2018-08-29 15:42:41,082 INFO Messages Loading messages from /infra-messages/Messages_en.properties ................................ 2018-08-29 15:42:41,112 INFO jFactory$Slf4jLogger Configuring Hazelcast from '/etc/folio/okapi/hazelcast.xml'. 2018-08-29 15:42:41,181 WARN jFactory$Slf4jLogger Name of the hazelcast schema location incorrect using default 2018-08-29 15:42:41,336 INFO MainDeploy clusterHost= 2018-08-29 15:42:41,336 INFO MainDeploy clusterPort=9001 2018-08-29 15:42:41,350 DEBUG Slf4JLogger Using SLF4J as the default logging framework 2018-08-29 15:42:41,351 DEBUG Slf4JLogger -Dio.netty.leakDetection.level: simple 2018-08-29 15:42:41,351 DEBUG Slf4JLogger -Dio.netty.leakDetection.targetRecords: 4 2018-08-29 15:42:41,368 DEBUG Slf4JLogger -Dio.netty.eventLoopThreads: 8 2018-08-29 15:42:41,386 DEBUG Slf4JLogger -Dio.netty.noUnsafe: false 2018-08-29 15:42:41,386 DEBUG Slf4JLogger Java version: 8 2018-08-29 15:42:41,387 DEBUG Slf4JLogger sun.misc.Unsafe.theUnsafe: available 2018-08-29 15:42:41,388 DEBUG Slf4JLogger sun.misc.Unsafe.copyMemory: available 2018-08-29 15:42:41,388 DEBUG Slf4JLogger java.nio.Buffer.address: available 2018-08-29 15:42:41,388 DEBUG Slf4JLogger direct buffer constructor: available 2018-08-29 15:42:41,389 DEBUG Slf4JLogger java.nio.Bits.unaligned: available, true 2018-08-29 15:42:41,390 DEBUG Slf4JLogger jdk.internal.misc.Unsafe.allocateUninitializedArray(int): unavailable prior to Java9 2018-08-29 15:42:41,391 DEBUG Slf4JLogger java.nio.DirectByteBuffer.(long, int): available 2018-08-29 15:42:41,391 DEBUG Slf4JLogger sun.misc.Unsafe: available 2018-08-29 15:42:41,391 DEBUG Slf4JLogger -Dio.netty.tmpdir: /tmp (java.io.tmpdir) 2018-08-29 15:42:41,391 DEBUG Slf4JLogger -Dio.netty.bitMode: 64 (sun.arch.data.model) 2018-08-29 15:42:41,392 DEBUG Slf4JLogger -Dio.netty.noPreferDirect: false 2018-08-29 15:42:41,392 DEBUG Slf4JLogger -Dio.netty.maxDirectMemory: 3739746304 bytes 2018-08-29 15:42:41,392 DEBUG Slf4JLogger -Dio.netty.uninitializedArrayAllocationThreshold: -1 2018-08-29 15:42:41,393 DEBUG Slf4JLogger java.nio.ByteBuffer.cleaner(): available 2018-08-29 15:42:41,408 DEBUG Slf4JLogger -Dio.netty.noKeySetOptimization: false 2018-08-29 15:42:41,408 DEBUG Slf4JLogger -Dio.netty.selectorAutoRebuildThreshold: 512 2018-08-29 15:42:41,414 DEBUG Slf4JLogger org.jctools-core.MpscChunkedArrayQueue: available 2018-08-29 15:42:41,439 DEBUG Slf4JLogger Default DNS servers: [/] (sun.net.dns.ResolverConfiguration) 2018-08-29 15:42:41,443 DEBUG Slf4JLogger -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack: false 2018-08-29 15:42:41,443 DEBUG Slf4JLogger -Djava.net.preferIPv6Addresses: false 2018-08-29 15:42:41,444 DEBUG Slf4JLogger Loopback interface: lo (lo, 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1%lo) 2018-08-29 15:42:41,444 DEBUG Slf4JLogger /proc/sys/net/core/somaxconn: 128 2018-08-29 15:42:41,474 INFO jFactory$Slf4jLogger [LOCAL] [dev] [3.8.2] Interfaces is enabled, trying to pick one address matching to one of: [] 2018-08-29 15:42:41,475 INFO jFactory$Slf4jLogger [LOCAL] [dev] [3.8.2] Prefer IPv4 stack is true. 2018-08-29 15:42:41,479 INFO jFactory$Slf4jLogger [LOCAL] [dev] [3.8.2] Picked []:5701, using socket ServerSocket[addr=/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0,localport=5701], bind any local is true 2018-08-29 15:42:41,486 INFO jFactory$Slf4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.8.2] Hazelcast 3.8.2 (20170518 - a60f944) starting at []:5701 2018-08-29 15:42:41,486 INFO jFactory$Slf4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.8.2] Copyright (c) 2008-2016, Hazelcast, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 2018-08-29 15:42:41,486 INFO jFactory$Slf4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.8.2] Configured Hazelcast Serialization version : 1 2018-08-29 15:42:41,643 INFO jFactory$Slf4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.8.2] Backpressure is disabled 2018-08-29 15:42:42,004 DEBUG jFactory$Slf4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.8.2] Updating members [Member []:5701 - 62e12b16-989b-422e-a9c5-eb981cac569a this] 2018-08-29 15:42:42,019 INFO jFactory$Slf4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.8.2] Creating AWSJoiner 2018-08-29 15:42:42,135 INFO jFactory$Slf4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.8.2] Starting 4 partition threads 2018-08-29 15:42:42,137 INFO jFactory$Slf4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.8.2] Starting 3 generic threads (1 dedicated for priority tasks) 2018-08-29 15:42:42,149 INFO jFactory$Slf4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.8.2] []:5701 is STARTING 2018-08-29 15:42:42,149 DEBUG jFactory$Slf4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.8.2] Adding Member []:5701 - 62e12b16-989b-422e-a9c5-eb981cac569a this 2018-08-29 15:42:42,151 DEBUG jFactory$Slf4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.8.2] TcpIpConnectionManager configured with Non Blocking IO-threading model: 3 input threads and 3 output threads 2018-08-29 15:42:42,151 DEBUG jFactory$Slf4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.8.2] IO threads selector mode is SELECT 2018-08-29 15:42:42,528 DEBUG jFactory$Slf4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.8.2] []:5701 is local? true 2018-08-29 15:42:42,528 DEBUG jFactory$Slf4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.8.2] []:5702 is local? false 2018-08-29 15:42:42,529 DEBUG jFactory$Slf4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.8.2] []:5703 is local? false 2018-08-29 15:42:42,529 DEBUG jFactory$Slf4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.8.2] Will send master question to each address in: [[]:5703, []:5702] 2018-08-29 15:42:42,529 DEBUG jFactory$Slf4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.8.2] NOT sending master question to blacklisted endpoints: {} 2018-08-29 15:42:42,529 DEBUG jFactory$Slf4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.8.2] Sending master question to []:5703 2018-08-29 15:42:42,536 DEBUG jFactory$Slf4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.8.2] Sending master question to []:5702 2018-08-29 15:42:42,538 INFO jFactory$Slf4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.8.2] Connecting to /, timeout: 0, bind-any: true 2018-08-29 15:42:42,538 INFO jFactory$Slf4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.8.2] Connecting to /, timeout: 0, bind-any: true 2018-08-29 15:42:42,539 INFO jFactory$Slf4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.8.2] Could not connect to: / Reason: SocketException[Connection refused to address /] 2018-08-29 15:42:42,539 INFO jFactory$Slf4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.8.2] Could not connect to: / Reason: SocketException[Connection refused to address /] 2018-08-29 15:42:42,539 INFO jFactory$Slf4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.8.2] []:5703 is added to the blacklist. 2018-08-29 15:42:42,539 INFO jFactory$Slf4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.8.2] []:5702 is added to the blacklist. 2018-08-29 15:42:43,537 DEBUG jFactory$Slf4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.8.2] This node will assume master role since no possible member where connected to. 2018-08-29 15:42:43,538 INFO jFactory$Slf4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.8.2] Cluster version set to 3.8 2018-08-29 15:42:43,538 DEBUG jFactory$Slf4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.8.2] PostJoin master: []:5701, isMaster: true 2018-08-29 15:42:43,539 INFO jFactory$Slf4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.8.2] Members [1] { Member []:5701 - 62e12b16-989b-422e-a9c5-eb981cac569a this } 2018-08-29 15:42:43,558 INFO jFactory$Slf4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.8.2] []:5701 is STARTED 2018-08-29 15:42:43,716 INFO jFactory$Slf4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.8.2] Initializing cluster partition table arrangement... 2018-08-29 15:42:43,720 DEBUG jFactory$Slf4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.8.2] Publishing partition state, version: 272 2018-08-29 15:42:43,807 DEBUG Slf4JLogger -Dio.netty.buffer.bytebuf.checkAccessible: true 2018-08-29 15:42:43,808 DEBUG Slf4JLogger Loaded default ResourceLeakDetector: io.netty.util.ResourceLeakDetector@90440bd 2018-08-29 15:42:43,853 DEBUG Slf4JLogger -Dio.netty.allocator.numHeapArenas: 8 2018-08-29 15:42:43,853 DEBUG Slf4JLogger -Dio.netty.allocator.numDirectArenas: 8 2018-08-29 15:42:43,853 DEBUG Slf4JLogger -Dio.netty.allocator.pageSize: 8192 2018-08-29 15:42:43,853 DEBUG Slf4JLogger -Dio.netty.allocator.maxOrder: 11 2018-08-29 15:42:43,854 DEBUG Slf4JLogger -Dio.netty.allocator.chunkSize: 16777216 2018-08-29 15:42:43,854 DEBUG Slf4JLogger -Dio.netty.allocator.tinyCacheSize: 512 2018-08-29 15:42:43,854 DEBUG Slf4JLogger -Dio.netty.allocator.smallCacheSize: 256 2018-08-29 15:42:43,854 DEBUG Slf4JLogger -Dio.netty.allocator.normalCacheSize: 64 2018-08-29 15:42:43,854 DEBUG Slf4JLogger -Dio.netty.allocator.maxCachedBufferCapacity: 32768 2018-08-29 15:42:43,854 DEBUG Slf4JLogger -Dio.netty.allocator.cacheTrimInterval: 8192 2018-08-29 15:42:43,854 DEBUG Slf4JLogger -Dio.netty.allocator.useCacheForAllThreads: true 2018-08-29 15:42:43,856 DEBUG Slf4JLogger -Dio.netty.threadLocalMap.stringBuilder.initialSize: 1024 2018-08-29 15:42:43,856 DEBUG Slf4JLogger -Dio.netty.threadLocalMap.stringBuilder.maxSize: 4096 2018-08-29 15:42:43,959 DEBUG Slf4JLogger -Dio.netty.processId: 11103 (auto-detected) 2018-08-29 15:42:43,961 DEBUG Slf4JLogger -Dio.netty.machineId: c6:fa:d6:ff:fe:b1:e8:ee (auto-detected) 2018-08-29 15:42:43,978 DEBUG Slf4JLogger -Dio.netty.allocator.type: pooled 2018-08-29 15:42:43,978 DEBUG Slf4JLogger -Dio.netty.threadLocalDirectBufferSize: 65536 2018-08-29 15:42:43,978 DEBUG Slf4JLogger -Dio.netty.maxThreadLocalCharBufferSize: 16384 2018-08-29 15:42:44,016 INFO oduleVersionReporter Module okapi-core 2.17.0 started 2018-08-29 15:42:44,016 INFO oduleVersionReporter git: https://github.com/folio-org/okapi-debian d5d6656f8201d152fe336e57780158a19c8a5bef 2018-08-29 15:42:44,017 INFO MainVerticle cluster NodeId 62e12b16-989b-422e-a9c5-eb981cac569a 2018-08-29 15:42:44,019 DEBUG PostgresHandle Connecting to postgres with {"host":"localhost","port":5432,"username":"okapi","password":"okapi25","database":"okapi"} 2018-08-29 15:42:44,135 INFO BaseSQLClient Creating configuration for localhost:5432 2018-08-29 15:42:44,395 DEBUG PostgresHandle created 2018-08-29 15:42:44,407 INFO MainVerticle Proxy using postgres storage 2018-08-29 15:42:44,417 WARN InternalModule InternalModule starting okapiversion=2.17.0 2018-08-29 15:42:44,420 DEBUG MainVerticle starting 2018-08-29 15:42:44,421 INFO Storage prepareDatabases: NORMAL 2018-08-29 15:42:44,498 DEBUG Slf4JLogger -Dio.netty.recycler.maxCapacityPerThread: 32768 2018-08-29 15:42:44,498 DEBUG Slf4JLogger -Dio.netty.recycler.maxSharedCapacityFactor: 2 2018-08-29 15:42:44,498 DEBUG Slf4JLogger -Dio.netty.recycler.linkCapacity: 16 2018-08-29 15:42:44,498 DEBUG Slf4JLogger -Dio.netty.recycler.ratio: 8 2018-08-29 15:42:44,512 DEBUG SQLConnectionHandler Authentication response received com.github.mauricio.async.db.postgresql.messages.backend.AuthenticationChallengeMD5@794bf90a 2018-08-29 15:42:44,519 DEBUG SQLConnectionHandler Authentication response received com.github.mauricio.async.db.postgresql.messages.backend.AuthenticationOkMessage@7cf0f918 2018-08-29 15:42:44,519 DEBUG PostgreSQLConnection Successfully logged in to database 2018-08-29 15:42:44,526 DEBUG PostgresQuery query sql: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS env ( json JSONB NOT NULL ) 2018-08-29 15:42:44,528 DEBUG QueryMessageEncoder Executing direct query (CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS env ( json JSONB NOT NULL )) 2018-08-29 15:42:44,554 INFO SQLConnectionHandler Received notice NoticeMessage(fields=Map(Line -> 193, File -> parse_utilcmd.c, SQLSTATE -> 42P07, Routine -> transformCreateStmt, V -> NOTICE, Message -> relation "env" already exists, skipping, Severity -> NOTICE)) 2018-08-29 15:42:44,556 DEBUG PostgresQuery query sql: CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS name ON env USING btree((json->'name')) 2018-08-29 15:42:44,556 DEBUG QueryMessageEncoder Executing direct query (CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS name ON env USING btree((json->'name'))) 2018-08-29 15:42:44,558 INFO SQLConnectionHandler Received notice NoticeMessage(fields=Map(Line -> 785, File -> index.c, SQLSTATE -> 42P07, Routine -> index_create, V -> NOTICE, Message -> relation "name" already exists, skipping, Severity -> NOTICE)) 2018-08-29 15:42:44,562 DEBUG SQLConnectionHandler Authentication response received com.github.mauricio.async.db.postgresql.messages.backend.AuthenticationChallengeMD5@f135a14 2018-08-29 15:42:44,563 DEBUG SQLConnectionHandler Authentication response received com.github.mauricio.async.db.postgresql.messages.backend.AuthenticationOkMessage@7cf0f918 2018-08-29 15:42:44,564 DEBUG PostgreSQLConnection Successfully logged in to database 2018-08-29 15:42:44,565 DEBUG PostgresQuery query sql: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS deployments ( json JSONB NOT NULL ) 2018-08-29 15:42:44,565 DEBUG QueryMessageEncoder Executing direct query (CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS deployments ( json JSONB NOT NULL )) 2018-08-29 15:42:44,566 INFO SQLConnectionHandler Received notice NoticeMessage(fields=Map(Line -> 193, File -> parse_utilcmd.c, SQLSTATE -> 42P07, Routine -> transformCreateStmt, V -> NOTICE, Message -> relation "deployments" already exists, skipping, Severity -> NOTICE)) 2018-08-29 15:42:44,566 DEBUG PostgresQuery query sql: CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS inst_id ON deployments USING btree((json->'instId')) 2018-08-29 15:42:44,567 DEBUG QueryMessageEncoder Executing direct query (CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS inst_id ON deployments USING btree((json->'instId'))) 2018-08-29 15:42:44,568 INFO SQLConnectionHandler Received notice NoticeMessage(fields=Map(Line -> 785, File -> index.c, SQLSTATE -> 42P07, Routine -> index_create, V -> NOTICE, Message -> relation "inst_id" already exists, skipping, Severity -> NOTICE)) 2018-08-29 15:42:44,569 DEBUG PostgresQuery query sql: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS tenants ( tenantjson JSONB NOT NULL ) 2018-08-29 15:42:44,569 DEBUG QueryMessageEncoder Executing direct query (CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS tenants ( tenantjson JSONB NOT NULL )) 2018-08-29 15:42:44,570 INFO SQLConnectionHandler Received notice NoticeMessage(fields=Map(Line -> 193, File -> parse_utilcmd.c, SQLSTATE -> 42P07, Routine -> transformCreateStmt, V -> NOTICE, Message -> relation "tenants" already exists, skipping, Severity -> NOTICE)) 2018-08-29 15:42:44,570 DEBUG PostgresQuery query sql: CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS tenant_id ON tenants USING btree((tenantjson->'descriptor'->'id')) 2018-08-29 15:42:44,571 DEBUG QueryMessageEncoder Executing direct query (CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS tenant_id ON tenants USING btree((tenantjson->'descriptor'->'id'))) 2018-08-29 15:42:44,572 INFO SQLConnectionHandler Received notice NoticeMessage(fields=Map(Line -> 785, File -> index.c, SQLSTATE -> 42P07, Routine -> index_create, V -> NOTICE, Message -> relation "tenant_id" already exists, skipping, Severity -> NOTICE)) 2018-08-29 15:42:44,572 DEBUG PostgresQuery query sql: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS modules ( modulejson JSONB NOT NULL ) 2018-08-29 15:42:44,572 DEBUG QueryMessageEncoder Executing direct query (CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS modules ( modulejson JSONB NOT NULL )) 2018-08-29 15:42:44,573 INFO SQLConnectionHandler Received notice NoticeMessage(fields=Map(Line -> 193, File -> parse_utilcmd.c, SQLSTATE -> 42P07, Routine -> transformCreateStmt, V -> NOTICE, Message -> relation "modules" already exists, skipping, Severity -> NOTICE)) 2018-08-29 15:42:44,574 DEBUG PostgresQuery query sql: CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS module_id ON modules USING btree((modulejson->'id')) 2018-08-29 15:42:44,574 DEBUG QueryMessageEncoder Executing direct query (CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS module_id ON modules USING btree((modulejson->'id'))) 2018-08-29 15:42:44,575 INFO SQLConnectionHandler Received notice NoticeMessage(fields=Map(Line -> 785, File -> index.c, SQLSTATE -> 42P07, Routine -> index_create, V -> NOTICE, Message -> relation "module_id" already exists, skipping, Severity -> NOTICE)) 2018-08-29 15:42:44,596 DEBUG PostgresQuery query sql: SELECT modulejson FROM modules 2018-08-29 15:42:44,596 DEBUG QueryMessageEncoder Executing direct query (SELECT modulejson FROM modules) 2018-08-29 15:42:45,134 DEBUG jFactory$Slf4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.8.2] Invocations:1 timeouts:0 backup-timeouts:0 2018-08-29 15:42:46,134 DEBUG jFactory$Slf4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.8.2] Invocations:1 timeouts:0 backup-timeouts:0 2018-08-29 15:42:47,134 DEBUG jFactory$Slf4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.8.2] Invocations:1 timeouts:0 backup-timeouts:0 2018-08-29 15:42:49,134 DEBUG jFactory$Slf4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.8.2] Invocations:1 timeouts:0 backup-timeouts:0 2018-08-29 15:42:50,134 DEBUG jFactory$Slf4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.8.2] Invocations:1 timeouts:0 backup-timeouts:0 2018-08-29 15:42:52,134 DEBUG jFactory$Slf4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.8.2] Invocations:1 timeouts:0 backup-timeouts:0 2018-08-29 15:42:54,134 DEBUG jFactory$Slf4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.8.2] Invocations:1 timeouts:0 backup-timeouts:0 2018-08-29 15:42:57,125 DEBUG jFactory$Slf4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.8.2] Publishing partition state, version: 272 2018-08-29 15:43:02,134 DEBUG jFactory$Slf4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.8.2] Invocations:1 timeouts:0 backup-timeouts:0 2018-08-29 15:43:09,134 DEBUG jFactory$Slf4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.8.2] Invocations:0 timeouts:0 backup-timeouts:0 2018-08-29 15:43:12,125 DEBUG jFactory$Slf4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.8.2] Publishing partition state, version: 272 2018-08-29 15:43:12,134 DEBUG jFactory$Slf4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.8.2] Invocations:1 timeouts:0 backup-timeouts:0 2018-08-29 15:43:13,134 DEBUG jFactory$Slf4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.8.2] Invocations:1 timeouts:0 backup-timeouts:0 2018-08-29 15:43:14,134 DEBUG jFactory$Slf4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.8.2] Invocations:1 timeouts:0 backup-timeouts:0 2018-08-29 15:43:17,134 DEBUG jFactory$Slf4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.8.2] Invocations:1 timeouts:0 backup-timeouts:0 2018-08-29 15:43:18,134 DEBUG jFactory$Slf4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.8.2] Invocations:1 timeouts:0 backup-timeouts:0 2018-08-29 15:43:20,134 DEBUG jFactory$Slf4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.8.2] Invocations:1 timeouts:0 backup-timeouts:0 2018-08-29 15:43:21,134 DEBUG jFactory$Slf4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.8.2] Invocations:1 timeouts:0 backup-timeouts:0 2018-08-29 15:43:23,134 DEBUG jFactory$Slf4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.8.2] Invocations:1 timeouts:0 backup-timeouts:0 2018-08-29 15:43:24,134 DEBUG jFactory$Slf4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.8.2] Invocations:1 timeouts:0 backup-timeouts:0 2018-08-29 15:43:25,134 DEBUG jFactory$Slf4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.8.2] Invocations:0 timeouts:0 backup-timeouts:0 2018-08-29 15:43:27,125 DEBUG jFactory$Slf4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.8.2] Publishing partition state, version: 272 2018-08-29 15:43:27,138 DEBUG jFactory$Slf4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.8.2] Invocations:1 timeouts:0 backup-timeouts:0 2018-08-29 15:43:35,134 DEBUG jFactory$Slf4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.8.2] Invocations:0 timeouts:0 backup-timeouts:0 2018-08-29 15:43:37,134 DEBUG jFactory$Slf4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.8.2] Invocations:1 timeouts:0 backup-timeouts:0 2018-08-29 15:43:41,134 DEBUG jFactory$Slf4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.8.2] Invocations:1 timeouts:0 backup-timeouts:0 2018-08-29 15:43:42,125 DEBUG jFactory$Slf4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.8.2] Publishing partition state, version: 272 2018-08-29 15:43:43,134 DEBUG jFactory$Slf4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.8.2] Invocations:1 timeouts:0 backup-timeouts:0 2018-08-29 15:43:45,134 DEBUG jFactory$Slf4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.8.2] Invocations:0 timeouts:0 backup-timeouts:0 2018-08-29 15:43:51,134 DEBUG jFactory$Slf4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.8.2] Invocations:1 timeouts:0 backup-timeouts:0 2018-08-29 15:43:52,134 DEBUG jFactory$Slf4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.8.2] Invocations:0 timeouts:0 backup-timeouts:0 2018-08-29 15:43:54,134 DEBUG jFactory$Slf4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.8.2] Invocations:1 timeouts:0 backup-timeouts:0 2018-08-29 15:43:57,125 DEBUG jFactory$Slf4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.8.2] Publishing partition state, version: 272 2018-08-29 15:44:07,134 DEBUG jFactory$Slf4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.8.2] Invocations:1 timeouts:0 backup-timeouts:0 2018-08-29 15:44:12,125 DEBUG jFactory$Slf4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.8.2] Publishing partition state, version: 272 2018-08-29 15:44:12,134 DEBUG jFactory$Slf4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.8.2] Invocations:1 timeouts:0 backup-timeouts:0 2018-08-29 15:44:18,134 DEBUG jFactory$Slf4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.8.2] Invocations:0 timeouts:0 backup-timeouts:0 2018-08-29 15:44:22,134 DEBUG jFactory$Slf4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.8.2] Invocations:1 timeouts:0 backup-timeouts:0 2018-08-29 15:44:27,125 DEBUG jFactory$Slf4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.8.2] Publishing partition state, version: 272 2018-08-29 15:44:27,134 DEBUG jFactory$Slf4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.8.2] Invocations:1 timeouts:0 backup-timeouts:0 2018-08-29 15:44:29,134 DEBUG jFactory$Slf4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.8.2] Invocations:1 timeouts:0 backup-timeouts:0 2018-08-29 15:44:42,125 DEBUG jFactory$Slf4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.8.2] Publishing partition state, version: 272 2018-08-29 15:44:53,134 DEBUG jFactory$Slf4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.8.2] Invocations:1 timeouts:0 backup-timeouts:0 2018-08-29 15:44:55,134 DEBUG jFactory$Slf4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.8.2] Invocations:0 timeouts:0 backup-timeouts:0 2018-08-29 15:44:57,125 DEBUG jFactory$Slf4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.8.2] Publishing partition state, version: 272 2018-08-29 15:45:00,134 DEBUG jFactory$Slf4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.8.2] Invocations:1 timeouts:0 backup-timeouts:0 2018-08-29 15:45:02,134 DEBUG jFactory$Slf4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.8.2] Invocations:1 timeouts:0 backup-timeouts:0 2018-08-29 15:45:07,134 DEBUG jFactory$Slf4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.8.2] Invocations:1 timeouts:0 backup-timeouts:0 2018-08-29 15:45:12,125 DEBUG jFactory$Slf4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.8.2] Publishing partition state, version: 272 2018-08-29 15:45:14,134 DEBUG jFactory$Slf4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.8.2] Invocations:1 timeouts:0 backup-timeouts:0 2018-08-29 15:45:15,134 DEBUG jFactory$Slf4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.8.2] Invocations:1 timeouts:0 backup-timeouts:0 2018-08-29 15:45:20,134 DEBUG jFactory$Slf4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.8.2] Invocations:1 timeouts:0 backup-timeouts:0 2018-08-29 15:45:27,125 DEBUG jFactory$Slf4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.8.2] Publishing partition state, version: 272 2018-08-29 15:45:42,125 DEBUG jFactory$Slf4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.8.2] Publishing partition state, version: 272 2018-08-29 15:45:44,134 DEBUG jFactory$Slf4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.8.2] Invocations:1 timeouts:0 backup-timeouts:0 2018-08-29 15:45:51,134 DEBUG jFactory$Slf4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.8.2] Invocations:1 timeouts:0 backup-timeouts:0 2018-08-29 15:45:57,131 DEBUG jFactory$Slf4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.8.2] Publishing partition state, version: 272 2018-08-29 15:46:12,125 DEBUG jFactory$Slf4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.8.2] Publishing partition state, version: 272 2018-08-29 15:46:12,134 DEBUG jFactory$Slf4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.8.2] Invocations:1 timeouts:0 backup-timeouts:0 2018-08-29 15:46:23,134 DEBUG jFactory$Slf4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.8.2] Invocations:0 timeouts:0 backup-timeouts:0 2018-08-29 15:46:27,125 DEBUG jFactory$Slf4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.8.2] Publishing partition state, version: 272 2018-08-29 15:46:32,134 DEBUG jFactory$Slf4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.8.2] Invocations:1 timeouts:0 backup-timeouts:0 2018-08-29 15:46:42,125 DEBUG jFactory$Slf4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.8.2] Publishing partition state, version: 272 2018-08-29 15:46:54,134 DEBUG jFactory$Slf4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.8.2] Invocations:1 timeouts:0 backup-timeouts:0 2018-08-29 15:46:57,125 DEBUG jFactory$Slf4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.8.2] Publishing partition state, version: 272 2018-08-29 15:47:03,134 DEBUG jFactory$Slf4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.8.2] Invocations:0 timeouts:0 backup-timeouts:0 2018-08-29 15:47:12,125 DEBUG jFactory$Slf4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.8.2] Publishing partition state, version: 272 2018-08-29 15:47:18,134 DEBUG jFactory$Slf4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.8.2] Invocations:1 timeouts:0 backup-timeouts:0 2018-08-29 15:47:27,125 DEBUG jFactory$Slf4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.8.2] Publishing partition state, version: 272 2018-08-29 15:47:35,134 DEBUG jFactory$Slf4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.8.2] Invocations:1 timeouts:0 backup-timeouts:0 2018-08-29 15:47:41,134 DEBUG jFactory$Slf4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.8.2] Invocations:1 timeouts:0 backup-timeouts:0 2018-08-29 15:47:42,125 DEBUG jFactory$Slf4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.8.2] Publishing partition state, version: 272 2018-08-29 15:47:42,137 DEBUG jFactory$Slf4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.8.2] Invocations:1 timeouts:0 backup-timeouts:0 2018-08-29 15:47:42,296 DEBUG jFactory$Slf4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.8.2] []:5701 is local? true 2018-08-29 15:47:42,296 DEBUG jFactory$Slf4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.8.2] []:5702 is local? false 2018-08-29 15:47:42,296 DEBUG jFactory$Slf4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.8.2] []:5703 is local? false 2018-08-29 15:47:42,299 DEBUG jFactory$Slf4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.8.2] Sending SplitBrainJoinMessage to []:5703 2018-08-29 15:47:47,373 DEBUG jFactory$Slf4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.8.2] Should merge to: null 2018-08-29 15:47:47,373 DEBUG jFactory$Slf4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.8.2] Sending SplitBrainJoinMessage to []:5702 2018-08-29 15:47:52,447 DEBUG jFactory$Slf4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.8.2] Should merge to: null 2018-08-29 15:47:57,125 DEBUG jFactory$Slf4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.8.2] Publishing partition state, version: 272 2018-08-29 15:48:12,125 DEBUG jFactory$Slf4jLogger []:5701 [dev] [3.8.2] Publishing partition state, version: 272 2018-08-29 15:48:20,412 DEBUG PostgresQuery query sql: SELECT tenantjson FROM tenants 2018-08-29 15:48:20,414 DEBUG QueryMessageEncoder Executing direct query (SELECT tenantjson FROM tenants) 2018-08-29 15:48:20,438 DEBUG MainVerticle checkInternalModules: Already have okapi-2.17.0 with interface version 1.9 2018-08-29 15:48:20,438 INFO MainVerticle checkSuperTenant: Already have supertenant 2018-08-29 15:48:20,438 INFO MainVerticle checkSuperTenant: enabled version is OK 2018-08-29 15:48:20,438 DEBUG MainVerticle starting Env 2018-08-29 15:48:20,439 DEBUG EnvManager starting EnvManager 2018-08-29 15:48:20,440 DEBUG PostgresQuery query sql: SELECT json FROM env 2018-08-29 15:48:20,440 DEBUG QueryMessageEncoder Executing direct query (SELECT json FROM env) 2018-08-29 15:48:20,497 DEBUG MainVerticle Starting discovery 2018-08-29 15:48:20,499 DEBUG MainVerticle Starting deployment 2018-08-29 15:48:20,500 DEBUG DiscoveryManager Discovery. addNode: {"nodeId":"62e12b16-989b-422e-a9c5-eb981cac569a","url":""} 2018-08-29 15:48:20,505 DEBUG MainVerticle Setting up routes 2018-08-29 15:48:20,515 DEBUG MainVerticle About to start HTTP server 2018-08-29 15:48:20,538 INFO MainVerticle API Gateway started PID 11103@ip-10-36-1-22. Listening on port 9130 2018-08-29 15:48:20,539 DEBUG PostgresQuery query sql: SELECT json FROM deployments 2018-08-29 15:48:20,539 DEBUG QueryMessageEncoder Executing direct query (SELECT json FROM deployments) 2018-08-29 15:48:20,540 INFO MainVerticle Deploy completed succesfully