO PullManager pull smart 14:27:26 INFO ProxyContext 603180/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:27:26 INFO ProxyContext 603180/proxy RES 200 372us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules?full=true 14:27:26 INFO PullManager pull: 2 MDs to insert 14:27:26 INFO ProxyContext 008978/proxy RES 200 3802us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/pull/modules 14:27:26 INFO ProxyContext 699533/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/pull/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:27:26 INFO ProxyContext 133177/version REQ supertenant GET /_/version okapi-0.0.0 14:27:26 INFO ProxyContext 133177/version RES 200 59us okapi-0.0.0 /_/version 14:27:26 INFO PullManager Remote registry at http://localhost:9231 is version 0.0.0 14:27:26 INFO PullManager pull smart 14:27:26 INFO ProxyContext 579510/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:27:26 INFO ProxyContext 579510/proxy RES 200 326us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules?full=true 14:27:26 INFO PullManager pull: 0 MDs to insert 14:27:26 INFO ProxyContext 699533/proxy RES 200 3289us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/pull/modules 14:27:26 INFO ProxyContext 376689/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:27:26 INFO ProxyContext 376689/proxy RES 200 501us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules?orderBy=id&order=desc&preRelease=true&npmSnapshot=true&latest=2 14:27:26 INFO ProxyContext 151295/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:27:26 INFO ProxyContext 151295/proxy RES 200 432us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules?orderBy=id&order=desc&preRelease=true&npmSnapshot=false 14:27:26 INFO ProxyContext 422994/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:27:26 INFO ProxyContext 422994/proxy RES 200 370us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules?dot=true 14:27:26 INFO ProxyContext 720240/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:27:26 INFO ProxyContext 720240/proxy RES 200 413us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules?orderBy=id&order=desc&preRelease=true&require=int-b 14:27:26 INFO ProxyContext 520846/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:27:26 INFO ProxyContext 520846/proxy RES 200 399us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules?orderBy=id&order=desc&preRelease=true&provide=int-b=1.0 14:27:26 INFO ProxyContext 604606/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:27:26 INFO ProxyContext 604606/proxy RES 200 492us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules?orderBy=id&order=desc&preRelease=true&provide=int-b=1.1 14:27:26 INFO ProxyContext 517566/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:27:26 INFO ProxyContext 517566/proxy RES 200 425us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules?orderBy=id&order=desc&preRelease=true&provide=int-C 14:27:26 INFO ProxyContext 640241/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:27:26 INFO ProxyContext 640241/proxy RES 400 412us okapi invalid order value: foo 14:27:26 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=invalid order value: foo 14:27:26 INFO ProxyContext 082758/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:27:26 INFO ProxyContext 082758/proxy RES 200 513us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules?orderBy=id&order=asc 14:27:26 INFO ProxyContext 561023/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:27:26 INFO ProxyContext 561023/proxy RES 400 455us okapi unknown orderBy field: bogus 14:27:26 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=unknown orderBy field: bogus 14:27:26 INFO ProxyContext 539367/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:27:26 INFO ProxyContext 539367/proxy RES 400 450us okapi Bad boolean for parameter preRelease: sandt 14:27:26 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=Bad boolean for parameter preRelease: sandt 14:27:26 INFO ProxyContext 036685/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:27:26 INFO ProxyContext 036685/proxy RES 200 544us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules?filter=module-c&orderBy=id 14:27:26 INFO ProxyContext 656577/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:27:26 INFO ProxyContext 656577/proxy RES 200 530us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules?filter=module-c-1 14:27:26 INFO ProxyContext 111818/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:27:26 INFO ProxyContext 111818/proxy RES 200 498us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules?filter=module-2 14:27:26 INFO ProxyContext 880173/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:27:26 INFO ProxyContext 880173/proxy RES 200 410us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules?filter=module 14:27:26 INFO ProxyContext 415388/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:27:26 INFO ProxyContext 415388/proxy RES 200 343us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules?filter=foo 14:27:26 WARN oduleVersionReporter META-INF/maven/org.folio.okapi/okapi-core/ not found 14:27:26 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module null null started 14:27:26 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:27:26 INFO MainVerticle clusterManager not in use 14:27:26 INFO MainVerticle Proxy using inmemory storage 14:27:26 INFO InternalModule InternalModule starting okapiversion=null 14:27:26 INFO Storage prepareDatabases: NORMAL 14:27:26 INFO MainVerticle startModmanager 14:27:26 INFO MainVerticle startTenants 14:27:26 INFO MainVerticle checkInternalModules 14:27:26 INFO MainVerticle Creating the superTenant supertenant 14:27:26 INFO MainVerticle starting env 14:27:26 INFO MainVerticle Starting discovery 14:27:26 INFO MainVerticle Starting deployment 14:27:26 INFO MainVerticle API Gateway started PID 1909@2dcd032ebaca. Listening on port 9230 14:27:26 INFO MainVerticle Deploy completed succesfully 14:27:26 INFO TenantManager starting supertenant 14:27:26 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant supertenant module null seq1 0 14:27:26 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant supertenant 14:27:26 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:27:26 WARN oduleVersionReporter META-INF/maven/org.folio.okapi/okapi-core/ not found 14:27:26 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module null null started 14:27:26 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:27:26 INFO MainVerticle clusterManager not in use 14:27:26 INFO MainVerticle Proxy using inmemory storage 14:27:26 INFO InternalModule InternalModule starting okapiversion=null 14:27:26 INFO Storage prepareDatabases: NORMAL 14:27:26 INFO MainVerticle startModmanager 14:27:26 INFO MainVerticle startTenants 14:27:26 INFO MainVerticle checkInternalModules 14:27:26 INFO MainVerticle Creating the superTenant supertenant 14:27:26 INFO MainVerticle starting env 14:27:26 INFO MainVerticle Starting discovery 14:27:26 INFO MainVerticle Starting deployment 14:27:26 INFO MainVerticle API Gateway started PID 1909@2dcd032ebaca. Listening on port 9231 14:27:26 INFO MainVerticle Deploy completed succesfully 14:27:26 INFO TenantManager starting supertenant 14:27:26 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant supertenant module null seq1 0 14:27:26 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant supertenant 14:27:26 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:27:26 INFO ProxyContext 405036/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/pull/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:27:26 WARN PullManager pull for http://localhost:9232 failed with status 404 14:27:26 INFO ProxyContext 405036/proxy RES 400 2006us okapi pull for http://localhost:9232 returned status 404

Resource not found

14:27:26 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=pull for http://localhost:9232 returned status 404

Resource not found

14:27:26 INFO ProxyContext 037984/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/pull/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:27:26 WARN PullManager pull for http://localhost:9233 failed: Connection refused: localhost/$AnnotatedConnectException: Connection refused: localhost/ Caused by: Connection refused at Method) ~[?:1.8.0_242] at ~[?:1.8.0_242] at ~[netty-transport-4.1.42.Final.jar:4.1.42.Final] at$AbstractNioUnsafe.finishConnect( [netty-transport-4.1.42.Final.jar:4.1.42.Final] at [netty-transport-4.1.42.Final.jar:4.1.42.Final] at [netty-transport-4.1.42.Final.jar:4.1.42.Final] at [netty-transport-4.1.42.Final.jar:4.1.42.Final] at [netty-transport-4.1.42.Final.jar:4.1.42.Final] at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor$ [netty-common-4.1.42.Final.jar:4.1.42.Final] at io.netty.util.internal.ThreadExecutorMap$ [netty-common-4.1.42.Final.jar:4.1.42.Final] at [netty-common-4.1.42.Final.jar:4.1.42.Final] at [?:1.8.0_242] 14:27:26 INFO ProxyContext 037984/proxy RES 404 1543us okapi pull: none of remote URLs work 14:27:26 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=404 msg=pull: none of remote URLs work 14:27:26 ERROR ttpClientRequestImpl$AnnotatedConnectException: Connection refused: localhost/ 14:27:26 INFO ProxyContext 032965/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/pull/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:27:26 WARN PullManager pull for http://localhost:9232 failed with status 404 14:27:26 INFO ProxyContext 032965/proxy RES 400 1031us okapi pull for http://localhost:9232 returned status 404

Resource not found

14:27:26 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=pull for http://localhost:9232 returned status 404

Resource not found

14:27:26 INFO ProxyContext 427051/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/pull/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:27:26 WARN PullManager pull for http://localhost:9233 failed: Connection refused: localhost/$AnnotatedConnectException: Connection refused: localhost/ Caused by: Connection refused at Method) ~[?:1.8.0_242] at ~[?:1.8.0_242] at ~[netty-transport-4.1.42.Final.jar:4.1.42.Final] at$AbstractNioUnsafe.finishConnect( [netty-transport-4.1.42.Final.jar:4.1.42.Final] at [netty-transport-4.1.42.Final.jar:4.1.42.Final] at [netty-transport-4.1.42.Final.jar:4.1.42.Final] at [netty-transport-4.1.42.Final.jar:4.1.42.Final] at [netty-transport-4.1.42.Final.jar:4.1.42.Final] at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor$ [netty-common-4.1.42.Final.jar:4.1.42.Final] at io.netty.util.internal.ThreadExecutorMap$ [netty-common-4.1.42.Final.jar:4.1.42.Final] at [netty-common-4.1.42.Final.jar:4.1.42.Final] at [?:1.8.0_242] 14:27:26 ERROR ttpClientRequestImpl$AnnotatedConnectException: Connection refused: localhost/ 14:27:26 WARN PullManager pull for http://localhost:9232 failed with status 404 14:27:26 INFO ProxyContext 427051/proxy RES 400 1880us okapi pull for http://localhost:9232 returned status 404

Resource not found

14:27:26 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=pull for http://localhost:9232 returned status 404

Resource not found

Tests run: 3, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.464 sec - in org.folio.okapi.PullTest Running org.folio.okapi.DockerTest 14:27:27 WARN AbstractBootstrap Unknown channel option '' for channel '[id: 0xcbe1f042]' 14:27:27 WARN AbstractBootstrap Unknown channel option '' for channel '[id: 0xcbe1f042]' 14:27:27 INFO DockerTest Docker found 14:27:27 WARN oduleVersionReporter META-INF/maven/org.folio.okapi/okapi-core/ not found 14:27:27 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module null null started 14:27:27 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:27:27 INFO MainVerticle clusterManager not in use 14:27:27 INFO MainVerticle Proxy using inmemory storage 14:27:27 INFO InternalModule InternalModule starting okapiversion=null 14:27:27 INFO Storage prepareDatabases: NORMAL 14:27:27 INFO MainVerticle startModmanager 14:27:27 INFO MainVerticle startTenants 14:27:27 INFO MainVerticle checkInternalModules 14:27:27 INFO MainVerticle Creating the superTenant supertenant 14:27:27 INFO MainVerticle starting env 14:27:27 INFO MainVerticle Starting discovery 14:27:27 INFO MainVerticle Starting deployment 14:27:27 INFO MainVerticle API Gateway started PID 1909@2dcd032ebaca. Listening on port 9230 14:27:27 INFO MainVerticle Deploy completed succesfully 14:27:27 INFO TenantManager starting supertenant 14:27:27 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant supertenant module null seq1 0 14:27:27 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant supertenant 14:27:27 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:27:27 INFO ProxyContext 243031/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:27:27 WARN ProxyContext 243031/proxy Module 'mod-users-5.0.0-bad-listening-port' has no Requires section. If the module really does not require any other interfaces, provide an empty array to be explicit about it. 14:27:27 INFO ProxyContext 243031/proxy RES 201 1385us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:27:27 INFO ProxyContext 536579/discovery REQ supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:27:27 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { "srvcId" : "mod-users-5.0.0-bad-listening-port", "nodeId" : "localhost" } 14:27:27 INFO DeploymentManager deploy instId a20c9e6d-08e8-480a-97be-77864ee36229 14:27:27 INFO DockerModuleHandle Docker handler with native: true 14:27:27 INFO DockerModuleHandle pull image folioci/mod-users:5.0.0-SNAPSHOT 14:27:27 WARN AbstractBootstrap Unknown channel option '' for channel '[id: 0x6c7bd4a1]' 14:27:27 WARN AbstractBootstrap Unknown channel option '' for channel '[id: 0x6c7bd4a1]' 14:27:33 INFO DockerModuleHandle { "Id" : "sha256:faca775dfcd967e095f1704ddfa65521fc531d93c426f805a1514711f9a19106", "RepoTags" : [ "folioci/mod-users:5.0.0-SNAPSHOT" ], "RepoDigests" : [ "folioci/mod-users@sha256:280a8f66e86dea6a19830dc11cf76cf61e100abe5c0fafc7a2ed62d23da011a7" ], "Parent" : "", "Comment" : "", "Created" : "2017-03-31T16:34:08.57328015Z", "Container" : "04e29a3a53005c2bb448f4c2cf027210b6882339ff575165dbb87375a84a5e55", "ContainerConfig" : { "Hostname" : "7e9ec6cde4d1", "Domainname" : "", "User" : "folio", "AttachStdin" : false, "AttachStdout" : false, "AttachStderr" : false, "ExposedPorts" : { "8081/tcp" : { } }, "Tty" : false, "OpenStdin" : false, "StdinOnce" : false, "Env" : [ "PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin", "LANG=C.UTF-8", "JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/jre", "JAVA_VERSION=8u121", "JAVA_DEBIAN_VERSION=8u121-b13-1~bpo8+1", "CA_CERTIFICATES_JAVA_VERSION=20161107~bpo8+1", "VERTICLE_FILE=mod-users-fat.jar", "VERTICLE_HOME=/usr/verticles" ], "Cmd" : [ "/bin/sh", "-c", "#(nop) ", "ENTRYPOINT [\"./\"]" ], "ArgsEscaped" : true, "Image" : "sha256:37ea4fb4a5f5ba3282937a93179c2846203eb7f003beb14590282080955d9f40", "Volumes" : null, "WorkingDir" : "/usr/verticles", "Entrypoint" : [ "./" ], "OnBuild" : [ ], "Labels" : { } }, "DockerVersion" : "1.12.6", "Author" : "", "Config" : { "Hostname" : "7e9ec6cde4d1", "Domainname" : "", "User" : "folio", "AttachStdin" : false, "AttachStdout" : false, "AttachStderr" : false, "ExposedPorts" : { "8081/tcp" : { } }, "Tty" : false, "OpenStdin" : false, "StdinOnce" : false, "Env" : [ "PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin", "LANG=C.UTF-8", "JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/jre", "JAVA_VERSION=8u121", "JAVA_DEBIAN_VERSION=8u121-b13-1~bpo8+1", "CA_CERTIFICATES_JAVA_VERSION=20161107~bpo8+1", "VERTICLE_FILE=mod-users-fat.jar", "VERTICLE_HOME=/usr/verticles" ], "Cmd" : null, "ArgsEscaped" : true, "Image" : "sha256:37ea4fb4a5f5ba3282937a93179c2846203eb7f003beb14590282080955d9f40", "Volumes" : null, "WorkingDir" : "/usr/verticles", "Entrypoint" : [ "./" ], "OnBuild" : [ ], "Labels" : { } }, "Architecture" : "amd64", "Os" : "linux", "Size" : 436464312, "VirtualSize" : 436464312, "GraphDriver" : { "Data" : { "LowerDir" : "/var/lib/docker/overlay2/b384c91ac33179850420090eb15f23e9df3f1b9965e3d60f9799da1dde2584db/diff:/var/lib/docker/overlay2/d949ed5f93420e4910fcd4c18f64ab38ac54e99b6dc01c5d4f0b61027e9e7cb6/diff:/var/lib/docker/overlay2/4310461196c2a3eebe45f07179f0fdbcdfc3f2d2a73a5bd9e92b1e9f2bdf7030/diff:/var/lib/docker/overlay2/62fa574d11b28025aaaed8f2c761a9c2fe8b6d0cd4a41d44042bfa15c9ef081b/diff:/var/lib/docker/overlay2/7d844046d39eb34e04f297da52064e7159b08eb03633bd25a595f98ad25151e6/diff:/var/lib/docker/overlay2/546b3b36dd562da7193d7a95ad53430aef85d3f97f8b8d5c1064eb7799fb8c8d/diff:/var/lib/docker/overlay2/7f8a8b3f6d3cb61aa7f751b1ccc6893fc49406fd0fdc424532c63e82fe0a25df/diff:/var/lib/docker/overlay2/8af6ecba807e116abc77fceeacd2af8f0a1034788ef66980f7b1c0b8af347b13/diff:/var/lib/docker/overlay2/a54b2b0b1d4ab3ba089b8aa4e3e3efe3d92c8b181b547017f548ab7b873abfac/diff", "MergedDir" : "/var/lib/docker/overlay2/b47aed35b8bdedad501460e33c804f678d37e49180943be0c245d1ca3bc69eeb/merged", "UpperDir" : "/var/lib/docker/overlay2/b47aed35b8bdedad501460e33c804f678d37e49180943be0c245d1ca3bc69eeb/diff", "WorkDir" : "/var/lib/docker/overlay2/b47aed35b8bdedad501460e33c804f678d37e49180943be0c245d1ca3bc69eeb/work" }, "Name" : "overlay2" }, "RootFS" : { "Type" : "layers", "Layers" : [ "sha256:5d6cbe0dbcf9a675e86aa0fbedf7ed8756d557c7468d6a7c64bde7fa9e029636", "sha256:596280599f680a9a4c76208c304276328d05eb0462a8c66a30b2c0004ec008af", "sha256:3a2b128b60f6f2d7c134ba92606afcb70c3d93ed9d850616a2f9a99abf1b224e", "sha256:beac600910c53116139801603c61a800f10b01f56db5e89e39a25b3a28b84325", "sha256:ecd6fc67f32154f760be95628a9e771086afdcd97fb2e901de015c348505cc8c", "sha256:b25af04c555a63df8d7db8296572657255d884ec9b75800fe27f28ee88fb4845", "sha256:7c4b0bc8ce5c4c140ea05582a65882caf057745e8df10c31e8e8589b1a3b7cd6", "sha256:0b98e4e2d017ca4806c2659e638e754347a3501e9408230daeb4f673b74a9ade", "sha256:36236c8da1853999c246436dee08b4d16e889754f8e9309099add9fcead2b3d2", "sha256:d594b4be4fa5a120367b1f7152ae5cb17882842b9eb2c7933690a690ad3e7e6a" ] }, "Metadata" : { "LastTagTime" : "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z" } } 14:27:33 INFO DockerModuleHandle create container from image folioci/mod-users:5.0.0-SNAPSHOT 14:27:33 INFO DockerModuleHandle createContainer { "AttachStdin" : false, "AttachStdout" : true, "AttachStderr" : true, "StopSignal" : "SIGTERM", "Image" : "folioci/mod-users:5.0.0-SNAPSHOT", "HostConfig" : { "PortBindings" : { "8090/tcp" : [ { "HostPort" : "9234" } ] } } } 14:27:33 INFO DockerModuleHandle start container d7f3727994521612b1fa8d39a7eb4528faccd036692f4933fc7bd19094f1442f for image folioci/mod-users:5.0.0-SNAPSHOT 14:27:33 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9234 count 0 14:27:34 INFO DockerModuleHandle mod-users-5.0.0-bad-listening-port starting rest verticle service.......... 14:27:34 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9234 count 1 14:27:34 INFO DockerModuleHandle mod-users-5.0.0-bad-listening-port 14:27:34 INFO Version HV000001: Hibernate Validator 5.2.4.Final 14:27:34 INFO DockerModuleHandle mod-users-5.0.0-bad-listening-port [Thu Apr 16 14:27:34 UTC 2020] INFO Loading messages from /infra-messages/ ................................ 14:27:34 INFO DockerModuleHandle mod-users-5.0.0-bad-listening-port [Thu Apr 16 14:27:34 UTC 2020] INFO Loading messages from /infra-messages/ ................................ 14:27:34 INFO DockerModuleHandle mod-users-5.0.0-bad-listening-port [Thu Apr 16 14:27:34 UTC 2020] INFO git: bb5fd4f1591b01704e72bcc1fba37f59a9be88cd 14:27:34 INFO DockerModuleHandle mod-users-5.0.0-bad-listening-port no rules directory found, continuing... 14:27:34 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9234 count 2 14:27:34 INFO DockerModuleHandle mod-users-5.0.0-bad-listening-port 14:27:34 WARN AbstractKieModule No files found for KieBase defaultKieBase 14:27:34 INFO DockerModuleHandle mod-users-5.0.0-bad-listening-port 14:27:34 INFO KieRepositoryImpl KieModule was added: MemoryKieModule[releaseId=org.default:artifact:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT] 14:27:34 INFO DockerModuleHandle mod-users-5.0.0-bad-listening-port [Thu Apr 16 14:27:34 UTC 2020] INFO start metrics enabled: true 14:27:34 INFO DockerModuleHandle mod-users-5.0.0-bad-listening-port Mapping functions in class to appropriate urls 14:27:35 INFO DockerModuleHandle mod-users-5.0.0-bad-listening-port Mapping functions in class to appropriate urls 14:27:35 INFO DockerModuleHandle mod-users-5.0.0-bad-listening-port Mapping functions in class to appropriate urls 14:27:35 INFO DockerModuleHandle mod-users-5.0.0-bad-listening-port Mapping functions in class to appropriate urls 14:27:35 INFO DockerModuleHandle mod-users-5.0.0-bad-listening-port Mapping functions in class to appropriate urls 14:27:35 INFO DockerModuleHandle mod-users-5.0.0-bad-listening-port Mapping functions in class to appropriate urls 14:27:35 INFO DockerModuleHandle mod-users-5.0.0-bad-listening-port ^/users 14:27:35 INFO DockerModuleHandle mod-users-5.0.0-bad-listening-port ^/groups 14:27:35 INFO DockerModuleHandle mod-users-5.0.0-bad-listening-port ^/_/tenant 14:27:35 INFO DockerModuleHandle mod-users-5.0.0-bad-listening-port ^/rmbtests 14:27:35 INFO DockerModuleHandle mod-users-5.0.0-bad-listening-port ^/jobs 14:27:35 INFO DockerModuleHandle mod-users-5.0.0-bad-listening-port ^/admin 14:27:35 INFO DockerModuleHandle mod-users-5.0.0-bad-listening-port [Thu Apr 16 14:27:35 UTC 2020] INFO 1 verticles deployed 14:27:35 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9234 count 3 14:27:35 INFO DockerModuleHandle mod-users-5.0.0-bad-listening-port [Thu Apr 16 14:27:35 UTC 2020] INFO init succeeded....... 14:27:35 INFO DockerModuleHandle mod-users-5.0.0-bad-listening-port [Thu Apr 16 14:27:35 UTC 2020] INFO runPeriodicHook no periodic implementation found, continuing with deployment 14:27:35 INFO DockerModuleHandle mod-users-5.0.0-bad-listening-port [Thu Apr 16 14:27:35 UTC 2020] INFO runPostDeployHook no Post Deploy Hook implementation found, continuing with deployment 14:27:35 INFO DockerModuleHandle mod-users-5.0.0-bad-listening-port [Thu Apr 16 14:27:35 UTC 2020] INFO start http server for apis and docs started on port 8081. 14:27:35 INFO DockerModuleHandle mod-users-5.0.0-bad-listening-port [Thu Apr 16 14:27:35 UTC 2020] INFO start Documentation available at: http://localhost:8081/apidocs/ 14:27:35 INFO DockerModuleHandle mod-users-5.0.0-bad-listening-port [Thu Apr 16 14:27:35 UTC 2020] io.vertx.core.impl.launcher.commands.VertxIsolatedDeployer INFO Succeeded in deploying verticle 14:27:35 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9234 count 4 14:27:36 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9234 count 5 14:27:36 INFO DockerModuleHandle stop container d7f3727994521612b1fa8d39a7eb4528faccd036692f4933fc7bd19094f1442f image folioci/mod-users:5.0.0-SNAPSHOT 14:27:36 WARN AbstractBootstrap Unknown channel option '' for channel '[id: 0x5eea68db]' 14:27:36 WARN AbstractBootstrap Unknown channel option '' for channel '[id: 0x5eea68db]' 14:27:37 INFO DockerModuleHandle delete container d7f3727994521612b1fa8d39a7eb4528faccd036692f4933fc7bd19094f1442f image folioci/mod-users:5.0.0-SNAPSHOT 14:27:37 WARN DeploymentManager Deploying mod-users-5.0.0-bad-listening-port failed 14:27:37 INFO ProxyContext 536579/discovery RES 400 10313868us okapi Deployment failed. Could not connect to port 9234: syscall:getsockopt(..) failed: Connection refused: localhost/ 14:27:37 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=Deployment failed. Could not connect to port 9234: syscall:getsockopt(..) failed: Connection refused: localhost/ 14:27:37 INFO DockerTest tearDown 14:27:37 INFO ProxyContext 785434/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/modules/mod-users-5.0.0-bad-listening-port okapi-0.0.0 14:27:37 INFO ProxyContext 785434/proxy RES 204 677us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules/mod-users-5.0.0-bad-listening-port 14:27:37 WARN AbstractBootstrap Unknown channel option '' for channel '[id: 0xaded9d3e]' 14:27:37 WARN AbstractBootstrap Unknown channel option '' for channel '[id: 0xaded9d3e]' 14:27:37 INFO DockerTest Docker found 14:27:37 WARN oduleVersionReporter META-INF/maven/org.folio.okapi/okapi-core/ not found 14:27:37 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module null null started 14:27:37 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:27:37 INFO MainVerticle clusterManager not in use 14:27:37 INFO MainVerticle Proxy using inmemory storage 14:27:37 INFO InternalModule InternalModule starting okapiversion=null 14:27:37 INFO Storage prepareDatabases: NORMAL 14:27:37 INFO MainVerticle startModmanager 14:27:37 INFO MainVerticle startTenants 14:27:37 INFO MainVerticle checkInternalModules 14:27:37 INFO MainVerticle Creating the superTenant supertenant 14:27:37 INFO MainVerticle starting env 14:27:37 INFO MainVerticle Starting discovery 14:27:37 INFO MainVerticle Starting deployment 14:27:37 INFO MainVerticle API Gateway started PID 1909@2dcd032ebaca. Listening on port 9230 14:27:37 INFO MainVerticle Deploy completed succesfully 14:27:37 INFO TenantManager starting supertenant 14:27:37 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant supertenant module null seq1 0 14:27:37 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant supertenant 14:27:37 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:27:37 INFO ProxyContext 701016/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:27:37 WARN ProxyContext 701016/proxy Module 'sample-unknown-1' has no Requires section. If the module really does not require any other interfaces, provide an empty array to be explicit about it. 14:27:37 INFO ProxyContext 701016/proxy RES 201 1524us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:27:37 INFO ProxyContext 048577/discovery REQ supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:27:37 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { "srvcId" : "sample-unknown-1", "nodeId" : "localhost" } 14:27:37 INFO DeploymentManager deploy instId 7a6e5efb-d44a-4c6b-9724-2c2bbe6bac1c 14:27:37 INFO DockerModuleHandle Docker handler with native: true 14:27:37 WARN AbstractBootstrap Unknown channel option '' for channel '[id: 0xf33f0427]' 14:27:37 WARN AbstractBootstrap Unknown channel option '' for channel '[id: 0xf33f0427]' 14:27:37 ERROR DockerModuleHandle /images/okapi-unknown/json HTTP error 404 {"message":"no such image: okapi-unknown: No such image: okapi-unknown:latest"} 14:27:37 WARN DockerModuleHandle getImage failed 1 : /images/okapi-unknown/json HTTP error 404 {"message":"no such image: okapi-unknown: No such image: okapi-unknown:latest"} 14:27:37 WARN DeploymentManager Deploying sample-unknown-1 failed 14:27:37 INFO ProxyContext 048577/discovery RES 400 4407us okapi /images/okapi-unknown/json HTTP error 404 {"message":"no such image: okapi-unknown: No such image: okapi-unknown:latest"} 14:27:37 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=/images/okapi-unknown/json HTTP error 404 {"message":"no such image: okapi-unknown: No such image: okapi-unknown:latest"} 14:27:37 INFO DockerTest tearDown 14:27:37 INFO ProxyContext 947150/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/modules/sample-unknown-1 okapi-0.0.0 14:27:37 INFO ProxyContext 947150/proxy RES 204 452us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules/sample-unknown-1 14:27:37 WARN AbstractBootstrap Unknown channel option '' for channel '[id: 0x32540e00]' 14:27:37 WARN AbstractBootstrap Unknown channel option '' for channel '[id: 0x32540e00]' 14:27:37 INFO DockerTest Docker found 14:27:37 WARN oduleVersionReporter META-INF/maven/org.folio.okapi/okapi-core/ not found 14:27:37 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module null null started 14:27:37 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:27:37 INFO MainVerticle clusterManager not in use 14:27:37 INFO MainVerticle Proxy using inmemory storage 14:27:37 INFO InternalModule InternalModule starting okapiversion=null 14:27:37 INFO Storage prepareDatabases: NORMAL 14:27:37 INFO MainVerticle startModmanager 14:27:37 INFO MainVerticle startTenants 14:27:37 INFO MainVerticle checkInternalModules 14:27:37 INFO MainVerticle Creating the superTenant supertenant 14:27:37 INFO MainVerticle starting env 14:27:37 INFO MainVerticle Starting discovery 14:27:37 INFO MainVerticle Starting deployment 14:27:37 INFO MainVerticle API Gateway started PID 1909@2dcd032ebaca. Listening on port 9230 14:27:37 INFO MainVerticle Deploy completed succesfully 14:27:37 INFO TenantManager starting supertenant 14:27:37 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant supertenant module null seq1 0 14:27:37 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant supertenant 14:27:37 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:27:37 INFO DockerTest tearDown 14:27:37 WARN AbstractBootstrap Unknown channel option '' for channel '[id: 0x04e69c19]' 14:27:37 WARN AbstractBootstrap Unknown channel option '' for channel '[id: 0x04e69c19]' 14:27:37 INFO DockerTest Docker found 14:27:37 WARN oduleVersionReporter META-INF/maven/org.folio.okapi/okapi-core/ not found 14:27:37 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module null null started 14:27:37 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:27:37 INFO MainVerticle clusterManager not in use 14:27:37 INFO MainVerticle Proxy using inmemory storage 14:27:37 INFO InternalModule InternalModule starting okapiversion=null 14:27:37 INFO Storage prepareDatabases: NORMAL 14:27:37 INFO MainVerticle startModmanager 14:27:37 INFO MainVerticle startTenants 14:27:37 INFO MainVerticle checkInternalModules 14:27:37 INFO MainVerticle Creating the superTenant supertenant 14:27:37 INFO MainVerticle starting env 14:27:37 INFO MainVerticle Starting discovery 14:27:37 INFO MainVerticle Starting deployment 14:27:37 INFO MainVerticle API Gateway started PID 1909@2dcd032ebaca. Listening on port 9230 14:27:37 INFO MainVerticle Deploy completed succesfully 14:27:37 INFO TenantManager starting supertenant 14:27:37 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant supertenant module null seq1 0 14:27:37 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant supertenant 14:27:37 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:27:37 INFO ProxyContext 341415/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:27:37 WARN ProxyContext 341415/proxy Module 'mod-users-5.0.0' has no Requires section. If the module really does not require any other interfaces, provide an empty array to be explicit about it. 14:27:37 INFO ProxyContext 341415/proxy RES 201 907us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:27:37 INFO ProxyContext 228665/discovery REQ supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:27:37 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { "srvcId" : "mod-users-5.0.0", "nodeId" : "localhost" } 14:27:37 INFO DeploymentManager deploy instId 1d3723a4-01f2-40ea-9b7e-b32b4de2ae83 14:27:37 INFO DockerModuleHandle Docker handler with native: true 14:27:37 INFO DockerModuleHandle pull image folioci/mod-users:5.0.0-SNAPSHOT 14:27:37 WARN AbstractBootstrap Unknown channel option '' for channel '[id: 0xb3835785]' 14:27:37 WARN AbstractBootstrap Unknown channel option '' for channel '[id: 0xb3835785]' 14:27:37 INFO DockerModuleHandle { "Id" : "sha256:faca775dfcd967e095f1704ddfa65521fc531d93c426f805a1514711f9a19106", "RepoTags" : [ "folioci/mod-users:5.0.0-SNAPSHOT" ], "RepoDigests" : [ "folioci/mod-users@sha256:280a8f66e86dea6a19830dc11cf76cf61e100abe5c0fafc7a2ed62d23da011a7" ], "Parent" : "", "Comment" : "", "Created" : "2017-03-31T16:34:08.57328015Z", "Container" : "04e29a3a53005c2bb448f4c2cf027210b6882339ff575165dbb87375a84a5e55", "ContainerConfig" : { "Hostname" : "7e9ec6cde4d1", "Domainname" : "", "User" : "folio", "AttachStdin" : false, "AttachStdout" : false, "AttachStderr" : false, "ExposedPorts" : { "8081/tcp" : { } }, "Tty" : false, "OpenStdin" : false, "StdinOnce" : false, "Env" : [ "PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin", "LANG=C.UTF-8", "JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/jre", "JAVA_VERSION=8u121", "JAVA_DEBIAN_VERSION=8u121-b13-1~bpo8+1", "CA_CERTIFICATES_JAVA_VERSION=20161107~bpo8+1", "VERTICLE_FILE=mod-users-fat.jar", "VERTICLE_HOME=/usr/verticles" ], "Cmd" : [ "/bin/sh", "-c", "#(nop) ", "ENTRYPOINT [\"./\"]" ], "ArgsEscaped" : true, "Image" : "sha256:37ea4fb4a5f5ba3282937a93179c2846203eb7f003beb14590282080955d9f40", "Volumes" : null, "WorkingDir" : "/usr/verticles", "Entrypoint" : [ "./" ], "OnBuild" : [ ], "Labels" : { } }, "DockerVersion" : "1.12.6", "Author" : "", "Config" : { "Hostname" : "7e9ec6cde4d1", "Domainname" : "", "User" : "folio", "AttachStdin" : false, "AttachStdout" : false, "AttachStderr" : false, "ExposedPorts" : { "8081/tcp" : { } }, "Tty" : false, "OpenStdin" : false, "StdinOnce" : false, "Env" : [ "PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin", "LANG=C.UTF-8", "JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/jre", "JAVA_VERSION=8u121", "JAVA_DEBIAN_VERSION=8u121-b13-1~bpo8+1", "CA_CERTIFICATES_JAVA_VERSION=20161107~bpo8+1", "VERTICLE_FILE=mod-users-fat.jar", "VERTICLE_HOME=/usr/verticles" ], "Cmd" : null, "ArgsEscaped" : true, "Image" : "sha256:37ea4fb4a5f5ba3282937a93179c2846203eb7f003beb14590282080955d9f40", "Volumes" : null, "WorkingDir" : "/usr/verticles", "Entrypoint" : [ "./" ], "OnBuild" : [ ], "Labels" : { } }, "Architecture" : "amd64", "Os" : "linux", "Size" : 436464312, "VirtualSize" : 436464312, "GraphDriver" : { "Data" : { "LowerDir" : "/var/lib/docker/overlay2/b384c91ac33179850420090eb15f23e9df3f1b9965e3d60f9799da1dde2584db/diff:/var/lib/docker/overlay2/d949ed5f93420e4910fcd4c18f64ab38ac54e99b6dc01c5d4f0b61027e9e7cb6/diff:/var/lib/docker/overlay2/4310461196c2a3eebe45f07179f0fdbcdfc3f2d2a73a5bd9e92b1e9f2bdf7030/diff:/var/lib/docker/overlay2/62fa574d11b28025aaaed8f2c761a9c2fe8b6d0cd4a41d44042bfa15c9ef081b/diff:/var/lib/docker/overlay2/7d844046d39eb34e04f297da52064e7159b08eb03633bd25a595f98ad25151e6/diff:/var/lib/docker/overlay2/546b3b36dd562da7193d7a95ad53430aef85d3f97f8b8d5c1064eb7799fb8c8d/diff:/var/lib/docker/overlay2/7f8a8b3f6d3cb61aa7f751b1ccc6893fc49406fd0fdc424532c63e82fe0a25df/diff:/var/lib/docker/overlay2/8af6ecba807e116abc77fceeacd2af8f0a1034788ef66980f7b1c0b8af347b13/diff:/var/lib/docker/overlay2/a54b2b0b1d4ab3ba089b8aa4e3e3efe3d92c8b181b547017f548ab7b873abfac/diff", "MergedDir" : "/var/lib/docker/overlay2/b47aed35b8bdedad501460e33c804f678d37e49180943be0c245d1ca3bc69eeb/merged", "UpperDir" : "/var/lib/docker/overlay2/b47aed35b8bdedad501460e33c804f678d37e49180943be0c245d1ca3bc69eeb/diff", "WorkDir" : "/var/lib/docker/overlay2/b47aed35b8bdedad501460e33c804f678d37e49180943be0c245d1ca3bc69eeb/work" }, "Name" : "overlay2" }, "RootFS" : { "Type" : "layers", "Layers" : [ "sha256:5d6cbe0dbcf9a675e86aa0fbedf7ed8756d557c7468d6a7c64bde7fa9e029636", "sha256:596280599f680a9a4c76208c304276328d05eb0462a8c66a30b2c0004ec008af", "sha256:3a2b128b60f6f2d7c134ba92606afcb70c3d93ed9d850616a2f9a99abf1b224e", "sha256:beac600910c53116139801603c61a800f10b01f56db5e89e39a25b3a28b84325", "sha256:ecd6fc67f32154f760be95628a9e771086afdcd97fb2e901de015c348505cc8c", "sha256:b25af04c555a63df8d7db8296572657255d884ec9b75800fe27f28ee88fb4845", "sha256:7c4b0bc8ce5c4c140ea05582a65882caf057745e8df10c31e8e8589b1a3b7cd6", "sha256:0b98e4e2d017ca4806c2659e638e754347a3501e9408230daeb4f673b74a9ade", "sha256:36236c8da1853999c246436dee08b4d16e889754f8e9309099add9fcead2b3d2", "sha256:d594b4be4fa5a120367b1f7152ae5cb17882842b9eb2c7933690a690ad3e7e6a" ] }, "Metadata" : { "LastTagTime" : "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z" } } 14:27:37 INFO DockerModuleHandle create container from image folioci/mod-users:5.0.0-SNAPSHOT 14:27:37 INFO DockerModuleHandle createContainer { "AttachStdin" : false, "AttachStdout" : true, "AttachStderr" : true, "StopSignal" : "SIGTERM", "Image" : "folioci/mod-users:5.0.0-SNAPSHOT", "HostConfig" : { "PortBindings" : { "8081/tcp" : [ { "HostIp" : "localhost", "HostPort" : "9234" } ] } } } 14:27:37 INFO DockerModuleHandle start container 7b0e92447855fcd98a7e4079b232e055aef996fc3eabc4f803da4f0de458890b for image folioci/mod-users:5.0.0-SNAPSHOT 14:27:38 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9234 count 0 14:27:38 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9234 count 1 14:27:38 INFO DockerModuleHandle mod-users-5.0.0 starting rest verticle service.......... 14:27:39 INFO DockerModuleHandle mod-users-5.0.0 14:27:39 INFO Version HV000001: Hibernate Validator 5.2.4.Final 14:27:39 INFO DockerModuleHandle mod-users-5.0.0 [Thu Apr 16 14:27:39 UTC 2020] INFO Loading messages from /infra-messages/ ................................ 14:27:39 INFO DockerModuleHandle mod-users-5.0.0 [Thu Apr 16 14:27:39 UTC 2020] INFO Loading messages from /infra-messages/ ................................ 14:27:39 INFO DockerModuleHandle mod-users-5.0.0 [Thu Apr 16 14:27:39 UTC 2020] INFO git: bb5fd4f1591b01704e72bcc1fba37f59a9be88cd 14:27:39 INFO DockerModuleHandle mod-users-5.0.0 no rules directory found, continuing... 14:27:39 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9234 count 2 14:27:39 INFO DockerModuleHandle mod-users-5.0.0 14:27:39 WARN AbstractKieModule No files found for KieBase defaultKieBase 14:27:39 INFO DockerModuleHandle mod-users-5.0.0 14:27:39 INFO KieRepositoryImpl KieModule was added: MemoryKieModule[releaseId=org.default:artifact:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT] 14:27:39 INFO DockerModuleHandle mod-users-5.0.0 [Thu Apr 16 14:27:39 UTC 2020] INFO start metrics enabled: true 14:27:39 INFO DockerModuleHandle mod-users-5.0.0 Mapping functions in class to appropriate urls 14:27:39 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9234 count 3 14:27:39 INFO DockerModuleHandle mod-users-5.0.0 Mapping functions in class to appropriate urls 14:27:39 INFO DockerModuleHandle mod-users-5.0.0 Mapping functions in class to appropriate urls 14:27:39 INFO DockerModuleHandle mod-users-5.0.0 Mapping functions in class to appropriate urls 14:27:39 INFO DockerModuleHandle mod-users-5.0.0 Mapping functions in class to appropriate urls 14:27:39 INFO DockerModuleHandle mod-users-5.0.0 Mapping functions in class to appropriate urls 14:27:39 INFO DockerModuleHandle mod-users-5.0.0 ^/users 14:27:39 INFO DockerModuleHandle mod-users-5.0.0 ^/groups 14:27:39 INFO DockerModuleHandle mod-users-5.0.0 ^/_/tenant 14:27:39 INFO DockerModuleHandle mod-users-5.0.0 ^/rmbtests 14:27:39 INFO DockerModuleHandle mod-users-5.0.0 ^/jobs 14:27:39 INFO DockerModuleHandle mod-users-5.0.0 ^/admin 14:27:39 INFO DockerModuleHandle mod-users-5.0.0 [Thu Apr 16 14:27:39 UTC 2020] INFO 1 verticles deployed 14:27:39 INFO DockerModuleHandle mod-users-5.0.0 [Thu Apr 16 14:27:39 UTC 2020] INFO init succeeded....... 14:27:39 INFO DockerModuleHandle mod-users-5.0.0 [Thu Apr 16 14:27:39 UTC 2020] INFO runPeriodicHook no periodic implementation found, continuing with deployment 14:27:40 INFO DockerModuleHandle mod-users-5.0.0 [Thu Apr 16 14:27:40 UTC 2020] INFO runPostDeployHook no Post Deploy Hook implementation found, continuing with deployment 14:27:40 INFO DockerModuleHandle mod-users-5.0.0 [Thu Apr 16 14:27:40 UTC 2020] INFO start http server for apis and docs started on port 8081. 14:27:40 INFO DockerModuleHandle mod-users-5.0.0 [Thu Apr 16 14:27:40 UTC 2020] INFO start Documentation available at: http://localhost:8081/apidocs/ 14:27:40 INFO DockerModuleHandle mod-users-5.0.0 [Thu Apr 16 14:27:40 UTC 2020] io.vertx.core.impl.launcher.commands.VertxIsolatedDeployer INFO Succeeded in deploying verticle 14:27:40 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9234 count 4 14:27:41 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9234 count 5 14:27:42 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9234 count 6 14:27:44 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9234 count 7 14:27:45 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9234 count 8 14:27:47 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9234 count 9 14:27:49 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9234 count 10 14:27:49 INFO DockerModuleHandle stop container 7b0e92447855fcd98a7e4079b232e055aef996fc3eabc4f803da4f0de458890b image folioci/mod-users:5.0.0-SNAPSHOT 14:27:49 WARN AbstractBootstrap Unknown channel option '' for channel '[id: 0xcedc173c]' 14:27:49 WARN AbstractBootstrap Unknown channel option '' for channel '[id: 0xcedc173c]' 14:27:50 INFO DockerModuleHandle delete container 7b0e92447855fcd98a7e4079b232e055aef996fc3eabc4f803da4f0de458890b image folioci/mod-users:5.0.0-SNAPSHOT 14:27:50 WARN DeploymentManager Deploying mod-users-5.0.0 failed 14:27:50 INFO ProxyContext 228665/discovery RES 400 12491577us okapi Deployment failed. Could not connect to port 9234: syscall:getsockopt(..) failed: Connection refused: localhost/ 14:27:50 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=Deployment failed. Could not connect to port 9234: syscall:getsockopt(..) failed: Connection refused: localhost/ 14:27:50 INFO DockerTest tearDown 14:27:50 INFO ProxyContext 818491/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/modules/mod-users-5.0.0 okapi-0.0.0 14:27:50 INFO ProxyContext 818491/proxy RES 204 512us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules/mod-users-5.0.0 Tests run: 4, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 1, Time elapsed: 23.266 sec - in org.folio.okapi.DockerTest Running org.folio.okapi.service.impl.PostgresQueryTest 14:27:50 FATAL PostgresQuery preparedQuery sql select failed: fake preparedQuery failed 14:27:50 FATAL PostgresQuery query sql select failed: fake query failed 14:27:50 FATAL PostgresQuery getCon failed getConnection failed 14:27:50 FATAL PostgresQuery getCon failed getConnection failed Tests run: 5, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.071 sec - in org.folio.okapi.service.impl.PostgresQueryTest Running org.folio.okapi.service.impl.MongoUtilTest 14:27:50 WARN MongoUtil MongoUtil.add 1 failed: updateCollectionWithOptions failed 14:27:50 WARN MongoUtil Document: { } 14:27:50 WARN MongoUtil MongoUtil.delete 1 failed removeDocument failed 14:27:50 WARN MongoUtil MongoUtil.insert 1 failed: insert failed 14:27:50 WARN MongoUtil Document: { "_id" : "1" } Tests run: 6, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.008 sec - in org.folio.okapi.service.impl.MongoUtilTest Running org.folio.okapi.service.impl.StorageTest 14:27:50 FATAL Storage Unknown storage type 'foo' Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.003 sec - in org.folio.okapi.service.impl.StorageTest Running org.folio.okapi.service.impl.DockerModuleHandleTest 14:27:50 INFO DockerModuleHandle Docker handler with native: true 14:27:50 WARN AbstractBootstrap Unknown channel option '' for channel '[id: 0x9b94c7bb]' 14:27:50 WARN AbstractBootstrap Unknown channel option '' for channel '[id: 0x9b94c7bb]' 14:27:50 INFO DockerModuleHandle { "Platform" : { "Name" : "Docker Engine - Community" }, "Components" : [ { "Name" : "Engine", "Version" : "18.09.7", "Details" : { "ApiVersion" : "1.39", "Arch" : "amd64", "BuildTime" : "2019-06-27T17:23:02.000000000+00:00", "Experimental" : "false", "GitCommit" : "2d0083d", "GoVersion" : "go1.10.8", "KernelVersion" : "4.4.0-1087-aws", "MinAPIVersion" : "1.12", "Os" : "linux" } } ], "Version" : "18.09.7", "ApiVersion" : "1.39", "MinAPIVersion" : "1.12", "GitCommit" : "2d0083d", "GoVersion" : "go1.10.8", "Os" : "linux", "Arch" : "amd64", "KernelVersion" : "4.4.0-1087-aws", "BuildTime" : "2019-06-27T17:23:02.000000000+00:00" } 14:27:50 ERROR DockerModuleHandle msg HTTP error 404 {"message":"page not found"} 14:27:50 ERROR DockerModuleHandle msg HTTP error 404 {"message":"page not found"} 14:27:50 INFO DockerModuleHandle Docker handler with native: false 14:27:50 INFO DockerModuleHandle pull image folioci/mod-users:5.0.0-SNAPSHOT 14:27:50 WARN DockerModuleHandle /images/folioci/mod-users:5.0.0-SNAPSHOT/json: Connection refused: localhost/ 14:27:50 WARN DockerModuleHandle getImage failed 1 : /images/folioci/mod-users:5.0.0-SNAPSHOT/json: Connection refused: localhost/ Tests run: 4, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.017 sec - in org.folio.okapi.service.impl.DockerModuleHandleTest Running org.folio.okapi.ModuleTenantsTest 14:27:50 WARN oduleVersionReporter META-INF/maven/org.folio.okapi/okapi-core/ not found 14:27:50 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module null null started 14:27:50 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:27:50 INFO MainVerticle clusterManager not in use 14:27:50 INFO MainVerticle Proxy using inmemory storage 14:27:50 INFO InternalModule InternalModule starting okapiversion=null 14:27:50 INFO Storage prepareDatabases: NORMAL 14:27:50 INFO MainVerticle startModmanager 14:27:50 INFO MainVerticle startTenants 14:27:50 INFO MainVerticle checkInternalModules 14:27:50 INFO MainVerticle Creating the superTenant supertenant 14:27:50 INFO MainVerticle starting env 14:27:50 INFO MainVerticle Starting discovery 14:27:50 INFO MainVerticle Starting deployment 14:27:50 INFO MainVerticle API Gateway started PID 1909@2dcd032ebaca. Listening on port 9230 14:27:50 INFO MainVerticle Deploy completed succesfully 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager starting supertenant 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant supertenant module null seq1 0 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant supertenant 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:27:50 INFO ProxyContext 730029/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:27:50 INFO ProxyContext 730029/proxy RES 201 895us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules?npmSnapshot=false 14:27:50 INFO ProxyContext 659931/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:27:50 INFO ProxyContext 659931/proxy RES 400 535us okapi Missing dependency: sample-module-1.2.0 requires bint: 1.0 14:27:50 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=Missing dependency: sample-module-1.2.0 requires bint: 1.0 14:27:50 INFO ProxyContext 506503/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:27:50 INFO ProxyContext 506503/proxy RES 201 778us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules?npmSnapshot=true&check=true 14:27:50 INFO ProxyContext 337913/discovery REQ supertenant DELETE /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy all 14:27:50 INFO ProxyContext 337913/discovery RES 204 272us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:27:50 WARN oduleVersionReporter META-INF/maven/org.folio.okapi/okapi-core/ not found 14:27:50 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module null null started 14:27:50 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:27:50 INFO MainVerticle clusterManager not in use 14:27:50 INFO MainVerticle Proxy using inmemory storage 14:27:50 INFO InternalModule InternalModule starting okapiversion=null 14:27:50 INFO Storage prepareDatabases: NORMAL 14:27:50 INFO MainVerticle startModmanager 14:27:50 INFO MainVerticle startTenants 14:27:50 INFO MainVerticle checkInternalModules 14:27:50 INFO MainVerticle Creating the superTenant supertenant 14:27:50 INFO MainVerticle starting env 14:27:50 INFO MainVerticle Starting discovery 14:27:50 INFO MainVerticle Starting deployment 14:27:50 INFO MainVerticle API Gateway started PID 1909@2dcd032ebaca. Listening on port 9230 14:27:50 INFO MainVerticle Deploy completed succesfully 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager starting supertenant 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant supertenant module null seq1 0 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant supertenant 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:27:50 INFO ProxyContext 466571/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants okapi-0.0.0 14:27:50 INFO ProxyContext 466571/proxy RES 201 449us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants 14:27:50 INFO ProxyContext 173242/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:27:50 WARN ProxyContext 173242/proxy Module 'level1-1.0.0' has no Requires section. If the module really does not require any other interfaces, provide an empty array to be explicit about it. 14:27:50 INFO ProxyContext 173242/proxy RES 201 835us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:27:50 INFO ProxyContext 590882/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:27:50 WARN ProxyContext 590882/proxy Module 'level1-1.0.1' has no Requires section. If the module really does not require any other interfaces, provide an empty array to be explicit about it. 14:27:50 INFO ProxyContext 590882/proxy RES 201 798us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules { "id" : "level2-1.0.0", "name" : "level2 module", "provides" : [ { "id" : "i2", "version" : "1.0", "handlers" : [ { "methods" : [ "GET", "POST" ], "pathPattern" : "/foo" } ] } ], "requires" : [ { "id" : "i1", "version" : "1.0" } ] } 14:27:50 INFO ProxyContext 588223/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:27:50 INFO ProxyContext 588223/proxy RES 201 621us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:27:50 INFO ProxyContext 496054/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:27:50 INFO ProxyContext 496054/proxy RES 201 613us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:27:50 INFO ProxyContext 571561/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install okapi-0.0.0 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: level1-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: level1-1.0.1 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: level2-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: level2-1.0.1 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: okapi-0.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 0 tml.size 1 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id level1-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies level1-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id level1-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 1 tml.size 1 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id level1-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextTM done null 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution installModules.returning OK 14:27:50 INFO InternalModule installUpgradeModules returns: [ { "id" : "level1-1.0.0", "action" : "enable" } ] 14:27:50 INFO ProxyContext 571561/proxy RES 200 2355us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install?simulate=true 14:27:50 INFO ProxyContext 533411/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install okapi-0.0.0 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: level1-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: level1-1.0.1 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: level2-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: level2-1.0.1 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: okapi-0.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 0 tml.size 1 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id level1-1.0.1 action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies level1-1.0.1 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id level1-1.0.1 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 1 tml.size 1 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id level1-1.0.1 action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextTM done null 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution installModules.returning OK 14:27:50 INFO InternalModule installUpgradeModules returns: [ { "id" : "level1-1.0.1", "action" : "enable" } ] 14:27:50 INFO ProxyContext 533411/proxy RES 200 3498us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install?simulate=true 14:27:50 INFO ProxyContext 201027/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install okapi-0.0.0 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: level1-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: level1-1.0.1 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: level2-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: level2-1.0.1 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: okapi-0.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 0 tml.size 1 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id level1-1.0.1 action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies level1-1.0.1 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id level1-1.0.1 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 1 tml.size 1 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id level1-1.0.1 action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextTM done null 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution installModules.returning OK 14:27:50 INFO InternalModule installUpgradeModules returns: [ { "id" : "level1-1.0.1", "action" : "enable" } ] 14:27:50 INFO ProxyContext 201027/proxy RES 200 3533us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install?simulate=true 14:27:50 INFO ProxyContext 062406/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install okapi-0.0.0 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: level1-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: level1-1.0.1 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: level2-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: level2-1.0.1 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: okapi-0.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 0 tml.size 2 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id level1-1.0.1 action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies level1-1.0.1 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id level1-1.0.1 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 1 tml.size 1 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id level1-1.0.1 action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextTM done null 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution installModules.returning OK 14:27:50 INFO InternalModule installUpgradeModules returns: [ { "id" : "level1-1.0.1", "action" : "enable" } ] 14:27:50 INFO ProxyContext 062406/proxy RES 200 2494us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install?simulate=true 14:27:50 INFO ProxyContext 716373/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install okapi-0.0.0 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: level1-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: level1-1.0.1 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: level2-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: level2-1.0.1 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: okapi-0.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 0 tml.size 2 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id level2-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies level2-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution Dependency OK for existing enable id level1-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies level1-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id level1-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id level2-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 1 tml.size 2 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id level1-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id level2-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextTM done null 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution installModules.returning OK 14:27:50 INFO InternalModule installUpgradeModules returns: [ { "id" : "level1-1.0.0", "action" : "enable" }, { "id" : "level2-1.0.0", "action" : "enable" } ] 14:27:50 INFO ProxyContext 716373/proxy RES 200 4344us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install?simulate=true 14:27:50 INFO ProxyContext 889059/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install okapi-0.0.0 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: level1-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: level1-1.0.1 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: level2-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: level2-1.0.1 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: okapi-0.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 0 tml.size 2 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id level1-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies level1-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id level1-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 1 tml.size 2 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id level2-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies level2-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution Dependency OK already enabled id level1-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id level2-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 2 tml.size 2 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id level1-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id level2-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextTM done null 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution installModules.returning OK 14:27:50 INFO InternalModule installUpgradeModules returns: [ { "id" : "level1-1.0.0", "action" : "enable" }, { "id" : "level2-1.0.0", "action" : "enable" } ] 14:27:50 INFO ProxyContext 889059/proxy RES 200 3132us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install?simulate=true 14:27:50 INFO ProxyContext 205558/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install okapi-0.0.0 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: level1-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: level1-1.0.1 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: level2-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: level2-1.0.1 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: okapi-0.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 0 tml.size 2 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id level1-1.0.1 action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies level1-1.0.1 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id level1-1.0.1 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 1 tml.size 2 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id level2-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies level2-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution Dependency OK already enabled id level1-1.0.1 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id level2-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 2 tml.size 2 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id level1-1.0.1 action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id level2-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextTM done null 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution installModules.returning OK 14:27:50 INFO InternalModule installUpgradeModules returns: [ { "id" : "level1-1.0.1", "action" : "enable" }, { "id" : "level2-1.0.0", "action" : "enable" } ] 14:27:50 INFO ProxyContext 205558/proxy RES 200 3160us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install?simulate=true 14:27:50 INFO ProxyContext 800539/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install okapi-0.0.0 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: level1-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: level1-1.0.1 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: level2-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: level2-1.0.1 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: okapi-0.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 0 tml.size 2 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id level1-1.0.1 action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies level1-1.0.1 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id level1-1.0.1 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 1 tml.size 2 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id level2-1.0.1 action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies level2-1.0.1 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution Dependency OK already enabled id level1-1.0.1 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id level2-1.0.1 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 2 tml.size 2 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id level1-1.0.1 action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id level2-1.0.1 action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextTM done null 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution installModules.returning OK 14:27:50 INFO InternalModule installUpgradeModules returns: [ { "id" : "level1-1.0.1", "action" : "enable" }, { "id" : "level2-1.0.1", "action" : "enable" } ] 14:27:50 INFO ProxyContext 800539/proxy RES 200 3304us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install?simulate=true 14:27:50 INFO ProxyContext 378413/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install okapi-0.0.0 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: level1-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: level1-1.0.1 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: level2-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: level2-1.0.1 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: okapi-0.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 0 tml.size 2 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id level2-1.0.1 action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies level2-1.0.1 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution Dependency OK for existing enable id level1-1.0.1 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies level1-1.0.1 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id level1-1.0.1 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id level2-1.0.1 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 1 tml.size 2 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id level1-1.0.1 action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id level2-1.0.1 action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextTM done null 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution installModules.returning OK 14:27:50 INFO InternalModule installUpgradeModules returns: [ { "id" : "level1-1.0.1", "action" : "enable" }, { "id" : "level2-1.0.1", "action" : "enable" } ] 14:27:50 INFO ProxyContext 378413/proxy RES 200 3518us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install?simulate=true 14:27:50 INFO ProxyContext 198636/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install okapi-0.0.0 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: level1-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: level1-1.0.1 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: level2-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: level2-1.0.1 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: okapi-0.0.0 14:27:50 INFO ProxyContext 198636/proxy RES 400 1493us okapi Module level2 not found 14:27:50 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=Module level2 not found 14:27:50 INFO ProxyContext 936362/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install okapi-0.0.0 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: level1-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: level1-1.0.1 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: level2-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: level2-1.0.1 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: okapi-0.0.0 14:27:50 INFO ProxyContext 936362/proxy RES 400 2022us okapi Module level2-1.0.1 not found 14:27:50 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=Module level2-1.0.1 not found 14:27:50 INFO ProxyContext 240540/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install okapi-0.0.0 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: level1-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: level1-1.0.1 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: level2-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: level2-1.0.1 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: okapi-0.0.0 14:27:50 INFO ProxyContext 240540/proxy RES 400 1234us okapi Module level1-1.0.1 not found 14:27:50 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=Module level1-1.0.1 not found 14:27:50 INFO ProxyContext 814151/discovery REQ supertenant DELETE /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy all 14:27:50 INFO ProxyContext 814151/discovery RES 204 350us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:27:50 WARN oduleVersionReporter META-INF/maven/org.folio.okapi/okapi-core/ not found 14:27:50 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module null null started 14:27:50 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:27:50 INFO MainVerticle clusterManager not in use 14:27:50 INFO MainVerticle Proxy using inmemory storage 14:27:50 INFO InternalModule InternalModule starting okapiversion=null 14:27:50 INFO Storage prepareDatabases: NORMAL 14:27:50 INFO MainVerticle startModmanager 14:27:50 INFO MainVerticle startTenants 14:27:50 INFO MainVerticle checkInternalModules 14:27:50 INFO MainVerticle Creating the superTenant supertenant 14:27:50 INFO MainVerticle starting env 14:27:50 INFO MainVerticle Starting discovery 14:27:50 INFO MainVerticle Starting deployment 14:27:50 INFO MainVerticle API Gateway started PID 1909@2dcd032ebaca. Listening on port 9230 14:27:50 INFO MainVerticle Deploy completed succesfully 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager starting supertenant 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant supertenant module null seq1 0 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant supertenant 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:27:50 INFO ProxyContext 821869/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants okapi-0.0.0 14:27:50 INFO ProxyContext 821869/proxy RES 201 342us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants 14:27:50 INFO ProxyContext 312242/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:27:50 WARN ProxyContext 312242/proxy Module 'prov-1.0.0' has no Requires section. If the module really does not require any other interfaces, provide an empty array to be explicit about it. 14:27:50 INFO ProxyContext 312242/proxy RES 201 861us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:27:50 INFO ProxyContext 762660/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:27:50 WARN ProxyContext 762660/proxy Module 'prov-2.0.0' has no Requires section. If the module really does not require any other interfaces, provide an empty array to be explicit about it. 14:27:50 INFO ProxyContext 762660/proxy RES 201 927us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:27:50 INFO ProxyContext 383737/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install okapi-0.0.0 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: okapi-0.0.0 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: prov-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: prov-2.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 0 tml.size 2 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id prov-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies prov-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id prov-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 1 tml.size 2 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id prov-2.0.0 action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies prov-2.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution resolveModuleConflicts from prov-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id prov-2.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution resolveConflict .. patch id prov-2.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 2 tml.size 1 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id prov-2.0.0 action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextTM done null 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution installModules.returning OK 14:27:50 INFO InternalModule installUpgradeModules returns: [ { "id" : "prov-2.0.0", "action" : "enable" } ] 14:27:50 INFO ProxyContext 383737/proxy RES 200 3629us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install?simulate=true 14:27:50 INFO ProxyContext 526700/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install okapi-0.0.0 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: okapi-0.0.0 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: prov-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: prov-2.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 0 tml.size 2 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id prov-2.0.0 action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies prov-2.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id prov-2.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 1 tml.size 2 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id prov-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies prov-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution resolveModuleConflicts from prov-2.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id prov-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution resolveConflict .. patch id prov-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 2 tml.size 1 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id prov-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextTM done null 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution installModules.returning OK 14:27:50 INFO InternalModule installUpgradeModules returns: [ { "id" : "prov-1.0.0", "action" : "enable" } ] 14:27:50 INFO ProxyContext 526700/proxy RES 200 3879us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install?simulate=true { "id" : "req1-1.0.0", "name" : "req1 module", "provides" : [ { "id" : "i2", "version" : "1.0", "handlers" : [ { "methods" : [ "GET", "POST" ], "pathPattern" : "/foo" } ] } ], "requires" : [ { "id" : "i1", "version" : "1.0" } ] } 14:27:50 INFO ProxyContext 080938/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:27:50 INFO ProxyContext 080938/proxy RES 201 686us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:27:50 INFO ProxyContext 824060/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:27:50 INFO ProxyContext 824060/proxy RES 201 701us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:27:50 INFO ProxyContext 647121/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:27:50 INFO ProxyContext 647121/proxy RES 201 644us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:27:50 INFO ProxyContext 521352/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install okapi-0.0.0 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: okapi-0.0.0 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: prov-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: prov-2.0.0 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: req1-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: req1or2-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: req2-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 0 tml.size 1 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id req1-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies req1-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies prov-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id prov-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id req1-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 1 tml.size 2 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id prov-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id req1-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextTM done null 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution installModules.returning OK 14:27:50 INFO InternalModule installUpgradeModules returns: [ { "id" : "prov-1.0.0", "action" : "enable" }, { "id" : "req1-1.0.0", "action" : "enable" } ] 14:27:50 INFO ProxyContext 521352/proxy RES 200 2321us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install?simulate=true 14:27:50 INFO ProxyContext 985438/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install okapi-0.0.0 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: okapi-0.0.0 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: prov-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: prov-2.0.0 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: req1-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: req1or2-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: req2-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 0 tml.size 1 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id req2-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies req2-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies prov-2.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id prov-2.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id req2-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 1 tml.size 2 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id prov-2.0.0 action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id req2-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextTM done null 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution installModules.returning OK 14:27:50 INFO InternalModule installUpgradeModules returns: [ { "id" : "prov-2.0.0", "action" : "enable" }, { "id" : "req2-1.0.0", "action" : "enable" } ] 14:27:50 INFO ProxyContext 985438/proxy RES 200 3393us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install?simulate=true 14:27:50 INFO ProxyContext 297999/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install okapi-0.0.0 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: okapi-0.0.0 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: prov-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: prov-2.0.0 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: req1-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: req1or2-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: req2-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 0 tml.size 2 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id req1-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies req1-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies prov-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id prov-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id req1-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 1 tml.size 3 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id req2-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies req2-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies prov-2.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution resolveModuleConflicts from prov-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id prov-2.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution resolveConflict .. patch id prov-2.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id req2-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 2 tml.size 3 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id prov-2.0.0 action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id req1-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id req2-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextTM done null 14:27:50 WARN DepResolution installModules.checkAllDependencies: Incompatible version for module req1-1.0.0 interface i1. Need 1.0. Have 2.0/prov-2.0.0 14:27:50 INFO ProxyContext 297999/proxy RES 400 3325us okapi Incompatible version for module req1-1.0.0 interface i1. Need 1.0. Have 2.0/prov-2.0.0 14:27:50 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=Incompatible version for module req1-1.0.0 interface i1. Need 1.0. Have 2.0/prov-2.0.0 14:27:50 INFO ProxyContext 419991/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install okapi-0.0.0 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: okapi-0.0.0 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: prov-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: prov-2.0.0 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: req1-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: req1or2-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: req2-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 0 tml.size 2 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id req1-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies req1-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies prov-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id prov-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id req1-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 1 tml.size 3 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id req2-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies req2-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies prov-2.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution resolveModuleConflicts from prov-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id prov-2.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution resolveConflict .. patch id prov-2.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id req2-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 2 tml.size 3 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id prov-2.0.0 action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id req1-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id req2-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextTM done null 14:27:50 WARN DepResolution installModules.checkAllDependencies: Incompatible version for module req1-1.0.0 interface i1. Need 1.0. Have 2.0/prov-2.0.0 14:27:50 INFO ProxyContext 419991/proxy RES 400 3304us okapi Incompatible version for module req1-1.0.0 interface i1. Need 1.0. Have 2.0/prov-2.0.0 14:27:50 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=Incompatible version for module req1-1.0.0 interface i1. Need 1.0. Have 2.0/prov-2.0.0 14:27:50 INFO ProxyContext 706671/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install okapi-0.0.0 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: okapi-0.0.0 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: prov-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: prov-2.0.0 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: req1-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: req1or2-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: req2-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 0 tml.size 2 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id req2-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies req2-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies prov-2.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id prov-2.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id req2-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 1 tml.size 3 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id req1-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies req1-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies prov-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution resolveModuleConflicts from prov-2.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id prov-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution resolveConflict .. patch id prov-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id req1-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 2 tml.size 3 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id prov-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id req2-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id req1-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextTM done null 14:27:50 WARN DepResolution installModules.checkAllDependencies: Incompatible version for module req2-1.0.0 interface i1. Need 2.0. Have 1.0/prov-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO ProxyContext 706671/proxy RES 400 5272us okapi Incompatible version for module req2-1.0.0 interface i1. Need 2.0. Have 1.0/prov-1.0.0 14:27:50 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=Incompatible version for module req2-1.0.0 interface i1. Need 2.0. Have 1.0/prov-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO ProxyContext 904575/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install okapi-0.0.0 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: okapi-0.0.0 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: prov-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: prov-2.0.0 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: req1-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: req1or2-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: req2-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 0 tml.size 2 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id req1-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies req1-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies prov-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id prov-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id req1-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 1 tml.size 3 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id req1or2-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies req1or2-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution Dependency OK already enabled id prov-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id req1or2-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 2 tml.size 3 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id prov-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id req1-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id req1or2-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextTM done null 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution installModules.returning OK 14:27:50 INFO InternalModule installUpgradeModules returns: [ { "id" : "prov-1.0.0", "action" : "enable" }, { "id" : "req1-1.0.0", "action" : "enable" }, { "id" : "req1or2-1.0.0", "action" : "enable" } ] 14:27:50 INFO ProxyContext 904575/proxy RES 200 3117us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install?simulate=true 14:27:50 INFO ProxyContext 958079/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install okapi-0.0.0 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: okapi-0.0.0 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: prov-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: prov-2.0.0 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: req1-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: req1or2-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: req2-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 0 tml.size 2 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id req1or2-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies req1or2-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies prov-2.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id prov-2.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id req1or2-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 1 tml.size 3 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id req1-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies req1-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies prov-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution resolveModuleConflicts from prov-2.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id prov-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution resolveConflict .. patch id prov-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id req1-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 2 tml.size 3 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id prov-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id req1or2-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id req1-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextTM done null 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution installModules.returning OK 14:27:50 INFO InternalModule installUpgradeModules returns: [ { "id" : "prov-1.0.0", "action" : "enable" }, { "id" : "req1or2-1.0.0", "action" : "enable" }, { "id" : "req1-1.0.0", "action" : "enable" } ] 14:27:50 INFO ProxyContext 958079/proxy RES 200 3619us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install?simulate=true 14:27:50 INFO ProxyContext 037886/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install okapi-0.0.0 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: okapi-0.0.0 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: prov-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: prov-2.0.0 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: req1-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: req1or2-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: req2-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 0 tml.size 2 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id req2-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies req2-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies prov-2.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id prov-2.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id req2-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 1 tml.size 3 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id req1or2-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies req1or2-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution Dependency OK already enabled id prov-2.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id req1or2-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 2 tml.size 3 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id prov-2.0.0 action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id req2-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id req1or2-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextTM done null 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution installModules.returning OK 14:27:50 INFO InternalModule installUpgradeModules returns: [ { "id" : "prov-2.0.0", "action" : "enable" }, { "id" : "req2-1.0.0", "action" : "enable" }, { "id" : "req1or2-1.0.0", "action" : "enable" } ] 14:27:50 INFO ProxyContext 037886/proxy RES 200 3752us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install?simulate=true 14:27:50 INFO ProxyContext 474141/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install okapi-0.0.0 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: okapi-0.0.0 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: prov-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: prov-2.0.0 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: req1-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: req1or2-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: req2-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 0 tml.size 2 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id req1or2-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies req1or2-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies prov-2.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id prov-2.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id req1or2-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 1 tml.size 3 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id req2-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies req2-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution Dependency OK already enabled id prov-2.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id req2-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 2 tml.size 3 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id prov-2.0.0 action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id req1or2-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id req2-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextTM done null 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution installModules.returning OK 14:27:50 INFO InternalModule installUpgradeModules returns: [ { "id" : "prov-2.0.0", "action" : "enable" }, { "id" : "req1or2-1.0.0", "action" : "enable" }, { "id" : "req2-1.0.0", "action" : "enable" } ] 14:27:50 INFO ProxyContext 474141/proxy RES 200 3075us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install?simulate=true 14:27:50 INFO ProxyContext 571177/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:27:50 INFO ProxyContext 571177/proxy RES 201 651us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:27:50 INFO ProxyContext 088712/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install okapi-0.0.0 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: okapi-0.0.0 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: prov-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: prov-2.0.0 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: req1-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: req1or2-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: req2-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: reqI1or2-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 0 tml.size 2 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id reqI1or2-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies reqI1or2-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies req1or2-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies prov-2.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id prov-2.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id req1or2-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id reqI1or2-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 1 tml.size 4 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id req1-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies req1-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies prov-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution resolveModuleConflicts from prov-2.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id prov-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution resolveConflict .. patch id prov-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id req1-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 2 tml.size 4 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id prov-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id req1or2-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id reqI1or2-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id req1-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextTM done null 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution installModules.returning OK 14:27:50 INFO InternalModule installUpgradeModules returns: [ { "id" : "prov-1.0.0", "action" : "enable" }, { "id" : "req1or2-1.0.0", "action" : "enable" }, { "id" : "reqI1or2-1.0.0", "action" : "enable" }, { "id" : "req1-1.0.0", "action" : "enable" } ] 14:27:50 INFO ProxyContext 088712/proxy RES 200 3632us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install?simulate=true 14:27:50 INFO ProxyContext 843006/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install okapi-0.0.0 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: okapi-0.0.0 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: prov-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: prov-2.0.0 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: req1-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: req1or2-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: req2-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO TenantManager mod available: reqI1or2-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 0 tml.size 2 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id req1-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies req1-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies prov-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id prov-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id req1-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 1 tml.size 3 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id reqI1or2-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies reqI1or2-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies req1or2-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution Dependency OK already enabled id prov-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id req1or2-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id reqI1or2-1.0.0 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 2 tml.size 4 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id prov-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id req1-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id req1or2-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id reqI1or2-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution getNextTM done null 14:27:50 INFO DepResolution installModules.returning OK 14:27:50 INFO InternalModule installUpgradeModules returns: [ { "id" : "prov-1.0.0", "action" : "enable" }, { "id" : "req1-1.0.0", "action" : "enable" }, { "id" : "req1or2-1.0.0", "action" : "enable" }, { "id" : "reqI1or2-1.0.0", "action" : "enable" } ] 14:27:50 INFO ProxyContext 843006/proxy RES 200 7939us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install?simulate=true 14:27:51 INFO ProxyContext 680952/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:27:51 INFO ProxyContext 680952/proxy RES 201 860us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:27:51 INFO ProxyContext 928750/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install okapi-0.0.0 14:27:51 INFO TenantManager mod available: okapi-0.0.0 14:27:51 INFO TenantManager mod available: prov-1.0.0 14:27:51 INFO TenantManager mod available: prov-2.0.0 14:27:51 INFO TenantManager mod available: req1-1.0.0 14:27:51 INFO TenantManager mod available: req1or2-1.0.0 14:27:51 INFO TenantManager mod available: req2-1.0.0 14:27:51 INFO TenantManager mod available: reqI1-1.0.0 14:27:51 INFO TenantManager mod available: reqI1or2-1.0.0 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 0 tml.size 2 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id reqI1-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies reqI1-1.0.0 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution Dependency OK for existing enable id req1-1.0.0 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies req1-1.0.0 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies prov-1.0.0 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id prov-1.0.0 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id req1-1.0.0 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id reqI1-1.0.0 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 1 tml.size 3 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id prov-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id req1-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id reqI1-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution getNextTM done null 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution installModules.returning OK 14:27:51 INFO InternalModule installUpgradeModules returns: [ { "id" : "prov-1.0.0", "action" : "enable" }, { "id" : "req1-1.0.0", "action" : "enable" }, { "id" : "reqI1-1.0.0", "action" : "enable" } ] 14:27:51 INFO ProxyContext 928750/proxy RES 200 3422us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install?simulate=true 14:27:51 INFO ProxyContext 974281/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install okapi-0.0.0 14:27:51 INFO TenantManager mod available: okapi-0.0.0 14:27:51 INFO TenantManager mod available: prov-1.0.0 14:27:51 INFO TenantManager mod available: prov-2.0.0 14:27:51 INFO TenantManager mod available: req1-1.0.0 14:27:51 INFO TenantManager mod available: req1or2-1.0.0 14:27:51 INFO TenantManager mod available: req2-1.0.0 14:27:51 INFO TenantManager mod available: reqI1-1.0.0 14:27:51 INFO TenantManager mod available: reqI1or2-1.0.0 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 0 tml.size 2 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id reqI1-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies reqI1-1.0.0 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies req1-1.0.0 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies prov-1.0.0 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id prov-1.0.0 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id req1-1.0.0 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id reqI1-1.0.0 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 1 tml.size 4 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id req2-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies req2-1.0.0 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies prov-2.0.0 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution resolveModuleConflicts from prov-1.0.0 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id prov-2.0.0 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution resolveConflict .. patch id prov-2.0.0 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id req2-1.0.0 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 2 tml.size 4 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id prov-2.0.0 action enable 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id req1-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id reqI1-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id req2-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution getNextTM done null 14:27:51 WARN DepResolution installModules.checkAllDependencies: Incompatible version for module req1-1.0.0 interface i1. Need 1.0. Have 2.0/prov-2.0.0 14:27:51 INFO ProxyContext 974281/proxy RES 400 8502us okapi Incompatible version for module req1-1.0.0 interface i1. Need 1.0. Have 2.0/prov-2.0.0 14:27:51 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=Incompatible version for module req1-1.0.0 interface i1. Need 1.0. Have 2.0/prov-2.0.0 14:27:51 INFO ProxyContext 017441/discovery REQ supertenant DELETE /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:27:51 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy all 14:27:51 INFO ProxyContext 017441/discovery RES 204 454us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:27:51 WARN oduleVersionReporter META-INF/maven/org.folio.okapi/okapi-core/ not found 14:27:51 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module null null started 14:27:51 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:27:51 INFO MainVerticle clusterManager not in use 14:27:51 INFO MainVerticle Proxy using inmemory storage 14:27:51 INFO InternalModule InternalModule starting okapiversion=null 14:27:51 INFO Storage prepareDatabases: NORMAL 14:27:51 INFO MainVerticle startModmanager 14:27:51 INFO MainVerticle startTenants 14:27:51 INFO MainVerticle checkInternalModules 14:27:51 INFO MainVerticle Creating the superTenant supertenant 14:27:51 INFO MainVerticle starting env 14:27:51 INFO MainVerticle Starting discovery 14:27:51 INFO MainVerticle Starting deployment 14:27:51 INFO MainVerticle API Gateway started PID 1909@2dcd032ebaca. Listening on port 9230 14:27:51 INFO MainVerticle Deploy completed succesfully 14:27:51 INFO TenantManager starting supertenant 14:27:51 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant supertenant module null seq1 0 14:27:51 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant supertenant 14:27:51 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:27:51 INFO ProxyContext 674545/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants okapi-0.0.0 14:27:51 INFO ProxyContext 674545/proxy RES 201 348us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants 14:27:51 INFO ProxyContext 321535/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:27:51 WARN ProxyContext 321535/proxy Module 'prov-1.0.0' has no Requires section. If the module really does not require any other interfaces, provide an empty array to be explicit about it. 14:27:51 INFO ProxyContext 321535/proxy RES 201 1314us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules { "id" : "req0-1.0.0", "name" : "req0 module", "provides" : [ ], "requires" : [ { "id" : "i1", "version" : "1.0" } ] } 14:27:51 INFO ProxyContext 102567/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:27:51 INFO ProxyContext 102567/proxy RES 201 672us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules { "id" : "req1-1.0.0", "name" : "req1 module", "provides" : [ ], "requires" : [ { "id" : "i1", "version" : "1.0" } ] } 14:27:51 INFO ProxyContext 629470/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:27:51 INFO ProxyContext 629470/proxy RES 201 658us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules { "id" : "req2-1.0.0", "name" : "req2 module", "provides" : [ ], "requires" : [ { "id" : "i1", "version" : "1.0" } ] } 14:27:51 INFO ProxyContext 339660/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:27:51 INFO ProxyContext 339660/proxy RES 201 677us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules { "id" : "req3-1.0.0", "name" : "req3 module", "provides" : [ ], "requires" : [ { "id" : "i1", "version" : "1.0" } ] } 14:27:51 INFO ProxyContext 852757/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:27:51 INFO ProxyContext 852757/proxy RES 201 679us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules { "id" : "req4-1.0.0", "name" : "req4 module", "provides" : [ ], "requires" : [ { "id" : "i1", "version" : "1.0" } ] } 14:27:51 INFO ProxyContext 150338/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:27:51 INFO ProxyContext 150338/proxy RES 201 767us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules { "id" : "req5-1.0.0", "name" : "req5 module", "provides" : [ ], "requires" : [ { "id" : "i1", "version" : "1.0" } ] } 14:27:51 INFO ProxyContext 377246/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:27:51 INFO ProxyContext 377246/proxy RES 201 559us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules { "id" : "req6-1.0.0", "name" : "req6 module", "provides" : [ ], "requires" : [ { "id" : "i1", "version" : "1.0" } ] } 14:27:51 INFO ProxyContext 263629/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:27:51 INFO ProxyContext 263629/proxy RES 201 610us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules { "id" : "req7-1.0.0", "name" : "req7 module", "provides" : [ ], "requires" : [ { "id" : "i1", "version" : "1.0" } ] } 14:27:51 INFO ProxyContext 846427/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:27:51 INFO ProxyContext 846427/proxy RES 201 565us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules { "id" : "req8-1.0.0", "name" : "req8 module", "provides" : [ ], "requires" : [ { "id" : "i1", "version" : "1.0" } ] } 14:27:51 INFO ProxyContext 078570/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:27:51 INFO ProxyContext 078570/proxy RES 201 604us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules { "id" : "req9-1.0.0", "name" : "req9 module", "provides" : [ ], "requires" : [ { "id" : "i1", "version" : "1.0" } ] } 14:27:51 INFO ProxyContext 416304/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:27:51 INFO ProxyContext 416304/proxy RES 201 556us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules { "id" : "req10-1.0.0", "name" : "req10 module", "provides" : [ ], "requires" : [ { "id" : "i1", "version" : "1.0" } ] } 14:27:51 INFO ProxyContext 024675/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:27:51 INFO ProxyContext 024675/proxy RES 201 544us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules { "id" : "req11-1.0.0", "name" : "req11 module", "provides" : [ ], "requires" : [ { "id" : "i1", "version" : "1.0" } ] } 14:27:51 INFO ProxyContext 602253/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:27:51 INFO ProxyContext 602253/proxy RES 201 545us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules { "id" : "req12-1.0.0", "name" : "req12 module", "provides" : [ ], "requires" : [ { "id" : "i1", "version" : "1.0" } ] } 14:27:51 INFO ProxyContext 365198/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:27:51 INFO ProxyContext 365198/proxy RES 201 553us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules { "id" : "req13-1.0.0", "name" : "req13 module", "provides" : [ ], "requires" : [ { "id" : "i1", "version" : "1.0" } ] } 14:27:51 INFO ProxyContext 138142/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:27:51 INFO ProxyContext 138142/proxy RES 201 525us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules { "id" : "req14-1.0.0", "name" : "req14 module", "provides" : [ ], "requires" : [ { "id" : "i1", "version" : "1.0" } ] } 14:27:51 INFO ProxyContext 097385/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:27:51 INFO ProxyContext 097385/proxy RES 201 703us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules { "id" : "req15-1.0.0", "name" : "req15 module", "provides" : [ ], "requires" : [ { "id" : "i1", "version" : "1.0" } ] } 14:27:51 INFO ProxyContext 178814/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:27:51 INFO ProxyContext 178814/proxy RES 201 506us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules { "id" : "req16-1.0.0", "name" : "req16 module", "provides" : [ ], "requires" : [ { "id" : "i1", "version" : "1.0" } ] } 14:27:51 INFO ProxyContext 403993/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:27:51 INFO ProxyContext 403993/proxy RES 201 489us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules { "id" : "req17-1.0.0", "name" : "req17 module", "provides" : [ ], "requires" : [ { "id" : "i1", "version" : "1.0" } ] } 14:27:51 INFO ProxyContext 216060/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:27:51 INFO ProxyContext 216060/proxy RES 201 550us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules { "id" : "req18-1.0.0", "name" : "req18 module", "provides" : [ ], "requires" : [ { "id" : "i1", "version" : "1.0" } ] } 14:27:51 INFO ProxyContext 065128/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:27:51 INFO ProxyContext 065128/proxy RES 201 526us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules { "id" : "req19-1.0.0", "name" : "req19 module", "provides" : [ ], "requires" : [ { "id" : "i1", "version" : "1.0" } ] } 14:27:51 INFO ProxyContext 224852/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:27:51 INFO ProxyContext 224852/proxy RES 201 564us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules [ { "id" : "req0-1.0.0", "action" : "enable" }, { "id" : "req1-1.0.0", "action" : "enable" }, { "id" : "req2-1.0.0", "action" : "enable" }, { "id" : "req3-1.0.0", "action" : "enable" }, { "id" : "req4-1.0.0", "action" : "enable" }, { "id" : "req5-1.0.0", "action" : "enable" }, { "id" : "req6-1.0.0", "action" : "enable" }, { "id" : "req7-1.0.0", "action" : "enable" }, { "id" : "req8-1.0.0", "action" : "enable" }, { "id" : "req9-1.0.0", "action" : "enable" }, { "id" : "req10-1.0.0", "action" : "enable" }, { "id" : "req11-1.0.0", "action" : "enable" }, { "id" : "req12-1.0.0", "action" : "enable" }, { "id" : "req13-1.0.0", "action" : "enable" }, { "id" : "req14-1.0.0", "action" : "enable" }, { "id" : "req15-1.0.0", "action" : "enable" }, { "id" : "req16-1.0.0", "action" : "enable" }, { "id" : "req17-1.0.0", "action" : "enable" }, { "id" : "req18-1.0.0", "action" : "enable" }, { "id" : "req19-1.0.0", "action" : "enable" } ] 14:27:51 INFO ProxyContext 608035/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install okapi-0.0.0 14:27:51 INFO TenantManager mod available: okapi-0.0.0 14:27:51 INFO TenantManager mod available: prov-1.0.0 14:27:51 INFO TenantManager mod available: req0-1.0.0 14:27:51 INFO TenantManager mod available: req1-1.0.0 14:27:51 INFO TenantManager mod available: req10-1.0.0 14:27:51 INFO TenantManager mod available: req11-1.0.0 14:27:51 INFO TenantManager mod available: req12-1.0.0 14:27:51 INFO TenantManager mod available: req13-1.0.0 14:27:51 INFO TenantManager mod available: req14-1.0.0 14:27:51 INFO TenantManager mod available: req15-1.0.0 14:27:51 INFO TenantManager mod available: req16-1.0.0 14:27:51 INFO TenantManager mod available: req17-1.0.0 14:27:51 INFO TenantManager mod available: req18-1.0.0 14:27:51 INFO TenantManager mod available: req19-1.0.0 14:27:51 INFO TenantManager mod available: req2-1.0.0 14:27:51 INFO TenantManager mod available: req3-1.0.0 14:27:51 INFO TenantManager mod available: req4-1.0.0 14:27:51 INFO TenantManager mod available: req5-1.0.0 14:27:51 INFO TenantManager mod available: req6-1.0.0 14:27:51 INFO TenantManager mod available: req7-1.0.0 14:27:51 INFO TenantManager mod available: req8-1.0.0 14:27:51 INFO TenantManager mod available: req9-1.0.0 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 0 tml.size 20 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id req0-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies req0-1.0.0 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies prov-1.0.0 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id prov-1.0.0 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id req0-1.0.0 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 1 tml.size 21 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id req1-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies req1-1.0.0 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution Dependency OK already enabled id prov-1.0.0 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id req1-1.0.0 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 2 tml.size 21 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id req2-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies req2-1.0.0 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution Dependency OK already enabled id prov-1.0.0 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id req2-1.0.0 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 3 tml.size 21 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id req3-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies req3-1.0.0 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution Dependency OK already enabled id prov-1.0.0 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id req3-1.0.0 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 4 tml.size 21 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id req4-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies req4-1.0.0 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution Dependency OK already enabled id prov-1.0.0 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id req4-1.0.0 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 5 tml.size 21 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id req5-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies req5-1.0.0 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution Dependency OK already enabled id prov-1.0.0 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id req5-1.0.0 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 6 tml.size 21 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id req6-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies req6-1.0.0 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution Dependency OK already enabled id prov-1.0.0 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id req6-1.0.0 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 7 tml.size 21 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id req7-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies req7-1.0.0 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution Dependency OK already enabled id prov-1.0.0 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id req7-1.0.0 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 8 tml.size 21 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id req8-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies req8-1.0.0 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution Dependency OK already enabled id prov-1.0.0 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id req8-1.0.0 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 9 tml.size 21 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id req9-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies req9-1.0.0 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution Dependency OK already enabled id prov-1.0.0 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id req9-1.0.0 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 10 tml.size 21 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id req10-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies req10-1.0.0 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution Dependency OK already enabled id prov-1.0.0 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id req10-1.0.0 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 11 tml.size 21 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id req11-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies req11-1.0.0 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution Dependency OK already enabled id prov-1.0.0 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id req11-1.0.0 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 12 tml.size 21 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id req12-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies req12-1.0.0 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution Dependency OK already enabled id prov-1.0.0 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id req12-1.0.0 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 13 tml.size 21 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id req13-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies req13-1.0.0 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution Dependency OK already enabled id prov-1.0.0 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id req13-1.0.0 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 14 tml.size 21 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id req14-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies req14-1.0.0 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution Dependency OK already enabled id prov-1.0.0 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id req14-1.0.0 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 15 tml.size 21 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id req15-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies req15-1.0.0 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution Dependency OK already enabled id prov-1.0.0 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id req15-1.0.0 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 16 tml.size 21 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id req16-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies req16-1.0.0 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution Dependency OK already enabled id prov-1.0.0 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id req16-1.0.0 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 17 tml.size 21 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id req17-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies req17-1.0.0 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution Dependency OK already enabled id prov-1.0.0 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id req17-1.0.0 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 18 tml.size 21 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id req18-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies req18-1.0.0 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution Dependency OK already enabled id prov-1.0.0 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id req18-1.0.0 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 19 tml.size 21 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id req19-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies req19-1.0.0 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution Dependency OK already enabled id prov-1.0.0 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id req19-1.0.0 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 20 tml.size 21 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id prov-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id req0-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id req1-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id req2-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id req3-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id req4-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id req5-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id req6-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id req7-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id req8-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id req9-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id req10-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id req11-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id req12-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id req13-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id req14-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id req15-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id req16-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id req17-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id req18-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id req19-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution getNextTM done null 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution installModules.returning OK 14:27:51 INFO InternalModule installUpgradeModules returns: [ { "id" : "prov-1.0.0", "action" : "enable" }, { "id" : "req0-1.0.0", "action" : "enable" }, { "id" : "req1-1.0.0", "action" : "enable" }, { "id" : "req2-1.0.0", "action" : "enable" }, { "id" : "req3-1.0.0", "action" : "enable" }, { "id" : "req4-1.0.0", "action" : "enable" }, { "id" : "req5-1.0.0", "action" : "enable" }, { "id" : "req6-1.0.0", "action" : "enable" }, { "id" : "req7-1.0.0", "action" : "enable" }, { "id" : "req8-1.0.0", "action" : "enable" }, { "id" : "req9-1.0.0", "action" : "enable" }, { "id" : "req10-1.0.0", "action" : "enable" }, { "id" : "req11-1.0.0", "action" : "enable" }, { "id" : "req12-1.0.0", "action" : "enable" }, { "id" : "req13-1.0.0", "action" : "enable" }, { "id" : "req14-1.0.0", "action" : "enable" }, { "id" : "req15-1.0.0", "action" : "enable" }, { "id" : "req16-1.0.0", "action" : "enable" }, { "id" : "req17-1.0.0", "action" : "enable" }, { "id" : "req18-1.0.0", "action" : "enable" }, { "id" : "req19-1.0.0", "action" : "enable" } ] 14:27:51 INFO ProxyContext 608035/proxy RES 200 29647us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install?simulate=true 14:27:51 INFO ProxyContext 454542/discovery REQ supertenant DELETE /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:27:51 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy all 14:27:51 INFO ProxyContext 454542/discovery RES 204 390us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:27:51 WARN oduleVersionReporter META-INF/maven/org.folio.okapi/okapi-core/ not found 14:27:51 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module null null started 14:27:51 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:27:51 INFO MainVerticle clusterManager not in use 14:27:51 INFO MainVerticle Proxy using inmemory storage 14:27:51 INFO InternalModule InternalModule starting okapiversion=null 14:27:51 INFO Storage prepareDatabases: NORMAL 14:27:51 INFO MainVerticle startModmanager 14:27:51 INFO MainVerticle startTenants 14:27:51 INFO MainVerticle checkInternalModules 14:27:51 INFO MainVerticle Creating the superTenant supertenant 14:27:51 INFO MainVerticle starting env 14:27:51 INFO MainVerticle Starting discovery 14:27:51 INFO MainVerticle Starting deployment 14:27:51 INFO MainVerticle API Gateway started PID 1909@2dcd032ebaca. Listening on port 9230 14:27:51 INFO MainVerticle Deploy completed succesfully 14:27:51 INFO TenantManager starting supertenant 14:27:51 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant supertenant module null seq1 0 14:27:51 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant supertenant 14:27:51 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:27:51 INFO ProxyContext 477798/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants okapi-0.0.0 14:27:51 INFO ProxyContext 477798/proxy RES 201 360us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants 14:27:51 INFO ProxyContext 560306/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:27:51 WARN ProxyContext 560306/proxy Module 'prov-1.0.0-alpha' has no Requires section. If the module really does not require any other interfaces, provide an empty array to be explicit about it. 14:27:51 INFO ProxyContext 560306/proxy RES 201 782us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules { "id" : "req-1.0.0", "name" : "req module", "provides" : [ ], "requires" : [ { "id" : "i1", "version" : "1.0" } ] } 14:27:51 INFO ProxyContext 263241/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:27:51 INFO ProxyContext 263241/proxy RES 201 473us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules [ { "id" : "req-1.0.0", "action" : "enable" } ] 14:27:51 INFO ProxyContext 962913/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install okapi-0.0.0 14:27:51 INFO TenantManager mod available: okapi-0.0.0 14:27:51 INFO TenantManager mod available: prov-1.0.0-alpha 14:27:51 INFO TenantManager mod available: req-1.0.0 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 0 tml.size 1 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id req-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies req-1.0.0 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies prov-1.0.0-alpha 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id prov-1.0.0-alpha 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id req-1.0.0 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 1 tml.size 2 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id prov-1.0.0-alpha action enable 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id req-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution getNextTM done null 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution installModules.returning OK 14:27:51 INFO InternalModule installUpgradeModules returns: [ { "id" : "prov-1.0.0-alpha", "action" : "enable" }, { "id" : "req-1.0.0", "action" : "enable" } ] 14:27:51 INFO ProxyContext 962913/proxy RES 200 3618us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install?simulate=true&preRelease=true 14:27:51 INFO ProxyContext 238839/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install okapi-0.0.0 14:27:51 INFO TenantManager mod available: okapi-0.0.0 14:27:51 INFO TenantManager mod available: req-1.0.0 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 0 tml.size 1 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id req-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:27:51 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies req-1.0.0 14:27:51 INFO ProxyContext 238839/proxy RES 400 1124us okapi enable req-1.0.0 failed: interface i1 required by module req-1.0.0 not found 14:27:51 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=enable req-1.0.0 failed: interface i1 required by module req-1.0.0 not found 14:27:51 INFO ProxyContext 912489/discovery REQ supertenant DELETE /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:27:51 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy all 14:27:51 INFO ProxyContext 912489/discovery RES 204 332us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:27:51 WARN oduleVersionReporter META-INF/maven/org.folio.okapi/okapi-core/ not found 14:27:51 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module null null started 14:27:51 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:27:51 INFO MainVerticle clusterManager not in use 14:27:51 INFO MainVerticle Proxy using inmemory storage 14:27:51 INFO InternalModule InternalModule starting okapiversion=null 14:27:51 INFO Storage prepareDatabases: NORMAL 14:27:51 INFO MainVerticle startModmanager 14:27:51 INFO MainVerticle startTenants 14:27:51 INFO MainVerticle checkInternalModules 14:27:51 INFO MainVerticle Creating the superTenant supertenant 14:27:51 INFO MainVerticle starting env 14:27:51 INFO MainVerticle Starting discovery 14:27:51 INFO MainVerticle Starting deployment 14:27:51 INFO MainVerticle API Gateway started PID 1909@2dcd032ebaca. Listening on port 9230 14:27:51 INFO MainVerticle Deploy completed succesfully 14:27:51 INFO TenantManager starting supertenant 14:27:51 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant supertenant module null seq1 0 14:27:51 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant supertenant 14:27:51 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:27:51 INFO ProxyContext 313581/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:27:51 INFO ProxyContext 313581/proxy RES 201 899us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:27:51 INFO ProxyContext 613172/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:27:51 INFO ProxyContext 613172/proxy RES 200 2205us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules?preRelease=true 14:27:51 INFO ProxyContext 626486/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:27:51 INFO ProxyContext 626486/proxy RES 200 366us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules?preRelease=false 14:27:51 INFO ProxyContext 313133/discovery REQ supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:27:51 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { "srvcId" : "basic-module-1.0.0-alpha", "nodeId" : "localhost" } 14:27:51 INFO DeploymentManager deploy instId 9f5c497f-7fb2-4386-8e30-e52ab5949985 Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dmaven.ext.class.path="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554/pipeline-maven-spy.jar" -Dorg.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.maven.reportsFolder="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554" 14:27:51 WARN ProxyContext 313133/discovery WAIT supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules 14:27:51 WARN ProxyContext 313133/discovery WAIT supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules 14:27:52 WARN ProxyContext 313133/discovery WAIT supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules 14:27:52 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module okapi-test-module 2.39.0 started 14:27:52 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:27:52 INFO MainVerticle Starting okapi-test-module 9012@2dcd032ebaca on port 9231 14:27:52 INFO ? Succeeded in deploying verticle 14:27:52 WARN ProxyContext 313133/discovery WAIT supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules 14:27:52 WARN ProxyContext 313133/discovery WAIT supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules 14:27:52 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9231 count 0 14:27:52 INFO TcpPortWaiting Connected to service at host localhost port 9231 count 0 14:27:52 INFO ProxyContext 313133/discovery RES 201 1004667us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:27:52 INFO ProxyContext 715877/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:27:52 INFO ProxyContext 715877/proxy RES 201 610us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:27:52 INFO ProxyContext 748888/discovery REQ supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:27:52 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { "srvcId" : "sample-module-1.0.0", "nodeId" : "localhost" } 14:27:52 INFO DeploymentManager deploy instId 2d7eda3f-cde6-4533-af42-e39f0e482eef Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dmaven.ext.class.path="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554/pipeline-maven-spy.jar" -Dorg.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.maven.reportsFolder="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554" 14:27:52 WARN ProxyContext 748888/discovery WAIT supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules 14:27:52 WARN ProxyContext 748888/discovery WAIT supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules 14:27:53 WARN ProxyContext 748888/discovery WAIT supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules 14:27:53 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module okapi-test-module 2.39.0 started 14:27:53 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:27:53 INFO MainVerticle Starting okapi-test-module 9037@2dcd032ebaca on port 9232 14:27:53 INFO ? Succeeded in deploying verticle 14:27:53 WARN ProxyContext 748888/discovery WAIT supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules 14:27:53 WARN ProxyContext 748888/discovery WAIT supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules 14:27:53 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9232 count 0 14:27:53 INFO TcpPortWaiting Connected to service at host localhost port 9232 count 0 14:27:53 INFO ProxyContext 748888/discovery RES 201 1004447us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:27:53 INFO ProxyContext 676551/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants okapi-0.0.0 14:27:53 INFO ProxyContext 676551/proxy RES 201 317us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants 14:27:53 INFO ProxyContext 846170/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:27:53 INFO ProxyService syscall begin POST http://localhost:9232/_/tenant 14:27:53 INFO OkapiClient 846170/proxy;723803/tenant REQ okapiClient roskilde POST http://localhost:9232/_/tenant 14:27:53 INFO MainVerticle POST /_/tenant to okapi-est-module for tenant roskilde 14:27:53 INFO MainVerticle module_from=null module_to=sample-module-1.0.0 14:27:53 INFO OkapiClient 846170/proxy;723803/tenant RES 200 106616us okapiClient http://localhost:9232/_/tenant 14:27:53 INFO ProxyService syscall return POST http://localhost:9232/_/tenant 14:27:53 INFO ProxyContext 846170/proxy RES 201 108963us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules 14:27:53 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module null seq1 0 14:27:53 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant roskilde 14:27:53 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:27:53 INFO ProxyContext 756075/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:27:53 INFO ProxyContext 756075/proxy RES 200 277us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules?preRelease=false 14:27:53 INFO ProxyContext 329708/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:27:53 INFO ProxyContext 329708/proxy RES 200 327us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules?full=true&order=desc&orderBy=id 14:27:53 INFO ProxyContext 458322/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:27:53 INFO ProxyContext 458322/proxy RES 200 302us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules?dot=true 14:27:53 INFO ProxyContext 038788/testb REQ roskilde POST /testb/foo sample-module-1.0.0 14:27:53 INFO ProxyContext 038788/testb RES 200 7260us sample-module-1.0.0 http://localhost:9232/testb/foo 14:27:53 INFO ProxyContext 951032/testb RES 404 - okapi No suitable module found for path /testb/bar for tenant roskilde 14:27:53 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=404 msg=No suitable module found for path /testb/bar for tenant roskilde 14:27:53 INFO ProxyContext 794097/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:27:53 INFO ProxyContext 794097/proxy RES 400 727us okapi Missing dependency: sample-module-1.2.0 requires bint: 1.0 14:27:53 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=Missing dependency: sample-module-1.2.0 requires bint: 1.0 14:27:53 INFO ProxyContext 831138/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:27:53 INFO ProxyContext 831138/proxy RES 201 757us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules?preRelease=true 14:27:53 INFO ProxyContext 130680/discovery REQ supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:27:53 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { "srvcId" : "sample-module-1.2.0", "nodeId" : "localhost" } 14:27:53 INFO DeploymentManager deploy instId f9a2f167-5ec5-4143-9e38-c794d90920a3 Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dmaven.ext.class.path="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554/pipeline-maven-spy.jar" -Dorg.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.maven.reportsFolder="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554" 14:27:53 WARN ProxyContext 130680/discovery WAIT supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules 14:27:54 WARN ProxyContext 130680/discovery WAIT supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules 14:27:54 WARN ProxyContext 130680/discovery WAIT supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules 14:27:54 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module okapi-test-module 2.39.0 started 14:27:54 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:27:54 INFO MainVerticle Starting okapi-test-module 9064@2dcd032ebaca on port 9233 14:27:54 INFO ? Succeeded in deploying verticle 14:27:54 WARN ProxyContext 130680/discovery WAIT supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules 14:27:54 WARN ProxyContext 130680/discovery WAIT supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules 14:27:54 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9233 count 0 14:27:54 INFO TcpPortWaiting Connected to service at host localhost port 9233 count 0 14:27:54 INFO ProxyContext 130680/discovery RES 201 1004641us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:27:54 INFO ProxyContext 334688/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/sample-module-1.0.0 okapi-0.0.0 14:27:54 INFO ProxyContext 334688/proxy RES 400 353us okapi Failed to decode:Unexpected end-of-input: expected close marker for Object (start marker at [Source: (String)"{"; line: 1, column: 1]) at [Source: (String)"{"; line: 1, column: 2] 14:27:54 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=Failed to decode:Unexpected end-of-input: expected close marker for Object (start marker at [Source: (String)"{"; line: 1, column: 1]) at [Source: (String)"{"; line: 1, column: 2] 14:27:54 INFO ProxyContext 857614/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/sample-module-1.0.0 okapi-0.0.0 14:27:54 INFO ProxyContext 857614/proxy RES 400 488us okapi Missing dependency: sample-module-1.2.0 requires bint: 1.0 14:27:54 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg= Missing dependency: sample-module-1.2.0 requires bint: 1.0 14:27:54 INFO ProxyContext 950330/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:27:54 INFO ProxyService syscall begin POST http://localhost:9231/_/tenant 14:27:54 INFO OkapiClient 950330/proxy;806719/tenant REQ okapiClient roskilde POST http://localhost:9231/_/tenant 14:27:54 INFO MainVerticle POST /_/tenant to okapi-est-module for tenant roskilde 14:27:54 INFO MainVerticle module_from=null module_to=basic-module-1.0.0-alpha 14:27:54 INFO OkapiClient 950330/proxy;806719/tenant RES 200 99111us okapiClient http://localhost:9231/_/tenant 14:27:54 INFO ProxyService syscall return POST http://localhost:9231/_/tenant 14:27:54 INFO ProxyContext 950330/proxy RES 201 101156us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules 14:27:54 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module null seq1 0 14:27:54 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant roskilde 14:27:54 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:27:54 INFO ProxyContext 476989/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/sample-module-1.0.0 okapi-0.0.0 14:27:54 INFO ProxyService syscall begin POST http://localhost:9233/_/tenant 14:27:54 INFO OkapiClient 476989/proxy;306501/tenant REQ okapiClient roskilde POST http://localhost:9233/_/tenant 14:27:54 INFO MainVerticle POST /_/tenant to okapi-est-module for tenant roskilde 14:27:54 INFO MainVerticle module_from=sample-module-1.0.0 module_to=sample-module-1.2.0 14:27:54 INFO OkapiClient 476989/proxy;306501/tenant RES 200 111020us okapiClient http://localhost:9233/_/tenant 14:27:54 INFO ProxyService syscall return POST http://localhost:9233/_/tenant 14:27:54 INFO ProxyContext 476989/proxy RES 201 112917us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/sample-module-1.0.0 14:27:54 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module null seq1 0 14:27:54 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant roskilde 14:27:54 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:27:54 INFO ModuleTenantsTest docBadVersion : { "id" : "mod-bad-tenant-version-1.0.0", "name" : "this module", "provides" : [ { "id" : "_tenant", "version" : "1.3.1", "interfaceType" : "system", "handlers" : [ { "methods" : [ "POST", "DELETE" ], "pathPattern" : "/_/tenant" }, { "methods" : [ "POST" ], "pathPattern" : "/_/tenant/disable" } ] } ], "launchDescriptor" : { "exec" : "java -Dport=%p -jar ../okapi-test-module/target/okapi-test-module-fat.jar" } } 14:27:54 INFO ProxyContext 418401/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:27:54 WARN ProxyContext 418401/proxy Module 'mod-bad-tenant-version-1.0.0' interface '_tenant': has a 3-part version number '1.3.1'.Interfaces should be 2-part 14:27:54 WARN ProxyContext 418401/proxy Module 'mod-bad-tenant-version-1.0.0' interface '_tenant': is '1.3.1'. should be '1.0/1.1/1.2' 14:27:54 WARN ProxyContext 418401/proxy Module 'mod-bad-tenant-version-1.0.0' has no Requires section. If the module really does not require any other interfaces, provide an empty array to be explicit about it. 14:27:54 INFO ProxyContext 418401/proxy RES 201 929us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:27:54 INFO ProxyContext 062312/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:27:54 INFO ProxyContext 062312/proxy RES 400 391us okapi Unsupported interface _tenant: 1.3.1 14:27:54 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=Unsupported interface _tenant: 1.3.1 14:27:54 INFO ProxyContext 392994/testb REQ roskilde POST /testb/foo sample-module-1.2.0 14:27:54 INFO ProxyContext 392994/testb RES 200 7055us sample-module-1.2.0 http://localhost:9233/testb/foo 14:27:54 INFO ProxyContext 601858/testb REQ roskilde POST /testb/someid sample-module-1.2.0 14:27:54 INFO ProxyContext 601858/testb RES 200 2351us sample-module-1.2.0 http://localhost:9233/testb/someid 14:27:54 INFO ProxyContext 561927/testb RES 404 - okapi No suitable module found for path /testb/someid/other for tenant roskilde 14:27:54 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=404 msg=No suitable module found for path /testb/someid/other for tenant roskilde 14:27:54 INFO ProxyContext 181259/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/basic-module-1.0.0-alpha okapi-0.0.0 14:27:55 INFO ProxyContext 181259/proxy RES 400 358us okapi Missing dependency: sample-module-1.2.0 requires bint: 1.0 14:27:55 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg= Missing dependency: sample-module-1.2.0 requires bint: 1.0 14:27:55 INFO ProxyContext 091536/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/sample-module-1.2.0 okapi-0.0.0 14:27:55 INFO ProxyService syscall begin POST http://localhost:9233/_/tenant/disable 14:27:55 INFO OkapiClient 091536/proxy;891458/tenant REQ okapiClient roskilde POST http://localhost:9233/_/tenant/disable 14:27:55 INFO MainVerticle POST /_/tenant/disable to okapi-est-module for tenant roskilde 14:27:55 INFO MainVerticle module_from=sample-module-1.2.0 module_to=null 14:27:55 INFO OkapiClient 091536/proxy;891458/tenant RES 200 2450us okapiClient http://localhost:9233/_/tenant/disable 14:27:55 INFO ProxyService syscall return POST http://localhost:9233/_/tenant/disable 14:27:55 INFO ProxyContext 091536/proxy RES 204 3771us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/sample-module-1.2.0 14:27:55 INFO ProxyContext 768894/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/basic-module-1.0.0-alpha okapi-0.0.0 14:27:55 INFO ProxyService syscall begin POST http://localhost:9231/_/tenant/disable 14:27:55 INFO OkapiClient 768894/proxy;739101/tenant REQ okapiClient roskilde POST http://localhost:9231/_/tenant/disable 14:27:55 INFO MainVerticle POST /_/tenant/disable to okapi-est-module for tenant roskilde 14:27:55 INFO MainVerticle module_from=basic-module-1.0.0-alpha module_to=null 14:27:55 INFO OkapiClient 768894/proxy;739101/tenant RES 200 2992us okapiClient http://localhost:9231/_/tenant/disable 14:27:55 INFO ProxyService syscall return POST http://localhost:9231/_/tenant/disable 14:27:55 INFO ProxyContext 768894/proxy RES 204 4775us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules/basic-module-1.0.0-alpha 14:27:55 INFO ProxyContext 176502/testb RES 404 - okapi No suitable module found for path /testb for tenant roskilde 14:27:55 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=404 msg=No suitable module found for path /testb for tenant roskilde 14:27:55 INFO ProxyContext 516238/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:27:55 INFO ProxyContext 516238/proxy RES 200 194us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/modules 14:27:55 INFO ProxyContext 116677/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/upgrade okapi-0.0.0 14:27:55 INFO TenantManager mod available: basic-module-1.0.0-alpha 14:27:55 INFO TenantManager mod available: mod-bad-tenant-version-1.0.0 14:27:55 INFO TenantManager mod available: okapi-0.0.0 14:27:55 INFO TenantManager mod available: sample-module-1.0.0 14:27:55 INFO TenantManager mod available: sample-module-1.2.0 14:27:55 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 0 tml.size 0 14:27:55 INFO DepResolution getNextTM done null 14:27:55 INFO DepResolution installModules.returning OK 14:27:55 INFO InternalModule installUpgradeModules returns: [ ] 14:27:55 INFO ProxyContext 116677/proxy RES 200 2594us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/upgrade?simulate=true&preRelease=true 14:27:55 INFO ProxyContext 162775/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install okapi-0.0.0 14:27:55 INFO ProxyContext 162775/proxy RES 400 636us okapi Failed to decode:Cannot deserialize instance of `[Lorg.folio.okapi.bean.TenantModuleDescriptor;` out of START_OBJECT token at [Source: (String)"{ "foo" : "bar"}"; line: 1, column: 1] 14:27:55 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=Failed to decode:Cannot deserialize instance of `[Lorg.folio.okapi.bean.TenantModuleDescriptor;` out of START_OBJECT token at [Source: (String)"{ "foo" : "bar"}"; line: 1, column: 1] 14:27:55 INFO ProxyContext 329186/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install okapi-0.0.0 14:27:55 INFO ProxyContext 329186/proxy RES 400 318us okapi Failed to decode:Cannot deserialize instance of `[Lorg.folio.okapi.bean.TenantModuleDescriptor;` out of START_OBJECT token at [Source: (String)"{"; line: 1, column: 1] 14:27:55 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=Failed to decode:Cannot deserialize instance of `[Lorg.folio.okapi.bean.TenantModuleDescriptor;` out of START_OBJECT token at [Source: (String)"{"; line: 1, column: 1] 14:27:55 INFO ProxyContext 124936/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install okapi-0.0.0 14:27:55 INFO TenantManager mod available: basic-module-1.0.0-alpha 14:27:55 INFO TenantManager mod available: mod-bad-tenant-version-1.0.0 14:27:55 INFO TenantManager mod available: okapi-0.0.0 14:27:55 INFO TenantManager mod available: sample-module-1.0.0 14:27:55 INFO TenantManager mod available: sample-module-1.2.0 14:27:55 INFO ProxyContext 124936/proxy RES 400 1198us okapi Module sample-foo-1.2.3 not found 14:27:55 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=Module sample-foo-1.2.3 not found 14:27:55 INFO ProxyContext 630326/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install okapi-0.0.0 14:27:55 INFO TenantManager mod available: basic-module-1.0.0-alpha 14:27:55 INFO TenantManager mod available: mod-bad-tenant-version-1.0.0 14:27:55 INFO TenantManager mod available: okapi-0.0.0 14:27:55 INFO TenantManager mod available: sample-module-1.0.0 14:27:55 INFO TenantManager mod available: sample-module-1.2.0 14:27:55 INFO ProxyContext 630326/proxy RES 400 1135us okapi Module sample-foo not found 14:27:55 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=Module sample-foo not found 14:27:55 INFO ProxyContext 155979/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install okapi-0.0.0 14:27:55 INFO TenantManager mod available: mod-bad-tenant-version-1.0.0 14:27:55 INFO TenantManager mod available: okapi-0.0.0 14:27:55 INFO TenantManager mod available: sample-module-1.0.0 14:27:55 INFO TenantManager mod available: sample-module-1.2.0 14:27:55 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 0 tml.size 1 14:27:55 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id sample-module-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:55 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:27:55 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies sample-module-1.0.0 14:27:55 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id sample-module-1.0.0 14:27:55 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 1 tml.size 1 14:27:55 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id sample-module-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:55 INFO DepResolution getNextTM done null 14:27:55 INFO DepResolution installModules.returning OK 14:27:55 INFO InternalModule installUpgradeModules returns: [ { "id" : "sample-module-1.0.0", "action" : "enable" } ] 14:27:55 INFO ProxyContext 155979/proxy RES 200 3061us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install?simulate=true&preRelease=false 14:27:55 INFO ProxyContext 681931/discovery REQ supertenant DELETE /_/discovery/modules/sample-module-1.0.0 okapi-0.0.0 14:27:55 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy: srvcId sample-module-1.0.0 14:27:55 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy sample-module-1.0.0 2d7eda3f-cde6-4533-af42-e39f0e482eef 14:27:55 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy srvcId=sample-module-1.0.0 instId=2d7eda3f-cde6-4533-af42-e39f0e482eef node=localhost 14:27:55 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy calling.. 14:27:55 INFO DeploymentManager undeploy instId 2d7eda3f-cde6-4533-af42-e39f0e482eef 14:27:55 INFO ProxyContext 681931/discovery RES 204 79577us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules/sample-module-1.0.0 14:27:55 INFO ProxyContext 714222/discovery REQ supertenant DELETE /_/discovery/modules/sample-module-1.0.0 okapi-0.0.0 14:27:55 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy: srvcId sample-module-1.0.0 14:27:55 WARN DiscoveryManager deployment.get failed 14:27:55 INFO ProxyContext 714222/discovery RES 404 364us okapi sample-module-1.0.0 14:27:55 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=404 msg=sample-module-1.0.0 14:27:55 INFO ProxyContext 603562/discovery REQ supertenant DELETE /_/discovery/modules/foo okapi-0.0.0 14:27:55 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy: srvcId foo 14:27:55 WARN DiscoveryManager deployment.get failed 14:27:55 INFO ProxyContext 603562/discovery RES 404 258us okapi foo 14:27:55 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=404 msg=foo 14:27:55 INFO ProxyContext 182842/discovery REQ supertenant DELETE /_/discovery/modules/foo/bar okapi-0.0.0 14:27:55 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy: srvcId foo instId bar 14:27:55 WARN DiscoveryManager deployment.get failed 14:27:55 INFO ProxyContext 182842/discovery RES 404 240us okapi foo/bar 14:27:55 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=404 msg=foo/bar 14:27:55 INFO ProxyContext 835916/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install okapi-0.0.0 14:27:55 INFO TenantManager mod available: basic-module-1.0.0-alpha 14:27:55 INFO TenantManager mod available: mod-bad-tenant-version-1.0.0 14:27:55 INFO TenantManager mod available: okapi-0.0.0 14:27:55 INFO TenantManager mod available: sample-module-1.0.0 14:27:55 INFO TenantManager mod available: sample-module-1.2.0 14:27:55 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 0 tml.size 1 14:27:55 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id sample-module-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:55 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:27:55 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies sample-module-1.0.0 14:27:55 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id sample-module-1.0.0 14:27:55 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 1 tml.size 1 14:27:55 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id sample-module-1.0.0 action enable 14:27:55 INFO DepResolution getNextTM done null 14:27:55 INFO DepResolution installModules.returning OK 14:27:55 INFO DiscoveryManager autoDeploy sample-module-1.0.0 14:27:55 INFO DiscoveryManager autoDeploy sample-module-1.0.0 consider localhost 14:27:55 INFO DiscoveryManager autoDeploy sample-module-1.0.0 must deploy on node localhost 14:27:55 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { "srvcId" : "sample-module-1.0.0", "nodeId" : "localhost", "descriptor" : { "exec" : "java -Dport=%p -jar ../okapi-test-module/target/okapi-test-module-fat.jar" } } 14:27:55 INFO DeploymentManager deploy instId ef881cbd-546b-4d4c-8d74-006f5fbdde26 Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dmaven.ext.class.path="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554/pipeline-maven-spy.jar" -Dorg.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.maven.reportsFolder="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554" 14:27:55 WARN ProxyContext 835916/proxy WAIT supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install 14:27:55 WARN ProxyContext 835916/proxy WAIT supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install 14:27:55 WARN ProxyContext 835916/proxy WAIT supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install 14:27:55 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module okapi-test-module 2.39.0 started 14:27:55 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:27:55 INFO MainVerticle Starting okapi-test-module 9114@2dcd032ebaca on port 9232 14:27:56 WARN ProxyContext 835916/proxy WAIT supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install 14:27:56 INFO ? Succeeded in deploying verticle 14:27:56 WARN ProxyContext 835916/proxy WAIT supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install 14:27:56 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9232 count 0 14:27:56 INFO TcpPortWaiting Connected to service at host localhost port 9232 count 0 14:27:56 INFO ProxyService syscall begin POST http://localhost:9232/_/tenant 14:27:56 INFO OkapiClient 835916/proxy;696973/tenant REQ okapiClient roskilde POST http://localhost:9232/_/tenant 14:27:56 INFO MainVerticle POST /_/tenant to okapi-est-module for tenant roskilde 14:27:56 INFO MainVerticle module_from=null module_to=sample-module-1.0.0 14:27:56 INFO OkapiClient 835916/proxy;696973/tenant RES 200 125619us okapiClient http://localhost:9232/_/tenant 14:27:56 INFO ProxyService syscall return POST http://localhost:9232/_/tenant 14:27:56 INFO InternalModule installUpgradeModules returns: [ { "id" : "sample-module-1.0.0", "action" : "enable" } ] 14:27:56 INFO ProxyContext 835916/proxy RES 200 1134867us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install?deploy=true&tenantParameters=refdata,a=b 14:27:56 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module null seq1 0 14:27:56 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant roskilde 14:27:56 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:27:56 INFO ProxyContext 947583/testb REQ roskilde GET /testb/foo sample-module-1.0.0 14:27:56 INFO ProxyContext 947583/testb RES 200 8043us sample-module-1.0.0 http://localhost:9232/testb/foo 14:27:56 INFO ProxyContext 243740/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install okapi-0.0.0 14:27:56 INFO TenantManager mod available: basic-module-1.0.0-alpha 14:27:56 INFO TenantManager mod available: mod-bad-tenant-version-1.0.0 14:27:56 INFO TenantManager mod available: okapi-0.0.0 14:27:56 INFO TenantManager mod available: sample-module-1.0.0 14:27:56 INFO TenantManager mod enabled: sample-module-1.0.0 14:27:56 INFO TenantManager mod available: sample-module-1.2.0 14:27:56 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 0 tml.size 1 14:27:56 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id sample-module-1.0.0 action uptodate 14:27:56 INFO DepResolution getNextTM done null 14:27:56 INFO DepResolution installModules.returning OK 14:27:56 INFO InternalModule installUpgradeModules returns: [ { "id" : "sample-module-1.0.0", "action" : "uptodate" } ] 14:27:56 INFO ProxyContext 243740/proxy RES 200 2557us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install?simulate=true 14:27:56 INFO ProxyContext 813787/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install okapi-0.0.0 14:27:56 INFO TenantManager mod available: basic-module-1.0.0-alpha 14:27:56 INFO TenantManager mod available: mod-bad-tenant-version-1.0.0 14:27:56 INFO TenantManager mod available: okapi-0.0.0 14:27:56 INFO TenantManager mod available: sample-module-1.0.0 14:27:56 INFO TenantManager mod enabled: sample-module-1.0.0 14:27:56 INFO TenantManager mod available: sample-module-1.2.0 14:27:56 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 0 tml.size 1 14:27:56 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id sample-module-1.2.0 action enable 14:27:56 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:27:56 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies sample-module-1.2.0 14:27:56 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies basic-module-1.0.0-alpha 14:27:56 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id basic-module-1.0.0-alpha 14:27:56 INFO DepResolution resolveModuleConflicts from sample-module-1.0.0 14:27:56 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id sample-module-1.2.0 14:27:56 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 1 tml.size 2 14:27:56 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id basic-module-1.0.0-alpha action enable 14:27:56 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id sample-module-1.2.0 action enable 14:27:56 INFO DepResolution getNextTM done null 14:27:56 INFO DepResolution installModules.returning OK 14:27:56 INFO InternalModule installUpgradeModules returns: [ { "id" : "basic-module-1.0.0-alpha", "action" : "enable" }, { "id" : "sample-module-1.2.0", "from" : "sample-module-1.0.0", "action" : "enable" } ] 14:27:56 INFO ProxyContext 813787/proxy RES 200 4173us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install?simulate=true 14:27:56 INFO ProxyContext 780540/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install okapi-0.0.0 14:27:56 INFO TenantManager mod available: basic-module-1.0.0-alpha 14:27:56 INFO TenantManager mod available: mod-bad-tenant-version-1.0.0 14:27:56 INFO TenantManager mod available: okapi-0.0.0 14:27:56 INFO TenantManager mod available: sample-module-1.0.0 14:27:56 INFO TenantManager mod enabled: sample-module-1.0.0 14:27:56 INFO TenantManager mod available: sample-module-1.2.0 14:27:56 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 0 tml.size 1 14:27:56 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id sample-module-1.2.0 action enable 14:27:56 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:27:56 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies sample-module-1.2.0 14:27:56 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies basic-module-1.0.0-alpha 14:27:56 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id basic-module-1.0.0-alpha 14:27:56 INFO DepResolution resolveModuleConflicts from sample-module-1.0.0 14:27:56 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id sample-module-1.2.0 14:27:56 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 1 tml.size 2 14:27:56 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id basic-module-1.0.0-alpha action enable 14:27:56 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id sample-module-1.2.0 action enable 14:27:56 INFO DepResolution getNextTM done null 14:27:56 INFO DepResolution installModules.returning OK 14:27:56 INFO InternalModule installUpgradeModules returns: [ { "id" : "basic-module-1.0.0-alpha", "action" : "enable" }, { "id" : "sample-module-1.2.0", "from" : "sample-module-1.0.0", "action" : "enable" } ] 14:27:56 INFO ProxyContext 780540/proxy RES 200 8724us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install?simulate=true 14:27:56 INFO ProxyContext 517758/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/upgrade okapi-0.0.0 14:27:56 INFO TenantManager mod available: basic-module-1.0.0-alpha 14:27:56 INFO TenantManager mod available: mod-bad-tenant-version-1.0.0 14:27:56 INFO TenantManager mod available: okapi-0.0.0 14:27:56 INFO TenantManager mod available: sample-module-1.0.0 14:27:56 INFO TenantManager mod enabled: sample-module-1.0.0 14:27:56 INFO TenantManager mod available: sample-module-1.2.0 14:27:56 INFO TenantManager upgrade.. enable sample-module-1.2.0 14:27:56 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 0 tml.size 1 14:27:56 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id sample-module-1.2.0 action enable 14:27:56 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:27:56 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies sample-module-1.2.0 14:27:56 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies basic-module-1.0.0-alpha 14:27:56 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id basic-module-1.0.0-alpha 14:27:56 INFO DepResolution resolveModuleConflicts from sample-module-1.0.0 14:27:56 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id sample-module-1.2.0 14:27:56 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 1 tml.size 2 14:27:56 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id basic-module-1.0.0-alpha action enable 14:27:56 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id sample-module-1.2.0 action enable 14:27:56 INFO DepResolution getNextTM done null 14:27:56 INFO DepResolution installModules.returning OK 14:27:56 INFO DiscoveryManager autoDeploy basic-module-1.0.0-alpha 14:27:56 INFO DiscoveryManager autoDeploy basic-module-1.0.0-alpha consider localhost 14:27:56 INFO DiscoveryManager autoDeploy basic-module-1.0.0-alpha already deployed on localhost 14:27:56 INFO DiscoveryManager autoDeploy sample-module-1.2.0 14:27:56 INFO DiscoveryManager autoDeploy sample-module-1.2.0 consider localhost 14:27:56 INFO DiscoveryManager autoDeploy sample-module-1.2.0 already deployed on localhost 14:27:56 INFO ProxyService syscall begin POST http://localhost:9231/_/tenant 14:27:56 INFO OkapiClient 517758/proxy;111529/tenant REQ okapiClient roskilde POST http://localhost:9231/_/tenant 14:27:56 INFO MainVerticle POST /_/tenant to okapi-est-module for tenant roskilde 14:27:56 INFO MainVerticle module_from=null module_to=basic-module-1.0.0-alpha 14:27:56 INFO OkapiClient 517758/proxy;111529/tenant RES 200 2767us okapiClient http://localhost:9231/_/tenant 14:27:56 INFO ProxyService syscall return POST http://localhost:9231/_/tenant 14:27:56 INFO ProxyService syscall begin POST http://localhost:9233/_/tenant 14:27:56 INFO OkapiClient 517758/proxy;200736/tenant REQ okapiClient roskilde POST http://localhost:9233/_/tenant 14:27:56 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module null seq1 0 14:27:56 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant roskilde 14:27:56 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:27:56 INFO MainVerticle POST /_/tenant to okapi-est-module for tenant roskilde 14:27:56 INFO MainVerticle module_from=sample-module-1.0.0 module_to=sample-module-1.2.0 14:27:56 INFO OkapiClient 517758/proxy;200736/tenant RES 200 3191us okapiClient http://localhost:9233/_/tenant 14:27:56 INFO ProxyService syscall return POST http://localhost:9233/_/tenant 14:27:56 INFO TenantManager autoUndeploy mdF sample-module-1.0.0 14:27:56 INFO DiscoveryManager autoUndeploy sample-module-1.0.0 14:27:56 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy srvcId=sample-module-1.0.0 instId=ef881cbd-546b-4d4c-8d74-006f5fbdde26 node=localhost 14:27:56 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy calling.. 14:27:56 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module null seq1 0 14:27:56 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant roskilde 14:27:56 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:27:56 INFO DeploymentManager undeploy instId ef881cbd-546b-4d4c-8d74-006f5fbdde26 14:27:56 INFO InternalModule installUpgradeModules returns: [ { "id" : "basic-module-1.0.0-alpha", "action" : "enable" }, { "id" : "sample-module-1.2.0", "from" : "sample-module-1.0.0", "action" : "enable" } ] 14:27:56 INFO ProxyContext 517758/proxy RES 200 57029us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/upgrade?simulate=false&deploy=true 14:27:56 INFO ProxyContext 728692/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/upgrade okapi-0.0.0 14:27:56 INFO TenantManager mod available: basic-module-1.0.0-alpha 14:27:56 INFO TenantManager mod enabled: basic-module-1.0.0-alpha 14:27:56 INFO TenantManager mod available: mod-bad-tenant-version-1.0.0 14:27:56 INFO TenantManager mod available: okapi-0.0.0 14:27:56 INFO TenantManager mod available: sample-module-1.0.0 14:27:56 INFO TenantManager mod available: sample-module-1.2.0 14:27:56 INFO TenantManager mod enabled: sample-module-1.2.0 14:27:56 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 0 tml.size 0 14:27:56 INFO DepResolution getNextTM done null 14:27:56 INFO DepResolution installModules.returning OK 14:27:56 INFO InternalModule installUpgradeModules returns: [ ] 14:27:56 INFO ProxyContext 728692/proxy RES 200 1517us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/upgrade?simulate=false&deploy=true 14:27:56 INFO ProxyContext 525432/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:27:56 INFO ProxyContext 525432/proxy RES 201 654us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:27:56 INFO ProxyContext 781109/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/upgrade okapi-0.0.0 14:27:56 INFO TenantManager mod available: basic-module-1.0.0-alpha 14:27:56 INFO TenantManager mod enabled: basic-module-1.0.0-alpha 14:27:56 INFO TenantManager mod available: mod-bad-tenant-version-1.0.0 14:27:56 INFO TenantManager mod available: okapi-0.0.0 14:27:56 INFO TenantManager mod available: sample-module-1.0.0 14:27:56 INFO TenantManager mod available: sample-module-1.2.0 14:27:56 INFO TenantManager mod enabled: sample-module-1.2.0 14:27:56 INFO TenantManager mod available: sample-module-1.3.0 14:27:56 INFO TenantManager upgrade.. enable sample-module-1.3.0 14:27:56 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 0 tml.size 1 14:27:56 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id sample-module-1.3.0 action enable 14:27:56 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:27:56 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies sample-module-1.3.0 14:27:56 INFO DepResolution Dependency OK already enabled id basic-module-1.0.0-alpha 14:27:56 INFO DepResolution resolveModuleConflicts from sample-module-1.2.0 14:27:56 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id sample-module-1.3.0 14:27:56 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 1 tml.size 1 14:27:56 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id sample-module-1.3.0 action enable 14:27:56 INFO DepResolution getNextTM done null 14:27:56 INFO DepResolution installModules.returning OK 14:27:56 INFO InternalModule installUpgradeModules returns: [ { "id" : "sample-module-1.3.0", "from" : "sample-module-1.2.0", "action" : "enable" } ] 14:27:56 INFO ProxyContext 781109/proxy RES 200 3920us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/upgrade?simulate=true 14:27:56 INFO ProxyContext 286373/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:27:56 INFO ProxyContext 286373/proxy RES 201 905us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:27:56 INFO ProxyContext 147770/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/upgrade okapi-0.0.0 14:27:56 INFO TenantManager mod available: basic-module-1.0.0-alpha 14:27:56 INFO TenantManager mod enabled: basic-module-1.0.0-alpha 14:27:56 INFO TenantManager mod available: basic-module-2.0.0 14:27:56 INFO TenantManager mod available: mod-bad-tenant-version-1.0.0 14:27:56 INFO TenantManager mod available: okapi-0.0.0 14:27:56 INFO TenantManager mod available: sample-module-1.0.0 14:27:56 INFO TenantManager mod available: sample-module-1.2.0 14:27:56 INFO TenantManager mod enabled: sample-module-1.2.0 14:27:56 INFO TenantManager mod available: sample-module-1.3.0 14:27:56 INFO TenantManager upgrade.. enable sample-module-1.3.0 14:27:56 INFO TenantManager upgrade.. enable basic-module-2.0.0 14:27:56 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 0 tml.size 2 14:27:56 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id sample-module-1.3.0 action enable 14:27:56 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:27:56 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies sample-module-1.3.0 14:27:56 INFO DepResolution Dependency OK already enabled id basic-module-1.0.0-alpha 14:27:56 INFO DepResolution resolveModuleConflicts from sample-module-1.2.0 14:27:56 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id sample-module-1.3.0 14:27:56 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 1 tml.size 2 14:27:56 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id basic-module-2.0.0 action enable 14:27:56 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:27:56 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies basic-module-2.0.0 14:27:56 INFO DepResolution resolveModuleConflicts from basic-module-1.0.0-alpha 14:27:56 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id basic-module-2.0.0 14:27:56 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 2 tml.size 2 14:27:56 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id sample-module-1.3.0 action enable 14:27:56 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id basic-module-2.0.0 action enable 14:27:56 INFO DepResolution getNextTM done null 14:27:56 WARN DepResolution installModules.checkAllDependencies: Incompatible version for module sample-module-1.3.0 interface bint. Need 1.0. Have 2.0/basic-module-2.0.0 14:27:56 INFO ProxyContext 147770/proxy RES 400 6271us okapi Incompatible version for module sample-module-1.3.0 interface bint. Need 1.0. Have 2.0/basic-module-2.0.0 14:27:56 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=Incompatible version for module sample-module-1.3.0 interface bint. Need 1.0. Have 2.0/basic-module-2.0.0 14:27:56 INFO ProxyContext 610095/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:27:56 INFO ProxyContext 610095/proxy RES 201 805us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:27:56 INFO ProxyContext 261193/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/upgrade okapi-0.0.0 14:27:56 INFO TenantManager mod available: basic-module-1.0.0-alpha 14:27:56 INFO TenantManager mod enabled: basic-module-1.0.0-alpha 14:27:56 INFO TenantManager mod available: basic-module-2.0.0 14:27:56 INFO TenantManager mod available: mod-bad-tenant-version-1.0.0 14:27:56 INFO TenantManager mod available: okapi-0.0.0 14:27:56 INFO TenantManager mod available: sample-module-1.0.0 14:27:56 INFO TenantManager mod available: sample-module-1.2.0 14:27:56 INFO TenantManager mod enabled: sample-module-1.2.0 14:27:56 INFO TenantManager mod available: sample-module-1.3.0 14:27:56 INFO TenantManager mod available: sample-module-2.0.0 14:27:56 INFO TenantManager upgrade.. enable sample-module-2.0.0 14:27:56 INFO TenantManager upgrade.. enable basic-module-2.0.0 14:27:56 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 0 tml.size 2 14:27:56 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id sample-module-2.0.0 action enable 14:27:56 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:27:56 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies sample-module-2.0.0 14:27:56 INFO DepResolution Dependency OK for existing enable id basic-module-2.0.0 14:27:56 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies basic-module-2.0.0 14:27:56 INFO DepResolution resolveModuleConflicts from basic-module-1.0.0-alpha 14:27:56 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id basic-module-2.0.0 14:27:56 INFO DepResolution resolveModuleConflicts from sample-module-1.2.0 14:27:56 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id sample-module-2.0.0 14:27:56 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 1 tml.size 2 14:27:56 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id basic-module-2.0.0 action enable 14:27:56 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id sample-module-2.0.0 action enable 14:27:56 INFO DepResolution getNextTM done null 14:27:56 INFO DepResolution installModules.returning OK 14:27:56 INFO DiscoveryManager autoDeploy basic-module-2.0.0 14:27:56 INFO DiscoveryManager autoDeploy basic-module-2.0.0 consider localhost 14:27:56 INFO DiscoveryManager autoDeploy basic-module-2.0.0 must deploy on node localhost 14:27:56 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { "srvcId" : "basic-module-2.0.0", "nodeId" : "localhost", "descriptor" : { "exec" : "java -Dport=%p -jar ../okapi-test-module/target/okapi-test-module-fat.jar" } } 14:27:56 INFO DeploymentManager deploy instId 14714905-2399-4978-a831-9f9e6b523be4 Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dmaven.ext.class.path="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554/pipeline-maven-spy.jar" -Dorg.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.maven.reportsFolder="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554" 14:27:56 WARN ProxyContext 261193/proxy WAIT supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/upgrade 14:27:56 WARN ProxyContext 261193/proxy WAIT supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/upgrade 14:27:57 WARN ProxyContext 261193/proxy WAIT supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/upgrade 14:27:57 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module okapi-test-module 2.39.0 started 14:27:57 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:27:57 INFO MainVerticle Starting okapi-test-module 9164@2dcd032ebaca on port 9232 14:27:57 WARN ProxyContext 261193/proxy WAIT supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/upgrade 14:27:57 INFO ? Succeeded in deploying verticle 14:27:57 WARN ProxyContext 261193/proxy WAIT supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/upgrade 14:27:57 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9232 count 0 14:27:57 INFO TcpPortWaiting Connected to service at host localhost port 9232 count 0 14:27:57 INFO DiscoveryManager autoDeploy sample-module-2.0.0 14:27:57 INFO DiscoveryManager autoDeploy sample-module-2.0.0 consider localhost 14:27:57 INFO DiscoveryManager autoDeploy sample-module-2.0.0 must deploy on node localhost 14:27:57 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { "srvcId" : "sample-module-2.0.0", "nodeId" : "localhost", "descriptor" : { "exec" : "java -Dport=%p -jar ../okapi-test-module/target/okapi-test-module-fat.jar" } } 14:27:57 INFO DeploymentManager deploy instId 4dc88d49-b9d2-45df-bb0d-70da15ecab32 Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dmaven.ext.class.path="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554/pipeline-maven-spy.jar" -Dorg.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.maven.reportsFolder="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554" 14:27:57 WARN ProxyContext 261193/proxy WAIT supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/upgrade 14:27:57 WARN ProxyContext 261193/proxy WAIT supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/upgrade 14:27:58 WARN ProxyContext 261193/proxy WAIT supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/upgrade 14:27:58 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module okapi-test-module 2.39.0 started 14:27:58 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:27:58 INFO MainVerticle Starting okapi-test-module 9189@2dcd032ebaca on port 9234 14:27:58 WARN ProxyContext 261193/proxy WAIT supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/upgrade 14:27:58 INFO ? Succeeded in deploying verticle 14:27:58 WARN ProxyContext 261193/proxy WAIT supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/upgrade 14:27:58 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9234 count 0 14:27:58 INFO TcpPortWaiting Connected to service at host localhost port 9234 count 0 14:27:58 INFO ProxyService syscall begin POST http://localhost:9232/_/tenant 14:27:58 INFO OkapiClient 261193/proxy;852435/tenant REQ okapiClient roskilde POST http://localhost:9232/_/tenant 14:27:58 INFO MainVerticle POST /_/tenant to okapi-est-module for tenant roskilde 14:27:58 INFO MainVerticle module_from=basic-module-1.0.0-alpha module_to=basic-module-2.0.0 14:27:58 INFO OkapiClient 261193/proxy;852435/tenant RES 200 111316us okapiClient http://localhost:9232/_/tenant 14:27:58 INFO ProxyService syscall return POST http://localhost:9232/_/tenant 14:27:58 INFO ProxyService syscall begin POST http://localhost:9234/_/tenant 14:27:58 INFO OkapiClient 261193/proxy;113543/tenant REQ okapiClient roskilde POST http://localhost:9234/_/tenant 14:27:58 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module null seq1 0 14:27:58 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant roskilde 14:27:58 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:27:58 INFO MainVerticle POST /_/tenant to okapi-est-module for tenant roskilde 14:27:58 WARN ProxyContext 261193/proxy WAIT supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/upgrade 14:27:58 INFO MainVerticle module_from=sample-module-1.2.0 module_to=sample-module-2.0.0 14:27:58 INFO OkapiClient 261193/proxy;113543/tenant RES 200 103613us okapiClient http://localhost:9234/_/tenant 14:27:58 INFO ProxyService syscall return POST http://localhost:9234/_/tenant 14:27:58 INFO TenantManager autoUndeploy mdF basic-module-1.0.0-alpha 14:27:58 INFO DiscoveryManager autoUndeploy basic-module-1.0.0-alpha 14:27:58 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy srvcId=basic-module-1.0.0-alpha instId=9f5c497f-7fb2-4386-8e30-e52ab5949985 node=localhost 14:27:58 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy calling.. 14:27:58 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module null seq1 0 14:27:58 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant roskilde 14:27:58 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:27:58 INFO DeploymentManager undeploy instId 9f5c497f-7fb2-4386-8e30-e52ab5949985 14:27:58 INFO TenantManager autoUndeploy mdF sample-module-1.2.0 14:27:58 INFO DiscoveryManager autoUndeploy sample-module-1.2.0 14:27:58 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy srvcId=sample-module-1.2.0 instId=f9a2f167-5ec5-4143-9e38-c794d90920a3 node=localhost 14:27:58 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy calling.. 14:27:58 INFO DeploymentManager undeploy instId f9a2f167-5ec5-4143-9e38-c794d90920a3 14:27:58 INFO InternalModule installUpgradeModules returns: [ { "id" : "basic-module-2.0.0", "from" : "basic-module-1.0.0-alpha", "action" : "enable" }, { "id" : "sample-module-2.0.0", "from" : "sample-module-1.2.0", "action" : "enable" } ] 14:27:58 INFO ProxyContext 261193/proxy RES 200 2351798us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/upgrade?simulate=false&deploy=true 14:27:58 INFO ProxyContext 993470/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install okapi-0.0.0 14:27:58 INFO TenantManager mod available: basic-module-1.0.0-alpha 14:27:58 INFO TenantManager mod available: basic-module-2.0.0 14:27:58 INFO TenantManager mod enabled: basic-module-2.0.0 14:27:58 INFO TenantManager mod available: mod-bad-tenant-version-1.0.0 14:27:58 INFO TenantManager mod available: okapi-0.0.0 14:27:58 INFO TenantManager mod available: sample-module-1.0.0 14:27:58 INFO TenantManager mod available: sample-module-1.2.0 14:27:58 INFO TenantManager mod available: sample-module-1.3.0 14:27:58 INFO TenantManager mod available: sample-module-2.0.0 14:27:58 INFO TenantManager mod enabled: sample-module-2.0.0 14:27:58 INFO ProxyContext 993470/proxy RES 400 1628us okapi Module sample-module-1.2.0 not found 14:27:58 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=Module sample-module-1.2.0 not found 14:27:58 INFO ProxyContext 736897/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install okapi-0.0.0 14:27:58 INFO TenantManager mod available: basic-module-1.0.0-alpha 14:27:58 INFO TenantManager mod available: basic-module-2.0.0 14:27:58 INFO TenantManager mod enabled: basic-module-2.0.0 14:27:58 INFO TenantManager mod available: mod-bad-tenant-version-1.0.0 14:27:58 INFO TenantManager mod available: okapi-0.0.0 14:27:58 INFO TenantManager mod available: sample-module-1.0.0 14:27:58 INFO TenantManager mod available: sample-module-1.2.0 14:27:58 INFO TenantManager mod available: sample-module-1.3.0 14:27:58 INFO TenantManager mod available: sample-module-2.0.0 14:27:58 INFO TenantManager mod enabled: sample-module-2.0.0 14:27:58 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 0 tml.size 1 14:27:58 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id sample-module-2.0.0 action disable 14:27:58 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: return tm for action disable 14:27:58 INFO DepResolution removeModuleDependencies sample-module-2.0.0 14:27:58 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id sample-module-2.0.0 14:27:58 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 1 tml.size 1 14:27:58 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id sample-module-2.0.0 action disable 14:27:58 INFO DepResolution getNextTM done null 14:27:58 INFO DepResolution installModules.returning OK 14:27:58 INFO InternalModule installUpgradeModules returns: [ { "id" : "sample-module-2.0.0", "action" : "disable" } ] 14:27:58 INFO ProxyContext 736897/proxy RES 200 2359us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install?simulate=true 14:27:58 INFO ProxyContext 396770/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install okapi-0.0.0 14:27:58 INFO TenantManager mod available: basic-module-1.0.0-alpha 14:27:58 INFO TenantManager mod available: basic-module-2.0.0 14:27:58 INFO TenantManager mod enabled: basic-module-2.0.0 14:27:58 INFO TenantManager mod available: mod-bad-tenant-version-1.0.0 14:27:58 INFO TenantManager mod available: okapi-0.0.0 14:27:58 INFO TenantManager mod available: sample-module-1.0.0 14:27:58 INFO TenantManager mod available: sample-module-1.2.0 14:27:58 INFO TenantManager mod available: sample-module-1.3.0 14:27:58 INFO TenantManager mod available: sample-module-2.0.0 14:27:58 INFO TenantManager mod enabled: sample-module-2.0.0 14:27:58 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 0 tml.size 1 14:27:58 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id sample-module-2.0.0 action disable 14:27:58 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: return tm for action disable 14:27:58 INFO DepResolution removeModuleDependencies sample-module-2.0.0 14:27:58 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id sample-module-2.0.0 14:27:58 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 1 tml.size 1 14:27:58 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id sample-module-2.0.0 action disable 14:27:58 INFO DepResolution getNextTM done null 14:27:58 INFO DepResolution installModules.returning OK 14:27:58 INFO InternalModule installUpgradeModules returns: [ { "id" : "sample-module-2.0.0", "action" : "disable" } ] 14:27:58 INFO ProxyContext 396770/proxy RES 200 2397us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install?simulate=true 14:27:58 INFO ProxyContext 098214/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install okapi-0.0.0 14:27:58 INFO TenantManager mod available: basic-module-1.0.0-alpha 14:27:58 INFO TenantManager mod available: basic-module-2.0.0 14:27:58 INFO TenantManager mod enabled: basic-module-2.0.0 14:27:58 INFO TenantManager mod available: mod-bad-tenant-version-1.0.0 14:27:58 INFO TenantManager mod available: okapi-0.0.0 14:27:58 INFO TenantManager mod available: sample-module-1.0.0 14:27:58 INFO TenantManager mod available: sample-module-1.2.0 14:27:58 INFO TenantManager mod available: sample-module-1.3.0 14:27:58 INFO TenantManager mod available: sample-module-2.0.0 14:27:58 INFO TenantManager mod enabled: sample-module-2.0.0 14:27:58 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 0 tml.size 1 14:27:58 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id basic-module-2.0.0 action disable 14:27:58 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: return tm for action disable 14:27:58 INFO DepResolution removeModuleDependencies basic-module-2.0.0 14:27:58 INFO DepResolution removeModuleDependencies sample-module-2.0.0 14:27:58 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id sample-module-2.0.0 14:27:58 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id basic-module-2.0.0 14:27:58 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 1 tml.size 2 14:27:58 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id sample-module-2.0.0 action disable 14:27:58 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id basic-module-2.0.0 action disable 14:27:58 INFO DepResolution getNextTM done null 14:27:58 INFO DepResolution installModules.returning OK 14:27:58 INFO InternalModule installUpgradeModules returns: [ { "id" : "sample-module-2.0.0", "action" : "disable" }, { "id" : "basic-module-2.0.0", "action" : "disable" } ] 14:27:58 INFO ProxyContext 098214/proxy RES 200 2629us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install?simulate=true&purge=false 14:27:58 INFO ProxyContext 591182/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install okapi-0.0.0 14:27:58 INFO TenantManager mod available: basic-module-1.0.0-alpha 14:27:58 INFO TenantManager mod available: basic-module-2.0.0 14:27:58 INFO TenantManager mod enabled: basic-module-2.0.0 14:27:58 INFO TenantManager mod available: mod-bad-tenant-version-1.0.0 14:27:58 INFO TenantManager mod available: okapi-0.0.0 14:27:58 INFO TenantManager mod available: sample-module-1.0.0 14:27:58 INFO TenantManager mod available: sample-module-1.2.0 14:27:58 INFO TenantManager mod available: sample-module-1.3.0 14:27:58 INFO TenantManager mod available: sample-module-2.0.0 14:27:58 INFO TenantManager mod enabled: sample-module-2.0.0 14:27:58 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 0 tml.size 1 14:27:58 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id basic-module-2.0.0 action disable 14:27:58 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: return tm for action disable 14:27:58 INFO DepResolution removeModuleDependencies basic-module-2.0.0 14:27:58 INFO DepResolution removeModuleDependencies sample-module-2.0.0 14:27:58 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id sample-module-2.0.0 14:27:58 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id basic-module-2.0.0 14:27:58 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 1 tml.size 2 14:27:58 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id sample-module-2.0.0 action disable 14:27:58 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id basic-module-2.0.0 action disable 14:27:58 INFO DepResolution getNextTM done null 14:27:58 INFO DepResolution installModules.returning OK 14:27:58 INFO ProxyService syscall begin DELETE http://localhost:9234/_/tenant 14:27:58 INFO OkapiClient 591182/proxy;652942/tenant REQ okapiClient roskilde DELETE http://localhost:9234/_/tenant 14:27:58 INFO MainVerticle DELETE /_/tenant to okapi-est-module for tenant roskilde 14:27:58 INFO OkapiClient 591182/proxy;652942/tenant RES 204 2758us okapiClient http://localhost:9234/_/tenant 14:27:58 INFO ProxyService syscall return DELETE http://localhost:9234/_/tenant 14:27:58 INFO ProxyService syscall begin DELETE http://localhost:9232/_/tenant 14:27:58 INFO OkapiClient 591182/proxy;790220/tenant REQ okapiClient roskilde DELETE http://localhost:9232/_/tenant 14:27:58 INFO MainVerticle DELETE /_/tenant to okapi-est-module for tenant roskilde 14:27:58 INFO OkapiClient 591182/proxy;790220/tenant RES 204 2812us okapiClient http://localhost:9232/_/tenant 14:27:58 INFO ProxyService syscall return DELETE http://localhost:9232/_/tenant 14:27:58 INFO TenantManager autoUndeploy mdF sample-module-2.0.0 14:27:58 INFO DiscoveryManager autoUndeploy sample-module-2.0.0 14:27:58 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy srvcId=sample-module-2.0.0 instId=4dc88d49-b9d2-45df-bb0d-70da15ecab32 node=localhost 14:27:58 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy calling.. 14:27:58 INFO DeploymentManager undeploy instId 4dc88d49-b9d2-45df-bb0d-70da15ecab32 14:27:59 INFO TenantManager autoUndeploy mdF basic-module-2.0.0 14:27:59 INFO DiscoveryManager autoUndeploy basic-module-2.0.0 14:27:59 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy srvcId=basic-module-2.0.0 instId=14714905-2399-4978-a831-9f9e6b523be4 node=localhost 14:27:59 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy calling.. 14:27:59 INFO DeploymentManager undeploy instId 14714905-2399-4978-a831-9f9e6b523be4 14:27:59 INFO InternalModule installUpgradeModules returns: [ { "id" : "sample-module-2.0.0", "action" : "disable" }, { "id" : "basic-module-2.0.0", "action" : "disable" } ] 14:27:59 INFO ProxyContext 591182/proxy RES 200 137899us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install?deploy=true&purge=true 14:27:59 INFO ProxyContext 763725/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:27:59 INFO ProxyContext 763725/discovery RES 200 165us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:27:59 INFO ProxyContext 270168/discovery REQ supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:27:59 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { "srvcId" : "sample-module-1.0.0", "nodeId" : "localhost" } 14:27:59 INFO DeploymentManager deploy instId 28e621df-e8a9-4e20-8a40-470d64d521f9 Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dmaven.ext.class.path="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554/pipeline-maven-spy.jar" -Dorg.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.maven.reportsFolder="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554" 14:27:59 WARN ProxyContext 270168/discovery WAIT supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules 14:27:59 WARN ProxyContext 270168/discovery WAIT supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules 14:27:59 WARN ProxyContext 270168/discovery WAIT supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules 14:27:59 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module okapi-test-module 2.39.0 started 14:27:59 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:27:59 INFO MainVerticle Starting okapi-test-module 9312@2dcd032ebaca on port 9231 14:27:59 WARN ProxyContext 270168/discovery WAIT supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules 14:27:59 INFO ? Succeeded in deploying verticle 14:28:00 WARN ProxyContext 270168/discovery WAIT supertenant POST /_/discovery/modules 14:28:00 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9231 count 0 14:28:00 INFO TcpPortWaiting Connected to service at host localhost port 9231 count 0 14:28:00 INFO ProxyContext 270168/discovery RES 201 1005235us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:28:00 INFO ProxyContext 085604/discovery REQ supertenant DELETE /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:28:00 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy all 14:28:00 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy sample-module-1.0.0 28e621df-e8a9-4e20-8a40-470d64d521f9 14:28:00 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy srvcId=sample-module-1.0.0 instId=28e621df-e8a9-4e20-8a40-470d64d521f9 node=localhost 14:28:00 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy calling.. 14:28:00 INFO DeploymentManager undeploy instId 28e621df-e8a9-4e20-8a40-470d64d521f9 14:28:00 INFO ProxyContext 085604/discovery RES 204 81976us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:28:00 INFO ProxyContext 703381/discovery REQ supertenant DELETE /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:28:00 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy all 14:28:00 INFO ProxyContext 703381/discovery RES 204 254us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:28:00 WARN oduleVersionReporter META-INF/maven/org.folio.okapi/okapi-core/ not found 14:28:00 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module null null started 14:28:00 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:28:00 INFO MainVerticle clusterManager not in use 14:28:00 INFO MainVerticle Proxy using inmemory storage 14:28:00 INFO InternalModule InternalModule starting okapiversion=null 14:28:00 INFO Storage prepareDatabases: NORMAL 14:28:00 INFO MainVerticle startModmanager 14:28:00 INFO MainVerticle startTenants 14:28:00 INFO MainVerticle checkInternalModules 14:28:00 INFO MainVerticle Creating the superTenant supertenant 14:28:00 INFO MainVerticle starting env 14:28:00 INFO MainVerticle Starting discovery 14:28:00 INFO MainVerticle Starting deployment 14:28:00 INFO MainVerticle API Gateway started PID 1909@2dcd032ebaca. Listening on port 9230 14:28:00 INFO MainVerticle Deploy completed succesfully 14:28:00 INFO TenantManager starting supertenant 14:28:00 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant supertenant module null seq1 0 14:28:00 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant supertenant 14:28:00 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:28:00 INFO ProxyContext 181047/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:28:00 INFO ProxyContext 181047/proxy RES 201 567us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:28:00 INFO ProxyContext 792195/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:28:00 INFO ProxyContext 792195/proxy RES 201 610us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:28:00 INFO ProxyContext 979819/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:28:00 INFO ProxyContext 979819/proxy RES 201 574us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:28:00 INFO ProxyContext 803553/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:28:00 INFO ProxyContext 803553/proxy RES 200 455us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules?provide=myint&scope=scopeA 14:28:00 INFO ProxyContext 766114/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:28:00 INFO ProxyContext 766114/proxy RES 200 378us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules?provide=myint&scope=scopeX 14:28:00 INFO ProxyContext 090039/proxy REQ supertenant GET /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:28:00 INFO ProxyContext 090039/proxy RES 200 590us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules?provide=myint&scope=scopeB 14:28:00 INFO ProxyContext 891649/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants okapi-0.0.0 14:28:00 INFO ProxyContext 891649/proxy RES 201 227us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants 14:28:00 INFO ProxyContext 798141/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install okapi-0.0.0 14:28:00 INFO TenantManager mod available: basic-mul1-1.0.0 14:28:00 INFO TenantManager mod available: basic-mul2-1.0.0 14:28:00 INFO TenantManager mod available: basic-mux-1.0.0 14:28:00 INFO TenantManager mod available: okapi-0.0.0 14:28:00 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 0 tml.size 3 14:28:00 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id basic-mux-1.0.0 action enable 14:28:00 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:28:00 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies basic-mux-1.0.0 14:28:00 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id basic-mux-1.0.0 14:28:00 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 1 tml.size 3 14:28:00 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id basic-mul1-1.0.0 action enable 14:28:00 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:28:00 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies basic-mul1-1.0.0 14:28:00 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id basic-mul1-1.0.0 14:28:00 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 2 tml.size 3 14:28:00 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id basic-mul2-1.0.0 action enable 14:28:00 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:28:00 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies basic-mul2-1.0.0 14:28:00 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id basic-mul2-1.0.0 14:28:00 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 3 tml.size 3 14:28:00 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id basic-mux-1.0.0 action enable 14:28:00 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id basic-mul1-1.0.0 action enable 14:28:00 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id basic-mul2-1.0.0 action enable 14:28:00 INFO DepResolution getNextTM done null 14:28:00 INFO DepResolution installModules.returning OK 14:28:00 INFO InternalModule installUpgradeModules returns: [ { "id" : "basic-mux-1.0.0", "action" : "enable" }, { "id" : "basic-mul1-1.0.0", "action" : "enable" }, { "id" : "basic-mul2-1.0.0", "action" : "enable" } ] 14:28:00 INFO ProxyContext 798141/proxy RES 200 3153us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install?simulate=true 14:28:00 INFO ProxyContext 524253/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install okapi-0.0.0 14:28:00 INFO TenantManager mod available: basic-mul1-1.0.0 14:28:00 INFO TenantManager mod available: basic-mul2-1.0.0 14:28:00 INFO TenantManager mod available: basic-mux-1.0.0 14:28:00 INFO TenantManager mod available: okapi-0.0.0 14:28:00 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 0 tml.size 3 14:28:00 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id basic-mul1-1.0.0 action enable 14:28:00 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:28:00 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies basic-mul1-1.0.0 14:28:00 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id basic-mul1-1.0.0 14:28:00 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 1 tml.size 3 14:28:00 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id basic-mul2-1.0.0 action enable 14:28:00 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:28:00 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies basic-mul2-1.0.0 14:28:00 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id basic-mul2-1.0.0 14:28:00 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 2 tml.size 3 14:28:00 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id basic-mux-1.0.0 action enable 14:28:00 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:28:00 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies basic-mux-1.0.0 14:28:00 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id basic-mux-1.0.0 14:28:00 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 3 tml.size 3 14:28:00 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id basic-mul1-1.0.0 action enable 14:28:00 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id basic-mul2-1.0.0 action enable 14:28:00 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id basic-mux-1.0.0 action enable 14:28:00 INFO DepResolution getNextTM done null 14:28:00 INFO DepResolution installModules.returning OK 14:28:00 INFO InternalModule installUpgradeModules returns: [ { "id" : "basic-mul1-1.0.0", "action" : "enable" }, { "id" : "basic-mul2-1.0.0", "action" : "enable" }, { "id" : "basic-mux-1.0.0", "action" : "enable" } ] 14:28:00 INFO ProxyContext 524253/proxy RES 200 4362us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install?simulate=true 14:28:00 INFO ProxyContext 619223/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:28:00 INFO ProxyContext 619223/discovery RES 200 173us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:28:00 INFO ProxyContext 982921/discovery REQ supertenant DELETE /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:28:00 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy all 14:28:00 INFO ProxyContext 982921/discovery RES 204 204us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:28:00 WARN oduleVersionReporter META-INF/maven/org.folio.okapi/okapi-core/ not found 14:28:00 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module null null started 14:28:00 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:28:00 INFO MainVerticle clusterManager not in use 14:28:00 INFO MainVerticle Proxy using inmemory storage 14:28:00 INFO InternalModule InternalModule starting okapiversion=null 14:28:00 INFO Storage prepareDatabases: NORMAL 14:28:00 INFO MainVerticle startModmanager 14:28:00 INFO MainVerticle startTenants 14:28:00 INFO MainVerticle checkInternalModules 14:28:00 INFO MainVerticle Creating the superTenant supertenant 14:28:00 INFO MainVerticle starting env 14:28:00 INFO MainVerticle Starting discovery 14:28:00 INFO MainVerticle Starting deployment 14:28:00 INFO MainVerticle API Gateway started PID 1909@2dcd032ebaca. Listening on port 9230 14:28:00 INFO MainVerticle Deploy completed succesfully 14:28:00 INFO TenantManager starting supertenant 14:28:00 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant supertenant module null seq1 0 14:28:00 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant supertenant 14:28:00 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:28:00 INFO ProxyContext 187080/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants okapi-0.0.0 14:28:00 INFO ProxyContext 187080/proxy RES 201 263us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants 14:28:00 INFO ProxyContext 012309/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:28:00 INFO ProxyContext 012309/proxy RES 201 481us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:28:00 INFO ProxyContext 108179/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install okapi-0.0.0 14:28:00 INFO TenantManager mod available: basic-1.0.0 14:28:00 INFO TenantManager mod available: okapi-0.0.0 14:28:00 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 0 tml.size 1 14:28:00 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id basic-1.0.0 action enable 14:28:00 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:28:00 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies basic-1.0.0 14:28:00 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id basic-1.0.0 14:28:00 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 1 tml.size 1 14:28:00 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id basic-1.0.0 action enable 14:28:00 INFO DepResolution getNextTM done null 14:28:00 INFO DepResolution installModules.returning OK 14:28:00 INFO InternalModule installUpgradeModules returns: [ { "id" : "basic-1.0.0", "action" : "enable" } ] 14:28:00 INFO ProxyContext 108179/proxy RES 200 3339us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install 14:28:00 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module null seq1 0 14:28:00 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant roskilde 14:28:00 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:28:00 INFO ProxyContext 052182/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:28:00 INFO ProxyContext 052182/proxy RES 201 629us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:28:00 INFO ProxyContext 278343/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/upgrade okapi-0.0.0 14:28:00 INFO TenantManager mod available: basic-1.0.0 14:28:00 INFO TenantManager mod enabled: basic-1.0.0 14:28:00 INFO TenantManager mod available: basic-1.0.1 14:28:00 INFO TenantManager mod available: okapi-0.0.0 14:28:00 INFO TenantManager upgrade.. enable basic-1.0.1 14:28:00 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 0 tml.size 1 14:28:00 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id basic-1.0.1 action enable 14:28:00 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:28:00 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies basic-1.0.1 14:28:00 INFO DepResolution resolveModuleConflicts from basic-1.0.0 14:28:00 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id basic-1.0.1 14:28:00 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 1 tml.size 1 14:28:00 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id basic-1.0.1 action enable 14:28:00 INFO DepResolution getNextTM done null 14:28:00 INFO DepResolution installModules.returning OK 14:28:00 INFO InternalModule installUpgradeModules returns: [ { "id" : "basic-1.0.1", "from" : "basic-1.0.0", "action" : "enable" } ] 14:28:00 INFO ProxyContext 278343/proxy RES 200 3763us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/upgrade?simulate=true 14:28:00 INFO ProxyContext 170151/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install okapi-0.0.0 14:28:00 INFO TenantManager mod available: basic-1.0.0 14:28:00 INFO TenantManager mod enabled: basic-1.0.0 14:28:00 INFO TenantManager mod available: basic-1.0.1 14:28:00 INFO TenantManager mod available: okapi-0.0.0 14:28:00 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 0 tml.size 0 14:28:00 INFO DepResolution getNextTM done null 14:28:00 INFO DepResolution installModules.returning OK 14:28:00 INFO InternalModule installUpgradeModules returns: [ ] 14:28:00 INFO ProxyContext 170151/proxy RES 200 1696us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install?simulate=true 14:28:00 INFO ProxyContext 411687/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install okapi-0.0.0 14:28:00 INFO TenantManager mod available: basic-1.0.0 14:28:00 INFO TenantManager mod enabled: basic-1.0.0 14:28:00 INFO TenantManager mod available: basic-1.0.1 14:28:00 INFO TenantManager mod available: okapi-0.0.0 14:28:00 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 0 tml.size 1 14:28:00 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id basic-1.0.1 action enable 14:28:00 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:28:00 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies basic-1.0.1 14:28:00 INFO DepResolution resolveModuleConflicts from basic-1.0.0 14:28:00 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id basic-1.0.1 14:28:00 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 1 tml.size 1 14:28:00 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id basic-1.0.1 action enable 14:28:00 INFO DepResolution getNextTM done null 14:28:00 INFO DepResolution installModules.returning OK 14:28:00 INFO InternalModule installUpgradeModules returns: [ { "id" : "basic-1.0.1", "from" : "basic-1.0.0", "action" : "enable" } ] 14:28:00 INFO ProxyContext 411687/proxy RES 200 2896us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install?simulate=true 14:28:00 INFO ProxyContext 306152/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:28:00 INFO ProxyContext 306152/discovery RES 200 188us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:28:00 INFO ProxyContext 817734/discovery REQ supertenant DELETE /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:28:00 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy all 14:28:00 INFO ProxyContext 817734/discovery RES 204 279us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:28:00 WARN oduleVersionReporter META-INF/maven/org.folio.okapi/okapi-core/ not found 14:28:00 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module null null started 14:28:00 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:28:00 INFO MainVerticle clusterManager not in use 14:28:00 INFO MainVerticle Proxy using inmemory storage 14:28:00 INFO InternalModule InternalModule starting okapiversion=null 14:28:00 INFO Storage prepareDatabases: NORMAL 14:28:00 INFO MainVerticle startModmanager 14:28:00 INFO MainVerticle startTenants 14:28:00 INFO MainVerticle checkInternalModules 14:28:00 INFO MainVerticle Creating the superTenant supertenant 14:28:00 INFO MainVerticle starting env 14:28:00 INFO MainVerticle Starting discovery 14:28:00 INFO MainVerticle Starting deployment 14:28:00 INFO MainVerticle API Gateway started PID 1909@2dcd032ebaca. Listening on port 9230 14:28:00 INFO MainVerticle Deploy completed succesfully 14:28:00 INFO TenantManager starting supertenant 14:28:00 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant supertenant module null seq1 0 14:28:00 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant supertenant 14:28:00 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:28:00 INFO ProxyContext 377957/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants okapi-0.0.0 14:28:00 INFO ProxyContext 377957/proxy RES 201 290us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants 14:28:00 INFO ProxyContext 558761/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:28:00 WARN ProxyContext 558761/proxy Module 'sample-module-1.0.0' handlers uses type=request-response. That is the default, you can leave it out 14:28:00 INFO ProxyContext 558761/proxy RES 201 668us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules 14:28:00 INFO ProxyContext 714521/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install okapi-0.0.0 14:28:00 INFO TenantManager mod available: okapi-0.0.0 14:28:00 INFO TenantManager mod available: sample-module-1.0.0 14:28:00 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 0 tml.size 1 14:28:00 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id sample-module-1.0.0 action enable 14:28:00 INFO DepResolution getNextMT: return tm for action enable 14:28:00 INFO DepResolution addModuleDependencies sample-module-1.0.0 14:28:00 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id sample-module-1.0.0 14:28:00 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 1 tml.size 1 14:28:00 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id sample-module-1.0.0 action enable 14:28:00 INFO DepResolution getNextTM done null 14:28:00 INFO DepResolution installModules.returning OK 14:28:00 INFO DiscoveryManager autoDeploy sample-module-1.0.0 14:28:00 INFO DiscoveryManager autoDeploy sample-module-1.0.0 consider localhost 14:28:00 INFO DiscoveryManager autoDeploy sample-module-1.0.0 must deploy on node localhost 14:28:00 INFO DiscoveryManager addAndDeploy: { "srvcId" : "sample-module-1.0.0", "nodeId" : "localhost", "descriptor" : { "exec" : "java -Dport=%p -jar ../okapi-test-module/target/okapi-test-module-fat.jar" } } 14:28:00 INFO DeploymentManager deploy instId 0eaaf394-0f2a-4ea3-ad80-ae6f75ecb883 Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dmaven.ext.class.path="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554/pipeline-maven-spy.jar" -Dorg.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.maven.reportsFolder="/home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554" 14:28:00 WARN ProxyContext 714521/proxy WAIT supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install 14:28:00 WARN ProxyContext 714521/proxy WAIT supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install 14:28:01 WARN ProxyContext 714521/proxy WAIT supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install 14:28:01 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module okapi-test-module 2.39.0 started 14:28:01 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:28:01 INFO MainVerticle Starting okapi-test-module 9431@2dcd032ebaca on port 9231 14:28:01 INFO ? Succeeded in deploying verticle 14:28:01 WARN ProxyContext 714521/proxy WAIT supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install 14:28:01 WARN ProxyContext 714521/proxy WAIT supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install 14:28:01 INFO TcpPortWaiting tryConnect() host localhost port 9231 count 0 14:28:01 INFO TcpPortWaiting Connected to service at host localhost port 9231 count 0 14:28:01 INFO InternalModule installUpgradeModules returns: [ { "id" : "sample-module-1.0.0", "action" : "enable" } ] 14:28:01 INFO ProxyContext 714521/proxy RES 200 1006987us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install?deploy=true 14:28:01 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant roskilde module null seq1 0 14:28:01 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant roskilde 14:28:01 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:28:01 INFO ProxyContext 426505/testb REQ roskilde GET /testb sample-module-1.0.0 14:28:01 WARN ProxyContext 426505/testb WAIT roskilde GET /testb 14:28:01 WARN ProxyContext 426505/testb WAIT roskilde GET /testb 14:28:02 WARN ProxyContext 426505/testb WAIT roskilde GET /testb 14:28:02 INFO ProxyContext 426505/testb RES 200 679598us sample-module-1.0.0 http://localhost:9231/testb?deploy=true 14:28:02 INFO ProxyContext 729450/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install okapi-0.0.0 14:28:02 INFO TenantManager mod available: okapi-0.0.0 14:28:02 INFO TenantManager mod available: sample-module-1.0.0 14:28:02 INFO TenantManager mod enabled: sample-module-1.0.0 14:28:02 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 0 tml.size 1 14:28:02 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id sample-module-1.0.0 action disable 14:28:02 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: return tm for action disable 14:28:02 INFO DepResolution removeModuleDependencies sample-module-1.0.0 14:28:02 INFO DepResolution addOrReplace id sample-module-1.0.0 14:28:02 INFO DepResolution outer loop i 1 tml.size 1 14:28:02 INFO DepResolution getNextTM: loop id sample-module-1.0.0 action disable 14:28:02 INFO DepResolution getNextTM done null 14:28:02 INFO DepResolution installModules.returning OK 14:28:02 INFO TenantManager autoUndeploy mdF sample-module-1.0.0 14:28:02 INFO DiscoveryManager autoUndeploy sample-module-1.0.0 14:28:02 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy srvcId=sample-module-1.0.0 instId=0eaaf394-0f2a-4ea3-ad80-ae6f75ecb883 node=localhost 14:28:02 INFO DiscoveryManager callUndeploy calling.. 14:28:02 INFO DeploymentManager undeploy instId 0eaaf394-0f2a-4ea3-ad80-ae6f75ecb883 14:28:02 INFO InternalModule installUpgradeModules returns: [ { "id" : "sample-module-1.0.0", "action" : "disable" } ] 14:28:02 INFO ProxyContext 729450/proxy RES 200 51932us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/tenants/roskilde/install?deploy=true 14:28:02 INFO ProxyContext 432424/discovery REQ supertenant GET /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:28:02 INFO ProxyContext 432424/discovery RES 200 146us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:28:02 INFO ProxyContext 962183/discovery REQ supertenant DELETE /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:28:02 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy all 14:28:02 INFO ProxyContext 962183/discovery RES 204 238us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules 14:28:02 WARN oduleVersionReporter META-INF/maven/org.folio.okapi/okapi-core/ not found 14:28:02 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module null null started 14:28:02 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: e2658faca269be3337143003a677f667255ddc13 14:28:02 INFO MainVerticle clusterManager not in use 14:28:02 INFO MainVerticle Proxy using inmemory storage 14:28:02 INFO InternalModule InternalModule starting okapiversion=null 14:28:02 INFO Storage prepareDatabases: NORMAL 14:28:02 INFO MainVerticle startModmanager 14:28:02 INFO MainVerticle startTenants 14:28:02 INFO MainVerticle checkInternalModules 14:28:02 INFO MainVerticle Creating the superTenant supertenant 14:28:02 INFO MainVerticle starting env 14:28:02 INFO MainVerticle Starting discovery 14:28:02 INFO MainVerticle Starting deployment 14:28:02 INFO MainVerticle API Gateway started PID 1909@2dcd032ebaca. Listening on port 9230 14:28:02 INFO MainVerticle Deploy completed succesfully 14:28:02 INFO TenantManager starting supertenant 14:28:02 INFO TenantManager handleTimer tenant supertenant module null seq1 0 14:28:02 INFO TenantManager remove timer for module null for tenant supertenant 14:28:02 INFO TenantManager handleTimer done no 0 14:28:02 INFO ProxyContext 911415/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:28:02 INFO ProxyContext 911415/proxy RES 400 508us okapi Missing dependency: basic-module-1.0.0-alpha requires unknown1: 1.0. Missing dependency: basic-module-1.0.0-alpha requires unknown2: 2.0 14:28:02 ERROR HttpResponse HTTP response code=400 msg=Missing dependency: basic-module-1.0.0-alpha requires unknown1: 1.0. Missing dependency: basic-module-1.0.0-alpha requires unknown2: 2.0 14:28:02 INFO ProxyContext 407317/proxy REQ supertenant POST /_/proxy/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:28:02 INFO ProxyContext 407317/proxy RES 201 689us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules?check=false 14:28:02 INFO ProxyContext 382744/proxy REQ supertenant DELETE /_/proxy/modules/basic-module-1.0.0-alpha okapi-0.0.0 14:28:02 INFO ProxyContext 382744/proxy RES 204 483us okapi-0.0.0 /_/proxy/modules/basic-module-1.0.0-alpha 14:28:02 INFO ProxyContext 577835/discovery REQ supertenant DELETE /_/discovery/modules okapi-0.0.0 14:28:02 INFO DiscoveryManager removeAndUndeploy all 14:28:02 INFO ProxyContext 577835/discovery RES 204 230us okapi-0.0.0 /_/discovery/modules Tests run: 10, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 11.942 sec - in org.folio.okapi.ModuleTenantsTest Running raml.RamlTest Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.188 sec - in raml.RamlTest 14:28:02 INFO DeploymentManager fast shutdown 14:28:02 INFO DeploymentManager fast shutdown 14:28:02 INFO DeploymentManager fast shutdown 14:28:02 INFO DeploymentManager fast shutdown 14:28:02 INFO DeploymentManager fast shutdown 14:28:02 INFO DeploymentManager fast shutdown 14:28:02 INFO DeploymentManager fast shutdown 14:28:02 INFO DeploymentManager fast shutdown 14:28:02 INFO DeploymentManager fast shutdown 14:28:02 INFO DeploymentManager fast shutdown 14:28:02 INFO DeploymentManager fast shutdown 14:28:02 INFO DeploymentManager fast shutdown 14:28:02 INFO DeploymentManager fast shutdown 14:28:02 INFO DeploymentManager fast shutdown 14:28:02 INFO DeploymentManager fast shutdown 14:28:02 INFO DeploymentManager fast shutdown 14:28:02 INFO DeploymentManager fast shutdown 14:28:02 INFO DeploymentManager fast shutdown 14:28:02 INFO DeploymentManager fast shutdown 14:28:02 INFO DeploymentManager fast shutdown 14:28:02 INFO DeploymentManager fast shutdown 14:28:02 INFO DeploymentManager fast shutdown 14:28:02 INFO DeploymentManager fast shutdown 14:28:02 INFO DeploymentManager fast shutdown 14:28:02 INFO DeploymentManager fast shutdown 14:28:02 INFO DeploymentManager fast shutdown 14:28:02 INFO DeploymentManager fast shutdown 14:28:02 INFO DeploymentManager fast shutdown 14:28:02 INFO DeploymentManager fast shutdown 14:28:02 INFO DeploymentManager fast shutdown 14:28:02 INFO DeploymentManager fast shutdown 14:28:02 INFO DeploymentManager fast shutdown 14:28:02 INFO DeploymentManager fast shutdown 14:28:02 INFO DeploymentManager fast shutdown 14:28:02 INFO DeploymentManager fast shutdown Results : Tests in error: ModuleTest.testInitdatabase:2702 » Timeout Timed out Tests run: 197, Failures: 0, Errors: 1, Skipped: 1 [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Reactor Summary: [INFO] [INFO] okapi .............................................. SUCCESS [ 4.234 s] [INFO] okapi-common ....................................... SUCCESS [ 8.384 s] [INFO] okapi-test-module .................................. SUCCESS [ 3.908 s] [INFO] okapi-test-auth-module ............................. SUCCESS [ 4.263 s] [INFO] okapi-test-header-module ........................... SUCCESS [ 3.211 s] [INFO] okapi-core ......................................... FAILURE [03:40 min] [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] BUILD FAILURE [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Total time: 04:05 min [INFO] Finished at: 2020-04-16T14:28:03+00:00 [INFO] Final Memory: 75M/916M [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] [jenkins-event-spy] Generated /home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0@tmp/withMaven697b7554/maven-spy-20200416-142357-643052553064061345208.log [ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-plugin:2.17:test (default-test) on project okapi-core: There are test failures. [ERROR] [ERROR] Please refer to /home/jenkins/workspace/folio-org_okapi_v2.39.0/okapi-core/target/surefire-reports for the individual test results. [ERROR] -> [Help 1] [ERROR] [ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch. [ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging. [ERROR] [ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please read the following articles: [ERROR] [Help 1] [ERROR] [ERROR] After correcting the problems, you can resume the build with the command [ERROR] mvn -rf :okapi-core [Pipeline] } [withMaven] artifactsPublisher - Archive artifact pom.xml under org/folio/okapi/okapi/2.39.0/okapi-2.39.0.pom [withMaven] artifactsPublisher - Archive artifact okapi-common/pom.xml under org/folio/okapi/okapi-common/2.39.0/okapi-common-2.39.0.pom [withMaven] Jenkins Task Scanner Plugin not found, don't display results of source code scanning for 'TODO' and 'FIXME' in pipeline screen. [withMaven] Publishers: Generated Artifacts Publisher: 37 ms, Open Task Scanner Publisher: 1 ms [withMaven] artifactsPublisher - Archive artifact pom.xml under org/folio/okapi/okapi/2.39.0/okapi-2.39.0.pom [withMaven] artifactsPublisher - Archive artifact okapi-common/pom.xml under org/folio/okapi/okapi-common/2.39.0/okapi-common-2.39.0.pom [withMaven] artifactsPublisher - Archive artifact okapi-common/target/okapi-common-2.39.0.jar under org/folio/okapi/okapi-common/2.39.0/okapi-common-2.39.0.jar [withMaven] artifactsPublisher - Archive artifact okapi-test-module/pom.xml under org/folio/okapi/okapi-test-module/2.39.0/okapi-test-module-2.39.0.pom [withMaven] artifactsPublisher - Archive artifact okapi-test-module/target/okapi-test-module-2.39.0.jar under org/folio/okapi/okapi-test-module/2.39.0/okapi-test-module-2.39.0.jar [withMaven] artifactsPublisher - Archive artifact okapi-test-auth-module/pom.xml under org/folio/okapi/okapi-test-auth-module/2.39.0/okapi-test-auth-module-2.39.0.pom [withMaven] artifactsPublisher - Archive artifact okapi-test-auth-module/target/okapi-test-auth-module-2.39.0.jar under org/folio/okapi/okapi-test-auth-module/2.39.0/okapi-test-auth-module-2.39.0.jar [withMaven] artifactsPublisher - Archive artifact okapi-test-header-module/pom.xml under org/folio/okapi/okapi-test-header-module/2.39.0/okapi-test-header-module-2.39.0.pom [withMaven] artifactsPublisher - Archive artifact okapi-test-header-module/target/okapi-test-header-module-2.39.0.jar under org/folio/okapi/okapi-test-header-module/2.39.0/okapi-test-header-module-2.39.0.jar [withMaven] junitPublisher - Archive test results for Maven artifact org.folio.okapi:okapi-common:jar:2.39.0 generated by maven-surefire-plugin:test (default-test): okapi-common/target/surefire-reports/*.xml [withMaven] junitPublisher - Archive test results for Maven artifact org.folio.okapi:okapi-test-module:jar:2.39.0 generated by maven-surefire-plugin:test (default-test): okapi-test-module/target/surefire-reports/*.xml [withMaven] junitPublisher - Archive test results for Maven artifact org.folio.okapi:okapi-test-auth-module:jar:2.39.0 generated by maven-surefire-plugin:test (default-test): okapi-test-auth-module/target/surefire-reports/*.xml [withMaven] junitPublisher - Archive test results for Maven artifact org.folio.okapi:okapi-test-header-module:jar:2.39.0 generated by maven-surefire-plugin:test (default-test): okapi-test-header-module/target/surefire-reports/*.xml [withMaven] junitPublisher - Archive test results for Maven artifact org.folio.okapi:okapi-core:jar:2.39.0 generated by maven-surefire-plugin:test (default-test): okapi-core/target/surefire-reports/*.xml [withMaven] junitPublisher - Jenkins JUnit Attachments Plugin not found, can't publish test attachments.Recording test results [withMaven] Jenkins JaCoCo Plugin not found, don't display org.jacoco:jacoco-maven-plugin:findbugs results in pipeline screen. [withMaven] Jenkins Task Scanner Plugin not found, don't display results of source code scanning for 'TODO' and 'FIXME' in pipeline screen. [withMaven] Publishers: Pipeline Graph Publisher: 1 ms, Generated Artifacts Publisher: 142 ms, Junit Publisher: 909 ms, Open Task Scanner Publisher: 33 ms [Pipeline] // withMaven [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // stage [Pipeline] echo script returned exit code 1 [Pipeline] echo Build Result: FAILURE [Pipeline] emailext Sending email to: [Pipeline] slackSend Slack Send Pipeline step running, values are - baseUrl: , teamDomain: folio-project, channel: folio-ci, color: #FF0000, botUser: false, tokenCredentialId: FOLIO_Slack, notifyCommitters: false, iconEmoji: , username: [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // timeout [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // node [Pipeline] End of Pipeline GitHub has been notified of this commit’s build result ERROR: script returned exit code 1 Finished: FAILURE