## Creating a new development setup for Stripes This setup is based on the usage of stripes-cli and the concept of workspaces which are available in yarn (https://yarnpkg.com/lang/en/docs/workspaces/): Before starting make sure yarn and npm are configured to the folio packages. `yarn config set @folio:registry https://repository.folio.org/repository/npm-folioci/` `npm config set @folio:registry https://repository.folio.org/repository/npm-folioci/` Install stripes globally. `yarn global add @folio/stripes-cli` - setup globally Create a new workspace (chose modules you want to have locally and make developing on them). Make sure to choose stripes-sample-platform, where you work with a set of modules. I have chosen almost all options. But you can try to select only the ones you need. `stripes workspace`. Pick the bare minimum modules below or custom ones (in that case stripes-sample-platform will be required) - stripes-sample-platform - ui-users - ui-trivial The above will create `stripes` directory: Navigate to `stripes/stripes-sample-platform`. Make sure to rename your `.stripesclirc.example` to `.stripesclirc` or just create new `.stripesclirc` file and make it to contain the following: ``` { "okapi": "http://localhost:9130", "tenant": "diku", "configFile": "stripes.config.js", "port": 8080 } ``` Now you can run it from `stripes/stripes-sample-platform` folder. Make sure `okapi` (okapi property above) backend is up. It could be local env or one of the remote environments. `stripes serve` Credentials: *diku_admin/admin* (Not required for the initial setup). Over time there is need to update the packages to use the latest ones. To update workspace modules run the following command from the `stripes` folder in the the root of the workspace: `stripes platform pull` After that run the following command to install dependencies `stripes platform install` To remove the outcome of the install comand run: `stripes platform clean` and run `rm -rf yarn.lock` from `stripes folder`