"propertyDefinitions" : [ { "name" : "authorisedUsers", "category" : "", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Definition of authorised user", "description" : "The definition of an authorised user for a resource" }, { "name" : "concurrentAccess", "category" : "", "type" : "Integer", "label" : "Number of concurrent users allowed", "description" : "The number of concurrent users allowed by the resource" }, { "name" : "walkInAccess", "category" : "yesno", "type" : "Refdata", "label" : "Walk-in access permitted?", "description" : "Can non-members of the library/instittuion use the resource when in the library" }, { "name" : "remoteAccess", "category" : "yesno", "type" : "Refdata", "label" : "Access restricted to on-campus/campus network?", "description" : "Can access to the resource be provided from outside the library or institutional location / network" }, { "name" : "illElectronic", "category" : "permittedprohibited", "type" : "Refdata", "label" : "Electronic ILL", "description" : "The right to provide the licensed materials via interlibrary loan by way of electronic copies" }, { "name" : "illSecureElectronic", "category" : "permittedprohibited", "type" : "Refdata", "label" : "Secure Electronic ILL", "description" : "The right to provide the licensed materials via interlibrary loan by way of secure electronic transmission" }, { "name" : "illPrint", "category" : "permittedprohibited", "type" : "Refdata", "label" : "Print ILL", "description" : "The right to provide the licensed materials via interlibrary loan by way of print copies or facsimile transmission" }, { "name" : "reservesElectronic", "category" : "permittedprohibited", "type" : "Refdata", "label" : "Storage of electronic copies on secure network", "description" : "The right to make electronic copies of the licensed materials and store them on a secure network" }, { "name" : "coursePackElectronic", "category" : "permittedprohibited", "type" : "Refdata", "label" : "Use in electronic coursepacks", "description" : "The right to use licensed materials in collections or compilations of materials assembled in an electronic format by faculty members for use by students in a class for purposes of instruction" }, { "name" : "coursePackPrint", "category" : "permittedprohibited", "type" : "Refdata", "label" : "Use in print course packs", "description" : "The right to use licensed materials in collections or compilations of materials assembled in a print format by faculty members for use by students in a class for purposes of instruction" }, { "name" : "copyDigital", "category" : "permittedprohibited", "type" : "Refdata", "label" : "Making digital copies", "description" : "The right of the licensee and authorized users to download and digitally copy a reasonable portion of the licensed materials" }, { "name" : "copyPrint", "category" : "permittedprohibited", "type" : "Refdata", "label" : "Making print copies", "description" : "The right of the licensee and authorized users to print a reasonable portion of the licensed materials" }, { "name" : "scholarlySharing", "category" : "permittedprohibited", "type" : "Refdata", "label" : "Sharing for scholarly use", "description" : "The right of authorized users and/or licensee to transmit hard copy or electronic copy of reasonable amounts of licensed materials to a third party for personal, scholarly, educational, scientific or professional use" }, { "name" : "otherRestrictions", "category" : "", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Other restrictions", "description" : "Other restrictions expressed in the license" }, { "name" : "textAndDataMining", "category" : "permittedprohibited", "type" : "Refdata", "label" : "Text and Data mining", "description" : "Whether it is permitted to use text and data mining processes on the content of the resource" }, { "name" : "metadataUsage", "category" : "", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Metadata usage", "description" : "Any restrictions expressed related to the use of metadata in the platforms" }, { "name" : "authIP", "category" : "yesno", "type" : "Refdata", "label" : "IP authentication supported?", "description" : "Whether authentication via IP range is supported" }, { "name" : "authProxy", "category" : "yesno", "type" : "Refdata", "label" : "Access via a proxy supported?", "description" : "Whether authentication via a reverse proxy is supported" }, { "name" : "authSAML", "category" : "yesno", "type" : "Refdata", "label" : "SAML compliant authentication supported?", "description" : "Whether authentication via SAML compliant method is supported" }, { "name" : "annualOptOut", "category" : "yesno", "type" : "Refdata", "label" : "Annual opt-out clause included?", "description" : "Whether the license includes an 'annual opt-out' clause within a multi-year agreement" }, { "name" : "APCAndOffsetting", "category" : "", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Whether the resource is subject to an APC discount or subscription cost offsetting agreement", "description" : "Whether the resource is subject to an APC discount or subscription cost offsetting agreement" }, { "name" : "postCancellationAccess", "category" : "yesno", "type" : "Refdata", "label" : "Post-cancellation terms included?", "description" : "Does the license include post-cancellation terms?" }]