exec java -XX:+ExitOnOutOfMemoryError -cp . -jar /usr/verticles/mod-pubsub-server-fat.jar starting rest verticle service.......... 01:42:59 [] [] [] [] INFO RestVerticle git: https://github.com/folio-org/raml-module-builder.git 52d50a785cf7054ba935fb1726621dcc8db53b02 01:42:59 [] [] [] [] INFO RestVerticle metrics enabled: false 01:43:00 [] [] [] [] INFO Messages Loading messages from /infra-messages/APIMessages_en.properties ................................ 01:43:00 [] [] [] [] INFO Messages Loading messages from /infra-messages/APIMessages_de.properties ................................ 01:43:00 [] [] [] [] INFO Version HV000001: Hibernate Validator null 01:43:00 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting Adding route GET /_/ramls -> getRamls 01:43:00 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting Looks like org.folio.rest.jaxrs.resource.Rmbtests is not implemented 01:43:00 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting Adding route DELETE /_/tenant/{operation_id} -> deleteTenantByOperationId 01:43:00 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting Adding route GET /_/tenant/{operation_id} -> getTenantByOperationId 01:43:00 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting Adding route POST /_/tenant -> postTenant 01:43:01 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting Adding route DELETE /pubsub/event-types/{eventTypeName} -> deletePubsubEventTypesByEventTypeName 01:43:01 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting Adding route GET /pubsub/event-types/{eventTypeName} -> getPubsubEventTypesByEventTypeName 01:43:01 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting Adding route PUT /pubsub/event-types/{eventTypeName} -> putPubsubEventTypesByEventTypeName 01:43:01 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting Adding route DELETE /pubsub/event-types/{eventTypeName}/publishers -> deletePubsubEventTypesPublishersByEventTypeName 01:43:01 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting Adding route GET /pubsub/event-types/{eventTypeName}/publishers -> getPubsubEventTypesPublishersByEventTypeName 01:43:01 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting Adding route DELETE /pubsub/event-types/{eventTypeName}/subscribers -> deletePubsubEventTypesSubscribersByEventTypeName 01:43:01 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting Adding route GET /pubsub/event-types/{eventTypeName}/subscribers -> getPubsubEventTypesSubscribersByEventTypeName 01:43:01 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting Adding route DELETE /pubsub/messaging-modules -> deletePubsubMessagingModules 01:43:01 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting Adding route GET /pubsub/audit-messages/{eventId}/payload -> getPubsubAuditMessagesPayloadByEventId 01:43:01 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting Adding route GET /pubsub/event-types -> getPubsubEventTypes 01:43:01 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting Adding route POST /pubsub/event-types -> postPubsubEventTypes 01:43:01 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting Adding route GET /pubsub/history -> getPubsubHistory 01:43:01 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting Adding route POST /pubsub/event-types/declare/publisher -> postPubsubEventTypesDeclarePublisher 01:43:01 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting Adding route POST /pubsub/event-types/declare/subscriber -> postPubsubEventTypesDeclareSubscriber 01:43:01 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting Adding route POST /pubsub/publish -> postPubsubPublish 01:43:01 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting Adding route DELETE /admin/kill_query -> deleteAdminKillQuery 01:43:01 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting Adding route GET /admin/cache_hit_rates -> getAdminCacheHitRates 01:43:01 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting Adding route GET /admin/db_cache_summary -> getAdminDbCacheSummary 01:43:01 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting Adding route GET /admin/health -> getAdminHealth 01:43:01 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting Adding route GET /admin/jstack -> getAdminJstack 01:43:01 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting Adding route PUT /admin/jstack -> putAdminJstack 01:43:01 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting Adding route GET /admin/list_locking_queries -> getAdminListLockingQueries 01:43:01 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting Adding route GET /admin/loglevel -> getAdminLoglevel 01:43:01 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting Adding route PUT /admin/loglevel -> putAdminLoglevel 01:43:01 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting Adding route GET /admin/memory -> getAdminMemory 01:43:01 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting Adding route GET /admin/postgres_active_sessions -> getAdminPostgresActiveSessions 01:43:01 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting Adding route GET /admin/postgres_load -> getAdminPostgresLoad 01:43:01 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting Adding route GET /admin/postgres_table_access_stats -> getAdminPostgresTableAccessStats 01:43:01 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting Adding route GET /admin/postgres_table_size -> getAdminPostgresTableSize 01:43:01 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting Adding route GET /admin/slow_queries -> getAdminSlowQueries 01:43:01 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting Adding route GET /admin/table_index_usage -> getAdminTableIndexUsage 01:43:01 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting Adding route GET /admin/total_db_size -> getAdminTotalDbSize 01:43:01 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting Adding route POST /admin/get_password -> postAdminGetPassword 01:43:01 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting Adding route POST /admin/importSQL -> postAdminImportSQL 01:43:01 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting Adding route POST /admin/postgres_maintenance -> postAdminPostgresMaintenance 01:43:01 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting Adding route POST /admin/set_AES_key -> postAdminSetAESKey 01:43:01 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting Adding route PUT /admin/postgres_create_indexes -> putAdminPostgresCreateIndexes 01:43:01 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting Adding route PUT /admin/postgres_drop_indexes -> putAdminPostgresDropIndexes 01:43:01 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting Adding route GET /_/jsonSchemas -> getJsonSchemas 01:43:02 [] [] [] [] INFO LiquibaseUtil Initializing schema pubsub_config for the module 01:43:02 [] [] [] [] INFO leConnectionProvider Attempting to get connection 01:43:02 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient DB config read from environment variables 01:43:02 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient postgreSQLClientConfig = {"maxPoolSize":5,"port":5432,"username":"folio_admin","host":"","database":"okapi_modules","password":"...","postgres_tester":false} SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticMDCBinder". SLF4J: Defaulting to no-operation MDCAdapter implementation. SLF4J: See http://www.slf4j.org/codes.html#no_static_mdc_binder for further details. 01:43:05 [] [] [] [] INFO LiquibaseUtil Schema is initialized for the module 01:43:06 [] [] [] [] INFO RestVerticle Init hook called with implemented class named org.folio.rest.impl.InitAPIImpl 01:43:06 [] [] [] [] INFO RestVerticle Listening port 8081 01:43:06 [] [] [] [] INFO RestVerticle No periodic implementation found, continuing with deployment 01:43:06 [] [] [] [] INFO RestVerticle No Post Deploy Hook implementation found, continuing with deployment 01:43:06 [] [] [] [] INFO ? Succeeded in deploying verticle 01:52:30 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postTenant 01:52:30 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Executing multiple statements with id -938870883 01:52:30 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE ROLE diku_mod_pubsub PASSWORD 'diku' NOSUPERUSER NOCREATEDB INHERIT LOGIN; 01:52:30 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE ROLE diku_mod_pubsub PASSWORD 'diku' NOSUPERUSER NOCREATEDB INHERIT LOGIN; 01:52:30 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} GRANT diku_mod_pubsub TO CURRENT_USER; 01:52:30 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed GRANT diku_mod_pubsub TO CURRENT_USER; 01:52:30 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE SCHEMA diku_mod_pubsub AUTHORIZATION diku_mod_pubsub; 01:52:30 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE SCHEMA diku_mod_pubsub AUTHORIZATION diku_mod_pubsub; 01:52:30 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} ALTER ROLE diku_mod_pubsub SET search_path = "$user"; 01:52:30 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed ALTER ROLE diku_mod_pubsub SET search_path = "$user"; 01:52:30 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DO $$ BEGIN BEGIN -- This only succeeds if show_trgm, a pg_trgm function, -- has been loaded into public schema. PERFORM public.show_trgm('a'); EXCEPTION WHEN undefined_function THEN BEGIN ALTER EXTENSION pg_trgm SET SCHEMA public; EXCEPTION WHEN undefined_object THEN NULL; END; END; END $$; 01:52:30 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DO $$ BEGIN BEGIN -- This only succeeds if show_trgm, a pg_trgm function, -- has been loaded into public schema. PERFORM public.show_trgm('a'); EXCEPTION WHEN undefined_function THEN BEGIN ALTER EXTENSION pg_trgm SET SCHEMA public; EXCEPTION WHEN undefined_object THEN NULL; END; END; END $$; 01:52:30 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS unaccent WITH SCHEMA public; 01:52:30 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='42710', message='extension "unaccent" already exists, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='extension.c', line='1761', routine='CreateExtension', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 01:52:30 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS unaccent WITH SCHEMA public; 01:52:30 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS pg_trgm WITH SCHEMA public; 01:52:30 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='42710', message='extension "pg_trgm" already exists, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='extension.c', line='1761', routine='CreateExtension', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 01:52:30 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS pg_trgm WITH SCHEMA public; 01:52:30 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS diku_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, jsonb JSONB NOT NULL ); 01:52:30 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS diku_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, jsonb JSONB NOT NULL ); 01:52:30 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} insert into diku_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal (jsonb) values ('{"rmbVersion": "33.0.4", "moduleVersion": "mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT.175"}'::jsonb); 01:52:30 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed insert into diku_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal (jsonb) values ('{"rmbVersion": "33.0.4", "moduleVersion": "mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT.175"}'::jsonb); 01:52:30 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS diku_mod_pubsub.rmb_job ( id UUID PRIMARY KEY, jsonb JSONB NOT NULL ); 01:52:30 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS diku_mod_pubsub.rmb_job ( id UUID PRIMARY KEY, jsonb JSONB NOT NULL ); 01:52:30 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /_/tenant null HTTP_1_1 201 421 612 tid=diku Created 01:52:30 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Executing multiple statements with id 535336929 01:52:30 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking getTenantByOperationId 01:52:30 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} SET search_path TO diku_mod_pubsub; 01:52:30 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed SET search_path TO diku_mod_pubsub; 01:52:30 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS diku_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index ( name text PRIMARY KEY, def text NOT NULL, remove boolean NOT NULL ); 01:52:30 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS diku_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index ( name text PRIMARY KEY, def text NOT NULL, remove boolean NOT NULL ); 01:52:30 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} UPDATE diku_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index SET remove = TRUE; 01:52:30 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil GET /_/tenant/4becce5e-1235-431a-8fae-967e67465ccc null HTTP_1_1 200 421 25 tid=diku OK 01:52:30 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed UPDATE diku_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index SET remove = TRUE; 01:52:30 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS rmb_internal_analyze ( tablename text ); 01:52:30 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS rmb_internal_analyze ( tablename text ); 01:52:30 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION diku_mod_pubsub.uuid_smaller(uuid, uuid) RETURNS uuid AS $$ BEGIN IF $1 IS NULL THEN RETURN $2; END IF; IF $2 IS NULL THEN RETURN $1; END IF; IF $1 < $2 THEN RETURN $1; ELSE RETURN $2; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 01:52:30 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION diku_mod_pubsub.uuid_smaller(uuid, uuid) RETURNS uuid AS $$ BEGIN IF $1 IS NULL THEN RETURN $2; END IF; IF $2 IS NULL THEN RETURN $1; END IF; IF $1 < $2 THEN RETURN $1; ELSE RETURN $2; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 01:52:30 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION diku_mod_pubsub.uuid_larger(uuid, uuid) RETURNS uuid AS $$ BEGIN IF $1 IS NULL THEN RETURN $2; END IF; IF $2 IS NULL THEN RETURN $1; END IF; IF $1 > $2 THEN RETURN $1; ELSE RETURN $2; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 01:52:30 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION diku_mod_pubsub.uuid_larger(uuid, uuid) RETURNS uuid AS $$ BEGIN IF $1 IS NULL THEN RETURN $2; END IF; IF $2 IS NULL THEN RETURN $1; END IF; IF $1 > $2 THEN RETURN $1; ELSE RETURN $2; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 01:52:30 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION diku_mod_pubsub.next_uuid(uuid) RETURNS uuid AS $$ DECLARE uuid text; digit text; BEGIN uuid = $1; FOR i IN REVERSE 36..1 LOOP digit := substring(uuid from i for 1); -- skip minus, version byte M and variant byte N CONTINUE WHEN digit = '-' OR i = 15 OR i = 20; CASE digit WHEN '0' THEN digit := '1'; WHEN '1' THEN digit := '2'; WHEN '2' THEN digit := '3'; WHEN '3' THEN digit := '4'; WHEN '4' THEN digit := '5'; WHEN '5' THEN digit := '6'; WHEN '6' THEN digit := '7'; WHEN '7' THEN digit := '8'; WHEN '8' THEN digit := '9'; WHEN '9' THEN digit := 'a'; WHEN 'a' THEN digit := 'b'; WHEN 'b' THEN digit := 'c'; WHEN 'c' THEN digit := 'd'; WHEN 'd' THEN digit := 'e'; WHEN 'e' THEN digit := 'f'; WHEN 'f' THEN digit := '0'; ELSE NULL; END CASE; uuid = overlay(uuid placing digit from i); EXIT WHEN digit <> '0'; END LOOP; RETURN uuid; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 01:52:30 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION diku_mod_pubsub.next_uuid(uuid) RETURNS uuid AS $$ DECLARE uuid text; digit text; BEGIN uuid = $1; FOR i IN REVERSE 36..1 LOOP digit := substring(uuid from i for 1); -- skip minus, version byte M and variant byte N CONTINUE WHEN digit = '-' OR i = 15 OR i = 20; CASE digit WHEN '0' THEN digit := '1'; WHEN '1' THEN digit := '2'; WHEN '2' THEN digit := '3'; WHEN '3' THEN digit := '4'; WHEN '4' THEN digit := '5'; WHEN '5' THEN digit := '6'; WHEN '6' THEN digit := '7'; WHEN '7' THEN digit := '8'; WHEN '8' THEN digit := '9'; WHEN '9' THEN digit := 'a'; WHEN 'a' THEN digit := 'b'; WHEN 'b' THEN digit := 'c'; WHEN 'c' THEN digit := 'd'; WHEN 'd' THEN digit := 'e'; WHEN 'e' THEN digit := 'f'; WHEN 'f' THEN digit := '0'; ELSE NULL; END CASE; uuid = overlay(uuid placing digit from i); EXIT WHEN digit <> '0'; END LOOP; RETURN uuid; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 01:52:30 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE AGGREGATE diku_mod_pubsub.max(uuid) ( stype = uuid, sfunc = diku_mod_pubsub.uuid_larger, combinefunc = diku_mod_pubsub.uuid_larger, parallel = safe, sortop = operator (>) ); 01:52:30 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE AGGREGATE diku_mod_pubsub.max(uuid) ( stype = uuid, sfunc = diku_mod_pubsub.uuid_larger, combinefunc = diku_mod_pubsub.uuid_larger, parallel = safe, sortop = operator (>) ); 01:52:30 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE AGGREGATE diku_mod_pubsub.min(uuid) ( stype = uuid, sfunc = diku_mod_pubsub.uuid_smaller, combinefunc = diku_mod_pubsub.uuid_smaller, parallel = safe, sortop = operator (<) ); 01:52:30 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE AGGREGATE diku_mod_pubsub.min(uuid) ( stype = uuid, sfunc = diku_mod_pubsub.uuid_smaller, combinefunc = diku_mod_pubsub.uuid_smaller, parallel = safe, sortop = operator (<) ); 01:52:30 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS diku_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(bigint,bigint,text); 01:52:30 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='00000', message='function diku_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(pg_catalog.int8,pg_catalog.int8,text) does not exist, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='dropcmds.c', line='491', routine='does_not_exist_skipping', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 01:52:30 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS diku_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(bigint,bigint,text); 01:52:30 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE FUNCTION diku_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(rows bigint, lim bigint, query text) RETURNS bigint AS $$ DECLARE rec record; cnt bigint; BEGIN IF rows = lim THEN FOR rec IN EXECUTE 'EXPLAIN ' || query LOOP cnt := substring(rec."QUERY PLAN" FROM ' rows=([[:digit:]]+)'); EXIT WHEN cnt IS NOT NULL; END LOOP; RETURN cnt; END IF; RETURN rows; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql VOLATILE STRICT; 01:52:30 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE FUNCTION diku_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(rows bigint, lim bigint, query text) RETURNS bigint AS $$ DECLARE rec record; cnt bigint; BEGIN IF rows = lim THEN FOR rec IN EXECUTE 'EXPLAIN ' || query LOOP cnt := substring(rec."QUERY PLAN" FROM ' rows=([[:digit:]]+)'); EXIT WHEN cnt IS NOT NULL; END LOOP; RETURN cnt; END IF; RETURN rows; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql VOLATILE STRICT; 01:52:30 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION diku_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_default(query text) RETURNS bigint AS $$ DECLARE rows bigint; q text; BEGIN q = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (' || query || ' LIMIT 1000) x'; EXECUTE q INTO rows; IF rows < 1000 THEN return rows; END IF; rows = diku_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(1000, 1000, query); IF rows < 1000 THEN return 1000; END IF; RETURN rows; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE STRICT; 01:52:30 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION diku_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_default(query text) RETURNS bigint AS $$ DECLARE rows bigint; q text; BEGIN q = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (' || query || ' LIMIT 1000) x'; EXECUTE q INTO rows; IF rows < 1000 THEN return rows; END IF; rows = diku_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(1000, 1000, query); IF rows < 1000 THEN return 1000; END IF; RETURN rows; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE STRICT; 01:52:30 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION diku_mod_pubsub.count_estimate(query text) RETURNS bigint AS $$ DECLARE count bigint; est_count bigint; q text; BEGIN est_count = diku_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(1000, 1000, query); IF est_count > 4*1000 THEN RETURN est_count; END IF; q = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (' || query || ' LIMIT 1000) x'; EXECUTE q INTO count; IF count < 1000 THEN RETURN count; END IF; IF est_count < 1000 THEN RETURN 1000; END IF; RETURN est_count; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql STABLE STRICT; 01:52:30 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION diku_mod_pubsub.count_estimate(query text) RETURNS bigint AS $$ DECLARE count bigint; est_count bigint; q text; BEGIN est_count = diku_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(1000, 1000, query); IF est_count > 4*1000 THEN RETURN est_count; END IF; q = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (' || query || ' LIMIT 1000) x'; EXECUTE q INTO count; IF count < 1000 THEN RETURN count; END IF; IF est_count < 1000 THEN RETURN 1000; END IF; RETURN est_count; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql STABLE STRICT; 01:52:30 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION diku_mod_pubsub.upsert(text, uuid, anyelement) RETURNS uuid AS $$ DECLARE ret uuid; BEGIN EXECUTE format('UPDATE diku_mod_pubsub.%I SET jsonb=$3 WHERE id=$2 RETURNING id', $1) USING $1, $2, $3 INTO ret; IF ret IS NOT NULL THEN RETURN ret; END IF; EXECUTE format('INSERT INTO diku_mod_pubsub.%I (id, jsonb) VALUES ($2, $3) RETURNING id', $1) USING $1, $2, $3 INTO STRICT ret; RETURN ret; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 01:52:30 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION diku_mod_pubsub.upsert(text, uuid, anyelement) RETURNS uuid AS $$ DECLARE ret uuid; BEGIN EXECUTE format('UPDATE diku_mod_pubsub.%I SET jsonb=$3 WHERE id=$2 RETURNING id', $1) USING $1, $2, $3 INTO ret; IF ret IS NOT NULL THEN RETURN ret; END IF; EXECUTE format('INSERT INTO diku_mod_pubsub.%I (id, jsonb) VALUES ($2, $3) RETURNING id', $1) USING $1, $2, $3 INTO STRICT ret; RETURN ret; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 01:52:30 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DO $$ DECLARE ver integer; BEGIN SELECT current_setting('server_version_num') INTO ver; IF (ver >= 120000) THEN CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION diku_mod_pubsub.f_unaccent(text) RETURNS text AS $f_unaccent$ SELECT public.unaccent('public.unaccent', $1) -- schema-qualify function and dictionary $f_unaccent$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; ELSE CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION diku_mod_pubsub.f_unaccent(text) RETURNS text AS $f_unaccent$ SELECT regexp_replace(public.unaccent('public.unaccent', $1), E'[\u0300\u0301\u0302\u0303\u0304\u0305\u0306\u0307\u0308\u0309\u030a\u030b\u030c\u030d\u030e\u030f' || E'\u0310\u0311\u0312\u0313\u0314\u0315\u0316\u0317\u0318\u0319\u031a\u031b\u031c\u031d\u031e\u031f' || E'\u0320\u0321\u0322\u0323\u0324\u0325\u0326\u0327\u0328\u0329\u032a\u032b\u032c\u032d\u032e\u032f' || E'\u0330\u0331\u0332\u0333\u0334\u0335\u0336\u0337\u0338\u0339\u033a\u033b\u033c\u033d\u033e\u033f' || E'\u0340\u0341\u0342\u0343\u0344\u0345\u0346\u0347\u0348\u0349\u034a\u034b\u034c\u034d\u034e\u034f' || E'\u0350\u0351\u0352\u0353\u0354\u0355\u0356\u0357\u0358\u0359\u035a\u035b\u035c\u035d\u035e\u035f' || E'\u0360\u0361\u0362' || E'\u20dd\u20de\u20df\u20e0' || E'\u20e2\u20e3\u20e4]', '', 'g') $f_unaccent$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; END IF; END $$; 01:52:30 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DO $$ DECLARE ver integer; BEGIN SELECT current_setting('server_version_num') INTO ver; IF (ver >= 120000) THEN CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION diku_mod_pubsub.f_unaccent(text) RETURNS text AS $f_unaccent$ SELECT public.unaccent('public.unaccent', $1) -- schema-qualify function and dictionary $f_unaccent$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; ELSE CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION diku_mod_pubsub.f_unaccent(text) RETURNS text AS $f_unaccent$ SELECT regexp_replace(public.unaccent('public.unaccent', $1), E'[\u0300\u0301\u0302\u0303\u0304\u0305\u0306\u0307\u0308\u0309\u030a\u030b\u030c\u030d\u030e\u030f' || E'\u0310\u0311\u0312\u0313\u0314\u0315\u0316\u0317\u0318\u0319\u031a\u031b\u031c\u031d\u031e\u031f' || E'\u0320\u0321\u0322\u0323\u0324\u0325\u0326\u0327\u0328\u0329\u032a\u032b\u032c\u032d\u032e\u032f' || E'\u0330\u0331\u0332\u0333\u0334\u0335\u0336\u0337\u0338\u0339\u033a\u033b\u033c\u033d\u033e\u033f' || E'\u0340\u0341\u0342\u0343\u0344\u0345\u0346\u0347\u0348\u0349\u034a\u034b\u034c\u034d\u034e\u034f' || E'\u0350\u0351\u0352\u0353\u0354\u0355\u0356\u0357\u0358\u0359\u035a\u035b\u035c\u035d\u035e\u035f' || E'\u0360\u0361\u0362' || E'\u20dd\u20de\u20df\u20e0' || E'\u20e2\u20e3\u20e4]', '', 'g') $f_unaccent$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; END IF; END $$; 01:52:30 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION diku_mod_pubsub.get_tsvector(text) RETURNS tsvector AS $$ SELECT to_tsvector('simple', translate($1, '&', ',')); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 01:52:30 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION diku_mod_pubsub.get_tsvector(text) RETURNS tsvector AS $$ SELECT to_tsvector('simple', translate($1, '&', ',')); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 01:52:30 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION diku_mod_pubsub.tsquery_and(text) RETURNS tsquery AS $$ SELECT to_tsquery('simple', string_agg(CASE WHEN length(v) = 0 OR v = '*' THEN '' WHEN right(v, 1) = '*' THEN '''' || left(v, -1) || ''':*' ELSE '''' || v || '''' END, '&')) FROM (SELECT regexp_split_to_table(translate($1, '&''', ',,'), ' +')) AS x(v); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 01:52:30 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION diku_mod_pubsub.tsquery_and(text) RETURNS tsquery AS $$ SELECT to_tsquery('simple', string_agg(CASE WHEN length(v) = 0 OR v = '*' THEN '' WHEN right(v, 1) = '*' THEN '''' || left(v, -1) || ''':*' ELSE '''' || v || '''' END, '&')) FROM (SELECT regexp_split_to_table(translate($1, '&''', ',,'), ' +')) AS x(v); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 01:52:30 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION diku_mod_pubsub.tsquery_or(text) RETURNS tsquery AS $$ SELECT replace(diku_mod_pubsub.tsquery_and($1)::text, '&', '|')::tsquery; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 01:52:30 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION diku_mod_pubsub.tsquery_or(text) RETURNS tsquery AS $$ SELECT replace(diku_mod_pubsub.tsquery_and($1)::text, '&', '|')::tsquery; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 01:52:30 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION diku_mod_pubsub.tsquery_phrase(text) RETURNS tsquery AS $$ SELECT replace(diku_mod_pubsub.tsquery_and($1)::text, '&', '<->')::tsquery; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 01:52:30 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION diku_mod_pubsub.tsquery_phrase(text) RETURNS tsquery AS $$ SELECT replace(diku_mod_pubsub.tsquery_and($1)::text, '&', '<->')::tsquery; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 01:52:30 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION diku_mod_pubsub.normalize_digits(text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT translate((regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[1], E' \t-', '') || CASE WHEN (regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[1] = '' THEN '' WHEN (regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[2] = '' THEN '' ELSE ' ' END || (regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[2]; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 01:52:30 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION diku_mod_pubsub.normalize_digits(text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT translate((regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[1], E' \t-', '') || CASE WHEN (regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[1] = '' THEN '' WHEN (regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[2] = '' THEN '' ELSE ' ' END || (regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[2]; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 01:52:30 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION diku_mod_pubsub.set_id_in_jsonb() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $$ BEGIN NEW.jsonb = jsonb_set(NEW.jsonb, '{id}', to_jsonb(NEW.id)); RETURN NEW; END; $$ language 'plpgsql'; 01:52:30 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION diku_mod_pubsub.set_id_in_jsonb() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $$ BEGIN NEW.jsonb = jsonb_set(NEW.jsonb, '{id}', to_jsonb(NEW.id)); RETURN NEW; END; $$ language 'plpgsql'; 01:52:30 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} create or replace function diku_mod_pubsub.concat_space_sql(VARIADIC text[]) RETURNS text AS $$ select concat_ws(' ', VARIADIC $1); $$ LANGUAGE SQL IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 01:52:30 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed create or replace function diku_mod_pubsub.concat_space_sql(VARIADIC text[]) RETURNS text AS $$ select concat_ws(' ', VARIADIC $1); $$ LANGUAGE SQL IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 01:52:30 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} create or replace function diku_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object_values(jsonb_array jsonb, field text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT string_agg(value->>$2, ' ') FROM jsonb_array_elements($1); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 01:52:30 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed create or replace function diku_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object_values(jsonb_array jsonb, field text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT string_agg(value->>$2, ' ') FROM jsonb_array_elements($1); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 01:52:30 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} create or replace function diku_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object_values( jsonb_array jsonb, field text, filterkey text, filtervalue text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT string_agg(value->>$2, ' ') FROM jsonb_array_elements($1) WHERE value->>$3 = $4; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 01:52:30 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed create or replace function diku_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object_values( jsonb_array jsonb, field text, filterkey text, filtervalue text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT string_agg(value->>$2, ' ') FROM jsonb_array_elements($1) WHERE value->>$3 = $4; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 01:52:30 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} create or replace function diku_mod_pubsub.first_array_object_value( jsonb_array jsonb, field text, filterkey text, filtervalue text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT value->>$2 FROM jsonb_array_elements($1) WHERE value->>$3 = $4 LIMIT 1; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 01:52:30 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed create or replace function diku_mod_pubsub.first_array_object_value( jsonb_array jsonb, field text, filterkey text, filtervalue text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT value->>$2 FROM jsonb_array_elements($1) WHERE value->>$3 = $4 LIMIT 1; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 01:52:30 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} create or replace function diku_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object(jsonb_array jsonb) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT string_agg(value::text, ' ') FROM jsonb_array_elements_text($1); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 01:52:30 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed create or replace function diku_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object(jsonb_array jsonb) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT string_agg(value::text, ' ') FROM jsonb_array_elements_text($1); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 01:52:30 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS rmb_internal_index(aname text, tops text, newdef text); 01:52:30 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='00000', message='function rmb_internal_index(text,text,text) does not exist, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='dropcmds.c', line='491', routine='does_not_exist_skipping', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 01:52:30 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS rmb_internal_index(aname text, tops text, newdef text); 01:52:30 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION rmb_internal_index( atable text, aname text, tops text, newdef text) RETURNS void AS $$ DECLARE olddef text; namep CONSTANT text = concat(aname, '_p'); prepareddef text; BEGIN IF tops = 'DELETE' THEN -- use case insensitive %s, not case sensitive %I -- no SQL injection because the names are hard-coded in schema.json EXECUTE format('DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s', aname); EXECUTE 'DELETE FROM diku_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE name = $1' USING aname; RETURN; END IF; SELECT def INTO olddef FROM diku_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE name = aname; SELECT def INTO prepareddef FROM diku_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE name = namep; prepareddef = replace(prepareddef, concat(' ', namep, ' ON '), concat(' ', aname, ' ON ')); IF prepareddef = newdef THEN EXECUTE format('DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s', aname); EXECUTE format('ALTER INDEX IF EXISTS %s RENAME TO %s', namep, aname); EXECUTE 'DELETE FROM rmb_internal_index WHERE name = $1' USING namep; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO rmb_internal_analyze VALUES ($1)' USING atable; ELSIF olddef IS DISTINCT FROM newdef THEN EXECUTE format('DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s', aname); EXECUTE newdef; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO rmb_internal_analyze VALUES ($1)' USING atable; END IF; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO diku_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index VALUES ($1, $2, FALSE) ' 'ON CONFLICT (name) DO UPDATE SET def = EXCLUDED.def, remove = EXCLUDED.remove' USING aname, newdef; END $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 01:52:30 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION rmb_internal_index( atable text, aname text, tops text, newdef text) RETURNS void AS $$ DECLARE olddef text; namep CONSTANT text = concat(aname, '_p'); prepareddef text; BEGIN IF tops = 'DELETE' THEN -- use case insensitive %s, not case sensitive %I -- no SQL injection because the names are hard-coded in schema.json EXECUTE format('DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s', aname); EXECUTE 'DELETE FROM diku_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE name = $1' USING aname; RETURN; END IF; SELECT def INTO olddef FROM diku_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE name = aname; SELECT def INTO prepareddef FROM diku_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE name = namep; prepareddef = replace(prepareddef, concat(' ', namep, ' ON '), concat(' ', aname, ' ON ')); IF prepareddef = newdef THEN EXECUTE format('DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s', aname); EXECUTE format('ALTER INDEX IF EXISTS %s RENAME TO %s', namep, aname); EXECUTE 'DELETE FROM rmb_internal_index WHERE name = $1' USING namep; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO rmb_internal_analyze VALUES ($1)' USING atable; ELSIF olddef IS DISTINCT FROM newdef THEN EXECUTE format('DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s', aname); EXECUTE newdef; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO rmb_internal_analyze VALUES ($1)' USING atable; END IF; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO diku_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index VALUES ($1, $2, FALSE) ' 'ON CONFLICT (name) DO UPDATE SET def = EXCLUDED.def, remove = EXCLUDED.remove' USING aname, newdef; END $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 01:52:30 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DO $$ BEGIN -- use advisory lock to prevent "tuple concurrently updated" -- https://issues.folio.org/browse/RMB-744 PERFORM pg_advisory_xact_lock(20201101, 1234567890); REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ON SCHEMA public FROM diku_mod_pubsub; REVOKE CREATE ON SCHEMA public FROM PUBLIC; END $$; 01:52:30 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DO $$ BEGIN -- use advisory lock to prevent "tuple concurrently updated" -- https://issues.folio.org/browse/RMB-744 PERFORM pg_advisory_xact_lock(20201101, 1234567890); REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ON SCHEMA public FROM diku_mod_pubsub; REVOKE CREATE ON SCHEMA public FROM PUBLIC; END $$; 01:52:30 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DO $$ DECLARE aname TEXT; BEGIN FOR aname IN SELECT name FROM diku_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE remove = TRUE LOOP EXECUTE 'DROP INDEX IF EXISTS ' || aname; END LOOP; END $$; 01:52:30 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DO $$ DECLARE aname TEXT; BEGIN FOR aname IN SELECT name FROM diku_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE remove = TRUE LOOP EXECUTE 'DROP INDEX IF EXISTS ' || aname; END LOOP; END $$; 01:52:30 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DO $$ DECLARE version TEXT; i RECORD; newindexdef TEXT; BEGIN SELECT jsonb->>'rmbVersion' INTO version FROM diku_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal; IF version !~ '^(\d\.|1\d\.|2[0-8]\.|29\.[0-3]\.)' THEN -- skip this upgrade if last install/upgrade was made by RMB >= 29.4.x RETURN; END IF; FOR i IN SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_indexes WHERE schemaname = 'diku_mod_pubsub' LOOP newindexdef := regexp_replace(i.indexdef, -- \m = beginning of a word, \M = end of a word '\mpublic\.(f_unaccent|concat_space_sql|concat_array_object_values|concat_array_object)\M', 'diku_mod_pubsub.\1', 'g'); IF newindexdef <> i.indexdef THEN EXECUTE 'DROP INDEX ' || i.indexname; EXECUTE newindexdef; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO rmb_internal_analyze VALUES ($1)' USING i.tablename; END IF; END LOOP; END $$; 01:52:30 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DO $$ DECLARE version TEXT; i RECORD; newindexdef TEXT; BEGIN SELECT jsonb->>'rmbVersion' INTO version FROM diku_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal; IF version !~ '^(\d\.|1\d\.|2[0-8]\.|29\.[0-3]\.)' THEN -- skip this upgrade if last install/upgrade was made by RMB >= 29.4.x RETURN; END IF; FOR i IN SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_indexes WHERE schemaname = 'diku_mod_pubsub' LOOP newindexdef := regexp_replace(i.indexdef, -- \m = beginning of a word, \M = end of a word '\mpublic\.(f_unaccent|concat_space_sql|concat_array_object_values|concat_array_object)\M', 'diku_mod_pubsub.\1', 'g'); IF newindexdef <> i.indexdef THEN EXECUTE 'DROP INDEX ' || i.indexname; EXECUTE newindexdef; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO rmb_internal_analyze VALUES ($1)' USING i.tablename; END IF; END LOOP; END $$; 01:52:30 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DO $$ DECLARE t TEXT; BEGIN FOR t IN SELECT DISTINCT tablename FROM rmb_internal_analyze LOOP EXECUTE 'ANALYZE ' || t; END LOOP; END $$; 01:52:30 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DO $$ DECLARE t TEXT; BEGIN FOR t IN SELECT DISTINCT tablename FROM rmb_internal_analyze LOOP EXECUTE 'ANALYZE ' || t; END LOOP; END $$; 01:52:30 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} TRUNCATE rmb_internal_analyze; 01:52:30 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed TRUNCATE rmb_internal_analyze; 01:52:30 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA diku_mod_pubsub TO diku_mod_pubsub; 01:52:30 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA diku_mod_pubsub TO diku_mod_pubsub; 01:52:30 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} UPDATE diku_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal SET jsonb = jsonb || jsonb_build_object( 'rmbVersion', '33.0.4', 'moduleVersion', 'mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT.175', 'schemaJson', $mainftl${} $mainftl$); 01:52:30 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed UPDATE diku_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal SET jsonb = jsonb || jsonb_build_object( 'rmbVersion', '33.0.4', 'moduleVersion', 'mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT.175', 'schemaJson', $mainftl${} $mainftl$); 01:52:30 [] [] [] [] INFO LiquibaseUtil Initializing schema diku_mod_pubsub for tenant diku 01:52:30 [] [] [] [] INFO leConnectionProvider Attempting to get connection for diku 01:52:30 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient DB config read from environment variables 01:52:30 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Using schema: diku 01:52:30 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient postgreSQLClientConfig = {"maxPoolSize":5,"port":5432,"username":"diku_mod_pubsub","host":"","database":"okapi_modules","password":"...","postgres_tester":false} 01:52:31 [] [] [] [] INFO LiquibaseUtil Schema is initialized for tenant diku 01:52:31 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending GET for 01:52:31 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking getTenantByOperationId 01:52:31 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil GET /_/tenant/4becce5e-1235-431a-8fae-967e67465ccc null HTTP_1_1 200 421 26 tid=diku OK 01:52:31 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 200 01:52:31 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 01:52:31 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 201 01:52:31 [] [] [] [] INFO SecurityManagerImpl Created pubsub-user user 01:52:31 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 01:52:31 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 201 01:52:31 [] [] [] [] INFO SecurityManagerImpl Saved pubsub-user user credentials 01:52:31 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 01:52:31 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 01:52:31 [] [] [] [] ERROR SecurityManagerImpl Failed to add permissions for pubsub-user user. Received status code 400 01:52:31 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 01:52:31 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 01:52:31 [] [] [] [] ERROR SecurityManagerImpl pubsub-user user was not logged in, received status 400 01:52:31 [] [] [] [] INFO TenantAPI job 4becce5e-1235-431a-8fae-967e67465ccc completed 01:52:31 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking getTenantByOperationId 01:52:31 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil GET /_/tenant/4becce5e-1235-431a-8fae-967e67465ccc null HTTP_1_1 200 420 4 tid=diku OK 01:52:31 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking deleteTenantByOperationId 01:52:31 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil DELETE /_/tenant/4becce5e-1235-431a-8fae-967e67465ccc null HTTP_1_1 204 0 5 tid=diku No Content 01:52:34 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubEventTypes 01:52:34 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/event-types HTTP_1_1 201 133 27 tid=diku Created 01:52:34 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubEventTypesDeclarePublisher 01:52:34 [] [] [] [] INFO afkaTopicServiceImpl Created topics: [LOG_RECORD] 01:52:34 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/event-types/declare/publisher HTTP_1_1 201 0 90 tid=diku Created 01:53:03 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubEventTypes 01:53:03 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubEventTypes 01:53:03 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubEventTypes 01:53:03 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/event-types HTTP_1_1 201 158 13 tid=diku Created 01:53:03 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/event-types HTTP_1_1 201 133 5 tid=diku Created 01:53:03 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/event-types HTTP_1_1 201 179 12 tid=diku Created 01:53:03 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubEventTypesDeclarePublisher 01:53:03 [] [] [] [] INFO afkaTopicServiceImpl Some of the topics [FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED,LOAN_RELATED_FEE_FINE_CLOSED,LOG_RECORD] were not created. Cause: Topic 'FOLIO.pub-sub.diku.LOG_RECORD.mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT' already exists. 01:53:03 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/event-types/declare/publisher HTTP_1_1 201 0 56 tid=diku Created 01:53:04 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubEventTypes 01:53:04 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubEventTypes 01:53:04 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubEventTypes 01:53:04 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubEventTypes 01:53:04 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubEventTypes 01:53:04 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/event-types HTTP_1_1 201 158 5 tid=diku Created 01:53:04 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/event-types HTTP_1_1 201 135 16 tid=diku Created 01:53:04 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/event-types HTTP_1_1 201 144 13 tid=diku Created 01:53:04 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/event-types HTTP_1_1 201 133 16 tid=diku Created 01:53:04 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/event-types HTTP_1_1 201 156 12 tid=diku Created 01:53:04 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubEventTypesDeclarePublisher 01:53:05 [] [] [] [] INFO afkaTopicServiceImpl Some of the topics [ITEM_CHECKED_OUT,ITEM_CHECKED_IN,ITEM_DECLARED_LOST,LOAN_DUE_DATE_CHANGED,FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED] were not created. Cause: Topic 'FOLIO.pub-sub.diku.FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED.mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT' already exists. 01:53:05 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/event-types/declare/publisher HTTP_1_1 201 0 111 tid=diku Created 01:53:05 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubEventTypesDeclareSubscriber 01:53:05 [] [] [] [] INFO ingModuleServiceImpl Event type ITEM_AGED_TO_LOST does not exist, creating a temporary definition 01:53:05 [] [] [] [] INFO ingModuleServiceImpl Event type ITEM_CLAIMED_RETURNED does not exist, creating a temporary definition 01:53:05 [] [] [] [] INFO ingModuleServiceImpl Event type LOAN_CLOSED does not exist, creating a temporary definition 01:53:05 [] [] [] [] INFO afkaTopicServiceImpl Some of the topics [FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED,ITEM_CHECKED_OUT,ITEM_CHECKED_IN,ITEM_DECLARED_LOST,ITEM_AGED_TO_LOST,ITEM_CLAIMED_RETURNED,LOAN_DUE_DATE_CHANGED,LOAN_CLOSED] were not created. Cause: Topic 'FOLIO.pub-sub.diku.FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED.mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT' already exists. 01:53:05 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Subscribed to topic {FOLIO.pub-sub.diku.LOAN_DUE_DATE_CHANGED.mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT} 01:53:05 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Subscribed to topic {FOLIO.pub-sub.diku.LOAN_CLOSED.mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT} 01:53:05 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Subscribed to topic {FOLIO.pub-sub.diku.FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED.mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT} 01:53:05 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Subscribed to topic {FOLIO.pub-sub.diku.ITEM_AGED_TO_LOST.mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT} 01:53:05 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Subscribed to topic {FOLIO.pub-sub.diku.ITEM_CHECKED_OUT.mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT} 01:53:05 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Subscribed to topic {FOLIO.pub-sub.diku.ITEM_CLAIMED_RETURNED.mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT} 01:53:05 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Subscribed to topic {FOLIO.pub-sub.diku.ITEM_CHECKED_IN.mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT} 01:53:05 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Subscribed to topic {FOLIO.pub-sub.diku.ITEM_DECLARED_LOST.mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT} 01:53:05 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/event-types/declare/subscriber HTTP_1_1 201 0 217 tid=diku Created 01:53:09 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubEventTypes 01:53:09 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubEventTypes 01:53:09 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubEventTypes 01:53:09 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubEventTypes 01:53:09 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubEventTypes 01:53:09 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/event-types HTTP_1_1 201 133 11 tid=diku Created 01:53:09 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/event-types HTTP_1_1 201 135 16 tid=diku Created 01:53:09 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/event-types HTTP_1_1 201 144 16 tid=diku Created 01:53:09 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/event-types HTTP_1_1 201 133 16 tid=diku Created 01:53:09 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/event-types HTTP_1_1 201 145 16 tid=diku Created 01:53:09 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubEventTypes 01:53:09 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubEventTypes 01:53:09 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubEventTypes 01:53:09 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/event-types HTTP_1_1 201 156 8 tid=diku Created 01:53:09 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/event-types HTTP_1_1 201 133 5 tid=diku Created 01:53:09 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/event-types HTTP_1_1 201 125 9 tid=diku Created 01:53:09 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubEventTypesDeclarePublisher 01:53:09 [] [] [] [] INFO afkaTopicServiceImpl Some of the topics [ITEM_CHECKED_OUT,ITEM_CHECKED_IN,ITEM_DECLARED_LOST,ITEM_AGED_TO_LOST,ITEM_CLAIMED_RETURNED,LOAN_DUE_DATE_CHANGED,LOAN_CLOSED,LOG_RECORD] were not created. Cause: Topic 'FOLIO.pub-sub.diku.ITEM_CHECKED_OUT.mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT' already exists. 01:53:09 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/event-types/declare/publisher HTTP_1_1 201 0 15 tid=diku Created 01:53:09 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubEventTypesDeclareSubscriber 01:53:09 [] [] [] [] INFO afkaTopicServiceImpl Some of the topics [LOAN_RELATED_FEE_FINE_CLOSED] were not created. Cause: Topic 'FOLIO.pub-sub.diku.LOAN_RELATED_FEE_FINE_CLOSED.mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT' already exists. 01:53:09 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Subscribed to topic {FOLIO.pub-sub.diku.LOAN_RELATED_FEE_FINE_CLOSED.mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT} 01:53:09 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/event-types/declare/subscriber HTTP_1_1 201 0 46 tid=diku Created 01:53:33 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubEventTypes 01:53:33 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/event-types HTTP_1_1 201 133 4 tid=diku Created 01:53:33 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubEventTypesDeclarePublisher 01:53:33 [] [] [] [] INFO afkaTopicServiceImpl Some of the topics [LOG_RECORD] were not created. Cause: Topic 'FOLIO.pub-sub.diku.LOG_RECORD.mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT' already exists. 01:53:33 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/event-types/declare/publisher HTTP_1_1 201 0 17 tid=diku Created 01:53:33 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubEventTypesDeclareSubscriber 01:53:33 [] [] [] [] INFO afkaTopicServiceImpl Some of the topics [LOG_RECORD] were not created. Cause: Topic 'FOLIO.pub-sub.diku.LOG_RECORD.mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT' already exists. 01:53:33 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Subscribed to topic {FOLIO.pub-sub.diku.LOG_RECORD.mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT} 01:53:33 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/event-types/declare/subscriber HTTP_1_1 201 0 28 tid=diku Created 01:54:40 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubEventTypes 01:54:40 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/event-types HTTP_1_1 201 133 15 tid=diku Created 01:54:40 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubEventTypesDeclarePublisher 01:54:40 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubEventTypesDeclareSubscriber 01:54:40 [] [] [] [] INFO afkaTopicServiceImpl Some of the topics [LOG_RECORD] were not created. Cause: Topic 'FOLIO.pub-sub.diku.LOG_RECORD.mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT' already exists. 01:54:40 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/event-types/declare/publisher HTTP_1_1 201 0 44 tid=diku Created 01:54:40 [] [] [] [] INFO afkaTopicServiceImpl Some of the topics [LOG_RECORD] were not created. Cause: Topic 'FOLIO.pub-sub.diku.LOG_RECORD.mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT' already exists. 01:54:40 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/event-types/declare/subscriber HTTP_1_1 201 0 46 tid=diku Created 01:55:10 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubEventTypes 01:55:10 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/event-types HTTP_1_1 201 133 4 tid=diku Created 01:55:10 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubEventTypesDeclarePublisher 01:55:10 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubEventTypesDeclareSubscriber 01:55:10 [] [] [] [] INFO afkaTopicServiceImpl Some of the topics [LOG_RECORD] were not created. Cause: Topic 'FOLIO.pub-sub.diku.LOG_RECORD.mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT' already exists. 01:55:10 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/event-types/declare/publisher HTTP_1_1 201 0 25 tid=diku Created 01:55:10 [] [] [] [] INFO afkaTopicServiceImpl Some of the topics [LOG_RECORD] were not created. Cause: Topic 'FOLIO.pub-sub.diku.LOG_RECORD.mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT' already exists. 01:55:10 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/event-types/declare/subscriber HTTP_1_1 201 0 24 tid=diku Created 06:48:39 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubPublish 06:48:39 [] [] [] [] INFO ublishingServiceImpl Sent LOG_RECORD event with id '681b80cb-e35d-41e7-a967-a51f0aae6b61' to topic FOLIO.pub-sub.diku.LOG_RECORD.mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT 06:48:39 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/publish HTTP_1_1 204 0 195 tid=diku No Content 06:48:39 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Received LOG_RECORD event with id '681b80cb-e35d-41e7-a967-a51f0aae6b61' 06:48:39 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 06:48:39 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 201 06:48:39 [] [] [] [] INFO SecurityManagerImpl Logged in pubsub-user user 06:48:39 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Start delivering messages to subscriber /audit/handlers/log-record 06:48:39 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 06:48:39 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Start delivering messages to subscriber /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 06:48:39 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 06:48:39 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 06:48:39 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 06:48:39 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '681b80cb-e35d-41e7-a967-a51f0aae6b61' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 06:48:39 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '681b80cb-e35d-41e7-a967-a51f0aae6b61' to /audit/handlers/log-record 06:48:39 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 06:48:39 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 06:48:39 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 06:48:39 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '681b80cb-e35d-41e7-a967-a51f0aae6b61' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 06:48:39 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '681b80cb-e35d-41e7-a967-a51f0aae6b61' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 06:48:39 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 06:48:39 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 06:48:39 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 06:48:39 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '681b80cb-e35d-41e7-a967-a51f0aae6b61' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 06:48:39 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '681b80cb-e35d-41e7-a967-a51f0aae6b61' to /audit/handlers/log-record 06:48:39 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 06:48:39 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 06:48:39 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 06:48:39 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '681b80cb-e35d-41e7-a967-a51f0aae6b61' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 06:48:39 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '681b80cb-e35d-41e7-a967-a51f0aae6b61' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 06:48:39 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 06:48:39 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 06:48:39 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 06:48:39 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '681b80cb-e35d-41e7-a967-a51f0aae6b61' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 06:48:39 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '681b80cb-e35d-41e7-a967-a51f0aae6b61' to /audit/handlers/log-record 06:48:39 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 06:48:39 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 06:48:39 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 06:48:39 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '681b80cb-e35d-41e7-a967-a51f0aae6b61' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 06:48:39 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '681b80cb-e35d-41e7-a967-a51f0aae6b61' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 06:48:39 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 06:48:39 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 06:48:39 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 06:48:39 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '681b80cb-e35d-41e7-a967-a51f0aae6b61' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 06:48:39 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '681b80cb-e35d-41e7-a967-a51f0aae6b61' to /audit/handlers/log-record 06:48:39 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 06:48:39 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 06:48:39 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 06:48:39 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '681b80cb-e35d-41e7-a967-a51f0aae6b61' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 06:48:39 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '681b80cb-e35d-41e7-a967-a51f0aae6b61' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 06:48:39 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 06:48:39 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 06:48:39 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 06:48:39 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '681b80cb-e35d-41e7-a967-a51f0aae6b61' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 06:48:39 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '681b80cb-e35d-41e7-a967-a51f0aae6b61' to /audit/handlers/log-record 06:48:39 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 06:48:39 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 06:48:39 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 06:48:39 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '681b80cb-e35d-41e7-a967-a51f0aae6b61' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 06:48:39 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '681b80cb-e35d-41e7-a967-a51f0aae6b61' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 06:48:39 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 06:48:39 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 06:48:39 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 06:48:39 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '681b80cb-e35d-41e7-a967-a51f0aae6b61' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 06:48:39 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 06:48:39 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 06:48:39 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '681b80cb-e35d-41e7-a967-a51f0aae6b61' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 06:48:39 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubPublish 06:48:40 [] [] [] [] INFO ublishingServiceImpl Sent LOG_RECORD event with id '7b414cd0-81f3-4402-b549-9b1c068ffa39' to topic FOLIO.pub-sub.diku.LOG_RECORD.mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT 06:48:40 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/publish HTTP_1_1 204 0 21 tid=diku No Content 06:48:40 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Received LOG_RECORD event with id '7b414cd0-81f3-4402-b549-9b1c068ffa39' 06:48:40 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Start delivering messages to subscriber /audit/handlers/log-record 06:48:40 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 06:48:40 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Start delivering messages to subscriber /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 06:48:40 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 06:48:40 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 06:48:40 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 06:48:40 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '7b414cd0-81f3-4402-b549-9b1c068ffa39' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 06:48:40 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '7b414cd0-81f3-4402-b549-9b1c068ffa39' to /audit/handlers/log-record 06:48:40 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 06:48:40 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 06:48:40 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 06:48:40 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '7b414cd0-81f3-4402-b549-9b1c068ffa39' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 06:48:40 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '7b414cd0-81f3-4402-b549-9b1c068ffa39' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 06:48:40 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 06:48:40 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 06:48:40 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 06:48:40 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '7b414cd0-81f3-4402-b549-9b1c068ffa39' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 06:48:40 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '7b414cd0-81f3-4402-b549-9b1c068ffa39' to /audit/handlers/log-record 06:48:40 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 06:48:40 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 06:48:40 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 06:48:40 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '7b414cd0-81f3-4402-b549-9b1c068ffa39' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 06:48:40 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '7b414cd0-81f3-4402-b549-9b1c068ffa39' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 06:48:40 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 06:48:40 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 06:48:40 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 06:48:40 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '7b414cd0-81f3-4402-b549-9b1c068ffa39' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 06:48:40 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '7b414cd0-81f3-4402-b549-9b1c068ffa39' to /audit/handlers/log-record 06:48:40 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 06:48:40 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 06:48:40 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 06:48:40 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '7b414cd0-81f3-4402-b549-9b1c068ffa39' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 06:48:40 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '7b414cd0-81f3-4402-b549-9b1c068ffa39' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 06:48:40 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 06:48:40 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 06:48:40 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 06:48:40 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '7b414cd0-81f3-4402-b549-9b1c068ffa39' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 06:48:40 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '7b414cd0-81f3-4402-b549-9b1c068ffa39' to /audit/handlers/log-record 06:48:40 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 06:48:40 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 06:48:40 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 06:48:40 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '7b414cd0-81f3-4402-b549-9b1c068ffa39' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 06:48:40 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '7b414cd0-81f3-4402-b549-9b1c068ffa39' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 06:48:40 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 06:48:40 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 06:48:40 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 06:48:40 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '7b414cd0-81f3-4402-b549-9b1c068ffa39' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 06:48:40 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '7b414cd0-81f3-4402-b549-9b1c068ffa39' to /audit/handlers/log-record 06:48:40 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 06:48:40 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 06:48:40 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 06:48:40 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '7b414cd0-81f3-4402-b549-9b1c068ffa39' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 06:48:40 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '7b414cd0-81f3-4402-b549-9b1c068ffa39' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 06:48:40 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 06:48:40 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 06:48:40 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 06:48:40 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '7b414cd0-81f3-4402-b549-9b1c068ffa39' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 06:48:40 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 06:48:40 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 06:48:40 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '7b414cd0-81f3-4402-b549-9b1c068ffa39' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 06:54:25 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubPublish 06:54:25 [] [] [] [] INFO ublishingServiceImpl Sent FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED event with id '5b49ce72-ff7d-4d6e-b45d-38e92f47396a' to topic FOLIO.pub-sub.diku.FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED.mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT 06:54:25 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/publish null HTTP_1_1 204 0 15 tid=diku No Content 06:54:25 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Received FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED event with id '5b49ce72-ff7d-4d6e-b45d-38e92f47396a' 06:54:25 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Start delivering messages to subscriber /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/fee-fine-balance-changed 06:54:25 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 06:54:25 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 06:54:25 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 06:54:25 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED event with id '5b49ce72-ff7d-4d6e-b45d-38e92f47396a' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/fee-fine-balance-changed, response status code is 400, Bad Request 06:54:25 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED event with id '5b49ce72-ff7d-4d6e-b45d-38e92f47396a' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/fee-fine-balance-changed 06:54:25 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 06:54:25 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 06:54:25 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 06:54:25 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED event with id '5b49ce72-ff7d-4d6e-b45d-38e92f47396a' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/fee-fine-balance-changed, response status code is 400, Bad Request 06:54:25 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED event with id '5b49ce72-ff7d-4d6e-b45d-38e92f47396a' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/fee-fine-balance-changed 06:54:25 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 06:54:25 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 06:54:25 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 06:54:25 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED event with id '5b49ce72-ff7d-4d6e-b45d-38e92f47396a' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/fee-fine-balance-changed, response status code is 400, Bad Request 06:54:25 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED event with id '5b49ce72-ff7d-4d6e-b45d-38e92f47396a' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/fee-fine-balance-changed 06:54:25 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 06:54:25 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 06:54:25 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 06:54:25 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED event with id '5b49ce72-ff7d-4d6e-b45d-38e92f47396a' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/fee-fine-balance-changed, response status code is 400, Bad Request 06:54:25 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED event with id '5b49ce72-ff7d-4d6e-b45d-38e92f47396a' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/fee-fine-balance-changed 06:54:25 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 06:54:25 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 06:54:25 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 06:54:25 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED event with id '5b49ce72-ff7d-4d6e-b45d-38e92f47396a' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/fee-fine-balance-changed, response status code is 400, Bad Request 06:54:25 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED event with id '5b49ce72-ff7d-4d6e-b45d-38e92f47396a' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/fee-fine-balance-changed 06:54:25 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 06:54:25 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 06:54:25 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 06:54:25 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED event with id '5b49ce72-ff7d-4d6e-b45d-38e92f47396a' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/fee-fine-balance-changed, response status code is 400, Bad Request 06:54:28 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubPublish 06:54:28 [] [] [] [] INFO ublishingServiceImpl Sent FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED event with id 'efc1162f-9fa1-48af-b70d-dd22fd625f3d' to topic FOLIO.pub-sub.diku.FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED.mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT 06:54:28 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/publish null HTTP_1_1 204 0 12 tid=diku No Content 06:54:28 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Received FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED event with id 'efc1162f-9fa1-48af-b70d-dd22fd625f3d' 06:54:28 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Start delivering messages to subscriber /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/fee-fine-balance-changed 06:54:28 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 06:54:28 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 06:54:28 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 06:54:28 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED event with id 'efc1162f-9fa1-48af-b70d-dd22fd625f3d' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/fee-fine-balance-changed, response status code is 400, Bad Request 06:54:28 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED event with id 'efc1162f-9fa1-48af-b70d-dd22fd625f3d' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/fee-fine-balance-changed 06:54:28 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 06:54:28 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 06:54:28 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 06:54:28 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED event with id 'efc1162f-9fa1-48af-b70d-dd22fd625f3d' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/fee-fine-balance-changed, response status code is 400, Bad Request 06:54:28 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED event with id 'efc1162f-9fa1-48af-b70d-dd22fd625f3d' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/fee-fine-balance-changed 06:54:28 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 06:54:28 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 06:54:28 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 06:54:28 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED event with id 'efc1162f-9fa1-48af-b70d-dd22fd625f3d' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/fee-fine-balance-changed, response status code is 400, Bad Request 06:54:28 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED event with id 'efc1162f-9fa1-48af-b70d-dd22fd625f3d' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/fee-fine-balance-changed 06:54:28 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 06:54:28 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 06:54:28 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 06:54:28 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED event with id 'efc1162f-9fa1-48af-b70d-dd22fd625f3d' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/fee-fine-balance-changed, response status code is 400, Bad Request 06:54:28 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED event with id 'efc1162f-9fa1-48af-b70d-dd22fd625f3d' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/fee-fine-balance-changed 06:54:28 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 06:54:28 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 06:54:28 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 06:54:28 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED event with id 'efc1162f-9fa1-48af-b70d-dd22fd625f3d' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/fee-fine-balance-changed, response status code is 400, Bad Request 06:54:28 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED event with id 'efc1162f-9fa1-48af-b70d-dd22fd625f3d' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/fee-fine-balance-changed 06:54:28 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 06:54:28 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 06:54:28 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 06:54:28 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED event with id 'efc1162f-9fa1-48af-b70d-dd22fd625f3d' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/fee-fine-balance-changed, response status code is 400, Bad Request 06:54:30 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubPublish 06:54:30 [] [] [] [] INFO ublishingServiceImpl Sent FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED event with id 'fec9e332-b851-412f-bc4f-46576c45628d' to topic FOLIO.pub-sub.diku.FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED.mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT 06:54:30 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/publish null HTTP_1_1 204 0 9 tid=diku No Content 06:54:30 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Received FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED event with id 'fec9e332-b851-412f-bc4f-46576c45628d' 06:54:30 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Start delivering messages to subscriber /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/fee-fine-balance-changed 06:54:30 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 06:54:30 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 06:54:30 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 06:54:30 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED event with id 'fec9e332-b851-412f-bc4f-46576c45628d' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/fee-fine-balance-changed, response status code is 400, Bad Request 06:54:30 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED event with id 'fec9e332-b851-412f-bc4f-46576c45628d' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/fee-fine-balance-changed 06:54:30 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 06:54:30 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 06:54:30 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 06:54:30 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED event with id 'fec9e332-b851-412f-bc4f-46576c45628d' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/fee-fine-balance-changed, response status code is 400, Bad Request 06:54:30 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED event with id 'fec9e332-b851-412f-bc4f-46576c45628d' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/fee-fine-balance-changed 06:54:30 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 06:54:30 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 06:54:30 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 06:54:30 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED event with id 'fec9e332-b851-412f-bc4f-46576c45628d' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/fee-fine-balance-changed, response status code is 400, Bad Request 06:54:30 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED event with id 'fec9e332-b851-412f-bc4f-46576c45628d' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/fee-fine-balance-changed 06:54:30 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 06:54:30 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 06:54:30 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 06:54:30 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED event with id 'fec9e332-b851-412f-bc4f-46576c45628d' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/fee-fine-balance-changed, response status code is 400, Bad Request 06:54:30 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED event with id 'fec9e332-b851-412f-bc4f-46576c45628d' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/fee-fine-balance-changed 06:54:30 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 06:54:30 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 06:54:30 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 06:54:30 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED event with id 'fec9e332-b851-412f-bc4f-46576c45628d' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/fee-fine-balance-changed, response status code is 400, Bad Request 06:54:30 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED event with id 'fec9e332-b851-412f-bc4f-46576c45628d' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/fee-fine-balance-changed 06:54:30 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 06:54:30 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 06:54:30 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 06:54:30 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED event with id 'fec9e332-b851-412f-bc4f-46576c45628d' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/fee-fine-balance-changed, response status code is 400, Bad Request 06:54:53 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubPublish 06:54:53 [] [] [] [] INFO ublishingServiceImpl Sent ITEM_CHECKED_OUT event with id '5ea57ecf-6563-4fb4-b65a-20512103bc48' to topic FOLIO.pub-sub.diku.ITEM_CHECKED_OUT.mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT 06:54:53 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/publish HTTP_1_1 204 0 16 tid=diku No Content 06:54:53 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Received ITEM_CHECKED_OUT event with id '5ea57ecf-6563-4fb4-b65a-20512103bc48' 06:54:53 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Start delivering messages to subscriber /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/item-checked-out 06:54:53 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 06:54:53 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubPublish 06:54:53 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Received LOG_RECORD event with id '149297e2-2c1d-4e87-aba1-e16516a0710d' 06:54:53 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Start delivering messages to subscriber /audit/handlers/log-record 06:54:53 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 06:54:53 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Start delivering messages to subscriber /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 06:54:53 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 06:54:53 [] [] [] [] INFO ublishingServiceImpl Sent LOG_RECORD event with id '149297e2-2c1d-4e87-aba1-e16516a0710d' to topic FOLIO.pub-sub.diku.LOG_RECORD.mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT 06:54:53 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/publish HTTP_1_1 204 0 14 tid=diku No Content 06:54:53 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 06:54:53 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 06:54:53 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering ITEM_CHECKED_OUT event with id '5ea57ecf-6563-4fb4-b65a-20512103bc48' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/item-checked-out, response status code is 400, Bad Request 06:54:53 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event ITEM_CHECKED_OUT event with id '5ea57ecf-6563-4fb4-b65a-20512103bc48' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/item-checked-out 06:54:53 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 06:54:53 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 06:54:53 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 06:54:53 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '149297e2-2c1d-4e87-aba1-e16516a0710d' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 06:54:53 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '149297e2-2c1d-4e87-aba1-e16516a0710d' to /audit/handlers/log-record 06:54:53 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 06:54:53 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 06:54:53 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 06:54:53 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '149297e2-2c1d-4e87-aba1-e16516a0710d' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 06:54:53 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '149297e2-2c1d-4e87-aba1-e16516a0710d' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 06:54:53 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 06:54:53 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 06:54:53 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 06:54:53 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering ITEM_CHECKED_OUT event with id '5ea57ecf-6563-4fb4-b65a-20512103bc48' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/item-checked-out, response status code is 400, Bad Request 06:54:53 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event ITEM_CHECKED_OUT event with id '5ea57ecf-6563-4fb4-b65a-20512103bc48' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/item-checked-out 06:54:53 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 06:54:53 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 06:54:53 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 06:54:53 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '149297e2-2c1d-4e87-aba1-e16516a0710d' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 06:54:53 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '149297e2-2c1d-4e87-aba1-e16516a0710d' to /audit/handlers/log-record 06:54:53 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 06:54:53 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 06:54:53 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 06:54:53 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '149297e2-2c1d-4e87-aba1-e16516a0710d' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 06:54:53 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '149297e2-2c1d-4e87-aba1-e16516a0710d' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 06:54:53 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 06:54:53 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 06:54:53 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 06:54:53 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering ITEM_CHECKED_OUT event with id '5ea57ecf-6563-4fb4-b65a-20512103bc48' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/item-checked-out, response status code is 400, Bad Request 06:54:53 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event ITEM_CHECKED_OUT event with id '5ea57ecf-6563-4fb4-b65a-20512103bc48' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/item-checked-out 06:54:53 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 06:54:53 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 06:54:53 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 06:54:53 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '149297e2-2c1d-4e87-aba1-e16516a0710d' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 06:54:53 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '149297e2-2c1d-4e87-aba1-e16516a0710d' to /audit/handlers/log-record 06:54:53 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 06:54:53 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 06:54:53 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 06:54:53 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '149297e2-2c1d-4e87-aba1-e16516a0710d' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 06:54:53 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '149297e2-2c1d-4e87-aba1-e16516a0710d' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 06:54:53 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 06:54:53 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 06:54:53 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 06:54:53 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering ITEM_CHECKED_OUT event with id '5ea57ecf-6563-4fb4-b65a-20512103bc48' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/item-checked-out, response status code is 400, Bad Request 06:54:53 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event ITEM_CHECKED_OUT event with id '5ea57ecf-6563-4fb4-b65a-20512103bc48' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/item-checked-out 06:54:53 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 06:54:53 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 06:54:53 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 06:54:53 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '149297e2-2c1d-4e87-aba1-e16516a0710d' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 06:54:53 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '149297e2-2c1d-4e87-aba1-e16516a0710d' to /audit/handlers/log-record 06:54:53 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 06:54:53 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 06:54:53 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 06:54:53 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '149297e2-2c1d-4e87-aba1-e16516a0710d' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 06:54:53 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '149297e2-2c1d-4e87-aba1-e16516a0710d' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 06:54:53 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 06:54:53 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 06:54:53 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 06:54:53 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering ITEM_CHECKED_OUT event with id '5ea57ecf-6563-4fb4-b65a-20512103bc48' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/item-checked-out, response status code is 400, Bad Request 06:54:53 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event ITEM_CHECKED_OUT event with id '5ea57ecf-6563-4fb4-b65a-20512103bc48' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/item-checked-out 06:54:53 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 06:54:53 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 06:54:53 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 06:54:53 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '149297e2-2c1d-4e87-aba1-e16516a0710d' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 06:54:53 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '149297e2-2c1d-4e87-aba1-e16516a0710d' to /audit/handlers/log-record 06:54:53 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 06:54:53 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 06:54:53 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 06:54:53 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '149297e2-2c1d-4e87-aba1-e16516a0710d' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 06:54:53 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '149297e2-2c1d-4e87-aba1-e16516a0710d' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 06:54:53 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 06:54:53 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 06:54:53 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 06:54:53 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering ITEM_CHECKED_OUT event with id '5ea57ecf-6563-4fb4-b65a-20512103bc48' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/item-checked-out, response status code is 400, Bad Request 06:54:53 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 06:54:53 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 06:54:53 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '149297e2-2c1d-4e87-aba1-e16516a0710d' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 06:54:53 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 06:54:53 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 06:54:53 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '149297e2-2c1d-4e87-aba1-e16516a0710d' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 06:55:09 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubPublish 06:55:09 [] [] [] [] INFO ublishingServiceImpl Sent FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED event with id '87c0a25f-e6c4-41d1-b0ff-c7657fe7f545' to topic FOLIO.pub-sub.diku.FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED.mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT 06:55:09 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/publish null HTTP_1_1 204 0 10 tid=diku No Content 06:55:09 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Received FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED event with id '87c0a25f-e6c4-41d1-b0ff-c7657fe7f545' 06:55:09 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Start delivering messages to subscriber /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/fee-fine-balance-changed 06:55:09 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 06:55:09 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 06:55:09 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 06:55:09 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED event with id '87c0a25f-e6c4-41d1-b0ff-c7657fe7f545' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/fee-fine-balance-changed, response status code is 400, Bad Request 06:55:09 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED event with id '87c0a25f-e6c4-41d1-b0ff-c7657fe7f545' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/fee-fine-balance-changed 06:55:09 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 06:55:09 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 06:55:09 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 06:55:09 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED event with id '87c0a25f-e6c4-41d1-b0ff-c7657fe7f545' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/fee-fine-balance-changed, response status code is 400, Bad Request 06:55:09 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED event with id '87c0a25f-e6c4-41d1-b0ff-c7657fe7f545' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/fee-fine-balance-changed 06:55:09 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 06:55:09 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 06:55:09 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 06:55:09 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED event with id '87c0a25f-e6c4-41d1-b0ff-c7657fe7f545' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/fee-fine-balance-changed, response status code is 400, Bad Request 06:55:09 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED event with id '87c0a25f-e6c4-41d1-b0ff-c7657fe7f545' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/fee-fine-balance-changed 06:55:09 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 06:55:09 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 06:55:09 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 06:55:09 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED event with id '87c0a25f-e6c4-41d1-b0ff-c7657fe7f545' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/fee-fine-balance-changed, response status code is 400, Bad Request 06:55:09 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED event with id '87c0a25f-e6c4-41d1-b0ff-c7657fe7f545' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/fee-fine-balance-changed 06:55:09 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 06:55:09 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 06:55:09 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 06:55:09 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED event with id '87c0a25f-e6c4-41d1-b0ff-c7657fe7f545' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/fee-fine-balance-changed, response status code is 400, Bad Request 06:55:09 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED event with id '87c0a25f-e6c4-41d1-b0ff-c7657fe7f545' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/fee-fine-balance-changed 06:55:09 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 06:55:09 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 06:55:09 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 06:55:09 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED event with id '87c0a25f-e6c4-41d1-b0ff-c7657fe7f545' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/fee-fine-balance-changed, response status code is 400, Bad Request 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubPublish 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] INFO ublishingServiceImpl Sent LOG_RECORD event with id 'ddcc7ee1-0490-4c90-aec4-7017f76ae16b' to topic FOLIO.pub-sub.diku.LOG_RECORD.mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/publish HTTP_1_1 204 0 18 tid=diku No Content 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Received LOG_RECORD event with id 'ddcc7ee1-0490-4c90-aec4-7017f76ae16b' 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Start delivering messages to subscriber /audit/handlers/log-record 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Start delivering messages to subscriber /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubPublish 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] INFO ublishingServiceImpl Sent LOG_RECORD event with id 'e4d6bbe2-1521-4801-941b-76be932d9077' to topic FOLIO.pub-sub.diku.LOG_RECORD.mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/publish HTTP_1_1 204 0 19 tid=diku No Content 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Received LOG_RECORD event with id 'e4d6bbe2-1521-4801-941b-76be932d9077' 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Start delivering messages to subscriber /audit/handlers/log-record 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Start delivering messages to subscriber /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id 'ddcc7ee1-0490-4c90-aec4-7017f76ae16b' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id 'ddcc7ee1-0490-4c90-aec4-7017f76ae16b' to /audit/handlers/log-record 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id 'ddcc7ee1-0490-4c90-aec4-7017f76ae16b' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id 'ddcc7ee1-0490-4c90-aec4-7017f76ae16b' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id 'e4d6bbe2-1521-4801-941b-76be932d9077' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id 'e4d6bbe2-1521-4801-941b-76be932d9077' to /audit/handlers/log-record 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id 'e4d6bbe2-1521-4801-941b-76be932d9077' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id 'e4d6bbe2-1521-4801-941b-76be932d9077' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id 'ddcc7ee1-0490-4c90-aec4-7017f76ae16b' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id 'ddcc7ee1-0490-4c90-aec4-7017f76ae16b' to /audit/handlers/log-record 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id 'ddcc7ee1-0490-4c90-aec4-7017f76ae16b' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id 'ddcc7ee1-0490-4c90-aec4-7017f76ae16b' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id 'e4d6bbe2-1521-4801-941b-76be932d9077' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id 'e4d6bbe2-1521-4801-941b-76be932d9077' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id 'e4d6bbe2-1521-4801-941b-76be932d9077' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id 'e4d6bbe2-1521-4801-941b-76be932d9077' to /audit/handlers/log-record 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id 'ddcc7ee1-0490-4c90-aec4-7017f76ae16b' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id 'ddcc7ee1-0490-4c90-aec4-7017f76ae16b' to /audit/handlers/log-record 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id 'ddcc7ee1-0490-4c90-aec4-7017f76ae16b' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id 'ddcc7ee1-0490-4c90-aec4-7017f76ae16b' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id 'e4d6bbe2-1521-4801-941b-76be932d9077' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id 'e4d6bbe2-1521-4801-941b-76be932d9077' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id 'e4d6bbe2-1521-4801-941b-76be932d9077' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id 'e4d6bbe2-1521-4801-941b-76be932d9077' to /audit/handlers/log-record 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id 'ddcc7ee1-0490-4c90-aec4-7017f76ae16b' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id 'ddcc7ee1-0490-4c90-aec4-7017f76ae16b' to /audit/handlers/log-record 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id 'ddcc7ee1-0490-4c90-aec4-7017f76ae16b' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id 'ddcc7ee1-0490-4c90-aec4-7017f76ae16b' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id 'e4d6bbe2-1521-4801-941b-76be932d9077' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id 'e4d6bbe2-1521-4801-941b-76be932d9077' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id 'ddcc7ee1-0490-4c90-aec4-7017f76ae16b' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id 'ddcc7ee1-0490-4c90-aec4-7017f76ae16b' to /audit/handlers/log-record 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id 'e4d6bbe2-1521-4801-941b-76be932d9077' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id 'e4d6bbe2-1521-4801-941b-76be932d9077' to /audit/handlers/log-record 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id 'ddcc7ee1-0490-4c90-aec4-7017f76ae16b' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id 'ddcc7ee1-0490-4c90-aec4-7017f76ae16b' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id 'e4d6bbe2-1521-4801-941b-76be932d9077' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id 'e4d6bbe2-1521-4801-941b-76be932d9077' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id 'e4d6bbe2-1521-4801-941b-76be932d9077' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id 'e4d6bbe2-1521-4801-941b-76be932d9077' to /audit/handlers/log-record 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id 'ddcc7ee1-0490-4c90-aec4-7017f76ae16b' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id 'ddcc7ee1-0490-4c90-aec4-7017f76ae16b' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id 'e4d6bbe2-1521-4801-941b-76be932d9077' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 06:55:50 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id 'e4d6bbe2-1521-4801-941b-76be932d9077' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubPublish 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] INFO ublishingServiceImpl Sent LOG_RECORD event with id '8929580f-78a1-4adf-8ea6-eed1af355a36' to topic FOLIO.pub-sub.diku.LOG_RECORD.mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/publish HTTP_1_1 204 0 13 tid=diku No Content 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Received LOG_RECORD event with id '8929580f-78a1-4adf-8ea6-eed1af355a36' 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Start delivering messages to subscriber /audit/handlers/log-record 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Start delivering messages to subscriber /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '8929580f-78a1-4adf-8ea6-eed1af355a36' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '8929580f-78a1-4adf-8ea6-eed1af355a36' to /audit/handlers/log-record 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '8929580f-78a1-4adf-8ea6-eed1af355a36' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '8929580f-78a1-4adf-8ea6-eed1af355a36' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubPublish 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '8929580f-78a1-4adf-8ea6-eed1af355a36' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '8929580f-78a1-4adf-8ea6-eed1af355a36' to /audit/handlers/log-record 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '8929580f-78a1-4adf-8ea6-eed1af355a36' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '8929580f-78a1-4adf-8ea6-eed1af355a36' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] INFO ublishingServiceImpl Sent LOG_RECORD event with id 'b9d6cd32-58e7-47a5-a18f-23fcf77c4511' to topic FOLIO.pub-sub.diku.LOG_RECORD.mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/publish HTTP_1_1 204 0 11 tid=diku No Content 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Received LOG_RECORD event with id 'b9d6cd32-58e7-47a5-a18f-23fcf77c4511' 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Start delivering messages to subscriber /audit/handlers/log-record 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Start delivering messages to subscriber /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '8929580f-78a1-4adf-8ea6-eed1af355a36' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '8929580f-78a1-4adf-8ea6-eed1af355a36' to /audit/handlers/log-record 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '8929580f-78a1-4adf-8ea6-eed1af355a36' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '8929580f-78a1-4adf-8ea6-eed1af355a36' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id 'b9d6cd32-58e7-47a5-a18f-23fcf77c4511' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id 'b9d6cd32-58e7-47a5-a18f-23fcf77c4511' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id 'b9d6cd32-58e7-47a5-a18f-23fcf77c4511' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id 'b9d6cd32-58e7-47a5-a18f-23fcf77c4511' to /audit/handlers/log-record 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '8929580f-78a1-4adf-8ea6-eed1af355a36' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '8929580f-78a1-4adf-8ea6-eed1af355a36' to /audit/handlers/log-record 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '8929580f-78a1-4adf-8ea6-eed1af355a36' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '8929580f-78a1-4adf-8ea6-eed1af355a36' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id 'b9d6cd32-58e7-47a5-a18f-23fcf77c4511' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id 'b9d6cd32-58e7-47a5-a18f-23fcf77c4511' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id 'b9d6cd32-58e7-47a5-a18f-23fcf77c4511' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id 'b9d6cd32-58e7-47a5-a18f-23fcf77c4511' to /audit/handlers/log-record 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '8929580f-78a1-4adf-8ea6-eed1af355a36' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '8929580f-78a1-4adf-8ea6-eed1af355a36' to /audit/handlers/log-record 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '8929580f-78a1-4adf-8ea6-eed1af355a36' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '8929580f-78a1-4adf-8ea6-eed1af355a36' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id 'b9d6cd32-58e7-47a5-a18f-23fcf77c4511' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id 'b9d6cd32-58e7-47a5-a18f-23fcf77c4511' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id 'b9d6cd32-58e7-47a5-a18f-23fcf77c4511' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id 'b9d6cd32-58e7-47a5-a18f-23fcf77c4511' to /audit/handlers/log-record 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '8929580f-78a1-4adf-8ea6-eed1af355a36' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '8929580f-78a1-4adf-8ea6-eed1af355a36' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id 'b9d6cd32-58e7-47a5-a18f-23fcf77c4511' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id 'b9d6cd32-58e7-47a5-a18f-23fcf77c4511' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id 'b9d6cd32-58e7-47a5-a18f-23fcf77c4511' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id 'b9d6cd32-58e7-47a5-a18f-23fcf77c4511' to /audit/handlers/log-record 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id 'b9d6cd32-58e7-47a5-a18f-23fcf77c4511' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id 'b9d6cd32-58e7-47a5-a18f-23fcf77c4511' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id 'b9d6cd32-58e7-47a5-a18f-23fcf77c4511' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id 'b9d6cd32-58e7-47a5-a18f-23fcf77c4511' to /audit/handlers/log-record 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id 'b9d6cd32-58e7-47a5-a18f-23fcf77c4511' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 06:56:10 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id 'b9d6cd32-58e7-47a5-a18f-23fcf77c4511' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 07:20:35 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postTenant 07:20:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Executing multiple statements with id -1605861919 07:20:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE ROLE testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub PASSWORD 'testenant8083807574877916160' NOSUPERUSER NOCREATEDB INHERIT LOGIN; 07:20:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE ROLE testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub PASSWORD 'testenant8083807574877916160' NOSUPERUSER NOCREATEDB INHERIT LOGIN; 07:20:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} GRANT testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub TO CURRENT_USER; 07:20:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed GRANT testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub TO CURRENT_USER; 07:20:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE SCHEMA testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub AUTHORIZATION testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub; 07:20:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE SCHEMA testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub AUTHORIZATION testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub; 07:20:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} ALTER ROLE testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub SET search_path = "$user"; 07:20:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed ALTER ROLE testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub SET search_path = "$user"; 07:20:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DO $$ BEGIN BEGIN -- This only succeeds if show_trgm, a pg_trgm function, -- has been loaded into public schema. PERFORM public.show_trgm('a'); EXCEPTION WHEN undefined_function THEN BEGIN ALTER EXTENSION pg_trgm SET SCHEMA public; EXCEPTION WHEN undefined_object THEN NULL; END; END; END $$; 07:20:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DO $$ BEGIN BEGIN -- This only succeeds if show_trgm, a pg_trgm function, -- has been loaded into public schema. PERFORM public.show_trgm('a'); EXCEPTION WHEN undefined_function THEN BEGIN ALTER EXTENSION pg_trgm SET SCHEMA public; EXCEPTION WHEN undefined_object THEN NULL; END; END; END $$; 07:20:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS unaccent WITH SCHEMA public; 07:20:35 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='42710', message='extension "unaccent" already exists, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='extension.c', line='1761', routine='CreateExtension', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 07:20:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS unaccent WITH SCHEMA public; 07:20:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS pg_trgm WITH SCHEMA public; 07:20:35 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='42710', message='extension "pg_trgm" already exists, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='extension.c', line='1761', routine='CreateExtension', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 07:20:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS pg_trgm WITH SCHEMA public; 07:20:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, jsonb JSONB NOT NULL ); 07:20:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, jsonb JSONB NOT NULL ); 07:20:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} insert into testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal (jsonb) values ('{"rmbVersion": "33.0.4", "moduleVersion": "mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT.175"}'::jsonb); 07:20:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed insert into testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal (jsonb) values ('{"rmbVersion": "33.0.4", "moduleVersion": "mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT.175"}'::jsonb); 07:20:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.rmb_job ( id UUID PRIMARY KEY, jsonb JSONB NOT NULL ); 07:20:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.rmb_job ( id UUID PRIMARY KEY, jsonb JSONB NOT NULL ); 07:20:35 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /_/tenant null HTTP_1_1 201 387 64 tid=testenant8083807574877916160 Created 07:20:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Executing multiple statements with id 975243529 07:20:35 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking getTenantByOperationId 07:20:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} SET search_path TO testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub; 07:20:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed SET search_path TO testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub; 07:20:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index ( name text PRIMARY KEY, def text NOT NULL, remove boolean NOT NULL ); 07:20:35 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil GET /_/tenant/05a39fc2-609d-482c-9450-54ea6121f271 null HTTP_1_1 200 387 6 tid=testenant8083807574877916160 OK 07:20:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index ( name text PRIMARY KEY, def text NOT NULL, remove boolean NOT NULL ); 07:20:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} UPDATE testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index SET remove = TRUE; 07:20:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed UPDATE testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index SET remove = TRUE; 07:20:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS rmb_internal_analyze ( tablename text ); 07:20:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS rmb_internal_analyze ( tablename text ); 07:20:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.uuid_smaller(uuid, uuid) RETURNS uuid AS $$ BEGIN IF $1 IS NULL THEN RETURN $2; END IF; IF $2 IS NULL THEN RETURN $1; END IF; IF $1 < $2 THEN RETURN $1; ELSE RETURN $2; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 07:20:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.uuid_smaller(uuid, uuid) RETURNS uuid AS $$ BEGIN IF $1 IS NULL THEN RETURN $2; END IF; IF $2 IS NULL THEN RETURN $1; END IF; IF $1 < $2 THEN RETURN $1; ELSE RETURN $2; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 07:20:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.uuid_larger(uuid, uuid) RETURNS uuid AS $$ BEGIN IF $1 IS NULL THEN RETURN $2; END IF; IF $2 IS NULL THEN RETURN $1; END IF; IF $1 > $2 THEN RETURN $1; ELSE RETURN $2; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 07:20:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.uuid_larger(uuid, uuid) RETURNS uuid AS $$ BEGIN IF $1 IS NULL THEN RETURN $2; END IF; IF $2 IS NULL THEN RETURN $1; END IF; IF $1 > $2 THEN RETURN $1; ELSE RETURN $2; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 07:20:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.next_uuid(uuid) RETURNS uuid AS $$ DECLARE uuid text; digit text; BEGIN uuid = $1; FOR i IN REVERSE 36..1 LOOP digit := substring(uuid from i for 1); -- skip minus, version byte M and variant byte N CONTINUE WHEN digit = '-' OR i = 15 OR i = 20; CASE digit WHEN '0' THEN digit := '1'; WHEN '1' THEN digit := '2'; WHEN '2' THEN digit := '3'; WHEN '3' THEN digit := '4'; WHEN '4' THEN digit := '5'; WHEN '5' THEN digit := '6'; WHEN '6' THEN digit := '7'; WHEN '7' THEN digit := '8'; WHEN '8' THEN digit := '9'; WHEN '9' THEN digit := 'a'; WHEN 'a' THEN digit := 'b'; WHEN 'b' THEN digit := 'c'; WHEN 'c' THEN digit := 'd'; WHEN 'd' THEN digit := 'e'; WHEN 'e' THEN digit := 'f'; WHEN 'f' THEN digit := '0'; ELSE NULL; END CASE; uuid = overlay(uuid placing digit from i); EXIT WHEN digit <> '0'; END LOOP; RETURN uuid; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 07:20:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.next_uuid(uuid) RETURNS uuid AS $$ DECLARE uuid text; digit text; BEGIN uuid = $1; FOR i IN REVERSE 36..1 LOOP digit := substring(uuid from i for 1); -- skip minus, version byte M and variant byte N CONTINUE WHEN digit = '-' OR i = 15 OR i = 20; CASE digit WHEN '0' THEN digit := '1'; WHEN '1' THEN digit := '2'; WHEN '2' THEN digit := '3'; WHEN '3' THEN digit := '4'; WHEN '4' THEN digit := '5'; WHEN '5' THEN digit := '6'; WHEN '6' THEN digit := '7'; WHEN '7' THEN digit := '8'; WHEN '8' THEN digit := '9'; WHEN '9' THEN digit := 'a'; WHEN 'a' THEN digit := 'b'; WHEN 'b' THEN digit := 'c'; WHEN 'c' THEN digit := 'd'; WHEN 'd' THEN digit := 'e'; WHEN 'e' THEN digit := 'f'; WHEN 'f' THEN digit := '0'; ELSE NULL; END CASE; uuid = overlay(uuid placing digit from i); EXIT WHEN digit <> '0'; END LOOP; RETURN uuid; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 07:20:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE AGGREGATE testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.max(uuid) ( stype = uuid, sfunc = testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.uuid_larger, combinefunc = testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.uuid_larger, parallel = safe, sortop = operator (>) ); 07:20:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE AGGREGATE testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.max(uuid) ( stype = uuid, sfunc = testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.uuid_larger, combinefunc = testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.uuid_larger, parallel = safe, sortop = operator (>) ); 07:20:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE AGGREGATE testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.min(uuid) ( stype = uuid, sfunc = testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.uuid_smaller, combinefunc = testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.uuid_smaller, parallel = safe, sortop = operator (<) ); 07:20:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE AGGREGATE testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.min(uuid) ( stype = uuid, sfunc = testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.uuid_smaller, combinefunc = testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.uuid_smaller, parallel = safe, sortop = operator (<) ); 07:20:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(bigint,bigint,text); 07:20:35 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='00000', message='function testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(pg_catalog.int8,pg_catalog.int8,text) does not exist, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='dropcmds.c', line='491', routine='does_not_exist_skipping', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 07:20:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(bigint,bigint,text); 07:20:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE FUNCTION testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(rows bigint, lim bigint, query text) RETURNS bigint AS $$ DECLARE rec record; cnt bigint; BEGIN IF rows = lim THEN FOR rec IN EXECUTE 'EXPLAIN ' || query LOOP cnt := substring(rec."QUERY PLAN" FROM ' rows=([[:digit:]]+)'); EXIT WHEN cnt IS NOT NULL; END LOOP; RETURN cnt; END IF; RETURN rows; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql VOLATILE STRICT; 07:20:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE FUNCTION testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(rows bigint, lim bigint, query text) RETURNS bigint AS $$ DECLARE rec record; cnt bigint; BEGIN IF rows = lim THEN FOR rec IN EXECUTE 'EXPLAIN ' || query LOOP cnt := substring(rec."QUERY PLAN" FROM ' rows=([[:digit:]]+)'); EXIT WHEN cnt IS NOT NULL; END LOOP; RETURN cnt; END IF; RETURN rows; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql VOLATILE STRICT; 07:20:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_default(query text) RETURNS bigint AS $$ DECLARE rows bigint; q text; BEGIN q = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (' || query || ' LIMIT 1000) x'; EXECUTE q INTO rows; IF rows < 1000 THEN return rows; END IF; rows = testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(1000, 1000, query); IF rows < 1000 THEN return 1000; END IF; RETURN rows; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE STRICT; 07:20:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_default(query text) RETURNS bigint AS $$ DECLARE rows bigint; q text; BEGIN q = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (' || query || ' LIMIT 1000) x'; EXECUTE q INTO rows; IF rows < 1000 THEN return rows; END IF; rows = testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(1000, 1000, query); IF rows < 1000 THEN return 1000; END IF; RETURN rows; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE STRICT; 07:20:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.count_estimate(query text) RETURNS bigint AS $$ DECLARE count bigint; est_count bigint; q text; BEGIN est_count = testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(1000, 1000, query); IF est_count > 4*1000 THEN RETURN est_count; END IF; q = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (' || query || ' LIMIT 1000) x'; EXECUTE q INTO count; IF count < 1000 THEN RETURN count; END IF; IF est_count < 1000 THEN RETURN 1000; END IF; RETURN est_count; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql STABLE STRICT; 07:20:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.count_estimate(query text) RETURNS bigint AS $$ DECLARE count bigint; est_count bigint; q text; BEGIN est_count = testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(1000, 1000, query); IF est_count > 4*1000 THEN RETURN est_count; END IF; q = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (' || query || ' LIMIT 1000) x'; EXECUTE q INTO count; IF count < 1000 THEN RETURN count; END IF; IF est_count < 1000 THEN RETURN 1000; END IF; RETURN est_count; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql STABLE STRICT; 07:20:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.upsert(text, uuid, anyelement) RETURNS uuid AS $$ DECLARE ret uuid; BEGIN EXECUTE format('UPDATE testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.%I SET jsonb=$3 WHERE id=$2 RETURNING id', $1) USING $1, $2, $3 INTO ret; IF ret IS NOT NULL THEN RETURN ret; END IF; EXECUTE format('INSERT INTO testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.%I (id, jsonb) VALUES ($2, $3) RETURNING id', $1) USING $1, $2, $3 INTO STRICT ret; RETURN ret; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 07:20:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.upsert(text, uuid, anyelement) RETURNS uuid AS $$ DECLARE ret uuid; BEGIN EXECUTE format('UPDATE testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.%I SET jsonb=$3 WHERE id=$2 RETURNING id', $1) USING $1, $2, $3 INTO ret; IF ret IS NOT NULL THEN RETURN ret; END IF; EXECUTE format('INSERT INTO testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.%I (id, jsonb) VALUES ($2, $3) RETURNING id', $1) USING $1, $2, $3 INTO STRICT ret; RETURN ret; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 07:20:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DO $$ DECLARE ver integer; BEGIN SELECT current_setting('server_version_num') INTO ver; IF (ver >= 120000) THEN CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.f_unaccent(text) RETURNS text AS $f_unaccent$ SELECT public.unaccent('public.unaccent', $1) -- schema-qualify function and dictionary $f_unaccent$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; ELSE CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.f_unaccent(text) RETURNS text AS $f_unaccent$ SELECT regexp_replace(public.unaccent('public.unaccent', $1), E'[\u0300\u0301\u0302\u0303\u0304\u0305\u0306\u0307\u0308\u0309\u030a\u030b\u030c\u030d\u030e\u030f' || E'\u0310\u0311\u0312\u0313\u0314\u0315\u0316\u0317\u0318\u0319\u031a\u031b\u031c\u031d\u031e\u031f' || E'\u0320\u0321\u0322\u0323\u0324\u0325\u0326\u0327\u0328\u0329\u032a\u032b\u032c\u032d\u032e\u032f' || E'\u0330\u0331\u0332\u0333\u0334\u0335\u0336\u0337\u0338\u0339\u033a\u033b\u033c\u033d\u033e\u033f' || E'\u0340\u0341\u0342\u0343\u0344\u0345\u0346\u0347\u0348\u0349\u034a\u034b\u034c\u034d\u034e\u034f' || E'\u0350\u0351\u0352\u0353\u0354\u0355\u0356\u0357\u0358\u0359\u035a\u035b\u035c\u035d\u035e\u035f' || E'\u0360\u0361\u0362' || E'\u20dd\u20de\u20df\u20e0' || E'\u20e2\u20e3\u20e4]', '', 'g') $f_unaccent$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; END IF; END $$; 07:20:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DO $$ DECLARE ver integer; BEGIN SELECT current_setting('server_version_num') INTO ver; IF (ver >= 120000) THEN CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.f_unaccent(text) RETURNS text AS $f_unaccent$ SELECT public.unaccent('public.unaccent', $1) -- schema-qualify function and dictionary $f_unaccent$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; ELSE CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.f_unaccent(text) RETURNS text AS $f_unaccent$ SELECT regexp_replace(public.unaccent('public.unaccent', $1), E'[\u0300\u0301\u0302\u0303\u0304\u0305\u0306\u0307\u0308\u0309\u030a\u030b\u030c\u030d\u030e\u030f' || E'\u0310\u0311\u0312\u0313\u0314\u0315\u0316\u0317\u0318\u0319\u031a\u031b\u031c\u031d\u031e\u031f' || E'\u0320\u0321\u0322\u0323\u0324\u0325\u0326\u0327\u0328\u0329\u032a\u032b\u032c\u032d\u032e\u032f' || E'\u0330\u0331\u0332\u0333\u0334\u0335\u0336\u0337\u0338\u0339\u033a\u033b\u033c\u033d\u033e\u033f' || E'\u0340\u0341\u0342\u0343\u0344\u0345\u0346\u0347\u0348\u0349\u034a\u034b\u034c\u034d\u034e\u034f' || E'\u0350\u0351\u0352\u0353\u0354\u0355\u0356\u0357\u0358\u0359\u035a\u035b\u035c\u035d\u035e\u035f' || E'\u0360\u0361\u0362' || E'\u20dd\u20de\u20df\u20e0' || E'\u20e2\u20e3\u20e4]', '', 'g') $f_unaccent$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; END IF; END $$; 07:20:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.get_tsvector(text) RETURNS tsvector AS $$ SELECT to_tsvector('simple', translate($1, '&', ',')); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 07:20:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.get_tsvector(text) RETURNS tsvector AS $$ SELECT to_tsvector('simple', translate($1, '&', ',')); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 07:20:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.tsquery_and(text) RETURNS tsquery AS $$ SELECT to_tsquery('simple', string_agg(CASE WHEN length(v) = 0 OR v = '*' THEN '' WHEN right(v, 1) = '*' THEN '''' || left(v, -1) || ''':*' ELSE '''' || v || '''' END, '&')) FROM (SELECT regexp_split_to_table(translate($1, '&''', ',,'), ' +')) AS x(v); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 07:20:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.tsquery_and(text) RETURNS tsquery AS $$ SELECT to_tsquery('simple', string_agg(CASE WHEN length(v) = 0 OR v = '*' THEN '' WHEN right(v, 1) = '*' THEN '''' || left(v, -1) || ''':*' ELSE '''' || v || '''' END, '&')) FROM (SELECT regexp_split_to_table(translate($1, '&''', ',,'), ' +')) AS x(v); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 07:20:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.tsquery_or(text) RETURNS tsquery AS $$ SELECT replace(testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.tsquery_and($1)::text, '&', '|')::tsquery; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 07:20:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.tsquery_or(text) RETURNS tsquery AS $$ SELECT replace(testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.tsquery_and($1)::text, '&', '|')::tsquery; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 07:20:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.tsquery_phrase(text) RETURNS tsquery AS $$ SELECT replace(testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.tsquery_and($1)::text, '&', '<->')::tsquery; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 07:20:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.tsquery_phrase(text) RETURNS tsquery AS $$ SELECT replace(testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.tsquery_and($1)::text, '&', '<->')::tsquery; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 07:20:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.normalize_digits(text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT translate((regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[1], E' \t-', '') || CASE WHEN (regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[1] = '' THEN '' WHEN (regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[2] = '' THEN '' ELSE ' ' END || (regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[2]; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 07:20:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.normalize_digits(text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT translate((regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[1], E' \t-', '') || CASE WHEN (regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[1] = '' THEN '' WHEN (regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[2] = '' THEN '' ELSE ' ' END || (regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[2]; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 07:20:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.set_id_in_jsonb() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $$ BEGIN NEW.jsonb = jsonb_set(NEW.jsonb, '{id}', to_jsonb(NEW.id)); RETURN NEW; END; $$ language 'plpgsql'; 07:20:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.set_id_in_jsonb() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $$ BEGIN NEW.jsonb = jsonb_set(NEW.jsonb, '{id}', to_jsonb(NEW.id)); RETURN NEW; END; $$ language 'plpgsql'; 07:20:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} create or replace function testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.concat_space_sql(VARIADIC text[]) RETURNS text AS $$ select concat_ws(' ', VARIADIC $1); $$ LANGUAGE SQL IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 07:20:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed create or replace function testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.concat_space_sql(VARIADIC text[]) RETURNS text AS $$ select concat_ws(' ', VARIADIC $1); $$ LANGUAGE SQL IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 07:20:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} create or replace function testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object_values(jsonb_array jsonb, field text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT string_agg(value->>$2, ' ') FROM jsonb_array_elements($1); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 07:20:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed create or replace function testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object_values(jsonb_array jsonb, field text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT string_agg(value->>$2, ' ') FROM jsonb_array_elements($1); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 07:20:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} create or replace function testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object_values( jsonb_array jsonb, field text, filterkey text, filtervalue text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT string_agg(value->>$2, ' ') FROM jsonb_array_elements($1) WHERE value->>$3 = $4; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 07:20:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed create or replace function testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object_values( jsonb_array jsonb, field text, filterkey text, filtervalue text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT string_agg(value->>$2, ' ') FROM jsonb_array_elements($1) WHERE value->>$3 = $4; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 07:20:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} create or replace function testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.first_array_object_value( jsonb_array jsonb, field text, filterkey text, filtervalue text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT value->>$2 FROM jsonb_array_elements($1) WHERE value->>$3 = $4 LIMIT 1; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 07:20:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed create or replace function testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.first_array_object_value( jsonb_array jsonb, field text, filterkey text, filtervalue text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT value->>$2 FROM jsonb_array_elements($1) WHERE value->>$3 = $4 LIMIT 1; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 07:20:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} create or replace function testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object(jsonb_array jsonb) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT string_agg(value::text, ' ') FROM jsonb_array_elements_text($1); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 07:20:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed create or replace function testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object(jsonb_array jsonb) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT string_agg(value::text, ' ') FROM jsonb_array_elements_text($1); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 07:20:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS rmb_internal_index(aname text, tops text, newdef text); 07:20:35 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='00000', message='function rmb_internal_index(text,text,text) does not exist, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='dropcmds.c', line='491', routine='does_not_exist_skipping', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 07:20:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS rmb_internal_index(aname text, tops text, newdef text); 07:20:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION rmb_internal_index( atable text, aname text, tops text, newdef text) RETURNS void AS $$ DECLARE olddef text; namep CONSTANT text = concat(aname, '_p'); prepareddef text; BEGIN IF tops = 'DELETE' THEN -- use case insensitive %s, not case sensitive %I -- no SQL injection because the names are hard-coded in schema.json EXECUTE format('DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s', aname); EXECUTE 'DELETE FROM testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE name = $1' USING aname; RETURN; END IF; SELECT def INTO olddef FROM testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE name = aname; SELECT def INTO prepareddef FROM testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE name = namep; prepareddef = replace(prepareddef, concat(' ', namep, ' ON '), concat(' ', aname, ' ON ')); IF prepareddef = newdef THEN EXECUTE format('DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s', aname); EXECUTE format('ALTER INDEX IF EXISTS %s RENAME TO %s', namep, aname); EXECUTE 'DELETE FROM rmb_internal_index WHERE name = $1' USING namep; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO rmb_internal_analyze VALUES ($1)' USING atable; ELSIF olddef IS DISTINCT FROM newdef THEN EXECUTE format('DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s', aname); EXECUTE newdef; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO rmb_internal_analyze VALUES ($1)' USING atable; END IF; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index VALUES ($1, $2, FALSE) ' 'ON CONFLICT (name) DO UPDATE SET def = EXCLUDED.def, remove = EXCLUDED.remove' USING aname, newdef; END $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 07:20:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION rmb_internal_index( atable text, aname text, tops text, newdef text) RETURNS void AS $$ DECLARE olddef text; namep CONSTANT text = concat(aname, '_p'); prepareddef text; BEGIN IF tops = 'DELETE' THEN -- use case insensitive %s, not case sensitive %I -- no SQL injection because the names are hard-coded in schema.json EXECUTE format('DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s', aname); EXECUTE 'DELETE FROM testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE name = $1' USING aname; RETURN; END IF; SELECT def INTO olddef FROM testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE name = aname; SELECT def INTO prepareddef FROM testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE name = namep; prepareddef = replace(prepareddef, concat(' ', namep, ' ON '), concat(' ', aname, ' ON ')); IF prepareddef = newdef THEN EXECUTE format('DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s', aname); EXECUTE format('ALTER INDEX IF EXISTS %s RENAME TO %s', namep, aname); EXECUTE 'DELETE FROM rmb_internal_index WHERE name = $1' USING namep; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO rmb_internal_analyze VALUES ($1)' USING atable; ELSIF olddef IS DISTINCT FROM newdef THEN EXECUTE format('DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s', aname); EXECUTE newdef; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO rmb_internal_analyze VALUES ($1)' USING atable; END IF; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index VALUES ($1, $2, FALSE) ' 'ON CONFLICT (name) DO UPDATE SET def = EXCLUDED.def, remove = EXCLUDED.remove' USING aname, newdef; END $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 07:20:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DO $$ BEGIN -- use advisory lock to prevent "tuple concurrently updated" -- https://issues.folio.org/browse/RMB-744 PERFORM pg_advisory_xact_lock(20201101, 1234567890); REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ON SCHEMA public FROM testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub; REVOKE CREATE ON SCHEMA public FROM PUBLIC; END $$; 07:20:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DO $$ BEGIN -- use advisory lock to prevent "tuple concurrently updated" -- https://issues.folio.org/browse/RMB-744 PERFORM pg_advisory_xact_lock(20201101, 1234567890); REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ON SCHEMA public FROM testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub; REVOKE CREATE ON SCHEMA public FROM PUBLIC; END $$; 07:20:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DO $$ DECLARE aname TEXT; BEGIN FOR aname IN SELECT name FROM testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE remove = TRUE LOOP EXECUTE 'DROP INDEX IF EXISTS ' || aname; END LOOP; END $$; 07:20:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DO $$ DECLARE aname TEXT; BEGIN FOR aname IN SELECT name FROM testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE remove = TRUE LOOP EXECUTE 'DROP INDEX IF EXISTS ' || aname; END LOOP; END $$; 07:20:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DO $$ DECLARE version TEXT; i RECORD; newindexdef TEXT; BEGIN SELECT jsonb->>'rmbVersion' INTO version FROM testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal; IF version !~ '^(\d\.|1\d\.|2[0-8]\.|29\.[0-3]\.)' THEN -- skip this upgrade if last install/upgrade was made by RMB >= 29.4.x RETURN; END IF; FOR i IN SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_indexes WHERE schemaname = 'testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub' LOOP newindexdef := regexp_replace(i.indexdef, -- \m = beginning of a word, \M = end of a word '\mpublic\.(f_unaccent|concat_space_sql|concat_array_object_values|concat_array_object)\M', 'testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.\1', 'g'); IF newindexdef <> i.indexdef THEN EXECUTE 'DROP INDEX ' || i.indexname; EXECUTE newindexdef; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO rmb_internal_analyze VALUES ($1)' USING i.tablename; END IF; END LOOP; END $$; 07:20:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DO $$ DECLARE version TEXT; i RECORD; newindexdef TEXT; BEGIN SELECT jsonb->>'rmbVersion' INTO version FROM testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal; IF version !~ '^(\d\.|1\d\.|2[0-8]\.|29\.[0-3]\.)' THEN -- skip this upgrade if last install/upgrade was made by RMB >= 29.4.x RETURN; END IF; FOR i IN SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_indexes WHERE schemaname = 'testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub' LOOP newindexdef := regexp_replace(i.indexdef, -- \m = beginning of a word, \M = end of a word '\mpublic\.(f_unaccent|concat_space_sql|concat_array_object_values|concat_array_object)\M', 'testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.\1', 'g'); IF newindexdef <> i.indexdef THEN EXECUTE 'DROP INDEX ' || i.indexname; EXECUTE newindexdef; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO rmb_internal_analyze VALUES ($1)' USING i.tablename; END IF; END LOOP; END $$; 07:20:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DO $$ DECLARE t TEXT; BEGIN FOR t IN SELECT DISTINCT tablename FROM rmb_internal_analyze LOOP EXECUTE 'ANALYZE ' || t; END LOOP; END $$; 07:20:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DO $$ DECLARE t TEXT; BEGIN FOR t IN SELECT DISTINCT tablename FROM rmb_internal_analyze LOOP EXECUTE 'ANALYZE ' || t; END LOOP; END $$; 07:20:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} TRUNCATE rmb_internal_analyze; 07:20:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed TRUNCATE rmb_internal_analyze; 07:20:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub TO testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub; 07:20:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub TO testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub; 07:20:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} UPDATE testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal SET jsonb = jsonb || jsonb_build_object( 'rmbVersion', '33.0.4', 'moduleVersion', 'mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT.175', 'schemaJson', $mainftl${} $mainftl$); 07:20:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed UPDATE testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal SET jsonb = jsonb || jsonb_build_object( 'rmbVersion', '33.0.4', 'moduleVersion', 'mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT.175', 'schemaJson', $mainftl${} $mainftl$); 07:20:35 [] [] [] [] INFO LiquibaseUtil Initializing schema testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub for tenant testenant8083807574877916160 07:20:35 [] [] [] [] INFO leConnectionProvider Attempting to get connection for testenant8083807574877916160 07:20:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient DB config read from environment variables 07:20:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Using schema: testenant8083807574877916160 07:20:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient postgreSQLClientConfig = {"maxPoolSize":5,"port":5432,"username":"testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub","host":"","database":"okapi_modules","password":"...","postgres_tester":false} 07:20:36 [] [] [] [] INFO LiquibaseUtil Schema is initialized for tenant testenant8083807574877916160 07:20:36 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending GET for 07:20:36 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking getTenantByOperationId 07:20:36 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil GET /_/tenant/05a39fc2-609d-482c-9450-54ea6121f271 null HTTP_1_1 200 387 3 tid=testenant8083807574877916160 OK 07:20:36 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 200 07:20:36 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 07:20:36 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 201 07:20:36 [] [] [] [] INFO SecurityManagerImpl Created pubsub-user user 07:20:36 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 07:20:36 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 201 07:20:36 [] [] [] [] INFO SecurityManagerImpl Saved pubsub-user user credentials 07:20:36 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 07:20:36 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 403 07:20:36 [] [] [] [] ERROR SecurityManagerImpl Failed to add permissions for pubsub-user user. Received status code 403 07:20:36 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 07:20:36 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 201 07:20:36 [] [] [] [] INFO SecurityManagerImpl Logged in pubsub-user user 07:20:36 [] [] [] [] INFO TenantAPI job 05a39fc2-609d-482c-9450-54ea6121f271 completed 07:20:36 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking getTenantByOperationId 07:20:36 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil GET /_/tenant/05a39fc2-609d-482c-9450-54ea6121f271 null HTTP_1_1 200 386 2 tid=testenant8083807574877916160 OK 07:20:36 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking deleteTenantByOperationId 07:20:36 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil DELETE /_/tenant/05a39fc2-609d-482c-9450-54ea6121f271 null HTTP_1_1 204 0 2 tid=testenant8083807574877916160 No Content 07:20:37 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubEventTypes 07:20:37 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/event-types HTTP_1_1 201 133 4 tid=testenant8083807574877916160 Created 07:20:37 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubEventTypesDeclarePublisher 07:20:37 [] [] [] [] INFO afkaTopicServiceImpl Created topics: [LOG_RECORD] 07:20:37 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/event-types/declare/publisher HTTP_1_1 201 0 28 tid=testenant8083807574877916160 Created 07:20:51 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postTenant 07:20:51 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Executing multiple statements with id -646856000 07:20:51 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub CASCADE; 07:20:51 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='00000', message='drop cascades to 31 other objects', detail='drop cascades to table testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal drop cascades to table testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.rmb_job drop cascades to table testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index drop cascades to table testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_analyze drop cascades to function testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.uuid_smaller(uuid,uuid) drop cascades to function testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.uuid_larger(uuid,uuid) drop cascades to function testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.next_uuid(uuid) drop cascades to function testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.max(uuid) drop cascades to function testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.min(uuid) drop cascades to function testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(bigint,bigint,text) drop cascades to function testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_default(text) drop cascades to function testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.count_estimate(text) drop cascades to function testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.upsert(text,uuid,anyelement) drop cascades to function testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.f_unaccent(text) drop cascades to function testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.get_tsvector(text) drop cascades to function testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.tsquery_and(text) drop cascades to function testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.tsquery_or(text) drop cascades to function testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.tsquery_phrase(text) drop cascades to function testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.normalize_digits(text) drop cascades to function testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.set_id_in_jsonb() drop cascades to function testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.concat_space_sql(text[]) drop cascades to function testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object_values(jsonb,text) drop cascades to function testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object_values(jsonb,text,text,text) drop cascades to function testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.first_array_object_value(jsonb,text,text,text) drop cascades to function testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object(jsonb) drop cascades to function testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index(text,text,text,text) drop cascades to table testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.databasechangeloglock drop cascades to table testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.databasechangelog drop cascades to table testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.audit_message_payload drop cascades to table testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.audit_message drop cascades to type testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub.message_state', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='dependency.c', line='1214', routine='reportDependentObjects', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 07:20:51 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub CASCADE; 07:20:51 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP ROLE IF EXISTS testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub; 07:20:51 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP ROLE IF EXISTS testenant8083807574877916160_mod_pubsub; 07:20:51 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /_/tenant null HTTP_1_1 204 0 25 tid=testenant8083807574877916160 No Content 08:26:10 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubPublish 08:26:10 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubPublish 08:26:10 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Received ITEM_CHECKED_OUT event with id '5b60f55e-34bd-419e-889d-243c9ce06d5f' 08:26:10 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Start delivering messages to subscriber /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/item-checked-out 08:26:10 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 08:26:10 [] [] [] [] INFO ublishingServiceImpl Sent ITEM_CHECKED_OUT event with id '5b60f55e-34bd-419e-889d-243c9ce06d5f' to topic FOLIO.pub-sub.diku.ITEM_CHECKED_OUT.mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT 08:26:10 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/publish HTTP_1_1 204 0 26 tid=diku No Content 08:26:10 [] [] [] [] INFO ublishingServiceImpl Sent LOG_RECORD event with id 'd464ee91-fb77-40c5-a4ef-4e57b33cca3a' to topic FOLIO.pub-sub.diku.LOG_RECORD.mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT 08:26:10 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/publish HTTP_1_1 204 0 16 tid=diku No Content 08:26:10 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Received LOG_RECORD event with id 'd464ee91-fb77-40c5-a4ef-4e57b33cca3a' 08:26:10 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Start delivering messages to subscriber /audit/handlers/log-record 08:26:10 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 08:26:10 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Start delivering messages to subscriber /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 08:26:10 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 08:26:10 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 08:26:10 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 08:26:10 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering ITEM_CHECKED_OUT event with id '5b60f55e-34bd-419e-889d-243c9ce06d5f' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/item-checked-out, response status code is 400, Bad Request 08:26:10 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event ITEM_CHECKED_OUT event with id '5b60f55e-34bd-419e-889d-243c9ce06d5f' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/item-checked-out 08:26:10 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 08:26:10 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 08:26:10 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 08:26:10 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id 'd464ee91-fb77-40c5-a4ef-4e57b33cca3a' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 08:26:10 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id 'd464ee91-fb77-40c5-a4ef-4e57b33cca3a' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 08:26:10 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 08:26:10 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 08:26:10 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 08:26:10 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id 'd464ee91-fb77-40c5-a4ef-4e57b33cca3a' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 08:26:10 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id 'd464ee91-fb77-40c5-a4ef-4e57b33cca3a' to /audit/handlers/log-record 08:26:10 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 08:26:10 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 08:26:10 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 08:26:10 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering ITEM_CHECKED_OUT event with id '5b60f55e-34bd-419e-889d-243c9ce06d5f' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/item-checked-out, response status code is 400, Bad Request 08:26:10 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event ITEM_CHECKED_OUT event with id '5b60f55e-34bd-419e-889d-243c9ce06d5f' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/item-checked-out 08:26:10 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 08:26:10 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 08:26:10 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 08:26:10 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id 'd464ee91-fb77-40c5-a4ef-4e57b33cca3a' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 08:26:10 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id 'd464ee91-fb77-40c5-a4ef-4e57b33cca3a' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 08:26:10 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 08:26:10 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 08:26:10 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 08:26:10 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id 'd464ee91-fb77-40c5-a4ef-4e57b33cca3a' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 08:26:10 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id 'd464ee91-fb77-40c5-a4ef-4e57b33cca3a' to /audit/handlers/log-record 08:26:10 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 08:26:10 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 08:26:10 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 08:26:10 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering ITEM_CHECKED_OUT event with id '5b60f55e-34bd-419e-889d-243c9ce06d5f' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/item-checked-out, response status code is 400, Bad Request 08:26:10 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event ITEM_CHECKED_OUT event with id '5b60f55e-34bd-419e-889d-243c9ce06d5f' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/item-checked-out 08:26:10 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 08:26:10 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 08:26:10 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 08:26:10 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id 'd464ee91-fb77-40c5-a4ef-4e57b33cca3a' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 08:26:10 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id 'd464ee91-fb77-40c5-a4ef-4e57b33cca3a' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 08:26:10 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 08:26:10 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 08:26:10 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 08:26:10 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering ITEM_CHECKED_OUT event with id '5b60f55e-34bd-419e-889d-243c9ce06d5f' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/item-checked-out, response status code is 400, Bad Request 08:26:10 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event ITEM_CHECKED_OUT event with id '5b60f55e-34bd-419e-889d-243c9ce06d5f' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/item-checked-out 08:26:10 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 08:26:10 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 08:26:10 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 08:26:10 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id 'd464ee91-fb77-40c5-a4ef-4e57b33cca3a' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 08:26:10 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id 'd464ee91-fb77-40c5-a4ef-4e57b33cca3a' to /audit/handlers/log-record 08:26:10 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 08:26:10 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 08:26:10 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 08:26:10 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id 'd464ee91-fb77-40c5-a4ef-4e57b33cca3a' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 08:26:10 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id 'd464ee91-fb77-40c5-a4ef-4e57b33cca3a' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 08:26:10 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 08:26:10 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 08:26:10 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 08:26:10 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering ITEM_CHECKED_OUT event with id '5b60f55e-34bd-419e-889d-243c9ce06d5f' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/item-checked-out, response status code is 400, Bad Request 08:26:10 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event ITEM_CHECKED_OUT event with id '5b60f55e-34bd-419e-889d-243c9ce06d5f' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/item-checked-out 08:26:10 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 08:26:10 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 08:26:10 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 08:26:10 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id 'd464ee91-fb77-40c5-a4ef-4e57b33cca3a' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 08:26:10 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id 'd464ee91-fb77-40c5-a4ef-4e57b33cca3a' to /audit/handlers/log-record 08:26:10 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 08:26:10 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 08:26:10 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 08:26:10 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id 'd464ee91-fb77-40c5-a4ef-4e57b33cca3a' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 08:26:10 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id 'd464ee91-fb77-40c5-a4ef-4e57b33cca3a' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 08:26:10 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 08:26:10 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 08:26:10 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 08:26:10 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering ITEM_CHECKED_OUT event with id '5b60f55e-34bd-419e-889d-243c9ce06d5f' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/item-checked-out, response status code is 400, Bad Request 08:26:10 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 08:26:10 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 08:26:10 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id 'd464ee91-fb77-40c5-a4ef-4e57b33cca3a' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 08:26:10 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id 'd464ee91-fb77-40c5-a4ef-4e57b33cca3a' to /audit/handlers/log-record 08:26:10 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 08:26:10 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 08:26:10 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 08:26:10 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id 'd464ee91-fb77-40c5-a4ef-4e57b33cca3a' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 08:26:10 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 08:26:10 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 08:26:10 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id 'd464ee91-fb77-40c5-a4ef-4e57b33cca3a' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 08:53:51 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubPublish 08:53:51 [] [] [] [] INFO ublishingServiceImpl Sent LOG_RECORD event with id '8cd5c81c-10a2-4c83-8f60-f8c07ae2e363' to topic FOLIO.pub-sub.diku.LOG_RECORD.mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT 08:53:51 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/publish HTTP_1_1 204 0 13 tid=diku No Content 08:53:51 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Received LOG_RECORD event with id '8cd5c81c-10a2-4c83-8f60-f8c07ae2e363' 08:53:51 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Start delivering messages to subscriber /audit/handlers/log-record 08:53:51 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 08:53:51 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Start delivering messages to subscriber /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 08:53:51 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '8cd5c81c-10a2-4c83-8f60-f8c07ae2e363' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '8cd5c81c-10a2-4c83-8f60-f8c07ae2e363' to /audit/handlers/log-record 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '8cd5c81c-10a2-4c83-8f60-f8c07ae2e363' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '8cd5c81c-10a2-4c83-8f60-f8c07ae2e363' to /audit/handlers/log-record 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '8cd5c81c-10a2-4c83-8f60-f8c07ae2e363' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '8cd5c81c-10a2-4c83-8f60-f8c07ae2e363' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '8cd5c81c-10a2-4c83-8f60-f8c07ae2e363' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '8cd5c81c-10a2-4c83-8f60-f8c07ae2e363' to /audit/handlers/log-record 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '8cd5c81c-10a2-4c83-8f60-f8c07ae2e363' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '8cd5c81c-10a2-4c83-8f60-f8c07ae2e363' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '8cd5c81c-10a2-4c83-8f60-f8c07ae2e363' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '8cd5c81c-10a2-4c83-8f60-f8c07ae2e363' to /audit/handlers/log-record 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '8cd5c81c-10a2-4c83-8f60-f8c07ae2e363' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '8cd5c81c-10a2-4c83-8f60-f8c07ae2e363' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '8cd5c81c-10a2-4c83-8f60-f8c07ae2e363' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '8cd5c81c-10a2-4c83-8f60-f8c07ae2e363' to /audit/handlers/log-record 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubPublish 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '8cd5c81c-10a2-4c83-8f60-f8c07ae2e363' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '8cd5c81c-10a2-4c83-8f60-f8c07ae2e363' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '8cd5c81c-10a2-4c83-8f60-f8c07ae2e363' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] INFO ublishingServiceImpl Sent LOG_RECORD event with id 'af672e84-6ee5-4692-a9af-9a2cbb0dc97f' to topic FOLIO.pub-sub.diku.LOG_RECORD.mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/publish HTTP_1_1 204 0 16 tid=diku No Content 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Received LOG_RECORD event with id 'af672e84-6ee5-4692-a9af-9a2cbb0dc97f' 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Start delivering messages to subscriber /audit/handlers/log-record 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Start delivering messages to subscriber /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '8cd5c81c-10a2-4c83-8f60-f8c07ae2e363' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '8cd5c81c-10a2-4c83-8f60-f8c07ae2e363' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id 'af672e84-6ee5-4692-a9af-9a2cbb0dc97f' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id 'af672e84-6ee5-4692-a9af-9a2cbb0dc97f' to /audit/handlers/log-record 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id 'af672e84-6ee5-4692-a9af-9a2cbb0dc97f' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id 'af672e84-6ee5-4692-a9af-9a2cbb0dc97f' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '8cd5c81c-10a2-4c83-8f60-f8c07ae2e363' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id 'af672e84-6ee5-4692-a9af-9a2cbb0dc97f' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id 'af672e84-6ee5-4692-a9af-9a2cbb0dc97f' to /audit/handlers/log-record 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id 'af672e84-6ee5-4692-a9af-9a2cbb0dc97f' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id 'af672e84-6ee5-4692-a9af-9a2cbb0dc97f' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id 'af672e84-6ee5-4692-a9af-9a2cbb0dc97f' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id 'af672e84-6ee5-4692-a9af-9a2cbb0dc97f' to /audit/handlers/log-record 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id 'af672e84-6ee5-4692-a9af-9a2cbb0dc97f' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id 'af672e84-6ee5-4692-a9af-9a2cbb0dc97f' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id 'af672e84-6ee5-4692-a9af-9a2cbb0dc97f' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id 'af672e84-6ee5-4692-a9af-9a2cbb0dc97f' to /audit/handlers/log-record 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id 'af672e84-6ee5-4692-a9af-9a2cbb0dc97f' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id 'af672e84-6ee5-4692-a9af-9a2cbb0dc97f' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id 'af672e84-6ee5-4692-a9af-9a2cbb0dc97f' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id 'af672e84-6ee5-4692-a9af-9a2cbb0dc97f' to /audit/handlers/log-record 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id 'af672e84-6ee5-4692-a9af-9a2cbb0dc97f' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id 'af672e84-6ee5-4692-a9af-9a2cbb0dc97f' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id 'af672e84-6ee5-4692-a9af-9a2cbb0dc97f' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 08:53:52 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id 'af672e84-6ee5-4692-a9af-9a2cbb0dc97f' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 09:02:25 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubPublish 09:02:25 [] [] [] [] INFO ublishingServiceImpl Sent FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED event with id 'beac3223-54da-4569-b448-c1a42217e474' to topic FOLIO.pub-sub.diku.FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED.mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT 09:02:25 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/publish null HTTP_1_1 204 0 12 tid=diku No Content 09:02:25 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Received FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED event with id 'beac3223-54da-4569-b448-c1a42217e474' 09:02:25 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Start delivering messages to subscriber /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/fee-fine-balance-changed 09:02:25 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:02:25 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 09:02:25 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 09:02:25 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED event with id 'beac3223-54da-4569-b448-c1a42217e474' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/fee-fine-balance-changed, response status code is 400, Bad Request 09:02:25 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED event with id 'beac3223-54da-4569-b448-c1a42217e474' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/fee-fine-balance-changed 09:02:25 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:02:25 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 09:02:25 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 09:02:25 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED event with id 'beac3223-54da-4569-b448-c1a42217e474' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/fee-fine-balance-changed, response status code is 400, Bad Request 09:02:25 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED event with id 'beac3223-54da-4569-b448-c1a42217e474' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/fee-fine-balance-changed 09:02:25 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:02:25 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 09:02:25 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 09:02:25 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED event with id 'beac3223-54da-4569-b448-c1a42217e474' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/fee-fine-balance-changed, response status code is 400, Bad Request 09:02:25 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED event with id 'beac3223-54da-4569-b448-c1a42217e474' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/fee-fine-balance-changed 09:02:25 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:02:25 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 09:02:25 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 09:02:25 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED event with id 'beac3223-54da-4569-b448-c1a42217e474' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/fee-fine-balance-changed, response status code is 400, Bad Request 09:02:25 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED event with id 'beac3223-54da-4569-b448-c1a42217e474' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/fee-fine-balance-changed 09:02:25 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:02:25 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 09:02:25 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 09:02:25 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED event with id 'beac3223-54da-4569-b448-c1a42217e474' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/fee-fine-balance-changed, response status code is 400, Bad Request 09:02:25 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED event with id 'beac3223-54da-4569-b448-c1a42217e474' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/fee-fine-balance-changed 09:02:25 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:02:25 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 09:02:25 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 09:02:25 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED event with id 'beac3223-54da-4569-b448-c1a42217e474' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/fee-fine-balance-changed, response status code is 400, Bad Request 09:02:28 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubPublish 09:02:28 [] [] [] [] INFO ublishingServiceImpl Sent FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED event with id 'ba3c0741-7b84-43bf-8f1c-9f1a36956205' to topic FOLIO.pub-sub.diku.FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED.mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT 09:02:28 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/publish null HTTP_1_1 204 0 9 tid=diku No Content 09:02:28 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Received FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED event with id 'ba3c0741-7b84-43bf-8f1c-9f1a36956205' 09:02:28 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Start delivering messages to subscriber /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/fee-fine-balance-changed 09:02:28 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:02:28 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 09:02:28 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 09:02:28 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED event with id 'ba3c0741-7b84-43bf-8f1c-9f1a36956205' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/fee-fine-balance-changed, response status code is 400, Bad Request 09:02:28 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED event with id 'ba3c0741-7b84-43bf-8f1c-9f1a36956205' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/fee-fine-balance-changed 09:02:28 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:02:28 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 09:02:28 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 09:02:28 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED event with id 'ba3c0741-7b84-43bf-8f1c-9f1a36956205' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/fee-fine-balance-changed, response status code is 400, Bad Request 09:02:28 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED event with id 'ba3c0741-7b84-43bf-8f1c-9f1a36956205' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/fee-fine-balance-changed 09:02:28 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:02:28 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 09:02:28 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 09:02:28 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED event with id 'ba3c0741-7b84-43bf-8f1c-9f1a36956205' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/fee-fine-balance-changed, response status code is 400, Bad Request 09:02:28 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED event with id 'ba3c0741-7b84-43bf-8f1c-9f1a36956205' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/fee-fine-balance-changed 09:02:28 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:02:28 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 09:02:28 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 09:02:28 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED event with id 'ba3c0741-7b84-43bf-8f1c-9f1a36956205' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/fee-fine-balance-changed, response status code is 400, Bad Request 09:02:28 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED event with id 'ba3c0741-7b84-43bf-8f1c-9f1a36956205' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/fee-fine-balance-changed 09:02:28 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:02:28 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 09:02:28 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 09:02:28 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED event with id 'ba3c0741-7b84-43bf-8f1c-9f1a36956205' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/fee-fine-balance-changed, response status code is 400, Bad Request 09:02:28 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED event with id 'ba3c0741-7b84-43bf-8f1c-9f1a36956205' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/fee-fine-balance-changed 09:02:28 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:02:28 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 09:02:28 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 09:02:28 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED event with id 'ba3c0741-7b84-43bf-8f1c-9f1a36956205' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/fee-fine-balance-changed, response status code is 400, Bad Request 09:02:32 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubPublish 09:02:32 [] [] [] [] INFO ublishingServiceImpl Sent FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED event with id 'ae927985-adc4-4097-836a-c79082ea8bee' to topic FOLIO.pub-sub.diku.FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED.mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT 09:02:32 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/publish null HTTP_1_1 204 0 8 tid=diku No Content 09:02:32 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Received FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED event with id 'ae927985-adc4-4097-836a-c79082ea8bee' 09:02:32 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Start delivering messages to subscriber /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/fee-fine-balance-changed 09:02:32 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:02:32 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 09:02:32 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 09:02:32 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED event with id 'ae927985-adc4-4097-836a-c79082ea8bee' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/fee-fine-balance-changed, response status code is 400, Bad Request 09:02:32 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED event with id 'ae927985-adc4-4097-836a-c79082ea8bee' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/fee-fine-balance-changed 09:02:32 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:02:32 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 09:02:32 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 09:02:32 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED event with id 'ae927985-adc4-4097-836a-c79082ea8bee' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/fee-fine-balance-changed, response status code is 400, Bad Request 09:02:32 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED event with id 'ae927985-adc4-4097-836a-c79082ea8bee' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/fee-fine-balance-changed 09:02:32 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:02:32 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 09:02:32 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 09:02:32 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED event with id 'ae927985-adc4-4097-836a-c79082ea8bee' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/fee-fine-balance-changed, response status code is 400, Bad Request 09:02:32 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED event with id 'ae927985-adc4-4097-836a-c79082ea8bee' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/fee-fine-balance-changed 09:02:32 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:02:32 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 09:02:32 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 09:02:32 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED event with id 'ae927985-adc4-4097-836a-c79082ea8bee' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/fee-fine-balance-changed, response status code is 400, Bad Request 09:02:32 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED event with id 'ae927985-adc4-4097-836a-c79082ea8bee' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/fee-fine-balance-changed 09:02:32 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:02:32 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 09:02:32 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 09:02:32 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED event with id 'ae927985-adc4-4097-836a-c79082ea8bee' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/fee-fine-balance-changed, response status code is 400, Bad Request 09:02:32 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED event with id 'ae927985-adc4-4097-836a-c79082ea8bee' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/fee-fine-balance-changed 09:02:32 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:02:32 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 09:02:32 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 09:02:32 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED event with id 'ae927985-adc4-4097-836a-c79082ea8bee' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/fee-fine-balance-changed, response status code is 400, Bad Request 09:03:02 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubPublish 09:03:02 [] [] [] [] INFO ublishingServiceImpl Sent ITEM_CHECKED_OUT event with id '5dbcc7b5-1807-4231-bed9-4129b94586a0' to topic FOLIO.pub-sub.diku.ITEM_CHECKED_OUT.mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT 09:03:02 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/publish HTTP_1_1 204 0 10 tid=diku No Content 09:03:02 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Received ITEM_CHECKED_OUT event with id '5dbcc7b5-1807-4231-bed9-4129b94586a0' 09:03:02 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Start delivering messages to subscriber /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/item-checked-out 09:03:02 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:03:02 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubPublish 09:03:02 [] [] [] [] INFO ublishingServiceImpl Sent LOG_RECORD event with id '488c2ad6-61ac-4cae-ab59-ae76c0692920' to topic FOLIO.pub-sub.diku.LOG_RECORD.mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT 09:03:02 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/publish HTTP_1_1 204 0 10 tid=diku No Content 09:03:02 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Received LOG_RECORD event with id '488c2ad6-61ac-4cae-ab59-ae76c0692920' 09:03:02 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Start delivering messages to subscriber /audit/handlers/log-record 09:03:02 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:03:02 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Start delivering messages to subscriber /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 09:03:02 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:03:02 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 09:03:02 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 09:03:02 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering ITEM_CHECKED_OUT event with id '5dbcc7b5-1807-4231-bed9-4129b94586a0' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/item-checked-out, response status code is 400, Bad Request 09:03:02 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event ITEM_CHECKED_OUT event with id '5dbcc7b5-1807-4231-bed9-4129b94586a0' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/item-checked-out 09:03:02 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:03:02 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 09:03:02 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 09:03:02 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '488c2ad6-61ac-4cae-ab59-ae76c0692920' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 09:03:02 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '488c2ad6-61ac-4cae-ab59-ae76c0692920' to /audit/handlers/log-record 09:03:02 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:03:02 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 09:03:02 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 09:03:02 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '488c2ad6-61ac-4cae-ab59-ae76c0692920' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 09:03:02 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '488c2ad6-61ac-4cae-ab59-ae76c0692920' to /audit/handlers/log-record 09:03:02 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:03:02 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 09:03:02 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 09:03:02 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '488c2ad6-61ac-4cae-ab59-ae76c0692920' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 09:03:02 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '488c2ad6-61ac-4cae-ab59-ae76c0692920' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 09:03:02 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:03:02 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 09:03:02 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 09:03:02 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering ITEM_CHECKED_OUT event with id '5dbcc7b5-1807-4231-bed9-4129b94586a0' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/item-checked-out, response status code is 400, Bad Request 09:03:02 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event ITEM_CHECKED_OUT event with id '5dbcc7b5-1807-4231-bed9-4129b94586a0' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/item-checked-out 09:03:02 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:03:02 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 09:03:02 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 09:03:02 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '488c2ad6-61ac-4cae-ab59-ae76c0692920' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 09:03:02 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '488c2ad6-61ac-4cae-ab59-ae76c0692920' to /audit/handlers/log-record 09:03:02 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:03:02 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 09:03:02 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 09:03:02 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '488c2ad6-61ac-4cae-ab59-ae76c0692920' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 09:03:02 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '488c2ad6-61ac-4cae-ab59-ae76c0692920' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 09:03:02 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:03:02 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 09:03:02 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 09:03:02 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering ITEM_CHECKED_OUT event with id '5dbcc7b5-1807-4231-bed9-4129b94586a0' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/item-checked-out, response status code is 400, Bad Request 09:03:02 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event ITEM_CHECKED_OUT event with id '5dbcc7b5-1807-4231-bed9-4129b94586a0' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/item-checked-out 09:03:02 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:03:02 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 09:03:02 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 09:03:02 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '488c2ad6-61ac-4cae-ab59-ae76c0692920' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 09:03:02 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '488c2ad6-61ac-4cae-ab59-ae76c0692920' to /audit/handlers/log-record 09:03:02 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:03:02 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 09:03:02 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 09:03:02 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '488c2ad6-61ac-4cae-ab59-ae76c0692920' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 09:03:02 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '488c2ad6-61ac-4cae-ab59-ae76c0692920' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 09:03:02 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:03:02 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 09:03:02 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 09:03:02 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering ITEM_CHECKED_OUT event with id '5dbcc7b5-1807-4231-bed9-4129b94586a0' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/item-checked-out, response status code is 400, Bad Request 09:03:02 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event ITEM_CHECKED_OUT event with id '5dbcc7b5-1807-4231-bed9-4129b94586a0' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/item-checked-out 09:03:02 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:03:02 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 09:03:02 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 09:03:02 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '488c2ad6-61ac-4cae-ab59-ae76c0692920' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 09:03:02 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '488c2ad6-61ac-4cae-ab59-ae76c0692920' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 09:03:02 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:03:02 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 09:03:02 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 09:03:02 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '488c2ad6-61ac-4cae-ab59-ae76c0692920' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 09:03:02 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '488c2ad6-61ac-4cae-ab59-ae76c0692920' to /audit/handlers/log-record 09:03:02 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:03:02 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 09:03:02 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 09:03:02 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering ITEM_CHECKED_OUT event with id '5dbcc7b5-1807-4231-bed9-4129b94586a0' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/item-checked-out, response status code is 400, Bad Request 09:03:02 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event ITEM_CHECKED_OUT event with id '5dbcc7b5-1807-4231-bed9-4129b94586a0' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/item-checked-out 09:03:02 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:03:02 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 09:03:02 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 09:03:02 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '488c2ad6-61ac-4cae-ab59-ae76c0692920' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 09:03:02 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '488c2ad6-61ac-4cae-ab59-ae76c0692920' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 09:03:02 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:03:02 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 09:03:02 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 09:03:02 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '488c2ad6-61ac-4cae-ab59-ae76c0692920' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 09:03:02 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 09:03:02 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 09:03:02 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering ITEM_CHECKED_OUT event with id '5dbcc7b5-1807-4231-bed9-4129b94586a0' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/item-checked-out, response status code is 400, Bad Request 09:03:02 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 09:03:02 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 09:03:02 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '488c2ad6-61ac-4cae-ab59-ae76c0692920' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 09:03:23 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubPublish 09:03:23 [] [] [] [] INFO ublishingServiceImpl Sent FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED event with id '04f00e9f-7114-4ca8-b442-f7354d2c79e0' to topic FOLIO.pub-sub.diku.FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED.mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT 09:03:23 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/publish null HTTP_1_1 204 0 9 tid=diku No Content 09:03:23 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Received FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED event with id '04f00e9f-7114-4ca8-b442-f7354d2c79e0' 09:03:23 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Start delivering messages to subscriber /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/fee-fine-balance-changed 09:03:23 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:03:23 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 09:03:23 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 09:03:23 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED event with id '04f00e9f-7114-4ca8-b442-f7354d2c79e0' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/fee-fine-balance-changed, response status code is 400, Bad Request 09:03:23 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED event with id '04f00e9f-7114-4ca8-b442-f7354d2c79e0' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/fee-fine-balance-changed 09:03:23 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:03:23 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 09:03:23 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 09:03:23 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED event with id '04f00e9f-7114-4ca8-b442-f7354d2c79e0' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/fee-fine-balance-changed, response status code is 400, Bad Request 09:03:23 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED event with id '04f00e9f-7114-4ca8-b442-f7354d2c79e0' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/fee-fine-balance-changed 09:03:23 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:03:23 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 09:03:23 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 09:03:23 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED event with id '04f00e9f-7114-4ca8-b442-f7354d2c79e0' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/fee-fine-balance-changed, response status code is 400, Bad Request 09:03:23 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED event with id '04f00e9f-7114-4ca8-b442-f7354d2c79e0' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/fee-fine-balance-changed 09:03:23 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:03:23 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 09:03:23 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 09:03:23 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED event with id '04f00e9f-7114-4ca8-b442-f7354d2c79e0' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/fee-fine-balance-changed, response status code is 400, Bad Request 09:03:23 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED event with id '04f00e9f-7114-4ca8-b442-f7354d2c79e0' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/fee-fine-balance-changed 09:03:23 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:03:23 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 09:03:23 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 09:03:23 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED event with id '04f00e9f-7114-4ca8-b442-f7354d2c79e0' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/fee-fine-balance-changed, response status code is 400, Bad Request 09:03:23 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED event with id '04f00e9f-7114-4ca8-b442-f7354d2c79e0' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/fee-fine-balance-changed 09:03:23 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:03:23 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 09:03:23 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 09:03:23 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED event with id '04f00e9f-7114-4ca8-b442-f7354d2c79e0' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/fee-fine-balance-changed, response status code is 400, Bad Request 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubPublish 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] INFO ublishingServiceImpl Sent LOG_RECORD event with id '45bf8084-fcc8-4165-8f07-556368047e1e' to topic FOLIO.pub-sub.diku.LOG_RECORD.mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/publish HTTP_1_1 204 0 10 tid=diku No Content 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Received LOG_RECORD event with id '45bf8084-fcc8-4165-8f07-556368047e1e' 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Start delivering messages to subscriber /audit/handlers/log-record 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Start delivering messages to subscriber /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '45bf8084-fcc8-4165-8f07-556368047e1e' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '45bf8084-fcc8-4165-8f07-556368047e1e' to /audit/handlers/log-record 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '45bf8084-fcc8-4165-8f07-556368047e1e' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '45bf8084-fcc8-4165-8f07-556368047e1e' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubPublish 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] INFO ublishingServiceImpl Sent LOG_RECORD event with id 'e8a24146-6421-422f-8b72-690ff5ba22b1' to topic FOLIO.pub-sub.diku.LOG_RECORD.mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/publish HTTP_1_1 204 0 9 tid=diku No Content 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Received LOG_RECORD event with id 'e8a24146-6421-422f-8b72-690ff5ba22b1' 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Start delivering messages to subscriber /audit/handlers/log-record 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Start delivering messages to subscriber /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '45bf8084-fcc8-4165-8f07-556368047e1e' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '45bf8084-fcc8-4165-8f07-556368047e1e' to /audit/handlers/log-record 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '45bf8084-fcc8-4165-8f07-556368047e1e' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '45bf8084-fcc8-4165-8f07-556368047e1e' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id 'e8a24146-6421-422f-8b72-690ff5ba22b1' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id 'e8a24146-6421-422f-8b72-690ff5ba22b1' to /audit/handlers/log-record 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id 'e8a24146-6421-422f-8b72-690ff5ba22b1' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id 'e8a24146-6421-422f-8b72-690ff5ba22b1' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '45bf8084-fcc8-4165-8f07-556368047e1e' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '45bf8084-fcc8-4165-8f07-556368047e1e' to /audit/handlers/log-record 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '45bf8084-fcc8-4165-8f07-556368047e1e' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '45bf8084-fcc8-4165-8f07-556368047e1e' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id 'e8a24146-6421-422f-8b72-690ff5ba22b1' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id 'e8a24146-6421-422f-8b72-690ff5ba22b1' to /audit/handlers/log-record 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '45bf8084-fcc8-4165-8f07-556368047e1e' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '45bf8084-fcc8-4165-8f07-556368047e1e' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id 'e8a24146-6421-422f-8b72-690ff5ba22b1' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id 'e8a24146-6421-422f-8b72-690ff5ba22b1' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '45bf8084-fcc8-4165-8f07-556368047e1e' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '45bf8084-fcc8-4165-8f07-556368047e1e' to /audit/handlers/log-record 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id 'e8a24146-6421-422f-8b72-690ff5ba22b1' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id 'e8a24146-6421-422f-8b72-690ff5ba22b1' to /audit/handlers/log-record 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '45bf8084-fcc8-4165-8f07-556368047e1e' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '45bf8084-fcc8-4165-8f07-556368047e1e' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id 'e8a24146-6421-422f-8b72-690ff5ba22b1' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id 'e8a24146-6421-422f-8b72-690ff5ba22b1' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '45bf8084-fcc8-4165-8f07-556368047e1e' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '45bf8084-fcc8-4165-8f07-556368047e1e' to /audit/handlers/log-record 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id 'e8a24146-6421-422f-8b72-690ff5ba22b1' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id 'e8a24146-6421-422f-8b72-690ff5ba22b1' to /audit/handlers/log-record 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '45bf8084-fcc8-4165-8f07-556368047e1e' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id 'e8a24146-6421-422f-8b72-690ff5ba22b1' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id 'e8a24146-6421-422f-8b72-690ff5ba22b1' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '45bf8084-fcc8-4165-8f07-556368047e1e' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id 'e8a24146-6421-422f-8b72-690ff5ba22b1' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id 'e8a24146-6421-422f-8b72-690ff5ba22b1' to /audit/handlers/log-record 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id 'e8a24146-6421-422f-8b72-690ff5ba22b1' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id 'e8a24146-6421-422f-8b72-690ff5ba22b1' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id 'e8a24146-6421-422f-8b72-690ff5ba22b1' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 09:03:50 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id 'e8a24146-6421-422f-8b72-690ff5ba22b1' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubPublish 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] INFO ublishingServiceImpl Sent LOG_RECORD event with id '2bec509e-681e-4bcd-8b8c-60d699e7b5a0' to topic FOLIO.pub-sub.diku.LOG_RECORD.mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/publish HTTP_1_1 204 0 13 tid=diku No Content 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Received LOG_RECORD event with id '2bec509e-681e-4bcd-8b8c-60d699e7b5a0' 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Start delivering messages to subscriber /audit/handlers/log-record 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Start delivering messages to subscriber /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '2bec509e-681e-4bcd-8b8c-60d699e7b5a0' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '2bec509e-681e-4bcd-8b8c-60d699e7b5a0' to /audit/handlers/log-record 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '2bec509e-681e-4bcd-8b8c-60d699e7b5a0' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '2bec509e-681e-4bcd-8b8c-60d699e7b5a0' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '2bec509e-681e-4bcd-8b8c-60d699e7b5a0' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '2bec509e-681e-4bcd-8b8c-60d699e7b5a0' to /audit/handlers/log-record 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubPublish 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '2bec509e-681e-4bcd-8b8c-60d699e7b5a0' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '2bec509e-681e-4bcd-8b8c-60d699e7b5a0' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '2bec509e-681e-4bcd-8b8c-60d699e7b5a0' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '2bec509e-681e-4bcd-8b8c-60d699e7b5a0' to /audit/handlers/log-record 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] INFO ublishingServiceImpl Sent LOG_RECORD event with id '41b875c3-bf3f-487e-a6ea-1613a32dc693' to topic FOLIO.pub-sub.diku.LOG_RECORD.mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/publish HTTP_1_1 204 0 11 tid=diku No Content 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '2bec509e-681e-4bcd-8b8c-60d699e7b5a0' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '2bec509e-681e-4bcd-8b8c-60d699e7b5a0' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Received LOG_RECORD event with id '41b875c3-bf3f-487e-a6ea-1613a32dc693' 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Start delivering messages to subscriber /audit/handlers/log-record 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Start delivering messages to subscriber /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '2bec509e-681e-4bcd-8b8c-60d699e7b5a0' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '2bec509e-681e-4bcd-8b8c-60d699e7b5a0' to /audit/handlers/log-record 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '2bec509e-681e-4bcd-8b8c-60d699e7b5a0' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '2bec509e-681e-4bcd-8b8c-60d699e7b5a0' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '41b875c3-bf3f-487e-a6ea-1613a32dc693' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '41b875c3-bf3f-487e-a6ea-1613a32dc693' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '41b875c3-bf3f-487e-a6ea-1613a32dc693' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '41b875c3-bf3f-487e-a6ea-1613a32dc693' to /audit/handlers/log-record 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '2bec509e-681e-4bcd-8b8c-60d699e7b5a0' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '2bec509e-681e-4bcd-8b8c-60d699e7b5a0' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '2bec509e-681e-4bcd-8b8c-60d699e7b5a0' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '2bec509e-681e-4bcd-8b8c-60d699e7b5a0' to /audit/handlers/log-record 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '41b875c3-bf3f-487e-a6ea-1613a32dc693' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '41b875c3-bf3f-487e-a6ea-1613a32dc693' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '41b875c3-bf3f-487e-a6ea-1613a32dc693' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '41b875c3-bf3f-487e-a6ea-1613a32dc693' to /audit/handlers/log-record 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '2bec509e-681e-4bcd-8b8c-60d699e7b5a0' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '41b875c3-bf3f-487e-a6ea-1613a32dc693' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '41b875c3-bf3f-487e-a6ea-1613a32dc693' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '2bec509e-681e-4bcd-8b8c-60d699e7b5a0' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '41b875c3-bf3f-487e-a6ea-1613a32dc693' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '41b875c3-bf3f-487e-a6ea-1613a32dc693' to /audit/handlers/log-record 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '41b875c3-bf3f-487e-a6ea-1613a32dc693' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '41b875c3-bf3f-487e-a6ea-1613a32dc693' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '41b875c3-bf3f-487e-a6ea-1613a32dc693' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '41b875c3-bf3f-487e-a6ea-1613a32dc693' to /audit/handlers/log-record 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '41b875c3-bf3f-487e-a6ea-1613a32dc693' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '41b875c3-bf3f-487e-a6ea-1613a32dc693' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '41b875c3-bf3f-487e-a6ea-1613a32dc693' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '41b875c3-bf3f-487e-a6ea-1613a32dc693' to /audit/handlers/log-record 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '41b875c3-bf3f-487e-a6ea-1613a32dc693' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 09:04:16 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '41b875c3-bf3f-487e-a6ea-1613a32dc693' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubPublish 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] INFO ublishingServiceImpl Sent LOG_RECORD event with id '59a4e0b6-4a24-4b57-8cd1-485a3768d5fe' to topic FOLIO.pub-sub.diku.LOG_RECORD.mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/publish HTTP_1_1 204 0 11 tid=diku No Content 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Received LOG_RECORD event with id '59a4e0b6-4a24-4b57-8cd1-485a3768d5fe' 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Start delivering messages to subscriber /audit/handlers/log-record 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Start delivering messages to subscriber /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '59a4e0b6-4a24-4b57-8cd1-485a3768d5fe' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '59a4e0b6-4a24-4b57-8cd1-485a3768d5fe' to /audit/handlers/log-record 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '59a4e0b6-4a24-4b57-8cd1-485a3768d5fe' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '59a4e0b6-4a24-4b57-8cd1-485a3768d5fe' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubPublish 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '59a4e0b6-4a24-4b57-8cd1-485a3768d5fe' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '59a4e0b6-4a24-4b57-8cd1-485a3768d5fe' to /audit/handlers/log-record 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '59a4e0b6-4a24-4b57-8cd1-485a3768d5fe' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '59a4e0b6-4a24-4b57-8cd1-485a3768d5fe' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] INFO ublishingServiceImpl Sent LOG_RECORD event with id '47fd0193-ed6f-428f-9679-0b9b841d9af4' to topic FOLIO.pub-sub.diku.LOG_RECORD.mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/publish HTTP_1_1 204 0 12 tid=diku No Content 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Received LOG_RECORD event with id '47fd0193-ed6f-428f-9679-0b9b841d9af4' 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Start delivering messages to subscriber /audit/handlers/log-record 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Start delivering messages to subscriber /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '59a4e0b6-4a24-4b57-8cd1-485a3768d5fe' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '59a4e0b6-4a24-4b57-8cd1-485a3768d5fe' to /audit/handlers/log-record 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '59a4e0b6-4a24-4b57-8cd1-485a3768d5fe' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '59a4e0b6-4a24-4b57-8cd1-485a3768d5fe' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '47fd0193-ed6f-428f-9679-0b9b841d9af4' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '47fd0193-ed6f-428f-9679-0b9b841d9af4' to /audit/handlers/log-record 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '47fd0193-ed6f-428f-9679-0b9b841d9af4' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '47fd0193-ed6f-428f-9679-0b9b841d9af4' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '59a4e0b6-4a24-4b57-8cd1-485a3768d5fe' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '59a4e0b6-4a24-4b57-8cd1-485a3768d5fe' to /audit/handlers/log-record 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '59a4e0b6-4a24-4b57-8cd1-485a3768d5fe' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '59a4e0b6-4a24-4b57-8cd1-485a3768d5fe' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '47fd0193-ed6f-428f-9679-0b9b841d9af4' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '47fd0193-ed6f-428f-9679-0b9b841d9af4' to /audit/handlers/log-record 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '47fd0193-ed6f-428f-9679-0b9b841d9af4' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '47fd0193-ed6f-428f-9679-0b9b841d9af4' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '59a4e0b6-4a24-4b57-8cd1-485a3768d5fe' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '59a4e0b6-4a24-4b57-8cd1-485a3768d5fe' to /audit/handlers/log-record 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '59a4e0b6-4a24-4b57-8cd1-485a3768d5fe' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '59a4e0b6-4a24-4b57-8cd1-485a3768d5fe' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '47fd0193-ed6f-428f-9679-0b9b841d9af4' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '47fd0193-ed6f-428f-9679-0b9b841d9af4' to /audit/handlers/log-record 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '47fd0193-ed6f-428f-9679-0b9b841d9af4' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '47fd0193-ed6f-428f-9679-0b9b841d9af4' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '59a4e0b6-4a24-4b57-8cd1-485a3768d5fe' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '59a4e0b6-4a24-4b57-8cd1-485a3768d5fe' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '47fd0193-ed6f-428f-9679-0b9b841d9af4' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '47fd0193-ed6f-428f-9679-0b9b841d9af4' to /audit/handlers/log-record 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '47fd0193-ed6f-428f-9679-0b9b841d9af4' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '47fd0193-ed6f-428f-9679-0b9b841d9af4' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '47fd0193-ed6f-428f-9679-0b9b841d9af4' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '47fd0193-ed6f-428f-9679-0b9b841d9af4' to /audit/handlers/log-record 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '47fd0193-ed6f-428f-9679-0b9b841d9af4' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '47fd0193-ed6f-428f-9679-0b9b841d9af4' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '47fd0193-ed6f-428f-9679-0b9b841d9af4' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 09:04:43 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '47fd0193-ed6f-428f-9679-0b9b841d9af4' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postTenant 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Executing multiple statements with id 979968693 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE ROLE testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub PASSWORD 'testenant4040923938233986048' NOSUPERUSER NOCREATEDB INHERIT LOGIN; 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE ROLE testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub PASSWORD 'testenant4040923938233986048' NOSUPERUSER NOCREATEDB INHERIT LOGIN; 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} GRANT testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub TO CURRENT_USER; 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed GRANT testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub TO CURRENT_USER; 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE SCHEMA testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub AUTHORIZATION testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub; 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE SCHEMA testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub AUTHORIZATION testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub; 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} ALTER ROLE testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub SET search_path = "$user"; 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed ALTER ROLE testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub SET search_path = "$user"; 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DO $$ BEGIN BEGIN -- This only succeeds if show_trgm, a pg_trgm function, -- has been loaded into public schema. PERFORM public.show_trgm('a'); EXCEPTION WHEN undefined_function THEN BEGIN ALTER EXTENSION pg_trgm SET SCHEMA public; EXCEPTION WHEN undefined_object THEN NULL; END; END; END $$; 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DO $$ BEGIN BEGIN -- This only succeeds if show_trgm, a pg_trgm function, -- has been loaded into public schema. PERFORM public.show_trgm('a'); EXCEPTION WHEN undefined_function THEN BEGIN ALTER EXTENSION pg_trgm SET SCHEMA public; EXCEPTION WHEN undefined_object THEN NULL; END; END; END $$; 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS unaccent WITH SCHEMA public; 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='42710', message='extension "unaccent" already exists, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='extension.c', line='1761', routine='CreateExtension', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS unaccent WITH SCHEMA public; 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS pg_trgm WITH SCHEMA public; 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='42710', message='extension "pg_trgm" already exists, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='extension.c', line='1761', routine='CreateExtension', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS pg_trgm WITH SCHEMA public; 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, jsonb JSONB NOT NULL ); 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, jsonb JSONB NOT NULL ); 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} insert into testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal (jsonb) values ('{"rmbVersion": "33.0.4", "moduleVersion": "mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT.175"}'::jsonb); 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed insert into testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal (jsonb) values ('{"rmbVersion": "33.0.4", "moduleVersion": "mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT.175"}'::jsonb); 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.rmb_job ( id UUID PRIMARY KEY, jsonb JSONB NOT NULL ); 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.rmb_job ( id UUID PRIMARY KEY, jsonb JSONB NOT NULL ); 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /_/tenant null HTTP_1_1 201 387 76 tid=testenant4040923938233986048 Created 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Executing multiple statements with id 148422353 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking getTenantByOperationId 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} SET search_path TO testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub; 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed SET search_path TO testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub; 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index ( name text PRIMARY KEY, def text NOT NULL, remove boolean NOT NULL ); 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil GET /_/tenant/e2ee6598-7e2c-4588-9061-e178394be88b null HTTP_1_1 200 387 6 tid=testenant4040923938233986048 OK 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index ( name text PRIMARY KEY, def text NOT NULL, remove boolean NOT NULL ); 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} UPDATE testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index SET remove = TRUE; 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed UPDATE testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index SET remove = TRUE; 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS rmb_internal_analyze ( tablename text ); 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS rmb_internal_analyze ( tablename text ); 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.uuid_smaller(uuid, uuid) RETURNS uuid AS $$ BEGIN IF $1 IS NULL THEN RETURN $2; END IF; IF $2 IS NULL THEN RETURN $1; END IF; IF $1 < $2 THEN RETURN $1; ELSE RETURN $2; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.uuid_smaller(uuid, uuid) RETURNS uuid AS $$ BEGIN IF $1 IS NULL THEN RETURN $2; END IF; IF $2 IS NULL THEN RETURN $1; END IF; IF $1 < $2 THEN RETURN $1; ELSE RETURN $2; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.uuid_larger(uuid, uuid) RETURNS uuid AS $$ BEGIN IF $1 IS NULL THEN RETURN $2; END IF; IF $2 IS NULL THEN RETURN $1; END IF; IF $1 > $2 THEN RETURN $1; ELSE RETURN $2; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.uuid_larger(uuid, uuid) RETURNS uuid AS $$ BEGIN IF $1 IS NULL THEN RETURN $2; END IF; IF $2 IS NULL THEN RETURN $1; END IF; IF $1 > $2 THEN RETURN $1; ELSE RETURN $2; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.next_uuid(uuid) RETURNS uuid AS $$ DECLARE uuid text; digit text; BEGIN uuid = $1; FOR i IN REVERSE 36..1 LOOP digit := substring(uuid from i for 1); -- skip minus, version byte M and variant byte N CONTINUE WHEN digit = '-' OR i = 15 OR i = 20; CASE digit WHEN '0' THEN digit := '1'; WHEN '1' THEN digit := '2'; WHEN '2' THEN digit := '3'; WHEN '3' THEN digit := '4'; WHEN '4' THEN digit := '5'; WHEN '5' THEN digit := '6'; WHEN '6' THEN digit := '7'; WHEN '7' THEN digit := '8'; WHEN '8' THEN digit := '9'; WHEN '9' THEN digit := 'a'; WHEN 'a' THEN digit := 'b'; WHEN 'b' THEN digit := 'c'; WHEN 'c' THEN digit := 'd'; WHEN 'd' THEN digit := 'e'; WHEN 'e' THEN digit := 'f'; WHEN 'f' THEN digit := '0'; ELSE NULL; END CASE; uuid = overlay(uuid placing digit from i); EXIT WHEN digit <> '0'; END LOOP; RETURN uuid; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.next_uuid(uuid) RETURNS uuid AS $$ DECLARE uuid text; digit text; BEGIN uuid = $1; FOR i IN REVERSE 36..1 LOOP digit := substring(uuid from i for 1); -- skip minus, version byte M and variant byte N CONTINUE WHEN digit = '-' OR i = 15 OR i = 20; CASE digit WHEN '0' THEN digit := '1'; WHEN '1' THEN digit := '2'; WHEN '2' THEN digit := '3'; WHEN '3' THEN digit := '4'; WHEN '4' THEN digit := '5'; WHEN '5' THEN digit := '6'; WHEN '6' THEN digit := '7'; WHEN '7' THEN digit := '8'; WHEN '8' THEN digit := '9'; WHEN '9' THEN digit := 'a'; WHEN 'a' THEN digit := 'b'; WHEN 'b' THEN digit := 'c'; WHEN 'c' THEN digit := 'd'; WHEN 'd' THEN digit := 'e'; WHEN 'e' THEN digit := 'f'; WHEN 'f' THEN digit := '0'; ELSE NULL; END CASE; uuid = overlay(uuid placing digit from i); EXIT WHEN digit <> '0'; END LOOP; RETURN uuid; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE AGGREGATE testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.max(uuid) ( stype = uuid, sfunc = testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.uuid_larger, combinefunc = testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.uuid_larger, parallel = safe, sortop = operator (>) ); 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE AGGREGATE testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.max(uuid) ( stype = uuid, sfunc = testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.uuid_larger, combinefunc = testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.uuid_larger, parallel = safe, sortop = operator (>) ); 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE AGGREGATE testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.min(uuid) ( stype = uuid, sfunc = testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.uuid_smaller, combinefunc = testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.uuid_smaller, parallel = safe, sortop = operator (<) ); 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE AGGREGATE testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.min(uuid) ( stype = uuid, sfunc = testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.uuid_smaller, combinefunc = testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.uuid_smaller, parallel = safe, sortop = operator (<) ); 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(bigint,bigint,text); 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='00000', message='function testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(pg_catalog.int8,pg_catalog.int8,text) does not exist, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='dropcmds.c', line='491', routine='does_not_exist_skipping', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(bigint,bigint,text); 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE FUNCTION testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(rows bigint, lim bigint, query text) RETURNS bigint AS $$ DECLARE rec record; cnt bigint; BEGIN IF rows = lim THEN FOR rec IN EXECUTE 'EXPLAIN ' || query LOOP cnt := substring(rec."QUERY PLAN" FROM ' rows=([[:digit:]]+)'); EXIT WHEN cnt IS NOT NULL; END LOOP; RETURN cnt; END IF; RETURN rows; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql VOLATILE STRICT; 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE FUNCTION testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(rows bigint, lim bigint, query text) RETURNS bigint AS $$ DECLARE rec record; cnt bigint; BEGIN IF rows = lim THEN FOR rec IN EXECUTE 'EXPLAIN ' || query LOOP cnt := substring(rec."QUERY PLAN" FROM ' rows=([[:digit:]]+)'); EXIT WHEN cnt IS NOT NULL; END LOOP; RETURN cnt; END IF; RETURN rows; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql VOLATILE STRICT; 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_default(query text) RETURNS bigint AS $$ DECLARE rows bigint; q text; BEGIN q = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (' || query || ' LIMIT 1000) x'; EXECUTE q INTO rows; IF rows < 1000 THEN return rows; END IF; rows = testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(1000, 1000, query); IF rows < 1000 THEN return 1000; END IF; RETURN rows; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE STRICT; 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_default(query text) RETURNS bigint AS $$ DECLARE rows bigint; q text; BEGIN q = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (' || query || ' LIMIT 1000) x'; EXECUTE q INTO rows; IF rows < 1000 THEN return rows; END IF; rows = testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(1000, 1000, query); IF rows < 1000 THEN return 1000; END IF; RETURN rows; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE STRICT; 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.count_estimate(query text) RETURNS bigint AS $$ DECLARE count bigint; est_count bigint; q text; BEGIN est_count = testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(1000, 1000, query); IF est_count > 4*1000 THEN RETURN est_count; END IF; q = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (' || query || ' LIMIT 1000) x'; EXECUTE q INTO count; IF count < 1000 THEN RETURN count; END IF; IF est_count < 1000 THEN RETURN 1000; END IF; RETURN est_count; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql STABLE STRICT; 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.count_estimate(query text) RETURNS bigint AS $$ DECLARE count bigint; est_count bigint; q text; BEGIN est_count = testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(1000, 1000, query); IF est_count > 4*1000 THEN RETURN est_count; END IF; q = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (' || query || ' LIMIT 1000) x'; EXECUTE q INTO count; IF count < 1000 THEN RETURN count; END IF; IF est_count < 1000 THEN RETURN 1000; END IF; RETURN est_count; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql STABLE STRICT; 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.upsert(text, uuid, anyelement) RETURNS uuid AS $$ DECLARE ret uuid; BEGIN EXECUTE format('UPDATE testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.%I SET jsonb=$3 WHERE id=$2 RETURNING id', $1) USING $1, $2, $3 INTO ret; IF ret IS NOT NULL THEN RETURN ret; END IF; EXECUTE format('INSERT INTO testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.%I (id, jsonb) VALUES ($2, $3) RETURNING id', $1) USING $1, $2, $3 INTO STRICT ret; RETURN ret; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.upsert(text, uuid, anyelement) RETURNS uuid AS $$ DECLARE ret uuid; BEGIN EXECUTE format('UPDATE testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.%I SET jsonb=$3 WHERE id=$2 RETURNING id', $1) USING $1, $2, $3 INTO ret; IF ret IS NOT NULL THEN RETURN ret; END IF; EXECUTE format('INSERT INTO testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.%I (id, jsonb) VALUES ($2, $3) RETURNING id', $1) USING $1, $2, $3 INTO STRICT ret; RETURN ret; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DO $$ DECLARE ver integer; BEGIN SELECT current_setting('server_version_num') INTO ver; IF (ver >= 120000) THEN CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.f_unaccent(text) RETURNS text AS $f_unaccent$ SELECT public.unaccent('public.unaccent', $1) -- schema-qualify function and dictionary $f_unaccent$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; ELSE CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.f_unaccent(text) RETURNS text AS $f_unaccent$ SELECT regexp_replace(public.unaccent('public.unaccent', $1), E'[\u0300\u0301\u0302\u0303\u0304\u0305\u0306\u0307\u0308\u0309\u030a\u030b\u030c\u030d\u030e\u030f' || E'\u0310\u0311\u0312\u0313\u0314\u0315\u0316\u0317\u0318\u0319\u031a\u031b\u031c\u031d\u031e\u031f' || E'\u0320\u0321\u0322\u0323\u0324\u0325\u0326\u0327\u0328\u0329\u032a\u032b\u032c\u032d\u032e\u032f' || E'\u0330\u0331\u0332\u0333\u0334\u0335\u0336\u0337\u0338\u0339\u033a\u033b\u033c\u033d\u033e\u033f' || E'\u0340\u0341\u0342\u0343\u0344\u0345\u0346\u0347\u0348\u0349\u034a\u034b\u034c\u034d\u034e\u034f' || E'\u0350\u0351\u0352\u0353\u0354\u0355\u0356\u0357\u0358\u0359\u035a\u035b\u035c\u035d\u035e\u035f' || E'\u0360\u0361\u0362' || E'\u20dd\u20de\u20df\u20e0' || E'\u20e2\u20e3\u20e4]', '', 'g') $f_unaccent$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; END IF; END $$; 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DO $$ DECLARE ver integer; BEGIN SELECT current_setting('server_version_num') INTO ver; IF (ver >= 120000) THEN CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.f_unaccent(text) RETURNS text AS $f_unaccent$ SELECT public.unaccent('public.unaccent', $1) -- schema-qualify function and dictionary $f_unaccent$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; ELSE CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.f_unaccent(text) RETURNS text AS $f_unaccent$ SELECT regexp_replace(public.unaccent('public.unaccent', $1), E'[\u0300\u0301\u0302\u0303\u0304\u0305\u0306\u0307\u0308\u0309\u030a\u030b\u030c\u030d\u030e\u030f' || E'\u0310\u0311\u0312\u0313\u0314\u0315\u0316\u0317\u0318\u0319\u031a\u031b\u031c\u031d\u031e\u031f' || E'\u0320\u0321\u0322\u0323\u0324\u0325\u0326\u0327\u0328\u0329\u032a\u032b\u032c\u032d\u032e\u032f' || E'\u0330\u0331\u0332\u0333\u0334\u0335\u0336\u0337\u0338\u0339\u033a\u033b\u033c\u033d\u033e\u033f' || E'\u0340\u0341\u0342\u0343\u0344\u0345\u0346\u0347\u0348\u0349\u034a\u034b\u034c\u034d\u034e\u034f' || E'\u0350\u0351\u0352\u0353\u0354\u0355\u0356\u0357\u0358\u0359\u035a\u035b\u035c\u035d\u035e\u035f' || E'\u0360\u0361\u0362' || E'\u20dd\u20de\u20df\u20e0' || E'\u20e2\u20e3\u20e4]', '', 'g') $f_unaccent$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; END IF; END $$; 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.get_tsvector(text) RETURNS tsvector AS $$ SELECT to_tsvector('simple', translate($1, '&', ',')); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.get_tsvector(text) RETURNS tsvector AS $$ SELECT to_tsvector('simple', translate($1, '&', ',')); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.tsquery_and(text) RETURNS tsquery AS $$ SELECT to_tsquery('simple', string_agg(CASE WHEN length(v) = 0 OR v = '*' THEN '' WHEN right(v, 1) = '*' THEN '''' || left(v, -1) || ''':*' ELSE '''' || v || '''' END, '&')) FROM (SELECT regexp_split_to_table(translate($1, '&''', ',,'), ' +')) AS x(v); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.tsquery_and(text) RETURNS tsquery AS $$ SELECT to_tsquery('simple', string_agg(CASE WHEN length(v) = 0 OR v = '*' THEN '' WHEN right(v, 1) = '*' THEN '''' || left(v, -1) || ''':*' ELSE '''' || v || '''' END, '&')) FROM (SELECT regexp_split_to_table(translate($1, '&''', ',,'), ' +')) AS x(v); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.tsquery_or(text) RETURNS tsquery AS $$ SELECT replace(testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.tsquery_and($1)::text, '&', '|')::tsquery; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.tsquery_or(text) RETURNS tsquery AS $$ SELECT replace(testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.tsquery_and($1)::text, '&', '|')::tsquery; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.tsquery_phrase(text) RETURNS tsquery AS $$ SELECT replace(testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.tsquery_and($1)::text, '&', '<->')::tsquery; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.tsquery_phrase(text) RETURNS tsquery AS $$ SELECT replace(testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.tsquery_and($1)::text, '&', '<->')::tsquery; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.normalize_digits(text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT translate((regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[1], E' \t-', '') || CASE WHEN (regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[1] = '' THEN '' WHEN (regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[2] = '' THEN '' ELSE ' ' END || (regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[2]; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.normalize_digits(text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT translate((regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[1], E' \t-', '') || CASE WHEN (regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[1] = '' THEN '' WHEN (regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[2] = '' THEN '' ELSE ' ' END || (regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[2]; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.set_id_in_jsonb() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $$ BEGIN NEW.jsonb = jsonb_set(NEW.jsonb, '{id}', to_jsonb(NEW.id)); RETURN NEW; END; $$ language 'plpgsql'; 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.set_id_in_jsonb() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $$ BEGIN NEW.jsonb = jsonb_set(NEW.jsonb, '{id}', to_jsonb(NEW.id)); RETURN NEW; END; $$ language 'plpgsql'; 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} create or replace function testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.concat_space_sql(VARIADIC text[]) RETURNS text AS $$ select concat_ws(' ', VARIADIC $1); $$ LANGUAGE SQL IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed create or replace function testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.concat_space_sql(VARIADIC text[]) RETURNS text AS $$ select concat_ws(' ', VARIADIC $1); $$ LANGUAGE SQL IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} create or replace function testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object_values(jsonb_array jsonb, field text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT string_agg(value->>$2, ' ') FROM jsonb_array_elements($1); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed create or replace function testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object_values(jsonb_array jsonb, field text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT string_agg(value->>$2, ' ') FROM jsonb_array_elements($1); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} create or replace function testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object_values( jsonb_array jsonb, field text, filterkey text, filtervalue text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT string_agg(value->>$2, ' ') FROM jsonb_array_elements($1) WHERE value->>$3 = $4; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed create or replace function testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object_values( jsonb_array jsonb, field text, filterkey text, filtervalue text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT string_agg(value->>$2, ' ') FROM jsonb_array_elements($1) WHERE value->>$3 = $4; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} create or replace function testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.first_array_object_value( jsonb_array jsonb, field text, filterkey text, filtervalue text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT value->>$2 FROM jsonb_array_elements($1) WHERE value->>$3 = $4 LIMIT 1; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed create or replace function testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.first_array_object_value( jsonb_array jsonb, field text, filterkey text, filtervalue text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT value->>$2 FROM jsonb_array_elements($1) WHERE value->>$3 = $4 LIMIT 1; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} create or replace function testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object(jsonb_array jsonb) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT string_agg(value::text, ' ') FROM jsonb_array_elements_text($1); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed create or replace function testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object(jsonb_array jsonb) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT string_agg(value::text, ' ') FROM jsonb_array_elements_text($1); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS rmb_internal_index(aname text, tops text, newdef text); 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='00000', message='function rmb_internal_index(text,text,text) does not exist, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='dropcmds.c', line='491', routine='does_not_exist_skipping', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS rmb_internal_index(aname text, tops text, newdef text); 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION rmb_internal_index( atable text, aname text, tops text, newdef text) RETURNS void AS $$ DECLARE olddef text; namep CONSTANT text = concat(aname, '_p'); prepareddef text; BEGIN IF tops = 'DELETE' THEN -- use case insensitive %s, not case sensitive %I -- no SQL injection because the names are hard-coded in schema.json EXECUTE format('DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s', aname); EXECUTE 'DELETE FROM testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE name = $1' USING aname; RETURN; END IF; SELECT def INTO olddef FROM testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE name = aname; SELECT def INTO prepareddef FROM testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE name = namep; prepareddef = replace(prepareddef, concat(' ', namep, ' ON '), concat(' ', aname, ' ON ')); IF prepareddef = newdef THEN EXECUTE format('DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s', aname); EXECUTE format('ALTER INDEX IF EXISTS %s RENAME TO %s', namep, aname); EXECUTE 'DELETE FROM rmb_internal_index WHERE name = $1' USING namep; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO rmb_internal_analyze VALUES ($1)' USING atable; ELSIF olddef IS DISTINCT FROM newdef THEN EXECUTE format('DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s', aname); EXECUTE newdef; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO rmb_internal_analyze VALUES ($1)' USING atable; END IF; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index VALUES ($1, $2, FALSE) ' 'ON CONFLICT (name) DO UPDATE SET def = EXCLUDED.def, remove = EXCLUDED.remove' USING aname, newdef; END $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION rmb_internal_index( atable text, aname text, tops text, newdef text) RETURNS void AS $$ DECLARE olddef text; namep CONSTANT text = concat(aname, '_p'); prepareddef text; BEGIN IF tops = 'DELETE' THEN -- use case insensitive %s, not case sensitive %I -- no SQL injection because the names are hard-coded in schema.json EXECUTE format('DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s', aname); EXECUTE 'DELETE FROM testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE name = $1' USING aname; RETURN; END IF; SELECT def INTO olddef FROM testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE name = aname; SELECT def INTO prepareddef FROM testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE name = namep; prepareddef = replace(prepareddef, concat(' ', namep, ' ON '), concat(' ', aname, ' ON ')); IF prepareddef = newdef THEN EXECUTE format('DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s', aname); EXECUTE format('ALTER INDEX IF EXISTS %s RENAME TO %s', namep, aname); EXECUTE 'DELETE FROM rmb_internal_index WHERE name = $1' USING namep; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO rmb_internal_analyze VALUES ($1)' USING atable; ELSIF olddef IS DISTINCT FROM newdef THEN EXECUTE format('DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s', aname); EXECUTE newdef; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO rmb_internal_analyze VALUES ($1)' USING atable; END IF; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index VALUES ($1, $2, FALSE) ' 'ON CONFLICT (name) DO UPDATE SET def = EXCLUDED.def, remove = EXCLUDED.remove' USING aname, newdef; END $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DO $$ BEGIN -- use advisory lock to prevent "tuple concurrently updated" -- https://issues.folio.org/browse/RMB-744 PERFORM pg_advisory_xact_lock(20201101, 1234567890); REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ON SCHEMA public FROM testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub; REVOKE CREATE ON SCHEMA public FROM PUBLIC; END $$; 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DO $$ BEGIN -- use advisory lock to prevent "tuple concurrently updated" -- https://issues.folio.org/browse/RMB-744 PERFORM pg_advisory_xact_lock(20201101, 1234567890); REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ON SCHEMA public FROM testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub; REVOKE CREATE ON SCHEMA public FROM PUBLIC; END $$; 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DO $$ DECLARE aname TEXT; BEGIN FOR aname IN SELECT name FROM testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE remove = TRUE LOOP EXECUTE 'DROP INDEX IF EXISTS ' || aname; END LOOP; END $$; 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DO $$ DECLARE aname TEXT; BEGIN FOR aname IN SELECT name FROM testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE remove = TRUE LOOP EXECUTE 'DROP INDEX IF EXISTS ' || aname; END LOOP; END $$; 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DO $$ DECLARE version TEXT; i RECORD; newindexdef TEXT; BEGIN SELECT jsonb->>'rmbVersion' INTO version FROM testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal; IF version !~ '^(\d\.|1\d\.|2[0-8]\.|29\.[0-3]\.)' THEN -- skip this upgrade if last install/upgrade was made by RMB >= 29.4.x RETURN; END IF; FOR i IN SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_indexes WHERE schemaname = 'testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub' LOOP newindexdef := regexp_replace(i.indexdef, -- \m = beginning of a word, \M = end of a word '\mpublic\.(f_unaccent|concat_space_sql|concat_array_object_values|concat_array_object)\M', 'testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.\1', 'g'); IF newindexdef <> i.indexdef THEN EXECUTE 'DROP INDEX ' || i.indexname; EXECUTE newindexdef; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO rmb_internal_analyze VALUES ($1)' USING i.tablename; END IF; END LOOP; END $$; 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DO $$ DECLARE version TEXT; i RECORD; newindexdef TEXT; BEGIN SELECT jsonb->>'rmbVersion' INTO version FROM testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal; IF version !~ '^(\d\.|1\d\.|2[0-8]\.|29\.[0-3]\.)' THEN -- skip this upgrade if last install/upgrade was made by RMB >= 29.4.x RETURN; END IF; FOR i IN SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_indexes WHERE schemaname = 'testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub' LOOP newindexdef := regexp_replace(i.indexdef, -- \m = beginning of a word, \M = end of a word '\mpublic\.(f_unaccent|concat_space_sql|concat_array_object_values|concat_array_object)\M', 'testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.\1', 'g'); IF newindexdef <> i.indexdef THEN EXECUTE 'DROP INDEX ' || i.indexname; EXECUTE newindexdef; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO rmb_internal_analyze VALUES ($1)' USING i.tablename; END IF; END LOOP; END $$; 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DO $$ DECLARE t TEXT; BEGIN FOR t IN SELECT DISTINCT tablename FROM rmb_internal_analyze LOOP EXECUTE 'ANALYZE ' || t; END LOOP; END $$; 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DO $$ DECLARE t TEXT; BEGIN FOR t IN SELECT DISTINCT tablename FROM rmb_internal_analyze LOOP EXECUTE 'ANALYZE ' || t; END LOOP; END $$; 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} TRUNCATE rmb_internal_analyze; 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed TRUNCATE rmb_internal_analyze; 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub TO testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub; 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub TO testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub; 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} UPDATE testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal SET jsonb = jsonb || jsonb_build_object( 'rmbVersion', '33.0.4', 'moduleVersion', 'mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT.175', 'schemaJson', $mainftl${} $mainftl$); 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed UPDATE testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal SET jsonb = jsonb || jsonb_build_object( 'rmbVersion', '33.0.4', 'moduleVersion', 'mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT.175', 'schemaJson', $mainftl${} $mainftl$); 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] INFO LiquibaseUtil Initializing schema testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub for tenant testenant4040923938233986048 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] INFO leConnectionProvider Attempting to get connection for testenant4040923938233986048 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient DB config read from environment variables 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Using schema: testenant4040923938233986048 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient postgreSQLClientConfig = {"maxPoolSize":5,"port":5432,"username":"testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub","host":"","database":"okapi_modules","password":"...","postgres_tester":false} 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] INFO LiquibaseUtil Schema is initialized for tenant testenant4040923938233986048 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending GET for 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking getTenantByOperationId 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil GET /_/tenant/e2ee6598-7e2c-4588-9061-e178394be88b null HTTP_1_1 200 387 4 tid=testenant4040923938233986048 OK 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 200 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 201 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] INFO SecurityManagerImpl Created pubsub-user user 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 201 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] INFO SecurityManagerImpl Saved pubsub-user user credentials 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 403 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] ERROR SecurityManagerImpl Failed to add permissions for pubsub-user user. Received status code 403 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 201 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] INFO SecurityManagerImpl Logged in pubsub-user user 09:15:08 [] [] [] [] INFO TenantAPI job e2ee6598-7e2c-4588-9061-e178394be88b completed 09:15:09 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking getTenantByOperationId 09:15:09 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil GET /_/tenant/e2ee6598-7e2c-4588-9061-e178394be88b null HTTP_1_1 200 386 2 tid=testenant4040923938233986048 OK 09:15:09 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking deleteTenantByOperationId 09:15:09 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil DELETE /_/tenant/e2ee6598-7e2c-4588-9061-e178394be88b null HTTP_1_1 204 0 3 tid=testenant4040923938233986048 No Content 09:15:10 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubEventTypes 09:15:10 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/event-types HTTP_1_1 201 133 2 tid=testenant4040923938233986048 Created 09:15:10 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubEventTypesDeclarePublisher 09:15:10 [] [] [] [] INFO afkaTopicServiceImpl Created topics: [LOG_RECORD] 09:15:10 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/event-types/declare/publisher HTTP_1_1 201 0 26 tid=testenant4040923938233986048 Created 09:15:25 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postTenant 09:15:25 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Executing multiple statements with id 624464192 09:15:25 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub CASCADE; 09:15:25 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='00000', message='drop cascades to 31 other objects', detail='drop cascades to table testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal drop cascades to table testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.rmb_job drop cascades to table testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index drop cascades to table testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_analyze drop cascades to function testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.uuid_smaller(uuid,uuid) drop cascades to function testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.uuid_larger(uuid,uuid) drop cascades to function testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.next_uuid(uuid) drop cascades to function testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.max(uuid) drop cascades to function testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.min(uuid) drop cascades to function testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(bigint,bigint,text) drop cascades to function testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_default(text) drop cascades to function testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.count_estimate(text) drop cascades to function testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.upsert(text,uuid,anyelement) drop cascades to function testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.f_unaccent(text) drop cascades to function testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.get_tsvector(text) drop cascades to function testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.tsquery_and(text) drop cascades to function testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.tsquery_or(text) drop cascades to function testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.tsquery_phrase(text) drop cascades to function testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.normalize_digits(text) drop cascades to function testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.set_id_in_jsonb() drop cascades to function testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.concat_space_sql(text[]) drop cascades to function testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object_values(jsonb,text) drop cascades to function testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object_values(jsonb,text,text,text) drop cascades to function testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.first_array_object_value(jsonb,text,text,text) drop cascades to function testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object(jsonb) drop cascades to function testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index(text,text,text,text) drop cascades to table testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.databasechangeloglock drop cascades to table testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.databasechangelog drop cascades to table testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.audit_message_payload drop cascades to table testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.audit_message drop cascades to type testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub.message_state', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='dependency.c', line='1214', routine='reportDependentObjects', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 09:15:25 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub CASCADE; 09:15:25 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP ROLE IF EXISTS testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub; 09:15:25 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP ROLE IF EXISTS testenant4040923938233986048_mod_pubsub; 09:15:25 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /_/tenant null HTTP_1_1 204 0 26 tid=testenant4040923938233986048 No Content 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postTenant 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Executing multiple statements with id 1933404341 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE ROLE testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub PASSWORD 'testenant9079984110493230080' NOSUPERUSER NOCREATEDB INHERIT LOGIN; 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE ROLE testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub PASSWORD 'testenant9079984110493230080' NOSUPERUSER NOCREATEDB INHERIT LOGIN; 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} GRANT testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub TO CURRENT_USER; 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed GRANT testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub TO CURRENT_USER; 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE SCHEMA testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub AUTHORIZATION testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub; 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE SCHEMA testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub AUTHORIZATION testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub; 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} ALTER ROLE testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub SET search_path = "$user"; 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed ALTER ROLE testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub SET search_path = "$user"; 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DO $$ BEGIN BEGIN -- This only succeeds if show_trgm, a pg_trgm function, -- has been loaded into public schema. PERFORM public.show_trgm('a'); EXCEPTION WHEN undefined_function THEN BEGIN ALTER EXTENSION pg_trgm SET SCHEMA public; EXCEPTION WHEN undefined_object THEN NULL; END; END; END $$; 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DO $$ BEGIN BEGIN -- This only succeeds if show_trgm, a pg_trgm function, -- has been loaded into public schema. PERFORM public.show_trgm('a'); EXCEPTION WHEN undefined_function THEN BEGIN ALTER EXTENSION pg_trgm SET SCHEMA public; EXCEPTION WHEN undefined_object THEN NULL; END; END; END $$; 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS unaccent WITH SCHEMA public; 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='42710', message='extension "unaccent" already exists, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='extension.c', line='1761', routine='CreateExtension', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS unaccent WITH SCHEMA public; 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS pg_trgm WITH SCHEMA public; 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='42710', message='extension "pg_trgm" already exists, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='extension.c', line='1761', routine='CreateExtension', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS pg_trgm WITH SCHEMA public; 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, jsonb JSONB NOT NULL ); 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, jsonb JSONB NOT NULL ); 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} insert into testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal (jsonb) values ('{"rmbVersion": "33.0.4", "moduleVersion": "mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT.175"}'::jsonb); 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed insert into testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal (jsonb) values ('{"rmbVersion": "33.0.4", "moduleVersion": "mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT.175"}'::jsonb); 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.rmb_job ( id UUID PRIMARY KEY, jsonb JSONB NOT NULL ); 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.rmb_job ( id UUID PRIMARY KEY, jsonb JSONB NOT NULL ); 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /_/tenant null HTTP_1_1 201 387 41 tid=testenant9079984110493230080 Created 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Executing multiple statements with id -1138050351 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking getTenantByOperationId 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} SET search_path TO testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub; 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed SET search_path TO testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub; 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index ( name text PRIMARY KEY, def text NOT NULL, remove boolean NOT NULL ); 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil GET /_/tenant/119e88e6-fd0b-4d60-b976-102e76e10b33 null HTTP_1_1 200 387 7 tid=testenant9079984110493230080 OK 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index ( name text PRIMARY KEY, def text NOT NULL, remove boolean NOT NULL ); 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} UPDATE testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index SET remove = TRUE; 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed UPDATE testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index SET remove = TRUE; 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS rmb_internal_analyze ( tablename text ); 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS rmb_internal_analyze ( tablename text ); 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.uuid_smaller(uuid, uuid) RETURNS uuid AS $$ BEGIN IF $1 IS NULL THEN RETURN $2; END IF; IF $2 IS NULL THEN RETURN $1; END IF; IF $1 < $2 THEN RETURN $1; ELSE RETURN $2; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.uuid_smaller(uuid, uuid) RETURNS uuid AS $$ BEGIN IF $1 IS NULL THEN RETURN $2; END IF; IF $2 IS NULL THEN RETURN $1; END IF; IF $1 < $2 THEN RETURN $1; ELSE RETURN $2; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.uuid_larger(uuid, uuid) RETURNS uuid AS $$ BEGIN IF $1 IS NULL THEN RETURN $2; END IF; IF $2 IS NULL THEN RETURN $1; END IF; IF $1 > $2 THEN RETURN $1; ELSE RETURN $2; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.uuid_larger(uuid, uuid) RETURNS uuid AS $$ BEGIN IF $1 IS NULL THEN RETURN $2; END IF; IF $2 IS NULL THEN RETURN $1; END IF; IF $1 > $2 THEN RETURN $1; ELSE RETURN $2; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.next_uuid(uuid) RETURNS uuid AS $$ DECLARE uuid text; digit text; BEGIN uuid = $1; FOR i IN REVERSE 36..1 LOOP digit := substring(uuid from i for 1); -- skip minus, version byte M and variant byte N CONTINUE WHEN digit = '-' OR i = 15 OR i = 20; CASE digit WHEN '0' THEN digit := '1'; WHEN '1' THEN digit := '2'; WHEN '2' THEN digit := '3'; WHEN '3' THEN digit := '4'; WHEN '4' THEN digit := '5'; WHEN '5' THEN digit := '6'; WHEN '6' THEN digit := '7'; WHEN '7' THEN digit := '8'; WHEN '8' THEN digit := '9'; WHEN '9' THEN digit := 'a'; WHEN 'a' THEN digit := 'b'; WHEN 'b' THEN digit := 'c'; WHEN 'c' THEN digit := 'd'; WHEN 'd' THEN digit := 'e'; WHEN 'e' THEN digit := 'f'; WHEN 'f' THEN digit := '0'; ELSE NULL; END CASE; uuid = overlay(uuid placing digit from i); EXIT WHEN digit <> '0'; END LOOP; RETURN uuid; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.next_uuid(uuid) RETURNS uuid AS $$ DECLARE uuid text; digit text; BEGIN uuid = $1; FOR i IN REVERSE 36..1 LOOP digit := substring(uuid from i for 1); -- skip minus, version byte M and variant byte N CONTINUE WHEN digit = '-' OR i = 15 OR i = 20; CASE digit WHEN '0' THEN digit := '1'; WHEN '1' THEN digit := '2'; WHEN '2' THEN digit := '3'; WHEN '3' THEN digit := '4'; WHEN '4' THEN digit := '5'; WHEN '5' THEN digit := '6'; WHEN '6' THEN digit := '7'; WHEN '7' THEN digit := '8'; WHEN '8' THEN digit := '9'; WHEN '9' THEN digit := 'a'; WHEN 'a' THEN digit := 'b'; WHEN 'b' THEN digit := 'c'; WHEN 'c' THEN digit := 'd'; WHEN 'd' THEN digit := 'e'; WHEN 'e' THEN digit := 'f'; WHEN 'f' THEN digit := '0'; ELSE NULL; END CASE; uuid = overlay(uuid placing digit from i); EXIT WHEN digit <> '0'; END LOOP; RETURN uuid; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE AGGREGATE testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.max(uuid) ( stype = uuid, sfunc = testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.uuid_larger, combinefunc = testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.uuid_larger, parallel = safe, sortop = operator (>) ); 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE AGGREGATE testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.max(uuid) ( stype = uuid, sfunc = testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.uuid_larger, combinefunc = testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.uuid_larger, parallel = safe, sortop = operator (>) ); 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE AGGREGATE testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.min(uuid) ( stype = uuid, sfunc = testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.uuid_smaller, combinefunc = testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.uuid_smaller, parallel = safe, sortop = operator (<) ); 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE AGGREGATE testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.min(uuid) ( stype = uuid, sfunc = testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.uuid_smaller, combinefunc = testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.uuid_smaller, parallel = safe, sortop = operator (<) ); 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(bigint,bigint,text); 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='00000', message='function testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(pg_catalog.int8,pg_catalog.int8,text) does not exist, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='dropcmds.c', line='491', routine='does_not_exist_skipping', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(bigint,bigint,text); 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE FUNCTION testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(rows bigint, lim bigint, query text) RETURNS bigint AS $$ DECLARE rec record; cnt bigint; BEGIN IF rows = lim THEN FOR rec IN EXECUTE 'EXPLAIN ' || query LOOP cnt := substring(rec."QUERY PLAN" FROM ' rows=([[:digit:]]+)'); EXIT WHEN cnt IS NOT NULL; END LOOP; RETURN cnt; END IF; RETURN rows; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql VOLATILE STRICT; 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE FUNCTION testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(rows bigint, lim bigint, query text) RETURNS bigint AS $$ DECLARE rec record; cnt bigint; BEGIN IF rows = lim THEN FOR rec IN EXECUTE 'EXPLAIN ' || query LOOP cnt := substring(rec."QUERY PLAN" FROM ' rows=([[:digit:]]+)'); EXIT WHEN cnt IS NOT NULL; END LOOP; RETURN cnt; END IF; RETURN rows; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql VOLATILE STRICT; 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_default(query text) RETURNS bigint AS $$ DECLARE rows bigint; q text; BEGIN q = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (' || query || ' LIMIT 1000) x'; EXECUTE q INTO rows; IF rows < 1000 THEN return rows; END IF; rows = testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(1000, 1000, query); IF rows < 1000 THEN return 1000; END IF; RETURN rows; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE STRICT; 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_default(query text) RETURNS bigint AS $$ DECLARE rows bigint; q text; BEGIN q = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (' || query || ' LIMIT 1000) x'; EXECUTE q INTO rows; IF rows < 1000 THEN return rows; END IF; rows = testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(1000, 1000, query); IF rows < 1000 THEN return 1000; END IF; RETURN rows; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE STRICT; 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.count_estimate(query text) RETURNS bigint AS $$ DECLARE count bigint; est_count bigint; q text; BEGIN est_count = testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(1000, 1000, query); IF est_count > 4*1000 THEN RETURN est_count; END IF; q = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (' || query || ' LIMIT 1000) x'; EXECUTE q INTO count; IF count < 1000 THEN RETURN count; END IF; IF est_count < 1000 THEN RETURN 1000; END IF; RETURN est_count; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql STABLE STRICT; 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.count_estimate(query text) RETURNS bigint AS $$ DECLARE count bigint; est_count bigint; q text; BEGIN est_count = testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(1000, 1000, query); IF est_count > 4*1000 THEN RETURN est_count; END IF; q = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (' || query || ' LIMIT 1000) x'; EXECUTE q INTO count; IF count < 1000 THEN RETURN count; END IF; IF est_count < 1000 THEN RETURN 1000; END IF; RETURN est_count; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql STABLE STRICT; 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.upsert(text, uuid, anyelement) RETURNS uuid AS $$ DECLARE ret uuid; BEGIN EXECUTE format('UPDATE testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.%I SET jsonb=$3 WHERE id=$2 RETURNING id', $1) USING $1, $2, $3 INTO ret; IF ret IS NOT NULL THEN RETURN ret; END IF; EXECUTE format('INSERT INTO testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.%I (id, jsonb) VALUES ($2, $3) RETURNING id', $1) USING $1, $2, $3 INTO STRICT ret; RETURN ret; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.upsert(text, uuid, anyelement) RETURNS uuid AS $$ DECLARE ret uuid; BEGIN EXECUTE format('UPDATE testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.%I SET jsonb=$3 WHERE id=$2 RETURNING id', $1) USING $1, $2, $3 INTO ret; IF ret IS NOT NULL THEN RETURN ret; END IF; EXECUTE format('INSERT INTO testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.%I (id, jsonb) VALUES ($2, $3) RETURNING id', $1) USING $1, $2, $3 INTO STRICT ret; RETURN ret; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DO $$ DECLARE ver integer; BEGIN SELECT current_setting('server_version_num') INTO ver; IF (ver >= 120000) THEN CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.f_unaccent(text) RETURNS text AS $f_unaccent$ SELECT public.unaccent('public.unaccent', $1) -- schema-qualify function and dictionary $f_unaccent$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; ELSE CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.f_unaccent(text) RETURNS text AS $f_unaccent$ SELECT regexp_replace(public.unaccent('public.unaccent', $1), E'[\u0300\u0301\u0302\u0303\u0304\u0305\u0306\u0307\u0308\u0309\u030a\u030b\u030c\u030d\u030e\u030f' || E'\u0310\u0311\u0312\u0313\u0314\u0315\u0316\u0317\u0318\u0319\u031a\u031b\u031c\u031d\u031e\u031f' || E'\u0320\u0321\u0322\u0323\u0324\u0325\u0326\u0327\u0328\u0329\u032a\u032b\u032c\u032d\u032e\u032f' || E'\u0330\u0331\u0332\u0333\u0334\u0335\u0336\u0337\u0338\u0339\u033a\u033b\u033c\u033d\u033e\u033f' || E'\u0340\u0341\u0342\u0343\u0344\u0345\u0346\u0347\u0348\u0349\u034a\u034b\u034c\u034d\u034e\u034f' || E'\u0350\u0351\u0352\u0353\u0354\u0355\u0356\u0357\u0358\u0359\u035a\u035b\u035c\u035d\u035e\u035f' || E'\u0360\u0361\u0362' || E'\u20dd\u20de\u20df\u20e0' || E'\u20e2\u20e3\u20e4]', '', 'g') $f_unaccent$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; END IF; END $$; 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DO $$ DECLARE ver integer; BEGIN SELECT current_setting('server_version_num') INTO ver; IF (ver >= 120000) THEN CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.f_unaccent(text) RETURNS text AS $f_unaccent$ SELECT public.unaccent('public.unaccent', $1) -- schema-qualify function and dictionary $f_unaccent$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; ELSE CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.f_unaccent(text) RETURNS text AS $f_unaccent$ SELECT regexp_replace(public.unaccent('public.unaccent', $1), E'[\u0300\u0301\u0302\u0303\u0304\u0305\u0306\u0307\u0308\u0309\u030a\u030b\u030c\u030d\u030e\u030f' || E'\u0310\u0311\u0312\u0313\u0314\u0315\u0316\u0317\u0318\u0319\u031a\u031b\u031c\u031d\u031e\u031f' || E'\u0320\u0321\u0322\u0323\u0324\u0325\u0326\u0327\u0328\u0329\u032a\u032b\u032c\u032d\u032e\u032f' || E'\u0330\u0331\u0332\u0333\u0334\u0335\u0336\u0337\u0338\u0339\u033a\u033b\u033c\u033d\u033e\u033f' || E'\u0340\u0341\u0342\u0343\u0344\u0345\u0346\u0347\u0348\u0349\u034a\u034b\u034c\u034d\u034e\u034f' || E'\u0350\u0351\u0352\u0353\u0354\u0355\u0356\u0357\u0358\u0359\u035a\u035b\u035c\u035d\u035e\u035f' || E'\u0360\u0361\u0362' || E'\u20dd\u20de\u20df\u20e0' || E'\u20e2\u20e3\u20e4]', '', 'g') $f_unaccent$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; END IF; END $$; 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.get_tsvector(text) RETURNS tsvector AS $$ SELECT to_tsvector('simple', translate($1, '&', ',')); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.get_tsvector(text) RETURNS tsvector AS $$ SELECT to_tsvector('simple', translate($1, '&', ',')); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.tsquery_and(text) RETURNS tsquery AS $$ SELECT to_tsquery('simple', string_agg(CASE WHEN length(v) = 0 OR v = '*' THEN '' WHEN right(v, 1) = '*' THEN '''' || left(v, -1) || ''':*' ELSE '''' || v || '''' END, '&')) FROM (SELECT regexp_split_to_table(translate($1, '&''', ',,'), ' +')) AS x(v); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.tsquery_and(text) RETURNS tsquery AS $$ SELECT to_tsquery('simple', string_agg(CASE WHEN length(v) = 0 OR v = '*' THEN '' WHEN right(v, 1) = '*' THEN '''' || left(v, -1) || ''':*' ELSE '''' || v || '''' END, '&')) FROM (SELECT regexp_split_to_table(translate($1, '&''', ',,'), ' +')) AS x(v); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.tsquery_or(text) RETURNS tsquery AS $$ SELECT replace(testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.tsquery_and($1)::text, '&', '|')::tsquery; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.tsquery_or(text) RETURNS tsquery AS $$ SELECT replace(testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.tsquery_and($1)::text, '&', '|')::tsquery; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.tsquery_phrase(text) RETURNS tsquery AS $$ SELECT replace(testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.tsquery_and($1)::text, '&', '<->')::tsquery; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.tsquery_phrase(text) RETURNS tsquery AS $$ SELECT replace(testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.tsquery_and($1)::text, '&', '<->')::tsquery; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.normalize_digits(text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT translate((regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[1], E' \t-', '') || CASE WHEN (regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[1] = '' THEN '' WHEN (regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[2] = '' THEN '' ELSE ' ' END || (regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[2]; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.normalize_digits(text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT translate((regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[1], E' \t-', '') || CASE WHEN (regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[1] = '' THEN '' WHEN (regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[2] = '' THEN '' ELSE ' ' END || (regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[2]; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.set_id_in_jsonb() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $$ BEGIN NEW.jsonb = jsonb_set(NEW.jsonb, '{id}', to_jsonb(NEW.id)); RETURN NEW; END; $$ language 'plpgsql'; 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.set_id_in_jsonb() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $$ BEGIN NEW.jsonb = jsonb_set(NEW.jsonb, '{id}', to_jsonb(NEW.id)); RETURN NEW; END; $$ language 'plpgsql'; 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} create or replace function testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.concat_space_sql(VARIADIC text[]) RETURNS text AS $$ select concat_ws(' ', VARIADIC $1); $$ LANGUAGE SQL IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed create or replace function testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.concat_space_sql(VARIADIC text[]) RETURNS text AS $$ select concat_ws(' ', VARIADIC $1); $$ LANGUAGE SQL IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} create or replace function testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object_values(jsonb_array jsonb, field text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT string_agg(value->>$2, ' ') FROM jsonb_array_elements($1); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed create or replace function testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object_values(jsonb_array jsonb, field text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT string_agg(value->>$2, ' ') FROM jsonb_array_elements($1); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} create or replace function testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object_values( jsonb_array jsonb, field text, filterkey text, filtervalue text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT string_agg(value->>$2, ' ') FROM jsonb_array_elements($1) WHERE value->>$3 = $4; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed create or replace function testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object_values( jsonb_array jsonb, field text, filterkey text, filtervalue text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT string_agg(value->>$2, ' ') FROM jsonb_array_elements($1) WHERE value->>$3 = $4; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} create or replace function testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.first_array_object_value( jsonb_array jsonb, field text, filterkey text, filtervalue text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT value->>$2 FROM jsonb_array_elements($1) WHERE value->>$3 = $4 LIMIT 1; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed create or replace function testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.first_array_object_value( jsonb_array jsonb, field text, filterkey text, filtervalue text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT value->>$2 FROM jsonb_array_elements($1) WHERE value->>$3 = $4 LIMIT 1; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} create or replace function testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object(jsonb_array jsonb) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT string_agg(value::text, ' ') FROM jsonb_array_elements_text($1); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed create or replace function testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object(jsonb_array jsonb) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT string_agg(value::text, ' ') FROM jsonb_array_elements_text($1); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS rmb_internal_index(aname text, tops text, newdef text); 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='00000', message='function rmb_internal_index(text,text,text) does not exist, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='dropcmds.c', line='491', routine='does_not_exist_skipping', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS rmb_internal_index(aname text, tops text, newdef text); 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION rmb_internal_index( atable text, aname text, tops text, newdef text) RETURNS void AS $$ DECLARE olddef text; namep CONSTANT text = concat(aname, '_p'); prepareddef text; BEGIN IF tops = 'DELETE' THEN -- use case insensitive %s, not case sensitive %I -- no SQL injection because the names are hard-coded in schema.json EXECUTE format('DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s', aname); EXECUTE 'DELETE FROM testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE name = $1' USING aname; RETURN; END IF; SELECT def INTO olddef FROM testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE name = aname; SELECT def INTO prepareddef FROM testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE name = namep; prepareddef = replace(prepareddef, concat(' ', namep, ' ON '), concat(' ', aname, ' ON ')); IF prepareddef = newdef THEN EXECUTE format('DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s', aname); EXECUTE format('ALTER INDEX IF EXISTS %s RENAME TO %s', namep, aname); EXECUTE 'DELETE FROM rmb_internal_index WHERE name = $1' USING namep; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO rmb_internal_analyze VALUES ($1)' USING atable; ELSIF olddef IS DISTINCT FROM newdef THEN EXECUTE format('DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s', aname); EXECUTE newdef; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO rmb_internal_analyze VALUES ($1)' USING atable; END IF; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index VALUES ($1, $2, FALSE) ' 'ON CONFLICT (name) DO UPDATE SET def = EXCLUDED.def, remove = EXCLUDED.remove' USING aname, newdef; END $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION rmb_internal_index( atable text, aname text, tops text, newdef text) RETURNS void AS $$ DECLARE olddef text; namep CONSTANT text = concat(aname, '_p'); prepareddef text; BEGIN IF tops = 'DELETE' THEN -- use case insensitive %s, not case sensitive %I -- no SQL injection because the names are hard-coded in schema.json EXECUTE format('DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s', aname); EXECUTE 'DELETE FROM testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE name = $1' USING aname; RETURN; END IF; SELECT def INTO olddef FROM testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE name = aname; SELECT def INTO prepareddef FROM testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE name = namep; prepareddef = replace(prepareddef, concat(' ', namep, ' ON '), concat(' ', aname, ' ON ')); IF prepareddef = newdef THEN EXECUTE format('DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s', aname); EXECUTE format('ALTER INDEX IF EXISTS %s RENAME TO %s', namep, aname); EXECUTE 'DELETE FROM rmb_internal_index WHERE name = $1' USING namep; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO rmb_internal_analyze VALUES ($1)' USING atable; ELSIF olddef IS DISTINCT FROM newdef THEN EXECUTE format('DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s', aname); EXECUTE newdef; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO rmb_internal_analyze VALUES ($1)' USING atable; END IF; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index VALUES ($1, $2, FALSE) ' 'ON CONFLICT (name) DO UPDATE SET def = EXCLUDED.def, remove = EXCLUDED.remove' USING aname, newdef; END $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DO $$ BEGIN -- use advisory lock to prevent "tuple concurrently updated" -- https://issues.folio.org/browse/RMB-744 PERFORM pg_advisory_xact_lock(20201101, 1234567890); REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ON SCHEMA public FROM testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub; REVOKE CREATE ON SCHEMA public FROM PUBLIC; END $$; 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DO $$ BEGIN -- use advisory lock to prevent "tuple concurrently updated" -- https://issues.folio.org/browse/RMB-744 PERFORM pg_advisory_xact_lock(20201101, 1234567890); REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ON SCHEMA public FROM testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub; REVOKE CREATE ON SCHEMA public FROM PUBLIC; END $$; 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DO $$ DECLARE aname TEXT; BEGIN FOR aname IN SELECT name FROM testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE remove = TRUE LOOP EXECUTE 'DROP INDEX IF EXISTS ' || aname; END LOOP; END $$; 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DO $$ DECLARE aname TEXT; BEGIN FOR aname IN SELECT name FROM testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE remove = TRUE LOOP EXECUTE 'DROP INDEX IF EXISTS ' || aname; END LOOP; END $$; 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DO $$ DECLARE version TEXT; i RECORD; newindexdef TEXT; BEGIN SELECT jsonb->>'rmbVersion' INTO version FROM testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal; IF version !~ '^(\d\.|1\d\.|2[0-8]\.|29\.[0-3]\.)' THEN -- skip this upgrade if last install/upgrade was made by RMB >= 29.4.x RETURN; END IF; FOR i IN SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_indexes WHERE schemaname = 'testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub' LOOP newindexdef := regexp_replace(i.indexdef, -- \m = beginning of a word, \M = end of a word '\mpublic\.(f_unaccent|concat_space_sql|concat_array_object_values|concat_array_object)\M', 'testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.\1', 'g'); IF newindexdef <> i.indexdef THEN EXECUTE 'DROP INDEX ' || i.indexname; EXECUTE newindexdef; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO rmb_internal_analyze VALUES ($1)' USING i.tablename; END IF; END LOOP; END $$; 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DO $$ DECLARE version TEXT; i RECORD; newindexdef TEXT; BEGIN SELECT jsonb->>'rmbVersion' INTO version FROM testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal; IF version !~ '^(\d\.|1\d\.|2[0-8]\.|29\.[0-3]\.)' THEN -- skip this upgrade if last install/upgrade was made by RMB >= 29.4.x RETURN; END IF; FOR i IN SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_indexes WHERE schemaname = 'testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub' LOOP newindexdef := regexp_replace(i.indexdef, -- \m = beginning of a word, \M = end of a word '\mpublic\.(f_unaccent|concat_space_sql|concat_array_object_values|concat_array_object)\M', 'testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.\1', 'g'); IF newindexdef <> i.indexdef THEN EXECUTE 'DROP INDEX ' || i.indexname; EXECUTE newindexdef; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO rmb_internal_analyze VALUES ($1)' USING i.tablename; END IF; END LOOP; END $$; 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DO $$ DECLARE t TEXT; BEGIN FOR t IN SELECT DISTINCT tablename FROM rmb_internal_analyze LOOP EXECUTE 'ANALYZE ' || t; END LOOP; END $$; 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DO $$ DECLARE t TEXT; BEGIN FOR t IN SELECT DISTINCT tablename FROM rmb_internal_analyze LOOP EXECUTE 'ANALYZE ' || t; END LOOP; END $$; 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} TRUNCATE rmb_internal_analyze; 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed TRUNCATE rmb_internal_analyze; 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub TO testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub; 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub TO testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub; 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} UPDATE testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal SET jsonb = jsonb || jsonb_build_object( 'rmbVersion', '33.0.4', 'moduleVersion', 'mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT.175', 'schemaJson', $mainftl${} $mainftl$); 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed UPDATE testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal SET jsonb = jsonb || jsonb_build_object( 'rmbVersion', '33.0.4', 'moduleVersion', 'mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT.175', 'schemaJson', $mainftl${} $mainftl$); 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] INFO LiquibaseUtil Initializing schema testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub for tenant testenant9079984110493230080 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] INFO leConnectionProvider Attempting to get connection for testenant9079984110493230080 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient DB config read from environment variables 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Using schema: testenant9079984110493230080 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient postgreSQLClientConfig = {"maxPoolSize":5,"port":5432,"username":"testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub","host":"","database":"okapi_modules","password":"...","postgres_tester":false} 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] INFO LiquibaseUtil Schema is initialized for tenant testenant9079984110493230080 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending GET for 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking getTenantByOperationId 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil GET /_/tenant/119e88e6-fd0b-4d60-b976-102e76e10b33 null HTTP_1_1 200 387 3 tid=testenant9079984110493230080 OK 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 200 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 201 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] INFO SecurityManagerImpl Created pubsub-user user 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 201 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] INFO SecurityManagerImpl Saved pubsub-user user credentials 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 403 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] ERROR SecurityManagerImpl Failed to add permissions for pubsub-user user. Received status code 403 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 201 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] INFO SecurityManagerImpl Logged in pubsub-user user 09:17:19 [] [] [] [] INFO TenantAPI job 119e88e6-fd0b-4d60-b976-102e76e10b33 completed 09:17:20 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking getTenantByOperationId 09:17:20 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil GET /_/tenant/119e88e6-fd0b-4d60-b976-102e76e10b33 null HTTP_1_1 200 386 2 tid=testenant9079984110493230080 OK 09:17:20 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking deleteTenantByOperationId 09:17:20 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil DELETE /_/tenant/119e88e6-fd0b-4d60-b976-102e76e10b33 null HTTP_1_1 204 0 3 tid=testenant9079984110493230080 No Content 09:17:20 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubEventTypes 09:17:20 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/event-types HTTP_1_1 201 133 2 tid=testenant9079984110493230080 Created 09:17:20 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubEventTypesDeclarePublisher 09:17:20 [] [] [] [] INFO afkaTopicServiceImpl Created topics: [LOG_RECORD] 09:17:20 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/event-types/declare/publisher HTTP_1_1 201 0 24 tid=testenant9079984110493230080 Created 09:17:38 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postTenant 09:17:38 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Executing multiple statements with id -2015932096 09:17:38 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub CASCADE; 09:17:38 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='00000', message='drop cascades to 31 other objects', detail='drop cascades to table testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal drop cascades to table testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.rmb_job drop cascades to table testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index drop cascades to table testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_analyze drop cascades to function testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.uuid_smaller(uuid,uuid) drop cascades to function testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.uuid_larger(uuid,uuid) drop cascades to function testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.next_uuid(uuid) drop cascades to function testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.max(uuid) drop cascades to function testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.min(uuid) drop cascades to function testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(bigint,bigint,text) drop cascades to function testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_default(text) drop cascades to function testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.count_estimate(text) drop cascades to function testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.upsert(text,uuid,anyelement) drop cascades to function testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.f_unaccent(text) drop cascades to function testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.get_tsvector(text) drop cascades to function testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.tsquery_and(text) drop cascades to function testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.tsquery_or(text) drop cascades to function testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.tsquery_phrase(text) drop cascades to function testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.normalize_digits(text) drop cascades to function testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.set_id_in_jsonb() drop cascades to function testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.concat_space_sql(text[]) drop cascades to function testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object_values(jsonb,text) drop cascades to function testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object_values(jsonb,text,text,text) drop cascades to function testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.first_array_object_value(jsonb,text,text,text) drop cascades to function testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object(jsonb) drop cascades to function testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index(text,text,text,text) drop cascades to table testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.databasechangeloglock drop cascades to table testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.databasechangelog drop cascades to table testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.audit_message_payload drop cascades to table testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.audit_message drop cascades to type testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub.message_state', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='dependency.c', line='1214', routine='reportDependentObjects', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 09:17:38 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub CASCADE; 09:17:38 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP ROLE IF EXISTS testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub; 09:17:38 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP ROLE IF EXISTS testenant9079984110493230080_mod_pubsub; 09:17:38 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /_/tenant null HTTP_1_1 204 0 20 tid=testenant9079984110493230080 No Content 09:18:11 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postTenant 09:18:11 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Executing multiple statements with id -484172648 09:18:11 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE ROLE testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub PASSWORD 'testenant6101549418759703552' NOSUPERUSER NOCREATEDB INHERIT LOGIN; 09:18:11 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE ROLE testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub PASSWORD 'testenant6101549418759703552' NOSUPERUSER NOCREATEDB INHERIT LOGIN; 09:18:11 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} GRANT testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub TO CURRENT_USER; 09:18:11 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed GRANT testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub TO CURRENT_USER; 09:18:11 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE SCHEMA testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub AUTHORIZATION testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub; 09:18:11 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE SCHEMA testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub AUTHORIZATION testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub; 09:18:11 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} ALTER ROLE testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub SET search_path = "$user"; 09:18:11 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed ALTER ROLE testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub SET search_path = "$user"; 09:18:11 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DO $$ BEGIN BEGIN -- This only succeeds if show_trgm, a pg_trgm function, -- has been loaded into public schema. PERFORM public.show_trgm('a'); EXCEPTION WHEN undefined_function THEN BEGIN ALTER EXTENSION pg_trgm SET SCHEMA public; EXCEPTION WHEN undefined_object THEN NULL; END; END; END $$; 09:18:11 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DO $$ BEGIN BEGIN -- This only succeeds if show_trgm, a pg_trgm function, -- has been loaded into public schema. PERFORM public.show_trgm('a'); EXCEPTION WHEN undefined_function THEN BEGIN ALTER EXTENSION pg_trgm SET SCHEMA public; EXCEPTION WHEN undefined_object THEN NULL; END; END; END $$; 09:18:11 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS unaccent WITH SCHEMA public; 09:18:11 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='42710', message='extension "unaccent" already exists, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='extension.c', line='1761', routine='CreateExtension', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 09:18:11 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS unaccent WITH SCHEMA public; 09:18:11 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS pg_trgm WITH SCHEMA public; 09:18:11 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='42710', message='extension "pg_trgm" already exists, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='extension.c', line='1761', routine='CreateExtension', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 09:18:11 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS pg_trgm WITH SCHEMA public; 09:18:11 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, jsonb JSONB NOT NULL ); 09:18:11 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, jsonb JSONB NOT NULL ); 09:18:11 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} insert into testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal (jsonb) values ('{"rmbVersion": "33.0.4", "moduleVersion": "mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT.175"}'::jsonb); 09:18:11 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed insert into testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal (jsonb) values ('{"rmbVersion": "33.0.4", "moduleVersion": "mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT.175"}'::jsonb); 09:18:11 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.rmb_job ( id UUID PRIMARY KEY, jsonb JSONB NOT NULL ); 09:18:11 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.rmb_job ( id UUID PRIMARY KEY, jsonb JSONB NOT NULL ); 09:18:11 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /_/tenant null HTTP_1_1 201 386 29 tid=testenant6101549418759703552 Created 09:18:11 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Executing multiple statements with id 1147931983 09:18:11 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} SET search_path TO testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub; 09:18:11 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking getTenantByOperationId 09:18:11 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed SET search_path TO testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub; 09:18:11 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index ( name text PRIMARY KEY, def text NOT NULL, remove boolean NOT NULL ); 09:18:11 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil GET /_/tenant/a93189e6-268f-49b8-98a9-fb60efeff55b null HTTP_1_1 200 386 3 tid=testenant6101549418759703552 OK 09:18:11 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index ( name text PRIMARY KEY, def text NOT NULL, remove boolean NOT NULL ); 09:18:11 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} UPDATE testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index SET remove = TRUE; 09:18:11 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed UPDATE testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index SET remove = TRUE; 09:18:11 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS rmb_internal_analyze ( tablename text ); 09:18:11 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS rmb_internal_analyze ( tablename text ); 09:18:11 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.uuid_smaller(uuid, uuid) RETURNS uuid AS $$ BEGIN IF $1 IS NULL THEN RETURN $2; END IF; IF $2 IS NULL THEN RETURN $1; END IF; IF $1 < $2 THEN RETURN $1; ELSE RETURN $2; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 09:18:11 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.uuid_smaller(uuid, uuid) RETURNS uuid AS $$ BEGIN IF $1 IS NULL THEN RETURN $2; END IF; IF $2 IS NULL THEN RETURN $1; END IF; IF $1 < $2 THEN RETURN $1; ELSE RETURN $2; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 09:18:11 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.uuid_larger(uuid, uuid) RETURNS uuid AS $$ BEGIN IF $1 IS NULL THEN RETURN $2; END IF; IF $2 IS NULL THEN RETURN $1; END IF; IF $1 > $2 THEN RETURN $1; ELSE RETURN $2; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 09:18:11 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.uuid_larger(uuid, uuid) RETURNS uuid AS $$ BEGIN IF $1 IS NULL THEN RETURN $2; END IF; IF $2 IS NULL THEN RETURN $1; END IF; IF $1 > $2 THEN RETURN $1; ELSE RETURN $2; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 09:18:11 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.next_uuid(uuid) RETURNS uuid AS $$ DECLARE uuid text; digit text; BEGIN uuid = $1; FOR i IN REVERSE 36..1 LOOP digit := substring(uuid from i for 1); -- skip minus, version byte M and variant byte N CONTINUE WHEN digit = '-' OR i = 15 OR i = 20; CASE digit WHEN '0' THEN digit := '1'; WHEN '1' THEN digit := '2'; WHEN '2' THEN digit := '3'; WHEN '3' THEN digit := '4'; WHEN '4' THEN digit := '5'; WHEN '5' THEN digit := '6'; WHEN '6' THEN digit := '7'; WHEN '7' THEN digit := '8'; WHEN '8' THEN digit := '9'; WHEN '9' THEN digit := 'a'; WHEN 'a' THEN digit := 'b'; WHEN 'b' THEN digit := 'c'; WHEN 'c' THEN digit := 'd'; WHEN 'd' THEN digit := 'e'; WHEN 'e' THEN digit := 'f'; WHEN 'f' THEN digit := '0'; ELSE NULL; END CASE; uuid = overlay(uuid placing digit from i); EXIT WHEN digit <> '0'; END LOOP; RETURN uuid; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 09:18:11 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.next_uuid(uuid) RETURNS uuid AS $$ DECLARE uuid text; digit text; BEGIN uuid = $1; FOR i IN REVERSE 36..1 LOOP digit := substring(uuid from i for 1); -- skip minus, version byte M and variant byte N CONTINUE WHEN digit = '-' OR i = 15 OR i = 20; CASE digit WHEN '0' THEN digit := '1'; WHEN '1' THEN digit := '2'; WHEN '2' THEN digit := '3'; WHEN '3' THEN digit := '4'; WHEN '4' THEN digit := '5'; WHEN '5' THEN digit := '6'; WHEN '6' THEN digit := '7'; WHEN '7' THEN digit := '8'; WHEN '8' THEN digit := '9'; WHEN '9' THEN digit := 'a'; WHEN 'a' THEN digit := 'b'; WHEN 'b' THEN digit := 'c'; WHEN 'c' THEN digit := 'd'; WHEN 'd' THEN digit := 'e'; WHEN 'e' THEN digit := 'f'; WHEN 'f' THEN digit := '0'; ELSE NULL; END CASE; uuid = overlay(uuid placing digit from i); EXIT WHEN digit <> '0'; END LOOP; RETURN uuid; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 09:18:11 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE AGGREGATE testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.max(uuid) ( stype = uuid, sfunc = testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.uuid_larger, combinefunc = testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.uuid_larger, parallel = safe, sortop = operator (>) ); 09:18:11 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE AGGREGATE testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.max(uuid) ( stype = uuid, sfunc = testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.uuid_larger, combinefunc = testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.uuid_larger, parallel = safe, sortop = operator (>) ); 09:18:11 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE AGGREGATE testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.min(uuid) ( stype = uuid, sfunc = testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.uuid_smaller, combinefunc = testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.uuid_smaller, parallel = safe, sortop = operator (<) ); 09:18:11 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE AGGREGATE testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.min(uuid) ( stype = uuid, sfunc = testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.uuid_smaller, combinefunc = testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.uuid_smaller, parallel = safe, sortop = operator (<) ); 09:18:11 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(bigint,bigint,text); 09:18:11 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='00000', message='function testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(pg_catalog.int8,pg_catalog.int8,text) does not exist, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='dropcmds.c', line='491', routine='does_not_exist_skipping', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 09:18:11 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(bigint,bigint,text); 09:18:11 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE FUNCTION testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(rows bigint, lim bigint, query text) RETURNS bigint AS $$ DECLARE rec record; cnt bigint; BEGIN IF rows = lim THEN FOR rec IN EXECUTE 'EXPLAIN ' || query LOOP cnt := substring(rec."QUERY PLAN" FROM ' rows=([[:digit:]]+)'); EXIT WHEN cnt IS NOT NULL; END LOOP; RETURN cnt; END IF; RETURN rows; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql VOLATILE STRICT; 09:18:11 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE FUNCTION testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(rows bigint, lim bigint, query text) RETURNS bigint AS $$ DECLARE rec record; cnt bigint; BEGIN IF rows = lim THEN FOR rec IN EXECUTE 'EXPLAIN ' || query LOOP cnt := substring(rec."QUERY PLAN" FROM ' rows=([[:digit:]]+)'); EXIT WHEN cnt IS NOT NULL; END LOOP; RETURN cnt; END IF; RETURN rows; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql VOLATILE STRICT; 09:18:11 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_default(query text) RETURNS bigint AS $$ DECLARE rows bigint; q text; BEGIN q = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (' || query || ' LIMIT 1000) x'; EXECUTE q INTO rows; IF rows < 1000 THEN return rows; END IF; rows = testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(1000, 1000, query); IF rows < 1000 THEN return 1000; END IF; RETURN rows; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE STRICT; 09:18:11 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_default(query text) RETURNS bigint AS $$ DECLARE rows bigint; q text; BEGIN q = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (' || query || ' LIMIT 1000) x'; EXECUTE q INTO rows; IF rows < 1000 THEN return rows; END IF; rows = testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(1000, 1000, query); IF rows < 1000 THEN return 1000; END IF; RETURN rows; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE STRICT; 09:18:11 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.count_estimate(query text) RETURNS bigint AS $$ DECLARE count bigint; est_count bigint; q text; BEGIN est_count = testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(1000, 1000, query); IF est_count > 4*1000 THEN RETURN est_count; END IF; q = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (' || query || ' LIMIT 1000) x'; EXECUTE q INTO count; IF count < 1000 THEN RETURN count; END IF; IF est_count < 1000 THEN RETURN 1000; END IF; RETURN est_count; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql STABLE STRICT; 09:18:11 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.count_estimate(query text) RETURNS bigint AS $$ DECLARE count bigint; est_count bigint; q text; BEGIN est_count = testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(1000, 1000, query); IF est_count > 4*1000 THEN RETURN est_count; END IF; q = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (' || query || ' LIMIT 1000) x'; EXECUTE q INTO count; IF count < 1000 THEN RETURN count; END IF; IF est_count < 1000 THEN RETURN 1000; END IF; RETURN est_count; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql STABLE STRICT; 09:18:11 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.upsert(text, uuid, anyelement) RETURNS uuid AS $$ DECLARE ret uuid; BEGIN EXECUTE format('UPDATE testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.%I SET jsonb=$3 WHERE id=$2 RETURNING id', $1) USING $1, $2, $3 INTO ret; IF ret IS NOT NULL THEN RETURN ret; END IF; EXECUTE format('INSERT INTO testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.%I (id, jsonb) VALUES ($2, $3) RETURNING id', $1) USING $1, $2, $3 INTO STRICT ret; RETURN ret; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 09:18:11 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.upsert(text, uuid, anyelement) RETURNS uuid AS $$ DECLARE ret uuid; BEGIN EXECUTE format('UPDATE testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.%I SET jsonb=$3 WHERE id=$2 RETURNING id', $1) USING $1, $2, $3 INTO ret; IF ret IS NOT NULL THEN RETURN ret; END IF; EXECUTE format('INSERT INTO testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.%I (id, jsonb) VALUES ($2, $3) RETURNING id', $1) USING $1, $2, $3 INTO STRICT ret; RETURN ret; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 09:18:11 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DO $$ DECLARE ver integer; BEGIN SELECT current_setting('server_version_num') INTO ver; IF (ver >= 120000) THEN CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.f_unaccent(text) RETURNS text AS $f_unaccent$ SELECT public.unaccent('public.unaccent', $1) -- schema-qualify function and dictionary $f_unaccent$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; ELSE CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.f_unaccent(text) RETURNS text AS $f_unaccent$ SELECT regexp_replace(public.unaccent('public.unaccent', $1), E'[\u0300\u0301\u0302\u0303\u0304\u0305\u0306\u0307\u0308\u0309\u030a\u030b\u030c\u030d\u030e\u030f' || E'\u0310\u0311\u0312\u0313\u0314\u0315\u0316\u0317\u0318\u0319\u031a\u031b\u031c\u031d\u031e\u031f' || E'\u0320\u0321\u0322\u0323\u0324\u0325\u0326\u0327\u0328\u0329\u032a\u032b\u032c\u032d\u032e\u032f' || E'\u0330\u0331\u0332\u0333\u0334\u0335\u0336\u0337\u0338\u0339\u033a\u033b\u033c\u033d\u033e\u033f' || E'\u0340\u0341\u0342\u0343\u0344\u0345\u0346\u0347\u0348\u0349\u034a\u034b\u034c\u034d\u034e\u034f' || E'\u0350\u0351\u0352\u0353\u0354\u0355\u0356\u0357\u0358\u0359\u035a\u035b\u035c\u035d\u035e\u035f' || E'\u0360\u0361\u0362' || E'\u20dd\u20de\u20df\u20e0' || E'\u20e2\u20e3\u20e4]', '', 'g') $f_unaccent$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; END IF; END $$; 09:18:11 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DO $$ DECLARE ver integer; BEGIN SELECT current_setting('server_version_num') INTO ver; IF (ver >= 120000) THEN CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.f_unaccent(text) RETURNS text AS $f_unaccent$ SELECT public.unaccent('public.unaccent', $1) -- schema-qualify function and dictionary $f_unaccent$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; ELSE CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.f_unaccent(text) RETURNS text AS $f_unaccent$ SELECT regexp_replace(public.unaccent('public.unaccent', $1), E'[\u0300\u0301\u0302\u0303\u0304\u0305\u0306\u0307\u0308\u0309\u030a\u030b\u030c\u030d\u030e\u030f' || E'\u0310\u0311\u0312\u0313\u0314\u0315\u0316\u0317\u0318\u0319\u031a\u031b\u031c\u031d\u031e\u031f' || E'\u0320\u0321\u0322\u0323\u0324\u0325\u0326\u0327\u0328\u0329\u032a\u032b\u032c\u032d\u032e\u032f' || E'\u0330\u0331\u0332\u0333\u0334\u0335\u0336\u0337\u0338\u0339\u033a\u033b\u033c\u033d\u033e\u033f' || E'\u0340\u0341\u0342\u0343\u0344\u0345\u0346\u0347\u0348\u0349\u034a\u034b\u034c\u034d\u034e\u034f' || E'\u0350\u0351\u0352\u0353\u0354\u0355\u0356\u0357\u0358\u0359\u035a\u035b\u035c\u035d\u035e\u035f' || E'\u0360\u0361\u0362' || E'\u20dd\u20de\u20df\u20e0' || E'\u20e2\u20e3\u20e4]', '', 'g') $f_unaccent$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; END IF; END $$; 09:18:11 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.get_tsvector(text) RETURNS tsvector AS $$ SELECT to_tsvector('simple', translate($1, '&', ',')); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 09:18:11 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.get_tsvector(text) RETURNS tsvector AS $$ SELECT to_tsvector('simple', translate($1, '&', ',')); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 09:18:11 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.tsquery_and(text) RETURNS tsquery AS $$ SELECT to_tsquery('simple', string_agg(CASE WHEN length(v) = 0 OR v = '*' THEN '' WHEN right(v, 1) = '*' THEN '''' || left(v, -1) || ''':*' ELSE '''' || v || '''' END, '&')) FROM (SELECT regexp_split_to_table(translate($1, '&''', ',,'), ' +')) AS x(v); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 09:18:11 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.tsquery_and(text) RETURNS tsquery AS $$ SELECT to_tsquery('simple', string_agg(CASE WHEN length(v) = 0 OR v = '*' THEN '' WHEN right(v, 1) = '*' THEN '''' || left(v, -1) || ''':*' ELSE '''' || v || '''' END, '&')) FROM (SELECT regexp_split_to_table(translate($1, '&''', ',,'), ' +')) AS x(v); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 09:18:11 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.tsquery_or(text) RETURNS tsquery AS $$ SELECT replace(testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.tsquery_and($1)::text, '&', '|')::tsquery; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 09:18:11 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.tsquery_or(text) RETURNS tsquery AS $$ SELECT replace(testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.tsquery_and($1)::text, '&', '|')::tsquery; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 09:18:11 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.tsquery_phrase(text) RETURNS tsquery AS $$ SELECT replace(testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.tsquery_and($1)::text, '&', '<->')::tsquery; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 09:18:11 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.tsquery_phrase(text) RETURNS tsquery AS $$ SELECT replace(testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.tsquery_and($1)::text, '&', '<->')::tsquery; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 09:18:11 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.normalize_digits(text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT translate((regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[1], E' \t-', '') || CASE WHEN (regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[1] = '' THEN '' WHEN (regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[2] = '' THEN '' ELSE ' ' END || (regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[2]; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 09:18:11 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.normalize_digits(text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT translate((regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[1], E' \t-', '') || CASE WHEN (regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[1] = '' THEN '' WHEN (regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[2] = '' THEN '' ELSE ' ' END || (regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[2]; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 09:18:11 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.set_id_in_jsonb() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $$ BEGIN NEW.jsonb = jsonb_set(NEW.jsonb, '{id}', to_jsonb(NEW.id)); RETURN NEW; END; $$ language 'plpgsql'; 09:18:11 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.set_id_in_jsonb() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $$ BEGIN NEW.jsonb = jsonb_set(NEW.jsonb, '{id}', to_jsonb(NEW.id)); RETURN NEW; END; $$ language 'plpgsql'; 09:18:11 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} create or replace function testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.concat_space_sql(VARIADIC text[]) RETURNS text AS $$ select concat_ws(' ', VARIADIC $1); $$ LANGUAGE SQL IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 09:18:11 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed create or replace function testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.concat_space_sql(VARIADIC text[]) RETURNS text AS $$ select concat_ws(' ', VARIADIC $1); $$ LANGUAGE SQL IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 09:18:11 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} create or replace function testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object_values(jsonb_array jsonb, field text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT string_agg(value->>$2, ' ') FROM jsonb_array_elements($1); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 09:18:11 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed create or replace function testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object_values(jsonb_array jsonb, field text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT string_agg(value->>$2, ' ') FROM jsonb_array_elements($1); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 09:18:11 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} create or replace function testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object_values( jsonb_array jsonb, field text, filterkey text, filtervalue text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT string_agg(value->>$2, ' ') FROM jsonb_array_elements($1) WHERE value->>$3 = $4; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 09:18:11 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed create or replace function testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object_values( jsonb_array jsonb, field text, filterkey text, filtervalue text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT string_agg(value->>$2, ' ') FROM jsonb_array_elements($1) WHERE value->>$3 = $4; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 09:18:11 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} create or replace function testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.first_array_object_value( jsonb_array jsonb, field text, filterkey text, filtervalue text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT value->>$2 FROM jsonb_array_elements($1) WHERE value->>$3 = $4 LIMIT 1; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 09:18:11 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed create or replace function testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.first_array_object_value( jsonb_array jsonb, field text, filterkey text, filtervalue text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT value->>$2 FROM jsonb_array_elements($1) WHERE value->>$3 = $4 LIMIT 1; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 09:18:11 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} create or replace function testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object(jsonb_array jsonb) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT string_agg(value::text, ' ') FROM jsonb_array_elements_text($1); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 09:18:11 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed create or replace function testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object(jsonb_array jsonb) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT string_agg(value::text, ' ') FROM jsonb_array_elements_text($1); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 09:18:11 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS rmb_internal_index(aname text, tops text, newdef text); 09:18:11 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='00000', message='function rmb_internal_index(text,text,text) does not exist, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='dropcmds.c', line='491', routine='does_not_exist_skipping', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 09:18:11 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS rmb_internal_index(aname text, tops text, newdef text); 09:18:11 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION rmb_internal_index( atable text, aname text, tops text, newdef text) RETURNS void AS $$ DECLARE olddef text; namep CONSTANT text = concat(aname, '_p'); prepareddef text; BEGIN IF tops = 'DELETE' THEN -- use case insensitive %s, not case sensitive %I -- no SQL injection because the names are hard-coded in schema.json EXECUTE format('DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s', aname); EXECUTE 'DELETE FROM testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE name = $1' USING aname; RETURN; END IF; SELECT def INTO olddef FROM testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE name = aname; SELECT def INTO prepareddef FROM testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE name = namep; prepareddef = replace(prepareddef, concat(' ', namep, ' ON '), concat(' ', aname, ' ON ')); IF prepareddef = newdef THEN EXECUTE format('DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s', aname); EXECUTE format('ALTER INDEX IF EXISTS %s RENAME TO %s', namep, aname); EXECUTE 'DELETE FROM rmb_internal_index WHERE name = $1' USING namep; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO rmb_internal_analyze VALUES ($1)' USING atable; ELSIF olddef IS DISTINCT FROM newdef THEN EXECUTE format('DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s', aname); EXECUTE newdef; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO rmb_internal_analyze VALUES ($1)' USING atable; END IF; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index VALUES ($1, $2, FALSE) ' 'ON CONFLICT (name) DO UPDATE SET def = EXCLUDED.def, remove = EXCLUDED.remove' USING aname, newdef; END $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 09:18:11 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION rmb_internal_index( atable text, aname text, tops text, newdef text) RETURNS void AS $$ DECLARE olddef text; namep CONSTANT text = concat(aname, '_p'); prepareddef text; BEGIN IF tops = 'DELETE' THEN -- use case insensitive %s, not case sensitive %I -- no SQL injection because the names are hard-coded in schema.json EXECUTE format('DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s', aname); EXECUTE 'DELETE FROM testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE name = $1' USING aname; RETURN; END IF; SELECT def INTO olddef FROM testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE name = aname; SELECT def INTO prepareddef FROM testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE name = namep; prepareddef = replace(prepareddef, concat(' ', namep, ' ON '), concat(' ', aname, ' ON ')); IF prepareddef = newdef THEN EXECUTE format('DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s', aname); EXECUTE format('ALTER INDEX IF EXISTS %s RENAME TO %s', namep, aname); EXECUTE 'DELETE FROM rmb_internal_index WHERE name = $1' USING namep; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO rmb_internal_analyze VALUES ($1)' USING atable; ELSIF olddef IS DISTINCT FROM newdef THEN EXECUTE format('DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s', aname); EXECUTE newdef; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO rmb_internal_analyze VALUES ($1)' USING atable; END IF; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index VALUES ($1, $2, FALSE) ' 'ON CONFLICT (name) DO UPDATE SET def = EXCLUDED.def, remove = EXCLUDED.remove' USING aname, newdef; END $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 09:18:11 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DO $$ BEGIN -- use advisory lock to prevent "tuple concurrently updated" -- https://issues.folio.org/browse/RMB-744 PERFORM pg_advisory_xact_lock(20201101, 1234567890); REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ON SCHEMA public FROM testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub; REVOKE CREATE ON SCHEMA public FROM PUBLIC; END $$; 09:18:11 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DO $$ BEGIN -- use advisory lock to prevent "tuple concurrently updated" -- https://issues.folio.org/browse/RMB-744 PERFORM pg_advisory_xact_lock(20201101, 1234567890); REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ON SCHEMA public FROM testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub; REVOKE CREATE ON SCHEMA public FROM PUBLIC; END $$; 09:18:11 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DO $$ DECLARE aname TEXT; BEGIN FOR aname IN SELECT name FROM testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE remove = TRUE LOOP EXECUTE 'DROP INDEX IF EXISTS ' || aname; END LOOP; END $$; 09:18:11 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DO $$ DECLARE aname TEXT; BEGIN FOR aname IN SELECT name FROM testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE remove = TRUE LOOP EXECUTE 'DROP INDEX IF EXISTS ' || aname; END LOOP; END $$; 09:18:11 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DO $$ DECLARE version TEXT; i RECORD; newindexdef TEXT; BEGIN SELECT jsonb->>'rmbVersion' INTO version FROM testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal; IF version !~ '^(\d\.|1\d\.|2[0-8]\.|29\.[0-3]\.)' THEN -- skip this upgrade if last install/upgrade was made by RMB >= 29.4.x RETURN; END IF; FOR i IN SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_indexes WHERE schemaname = 'testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub' LOOP newindexdef := regexp_replace(i.indexdef, -- \m = beginning of a word, \M = end of a word '\mpublic\.(f_unaccent|concat_space_sql|concat_array_object_values|concat_array_object)\M', 'testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.\1', 'g'); IF newindexdef <> i.indexdef THEN EXECUTE 'DROP INDEX ' || i.indexname; EXECUTE newindexdef; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO rmb_internal_analyze VALUES ($1)' USING i.tablename; END IF; END LOOP; END $$; 09:18:11 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DO $$ DECLARE version TEXT; i RECORD; newindexdef TEXT; BEGIN SELECT jsonb->>'rmbVersion' INTO version FROM testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal; IF version !~ '^(\d\.|1\d\.|2[0-8]\.|29\.[0-3]\.)' THEN -- skip this upgrade if last install/upgrade was made by RMB >= 29.4.x RETURN; END IF; FOR i IN SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_indexes WHERE schemaname = 'testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub' LOOP newindexdef := regexp_replace(i.indexdef, -- \m = beginning of a word, \M = end of a word '\mpublic\.(f_unaccent|concat_space_sql|concat_array_object_values|concat_array_object)\M', 'testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.\1', 'g'); IF newindexdef <> i.indexdef THEN EXECUTE 'DROP INDEX ' || i.indexname; EXECUTE newindexdef; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO rmb_internal_analyze VALUES ($1)' USING i.tablename; END IF; END LOOP; END $$; 09:18:11 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DO $$ DECLARE t TEXT; BEGIN FOR t IN SELECT DISTINCT tablename FROM rmb_internal_analyze LOOP EXECUTE 'ANALYZE ' || t; END LOOP; END $$; 09:18:11 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DO $$ DECLARE t TEXT; BEGIN FOR t IN SELECT DISTINCT tablename FROM rmb_internal_analyze LOOP EXECUTE 'ANALYZE ' || t; END LOOP; END $$; 09:18:11 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} TRUNCATE rmb_internal_analyze; 09:18:11 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed TRUNCATE rmb_internal_analyze; 09:18:11 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub TO testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub; 09:18:11 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub TO testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub; 09:18:11 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} UPDATE testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal SET jsonb = jsonb || jsonb_build_object( 'rmbVersion', '33.0.4', 'moduleVersion', 'mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT.175', 'schemaJson', $mainftl${} $mainftl$); 09:18:11 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed UPDATE testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal SET jsonb = jsonb || jsonb_build_object( 'rmbVersion', '33.0.4', 'moduleVersion', 'mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT.175', 'schemaJson', $mainftl${} $mainftl$); 09:18:11 [] [] [] [] INFO LiquibaseUtil Initializing schema testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub for tenant testenant6101549418759703552 09:18:11 [] [] [] [] INFO leConnectionProvider Attempting to get connection for testenant6101549418759703552 09:18:11 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient DB config read from environment variables 09:18:11 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Using schema: testenant6101549418759703552 09:18:11 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient postgreSQLClientConfig = {"maxPoolSize":5,"port":5432,"username":"testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub","host":"","database":"okapi_modules","password":"...","postgres_tester":false} 09:18:12 [] [] [] [] INFO LiquibaseUtil Schema is initialized for tenant testenant6101549418759703552 09:18:12 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending GET for 09:18:12 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking getTenantByOperationId 09:18:12 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil GET /_/tenant/a93189e6-268f-49b8-98a9-fb60efeff55b null HTTP_1_1 200 386 3 tid=testenant6101549418759703552 OK 09:18:12 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 200 09:18:12 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:18:12 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 201 09:18:12 [] [] [] [] INFO SecurityManagerImpl Created pubsub-user user 09:18:12 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:18:12 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 201 09:18:12 [] [] [] [] INFO SecurityManagerImpl Saved pubsub-user user credentials 09:18:12 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:18:12 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 09:18:12 [] [] [] [] ERROR SecurityManagerImpl Failed to add permissions for pubsub-user user. Received status code 400 09:18:12 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:18:12 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 09:18:12 [] [] [] [] ERROR SecurityManagerImpl pubsub-user user was not logged in, received status 400 09:18:12 [] [] [] [] INFO TenantAPI job a93189e6-268f-49b8-98a9-fb60efeff55b completed 09:18:12 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking getTenantByOperationId 09:18:12 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil GET /_/tenant/a93189e6-268f-49b8-98a9-fb60efeff55b null HTTP_1_1 200 385 2 tid=testenant6101549418759703552 OK 09:18:12 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking deleteTenantByOperationId 09:18:12 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil DELETE /_/tenant/a93189e6-268f-49b8-98a9-fb60efeff55b null HTTP_1_1 204 0 2 tid=testenant6101549418759703552 No Content 09:18:13 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubEventTypes 09:18:13 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/event-types HTTP_1_1 201 133 2 tid=testenant6101549418759703552 Created 09:18:13 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubEventTypesDeclarePublisher 09:18:13 [] [] [] [] INFO afkaTopicServiceImpl Created topics: [LOG_RECORD] 09:18:13 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/event-types/declare/publisher HTTP_1_1 201 0 21 tid=testenant6101549418759703552 Created 09:18:26 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubEventTypes 09:18:26 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubEventTypes 09:18:26 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubEventTypes 09:18:26 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/event-types HTTP_1_1 201 158 9 tid=testenant6101549418759703552 Created 09:18:26 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/event-types HTTP_1_1 201 179 7 tid=testenant6101549418759703552 Created 09:18:26 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/event-types HTTP_1_1 201 133 8 tid=testenant6101549418759703552 Created 09:18:26 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubEventTypesDeclarePublisher 09:18:26 [] [] [] [] INFO afkaTopicServiceImpl Some of the topics [FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED,LOAN_RELATED_FEE_FINE_CLOSED,LOG_RECORD] were not created. Cause: Topic 'FOLIO.pub-sub.testenant6101549418759703552.LOG_RECORD.mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT' already exists. 09:18:26 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/event-types/declare/publisher HTTP_1_1 201 0 31 tid=testenant6101549418759703552 Created 09:18:26 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubEventTypes 09:18:26 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubEventTypes 09:18:26 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubEventTypes 09:18:26 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubEventTypes 09:18:26 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubEventTypes 09:18:26 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/event-types HTTP_1_1 201 135 9 tid=testenant6101549418759703552 Created 09:18:26 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/event-types HTTP_1_1 201 133 8 tid=testenant6101549418759703552 Created 09:18:26 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/event-types HTTP_1_1 201 158 3 tid=testenant6101549418759703552 Created 09:18:26 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/event-types HTTP_1_1 201 144 7 tid=testenant6101549418759703552 Created 09:18:26 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/event-types HTTP_1_1 201 156 6 tid=testenant6101549418759703552 Created 09:18:26 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubEventTypesDeclarePublisher 09:18:26 [] [] [] [] INFO afkaTopicServiceImpl Some of the topics [ITEM_CHECKED_OUT,ITEM_CHECKED_IN,ITEM_DECLARED_LOST,LOAN_DUE_DATE_CHANGED,FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED] were not created. Cause: Topic 'FOLIO.pub-sub.testenant6101549418759703552.FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED.mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT' already exists. 09:18:26 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/event-types/declare/publisher HTTP_1_1 201 0 78 tid=testenant6101549418759703552 Created 09:18:26 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubEventTypesDeclareSubscriber 09:18:26 [] [] [] [] INFO afkaTopicServiceImpl Some of the topics [FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED,ITEM_CHECKED_OUT,ITEM_CHECKED_IN,ITEM_DECLARED_LOST,ITEM_AGED_TO_LOST,ITEM_CLAIMED_RETURNED,LOAN_DUE_DATE_CHANGED,LOAN_CLOSED] were not created. Cause: Topic 'FOLIO.pub-sub.testenant6101549418759703552.FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED.mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT' already exists. 09:18:26 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Subscribed to topic {FOLIO.pub-sub.testenant6101549418759703552.ITEM_CLAIMED_RETURNED.mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT} 09:18:26 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Subscribed to topic {FOLIO.pub-sub.testenant6101549418759703552.FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED.mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT} 09:18:26 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Subscribed to topic {FOLIO.pub-sub.testenant6101549418759703552.ITEM_CHECKED_IN.mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT} 09:18:26 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Subscribed to topic {FOLIO.pub-sub.testenant6101549418759703552.ITEM_CHECKED_OUT.mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT} 09:18:26 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Subscribed to topic {FOLIO.pub-sub.testenant6101549418759703552.ITEM_AGED_TO_LOST.mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT} 09:18:26 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Subscribed to topic {FOLIO.pub-sub.testenant6101549418759703552.LOAN_CLOSED.mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT} 09:18:26 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Subscribed to topic {FOLIO.pub-sub.testenant6101549418759703552.LOAN_DUE_DATE_CHANGED.mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT} 09:18:26 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Subscribed to topic {FOLIO.pub-sub.testenant6101549418759703552.ITEM_DECLARED_LOST.mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT} 09:18:26 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/event-types/declare/subscriber HTTP_1_1 201 0 92 tid=testenant6101549418759703552 Created 09:18:29 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubEventTypes 09:18:29 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubEventTypes 09:18:29 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubEventTypes 09:18:29 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubEventTypes 09:18:29 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubEventTypes 09:18:29 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/event-types HTTP_1_1 201 135 5 tid=testenant6101549418759703552 Created 09:18:29 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/event-types HTTP_1_1 201 133 4 tid=testenant6101549418759703552 Created 09:18:29 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/event-types HTTP_1_1 201 144 4 tid=testenant6101549418759703552 Created 09:18:29 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/event-types HTTP_1_1 201 133 4 tid=testenant6101549418759703552 Created 09:18:29 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/event-types HTTP_1_1 201 145 3 tid=testenant6101549418759703552 Created 09:18:29 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubEventTypes 09:18:29 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubEventTypes 09:18:29 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubEventTypes 09:18:29 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/event-types HTTP_1_1 201 156 2 tid=testenant6101549418759703552 Created 09:18:29 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/event-types HTTP_1_1 201 125 2 tid=testenant6101549418759703552 Created 09:18:29 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/event-types HTTP_1_1 201 133 2 tid=testenant6101549418759703552 Created 09:18:29 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubEventTypesDeclarePublisher 09:18:29 [] [] [] [] INFO afkaTopicServiceImpl Some of the topics [ITEM_CHECKED_OUT,ITEM_CHECKED_IN,ITEM_DECLARED_LOST,ITEM_AGED_TO_LOST,ITEM_CLAIMED_RETURNED,LOAN_DUE_DATE_CHANGED,LOAN_CLOSED,LOG_RECORD] were not created. Cause: Topic 'FOLIO.pub-sub.testenant6101549418759703552.ITEM_CHECKED_OUT.mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT' already exists. 09:18:29 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/event-types/declare/publisher HTTP_1_1 201 0 7 tid=testenant6101549418759703552 Created 09:18:29 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubEventTypesDeclareSubscriber 09:18:29 [] [] [] [] INFO afkaTopicServiceImpl Some of the topics [LOAN_RELATED_FEE_FINE_CLOSED] were not created. Cause: Topic 'FOLIO.pub-sub.testenant6101549418759703552.LOAN_RELATED_FEE_FINE_CLOSED.mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT' already exists. 09:18:29 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Subscribed to topic {FOLIO.pub-sub.testenant6101549418759703552.LOAN_RELATED_FEE_FINE_CLOSED.mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT} 09:18:29 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/event-types/declare/subscriber HTTP_1_1 201 0 7 tid=testenant6101549418759703552 Created 09:29:50 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubEventTypes 09:29:50 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubEventTypes 09:29:50 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubEventTypes 09:29:50 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubEventTypes 09:29:50 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubEventTypes 09:29:50 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/event-types HTTP_1_1 201 135 11 tid=testenant6101549418759703552 Created 09:29:50 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/event-types HTTP_1_1 201 133 11 tid=testenant6101549418759703552 Created 09:29:50 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/event-types HTTP_1_1 201 156 10 tid=testenant6101549418759703552 Created 09:29:50 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/event-types HTTP_1_1 201 144 12 tid=testenant6101549418759703552 Created 09:29:50 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/event-types HTTP_1_1 201 158 11 tid=testenant6101549418759703552 Created 09:29:50 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubEventTypesDeclarePublisher 09:29:50 [] [] [] [] INFO afkaTopicServiceImpl Some of the topics [ITEM_CHECKED_OUT,ITEM_CHECKED_IN,ITEM_DECLARED_LOST,LOAN_DUE_DATE_CHANGED,FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED] were not created. Cause: Topic 'FOLIO.pub-sub.testenant6101549418759703552.ITEM_CHECKED_OUT.mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT' already exists. 09:29:50 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/event-types/declare/publisher HTTP_1_1 201 0 8 tid=testenant6101549418759703552 Created 09:29:50 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubEventTypesDeclareSubscriber 09:29:50 [] [] [] [] INFO afkaTopicServiceImpl Some of the topics [FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED,ITEM_CHECKED_OUT,ITEM_CHECKED_IN,ITEM_DECLARED_LOST,ITEM_AGED_TO_LOST,ITEM_CLAIMED_RETURNED,LOAN_DUE_DATE_CHANGED,LOAN_CLOSED] were not created. Cause: Topic 'FOLIO.pub-sub.testenant6101549418759703552.FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED.mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT' already exists. 09:29:50 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/event-types/declare/subscriber HTTP_1_1 201 0 7 tid=testenant6101549418759703552 Created 09:29:50 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubEventTypes 09:29:50 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubEventTypes 09:29:50 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/event-types HTTP_1_1 201 158 4 tid=testenant6101549418759703552 Created 09:29:50 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubEventTypes 09:29:50 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/event-types HTTP_1_1 201 179 4 tid=testenant6101549418759703552 Created 09:29:50 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/event-types HTTP_1_1 201 133 2 tid=testenant6101549418759703552 Created 09:29:50 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubEventTypesDeclarePublisher 09:29:50 [] [] [] [] INFO afkaTopicServiceImpl Some of the topics [FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED,LOAN_RELATED_FEE_FINE_CLOSED,LOG_RECORD] were not created. Cause: Topic 'FOLIO.pub-sub.testenant6101549418759703552.FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED.mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT' already exists. 09:29:50 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/event-types/declare/publisher HTTP_1_1 201 0 8 tid=testenant6101549418759703552 Created 09:29:51 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postTenant 09:29:51 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Executing multiple statements with id 1930270880 09:29:51 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub CASCADE; 09:29:51 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='00000', message='drop cascades to 31 other objects', detail='drop cascades to table testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal drop cascades to table testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.rmb_job drop cascades to table testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index drop cascades to table testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_analyze drop cascades to function testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.uuid_smaller(uuid,uuid) drop cascades to function testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.uuid_larger(uuid,uuid) drop cascades to function testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.next_uuid(uuid) drop cascades to function testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.max(uuid) drop cascades to function testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.min(uuid) drop cascades to function testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(bigint,bigint,text) drop cascades to function testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_default(text) drop cascades to function testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.count_estimate(text) drop cascades to function testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.upsert(text,uuid,anyelement) drop cascades to function testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.f_unaccent(text) drop cascades to function testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.get_tsvector(text) drop cascades to function testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.tsquery_and(text) drop cascades to function testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.tsquery_or(text) drop cascades to function testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.tsquery_phrase(text) drop cascades to function testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.normalize_digits(text) drop cascades to function testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.set_id_in_jsonb() drop cascades to function testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.concat_space_sql(text[]) drop cascades to function testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object_values(jsonb,text) drop cascades to function testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object_values(jsonb,text,text,text) drop cascades to function testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.first_array_object_value(jsonb,text,text,text) drop cascades to function testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object(jsonb) drop cascades to function testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index(text,text,text,text) drop cascades to table testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.databasechangeloglock drop cascades to table testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.databasechangelog drop cascades to table testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.audit_message_payload drop cascades to table testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.audit_message drop cascades to type testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub.message_state', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='dependency.c', line='1214', routine='reportDependentObjects', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 09:29:51 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub CASCADE; 09:29:51 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP ROLE IF EXISTS testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub; 09:29:51 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP ROLE IF EXISTS testenant6101549418759703552_mod_pubsub; 09:29:51 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /_/tenant null HTTP_1_1 204 0 16 tid=testenant6101549418759703552 No Content 09:42:00 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postTenant 09:42:00 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Executing multiple statements with id -757411415 09:42:00 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE ROLE testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub PASSWORD 'testenant845025963429779456' NOSUPERUSER NOCREATEDB INHERIT LOGIN; 09:42:00 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE ROLE testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub PASSWORD 'testenant845025963429779456' NOSUPERUSER NOCREATEDB INHERIT LOGIN; 09:42:00 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} GRANT testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub TO CURRENT_USER; 09:42:00 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed GRANT testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub TO CURRENT_USER; 09:42:00 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE SCHEMA testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub AUTHORIZATION testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub; 09:42:00 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE SCHEMA testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub AUTHORIZATION testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub; 09:42:00 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} ALTER ROLE testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub SET search_path = "$user"; 09:42:00 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed ALTER ROLE testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub SET search_path = "$user"; 09:42:00 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DO $$ BEGIN BEGIN -- This only succeeds if show_trgm, a pg_trgm function, -- has been loaded into public schema. PERFORM public.show_trgm('a'); EXCEPTION WHEN undefined_function THEN BEGIN ALTER EXTENSION pg_trgm SET SCHEMA public; EXCEPTION WHEN undefined_object THEN NULL; END; END; END $$; 09:42:00 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DO $$ BEGIN BEGIN -- This only succeeds if show_trgm, a pg_trgm function, -- has been loaded into public schema. PERFORM public.show_trgm('a'); EXCEPTION WHEN undefined_function THEN BEGIN ALTER EXTENSION pg_trgm SET SCHEMA public; EXCEPTION WHEN undefined_object THEN NULL; END; END; END $$; 09:42:00 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS unaccent WITH SCHEMA public; 09:42:00 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='42710', message='extension "unaccent" already exists, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='extension.c', line='1761', routine='CreateExtension', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 09:42:00 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS unaccent WITH SCHEMA public; 09:42:00 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS pg_trgm WITH SCHEMA public; 09:42:00 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='42710', message='extension "pg_trgm" already exists, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='extension.c', line='1761', routine='CreateExtension', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 09:42:00 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS pg_trgm WITH SCHEMA public; 09:42:00 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, jsonb JSONB NOT NULL ); 09:42:01 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, jsonb JSONB NOT NULL ); 09:42:01 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} insert into testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal (jsonb) values ('{"rmbVersion": "33.0.4", "moduleVersion": "mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT.175"}'::jsonb); 09:42:01 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed insert into testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal (jsonb) values ('{"rmbVersion": "33.0.4", "moduleVersion": "mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT.175"}'::jsonb); 09:42:01 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.rmb_job ( id UUID PRIMARY KEY, jsonb JSONB NOT NULL ); 09:42:01 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.rmb_job ( id UUID PRIMARY KEY, jsonb JSONB NOT NULL ); 09:42:01 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /_/tenant null HTTP_1_1 201 386 40 tid=testenant845025963429779456 Created 09:42:01 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Executing multiple statements with id 1959481443 09:42:01 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking getTenantByOperationId 09:42:01 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} SET search_path TO testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub; 09:42:01 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed SET search_path TO testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub; 09:42:01 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index ( name text PRIMARY KEY, def text NOT NULL, remove boolean NOT NULL ); 09:42:01 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil GET /_/tenant/8e3e36cb-5997-4b71-8838-40dc0b56201a null HTTP_1_1 200 386 6 tid=testenant845025963429779456 OK 09:42:01 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index ( name text PRIMARY KEY, def text NOT NULL, remove boolean NOT NULL ); 09:42:01 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} UPDATE testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index SET remove = TRUE; 09:42:01 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed UPDATE testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index SET remove = TRUE; 09:42:01 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS rmb_internal_analyze ( tablename text ); 09:42:01 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS rmb_internal_analyze ( tablename text ); 09:42:01 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.uuid_smaller(uuid, uuid) RETURNS uuid AS $$ BEGIN IF $1 IS NULL THEN RETURN $2; END IF; IF $2 IS NULL THEN RETURN $1; END IF; IF $1 < $2 THEN RETURN $1; ELSE RETURN $2; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 09:42:01 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.uuid_smaller(uuid, uuid) RETURNS uuid AS $$ BEGIN IF $1 IS NULL THEN RETURN $2; END IF; IF $2 IS NULL THEN RETURN $1; END IF; IF $1 < $2 THEN RETURN $1; ELSE RETURN $2; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 09:42:01 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.uuid_larger(uuid, uuid) RETURNS uuid AS $$ BEGIN IF $1 IS NULL THEN RETURN $2; END IF; IF $2 IS NULL THEN RETURN $1; END IF; IF $1 > $2 THEN RETURN $1; ELSE RETURN $2; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 09:42:01 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.uuid_larger(uuid, uuid) RETURNS uuid AS $$ BEGIN IF $1 IS NULL THEN RETURN $2; END IF; IF $2 IS NULL THEN RETURN $1; END IF; IF $1 > $2 THEN RETURN $1; ELSE RETURN $2; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 09:42:01 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.next_uuid(uuid) RETURNS uuid AS $$ DECLARE uuid text; digit text; BEGIN uuid = $1; FOR i IN REVERSE 36..1 LOOP digit := substring(uuid from i for 1); -- skip minus, version byte M and variant byte N CONTINUE WHEN digit = '-' OR i = 15 OR i = 20; CASE digit WHEN '0' THEN digit := '1'; WHEN '1' THEN digit := '2'; WHEN '2' THEN digit := '3'; WHEN '3' THEN digit := '4'; WHEN '4' THEN digit := '5'; WHEN '5' THEN digit := '6'; WHEN '6' THEN digit := '7'; WHEN '7' THEN digit := '8'; WHEN '8' THEN digit := '9'; WHEN '9' THEN digit := 'a'; WHEN 'a' THEN digit := 'b'; WHEN 'b' THEN digit := 'c'; WHEN 'c' THEN digit := 'd'; WHEN 'd' THEN digit := 'e'; WHEN 'e' THEN digit := 'f'; WHEN 'f' THEN digit := '0'; ELSE NULL; END CASE; uuid = overlay(uuid placing digit from i); EXIT WHEN digit <> '0'; END LOOP; RETURN uuid; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 09:42:01 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.next_uuid(uuid) RETURNS uuid AS $$ DECLARE uuid text; digit text; BEGIN uuid = $1; FOR i IN REVERSE 36..1 LOOP digit := substring(uuid from i for 1); -- skip minus, version byte M and variant byte N CONTINUE WHEN digit = '-' OR i = 15 OR i = 20; CASE digit WHEN '0' THEN digit := '1'; WHEN '1' THEN digit := '2'; WHEN '2' THEN digit := '3'; WHEN '3' THEN digit := '4'; WHEN '4' THEN digit := '5'; WHEN '5' THEN digit := '6'; WHEN '6' THEN digit := '7'; WHEN '7' THEN digit := '8'; WHEN '8' THEN digit := '9'; WHEN '9' THEN digit := 'a'; WHEN 'a' THEN digit := 'b'; WHEN 'b' THEN digit := 'c'; WHEN 'c' THEN digit := 'd'; WHEN 'd' THEN digit := 'e'; WHEN 'e' THEN digit := 'f'; WHEN 'f' THEN digit := '0'; ELSE NULL; END CASE; uuid = overlay(uuid placing digit from i); EXIT WHEN digit <> '0'; END LOOP; RETURN uuid; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 09:42:01 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE AGGREGATE testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.max(uuid) ( stype = uuid, sfunc = testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.uuid_larger, combinefunc = testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.uuid_larger, parallel = safe, sortop = operator (>) ); 09:42:01 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE AGGREGATE testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.max(uuid) ( stype = uuid, sfunc = testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.uuid_larger, combinefunc = testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.uuid_larger, parallel = safe, sortop = operator (>) ); 09:42:01 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE AGGREGATE testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.min(uuid) ( stype = uuid, sfunc = testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.uuid_smaller, combinefunc = testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.uuid_smaller, parallel = safe, sortop = operator (<) ); 09:42:01 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE AGGREGATE testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.min(uuid) ( stype = uuid, sfunc = testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.uuid_smaller, combinefunc = testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.uuid_smaller, parallel = safe, sortop = operator (<) ); 09:42:01 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(bigint,bigint,text); 09:42:01 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='00000', message='function testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(pg_catalog.int8,pg_catalog.int8,text) does not exist, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='dropcmds.c', line='491', routine='does_not_exist_skipping', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 09:42:01 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(bigint,bigint,text); 09:42:01 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE FUNCTION testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(rows bigint, lim bigint, query text) RETURNS bigint AS $$ DECLARE rec record; cnt bigint; BEGIN IF rows = lim THEN FOR rec IN EXECUTE 'EXPLAIN ' || query LOOP cnt := substring(rec."QUERY PLAN" FROM ' rows=([[:digit:]]+)'); EXIT WHEN cnt IS NOT NULL; END LOOP; RETURN cnt; END IF; RETURN rows; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql VOLATILE STRICT; 09:42:01 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE FUNCTION testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(rows bigint, lim bigint, query text) RETURNS bigint AS $$ DECLARE rec record; cnt bigint; BEGIN IF rows = lim THEN FOR rec IN EXECUTE 'EXPLAIN ' || query LOOP cnt := substring(rec."QUERY PLAN" FROM ' rows=([[:digit:]]+)'); EXIT WHEN cnt IS NOT NULL; END LOOP; RETURN cnt; END IF; RETURN rows; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql VOLATILE STRICT; 09:42:01 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_default(query text) RETURNS bigint AS $$ DECLARE rows bigint; q text; BEGIN q = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (' || query || ' LIMIT 1000) x'; EXECUTE q INTO rows; IF rows < 1000 THEN return rows; END IF; rows = testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(1000, 1000, query); IF rows < 1000 THEN return 1000; END IF; RETURN rows; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE STRICT; 09:42:01 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_default(query text) RETURNS bigint AS $$ DECLARE rows bigint; q text; BEGIN q = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (' || query || ' LIMIT 1000) x'; EXECUTE q INTO rows; IF rows < 1000 THEN return rows; END IF; rows = testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(1000, 1000, query); IF rows < 1000 THEN return 1000; END IF; RETURN rows; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE STRICT; 09:42:01 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.count_estimate(query text) RETURNS bigint AS $$ DECLARE count bigint; est_count bigint; q text; BEGIN est_count = testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(1000, 1000, query); IF est_count > 4*1000 THEN RETURN est_count; END IF; q = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (' || query || ' LIMIT 1000) x'; EXECUTE q INTO count; IF count < 1000 THEN RETURN count; END IF; IF est_count < 1000 THEN RETURN 1000; END IF; RETURN est_count; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql STABLE STRICT; 09:42:01 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.count_estimate(query text) RETURNS bigint AS $$ DECLARE count bigint; est_count bigint; q text; BEGIN est_count = testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(1000, 1000, query); IF est_count > 4*1000 THEN RETURN est_count; END IF; q = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (' || query || ' LIMIT 1000) x'; EXECUTE q INTO count; IF count < 1000 THEN RETURN count; END IF; IF est_count < 1000 THEN RETURN 1000; END IF; RETURN est_count; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql STABLE STRICT; 09:42:01 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.upsert(text, uuid, anyelement) RETURNS uuid AS $$ DECLARE ret uuid; BEGIN EXECUTE format('UPDATE testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.%I SET jsonb=$3 WHERE id=$2 RETURNING id', $1) USING $1, $2, $3 INTO ret; IF ret IS NOT NULL THEN RETURN ret; END IF; EXECUTE format('INSERT INTO testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.%I (id, jsonb) VALUES ($2, $3) RETURNING id', $1) USING $1, $2, $3 INTO STRICT ret; RETURN ret; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 09:42:01 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.upsert(text, uuid, anyelement) RETURNS uuid AS $$ DECLARE ret uuid; BEGIN EXECUTE format('UPDATE testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.%I SET jsonb=$3 WHERE id=$2 RETURNING id', $1) USING $1, $2, $3 INTO ret; IF ret IS NOT NULL THEN RETURN ret; END IF; EXECUTE format('INSERT INTO testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.%I (id, jsonb) VALUES ($2, $3) RETURNING id', $1) USING $1, $2, $3 INTO STRICT ret; RETURN ret; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 09:42:01 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DO $$ DECLARE ver integer; BEGIN SELECT current_setting('server_version_num') INTO ver; IF (ver >= 120000) THEN CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.f_unaccent(text) RETURNS text AS $f_unaccent$ SELECT public.unaccent('public.unaccent', $1) -- schema-qualify function and dictionary $f_unaccent$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; ELSE CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.f_unaccent(text) RETURNS text AS $f_unaccent$ SELECT regexp_replace(public.unaccent('public.unaccent', $1), E'[\u0300\u0301\u0302\u0303\u0304\u0305\u0306\u0307\u0308\u0309\u030a\u030b\u030c\u030d\u030e\u030f' || E'\u0310\u0311\u0312\u0313\u0314\u0315\u0316\u0317\u0318\u0319\u031a\u031b\u031c\u031d\u031e\u031f' || E'\u0320\u0321\u0322\u0323\u0324\u0325\u0326\u0327\u0328\u0329\u032a\u032b\u032c\u032d\u032e\u032f' || E'\u0330\u0331\u0332\u0333\u0334\u0335\u0336\u0337\u0338\u0339\u033a\u033b\u033c\u033d\u033e\u033f' || E'\u0340\u0341\u0342\u0343\u0344\u0345\u0346\u0347\u0348\u0349\u034a\u034b\u034c\u034d\u034e\u034f' || E'\u0350\u0351\u0352\u0353\u0354\u0355\u0356\u0357\u0358\u0359\u035a\u035b\u035c\u035d\u035e\u035f' || E'\u0360\u0361\u0362' || E'\u20dd\u20de\u20df\u20e0' || E'\u20e2\u20e3\u20e4]', '', 'g') $f_unaccent$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; END IF; END $$; 09:42:01 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DO $$ DECLARE ver integer; BEGIN SELECT current_setting('server_version_num') INTO ver; IF (ver >= 120000) THEN CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.f_unaccent(text) RETURNS text AS $f_unaccent$ SELECT public.unaccent('public.unaccent', $1) -- schema-qualify function and dictionary $f_unaccent$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; ELSE CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.f_unaccent(text) RETURNS text AS $f_unaccent$ SELECT regexp_replace(public.unaccent('public.unaccent', $1), E'[\u0300\u0301\u0302\u0303\u0304\u0305\u0306\u0307\u0308\u0309\u030a\u030b\u030c\u030d\u030e\u030f' || E'\u0310\u0311\u0312\u0313\u0314\u0315\u0316\u0317\u0318\u0319\u031a\u031b\u031c\u031d\u031e\u031f' || E'\u0320\u0321\u0322\u0323\u0324\u0325\u0326\u0327\u0328\u0329\u032a\u032b\u032c\u032d\u032e\u032f' || E'\u0330\u0331\u0332\u0333\u0334\u0335\u0336\u0337\u0338\u0339\u033a\u033b\u033c\u033d\u033e\u033f' || E'\u0340\u0341\u0342\u0343\u0344\u0345\u0346\u0347\u0348\u0349\u034a\u034b\u034c\u034d\u034e\u034f' || E'\u0350\u0351\u0352\u0353\u0354\u0355\u0356\u0357\u0358\u0359\u035a\u035b\u035c\u035d\u035e\u035f' || E'\u0360\u0361\u0362' || E'\u20dd\u20de\u20df\u20e0' || E'\u20e2\u20e3\u20e4]', '', 'g') $f_unaccent$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; END IF; END $$; 09:42:01 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.get_tsvector(text) RETURNS tsvector AS $$ SELECT to_tsvector('simple', translate($1, '&', ',')); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 09:42:01 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.get_tsvector(text) RETURNS tsvector AS $$ SELECT to_tsvector('simple', translate($1, '&', ',')); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 09:42:01 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.tsquery_and(text) RETURNS tsquery AS $$ SELECT to_tsquery('simple', string_agg(CASE WHEN length(v) = 0 OR v = '*' THEN '' WHEN right(v, 1) = '*' THEN '''' || left(v, -1) || ''':*' ELSE '''' || v || '''' END, '&')) FROM (SELECT regexp_split_to_table(translate($1, '&''', ',,'), ' +')) AS x(v); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 09:42:01 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.tsquery_and(text) RETURNS tsquery AS $$ SELECT to_tsquery('simple', string_agg(CASE WHEN length(v) = 0 OR v = '*' THEN '' WHEN right(v, 1) = '*' THEN '''' || left(v, -1) || ''':*' ELSE '''' || v || '''' END, '&')) FROM (SELECT regexp_split_to_table(translate($1, '&''', ',,'), ' +')) AS x(v); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 09:42:01 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.tsquery_or(text) RETURNS tsquery AS $$ SELECT replace(testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.tsquery_and($1)::text, '&', '|')::tsquery; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 09:42:01 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.tsquery_or(text) RETURNS tsquery AS $$ SELECT replace(testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.tsquery_and($1)::text, '&', '|')::tsquery; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 09:42:01 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.tsquery_phrase(text) RETURNS tsquery AS $$ SELECT replace(testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.tsquery_and($1)::text, '&', '<->')::tsquery; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 09:42:01 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.tsquery_phrase(text) RETURNS tsquery AS $$ SELECT replace(testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.tsquery_and($1)::text, '&', '<->')::tsquery; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 09:42:01 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.normalize_digits(text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT translate((regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[1], E' \t-', '') || CASE WHEN (regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[1] = '' THEN '' WHEN (regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[2] = '' THEN '' ELSE ' ' END || (regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[2]; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 09:42:01 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.normalize_digits(text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT translate((regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[1], E' \t-', '') || CASE WHEN (regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[1] = '' THEN '' WHEN (regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[2] = '' THEN '' ELSE ' ' END || (regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[2]; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 09:42:01 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.set_id_in_jsonb() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $$ BEGIN NEW.jsonb = jsonb_set(NEW.jsonb, '{id}', to_jsonb(NEW.id)); RETURN NEW; END; $$ language 'plpgsql'; 09:42:01 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.set_id_in_jsonb() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $$ BEGIN NEW.jsonb = jsonb_set(NEW.jsonb, '{id}', to_jsonb(NEW.id)); RETURN NEW; END; $$ language 'plpgsql'; 09:42:01 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} create or replace function testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.concat_space_sql(VARIADIC text[]) RETURNS text AS $$ select concat_ws(' ', VARIADIC $1); $$ LANGUAGE SQL IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 09:42:01 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed create or replace function testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.concat_space_sql(VARIADIC text[]) RETURNS text AS $$ select concat_ws(' ', VARIADIC $1); $$ LANGUAGE SQL IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 09:42:01 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} create or replace function testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object_values(jsonb_array jsonb, field text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT string_agg(value->>$2, ' ') FROM jsonb_array_elements($1); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 09:42:01 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed create or replace function testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object_values(jsonb_array jsonb, field text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT string_agg(value->>$2, ' ') FROM jsonb_array_elements($1); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 09:42:01 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} create or replace function testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object_values( jsonb_array jsonb, field text, filterkey text, filtervalue text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT string_agg(value->>$2, ' ') FROM jsonb_array_elements($1) WHERE value->>$3 = $4; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 09:42:01 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed create or replace function testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object_values( jsonb_array jsonb, field text, filterkey text, filtervalue text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT string_agg(value->>$2, ' ') FROM jsonb_array_elements($1) WHERE value->>$3 = $4; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 09:42:01 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} create or replace function testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.first_array_object_value( jsonb_array jsonb, field text, filterkey text, filtervalue text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT value->>$2 FROM jsonb_array_elements($1) WHERE value->>$3 = $4 LIMIT 1; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 09:42:01 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed create or replace function testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.first_array_object_value( jsonb_array jsonb, field text, filterkey text, filtervalue text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT value->>$2 FROM jsonb_array_elements($1) WHERE value->>$3 = $4 LIMIT 1; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 09:42:01 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} create or replace function testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object(jsonb_array jsonb) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT string_agg(value::text, ' ') FROM jsonb_array_elements_text($1); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 09:42:01 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed create or replace function testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object(jsonb_array jsonb) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT string_agg(value::text, ' ') FROM jsonb_array_elements_text($1); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 09:42:01 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS rmb_internal_index(aname text, tops text, newdef text); 09:42:01 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='00000', message='function rmb_internal_index(text,text,text) does not exist, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='dropcmds.c', line='491', routine='does_not_exist_skipping', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 09:42:01 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS rmb_internal_index(aname text, tops text, newdef text); 09:42:01 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION rmb_internal_index( atable text, aname text, tops text, newdef text) RETURNS void AS $$ DECLARE olddef text; namep CONSTANT text = concat(aname, '_p'); prepareddef text; BEGIN IF tops = 'DELETE' THEN -- use case insensitive %s, not case sensitive %I -- no SQL injection because the names are hard-coded in schema.json EXECUTE format('DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s', aname); EXECUTE 'DELETE FROM testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE name = $1' USING aname; RETURN; END IF; SELECT def INTO olddef FROM testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE name = aname; SELECT def INTO prepareddef FROM testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE name = namep; prepareddef = replace(prepareddef, concat(' ', namep, ' ON '), concat(' ', aname, ' ON ')); IF prepareddef = newdef THEN EXECUTE format('DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s', aname); EXECUTE format('ALTER INDEX IF EXISTS %s RENAME TO %s', namep, aname); EXECUTE 'DELETE FROM rmb_internal_index WHERE name = $1' USING namep; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO rmb_internal_analyze VALUES ($1)' USING atable; ELSIF olddef IS DISTINCT FROM newdef THEN EXECUTE format('DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s', aname); EXECUTE newdef; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO rmb_internal_analyze VALUES ($1)' USING atable; END IF; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index VALUES ($1, $2, FALSE) ' 'ON CONFLICT (name) DO UPDATE SET def = EXCLUDED.def, remove = EXCLUDED.remove' USING aname, newdef; END $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 09:42:01 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION rmb_internal_index( atable text, aname text, tops text, newdef text) RETURNS void AS $$ DECLARE olddef text; namep CONSTANT text = concat(aname, '_p'); prepareddef text; BEGIN IF tops = 'DELETE' THEN -- use case insensitive %s, not case sensitive %I -- no SQL injection because the names are hard-coded in schema.json EXECUTE format('DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s', aname); EXECUTE 'DELETE FROM testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE name = $1' USING aname; RETURN; END IF; SELECT def INTO olddef FROM testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE name = aname; SELECT def INTO prepareddef FROM testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE name = namep; prepareddef = replace(prepareddef, concat(' ', namep, ' ON '), concat(' ', aname, ' ON ')); IF prepareddef = newdef THEN EXECUTE format('DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s', aname); EXECUTE format('ALTER INDEX IF EXISTS %s RENAME TO %s', namep, aname); EXECUTE 'DELETE FROM rmb_internal_index WHERE name = $1' USING namep; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO rmb_internal_analyze VALUES ($1)' USING atable; ELSIF olddef IS DISTINCT FROM newdef THEN EXECUTE format('DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s', aname); EXECUTE newdef; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO rmb_internal_analyze VALUES ($1)' USING atable; END IF; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index VALUES ($1, $2, FALSE) ' 'ON CONFLICT (name) DO UPDATE SET def = EXCLUDED.def, remove = EXCLUDED.remove' USING aname, newdef; END $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 09:42:01 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DO $$ BEGIN -- use advisory lock to prevent "tuple concurrently updated" -- https://issues.folio.org/browse/RMB-744 PERFORM pg_advisory_xact_lock(20201101, 1234567890); REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ON SCHEMA public FROM testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub; REVOKE CREATE ON SCHEMA public FROM PUBLIC; END $$; 09:42:01 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DO $$ BEGIN -- use advisory lock to prevent "tuple concurrently updated" -- https://issues.folio.org/browse/RMB-744 PERFORM pg_advisory_xact_lock(20201101, 1234567890); REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ON SCHEMA public FROM testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub; REVOKE CREATE ON SCHEMA public FROM PUBLIC; END $$; 09:42:01 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DO $$ DECLARE aname TEXT; BEGIN FOR aname IN SELECT name FROM testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE remove = TRUE LOOP EXECUTE 'DROP INDEX IF EXISTS ' || aname; END LOOP; END $$; 09:42:01 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DO $$ DECLARE aname TEXT; BEGIN FOR aname IN SELECT name FROM testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE remove = TRUE LOOP EXECUTE 'DROP INDEX IF EXISTS ' || aname; END LOOP; END $$; 09:42:01 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DO $$ DECLARE version TEXT; i RECORD; newindexdef TEXT; BEGIN SELECT jsonb->>'rmbVersion' INTO version FROM testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal; IF version !~ '^(\d\.|1\d\.|2[0-8]\.|29\.[0-3]\.)' THEN -- skip this upgrade if last install/upgrade was made by RMB >= 29.4.x RETURN; END IF; FOR i IN SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_indexes WHERE schemaname = 'testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub' LOOP newindexdef := regexp_replace(i.indexdef, -- \m = beginning of a word, \M = end of a word '\mpublic\.(f_unaccent|concat_space_sql|concat_array_object_values|concat_array_object)\M', 'testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.\1', 'g'); IF newindexdef <> i.indexdef THEN EXECUTE 'DROP INDEX ' || i.indexname; EXECUTE newindexdef; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO rmb_internal_analyze VALUES ($1)' USING i.tablename; END IF; END LOOP; END $$; 09:42:01 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DO $$ DECLARE version TEXT; i RECORD; newindexdef TEXT; BEGIN SELECT jsonb->>'rmbVersion' INTO version FROM testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal; IF version !~ '^(\d\.|1\d\.|2[0-8]\.|29\.[0-3]\.)' THEN -- skip this upgrade if last install/upgrade was made by RMB >= 29.4.x RETURN; END IF; FOR i IN SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_indexes WHERE schemaname = 'testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub' LOOP newindexdef := regexp_replace(i.indexdef, -- \m = beginning of a word, \M = end of a word '\mpublic\.(f_unaccent|concat_space_sql|concat_array_object_values|concat_array_object)\M', 'testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.\1', 'g'); IF newindexdef <> i.indexdef THEN EXECUTE 'DROP INDEX ' || i.indexname; EXECUTE newindexdef; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO rmb_internal_analyze VALUES ($1)' USING i.tablename; END IF; END LOOP; END $$; 09:42:01 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DO $$ DECLARE t TEXT; BEGIN FOR t IN SELECT DISTINCT tablename FROM rmb_internal_analyze LOOP EXECUTE 'ANALYZE ' || t; END LOOP; END $$; 09:42:01 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DO $$ DECLARE t TEXT; BEGIN FOR t IN SELECT DISTINCT tablename FROM rmb_internal_analyze LOOP EXECUTE 'ANALYZE ' || t; END LOOP; END $$; 09:42:01 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} TRUNCATE rmb_internal_analyze; 09:42:01 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed TRUNCATE rmb_internal_analyze; 09:42:01 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub TO testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub; 09:42:01 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub TO testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub; 09:42:01 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} UPDATE testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal SET jsonb = jsonb || jsonb_build_object( 'rmbVersion', '33.0.4', 'moduleVersion', 'mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT.175', 'schemaJson', $mainftl${} $mainftl$); 09:42:01 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed UPDATE testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal SET jsonb = jsonb || jsonb_build_object( 'rmbVersion', '33.0.4', 'moduleVersion', 'mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT.175', 'schemaJson', $mainftl${} $mainftl$); 09:42:01 [] [] [] [] INFO LiquibaseUtil Initializing schema testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub for tenant testenant845025963429779456 09:42:01 [] [] [] [] INFO leConnectionProvider Attempting to get connection for testenant845025963429779456 09:42:01 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient DB config read from environment variables 09:42:01 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Using schema: testenant845025963429779456 09:42:01 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient postgreSQLClientConfig = {"maxPoolSize":5,"port":5432,"username":"testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub","host":"","database":"okapi_modules","password":"...","postgres_tester":false} 09:42:01 [] [] [] [] INFO LiquibaseUtil Schema is initialized for tenant testenant845025963429779456 09:42:01 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending GET for 09:42:01 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking getTenantByOperationId 09:42:01 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil GET /_/tenant/8e3e36cb-5997-4b71-8838-40dc0b56201a null HTTP_1_1 200 386 2 tid=testenant845025963429779456 OK 09:42:01 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 200 09:42:01 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:42:01 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 201 09:42:01 [] [] [] [] INFO SecurityManagerImpl Created pubsub-user user 09:42:01 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:42:01 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 201 09:42:01 [] [] [] [] INFO SecurityManagerImpl Saved pubsub-user user credentials 09:42:01 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:42:01 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 403 09:42:01 [] [] [] [] ERROR SecurityManagerImpl Failed to add permissions for pubsub-user user. Received status code 403 09:42:01 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:42:01 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 201 09:42:01 [] [] [] [] INFO SecurityManagerImpl Logged in pubsub-user user 09:42:01 [] [] [] [] INFO TenantAPI job 8e3e36cb-5997-4b71-8838-40dc0b56201a completed 09:42:01 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking getTenantByOperationId 09:42:01 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil GET /_/tenant/8e3e36cb-5997-4b71-8838-40dc0b56201a null HTTP_1_1 200 385 2 tid=testenant845025963429779456 OK 09:42:01 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking deleteTenantByOperationId 09:42:01 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil DELETE /_/tenant/8e3e36cb-5997-4b71-8838-40dc0b56201a null HTTP_1_1 204 0 2 tid=testenant845025963429779456 No Content 09:42:02 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubEventTypes 09:42:02 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/event-types HTTP_1_1 201 133 2 tid=testenant845025963429779456 Created 09:42:02 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubEventTypesDeclarePublisher 09:42:02 [] [] [] [] INFO afkaTopicServiceImpl Created topics: [LOG_RECORD] 09:42:02 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/event-types/declare/publisher HTTP_1_1 201 0 19 tid=testenant845025963429779456 Created 09:42:19 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postTenant 09:42:19 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Executing multiple statements with id 1453985930 09:42:19 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub CASCADE; 09:42:19 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='00000', message='drop cascades to 31 other objects', detail='drop cascades to table testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal drop cascades to table testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.rmb_job drop cascades to table testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index drop cascades to table testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_analyze drop cascades to function testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.uuid_smaller(uuid,uuid) drop cascades to function testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.uuid_larger(uuid,uuid) drop cascades to function testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.next_uuid(uuid) drop cascades to function testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.max(uuid) drop cascades to function testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.min(uuid) drop cascades to function testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(bigint,bigint,text) drop cascades to function testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_default(text) drop cascades to function testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.count_estimate(text) drop cascades to function testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.upsert(text,uuid,anyelement) drop cascades to function testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.f_unaccent(text) drop cascades to function testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.get_tsvector(text) drop cascades to function testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.tsquery_and(text) drop cascades to function testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.tsquery_or(text) drop cascades to function testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.tsquery_phrase(text) drop cascades to function testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.normalize_digits(text) drop cascades to function testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.set_id_in_jsonb() drop cascades to function testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.concat_space_sql(text[]) drop cascades to function testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object_values(jsonb,text) drop cascades to function testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object_values(jsonb,text,text,text) drop cascades to function testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.first_array_object_value(jsonb,text,text,text) drop cascades to function testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object(jsonb) drop cascades to function testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index(text,text,text,text) drop cascades to table testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.databasechangeloglock drop cascades to table testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.databasechangelog drop cascades to table testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.audit_message_payload drop cascades to table testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.audit_message drop cascades to type testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub.message_state', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='dependency.c', line='1214', routine='reportDependentObjects', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 09:42:19 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub CASCADE; 09:42:19 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP ROLE IF EXISTS testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub; 09:42:19 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP ROLE IF EXISTS testenant845025963429779456_mod_pubsub; 09:42:19 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /_/tenant null HTTP_1_1 204 0 17 tid=testenant845025963429779456 No Content 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postTenant 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Executing multiple statements with id -1502585113 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE ROLE testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub PASSWORD 'testenant4569664001992183808' NOSUPERUSER NOCREATEDB INHERIT LOGIN; 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE ROLE testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub PASSWORD 'testenant4569664001992183808' NOSUPERUSER NOCREATEDB INHERIT LOGIN; 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} GRANT testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub TO CURRENT_USER; 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed GRANT testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub TO CURRENT_USER; 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE SCHEMA testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub AUTHORIZATION testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub; 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE SCHEMA testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub AUTHORIZATION testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub; 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} ALTER ROLE testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub SET search_path = "$user"; 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed ALTER ROLE testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub SET search_path = "$user"; 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DO $$ BEGIN BEGIN -- This only succeeds if show_trgm, a pg_trgm function, -- has been loaded into public schema. PERFORM public.show_trgm('a'); EXCEPTION WHEN undefined_function THEN BEGIN ALTER EXTENSION pg_trgm SET SCHEMA public; EXCEPTION WHEN undefined_object THEN NULL; END; END; END $$; 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DO $$ BEGIN BEGIN -- This only succeeds if show_trgm, a pg_trgm function, -- has been loaded into public schema. PERFORM public.show_trgm('a'); EXCEPTION WHEN undefined_function THEN BEGIN ALTER EXTENSION pg_trgm SET SCHEMA public; EXCEPTION WHEN undefined_object THEN NULL; END; END; END $$; 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS unaccent WITH SCHEMA public; 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='42710', message='extension "unaccent" already exists, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='extension.c', line='1761', routine='CreateExtension', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS unaccent WITH SCHEMA public; 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS pg_trgm WITH SCHEMA public; 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='42710', message='extension "pg_trgm" already exists, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='extension.c', line='1761', routine='CreateExtension', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS pg_trgm WITH SCHEMA public; 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, jsonb JSONB NOT NULL ); 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, jsonb JSONB NOT NULL ); 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} insert into testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal (jsonb) values ('{"rmbVersion": "33.0.4", "moduleVersion": "mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT.175"}'::jsonb); 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed insert into testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal (jsonb) values ('{"rmbVersion": "33.0.4", "moduleVersion": "mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT.175"}'::jsonb); 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.rmb_job ( id UUID PRIMARY KEY, jsonb JSONB NOT NULL ); 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.rmb_job ( id UUID PRIMARY KEY, jsonb JSONB NOT NULL ); 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /_/tenant null HTTP_1_1 201 387 41 tid=testenant4569664001992183808 Created 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Executing multiple statements with id -916766075 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking getTenantByOperationId 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} SET search_path TO testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub; 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed SET search_path TO testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub; 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index ( name text PRIMARY KEY, def text NOT NULL, remove boolean NOT NULL ); 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil GET /_/tenant/a81a820b-4240-429b-8aa9-41b1a74e9b1c null HTTP_1_1 200 387 6 tid=testenant4569664001992183808 OK 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index ( name text PRIMARY KEY, def text NOT NULL, remove boolean NOT NULL ); 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} UPDATE testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index SET remove = TRUE; 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed UPDATE testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index SET remove = TRUE; 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS rmb_internal_analyze ( tablename text ); 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS rmb_internal_analyze ( tablename text ); 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.uuid_smaller(uuid, uuid) RETURNS uuid AS $$ BEGIN IF $1 IS NULL THEN RETURN $2; END IF; IF $2 IS NULL THEN RETURN $1; END IF; IF $1 < $2 THEN RETURN $1; ELSE RETURN $2; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.uuid_smaller(uuid, uuid) RETURNS uuid AS $$ BEGIN IF $1 IS NULL THEN RETURN $2; END IF; IF $2 IS NULL THEN RETURN $1; END IF; IF $1 < $2 THEN RETURN $1; ELSE RETURN $2; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.uuid_larger(uuid, uuid) RETURNS uuid AS $$ BEGIN IF $1 IS NULL THEN RETURN $2; END IF; IF $2 IS NULL THEN RETURN $1; END IF; IF $1 > $2 THEN RETURN $1; ELSE RETURN $2; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.uuid_larger(uuid, uuid) RETURNS uuid AS $$ BEGIN IF $1 IS NULL THEN RETURN $2; END IF; IF $2 IS NULL THEN RETURN $1; END IF; IF $1 > $2 THEN RETURN $1; ELSE RETURN $2; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.next_uuid(uuid) RETURNS uuid AS $$ DECLARE uuid text; digit text; BEGIN uuid = $1; FOR i IN REVERSE 36..1 LOOP digit := substring(uuid from i for 1); -- skip minus, version byte M and variant byte N CONTINUE WHEN digit = '-' OR i = 15 OR i = 20; CASE digit WHEN '0' THEN digit := '1'; WHEN '1' THEN digit := '2'; WHEN '2' THEN digit := '3'; WHEN '3' THEN digit := '4'; WHEN '4' THEN digit := '5'; WHEN '5' THEN digit := '6'; WHEN '6' THEN digit := '7'; WHEN '7' THEN digit := '8'; WHEN '8' THEN digit := '9'; WHEN '9' THEN digit := 'a'; WHEN 'a' THEN digit := 'b'; WHEN 'b' THEN digit := 'c'; WHEN 'c' THEN digit := 'd'; WHEN 'd' THEN digit := 'e'; WHEN 'e' THEN digit := 'f'; WHEN 'f' THEN digit := '0'; ELSE NULL; END CASE; uuid = overlay(uuid placing digit from i); EXIT WHEN digit <> '0'; END LOOP; RETURN uuid; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.next_uuid(uuid) RETURNS uuid AS $$ DECLARE uuid text; digit text; BEGIN uuid = $1; FOR i IN REVERSE 36..1 LOOP digit := substring(uuid from i for 1); -- skip minus, version byte M and variant byte N CONTINUE WHEN digit = '-' OR i = 15 OR i = 20; CASE digit WHEN '0' THEN digit := '1'; WHEN '1' THEN digit := '2'; WHEN '2' THEN digit := '3'; WHEN '3' THEN digit := '4'; WHEN '4' THEN digit := '5'; WHEN '5' THEN digit := '6'; WHEN '6' THEN digit := '7'; WHEN '7' THEN digit := '8'; WHEN '8' THEN digit := '9'; WHEN '9' THEN digit := 'a'; WHEN 'a' THEN digit := 'b'; WHEN 'b' THEN digit := 'c'; WHEN 'c' THEN digit := 'd'; WHEN 'd' THEN digit := 'e'; WHEN 'e' THEN digit := 'f'; WHEN 'f' THEN digit := '0'; ELSE NULL; END CASE; uuid = overlay(uuid placing digit from i); EXIT WHEN digit <> '0'; END LOOP; RETURN uuid; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE AGGREGATE testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.max(uuid) ( stype = uuid, sfunc = testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.uuid_larger, combinefunc = testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.uuid_larger, parallel = safe, sortop = operator (>) ); 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE AGGREGATE testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.max(uuid) ( stype = uuid, sfunc = testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.uuid_larger, combinefunc = testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.uuid_larger, parallel = safe, sortop = operator (>) ); 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE AGGREGATE testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.min(uuid) ( stype = uuid, sfunc = testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.uuid_smaller, combinefunc = testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.uuid_smaller, parallel = safe, sortop = operator (<) ); 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE AGGREGATE testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.min(uuid) ( stype = uuid, sfunc = testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.uuid_smaller, combinefunc = testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.uuid_smaller, parallel = safe, sortop = operator (<) ); 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(bigint,bigint,text); 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='00000', message='function testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(pg_catalog.int8,pg_catalog.int8,text) does not exist, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='dropcmds.c', line='491', routine='does_not_exist_skipping', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(bigint,bigint,text); 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE FUNCTION testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(rows bigint, lim bigint, query text) RETURNS bigint AS $$ DECLARE rec record; cnt bigint; BEGIN IF rows = lim THEN FOR rec IN EXECUTE 'EXPLAIN ' || query LOOP cnt := substring(rec."QUERY PLAN" FROM ' rows=([[:digit:]]+)'); EXIT WHEN cnt IS NOT NULL; END LOOP; RETURN cnt; END IF; RETURN rows; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql VOLATILE STRICT; 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE FUNCTION testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(rows bigint, lim bigint, query text) RETURNS bigint AS $$ DECLARE rec record; cnt bigint; BEGIN IF rows = lim THEN FOR rec IN EXECUTE 'EXPLAIN ' || query LOOP cnt := substring(rec."QUERY PLAN" FROM ' rows=([[:digit:]]+)'); EXIT WHEN cnt IS NOT NULL; END LOOP; RETURN cnt; END IF; RETURN rows; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql VOLATILE STRICT; 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_default(query text) RETURNS bigint AS $$ DECLARE rows bigint; q text; BEGIN q = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (' || query || ' LIMIT 1000) x'; EXECUTE q INTO rows; IF rows < 1000 THEN return rows; END IF; rows = testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(1000, 1000, query); IF rows < 1000 THEN return 1000; END IF; RETURN rows; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE STRICT; 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_default(query text) RETURNS bigint AS $$ DECLARE rows bigint; q text; BEGIN q = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (' || query || ' LIMIT 1000) x'; EXECUTE q INTO rows; IF rows < 1000 THEN return rows; END IF; rows = testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(1000, 1000, query); IF rows < 1000 THEN return 1000; END IF; RETURN rows; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE STRICT; 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.count_estimate(query text) RETURNS bigint AS $$ DECLARE count bigint; est_count bigint; q text; BEGIN est_count = testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(1000, 1000, query); IF est_count > 4*1000 THEN RETURN est_count; END IF; q = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (' || query || ' LIMIT 1000) x'; EXECUTE q INTO count; IF count < 1000 THEN RETURN count; END IF; IF est_count < 1000 THEN RETURN 1000; END IF; RETURN est_count; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql STABLE STRICT; 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.count_estimate(query text) RETURNS bigint AS $$ DECLARE count bigint; est_count bigint; q text; BEGIN est_count = testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(1000, 1000, query); IF est_count > 4*1000 THEN RETURN est_count; END IF; q = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (' || query || ' LIMIT 1000) x'; EXECUTE q INTO count; IF count < 1000 THEN RETURN count; END IF; IF est_count < 1000 THEN RETURN 1000; END IF; RETURN est_count; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql STABLE STRICT; 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.upsert(text, uuid, anyelement) RETURNS uuid AS $$ DECLARE ret uuid; BEGIN EXECUTE format('UPDATE testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.%I SET jsonb=$3 WHERE id=$2 RETURNING id', $1) USING $1, $2, $3 INTO ret; IF ret IS NOT NULL THEN RETURN ret; END IF; EXECUTE format('INSERT INTO testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.%I (id, jsonb) VALUES ($2, $3) RETURNING id', $1) USING $1, $2, $3 INTO STRICT ret; RETURN ret; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.upsert(text, uuid, anyelement) RETURNS uuid AS $$ DECLARE ret uuid; BEGIN EXECUTE format('UPDATE testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.%I SET jsonb=$3 WHERE id=$2 RETURNING id', $1) USING $1, $2, $3 INTO ret; IF ret IS NOT NULL THEN RETURN ret; END IF; EXECUTE format('INSERT INTO testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.%I (id, jsonb) VALUES ($2, $3) RETURNING id', $1) USING $1, $2, $3 INTO STRICT ret; RETURN ret; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DO $$ DECLARE ver integer; BEGIN SELECT current_setting('server_version_num') INTO ver; IF (ver >= 120000) THEN CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.f_unaccent(text) RETURNS text AS $f_unaccent$ SELECT public.unaccent('public.unaccent', $1) -- schema-qualify function and dictionary $f_unaccent$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; ELSE CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.f_unaccent(text) RETURNS text AS $f_unaccent$ SELECT regexp_replace(public.unaccent('public.unaccent', $1), E'[\u0300\u0301\u0302\u0303\u0304\u0305\u0306\u0307\u0308\u0309\u030a\u030b\u030c\u030d\u030e\u030f' || E'\u0310\u0311\u0312\u0313\u0314\u0315\u0316\u0317\u0318\u0319\u031a\u031b\u031c\u031d\u031e\u031f' || E'\u0320\u0321\u0322\u0323\u0324\u0325\u0326\u0327\u0328\u0329\u032a\u032b\u032c\u032d\u032e\u032f' || E'\u0330\u0331\u0332\u0333\u0334\u0335\u0336\u0337\u0338\u0339\u033a\u033b\u033c\u033d\u033e\u033f' || E'\u0340\u0341\u0342\u0343\u0344\u0345\u0346\u0347\u0348\u0349\u034a\u034b\u034c\u034d\u034e\u034f' || E'\u0350\u0351\u0352\u0353\u0354\u0355\u0356\u0357\u0358\u0359\u035a\u035b\u035c\u035d\u035e\u035f' || E'\u0360\u0361\u0362' || E'\u20dd\u20de\u20df\u20e0' || E'\u20e2\u20e3\u20e4]', '', 'g') $f_unaccent$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; END IF; END $$; 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DO $$ DECLARE ver integer; BEGIN SELECT current_setting('server_version_num') INTO ver; IF (ver >= 120000) THEN CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.f_unaccent(text) RETURNS text AS $f_unaccent$ SELECT public.unaccent('public.unaccent', $1) -- schema-qualify function and dictionary $f_unaccent$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; ELSE CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.f_unaccent(text) RETURNS text AS $f_unaccent$ SELECT regexp_replace(public.unaccent('public.unaccent', $1), E'[\u0300\u0301\u0302\u0303\u0304\u0305\u0306\u0307\u0308\u0309\u030a\u030b\u030c\u030d\u030e\u030f' || E'\u0310\u0311\u0312\u0313\u0314\u0315\u0316\u0317\u0318\u0319\u031a\u031b\u031c\u031d\u031e\u031f' || E'\u0320\u0321\u0322\u0323\u0324\u0325\u0326\u0327\u0328\u0329\u032a\u032b\u032c\u032d\u032e\u032f' || E'\u0330\u0331\u0332\u0333\u0334\u0335\u0336\u0337\u0338\u0339\u033a\u033b\u033c\u033d\u033e\u033f' || E'\u0340\u0341\u0342\u0343\u0344\u0345\u0346\u0347\u0348\u0349\u034a\u034b\u034c\u034d\u034e\u034f' || E'\u0350\u0351\u0352\u0353\u0354\u0355\u0356\u0357\u0358\u0359\u035a\u035b\u035c\u035d\u035e\u035f' || E'\u0360\u0361\u0362' || E'\u20dd\u20de\u20df\u20e0' || E'\u20e2\u20e3\u20e4]', '', 'g') $f_unaccent$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; END IF; END $$; 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.get_tsvector(text) RETURNS tsvector AS $$ SELECT to_tsvector('simple', translate($1, '&', ',')); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.get_tsvector(text) RETURNS tsvector AS $$ SELECT to_tsvector('simple', translate($1, '&', ',')); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.tsquery_and(text) RETURNS tsquery AS $$ SELECT to_tsquery('simple', string_agg(CASE WHEN length(v) = 0 OR v = '*' THEN '' WHEN right(v, 1) = '*' THEN '''' || left(v, -1) || ''':*' ELSE '''' || v || '''' END, '&')) FROM (SELECT regexp_split_to_table(translate($1, '&''', ',,'), ' +')) AS x(v); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.tsquery_and(text) RETURNS tsquery AS $$ SELECT to_tsquery('simple', string_agg(CASE WHEN length(v) = 0 OR v = '*' THEN '' WHEN right(v, 1) = '*' THEN '''' || left(v, -1) || ''':*' ELSE '''' || v || '''' END, '&')) FROM (SELECT regexp_split_to_table(translate($1, '&''', ',,'), ' +')) AS x(v); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.tsquery_or(text) RETURNS tsquery AS $$ SELECT replace(testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.tsquery_and($1)::text, '&', '|')::tsquery; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.tsquery_or(text) RETURNS tsquery AS $$ SELECT replace(testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.tsquery_and($1)::text, '&', '|')::tsquery; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.tsquery_phrase(text) RETURNS tsquery AS $$ SELECT replace(testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.tsquery_and($1)::text, '&', '<->')::tsquery; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.tsquery_phrase(text) RETURNS tsquery AS $$ SELECT replace(testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.tsquery_and($1)::text, '&', '<->')::tsquery; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.normalize_digits(text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT translate((regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[1], E' \t-', '') || CASE WHEN (regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[1] = '' THEN '' WHEN (regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[2] = '' THEN '' ELSE ' ' END || (regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[2]; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.normalize_digits(text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT translate((regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[1], E' \t-', '') || CASE WHEN (regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[1] = '' THEN '' WHEN (regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[2] = '' THEN '' ELSE ' ' END || (regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[2]; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.set_id_in_jsonb() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $$ BEGIN NEW.jsonb = jsonb_set(NEW.jsonb, '{id}', to_jsonb(NEW.id)); RETURN NEW; END; $$ language 'plpgsql'; 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.set_id_in_jsonb() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $$ BEGIN NEW.jsonb = jsonb_set(NEW.jsonb, '{id}', to_jsonb(NEW.id)); RETURN NEW; END; $$ language 'plpgsql'; 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} create or replace function testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.concat_space_sql(VARIADIC text[]) RETURNS text AS $$ select concat_ws(' ', VARIADIC $1); $$ LANGUAGE SQL IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed create or replace function testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.concat_space_sql(VARIADIC text[]) RETURNS text AS $$ select concat_ws(' ', VARIADIC $1); $$ LANGUAGE SQL IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} create or replace function testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object_values(jsonb_array jsonb, field text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT string_agg(value->>$2, ' ') FROM jsonb_array_elements($1); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed create or replace function testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object_values(jsonb_array jsonb, field text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT string_agg(value->>$2, ' ') FROM jsonb_array_elements($1); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} create or replace function testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object_values( jsonb_array jsonb, field text, filterkey text, filtervalue text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT string_agg(value->>$2, ' ') FROM jsonb_array_elements($1) WHERE value->>$3 = $4; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed create or replace function testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object_values( jsonb_array jsonb, field text, filterkey text, filtervalue text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT string_agg(value->>$2, ' ') FROM jsonb_array_elements($1) WHERE value->>$3 = $4; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} create or replace function testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.first_array_object_value( jsonb_array jsonb, field text, filterkey text, filtervalue text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT value->>$2 FROM jsonb_array_elements($1) WHERE value->>$3 = $4 LIMIT 1; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed create or replace function testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.first_array_object_value( jsonb_array jsonb, field text, filterkey text, filtervalue text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT value->>$2 FROM jsonb_array_elements($1) WHERE value->>$3 = $4 LIMIT 1; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} create or replace function testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object(jsonb_array jsonb) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT string_agg(value::text, ' ') FROM jsonb_array_elements_text($1); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed create or replace function testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object(jsonb_array jsonb) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT string_agg(value::text, ' ') FROM jsonb_array_elements_text($1); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS rmb_internal_index(aname text, tops text, newdef text); 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='00000', message='function rmb_internal_index(text,text,text) does not exist, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='dropcmds.c', line='491', routine='does_not_exist_skipping', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS rmb_internal_index(aname text, tops text, newdef text); 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION rmb_internal_index( atable text, aname text, tops text, newdef text) RETURNS void AS $$ DECLARE olddef text; namep CONSTANT text = concat(aname, '_p'); prepareddef text; BEGIN IF tops = 'DELETE' THEN -- use case insensitive %s, not case sensitive %I -- no SQL injection because the names are hard-coded in schema.json EXECUTE format('DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s', aname); EXECUTE 'DELETE FROM testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE name = $1' USING aname; RETURN; END IF; SELECT def INTO olddef FROM testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE name = aname; SELECT def INTO prepareddef FROM testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE name = namep; prepareddef = replace(prepareddef, concat(' ', namep, ' ON '), concat(' ', aname, ' ON ')); IF prepareddef = newdef THEN EXECUTE format('DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s', aname); EXECUTE format('ALTER INDEX IF EXISTS %s RENAME TO %s', namep, aname); EXECUTE 'DELETE FROM rmb_internal_index WHERE name = $1' USING namep; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO rmb_internal_analyze VALUES ($1)' USING atable; ELSIF olddef IS DISTINCT FROM newdef THEN EXECUTE format('DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s', aname); EXECUTE newdef; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO rmb_internal_analyze VALUES ($1)' USING atable; END IF; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index VALUES ($1, $2, FALSE) ' 'ON CONFLICT (name) DO UPDATE SET def = EXCLUDED.def, remove = EXCLUDED.remove' USING aname, newdef; END $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION rmb_internal_index( atable text, aname text, tops text, newdef text) RETURNS void AS $$ DECLARE olddef text; namep CONSTANT text = concat(aname, '_p'); prepareddef text; BEGIN IF tops = 'DELETE' THEN -- use case insensitive %s, not case sensitive %I -- no SQL injection because the names are hard-coded in schema.json EXECUTE format('DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s', aname); EXECUTE 'DELETE FROM testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE name = $1' USING aname; RETURN; END IF; SELECT def INTO olddef FROM testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE name = aname; SELECT def INTO prepareddef FROM testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE name = namep; prepareddef = replace(prepareddef, concat(' ', namep, ' ON '), concat(' ', aname, ' ON ')); IF prepareddef = newdef THEN EXECUTE format('DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s', aname); EXECUTE format('ALTER INDEX IF EXISTS %s RENAME TO %s', namep, aname); EXECUTE 'DELETE FROM rmb_internal_index WHERE name = $1' USING namep; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO rmb_internal_analyze VALUES ($1)' USING atable; ELSIF olddef IS DISTINCT FROM newdef THEN EXECUTE format('DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s', aname); EXECUTE newdef; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO rmb_internal_analyze VALUES ($1)' USING atable; END IF; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index VALUES ($1, $2, FALSE) ' 'ON CONFLICT (name) DO UPDATE SET def = EXCLUDED.def, remove = EXCLUDED.remove' USING aname, newdef; END $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DO $$ BEGIN -- use advisory lock to prevent "tuple concurrently updated" -- https://issues.folio.org/browse/RMB-744 PERFORM pg_advisory_xact_lock(20201101, 1234567890); REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ON SCHEMA public FROM testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub; REVOKE CREATE ON SCHEMA public FROM PUBLIC; END $$; 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DO $$ BEGIN -- use advisory lock to prevent "tuple concurrently updated" -- https://issues.folio.org/browse/RMB-744 PERFORM pg_advisory_xact_lock(20201101, 1234567890); REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ON SCHEMA public FROM testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub; REVOKE CREATE ON SCHEMA public FROM PUBLIC; END $$; 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DO $$ DECLARE aname TEXT; BEGIN FOR aname IN SELECT name FROM testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE remove = TRUE LOOP EXECUTE 'DROP INDEX IF EXISTS ' || aname; END LOOP; END $$; 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DO $$ DECLARE aname TEXT; BEGIN FOR aname IN SELECT name FROM testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE remove = TRUE LOOP EXECUTE 'DROP INDEX IF EXISTS ' || aname; END LOOP; END $$; 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DO $$ DECLARE version TEXT; i RECORD; newindexdef TEXT; BEGIN SELECT jsonb->>'rmbVersion' INTO version FROM testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal; IF version !~ '^(\d\.|1\d\.|2[0-8]\.|29\.[0-3]\.)' THEN -- skip this upgrade if last install/upgrade was made by RMB >= 29.4.x RETURN; END IF; FOR i IN SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_indexes WHERE schemaname = 'testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub' LOOP newindexdef := regexp_replace(i.indexdef, -- \m = beginning of a word, \M = end of a word '\mpublic\.(f_unaccent|concat_space_sql|concat_array_object_values|concat_array_object)\M', 'testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.\1', 'g'); IF newindexdef <> i.indexdef THEN EXECUTE 'DROP INDEX ' || i.indexname; EXECUTE newindexdef; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO rmb_internal_analyze VALUES ($1)' USING i.tablename; END IF; END LOOP; END $$; 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DO $$ DECLARE version TEXT; i RECORD; newindexdef TEXT; BEGIN SELECT jsonb->>'rmbVersion' INTO version FROM testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal; IF version !~ '^(\d\.|1\d\.|2[0-8]\.|29\.[0-3]\.)' THEN -- skip this upgrade if last install/upgrade was made by RMB >= 29.4.x RETURN; END IF; FOR i IN SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_indexes WHERE schemaname = 'testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub' LOOP newindexdef := regexp_replace(i.indexdef, -- \m = beginning of a word, \M = end of a word '\mpublic\.(f_unaccent|concat_space_sql|concat_array_object_values|concat_array_object)\M', 'testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.\1', 'g'); IF newindexdef <> i.indexdef THEN EXECUTE 'DROP INDEX ' || i.indexname; EXECUTE newindexdef; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO rmb_internal_analyze VALUES ($1)' USING i.tablename; END IF; END LOOP; END $$; 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DO $$ DECLARE t TEXT; BEGIN FOR t IN SELECT DISTINCT tablename FROM rmb_internal_analyze LOOP EXECUTE 'ANALYZE ' || t; END LOOP; END $$; 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DO $$ DECLARE t TEXT; BEGIN FOR t IN SELECT DISTINCT tablename FROM rmb_internal_analyze LOOP EXECUTE 'ANALYZE ' || t; END LOOP; END $$; 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} TRUNCATE rmb_internal_analyze; 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed TRUNCATE rmb_internal_analyze; 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub TO testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub; 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub TO testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub; 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} UPDATE testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal SET jsonb = jsonb || jsonb_build_object( 'rmbVersion', '33.0.4', 'moduleVersion', 'mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT.175', 'schemaJson', $mainftl${} $mainftl$); 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed UPDATE testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal SET jsonb = jsonb || jsonb_build_object( 'rmbVersion', '33.0.4', 'moduleVersion', 'mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT.175', 'schemaJson', $mainftl${} $mainftl$); 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO LiquibaseUtil Initializing schema testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub for tenant testenant4569664001992183808 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO leConnectionProvider Attempting to get connection for testenant4569664001992183808 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient DB config read from environment variables 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Using schema: testenant4569664001992183808 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient postgreSQLClientConfig = {"maxPoolSize":5,"port":5432,"username":"testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub","host":"","database":"okapi_modules","password":"...","postgres_tester":false} 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO LiquibaseUtil Schema is initialized for tenant testenant4569664001992183808 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending GET for 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking getTenantByOperationId 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil GET /_/tenant/a81a820b-4240-429b-8aa9-41b1a74e9b1c null HTTP_1_1 200 387 3 tid=testenant4569664001992183808 OK 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 200 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 201 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO SecurityManagerImpl Created pubsub-user user 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 201 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO SecurityManagerImpl Saved pubsub-user user credentials 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 403 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] ERROR SecurityManagerImpl Failed to add permissions for pubsub-user user. Received status code 403 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 201 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO SecurityManagerImpl Logged in pubsub-user user 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO TenantAPI job a81a820b-4240-429b-8aa9-41b1a74e9b1c completed 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking getTenantByOperationId 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil GET /_/tenant/a81a820b-4240-429b-8aa9-41b1a74e9b1c null HTTP_1_1 200 386 2 tid=testenant4569664001992183808 OK 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking deleteTenantByOperationId 09:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil DELETE /_/tenant/a81a820b-4240-429b-8aa9-41b1a74e9b1c null HTTP_1_1 204 0 2 tid=testenant4569664001992183808 No Content 09:44:36 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubEventTypes 09:44:36 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/event-types HTTP_1_1 201 133 2 tid=testenant4569664001992183808 Created 09:44:36 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubEventTypesDeclarePublisher 09:44:36 [] [] [] [] INFO afkaTopicServiceImpl Created topics: [LOG_RECORD] 09:44:36 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/event-types/declare/publisher HTTP_1_1 201 0 21 tid=testenant4569664001992183808 Created 09:44:53 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postTenant 09:44:53 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Executing multiple statements with id -1860388480 09:44:53 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub CASCADE; 09:44:53 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='00000', message='drop cascades to 31 other objects', detail='drop cascades to table testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal drop cascades to table testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.rmb_job drop cascades to table testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index drop cascades to table testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_analyze drop cascades to function testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.uuid_smaller(uuid,uuid) drop cascades to function testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.uuid_larger(uuid,uuid) drop cascades to function testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.next_uuid(uuid) drop cascades to function testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.max(uuid) drop cascades to function testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.min(uuid) drop cascades to function testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(bigint,bigint,text) drop cascades to function testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_default(text) drop cascades to function testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.count_estimate(text) drop cascades to function testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.upsert(text,uuid,anyelement) drop cascades to function testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.f_unaccent(text) drop cascades to function testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.get_tsvector(text) drop cascades to function testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.tsquery_and(text) drop cascades to function testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.tsquery_or(text) drop cascades to function testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.tsquery_phrase(text) drop cascades to function testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.normalize_digits(text) drop cascades to function testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.set_id_in_jsonb() drop cascades to function testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.concat_space_sql(text[]) drop cascades to function testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object_values(jsonb,text) drop cascades to function testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object_values(jsonb,text,text,text) drop cascades to function testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.first_array_object_value(jsonb,text,text,text) drop cascades to function testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object(jsonb) drop cascades to function testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index(text,text,text,text) drop cascades to table testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.databasechangeloglock drop cascades to table testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.databasechangelog drop cascades to table testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.audit_message_payload drop cascades to table testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.audit_message drop cascades to type testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub.message_state', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='dependency.c', line='1214', routine='reportDependentObjects', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 09:44:53 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub CASCADE; 09:44:53 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP ROLE IF EXISTS testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub; 09:44:53 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP ROLE IF EXISTS testenant4569664001992183808_mod_pubsub; 09:44:53 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /_/tenant null HTTP_1_1 204 0 19 tid=testenant4569664001992183808 No Content 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postTenant 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Executing multiple statements with id -1339500014 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE ROLE testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub PASSWORD 'testenant6019573772394569728' NOSUPERUSER NOCREATEDB INHERIT LOGIN; 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE ROLE testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub PASSWORD 'testenant6019573772394569728' NOSUPERUSER NOCREATEDB INHERIT LOGIN; 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} GRANT testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub TO CURRENT_USER; 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed GRANT testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub TO CURRENT_USER; 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE SCHEMA testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub AUTHORIZATION testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub; 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE SCHEMA testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub AUTHORIZATION testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub; 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} ALTER ROLE testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub SET search_path = "$user"; 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed ALTER ROLE testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub SET search_path = "$user"; 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DO $$ BEGIN BEGIN -- This only succeeds if show_trgm, a pg_trgm function, -- has been loaded into public schema. PERFORM public.show_trgm('a'); EXCEPTION WHEN undefined_function THEN BEGIN ALTER EXTENSION pg_trgm SET SCHEMA public; EXCEPTION WHEN undefined_object THEN NULL; END; END; END $$; 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DO $$ BEGIN BEGIN -- This only succeeds if show_trgm, a pg_trgm function, -- has been loaded into public schema. PERFORM public.show_trgm('a'); EXCEPTION WHEN undefined_function THEN BEGIN ALTER EXTENSION pg_trgm SET SCHEMA public; EXCEPTION WHEN undefined_object THEN NULL; END; END; END $$; 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS unaccent WITH SCHEMA public; 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='42710', message='extension "unaccent" already exists, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='extension.c', line='1761', routine='CreateExtension', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS unaccent WITH SCHEMA public; 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS pg_trgm WITH SCHEMA public; 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='42710', message='extension "pg_trgm" already exists, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='extension.c', line='1761', routine='CreateExtension', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS pg_trgm WITH SCHEMA public; 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, jsonb JSONB NOT NULL ); 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, jsonb JSONB NOT NULL ); 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} insert into testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal (jsonb) values ('{"rmbVersion": "33.0.4", "moduleVersion": "mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT.175"}'::jsonb); 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed insert into testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal (jsonb) values ('{"rmbVersion": "33.0.4", "moduleVersion": "mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT.175"}'::jsonb); 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.rmb_job ( id UUID PRIMARY KEY, jsonb JSONB NOT NULL ); 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.rmb_job ( id UUID PRIMARY KEY, jsonb JSONB NOT NULL ); 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /_/tenant null HTTP_1_1 201 387 56 tid=testenant6019573772394569728 Created 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Executing multiple statements with id -1971833645 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking getTenantByOperationId 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} SET search_path TO testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub; 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed SET search_path TO testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub; 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index ( name text PRIMARY KEY, def text NOT NULL, remove boolean NOT NULL ); 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil GET /_/tenant/c54948ad-b5c6-42fa-b8ab-a71a793562bf null HTTP_1_1 200 387 7 tid=testenant6019573772394569728 OK 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index ( name text PRIMARY KEY, def text NOT NULL, remove boolean NOT NULL ); 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} UPDATE testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index SET remove = TRUE; 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed UPDATE testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index SET remove = TRUE; 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS rmb_internal_analyze ( tablename text ); 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS rmb_internal_analyze ( tablename text ); 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.uuid_smaller(uuid, uuid) RETURNS uuid AS $$ BEGIN IF $1 IS NULL THEN RETURN $2; END IF; IF $2 IS NULL THEN RETURN $1; END IF; IF $1 < $2 THEN RETURN $1; ELSE RETURN $2; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.uuid_smaller(uuid, uuid) RETURNS uuid AS $$ BEGIN IF $1 IS NULL THEN RETURN $2; END IF; IF $2 IS NULL THEN RETURN $1; END IF; IF $1 < $2 THEN RETURN $1; ELSE RETURN $2; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.uuid_larger(uuid, uuid) RETURNS uuid AS $$ BEGIN IF $1 IS NULL THEN RETURN $2; END IF; IF $2 IS NULL THEN RETURN $1; END IF; IF $1 > $2 THEN RETURN $1; ELSE RETURN $2; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.uuid_larger(uuid, uuid) RETURNS uuid AS $$ BEGIN IF $1 IS NULL THEN RETURN $2; END IF; IF $2 IS NULL THEN RETURN $1; END IF; IF $1 > $2 THEN RETURN $1; ELSE RETURN $2; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.next_uuid(uuid) RETURNS uuid AS $$ DECLARE uuid text; digit text; BEGIN uuid = $1; FOR i IN REVERSE 36..1 LOOP digit := substring(uuid from i for 1); -- skip minus, version byte M and variant byte N CONTINUE WHEN digit = '-' OR i = 15 OR i = 20; CASE digit WHEN '0' THEN digit := '1'; WHEN '1' THEN digit := '2'; WHEN '2' THEN digit := '3'; WHEN '3' THEN digit := '4'; WHEN '4' THEN digit := '5'; WHEN '5' THEN digit := '6'; WHEN '6' THEN digit := '7'; WHEN '7' THEN digit := '8'; WHEN '8' THEN digit := '9'; WHEN '9' THEN digit := 'a'; WHEN 'a' THEN digit := 'b'; WHEN 'b' THEN digit := 'c'; WHEN 'c' THEN digit := 'd'; WHEN 'd' THEN digit := 'e'; WHEN 'e' THEN digit := 'f'; WHEN 'f' THEN digit := '0'; ELSE NULL; END CASE; uuid = overlay(uuid placing digit from i); EXIT WHEN digit <> '0'; END LOOP; RETURN uuid; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.next_uuid(uuid) RETURNS uuid AS $$ DECLARE uuid text; digit text; BEGIN uuid = $1; FOR i IN REVERSE 36..1 LOOP digit := substring(uuid from i for 1); -- skip minus, version byte M and variant byte N CONTINUE WHEN digit = '-' OR i = 15 OR i = 20; CASE digit WHEN '0' THEN digit := '1'; WHEN '1' THEN digit := '2'; WHEN '2' THEN digit := '3'; WHEN '3' THEN digit := '4'; WHEN '4' THEN digit := '5'; WHEN '5' THEN digit := '6'; WHEN '6' THEN digit := '7'; WHEN '7' THEN digit := '8'; WHEN '8' THEN digit := '9'; WHEN '9' THEN digit := 'a'; WHEN 'a' THEN digit := 'b'; WHEN 'b' THEN digit := 'c'; WHEN 'c' THEN digit := 'd'; WHEN 'd' THEN digit := 'e'; WHEN 'e' THEN digit := 'f'; WHEN 'f' THEN digit := '0'; ELSE NULL; END CASE; uuid = overlay(uuid placing digit from i); EXIT WHEN digit <> '0'; END LOOP; RETURN uuid; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE AGGREGATE testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.max(uuid) ( stype = uuid, sfunc = testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.uuid_larger, combinefunc = testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.uuid_larger, parallel = safe, sortop = operator (>) ); 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE AGGREGATE testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.max(uuid) ( stype = uuid, sfunc = testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.uuid_larger, combinefunc = testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.uuid_larger, parallel = safe, sortop = operator (>) ); 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE AGGREGATE testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.min(uuid) ( stype = uuid, sfunc = testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.uuid_smaller, combinefunc = testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.uuid_smaller, parallel = safe, sortop = operator (<) ); 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE AGGREGATE testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.min(uuid) ( stype = uuid, sfunc = testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.uuid_smaller, combinefunc = testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.uuid_smaller, parallel = safe, sortop = operator (<) ); 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(bigint,bigint,text); 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='00000', message='function testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(pg_catalog.int8,pg_catalog.int8,text) does not exist, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='dropcmds.c', line='491', routine='does_not_exist_skipping', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(bigint,bigint,text); 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE FUNCTION testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(rows bigint, lim bigint, query text) RETURNS bigint AS $$ DECLARE rec record; cnt bigint; BEGIN IF rows = lim THEN FOR rec IN EXECUTE 'EXPLAIN ' || query LOOP cnt := substring(rec."QUERY PLAN" FROM ' rows=([[:digit:]]+)'); EXIT WHEN cnt IS NOT NULL; END LOOP; RETURN cnt; END IF; RETURN rows; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql VOLATILE STRICT; 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE FUNCTION testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(rows bigint, lim bigint, query text) RETURNS bigint AS $$ DECLARE rec record; cnt bigint; BEGIN IF rows = lim THEN FOR rec IN EXECUTE 'EXPLAIN ' || query LOOP cnt := substring(rec."QUERY PLAN" FROM ' rows=([[:digit:]]+)'); EXIT WHEN cnt IS NOT NULL; END LOOP; RETURN cnt; END IF; RETURN rows; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql VOLATILE STRICT; 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_default(query text) RETURNS bigint AS $$ DECLARE rows bigint; q text; BEGIN q = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (' || query || ' LIMIT 1000) x'; EXECUTE q INTO rows; IF rows < 1000 THEN return rows; END IF; rows = testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(1000, 1000, query); IF rows < 1000 THEN return 1000; END IF; RETURN rows; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE STRICT; 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_default(query text) RETURNS bigint AS $$ DECLARE rows bigint; q text; BEGIN q = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (' || query || ' LIMIT 1000) x'; EXECUTE q INTO rows; IF rows < 1000 THEN return rows; END IF; rows = testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(1000, 1000, query); IF rows < 1000 THEN return 1000; END IF; RETURN rows; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE STRICT; 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.count_estimate(query text) RETURNS bigint AS $$ DECLARE count bigint; est_count bigint; q text; BEGIN est_count = testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(1000, 1000, query); IF est_count > 4*1000 THEN RETURN est_count; END IF; q = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (' || query || ' LIMIT 1000) x'; EXECUTE q INTO count; IF count < 1000 THEN RETURN count; END IF; IF est_count < 1000 THEN RETURN 1000; END IF; RETURN est_count; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql STABLE STRICT; 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.count_estimate(query text) RETURNS bigint AS $$ DECLARE count bigint; est_count bigint; q text; BEGIN est_count = testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(1000, 1000, query); IF est_count > 4*1000 THEN RETURN est_count; END IF; q = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (' || query || ' LIMIT 1000) x'; EXECUTE q INTO count; IF count < 1000 THEN RETURN count; END IF; IF est_count < 1000 THEN RETURN 1000; END IF; RETURN est_count; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql STABLE STRICT; 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.upsert(text, uuid, anyelement) RETURNS uuid AS $$ DECLARE ret uuid; BEGIN EXECUTE format('UPDATE testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.%I SET jsonb=$3 WHERE id=$2 RETURNING id', $1) USING $1, $2, $3 INTO ret; IF ret IS NOT NULL THEN RETURN ret; END IF; EXECUTE format('INSERT INTO testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.%I (id, jsonb) VALUES ($2, $3) RETURNING id', $1) USING $1, $2, $3 INTO STRICT ret; RETURN ret; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.upsert(text, uuid, anyelement) RETURNS uuid AS $$ DECLARE ret uuid; BEGIN EXECUTE format('UPDATE testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.%I SET jsonb=$3 WHERE id=$2 RETURNING id', $1) USING $1, $2, $3 INTO ret; IF ret IS NOT NULL THEN RETURN ret; END IF; EXECUTE format('INSERT INTO testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.%I (id, jsonb) VALUES ($2, $3) RETURNING id', $1) USING $1, $2, $3 INTO STRICT ret; RETURN ret; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DO $$ DECLARE ver integer; BEGIN SELECT current_setting('server_version_num') INTO ver; IF (ver >= 120000) THEN CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.f_unaccent(text) RETURNS text AS $f_unaccent$ SELECT public.unaccent('public.unaccent', $1) -- schema-qualify function and dictionary $f_unaccent$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; ELSE CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.f_unaccent(text) RETURNS text AS $f_unaccent$ SELECT regexp_replace(public.unaccent('public.unaccent', $1), E'[\u0300\u0301\u0302\u0303\u0304\u0305\u0306\u0307\u0308\u0309\u030a\u030b\u030c\u030d\u030e\u030f' || E'\u0310\u0311\u0312\u0313\u0314\u0315\u0316\u0317\u0318\u0319\u031a\u031b\u031c\u031d\u031e\u031f' || E'\u0320\u0321\u0322\u0323\u0324\u0325\u0326\u0327\u0328\u0329\u032a\u032b\u032c\u032d\u032e\u032f' || E'\u0330\u0331\u0332\u0333\u0334\u0335\u0336\u0337\u0338\u0339\u033a\u033b\u033c\u033d\u033e\u033f' || E'\u0340\u0341\u0342\u0343\u0344\u0345\u0346\u0347\u0348\u0349\u034a\u034b\u034c\u034d\u034e\u034f' || E'\u0350\u0351\u0352\u0353\u0354\u0355\u0356\u0357\u0358\u0359\u035a\u035b\u035c\u035d\u035e\u035f' || E'\u0360\u0361\u0362' || E'\u20dd\u20de\u20df\u20e0' || E'\u20e2\u20e3\u20e4]', '', 'g') $f_unaccent$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; END IF; END $$; 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DO $$ DECLARE ver integer; BEGIN SELECT current_setting('server_version_num') INTO ver; IF (ver >= 120000) THEN CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.f_unaccent(text) RETURNS text AS $f_unaccent$ SELECT public.unaccent('public.unaccent', $1) -- schema-qualify function and dictionary $f_unaccent$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; ELSE CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.f_unaccent(text) RETURNS text AS $f_unaccent$ SELECT regexp_replace(public.unaccent('public.unaccent', $1), E'[\u0300\u0301\u0302\u0303\u0304\u0305\u0306\u0307\u0308\u0309\u030a\u030b\u030c\u030d\u030e\u030f' || E'\u0310\u0311\u0312\u0313\u0314\u0315\u0316\u0317\u0318\u0319\u031a\u031b\u031c\u031d\u031e\u031f' || E'\u0320\u0321\u0322\u0323\u0324\u0325\u0326\u0327\u0328\u0329\u032a\u032b\u032c\u032d\u032e\u032f' || E'\u0330\u0331\u0332\u0333\u0334\u0335\u0336\u0337\u0338\u0339\u033a\u033b\u033c\u033d\u033e\u033f' || E'\u0340\u0341\u0342\u0343\u0344\u0345\u0346\u0347\u0348\u0349\u034a\u034b\u034c\u034d\u034e\u034f' || E'\u0350\u0351\u0352\u0353\u0354\u0355\u0356\u0357\u0358\u0359\u035a\u035b\u035c\u035d\u035e\u035f' || E'\u0360\u0361\u0362' || E'\u20dd\u20de\u20df\u20e0' || E'\u20e2\u20e3\u20e4]', '', 'g') $f_unaccent$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; END IF; END $$; 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.get_tsvector(text) RETURNS tsvector AS $$ SELECT to_tsvector('simple', translate($1, '&', ',')); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.get_tsvector(text) RETURNS tsvector AS $$ SELECT to_tsvector('simple', translate($1, '&', ',')); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.tsquery_and(text) RETURNS tsquery AS $$ SELECT to_tsquery('simple', string_agg(CASE WHEN length(v) = 0 OR v = '*' THEN '' WHEN right(v, 1) = '*' THEN '''' || left(v, -1) || ''':*' ELSE '''' || v || '''' END, '&')) FROM (SELECT regexp_split_to_table(translate($1, '&''', ',,'), ' +')) AS x(v); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.tsquery_and(text) RETURNS tsquery AS $$ SELECT to_tsquery('simple', string_agg(CASE WHEN length(v) = 0 OR v = '*' THEN '' WHEN right(v, 1) = '*' THEN '''' || left(v, -1) || ''':*' ELSE '''' || v || '''' END, '&')) FROM (SELECT regexp_split_to_table(translate($1, '&''', ',,'), ' +')) AS x(v); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.tsquery_or(text) RETURNS tsquery AS $$ SELECT replace(testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.tsquery_and($1)::text, '&', '|')::tsquery; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.tsquery_or(text) RETURNS tsquery AS $$ SELECT replace(testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.tsquery_and($1)::text, '&', '|')::tsquery; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.tsquery_phrase(text) RETURNS tsquery AS $$ SELECT replace(testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.tsquery_and($1)::text, '&', '<->')::tsquery; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.tsquery_phrase(text) RETURNS tsquery AS $$ SELECT replace(testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.tsquery_and($1)::text, '&', '<->')::tsquery; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.normalize_digits(text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT translate((regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[1], E' \t-', '') || CASE WHEN (regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[1] = '' THEN '' WHEN (regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[2] = '' THEN '' ELSE ' ' END || (regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[2]; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.normalize_digits(text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT translate((regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[1], E' \t-', '') || CASE WHEN (regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[1] = '' THEN '' WHEN (regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[2] = '' THEN '' ELSE ' ' END || (regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[2]; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.set_id_in_jsonb() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $$ BEGIN NEW.jsonb = jsonb_set(NEW.jsonb, '{id}', to_jsonb(NEW.id)); RETURN NEW; END; $$ language 'plpgsql'; 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.set_id_in_jsonb() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $$ BEGIN NEW.jsonb = jsonb_set(NEW.jsonb, '{id}', to_jsonb(NEW.id)); RETURN NEW; END; $$ language 'plpgsql'; 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} create or replace function testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.concat_space_sql(VARIADIC text[]) RETURNS text AS $$ select concat_ws(' ', VARIADIC $1); $$ LANGUAGE SQL IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed create or replace function testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.concat_space_sql(VARIADIC text[]) RETURNS text AS $$ select concat_ws(' ', VARIADIC $1); $$ LANGUAGE SQL IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} create or replace function testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object_values(jsonb_array jsonb, field text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT string_agg(value->>$2, ' ') FROM jsonb_array_elements($1); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed create or replace function testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object_values(jsonb_array jsonb, field text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT string_agg(value->>$2, ' ') FROM jsonb_array_elements($1); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} create or replace function testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object_values( jsonb_array jsonb, field text, filterkey text, filtervalue text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT string_agg(value->>$2, ' ') FROM jsonb_array_elements($1) WHERE value->>$3 = $4; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed create or replace function testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object_values( jsonb_array jsonb, field text, filterkey text, filtervalue text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT string_agg(value->>$2, ' ') FROM jsonb_array_elements($1) WHERE value->>$3 = $4; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} create or replace function testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.first_array_object_value( jsonb_array jsonb, field text, filterkey text, filtervalue text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT value->>$2 FROM jsonb_array_elements($1) WHERE value->>$3 = $4 LIMIT 1; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed create or replace function testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.first_array_object_value( jsonb_array jsonb, field text, filterkey text, filtervalue text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT value->>$2 FROM jsonb_array_elements($1) WHERE value->>$3 = $4 LIMIT 1; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} create or replace function testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object(jsonb_array jsonb) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT string_agg(value::text, ' ') FROM jsonb_array_elements_text($1); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed create or replace function testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object(jsonb_array jsonb) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT string_agg(value::text, ' ') FROM jsonb_array_elements_text($1); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS rmb_internal_index(aname text, tops text, newdef text); 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='00000', message='function rmb_internal_index(text,text,text) does not exist, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='dropcmds.c', line='491', routine='does_not_exist_skipping', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS rmb_internal_index(aname text, tops text, newdef text); 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION rmb_internal_index( atable text, aname text, tops text, newdef text) RETURNS void AS $$ DECLARE olddef text; namep CONSTANT text = concat(aname, '_p'); prepareddef text; BEGIN IF tops = 'DELETE' THEN -- use case insensitive %s, not case sensitive %I -- no SQL injection because the names are hard-coded in schema.json EXECUTE format('DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s', aname); EXECUTE 'DELETE FROM testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE name = $1' USING aname; RETURN; END IF; SELECT def INTO olddef FROM testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE name = aname; SELECT def INTO prepareddef FROM testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE name = namep; prepareddef = replace(prepareddef, concat(' ', namep, ' ON '), concat(' ', aname, ' ON ')); IF prepareddef = newdef THEN EXECUTE format('DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s', aname); EXECUTE format('ALTER INDEX IF EXISTS %s RENAME TO %s', namep, aname); EXECUTE 'DELETE FROM rmb_internal_index WHERE name = $1' USING namep; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO rmb_internal_analyze VALUES ($1)' USING atable; ELSIF olddef IS DISTINCT FROM newdef THEN EXECUTE format('DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s', aname); EXECUTE newdef; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO rmb_internal_analyze VALUES ($1)' USING atable; END IF; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index VALUES ($1, $2, FALSE) ' 'ON CONFLICT (name) DO UPDATE SET def = EXCLUDED.def, remove = EXCLUDED.remove' USING aname, newdef; END $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION rmb_internal_index( atable text, aname text, tops text, newdef text) RETURNS void AS $$ DECLARE olddef text; namep CONSTANT text = concat(aname, '_p'); prepareddef text; BEGIN IF tops = 'DELETE' THEN -- use case insensitive %s, not case sensitive %I -- no SQL injection because the names are hard-coded in schema.json EXECUTE format('DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s', aname); EXECUTE 'DELETE FROM testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE name = $1' USING aname; RETURN; END IF; SELECT def INTO olddef FROM testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE name = aname; SELECT def INTO prepareddef FROM testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE name = namep; prepareddef = replace(prepareddef, concat(' ', namep, ' ON '), concat(' ', aname, ' ON ')); IF prepareddef = newdef THEN EXECUTE format('DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s', aname); EXECUTE format('ALTER INDEX IF EXISTS %s RENAME TO %s', namep, aname); EXECUTE 'DELETE FROM rmb_internal_index WHERE name = $1' USING namep; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO rmb_internal_analyze VALUES ($1)' USING atable; ELSIF olddef IS DISTINCT FROM newdef THEN EXECUTE format('DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s', aname); EXECUTE newdef; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO rmb_internal_analyze VALUES ($1)' USING atable; END IF; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index VALUES ($1, $2, FALSE) ' 'ON CONFLICT (name) DO UPDATE SET def = EXCLUDED.def, remove = EXCLUDED.remove' USING aname, newdef; END $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DO $$ BEGIN -- use advisory lock to prevent "tuple concurrently updated" -- https://issues.folio.org/browse/RMB-744 PERFORM pg_advisory_xact_lock(20201101, 1234567890); REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ON SCHEMA public FROM testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub; REVOKE CREATE ON SCHEMA public FROM PUBLIC; END $$; 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DO $$ BEGIN -- use advisory lock to prevent "tuple concurrently updated" -- https://issues.folio.org/browse/RMB-744 PERFORM pg_advisory_xact_lock(20201101, 1234567890); REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ON SCHEMA public FROM testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub; REVOKE CREATE ON SCHEMA public FROM PUBLIC; END $$; 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DO $$ DECLARE aname TEXT; BEGIN FOR aname IN SELECT name FROM testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE remove = TRUE LOOP EXECUTE 'DROP INDEX IF EXISTS ' || aname; END LOOP; END $$; 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DO $$ DECLARE aname TEXT; BEGIN FOR aname IN SELECT name FROM testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE remove = TRUE LOOP EXECUTE 'DROP INDEX IF EXISTS ' || aname; END LOOP; END $$; 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DO $$ DECLARE version TEXT; i RECORD; newindexdef TEXT; BEGIN SELECT jsonb->>'rmbVersion' INTO version FROM testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal; IF version !~ '^(\d\.|1\d\.|2[0-8]\.|29\.[0-3]\.)' THEN -- skip this upgrade if last install/upgrade was made by RMB >= 29.4.x RETURN; END IF; FOR i IN SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_indexes WHERE schemaname = 'testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub' LOOP newindexdef := regexp_replace(i.indexdef, -- \m = beginning of a word, \M = end of a word '\mpublic\.(f_unaccent|concat_space_sql|concat_array_object_values|concat_array_object)\M', 'testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.\1', 'g'); IF newindexdef <> i.indexdef THEN EXECUTE 'DROP INDEX ' || i.indexname; EXECUTE newindexdef; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO rmb_internal_analyze VALUES ($1)' USING i.tablename; END IF; END LOOP; END $$; 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DO $$ DECLARE version TEXT; i RECORD; newindexdef TEXT; BEGIN SELECT jsonb->>'rmbVersion' INTO version FROM testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal; IF version !~ '^(\d\.|1\d\.|2[0-8]\.|29\.[0-3]\.)' THEN -- skip this upgrade if last install/upgrade was made by RMB >= 29.4.x RETURN; END IF; FOR i IN SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_indexes WHERE schemaname = 'testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub' LOOP newindexdef := regexp_replace(i.indexdef, -- \m = beginning of a word, \M = end of a word '\mpublic\.(f_unaccent|concat_space_sql|concat_array_object_values|concat_array_object)\M', 'testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.\1', 'g'); IF newindexdef <> i.indexdef THEN EXECUTE 'DROP INDEX ' || i.indexname; EXECUTE newindexdef; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO rmb_internal_analyze VALUES ($1)' USING i.tablename; END IF; END LOOP; END $$; 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DO $$ DECLARE t TEXT; BEGIN FOR t IN SELECT DISTINCT tablename FROM rmb_internal_analyze LOOP EXECUTE 'ANALYZE ' || t; END LOOP; END $$; 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DO $$ DECLARE t TEXT; BEGIN FOR t IN SELECT DISTINCT tablename FROM rmb_internal_analyze LOOP EXECUTE 'ANALYZE ' || t; END LOOP; END $$; 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} TRUNCATE rmb_internal_analyze; 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed TRUNCATE rmb_internal_analyze; 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub TO testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub; 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub TO testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub; 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} UPDATE testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal SET jsonb = jsonb || jsonb_build_object( 'rmbVersion', '33.0.4', 'moduleVersion', 'mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT.175', 'schemaJson', $mainftl${} $mainftl$); 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed UPDATE testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal SET jsonb = jsonb || jsonb_build_object( 'rmbVersion', '33.0.4', 'moduleVersion', 'mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT.175', 'schemaJson', $mainftl${} $mainftl$); 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] INFO LiquibaseUtil Initializing schema testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub for tenant testenant6019573772394569728 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] INFO leConnectionProvider Attempting to get connection for testenant6019573772394569728 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient DB config read from environment variables 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Using schema: testenant6019573772394569728 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient postgreSQLClientConfig = {"maxPoolSize":5,"port":5432,"username":"testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub","host":"","database":"okapi_modules","password":"...","postgres_tester":false} 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] INFO LiquibaseUtil Schema is initialized for tenant testenant6019573772394569728 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending GET for 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking getTenantByOperationId 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil GET /_/tenant/c54948ad-b5c6-42fa-b8ab-a71a793562bf null HTTP_1_1 200 387 3 tid=testenant6019573772394569728 OK 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 200 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 201 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] INFO SecurityManagerImpl Created pubsub-user user 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 201 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] INFO SecurityManagerImpl Saved pubsub-user user credentials 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 403 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] ERROR SecurityManagerImpl Failed to add permissions for pubsub-user user. Received status code 403 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 201 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] INFO SecurityManagerImpl Logged in pubsub-user user 11:44:00 [] [] [] [] INFO TenantAPI job c54948ad-b5c6-42fa-b8ab-a71a793562bf completed 11:44:01 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking getTenantByOperationId 11:44:01 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil GET /_/tenant/c54948ad-b5c6-42fa-b8ab-a71a793562bf null HTTP_1_1 200 386 2 tid=testenant6019573772394569728 OK 11:44:01 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking deleteTenantByOperationId 11:44:01 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil DELETE /_/tenant/c54948ad-b5c6-42fa-b8ab-a71a793562bf null HTTP_1_1 204 0 3 tid=testenant6019573772394569728 No Content 11:44:01 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubEventTypes 11:44:01 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/event-types HTTP_1_1 201 133 3 tid=testenant6019573772394569728 Created 11:44:01 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubEventTypesDeclarePublisher 11:44:01 [] [] [] [] INFO afkaTopicServiceImpl Created topics: [LOG_RECORD] 11:44:01 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/event-types/declare/publisher HTTP_1_1 201 0 22 tid=testenant6019573772394569728 Created 11:44:18 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postTenant 11:44:18 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Executing multiple statements with id 1394668000 11:44:18 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub CASCADE; 11:44:18 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='00000', message='drop cascades to 31 other objects', detail='drop cascades to table testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal drop cascades to table testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.rmb_job drop cascades to table testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index drop cascades to table testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_analyze drop cascades to function testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.uuid_smaller(uuid,uuid) drop cascades to function testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.uuid_larger(uuid,uuid) drop cascades to function testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.next_uuid(uuid) drop cascades to function testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.max(uuid) drop cascades to function testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.min(uuid) drop cascades to function testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(bigint,bigint,text) drop cascades to function testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_default(text) drop cascades to function testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.count_estimate(text) drop cascades to function testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.upsert(text,uuid,anyelement) drop cascades to function testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.f_unaccent(text) drop cascades to function testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.get_tsvector(text) drop cascades to function testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.tsquery_and(text) drop cascades to function testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.tsquery_or(text) drop cascades to function testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.tsquery_phrase(text) drop cascades to function testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.normalize_digits(text) drop cascades to function testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.set_id_in_jsonb() drop cascades to function testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.concat_space_sql(text[]) drop cascades to function testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object_values(jsonb,text) drop cascades to function testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object_values(jsonb,text,text,text) drop cascades to function testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.first_array_object_value(jsonb,text,text,text) drop cascades to function testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object(jsonb) drop cascades to function testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index(text,text,text,text) drop cascades to table testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.databasechangeloglock drop cascades to table testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.databasechangelog drop cascades to table testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.audit_message_payload drop cascades to table testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.audit_message drop cascades to type testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub.message_state', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='dependency.c', line='1214', routine='reportDependentObjects', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 11:44:18 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub CASCADE; 11:44:18 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP ROLE IF EXISTS testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub; 11:44:18 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP ROLE IF EXISTS testenant6019573772394569728_mod_pubsub; 11:44:18 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /_/tenant null HTTP_1_1 204 0 17 tid=testenant6019573772394569728 No Content 11:45:42 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postTenant 11:45:42 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Executing multiple statements with id 635907840 11:45:42 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE ROLE testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub PASSWORD 'testenant143778093394170880' NOSUPERUSER NOCREATEDB INHERIT LOGIN; 11:45:42 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE ROLE testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub PASSWORD 'testenant143778093394170880' NOSUPERUSER NOCREATEDB INHERIT LOGIN; 11:45:42 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} GRANT testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub TO CURRENT_USER; 11:45:42 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed GRANT testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub TO CURRENT_USER; 11:45:42 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE SCHEMA testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub AUTHORIZATION testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub; 11:45:42 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE SCHEMA testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub AUTHORIZATION testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub; 11:45:42 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} ALTER ROLE testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub SET search_path = "$user"; 11:45:42 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed ALTER ROLE testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub SET search_path = "$user"; 11:45:42 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DO $$ BEGIN BEGIN -- This only succeeds if show_trgm, a pg_trgm function, -- has been loaded into public schema. PERFORM public.show_trgm('a'); EXCEPTION WHEN undefined_function THEN BEGIN ALTER EXTENSION pg_trgm SET SCHEMA public; EXCEPTION WHEN undefined_object THEN NULL; END; END; END $$; 11:45:42 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DO $$ BEGIN BEGIN -- This only succeeds if show_trgm, a pg_trgm function, -- has been loaded into public schema. PERFORM public.show_trgm('a'); EXCEPTION WHEN undefined_function THEN BEGIN ALTER EXTENSION pg_trgm SET SCHEMA public; EXCEPTION WHEN undefined_object THEN NULL; END; END; END $$; 11:45:42 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS unaccent WITH SCHEMA public; 11:45:42 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='42710', message='extension "unaccent" already exists, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='extension.c', line='1761', routine='CreateExtension', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 11:45:42 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS unaccent WITH SCHEMA public; 11:45:42 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS pg_trgm WITH SCHEMA public; 11:45:42 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='42710', message='extension "pg_trgm" already exists, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='extension.c', line='1761', routine='CreateExtension', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 11:45:42 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS pg_trgm WITH SCHEMA public; 11:45:42 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, jsonb JSONB NOT NULL ); 11:45:42 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, jsonb JSONB NOT NULL ); 11:45:42 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} insert into testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal (jsonb) values ('{"rmbVersion": "33.0.4", "moduleVersion": "mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT.175"}'::jsonb); 11:45:42 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed insert into testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal (jsonb) values ('{"rmbVersion": "33.0.4", "moduleVersion": "mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT.175"}'::jsonb); 11:45:42 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.rmb_job ( id UUID PRIMARY KEY, jsonb JSONB NOT NULL ); 11:45:42 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.rmb_job ( id UUID PRIMARY KEY, jsonb JSONB NOT NULL ); 11:45:42 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /_/tenant null HTTP_1_1 201 386 52 tid=testenant143778093394170880 Created 11:45:42 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Executing multiple statements with id -454863367 11:45:42 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking getTenantByOperationId 11:45:42 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} SET search_path TO testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub; 11:45:42 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed SET search_path TO testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub; 11:45:42 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index ( name text PRIMARY KEY, def text NOT NULL, remove boolean NOT NULL ); 11:45:42 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil GET /_/tenant/a8c75f1c-9cb5-4942-b876-31abdd9f8752 null HTTP_1_1 200 386 7 tid=testenant143778093394170880 OK 11:45:42 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index ( name text PRIMARY KEY, def text NOT NULL, remove boolean NOT NULL ); 11:45:42 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} UPDATE testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index SET remove = TRUE; 11:45:42 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed UPDATE testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index SET remove = TRUE; 11:45:42 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS rmb_internal_analyze ( tablename text ); 11:45:42 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS rmb_internal_analyze ( tablename text ); 11:45:42 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.uuid_smaller(uuid, uuid) RETURNS uuid AS $$ BEGIN IF $1 IS NULL THEN RETURN $2; END IF; IF $2 IS NULL THEN RETURN $1; END IF; IF $1 < $2 THEN RETURN $1; ELSE RETURN $2; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 11:45:42 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.uuid_smaller(uuid, uuid) RETURNS uuid AS $$ BEGIN IF $1 IS NULL THEN RETURN $2; END IF; IF $2 IS NULL THEN RETURN $1; END IF; IF $1 < $2 THEN RETURN $1; ELSE RETURN $2; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 11:45:42 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.uuid_larger(uuid, uuid) RETURNS uuid AS $$ BEGIN IF $1 IS NULL THEN RETURN $2; END IF; IF $2 IS NULL THEN RETURN $1; END IF; IF $1 > $2 THEN RETURN $1; ELSE RETURN $2; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 11:45:42 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.uuid_larger(uuid, uuid) RETURNS uuid AS $$ BEGIN IF $1 IS NULL THEN RETURN $2; END IF; IF $2 IS NULL THEN RETURN $1; END IF; IF $1 > $2 THEN RETURN $1; ELSE RETURN $2; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 11:45:42 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.next_uuid(uuid) RETURNS uuid AS $$ DECLARE uuid text; digit text; BEGIN uuid = $1; FOR i IN REVERSE 36..1 LOOP digit := substring(uuid from i for 1); -- skip minus, version byte M and variant byte N CONTINUE WHEN digit = '-' OR i = 15 OR i = 20; CASE digit WHEN '0' THEN digit := '1'; WHEN '1' THEN digit := '2'; WHEN '2' THEN digit := '3'; WHEN '3' THEN digit := '4'; WHEN '4' THEN digit := '5'; WHEN '5' THEN digit := '6'; WHEN '6' THEN digit := '7'; WHEN '7' THEN digit := '8'; WHEN '8' THEN digit := '9'; WHEN '9' THEN digit := 'a'; WHEN 'a' THEN digit := 'b'; WHEN 'b' THEN digit := 'c'; WHEN 'c' THEN digit := 'd'; WHEN 'd' THEN digit := 'e'; WHEN 'e' THEN digit := 'f'; WHEN 'f' THEN digit := '0'; ELSE NULL; END CASE; uuid = overlay(uuid placing digit from i); EXIT WHEN digit <> '0'; END LOOP; RETURN uuid; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 11:45:42 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.next_uuid(uuid) RETURNS uuid AS $$ DECLARE uuid text; digit text; BEGIN uuid = $1; FOR i IN REVERSE 36..1 LOOP digit := substring(uuid from i for 1); -- skip minus, version byte M and variant byte N CONTINUE WHEN digit = '-' OR i = 15 OR i = 20; CASE digit WHEN '0' THEN digit := '1'; WHEN '1' THEN digit := '2'; WHEN '2' THEN digit := '3'; WHEN '3' THEN digit := '4'; WHEN '4' THEN digit := '5'; WHEN '5' THEN digit := '6'; WHEN '6' THEN digit := '7'; WHEN '7' THEN digit := '8'; WHEN '8' THEN digit := '9'; WHEN '9' THEN digit := 'a'; WHEN 'a' THEN digit := 'b'; WHEN 'b' THEN digit := 'c'; WHEN 'c' THEN digit := 'd'; WHEN 'd' THEN digit := 'e'; WHEN 'e' THEN digit := 'f'; WHEN 'f' THEN digit := '0'; ELSE NULL; END CASE; uuid = overlay(uuid placing digit from i); EXIT WHEN digit <> '0'; END LOOP; RETURN uuid; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 11:45:42 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE AGGREGATE testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.max(uuid) ( stype = uuid, sfunc = testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.uuid_larger, combinefunc = testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.uuid_larger, parallel = safe, sortop = operator (>) ); 11:45:42 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE AGGREGATE testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.max(uuid) ( stype = uuid, sfunc = testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.uuid_larger, combinefunc = testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.uuid_larger, parallel = safe, sortop = operator (>) ); 11:45:42 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE AGGREGATE testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.min(uuid) ( stype = uuid, sfunc = testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.uuid_smaller, combinefunc = testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.uuid_smaller, parallel = safe, sortop = operator (<) ); 11:45:42 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE AGGREGATE testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.min(uuid) ( stype = uuid, sfunc = testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.uuid_smaller, combinefunc = testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.uuid_smaller, parallel = safe, sortop = operator (<) ); 11:45:42 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(bigint,bigint,text); 11:45:42 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='00000', message='function testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(pg_catalog.int8,pg_catalog.int8,text) does not exist, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='dropcmds.c', line='491', routine='does_not_exist_skipping', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 11:45:42 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(bigint,bigint,text); 11:45:42 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE FUNCTION testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(rows bigint, lim bigint, query text) RETURNS bigint AS $$ DECLARE rec record; cnt bigint; BEGIN IF rows = lim THEN FOR rec IN EXECUTE 'EXPLAIN ' || query LOOP cnt := substring(rec."QUERY PLAN" FROM ' rows=([[:digit:]]+)'); EXIT WHEN cnt IS NOT NULL; END LOOP; RETURN cnt; END IF; RETURN rows; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql VOLATILE STRICT; 11:45:42 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE FUNCTION testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(rows bigint, lim bigint, query text) RETURNS bigint AS $$ DECLARE rec record; cnt bigint; BEGIN IF rows = lim THEN FOR rec IN EXECUTE 'EXPLAIN ' || query LOOP cnt := substring(rec."QUERY PLAN" FROM ' rows=([[:digit:]]+)'); EXIT WHEN cnt IS NOT NULL; END LOOP; RETURN cnt; END IF; RETURN rows; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql VOLATILE STRICT; 11:45:42 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_default(query text) RETURNS bigint AS $$ DECLARE rows bigint; q text; BEGIN q = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (' || query || ' LIMIT 1000) x'; EXECUTE q INTO rows; IF rows < 1000 THEN return rows; END IF; rows = testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(1000, 1000, query); IF rows < 1000 THEN return 1000; END IF; RETURN rows; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE STRICT; 11:45:42 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_default(query text) RETURNS bigint AS $$ DECLARE rows bigint; q text; BEGIN q = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (' || query || ' LIMIT 1000) x'; EXECUTE q INTO rows; IF rows < 1000 THEN return rows; END IF; rows = testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(1000, 1000, query); IF rows < 1000 THEN return 1000; END IF; RETURN rows; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE STRICT; 11:45:42 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.count_estimate(query text) RETURNS bigint AS $$ DECLARE count bigint; est_count bigint; q text; BEGIN est_count = testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(1000, 1000, query); IF est_count > 4*1000 THEN RETURN est_count; END IF; q = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (' || query || ' LIMIT 1000) x'; EXECUTE q INTO count; IF count < 1000 THEN RETURN count; END IF; IF est_count < 1000 THEN RETURN 1000; END IF; RETURN est_count; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql STABLE STRICT; 11:45:42 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.count_estimate(query text) RETURNS bigint AS $$ DECLARE count bigint; est_count bigint; q text; BEGIN est_count = testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(1000, 1000, query); IF est_count > 4*1000 THEN RETURN est_count; END IF; q = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (' || query || ' LIMIT 1000) x'; EXECUTE q INTO count; IF count < 1000 THEN RETURN count; END IF; IF est_count < 1000 THEN RETURN 1000; END IF; RETURN est_count; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql STABLE STRICT; 11:45:42 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.upsert(text, uuid, anyelement) RETURNS uuid AS $$ DECLARE ret uuid; BEGIN EXECUTE format('UPDATE testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.%I SET jsonb=$3 WHERE id=$2 RETURNING id', $1) USING $1, $2, $3 INTO ret; IF ret IS NOT NULL THEN RETURN ret; END IF; EXECUTE format('INSERT INTO testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.%I (id, jsonb) VALUES ($2, $3) RETURNING id', $1) USING $1, $2, $3 INTO STRICT ret; RETURN ret; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 11:45:42 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.upsert(text, uuid, anyelement) RETURNS uuid AS $$ DECLARE ret uuid; BEGIN EXECUTE format('UPDATE testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.%I SET jsonb=$3 WHERE id=$2 RETURNING id', $1) USING $1, $2, $3 INTO ret; IF ret IS NOT NULL THEN RETURN ret; END IF; EXECUTE format('INSERT INTO testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.%I (id, jsonb) VALUES ($2, $3) RETURNING id', $1) USING $1, $2, $3 INTO STRICT ret; RETURN ret; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 11:45:42 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DO $$ DECLARE ver integer; BEGIN SELECT current_setting('server_version_num') INTO ver; IF (ver >= 120000) THEN CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.f_unaccent(text) RETURNS text AS $f_unaccent$ SELECT public.unaccent('public.unaccent', $1) -- schema-qualify function and dictionary $f_unaccent$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; ELSE CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.f_unaccent(text) RETURNS text AS $f_unaccent$ SELECT regexp_replace(public.unaccent('public.unaccent', $1), E'[\u0300\u0301\u0302\u0303\u0304\u0305\u0306\u0307\u0308\u0309\u030a\u030b\u030c\u030d\u030e\u030f' || E'\u0310\u0311\u0312\u0313\u0314\u0315\u0316\u0317\u0318\u0319\u031a\u031b\u031c\u031d\u031e\u031f' || E'\u0320\u0321\u0322\u0323\u0324\u0325\u0326\u0327\u0328\u0329\u032a\u032b\u032c\u032d\u032e\u032f' || E'\u0330\u0331\u0332\u0333\u0334\u0335\u0336\u0337\u0338\u0339\u033a\u033b\u033c\u033d\u033e\u033f' || E'\u0340\u0341\u0342\u0343\u0344\u0345\u0346\u0347\u0348\u0349\u034a\u034b\u034c\u034d\u034e\u034f' || E'\u0350\u0351\u0352\u0353\u0354\u0355\u0356\u0357\u0358\u0359\u035a\u035b\u035c\u035d\u035e\u035f' || E'\u0360\u0361\u0362' || E'\u20dd\u20de\u20df\u20e0' || E'\u20e2\u20e3\u20e4]', '', 'g') $f_unaccent$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; END IF; END $$; 11:45:42 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DO $$ DECLARE ver integer; BEGIN SELECT current_setting('server_version_num') INTO ver; IF (ver >= 120000) THEN CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.f_unaccent(text) RETURNS text AS $f_unaccent$ SELECT public.unaccent('public.unaccent', $1) -- schema-qualify function and dictionary $f_unaccent$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; ELSE CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.f_unaccent(text) RETURNS text AS $f_unaccent$ SELECT regexp_replace(public.unaccent('public.unaccent', $1), E'[\u0300\u0301\u0302\u0303\u0304\u0305\u0306\u0307\u0308\u0309\u030a\u030b\u030c\u030d\u030e\u030f' || E'\u0310\u0311\u0312\u0313\u0314\u0315\u0316\u0317\u0318\u0319\u031a\u031b\u031c\u031d\u031e\u031f' || E'\u0320\u0321\u0322\u0323\u0324\u0325\u0326\u0327\u0328\u0329\u032a\u032b\u032c\u032d\u032e\u032f' || E'\u0330\u0331\u0332\u0333\u0334\u0335\u0336\u0337\u0338\u0339\u033a\u033b\u033c\u033d\u033e\u033f' || E'\u0340\u0341\u0342\u0343\u0344\u0345\u0346\u0347\u0348\u0349\u034a\u034b\u034c\u034d\u034e\u034f' || E'\u0350\u0351\u0352\u0353\u0354\u0355\u0356\u0357\u0358\u0359\u035a\u035b\u035c\u035d\u035e\u035f' || E'\u0360\u0361\u0362' || E'\u20dd\u20de\u20df\u20e0' || E'\u20e2\u20e3\u20e4]', '', 'g') $f_unaccent$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; END IF; END $$; 11:45:42 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.get_tsvector(text) RETURNS tsvector AS $$ SELECT to_tsvector('simple', translate($1, '&', ',')); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:45:42 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.get_tsvector(text) RETURNS tsvector AS $$ SELECT to_tsvector('simple', translate($1, '&', ',')); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:45:42 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.tsquery_and(text) RETURNS tsquery AS $$ SELECT to_tsquery('simple', string_agg(CASE WHEN length(v) = 0 OR v = '*' THEN '' WHEN right(v, 1) = '*' THEN '''' || left(v, -1) || ''':*' ELSE '''' || v || '''' END, '&')) FROM (SELECT regexp_split_to_table(translate($1, '&''', ',,'), ' +')) AS x(v); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:45:42 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.tsquery_and(text) RETURNS tsquery AS $$ SELECT to_tsquery('simple', string_agg(CASE WHEN length(v) = 0 OR v = '*' THEN '' WHEN right(v, 1) = '*' THEN '''' || left(v, -1) || ''':*' ELSE '''' || v || '''' END, '&')) FROM (SELECT regexp_split_to_table(translate($1, '&''', ',,'), ' +')) AS x(v); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:45:42 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.tsquery_or(text) RETURNS tsquery AS $$ SELECT replace(testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.tsquery_and($1)::text, '&', '|')::tsquery; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:45:42 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.tsquery_or(text) RETURNS tsquery AS $$ SELECT replace(testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.tsquery_and($1)::text, '&', '|')::tsquery; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:45:42 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.tsquery_phrase(text) RETURNS tsquery AS $$ SELECT replace(testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.tsquery_and($1)::text, '&', '<->')::tsquery; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:45:42 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.tsquery_phrase(text) RETURNS tsquery AS $$ SELECT replace(testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.tsquery_and($1)::text, '&', '<->')::tsquery; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:45:42 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.normalize_digits(text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT translate((regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[1], E' \t-', '') || CASE WHEN (regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[1] = '' THEN '' WHEN (regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[2] = '' THEN '' ELSE ' ' END || (regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[2]; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:45:42 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.normalize_digits(text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT translate((regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[1], E' \t-', '') || CASE WHEN (regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[1] = '' THEN '' WHEN (regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[2] = '' THEN '' ELSE ' ' END || (regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[2]; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:45:42 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.set_id_in_jsonb() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $$ BEGIN NEW.jsonb = jsonb_set(NEW.jsonb, '{id}', to_jsonb(NEW.id)); RETURN NEW; END; $$ language 'plpgsql'; 11:45:42 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.set_id_in_jsonb() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $$ BEGIN NEW.jsonb = jsonb_set(NEW.jsonb, '{id}', to_jsonb(NEW.id)); RETURN NEW; END; $$ language 'plpgsql'; 11:45:42 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} create or replace function testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.concat_space_sql(VARIADIC text[]) RETURNS text AS $$ select concat_ws(' ', VARIADIC $1); $$ LANGUAGE SQL IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:45:42 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed create or replace function testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.concat_space_sql(VARIADIC text[]) RETURNS text AS $$ select concat_ws(' ', VARIADIC $1); $$ LANGUAGE SQL IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:45:42 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} create or replace function testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object_values(jsonb_array jsonb, field text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT string_agg(value->>$2, ' ') FROM jsonb_array_elements($1); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:45:42 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed create or replace function testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object_values(jsonb_array jsonb, field text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT string_agg(value->>$2, ' ') FROM jsonb_array_elements($1); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:45:42 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} create or replace function testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object_values( jsonb_array jsonb, field text, filterkey text, filtervalue text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT string_agg(value->>$2, ' ') FROM jsonb_array_elements($1) WHERE value->>$3 = $4; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:45:42 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed create or replace function testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object_values( jsonb_array jsonb, field text, filterkey text, filtervalue text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT string_agg(value->>$2, ' ') FROM jsonb_array_elements($1) WHERE value->>$3 = $4; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:45:42 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} create or replace function testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.first_array_object_value( jsonb_array jsonb, field text, filterkey text, filtervalue text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT value->>$2 FROM jsonb_array_elements($1) WHERE value->>$3 = $4 LIMIT 1; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:45:42 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed create or replace function testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.first_array_object_value( jsonb_array jsonb, field text, filterkey text, filtervalue text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT value->>$2 FROM jsonb_array_elements($1) WHERE value->>$3 = $4 LIMIT 1; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:45:42 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} create or replace function testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object(jsonb_array jsonb) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT string_agg(value::text, ' ') FROM jsonb_array_elements_text($1); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:45:42 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed create or replace function testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object(jsonb_array jsonb) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT string_agg(value::text, ' ') FROM jsonb_array_elements_text($1); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:45:42 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS rmb_internal_index(aname text, tops text, newdef text); 11:45:42 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='00000', message='function rmb_internal_index(text,text,text) does not exist, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='dropcmds.c', line='491', routine='does_not_exist_skipping', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 11:45:42 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS rmb_internal_index(aname text, tops text, newdef text); 11:45:42 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION rmb_internal_index( atable text, aname text, tops text, newdef text) RETURNS void AS $$ DECLARE olddef text; namep CONSTANT text = concat(aname, '_p'); prepareddef text; BEGIN IF tops = 'DELETE' THEN -- use case insensitive %s, not case sensitive %I -- no SQL injection because the names are hard-coded in schema.json EXECUTE format('DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s', aname); EXECUTE 'DELETE FROM testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE name = $1' USING aname; RETURN; END IF; SELECT def INTO olddef FROM testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE name = aname; SELECT def INTO prepareddef FROM testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE name = namep; prepareddef = replace(prepareddef, concat(' ', namep, ' ON '), concat(' ', aname, ' ON ')); IF prepareddef = newdef THEN EXECUTE format('DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s', aname); EXECUTE format('ALTER INDEX IF EXISTS %s RENAME TO %s', namep, aname); EXECUTE 'DELETE FROM rmb_internal_index WHERE name = $1' USING namep; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO rmb_internal_analyze VALUES ($1)' USING atable; ELSIF olddef IS DISTINCT FROM newdef THEN EXECUTE format('DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s', aname); EXECUTE newdef; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO rmb_internal_analyze VALUES ($1)' USING atable; END IF; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index VALUES ($1, $2, FALSE) ' 'ON CONFLICT (name) DO UPDATE SET def = EXCLUDED.def, remove = EXCLUDED.remove' USING aname, newdef; END $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 11:45:42 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION rmb_internal_index( atable text, aname text, tops text, newdef text) RETURNS void AS $$ DECLARE olddef text; namep CONSTANT text = concat(aname, '_p'); prepareddef text; BEGIN IF tops = 'DELETE' THEN -- use case insensitive %s, not case sensitive %I -- no SQL injection because the names are hard-coded in schema.json EXECUTE format('DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s', aname); EXECUTE 'DELETE FROM testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE name = $1' USING aname; RETURN; END IF; SELECT def INTO olddef FROM testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE name = aname; SELECT def INTO prepareddef FROM testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE name = namep; prepareddef = replace(prepareddef, concat(' ', namep, ' ON '), concat(' ', aname, ' ON ')); IF prepareddef = newdef THEN EXECUTE format('DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s', aname); EXECUTE format('ALTER INDEX IF EXISTS %s RENAME TO %s', namep, aname); EXECUTE 'DELETE FROM rmb_internal_index WHERE name = $1' USING namep; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO rmb_internal_analyze VALUES ($1)' USING atable; ELSIF olddef IS DISTINCT FROM newdef THEN EXECUTE format('DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s', aname); EXECUTE newdef; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO rmb_internal_analyze VALUES ($1)' USING atable; END IF; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index VALUES ($1, $2, FALSE) ' 'ON CONFLICT (name) DO UPDATE SET def = EXCLUDED.def, remove = EXCLUDED.remove' USING aname, newdef; END $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 11:45:42 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DO $$ BEGIN -- use advisory lock to prevent "tuple concurrently updated" -- https://issues.folio.org/browse/RMB-744 PERFORM pg_advisory_xact_lock(20201101, 1234567890); REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ON SCHEMA public FROM testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub; REVOKE CREATE ON SCHEMA public FROM PUBLIC; END $$; 11:45:42 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DO $$ BEGIN -- use advisory lock to prevent "tuple concurrently updated" -- https://issues.folio.org/browse/RMB-744 PERFORM pg_advisory_xact_lock(20201101, 1234567890); REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ON SCHEMA public FROM testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub; REVOKE CREATE ON SCHEMA public FROM PUBLIC; END $$; 11:45:42 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DO $$ DECLARE aname TEXT; BEGIN FOR aname IN SELECT name FROM testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE remove = TRUE LOOP EXECUTE 'DROP INDEX IF EXISTS ' || aname; END LOOP; END $$; 11:45:42 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DO $$ DECLARE aname TEXT; BEGIN FOR aname IN SELECT name FROM testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE remove = TRUE LOOP EXECUTE 'DROP INDEX IF EXISTS ' || aname; END LOOP; END $$; 11:45:42 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DO $$ DECLARE version TEXT; i RECORD; newindexdef TEXT; BEGIN SELECT jsonb->>'rmbVersion' INTO version FROM testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal; IF version !~ '^(\d\.|1\d\.|2[0-8]\.|29\.[0-3]\.)' THEN -- skip this upgrade if last install/upgrade was made by RMB >= 29.4.x RETURN; END IF; FOR i IN SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_indexes WHERE schemaname = 'testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub' LOOP newindexdef := regexp_replace(i.indexdef, -- \m = beginning of a word, \M = end of a word '\mpublic\.(f_unaccent|concat_space_sql|concat_array_object_values|concat_array_object)\M', 'testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.\1', 'g'); IF newindexdef <> i.indexdef THEN EXECUTE 'DROP INDEX ' || i.indexname; EXECUTE newindexdef; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO rmb_internal_analyze VALUES ($1)' USING i.tablename; END IF; END LOOP; END $$; 11:45:42 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DO $$ DECLARE version TEXT; i RECORD; newindexdef TEXT; BEGIN SELECT jsonb->>'rmbVersion' INTO version FROM testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal; IF version !~ '^(\d\.|1\d\.|2[0-8]\.|29\.[0-3]\.)' THEN -- skip this upgrade if last install/upgrade was made by RMB >= 29.4.x RETURN; END IF; FOR i IN SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_indexes WHERE schemaname = 'testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub' LOOP newindexdef := regexp_replace(i.indexdef, -- \m = beginning of a word, \M = end of a word '\mpublic\.(f_unaccent|concat_space_sql|concat_array_object_values|concat_array_object)\M', 'testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.\1', 'g'); IF newindexdef <> i.indexdef THEN EXECUTE 'DROP INDEX ' || i.indexname; EXECUTE newindexdef; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO rmb_internal_analyze VALUES ($1)' USING i.tablename; END IF; END LOOP; END $$; 11:45:42 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DO $$ DECLARE t TEXT; BEGIN FOR t IN SELECT DISTINCT tablename FROM rmb_internal_analyze LOOP EXECUTE 'ANALYZE ' || t; END LOOP; END $$; 11:45:42 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DO $$ DECLARE t TEXT; BEGIN FOR t IN SELECT DISTINCT tablename FROM rmb_internal_analyze LOOP EXECUTE 'ANALYZE ' || t; END LOOP; END $$; 11:45:42 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} TRUNCATE rmb_internal_analyze; 11:45:42 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed TRUNCATE rmb_internal_analyze; 11:45:42 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub TO testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub; 11:45:42 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub TO testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub; 11:45:42 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} UPDATE testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal SET jsonb = jsonb || jsonb_build_object( 'rmbVersion', '33.0.4', 'moduleVersion', 'mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT.175', 'schemaJson', $mainftl${} $mainftl$); 11:45:42 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed UPDATE testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal SET jsonb = jsonb || jsonb_build_object( 'rmbVersion', '33.0.4', 'moduleVersion', 'mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT.175', 'schemaJson', $mainftl${} $mainftl$); 11:45:42 [] [] [] [] INFO LiquibaseUtil Initializing schema testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub for tenant testenant143778093394170880 11:45:42 [] [] [] [] INFO leConnectionProvider Attempting to get connection for testenant143778093394170880 11:45:42 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient DB config read from environment variables 11:45:42 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Using schema: testenant143778093394170880 11:45:42 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient postgreSQLClientConfig = {"maxPoolSize":5,"port":5432,"username":"testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub","host":"","database":"okapi_modules","password":"...","postgres_tester":false} 11:45:43 [] [] [] [] INFO LiquibaseUtil Schema is initialized for tenant testenant143778093394170880 11:45:43 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending GET for 11:45:43 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking getTenantByOperationId 11:45:43 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil GET /_/tenant/a8c75f1c-9cb5-4942-b876-31abdd9f8752 null HTTP_1_1 200 386 2 tid=testenant143778093394170880 OK 11:45:43 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 200 11:45:43 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 11:45:43 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 201 11:45:43 [] [] [] [] INFO SecurityManagerImpl Created pubsub-user user 11:45:43 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 11:45:43 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 201 11:45:43 [] [] [] [] INFO SecurityManagerImpl Saved pubsub-user user credentials 11:45:43 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 11:45:43 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 403 11:45:43 [] [] [] [] ERROR SecurityManagerImpl Failed to add permissions for pubsub-user user. Received status code 403 11:45:43 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 11:45:43 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 201 11:45:43 [] [] [] [] INFO SecurityManagerImpl Logged in pubsub-user user 11:45:43 [] [] [] [] INFO TenantAPI job a8c75f1c-9cb5-4942-b876-31abdd9f8752 completed 11:45:43 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking getTenantByOperationId 11:45:43 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil GET /_/tenant/a8c75f1c-9cb5-4942-b876-31abdd9f8752 null HTTP_1_1 200 385 2 tid=testenant143778093394170880 OK 11:45:43 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking deleteTenantByOperationId 11:45:43 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil DELETE /_/tenant/a8c75f1c-9cb5-4942-b876-31abdd9f8752 null HTTP_1_1 204 0 2 tid=testenant143778093394170880 No Content 11:45:44 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubEventTypes 11:45:44 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/event-types HTTP_1_1 201 133 2 tid=testenant143778093394170880 Created 11:45:44 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubEventTypesDeclarePublisher 11:45:44 [] [] [] [] INFO afkaTopicServiceImpl Created topics: [LOG_RECORD] 11:45:44 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/event-types/declare/publisher HTTP_1_1 201 0 25 tid=testenant143778093394170880 Created 11:46:00 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postTenant 11:46:00 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Executing multiple statements with id 1309483626 11:46:00 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub CASCADE; 11:46:00 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='00000', message='drop cascades to 31 other objects', detail='drop cascades to table testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal drop cascades to table testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.rmb_job drop cascades to table testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index drop cascades to table testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_analyze drop cascades to function testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.uuid_smaller(uuid,uuid) drop cascades to function testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.uuid_larger(uuid,uuid) drop cascades to function testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.next_uuid(uuid) drop cascades to function testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.max(uuid) drop cascades to function testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.min(uuid) drop cascades to function testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(bigint,bigint,text) drop cascades to function testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_default(text) drop cascades to function testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.count_estimate(text) drop cascades to function testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.upsert(text,uuid,anyelement) drop cascades to function testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.f_unaccent(text) drop cascades to function testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.get_tsvector(text) drop cascades to function testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.tsquery_and(text) drop cascades to function testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.tsquery_or(text) drop cascades to function testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.tsquery_phrase(text) drop cascades to function testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.normalize_digits(text) drop cascades to function testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.set_id_in_jsonb() drop cascades to function testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.concat_space_sql(text[]) drop cascades to function testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object_values(jsonb,text) drop cascades to function testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object_values(jsonb,text,text,text) drop cascades to function testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.first_array_object_value(jsonb,text,text,text) drop cascades to function testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object(jsonb) drop cascades to function testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index(text,text,text,text) drop cascades to table testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.databasechangeloglock drop cascades to table testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.databasechangelog drop cascades to table testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.audit_message_payload drop cascades to table testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.audit_message drop cascades to type testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub.message_state', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='dependency.c', line='1214', routine='reportDependentObjects', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 11:46:00 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub CASCADE; 11:46:00 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP ROLE IF EXISTS testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub; 11:46:00 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP ROLE IF EXISTS testenant143778093394170880_mod_pubsub; 11:46:00 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /_/tenant null HTTP_1_1 204 0 17 tid=testenant143778093394170880 No Content 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postTenant 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Executing multiple statements with id -1347637446 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE ROLE testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub PASSWORD 'testenant4634028158857650176' NOSUPERUSER NOCREATEDB INHERIT LOGIN; 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE ROLE testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub PASSWORD 'testenant4634028158857650176' NOSUPERUSER NOCREATEDB INHERIT LOGIN; 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} GRANT testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub TO CURRENT_USER; 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed GRANT testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub TO CURRENT_USER; 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE SCHEMA testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub AUTHORIZATION testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub; 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE SCHEMA testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub AUTHORIZATION testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub; 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} ALTER ROLE testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub SET search_path = "$user"; 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed ALTER ROLE testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub SET search_path = "$user"; 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DO $$ BEGIN BEGIN -- This only succeeds if show_trgm, a pg_trgm function, -- has been loaded into public schema. PERFORM public.show_trgm('a'); EXCEPTION WHEN undefined_function THEN BEGIN ALTER EXTENSION pg_trgm SET SCHEMA public; EXCEPTION WHEN undefined_object THEN NULL; END; END; END $$; 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DO $$ BEGIN BEGIN -- This only succeeds if show_trgm, a pg_trgm function, -- has been loaded into public schema. PERFORM public.show_trgm('a'); EXCEPTION WHEN undefined_function THEN BEGIN ALTER EXTENSION pg_trgm SET SCHEMA public; EXCEPTION WHEN undefined_object THEN NULL; END; END; END $$; 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS unaccent WITH SCHEMA public; 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='42710', message='extension "unaccent" already exists, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='extension.c', line='1761', routine='CreateExtension', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS unaccent WITH SCHEMA public; 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS pg_trgm WITH SCHEMA public; 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='42710', message='extension "pg_trgm" already exists, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='extension.c', line='1761', routine='CreateExtension', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS pg_trgm WITH SCHEMA public; 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, jsonb JSONB NOT NULL ); 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, jsonb JSONB NOT NULL ); 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} insert into testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal (jsonb) values ('{"rmbVersion": "33.0.4", "moduleVersion": "mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT.175"}'::jsonb); 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed insert into testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal (jsonb) values ('{"rmbVersion": "33.0.4", "moduleVersion": "mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT.175"}'::jsonb); 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.rmb_job ( id UUID PRIMARY KEY, jsonb JSONB NOT NULL ); 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.rmb_job ( id UUID PRIMARY KEY, jsonb JSONB NOT NULL ); 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /_/tenant null HTTP_1_1 201 387 38 tid=testenant4634028158857650176 Created 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Executing multiple statements with id 168010595 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking getTenantByOperationId 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} SET search_path TO testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub; 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed SET search_path TO testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub; 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index ( name text PRIMARY KEY, def text NOT NULL, remove boolean NOT NULL ); 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil GET /_/tenant/2809475c-ed1e-42f5-a0a7-69aad1d1c121 null HTTP_1_1 200 387 6 tid=testenant4634028158857650176 OK 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index ( name text PRIMARY KEY, def text NOT NULL, remove boolean NOT NULL ); 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} UPDATE testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index SET remove = TRUE; 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed UPDATE testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index SET remove = TRUE; 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS rmb_internal_analyze ( tablename text ); 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS rmb_internal_analyze ( tablename text ); 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.uuid_smaller(uuid, uuid) RETURNS uuid AS $$ BEGIN IF $1 IS NULL THEN RETURN $2; END IF; IF $2 IS NULL THEN RETURN $1; END IF; IF $1 < $2 THEN RETURN $1; ELSE RETURN $2; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.uuid_smaller(uuid, uuid) RETURNS uuid AS $$ BEGIN IF $1 IS NULL THEN RETURN $2; END IF; IF $2 IS NULL THEN RETURN $1; END IF; IF $1 < $2 THEN RETURN $1; ELSE RETURN $2; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.uuid_larger(uuid, uuid) RETURNS uuid AS $$ BEGIN IF $1 IS NULL THEN RETURN $2; END IF; IF $2 IS NULL THEN RETURN $1; END IF; IF $1 > $2 THEN RETURN $1; ELSE RETURN $2; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.uuid_larger(uuid, uuid) RETURNS uuid AS $$ BEGIN IF $1 IS NULL THEN RETURN $2; END IF; IF $2 IS NULL THEN RETURN $1; END IF; IF $1 > $2 THEN RETURN $1; ELSE RETURN $2; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.next_uuid(uuid) RETURNS uuid AS $$ DECLARE uuid text; digit text; BEGIN uuid = $1; FOR i IN REVERSE 36..1 LOOP digit := substring(uuid from i for 1); -- skip minus, version byte M and variant byte N CONTINUE WHEN digit = '-' OR i = 15 OR i = 20; CASE digit WHEN '0' THEN digit := '1'; WHEN '1' THEN digit := '2'; WHEN '2' THEN digit := '3'; WHEN '3' THEN digit := '4'; WHEN '4' THEN digit := '5'; WHEN '5' THEN digit := '6'; WHEN '6' THEN digit := '7'; WHEN '7' THEN digit := '8'; WHEN '8' THEN digit := '9'; WHEN '9' THEN digit := 'a'; WHEN 'a' THEN digit := 'b'; WHEN 'b' THEN digit := 'c'; WHEN 'c' THEN digit := 'd'; WHEN 'd' THEN digit := 'e'; WHEN 'e' THEN digit := 'f'; WHEN 'f' THEN digit := '0'; ELSE NULL; END CASE; uuid = overlay(uuid placing digit from i); EXIT WHEN digit <> '0'; END LOOP; RETURN uuid; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.next_uuid(uuid) RETURNS uuid AS $$ DECLARE uuid text; digit text; BEGIN uuid = $1; FOR i IN REVERSE 36..1 LOOP digit := substring(uuid from i for 1); -- skip minus, version byte M and variant byte N CONTINUE WHEN digit = '-' OR i = 15 OR i = 20; CASE digit WHEN '0' THEN digit := '1'; WHEN '1' THEN digit := '2'; WHEN '2' THEN digit := '3'; WHEN '3' THEN digit := '4'; WHEN '4' THEN digit := '5'; WHEN '5' THEN digit := '6'; WHEN '6' THEN digit := '7'; WHEN '7' THEN digit := '8'; WHEN '8' THEN digit := '9'; WHEN '9' THEN digit := 'a'; WHEN 'a' THEN digit := 'b'; WHEN 'b' THEN digit := 'c'; WHEN 'c' THEN digit := 'd'; WHEN 'd' THEN digit := 'e'; WHEN 'e' THEN digit := 'f'; WHEN 'f' THEN digit := '0'; ELSE NULL; END CASE; uuid = overlay(uuid placing digit from i); EXIT WHEN digit <> '0'; END LOOP; RETURN uuid; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE AGGREGATE testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.max(uuid) ( stype = uuid, sfunc = testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.uuid_larger, combinefunc = testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.uuid_larger, parallel = safe, sortop = operator (>) ); 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE AGGREGATE testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.max(uuid) ( stype = uuid, sfunc = testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.uuid_larger, combinefunc = testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.uuid_larger, parallel = safe, sortop = operator (>) ); 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE AGGREGATE testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.min(uuid) ( stype = uuid, sfunc = testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.uuid_smaller, combinefunc = testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.uuid_smaller, parallel = safe, sortop = operator (<) ); 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE AGGREGATE testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.min(uuid) ( stype = uuid, sfunc = testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.uuid_smaller, combinefunc = testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.uuid_smaller, parallel = safe, sortop = operator (<) ); 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(bigint,bigint,text); 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='00000', message='function testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(pg_catalog.int8,pg_catalog.int8,text) does not exist, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='dropcmds.c', line='491', routine='does_not_exist_skipping', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(bigint,bigint,text); 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE FUNCTION testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(rows bigint, lim bigint, query text) RETURNS bigint AS $$ DECLARE rec record; cnt bigint; BEGIN IF rows = lim THEN FOR rec IN EXECUTE 'EXPLAIN ' || query LOOP cnt := substring(rec."QUERY PLAN" FROM ' rows=([[:digit:]]+)'); EXIT WHEN cnt IS NOT NULL; END LOOP; RETURN cnt; END IF; RETURN rows; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql VOLATILE STRICT; 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE FUNCTION testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(rows bigint, lim bigint, query text) RETURNS bigint AS $$ DECLARE rec record; cnt bigint; BEGIN IF rows = lim THEN FOR rec IN EXECUTE 'EXPLAIN ' || query LOOP cnt := substring(rec."QUERY PLAN" FROM ' rows=([[:digit:]]+)'); EXIT WHEN cnt IS NOT NULL; END LOOP; RETURN cnt; END IF; RETURN rows; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql VOLATILE STRICT; 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_default(query text) RETURNS bigint AS $$ DECLARE rows bigint; q text; BEGIN q = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (' || query || ' LIMIT 1000) x'; EXECUTE q INTO rows; IF rows < 1000 THEN return rows; END IF; rows = testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(1000, 1000, query); IF rows < 1000 THEN return 1000; END IF; RETURN rows; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE STRICT; 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_default(query text) RETURNS bigint AS $$ DECLARE rows bigint; q text; BEGIN q = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (' || query || ' LIMIT 1000) x'; EXECUTE q INTO rows; IF rows < 1000 THEN return rows; END IF; rows = testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(1000, 1000, query); IF rows < 1000 THEN return 1000; END IF; RETURN rows; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE STRICT; 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.count_estimate(query text) RETURNS bigint AS $$ DECLARE count bigint; est_count bigint; q text; BEGIN est_count = testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(1000, 1000, query); IF est_count > 4*1000 THEN RETURN est_count; END IF; q = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (' || query || ' LIMIT 1000) x'; EXECUTE q INTO count; IF count < 1000 THEN RETURN count; END IF; IF est_count < 1000 THEN RETURN 1000; END IF; RETURN est_count; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql STABLE STRICT; 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.count_estimate(query text) RETURNS bigint AS $$ DECLARE count bigint; est_count bigint; q text; BEGIN est_count = testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(1000, 1000, query); IF est_count > 4*1000 THEN RETURN est_count; END IF; q = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (' || query || ' LIMIT 1000) x'; EXECUTE q INTO count; IF count < 1000 THEN RETURN count; END IF; IF est_count < 1000 THEN RETURN 1000; END IF; RETURN est_count; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql STABLE STRICT; 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.upsert(text, uuid, anyelement) RETURNS uuid AS $$ DECLARE ret uuid; BEGIN EXECUTE format('UPDATE testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.%I SET jsonb=$3 WHERE id=$2 RETURNING id', $1) USING $1, $2, $3 INTO ret; IF ret IS NOT NULL THEN RETURN ret; END IF; EXECUTE format('INSERT INTO testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.%I (id, jsonb) VALUES ($2, $3) RETURNING id', $1) USING $1, $2, $3 INTO STRICT ret; RETURN ret; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.upsert(text, uuid, anyelement) RETURNS uuid AS $$ DECLARE ret uuid; BEGIN EXECUTE format('UPDATE testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.%I SET jsonb=$3 WHERE id=$2 RETURNING id', $1) USING $1, $2, $3 INTO ret; IF ret IS NOT NULL THEN RETURN ret; END IF; EXECUTE format('INSERT INTO testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.%I (id, jsonb) VALUES ($2, $3) RETURNING id', $1) USING $1, $2, $3 INTO STRICT ret; RETURN ret; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DO $$ DECLARE ver integer; BEGIN SELECT current_setting('server_version_num') INTO ver; IF (ver >= 120000) THEN CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.f_unaccent(text) RETURNS text AS $f_unaccent$ SELECT public.unaccent('public.unaccent', $1) -- schema-qualify function and dictionary $f_unaccent$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; ELSE CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.f_unaccent(text) RETURNS text AS $f_unaccent$ SELECT regexp_replace(public.unaccent('public.unaccent', $1), E'[\u0300\u0301\u0302\u0303\u0304\u0305\u0306\u0307\u0308\u0309\u030a\u030b\u030c\u030d\u030e\u030f' || E'\u0310\u0311\u0312\u0313\u0314\u0315\u0316\u0317\u0318\u0319\u031a\u031b\u031c\u031d\u031e\u031f' || E'\u0320\u0321\u0322\u0323\u0324\u0325\u0326\u0327\u0328\u0329\u032a\u032b\u032c\u032d\u032e\u032f' || E'\u0330\u0331\u0332\u0333\u0334\u0335\u0336\u0337\u0338\u0339\u033a\u033b\u033c\u033d\u033e\u033f' || E'\u0340\u0341\u0342\u0343\u0344\u0345\u0346\u0347\u0348\u0349\u034a\u034b\u034c\u034d\u034e\u034f' || E'\u0350\u0351\u0352\u0353\u0354\u0355\u0356\u0357\u0358\u0359\u035a\u035b\u035c\u035d\u035e\u035f' || E'\u0360\u0361\u0362' || E'\u20dd\u20de\u20df\u20e0' || E'\u20e2\u20e3\u20e4]', '', 'g') $f_unaccent$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; END IF; END $$; 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DO $$ DECLARE ver integer; BEGIN SELECT current_setting('server_version_num') INTO ver; IF (ver >= 120000) THEN CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.f_unaccent(text) RETURNS text AS $f_unaccent$ SELECT public.unaccent('public.unaccent', $1) -- schema-qualify function and dictionary $f_unaccent$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; ELSE CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.f_unaccent(text) RETURNS text AS $f_unaccent$ SELECT regexp_replace(public.unaccent('public.unaccent', $1), E'[\u0300\u0301\u0302\u0303\u0304\u0305\u0306\u0307\u0308\u0309\u030a\u030b\u030c\u030d\u030e\u030f' || E'\u0310\u0311\u0312\u0313\u0314\u0315\u0316\u0317\u0318\u0319\u031a\u031b\u031c\u031d\u031e\u031f' || E'\u0320\u0321\u0322\u0323\u0324\u0325\u0326\u0327\u0328\u0329\u032a\u032b\u032c\u032d\u032e\u032f' || E'\u0330\u0331\u0332\u0333\u0334\u0335\u0336\u0337\u0338\u0339\u033a\u033b\u033c\u033d\u033e\u033f' || E'\u0340\u0341\u0342\u0343\u0344\u0345\u0346\u0347\u0348\u0349\u034a\u034b\u034c\u034d\u034e\u034f' || E'\u0350\u0351\u0352\u0353\u0354\u0355\u0356\u0357\u0358\u0359\u035a\u035b\u035c\u035d\u035e\u035f' || E'\u0360\u0361\u0362' || E'\u20dd\u20de\u20df\u20e0' || E'\u20e2\u20e3\u20e4]', '', 'g') $f_unaccent$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; END IF; END $$; 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.get_tsvector(text) RETURNS tsvector AS $$ SELECT to_tsvector('simple', translate($1, '&', ',')); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.get_tsvector(text) RETURNS tsvector AS $$ SELECT to_tsvector('simple', translate($1, '&', ',')); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.tsquery_and(text) RETURNS tsquery AS $$ SELECT to_tsquery('simple', string_agg(CASE WHEN length(v) = 0 OR v = '*' THEN '' WHEN right(v, 1) = '*' THEN '''' || left(v, -1) || ''':*' ELSE '''' || v || '''' END, '&')) FROM (SELECT regexp_split_to_table(translate($1, '&''', ',,'), ' +')) AS x(v); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.tsquery_and(text) RETURNS tsquery AS $$ SELECT to_tsquery('simple', string_agg(CASE WHEN length(v) = 0 OR v = '*' THEN '' WHEN right(v, 1) = '*' THEN '''' || left(v, -1) || ''':*' ELSE '''' || v || '''' END, '&')) FROM (SELECT regexp_split_to_table(translate($1, '&''', ',,'), ' +')) AS x(v); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.tsquery_or(text) RETURNS tsquery AS $$ SELECT replace(testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.tsquery_and($1)::text, '&', '|')::tsquery; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.tsquery_or(text) RETURNS tsquery AS $$ SELECT replace(testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.tsquery_and($1)::text, '&', '|')::tsquery; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.tsquery_phrase(text) RETURNS tsquery AS $$ SELECT replace(testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.tsquery_and($1)::text, '&', '<->')::tsquery; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.tsquery_phrase(text) RETURNS tsquery AS $$ SELECT replace(testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.tsquery_and($1)::text, '&', '<->')::tsquery; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.normalize_digits(text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT translate((regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[1], E' \t-', '') || CASE WHEN (regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[1] = '' THEN '' WHEN (regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[2] = '' THEN '' ELSE ' ' END || (regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[2]; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.normalize_digits(text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT translate((regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[1], E' \t-', '') || CASE WHEN (regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[1] = '' THEN '' WHEN (regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[2] = '' THEN '' ELSE ' ' END || (regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[2]; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.set_id_in_jsonb() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $$ BEGIN NEW.jsonb = jsonb_set(NEW.jsonb, '{id}', to_jsonb(NEW.id)); RETURN NEW; END; $$ language 'plpgsql'; 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.set_id_in_jsonb() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $$ BEGIN NEW.jsonb = jsonb_set(NEW.jsonb, '{id}', to_jsonb(NEW.id)); RETURN NEW; END; $$ language 'plpgsql'; 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} create or replace function testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.concat_space_sql(VARIADIC text[]) RETURNS text AS $$ select concat_ws(' ', VARIADIC $1); $$ LANGUAGE SQL IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed create or replace function testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.concat_space_sql(VARIADIC text[]) RETURNS text AS $$ select concat_ws(' ', VARIADIC $1); $$ LANGUAGE SQL IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} create or replace function testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object_values(jsonb_array jsonb, field text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT string_agg(value->>$2, ' ') FROM jsonb_array_elements($1); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed create or replace function testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object_values(jsonb_array jsonb, field text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT string_agg(value->>$2, ' ') FROM jsonb_array_elements($1); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} create or replace function testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object_values( jsonb_array jsonb, field text, filterkey text, filtervalue text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT string_agg(value->>$2, ' ') FROM jsonb_array_elements($1) WHERE value->>$3 = $4; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed create or replace function testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object_values( jsonb_array jsonb, field text, filterkey text, filtervalue text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT string_agg(value->>$2, ' ') FROM jsonb_array_elements($1) WHERE value->>$3 = $4; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} create or replace function testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.first_array_object_value( jsonb_array jsonb, field text, filterkey text, filtervalue text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT value->>$2 FROM jsonb_array_elements($1) WHERE value->>$3 = $4 LIMIT 1; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed create or replace function testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.first_array_object_value( jsonb_array jsonb, field text, filterkey text, filtervalue text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT value->>$2 FROM jsonb_array_elements($1) WHERE value->>$3 = $4 LIMIT 1; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} create or replace function testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object(jsonb_array jsonb) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT string_agg(value::text, ' ') FROM jsonb_array_elements_text($1); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed create or replace function testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object(jsonb_array jsonb) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT string_agg(value::text, ' ') FROM jsonb_array_elements_text($1); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS rmb_internal_index(aname text, tops text, newdef text); 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='00000', message='function rmb_internal_index(text,text,text) does not exist, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='dropcmds.c', line='491', routine='does_not_exist_skipping', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS rmb_internal_index(aname text, tops text, newdef text); 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION rmb_internal_index( atable text, aname text, tops text, newdef text) RETURNS void AS $$ DECLARE olddef text; namep CONSTANT text = concat(aname, '_p'); prepareddef text; BEGIN IF tops = 'DELETE' THEN -- use case insensitive %s, not case sensitive %I -- no SQL injection because the names are hard-coded in schema.json EXECUTE format('DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s', aname); EXECUTE 'DELETE FROM testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE name = $1' USING aname; RETURN; END IF; SELECT def INTO olddef FROM testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE name = aname; SELECT def INTO prepareddef FROM testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE name = namep; prepareddef = replace(prepareddef, concat(' ', namep, ' ON '), concat(' ', aname, ' ON ')); IF prepareddef = newdef THEN EXECUTE format('DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s', aname); EXECUTE format('ALTER INDEX IF EXISTS %s RENAME TO %s', namep, aname); EXECUTE 'DELETE FROM rmb_internal_index WHERE name = $1' USING namep; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO rmb_internal_analyze VALUES ($1)' USING atable; ELSIF olddef IS DISTINCT FROM newdef THEN EXECUTE format('DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s', aname); EXECUTE newdef; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO rmb_internal_analyze VALUES ($1)' USING atable; END IF; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index VALUES ($1, $2, FALSE) ' 'ON CONFLICT (name) DO UPDATE SET def = EXCLUDED.def, remove = EXCLUDED.remove' USING aname, newdef; END $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION rmb_internal_index( atable text, aname text, tops text, newdef text) RETURNS void AS $$ DECLARE olddef text; namep CONSTANT text = concat(aname, '_p'); prepareddef text; BEGIN IF tops = 'DELETE' THEN -- use case insensitive %s, not case sensitive %I -- no SQL injection because the names are hard-coded in schema.json EXECUTE format('DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s', aname); EXECUTE 'DELETE FROM testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE name = $1' USING aname; RETURN; END IF; SELECT def INTO olddef FROM testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE name = aname; SELECT def INTO prepareddef FROM testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE name = namep; prepareddef = replace(prepareddef, concat(' ', namep, ' ON '), concat(' ', aname, ' ON ')); IF prepareddef = newdef THEN EXECUTE format('DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s', aname); EXECUTE format('ALTER INDEX IF EXISTS %s RENAME TO %s', namep, aname); EXECUTE 'DELETE FROM rmb_internal_index WHERE name = $1' USING namep; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO rmb_internal_analyze VALUES ($1)' USING atable; ELSIF olddef IS DISTINCT FROM newdef THEN EXECUTE format('DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s', aname); EXECUTE newdef; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO rmb_internal_analyze VALUES ($1)' USING atable; END IF; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index VALUES ($1, $2, FALSE) ' 'ON CONFLICT (name) DO UPDATE SET def = EXCLUDED.def, remove = EXCLUDED.remove' USING aname, newdef; END $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DO $$ BEGIN -- use advisory lock to prevent "tuple concurrently updated" -- https://issues.folio.org/browse/RMB-744 PERFORM pg_advisory_xact_lock(20201101, 1234567890); REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ON SCHEMA public FROM testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub; REVOKE CREATE ON SCHEMA public FROM PUBLIC; END $$; 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DO $$ BEGIN -- use advisory lock to prevent "tuple concurrently updated" -- https://issues.folio.org/browse/RMB-744 PERFORM pg_advisory_xact_lock(20201101, 1234567890); REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ON SCHEMA public FROM testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub; REVOKE CREATE ON SCHEMA public FROM PUBLIC; END $$; 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DO $$ DECLARE aname TEXT; BEGIN FOR aname IN SELECT name FROM testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE remove = TRUE LOOP EXECUTE 'DROP INDEX IF EXISTS ' || aname; END LOOP; END $$; 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DO $$ DECLARE aname TEXT; BEGIN FOR aname IN SELECT name FROM testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE remove = TRUE LOOP EXECUTE 'DROP INDEX IF EXISTS ' || aname; END LOOP; END $$; 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DO $$ DECLARE version TEXT; i RECORD; newindexdef TEXT; BEGIN SELECT jsonb->>'rmbVersion' INTO version FROM testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal; IF version !~ '^(\d\.|1\d\.|2[0-8]\.|29\.[0-3]\.)' THEN -- skip this upgrade if last install/upgrade was made by RMB >= 29.4.x RETURN; END IF; FOR i IN SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_indexes WHERE schemaname = 'testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub' LOOP newindexdef := regexp_replace(i.indexdef, -- \m = beginning of a word, \M = end of a word '\mpublic\.(f_unaccent|concat_space_sql|concat_array_object_values|concat_array_object)\M', 'testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.\1', 'g'); IF newindexdef <> i.indexdef THEN EXECUTE 'DROP INDEX ' || i.indexname; EXECUTE newindexdef; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO rmb_internal_analyze VALUES ($1)' USING i.tablename; END IF; END LOOP; END $$; 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DO $$ DECLARE version TEXT; i RECORD; newindexdef TEXT; BEGIN SELECT jsonb->>'rmbVersion' INTO version FROM testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal; IF version !~ '^(\d\.|1\d\.|2[0-8]\.|29\.[0-3]\.)' THEN -- skip this upgrade if last install/upgrade was made by RMB >= 29.4.x RETURN; END IF; FOR i IN SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_indexes WHERE schemaname = 'testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub' LOOP newindexdef := regexp_replace(i.indexdef, -- \m = beginning of a word, \M = end of a word '\mpublic\.(f_unaccent|concat_space_sql|concat_array_object_values|concat_array_object)\M', 'testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.\1', 'g'); IF newindexdef <> i.indexdef THEN EXECUTE 'DROP INDEX ' || i.indexname; EXECUTE newindexdef; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO rmb_internal_analyze VALUES ($1)' USING i.tablename; END IF; END LOOP; END $$; 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DO $$ DECLARE t TEXT; BEGIN FOR t IN SELECT DISTINCT tablename FROM rmb_internal_analyze LOOP EXECUTE 'ANALYZE ' || t; END LOOP; END $$; 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DO $$ DECLARE t TEXT; BEGIN FOR t IN SELECT DISTINCT tablename FROM rmb_internal_analyze LOOP EXECUTE 'ANALYZE ' || t; END LOOP; END $$; 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} TRUNCATE rmb_internal_analyze; 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed TRUNCATE rmb_internal_analyze; 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub TO testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub; 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub TO testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub; 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} UPDATE testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal SET jsonb = jsonb || jsonb_build_object( 'rmbVersion', '33.0.4', 'moduleVersion', 'mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT.175', 'schemaJson', $mainftl${} $mainftl$); 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed UPDATE testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal SET jsonb = jsonb || jsonb_build_object( 'rmbVersion', '33.0.4', 'moduleVersion', 'mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT.175', 'schemaJson', $mainftl${} $mainftl$); 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] INFO LiquibaseUtil Initializing schema testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub for tenant testenant4634028158857650176 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] INFO leConnectionProvider Attempting to get connection for testenant4634028158857650176 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient DB config read from environment variables 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Using schema: testenant4634028158857650176 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient postgreSQLClientConfig = {"maxPoolSize":5,"port":5432,"username":"testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub","host":"","database":"okapi_modules","password":"...","postgres_tester":false} 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] INFO LiquibaseUtil Schema is initialized for tenant testenant4634028158857650176 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending GET for 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking getTenantByOperationId 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil GET /_/tenant/2809475c-ed1e-42f5-a0a7-69aad1d1c121 null HTTP_1_1 200 387 3 tid=testenant4634028158857650176 OK 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 200 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 201 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] INFO SecurityManagerImpl Created pubsub-user user 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 201 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] INFO SecurityManagerImpl Saved pubsub-user user credentials 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 403 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] ERROR SecurityManagerImpl Failed to add permissions for pubsub-user user. Received status code 403 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 201 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] INFO SecurityManagerImpl Logged in pubsub-user user 11:49:15 [] [] [] [] INFO TenantAPI job 2809475c-ed1e-42f5-a0a7-69aad1d1c121 completed 11:49:16 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking getTenantByOperationId 11:49:16 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil GET /_/tenant/2809475c-ed1e-42f5-a0a7-69aad1d1c121 null HTTP_1_1 200 386 2 tid=testenant4634028158857650176 OK 11:49:16 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking deleteTenantByOperationId 11:49:16 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil DELETE /_/tenant/2809475c-ed1e-42f5-a0a7-69aad1d1c121 null HTTP_1_1 204 0 2 tid=testenant4634028158857650176 No Content 11:49:16 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubEventTypes 11:49:16 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/event-types HTTP_1_1 201 133 2 tid=testenant4634028158857650176 Created 11:49:16 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubEventTypesDeclarePublisher 11:49:16 [] [] [] [] INFO afkaTopicServiceImpl Created topics: [LOG_RECORD] 11:49:16 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/event-types/declare/publisher HTTP_1_1 201 0 25 tid=testenant4634028158857650176 Created 11:49:34 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postTenant 11:49:34 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Executing multiple statements with id -256934176 11:49:34 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub CASCADE; 11:49:34 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='00000', message='drop cascades to 31 other objects', detail='drop cascades to table testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal drop cascades to table testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.rmb_job drop cascades to table testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index drop cascades to table testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_analyze drop cascades to function testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.uuid_smaller(uuid,uuid) drop cascades to function testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.uuid_larger(uuid,uuid) drop cascades to function testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.next_uuid(uuid) drop cascades to function testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.max(uuid) drop cascades to function testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.min(uuid) drop cascades to function testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(bigint,bigint,text) drop cascades to function testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_default(text) drop cascades to function testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.count_estimate(text) drop cascades to function testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.upsert(text,uuid,anyelement) drop cascades to function testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.f_unaccent(text) drop cascades to function testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.get_tsvector(text) drop cascades to function testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.tsquery_and(text) drop cascades to function testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.tsquery_or(text) drop cascades to function testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.tsquery_phrase(text) drop cascades to function testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.normalize_digits(text) drop cascades to function testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.set_id_in_jsonb() drop cascades to function testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.concat_space_sql(text[]) drop cascades to function testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object_values(jsonb,text) drop cascades to function testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object_values(jsonb,text,text,text) drop cascades to function testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.first_array_object_value(jsonb,text,text,text) drop cascades to function testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object(jsonb) drop cascades to function testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index(text,text,text,text) drop cascades to table testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.databasechangeloglock drop cascades to table testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.databasechangelog drop cascades to table testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.audit_message_payload drop cascades to table testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.audit_message drop cascades to type testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub.message_state', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='dependency.c', line='1214', routine='reportDependentObjects', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 11:49:34 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub CASCADE; 11:49:34 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP ROLE IF EXISTS testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub; 11:49:34 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP ROLE IF EXISTS testenant4634028158857650176_mod_pubsub; 11:49:34 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /_/tenant null HTTP_1_1 204 0 16 tid=testenant4634028158857650176 No Content 11:51:59 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postTenant 11:51:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Executing multiple statements with id 916362215 11:51:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE ROLE testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub PASSWORD 'testenant4652704290023577600' NOSUPERUSER NOCREATEDB INHERIT LOGIN; 11:51:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE ROLE testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub PASSWORD 'testenant4652704290023577600' NOSUPERUSER NOCREATEDB INHERIT LOGIN; 11:51:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} GRANT testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub TO CURRENT_USER; 11:51:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed GRANT testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub TO CURRENT_USER; 11:51:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE SCHEMA testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub AUTHORIZATION testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub; 11:51:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE SCHEMA testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub AUTHORIZATION testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub; 11:51:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} ALTER ROLE testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub SET search_path = "$user"; 11:51:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed ALTER ROLE testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub SET search_path = "$user"; 11:51:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DO $$ BEGIN BEGIN -- This only succeeds if show_trgm, a pg_trgm function, -- has been loaded into public schema. PERFORM public.show_trgm('a'); EXCEPTION WHEN undefined_function THEN BEGIN ALTER EXTENSION pg_trgm SET SCHEMA public; EXCEPTION WHEN undefined_object THEN NULL; END; END; END $$; 11:51:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DO $$ BEGIN BEGIN -- This only succeeds if show_trgm, a pg_trgm function, -- has been loaded into public schema. PERFORM public.show_trgm('a'); EXCEPTION WHEN undefined_function THEN BEGIN ALTER EXTENSION pg_trgm SET SCHEMA public; EXCEPTION WHEN undefined_object THEN NULL; END; END; END $$; 11:51:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS unaccent WITH SCHEMA public; 11:51:59 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='42710', message='extension "unaccent" already exists, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='extension.c', line='1761', routine='CreateExtension', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 11:51:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS unaccent WITH SCHEMA public; 11:51:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS pg_trgm WITH SCHEMA public; 11:51:59 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='42710', message='extension "pg_trgm" already exists, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='extension.c', line='1761', routine='CreateExtension', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 11:51:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS pg_trgm WITH SCHEMA public; 11:51:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, jsonb JSONB NOT NULL ); 11:51:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, jsonb JSONB NOT NULL ); 11:51:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} insert into testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal (jsonb) values ('{"rmbVersion": "33.0.4", "moduleVersion": "mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT.175"}'::jsonb); 11:51:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed insert into testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal (jsonb) values ('{"rmbVersion": "33.0.4", "moduleVersion": "mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT.175"}'::jsonb); 11:51:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.rmb_job ( id UUID PRIMARY KEY, jsonb JSONB NOT NULL ); 11:51:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.rmb_job ( id UUID PRIMARY KEY, jsonb JSONB NOT NULL ); 11:51:59 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /_/tenant null HTTP_1_1 201 387 40 tid=testenant4652704290023577600 Created 11:51:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Executing multiple statements with id -1092963195 11:51:59 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking getTenantByOperationId 11:51:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} SET search_path TO testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub; 11:51:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed SET search_path TO testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub; 11:51:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index ( name text PRIMARY KEY, def text NOT NULL, remove boolean NOT NULL ); 11:51:59 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil GET /_/tenant/760cebc0-2675-4a48-839c-9c4cfdfb6219 null HTTP_1_1 200 387 5 tid=testenant4652704290023577600 OK 11:51:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index ( name text PRIMARY KEY, def text NOT NULL, remove boolean NOT NULL ); 11:51:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} UPDATE testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index SET remove = TRUE; 11:51:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed UPDATE testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index SET remove = TRUE; 11:51:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS rmb_internal_analyze ( tablename text ); 11:51:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS rmb_internal_analyze ( tablename text ); 11:51:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.uuid_smaller(uuid, uuid) RETURNS uuid AS $$ BEGIN IF $1 IS NULL THEN RETURN $2; END IF; IF $2 IS NULL THEN RETURN $1; END IF; IF $1 < $2 THEN RETURN $1; ELSE RETURN $2; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 11:51:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.uuid_smaller(uuid, uuid) RETURNS uuid AS $$ BEGIN IF $1 IS NULL THEN RETURN $2; END IF; IF $2 IS NULL THEN RETURN $1; END IF; IF $1 < $2 THEN RETURN $1; ELSE RETURN $2; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 11:51:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.uuid_larger(uuid, uuid) RETURNS uuid AS $$ BEGIN IF $1 IS NULL THEN RETURN $2; END IF; IF $2 IS NULL THEN RETURN $1; END IF; IF $1 > $2 THEN RETURN $1; ELSE RETURN $2; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 11:51:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.uuid_larger(uuid, uuid) RETURNS uuid AS $$ BEGIN IF $1 IS NULL THEN RETURN $2; END IF; IF $2 IS NULL THEN RETURN $1; END IF; IF $1 > $2 THEN RETURN $1; ELSE RETURN $2; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 11:51:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.next_uuid(uuid) RETURNS uuid AS $$ DECLARE uuid text; digit text; BEGIN uuid = $1; FOR i IN REVERSE 36..1 LOOP digit := substring(uuid from i for 1); -- skip minus, version byte M and variant byte N CONTINUE WHEN digit = '-' OR i = 15 OR i = 20; CASE digit WHEN '0' THEN digit := '1'; WHEN '1' THEN digit := '2'; WHEN '2' THEN digit := '3'; WHEN '3' THEN digit := '4'; WHEN '4' THEN digit := '5'; WHEN '5' THEN digit := '6'; WHEN '6' THEN digit := '7'; WHEN '7' THEN digit := '8'; WHEN '8' THEN digit := '9'; WHEN '9' THEN digit := 'a'; WHEN 'a' THEN digit := 'b'; WHEN 'b' THEN digit := 'c'; WHEN 'c' THEN digit := 'd'; WHEN 'd' THEN digit := 'e'; WHEN 'e' THEN digit := 'f'; WHEN 'f' THEN digit := '0'; ELSE NULL; END CASE; uuid = overlay(uuid placing digit from i); EXIT WHEN digit <> '0'; END LOOP; RETURN uuid; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 11:51:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.next_uuid(uuid) RETURNS uuid AS $$ DECLARE uuid text; digit text; BEGIN uuid = $1; FOR i IN REVERSE 36..1 LOOP digit := substring(uuid from i for 1); -- skip minus, version byte M and variant byte N CONTINUE WHEN digit = '-' OR i = 15 OR i = 20; CASE digit WHEN '0' THEN digit := '1'; WHEN '1' THEN digit := '2'; WHEN '2' THEN digit := '3'; WHEN '3' THEN digit := '4'; WHEN '4' THEN digit := '5'; WHEN '5' THEN digit := '6'; WHEN '6' THEN digit := '7'; WHEN '7' THEN digit := '8'; WHEN '8' THEN digit := '9'; WHEN '9' THEN digit := 'a'; WHEN 'a' THEN digit := 'b'; WHEN 'b' THEN digit := 'c'; WHEN 'c' THEN digit := 'd'; WHEN 'd' THEN digit := 'e'; WHEN 'e' THEN digit := 'f'; WHEN 'f' THEN digit := '0'; ELSE NULL; END CASE; uuid = overlay(uuid placing digit from i); EXIT WHEN digit <> '0'; END LOOP; RETURN uuid; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 11:51:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE AGGREGATE testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.max(uuid) ( stype = uuid, sfunc = testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.uuid_larger, combinefunc = testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.uuid_larger, parallel = safe, sortop = operator (>) ); 11:51:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE AGGREGATE testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.max(uuid) ( stype = uuid, sfunc = testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.uuid_larger, combinefunc = testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.uuid_larger, parallel = safe, sortop = operator (>) ); 11:51:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE AGGREGATE testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.min(uuid) ( stype = uuid, sfunc = testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.uuid_smaller, combinefunc = testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.uuid_smaller, parallel = safe, sortop = operator (<) ); 11:51:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE AGGREGATE testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.min(uuid) ( stype = uuid, sfunc = testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.uuid_smaller, combinefunc = testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.uuid_smaller, parallel = safe, sortop = operator (<) ); 11:51:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(bigint,bigint,text); 11:51:59 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='00000', message='function testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(pg_catalog.int8,pg_catalog.int8,text) does not exist, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='dropcmds.c', line='491', routine='does_not_exist_skipping', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 11:51:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(bigint,bigint,text); 11:51:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE FUNCTION testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(rows bigint, lim bigint, query text) RETURNS bigint AS $$ DECLARE rec record; cnt bigint; BEGIN IF rows = lim THEN FOR rec IN EXECUTE 'EXPLAIN ' || query LOOP cnt := substring(rec."QUERY PLAN" FROM ' rows=([[:digit:]]+)'); EXIT WHEN cnt IS NOT NULL; END LOOP; RETURN cnt; END IF; RETURN rows; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql VOLATILE STRICT; 11:51:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE FUNCTION testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(rows bigint, lim bigint, query text) RETURNS bigint AS $$ DECLARE rec record; cnt bigint; BEGIN IF rows = lim THEN FOR rec IN EXECUTE 'EXPLAIN ' || query LOOP cnt := substring(rec."QUERY PLAN" FROM ' rows=([[:digit:]]+)'); EXIT WHEN cnt IS NOT NULL; END LOOP; RETURN cnt; END IF; RETURN rows; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql VOLATILE STRICT; 11:51:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_default(query text) RETURNS bigint AS $$ DECLARE rows bigint; q text; BEGIN q = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (' || query || ' LIMIT 1000) x'; EXECUTE q INTO rows; IF rows < 1000 THEN return rows; END IF; rows = testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(1000, 1000, query); IF rows < 1000 THEN return 1000; END IF; RETURN rows; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE STRICT; 11:51:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_default(query text) RETURNS bigint AS $$ DECLARE rows bigint; q text; BEGIN q = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (' || query || ' LIMIT 1000) x'; EXECUTE q INTO rows; IF rows < 1000 THEN return rows; END IF; rows = testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(1000, 1000, query); IF rows < 1000 THEN return 1000; END IF; RETURN rows; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE STRICT; 11:51:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.count_estimate(query text) RETURNS bigint AS $$ DECLARE count bigint; est_count bigint; q text; BEGIN est_count = testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(1000, 1000, query); IF est_count > 4*1000 THEN RETURN est_count; END IF; q = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (' || query || ' LIMIT 1000) x'; EXECUTE q INTO count; IF count < 1000 THEN RETURN count; END IF; IF est_count < 1000 THEN RETURN 1000; END IF; RETURN est_count; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql STABLE STRICT; 11:51:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.count_estimate(query text) RETURNS bigint AS $$ DECLARE count bigint; est_count bigint; q text; BEGIN est_count = testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(1000, 1000, query); IF est_count > 4*1000 THEN RETURN est_count; END IF; q = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (' || query || ' LIMIT 1000) x'; EXECUTE q INTO count; IF count < 1000 THEN RETURN count; END IF; IF est_count < 1000 THEN RETURN 1000; END IF; RETURN est_count; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql STABLE STRICT; 11:51:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.upsert(text, uuid, anyelement) RETURNS uuid AS $$ DECLARE ret uuid; BEGIN EXECUTE format('UPDATE testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.%I SET jsonb=$3 WHERE id=$2 RETURNING id', $1) USING $1, $2, $3 INTO ret; IF ret IS NOT NULL THEN RETURN ret; END IF; EXECUTE format('INSERT INTO testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.%I (id, jsonb) VALUES ($2, $3) RETURNING id', $1) USING $1, $2, $3 INTO STRICT ret; RETURN ret; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 11:51:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.upsert(text, uuid, anyelement) RETURNS uuid AS $$ DECLARE ret uuid; BEGIN EXECUTE format('UPDATE testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.%I SET jsonb=$3 WHERE id=$2 RETURNING id', $1) USING $1, $2, $3 INTO ret; IF ret IS NOT NULL THEN RETURN ret; END IF; EXECUTE format('INSERT INTO testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.%I (id, jsonb) VALUES ($2, $3) RETURNING id', $1) USING $1, $2, $3 INTO STRICT ret; RETURN ret; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 11:51:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DO $$ DECLARE ver integer; BEGIN SELECT current_setting('server_version_num') INTO ver; IF (ver >= 120000) THEN CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.f_unaccent(text) RETURNS text AS $f_unaccent$ SELECT public.unaccent('public.unaccent', $1) -- schema-qualify function and dictionary $f_unaccent$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; ELSE CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.f_unaccent(text) RETURNS text AS $f_unaccent$ SELECT regexp_replace(public.unaccent('public.unaccent', $1), E'[\u0300\u0301\u0302\u0303\u0304\u0305\u0306\u0307\u0308\u0309\u030a\u030b\u030c\u030d\u030e\u030f' || E'\u0310\u0311\u0312\u0313\u0314\u0315\u0316\u0317\u0318\u0319\u031a\u031b\u031c\u031d\u031e\u031f' || E'\u0320\u0321\u0322\u0323\u0324\u0325\u0326\u0327\u0328\u0329\u032a\u032b\u032c\u032d\u032e\u032f' || E'\u0330\u0331\u0332\u0333\u0334\u0335\u0336\u0337\u0338\u0339\u033a\u033b\u033c\u033d\u033e\u033f' || E'\u0340\u0341\u0342\u0343\u0344\u0345\u0346\u0347\u0348\u0349\u034a\u034b\u034c\u034d\u034e\u034f' || E'\u0350\u0351\u0352\u0353\u0354\u0355\u0356\u0357\u0358\u0359\u035a\u035b\u035c\u035d\u035e\u035f' || E'\u0360\u0361\u0362' || E'\u20dd\u20de\u20df\u20e0' || E'\u20e2\u20e3\u20e4]', '', 'g') $f_unaccent$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; END IF; END $$; 11:51:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DO $$ DECLARE ver integer; BEGIN SELECT current_setting('server_version_num') INTO ver; IF (ver >= 120000) THEN CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.f_unaccent(text) RETURNS text AS $f_unaccent$ SELECT public.unaccent('public.unaccent', $1) -- schema-qualify function and dictionary $f_unaccent$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; ELSE CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.f_unaccent(text) RETURNS text AS $f_unaccent$ SELECT regexp_replace(public.unaccent('public.unaccent', $1), E'[\u0300\u0301\u0302\u0303\u0304\u0305\u0306\u0307\u0308\u0309\u030a\u030b\u030c\u030d\u030e\u030f' || E'\u0310\u0311\u0312\u0313\u0314\u0315\u0316\u0317\u0318\u0319\u031a\u031b\u031c\u031d\u031e\u031f' || E'\u0320\u0321\u0322\u0323\u0324\u0325\u0326\u0327\u0328\u0329\u032a\u032b\u032c\u032d\u032e\u032f' || E'\u0330\u0331\u0332\u0333\u0334\u0335\u0336\u0337\u0338\u0339\u033a\u033b\u033c\u033d\u033e\u033f' || E'\u0340\u0341\u0342\u0343\u0344\u0345\u0346\u0347\u0348\u0349\u034a\u034b\u034c\u034d\u034e\u034f' || E'\u0350\u0351\u0352\u0353\u0354\u0355\u0356\u0357\u0358\u0359\u035a\u035b\u035c\u035d\u035e\u035f' || E'\u0360\u0361\u0362' || E'\u20dd\u20de\u20df\u20e0' || E'\u20e2\u20e3\u20e4]', '', 'g') $f_unaccent$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; END IF; END $$; 11:51:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.get_tsvector(text) RETURNS tsvector AS $$ SELECT to_tsvector('simple', translate($1, '&', ',')); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:51:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.get_tsvector(text) RETURNS tsvector AS $$ SELECT to_tsvector('simple', translate($1, '&', ',')); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:51:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.tsquery_and(text) RETURNS tsquery AS $$ SELECT to_tsquery('simple', string_agg(CASE WHEN length(v) = 0 OR v = '*' THEN '' WHEN right(v, 1) = '*' THEN '''' || left(v, -1) || ''':*' ELSE '''' || v || '''' END, '&')) FROM (SELECT regexp_split_to_table(translate($1, '&''', ',,'), ' +')) AS x(v); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:51:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.tsquery_and(text) RETURNS tsquery AS $$ SELECT to_tsquery('simple', string_agg(CASE WHEN length(v) = 0 OR v = '*' THEN '' WHEN right(v, 1) = '*' THEN '''' || left(v, -1) || ''':*' ELSE '''' || v || '''' END, '&')) FROM (SELECT regexp_split_to_table(translate($1, '&''', ',,'), ' +')) AS x(v); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:51:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.tsquery_or(text) RETURNS tsquery AS $$ SELECT replace(testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.tsquery_and($1)::text, '&', '|')::tsquery; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:51:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.tsquery_or(text) RETURNS tsquery AS $$ SELECT replace(testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.tsquery_and($1)::text, '&', '|')::tsquery; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:51:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.tsquery_phrase(text) RETURNS tsquery AS $$ SELECT replace(testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.tsquery_and($1)::text, '&', '<->')::tsquery; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:51:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.tsquery_phrase(text) RETURNS tsquery AS $$ SELECT replace(testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.tsquery_and($1)::text, '&', '<->')::tsquery; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:51:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.normalize_digits(text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT translate((regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[1], E' \t-', '') || CASE WHEN (regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[1] = '' THEN '' WHEN (regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[2] = '' THEN '' ELSE ' ' END || (regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[2]; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:51:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.normalize_digits(text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT translate((regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[1], E' \t-', '') || CASE WHEN (regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[1] = '' THEN '' WHEN (regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[2] = '' THEN '' ELSE ' ' END || (regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[2]; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:51:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.set_id_in_jsonb() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $$ BEGIN NEW.jsonb = jsonb_set(NEW.jsonb, '{id}', to_jsonb(NEW.id)); RETURN NEW; END; $$ language 'plpgsql'; 11:51:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.set_id_in_jsonb() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $$ BEGIN NEW.jsonb = jsonb_set(NEW.jsonb, '{id}', to_jsonb(NEW.id)); RETURN NEW; END; $$ language 'plpgsql'; 11:51:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} create or replace function testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.concat_space_sql(VARIADIC text[]) RETURNS text AS $$ select concat_ws(' ', VARIADIC $1); $$ LANGUAGE SQL IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:51:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed create or replace function testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.concat_space_sql(VARIADIC text[]) RETURNS text AS $$ select concat_ws(' ', VARIADIC $1); $$ LANGUAGE SQL IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:51:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} create or replace function testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object_values(jsonb_array jsonb, field text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT string_agg(value->>$2, ' ') FROM jsonb_array_elements($1); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:51:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed create or replace function testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object_values(jsonb_array jsonb, field text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT string_agg(value->>$2, ' ') FROM jsonb_array_elements($1); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:51:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} create or replace function testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object_values( jsonb_array jsonb, field text, filterkey text, filtervalue text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT string_agg(value->>$2, ' ') FROM jsonb_array_elements($1) WHERE value->>$3 = $4; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:51:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed create or replace function testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object_values( jsonb_array jsonb, field text, filterkey text, filtervalue text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT string_agg(value->>$2, ' ') FROM jsonb_array_elements($1) WHERE value->>$3 = $4; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:51:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} create or replace function testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.first_array_object_value( jsonb_array jsonb, field text, filterkey text, filtervalue text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT value->>$2 FROM jsonb_array_elements($1) WHERE value->>$3 = $4 LIMIT 1; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:51:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed create or replace function testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.first_array_object_value( jsonb_array jsonb, field text, filterkey text, filtervalue text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT value->>$2 FROM jsonb_array_elements($1) WHERE value->>$3 = $4 LIMIT 1; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:51:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} create or replace function testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object(jsonb_array jsonb) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT string_agg(value::text, ' ') FROM jsonb_array_elements_text($1); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:51:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed create or replace function testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object(jsonb_array jsonb) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT string_agg(value::text, ' ') FROM jsonb_array_elements_text($1); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:51:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS rmb_internal_index(aname text, tops text, newdef text); 11:51:59 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='00000', message='function rmb_internal_index(text,text,text) does not exist, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='dropcmds.c', line='491', routine='does_not_exist_skipping', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 11:51:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS rmb_internal_index(aname text, tops text, newdef text); 11:51:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION rmb_internal_index( atable text, aname text, tops text, newdef text) RETURNS void AS $$ DECLARE olddef text; namep CONSTANT text = concat(aname, '_p'); prepareddef text; BEGIN IF tops = 'DELETE' THEN -- use case insensitive %s, not case sensitive %I -- no SQL injection because the names are hard-coded in schema.json EXECUTE format('DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s', aname); EXECUTE 'DELETE FROM testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE name = $1' USING aname; RETURN; END IF; SELECT def INTO olddef FROM testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE name = aname; SELECT def INTO prepareddef FROM testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE name = namep; prepareddef = replace(prepareddef, concat(' ', namep, ' ON '), concat(' ', aname, ' ON ')); IF prepareddef = newdef THEN EXECUTE format('DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s', aname); EXECUTE format('ALTER INDEX IF EXISTS %s RENAME TO %s', namep, aname); EXECUTE 'DELETE FROM rmb_internal_index WHERE name = $1' USING namep; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO rmb_internal_analyze VALUES ($1)' USING atable; ELSIF olddef IS DISTINCT FROM newdef THEN EXECUTE format('DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s', aname); EXECUTE newdef; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO rmb_internal_analyze VALUES ($1)' USING atable; END IF; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index VALUES ($1, $2, FALSE) ' 'ON CONFLICT (name) DO UPDATE SET def = EXCLUDED.def, remove = EXCLUDED.remove' USING aname, newdef; END $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 11:51:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION rmb_internal_index( atable text, aname text, tops text, newdef text) RETURNS void AS $$ DECLARE olddef text; namep CONSTANT text = concat(aname, '_p'); prepareddef text; BEGIN IF tops = 'DELETE' THEN -- use case insensitive %s, not case sensitive %I -- no SQL injection because the names are hard-coded in schema.json EXECUTE format('DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s', aname); EXECUTE 'DELETE FROM testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE name = $1' USING aname; RETURN; END IF; SELECT def INTO olddef FROM testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE name = aname; SELECT def INTO prepareddef FROM testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE name = namep; prepareddef = replace(prepareddef, concat(' ', namep, ' ON '), concat(' ', aname, ' ON ')); IF prepareddef = newdef THEN EXECUTE format('DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s', aname); EXECUTE format('ALTER INDEX IF EXISTS %s RENAME TO %s', namep, aname); EXECUTE 'DELETE FROM rmb_internal_index WHERE name = $1' USING namep; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO rmb_internal_analyze VALUES ($1)' USING atable; ELSIF olddef IS DISTINCT FROM newdef THEN EXECUTE format('DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s', aname); EXECUTE newdef; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO rmb_internal_analyze VALUES ($1)' USING atable; END IF; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index VALUES ($1, $2, FALSE) ' 'ON CONFLICT (name) DO UPDATE SET def = EXCLUDED.def, remove = EXCLUDED.remove' USING aname, newdef; END $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 11:51:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DO $$ BEGIN -- use advisory lock to prevent "tuple concurrently updated" -- https://issues.folio.org/browse/RMB-744 PERFORM pg_advisory_xact_lock(20201101, 1234567890); REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ON SCHEMA public FROM testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub; REVOKE CREATE ON SCHEMA public FROM PUBLIC; END $$; 11:51:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DO $$ BEGIN -- use advisory lock to prevent "tuple concurrently updated" -- https://issues.folio.org/browse/RMB-744 PERFORM pg_advisory_xact_lock(20201101, 1234567890); REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ON SCHEMA public FROM testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub; REVOKE CREATE ON SCHEMA public FROM PUBLIC; END $$; 11:51:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DO $$ DECLARE aname TEXT; BEGIN FOR aname IN SELECT name FROM testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE remove = TRUE LOOP EXECUTE 'DROP INDEX IF EXISTS ' || aname; END LOOP; END $$; 11:51:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DO $$ DECLARE aname TEXT; BEGIN FOR aname IN SELECT name FROM testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE remove = TRUE LOOP EXECUTE 'DROP INDEX IF EXISTS ' || aname; END LOOP; END $$; 11:51:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DO $$ DECLARE version TEXT; i RECORD; newindexdef TEXT; BEGIN SELECT jsonb->>'rmbVersion' INTO version FROM testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal; IF version !~ '^(\d\.|1\d\.|2[0-8]\.|29\.[0-3]\.)' THEN -- skip this upgrade if last install/upgrade was made by RMB >= 29.4.x RETURN; END IF; FOR i IN SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_indexes WHERE schemaname = 'testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub' LOOP newindexdef := regexp_replace(i.indexdef, -- \m = beginning of a word, \M = end of a word '\mpublic\.(f_unaccent|concat_space_sql|concat_array_object_values|concat_array_object)\M', 'testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.\1', 'g'); IF newindexdef <> i.indexdef THEN EXECUTE 'DROP INDEX ' || i.indexname; EXECUTE newindexdef; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO rmb_internal_analyze VALUES ($1)' USING i.tablename; END IF; END LOOP; END $$; 11:51:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DO $$ DECLARE version TEXT; i RECORD; newindexdef TEXT; BEGIN SELECT jsonb->>'rmbVersion' INTO version FROM testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal; IF version !~ '^(\d\.|1\d\.|2[0-8]\.|29\.[0-3]\.)' THEN -- skip this upgrade if last install/upgrade was made by RMB >= 29.4.x RETURN; END IF; FOR i IN SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_indexes WHERE schemaname = 'testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub' LOOP newindexdef := regexp_replace(i.indexdef, -- \m = beginning of a word, \M = end of a word '\mpublic\.(f_unaccent|concat_space_sql|concat_array_object_values|concat_array_object)\M', 'testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.\1', 'g'); IF newindexdef <> i.indexdef THEN EXECUTE 'DROP INDEX ' || i.indexname; EXECUTE newindexdef; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO rmb_internal_analyze VALUES ($1)' USING i.tablename; END IF; END LOOP; END $$; 11:51:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DO $$ DECLARE t TEXT; BEGIN FOR t IN SELECT DISTINCT tablename FROM rmb_internal_analyze LOOP EXECUTE 'ANALYZE ' || t; END LOOP; END $$; 11:51:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DO $$ DECLARE t TEXT; BEGIN FOR t IN SELECT DISTINCT tablename FROM rmb_internal_analyze LOOP EXECUTE 'ANALYZE ' || t; END LOOP; END $$; 11:51:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} TRUNCATE rmb_internal_analyze; 11:51:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed TRUNCATE rmb_internal_analyze; 11:51:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub TO testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub; 11:51:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub TO testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub; 11:51:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} UPDATE testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal SET jsonb = jsonb || jsonb_build_object( 'rmbVersion', '33.0.4', 'moduleVersion', 'mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT.175', 'schemaJson', $mainftl${} $mainftl$); 11:51:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed UPDATE testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal SET jsonb = jsonb || jsonb_build_object( 'rmbVersion', '33.0.4', 'moduleVersion', 'mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT.175', 'schemaJson', $mainftl${} $mainftl$); 11:51:59 [] [] [] [] INFO LiquibaseUtil Initializing schema testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub for tenant testenant4652704290023577600 11:51:59 [] [] [] [] INFO leConnectionProvider Attempting to get connection for testenant4652704290023577600 11:51:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient DB config read from environment variables 11:51:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Using schema: testenant4652704290023577600 11:51:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient postgreSQLClientConfig = {"maxPoolSize":5,"port":5432,"username":"testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub","host":"","database":"okapi_modules","password":"...","postgres_tester":false} 11:52:00 [] [] [] [] INFO LiquibaseUtil Schema is initialized for tenant testenant4652704290023577600 11:52:00 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending GET for 11:52:00 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking getTenantByOperationId 11:52:00 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil GET /_/tenant/760cebc0-2675-4a48-839c-9c4cfdfb6219 null HTTP_1_1 200 387 2 tid=testenant4652704290023577600 OK 11:52:00 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 200 11:52:00 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 11:52:00 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 201 11:52:00 [] [] [] [] INFO SecurityManagerImpl Created pubsub-user user 11:52:00 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 11:52:00 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 201 11:52:00 [] [] [] [] INFO SecurityManagerImpl Saved pubsub-user user credentials 11:52:00 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 11:52:00 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 403 11:52:00 [] [] [] [] ERROR SecurityManagerImpl Failed to add permissions for pubsub-user user. Received status code 403 11:52:00 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 11:52:00 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 201 11:52:00 [] [] [] [] INFO SecurityManagerImpl Logged in pubsub-user user 11:52:00 [] [] [] [] INFO TenantAPI job 760cebc0-2675-4a48-839c-9c4cfdfb6219 completed 11:52:00 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking getTenantByOperationId 11:52:00 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil GET /_/tenant/760cebc0-2675-4a48-839c-9c4cfdfb6219 null HTTP_1_1 200 386 2 tid=testenant4652704290023577600 OK 11:52:00 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking deleteTenantByOperationId 11:52:00 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil DELETE /_/tenant/760cebc0-2675-4a48-839c-9c4cfdfb6219 null HTTP_1_1 204 0 3 tid=testenant4652704290023577600 No Content 11:52:01 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubEventTypes 11:52:01 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/event-types HTTP_1_1 201 133 2 tid=testenant4652704290023577600 Created 11:52:01 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubEventTypesDeclarePublisher 11:52:01 [] [] [] [] INFO afkaTopicServiceImpl Created topics: [LOG_RECORD] 11:52:01 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/event-types/declare/publisher HTTP_1_1 201 0 22 tid=testenant4652704290023577600 Created 11:52:17 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postTenant 11:52:17 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Executing multiple statements with id 1617975680 11:52:17 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub CASCADE; 11:52:17 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='00000', message='drop cascades to 31 other objects', detail='drop cascades to table testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal drop cascades to table testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.rmb_job drop cascades to table testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index drop cascades to table testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_analyze drop cascades to function testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.uuid_smaller(uuid,uuid) drop cascades to function testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.uuid_larger(uuid,uuid) drop cascades to function testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.next_uuid(uuid) drop cascades to function testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.max(uuid) drop cascades to function testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.min(uuid) drop cascades to function testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(bigint,bigint,text) drop cascades to function testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_default(text) drop cascades to function testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.count_estimate(text) drop cascades to function testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.upsert(text,uuid,anyelement) drop cascades to function testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.f_unaccent(text) drop cascades to function testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.get_tsvector(text) drop cascades to function testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.tsquery_and(text) drop cascades to function testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.tsquery_or(text) drop cascades to function testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.tsquery_phrase(text) drop cascades to function testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.normalize_digits(text) drop cascades to function testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.set_id_in_jsonb() drop cascades to function testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.concat_space_sql(text[]) drop cascades to function testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object_values(jsonb,text) drop cascades to function testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object_values(jsonb,text,text,text) drop cascades to function testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.first_array_object_value(jsonb,text,text,text) drop cascades to function testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object(jsonb) drop cascades to function testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index(text,text,text,text) drop cascades to table testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.databasechangeloglock drop cascades to table testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.databasechangelog drop cascades to table testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.audit_message_payload drop cascades to table testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.audit_message drop cascades to type testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub.message_state', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='dependency.c', line='1214', routine='reportDependentObjects', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 11:52:17 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub CASCADE; 11:52:17 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP ROLE IF EXISTS testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub; 11:52:17 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP ROLE IF EXISTS testenant4652704290023577600_mod_pubsub; 11:52:17 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /_/tenant null HTTP_1_1 204 0 18 tid=testenant4652704290023577600 No Content 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postTenant 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Executing multiple statements with id -23226726 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE ROLE testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub PASSWORD 'testenant7557712891711631360' NOSUPERUSER NOCREATEDB INHERIT LOGIN; 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE ROLE testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub PASSWORD 'testenant7557712891711631360' NOSUPERUSER NOCREATEDB INHERIT LOGIN; 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} GRANT testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub TO CURRENT_USER; 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed GRANT testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub TO CURRENT_USER; 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE SCHEMA testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub AUTHORIZATION testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub; 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE SCHEMA testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub AUTHORIZATION testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub; 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} ALTER ROLE testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub SET search_path = "$user"; 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed ALTER ROLE testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub SET search_path = "$user"; 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DO $$ BEGIN BEGIN -- This only succeeds if show_trgm, a pg_trgm function, -- has been loaded into public schema. PERFORM public.show_trgm('a'); EXCEPTION WHEN undefined_function THEN BEGIN ALTER EXTENSION pg_trgm SET SCHEMA public; EXCEPTION WHEN undefined_object THEN NULL; END; END; END $$; 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DO $$ BEGIN BEGIN -- This only succeeds if show_trgm, a pg_trgm function, -- has been loaded into public schema. PERFORM public.show_trgm('a'); EXCEPTION WHEN undefined_function THEN BEGIN ALTER EXTENSION pg_trgm SET SCHEMA public; EXCEPTION WHEN undefined_object THEN NULL; END; END; END $$; 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS unaccent WITH SCHEMA public; 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='42710', message='extension "unaccent" already exists, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='extension.c', line='1761', routine='CreateExtension', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS unaccent WITH SCHEMA public; 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS pg_trgm WITH SCHEMA public; 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='42710', message='extension "pg_trgm" already exists, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='extension.c', line='1761', routine='CreateExtension', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS pg_trgm WITH SCHEMA public; 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, jsonb JSONB NOT NULL ); 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, jsonb JSONB NOT NULL ); 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} insert into testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal (jsonb) values ('{"rmbVersion": "33.0.4", "moduleVersion": "mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT.175"}'::jsonb); 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed insert into testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal (jsonb) values ('{"rmbVersion": "33.0.4", "moduleVersion": "mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT.175"}'::jsonb); 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.rmb_job ( id UUID PRIMARY KEY, jsonb JSONB NOT NULL ); 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.rmb_job ( id UUID PRIMARY KEY, jsonb JSONB NOT NULL ); 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /_/tenant null HTTP_1_1 201 387 42 tid=testenant7557712891711631360 Created 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Executing multiple statements with id 158384419 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking getTenantByOperationId 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} SET search_path TO testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub; 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed SET search_path TO testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub; 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index ( name text PRIMARY KEY, def text NOT NULL, remove boolean NOT NULL ); 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil GET /_/tenant/331f89cf-45d6-4a9c-a6a7-370b4b8c7543 null HTTP_1_1 200 387 6 tid=testenant7557712891711631360 OK 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index ( name text PRIMARY KEY, def text NOT NULL, remove boolean NOT NULL ); 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} UPDATE testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index SET remove = TRUE; 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed UPDATE testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index SET remove = TRUE; 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS rmb_internal_analyze ( tablename text ); 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS rmb_internal_analyze ( tablename text ); 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.uuid_smaller(uuid, uuid) RETURNS uuid AS $$ BEGIN IF $1 IS NULL THEN RETURN $2; END IF; IF $2 IS NULL THEN RETURN $1; END IF; IF $1 < $2 THEN RETURN $1; ELSE RETURN $2; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.uuid_smaller(uuid, uuid) RETURNS uuid AS $$ BEGIN IF $1 IS NULL THEN RETURN $2; END IF; IF $2 IS NULL THEN RETURN $1; END IF; IF $1 < $2 THEN RETURN $1; ELSE RETURN $2; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.uuid_larger(uuid, uuid) RETURNS uuid AS $$ BEGIN IF $1 IS NULL THEN RETURN $2; END IF; IF $2 IS NULL THEN RETURN $1; END IF; IF $1 > $2 THEN RETURN $1; ELSE RETURN $2; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.uuid_larger(uuid, uuid) RETURNS uuid AS $$ BEGIN IF $1 IS NULL THEN RETURN $2; END IF; IF $2 IS NULL THEN RETURN $1; END IF; IF $1 > $2 THEN RETURN $1; ELSE RETURN $2; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.next_uuid(uuid) RETURNS uuid AS $$ DECLARE uuid text; digit text; BEGIN uuid = $1; FOR i IN REVERSE 36..1 LOOP digit := substring(uuid from i for 1); -- skip minus, version byte M and variant byte N CONTINUE WHEN digit = '-' OR i = 15 OR i = 20; CASE digit WHEN '0' THEN digit := '1'; WHEN '1' THEN digit := '2'; WHEN '2' THEN digit := '3'; WHEN '3' THEN digit := '4'; WHEN '4' THEN digit := '5'; WHEN '5' THEN digit := '6'; WHEN '6' THEN digit := '7'; WHEN '7' THEN digit := '8'; WHEN '8' THEN digit := '9'; WHEN '9' THEN digit := 'a'; WHEN 'a' THEN digit := 'b'; WHEN 'b' THEN digit := 'c'; WHEN 'c' THEN digit := 'd'; WHEN 'd' THEN digit := 'e'; WHEN 'e' THEN digit := 'f'; WHEN 'f' THEN digit := '0'; ELSE NULL; END CASE; uuid = overlay(uuid placing digit from i); EXIT WHEN digit <> '0'; END LOOP; RETURN uuid; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.next_uuid(uuid) RETURNS uuid AS $$ DECLARE uuid text; digit text; BEGIN uuid = $1; FOR i IN REVERSE 36..1 LOOP digit := substring(uuid from i for 1); -- skip minus, version byte M and variant byte N CONTINUE WHEN digit = '-' OR i = 15 OR i = 20; CASE digit WHEN '0' THEN digit := '1'; WHEN '1' THEN digit := '2'; WHEN '2' THEN digit := '3'; WHEN '3' THEN digit := '4'; WHEN '4' THEN digit := '5'; WHEN '5' THEN digit := '6'; WHEN '6' THEN digit := '7'; WHEN '7' THEN digit := '8'; WHEN '8' THEN digit := '9'; WHEN '9' THEN digit := 'a'; WHEN 'a' THEN digit := 'b'; WHEN 'b' THEN digit := 'c'; WHEN 'c' THEN digit := 'd'; WHEN 'd' THEN digit := 'e'; WHEN 'e' THEN digit := 'f'; WHEN 'f' THEN digit := '0'; ELSE NULL; END CASE; uuid = overlay(uuid placing digit from i); EXIT WHEN digit <> '0'; END LOOP; RETURN uuid; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE AGGREGATE testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.max(uuid) ( stype = uuid, sfunc = testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.uuid_larger, combinefunc = testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.uuid_larger, parallel = safe, sortop = operator (>) ); 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE AGGREGATE testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.max(uuid) ( stype = uuid, sfunc = testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.uuid_larger, combinefunc = testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.uuid_larger, parallel = safe, sortop = operator (>) ); 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE AGGREGATE testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.min(uuid) ( stype = uuid, sfunc = testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.uuid_smaller, combinefunc = testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.uuid_smaller, parallel = safe, sortop = operator (<) ); 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE AGGREGATE testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.min(uuid) ( stype = uuid, sfunc = testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.uuid_smaller, combinefunc = testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.uuid_smaller, parallel = safe, sortop = operator (<) ); 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(bigint,bigint,text); 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='00000', message='function testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(pg_catalog.int8,pg_catalog.int8,text) does not exist, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='dropcmds.c', line='491', routine='does_not_exist_skipping', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(bigint,bigint,text); 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE FUNCTION testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(rows bigint, lim bigint, query text) RETURNS bigint AS $$ DECLARE rec record; cnt bigint; BEGIN IF rows = lim THEN FOR rec IN EXECUTE 'EXPLAIN ' || query LOOP cnt := substring(rec."QUERY PLAN" FROM ' rows=([[:digit:]]+)'); EXIT WHEN cnt IS NOT NULL; END LOOP; RETURN cnt; END IF; RETURN rows; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql VOLATILE STRICT; 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE FUNCTION testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(rows bigint, lim bigint, query text) RETURNS bigint AS $$ DECLARE rec record; cnt bigint; BEGIN IF rows = lim THEN FOR rec IN EXECUTE 'EXPLAIN ' || query LOOP cnt := substring(rec."QUERY PLAN" FROM ' rows=([[:digit:]]+)'); EXIT WHEN cnt IS NOT NULL; END LOOP; RETURN cnt; END IF; RETURN rows; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql VOLATILE STRICT; 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_default(query text) RETURNS bigint AS $$ DECLARE rows bigint; q text; BEGIN q = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (' || query || ' LIMIT 1000) x'; EXECUTE q INTO rows; IF rows < 1000 THEN return rows; END IF; rows = testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(1000, 1000, query); IF rows < 1000 THEN return 1000; END IF; RETURN rows; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE STRICT; 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_default(query text) RETURNS bigint AS $$ DECLARE rows bigint; q text; BEGIN q = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (' || query || ' LIMIT 1000) x'; EXECUTE q INTO rows; IF rows < 1000 THEN return rows; END IF; rows = testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(1000, 1000, query); IF rows < 1000 THEN return 1000; END IF; RETURN rows; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE STRICT; 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.count_estimate(query text) RETURNS bigint AS $$ DECLARE count bigint; est_count bigint; q text; BEGIN est_count = testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(1000, 1000, query); IF est_count > 4*1000 THEN RETURN est_count; END IF; q = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (' || query || ' LIMIT 1000) x'; EXECUTE q INTO count; IF count < 1000 THEN RETURN count; END IF; IF est_count < 1000 THEN RETURN 1000; END IF; RETURN est_count; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql STABLE STRICT; 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.count_estimate(query text) RETURNS bigint AS $$ DECLARE count bigint; est_count bigint; q text; BEGIN est_count = testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(1000, 1000, query); IF est_count > 4*1000 THEN RETURN est_count; END IF; q = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (' || query || ' LIMIT 1000) x'; EXECUTE q INTO count; IF count < 1000 THEN RETURN count; END IF; IF est_count < 1000 THEN RETURN 1000; END IF; RETURN est_count; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql STABLE STRICT; 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.upsert(text, uuid, anyelement) RETURNS uuid AS $$ DECLARE ret uuid; BEGIN EXECUTE format('UPDATE testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.%I SET jsonb=$3 WHERE id=$2 RETURNING id', $1) USING $1, $2, $3 INTO ret; IF ret IS NOT NULL THEN RETURN ret; END IF; EXECUTE format('INSERT INTO testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.%I (id, jsonb) VALUES ($2, $3) RETURNING id', $1) USING $1, $2, $3 INTO STRICT ret; RETURN ret; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.upsert(text, uuid, anyelement) RETURNS uuid AS $$ DECLARE ret uuid; BEGIN EXECUTE format('UPDATE testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.%I SET jsonb=$3 WHERE id=$2 RETURNING id', $1) USING $1, $2, $3 INTO ret; IF ret IS NOT NULL THEN RETURN ret; END IF; EXECUTE format('INSERT INTO testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.%I (id, jsonb) VALUES ($2, $3) RETURNING id', $1) USING $1, $2, $3 INTO STRICT ret; RETURN ret; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DO $$ DECLARE ver integer; BEGIN SELECT current_setting('server_version_num') INTO ver; IF (ver >= 120000) THEN CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.f_unaccent(text) RETURNS text AS $f_unaccent$ SELECT public.unaccent('public.unaccent', $1) -- schema-qualify function and dictionary $f_unaccent$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; ELSE CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.f_unaccent(text) RETURNS text AS $f_unaccent$ SELECT regexp_replace(public.unaccent('public.unaccent', $1), E'[\u0300\u0301\u0302\u0303\u0304\u0305\u0306\u0307\u0308\u0309\u030a\u030b\u030c\u030d\u030e\u030f' || E'\u0310\u0311\u0312\u0313\u0314\u0315\u0316\u0317\u0318\u0319\u031a\u031b\u031c\u031d\u031e\u031f' || E'\u0320\u0321\u0322\u0323\u0324\u0325\u0326\u0327\u0328\u0329\u032a\u032b\u032c\u032d\u032e\u032f' || E'\u0330\u0331\u0332\u0333\u0334\u0335\u0336\u0337\u0338\u0339\u033a\u033b\u033c\u033d\u033e\u033f' || E'\u0340\u0341\u0342\u0343\u0344\u0345\u0346\u0347\u0348\u0349\u034a\u034b\u034c\u034d\u034e\u034f' || E'\u0350\u0351\u0352\u0353\u0354\u0355\u0356\u0357\u0358\u0359\u035a\u035b\u035c\u035d\u035e\u035f' || E'\u0360\u0361\u0362' || E'\u20dd\u20de\u20df\u20e0' || E'\u20e2\u20e3\u20e4]', '', 'g') $f_unaccent$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; END IF; END $$; 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DO $$ DECLARE ver integer; BEGIN SELECT current_setting('server_version_num') INTO ver; IF (ver >= 120000) THEN CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.f_unaccent(text) RETURNS text AS $f_unaccent$ SELECT public.unaccent('public.unaccent', $1) -- schema-qualify function and dictionary $f_unaccent$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; ELSE CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.f_unaccent(text) RETURNS text AS $f_unaccent$ SELECT regexp_replace(public.unaccent('public.unaccent', $1), E'[\u0300\u0301\u0302\u0303\u0304\u0305\u0306\u0307\u0308\u0309\u030a\u030b\u030c\u030d\u030e\u030f' || E'\u0310\u0311\u0312\u0313\u0314\u0315\u0316\u0317\u0318\u0319\u031a\u031b\u031c\u031d\u031e\u031f' || E'\u0320\u0321\u0322\u0323\u0324\u0325\u0326\u0327\u0328\u0329\u032a\u032b\u032c\u032d\u032e\u032f' || E'\u0330\u0331\u0332\u0333\u0334\u0335\u0336\u0337\u0338\u0339\u033a\u033b\u033c\u033d\u033e\u033f' || E'\u0340\u0341\u0342\u0343\u0344\u0345\u0346\u0347\u0348\u0349\u034a\u034b\u034c\u034d\u034e\u034f' || E'\u0350\u0351\u0352\u0353\u0354\u0355\u0356\u0357\u0358\u0359\u035a\u035b\u035c\u035d\u035e\u035f' || E'\u0360\u0361\u0362' || E'\u20dd\u20de\u20df\u20e0' || E'\u20e2\u20e3\u20e4]', '', 'g') $f_unaccent$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; END IF; END $$; 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.get_tsvector(text) RETURNS tsvector AS $$ SELECT to_tsvector('simple', translate($1, '&', ',')); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.get_tsvector(text) RETURNS tsvector AS $$ SELECT to_tsvector('simple', translate($1, '&', ',')); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.tsquery_and(text) RETURNS tsquery AS $$ SELECT to_tsquery('simple', string_agg(CASE WHEN length(v) = 0 OR v = '*' THEN '' WHEN right(v, 1) = '*' THEN '''' || left(v, -1) || ''':*' ELSE '''' || v || '''' END, '&')) FROM (SELECT regexp_split_to_table(translate($1, '&''', ',,'), ' +')) AS x(v); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.tsquery_and(text) RETURNS tsquery AS $$ SELECT to_tsquery('simple', string_agg(CASE WHEN length(v) = 0 OR v = '*' THEN '' WHEN right(v, 1) = '*' THEN '''' || left(v, -1) || ''':*' ELSE '''' || v || '''' END, '&')) FROM (SELECT regexp_split_to_table(translate($1, '&''', ',,'), ' +')) AS x(v); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.tsquery_or(text) RETURNS tsquery AS $$ SELECT replace(testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.tsquery_and($1)::text, '&', '|')::tsquery; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.tsquery_or(text) RETURNS tsquery AS $$ SELECT replace(testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.tsquery_and($1)::text, '&', '|')::tsquery; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.tsquery_phrase(text) RETURNS tsquery AS $$ SELECT replace(testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.tsquery_and($1)::text, '&', '<->')::tsquery; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.tsquery_phrase(text) RETURNS tsquery AS $$ SELECT replace(testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.tsquery_and($1)::text, '&', '<->')::tsquery; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.normalize_digits(text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT translate((regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[1], E' \t-', '') || CASE WHEN (regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[1] = '' THEN '' WHEN (regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[2] = '' THEN '' ELSE ' ' END || (regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[2]; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.normalize_digits(text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT translate((regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[1], E' \t-', '') || CASE WHEN (regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[1] = '' THEN '' WHEN (regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[2] = '' THEN '' ELSE ' ' END || (regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[2]; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.set_id_in_jsonb() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $$ BEGIN NEW.jsonb = jsonb_set(NEW.jsonb, '{id}', to_jsonb(NEW.id)); RETURN NEW; END; $$ language 'plpgsql'; 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.set_id_in_jsonb() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $$ BEGIN NEW.jsonb = jsonb_set(NEW.jsonb, '{id}', to_jsonb(NEW.id)); RETURN NEW; END; $$ language 'plpgsql'; 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} create or replace function testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.concat_space_sql(VARIADIC text[]) RETURNS text AS $$ select concat_ws(' ', VARIADIC $1); $$ LANGUAGE SQL IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed create or replace function testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.concat_space_sql(VARIADIC text[]) RETURNS text AS $$ select concat_ws(' ', VARIADIC $1); $$ LANGUAGE SQL IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} create or replace function testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object_values(jsonb_array jsonb, field text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT string_agg(value->>$2, ' ') FROM jsonb_array_elements($1); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed create or replace function testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object_values(jsonb_array jsonb, field text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT string_agg(value->>$2, ' ') FROM jsonb_array_elements($1); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} create or replace function testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object_values( jsonb_array jsonb, field text, filterkey text, filtervalue text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT string_agg(value->>$2, ' ') FROM jsonb_array_elements($1) WHERE value->>$3 = $4; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed create or replace function testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object_values( jsonb_array jsonb, field text, filterkey text, filtervalue text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT string_agg(value->>$2, ' ') FROM jsonb_array_elements($1) WHERE value->>$3 = $4; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} create or replace function testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.first_array_object_value( jsonb_array jsonb, field text, filterkey text, filtervalue text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT value->>$2 FROM jsonb_array_elements($1) WHERE value->>$3 = $4 LIMIT 1; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed create or replace function testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.first_array_object_value( jsonb_array jsonb, field text, filterkey text, filtervalue text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT value->>$2 FROM jsonb_array_elements($1) WHERE value->>$3 = $4 LIMIT 1; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} create or replace function testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object(jsonb_array jsonb) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT string_agg(value::text, ' ') FROM jsonb_array_elements_text($1); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed create or replace function testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object(jsonb_array jsonb) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT string_agg(value::text, ' ') FROM jsonb_array_elements_text($1); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS rmb_internal_index(aname text, tops text, newdef text); 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='00000', message='function rmb_internal_index(text,text,text) does not exist, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='dropcmds.c', line='491', routine='does_not_exist_skipping', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS rmb_internal_index(aname text, tops text, newdef text); 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION rmb_internal_index( atable text, aname text, tops text, newdef text) RETURNS void AS $$ DECLARE olddef text; namep CONSTANT text = concat(aname, '_p'); prepareddef text; BEGIN IF tops = 'DELETE' THEN -- use case insensitive %s, not case sensitive %I -- no SQL injection because the names are hard-coded in schema.json EXECUTE format('DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s', aname); EXECUTE 'DELETE FROM testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE name = $1' USING aname; RETURN; END IF; SELECT def INTO olddef FROM testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE name = aname; SELECT def INTO prepareddef FROM testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE name = namep; prepareddef = replace(prepareddef, concat(' ', namep, ' ON '), concat(' ', aname, ' ON ')); IF prepareddef = newdef THEN EXECUTE format('DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s', aname); EXECUTE format('ALTER INDEX IF EXISTS %s RENAME TO %s', namep, aname); EXECUTE 'DELETE FROM rmb_internal_index WHERE name = $1' USING namep; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO rmb_internal_analyze VALUES ($1)' USING atable; ELSIF olddef IS DISTINCT FROM newdef THEN EXECUTE format('DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s', aname); EXECUTE newdef; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO rmb_internal_analyze VALUES ($1)' USING atable; END IF; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index VALUES ($1, $2, FALSE) ' 'ON CONFLICT (name) DO UPDATE SET def = EXCLUDED.def, remove = EXCLUDED.remove' USING aname, newdef; END $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION rmb_internal_index( atable text, aname text, tops text, newdef text) RETURNS void AS $$ DECLARE olddef text; namep CONSTANT text = concat(aname, '_p'); prepareddef text; BEGIN IF tops = 'DELETE' THEN -- use case insensitive %s, not case sensitive %I -- no SQL injection because the names are hard-coded in schema.json EXECUTE format('DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s', aname); EXECUTE 'DELETE FROM testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE name = $1' USING aname; RETURN; END IF; SELECT def INTO olddef FROM testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE name = aname; SELECT def INTO prepareddef FROM testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE name = namep; prepareddef = replace(prepareddef, concat(' ', namep, ' ON '), concat(' ', aname, ' ON ')); IF prepareddef = newdef THEN EXECUTE format('DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s', aname); EXECUTE format('ALTER INDEX IF EXISTS %s RENAME TO %s', namep, aname); EXECUTE 'DELETE FROM rmb_internal_index WHERE name = $1' USING namep; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO rmb_internal_analyze VALUES ($1)' USING atable; ELSIF olddef IS DISTINCT FROM newdef THEN EXECUTE format('DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s', aname); EXECUTE newdef; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO rmb_internal_analyze VALUES ($1)' USING atable; END IF; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index VALUES ($1, $2, FALSE) ' 'ON CONFLICT (name) DO UPDATE SET def = EXCLUDED.def, remove = EXCLUDED.remove' USING aname, newdef; END $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DO $$ BEGIN -- use advisory lock to prevent "tuple concurrently updated" -- https://issues.folio.org/browse/RMB-744 PERFORM pg_advisory_xact_lock(20201101, 1234567890); REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ON SCHEMA public FROM testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub; REVOKE CREATE ON SCHEMA public FROM PUBLIC; END $$; 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DO $$ BEGIN -- use advisory lock to prevent "tuple concurrently updated" -- https://issues.folio.org/browse/RMB-744 PERFORM pg_advisory_xact_lock(20201101, 1234567890); REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ON SCHEMA public FROM testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub; REVOKE CREATE ON SCHEMA public FROM PUBLIC; END $$; 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DO $$ DECLARE aname TEXT; BEGIN FOR aname IN SELECT name FROM testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE remove = TRUE LOOP EXECUTE 'DROP INDEX IF EXISTS ' || aname; END LOOP; END $$; 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DO $$ DECLARE aname TEXT; BEGIN FOR aname IN SELECT name FROM testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE remove = TRUE LOOP EXECUTE 'DROP INDEX IF EXISTS ' || aname; END LOOP; END $$; 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DO $$ DECLARE version TEXT; i RECORD; newindexdef TEXT; BEGIN SELECT jsonb->>'rmbVersion' INTO version FROM testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal; IF version !~ '^(\d\.|1\d\.|2[0-8]\.|29\.[0-3]\.)' THEN -- skip this upgrade if last install/upgrade was made by RMB >= 29.4.x RETURN; END IF; FOR i IN SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_indexes WHERE schemaname = 'testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub' LOOP newindexdef := regexp_replace(i.indexdef, -- \m = beginning of a word, \M = end of a word '\mpublic\.(f_unaccent|concat_space_sql|concat_array_object_values|concat_array_object)\M', 'testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.\1', 'g'); IF newindexdef <> i.indexdef THEN EXECUTE 'DROP INDEX ' || i.indexname; EXECUTE newindexdef; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO rmb_internal_analyze VALUES ($1)' USING i.tablename; END IF; END LOOP; END $$; 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DO $$ DECLARE version TEXT; i RECORD; newindexdef TEXT; BEGIN SELECT jsonb->>'rmbVersion' INTO version FROM testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal; IF version !~ '^(\d\.|1\d\.|2[0-8]\.|29\.[0-3]\.)' THEN -- skip this upgrade if last install/upgrade was made by RMB >= 29.4.x RETURN; END IF; FOR i IN SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_indexes WHERE schemaname = 'testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub' LOOP newindexdef := regexp_replace(i.indexdef, -- \m = beginning of a word, \M = end of a word '\mpublic\.(f_unaccent|concat_space_sql|concat_array_object_values|concat_array_object)\M', 'testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.\1', 'g'); IF newindexdef <> i.indexdef THEN EXECUTE 'DROP INDEX ' || i.indexname; EXECUTE newindexdef; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO rmb_internal_analyze VALUES ($1)' USING i.tablename; END IF; END LOOP; END $$; 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DO $$ DECLARE t TEXT; BEGIN FOR t IN SELECT DISTINCT tablename FROM rmb_internal_analyze LOOP EXECUTE 'ANALYZE ' || t; END LOOP; END $$; 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DO $$ DECLARE t TEXT; BEGIN FOR t IN SELECT DISTINCT tablename FROM rmb_internal_analyze LOOP EXECUTE 'ANALYZE ' || t; END LOOP; END $$; 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} TRUNCATE rmb_internal_analyze; 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed TRUNCATE rmb_internal_analyze; 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub TO testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub; 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub TO testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub; 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} UPDATE testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal SET jsonb = jsonb || jsonb_build_object( 'rmbVersion', '33.0.4', 'moduleVersion', 'mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT.175', 'schemaJson', $mainftl${} $mainftl$); 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed UPDATE testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal SET jsonb = jsonb || jsonb_build_object( 'rmbVersion', '33.0.4', 'moduleVersion', 'mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT.175', 'schemaJson', $mainftl${} $mainftl$); 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO LiquibaseUtil Initializing schema testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub for tenant testenant7557712891711631360 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO leConnectionProvider Attempting to get connection for testenant7557712891711631360 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient DB config read from environment variables 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Using schema: testenant7557712891711631360 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient postgreSQLClientConfig = {"maxPoolSize":5,"port":5432,"username":"testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub","host":"","database":"okapi_modules","password":"...","postgres_tester":false} 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO LiquibaseUtil Schema is initialized for tenant testenant7557712891711631360 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending GET for 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking getTenantByOperationId 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil GET /_/tenant/331f89cf-45d6-4a9c-a6a7-370b4b8c7543 null HTTP_1_1 200 387 2 tid=testenant7557712891711631360 OK 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 200 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 201 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO SecurityManagerImpl Created pubsub-user user 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 201 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO SecurityManagerImpl Saved pubsub-user user credentials 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 403 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] ERROR SecurityManagerImpl Failed to add permissions for pubsub-user user. Received status code 403 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 201 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO SecurityManagerImpl Logged in pubsub-user user 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO TenantAPI job 331f89cf-45d6-4a9c-a6a7-370b4b8c7543 completed 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking getTenantByOperationId 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil GET /_/tenant/331f89cf-45d6-4a9c-a6a7-370b4b8c7543 null HTTP_1_1 200 386 2 tid=testenant7557712891711631360 OK 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking deleteTenantByOperationId 11:54:04 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil DELETE /_/tenant/331f89cf-45d6-4a9c-a6a7-370b4b8c7543 null HTTP_1_1 204 0 2 tid=testenant7557712891711631360 No Content 11:54:05 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubEventTypes 11:54:05 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/event-types HTTP_1_1 201 133 2 tid=testenant7557712891711631360 Created 11:54:05 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubEventTypesDeclarePublisher 11:54:05 [] [] [] [] INFO afkaTopicServiceImpl Created topics: [LOG_RECORD] 11:54:05 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/event-types/declare/publisher HTTP_1_1 201 0 22 tid=testenant7557712891711631360 Created 11:54:20 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postTenant 11:54:20 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Executing multiple statements with id 1960364768 11:54:20 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub CASCADE; 11:54:20 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='00000', message='drop cascades to 31 other objects', detail='drop cascades to table testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal drop cascades to table testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.rmb_job drop cascades to table testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index drop cascades to table testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_analyze drop cascades to function testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.uuid_smaller(uuid,uuid) drop cascades to function testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.uuid_larger(uuid,uuid) drop cascades to function testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.next_uuid(uuid) drop cascades to function testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.max(uuid) drop cascades to function testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.min(uuid) drop cascades to function testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(bigint,bigint,text) drop cascades to function testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_default(text) drop cascades to function testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.count_estimate(text) drop cascades to function testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.upsert(text,uuid,anyelement) drop cascades to function testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.f_unaccent(text) drop cascades to function testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.get_tsvector(text) drop cascades to function testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.tsquery_and(text) drop cascades to function testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.tsquery_or(text) drop cascades to function testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.tsquery_phrase(text) drop cascades to function testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.normalize_digits(text) drop cascades to function testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.set_id_in_jsonb() drop cascades to function testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.concat_space_sql(text[]) drop cascades to function testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object_values(jsonb,text) drop cascades to function testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object_values(jsonb,text,text,text) drop cascades to function testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.first_array_object_value(jsonb,text,text,text) drop cascades to function testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object(jsonb) drop cascades to function testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index(text,text,text,text) drop cascades to table testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.databasechangeloglock drop cascades to table testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.databasechangelog drop cascades to table testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.audit_message_payload drop cascades to table testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.audit_message drop cascades to type testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub.message_state', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='dependency.c', line='1214', routine='reportDependentObjects', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 11:54:20 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub CASCADE; 11:54:20 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP ROLE IF EXISTS testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub; 11:54:20 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP ROLE IF EXISTS testenant7557712891711631360_mod_pubsub; 11:54:20 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /_/tenant null HTTP_1_1 204 0 15 tid=testenant7557712891711631360 No Content 11:57:22 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubPublish 11:57:22 [] [] [] [] INFO ublishingServiceImpl Sent LOG_RECORD event with id '0129c254-b186-467a-8344-26251da6a6ff' to topic FOLIO.pub-sub.diku.LOG_RECORD.mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT 11:57:22 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/publish HTTP_1_1 204 0 19 tid=diku No Content 11:57:22 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Received LOG_RECORD event with id '0129c254-b186-467a-8344-26251da6a6ff' 11:57:22 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Start delivering messages to subscriber /audit/handlers/log-record 11:57:22 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 11:57:22 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Start delivering messages to subscriber /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 11:57:22 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 11:57:22 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 11:57:22 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 11:57:22 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '0129c254-b186-467a-8344-26251da6a6ff' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 11:57:22 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '0129c254-b186-467a-8344-26251da6a6ff' to /audit/handlers/log-record 11:57:22 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 11:57:22 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 11:57:22 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 11:57:22 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '0129c254-b186-467a-8344-26251da6a6ff' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 11:57:22 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '0129c254-b186-467a-8344-26251da6a6ff' to /audit/handlers/log-record 11:57:22 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 11:57:22 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 11:57:22 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 11:57:22 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '0129c254-b186-467a-8344-26251da6a6ff' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 11:57:22 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '0129c254-b186-467a-8344-26251da6a6ff' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 11:57:22 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 11:57:22 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 11:57:22 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 11:57:22 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '0129c254-b186-467a-8344-26251da6a6ff' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 11:57:22 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '0129c254-b186-467a-8344-26251da6a6ff' to /audit/handlers/log-record 11:57:22 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 11:57:22 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 11:57:22 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 11:57:22 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '0129c254-b186-467a-8344-26251da6a6ff' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 11:57:22 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '0129c254-b186-467a-8344-26251da6a6ff' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 11:57:22 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 11:57:22 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 11:57:22 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 11:57:22 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '0129c254-b186-467a-8344-26251da6a6ff' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 11:57:22 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '0129c254-b186-467a-8344-26251da6a6ff' to /audit/handlers/log-record 11:57:22 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 11:57:22 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 11:57:22 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 11:57:22 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '0129c254-b186-467a-8344-26251da6a6ff' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 11:57:22 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '0129c254-b186-467a-8344-26251da6a6ff' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 11:57:22 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 11:57:22 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 11:57:22 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 11:57:22 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '0129c254-b186-467a-8344-26251da6a6ff' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 11:57:22 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '0129c254-b186-467a-8344-26251da6a6ff' to /audit/handlers/log-record 11:57:22 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 11:57:22 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 11:57:22 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 11:57:22 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '0129c254-b186-467a-8344-26251da6a6ff' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 11:57:22 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '0129c254-b186-467a-8344-26251da6a6ff' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 11:57:22 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 11:57:22 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 11:57:22 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 11:57:22 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '0129c254-b186-467a-8344-26251da6a6ff' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 11:57:22 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 11:57:22 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 11:57:22 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '0129c254-b186-467a-8344-26251da6a6ff' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 11:57:22 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '0129c254-b186-467a-8344-26251da6a6ff' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 11:57:22 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 11:57:22 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 11:57:22 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 11:57:22 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '0129c254-b186-467a-8344-26251da6a6ff' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 12:22:54 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubPublish 12:22:54 [] [] [] [] INFO ublishingServiceImpl Sent LOG_RECORD event with id '9825c6f9-5b4c-4621-a293-90eda541a528' to topic FOLIO.pub-sub.diku.LOG_RECORD.mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT 12:22:54 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/publish HTTP_1_1 204 0 12 tid=diku No Content 12:22:54 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Received LOG_RECORD event with id '9825c6f9-5b4c-4621-a293-90eda541a528' 12:22:54 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Start delivering messages to subscriber /audit/handlers/log-record 12:22:54 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 12:22:54 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Start delivering messages to subscriber /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 12:22:54 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 12:22:54 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 12:22:54 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 12:22:54 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '9825c6f9-5b4c-4621-a293-90eda541a528' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 12:22:54 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '9825c6f9-5b4c-4621-a293-90eda541a528' to /audit/handlers/log-record 12:22:54 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 12:22:54 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 12:22:54 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 12:22:54 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '9825c6f9-5b4c-4621-a293-90eda541a528' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 12:22:54 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '9825c6f9-5b4c-4621-a293-90eda541a528' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 12:22:54 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 12:22:54 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 12:22:54 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 12:22:54 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '9825c6f9-5b4c-4621-a293-90eda541a528' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 12:22:54 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '9825c6f9-5b4c-4621-a293-90eda541a528' to /audit/handlers/log-record 12:22:54 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 12:22:54 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 12:22:54 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 12:22:54 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '9825c6f9-5b4c-4621-a293-90eda541a528' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 12:22:54 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '9825c6f9-5b4c-4621-a293-90eda541a528' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 12:22:54 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 12:22:54 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 12:22:54 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 12:22:54 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '9825c6f9-5b4c-4621-a293-90eda541a528' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 12:22:54 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '9825c6f9-5b4c-4621-a293-90eda541a528' to /audit/handlers/log-record 12:22:54 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 12:22:54 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 12:22:54 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 12:22:54 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '9825c6f9-5b4c-4621-a293-90eda541a528' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 12:22:54 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '9825c6f9-5b4c-4621-a293-90eda541a528' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 12:22:54 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 12:22:54 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 12:22:54 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 12:22:54 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '9825c6f9-5b4c-4621-a293-90eda541a528' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 12:22:54 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '9825c6f9-5b4c-4621-a293-90eda541a528' to /audit/handlers/log-record 12:22:54 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 12:22:54 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 12:22:54 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 12:22:54 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '9825c6f9-5b4c-4621-a293-90eda541a528' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 12:22:54 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '9825c6f9-5b4c-4621-a293-90eda541a528' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 12:22:54 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 12:22:54 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 12:22:54 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 12:22:54 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '9825c6f9-5b4c-4621-a293-90eda541a528' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 12:22:54 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '9825c6f9-5b4c-4621-a293-90eda541a528' to /audit/handlers/log-record 12:22:54 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 12:22:54 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 12:22:54 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 12:22:54 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '9825c6f9-5b4c-4621-a293-90eda541a528' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 12:22:54 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '9825c6f9-5b4c-4621-a293-90eda541a528' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 12:22:54 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 12:22:54 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 12:22:54 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 12:22:54 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '9825c6f9-5b4c-4621-a293-90eda541a528' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 12:22:54 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 12:22:54 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 12:22:54 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '9825c6f9-5b4c-4621-a293-90eda541a528' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postTenant 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Executing multiple statements with id 1625181367 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE ROLE testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub PASSWORD 'testenant4144401034045853696' NOSUPERUSER NOCREATEDB INHERIT LOGIN; 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE ROLE testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub PASSWORD 'testenant4144401034045853696' NOSUPERUSER NOCREATEDB INHERIT LOGIN; 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} GRANT testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub TO CURRENT_USER; 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed GRANT testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub TO CURRENT_USER; 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE SCHEMA testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub AUTHORIZATION testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub; 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE SCHEMA testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub AUTHORIZATION testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub; 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} ALTER ROLE testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub SET search_path = "$user"; 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed ALTER ROLE testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub SET search_path = "$user"; 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DO $$ BEGIN BEGIN -- This only succeeds if show_trgm, a pg_trgm function, -- has been loaded into public schema. PERFORM public.show_trgm('a'); EXCEPTION WHEN undefined_function THEN BEGIN ALTER EXTENSION pg_trgm SET SCHEMA public; EXCEPTION WHEN undefined_object THEN NULL; END; END; END $$; 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DO $$ BEGIN BEGIN -- This only succeeds if show_trgm, a pg_trgm function, -- has been loaded into public schema. PERFORM public.show_trgm('a'); EXCEPTION WHEN undefined_function THEN BEGIN ALTER EXTENSION pg_trgm SET SCHEMA public; EXCEPTION WHEN undefined_object THEN NULL; END; END; END $$; 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS unaccent WITH SCHEMA public; 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='42710', message='extension "unaccent" already exists, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='extension.c', line='1761', routine='CreateExtension', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS unaccent WITH SCHEMA public; 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS pg_trgm WITH SCHEMA public; 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='42710', message='extension "pg_trgm" already exists, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='extension.c', line='1761', routine='CreateExtension', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS pg_trgm WITH SCHEMA public; 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, jsonb JSONB NOT NULL ); 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, jsonb JSONB NOT NULL ); 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} insert into testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal (jsonb) values ('{"rmbVersion": "33.0.4", "moduleVersion": "mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT.175"}'::jsonb); 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed insert into testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal (jsonb) values ('{"rmbVersion": "33.0.4", "moduleVersion": "mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT.175"}'::jsonb); 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.rmb_job ( id UUID PRIMARY KEY, jsonb JSONB NOT NULL ); 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.rmb_job ( id UUID PRIMARY KEY, jsonb JSONB NOT NULL ); 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /_/tenant null HTTP_1_1 201 387 53 tid=testenant4144401034045853696 Created 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Executing multiple statements with id -1396944219 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking getTenantByOperationId 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} SET search_path TO testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub; 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed SET search_path TO testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub; 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index ( name text PRIMARY KEY, def text NOT NULL, remove boolean NOT NULL ); 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil GET /_/tenant/6943c05a-45e4-4bc0-8758-6f14eed2b0b1 null HTTP_1_1 200 387 6 tid=testenant4144401034045853696 OK 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index ( name text PRIMARY KEY, def text NOT NULL, remove boolean NOT NULL ); 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} UPDATE testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index SET remove = TRUE; 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed UPDATE testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index SET remove = TRUE; 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS rmb_internal_analyze ( tablename text ); 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS rmb_internal_analyze ( tablename text ); 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.uuid_smaller(uuid, uuid) RETURNS uuid AS $$ BEGIN IF $1 IS NULL THEN RETURN $2; END IF; IF $2 IS NULL THEN RETURN $1; END IF; IF $1 < $2 THEN RETURN $1; ELSE RETURN $2; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.uuid_smaller(uuid, uuid) RETURNS uuid AS $$ BEGIN IF $1 IS NULL THEN RETURN $2; END IF; IF $2 IS NULL THEN RETURN $1; END IF; IF $1 < $2 THEN RETURN $1; ELSE RETURN $2; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.uuid_larger(uuid, uuid) RETURNS uuid AS $$ BEGIN IF $1 IS NULL THEN RETURN $2; END IF; IF $2 IS NULL THEN RETURN $1; END IF; IF $1 > $2 THEN RETURN $1; ELSE RETURN $2; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.uuid_larger(uuid, uuid) RETURNS uuid AS $$ BEGIN IF $1 IS NULL THEN RETURN $2; END IF; IF $2 IS NULL THEN RETURN $1; END IF; IF $1 > $2 THEN RETURN $1; ELSE RETURN $2; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.next_uuid(uuid) RETURNS uuid AS $$ DECLARE uuid text; digit text; BEGIN uuid = $1; FOR i IN REVERSE 36..1 LOOP digit := substring(uuid from i for 1); -- skip minus, version byte M and variant byte N CONTINUE WHEN digit = '-' OR i = 15 OR i = 20; CASE digit WHEN '0' THEN digit := '1'; WHEN '1' THEN digit := '2'; WHEN '2' THEN digit := '3'; WHEN '3' THEN digit := '4'; WHEN '4' THEN digit := '5'; WHEN '5' THEN digit := '6'; WHEN '6' THEN digit := '7'; WHEN '7' THEN digit := '8'; WHEN '8' THEN digit := '9'; WHEN '9' THEN digit := 'a'; WHEN 'a' THEN digit := 'b'; WHEN 'b' THEN digit := 'c'; WHEN 'c' THEN digit := 'd'; WHEN 'd' THEN digit := 'e'; WHEN 'e' THEN digit := 'f'; WHEN 'f' THEN digit := '0'; ELSE NULL; END CASE; uuid = overlay(uuid placing digit from i); EXIT WHEN digit <> '0'; END LOOP; RETURN uuid; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.next_uuid(uuid) RETURNS uuid AS $$ DECLARE uuid text; digit text; BEGIN uuid = $1; FOR i IN REVERSE 36..1 LOOP digit := substring(uuid from i for 1); -- skip minus, version byte M and variant byte N CONTINUE WHEN digit = '-' OR i = 15 OR i = 20; CASE digit WHEN '0' THEN digit := '1'; WHEN '1' THEN digit := '2'; WHEN '2' THEN digit := '3'; WHEN '3' THEN digit := '4'; WHEN '4' THEN digit := '5'; WHEN '5' THEN digit := '6'; WHEN '6' THEN digit := '7'; WHEN '7' THEN digit := '8'; WHEN '8' THEN digit := '9'; WHEN '9' THEN digit := 'a'; WHEN 'a' THEN digit := 'b'; WHEN 'b' THEN digit := 'c'; WHEN 'c' THEN digit := 'd'; WHEN 'd' THEN digit := 'e'; WHEN 'e' THEN digit := 'f'; WHEN 'f' THEN digit := '0'; ELSE NULL; END CASE; uuid = overlay(uuid placing digit from i); EXIT WHEN digit <> '0'; END LOOP; RETURN uuid; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE AGGREGATE testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.max(uuid) ( stype = uuid, sfunc = testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.uuid_larger, combinefunc = testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.uuid_larger, parallel = safe, sortop = operator (>) ); 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE AGGREGATE testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.max(uuid) ( stype = uuid, sfunc = testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.uuid_larger, combinefunc = testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.uuid_larger, parallel = safe, sortop = operator (>) ); 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE AGGREGATE testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.min(uuid) ( stype = uuid, sfunc = testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.uuid_smaller, combinefunc = testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.uuid_smaller, parallel = safe, sortop = operator (<) ); 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE AGGREGATE testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.min(uuid) ( stype = uuid, sfunc = testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.uuid_smaller, combinefunc = testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.uuid_smaller, parallel = safe, sortop = operator (<) ); 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(bigint,bigint,text); 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='00000', message='function testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(pg_catalog.int8,pg_catalog.int8,text) does not exist, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='dropcmds.c', line='491', routine='does_not_exist_skipping', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(bigint,bigint,text); 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE FUNCTION testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(rows bigint, lim bigint, query text) RETURNS bigint AS $$ DECLARE rec record; cnt bigint; BEGIN IF rows = lim THEN FOR rec IN EXECUTE 'EXPLAIN ' || query LOOP cnt := substring(rec."QUERY PLAN" FROM ' rows=([[:digit:]]+)'); EXIT WHEN cnt IS NOT NULL; END LOOP; RETURN cnt; END IF; RETURN rows; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql VOLATILE STRICT; 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE FUNCTION testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(rows bigint, lim bigint, query text) RETURNS bigint AS $$ DECLARE rec record; cnt bigint; BEGIN IF rows = lim THEN FOR rec IN EXECUTE 'EXPLAIN ' || query LOOP cnt := substring(rec."QUERY PLAN" FROM ' rows=([[:digit:]]+)'); EXIT WHEN cnt IS NOT NULL; END LOOP; RETURN cnt; END IF; RETURN rows; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql VOLATILE STRICT; 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_default(query text) RETURNS bigint AS $$ DECLARE rows bigint; q text; BEGIN q = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (' || query || ' LIMIT 1000) x'; EXECUTE q INTO rows; IF rows < 1000 THEN return rows; END IF; rows = testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(1000, 1000, query); IF rows < 1000 THEN return 1000; END IF; RETURN rows; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE STRICT; 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_default(query text) RETURNS bigint AS $$ DECLARE rows bigint; q text; BEGIN q = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (' || query || ' LIMIT 1000) x'; EXECUTE q INTO rows; IF rows < 1000 THEN return rows; END IF; rows = testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(1000, 1000, query); IF rows < 1000 THEN return 1000; END IF; RETURN rows; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE STRICT; 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.count_estimate(query text) RETURNS bigint AS $$ DECLARE count bigint; est_count bigint; q text; BEGIN est_count = testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(1000, 1000, query); IF est_count > 4*1000 THEN RETURN est_count; END IF; q = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (' || query || ' LIMIT 1000) x'; EXECUTE q INTO count; IF count < 1000 THEN RETURN count; END IF; IF est_count < 1000 THEN RETURN 1000; END IF; RETURN est_count; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql STABLE STRICT; 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.count_estimate(query text) RETURNS bigint AS $$ DECLARE count bigint; est_count bigint; q text; BEGIN est_count = testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(1000, 1000, query); IF est_count > 4*1000 THEN RETURN est_count; END IF; q = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (' || query || ' LIMIT 1000) x'; EXECUTE q INTO count; IF count < 1000 THEN RETURN count; END IF; IF est_count < 1000 THEN RETURN 1000; END IF; RETURN est_count; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql STABLE STRICT; 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.upsert(text, uuid, anyelement) RETURNS uuid AS $$ DECLARE ret uuid; BEGIN EXECUTE format('UPDATE testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.%I SET jsonb=$3 WHERE id=$2 RETURNING id', $1) USING $1, $2, $3 INTO ret; IF ret IS NOT NULL THEN RETURN ret; END IF; EXECUTE format('INSERT INTO testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.%I (id, jsonb) VALUES ($2, $3) RETURNING id', $1) USING $1, $2, $3 INTO STRICT ret; RETURN ret; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.upsert(text, uuid, anyelement) RETURNS uuid AS $$ DECLARE ret uuid; BEGIN EXECUTE format('UPDATE testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.%I SET jsonb=$3 WHERE id=$2 RETURNING id', $1) USING $1, $2, $3 INTO ret; IF ret IS NOT NULL THEN RETURN ret; END IF; EXECUTE format('INSERT INTO testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.%I (id, jsonb) VALUES ($2, $3) RETURNING id', $1) USING $1, $2, $3 INTO STRICT ret; RETURN ret; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DO $$ DECLARE ver integer; BEGIN SELECT current_setting('server_version_num') INTO ver; IF (ver >= 120000) THEN CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.f_unaccent(text) RETURNS text AS $f_unaccent$ SELECT public.unaccent('public.unaccent', $1) -- schema-qualify function and dictionary $f_unaccent$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; ELSE CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.f_unaccent(text) RETURNS text AS $f_unaccent$ SELECT regexp_replace(public.unaccent('public.unaccent', $1), E'[\u0300\u0301\u0302\u0303\u0304\u0305\u0306\u0307\u0308\u0309\u030a\u030b\u030c\u030d\u030e\u030f' || E'\u0310\u0311\u0312\u0313\u0314\u0315\u0316\u0317\u0318\u0319\u031a\u031b\u031c\u031d\u031e\u031f' || E'\u0320\u0321\u0322\u0323\u0324\u0325\u0326\u0327\u0328\u0329\u032a\u032b\u032c\u032d\u032e\u032f' || E'\u0330\u0331\u0332\u0333\u0334\u0335\u0336\u0337\u0338\u0339\u033a\u033b\u033c\u033d\u033e\u033f' || E'\u0340\u0341\u0342\u0343\u0344\u0345\u0346\u0347\u0348\u0349\u034a\u034b\u034c\u034d\u034e\u034f' || E'\u0350\u0351\u0352\u0353\u0354\u0355\u0356\u0357\u0358\u0359\u035a\u035b\u035c\u035d\u035e\u035f' || E'\u0360\u0361\u0362' || E'\u20dd\u20de\u20df\u20e0' || E'\u20e2\u20e3\u20e4]', '', 'g') $f_unaccent$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; END IF; END $$; 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DO $$ DECLARE ver integer; BEGIN SELECT current_setting('server_version_num') INTO ver; IF (ver >= 120000) THEN CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.f_unaccent(text) RETURNS text AS $f_unaccent$ SELECT public.unaccent('public.unaccent', $1) -- schema-qualify function and dictionary $f_unaccent$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; ELSE CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.f_unaccent(text) RETURNS text AS $f_unaccent$ SELECT regexp_replace(public.unaccent('public.unaccent', $1), E'[\u0300\u0301\u0302\u0303\u0304\u0305\u0306\u0307\u0308\u0309\u030a\u030b\u030c\u030d\u030e\u030f' || E'\u0310\u0311\u0312\u0313\u0314\u0315\u0316\u0317\u0318\u0319\u031a\u031b\u031c\u031d\u031e\u031f' || E'\u0320\u0321\u0322\u0323\u0324\u0325\u0326\u0327\u0328\u0329\u032a\u032b\u032c\u032d\u032e\u032f' || E'\u0330\u0331\u0332\u0333\u0334\u0335\u0336\u0337\u0338\u0339\u033a\u033b\u033c\u033d\u033e\u033f' || E'\u0340\u0341\u0342\u0343\u0344\u0345\u0346\u0347\u0348\u0349\u034a\u034b\u034c\u034d\u034e\u034f' || E'\u0350\u0351\u0352\u0353\u0354\u0355\u0356\u0357\u0358\u0359\u035a\u035b\u035c\u035d\u035e\u035f' || E'\u0360\u0361\u0362' || E'\u20dd\u20de\u20df\u20e0' || E'\u20e2\u20e3\u20e4]', '', 'g') $f_unaccent$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; END IF; END $$; 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.get_tsvector(text) RETURNS tsvector AS $$ SELECT to_tsvector('simple', translate($1, '&', ',')); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.get_tsvector(text) RETURNS tsvector AS $$ SELECT to_tsvector('simple', translate($1, '&', ',')); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.tsquery_and(text) RETURNS tsquery AS $$ SELECT to_tsquery('simple', string_agg(CASE WHEN length(v) = 0 OR v = '*' THEN '' WHEN right(v, 1) = '*' THEN '''' || left(v, -1) || ''':*' ELSE '''' || v || '''' END, '&')) FROM (SELECT regexp_split_to_table(translate($1, '&''', ',,'), ' +')) AS x(v); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.tsquery_and(text) RETURNS tsquery AS $$ SELECT to_tsquery('simple', string_agg(CASE WHEN length(v) = 0 OR v = '*' THEN '' WHEN right(v, 1) = '*' THEN '''' || left(v, -1) || ''':*' ELSE '''' || v || '''' END, '&')) FROM (SELECT regexp_split_to_table(translate($1, '&''', ',,'), ' +')) AS x(v); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.tsquery_or(text) RETURNS tsquery AS $$ SELECT replace(testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.tsquery_and($1)::text, '&', '|')::tsquery; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.tsquery_or(text) RETURNS tsquery AS $$ SELECT replace(testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.tsquery_and($1)::text, '&', '|')::tsquery; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.tsquery_phrase(text) RETURNS tsquery AS $$ SELECT replace(testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.tsquery_and($1)::text, '&', '<->')::tsquery; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.tsquery_phrase(text) RETURNS tsquery AS $$ SELECT replace(testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.tsquery_and($1)::text, '&', '<->')::tsquery; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.normalize_digits(text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT translate((regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[1], E' \t-', '') || CASE WHEN (regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[1] = '' THEN '' WHEN (regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[2] = '' THEN '' ELSE ' ' END || (regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[2]; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.normalize_digits(text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT translate((regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[1], E' \t-', '') || CASE WHEN (regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[1] = '' THEN '' WHEN (regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[2] = '' THEN '' ELSE ' ' END || (regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[2]; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.set_id_in_jsonb() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $$ BEGIN NEW.jsonb = jsonb_set(NEW.jsonb, '{id}', to_jsonb(NEW.id)); RETURN NEW; END; $$ language 'plpgsql'; 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.set_id_in_jsonb() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $$ BEGIN NEW.jsonb = jsonb_set(NEW.jsonb, '{id}', to_jsonb(NEW.id)); RETURN NEW; END; $$ language 'plpgsql'; 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} create or replace function testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.concat_space_sql(VARIADIC text[]) RETURNS text AS $$ select concat_ws(' ', VARIADIC $1); $$ LANGUAGE SQL IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed create or replace function testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.concat_space_sql(VARIADIC text[]) RETURNS text AS $$ select concat_ws(' ', VARIADIC $1); $$ LANGUAGE SQL IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} create or replace function testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object_values(jsonb_array jsonb, field text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT string_agg(value->>$2, ' ') FROM jsonb_array_elements($1); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed create or replace function testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object_values(jsonb_array jsonb, field text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT string_agg(value->>$2, ' ') FROM jsonb_array_elements($1); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} create or replace function testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object_values( jsonb_array jsonb, field text, filterkey text, filtervalue text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT string_agg(value->>$2, ' ') FROM jsonb_array_elements($1) WHERE value->>$3 = $4; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed create or replace function testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object_values( jsonb_array jsonb, field text, filterkey text, filtervalue text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT string_agg(value->>$2, ' ') FROM jsonb_array_elements($1) WHERE value->>$3 = $4; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} create or replace function testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.first_array_object_value( jsonb_array jsonb, field text, filterkey text, filtervalue text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT value->>$2 FROM jsonb_array_elements($1) WHERE value->>$3 = $4 LIMIT 1; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed create or replace function testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.first_array_object_value( jsonb_array jsonb, field text, filterkey text, filtervalue text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT value->>$2 FROM jsonb_array_elements($1) WHERE value->>$3 = $4 LIMIT 1; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} create or replace function testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object(jsonb_array jsonb) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT string_agg(value::text, ' ') FROM jsonb_array_elements_text($1); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed create or replace function testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object(jsonb_array jsonb) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT string_agg(value::text, ' ') FROM jsonb_array_elements_text($1); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS rmb_internal_index(aname text, tops text, newdef text); 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='00000', message='function rmb_internal_index(text,text,text) does not exist, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='dropcmds.c', line='491', routine='does_not_exist_skipping', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS rmb_internal_index(aname text, tops text, newdef text); 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION rmb_internal_index( atable text, aname text, tops text, newdef text) RETURNS void AS $$ DECLARE olddef text; namep CONSTANT text = concat(aname, '_p'); prepareddef text; BEGIN IF tops = 'DELETE' THEN -- use case insensitive %s, not case sensitive %I -- no SQL injection because the names are hard-coded in schema.json EXECUTE format('DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s', aname); EXECUTE 'DELETE FROM testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE name = $1' USING aname; RETURN; END IF; SELECT def INTO olddef FROM testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE name = aname; SELECT def INTO prepareddef FROM testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE name = namep; prepareddef = replace(prepareddef, concat(' ', namep, ' ON '), concat(' ', aname, ' ON ')); IF prepareddef = newdef THEN EXECUTE format('DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s', aname); EXECUTE format('ALTER INDEX IF EXISTS %s RENAME TO %s', namep, aname); EXECUTE 'DELETE FROM rmb_internal_index WHERE name = $1' USING namep; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO rmb_internal_analyze VALUES ($1)' USING atable; ELSIF olddef IS DISTINCT FROM newdef THEN EXECUTE format('DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s', aname); EXECUTE newdef; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO rmb_internal_analyze VALUES ($1)' USING atable; END IF; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index VALUES ($1, $2, FALSE) ' 'ON CONFLICT (name) DO UPDATE SET def = EXCLUDED.def, remove = EXCLUDED.remove' USING aname, newdef; END $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION rmb_internal_index( atable text, aname text, tops text, newdef text) RETURNS void AS $$ DECLARE olddef text; namep CONSTANT text = concat(aname, '_p'); prepareddef text; BEGIN IF tops = 'DELETE' THEN -- use case insensitive %s, not case sensitive %I -- no SQL injection because the names are hard-coded in schema.json EXECUTE format('DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s', aname); EXECUTE 'DELETE FROM testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE name = $1' USING aname; RETURN; END IF; SELECT def INTO olddef FROM testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE name = aname; SELECT def INTO prepareddef FROM testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE name = namep; prepareddef = replace(prepareddef, concat(' ', namep, ' ON '), concat(' ', aname, ' ON ')); IF prepareddef = newdef THEN EXECUTE format('DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s', aname); EXECUTE format('ALTER INDEX IF EXISTS %s RENAME TO %s', namep, aname); EXECUTE 'DELETE FROM rmb_internal_index WHERE name = $1' USING namep; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO rmb_internal_analyze VALUES ($1)' USING atable; ELSIF olddef IS DISTINCT FROM newdef THEN EXECUTE format('DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s', aname); EXECUTE newdef; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO rmb_internal_analyze VALUES ($1)' USING atable; END IF; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index VALUES ($1, $2, FALSE) ' 'ON CONFLICT (name) DO UPDATE SET def = EXCLUDED.def, remove = EXCLUDED.remove' USING aname, newdef; END $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DO $$ BEGIN -- use advisory lock to prevent "tuple concurrently updated" -- https://issues.folio.org/browse/RMB-744 PERFORM pg_advisory_xact_lock(20201101, 1234567890); REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ON SCHEMA public FROM testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub; REVOKE CREATE ON SCHEMA public FROM PUBLIC; END $$; 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DO $$ BEGIN -- use advisory lock to prevent "tuple concurrently updated" -- https://issues.folio.org/browse/RMB-744 PERFORM pg_advisory_xact_lock(20201101, 1234567890); REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ON SCHEMA public FROM testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub; REVOKE CREATE ON SCHEMA public FROM PUBLIC; END $$; 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DO $$ DECLARE aname TEXT; BEGIN FOR aname IN SELECT name FROM testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE remove = TRUE LOOP EXECUTE 'DROP INDEX IF EXISTS ' || aname; END LOOP; END $$; 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DO $$ DECLARE aname TEXT; BEGIN FOR aname IN SELECT name FROM testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE remove = TRUE LOOP EXECUTE 'DROP INDEX IF EXISTS ' || aname; END LOOP; END $$; 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DO $$ DECLARE version TEXT; i RECORD; newindexdef TEXT; BEGIN SELECT jsonb->>'rmbVersion' INTO version FROM testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal; IF version !~ '^(\d\.|1\d\.|2[0-8]\.|29\.[0-3]\.)' THEN -- skip this upgrade if last install/upgrade was made by RMB >= 29.4.x RETURN; END IF; FOR i IN SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_indexes WHERE schemaname = 'testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub' LOOP newindexdef := regexp_replace(i.indexdef, -- \m = beginning of a word, \M = end of a word '\mpublic\.(f_unaccent|concat_space_sql|concat_array_object_values|concat_array_object)\M', 'testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.\1', 'g'); IF newindexdef <> i.indexdef THEN EXECUTE 'DROP INDEX ' || i.indexname; EXECUTE newindexdef; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO rmb_internal_analyze VALUES ($1)' USING i.tablename; END IF; END LOOP; END $$; 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DO $$ DECLARE version TEXT; i RECORD; newindexdef TEXT; BEGIN SELECT jsonb->>'rmbVersion' INTO version FROM testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal; IF version !~ '^(\d\.|1\d\.|2[0-8]\.|29\.[0-3]\.)' THEN -- skip this upgrade if last install/upgrade was made by RMB >= 29.4.x RETURN; END IF; FOR i IN SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_indexes WHERE schemaname = 'testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub' LOOP newindexdef := regexp_replace(i.indexdef, -- \m = beginning of a word, \M = end of a word '\mpublic\.(f_unaccent|concat_space_sql|concat_array_object_values|concat_array_object)\M', 'testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.\1', 'g'); IF newindexdef <> i.indexdef THEN EXECUTE 'DROP INDEX ' || i.indexname; EXECUTE newindexdef; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO rmb_internal_analyze VALUES ($1)' USING i.tablename; END IF; END LOOP; END $$; 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DO $$ DECLARE t TEXT; BEGIN FOR t IN SELECT DISTINCT tablename FROM rmb_internal_analyze LOOP EXECUTE 'ANALYZE ' || t; END LOOP; END $$; 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DO $$ DECLARE t TEXT; BEGIN FOR t IN SELECT DISTINCT tablename FROM rmb_internal_analyze LOOP EXECUTE 'ANALYZE ' || t; END LOOP; END $$; 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} TRUNCATE rmb_internal_analyze; 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed TRUNCATE rmb_internal_analyze; 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub TO testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub; 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub TO testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub; 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} UPDATE testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal SET jsonb = jsonb || jsonb_build_object( 'rmbVersion', '33.0.4', 'moduleVersion', 'mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT.175', 'schemaJson', $mainftl${} $mainftl$); 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed UPDATE testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal SET jsonb = jsonb || jsonb_build_object( 'rmbVersion', '33.0.4', 'moduleVersion', 'mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT.175', 'schemaJson', $mainftl${} $mainftl$); 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO LiquibaseUtil Initializing schema testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub for tenant testenant4144401034045853696 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO leConnectionProvider Attempting to get connection for testenant4144401034045853696 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient DB config read from environment variables 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Using schema: testenant4144401034045853696 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient postgreSQLClientConfig = {"maxPoolSize":5,"port":5432,"username":"testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub","host":"","database":"okapi_modules","password":"...","postgres_tester":false} 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO LiquibaseUtil Schema is initialized for tenant testenant4144401034045853696 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending GET for 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking getTenantByOperationId 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil GET /_/tenant/6943c05a-45e4-4bc0-8758-6f14eed2b0b1 null HTTP_1_1 200 387 2 tid=testenant4144401034045853696 OK 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 200 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 201 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO SecurityManagerImpl Created pubsub-user user 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 201 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO SecurityManagerImpl Saved pubsub-user user credentials 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 403 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] ERROR SecurityManagerImpl Failed to add permissions for pubsub-user user. Received status code 403 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 201 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO SecurityManagerImpl Logged in pubsub-user user 12:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO TenantAPI job 6943c05a-45e4-4bc0-8758-6f14eed2b0b1 completed 12:26:00 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking getTenantByOperationId 12:26:00 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil GET /_/tenant/6943c05a-45e4-4bc0-8758-6f14eed2b0b1 null HTTP_1_1 200 386 2 tid=testenant4144401034045853696 OK 12:26:00 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking deleteTenantByOperationId 12:26:00 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil DELETE /_/tenant/6943c05a-45e4-4bc0-8758-6f14eed2b0b1 null HTTP_1_1 204 0 2 tid=testenant4144401034045853696 No Content 12:26:00 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubEventTypes 12:26:00 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/event-types HTTP_1_1 201 133 2 tid=testenant4144401034045853696 Created 12:26:00 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubEventTypesDeclarePublisher 12:26:00 [] [] [] [] INFO afkaTopicServiceImpl Created topics: [LOG_RECORD] 12:26:00 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/event-types/declare/publisher HTTP_1_1 201 0 20 tid=testenant4144401034045853696 Created 12:26:15 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postTenant 12:26:15 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Executing multiple statements with id -727071872 12:26:15 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub CASCADE; 12:26:15 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='00000', message='drop cascades to 31 other objects', detail='drop cascades to table testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal drop cascades to table testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.rmb_job drop cascades to table testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index drop cascades to table testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_analyze drop cascades to function testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.uuid_smaller(uuid,uuid) drop cascades to function testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.uuid_larger(uuid,uuid) drop cascades to function testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.next_uuid(uuid) drop cascades to function testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.max(uuid) drop cascades to function testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.min(uuid) drop cascades to function testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(bigint,bigint,text) drop cascades to function testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_default(text) drop cascades to function testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.count_estimate(text) drop cascades to function testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.upsert(text,uuid,anyelement) drop cascades to function testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.f_unaccent(text) drop cascades to function testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.get_tsvector(text) drop cascades to function testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.tsquery_and(text) drop cascades to function testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.tsquery_or(text) drop cascades to function testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.tsquery_phrase(text) drop cascades to function testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.normalize_digits(text) drop cascades to function testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.set_id_in_jsonb() drop cascades to function testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.concat_space_sql(text[]) drop cascades to function testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object_values(jsonb,text) drop cascades to function testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object_values(jsonb,text,text,text) drop cascades to function testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.first_array_object_value(jsonb,text,text,text) drop cascades to function testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object(jsonb) drop cascades to function testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index(text,text,text,text) drop cascades to table testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.databasechangeloglock drop cascades to table testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.databasechangelog drop cascades to table testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.audit_message_payload drop cascades to table testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.audit_message drop cascades to type testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub.message_state', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='dependency.c', line='1214', routine='reportDependentObjects', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 12:26:15 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub CASCADE; 12:26:15 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP ROLE IF EXISTS testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub; 12:26:15 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP ROLE IF EXISTS testenant4144401034045853696_mod_pubsub; 12:26:15 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /_/tenant null HTTP_1_1 204 0 16 tid=testenant4144401034045853696 No Content 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postTenant 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Executing multiple statements with id 1178542397 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE ROLE testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub PASSWORD 'testenant2085118520034063360' NOSUPERUSER NOCREATEDB INHERIT LOGIN; 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE ROLE testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub PASSWORD 'testenant2085118520034063360' NOSUPERUSER NOCREATEDB INHERIT LOGIN; 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} GRANT testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub TO CURRENT_USER; 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed GRANT testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub TO CURRENT_USER; 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE SCHEMA testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub AUTHORIZATION testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub; 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE SCHEMA testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub AUTHORIZATION testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub; 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} ALTER ROLE testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub SET search_path = "$user"; 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed ALTER ROLE testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub SET search_path = "$user"; 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DO $$ BEGIN BEGIN -- This only succeeds if show_trgm, a pg_trgm function, -- has been loaded into public schema. PERFORM public.show_trgm('a'); EXCEPTION WHEN undefined_function THEN BEGIN ALTER EXTENSION pg_trgm SET SCHEMA public; EXCEPTION WHEN undefined_object THEN NULL; END; END; END $$; 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DO $$ BEGIN BEGIN -- This only succeeds if show_trgm, a pg_trgm function, -- has been loaded into public schema. PERFORM public.show_trgm('a'); EXCEPTION WHEN undefined_function THEN BEGIN ALTER EXTENSION pg_trgm SET SCHEMA public; EXCEPTION WHEN undefined_object THEN NULL; END; END; END $$; 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS unaccent WITH SCHEMA public; 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='42710', message='extension "unaccent" already exists, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='extension.c', line='1761', routine='CreateExtension', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS unaccent WITH SCHEMA public; 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS pg_trgm WITH SCHEMA public; 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='42710', message='extension "pg_trgm" already exists, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='extension.c', line='1761', routine='CreateExtension', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS pg_trgm WITH SCHEMA public; 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, jsonb JSONB NOT NULL ); 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, jsonb JSONB NOT NULL ); 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} insert into testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal (jsonb) values ('{"rmbVersion": "33.0.4", "moduleVersion": "mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT.175"}'::jsonb); 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed insert into testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal (jsonb) values ('{"rmbVersion": "33.0.4", "moduleVersion": "mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT.175"}'::jsonb); 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.rmb_job ( id UUID PRIMARY KEY, jsonb JSONB NOT NULL ); 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.rmb_job ( id UUID PRIMARY KEY, jsonb JSONB NOT NULL ); 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /_/tenant null HTTP_1_1 201 387 53 tid=testenant2085118520034063360 Created 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Executing multiple statements with id -2069520607 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking getTenantByOperationId 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} SET search_path TO testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub; 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed SET search_path TO testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub; 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index ( name text PRIMARY KEY, def text NOT NULL, remove boolean NOT NULL ); 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil GET /_/tenant/dcade1bb-0761-4262-be63-daa10002e84b null HTTP_1_1 200 387 6 tid=testenant2085118520034063360 OK 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index ( name text PRIMARY KEY, def text NOT NULL, remove boolean NOT NULL ); 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} UPDATE testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index SET remove = TRUE; 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed UPDATE testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index SET remove = TRUE; 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS rmb_internal_analyze ( tablename text ); 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS rmb_internal_analyze ( tablename text ); 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.uuid_smaller(uuid, uuid) RETURNS uuid AS $$ BEGIN IF $1 IS NULL THEN RETURN $2; END IF; IF $2 IS NULL THEN RETURN $1; END IF; IF $1 < $2 THEN RETURN $1; ELSE RETURN $2; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.uuid_smaller(uuid, uuid) RETURNS uuid AS $$ BEGIN IF $1 IS NULL THEN RETURN $2; END IF; IF $2 IS NULL THEN RETURN $1; END IF; IF $1 < $2 THEN RETURN $1; ELSE RETURN $2; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.uuid_larger(uuid, uuid) RETURNS uuid AS $$ BEGIN IF $1 IS NULL THEN RETURN $2; END IF; IF $2 IS NULL THEN RETURN $1; END IF; IF $1 > $2 THEN RETURN $1; ELSE RETURN $2; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.uuid_larger(uuid, uuid) RETURNS uuid AS $$ BEGIN IF $1 IS NULL THEN RETURN $2; END IF; IF $2 IS NULL THEN RETURN $1; END IF; IF $1 > $2 THEN RETURN $1; ELSE RETURN $2; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.next_uuid(uuid) RETURNS uuid AS $$ DECLARE uuid text; digit text; BEGIN uuid = $1; FOR i IN REVERSE 36..1 LOOP digit := substring(uuid from i for 1); -- skip minus, version byte M and variant byte N CONTINUE WHEN digit = '-' OR i = 15 OR i = 20; CASE digit WHEN '0' THEN digit := '1'; WHEN '1' THEN digit := '2'; WHEN '2' THEN digit := '3'; WHEN '3' THEN digit := '4'; WHEN '4' THEN digit := '5'; WHEN '5' THEN digit := '6'; WHEN '6' THEN digit := '7'; WHEN '7' THEN digit := '8'; WHEN '8' THEN digit := '9'; WHEN '9' THEN digit := 'a'; WHEN 'a' THEN digit := 'b'; WHEN 'b' THEN digit := 'c'; WHEN 'c' THEN digit := 'd'; WHEN 'd' THEN digit := 'e'; WHEN 'e' THEN digit := 'f'; WHEN 'f' THEN digit := '0'; ELSE NULL; END CASE; uuid = overlay(uuid placing digit from i); EXIT WHEN digit <> '0'; END LOOP; RETURN uuid; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.next_uuid(uuid) RETURNS uuid AS $$ DECLARE uuid text; digit text; BEGIN uuid = $1; FOR i IN REVERSE 36..1 LOOP digit := substring(uuid from i for 1); -- skip minus, version byte M and variant byte N CONTINUE WHEN digit = '-' OR i = 15 OR i = 20; CASE digit WHEN '0' THEN digit := '1'; WHEN '1' THEN digit := '2'; WHEN '2' THEN digit := '3'; WHEN '3' THEN digit := '4'; WHEN '4' THEN digit := '5'; WHEN '5' THEN digit := '6'; WHEN '6' THEN digit := '7'; WHEN '7' THEN digit := '8'; WHEN '8' THEN digit := '9'; WHEN '9' THEN digit := 'a'; WHEN 'a' THEN digit := 'b'; WHEN 'b' THEN digit := 'c'; WHEN 'c' THEN digit := 'd'; WHEN 'd' THEN digit := 'e'; WHEN 'e' THEN digit := 'f'; WHEN 'f' THEN digit := '0'; ELSE NULL; END CASE; uuid = overlay(uuid placing digit from i); EXIT WHEN digit <> '0'; END LOOP; RETURN uuid; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE AGGREGATE testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.max(uuid) ( stype = uuid, sfunc = testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.uuid_larger, combinefunc = testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.uuid_larger, parallel = safe, sortop = operator (>) ); 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE AGGREGATE testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.max(uuid) ( stype = uuid, sfunc = testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.uuid_larger, combinefunc = testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.uuid_larger, parallel = safe, sortop = operator (>) ); 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE AGGREGATE testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.min(uuid) ( stype = uuid, sfunc = testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.uuid_smaller, combinefunc = testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.uuid_smaller, parallel = safe, sortop = operator (<) ); 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE AGGREGATE testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.min(uuid) ( stype = uuid, sfunc = testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.uuid_smaller, combinefunc = testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.uuid_smaller, parallel = safe, sortop = operator (<) ); 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(bigint,bigint,text); 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='00000', message='function testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(pg_catalog.int8,pg_catalog.int8,text) does not exist, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='dropcmds.c', line='491', routine='does_not_exist_skipping', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(bigint,bigint,text); 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE FUNCTION testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(rows bigint, lim bigint, query text) RETURNS bigint AS $$ DECLARE rec record; cnt bigint; BEGIN IF rows = lim THEN FOR rec IN EXECUTE 'EXPLAIN ' || query LOOP cnt := substring(rec."QUERY PLAN" FROM ' rows=([[:digit:]]+)'); EXIT WHEN cnt IS NOT NULL; END LOOP; RETURN cnt; END IF; RETURN rows; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql VOLATILE STRICT; 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE FUNCTION testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(rows bigint, lim bigint, query text) RETURNS bigint AS $$ DECLARE rec record; cnt bigint; BEGIN IF rows = lim THEN FOR rec IN EXECUTE 'EXPLAIN ' || query LOOP cnt := substring(rec."QUERY PLAN" FROM ' rows=([[:digit:]]+)'); EXIT WHEN cnt IS NOT NULL; END LOOP; RETURN cnt; END IF; RETURN rows; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql VOLATILE STRICT; 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_default(query text) RETURNS bigint AS $$ DECLARE rows bigint; q text; BEGIN q = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (' || query || ' LIMIT 1000) x'; EXECUTE q INTO rows; IF rows < 1000 THEN return rows; END IF; rows = testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(1000, 1000, query); IF rows < 1000 THEN return 1000; END IF; RETURN rows; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE STRICT; 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_default(query text) RETURNS bigint AS $$ DECLARE rows bigint; q text; BEGIN q = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (' || query || ' LIMIT 1000) x'; EXECUTE q INTO rows; IF rows < 1000 THEN return rows; END IF; rows = testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(1000, 1000, query); IF rows < 1000 THEN return 1000; END IF; RETURN rows; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE STRICT; 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.count_estimate(query text) RETURNS bigint AS $$ DECLARE count bigint; est_count bigint; q text; BEGIN est_count = testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(1000, 1000, query); IF est_count > 4*1000 THEN RETURN est_count; END IF; q = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (' || query || ' LIMIT 1000) x'; EXECUTE q INTO count; IF count < 1000 THEN RETURN count; END IF; IF est_count < 1000 THEN RETURN 1000; END IF; RETURN est_count; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql STABLE STRICT; 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.count_estimate(query text) RETURNS bigint AS $$ DECLARE count bigint; est_count bigint; q text; BEGIN est_count = testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(1000, 1000, query); IF est_count > 4*1000 THEN RETURN est_count; END IF; q = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (' || query || ' LIMIT 1000) x'; EXECUTE q INTO count; IF count < 1000 THEN RETURN count; END IF; IF est_count < 1000 THEN RETURN 1000; END IF; RETURN est_count; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql STABLE STRICT; 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.upsert(text, uuid, anyelement) RETURNS uuid AS $$ DECLARE ret uuid; BEGIN EXECUTE format('UPDATE testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.%I SET jsonb=$3 WHERE id=$2 RETURNING id', $1) USING $1, $2, $3 INTO ret; IF ret IS NOT NULL THEN RETURN ret; END IF; EXECUTE format('INSERT INTO testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.%I (id, jsonb) VALUES ($2, $3) RETURNING id', $1) USING $1, $2, $3 INTO STRICT ret; RETURN ret; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.upsert(text, uuid, anyelement) RETURNS uuid AS $$ DECLARE ret uuid; BEGIN EXECUTE format('UPDATE testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.%I SET jsonb=$3 WHERE id=$2 RETURNING id', $1) USING $1, $2, $3 INTO ret; IF ret IS NOT NULL THEN RETURN ret; END IF; EXECUTE format('INSERT INTO testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.%I (id, jsonb) VALUES ($2, $3) RETURNING id', $1) USING $1, $2, $3 INTO STRICT ret; RETURN ret; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DO $$ DECLARE ver integer; BEGIN SELECT current_setting('server_version_num') INTO ver; IF (ver >= 120000) THEN CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.f_unaccent(text) RETURNS text AS $f_unaccent$ SELECT public.unaccent('public.unaccent', $1) -- schema-qualify function and dictionary $f_unaccent$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; ELSE CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.f_unaccent(text) RETURNS text AS $f_unaccent$ SELECT regexp_replace(public.unaccent('public.unaccent', $1), E'[\u0300\u0301\u0302\u0303\u0304\u0305\u0306\u0307\u0308\u0309\u030a\u030b\u030c\u030d\u030e\u030f' || E'\u0310\u0311\u0312\u0313\u0314\u0315\u0316\u0317\u0318\u0319\u031a\u031b\u031c\u031d\u031e\u031f' || E'\u0320\u0321\u0322\u0323\u0324\u0325\u0326\u0327\u0328\u0329\u032a\u032b\u032c\u032d\u032e\u032f' || E'\u0330\u0331\u0332\u0333\u0334\u0335\u0336\u0337\u0338\u0339\u033a\u033b\u033c\u033d\u033e\u033f' || E'\u0340\u0341\u0342\u0343\u0344\u0345\u0346\u0347\u0348\u0349\u034a\u034b\u034c\u034d\u034e\u034f' || E'\u0350\u0351\u0352\u0353\u0354\u0355\u0356\u0357\u0358\u0359\u035a\u035b\u035c\u035d\u035e\u035f' || E'\u0360\u0361\u0362' || E'\u20dd\u20de\u20df\u20e0' || E'\u20e2\u20e3\u20e4]', '', 'g') $f_unaccent$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; END IF; END $$; 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DO $$ DECLARE ver integer; BEGIN SELECT current_setting('server_version_num') INTO ver; IF (ver >= 120000) THEN CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.f_unaccent(text) RETURNS text AS $f_unaccent$ SELECT public.unaccent('public.unaccent', $1) -- schema-qualify function and dictionary $f_unaccent$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; ELSE CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.f_unaccent(text) RETURNS text AS $f_unaccent$ SELECT regexp_replace(public.unaccent('public.unaccent', $1), E'[\u0300\u0301\u0302\u0303\u0304\u0305\u0306\u0307\u0308\u0309\u030a\u030b\u030c\u030d\u030e\u030f' || E'\u0310\u0311\u0312\u0313\u0314\u0315\u0316\u0317\u0318\u0319\u031a\u031b\u031c\u031d\u031e\u031f' || E'\u0320\u0321\u0322\u0323\u0324\u0325\u0326\u0327\u0328\u0329\u032a\u032b\u032c\u032d\u032e\u032f' || E'\u0330\u0331\u0332\u0333\u0334\u0335\u0336\u0337\u0338\u0339\u033a\u033b\u033c\u033d\u033e\u033f' || E'\u0340\u0341\u0342\u0343\u0344\u0345\u0346\u0347\u0348\u0349\u034a\u034b\u034c\u034d\u034e\u034f' || E'\u0350\u0351\u0352\u0353\u0354\u0355\u0356\u0357\u0358\u0359\u035a\u035b\u035c\u035d\u035e\u035f' || E'\u0360\u0361\u0362' || E'\u20dd\u20de\u20df\u20e0' || E'\u20e2\u20e3\u20e4]', '', 'g') $f_unaccent$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; END IF; END $$; 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.get_tsvector(text) RETURNS tsvector AS $$ SELECT to_tsvector('simple', translate($1, '&', ',')); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.get_tsvector(text) RETURNS tsvector AS $$ SELECT to_tsvector('simple', translate($1, '&', ',')); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.tsquery_and(text) RETURNS tsquery AS $$ SELECT to_tsquery('simple', string_agg(CASE WHEN length(v) = 0 OR v = '*' THEN '' WHEN right(v, 1) = '*' THEN '''' || left(v, -1) || ''':*' ELSE '''' || v || '''' END, '&')) FROM (SELECT regexp_split_to_table(translate($1, '&''', ',,'), ' +')) AS x(v); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.tsquery_and(text) RETURNS tsquery AS $$ SELECT to_tsquery('simple', string_agg(CASE WHEN length(v) = 0 OR v = '*' THEN '' WHEN right(v, 1) = '*' THEN '''' || left(v, -1) || ''':*' ELSE '''' || v || '''' END, '&')) FROM (SELECT regexp_split_to_table(translate($1, '&''', ',,'), ' +')) AS x(v); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.tsquery_or(text) RETURNS tsquery AS $$ SELECT replace(testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.tsquery_and($1)::text, '&', '|')::tsquery; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.tsquery_or(text) RETURNS tsquery AS $$ SELECT replace(testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.tsquery_and($1)::text, '&', '|')::tsquery; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.tsquery_phrase(text) RETURNS tsquery AS $$ SELECT replace(testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.tsquery_and($1)::text, '&', '<->')::tsquery; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.tsquery_phrase(text) RETURNS tsquery AS $$ SELECT replace(testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.tsquery_and($1)::text, '&', '<->')::tsquery; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.normalize_digits(text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT translate((regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[1], E' \t-', '') || CASE WHEN (regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[1] = '' THEN '' WHEN (regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[2] = '' THEN '' ELSE ' ' END || (regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[2]; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.normalize_digits(text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT translate((regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[1], E' \t-', '') || CASE WHEN (regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[1] = '' THEN '' WHEN (regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[2] = '' THEN '' ELSE ' ' END || (regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[2]; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.set_id_in_jsonb() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $$ BEGIN NEW.jsonb = jsonb_set(NEW.jsonb, '{id}', to_jsonb(NEW.id)); RETURN NEW; END; $$ language 'plpgsql'; 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.set_id_in_jsonb() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $$ BEGIN NEW.jsonb = jsonb_set(NEW.jsonb, '{id}', to_jsonb(NEW.id)); RETURN NEW; END; $$ language 'plpgsql'; 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} create or replace function testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.concat_space_sql(VARIADIC text[]) RETURNS text AS $$ select concat_ws(' ', VARIADIC $1); $$ LANGUAGE SQL IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed create or replace function testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.concat_space_sql(VARIADIC text[]) RETURNS text AS $$ select concat_ws(' ', VARIADIC $1); $$ LANGUAGE SQL IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} create or replace function testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object_values(jsonb_array jsonb, field text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT string_agg(value->>$2, ' ') FROM jsonb_array_elements($1); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed create or replace function testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object_values(jsonb_array jsonb, field text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT string_agg(value->>$2, ' ') FROM jsonb_array_elements($1); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} create or replace function testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object_values( jsonb_array jsonb, field text, filterkey text, filtervalue text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT string_agg(value->>$2, ' ') FROM jsonb_array_elements($1) WHERE value->>$3 = $4; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed create or replace function testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object_values( jsonb_array jsonb, field text, filterkey text, filtervalue text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT string_agg(value->>$2, ' ') FROM jsonb_array_elements($1) WHERE value->>$3 = $4; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} create or replace function testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.first_array_object_value( jsonb_array jsonb, field text, filterkey text, filtervalue text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT value->>$2 FROM jsonb_array_elements($1) WHERE value->>$3 = $4 LIMIT 1; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed create or replace function testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.first_array_object_value( jsonb_array jsonb, field text, filterkey text, filtervalue text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT value->>$2 FROM jsonb_array_elements($1) WHERE value->>$3 = $4 LIMIT 1; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} create or replace function testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object(jsonb_array jsonb) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT string_agg(value::text, ' ') FROM jsonb_array_elements_text($1); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed create or replace function testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object(jsonb_array jsonb) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT string_agg(value::text, ' ') FROM jsonb_array_elements_text($1); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS rmb_internal_index(aname text, tops text, newdef text); 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='00000', message='function rmb_internal_index(text,text,text) does not exist, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='dropcmds.c', line='491', routine='does_not_exist_skipping', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS rmb_internal_index(aname text, tops text, newdef text); 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION rmb_internal_index( atable text, aname text, tops text, newdef text) RETURNS void AS $$ DECLARE olddef text; namep CONSTANT text = concat(aname, '_p'); prepareddef text; BEGIN IF tops = 'DELETE' THEN -- use case insensitive %s, not case sensitive %I -- no SQL injection because the names are hard-coded in schema.json EXECUTE format('DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s', aname); EXECUTE 'DELETE FROM testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE name = $1' USING aname; RETURN; END IF; SELECT def INTO olddef FROM testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE name = aname; SELECT def INTO prepareddef FROM testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE name = namep; prepareddef = replace(prepareddef, concat(' ', namep, ' ON '), concat(' ', aname, ' ON ')); IF prepareddef = newdef THEN EXECUTE format('DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s', aname); EXECUTE format('ALTER INDEX IF EXISTS %s RENAME TO %s', namep, aname); EXECUTE 'DELETE FROM rmb_internal_index WHERE name = $1' USING namep; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO rmb_internal_analyze VALUES ($1)' USING atable; ELSIF olddef IS DISTINCT FROM newdef THEN EXECUTE format('DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s', aname); EXECUTE newdef; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO rmb_internal_analyze VALUES ($1)' USING atable; END IF; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index VALUES ($1, $2, FALSE) ' 'ON CONFLICT (name) DO UPDATE SET def = EXCLUDED.def, remove = EXCLUDED.remove' USING aname, newdef; END $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION rmb_internal_index( atable text, aname text, tops text, newdef text) RETURNS void AS $$ DECLARE olddef text; namep CONSTANT text = concat(aname, '_p'); prepareddef text; BEGIN IF tops = 'DELETE' THEN -- use case insensitive %s, not case sensitive %I -- no SQL injection because the names are hard-coded in schema.json EXECUTE format('DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s', aname); EXECUTE 'DELETE FROM testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE name = $1' USING aname; RETURN; END IF; SELECT def INTO olddef FROM testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE name = aname; SELECT def INTO prepareddef FROM testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE name = namep; prepareddef = replace(prepareddef, concat(' ', namep, ' ON '), concat(' ', aname, ' ON ')); IF prepareddef = newdef THEN EXECUTE format('DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s', aname); EXECUTE format('ALTER INDEX IF EXISTS %s RENAME TO %s', namep, aname); EXECUTE 'DELETE FROM rmb_internal_index WHERE name = $1' USING namep; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO rmb_internal_analyze VALUES ($1)' USING atable; ELSIF olddef IS DISTINCT FROM newdef THEN EXECUTE format('DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s', aname); EXECUTE newdef; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO rmb_internal_analyze VALUES ($1)' USING atable; END IF; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index VALUES ($1, $2, FALSE) ' 'ON CONFLICT (name) DO UPDATE SET def = EXCLUDED.def, remove = EXCLUDED.remove' USING aname, newdef; END $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DO $$ BEGIN -- use advisory lock to prevent "tuple concurrently updated" -- https://issues.folio.org/browse/RMB-744 PERFORM pg_advisory_xact_lock(20201101, 1234567890); REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ON SCHEMA public FROM testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub; REVOKE CREATE ON SCHEMA public FROM PUBLIC; END $$; 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DO $$ BEGIN -- use advisory lock to prevent "tuple concurrently updated" -- https://issues.folio.org/browse/RMB-744 PERFORM pg_advisory_xact_lock(20201101, 1234567890); REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ON SCHEMA public FROM testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub; REVOKE CREATE ON SCHEMA public FROM PUBLIC; END $$; 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DO $$ DECLARE aname TEXT; BEGIN FOR aname IN SELECT name FROM testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE remove = TRUE LOOP EXECUTE 'DROP INDEX IF EXISTS ' || aname; END LOOP; END $$; 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DO $$ DECLARE aname TEXT; BEGIN FOR aname IN SELECT name FROM testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE remove = TRUE LOOP EXECUTE 'DROP INDEX IF EXISTS ' || aname; END LOOP; END $$; 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DO $$ DECLARE version TEXT; i RECORD; newindexdef TEXT; BEGIN SELECT jsonb->>'rmbVersion' INTO version FROM testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal; IF version !~ '^(\d\.|1\d\.|2[0-8]\.|29\.[0-3]\.)' THEN -- skip this upgrade if last install/upgrade was made by RMB >= 29.4.x RETURN; END IF; FOR i IN SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_indexes WHERE schemaname = 'testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub' LOOP newindexdef := regexp_replace(i.indexdef, -- \m = beginning of a word, \M = end of a word '\mpublic\.(f_unaccent|concat_space_sql|concat_array_object_values|concat_array_object)\M', 'testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.\1', 'g'); IF newindexdef <> i.indexdef THEN EXECUTE 'DROP INDEX ' || i.indexname; EXECUTE newindexdef; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO rmb_internal_analyze VALUES ($1)' USING i.tablename; END IF; END LOOP; END $$; 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DO $$ DECLARE version TEXT; i RECORD; newindexdef TEXT; BEGIN SELECT jsonb->>'rmbVersion' INTO version FROM testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal; IF version !~ '^(\d\.|1\d\.|2[0-8]\.|29\.[0-3]\.)' THEN -- skip this upgrade if last install/upgrade was made by RMB >= 29.4.x RETURN; END IF; FOR i IN SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_indexes WHERE schemaname = 'testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub' LOOP newindexdef := regexp_replace(i.indexdef, -- \m = beginning of a word, \M = end of a word '\mpublic\.(f_unaccent|concat_space_sql|concat_array_object_values|concat_array_object)\M', 'testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.\1', 'g'); IF newindexdef <> i.indexdef THEN EXECUTE 'DROP INDEX ' || i.indexname; EXECUTE newindexdef; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO rmb_internal_analyze VALUES ($1)' USING i.tablename; END IF; END LOOP; END $$; 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DO $$ DECLARE t TEXT; BEGIN FOR t IN SELECT DISTINCT tablename FROM rmb_internal_analyze LOOP EXECUTE 'ANALYZE ' || t; END LOOP; END $$; 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DO $$ DECLARE t TEXT; BEGIN FOR t IN SELECT DISTINCT tablename FROM rmb_internal_analyze LOOP EXECUTE 'ANALYZE ' || t; END LOOP; END $$; 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} TRUNCATE rmb_internal_analyze; 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed TRUNCATE rmb_internal_analyze; 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub TO testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub; 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub TO testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub; 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} UPDATE testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal SET jsonb = jsonb || jsonb_build_object( 'rmbVersion', '33.0.4', 'moduleVersion', 'mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT.175', 'schemaJson', $mainftl${} $mainftl$); 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed UPDATE testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal SET jsonb = jsonb || jsonb_build_object( 'rmbVersion', '33.0.4', 'moduleVersion', 'mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT.175', 'schemaJson', $mainftl${} $mainftl$); 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] INFO LiquibaseUtil Initializing schema testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub for tenant testenant2085118520034063360 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] INFO leConnectionProvider Attempting to get connection for testenant2085118520034063360 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient DB config read from environment variables 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Using schema: testenant2085118520034063360 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient postgreSQLClientConfig = {"maxPoolSize":5,"port":5432,"username":"testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub","host":"","database":"okapi_modules","password":"...","postgres_tester":false} 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] INFO LiquibaseUtil Schema is initialized for tenant testenant2085118520034063360 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending GET for 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking getTenantByOperationId 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil GET /_/tenant/dcade1bb-0761-4262-be63-daa10002e84b null HTTP_1_1 200 387 2 tid=testenant2085118520034063360 OK 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 200 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 201 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] INFO SecurityManagerImpl Created pubsub-user user 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 201 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] INFO SecurityManagerImpl Saved pubsub-user user credentials 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 403 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] ERROR SecurityManagerImpl Failed to add permissions for pubsub-user user. Received status code 403 12:35:41 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 12:35:42 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 201 12:35:42 [] [] [] [] INFO SecurityManagerImpl Logged in pubsub-user user 12:35:42 [] [] [] [] INFO TenantAPI job dcade1bb-0761-4262-be63-daa10002e84b completed 12:35:42 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking getTenantByOperationId 12:35:42 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil GET /_/tenant/dcade1bb-0761-4262-be63-daa10002e84b null HTTP_1_1 200 386 2 tid=testenant2085118520034063360 OK 12:35:42 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking deleteTenantByOperationId 12:35:42 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil DELETE /_/tenant/dcade1bb-0761-4262-be63-daa10002e84b null HTTP_1_1 204 0 2 tid=testenant2085118520034063360 No Content 12:35:43 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubEventTypes 12:35:43 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/event-types HTTP_1_1 201 133 2 tid=testenant2085118520034063360 Created 12:35:43 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubEventTypesDeclarePublisher 12:35:43 [] [] [] [] INFO afkaTopicServiceImpl Created topics: [LOG_RECORD] 12:35:43 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/event-types/declare/publisher HTTP_1_1 201 0 20 tid=testenant2085118520034063360 Created 12:35:58 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postTenant 12:35:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Executing multiple statements with id 2085268032 12:35:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub CASCADE; 12:35:58 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='00000', message='drop cascades to 31 other objects', detail='drop cascades to table testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal drop cascades to table testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.rmb_job drop cascades to table testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index drop cascades to table testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_analyze drop cascades to function testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.uuid_smaller(uuid,uuid) drop cascades to function testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.uuid_larger(uuid,uuid) drop cascades to function testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.next_uuid(uuid) drop cascades to function testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.max(uuid) drop cascades to function testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.min(uuid) drop cascades to function testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(bigint,bigint,text) drop cascades to function testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_default(text) drop cascades to function testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.count_estimate(text) drop cascades to function testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.upsert(text,uuid,anyelement) drop cascades to function testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.f_unaccent(text) drop cascades to function testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.get_tsvector(text) drop cascades to function testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.tsquery_and(text) drop cascades to function testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.tsquery_or(text) drop cascades to function testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.tsquery_phrase(text) drop cascades to function testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.normalize_digits(text) drop cascades to function testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.set_id_in_jsonb() drop cascades to function testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.concat_space_sql(text[]) drop cascades to function testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object_values(jsonb,text) drop cascades to function testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object_values(jsonb,text,text,text) drop cascades to function testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.first_array_object_value(jsonb,text,text,text) drop cascades to function testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object(jsonb) drop cascades to function testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index(text,text,text,text) drop cascades to table testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.databasechangeloglock drop cascades to table testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.databasechangelog drop cascades to table testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.audit_message_payload drop cascades to table testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.audit_message drop cascades to type testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub.message_state', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='dependency.c', line='1214', routine='reportDependentObjects', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 12:35:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub CASCADE; 12:35:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP ROLE IF EXISTS testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub; 12:35:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP ROLE IF EXISTS testenant2085118520034063360_mod_pubsub; 12:35:58 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /_/tenant null HTTP_1_1 204 0 21 tid=testenant2085118520034063360 No Content 12:36:31 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubPublish 12:36:31 [] [] [] [] INFO ublishingServiceImpl Sent LOG_RECORD event with id '03c5355f-4392-4bb0-a560-a4ee806ca543' to topic FOLIO.pub-sub.diku.LOG_RECORD.mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT 12:36:31 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/publish HTTP_1_1 204 0 17 tid=diku No Content 12:36:31 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Received LOG_RECORD event with id '03c5355f-4392-4bb0-a560-a4ee806ca543' 12:36:31 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Start delivering messages to subscriber /audit/handlers/log-record 12:36:31 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 12:36:31 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Start delivering messages to subscriber /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 12:36:31 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 12:36:31 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 12:36:31 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 12:36:31 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '03c5355f-4392-4bb0-a560-a4ee806ca543' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 12:36:31 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '03c5355f-4392-4bb0-a560-a4ee806ca543' to /audit/handlers/log-record 12:36:31 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 12:36:31 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 12:36:31 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 12:36:31 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '03c5355f-4392-4bb0-a560-a4ee806ca543' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 12:36:31 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '03c5355f-4392-4bb0-a560-a4ee806ca543' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 12:36:31 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 12:36:31 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 12:36:31 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 12:36:31 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '03c5355f-4392-4bb0-a560-a4ee806ca543' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 12:36:31 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '03c5355f-4392-4bb0-a560-a4ee806ca543' to /audit/handlers/log-record 12:36:31 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 12:36:31 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 12:36:31 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 12:36:31 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '03c5355f-4392-4bb0-a560-a4ee806ca543' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 12:36:31 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '03c5355f-4392-4bb0-a560-a4ee806ca543' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 12:36:31 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 12:36:31 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 12:36:31 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 12:36:31 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '03c5355f-4392-4bb0-a560-a4ee806ca543' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 12:36:31 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '03c5355f-4392-4bb0-a560-a4ee806ca543' to /audit/handlers/log-record 12:36:31 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 12:36:31 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 12:36:31 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 12:36:31 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '03c5355f-4392-4bb0-a560-a4ee806ca543' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 12:36:31 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '03c5355f-4392-4bb0-a560-a4ee806ca543' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 12:36:31 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 12:36:31 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 12:36:31 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 12:36:31 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '03c5355f-4392-4bb0-a560-a4ee806ca543' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 12:36:31 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '03c5355f-4392-4bb0-a560-a4ee806ca543' to /audit/handlers/log-record 12:36:31 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 12:36:31 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 12:36:31 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 12:36:31 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '03c5355f-4392-4bb0-a560-a4ee806ca543' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 12:36:31 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '03c5355f-4392-4bb0-a560-a4ee806ca543' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 12:36:31 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 12:36:31 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 12:36:31 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 12:36:31 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '03c5355f-4392-4bb0-a560-a4ee806ca543' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 12:36:31 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '03c5355f-4392-4bb0-a560-a4ee806ca543' to /audit/handlers/log-record 12:36:31 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 12:36:31 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 12:36:31 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 12:36:31 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '03c5355f-4392-4bb0-a560-a4ee806ca543' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 12:36:31 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '03c5355f-4392-4bb0-a560-a4ee806ca543' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 12:36:31 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 12:36:31 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 12:36:31 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 12:36:31 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '03c5355f-4392-4bb0-a560-a4ee806ca543' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 12:36:31 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 12:36:31 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 12:36:31 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '03c5355f-4392-4bb0-a560-a4ee806ca543' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 12:40:05 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubPublish 12:40:05 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Received LOG_RECORD event with id 'ed8ad6c1-35b3-4610-99be-d861a0cc8afd' 12:40:05 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Start delivering messages to subscriber /audit/handlers/log-record 12:40:05 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 12:40:05 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Start delivering messages to subscriber /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 12:40:05 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 12:40:05 [] [] [] [] INFO ublishingServiceImpl Sent LOG_RECORD event with id 'ed8ad6c1-35b3-4610-99be-d861a0cc8afd' to topic FOLIO.pub-sub.diku.LOG_RECORD.mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT 12:40:05 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/publish HTTP_1_1 204 0 19 tid=diku No Content 12:40:05 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 12:40:05 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 12:40:05 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id 'ed8ad6c1-35b3-4610-99be-d861a0cc8afd' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 12:40:05 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id 'ed8ad6c1-35b3-4610-99be-d861a0cc8afd' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 12:40:05 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 12:40:05 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 12:40:05 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 12:40:05 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id 'ed8ad6c1-35b3-4610-99be-d861a0cc8afd' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 12:40:05 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id 'ed8ad6c1-35b3-4610-99be-d861a0cc8afd' to /audit/handlers/log-record 12:40:05 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 12:40:05 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 12:40:05 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 12:40:05 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id 'ed8ad6c1-35b3-4610-99be-d861a0cc8afd' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 12:40:05 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id 'ed8ad6c1-35b3-4610-99be-d861a0cc8afd' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 12:40:05 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 12:40:05 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 12:40:05 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 12:40:05 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id 'ed8ad6c1-35b3-4610-99be-d861a0cc8afd' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 12:40:05 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id 'ed8ad6c1-35b3-4610-99be-d861a0cc8afd' to /audit/handlers/log-record 12:40:05 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 12:40:05 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 12:40:05 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 12:40:05 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id 'ed8ad6c1-35b3-4610-99be-d861a0cc8afd' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 12:40:05 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id 'ed8ad6c1-35b3-4610-99be-d861a0cc8afd' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 12:40:05 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 12:40:05 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 12:40:05 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 12:40:05 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id 'ed8ad6c1-35b3-4610-99be-d861a0cc8afd' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 12:40:05 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id 'ed8ad6c1-35b3-4610-99be-d861a0cc8afd' to /audit/handlers/log-record 12:40:05 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 12:40:05 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 12:40:05 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 12:40:05 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id 'ed8ad6c1-35b3-4610-99be-d861a0cc8afd' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 12:40:05 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id 'ed8ad6c1-35b3-4610-99be-d861a0cc8afd' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 12:40:05 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 12:40:05 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 12:40:05 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 12:40:05 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id 'ed8ad6c1-35b3-4610-99be-d861a0cc8afd' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 12:40:05 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id 'ed8ad6c1-35b3-4610-99be-d861a0cc8afd' to /audit/handlers/log-record 12:40:05 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 12:40:05 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 12:40:05 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 12:40:05 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id 'ed8ad6c1-35b3-4610-99be-d861a0cc8afd' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 12:40:05 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id 'ed8ad6c1-35b3-4610-99be-d861a0cc8afd' to /audit/handlers/log-record 12:40:05 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 12:40:05 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 12:40:05 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 12:40:05 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id 'ed8ad6c1-35b3-4610-99be-d861a0cc8afd' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 12:40:05 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id 'ed8ad6c1-35b3-4610-99be-d861a0cc8afd' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 12:40:05 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 12:40:05 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 12:40:05 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 12:40:05 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id 'ed8ad6c1-35b3-4610-99be-d861a0cc8afd' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 12:40:05 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 12:40:05 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 12:40:05 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id 'ed8ad6c1-35b3-4610-99be-d861a0cc8afd' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 12:40:15 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubPublish 12:40:15 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubPublish 12:40:15 [] [] [] [] INFO ublishingServiceImpl Sent ITEM_CHECKED_IN event with id '2ce7e2a2-75a1-46b0-bbe1-3667bbed33bf' to topic FOLIO.pub-sub.diku.ITEM_CHECKED_IN.mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT 12:40:15 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/publish HTTP_1_1 204 0 9 tid=diku No Content 12:40:15 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Received ITEM_CHECKED_IN event with id '2ce7e2a2-75a1-46b0-bbe1-3667bbed33bf' 12:40:15 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Start delivering messages to subscriber /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/item-checked-in 12:40:15 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 12:40:15 [] [] [] [] INFO ublishingServiceImpl Sent LOG_RECORD event with id 'b9f9c8df-da27-41b0-88cf-c18aae369ff2' to topic FOLIO.pub-sub.diku.LOG_RECORD.mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT 12:40:15 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/publish HTTP_1_1 204 0 11 tid=diku No Content 12:40:15 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Received LOG_RECORD event with id 'b9f9c8df-da27-41b0-88cf-c18aae369ff2' 12:40:15 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Start delivering messages to subscriber /audit/handlers/log-record 12:40:15 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 12:40:15 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Start delivering messages to subscriber /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 12:40:15 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 12:40:15 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 12:40:15 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 12:40:15 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering ITEM_CHECKED_IN event with id '2ce7e2a2-75a1-46b0-bbe1-3667bbed33bf' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/item-checked-in, response status code is 400, Bad Request 12:40:15 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event ITEM_CHECKED_IN event with id '2ce7e2a2-75a1-46b0-bbe1-3667bbed33bf' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/item-checked-in 12:40:15 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 12:40:15 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 12:40:15 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 12:40:15 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id 'b9f9c8df-da27-41b0-88cf-c18aae369ff2' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 12:40:15 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id 'b9f9c8df-da27-41b0-88cf-c18aae369ff2' to /audit/handlers/log-record 12:40:15 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 12:40:15 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 12:40:15 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 12:40:15 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id 'b9f9c8df-da27-41b0-88cf-c18aae369ff2' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 12:40:15 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id 'b9f9c8df-da27-41b0-88cf-c18aae369ff2' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 12:40:15 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 12:40:15 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 12:40:15 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 12:40:15 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id 'b9f9c8df-da27-41b0-88cf-c18aae369ff2' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 12:40:15 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id 'b9f9c8df-da27-41b0-88cf-c18aae369ff2' to /audit/handlers/log-record 12:40:15 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 12:40:15 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 12:40:15 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 12:40:15 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id 'b9f9c8df-da27-41b0-88cf-c18aae369ff2' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 12:40:15 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id 'b9f9c8df-da27-41b0-88cf-c18aae369ff2' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 12:40:15 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 12:40:15 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 12:40:15 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 12:40:15 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering ITEM_CHECKED_IN event with id '2ce7e2a2-75a1-46b0-bbe1-3667bbed33bf' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/item-checked-in, response status code is 400, Bad Request 12:40:15 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event ITEM_CHECKED_IN event with id '2ce7e2a2-75a1-46b0-bbe1-3667bbed33bf' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/item-checked-in 12:40:15 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 12:40:15 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 12:40:15 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 12:40:15 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id 'b9f9c8df-da27-41b0-88cf-c18aae369ff2' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 12:40:15 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id 'b9f9c8df-da27-41b0-88cf-c18aae369ff2' to /audit/handlers/log-record 12:40:15 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 12:40:15 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 12:40:15 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 12:40:15 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id 'b9f9c8df-da27-41b0-88cf-c18aae369ff2' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 12:40:15 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id 'b9f9c8df-da27-41b0-88cf-c18aae369ff2' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 12:40:15 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 12:40:15 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 12:40:15 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 12:40:15 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id 'b9f9c8df-da27-41b0-88cf-c18aae369ff2' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 12:40:15 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id 'b9f9c8df-da27-41b0-88cf-c18aae369ff2' to /audit/handlers/log-record 12:40:15 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 12:40:15 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 12:40:15 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 12:40:15 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering ITEM_CHECKED_IN event with id '2ce7e2a2-75a1-46b0-bbe1-3667bbed33bf' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/item-checked-in, response status code is 400, Bad Request 12:40:15 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event ITEM_CHECKED_IN event with id '2ce7e2a2-75a1-46b0-bbe1-3667bbed33bf' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/item-checked-in 12:40:15 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 12:40:15 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 12:40:15 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 12:40:15 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id 'b9f9c8df-da27-41b0-88cf-c18aae369ff2' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 12:40:15 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id 'b9f9c8df-da27-41b0-88cf-c18aae369ff2' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 12:40:15 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 12:40:15 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 12:40:15 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 12:40:15 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering ITEM_CHECKED_IN event with id '2ce7e2a2-75a1-46b0-bbe1-3667bbed33bf' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/item-checked-in, response status code is 400, Bad Request 12:40:15 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event ITEM_CHECKED_IN event with id '2ce7e2a2-75a1-46b0-bbe1-3667bbed33bf' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/item-checked-in 12:40:15 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 12:40:15 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 12:40:15 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 12:40:15 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id 'b9f9c8df-da27-41b0-88cf-c18aae369ff2' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 12:40:15 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id 'b9f9c8df-da27-41b0-88cf-c18aae369ff2' to /audit/handlers/log-record 12:40:15 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 12:40:15 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 12:40:15 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 12:40:15 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id 'b9f9c8df-da27-41b0-88cf-c18aae369ff2' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 12:40:15 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id 'b9f9c8df-da27-41b0-88cf-c18aae369ff2' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 12:40:15 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 12:40:15 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 12:40:15 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 12:40:15 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id 'b9f9c8df-da27-41b0-88cf-c18aae369ff2' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 12:40:15 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 12:40:15 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 12:40:15 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering ITEM_CHECKED_IN event with id '2ce7e2a2-75a1-46b0-bbe1-3667bbed33bf' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/item-checked-in, response status code is 400, Bad Request 12:40:15 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event ITEM_CHECKED_IN event with id '2ce7e2a2-75a1-46b0-bbe1-3667bbed33bf' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/item-checked-in 12:40:15 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 12:40:15 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 12:40:15 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 12:40:15 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id 'b9f9c8df-da27-41b0-88cf-c18aae369ff2' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 12:40:15 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 12:40:15 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 12:40:15 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering ITEM_CHECKED_IN event with id '2ce7e2a2-75a1-46b0-bbe1-3667bbed33bf' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/item-checked-in, response status code is 400, Bad Request 12:47:19 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking getPubsubEventTypesPublishersByEventTypeName 12:47:19 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil GET /pubsub/event-types/FEE_FINE_BALANCE_CHANGED/publishers null HTTP_1_1 200 566 30 tid=diku OK 12:54:52 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postTenant 12:54:52 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Executing multiple statements with id -1555607694 12:54:52 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE ROLE testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub PASSWORD 'testenant5024153168393598976' NOSUPERUSER NOCREATEDB INHERIT LOGIN; 12:54:52 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE ROLE testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub PASSWORD 'testenant5024153168393598976' NOSUPERUSER NOCREATEDB INHERIT LOGIN; 12:54:52 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} GRANT testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub TO CURRENT_USER; 12:54:52 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed GRANT testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub TO CURRENT_USER; 12:54:52 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE SCHEMA testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub AUTHORIZATION testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub; 12:54:52 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE SCHEMA testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub AUTHORIZATION testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub; 12:54:52 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} ALTER ROLE testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub SET search_path = "$user"; 12:54:52 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed ALTER ROLE testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub SET search_path = "$user"; 12:54:52 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DO $$ BEGIN BEGIN -- This only succeeds if show_trgm, a pg_trgm function, -- has been loaded into public schema. PERFORM public.show_trgm('a'); EXCEPTION WHEN undefined_function THEN BEGIN ALTER EXTENSION pg_trgm SET SCHEMA public; EXCEPTION WHEN undefined_object THEN NULL; END; END; END $$; 12:54:52 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DO $$ BEGIN BEGIN -- This only succeeds if show_trgm, a pg_trgm function, -- has been loaded into public schema. PERFORM public.show_trgm('a'); EXCEPTION WHEN undefined_function THEN BEGIN ALTER EXTENSION pg_trgm SET SCHEMA public; EXCEPTION WHEN undefined_object THEN NULL; END; END; END $$; 12:54:52 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS unaccent WITH SCHEMA public; 12:54:52 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='42710', message='extension "unaccent" already exists, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='extension.c', line='1761', routine='CreateExtension', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 12:54:52 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS unaccent WITH SCHEMA public; 12:54:52 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS pg_trgm WITH SCHEMA public; 12:54:52 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='42710', message='extension "pg_trgm" already exists, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='extension.c', line='1761', routine='CreateExtension', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 12:54:52 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS pg_trgm WITH SCHEMA public; 12:54:52 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, jsonb JSONB NOT NULL ); 12:54:52 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, jsonb JSONB NOT NULL ); 12:54:52 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} insert into testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal (jsonb) values ('{"rmbVersion": "33.0.4", "moduleVersion": "mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT.175"}'::jsonb); 12:54:52 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed insert into testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal (jsonb) values ('{"rmbVersion": "33.0.4", "moduleVersion": "mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT.175"}'::jsonb); 12:54:52 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.rmb_job ( id UUID PRIMARY KEY, jsonb JSONB NOT NULL ); 12:54:52 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.rmb_job ( id UUID PRIMARY KEY, jsonb JSONB NOT NULL ); 12:54:52 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /_/tenant null HTTP_1_1 201 387 67 tid=testenant5024153168393598976 Created 12:54:52 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Executing multiple statements with id -1773461869 12:54:52 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking getTenantByOperationId 12:54:52 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} SET search_path TO testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub; 12:54:52 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed SET search_path TO testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub; 12:54:52 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index ( name text PRIMARY KEY, def text NOT NULL, remove boolean NOT NULL ); 12:54:52 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil GET /_/tenant/d50a7c5b-08b2-4d2e-8be6-aae7c8e03a09 null HTTP_1_1 200 387 7 tid=testenant5024153168393598976 OK 12:54:52 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index ( name text PRIMARY KEY, def text NOT NULL, remove boolean NOT NULL ); 12:54:52 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} UPDATE testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index SET remove = TRUE; 12:54:52 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed UPDATE testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index SET remove = TRUE; 12:54:52 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS rmb_internal_analyze ( tablename text ); 12:54:52 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS rmb_internal_analyze ( tablename text ); 12:54:52 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.uuid_smaller(uuid, uuid) RETURNS uuid AS $$ BEGIN IF $1 IS NULL THEN RETURN $2; END IF; IF $2 IS NULL THEN RETURN $1; END IF; IF $1 < $2 THEN RETURN $1; ELSE RETURN $2; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 12:54:52 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.uuid_smaller(uuid, uuid) RETURNS uuid AS $$ BEGIN IF $1 IS NULL THEN RETURN $2; END IF; IF $2 IS NULL THEN RETURN $1; END IF; IF $1 < $2 THEN RETURN $1; ELSE RETURN $2; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 12:54:52 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.uuid_larger(uuid, uuid) RETURNS uuid AS $$ BEGIN IF $1 IS NULL THEN RETURN $2; END IF; IF $2 IS NULL THEN RETURN $1; END IF; IF $1 > $2 THEN RETURN $1; ELSE RETURN $2; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 12:54:52 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.uuid_larger(uuid, uuid) RETURNS uuid AS $$ BEGIN IF $1 IS NULL THEN RETURN $2; END IF; IF $2 IS NULL THEN RETURN $1; END IF; IF $1 > $2 THEN RETURN $1; ELSE RETURN $2; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 12:54:52 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.next_uuid(uuid) RETURNS uuid AS $$ DECLARE uuid text; digit text; BEGIN uuid = $1; FOR i IN REVERSE 36..1 LOOP digit := substring(uuid from i for 1); -- skip minus, version byte M and variant byte N CONTINUE WHEN digit = '-' OR i = 15 OR i = 20; CASE digit WHEN '0' THEN digit := '1'; WHEN '1' THEN digit := '2'; WHEN '2' THEN digit := '3'; WHEN '3' THEN digit := '4'; WHEN '4' THEN digit := '5'; WHEN '5' THEN digit := '6'; WHEN '6' THEN digit := '7'; WHEN '7' THEN digit := '8'; WHEN '8' THEN digit := '9'; WHEN '9' THEN digit := 'a'; WHEN 'a' THEN digit := 'b'; WHEN 'b' THEN digit := 'c'; WHEN 'c' THEN digit := 'd'; WHEN 'd' THEN digit := 'e'; WHEN 'e' THEN digit := 'f'; WHEN 'f' THEN digit := '0'; ELSE NULL; END CASE; uuid = overlay(uuid placing digit from i); EXIT WHEN digit <> '0'; END LOOP; RETURN uuid; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 12:54:52 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.next_uuid(uuid) RETURNS uuid AS $$ DECLARE uuid text; digit text; BEGIN uuid = $1; FOR i IN REVERSE 36..1 LOOP digit := substring(uuid from i for 1); -- skip minus, version byte M and variant byte N CONTINUE WHEN digit = '-' OR i = 15 OR i = 20; CASE digit WHEN '0' THEN digit := '1'; WHEN '1' THEN digit := '2'; WHEN '2' THEN digit := '3'; WHEN '3' THEN digit := '4'; WHEN '4' THEN digit := '5'; WHEN '5' THEN digit := '6'; WHEN '6' THEN digit := '7'; WHEN '7' THEN digit := '8'; WHEN '8' THEN digit := '9'; WHEN '9' THEN digit := 'a'; WHEN 'a' THEN digit := 'b'; WHEN 'b' THEN digit := 'c'; WHEN 'c' THEN digit := 'd'; WHEN 'd' THEN digit := 'e'; WHEN 'e' THEN digit := 'f'; WHEN 'f' THEN digit := '0'; ELSE NULL; END CASE; uuid = overlay(uuid placing digit from i); EXIT WHEN digit <> '0'; END LOOP; RETURN uuid; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 12:54:52 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE AGGREGATE testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.max(uuid) ( stype = uuid, sfunc = testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.uuid_larger, combinefunc = testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.uuid_larger, parallel = safe, sortop = operator (>) ); 12:54:52 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE AGGREGATE testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.max(uuid) ( stype = uuid, sfunc = testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.uuid_larger, combinefunc = testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.uuid_larger, parallel = safe, sortop = operator (>) ); 12:54:52 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE AGGREGATE testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.min(uuid) ( stype = uuid, sfunc = testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.uuid_smaller, combinefunc = testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.uuid_smaller, parallel = safe, sortop = operator (<) ); 12:54:52 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE AGGREGATE testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.min(uuid) ( stype = uuid, sfunc = testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.uuid_smaller, combinefunc = testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.uuid_smaller, parallel = safe, sortop = operator (<) ); 12:54:52 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(bigint,bigint,text); 12:54:52 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='00000', message='function testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(pg_catalog.int8,pg_catalog.int8,text) does not exist, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='dropcmds.c', line='491', routine='does_not_exist_skipping', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 12:54:52 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(bigint,bigint,text); 12:54:52 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE FUNCTION testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(rows bigint, lim bigint, query text) RETURNS bigint AS $$ DECLARE rec record; cnt bigint; BEGIN IF rows = lim THEN FOR rec IN EXECUTE 'EXPLAIN ' || query LOOP cnt := substring(rec."QUERY PLAN" FROM ' rows=([[:digit:]]+)'); EXIT WHEN cnt IS NOT NULL; END LOOP; RETURN cnt; END IF; RETURN rows; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql VOLATILE STRICT; 12:54:52 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE FUNCTION testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(rows bigint, lim bigint, query text) RETURNS bigint AS $$ DECLARE rec record; cnt bigint; BEGIN IF rows = lim THEN FOR rec IN EXECUTE 'EXPLAIN ' || query LOOP cnt := substring(rec."QUERY PLAN" FROM ' rows=([[:digit:]]+)'); EXIT WHEN cnt IS NOT NULL; END LOOP; RETURN cnt; END IF; RETURN rows; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql VOLATILE STRICT; 12:54:52 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_default(query text) RETURNS bigint AS $$ DECLARE rows bigint; q text; BEGIN q = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (' || query || ' LIMIT 1000) x'; EXECUTE q INTO rows; IF rows < 1000 THEN return rows; END IF; rows = testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(1000, 1000, query); IF rows < 1000 THEN return 1000; END IF; RETURN rows; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE STRICT; 12:54:52 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_default(query text) RETURNS bigint AS $$ DECLARE rows bigint; q text; BEGIN q = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (' || query || ' LIMIT 1000) x'; EXECUTE q INTO rows; IF rows < 1000 THEN return rows; END IF; rows = testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(1000, 1000, query); IF rows < 1000 THEN return 1000; END IF; RETURN rows; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE STRICT; 12:54:52 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.count_estimate(query text) RETURNS bigint AS $$ DECLARE count bigint; est_count bigint; q text; BEGIN est_count = testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(1000, 1000, query); IF est_count > 4*1000 THEN RETURN est_count; END IF; q = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (' || query || ' LIMIT 1000) x'; EXECUTE q INTO count; IF count < 1000 THEN RETURN count; END IF; IF est_count < 1000 THEN RETURN 1000; END IF; RETURN est_count; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql STABLE STRICT; 12:54:52 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.count_estimate(query text) RETURNS bigint AS $$ DECLARE count bigint; est_count bigint; q text; BEGIN est_count = testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(1000, 1000, query); IF est_count > 4*1000 THEN RETURN est_count; END IF; q = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (' || query || ' LIMIT 1000) x'; EXECUTE q INTO count; IF count < 1000 THEN RETURN count; END IF; IF est_count < 1000 THEN RETURN 1000; END IF; RETURN est_count; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql STABLE STRICT; 12:54:52 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.upsert(text, uuid, anyelement) RETURNS uuid AS $$ DECLARE ret uuid; BEGIN EXECUTE format('UPDATE testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.%I SET jsonb=$3 WHERE id=$2 RETURNING id', $1) USING $1, $2, $3 INTO ret; IF ret IS NOT NULL THEN RETURN ret; END IF; EXECUTE format('INSERT INTO testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.%I (id, jsonb) VALUES ($2, $3) RETURNING id', $1) USING $1, $2, $3 INTO STRICT ret; RETURN ret; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 12:54:52 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.upsert(text, uuid, anyelement) RETURNS uuid AS $$ DECLARE ret uuid; BEGIN EXECUTE format('UPDATE testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.%I SET jsonb=$3 WHERE id=$2 RETURNING id', $1) USING $1, $2, $3 INTO ret; IF ret IS NOT NULL THEN RETURN ret; END IF; EXECUTE format('INSERT INTO testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.%I (id, jsonb) VALUES ($2, $3) RETURNING id', $1) USING $1, $2, $3 INTO STRICT ret; RETURN ret; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 12:54:52 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DO $$ DECLARE ver integer; BEGIN SELECT current_setting('server_version_num') INTO ver; IF (ver >= 120000) THEN CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.f_unaccent(text) RETURNS text AS $f_unaccent$ SELECT public.unaccent('public.unaccent', $1) -- schema-qualify function and dictionary $f_unaccent$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; ELSE CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.f_unaccent(text) RETURNS text AS $f_unaccent$ SELECT regexp_replace(public.unaccent('public.unaccent', $1), E'[\u0300\u0301\u0302\u0303\u0304\u0305\u0306\u0307\u0308\u0309\u030a\u030b\u030c\u030d\u030e\u030f' || E'\u0310\u0311\u0312\u0313\u0314\u0315\u0316\u0317\u0318\u0319\u031a\u031b\u031c\u031d\u031e\u031f' || E'\u0320\u0321\u0322\u0323\u0324\u0325\u0326\u0327\u0328\u0329\u032a\u032b\u032c\u032d\u032e\u032f' || E'\u0330\u0331\u0332\u0333\u0334\u0335\u0336\u0337\u0338\u0339\u033a\u033b\u033c\u033d\u033e\u033f' || E'\u0340\u0341\u0342\u0343\u0344\u0345\u0346\u0347\u0348\u0349\u034a\u034b\u034c\u034d\u034e\u034f' || E'\u0350\u0351\u0352\u0353\u0354\u0355\u0356\u0357\u0358\u0359\u035a\u035b\u035c\u035d\u035e\u035f' || E'\u0360\u0361\u0362' || E'\u20dd\u20de\u20df\u20e0' || E'\u20e2\u20e3\u20e4]', '', 'g') $f_unaccent$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; END IF; END $$; 12:54:52 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DO $$ DECLARE ver integer; BEGIN SELECT current_setting('server_version_num') INTO ver; IF (ver >= 120000) THEN CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.f_unaccent(text) RETURNS text AS $f_unaccent$ SELECT public.unaccent('public.unaccent', $1) -- schema-qualify function and dictionary $f_unaccent$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; ELSE CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.f_unaccent(text) RETURNS text AS $f_unaccent$ SELECT regexp_replace(public.unaccent('public.unaccent', $1), E'[\u0300\u0301\u0302\u0303\u0304\u0305\u0306\u0307\u0308\u0309\u030a\u030b\u030c\u030d\u030e\u030f' || E'\u0310\u0311\u0312\u0313\u0314\u0315\u0316\u0317\u0318\u0319\u031a\u031b\u031c\u031d\u031e\u031f' || E'\u0320\u0321\u0322\u0323\u0324\u0325\u0326\u0327\u0328\u0329\u032a\u032b\u032c\u032d\u032e\u032f' || E'\u0330\u0331\u0332\u0333\u0334\u0335\u0336\u0337\u0338\u0339\u033a\u033b\u033c\u033d\u033e\u033f' || E'\u0340\u0341\u0342\u0343\u0344\u0345\u0346\u0347\u0348\u0349\u034a\u034b\u034c\u034d\u034e\u034f' || E'\u0350\u0351\u0352\u0353\u0354\u0355\u0356\u0357\u0358\u0359\u035a\u035b\u035c\u035d\u035e\u035f' || E'\u0360\u0361\u0362' || E'\u20dd\u20de\u20df\u20e0' || E'\u20e2\u20e3\u20e4]', '', 'g') $f_unaccent$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; END IF; END $$; 12:54:52 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.get_tsvector(text) RETURNS tsvector AS $$ SELECT to_tsvector('simple', translate($1, '&', ',')); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 12:54:52 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.get_tsvector(text) RETURNS tsvector AS $$ SELECT to_tsvector('simple', translate($1, '&', ',')); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 12:54:52 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.tsquery_and(text) RETURNS tsquery AS $$ SELECT to_tsquery('simple', string_agg(CASE WHEN length(v) = 0 OR v = '*' THEN '' WHEN right(v, 1) = '*' THEN '''' || left(v, -1) || ''':*' ELSE '''' || v || '''' END, '&')) FROM (SELECT regexp_split_to_table(translate($1, '&''', ',,'), ' +')) AS x(v); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 12:54:52 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.tsquery_and(text) RETURNS tsquery AS $$ SELECT to_tsquery('simple', string_agg(CASE WHEN length(v) = 0 OR v = '*' THEN '' WHEN right(v, 1) = '*' THEN '''' || left(v, -1) || ''':*' ELSE '''' || v || '''' END, '&')) FROM (SELECT regexp_split_to_table(translate($1, '&''', ',,'), ' +')) AS x(v); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 12:54:52 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.tsquery_or(text) RETURNS tsquery AS $$ SELECT replace(testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.tsquery_and($1)::text, '&', '|')::tsquery; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 12:54:52 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.tsquery_or(text) RETURNS tsquery AS $$ SELECT replace(testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.tsquery_and($1)::text, '&', '|')::tsquery; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 12:54:52 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.tsquery_phrase(text) RETURNS tsquery AS $$ SELECT replace(testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.tsquery_and($1)::text, '&', '<->')::tsquery; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 12:54:52 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.tsquery_phrase(text) RETURNS tsquery AS $$ SELECT replace(testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.tsquery_and($1)::text, '&', '<->')::tsquery; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 12:54:52 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.normalize_digits(text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT translate((regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[1], E' \t-', '') || CASE WHEN (regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[1] = '' THEN '' WHEN (regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[2] = '' THEN '' ELSE ' ' END || (regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[2]; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 12:54:52 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.normalize_digits(text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT translate((regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[1], E' \t-', '') || CASE WHEN (regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[1] = '' THEN '' WHEN (regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[2] = '' THEN '' ELSE ' ' END || (regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[2]; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 12:54:52 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.set_id_in_jsonb() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $$ BEGIN NEW.jsonb = jsonb_set(NEW.jsonb, '{id}', to_jsonb(NEW.id)); RETURN NEW; END; $$ language 'plpgsql'; 12:54:52 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.set_id_in_jsonb() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $$ BEGIN NEW.jsonb = jsonb_set(NEW.jsonb, '{id}', to_jsonb(NEW.id)); RETURN NEW; END; $$ language 'plpgsql'; 12:54:52 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} create or replace function testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.concat_space_sql(VARIADIC text[]) RETURNS text AS $$ select concat_ws(' ', VARIADIC $1); $$ LANGUAGE SQL IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 12:54:52 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed create or replace function testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.concat_space_sql(VARIADIC text[]) RETURNS text AS $$ select concat_ws(' ', VARIADIC $1); $$ LANGUAGE SQL IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 12:54:52 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} create or replace function testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object_values(jsonb_array jsonb, field text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT string_agg(value->>$2, ' ') FROM jsonb_array_elements($1); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 12:54:52 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed create or replace function testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object_values(jsonb_array jsonb, field text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT string_agg(value->>$2, ' ') FROM jsonb_array_elements($1); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 12:54:52 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} create or replace function testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object_values( jsonb_array jsonb, field text, filterkey text, filtervalue text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT string_agg(value->>$2, ' ') FROM jsonb_array_elements($1) WHERE value->>$3 = $4; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 12:54:52 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed create or replace function testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object_values( jsonb_array jsonb, field text, filterkey text, filtervalue text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT string_agg(value->>$2, ' ') FROM jsonb_array_elements($1) WHERE value->>$3 = $4; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 12:54:52 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} create or replace function testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.first_array_object_value( jsonb_array jsonb, field text, filterkey text, filtervalue text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT value->>$2 FROM jsonb_array_elements($1) WHERE value->>$3 = $4 LIMIT 1; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 12:54:52 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed create or replace function testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.first_array_object_value( jsonb_array jsonb, field text, filterkey text, filtervalue text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT value->>$2 FROM jsonb_array_elements($1) WHERE value->>$3 = $4 LIMIT 1; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 12:54:52 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} create or replace function testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object(jsonb_array jsonb) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT string_agg(value::text, ' ') FROM jsonb_array_elements_text($1); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 12:54:52 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed create or replace function testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object(jsonb_array jsonb) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT string_agg(value::text, ' ') FROM jsonb_array_elements_text($1); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 12:54:52 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS rmb_internal_index(aname text, tops text, newdef text); 12:54:52 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='00000', message='function rmb_internal_index(text,text,text) does not exist, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='dropcmds.c', line='491', routine='does_not_exist_skipping', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 12:54:52 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS rmb_internal_index(aname text, tops text, newdef text); 12:54:52 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION rmb_internal_index( atable text, aname text, tops text, newdef text) RETURNS void AS $$ DECLARE olddef text; namep CONSTANT text = concat(aname, '_p'); prepareddef text; BEGIN IF tops = 'DELETE' THEN -- use case insensitive %s, not case sensitive %I -- no SQL injection because the names are hard-coded in schema.json EXECUTE format('DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s', aname); EXECUTE 'DELETE FROM testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE name = $1' USING aname; RETURN; END IF; SELECT def INTO olddef FROM testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE name = aname; SELECT def INTO prepareddef FROM testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE name = namep; prepareddef = replace(prepareddef, concat(' ', namep, ' ON '), concat(' ', aname, ' ON ')); IF prepareddef = newdef THEN EXECUTE format('DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s', aname); EXECUTE format('ALTER INDEX IF EXISTS %s RENAME TO %s', namep, aname); EXECUTE 'DELETE FROM rmb_internal_index WHERE name = $1' USING namep; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO rmb_internal_analyze VALUES ($1)' USING atable; ELSIF olddef IS DISTINCT FROM newdef THEN EXECUTE format('DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s', aname); EXECUTE newdef; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO rmb_internal_analyze VALUES ($1)' USING atable; END IF; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index VALUES ($1, $2, FALSE) ' 'ON CONFLICT (name) DO UPDATE SET def = EXCLUDED.def, remove = EXCLUDED.remove' USING aname, newdef; END $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 12:54:52 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION rmb_internal_index( atable text, aname text, tops text, newdef text) RETURNS void AS $$ DECLARE olddef text; namep CONSTANT text = concat(aname, '_p'); prepareddef text; BEGIN IF tops = 'DELETE' THEN -- use case insensitive %s, not case sensitive %I -- no SQL injection because the names are hard-coded in schema.json EXECUTE format('DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s', aname); EXECUTE 'DELETE FROM testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE name = $1' USING aname; RETURN; END IF; SELECT def INTO olddef FROM testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE name = aname; SELECT def INTO prepareddef FROM testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE name = namep; prepareddef = replace(prepareddef, concat(' ', namep, ' ON '), concat(' ', aname, ' ON ')); IF prepareddef = newdef THEN EXECUTE format('DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s', aname); EXECUTE format('ALTER INDEX IF EXISTS %s RENAME TO %s', namep, aname); EXECUTE 'DELETE FROM rmb_internal_index WHERE name = $1' USING namep; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO rmb_internal_analyze VALUES ($1)' USING atable; ELSIF olddef IS DISTINCT FROM newdef THEN EXECUTE format('DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s', aname); EXECUTE newdef; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO rmb_internal_analyze VALUES ($1)' USING atable; END IF; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index VALUES ($1, $2, FALSE) ' 'ON CONFLICT (name) DO UPDATE SET def = EXCLUDED.def, remove = EXCLUDED.remove' USING aname, newdef; END $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 12:54:52 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DO $$ BEGIN -- use advisory lock to prevent "tuple concurrently updated" -- https://issues.folio.org/browse/RMB-744 PERFORM pg_advisory_xact_lock(20201101, 1234567890); REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ON SCHEMA public FROM testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub; REVOKE CREATE ON SCHEMA public FROM PUBLIC; END $$; 12:54:52 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DO $$ BEGIN -- use advisory lock to prevent "tuple concurrently updated" -- https://issues.folio.org/browse/RMB-744 PERFORM pg_advisory_xact_lock(20201101, 1234567890); REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ON SCHEMA public FROM testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub; REVOKE CREATE ON SCHEMA public FROM PUBLIC; END $$; 12:54:52 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DO $$ DECLARE aname TEXT; BEGIN FOR aname IN SELECT name FROM testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE remove = TRUE LOOP EXECUTE 'DROP INDEX IF EXISTS ' || aname; END LOOP; END $$; 12:54:52 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DO $$ DECLARE aname TEXT; BEGIN FOR aname IN SELECT name FROM testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE remove = TRUE LOOP EXECUTE 'DROP INDEX IF EXISTS ' || aname; END LOOP; END $$; 12:54:52 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DO $$ DECLARE version TEXT; i RECORD; newindexdef TEXT; BEGIN SELECT jsonb->>'rmbVersion' INTO version FROM testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal; IF version !~ '^(\d\.|1\d\.|2[0-8]\.|29\.[0-3]\.)' THEN -- skip this upgrade if last install/upgrade was made by RMB >= 29.4.x RETURN; END IF; FOR i IN SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_indexes WHERE schemaname = 'testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub' LOOP newindexdef := regexp_replace(i.indexdef, -- \m = beginning of a word, \M = end of a word '\mpublic\.(f_unaccent|concat_space_sql|concat_array_object_values|concat_array_object)\M', 'testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.\1', 'g'); IF newindexdef <> i.indexdef THEN EXECUTE 'DROP INDEX ' || i.indexname; EXECUTE newindexdef; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO rmb_internal_analyze VALUES ($1)' USING i.tablename; END IF; END LOOP; END $$; 12:54:52 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DO $$ DECLARE version TEXT; i RECORD; newindexdef TEXT; BEGIN SELECT jsonb->>'rmbVersion' INTO version FROM testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal; IF version !~ '^(\d\.|1\d\.|2[0-8]\.|29\.[0-3]\.)' THEN -- skip this upgrade if last install/upgrade was made by RMB >= 29.4.x RETURN; END IF; FOR i IN SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_indexes WHERE schemaname = 'testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub' LOOP newindexdef := regexp_replace(i.indexdef, -- \m = beginning of a word, \M = end of a word '\mpublic\.(f_unaccent|concat_space_sql|concat_array_object_values|concat_array_object)\M', 'testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.\1', 'g'); IF newindexdef <> i.indexdef THEN EXECUTE 'DROP INDEX ' || i.indexname; EXECUTE newindexdef; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO rmb_internal_analyze VALUES ($1)' USING i.tablename; END IF; END LOOP; END $$; 12:54:52 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DO $$ DECLARE t TEXT; BEGIN FOR t IN SELECT DISTINCT tablename FROM rmb_internal_analyze LOOP EXECUTE 'ANALYZE ' || t; END LOOP; END $$; 12:54:52 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DO $$ DECLARE t TEXT; BEGIN FOR t IN SELECT DISTINCT tablename FROM rmb_internal_analyze LOOP EXECUTE 'ANALYZE ' || t; END LOOP; END $$; 12:54:52 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} TRUNCATE rmb_internal_analyze; 12:54:52 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed TRUNCATE rmb_internal_analyze; 12:54:52 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub TO testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub; 12:54:52 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub TO testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub; 12:54:52 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} UPDATE testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal SET jsonb = jsonb || jsonb_build_object( 'rmbVersion', '33.0.4', 'moduleVersion', 'mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT.175', 'schemaJson', $mainftl${} $mainftl$); 12:54:52 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed UPDATE testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal SET jsonb = jsonb || jsonb_build_object( 'rmbVersion', '33.0.4', 'moduleVersion', 'mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT.175', 'schemaJson', $mainftl${} $mainftl$); 12:54:52 [] [] [] [] INFO LiquibaseUtil Initializing schema testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub for tenant testenant5024153168393598976 12:54:52 [] [] [] [] INFO leConnectionProvider Attempting to get connection for testenant5024153168393598976 12:54:52 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient DB config read from environment variables 12:54:52 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Using schema: testenant5024153168393598976 12:54:52 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient postgreSQLClientConfig = {"maxPoolSize":5,"port":5432,"username":"testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub","host":"","database":"okapi_modules","password":"...","postgres_tester":false} 12:54:53 [] [] [] [] INFO LiquibaseUtil Schema is initialized for tenant testenant5024153168393598976 12:54:53 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending GET for 12:54:53 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking getTenantByOperationId 12:54:53 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil GET /_/tenant/d50a7c5b-08b2-4d2e-8be6-aae7c8e03a09 null HTTP_1_1 200 387 3 tid=testenant5024153168393598976 OK 12:54:53 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 200 12:54:53 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 12:54:53 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 201 12:54:53 [] [] [] [] INFO SecurityManagerImpl Created pubsub-user user 12:54:53 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 12:54:53 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 201 12:54:53 [] [] [] [] INFO SecurityManagerImpl Saved pubsub-user user credentials 12:54:53 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 12:54:53 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 403 12:54:53 [] [] [] [] ERROR SecurityManagerImpl Failed to add permissions for pubsub-user user. Received status code 403 12:54:53 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 12:54:53 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 201 12:54:53 [] [] [] [] INFO SecurityManagerImpl Logged in pubsub-user user 12:54:53 [] [] [] [] INFO TenantAPI job d50a7c5b-08b2-4d2e-8be6-aae7c8e03a09 completed 12:54:53 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking getTenantByOperationId 12:54:53 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil GET /_/tenant/d50a7c5b-08b2-4d2e-8be6-aae7c8e03a09 null HTTP_1_1 200 386 2 tid=testenant5024153168393598976 OK 12:54:53 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking deleteTenantByOperationId 12:54:53 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil DELETE /_/tenant/d50a7c5b-08b2-4d2e-8be6-aae7c8e03a09 null HTTP_1_1 204 0 2 tid=testenant5024153168393598976 No Content 12:54:54 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubEventTypes 12:54:54 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/event-types HTTP_1_1 201 133 2 tid=testenant5024153168393598976 Created 12:54:54 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubEventTypesDeclarePublisher 12:54:54 [] [] [] [] INFO afkaTopicServiceImpl Created topics: [LOG_RECORD] 12:54:54 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/event-types/declare/publisher HTTP_1_1 201 0 22 tid=testenant5024153168393598976 Created 12:55:12 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postTenant 12:55:12 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Executing multiple statements with id 1008336352 12:55:12 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub CASCADE; 12:55:12 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='00000', message='drop cascades to 31 other objects', detail='drop cascades to table testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal drop cascades to table testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.rmb_job drop cascades to table testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index drop cascades to table testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_analyze drop cascades to function testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.uuid_smaller(uuid,uuid) drop cascades to function testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.uuid_larger(uuid,uuid) drop cascades to function testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.next_uuid(uuid) drop cascades to function testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.max(uuid) drop cascades to function testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.min(uuid) drop cascades to function testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(bigint,bigint,text) drop cascades to function testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_default(text) drop cascades to function testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.count_estimate(text) drop cascades to function testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.upsert(text,uuid,anyelement) drop cascades to function testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.f_unaccent(text) drop cascades to function testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.get_tsvector(text) drop cascades to function testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.tsquery_and(text) drop cascades to function testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.tsquery_or(text) drop cascades to function testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.tsquery_phrase(text) drop cascades to function testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.normalize_digits(text) drop cascades to function testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.set_id_in_jsonb() drop cascades to function testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.concat_space_sql(text[]) drop cascades to function testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object_values(jsonb,text) drop cascades to function testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object_values(jsonb,text,text,text) drop cascades to function testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.first_array_object_value(jsonb,text,text,text) drop cascades to function testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object(jsonb) drop cascades to function testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index(text,text,text,text) drop cascades to table testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.databasechangeloglock drop cascades to table testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.databasechangelog drop cascades to table testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.audit_message_payload drop cascades to table testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.audit_message drop cascades to type testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub.message_state', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='dependency.c', line='1214', routine='reportDependentObjects', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 12:55:12 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub CASCADE; 12:55:12 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP ROLE IF EXISTS testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub; 12:55:12 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP ROLE IF EXISTS testenant5024153168393598976_mod_pubsub; 12:55:12 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /_/tenant null HTTP_1_1 204 0 15 tid=testenant5024153168393598976 No Content 12:57:06 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postTenant 12:57:06 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Executing multiple statements with id 1065682026 12:57:06 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE ROLE testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub PASSWORD 'testenant5412574003472624640' NOSUPERUSER NOCREATEDB INHERIT LOGIN; 12:57:06 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE ROLE testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub PASSWORD 'testenant5412574003472624640' NOSUPERUSER NOCREATEDB INHERIT LOGIN; 12:57:06 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} GRANT testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub TO CURRENT_USER; 12:57:06 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed GRANT testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub TO CURRENT_USER; 12:57:06 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE SCHEMA testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub AUTHORIZATION testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub; 12:57:06 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE SCHEMA testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub AUTHORIZATION testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub; 12:57:06 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} ALTER ROLE testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub SET search_path = "$user"; 12:57:06 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed ALTER ROLE testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub SET search_path = "$user"; 12:57:06 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DO $$ BEGIN BEGIN -- This only succeeds if show_trgm, a pg_trgm function, -- has been loaded into public schema. PERFORM public.show_trgm('a'); EXCEPTION WHEN undefined_function THEN BEGIN ALTER EXTENSION pg_trgm SET SCHEMA public; EXCEPTION WHEN undefined_object THEN NULL; END; END; END $$; 12:57:06 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DO $$ BEGIN BEGIN -- This only succeeds if show_trgm, a pg_trgm function, -- has been loaded into public schema. PERFORM public.show_trgm('a'); EXCEPTION WHEN undefined_function THEN BEGIN ALTER EXTENSION pg_trgm SET SCHEMA public; EXCEPTION WHEN undefined_object THEN NULL; END; END; END $$; 12:57:06 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS unaccent WITH SCHEMA public; 12:57:06 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='42710', message='extension "unaccent" already exists, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='extension.c', line='1761', routine='CreateExtension', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 12:57:06 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS unaccent WITH SCHEMA public; 12:57:06 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS pg_trgm WITH SCHEMA public; 12:57:06 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='42710', message='extension "pg_trgm" already exists, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='extension.c', line='1761', routine='CreateExtension', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 12:57:06 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS pg_trgm WITH SCHEMA public; 12:57:06 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, jsonb JSONB NOT NULL ); 12:57:06 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, jsonb JSONB NOT NULL ); 12:57:06 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} insert into testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal (jsonb) values ('{"rmbVersion": "33.0.4", "moduleVersion": "mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT.175"}'::jsonb); 12:57:06 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed insert into testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal (jsonb) values ('{"rmbVersion": "33.0.4", "moduleVersion": "mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT.175"}'::jsonb); 12:57:06 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.rmb_job ( id UUID PRIMARY KEY, jsonb JSONB NOT NULL ); 12:57:06 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.rmb_job ( id UUID PRIMARY KEY, jsonb JSONB NOT NULL ); 12:57:06 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /_/tenant null HTTP_1_1 201 387 40 tid=testenant5412574003472624640 Created 12:57:06 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Executing multiple statements with id -2107584189 12:57:06 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking getTenantByOperationId 12:57:06 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} SET search_path TO testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub; 12:57:06 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed SET search_path TO testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub; 12:57:06 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index ( name text PRIMARY KEY, def text NOT NULL, remove boolean NOT NULL ); 12:57:06 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil GET /_/tenant/b4d2835a-17e4-4836-9269-ea333adb9adc null HTTP_1_1 200 387 7 tid=testenant5412574003472624640 OK 12:57:06 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index ( name text PRIMARY KEY, def text NOT NULL, remove boolean NOT NULL ); 12:57:06 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} UPDATE testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index SET remove = TRUE; 12:57:06 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed UPDATE testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index SET remove = TRUE; 12:57:06 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS rmb_internal_analyze ( tablename text ); 12:57:07 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS rmb_internal_analyze ( tablename text ); 12:57:07 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.uuid_smaller(uuid, uuid) RETURNS uuid AS $$ BEGIN IF $1 IS NULL THEN RETURN $2; END IF; IF $2 IS NULL THEN RETURN $1; END IF; IF $1 < $2 THEN RETURN $1; ELSE RETURN $2; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 12:57:07 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.uuid_smaller(uuid, uuid) RETURNS uuid AS $$ BEGIN IF $1 IS NULL THEN RETURN $2; END IF; IF $2 IS NULL THEN RETURN $1; END IF; IF $1 < $2 THEN RETURN $1; ELSE RETURN $2; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 12:57:07 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.uuid_larger(uuid, uuid) RETURNS uuid AS $$ BEGIN IF $1 IS NULL THEN RETURN $2; END IF; IF $2 IS NULL THEN RETURN $1; END IF; IF $1 > $2 THEN RETURN $1; ELSE RETURN $2; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 12:57:07 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.uuid_larger(uuid, uuid) RETURNS uuid AS $$ BEGIN IF $1 IS NULL THEN RETURN $2; END IF; IF $2 IS NULL THEN RETURN $1; END IF; IF $1 > $2 THEN RETURN $1; ELSE RETURN $2; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 12:57:07 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.next_uuid(uuid) RETURNS uuid AS $$ DECLARE uuid text; digit text; BEGIN uuid = $1; FOR i IN REVERSE 36..1 LOOP digit := substring(uuid from i for 1); -- skip minus, version byte M and variant byte N CONTINUE WHEN digit = '-' OR i = 15 OR i = 20; CASE digit WHEN '0' THEN digit := '1'; WHEN '1' THEN digit := '2'; WHEN '2' THEN digit := '3'; WHEN '3' THEN digit := '4'; WHEN '4' THEN digit := '5'; WHEN '5' THEN digit := '6'; WHEN '6' THEN digit := '7'; WHEN '7' THEN digit := '8'; WHEN '8' THEN digit := '9'; WHEN '9' THEN digit := 'a'; WHEN 'a' THEN digit := 'b'; WHEN 'b' THEN digit := 'c'; WHEN 'c' THEN digit := 'd'; WHEN 'd' THEN digit := 'e'; WHEN 'e' THEN digit := 'f'; WHEN 'f' THEN digit := '0'; ELSE NULL; END CASE; uuid = overlay(uuid placing digit from i); EXIT WHEN digit <> '0'; END LOOP; RETURN uuid; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 12:57:07 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.next_uuid(uuid) RETURNS uuid AS $$ DECLARE uuid text; digit text; BEGIN uuid = $1; FOR i IN REVERSE 36..1 LOOP digit := substring(uuid from i for 1); -- skip minus, version byte M and variant byte N CONTINUE WHEN digit = '-' OR i = 15 OR i = 20; CASE digit WHEN '0' THEN digit := '1'; WHEN '1' THEN digit := '2'; WHEN '2' THEN digit := '3'; WHEN '3' THEN digit := '4'; WHEN '4' THEN digit := '5'; WHEN '5' THEN digit := '6'; WHEN '6' THEN digit := '7'; WHEN '7' THEN digit := '8'; WHEN '8' THEN digit := '9'; WHEN '9' THEN digit := 'a'; WHEN 'a' THEN digit := 'b'; WHEN 'b' THEN digit := 'c'; WHEN 'c' THEN digit := 'd'; WHEN 'd' THEN digit := 'e'; WHEN 'e' THEN digit := 'f'; WHEN 'f' THEN digit := '0'; ELSE NULL; END CASE; uuid = overlay(uuid placing digit from i); EXIT WHEN digit <> '0'; END LOOP; RETURN uuid; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 12:57:07 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE AGGREGATE testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.max(uuid) ( stype = uuid, sfunc = testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.uuid_larger, combinefunc = testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.uuid_larger, parallel = safe, sortop = operator (>) ); 12:57:07 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE AGGREGATE testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.max(uuid) ( stype = uuid, sfunc = testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.uuid_larger, combinefunc = testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.uuid_larger, parallel = safe, sortop = operator (>) ); 12:57:07 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE AGGREGATE testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.min(uuid) ( stype = uuid, sfunc = testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.uuid_smaller, combinefunc = testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.uuid_smaller, parallel = safe, sortop = operator (<) ); 12:57:07 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE AGGREGATE testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.min(uuid) ( stype = uuid, sfunc = testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.uuid_smaller, combinefunc = testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.uuid_smaller, parallel = safe, sortop = operator (<) ); 12:57:07 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(bigint,bigint,text); 12:57:07 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='00000', message='function testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(pg_catalog.int8,pg_catalog.int8,text) does not exist, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='dropcmds.c', line='491', routine='does_not_exist_skipping', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 12:57:07 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(bigint,bigint,text); 12:57:07 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE FUNCTION testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(rows bigint, lim bigint, query text) RETURNS bigint AS $$ DECLARE rec record; cnt bigint; BEGIN IF rows = lim THEN FOR rec IN EXECUTE 'EXPLAIN ' || query LOOP cnt := substring(rec."QUERY PLAN" FROM ' rows=([[:digit:]]+)'); EXIT WHEN cnt IS NOT NULL; END LOOP; RETURN cnt; END IF; RETURN rows; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql VOLATILE STRICT; 12:57:07 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE FUNCTION testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(rows bigint, lim bigint, query text) RETURNS bigint AS $$ DECLARE rec record; cnt bigint; BEGIN IF rows = lim THEN FOR rec IN EXECUTE 'EXPLAIN ' || query LOOP cnt := substring(rec."QUERY PLAN" FROM ' rows=([[:digit:]]+)'); EXIT WHEN cnt IS NOT NULL; END LOOP; RETURN cnt; END IF; RETURN rows; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql VOLATILE STRICT; 12:57:07 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_default(query text) RETURNS bigint AS $$ DECLARE rows bigint; q text; BEGIN q = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (' || query || ' LIMIT 1000) x'; EXECUTE q INTO rows; IF rows < 1000 THEN return rows; END IF; rows = testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(1000, 1000, query); IF rows < 1000 THEN return 1000; END IF; RETURN rows; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE STRICT; 12:57:07 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_default(query text) RETURNS bigint AS $$ DECLARE rows bigint; q text; BEGIN q = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (' || query || ' LIMIT 1000) x'; EXECUTE q INTO rows; IF rows < 1000 THEN return rows; END IF; rows = testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(1000, 1000, query); IF rows < 1000 THEN return 1000; END IF; RETURN rows; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE STRICT; 12:57:07 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.count_estimate(query text) RETURNS bigint AS $$ DECLARE count bigint; est_count bigint; q text; BEGIN est_count = testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(1000, 1000, query); IF est_count > 4*1000 THEN RETURN est_count; END IF; q = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (' || query || ' LIMIT 1000) x'; EXECUTE q INTO count; IF count < 1000 THEN RETURN count; END IF; IF est_count < 1000 THEN RETURN 1000; END IF; RETURN est_count; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql STABLE STRICT; 12:57:07 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.count_estimate(query text) RETURNS bigint AS $$ DECLARE count bigint; est_count bigint; q text; BEGIN est_count = testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(1000, 1000, query); IF est_count > 4*1000 THEN RETURN est_count; END IF; q = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (' || query || ' LIMIT 1000) x'; EXECUTE q INTO count; IF count < 1000 THEN RETURN count; END IF; IF est_count < 1000 THEN RETURN 1000; END IF; RETURN est_count; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql STABLE STRICT; 12:57:07 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.upsert(text, uuid, anyelement) RETURNS uuid AS $$ DECLARE ret uuid; BEGIN EXECUTE format('UPDATE testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.%I SET jsonb=$3 WHERE id=$2 RETURNING id', $1) USING $1, $2, $3 INTO ret; IF ret IS NOT NULL THEN RETURN ret; END IF; EXECUTE format('INSERT INTO testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.%I (id, jsonb) VALUES ($2, $3) RETURNING id', $1) USING $1, $2, $3 INTO STRICT ret; RETURN ret; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 12:57:07 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.upsert(text, uuid, anyelement) RETURNS uuid AS $$ DECLARE ret uuid; BEGIN EXECUTE format('UPDATE testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.%I SET jsonb=$3 WHERE id=$2 RETURNING id', $1) USING $1, $2, $3 INTO ret; IF ret IS NOT NULL THEN RETURN ret; END IF; EXECUTE format('INSERT INTO testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.%I (id, jsonb) VALUES ($2, $3) RETURNING id', $1) USING $1, $2, $3 INTO STRICT ret; RETURN ret; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 12:57:07 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DO $$ DECLARE ver integer; BEGIN SELECT current_setting('server_version_num') INTO ver; IF (ver >= 120000) THEN CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.f_unaccent(text) RETURNS text AS $f_unaccent$ SELECT public.unaccent('public.unaccent', $1) -- schema-qualify function and dictionary $f_unaccent$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; ELSE CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.f_unaccent(text) RETURNS text AS $f_unaccent$ SELECT regexp_replace(public.unaccent('public.unaccent', $1), E'[\u0300\u0301\u0302\u0303\u0304\u0305\u0306\u0307\u0308\u0309\u030a\u030b\u030c\u030d\u030e\u030f' || E'\u0310\u0311\u0312\u0313\u0314\u0315\u0316\u0317\u0318\u0319\u031a\u031b\u031c\u031d\u031e\u031f' || E'\u0320\u0321\u0322\u0323\u0324\u0325\u0326\u0327\u0328\u0329\u032a\u032b\u032c\u032d\u032e\u032f' || E'\u0330\u0331\u0332\u0333\u0334\u0335\u0336\u0337\u0338\u0339\u033a\u033b\u033c\u033d\u033e\u033f' || E'\u0340\u0341\u0342\u0343\u0344\u0345\u0346\u0347\u0348\u0349\u034a\u034b\u034c\u034d\u034e\u034f' || E'\u0350\u0351\u0352\u0353\u0354\u0355\u0356\u0357\u0358\u0359\u035a\u035b\u035c\u035d\u035e\u035f' || E'\u0360\u0361\u0362' || E'\u20dd\u20de\u20df\u20e0' || E'\u20e2\u20e3\u20e4]', '', 'g') $f_unaccent$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; END IF; END $$; 12:57:07 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DO $$ DECLARE ver integer; BEGIN SELECT current_setting('server_version_num') INTO ver; IF (ver >= 120000) THEN CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.f_unaccent(text) RETURNS text AS $f_unaccent$ SELECT public.unaccent('public.unaccent', $1) -- schema-qualify function and dictionary $f_unaccent$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; ELSE CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.f_unaccent(text) RETURNS text AS $f_unaccent$ SELECT regexp_replace(public.unaccent('public.unaccent', $1), E'[\u0300\u0301\u0302\u0303\u0304\u0305\u0306\u0307\u0308\u0309\u030a\u030b\u030c\u030d\u030e\u030f' || E'\u0310\u0311\u0312\u0313\u0314\u0315\u0316\u0317\u0318\u0319\u031a\u031b\u031c\u031d\u031e\u031f' || E'\u0320\u0321\u0322\u0323\u0324\u0325\u0326\u0327\u0328\u0329\u032a\u032b\u032c\u032d\u032e\u032f' || E'\u0330\u0331\u0332\u0333\u0334\u0335\u0336\u0337\u0338\u0339\u033a\u033b\u033c\u033d\u033e\u033f' || E'\u0340\u0341\u0342\u0343\u0344\u0345\u0346\u0347\u0348\u0349\u034a\u034b\u034c\u034d\u034e\u034f' || E'\u0350\u0351\u0352\u0353\u0354\u0355\u0356\u0357\u0358\u0359\u035a\u035b\u035c\u035d\u035e\u035f' || E'\u0360\u0361\u0362' || E'\u20dd\u20de\u20df\u20e0' || E'\u20e2\u20e3\u20e4]', '', 'g') $f_unaccent$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; END IF; END $$; 12:57:07 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.get_tsvector(text) RETURNS tsvector AS $$ SELECT to_tsvector('simple', translate($1, '&', ',')); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 12:57:07 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.get_tsvector(text) RETURNS tsvector AS $$ SELECT to_tsvector('simple', translate($1, '&', ',')); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 12:57:07 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.tsquery_and(text) RETURNS tsquery AS $$ SELECT to_tsquery('simple', string_agg(CASE WHEN length(v) = 0 OR v = '*' THEN '' WHEN right(v, 1) = '*' THEN '''' || left(v, -1) || ''':*' ELSE '''' || v || '''' END, '&')) FROM (SELECT regexp_split_to_table(translate($1, '&''', ',,'), ' +')) AS x(v); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 12:57:07 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.tsquery_and(text) RETURNS tsquery AS $$ SELECT to_tsquery('simple', string_agg(CASE WHEN length(v) = 0 OR v = '*' THEN '' WHEN right(v, 1) = '*' THEN '''' || left(v, -1) || ''':*' ELSE '''' || v || '''' END, '&')) FROM (SELECT regexp_split_to_table(translate($1, '&''', ',,'), ' +')) AS x(v); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 12:57:07 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.tsquery_or(text) RETURNS tsquery AS $$ SELECT replace(testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.tsquery_and($1)::text, '&', '|')::tsquery; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 12:57:07 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.tsquery_or(text) RETURNS tsquery AS $$ SELECT replace(testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.tsquery_and($1)::text, '&', '|')::tsquery; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 12:57:07 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.tsquery_phrase(text) RETURNS tsquery AS $$ SELECT replace(testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.tsquery_and($1)::text, '&', '<->')::tsquery; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 12:57:07 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.tsquery_phrase(text) RETURNS tsquery AS $$ SELECT replace(testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.tsquery_and($1)::text, '&', '<->')::tsquery; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 12:57:07 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.normalize_digits(text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT translate((regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[1], E' \t-', '') || CASE WHEN (regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[1] = '' THEN '' WHEN (regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[2] = '' THEN '' ELSE ' ' END || (regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[2]; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 12:57:07 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.normalize_digits(text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT translate((regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[1], E' \t-', '') || CASE WHEN (regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[1] = '' THEN '' WHEN (regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[2] = '' THEN '' ELSE ' ' END || (regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[2]; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 12:57:07 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.set_id_in_jsonb() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $$ BEGIN NEW.jsonb = jsonb_set(NEW.jsonb, '{id}', to_jsonb(NEW.id)); RETURN NEW; END; $$ language 'plpgsql'; 12:57:07 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.set_id_in_jsonb() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $$ BEGIN NEW.jsonb = jsonb_set(NEW.jsonb, '{id}', to_jsonb(NEW.id)); RETURN NEW; END; $$ language 'plpgsql'; 12:57:07 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} create or replace function testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.concat_space_sql(VARIADIC text[]) RETURNS text AS $$ select concat_ws(' ', VARIADIC $1); $$ LANGUAGE SQL IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 12:57:07 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed create or replace function testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.concat_space_sql(VARIADIC text[]) RETURNS text AS $$ select concat_ws(' ', VARIADIC $1); $$ LANGUAGE SQL IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 12:57:07 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} create or replace function testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object_values(jsonb_array jsonb, field text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT string_agg(value->>$2, ' ') FROM jsonb_array_elements($1); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 12:57:07 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed create or replace function testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object_values(jsonb_array jsonb, field text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT string_agg(value->>$2, ' ') FROM jsonb_array_elements($1); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 12:57:07 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} create or replace function testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object_values( jsonb_array jsonb, field text, filterkey text, filtervalue text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT string_agg(value->>$2, ' ') FROM jsonb_array_elements($1) WHERE value->>$3 = $4; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 12:57:07 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed create or replace function testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object_values( jsonb_array jsonb, field text, filterkey text, filtervalue text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT string_agg(value->>$2, ' ') FROM jsonb_array_elements($1) WHERE value->>$3 = $4; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 12:57:07 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} create or replace function testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.first_array_object_value( jsonb_array jsonb, field text, filterkey text, filtervalue text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT value->>$2 FROM jsonb_array_elements($1) WHERE value->>$3 = $4 LIMIT 1; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 12:57:07 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed create or replace function testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.first_array_object_value( jsonb_array jsonb, field text, filterkey text, filtervalue text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT value->>$2 FROM jsonb_array_elements($1) WHERE value->>$3 = $4 LIMIT 1; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 12:57:07 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} create or replace function testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object(jsonb_array jsonb) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT string_agg(value::text, ' ') FROM jsonb_array_elements_text($1); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 12:57:07 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed create or replace function testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object(jsonb_array jsonb) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT string_agg(value::text, ' ') FROM jsonb_array_elements_text($1); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 12:57:07 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS rmb_internal_index(aname text, tops text, newdef text); 12:57:07 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='00000', message='function rmb_internal_index(text,text,text) does not exist, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='dropcmds.c', line='491', routine='does_not_exist_skipping', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 12:57:07 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS rmb_internal_index(aname text, tops text, newdef text); 12:57:07 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION rmb_internal_index( atable text, aname text, tops text, newdef text) RETURNS void AS $$ DECLARE olddef text; namep CONSTANT text = concat(aname, '_p'); prepareddef text; BEGIN IF tops = 'DELETE' THEN -- use case insensitive %s, not case sensitive %I -- no SQL injection because the names are hard-coded in schema.json EXECUTE format('DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s', aname); EXECUTE 'DELETE FROM testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE name = $1' USING aname; RETURN; END IF; SELECT def INTO olddef FROM testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE name = aname; SELECT def INTO prepareddef FROM testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE name = namep; prepareddef = replace(prepareddef, concat(' ', namep, ' ON '), concat(' ', aname, ' ON ')); IF prepareddef = newdef THEN EXECUTE format('DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s', aname); EXECUTE format('ALTER INDEX IF EXISTS %s RENAME TO %s', namep, aname); EXECUTE 'DELETE FROM rmb_internal_index WHERE name = $1' USING namep; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO rmb_internal_analyze VALUES ($1)' USING atable; ELSIF olddef IS DISTINCT FROM newdef THEN EXECUTE format('DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s', aname); EXECUTE newdef; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO rmb_internal_analyze VALUES ($1)' USING atable; END IF; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index VALUES ($1, $2, FALSE) ' 'ON CONFLICT (name) DO UPDATE SET def = EXCLUDED.def, remove = EXCLUDED.remove' USING aname, newdef; END $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 12:57:07 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION rmb_internal_index( atable text, aname text, tops text, newdef text) RETURNS void AS $$ DECLARE olddef text; namep CONSTANT text = concat(aname, '_p'); prepareddef text; BEGIN IF tops = 'DELETE' THEN -- use case insensitive %s, not case sensitive %I -- no SQL injection because the names are hard-coded in schema.json EXECUTE format('DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s', aname); EXECUTE 'DELETE FROM testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE name = $1' USING aname; RETURN; END IF; SELECT def INTO olddef FROM testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE name = aname; SELECT def INTO prepareddef FROM testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE name = namep; prepareddef = replace(prepareddef, concat(' ', namep, ' ON '), concat(' ', aname, ' ON ')); IF prepareddef = newdef THEN EXECUTE format('DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s', aname); EXECUTE format('ALTER INDEX IF EXISTS %s RENAME TO %s', namep, aname); EXECUTE 'DELETE FROM rmb_internal_index WHERE name = $1' USING namep; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO rmb_internal_analyze VALUES ($1)' USING atable; ELSIF olddef IS DISTINCT FROM newdef THEN EXECUTE format('DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s', aname); EXECUTE newdef; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO rmb_internal_analyze VALUES ($1)' USING atable; END IF; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index VALUES ($1, $2, FALSE) ' 'ON CONFLICT (name) DO UPDATE SET def = EXCLUDED.def, remove = EXCLUDED.remove' USING aname, newdef; END $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 12:57:07 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DO $$ BEGIN -- use advisory lock to prevent "tuple concurrently updated" -- https://issues.folio.org/browse/RMB-744 PERFORM pg_advisory_xact_lock(20201101, 1234567890); REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ON SCHEMA public FROM testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub; REVOKE CREATE ON SCHEMA public FROM PUBLIC; END $$; 12:57:07 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DO $$ BEGIN -- use advisory lock to prevent "tuple concurrently updated" -- https://issues.folio.org/browse/RMB-744 PERFORM pg_advisory_xact_lock(20201101, 1234567890); REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ON SCHEMA public FROM testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub; REVOKE CREATE ON SCHEMA public FROM PUBLIC; END $$; 12:57:07 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DO $$ DECLARE aname TEXT; BEGIN FOR aname IN SELECT name FROM testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE remove = TRUE LOOP EXECUTE 'DROP INDEX IF EXISTS ' || aname; END LOOP; END $$; 12:57:07 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DO $$ DECLARE aname TEXT; BEGIN FOR aname IN SELECT name FROM testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index WHERE remove = TRUE LOOP EXECUTE 'DROP INDEX IF EXISTS ' || aname; END LOOP; END $$; 12:57:07 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DO $$ DECLARE version TEXT; i RECORD; newindexdef TEXT; BEGIN SELECT jsonb->>'rmbVersion' INTO version FROM testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal; IF version !~ '^(\d\.|1\d\.|2[0-8]\.|29\.[0-3]\.)' THEN -- skip this upgrade if last install/upgrade was made by RMB >= 29.4.x RETURN; END IF; FOR i IN SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_indexes WHERE schemaname = 'testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub' LOOP newindexdef := regexp_replace(i.indexdef, -- \m = beginning of a word, \M = end of a word '\mpublic\.(f_unaccent|concat_space_sql|concat_array_object_values|concat_array_object)\M', 'testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.\1', 'g'); IF newindexdef <> i.indexdef THEN EXECUTE 'DROP INDEX ' || i.indexname; EXECUTE newindexdef; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO rmb_internal_analyze VALUES ($1)' USING i.tablename; END IF; END LOOP; END $$; 12:57:07 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DO $$ DECLARE version TEXT; i RECORD; newindexdef TEXT; BEGIN SELECT jsonb->>'rmbVersion' INTO version FROM testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal; IF version !~ '^(\d\.|1\d\.|2[0-8]\.|29\.[0-3]\.)' THEN -- skip this upgrade if last install/upgrade was made by RMB >= 29.4.x RETURN; END IF; FOR i IN SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_indexes WHERE schemaname = 'testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub' LOOP newindexdef := regexp_replace(i.indexdef, -- \m = beginning of a word, \M = end of a word '\mpublic\.(f_unaccent|concat_space_sql|concat_array_object_values|concat_array_object)\M', 'testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.\1', 'g'); IF newindexdef <> i.indexdef THEN EXECUTE 'DROP INDEX ' || i.indexname; EXECUTE newindexdef; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO rmb_internal_analyze VALUES ($1)' USING i.tablename; END IF; END LOOP; END $$; 12:57:07 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DO $$ DECLARE t TEXT; BEGIN FOR t IN SELECT DISTINCT tablename FROM rmb_internal_analyze LOOP EXECUTE 'ANALYZE ' || t; END LOOP; END $$; 12:57:07 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DO $$ DECLARE t TEXT; BEGIN FOR t IN SELECT DISTINCT tablename FROM rmb_internal_analyze LOOP EXECUTE 'ANALYZE ' || t; END LOOP; END $$; 12:57:07 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} TRUNCATE rmb_internal_analyze; 12:57:07 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed TRUNCATE rmb_internal_analyze; 12:57:07 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub TO testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub; 12:57:07 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub TO testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub; 12:57:07 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} UPDATE testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal SET jsonb = jsonb || jsonb_build_object( 'rmbVersion', '33.0.4', 'moduleVersion', 'mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT.175', 'schemaJson', $mainftl${} $mainftl$); 12:57:07 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed UPDATE testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal SET jsonb = jsonb || jsonb_build_object( 'rmbVersion', '33.0.4', 'moduleVersion', 'mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT.175', 'schemaJson', $mainftl${} $mainftl$); 12:57:07 [] [] [] [] INFO LiquibaseUtil Initializing schema testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub for tenant testenant5412574003472624640 12:57:07 [] [] [] [] INFO leConnectionProvider Attempting to get connection for testenant5412574003472624640 12:57:07 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient DB config read from environment variables 12:57:07 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Using schema: testenant5412574003472624640 12:57:07 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient postgreSQLClientConfig = {"maxPoolSize":5,"port":5432,"username":"testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub","host":"","database":"okapi_modules","password":"...","postgres_tester":false} 12:57:07 [] [] [] [] INFO LiquibaseUtil Schema is initialized for tenant testenant5412574003472624640 12:57:07 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending GET for 12:57:07 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking getTenantByOperationId 12:57:07 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil GET /_/tenant/b4d2835a-17e4-4836-9269-ea333adb9adc null HTTP_1_1 200 387 2 tid=testenant5412574003472624640 OK 12:57:07 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 200 12:57:07 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 12:57:07 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 201 12:57:07 [] [] [] [] INFO SecurityManagerImpl Created pubsub-user user 12:57:07 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 12:57:07 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 201 12:57:07 [] [] [] [] INFO SecurityManagerImpl Saved pubsub-user user credentials 12:57:07 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 12:57:07 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 403 12:57:07 [] [] [] [] ERROR SecurityManagerImpl Failed to add permissions for pubsub-user user. Received status code 403 12:57:07 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 12:57:07 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 201 12:57:07 [] [] [] [] INFO SecurityManagerImpl Logged in pubsub-user user 12:57:07 [] [] [] [] INFO TenantAPI job b4d2835a-17e4-4836-9269-ea333adb9adc completed 12:57:07 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking getTenantByOperationId 12:57:07 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil GET /_/tenant/b4d2835a-17e4-4836-9269-ea333adb9adc null HTTP_1_1 200 386 2 tid=testenant5412574003472624640 OK 12:57:07 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking deleteTenantByOperationId 12:57:07 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil DELETE /_/tenant/b4d2835a-17e4-4836-9269-ea333adb9adc null HTTP_1_1 204 0 2 tid=testenant5412574003472624640 No Content 12:57:08 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubEventTypes 12:57:08 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/event-types HTTP_1_1 201 133 2 tid=testenant5412574003472624640 Created 12:57:08 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubEventTypesDeclarePublisher 12:57:08 [] [] [] [] INFO afkaTopicServiceImpl Created topics: [LOG_RECORD] 12:57:08 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/event-types/declare/publisher HTTP_1_1 201 0 19 tid=testenant5412574003472624640 Created 12:57:23 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postTenant 12:57:23 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Executing multiple statements with id -1256860448 12:57:23 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub CASCADE; 12:57:23 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='00000', message='drop cascades to 31 other objects', detail='drop cascades to table testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal drop cascades to table testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.rmb_job drop cascades to table testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index drop cascades to table testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_analyze drop cascades to function testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.uuid_smaller(uuid,uuid) drop cascades to function testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.uuid_larger(uuid,uuid) drop cascades to function testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.next_uuid(uuid) drop cascades to function testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.max(uuid) drop cascades to function testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.min(uuid) drop cascades to function testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_smart2(bigint,bigint,text) drop cascades to function testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.count_estimate_default(text) drop cascades to function testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.count_estimate(text) drop cascades to function testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.upsert(text,uuid,anyelement) drop cascades to function testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.f_unaccent(text) drop cascades to function testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.get_tsvector(text) drop cascades to function testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.tsquery_and(text) drop cascades to function testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.tsquery_or(text) drop cascades to function testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.tsquery_phrase(text) drop cascades to function testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.normalize_digits(text) drop cascades to function testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.set_id_in_jsonb() drop cascades to function testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.concat_space_sql(text[]) drop cascades to function testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object_values(jsonb,text) drop cascades to function testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object_values(jsonb,text,text,text) drop cascades to function testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.first_array_object_value(jsonb,text,text,text) drop cascades to function testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.concat_array_object(jsonb) drop cascades to function testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.rmb_internal_index(text,text,text,text) drop cascades to table testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.databasechangeloglock drop cascades to table testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.databasechangelog drop cascades to table testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.audit_message_payload drop cascades to table testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.audit_message drop cascades to type testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub.message_state', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='dependency.c', line='1214', routine='reportDependentObjects', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 12:57:23 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub CASCADE; 12:57:23 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP ROLE IF EXISTS testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub; 12:57:23 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP ROLE IF EXISTS testenant5412574003472624640_mod_pubsub; 12:57:23 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /_/tenant null HTTP_1_1 204 0 17 tid=testenant5412574003472624640 No Content 15:19:14 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubPublish 15:19:14 [] [] [] [] INFO ublishingServiceImpl Sent LOG_RECORD event with id '6508858e-5dab-442d-a6bd-69b1883bd109' to topic FOLIO.pub-sub.diku.LOG_RECORD.mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT 15:19:14 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/publish HTTP_1_1 204 0 16 tid=diku No Content 15:19:14 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Received LOG_RECORD event with id '6508858e-5dab-442d-a6bd-69b1883bd109' 15:19:14 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Start delivering messages to subscriber /audit/handlers/log-record 15:19:14 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 15:19:14 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Start delivering messages to subscriber /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 15:19:14 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 15:19:14 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 15:19:14 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 15:19:14 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '6508858e-5dab-442d-a6bd-69b1883bd109' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 15:19:14 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '6508858e-5dab-442d-a6bd-69b1883bd109' to /audit/handlers/log-record 15:19:14 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 15:19:14 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 15:19:14 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 15:19:14 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '6508858e-5dab-442d-a6bd-69b1883bd109' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 15:19:14 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '6508858e-5dab-442d-a6bd-69b1883bd109' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 15:19:14 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 15:19:14 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 15:19:14 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 15:19:14 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '6508858e-5dab-442d-a6bd-69b1883bd109' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 15:19:14 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '6508858e-5dab-442d-a6bd-69b1883bd109' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 15:19:14 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 15:19:14 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 15:19:14 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 15:19:14 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '6508858e-5dab-442d-a6bd-69b1883bd109' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 15:19:14 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '6508858e-5dab-442d-a6bd-69b1883bd109' to /audit/handlers/log-record 15:19:14 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 15:19:14 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 15:19:14 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 15:19:14 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '6508858e-5dab-442d-a6bd-69b1883bd109' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 15:19:14 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '6508858e-5dab-442d-a6bd-69b1883bd109' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 15:19:14 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 15:19:14 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 15:19:14 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 15:19:14 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '6508858e-5dab-442d-a6bd-69b1883bd109' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 15:19:14 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '6508858e-5dab-442d-a6bd-69b1883bd109' to /audit/handlers/log-record 15:19:14 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 15:19:14 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 15:19:14 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 15:19:14 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '6508858e-5dab-442d-a6bd-69b1883bd109' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 15:19:14 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '6508858e-5dab-442d-a6bd-69b1883bd109' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 15:19:14 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 15:19:14 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 15:19:14 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 15:19:14 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '6508858e-5dab-442d-a6bd-69b1883bd109' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 15:19:14 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '6508858e-5dab-442d-a6bd-69b1883bd109' to /audit/handlers/log-record 15:19:14 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 15:19:14 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 15:19:14 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 15:19:14 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '6508858e-5dab-442d-a6bd-69b1883bd109' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 15:19:14 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '6508858e-5dab-442d-a6bd-69b1883bd109' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 15:19:14 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 15:19:14 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 15:19:14 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 15:19:14 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '6508858e-5dab-442d-a6bd-69b1883bd109' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 15:19:14 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id '6508858e-5dab-442d-a6bd-69b1883bd109' to /audit/handlers/log-record 15:19:14 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 15:19:14 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 15:19:14 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 15:19:14 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '6508858e-5dab-442d-a6bd-69b1883bd109' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 15:19:15 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 15:19:15 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 15:19:15 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id '6508858e-5dab-442d-a6bd-69b1883bd109' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 15:46:13 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubPublish 15:46:13 [] [] [] [] INFO ublishingServiceImpl Sent ITEM_CHECKED_OUT event with id 'f2bef14d-c24f-464c-b75a-55d7290c8ec1' to topic FOLIO.pub-sub.diku.ITEM_CHECKED_OUT.mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT 15:46:13 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/publish HTTP_1_1 204 0 7 tid=diku No Content 15:46:13 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Received ITEM_CHECKED_OUT event with id 'f2bef14d-c24f-464c-b75a-55d7290c8ec1' 15:46:13 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Start delivering messages to subscriber /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/item-checked-out 15:46:13 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 15:46:13 [] [] [] [] INFO RestRouting invoking postPubsubPublish 15:46:13 [] [] [] [] INFO ublishingServiceImpl Sent LOG_RECORD event with id 'cbc70ba8-70de-4c7f-9aaa-1476b70dd7b3' to topic FOLIO.pub-sub.diku.LOG_RECORD.mod-pubsub-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT 15:46:13 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /pubsub/publish HTTP_1_1 204 0 7 tid=diku No Content 15:46:13 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Received LOG_RECORD event with id 'cbc70ba8-70de-4c7f-9aaa-1476b70dd7b3' 15:46:13 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Start delivering messages to subscriber /audit/handlers/log-record 15:46:13 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 15:46:13 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Start delivering messages to subscriber /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 15:46:13 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 15:46:13 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 15:46:13 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 15:46:13 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering ITEM_CHECKED_OUT event with id 'f2bef14d-c24f-464c-b75a-55d7290c8ec1' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/item-checked-out, response status code is 400, Bad Request 15:46:13 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event ITEM_CHECKED_OUT event with id 'f2bef14d-c24f-464c-b75a-55d7290c8ec1' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/item-checked-out 15:46:13 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 15:46:13 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 15:46:13 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 15:46:13 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id 'cbc70ba8-70de-4c7f-9aaa-1476b70dd7b3' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 15:46:13 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id 'cbc70ba8-70de-4c7f-9aaa-1476b70dd7b3' to /audit/handlers/log-record 15:46:13 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 15:46:13 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 15:46:13 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 15:46:13 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering ITEM_CHECKED_OUT event with id 'f2bef14d-c24f-464c-b75a-55d7290c8ec1' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/item-checked-out, response status code is 400, Bad Request 15:46:13 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event ITEM_CHECKED_OUT event with id 'f2bef14d-c24f-464c-b75a-55d7290c8ec1' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/item-checked-out 15:46:13 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 15:46:13 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 15:46:13 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 15:46:13 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id 'cbc70ba8-70de-4c7f-9aaa-1476b70dd7b3' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 15:46:13 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id 'cbc70ba8-70de-4c7f-9aaa-1476b70dd7b3' to /audit/handlers/log-record 15:46:13 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 15:46:13 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 15:46:13 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 15:46:13 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id 'cbc70ba8-70de-4c7f-9aaa-1476b70dd7b3' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 15:46:13 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id 'cbc70ba8-70de-4c7f-9aaa-1476b70dd7b3' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 15:46:13 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 15:46:13 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 15:46:13 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 15:46:13 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering ITEM_CHECKED_OUT event with id 'f2bef14d-c24f-464c-b75a-55d7290c8ec1' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/item-checked-out, response status code is 400, Bad Request 15:46:13 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event ITEM_CHECKED_OUT event with id 'f2bef14d-c24f-464c-b75a-55d7290c8ec1' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/item-checked-out 15:46:13 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 15:46:13 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 15:46:13 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 15:46:13 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id 'cbc70ba8-70de-4c7f-9aaa-1476b70dd7b3' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 15:46:13 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id 'cbc70ba8-70de-4c7f-9aaa-1476b70dd7b3' to /audit/handlers/log-record 15:46:13 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 15:46:13 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 15:46:13 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 15:46:13 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id 'cbc70ba8-70de-4c7f-9aaa-1476b70dd7b3' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 15:46:13 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id 'cbc70ba8-70de-4c7f-9aaa-1476b70dd7b3' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 15:46:13 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 15:46:13 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 15:46:13 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 15:46:13 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering ITEM_CHECKED_OUT event with id 'f2bef14d-c24f-464c-b75a-55d7290c8ec1' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/item-checked-out, response status code is 400, Bad Request 15:46:13 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event ITEM_CHECKED_OUT event with id 'f2bef14d-c24f-464c-b75a-55d7290c8ec1' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/item-checked-out 15:46:13 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 15:46:13 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 15:46:13 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 15:46:13 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id 'cbc70ba8-70de-4c7f-9aaa-1476b70dd7b3' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 15:46:13 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id 'cbc70ba8-70de-4c7f-9aaa-1476b70dd7b3' to /audit/handlers/log-record 15:46:13 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 15:46:13 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 15:46:13 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 15:46:13 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering ITEM_CHECKED_OUT event with id 'f2bef14d-c24f-464c-b75a-55d7290c8ec1' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/item-checked-out, response status code is 400, Bad Request 15:46:13 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event ITEM_CHECKED_OUT event with id 'f2bef14d-c24f-464c-b75a-55d7290c8ec1' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/item-checked-out 15:46:13 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 15:46:13 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 15:46:13 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 15:46:13 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id 'cbc70ba8-70de-4c7f-9aaa-1476b70dd7b3' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 15:46:13 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id 'cbc70ba8-70de-4c7f-9aaa-1476b70dd7b3' to /audit/handlers/log-record 15:46:13 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 15:46:13 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 15:46:13 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 15:46:13 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id 'cbc70ba8-70de-4c7f-9aaa-1476b70dd7b3' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 15:46:13 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id 'cbc70ba8-70de-4c7f-9aaa-1476b70dd7b3' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 15:46:13 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 15:46:13 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 15:46:13 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 15:46:13 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering ITEM_CHECKED_OUT event with id 'f2bef14d-c24f-464c-b75a-55d7290c8ec1' to /automated-patron-blocks/handlers/item-checked-out, response status code is 400, Bad Request 15:46:13 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 15:46:13 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 15:46:13 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id 'cbc70ba8-70de-4c7f-9aaa-1476b70dd7b3' to /audit/handlers/log-record, response status code is 400, Bad Request 15:46:13 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 15:46:13 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 15:46:13 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id 'cbc70ba8-70de-4c7f-9aaa-1476b70dd7b3' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 15:46:13 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id 'cbc70ba8-70de-4c7f-9aaa-1476b70dd7b3' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 15:46:13 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 15:46:13 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 15:46:13 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 15:46:13 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id 'cbc70ba8-70de-4c7f-9aaa-1476b70dd7b3' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request 15:46:13 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Retry to deliver event LOG_RECORD event with id 'cbc70ba8-70de-4c7f-9aaa-1476b70dd7b3' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event 15:46:13 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Sending POST for 15:46:13 [] [] [] [] INFO RestUtil Response received with statusCode 400 15:46:13 [] [] [] [] INFO aConsumerServiceImpl Delivering was complete. Checking for response... 15:46:13 [] [] [] [] ERROR aConsumerServiceImpl Error delivering LOG_RECORD event with id 'cbc70ba8-70de-4c7f-9aaa-1476b70dd7b3' to /remote-storage/pub-sub-handlers/log-record-event, response status code is 400, Bad Request