import React from 'react'; import { MemoryRouter } from 'react-router-dom'; import { screen } from '@testing-library/react'; import '../../test/jest/__mock__'; jest.unmock('@folio/stripes/components'); import { renderWithIntl, stripesStub, translationsProperties } from '../../test/jest/helpers'; import StatisticalCodeSettings from './StatisticalCodeSettings'; const props = { stripes: { ...stripesStub, connect: component => component, }, resources: { statisticalCodeTypes: { records: [ { id: 'statisticalCodeType1', name: 'Statistical Code Type 1', }, { id: 'statisticalCodeType2', name: 'Statistical Code Type 2', }, ], }, }, }; const StatisticalCodeSettingsSetup = () => ( ); const renderStatisticalCodeSettings = () => renderWithIntl( , translationsProperties ); describe('StatisticalCodeSettings', () => { it('render', () => { renderStatisticalCodeSettings(); screen.debug(); }); it('should render properly', () => { const { getByText } = renderStatisticalCodeSettings(); expect(getByText('ControlledVocab')).toBeInTheDocument(); }); it('should have a defined and frozen manifest', () => { expect(StatisticalCodeSettings.manifest).toBeDefined(); expect(Object.isFrozen(StatisticalCodeSettings.manifest)).toBe(true); }); it('should have defined propTypes', () => { expect(StatisticalCodeSettings.propTypes).toBeDefined(); expect(StatisticalCodeSettings.propTypes.resources).toBeDefined(); expect(StatisticalCodeSettings.propTypes.stripes).toBeDefined(); }); });