exec java -Dport=8081 -XX:MetaspaceSize=88m -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=88m -Xmx128m -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -XX:HeapDumpPath=/usr/verticles/ -agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=*:5005 -XX:+ExitOnOutOfMemoryError -cp . -jar /usr/verticles/mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 5005 starting rest verticle service.......... 11:16:47 [] [] [] [] INFO Version HV000001: Hibernate Validator null 11:16:47 [] [] [] [] INFO Messages Loading messages from /infra-messages/APIMessages_en.properties ................................ 11:16:47 [] [] [] [] INFO Messages Loading messages from /infra-messages/APIMessages_de.properties ................................ 11:16:47 [] [] [] [] INFO RestVerticle git: https://github.com/folio-org/raml-module-builder.git a70c65db2f827dbe12c93e9447a625c772749ebc 11:16:47 [] [] [] [] INFO PomReader Reading from jar 11:16:47 [] [] [] [] INFO PomReader module name: mod_kb_ebsco_java, version: 3.7.1 11:16:47 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil org.folio.rest.RestVerticle start metrics enabled: false 11:16:48 [] [] [] [] INFO RestVerticle ^/eholdings/tags 11:16:48 [] [] [] [] INFO RestVerticle ^/eholdings/resources 11:16:48 [] [] [] [] INFO RestVerticle ^/eholdings/user-kb-credential 11:16:48 [] [] [] [] INFO RestVerticle ^/eholdings/packages/{packageId}/resources/costperuse 11:16:48 [] [] [] [] INFO RestVerticle ^/_/tenant 11:16:48 [] [] [] [] INFO RestVerticle ^/eholdings/currencies 11:16:48 [] [] [] [] INFO RestVerticle ^/eholdings/resources/{resourceId}/costperuse 11:16:48 [] [] [] [] INFO RestVerticle ^/_/jsonSchemas 11:16:48 [] [] [] [] INFO RestVerticle ^/eholdings/cache 11:16:48 [] [] [] [] INFO RestVerticle ^/eholdings/proxy-types 11:16:48 [] [] [] [] INFO RestVerticle ^/eholdings/kb-credentials/{id}/custom-labels 11:16:48 [] [] [] [] INFO RestVerticle ^/eholdings/packages 11:16:48 [] [] [] [] INFO RestVerticle ^/eholdings/packages/{packageId}/costperuse 11:16:48 [] [] [] [] INFO RestVerticle ^/eholdings/kb-credentials/{id}/users 11:16:48 [] [] [] [] INFO RestVerticle ^/admin 11:16:48 [] [] [] [] INFO RestVerticle ^/eholdings/kb-credentials/{id}/access-types 11:16:48 [] [] [] [] INFO RestVerticle ^/eholdings/custom-labels 11:16:48 [] [] [] [] INFO RestVerticle ^/eholdings/loading/kb-credentials 11:16:48 [] [] [] [] INFO RestVerticle ^/eholdings/titles/{titleId}/costperuse 11:16:48 [] [] [] [] INFO RestVerticle ^/eholdings/kb-credentials 11:16:48 [] [] [] [] INFO RestVerticle ^/_/ramls 11:16:48 [] [] [] [] INFO RestVerticle ^/eholdings/kb-credentials/{id}/root-proxy 11:16:48 [] [] [] [] INFO RestVerticle ^/eholdings/providers 11:16:48 [] [] [] [] INFO RestVerticle ^/eholdings/status 11:16:48 [] [] [] [] INFO RestVerticle ^/eholdings/titles 11:16:48 [] [] [] [] INFO RestVerticle ^/rmbtests 11:16:48 [] [] [] [] INFO RestVerticle ^/eholdings/access-types 11:16:48 [] [] [] [] INFO RestVerticle ^/configurations 11:16:48 [] [] [] [] INFO RestVerticle ^/eholdings/kb-credentials/{id}/proxy-types 11:16:48 [] [] [] [] INFO RestVerticle ^/eholdings/packages/{packageId}/resources/costperuse/export 11:16:48 [] [] [] [] INFO RestVerticle ^/eholdings/kb-credentials/{id}/uc 11:16:48 [] [] [] [] INFO RestVerticle ^/eholdings/root-proxy 11:16:48 [] [] [] [] INFO RestVerticle ^/eholdings/uc 11:16:48 [] [] [] [] INFO RestVerticle 1 verticles deployed 11:16:48 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil org.folio.rest.RestVerticle runHook One time hook called with implemented class named org.folio.rest.impl.InitAPIImpl 11:16:50 [] [] [] [] INFO eanMethodInterceptor @Bean method ApplicationConfig.placeholderConfigurer is non-static and returns an object assignable to Spring's BeanFactoryPostProcessor interface. This will result in a failure to process annotations such as @Autowired, @Resource and @PostConstruct within the method's declaring @Configuration class. Add the 'static' modifier to this method to avoid these container lifecycle issues; see @Bean javadoc for complete details. 11:16:51 [] [] [] [] INFO RestVerticle init succeeded....... 11:16:51 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil org.folio.rest.RestVerticle runPeriodicHook no periodic implementation found, continuing with deployment 11:16:52 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil org.folio.rest.RestVerticle runPostDeployHook no Post Deploy Hook implementation found, continuing with deployment 11:16:52 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil org.folio.rest.RestVerticle start http server for apis and docs started on port 8081. 11:16:52 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil org.folio.rest.RestVerticle start Documentation available at: http://localhost:8081/apidocs/ 11:16:52 [] [] [] [] INFO ? Succeeded in deploying verticle 11:16:52 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil GET / null HTTP_1_1 400 28 -1 tid=null Bad Request Invalid URL path requested / 11:16:56 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient DB config read from environment variables 11:16:56 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient postgreSQLClientConfig = {"maxPoolSize":5,"port":5432,"username":"folio_admin","host":"","database":"okapi_modules","password":"..."} 11:16:57 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Executing multiple statements with id -1669000529 11:16:57 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} ALTER ROLE diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java SET search_path = "$user"; 11:16:57 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed ALTER ROLE diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java SET search_path = "$user"; 11:16:57 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DO $$ BEGIN BEGIN -- This only succeeds if show_trgm, a pg_trgm function, -- has been loaded into public schema. PERFORM public.show_trgm('a'); EXCEPTION WHEN undefined_function THEN BEGIN ALTER EXTENSION pg_trgm SET SCHEMA public; EXCEPTION WHEN undefined_object THEN NULL; END; END; END $$; 11:16:57 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DO $$ BEGIN BEGIN -- This only succeeds if show_trgm, a pg_trgm function, -- has been loaded into public schema. PERFORM public.show_trgm('a'); EXCEPTION WHEN undefined_function THEN BEGIN ALTER EXTENSION pg_trgm SET SCHEMA public; EXCEPTION WHEN undefined_object THEN NULL; END; END; END $$; 11:16:57 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS unaccent WITH SCHEMA public; 11:16:57 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='42710', message='extension "unaccent" already exists, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='extension.c', line='1758', routine='CreateExtension', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 11:16:57 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS unaccent WITH SCHEMA public; 11:16:57 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS pg_trgm WITH SCHEMA public; 11:16:57 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='42710', message='extension "pg_trgm" already exists, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='extension.c', line='1758', routine='CreateExtension', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 11:16:57 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS pg_trgm WITH SCHEMA public; 11:16:57 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.rmb_job ( id UUID PRIMARY KEY, jsonb JSONB NOT NULL ); 11:16:57 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='42P07', message='relation "rmb_job" already exists, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='parse_utilcmd.c', line='209', routine='transformCreateStmt', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 11:16:57 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.rmb_job ( id UUID PRIMARY KEY, jsonb JSONB NOT NULL ); 11:16:57 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil org.folio.rest.RestVerticle start invoking postTenant 11:16:57 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /_/tenant null HTTP_1_1 201 306 2134 tid=diku Created 11:16:57 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Executing multiple statements with id 1266884407 11:16:57 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} SET search_path TO diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java; 11:16:57 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed SET search_path TO diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java; 11:16:57 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.rmb_internal_index ( name text PRIMARY KEY, def text NOT NULL, remove boolean NOT NULL ); 11:16:57 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='42P07', message='relation "rmb_internal_index" already exists, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='parse_utilcmd.c', line='209', routine='transformCreateStmt', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 11:16:57 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.rmb_internal_index ( name text PRIMARY KEY, def text NOT NULL, remove boolean NOT NULL ); 11:16:57 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} UPDATE diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.rmb_internal_index SET remove = TRUE; 11:16:57 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed UPDATE diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.rmb_internal_index SET remove = TRUE; 11:16:57 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS rmb_internal_analyze ( tablename text ); 11:16:57 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='42P07', message='relation "rmb_internal_analyze" already exists, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='parse_utilcmd.c', line='209', routine='transformCreateStmt', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 11:16:57 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS rmb_internal_analyze ( tablename text ); 11:16:57 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.count_estimate_smart2(bigint,bigint,text); 11:16:57 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.count_estimate_smart2(bigint,bigint,text); 11:16:57 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE FUNCTION diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.count_estimate_smart2(rows bigint, lim bigint, query text) RETURNS bigint AS $$ DECLARE rec record; cnt bigint; BEGIN IF rows = lim THEN FOR rec IN EXECUTE 'EXPLAIN ' || query LOOP cnt := substring(rec."QUERY PLAN" FROM ' rows=([[:digit:]]+)'); EXIT WHEN cnt IS NOT NULL; END LOOP; RETURN cnt; END IF; RETURN rows; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql VOLATILE STRICT; 11:16:57 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE FUNCTION diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.count_estimate_smart2(rows bigint, lim bigint, query text) RETURNS bigint AS $$ DECLARE rec record; cnt bigint; BEGIN IF rows = lim THEN FOR rec IN EXECUTE 'EXPLAIN ' || query LOOP cnt := substring(rec."QUERY PLAN" FROM ' rows=([[:digit:]]+)'); EXIT WHEN cnt IS NOT NULL; END LOOP; RETURN cnt; END IF; RETURN rows; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql VOLATILE STRICT; 11:16:57 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.count_estimate_default(query text) RETURNS bigint AS $$ DECLARE rows bigint; q text; BEGIN q = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (' || query || ' LIMIT 1000) x'; EXECUTE q INTO rows; IF rows < 1000 THEN return rows; END IF; rows = diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.count_estimate_smart2(1000, 1000, query); IF rows < 1000 THEN return 1000; END IF; RETURN rows; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE STRICT; 11:16:57 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil org.folio.rest.RestVerticle start invoking getTenantByOperationId 11:16:57 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil GET /_/tenant/b0a1b4c8-d370-4c97-a82b-5f7e0d419d73 null HTTP_1_1 200 306 82 tid=diku OK 11:16:57 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.count_estimate_default(query text) RETURNS bigint AS $$ DECLARE rows bigint; q text; BEGIN q = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (' || query || ' LIMIT 1000) x'; EXECUTE q INTO rows; IF rows < 1000 THEN return rows; END IF; rows = diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.count_estimate_smart2(1000, 1000, query); IF rows < 1000 THEN return 1000; END IF; RETURN rows; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE STRICT; 11:16:57 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.count_estimate(query text) RETURNS bigint AS $$ DECLARE count bigint; est_count bigint; q text; BEGIN est_count = diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.count_estimate_smart2(1000, 1000, query); IF est_count > 4*1000 THEN RETURN est_count; END IF; q = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (' || query || ' LIMIT 1000) x'; EXECUTE q INTO count; IF count < 1000 THEN RETURN count; END IF; IF est_count < 1000 THEN RETURN 1000; END IF; RETURN est_count; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql STABLE STRICT; 11:16:57 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.count_estimate(query text) RETURNS bigint AS $$ DECLARE count bigint; est_count bigint; q text; BEGIN est_count = diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.count_estimate_smart2(1000, 1000, query); IF est_count > 4*1000 THEN RETURN est_count; END IF; q = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (' || query || ' LIMIT 1000) x'; EXECUTE q INTO count; IF count < 1000 THEN RETURN count; END IF; IF est_count < 1000 THEN RETURN 1000; END IF; RETURN est_count; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql STABLE STRICT; 11:16:57 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DO $$ DECLARE ver integer; BEGIN SELECT current_setting('server_version_num') INTO ver; IF (ver >= 120000) THEN CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.f_unaccent(text) RETURNS text AS $f_unaccent$ SELECT public.unaccent('public.unaccent', $1) -- schema-qualify function and dictionary $f_unaccent$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; ELSE CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.f_unaccent(text) RETURNS text AS $f_unaccent$ SELECT regexp_replace(public.unaccent('public.unaccent', $1), E'[\u0300\u0301\u0302\u0303\u0304\u0305\u0306\u0307\u0308\u0309\u030a\u030b\u030c\u030d\u030e\u030f' || E'\u0310\u0311\u0312\u0313\u0314\u0315\u0316\u0317\u0318\u0319\u031a\u031b\u031c\u031d\u031e\u031f' || E'\u0320\u0321\u0322\u0323\u0324\u0325\u0326\u0327\u0328\u0329\u032a\u032b\u032c\u032d\u032e\u032f' || E'\u0330\u0331\u0332\u0333\u0334\u0335\u0336\u0337\u0338\u0339\u033a\u033b\u033c\u033d\u033e\u033f' || E'\u0340\u0341\u0342\u0343\u0344\u0345\u0346\u0347\u0348\u0349\u034a\u034b\u034c\u034d\u034e\u034f' || E'\u0350\u0351\u0352\u0353\u0354\u0355\u0356\u0357\u0358\u0359\u035a\u035b\u035c\u035d\u035e\u035f' || E'\u0360\u0361\u0362' || E'\u20dd\u20de\u20df\u20e0' || E'\u20e2\u20e3\u20e4]', '', 'g') $f_unaccent$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; END IF; END $$; 11:16:57 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DO $$ DECLARE ver integer; BEGIN SELECT current_setting('server_version_num') INTO ver; IF (ver >= 120000) THEN CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.f_unaccent(text) RETURNS text AS $f_unaccent$ SELECT public.unaccent('public.unaccent', $1) -- schema-qualify function and dictionary $f_unaccent$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; ELSE CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.f_unaccent(text) RETURNS text AS $f_unaccent$ SELECT regexp_replace(public.unaccent('public.unaccent', $1), E'[\u0300\u0301\u0302\u0303\u0304\u0305\u0306\u0307\u0308\u0309\u030a\u030b\u030c\u030d\u030e\u030f' || E'\u0310\u0311\u0312\u0313\u0314\u0315\u0316\u0317\u0318\u0319\u031a\u031b\u031c\u031d\u031e\u031f' || E'\u0320\u0321\u0322\u0323\u0324\u0325\u0326\u0327\u0328\u0329\u032a\u032b\u032c\u032d\u032e\u032f' || E'\u0330\u0331\u0332\u0333\u0334\u0335\u0336\u0337\u0338\u0339\u033a\u033b\u033c\u033d\u033e\u033f' || E'\u0340\u0341\u0342\u0343\u0344\u0345\u0346\u0347\u0348\u0349\u034a\u034b\u034c\u034d\u034e\u034f' || E'\u0350\u0351\u0352\u0353\u0354\u0355\u0356\u0357\u0358\u0359\u035a\u035b\u035c\u035d\u035e\u035f' || E'\u0360\u0361\u0362' || E'\u20dd\u20de\u20df\u20e0' || E'\u20e2\u20e3\u20e4]', '', 'g') $f_unaccent$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; END IF; END $$; 11:16:57 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.get_tsvector(text) RETURNS tsvector AS $$ SELECT to_tsvector('simple', translate($1, '&', ',')); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:16:57 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.get_tsvector(text) RETURNS tsvector AS $$ SELECT to_tsvector('simple', translate($1, '&', ',')); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:16:57 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.tsquery_and(text) RETURNS tsquery AS $$ SELECT to_tsquery('simple', string_agg(CASE WHEN length(v) = 0 OR v = '*' THEN '' WHEN right(v, 1) = '*' THEN '''' || left(v, -1) || ''':*' ELSE '''' || v || '''' END, '&')) FROM (SELECT regexp_split_to_table(translate($1, '&''', ',,'), ' +')) AS x(v); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:16:57 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.tsquery_and(text) RETURNS tsquery AS $$ SELECT to_tsquery('simple', string_agg(CASE WHEN length(v) = 0 OR v = '*' THEN '' WHEN right(v, 1) = '*' THEN '''' || left(v, -1) || ''':*' ELSE '''' || v || '''' END, '&')) FROM (SELECT regexp_split_to_table(translate($1, '&''', ',,'), ' +')) AS x(v); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:16:57 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.tsquery_or(text) RETURNS tsquery AS $$ SELECT replace(diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.tsquery_and($1)::text, '&', '|')::tsquery; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.tsquery_or(text) RETURNS tsquery AS $$ SELECT replace(diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.tsquery_and($1)::text, '&', '|')::tsquery; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.tsquery_phrase(text) RETURNS tsquery AS $$ SELECT replace(diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.tsquery_and($1)::text, '&', '<->')::tsquery; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.tsquery_phrase(text) RETURNS tsquery AS $$ SELECT replace(diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.tsquery_and($1)::text, '&', '<->')::tsquery; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.normalize_digits(text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT translate((regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[1], E' \t-', '') || CASE WHEN (regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[1] = '' THEN '' WHEN (regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[2] = '' THEN '' ELSE ' ' END || (regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[2]; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.normalize_digits(text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT translate((regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[1], E' \t-', '') || CASE WHEN (regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[1] = '' THEN '' WHEN (regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[2] = '' THEN '' ELSE ' ' END || (regexp_match($1, '^([0-9 \t-]*(?:\*[ \t]*)?)(.*)'))[2]; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.set_id_in_jsonb() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $$ BEGIN NEW.jsonb = jsonb_set(NEW.jsonb, '{id}', to_jsonb(NEW.id)); RETURN NEW; END; $$ language 'plpgsql'; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.set_id_in_jsonb() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $$ BEGIN NEW.jsonb = jsonb_set(NEW.jsonb, '{id}', to_jsonb(NEW.id)); RETURN NEW; END; $$ language 'plpgsql'; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} create or replace function diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.concat_space_sql(VARIADIC text[]) RETURNS text AS $$ select concat_ws(' ', VARIADIC $1); $$ LANGUAGE SQL IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed create or replace function diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.concat_space_sql(VARIADIC text[]) RETURNS text AS $$ select concat_ws(' ', VARIADIC $1); $$ LANGUAGE SQL IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} create or replace function diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.concat_array_object_values(jsonb_array jsonb, field text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT string_agg(value->>$2, ' ') FROM jsonb_array_elements($1); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed create or replace function diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.concat_array_object_values(jsonb_array jsonb, field text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT string_agg(value->>$2, ' ') FROM jsonb_array_elements($1); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} create or replace function diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.concat_array_object_values( jsonb_array jsonb, field text, filterkey text, filtervalue text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT string_agg(value->>$2, ' ') FROM jsonb_array_elements($1) WHERE value->>$3 = $4; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed create or replace function diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.concat_array_object_values( jsonb_array jsonb, field text, filterkey text, filtervalue text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT string_agg(value->>$2, ' ') FROM jsonb_array_elements($1) WHERE value->>$3 = $4; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} create or replace function diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.first_array_object_value( jsonb_array jsonb, field text, filterkey text, filtervalue text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT value->>$2 FROM jsonb_array_elements($1) WHERE value->>$3 = $4 LIMIT 1; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed create or replace function diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.first_array_object_value( jsonb_array jsonb, field text, filterkey text, filtervalue text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT value->>$2 FROM jsonb_array_elements($1) WHERE value->>$3 = $4 LIMIT 1; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} create or replace function diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.concat_array_object(jsonb_array jsonb) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT string_agg(value::text, ' ') FROM jsonb_array_elements_text($1); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed create or replace function diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.concat_array_object(jsonb_array jsonb) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT string_agg(value::text, ' ') FROM jsonb_array_elements_text($1); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS rmb_internal_index(aname text, tops text, newdef text); 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='00000', message='function rmb_internal_index(text,text,text) does not exist, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='dropcmds.c', line='473', routine='does_not_exist_skipping', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS rmb_internal_index(aname text, tops text, newdef text); 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION rmb_internal_index( atable text, aname text, tops text, newdef text) RETURNS void AS $$ DECLARE olddef text; namep CONSTANT text = concat(aname, '_p'); prepareddef text; BEGIN IF tops = 'DELETE' THEN -- use case insensitive %s, not case sensitive %I -- no SQL injection because the names are hard-coded in schema.json EXECUTE format('DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s', aname); EXECUTE 'DELETE FROM diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.rmb_internal_index WHERE name = $1' USING aname; RETURN; END IF; SELECT def INTO olddef FROM diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.rmb_internal_index WHERE name = aname; SELECT def INTO prepareddef FROM diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.rmb_internal_index WHERE name = namep; prepareddef = replace(prepareddef, concat(' ', namep, ' ON '), concat(' ', aname, ' ON ')); IF prepareddef = newdef THEN EXECUTE format('DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s', aname); EXECUTE format('ALTER INDEX IF EXISTS %s RENAME TO %s', namep, aname); EXECUTE 'DELETE FROM rmb_internal_index WHERE name = $1' USING namep; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO rmb_internal_analyze VALUES ($1)' USING atable; ELSIF olddef IS DISTINCT FROM newdef THEN EXECUTE format('DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s', aname); EXECUTE newdef; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO rmb_internal_analyze VALUES ($1)' USING atable; END IF; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.rmb_internal_index VALUES ($1, $2, FALSE) ' 'ON CONFLICT (name) DO UPDATE SET def = EXCLUDED.def, remove = EXCLUDED.remove' USING aname, newdef; END $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION rmb_internal_index( atable text, aname text, tops text, newdef text) RETURNS void AS $$ DECLARE olddef text; namep CONSTANT text = concat(aname, '_p'); prepareddef text; BEGIN IF tops = 'DELETE' THEN -- use case insensitive %s, not case sensitive %I -- no SQL injection because the names are hard-coded in schema.json EXECUTE format('DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s', aname); EXECUTE 'DELETE FROM diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.rmb_internal_index WHERE name = $1' USING aname; RETURN; END IF; SELECT def INTO olddef FROM diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.rmb_internal_index WHERE name = aname; SELECT def INTO prepareddef FROM diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.rmb_internal_index WHERE name = namep; prepareddef = replace(prepareddef, concat(' ', namep, ' ON '), concat(' ', aname, ' ON ')); IF prepareddef = newdef THEN EXECUTE format('DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s', aname); EXECUTE format('ALTER INDEX IF EXISTS %s RENAME TO %s', namep, aname); EXECUTE 'DELETE FROM rmb_internal_index WHERE name = $1' USING namep; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO rmb_internal_analyze VALUES ($1)' USING atable; ELSIF olddef IS DISTINCT FROM newdef THEN EXECUTE format('DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s', aname); EXECUTE newdef; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO rmb_internal_analyze VALUES ($1)' USING atable; END IF; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.rmb_internal_index VALUES ($1, $2, FALSE) ' 'ON CONFLICT (name) DO UPDATE SET def = EXCLUDED.def, remove = EXCLUDED.remove' USING aname, newdef; END $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DO $$ BEGIN -- use advisory lock to prevent "tuple concurrently updated" -- https://issues.folio.org/browse/RMB-744 PERFORM pg_advisory_xact_lock(20201101, 1234567890); REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ON SCHEMA public FROM diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java; REVOKE CREATE ON SCHEMA public FROM PUBLIC; END $$; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DO $$ BEGIN -- use advisory lock to prevent "tuple concurrently updated" -- https://issues.folio.org/browse/RMB-744 PERFORM pg_advisory_xact_lock(20201101, 1234567890); REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ON SCHEMA public FROM diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java; REVOKE CREATE ON SCHEMA public FROM PUBLIC; END $$; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS update_tags_references ON diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.tags CASCADE; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='00000', message='trigger "update_tags_references" for relation "diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.tags" does not exist, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='dropcmds.c', line='473', routine='does_not_exist_skipping', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS update_tags_references ON diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.tags CASCADE; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.update_tags_references(); 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='00000', message='function diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.update_tags_references() does not exist, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='dropcmds.c', line='473', routine='does_not_exist_skipping', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.update_tags_references(); 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS set_tags_ol_version_trigger ON diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.tags CASCADE; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='00000', message='trigger "set_tags_ol_version_trigger" for relation "diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.tags" does not exist, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='dropcmds.c', line='473', routine='does_not_exist_skipping', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS set_tags_ol_version_trigger ON diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.tags CASCADE; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.tags_set_ol_version() CASCADE; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='00000', message='function diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.tags_set_ol_version() does not exist, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='dropcmds.c', line='473', routine='does_not_exist_skipping', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.tags_set_ol_version() CASCADE; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS update_packages_references ON diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.packages CASCADE; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='00000', message='trigger "update_packages_references" for relation "diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.packages" does not exist, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='dropcmds.c', line='473', routine='does_not_exist_skipping', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS update_packages_references ON diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.packages CASCADE; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.update_packages_references(); 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='00000', message='function diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.update_packages_references() does not exist, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='dropcmds.c', line='473', routine='does_not_exist_skipping', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.update_packages_references(); 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS set_packages_ol_version_trigger ON diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.packages CASCADE; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='00000', message='trigger "set_packages_ol_version_trigger" for relation "diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.packages" does not exist, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='dropcmds.c', line='473', routine='does_not_exist_skipping', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS set_packages_ol_version_trigger ON diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.packages CASCADE; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.packages_set_ol_version() CASCADE; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='00000', message='function diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.packages_set_ol_version() does not exist, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='dropcmds.c', line='473', routine='does_not_exist_skipping', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.packages_set_ol_version() CASCADE; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS update_providers_references ON diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.providers CASCADE; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='00000', message='trigger "update_providers_references" for relation "diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.providers" does not exist, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='dropcmds.c', line='473', routine='does_not_exist_skipping', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS update_providers_references ON diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.providers CASCADE; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.update_providers_references(); 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='00000', message='function diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.update_providers_references() does not exist, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='dropcmds.c', line='473', routine='does_not_exist_skipping', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.update_providers_references(); 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS set_providers_ol_version_trigger ON diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.providers CASCADE; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='00000', message='trigger "set_providers_ol_version_trigger" for relation "diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.providers" does not exist, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='dropcmds.c', line='473', routine='does_not_exist_skipping', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS set_providers_ol_version_trigger ON diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.providers CASCADE; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.providers_set_ol_version() CASCADE; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='00000', message='function diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.providers_set_ol_version() does not exist, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='dropcmds.c', line='473', routine='does_not_exist_skipping', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.providers_set_ol_version() CASCADE; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS update_resources_references ON diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.resources CASCADE; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='00000', message='trigger "update_resources_references" for relation "diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.resources" does not exist, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='dropcmds.c', line='473', routine='does_not_exist_skipping', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS update_resources_references ON diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.resources CASCADE; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.update_resources_references(); 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='00000', message='function diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.update_resources_references() does not exist, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='dropcmds.c', line='473', routine='does_not_exist_skipping', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.update_resources_references(); 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS set_resources_ol_version_trigger ON diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.resources CASCADE; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='00000', message='trigger "set_resources_ol_version_trigger" for relation "diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.resources" does not exist, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='dropcmds.c', line='473', routine='does_not_exist_skipping', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS set_resources_ol_version_trigger ON diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.resources CASCADE; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.resources_set_ol_version() CASCADE; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='00000', message='function diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.resources_set_ol_version() does not exist, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='dropcmds.c', line='473', routine='does_not_exist_skipping', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.resources_set_ol_version() CASCADE; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS update_titles_references ON diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.titles CASCADE; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='00000', message='trigger "update_titles_references" for relation "diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.titles" does not exist, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='dropcmds.c', line='473', routine='does_not_exist_skipping', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS update_titles_references ON diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.titles CASCADE; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.update_titles_references(); 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='00000', message='function diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.update_titles_references() does not exist, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='dropcmds.c', line='473', routine='does_not_exist_skipping', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.update_titles_references(); 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS set_titles_ol_version_trigger ON diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.titles CASCADE; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='00000', message='trigger "set_titles_ol_version_trigger" for relation "diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.titles" does not exist, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='dropcmds.c', line='473', routine='does_not_exist_skipping', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS set_titles_ol_version_trigger ON diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.titles CASCADE; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.titles_set_ol_version() CASCADE; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='00000', message='function diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.titles_set_ol_version() does not exist, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='dropcmds.c', line='473', routine='does_not_exist_skipping', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.titles_set_ol_version() CASCADE; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS update_access_types_references ON diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.access_types CASCADE; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='00000', message='trigger "update_access_types_references" for relation "diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.access_types" does not exist, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='dropcmds.c', line='473', routine='does_not_exist_skipping', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS update_access_types_references ON diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.access_types CASCADE; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.update_access_types_references(); 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='00000', message='function diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.update_access_types_references() does not exist, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='dropcmds.c', line='473', routine='does_not_exist_skipping', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.update_access_types_references(); 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS set_access_types_ol_version_trigger ON diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.access_types CASCADE; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='00000', message='trigger "set_access_types_ol_version_trigger" for relation "diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.access_types" does not exist, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='dropcmds.c', line='473', routine='does_not_exist_skipping', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS set_access_types_ol_version_trigger ON diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.access_types CASCADE; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.access_types_set_ol_version() CASCADE; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='00000', message='function diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.access_types_set_ol_version() does not exist, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='dropcmds.c', line='473', routine='does_not_exist_skipping', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.access_types_set_ol_version() CASCADE; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS update_access_types_mappings_references ON diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.access_types_mappings CASCADE; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='00000', message='trigger "update_access_types_mappings_references" for relation "diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.access_types_mappings" does not exist, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='dropcmds.c', line='473', routine='does_not_exist_skipping', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS update_access_types_mappings_references ON diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.access_types_mappings CASCADE; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.update_access_types_mappings_references(); 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='00000', message='function diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.update_access_types_mappings_references() does not exist, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='dropcmds.c', line='473', routine='does_not_exist_skipping', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.update_access_types_mappings_references(); 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS set_access_types_mappings_ol_version_trigger ON diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.access_types_mappings CASCADE; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='00000', message='trigger "set_access_types_mappings_ol_version_trigger" for relation "diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.access_types_mappings" does not exist, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='dropcmds.c', line='473', routine='does_not_exist_skipping', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS set_access_types_mappings_ol_version_trigger ON diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.access_types_mappings CASCADE; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.access_types_mappings_set_ol_version() CASCADE; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='00000', message='function diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.access_types_mappings_set_ol_version() does not exist, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='dropcmds.c', line='473', routine='does_not_exist_skipping', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.access_types_mappings_set_ol_version() CASCADE; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS update_holdings_references ON diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.holdings CASCADE; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='00000', message='trigger "update_holdings_references" for relation "diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.holdings" does not exist, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='dropcmds.c', line='473', routine='does_not_exist_skipping', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS update_holdings_references ON diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.holdings CASCADE; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.update_holdings_references(); 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='00000', message='function diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.update_holdings_references() does not exist, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='dropcmds.c', line='473', routine='does_not_exist_skipping', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.update_holdings_references(); 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS set_holdings_ol_version_trigger ON diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.holdings CASCADE; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='00000', message='trigger "set_holdings_ol_version_trigger" for relation "diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.holdings" does not exist, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='dropcmds.c', line='473', routine='does_not_exist_skipping', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS set_holdings_ol_version_trigger ON diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.holdings CASCADE; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.holdings_set_ol_version() CASCADE; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil org.folio.rest.RestVerticle start invoking getTenantByOperationId 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil GET /_/tenant/b0a1b4c8-d370-4c97-a82b-5f7e0d419d73 null HTTP_1_1 200 306 33 tid=diku OK 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='00000', message='function diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.holdings_set_ol_version() does not exist, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='dropcmds.c', line='473', routine='does_not_exist_skipping', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.holdings_set_ol_version() CASCADE; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS update_holdings_status_references ON diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.holdings_status CASCADE; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='00000', message='trigger "update_holdings_status_references" for relation "diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.holdings_status" does not exist, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='dropcmds.c', line='473', routine='does_not_exist_skipping', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS update_holdings_status_references ON diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.holdings_status CASCADE; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.update_holdings_status_references(); 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='00000', message='function diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.update_holdings_status_references() does not exist, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='dropcmds.c', line='473', routine='does_not_exist_skipping', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.update_holdings_status_references(); 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS set_holdings_status_ol_version_trigger ON diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.holdings_status CASCADE; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='00000', message='trigger "set_holdings_status_ol_version_trigger" for relation "diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.holdings_status" does not exist, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='dropcmds.c', line='473', routine='does_not_exist_skipping', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS set_holdings_status_ol_version_trigger ON diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.holdings_status CASCADE; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.holdings_status_set_ol_version() CASCADE; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='00000', message='function diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.holdings_status_set_ol_version() does not exist, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='dropcmds.c', line='473', routine='does_not_exist_skipping', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.holdings_status_set_ol_version() CASCADE; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS update_holdings_status_audit_references ON diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.holdings_status_audit CASCADE; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='00000', message='trigger "update_holdings_status_audit_references" for relation "diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.holdings_status_audit" does not exist, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='dropcmds.c', line='473', routine='does_not_exist_skipping', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS update_holdings_status_audit_references ON diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.holdings_status_audit CASCADE; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.update_holdings_status_audit_references(); 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='00000', message='function diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.update_holdings_status_audit_references() does not exist, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='dropcmds.c', line='473', routine='does_not_exist_skipping', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.update_holdings_status_audit_references(); 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS set_holdings_status_audit_ol_version_trigger ON diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.holdings_status_audit CASCADE; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='00000', message='trigger "set_holdings_status_audit_ol_version_trigger" for relation "diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.holdings_status_audit" does not exist, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='dropcmds.c', line='473', routine='does_not_exist_skipping', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS set_holdings_status_audit_ol_version_trigger ON diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.holdings_status_audit CASCADE; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.holdings_status_audit_set_ol_version() CASCADE; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='00000', message='function diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.holdings_status_audit_set_ol_version() does not exist, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='dropcmds.c', line='473', routine='does_not_exist_skipping', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.holdings_status_audit_set_ol_version() CASCADE; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS update_retry_status_references ON diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.retry_status CASCADE; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='00000', message='trigger "update_retry_status_references" for relation "diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.retry_status" does not exist, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='dropcmds.c', line='473', routine='does_not_exist_skipping', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS update_retry_status_references ON diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.retry_status CASCADE; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.update_retry_status_references(); 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='00000', message='function diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.update_retry_status_references() does not exist, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='dropcmds.c', line='473', routine='does_not_exist_skipping', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.update_retry_status_references(); 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS set_retry_status_ol_version_trigger ON diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.retry_status CASCADE; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='00000', message='trigger "set_retry_status_ol_version_trigger" for relation "diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.retry_status" does not exist, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='dropcmds.c', line='473', routine='does_not_exist_skipping', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS set_retry_status_ol_version_trigger ON diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.retry_status CASCADE; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.retry_status_set_ol_version() CASCADE; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='00000', message='function diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.retry_status_set_ol_version() does not exist, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='dropcmds.c', line='473', routine='does_not_exist_skipping', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.retry_status_set_ol_version() CASCADE; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS update_transaction_ids_references ON diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.transaction_ids CASCADE; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='00000', message='trigger "update_transaction_ids_references" for relation "diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.transaction_ids" does not exist, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='dropcmds.c', line='473', routine='does_not_exist_skipping', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS update_transaction_ids_references ON diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.transaction_ids CASCADE; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.update_transaction_ids_references(); 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='00000', message='function diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.update_transaction_ids_references() does not exist, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='dropcmds.c', line='473', routine='does_not_exist_skipping', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.update_transaction_ids_references(); 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS set_transaction_ids_ol_version_trigger ON diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.transaction_ids CASCADE; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='00000', message='trigger "set_transaction_ids_ol_version_trigger" for relation "diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.transaction_ids" does not exist, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='dropcmds.c', line='473', routine='does_not_exist_skipping', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS set_transaction_ids_ol_version_trigger ON diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.transaction_ids CASCADE; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.transaction_ids_set_ol_version() CASCADE; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='00000', message='function diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.transaction_ids_set_ol_version() does not exist, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='dropcmds.c', line='473', routine='does_not_exist_skipping', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.transaction_ids_set_ol_version() CASCADE; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS set_id_in_jsonb ON tags CASCADE; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='00000', message='trigger "set_id_in_jsonb" for relation "tags" does not exist, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='dropcmds.c', line='473', routine='does_not_exist_skipping', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS set_id_in_jsonb ON tags CASCADE; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS set_id_in_jsonb ON packages CASCADE; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='00000', message='trigger "set_id_in_jsonb" for relation "packages" does not exist, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='dropcmds.c', line='473', routine='does_not_exist_skipping', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS set_id_in_jsonb ON packages CASCADE; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS set_id_in_jsonb ON providers CASCADE; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='00000', message='trigger "set_id_in_jsonb" for relation "providers" does not exist, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='dropcmds.c', line='473', routine='does_not_exist_skipping', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS set_id_in_jsonb ON providers CASCADE; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS set_id_in_jsonb ON resources CASCADE; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='00000', message='trigger "set_id_in_jsonb" for relation "resources" does not exist, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='dropcmds.c', line='473', routine='does_not_exist_skipping', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS set_id_in_jsonb ON resources CASCADE; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS set_id_in_jsonb ON titles CASCADE; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='00000', message='trigger "set_id_in_jsonb" for relation "titles" does not exist, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='dropcmds.c', line='473', routine='does_not_exist_skipping', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS set_id_in_jsonb ON titles CASCADE; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS set_id_in_jsonb ON holdings CASCADE; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='00000', message='trigger "set_id_in_jsonb" for relation "holdings" does not exist, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='dropcmds.c', line='473', routine='does_not_exist_skipping', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS set_id_in_jsonb ON holdings CASCADE; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS set_id_in_jsonb ON retry_status CASCADE; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='00000', message='trigger "set_id_in_jsonb" for relation "retry_status" does not exist, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='dropcmds.c', line='473', routine='does_not_exist_skipping', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS set_id_in_jsonb ON retry_status CASCADE; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS set_id_in_jsonb ON holdings_status CASCADE; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='00000', message='trigger "set_id_in_jsonb" for relation "holdings_status" does not exist, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='dropcmds.c', line='473', routine='does_not_exist_skipping', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS set_id_in_jsonb ON holdings_status CASCADE; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS set_id_in_jsonb ON holdings_status_audit CASCADE; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='00000', message='trigger "set_id_in_jsonb" for relation "holdings_status_audit" does not exist, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='dropcmds.c', line='473', routine='does_not_exist_skipping', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS set_id_in_jsonb ON holdings_status_audit CASCADE; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS set_id_in_jsonb ON transaction_ids CASCADE; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='00000', message='trigger "set_id_in_jsonb" for relation "transaction_ids" does not exist, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='dropcmds.c', line='473', routine='does_not_exist_skipping', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS set_id_in_jsonb ON transaction_ids CASCADE; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS set_id_in_jsonb ON access_types CASCADE; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='00000', message='trigger "set_id_in_jsonb" for relation "access_types" does not exist, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='dropcmds.c', line='473', routine='does_not_exist_skipping', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS set_id_in_jsonb ON access_types CASCADE; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS set_id_in_jsonb ON access_types_mappings CASCADE; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='00000', message='trigger "set_id_in_jsonb" for relation "access_types_mappings" does not exist, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='dropcmds.c', line='473', routine='does_not_exist_skipping', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS set_id_in_jsonb ON access_types_mappings CASCADE; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS set_id_in_jsonb ON kb_credentials CASCADE; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='00000', message='trigger "set_id_in_jsonb" for relation "kb_credentials" does not exist, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='dropcmds.c', line='473', routine='does_not_exist_skipping', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS set_id_in_jsonb ON kb_credentials CASCADE; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS set_id_in_jsonb ON assigned_users CASCADE; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] WARN ? Backend notice: severity='NOTICE', code='00000', message='trigger "set_id_in_jsonb" for relation "assigned_users" does not exist, skipping', detail='null', hint='null', position='null', internalPosition='null', internalQuery='null', where='null', file='dropcmds.c', line='473', routine='does_not_exist_skipping', schema='null', table='null', column='null', dataType='null', constraint='null' 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS set_id_in_jsonb ON assigned_users CASCADE; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION change_owner (table_name varchar, owner varchar) RETURNS VOID AS $$ BEGIN EXECUTE format('ALTER TABLE %s OWNER TO %s', table_name, owner); END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql volatile; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION change_owner (table_name varchar, owner varchar) RETURNS VOID AS $$ BEGIN EXECUTE format('ALTER TABLE %s OWNER TO %s', table_name, owner); END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql volatile; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION change_owner_all () RETURNS VOID AS $$ DECLARE rec RECORD; BEGIN FOR rec IN (SELECT table_schema || '.' || table_name table_name, 'diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java' as owner FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java') LOOP EXECUTE change_owner(rec.table_name, rec.owner); END LOOP; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql volatile; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION change_owner_all () RETURNS VOID AS $$ DECLARE rec RECORD; BEGIN FOR rec IN (SELECT table_schema || '.' || table_name table_name, 'diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java' as owner FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java') LOOP EXECUTE change_owner(rec.table_name, rec.owner); END LOOP; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql volatile; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DO $$ BEGIN EXECUTE change_owner_all(); END $$ language plpgsql; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DO $$ BEGIN EXECUTE change_owner_all(); END $$ language plpgsql; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP FUNCTION change_owner_all; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP FUNCTION change_owner_all; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DROP FUNCTION change_owner; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DROP FUNCTION change_owner; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DO $$ DECLARE rec RECORD; BEGIN FOR rec IN ( SELECT 'ALTER FUNCTION ' || quote_ident(n.nspname) || '.' || quote_ident(p.proname) || '(' || pg_catalog.pg_get_function_identity_arguments(p.oid) || ') OWNER TO ' || n.nspname || ';' AS sql_statement FROM pg_catalog.pg_proc p JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = p.pronamespace WHERE n.nspname = 'diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java' ) LOOP EXECUTE rec.sql_statement; END LOOP; END $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DO $$ DECLARE rec RECORD; BEGIN FOR rec IN ( SELECT 'ALTER FUNCTION ' || quote_ident(n.nspname) || '.' || quote_ident(p.proname) || '(' || pg_catalog.pg_get_function_identity_arguments(p.oid) || ') OWNER TO ' || n.nspname || ';' AS sql_statement FROM pg_catalog.pg_proc p JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = p.pronamespace WHERE n.nspname = 'diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java' ) LOOP EXECUTE rec.sql_statement; END LOOP; END $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DO $$ DECLARE aname TEXT; BEGIN FOR aname IN SELECT name FROM diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.rmb_internal_index WHERE remove = TRUE LOOP EXECUTE 'DROP INDEX IF EXISTS ' || aname; END LOOP; END $$; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DO $$ DECLARE aname TEXT; BEGIN FOR aname IN SELECT name FROM diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.rmb_internal_index WHERE remove = TRUE LOOP EXECUTE 'DROP INDEX IF EXISTS ' || aname; END LOOP; END $$; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DO $$ DECLARE version TEXT; i RECORD; newindexdef TEXT; BEGIN SELECT jsonb->>'rmbVersion' INTO version FROM diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.rmb_internal; IF version !~ '^(\d\.|1\d\.|2[0-8]\.|29\.[0-3]\.)' THEN -- skip this upgrade if last install/upgrade was made by RMB >= 29.4.x RETURN; END IF; FOR i IN SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_indexes WHERE schemaname = 'diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java' LOOP newindexdef := regexp_replace(i.indexdef, -- \m = beginning of a word, \M = end of a word '\mpublic\.(f_unaccent|concat_space_sql|concat_array_object_values|concat_array_object)\M', 'diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.\1', 'g'); IF newindexdef <> i.indexdef THEN EXECUTE 'DROP INDEX ' || i.indexname; EXECUTE newindexdef; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO rmb_internal_analyze VALUES ($1)' USING i.tablename; END IF; END LOOP; END $$; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DO $$ DECLARE version TEXT; i RECORD; newindexdef TEXT; BEGIN SELECT jsonb->>'rmbVersion' INTO version FROM diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.rmb_internal; IF version !~ '^(\d\.|1\d\.|2[0-8]\.|29\.[0-3]\.)' THEN -- skip this upgrade if last install/upgrade was made by RMB >= 29.4.x RETURN; END IF; FOR i IN SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_indexes WHERE schemaname = 'diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java' LOOP newindexdef := regexp_replace(i.indexdef, -- \m = beginning of a word, \M = end of a word '\mpublic\.(f_unaccent|concat_space_sql|concat_array_object_values|concat_array_object)\M', 'diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.\1', 'g'); IF newindexdef <> i.indexdef THEN EXECUTE 'DROP INDEX ' || i.indexname; EXECUTE newindexdef; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO rmb_internal_analyze VALUES ($1)' USING i.tablename; END IF; END LOOP; END $$; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} DO $$ DECLARE t TEXT; BEGIN FOR t IN SELECT DISTINCT tablename FROM rmb_internal_analyze LOOP EXECUTE 'ANALYZE ' || t; END LOOP; END $$; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed DO $$ DECLARE t TEXT; BEGIN FOR t IN SELECT DISTINCT tablename FROM rmb_internal_analyze LOOP EXECUTE 'ANALYZE ' || t; END LOOP; END $$; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} TRUNCATE rmb_internal_analyze; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed TRUNCATE rmb_internal_analyze; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java TO diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java TO diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java; 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} UPDATE diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.rmb_internal SET jsonb = jsonb || jsonb_build_object( 'rmbVersion', '32.1.0', 'moduleVersion', 'mod-kb-ebsco-java-3.7.1-SNAPSHOT.280', 'schemaJson', $mainftl${ "tables": [ { "tableName": "tags", "fromModuleVersion": "mod-kb-ebsco-java-3.0.1", "withMetadata": false, "withAuditing": false, "customSnippetPath": "create-tags-table.sql" }, { "tableName": "packages", "fromModuleVersion": "mod-kb-ebsco-java-3.0.1", "withMetadata": false, "withAuditing": false, "customSnippetPath": "create-packages-table.sql" }, { "tableName": "providers", "fromModuleVersion": "mod-kb-ebsco-java-3.0.1", "withMetadata": false, "withAuditing": false, "customSnippetPath": "create-providers-table.sql" }, { "tableName": "resources", "fromModuleVersion": "mod-kb-ebsco-java-3.0.1", "withMetadata": false, "withAuditing": false, "customSnippetPath": "create-resources-table.sql" }, { "tableName": "titles", "fromModuleVersion": "mod-kb-ebsco-java-3.0.1", "withMetadata": false, "withAuditing": false, "customSnippetPath": "create-titles-table.sql" }, { "tableName": "access_types", "fromModuleVersion": "mod-kb-ebsco-java-3.1.1", "withMetadata": false, "withAuditing": false }, { "tableName": "access_types_mappings", "fromModuleVersion": "mod-kb-ebsco-java-3.1.1", "withMetadata": false, "withAuditing": false }, { "tableName": "holdings", "fromModuleVersion": "mod-kb-ebsco-java-3.0.1", "withMetadata": false, "withAuditing": false, "customSnippetPath": "create-holdings-table.sql" }, { "tableName": "holdings_status", "fromModuleVersion": "mod-kb-ebsco-java-3.0.2", "withMetadata": false, "withAuditing": false, "customSnippetPath": "create-holdings-status-table.sql" }, { "tableName": "holdings_status_audit", "fromModuleVersion": "mod-kb-ebsco-java-3.0.2", "withMetadata": false, "withAuditing": false, "customSnippetPath": "create-holdings-status-audit-table.sql" }, { "tableName": "retry_status", "fromModuleVersion": "mod-kb-ebsco-java-3.0.1", "withMetadata": false, "withAuditing": false, "customSnippetPath": "create-retry-status-table.sql" }, { "tableName": "transaction_ids", "fromModuleVersion": "mod-kb-ebsco-java-3.1.1", "withMetadata": false, "withAuditing": false, "customSnippetPath": "create-transaction-ids-table.sql" } ], "scripts": [ { "run": "after", "snippetPath": "update_started_date_before_insertion.sql", "fromModuleVersion": "mod-kb-ebsco-java-3.0.1" }, { "run": "after", "snippetPath": "drop_set_id_in_jsonb.sql" }, { "run": "after", "snippetPath": "change_table_owner.sql" }, { "run": "after", "snippetPath": "change_function_owner.sql" } ] } $mainftl$); 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed UPDATE diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.rmb_internal SET jsonb = jsonb || jsonb_build_object( 'rmbVersion', '32.1.0', 'moduleVersion', 'mod-kb-ebsco-java-3.7.1-SNAPSHOT.280', 'schemaJson', $mainftl${ "tables": [ { "tableName": "tags", "fromModuleVersion": "mod-kb-ebsco-java-3.0.1", "withMetadata": false, "withAuditing": false, "customSnippetPath": "create-tags-table.sql" }, { "tableName": "packages", "fromModuleVersion": "mod-kb-ebsco-java-3.0.1", "withMetadata": false, "withAuditing": false, "customSnippetPath": "create-packages-table.sql" }, { "tableName": "providers", "fromModuleVersion": "mod-kb-ebsco-java-3.0.1", "withMetadata": false, "withAuditing": false, "customSnippetPath": "create-providers-table.sql" }, { "tableName": "resources", "fromModuleVersion": "mod-kb-ebsco-java-3.0.1", "withMetadata": false, "withAuditing": false, "customSnippetPath": "create-resources-table.sql" }, { "tableName": "titles", "fromModuleVersion": "mod-kb-ebsco-java-3.0.1", "withMetadata": false, "withAuditing": false, "customSnippetPath": "create-titles-table.sql" }, { "tableName": "access_types", "fromModuleVersion": "mod-kb-ebsco-java-3.1.1", "withMetadata": false, "withAuditing": false }, { "tableName": "access_types_mappings", "fromModuleVersion": "mod-kb-ebsco-java-3.1.1", "withMetadata": false, "withAuditing": false }, { "tableName": "holdings", "fromModuleVersion": "mod-kb-ebsco-java-3.0.1", "withMetadata": false, "withAuditing": false, "customSnippetPath": "create-holdings-table.sql" }, { "tableName": "holdings_status", "fromModuleVersion": "mod-kb-ebsco-java-3.0.2", "withMetadata": false, "withAuditing": false, "customSnippetPath": "create-holdings-status-table.sql" }, { "tableName": "holdings_status_audit", "fromModuleVersion": "mod-kb-ebsco-java-3.0.2", "withMetadata": false, "withAuditing": false, "customSnippetPath": "create-holdings-status-audit-table.sql" }, { "tableName": "retry_status", "fromModuleVersion": "mod-kb-ebsco-java-3.0.1", "withMetadata": false, "withAuditing": false, "customSnippetPath": "create-retry-status-table.sql" }, { "tableName": "transaction_ids", "fromModuleVersion": "mod-kb-ebsco-java-3.1.1", "withMetadata": false, "withAuditing": false, "customSnippetPath": "create-transaction-ids-table.sql" } ], "scripts": [ { "run": "after", "snippetPath": "update_started_date_before_insertion.sql", "fromModuleVersion": "mod-kb-ebsco-java-3.0.1" }, { "run": "after", "snippetPath": "drop_set_id_in_jsonb.sql" }, { "run": "after", "snippetPath": "change_table_owner.sql" }, { "run": "after", "snippetPath": "change_function_owner.sql" } ] } $mainftl$); 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO TenantApiImpl ************ Running schema updates ************ 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO LiquibaseUtil Initializing schema diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java for tenant diku 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO leConnectionProvider Attempting to get connection for diku 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient DB config read from environment variables 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Using schema: diku 11:16:58 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient postgreSQLClientConfig = {"maxPoolSize":5,"port":5432,"username":"diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java","host":"","database":"okapi_modules","password":"..."} 11:17:01 [] [] [] [] INFO Slf4jLogger SELECT COUNT(*) FROM diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.databasechangeloglock 11:17:01 [] [] [] [] INFO Slf4jLogger SELECT COUNT(*) FROM diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.databasechangeloglock 11:17:01 [] [] [] [] INFO Slf4jLogger SELECT LOCKED FROM diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.databasechangeloglock WHERE ID=1 11:17:01 [] [] [] [] INFO Slf4jLogger Successfully acquired change log lock 11:17:07 [] [] [] [] INFO Slf4jLogger SELECT MD5SUM FROM diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.databasechangelog WHERE MD5SUM IS NOT NULL LIMIT 1 11:17:07 [] [] [] [] INFO Slf4jLogger SELECT COUNT(*) FROM diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.databasechangelog 11:17:07 [] [] [] [] INFO Slf4jLogger Reading from diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.databasechangelog 11:17:07 [] [] [] [] INFO Slf4jLogger SELECT * FROM diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.databasechangelog ORDER BY DATEEXECUTED ASC, ORDEREXECUTED ASC 11:17:07 [] [] [] [] INFO Slf4jLogger Successfully released change log lock 11:17:07 [] [] [] [] INFO LiquibaseUtil Schema is initialized for tenant diku 11:17:07 [] [] [] [] INFO TenantApiImpl Schema updated for tenant: diku 11:17:07 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Executing multiple statements with id 1986706864 11:17:07 [] [] [] [] INFO TenantApiImpl Received flag to initialize test data. Check the server log for details. 11:17:07 [] [] [] [] INFO TenantApiImpl ************ Creating test data ************ 11:17:07 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient trying to execute: {} INSERT INTO diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.tags (id, record_id, record_type, tag) VALUES ('9c1e6f3c-682d-4af4-bd6b-20dad912ff94', '53-2767121-90099', 'resource', 'EBSCO'), ('103d6152-ce59-4793-b079-f2d216af7792', '53-2767121', 'package', 'folio'), ('ed0fdcac-1292-4354-adc2-7b80b58638e3', '413-1988660', 'package', 'spitfire'), ('52687cb3-ecd6-4570-a2e2-3e212f26bef8', '36-2728041', 'package', 'EBSCO') ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING; 11:17:07 [] [] [] [] INFO PostgresClient Successfully executed INSERT INTO diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.tags (id, record_id, record_type, tag) VALUES ('9c1e6f3c-682d-4af4-bd6b-20dad912ff94', '53-2767121-90099', 'resource', 'EBSCO'), ('103d6152-ce59-4793-b079-f2d216af7792', '53-2767121', 'package', 'folio'), ('ed0fdcac-1292-4354-adc2-7b80b58638e3', '413-1988660', 'package', 'spitfire'), ('52687cb3-ecd6-4570-a2e2-3e212f26bef8', '36-2728041', 'package', 'EBSCO') ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING; 11:17:07 [] [] [] [] INFO TenantAPI job b0a1b4c8-d370-4c97-a82b-5f7e0d419d73 completed 11:17:07 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil org.folio.rest.RestVerticle start invoking getTenantByOperationId 11:17:07 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil GET /_/tenant/b0a1b4c8-d370-4c97-a82b-5f7e0d419d73 null HTTP_1_1 200 306 15 tid=diku OK 11:17:07 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil org.folio.rest.RestVerticle start invoking getTenantByOperationId 11:17:07 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil GET /_/tenant/b0a1b4c8-d370-4c97-a82b-5f7e0d419d73 null HTTP_1_1 200 305 4 tid=diku OK 11:17:07 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil org.folio.rest.RestVerticle start invoking deleteTenantByOperationId 11:17:07 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil DELETE /_/tenant/b0a1b4c8-d370-4c97-a82b-5f7e0d419d73 null HTTP_1_1 204 0 10 tid=diku No Content 11:19:06 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtils Do select query = SELECT * FROM diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.kb_credentials t1; with params = [] 11:19:06 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil org.folio.rest.RestVerticle start invoking getEholdingsKbCredentials 11:19:06 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil GET /eholdings/kb-credentials null HTTP_1_1 200 2120 451 tid=diku OK 11:19:06 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtils Do select query = SELECT * FROM diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.kb_credentials t1; with params = [] 11:19:06 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil org.folio.rest.RestVerticle start invoking getEholdingsKbCredentials 11:19:06 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil GET /eholdings/kb-credentials null HTTP_1_1 200 2120 39 tid=diku OK 11:19:32 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/ 11:19:34 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper [OK] RMAPI Service response: query = [/rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/], method = [GET], statusCode = [200], body = [{"proxy":{"id":""},"vendorId":"123356","ftfTokens":[{"key":"user.csa","token":"mohan"},{"key":"password.csa","token":"testing"}],"labels":[{"id":1,"displayLabel":"label 1","displayOnFullTextFinder":false,"displayOnPublicationFinder":false},{"id":2,"displayLabel":"label 2","displayOnFullTextFinder":true,"displayOnPublicationFinder":true},{"id":3,"displayLabel":"label 3","displayOnFullTextFinder":false,"displayOnPublicationFinder":true},{"id":4,"displayLabel":"label 4","displayOnFullTextFinder":true,"displayOnPublicationFinder":false},{"id":5,"displayLabel":"label 5","displayOnFullTextFinder":false,"displayOnPublicationFinder":false}]}] 11:19:34 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtils Do insert query = INSERT INTO diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.kb_credentials (id, url, name, api_key, customer_id, created_date, created_by_user_id, created_by_user_name, updated_date, updated_by_user_id, updated_by_user_name) VALUES ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9,$10,$11) ON CONFLICT(id) DO UPDATE SET url = EXCLUDED.url, name = EXCLUDED.name, api_key = EXCLUDED.api_key, customer_id = EXCLUDED.customer_id, created_date = EXCLUDED.created_date, created_by_user_id = EXCLUDED.created_by_user_id, created_by_user_name = EXCLUDED.created_by_user_name, updated_date = EXCLUDED.updated_date, updated_by_user_id = EXCLUDED.updated_by_user_id, updated_by_user_name = EXCLUDED.updated_by_user_name; with params = [{1 = UUID: e279267b-c027-4c8a-b17e-be94465a3993}, {2 = String: https://sandbox.ebsco.io}, {3 = String: Knowledge base}, {4 = String: QTh4lr58lK6RS44WI1wwY4tbXuXjHSJXaDO15wo1}, {5 = String: apidvgvmt}, {6 = OffsetDateTime: 2021-03-15T11:19:32.911140Z}, {7 = UUID: f11b9e93-8365-52bd-8c29-1d5d1af5a920}, {8 = String: diku_admin}, {9 = NULL}, {10 = NULL}, {11 = NULL}] 11:19:34 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil org.folio.rest.RestVerticle start invoking postEholdingsKbCredentials 11:19:34 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /eholdings/kb-credentials null HTTP_1_1 201 438 1450 tid=diku Created 11:19:34 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtils Do select query = SELECT * FROM diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.kb_credentials t1 WHERE id = $1 LIMIT 1; with params = [{1 = UUID: e279267b-c027-4c8a-b17e-be94465a3993}] 11:19:34 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil org.folio.rest.RestVerticle start invoking getEholdingsKbCredentialsKeyById 11:19:34 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil GET /eholdings/kb-credentials/e279267b-c027-4c8a-b17e-be94465a3993/key null HTTP_1_1 200 164 39 tid=diku OK 11:19:34 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtils Do select query = SELECT * FROM diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.kb_credentials t1 WHERE id = $1 LIMIT 1; with params = [{1 = UUID: e279267b-c027-4c8a-b17e-be94465a3993}] 11:19:34 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil org.folio.rest.RestVerticle start invoking getEholdingsKbCredentialsKeyById 11:19:34 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil GET /eholdings/kb-credentials/e279267b-c027-4c8a-b17e-be94465a3993/key null HTTP_1_1 200 164 16 tid=diku OK 11:19:34 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtils Do select query = SELECT * FROM diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.kb_credentials t1 WHERE id = $1 LIMIT 1; with params = [{1 = UUID: e279267b-c027-4c8a-b17e-be94465a3993}] 11:19:34 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil org.folio.rest.RestVerticle start invoking getEholdingsKbCredentialsKeyById 11:19:34 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil GET /eholdings/kb-credentials/e279267b-c027-4c8a-b17e-be94465a3993/key null HTTP_1_1 200 164 23 tid=diku OK 11:19:34 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtils Do select query = SELECT * FROM diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.kb_credentials t1 WHERE id = $1 LIMIT 1; with params = [{1 = UUID: e279267b-c027-4c8a-b17e-be94465a3993}] 11:19:34 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil org.folio.rest.RestVerticle start invoking getEholdingsKbCredentialsKeyById 11:19:34 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil GET /eholdings/kb-credentials/e279267b-c027-4c8a-b17e-be94465a3993/key null HTTP_1_1 200 164 15 tid=diku OK 11:20:39 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtils Do select query = SELECT * FROM diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.kb_credentials t1 WHERE id = $1 LIMIT 1; with params = [{1 = UUID: 80898dee-449f-44dd-9c8e-37d5eb469b1d}] 11:20:39 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil org.folio.rest.RestVerticle start invoking getEholdingsKbCredentialsKeyById 11:20:39 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil GET /eholdings/kb-credentials/80898dee-449f-44dd-9c8e-37d5eb469b1d/key null HTTP_1_1 200 164 24 tid=diku OK 11:20:39 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtils Do select query = SELECT * FROM diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.kb_credentials t1 WHERE id = $1 LIMIT 1; with params = [{1 = UUID: 80898dee-449f-44dd-9c8e-37d5eb469b1d}] 11:20:39 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil org.folio.rest.RestVerticle start invoking getEholdingsKbCredentialsKeyById 11:20:39 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil GET /eholdings/kb-credentials/80898dee-449f-44dd-9c8e-37d5eb469b1d/key null HTTP_1_1 200 164 28 tid=diku OK 11:20:43 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtils Do select query = SELECT * FROM diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.kb_credentials t1 WHERE id = $1 LIMIT 1; with params = [{1 = UUID: 73a23b60-fc11-4cda-a5bf-cb7d17d1f8e8}] 11:20:43 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil org.folio.rest.RestVerticle start invoking getEholdingsKbCredentialsKeyById 11:20:43 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil GET /eholdings/kb-credentials/73a23b60-fc11-4cda-a5bf-cb7d17d1f8e8/key null HTTP_1_1 200 164 10 tid=diku OK 11:20:43 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtils Do select query = SELECT * FROM diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.kb_credentials t1 WHERE id = $1 LIMIT 1; with params = [{1 = UUID: 73a23b60-fc11-4cda-a5bf-cb7d17d1f8e8}] 11:20:43 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil org.folio.rest.RestVerticle start invoking getEholdingsKbCredentialsKeyById 11:20:43 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil GET /eholdings/kb-credentials/73a23b60-fc11-4cda-a5bf-cb7d17d1f8e8/key null HTTP_1_1 200 164 23 tid=diku OK 11:20:45 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtils Do select query = SELECT * FROM diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.kb_credentials t1 WHERE id = $1 LIMIT 1; with params = [{1 = UUID: 4b89eb8a-3a13-4651-9713-ff81620d11d1}] 11:20:45 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil org.folio.rest.RestVerticle start invoking getEholdingsKbCredentialsKeyById 11:20:45 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil GET /eholdings/kb-credentials/4b89eb8a-3a13-4651-9713-ff81620d11d1/key null HTTP_1_1 200 164 13 tid=diku OK 11:20:45 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtils Do select query = SELECT * FROM diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.kb_credentials t1 WHERE id = $1 LIMIT 1; with params = [{1 = UUID: 4b89eb8a-3a13-4651-9713-ff81620d11d1}] 11:20:45 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil org.folio.rest.RestVerticle start invoking getEholdingsKbCredentialsKeyById 11:20:45 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil GET /eholdings/kb-credentials/4b89eb8a-3a13-4651-9713-ff81620d11d1/key null HTTP_1_1 200 164 21 tid=diku OK 11:20:47 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtils Do select query = SELECT * FROM diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.kb_credentials t1 WHERE id = $1 LIMIT 1; with params = [{1 = UUID: bf4bad18-cea5-4619-aefd-bdd1bf179f2c}] 11:20:47 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil org.folio.rest.RestVerticle start invoking getEholdingsKbCredentialsKeyById 11:20:47 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil GET /eholdings/kb-credentials/bf4bad18-cea5-4619-aefd-bdd1bf179f2c/key null HTTP_1_1 200 164 29 tid=diku OK 11:20:47 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtils Do select query = SELECT * FROM diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.kb_credentials t1 WHERE id = $1 LIMIT 1; with params = [{1 = UUID: bf4bad18-cea5-4619-aefd-bdd1bf179f2c}] 11:20:47 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil org.folio.rest.RestVerticle start invoking getEholdingsKbCredentialsKeyById 11:20:47 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil GET /eholdings/kb-credentials/bf4bad18-cea5-4619-aefd-bdd1bf179f2c/key null HTTP_1_1 200 164 23 tid=diku OK 11:21:14 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtils Do delete query = DELETE FROM diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.kb_credentials WHERE id = $1; with params = [{1 = UUID: 80898dee-449f-44dd-9c8e-37d5eb469b1d}] 11:21:21 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil org.folio.rest.RestVerticle start invoking deleteEholdingsKbCredentialsById 11:21:21 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil DELETE /eholdings/kb-credentials/80898dee-449f-44dd-9c8e-37d5eb469b1d null HTTP_1_1 204 0 6433 tid=diku No Content 11:23:04 [] [] [] [] INFO LoadHoldingsImpl Received signal to start scheduled loading of holdings 11:23:04 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtils Do select query = SELECT * FROM diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.kb_credentials t1; with params = [] 11:23:04 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil org.folio.rest.RestVerticle start invoking postEholdingsLoadingKbCredentials 11:23:04 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /eholdings/loading/kb-credentials null HTTP_1_1 204 0 351 tid=diku No Content 11:23:04 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Current status for credentials - 73a23b60-fc11-4cda-a5bf-cb7d17d1f8e8 is Not Started 11:23:04 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings/status 11:23:04 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Current status for credentials - 4b89eb8a-3a13-4651-9713-ff81620d11d1 is Not Started 11:23:04 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings/status 11:23:04 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Current status for credentials - bf4bad18-cea5-4619-aefd-bdd1bf179f2c is Not Started 11:23:04 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/ns273786/holdings/status 11:23:04 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Current status for credentials - e279267b-c027-4c8a-b17e-be94465a3993 is Not Started 11:23:04 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings/status 11:23:04 [] [] [] [] INFO actLoadServiceFacade Start populating holdings to stage environment. 11:23:04 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service POST absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings 11:23:04 [] [] [] [] INFO actLoadServiceFacade Start populating holdings to stage environment. 11:23:04 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service POST absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings 11:23:04 [] [] [] [] INFO actLoadServiceFacade Start populating holdings to stage environment. 11:23:04 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service POST absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/ns273786/holdings 11:23:05 [] [] [] [] INFO actLoadServiceFacade Start populating holdings to stage environment. 11:23:05 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service POST absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings 11:28:05 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings/status 11:28:05 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings/status 11:28:05 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings/status 11:28:05 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/ns273786/holdings/status 11:28:05 [] [] [] [] INFO actLoadServiceFacade Getting status of stage snapshot: COMPLETED. 11:28:05 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=1 11:28:05 [] [] [] [] INFO actLoadServiceFacade Getting status of stage snapshot: FAILED. 11:28:05 [] [] [] [] ERROR actLoadServiceFacade Failed to create snapshot java.util.concurrent.CompletionException: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Failed to get status with status response:HoldingsStatus(transactionId=null, status=FAILED, created=2021-03-15 11:22:27.877, totalCount=0, totalPages=null) at java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture.encodeRelay(CompletableFuture.java:367) ~[?:?] at java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture.completeRelay(CompletableFuture.java:376) ~[?:?] at java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture$UniRelay.tryFire(CompletableFuture.java:1019) ~[?:?] at java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture.postComplete(CompletableFuture.java:506) ~[?:?] at java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture.completeExceptionally(CompletableFuture.java:2088) ~[?:?] at org.folio.service.holdings.AbstractLoadServiceFacade.lambda$waitForCompleteStatus$5(AbstractLoadServiceFacade.java:143) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture$UniAccept.tryFire(CompletableFuture.java:714) ~[?:?] at java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture.postComplete(CompletableFuture.java:506) ~[?:?] at java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture.complete(CompletableFuture.java:2073) ~[?:?] at org.folio.holdingsiq.service.impl.HoldingsRequestHelper.lambda$finishRequest$6(HoldingsRequestHelper.java:241) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.vertx.core.impl.future.FutureImpl$1.onSuccess(FutureImpl.java:90) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.vertx.core.impl.future.FutureImpl$ListenerArray.onSuccess(FutureImpl.java:230) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.vertx.core.impl.future.FutureBase.emitSuccess(FutureBase.java:62) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.vertx.core.impl.future.FutureImpl.tryComplete(FutureImpl.java:179) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.vertx.core.impl.future.PromiseImpl.tryComplete(PromiseImpl.java:23) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.vertx.core.impl.future.PromiseImpl.onSuccess(PromiseImpl.java:49) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.vertx.core.impl.future.PromiseImpl.handle(PromiseImpl.java:41) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.vertx.core.impl.future.PromiseImpl.handle(PromiseImpl.java:23) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.vertx.ext.web.client.impl.HttpContext.handleDispatchResponse(HttpContext.java:354) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.vertx.ext.web.client.impl.HttpContext.execute(HttpContext.java:341) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.vertx.ext.web.client.impl.HttpContext.next(HttpContext.java:322) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.vertx.ext.web.client.impl.HttpContext.fire(HttpContext.java:289) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.vertx.ext.web.client.impl.HttpContext.dispatchResponse(HttpContext.java:251) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.vertx.ext.web.client.impl.HttpContext.lambda$null$2(HttpContext.java:415) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.vertx.core.impl.AbstractContext.dispatch(AbstractContext.java:96) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.vertx.core.impl.AbstractContext.dispatch(AbstractContext.java:59) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.vertx.core.impl.EventLoopContext.lambda$runOnContext$0(EventLoopContext.java:40) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.netty.util.concurrent.AbstractEventExecutor.safeExecute(AbstractEventExecutor.java:164) [mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor.runAllTasks(SingleThreadEventExecutor.java:472) [mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.run(NioEventLoop.java:497) [mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor$4.run(SingleThreadEventExecutor.java:989) [mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.netty.util.internal.ThreadExecutorMap$2.run(ThreadExecutorMap.java:74) [mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.netty.util.concurrent.FastThreadLocalRunnable.run(FastThreadLocalRunnable.java:30) [mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:834) [?:?] Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Failed to get status with status response:HoldingsStatus(transactionId=null, status=FAILED, created=2021-03-15 11:22:27.877, totalCount=0, totalPages=null) ... 29 more 11:28:06 [] [] [] [] INFO actLoadServiceFacade Getting status of stage snapshot: COMPLETED. 11:28:06 [] [] [] [] INFO actLoadServiceFacade Getting status of stage snapshot: FAILED. 11:28:06 [] [] [] [] ERROR actLoadServiceFacade Failed to create snapshot java.util.concurrent.CompletionException: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Failed to get status with status response:HoldingsStatus(transactionId=null, status=FAILED, created=2021-03-15 11:22:28.080, totalCount=0, totalPages=null) at java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture.encodeRelay(CompletableFuture.java:367) ~[?:?] at java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture.completeRelay(CompletableFuture.java:376) ~[?:?] at java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture$UniRelay.tryFire(CompletableFuture.java:1019) ~[?:?] at java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture.postComplete(CompletableFuture.java:506) ~[?:?] at java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture.completeExceptionally(CompletableFuture.java:2088) ~[?:?] at org.folio.service.holdings.AbstractLoadServiceFacade.lambda$waitForCompleteStatus$5(AbstractLoadServiceFacade.java:143) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture$UniAccept.tryFire(CompletableFuture.java:714) ~[?:?] at java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture.postComplete(CompletableFuture.java:506) ~[?:?] at java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture.complete(CompletableFuture.java:2073) ~[?:?] at org.folio.holdingsiq.service.impl.HoldingsRequestHelper.lambda$finishRequest$6(HoldingsRequestHelper.java:241) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.vertx.core.impl.future.FutureImpl$1.onSuccess(FutureImpl.java:90) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.vertx.core.impl.future.FutureImpl$ListenerArray.onSuccess(FutureImpl.java:230) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.vertx.core.impl.future.FutureBase.emitSuccess(FutureBase.java:62) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.vertx.core.impl.future.FutureImpl.tryComplete(FutureImpl.java:179) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.vertx.core.impl.future.PromiseImpl.tryComplete(PromiseImpl.java:23) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.vertx.core.impl.future.PromiseImpl.onSuccess(PromiseImpl.java:49) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.vertx.core.impl.future.PromiseImpl.handle(PromiseImpl.java:41) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.vertx.core.impl.future.PromiseImpl.handle(PromiseImpl.java:23) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.vertx.ext.web.client.impl.HttpContext.handleDispatchResponse(HttpContext.java:354) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.vertx.ext.web.client.impl.HttpContext.execute(HttpContext.java:341) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.vertx.ext.web.client.impl.HttpContext.next(HttpContext.java:322) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.vertx.ext.web.client.impl.HttpContext.fire(HttpContext.java:289) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.vertx.ext.web.client.impl.HttpContext.dispatchResponse(HttpContext.java:251) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.vertx.ext.web.client.impl.HttpContext.lambda$null$2(HttpContext.java:415) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.vertx.core.impl.AbstractContext.dispatch(AbstractContext.java:96) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.vertx.core.impl.AbstractContext.dispatch(AbstractContext.java:59) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.vertx.core.impl.EventLoopContext.lambda$runOnContext$0(EventLoopContext.java:40) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.netty.util.concurrent.AbstractEventExecutor.safeExecute(AbstractEventExecutor.java:164) [mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor.runAllTasks(SingleThreadEventExecutor.java:472) [mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.run(NioEventLoop.java:497) [mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor$4.run(SingleThreadEventExecutor.java:989) [mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.netty.util.internal.ThreadExecutorMap$2.run(ThreadExecutorMap.java:74) [mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.netty.util.concurrent.FastThreadLocalRunnable.run(FastThreadLocalRunnable.java:30) [mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:834) [?:?] Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Failed to get status with status response:HoldingsStatus(transactionId=null, status=FAILED, created=2021-03-15 11:22:28.080, totalCount=0, totalPages=null) ... 29 more 11:28:06 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=1 11:28:17 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=2 11:28:18 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:28:31 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=3 11:28:32 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:28:35 [] [] [] [] ERROR oldingsRequestHelper Invalid RMAPI response status code = [504] status message = [Gateway Timeout] query = [https://api.ebsco.io/rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=1] body = [{"message": "Endpoint request timed out"}] 11:28:39 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=4 11:28:39 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:28:47 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=5 11:28:47 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:28:54 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=6 11:28:54 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:29:01 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=7 11:29:01 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:29:11 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=8 11:29:11 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:29:19 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=9 11:29:19 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:29:26 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=10 11:29:26 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:29:33 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=11 11:29:33 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:29:41 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=12 11:29:41 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:29:54 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=13 11:29:54 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:30:05 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=14 11:30:05 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:30:13 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=15 11:30:13 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:30:19 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=16 11:30:19 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:30:27 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=17 11:30:27 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:30:34 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=18 11:30:34 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:30:43 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=19 11:30:43 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:30:50 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=20 11:30:50 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:31:02 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=21 11:31:03 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:31:13 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=22 11:31:13 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:31:22 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=23 11:31:22 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:31:31 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=24 11:31:31 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:31:41 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=25 11:31:41 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:31:49 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=26 11:31:49 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:31:57 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=27 11:31:57 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:32:07 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=28 11:32:07 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:32:18 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=29 11:32:18 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:32:28 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=30 11:32:28 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:32:37 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=31 11:32:37 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:32:46 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=32 11:32:46 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:32:55 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=33 11:32:55 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:33:04 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=34 11:33:04 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:33:14 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=35 11:33:14 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:33:23 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=36 11:33:23 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:33:33 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=37 11:33:33 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:33:41 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=38 11:33:41 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:33:49 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=39 11:33:49 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:33:56 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=40 11:33:56 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:34:04 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=41 11:34:04 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:34:15 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=42 11:34:15 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:34:23 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=43 11:34:23 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:34:33 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=44 11:34:33 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:34:44 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=45 11:34:44 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:34:52 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=46 11:34:52 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:35:02 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=47 11:35:02 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:35:12 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=48 11:35:12 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:35:21 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=49 11:35:21 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:35:29 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=50 11:35:29 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:35:36 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=51 11:35:36 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:35:43 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=52 11:35:43 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:35:52 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=53 11:35:52 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:36:10 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=54 11:36:10 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:36:21 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=55 11:36:21 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:36:34 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=56 11:36:34 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:36:44 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=57 11:36:44 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:36:53 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=58 11:36:53 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:37:01 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=59 11:37:02 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:37:15 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=60 11:37:15 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:37:22 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=61 11:37:22 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:37:29 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=62 11:37:29 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:37:36 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=63 11:37:36 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:37:45 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=64 11:37:45 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:37:54 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=65 11:37:54 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:38:03 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=66 11:38:03 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:38:14 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=67 11:38:14 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:38:23 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=68 11:38:23 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:38:32 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=69 11:38:32 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:38:43 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=70 11:38:43 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:38:53 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=71 11:38:53 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:39:03 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=72 11:39:03 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:39:13 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=73 11:39:13 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:39:24 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=74 11:39:24 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:39:33 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=75 11:39:33 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:39:43 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=76 11:39:43 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:39:52 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=77 11:39:52 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:40:03 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=78 11:40:03 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:40:11 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=79 11:40:11 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:40:19 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=80 11:40:19 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:40:29 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=81 11:40:29 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:40:36 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=82 11:40:36 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:40:45 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=83 11:40:45 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:40:55 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=84 11:40:55 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:41:04 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=85 11:41:04 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:41:12 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=86 11:41:12 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:41:20 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=87 11:41:20 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:41:31 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=88 11:41:31 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:41:36 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=89 11:41:36 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:41:47 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=90 11:41:47 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:41:55 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=91 11:41:55 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:42:01 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=92 11:42:01 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:42:08 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=93 11:42:08 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:42:14 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=94 11:42:14 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:42:20 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=95 11:42:20 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:42:27 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=96 11:42:27 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:42:34 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=97 11:42:34 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:42:41 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=98 11:42:41 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:42:50 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=99 11:42:50 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:42:59 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=100 11:42:59 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:43:07 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=101 11:43:08 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:43:15 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=102 11:43:15 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:43:22 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=103 11:43:22 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:43:29 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=104 11:43:29 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:43:35 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=1 11:43:38 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=105 11:43:38 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:43:45 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=106 11:43:45 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:43:51 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=2 11:43:51 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:43:56 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=107 11:43:56 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:44:03 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=108 11:44:03 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:44:16 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=109 11:44:16 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:44:17 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=3 11:44:17 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:44:23 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=110 11:44:23 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:44:32 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=111 11:44:32 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:44:34 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=4 11:44:34 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:44:39 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=112 11:44:39 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:44:46 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=113 11:44:46 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:44:49 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=5 11:44:49 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:44:53 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=114 11:44:53 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:44:59 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=115 11:44:59 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:45:02 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=6 11:45:02 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:45:07 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=116 11:45:07 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:45:13 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=117 11:45:13 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:45:15 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=7 11:45:15 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:45:20 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=118 11:45:20 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:45:27 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=8 11:45:27 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:45:29 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=119 11:45:29 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:45:35 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=120 11:45:35 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:45:40 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=9 11:45:40 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:45:42 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=121 11:45:42 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:45:49 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=122 11:45:49 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:45:56 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=10 11:45:56 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:45:58 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=123 11:45:58 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:46:08 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=124 11:46:08 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:46:12 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=11 11:46:12 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:46:17 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=125 11:46:17 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:46:20 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=12 11:46:20 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:46:24 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=126 11:46:24 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:46:33 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=13 11:46:33 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:46:37 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=127 11:46:37 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:46:48 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=128 11:46:48 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:46:48 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=14 11:46:48 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:46:56 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=129 11:46:56 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:46:59 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=15 11:46:59 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:47:04 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=130 11:47:04 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:47:08 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=16 11:47:08 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:47:12 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=131 11:47:12 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:47:25 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=132 11:47:25 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:47:32 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=17 11:47:32 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:47:36 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=133 11:47:36 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:47:52 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=134 11:47:52 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:47:52 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=18 11:47:52 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:47:59 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=135 11:47:59 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:48:05 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=19 11:48:05 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:48:08 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=136 11:48:08 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:48:19 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=20 11:48:20 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:48:23 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=137 11:48:23 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:48:35 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=21 11:48:35 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:48:35 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=138 11:48:35 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:48:44 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=139 11:48:44 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:48:50 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=22 11:48:50 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:48:52 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=140 11:48:53 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:49:02 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=141 11:49:03 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:49:05 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=23 11:49:05 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:49:12 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=142 11:49:12 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:49:17 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=24 11:49:17 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:49:20 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=143 11:49:20 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:49:26 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=25 11:49:26 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:49:29 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=144 11:49:29 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:49:34 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=26 11:49:34 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:49:38 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=145 11:49:38 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:49:43 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=27 11:49:43 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:49:47 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=146 11:49:47 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:49:54 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=28 11:49:54 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:50:05 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=29 11:50:05 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:50:05 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=147 11:50:05 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:50:14 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=148 11:50:14 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:50:17 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=30 11:50:17 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:50:25 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=149 11:50:26 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:50:28 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=31 11:50:28 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:50:32 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=150 11:50:33 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:50:36 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=32 11:50:36 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:50:42 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=151 11:50:43 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:50:46 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=33 11:50:46 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:50:50 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=152 11:50:50 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:50:54 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=34 11:50:54 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:50:59 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=153 11:50:59 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:51:01 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=35 11:51:01 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:51:07 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=154 11:51:07 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:51:10 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=36 11:51:10 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:51:14 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=155 11:51:14 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:51:17 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=37 11:51:17 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:51:25 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=38 11:51:25 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:51:27 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=156 11:51:27 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:51:35 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=39 11:51:35 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:51:36 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=157 11:51:36 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:51:47 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=40 11:51:47 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:51:48 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=158 11:51:48 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:51:54 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=41 11:51:54 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:51:57 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=159 11:51:57 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:52:02 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=42 11:52:02 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:52:06 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=160 11:52:06 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:52:11 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=43 11:52:11 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:52:15 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=161 11:52:15 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:52:18 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=44 11:52:18 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:52:21 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=162 11:52:21 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:52:29 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=45 11:52:29 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:52:29 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=163 11:52:30 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:52:36 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=164 11:52:36 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:52:38 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=46 11:52:38 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:52:47 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=47 11:52:47 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:52:50 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=165 11:52:50 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:52:54 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=48 11:52:54 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:52:58 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=166 11:52:58 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:53:02 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=49 11:53:02 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:53:05 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=167 11:53:05 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:53:10 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=50 11:53:10 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:53:12 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=168 11:53:12 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:53:18 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=51 11:53:18 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:53:22 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=169 11:53:22 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:53:25 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=52 11:53:25 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:53:28 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=170 11:53:28 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:53:34 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=53 11:53:34 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:53:36 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=171 11:53:36 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:53:42 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=54 11:53:42 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:53:45 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=172 11:53:45 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:53:49 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=55 11:53:49 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:53:52 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=173 11:53:52 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:53:57 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=56 11:53:57 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:53:59 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=174 11:53:59 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:54:05 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=57 11:54:05 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:54:07 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=175 11:54:07 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:54:12 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=58 11:54:12 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:54:22 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=176 11:54:22 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:54:23 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=59 11:54:23 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:54:30 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=177 11:54:31 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:54:34 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=60 11:54:34 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:54:37 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=178 11:54:37 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:54:42 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=61 11:54:42 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:54:51 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=179 11:54:51 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:54:53 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=62 11:54:53 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:54:59 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=180 11:54:59 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:55:06 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=63 11:55:06 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:55:08 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=181 11:55:08 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:55:15 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=64 11:55:15 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:55:20 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=182 11:55:20 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:55:24 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=65 11:55:24 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:55:28 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=183 11:55:28 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:55:31 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=66 11:55:31 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:55:35 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=184 11:55:35 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:55:39 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=67 11:55:39 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:55:44 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=185 11:55:44 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:55:47 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=68 11:55:47 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:55:51 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=186 11:55:51 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:55:55 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=69 11:55:55 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:55:58 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=187 11:55:58 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:56:04 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=70 11:56:04 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:56:07 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=188 11:56:07 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:56:11 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=71 11:56:11 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:56:14 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=189 11:56:14 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:56:24 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=72 11:56:24 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:56:29 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=190 11:56:29 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:56:31 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=73 11:56:31 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:56:35 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=191 11:56:35 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:56:39 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=74 11:56:39 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:56:41 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=192 11:56:41 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:56:49 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=193 11:56:49 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:56:50 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=75 11:56:50 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:56:55 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=194 11:56:55 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:56:57 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=76 11:56:57 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:57:03 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=195 11:57:03 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:57:05 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=77 11:57:05 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:57:14 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=196 11:57:14 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:57:15 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=78 11:57:15 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:57:21 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=197 11:57:21 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:57:23 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=79 11:57:24 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:57:27 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=198 11:57:27 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:57:32 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=80 11:57:32 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:57:34 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=199 11:57:34 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:57:39 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=81 11:57:39 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:57:42 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=200 11:57:42 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:57:47 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=82 11:57:47 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:57:50 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=201 11:57:50 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:57:56 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=83 11:57:56 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:58:00 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=202 11:58:00 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:58:03 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=84 11:58:03 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:58:11 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=85 11:58:11 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:58:13 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=203 11:58:13 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:58:20 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=86 11:58:20 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:58:22 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=204 11:58:22 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:58:30 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=205 11:58:30 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:58:30 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=87 11:58:30 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:58:37 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=206 11:58:37 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:58:39 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=88 11:58:39 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:58:45 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=207 11:58:46 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:58:49 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=89 11:58:49 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:58:54 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=208 11:58:54 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:58:59 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=90 11:58:59 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:59:05 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=209 11:59:05 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:59:08 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=91 11:59:08 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:59:12 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=210 11:59:13 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:59:16 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=92 11:59:16 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:59:23 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=211 11:59:23 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:59:25 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=93 11:59:25 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:59:31 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=212 11:59:31 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:59:34 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=94 11:59:34 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:59:38 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=213 11:59:38 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:59:43 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=95 11:59:43 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:59:46 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:59:47 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtils Do delete query = DELETE FROM diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.holdings WHERE credentials_id = $1 AND updated_at < $2; with params = [{1 = UUID: e279267b-c027-4c8a-b17e-be94465a3993}, {2 = OffsetDateTime: 2021-03-15T11:23:04.352468Z}] 11:59:51 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=96 11:59:51 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 11:59:58 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=97 11:59:58 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:00:07 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=98 12:00:08 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:00:16 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=99 12:00:16 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:00:24 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=100 12:00:24 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:00:32 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=101 12:00:32 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:00:41 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=102 12:00:41 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:00:50 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=103 12:00:50 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:01:02 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=104 12:01:02 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:01:11 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=105 12:01:11 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:01:20 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=106 12:01:20 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:01:30 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=107 12:01:30 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:01:38 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=108 12:01:38 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:01:47 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=109 12:01:47 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:01:55 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=110 12:01:55 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:02:05 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=111 12:02:05 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:02:14 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=112 12:02:14 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:02:23 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=113 12:02:23 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:02:32 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=114 12:02:32 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:02:43 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=115 12:02:43 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:02:53 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=116 12:02:53 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:03:03 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=117 12:03:03 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:03:12 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=118 12:03:12 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:03:24 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=119 12:03:24 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:03:36 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=120 12:03:36 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:03:49 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=121 12:03:49 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:03:58 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=122 12:03:58 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:04:07 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=123 12:04:08 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:04:16 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=124 12:04:16 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:04:26 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=125 12:04:26 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:04:38 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=126 12:04:38 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:04:50 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=127 12:04:50 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:04:59 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=128 12:04:59 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:05:08 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=129 12:05:08 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:05:17 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=130 12:05:17 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:05:26 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=131 12:05:26 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:05:35 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=132 12:05:35 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:05:45 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=133 12:05:45 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:05:55 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=134 12:05:55 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:06:06 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=135 12:06:06 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:06:15 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=136 12:06:15 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:06:25 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=137 12:06:25 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:06:36 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=138 12:06:36 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:06:46 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=139 12:06:46 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:06:55 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=140 12:06:55 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:07:04 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=141 12:07:04 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:07:12 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=142 12:07:13 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:07:22 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=143 12:07:22 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:07:31 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=144 12:07:31 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:07:41 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=145 12:07:41 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:07:52 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=146 12:07:52 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:08:03 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=147 12:08:03 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:08:13 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=148 12:08:13 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:08:23 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=149 12:08:24 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:08:34 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=150 12:08:34 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:08:44 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=151 12:08:44 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:08:55 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=152 12:08:55 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:09:04 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=153 12:09:04 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:09:13 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=154 12:09:13 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:09:23 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=155 12:09:23 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:09:33 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=156 12:09:33 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:09:43 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=157 12:09:43 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:09:54 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=158 12:09:54 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:10:03 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=159 12:10:03 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:10:14 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=160 12:10:14 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:10:23 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=161 12:10:23 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:10:33 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=162 12:10:33 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:10:42 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=163 12:10:42 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:10:52 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=164 12:10:52 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:11:02 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=165 12:11:02 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:11:13 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=166 12:11:13 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:11:23 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=167 12:11:23 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:11:33 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=168 12:11:33 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:11:43 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=169 12:11:43 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:11:53 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=170 12:11:53 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:12:04 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=171 12:12:04 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:12:14 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=172 12:12:14 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:12:24 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=173 12:12:24 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:12:34 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=174 12:12:34 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:12:44 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=175 12:12:44 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:12:54 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=176 12:12:54 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:13:04 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=177 12:13:04 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:13:15 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=178 12:13:15 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:13:28 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=179 12:13:28 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:13:41 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=180 12:13:41 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:13:56 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=181 12:13:56 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:14:06 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=182 12:14:06 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:14:21 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=183 12:14:21 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:14:32 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=184 12:14:32 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:14:48 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=185 12:14:48 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:14:58 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=186 12:14:58 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:15:09 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=187 12:15:09 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:15:20 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=188 12:15:20 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:15:40 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=189 12:15:40 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:15:53 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=190 12:15:53 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:16:03 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=191 12:16:03 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:16:14 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=192 12:16:14 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:16:24 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=193 12:16:24 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:16:35 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=194 12:16:35 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:16:50 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=195 12:16:50 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:17:01 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=196 12:17:01 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:17:10 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=197 12:17:10 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:17:20 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=198 12:17:20 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:17:31 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=199 12:17:31 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:17:41 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=200 12:17:42 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:17:52 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=201 12:17:52 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:18:02 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=202 12:18:02 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:18:13 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=203 12:18:13 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:18:25 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=204 12:18:25 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:18:36 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=205 12:18:36 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:18:47 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=206 12:18:47 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:19:02 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=207 12:19:02 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:19:16 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=208 12:19:16 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:19:28 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=209 12:19:28 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:19:39 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=210 12:19:39 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:19:50 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=211 12:19:50 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:20:01 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=212 12:20:01 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:20:13 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=213 12:20:13 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:20:24 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=214 12:20:24 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:20:34 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=215 12:20:34 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:20:47 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=216 12:20:47 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:20:58 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=217 12:20:58 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:21:10 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=218 12:21:10 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:21:20 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=219 12:21:20 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:21:35 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=220 12:21:35 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:21:51 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=221 12:21:51 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:22:04 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=222 12:22:04 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:22:16 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=223 12:22:16 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:22:36 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=224 12:22:36 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:22:47 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=225 12:22:47 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:22:58 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=226 12:22:58 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:23:10 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=227 12:23:10 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:23:21 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=228 12:23:21 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:23:33 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=229 12:23:33 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:23:45 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=230 12:23:45 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:23:57 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=231 12:23:57 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:24:08 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=232 12:24:08 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:24:21 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=233 12:24:21 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:24:32 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=234 12:24:32 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:24:43 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=235 12:24:43 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:24:54 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=236 12:24:54 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:25:07 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=237 12:25:07 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:25:18 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=238 12:25:18 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:25:29 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=239 12:25:29 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:25:42 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=240 12:25:42 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:25:53 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=241 12:25:53 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:26:05 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=242 12:26:05 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:26:18 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=243 12:26:18 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:26:29 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=244 12:26:29 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:26:42 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=245 12:26:42 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:26:56 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=246 12:26:56 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:27:09 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=247 12:27:09 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:27:22 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=248 12:27:22 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:27:34 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=249 12:27:34 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:27:47 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=250 12:27:47 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:28:01 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=251 12:28:01 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:28:13 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=252 12:28:13 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:28:23 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=253 12:28:24 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:28:34 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=254 12:28:34 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:28:47 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=255 12:28:47 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:28:59 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=256 12:28:59 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:29:10 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=257 12:29:10 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:29:21 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=258 12:29:21 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:29:32 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=259 12:29:32 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:29:45 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=260 12:29:45 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:29:57 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=261 12:29:57 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:30:09 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=262 12:30:09 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:30:22 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=263 12:30:22 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:30:32 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=264 12:30:32 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:30:44 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=265 12:30:44 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:30:58 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=266 12:30:58 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:31:09 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=267 12:31:09 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:31:21 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=268 12:31:21 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:31:33 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=269 12:31:33 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:31:44 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=270 12:31:44 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:32:01 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=271 12:32:01 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:32:14 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=272 12:32:14 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:32:27 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=273 12:32:27 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:32:41 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=274 12:32:41 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:32:55 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=275 12:32:55 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:33:09 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=276 12:33:09 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:33:22 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=277 12:33:22 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:33:34 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=278 12:33:34 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:33:46 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=279 12:33:46 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:33:59 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=280 12:33:59 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:34:11 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=281 12:34:11 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:34:25 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=282 12:34:25 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:34:39 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=283 12:34:39 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:34:52 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=284 12:34:53 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:35:06 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=285 12:35:06 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:35:19 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=286 12:35:19 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:35:34 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=287 12:35:34 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:35:48 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=288 12:35:48 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:36:10 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=289 12:36:10 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:36:22 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=290 12:36:22 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:36:36 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=291 12:36:36 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:36:48 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=292 12:36:48 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:37:09 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=293 12:37:09 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:37:23 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=294 12:37:23 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:37:36 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=295 12:37:36 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:37:52 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=296 12:37:52 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:38:04 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=297 12:38:04 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:38:17 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=298 12:38:17 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:38:30 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=299 12:38:30 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:38:43 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=300 12:38:43 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:38:56 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=301 12:38:56 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:39:08 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=302 12:39:08 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:39:23 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=303 12:39:23 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:39:36 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=304 12:39:36 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:39:53 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=305 12:39:53 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:40:06 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=306 12:40:06 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:40:19 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=307 12:40:19 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:40:32 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=308 12:40:32 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:40:46 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=309 12:40:46 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:41:00 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=310 12:41:00 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:41:13 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=311 12:41:13 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:41:26 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=312 12:41:26 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:41:41 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=313 12:41:41 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:41:55 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=314 12:41:55 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:42:28 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=315 12:42:28 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:42:57 [] [] [] [] ERROR oldingsRequestHelper Invalid RMAPI response status code = [504] status message = [Gateway Timeout] query = [https://api.ebsco.io/rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=315] body = [{"message": "Endpoint request timed out"}] 12:57:57 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=315 12:58:12 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=316 12:58:12 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:58:30 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=317 12:58:30 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:58:46 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=318 12:58:46 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:59:06 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=319 12:59:06 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:59:21 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=320 12:59:21 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:59:39 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=321 12:59:39 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 12:59:57 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=322 12:59:57 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:00:10 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=323 13:00:10 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:00:27 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=324 13:00:27 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:00:46 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=325 13:00:46 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:01:00 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=326 13:01:00 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:01:17 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=327 13:01:17 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:01:34 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=328 13:01:34 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:01:50 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=329 13:01:50 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:02:06 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=330 13:02:06 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:02:22 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=331 13:02:22 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:02:38 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=332 13:02:38 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:02:52 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=333 13:02:53 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:03:07 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=334 13:03:07 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:03:18 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=335 13:03:19 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:03:35 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=336 13:03:35 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:03:51 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=337 13:03:51 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:04:11 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=338 13:04:11 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:04:25 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=339 13:04:26 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:04:41 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=340 13:04:41 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:04:54 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=341 13:04:54 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:05:09 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=342 13:05:09 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:05:31 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=343 13:05:31 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:05:56 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=344 13:05:56 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:06:11 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=345 13:06:11 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:06:25 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=346 13:06:25 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:06:37 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=347 13:06:37 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:06:50 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=348 13:06:51 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:07:09 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=349 13:07:09 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:07:25 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=350 13:07:25 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:07:43 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=351 13:07:43 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:08:12 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=352 13:08:12 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:08:42 [] [] [] [] ERROR oldingsRequestHelper Invalid RMAPI response status code = [504] status message = [Gateway Timeout] query = [https://api.ebsco.io/rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=352] body = [{"message": "Endpoint request timed out"}] 13:23:42 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=352 13:23:59 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=353 13:23:59 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:24:24 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=354 13:24:24 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:24:38 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=355 13:24:38 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:24:51 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=356 13:24:51 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:25:06 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=357 13:25:06 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:25:21 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=358 13:25:21 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:25:34 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=359 13:25:34 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:25:49 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=360 13:25:49 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:26:01 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=361 13:26:01 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:26:21 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=362 13:26:21 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:26:35 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=363 13:26:35 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:26:53 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=364 13:26:53 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:27:09 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=365 13:27:09 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:27:21 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=366 13:27:21 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:27:35 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=367 13:27:35 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:27:50 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=368 13:27:50 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:28:16 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=369 13:28:16 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:28:32 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=370 13:28:32 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:28:47 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=371 13:28:47 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:29:02 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=372 13:29:02 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:29:17 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=373 13:29:17 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:29:34 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=374 13:29:34 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:29:48 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=375 13:29:48 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:30:01 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=376 13:30:01 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:30:17 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=377 13:30:17 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:30:30 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=378 13:30:31 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:30:43 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=379 13:30:43 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:30:56 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=380 13:30:56 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:31:09 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=381 13:31:09 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:31:21 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=382 13:31:21 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:31:36 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=383 13:31:36 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:31:48 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=384 13:31:48 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:32:02 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=385 13:32:02 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:32:16 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=386 13:32:16 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:32:34 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=387 13:32:34 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:32:48 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=388 13:32:48 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:33:06 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=389 13:33:06 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:33:19 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=390 13:33:20 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:33:37 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=391 13:33:37 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:33:50 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=392 13:33:50 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:34:06 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=393 13:34:06 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:34:19 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=394 13:34:19 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:34:31 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=395 13:34:31 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:34:45 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=396 13:34:45 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:34:59 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=397 13:34:59 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:35:12 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=398 13:35:12 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:35:28 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=399 13:35:28 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:35:40 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=400 13:35:40 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:35:53 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=401 13:35:53 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:36:08 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=402 13:36:08 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:36:20 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=403 13:36:20 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:36:33 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=404 13:36:33 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:36:47 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=405 13:36:47 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:37:00 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=406 13:37:00 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:37:14 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=407 13:37:14 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:37:28 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=408 13:37:28 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:37:41 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=409 13:37:41 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:37:53 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=410 13:37:53 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:38:10 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=411 13:38:10 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:38:23 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=412 13:38:23 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:38:37 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=413 13:38:37 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:38:52 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=414 13:38:52 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:39:10 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=415 13:39:10 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:39:23 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=416 13:39:23 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:39:38 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=417 13:39:38 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:39:53 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=418 13:39:53 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:40:06 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=419 13:40:06 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:40:19 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=420 13:40:19 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:40:34 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=421 13:40:34 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:40:54 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=422 13:40:54 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:41:08 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=423 13:41:08 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:41:21 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=424 13:41:21 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:41:35 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=425 13:41:35 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:41:48 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=426 13:41:48 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:42:01 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=427 13:42:01 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:42:14 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=428 13:42:14 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:42:28 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=429 13:42:28 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:42:44 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=430 13:42:44 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:43:00 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=431 13:43:00 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:43:14 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=432 13:43:14 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:43:27 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=433 13:43:27 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:43:40 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=434 13:43:40 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:43:52 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=435 13:43:52 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:44:09 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=436 13:44:09 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:44:21 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=437 13:44:21 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:44:34 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=438 13:44:34 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:44:47 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=439 13:44:47 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:44:59 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=440 13:44:59 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:45:13 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=441 13:45:13 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:45:26 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=442 13:45:26 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:45:39 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=443 13:45:39 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:45:52 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=444 13:45:52 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:46:11 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=445 13:46:11 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:46:24 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=446 13:46:24 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:46:38 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=447 13:46:38 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:46:55 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=448 13:46:55 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:47:08 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=449 13:47:08 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:47:26 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=450 13:47:26 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:47:40 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=451 13:47:40 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:47:58 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=452 13:47:58 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:48:12 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=453 13:48:12 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:48:26 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=454 13:48:26 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:48:39 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=455 13:48:39 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:48:52 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=456 13:48:52 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:49:05 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=457 13:49:05 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:49:19 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=458 13:49:19 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:49:32 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=459 13:49:32 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:49:51 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=460 13:49:51 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:50:04 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=461 13:50:04 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:50:18 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=462 13:50:18 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:50:31 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=463 13:50:31 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:50:47 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=464 13:50:47 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:51:03 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=465 13:51:03 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:51:16 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=466 13:51:16 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:51:29 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=467 13:51:29 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:51:43 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=468 13:51:43 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:51:56 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=469 13:51:56 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:52:11 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=470 13:52:11 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:52:24 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=471 13:52:24 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:52:38 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=472 13:52:38 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:52:51 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=473 13:52:51 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:53:08 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=474 13:53:08 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:53:31 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=475 13:53:31 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:53:45 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=476 13:53:45 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:54:00 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=477 13:54:00 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:54:14 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=478 13:54:14 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:54:27 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=479 13:54:27 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:54:40 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=480 13:54:40 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:54:54 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=481 13:54:54 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:55:10 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=482 13:55:10 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:55:23 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=483 13:55:23 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:55:38 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=484 13:55:38 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:55:51 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=485 13:55:52 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:56:07 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=486 13:56:07 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:56:20 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=487 13:56:20 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:56:33 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=488 13:56:34 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:56:48 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=489 13:56:48 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:57:02 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=490 13:57:02 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:57:14 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=491 13:57:14 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:57:26 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=492 13:57:26 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:57:38 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=493 13:57:38 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:57:50 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=494 13:57:50 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:58:03 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=495 13:58:03 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:58:14 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=496 13:58:14 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:58:31 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=497 13:58:31 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:58:42 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=498 13:58:42 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:58:54 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=499 13:58:54 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:59:06 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=500 13:59:06 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:59:20 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=501 13:59:20 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:59:34 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=502 13:59:34 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 13:59:47 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=503 13:59:47 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:00:03 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=504 14:00:03 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:00:15 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=505 14:00:15 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:00:29 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=506 14:00:29 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:00:40 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=507 14:00:40 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:00:50 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=508 14:00:50 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:01:00 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=509 14:01:00 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:01:12 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=510 14:01:12 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:01:25 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=511 14:01:25 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:01:33 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=512 14:01:33 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:01:42 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=513 14:01:42 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:01:52 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=514 14:01:52 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:02:02 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=515 14:02:02 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:02:14 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=516 14:02:14 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:02:28 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=517 14:02:28 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:02:41 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=518 14:02:41 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:02:56 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=519 14:02:56 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:03:14 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=520 14:03:14 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:03:34 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=521 14:03:34 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:03:45 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:03:45 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtils Do delete query = DELETE FROM diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.holdings WHERE credentials_id = $1 AND updated_at < $2; with params = [{1 = UUID: 4b89eb8a-3a13-4651-9713-ff81620d11d1}, {2 = OffsetDateTime: 2021-03-15T11:23:04.252372Z}] 14:04:19 [] [] [] [] INFO LoadHoldingsImpl Received signal to start scheduled loading of holdings 14:04:19 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtils Do select query = SELECT * FROM diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.kb_credentials t1; with params = [] 14:04:19 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil org.folio.rest.RestVerticle start invoking postEholdingsLoadingKbCredentials 14:04:19 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtil POST /eholdings/loading/kb-credentials null HTTP_1_1 204 0 88 tid=diku No Content 14:04:19 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Current status for credentials - e279267b-c027-4c8a-b17e-be94465a3993 is Completed 14:04:19 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings/status 14:04:19 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Current status for credentials - bf4bad18-cea5-4619-aefd-bdd1bf179f2c is Failed 14:04:19 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/ns273786/holdings/status 14:04:19 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Current status for credentials - 73a23b60-fc11-4cda-a5bf-cb7d17d1f8e8 is Failed 14:04:19 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings/status 14:04:19 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Current status for credentials - 4b89eb8a-3a13-4651-9713-ff81620d11d1 is Completed 14:04:19 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings/status 14:04:19 [] [] [] [] INFO actLoadServiceFacade Snapshot created recently: HoldingsStatus(transactionId=null, status=COMPLETED, created=2021-03-15 11:35:30.587, totalCount=4471889, totalPages=null) 14:04:19 [] [] [] [] INFO actLoadServiceFacade Snapshot created recently: HoldingsStatus(transactionId=null, status=COMPLETED, created=2021-03-15 11:22:27.747, totalCount=2601168, totalPages=null) 14:04:19 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=1 14:04:19 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=1 14:04:19 [] [] [] [] INFO actLoadServiceFacade Snapshot created recently: HoldingsStatus(transactionId=null, status=FAILED, created=2021-03-15 11:22:28.080, totalCount=0, totalPages=null) 14:04:19 [] [] [] [] ERROR actLoadServiceFacade Failed to create snapshot java.util.concurrent.CompletionException: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Snapshot created with invalid totalCount:HoldingsStatus(transactionId=null, status=FAILED, created=2021-03-15 11:22:28.080, totalCount=0, totalPages=null) at java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture.encodeThrowable(CompletableFuture.java:314) ~[?:?] at java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture.completeThrowable(CompletableFuture.java:319) ~[?:?] at java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture$UniCompose.tryFire(CompletableFuture.java:1081) ~[?:?] at java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture.postComplete(CompletableFuture.java:506) ~[?:?] at java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture.complete(CompletableFuture.java:2073) ~[?:?] at org.folio.holdingsiq.service.impl.HoldingsRequestHelper.lambda$finishRequest$6(HoldingsRequestHelper.java:241) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.vertx.core.impl.future.FutureImpl$1.onSuccess(FutureImpl.java:90) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.vertx.core.impl.future.FutureImpl$ListenerArray.onSuccess(FutureImpl.java:230) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.vertx.core.impl.future.FutureBase.emitSuccess(FutureBase.java:62) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.vertx.core.impl.future.FutureImpl.tryComplete(FutureImpl.java:179) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.vertx.core.impl.future.PromiseImpl.tryComplete(PromiseImpl.java:23) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.vertx.core.impl.future.PromiseImpl.onSuccess(PromiseImpl.java:49) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.vertx.core.impl.future.PromiseImpl.handle(PromiseImpl.java:41) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.vertx.core.impl.future.PromiseImpl.handle(PromiseImpl.java:23) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.vertx.ext.web.client.impl.HttpContext.handleDispatchResponse(HttpContext.java:354) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.vertx.ext.web.client.impl.HttpContext.execute(HttpContext.java:341) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.vertx.ext.web.client.impl.HttpContext.next(HttpContext.java:322) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.vertx.ext.web.client.impl.HttpContext.fire(HttpContext.java:289) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.vertx.ext.web.client.impl.HttpContext.dispatchResponse(HttpContext.java:251) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.vertx.ext.web.client.impl.HttpContext.lambda$null$2(HttpContext.java:415) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.vertx.core.impl.AbstractContext.dispatch(AbstractContext.java:96) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.vertx.core.impl.AbstractContext.dispatch(AbstractContext.java:59) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.vertx.core.impl.EventLoopContext.lambda$runOnContext$0(EventLoopContext.java:40) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.netty.util.concurrent.AbstractEventExecutor.safeExecute(AbstractEventExecutor.java:164) [mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor.runAllTasks(SingleThreadEventExecutor.java:472) [mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.run(NioEventLoop.java:497) [mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor$4.run(SingleThreadEventExecutor.java:989) [mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.netty.util.internal.ThreadExecutorMap$2.run(ThreadExecutorMap.java:74) [mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.netty.util.concurrent.FastThreadLocalRunnable.run(FastThreadLocalRunnable.java:30) [mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:834) [?:?] Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Snapshot created with invalid totalCount:HoldingsStatus(transactionId=null, status=FAILED, created=2021-03-15 11:22:28.080, totalCount=0, totalPages=null) at org.folio.service.holdings.AbstractLoadServiceFacade.lambda$populateHoldingsIfNecessary$4(AbstractLoadServiceFacade.java:107) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture$UniCompose.tryFire(CompletableFuture.java:1072) ~[?:?] ... 27 more 14:04:19 [] [] [] [] INFO actLoadServiceFacade Snapshot created recently: HoldingsStatus(transactionId=null, status=COMPLETED, created=2021-03-15 11:23:05.367, totalCount=1064311, totalPages=null) 14:04:19 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=1 14:04:26 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=2 14:04:26 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:04:29 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=2 14:04:29 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:04:31 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=3 14:04:32 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:04:35 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=2 14:04:35 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:04:40 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=4 14:04:40 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:04:40 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=3 14:04:40 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:04:45 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=5 14:04:45 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:04:52 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=3 14:04:52 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:04:55 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=6 14:04:55 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:04:56 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=4 14:04:56 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:05:02 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=7 14:05:02 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:05:11 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=8 14:05:11 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:05:16 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=4 14:05:16 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:05:17 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=5 14:05:17 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:05:20 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=9 14:05:20 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:05:24 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=10 14:05:24 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:05:30 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=5 14:05:30 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:05:33 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=6 14:05:33 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:05:34 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=11 14:05:35 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:05:40 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=12 14:05:40 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:05:48 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=6 14:05:48 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:05:51 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=7 14:05:51 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:05:53 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=13 14:05:53 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:05:57 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=14 14:05:57 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:06:04 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=7 14:06:04 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:06:09 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=15 14:06:09 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:06:09 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=8 14:06:09 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:06:19 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=16 14:06:19 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:06:20 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=8 14:06:20 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:06:27 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=9 14:06:27 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:06:33 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=17 14:06:33 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:06:36 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=9 14:06:36 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:06:42 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=18 14:06:42 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:06:43 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=10 14:06:43 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:06:53 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=19 14:06:53 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:06:54 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=10 14:06:54 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:06:57 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=11 14:06:57 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:06:59 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=20 14:06:59 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:07:04 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=21 14:07:04 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:07:07 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=22 14:07:07 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:07:11 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=11 14:07:11 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:07:15 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=23 14:07:15 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:07:15 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=12 14:07:16 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:07:19 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=24 14:07:19 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:07:25 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=12 14:07:25 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:07:26 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=25 14:07:26 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:07:27 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=13 14:07:27 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:07:33 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=26 14:07:34 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:07:37 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=13 14:07:37 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:07:41 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=14 14:07:41 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:07:42 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=27 14:07:42 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:07:48 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=28 14:07:48 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:07:53 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=15 14:07:53 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:08:01 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=14 14:08:01 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:08:02 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=29 14:08:02 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:08:07 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=30 14:08:07 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:08:13 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=16 14:08:13 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:08:15 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=15 14:08:16 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:08:17 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=31 14:08:17 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:08:22 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=32 14:08:22 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:08:25 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=33 14:08:25 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:08:35 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=34 14:08:35 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:08:36 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=16 14:08:36 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:08:43 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=17 14:08:43 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:08:50 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=17 14:08:50 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:08:52 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=35 14:08:52 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:08:56 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=36 14:08:56 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:08:59 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=18 14:08:59 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:09:01 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=37 14:09:01 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:09:12 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=18 14:09:12 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:09:14 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=38 14:09:14 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:09:17 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=19 14:09:17 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:09:22 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=39 14:09:22 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:09:30 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=40 14:09:31 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:09:31 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=20 14:09:31 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:09:32 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=19 14:09:32 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:09:35 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=41 14:09:36 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:09:41 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=42 14:09:41 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:09:49 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=20 14:09:49 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:09:50 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=21 14:09:50 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:09:50 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=43 14:09:50 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:09:56 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=44 14:09:56 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:10:04 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=22 14:10:04 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:10:08 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=45 14:10:08 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=21 14:10:09 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:10:09 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:10:14 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=46 14:10:14 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:10:23 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=23 14:10:23 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:10:24 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=47 14:10:24 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:10:26 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=22 14:10:26 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:10:31 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=48 14:10:31 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:10:35 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=49 14:10:35 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:10:39 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=24 14:10:39 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:10:44 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=23 14:10:44 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:10:46 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=50 14:10:46 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:10:52 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=51 14:10:52 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:11:02 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=25 14:11:02 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:11:02 [] [] [] [] ERROR oldingsRequestHelper Invalid RMAPI response status code = [409] status message = [Conflict] query = [https://api.ebsco.io/rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=25] body = [{"errors":[{"code":1010,"subCode":0,"message":"Snapshot preparation already in progress"}]}] 14:11:05 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=52 14:11:05 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:11:06 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=24 14:11:06 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:11:10 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=53 14:11:10 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:11:13 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=54 14:11:13 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:11:18 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=55 14:11:18 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:11:20 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=25 14:11:20 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:11:23 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=56 14:11:23 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:11:30 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=26 14:11:30 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:11:38 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=27 14:11:38 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:11:41 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=57 14:11:41 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:11:50 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=28 14:11:50 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:11:58 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=58 14:11:58 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:12:02 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=29 14:12:02 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:12:09 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=59 14:12:09 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:12:12 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=30 14:12:12 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:12:18 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=60 14:12:18 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:12:21 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=31 14:12:21 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:12:25 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=61 14:12:26 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:12:31 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=32 14:12:31 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:12:35 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=62 14:12:35 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:12:40 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=33 14:12:40 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:12:46 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=63 14:12:46 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:12:56 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=64 14:12:56 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:12:57 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=34 14:12:57 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:13:03 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=65 14:13:03 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:13:07 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=35 14:13:07 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:13:13 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=66 14:13:13 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:13:16 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=36 14:13:16 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:13:20 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=67 14:13:20 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:13:27 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=37 14:13:27 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:13:32 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=68 14:13:32 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:13:35 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=38 14:13:35 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:13:42 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=69 14:13:42 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:13:44 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=39 14:13:44 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:13:49 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=70 14:13:49 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:13:52 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=40 14:13:52 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:13:57 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=71 14:13:57 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:14:07 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=41 14:14:07 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:14:09 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=72 14:14:09 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:14:18 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=42 14:14:18 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:14:25 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=73 14:14:25 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:14:30 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=43 14:14:30 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:14:35 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=74 14:14:35 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:14:38 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=44 14:14:38 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:14:49 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=75 14:14:49 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:14:51 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=45 14:14:51 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:14:56 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=76 14:14:56 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:14:59 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=46 14:14:59 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:15:04 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=77 14:15:04 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:15:06 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=47 14:15:06 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:15:11 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=78 14:15:11 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:15:13 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=48 14:15:13 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:15:21 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=79 14:15:22 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:15:23 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=49 14:15:23 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:15:28 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=80 14:15:29 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:15:32 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=50 14:15:32 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:15:37 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=81 14:15:37 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:15:39 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=51 14:15:40 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:15:46 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=82 14:15:46 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:15:50 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=52 14:15:50 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:15:53 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=83 14:15:53 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:15:57 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=53 14:15:57 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:16:02 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=84 14:16:02 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:16:05 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=54 14:16:05 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:16:10 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=85 14:16:10 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:16:13 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=55 14:16:13 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:16:17 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=86 14:16:17 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:16:20 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=56 14:16:20 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:16:23 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=87 14:16:23 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:16:29 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=57 14:16:29 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:16:31 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=88 14:16:31 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:16:36 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=58 14:16:36 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:16:39 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=89 14:16:39 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:16:48 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=90 14:16:49 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=59 14:16:49 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:16:49 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:16:56 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=91 14:16:56 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:16:59 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=60 14:16:59 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:17:13 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=92 14:17:13 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:17:15 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=61 14:17:15 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:17:20 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=93 14:17:20 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:17:25 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=62 14:17:25 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:17:27 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=94 14:17:27 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:17:35 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=63 14:17:35 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:17:36 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=95 14:17:36 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:17:42 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=64 14:17:42 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:17:45 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=96 14:17:45 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:17:50 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=65 14:17:50 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:17:53 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=97 14:17:53 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:17:59 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=66 14:17:59 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:18:03 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=98 14:18:03 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:18:11 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=67 14:18:11 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:18:12 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=99 14:18:12 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:18:21 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=68 14:18:21 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:18:23 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=100 14:18:23 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:18:33 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=69 14:18:33 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:18:36 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=101 14:18:36 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:18:43 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=102 14:18:43 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:18:45 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=70 14:18:45 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:18:53 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=103 14:18:53 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:18:59 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=71 14:18:59 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:19:02 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=104 14:19:02 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:19:07 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=72 14:19:07 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:19:11 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=105 14:19:11 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:19:17 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=73 14:19:17 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:19:21 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=106 14:19:21 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:19:26 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=74 14:19:26 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:19:31 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=107 14:19:31 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:19:36 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=75 14:19:36 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:19:40 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=108 14:19:40 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:19:49 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=76 14:19:49 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:19:52 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=109 14:19:52 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:19:58 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=77 14:19:58 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:20:01 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=110 14:20:01 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:20:06 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=78 14:20:06 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:20:09 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=111 14:20:09 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:20:15 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=79 14:20:15 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:20:17 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=112 14:20:17 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:20:24 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=113 14:20:24 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:20:26 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=80 14:20:26 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:20:33 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=114 14:20:33 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:20:36 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=81 14:20:36 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:20:40 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=115 14:20:40 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:20:44 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=82 14:20:44 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:20:46 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=116 14:20:46 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:20:51 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=83 14:20:51 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:20:55 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=117 14:20:55 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:20:59 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=84 14:20:59 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:21:01 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=118 14:21:01 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:21:07 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=85 14:21:07 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:21:10 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=119 14:21:10 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:21:15 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=86 14:21:15 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:21:18 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=120 14:21:18 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:21:23 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=87 14:21:23 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:21:25 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=121 14:21:25 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:21:31 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=88 14:21:31 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:21:34 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=122 14:21:34 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:21:40 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=89 14:21:40 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:21:42 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=123 14:21:42 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:21:48 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=90 14:21:48 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:21:50 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=124 14:21:50 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:21:57 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=91 14:21:57 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:21:59 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=125 14:21:59 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:22:05 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=92 14:22:05 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:22:07 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=126 14:22:07 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:22:13 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=93 14:22:13 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:22:17 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=127 14:22:17 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:22:22 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=94 14:22:22 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:22:24 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=128 14:22:24 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:22:31 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=95 14:22:31 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:22:35 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=129 14:22:35 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:22:40 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=96 14:22:40 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:22:44 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=130 14:22:44 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:22:50 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=97 14:22:50 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:22:53 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=131 14:22:53 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:23:01 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=98 14:23:01 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:23:02 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=132 14:23:02 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:23:12 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=133 14:23:12 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:23:13 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=99 14:23:13 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:23:22 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=134 14:23:22 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:23:24 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=100 14:23:24 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:23:29 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=135 14:23:29 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:23:32 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=101 14:23:32 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:23:35 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=136 14:23:35 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:23:40 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=102 14:23:40 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:23:42 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=137 14:23:42 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:23:50 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=138 14:23:50 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:23:52 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=103 14:23:52 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:23:58 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=139 14:23:58 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:24:00 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=104 14:24:00 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:24:07 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=140 14:24:07 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:24:09 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=105 14:24:09 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:24:14 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=141 14:24:14 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:24:18 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=106 14:24:18 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:24:27 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=142 14:24:27 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:24:27 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=107 14:24:28 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:24:37 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=143 14:24:37 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:24:37 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=108 14:24:37 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:24:44 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=144 14:24:44 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:24:47 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=109 14:24:47 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:24:51 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=145 14:24:51 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:25:01 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=146 14:25:02 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:25:03 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=110 14:25:03 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:25:09 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=147 14:25:09 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:25:13 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=111 14:25:13 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:25:23 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=148 14:25:23 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:25:25 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=112 14:25:25 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:25:31 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=149 14:25:31 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:25:41 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=150 14:25:41 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:25:42 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=113 14:25:43 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:25:50 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=151 14:25:50 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:25:54 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=114 14:25:55 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=152 14:25:59 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:26:02 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=25 14:26:09 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=115 14:26:09 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:26:12 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=26 14:26:12 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:26:14 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=153 14:26:14 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:26:21 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=116 14:26:21 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:26:23 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=27 14:26:23 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:26:24 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=154 14:26:24 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:26:30 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=117 14:26:30 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:26:34 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=155 14:26:34 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:26:35 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=28 14:26:35 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:26:42 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=118 14:26:42 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:26:42 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=156 14:26:42 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:26:49 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=157 14:26:49 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:26:53 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=119 14:26:53 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=29 14:26:53 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:26:53 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:26:55 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=158 14:26:55 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:27:05 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=120 14:27:05 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:27:06 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=159 14:27:06 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:27:13 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=160 14:27:13 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:27:18 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=121 14:27:18 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:27:18 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=30 14:27:18 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:27:20 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=161 14:27:20 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:27:29 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=162 14:27:30 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:27:30 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=31 14:27:30 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:27:30 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=122 14:27:30 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:27:37 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=163 14:27:37 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:27:40 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=32 14:27:40 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:27:42 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=123 14:27:42 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:27:45 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=164 14:27:45 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:27:48 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=33 14:27:48 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:27:54 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=124 14:27:54 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:27:55 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=165 14:27:55 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:27:57 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=34 14:27:57 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:28:07 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=166 14:28:07 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:28:07 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=125 14:28:07 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:28:09 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=35 14:28:09 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:28:13 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=167 14:28:13 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:28:16 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=126 14:28:16 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:28:20 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=168 14:28:20 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:28:21 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=36 14:28:21 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:28:25 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=127 14:28:25 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:28:29 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=37 14:28:29 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:28:33 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=169 14:28:33 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:28:37 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=128 14:28:37 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:28:39 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=38 14:28:39 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:28:43 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=170 14:28:43 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:28:47 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=39 14:28:47 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:28:50 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=129 14:28:50 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:28:51 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=171 14:28:51 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:28:55 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=40 14:28:55 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:29:02 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=130 14:29:02 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:29:08 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=172 14:29:09 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:29:09 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=41 14:29:09 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:29:11 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=131 14:29:11 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:29:16 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=173 14:29:16 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:29:18 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=42 14:29:18 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:29:20 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=132 14:29:20 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:29:23 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=174 14:29:23 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:29:26 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=43 14:29:26 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:29:31 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=175 14:29:31 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:29:32 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=133 14:29:32 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:29:34 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=44 14:29:34 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:29:39 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=176 14:29:39 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:29:43 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=45 14:29:43 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:29:45 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=134 14:29:45 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:29:48 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=177 14:29:48 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:29:50 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=46 14:29:50 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:29:54 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=135 14:29:54 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:29:57 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=178 14:29:57 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:29:59 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=47 14:29:59 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:30:04 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=136 14:30:05 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:30:07 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=179 14:30:07 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:30:08 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=48 14:30:08 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:30:19 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=137 14:30:19 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:30:19 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=180 14:30:19 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:30:21 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=49 14:30:22 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:30:29 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=181 14:30:29 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:30:34 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=138 14:30:34 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:30:35 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=50 14:30:35 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:30:39 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=182 14:30:39 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:30:45 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=139 14:30:45 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:30:49 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=51 14:30:49 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:30:50 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=183 14:30:50 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:30:54 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=140 14:30:55 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:30:57 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=52 14:30:57 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:31:00 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=184 14:31:00 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:31:04 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=141 14:31:04 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:31:09 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=53 14:31:09 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:31:10 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=185 14:31:10 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:31:13 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=142 14:31:13 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:31:18 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=54 14:31:18 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:31:23 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=186 14:31:23 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:31:24 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=143 14:31:24 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:31:27 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=55 14:31:27 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:31:30 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=187 14:31:30 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:31:36 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=144 14:31:36 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:31:41 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=56 14:31:41 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:31:42 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=188 14:31:42 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:31:47 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=145 14:31:47 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:31:52 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=57 14:31:52 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:31:53 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=189 14:31:53 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:31:59 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=146 14:31:59 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:32:04 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=190 14:32:04 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:32:05 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=58 14:32:05 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:32:10 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=147 14:32:10 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:32:13 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=191 14:32:13 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:32:16 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=59 14:32:16 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:32:20 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=148 14:32:20 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:32:23 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=192 14:32:23 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:32:26 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=60 14:32:26 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:32:30 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=193 14:32:30 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:32:33 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=149 14:32:33 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:32:36 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=61 14:32:36 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:32:45 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=150 14:32:45 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:32:48 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=194 14:32:48 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:32:48 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=62 14:32:48 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:32:54 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=151 14:32:54 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:32:58 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=195 14:32:58 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:33:00 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=63 14:33:00 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:33:04 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=152 14:33:04 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:33:07 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=196 14:33:07 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:33:09 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=64 14:33:09 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:33:16 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=197 14:33:16 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:33:18 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=153 14:33:18 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:33:20 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=65 14:33:20 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:33:23 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=198 14:33:23 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:33:29 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=154 14:33:29 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:33:33 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=66 14:33:33 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:33:35 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=199 14:33:35 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:33:39 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=155 14:33:39 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:33:46 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=200 14:33:46 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:33:49 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=67 14:33:49 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:33:51 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=156 14:33:51 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:33:53 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=201 14:33:53 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:34:03 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=202 14:34:03 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:34:06 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=68 14:34:06 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:34:06 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=157 14:34:07 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:34:16 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=203 14:34:16 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:34:19 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=158 14:34:19 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:34:22 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=69 14:34:22 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:34:25 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=204 14:34:26 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:34:28 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=159 14:34:28 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:34:33 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=70 14:34:33 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:34:35 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=205 14:34:35 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:34:38 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=160 14:34:38 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:34:43 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=206 14:34:43 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:34:49 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=161 14:34:49 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:34:50 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=71 14:34:50 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:34:52 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=207 14:34:52 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:34:59 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=208 14:34:59 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:35:01 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=162 14:35:01 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:35:04 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=72 14:35:04 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:35:07 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=209 14:35:07 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:35:11 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=73 14:35:11 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:35:14 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=163 14:35:14 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:35:16 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=210 14:35:16 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:35:23 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=74 14:35:23 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:35:27 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=211 14:35:27 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:35:27 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=164 14:35:27 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:35:34 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=212 14:35:34 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:35:37 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=75 14:35:37 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:35:38 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=165 14:35:38 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:35:46 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvgvmt/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=213 14:35:46 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:35:49 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=166 14:35:49 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:35:51 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=76 14:35:51 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:35:53 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:35:53 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtils Do delete query = DELETE FROM diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.holdings WHERE credentials_id = $1 AND updated_at < $2; with params = [{1 = UUID: e279267b-c027-4c8a-b17e-be94465a3993}, {2 = OffsetDateTime: 2021-03-15T14:04:19.053868Z}] 14:35:59 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=167 14:35:59 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:36:08 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=77 14:36:08 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:36:10 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=168 14:36:10 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:36:16 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=78 14:36:16 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:36:20 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=169 14:36:20 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:36:24 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=79 14:36:24 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:36:30 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=170 14:36:30 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:36:32 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=80 14:36:32 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:36:41 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=171 14:36:41 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:36:43 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=81 14:36:43 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:36:51 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=172 14:36:51 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:36:56 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=82 14:36:56 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:37:00 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=173 14:37:00 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:37:09 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=83 14:37:09 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:37:11 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=174 14:37:11 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:37:20 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=175 14:37:20 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:37:25 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=84 14:37:26 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:37:30 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=176 14:37:30 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:37:39 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=85 14:37:39 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:37:41 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=177 14:37:41 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:37:50 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=178 14:37:50 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:37:53 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=86 14:37:53 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:38:01 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=179 14:38:01 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:38:06 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=87 14:38:06 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:38:10 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=180 14:38:10 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:38:21 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=88 14:38:21 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:38:21 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=181 14:38:21 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:38:31 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=182 14:38:31 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:38:38 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=89 14:38:38 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:38:41 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=183 14:38:41 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:38:53 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=90 14:38:53 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:38:54 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=184 14:38:54 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:39:04 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=185 14:39:05 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:39:09 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=91 14:39:09 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:39:16 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=186 14:39:16 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:39:19 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=92 14:39:19 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:39:30 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=187 14:39:30 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:39:31 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=93 14:39:31 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:39:40 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=94 14:39:40 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:39:42 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=188 14:39:42 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:39:48 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=95 14:39:48 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:39:52 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=189 14:39:52 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:39:57 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=96 14:39:57 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:40:03 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=190 14:40:03 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:40:05 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=97 14:40:06 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:40:13 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=191 14:40:13 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:40:15 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=98 14:40:15 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:40:24 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=192 14:40:24 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:40:26 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=99 14:40:26 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:40:35 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=193 14:40:35 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:40:40 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=100 14:40:40 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:40:44 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=194 14:40:45 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:40:49 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=101 14:40:49 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:40:57 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=195 14:40:57 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:40:59 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=102 14:40:59 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:41:06 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=196 14:41:06 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:41:09 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=103 14:41:09 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:41:16 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=197 14:41:16 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:41:19 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=104 14:41:19 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:41:26 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=198 14:41:26 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:41:28 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=105 14:41:28 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:41:37 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=199 14:41:37 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:41:39 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=106 14:41:39 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:41:48 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=200 14:41:48 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:41:49 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=107 14:41:50 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:41:58 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=108 14:41:58 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:42:00 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=201 14:42:00 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:42:06 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=109 14:42:06 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:42:11 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=202 14:42:11 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:42:14 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=110 14:42:14 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:42:22 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=203 14:42:22 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:42:23 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=111 14:42:23 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:42:32 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=112 14:42:32 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:42:33 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=204 14:42:33 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:42:40 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=113 14:42:40 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:42:44 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=205 14:42:44 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:42:50 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=114 14:42:50 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:42:55 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=206 14:42:55 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:42:58 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=115 14:42:58 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:43:05 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=207 14:43:05 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:43:08 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=116 14:43:08 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:43:15 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=208 14:43:15 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:43:21 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=117 14:43:21 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:43:25 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=209 14:43:25 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:43:34 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=118 14:43:34 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:43:37 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=210 14:43:37 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:43:47 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=211 14:43:47 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:43:49 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=119 14:43:49 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:43:59 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=212 14:43:59 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:44:03 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=120 14:44:03 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:44:10 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=213 14:44:10 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:44:16 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=121 14:44:16 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:44:19 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=214 14:44:19 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:44:30 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=122 14:44:30 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:44:37 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=215 14:44:37 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:44:39 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=123 14:44:39 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:44:49 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=216 14:44:49 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:44:50 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=124 14:44:50 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:45:02 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=125 14:45:02 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:45:04 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=217 14:45:04 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:45:16 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=218 14:45:16 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:45:17 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=126 14:45:17 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:45:27 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=219 14:45:27 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:45:29 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=127 14:45:29 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:45:40 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=220 14:45:40 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:45:40 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=128 14:45:41 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:45:51 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=221 14:45:51 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:45:53 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=129 14:45:53 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:46:01 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=222 14:46:01 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:46:05 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=130 14:46:05 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:46:12 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=223 14:46:12 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:46:17 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=131 14:46:17 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:46:23 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=224 14:46:23 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:46:30 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=132 14:46:30 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:46:33 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=225 14:46:33 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:46:45 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=133 14:46:45 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:46:47 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=226 14:46:47 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:46:57 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=134 14:46:57 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:47:00 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=227 14:47:00 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:47:11 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=135 14:47:11 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:47:13 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=228 14:47:13 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:47:21 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=136 14:47:22 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:47:24 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=229 14:47:24 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:47:30 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=137 14:47:30 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:47:35 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=230 14:47:35 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:47:39 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=138 14:47:39 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:47:46 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=231 14:47:46 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:47:49 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=139 14:47:49 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:47:57 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=232 14:47:57 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:47:59 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=140 14:47:59 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:48:10 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=233 14:48:10 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:48:10 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=141 14:48:10 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:48:21 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=234 14:48:21 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:48:23 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=142 14:48:23 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:48:32 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=235 14:48:32 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:48:34 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=143 14:48:34 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:48:43 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=144 14:48:43 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:48:45 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=236 14:48:45 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:48:52 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=145 14:48:52 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:48:57 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=237 14:48:57 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:49:05 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=146 14:49:06 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:49:08 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=238 14:49:08 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:49:13 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=147 14:49:13 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:49:20 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=239 14:49:20 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:49:24 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=148 14:49:24 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:49:31 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=240 14:49:31 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:49:36 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=149 14:49:36 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:49:43 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=241 14:49:43 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:49:45 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=150 14:49:45 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:49:55 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=242 14:49:55 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:49:56 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=151 14:49:56 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:50:06 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=152 14:50:06 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:50:08 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=243 14:50:09 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:50:16 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=153 14:50:16 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:50:19 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=244 14:50:19 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:50:26 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=154 14:50:26 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:50:29 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=245 14:50:29 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:50:36 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=155 14:50:37 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:50:40 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=246 14:50:40 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:50:47 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=156 14:50:47 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:50:51 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=247 14:50:51 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:50:58 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=157 14:50:58 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:51:02 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=248 14:51:02 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:51:09 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=158 14:51:09 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:51:13 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=249 14:51:13 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:51:21 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=159 14:51:21 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:51:24 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=250 14:51:24 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:51:33 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=160 14:51:33 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:51:35 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=251 14:51:35 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:51:48 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=161 14:51:48 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:51:49 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=252 14:51:49 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:52:00 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=253 14:52:00 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:52:02 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=162 14:52:02 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:52:11 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=254 14:52:11 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:52:16 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=163 14:52:16 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:52:21 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=255 14:52:21 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:52:28 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=164 14:52:28 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:52:32 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=256 14:52:32 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:52:40 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=165 14:52:40 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:52:43 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=257 14:52:43 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:52:53 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=166 14:52:53 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:52:56 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=258 14:52:56 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:53:07 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=259 14:53:07 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:53:11 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=167 14:53:11 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:53:20 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=260 14:53:20 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:53:25 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=168 14:53:25 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:53:31 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=261 14:53:32 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:53:39 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=169 14:53:39 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:53:43 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=262 14:53:43 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:53:54 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=170 14:53:54 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:53:55 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=263 14:53:56 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:54:09 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=264 14:54:10 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:54:10 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=171 14:54:10 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:54:19 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=172 14:54:19 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:54:22 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=265 14:54:22 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:54:33 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=173 14:54:33 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:54:35 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=266 14:54:35 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:54:46 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=174 14:54:46 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:54:51 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=267 14:54:51 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:54:53 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=175 14:54:53 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:55:02 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=176 14:55:02 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:55:04 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=268 14:55:04 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:55:09 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=177 14:55:10 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:55:16 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=269 14:55:16 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:55:20 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=178 14:55:20 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:55:28 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=270 14:55:28 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:55:29 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=179 14:55:29 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:55:36 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=180 14:55:37 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:55:39 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=271 14:55:39 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:55:45 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=181 14:55:45 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:55:53 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=182 14:55:53 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:55:54 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=272 14:55:54 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:56:02 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=183 14:56:02 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:56:05 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=273 14:56:05 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:56:10 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=184 14:56:10 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:56:18 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=274 14:56:18 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:56:20 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=185 14:56:20 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:56:28 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=186 14:56:28 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:56:30 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=275 14:56:31 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:56:35 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=187 14:56:35 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:56:44 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=276 14:56:44 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:56:45 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=188 14:56:45 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:56:54 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=189 14:56:54 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:56:55 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=277 14:56:55 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:57:02 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=190 14:57:02 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:57:06 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=278 14:57:06 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:57:11 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=191 14:57:11 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:57:19 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=279 14:57:19 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:57:20 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=192 14:57:20 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:57:28 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=193 14:57:28 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:57:31 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=280 14:57:31 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:57:37 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=194 14:57:37 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:57:41 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=281 14:57:42 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:57:45 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=195 14:57:45 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:57:55 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=282 14:57:55 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:57:55 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=196 14:57:55 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:58:04 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=197 14:58:04 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:58:07 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=283 14:58:07 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:58:13 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=198 14:58:13 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:58:18 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=284 14:58:18 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:58:21 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=199 14:58:22 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:58:29 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=285 14:58:29 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:58:31 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=200 14:58:31 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:58:40 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=286 14:58:40 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:58:42 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=201 14:58:42 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:58:53 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=202 14:58:54 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:58:54 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=287 14:58:54 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:59:03 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=203 14:59:03 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:59:07 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=288 14:59:07 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:59:14 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=204 14:59:14 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:59:18 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=289 14:59:18 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:59:24 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=205 14:59:24 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:59:35 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=290 14:59:35 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:59:40 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=206 14:59:40 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:59:45 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=291 14:59:45 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:59:54 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=207 14:59:54 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 14:59:57 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=292 14:59:57 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:00:07 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=208 15:00:07 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:00:10 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=293 15:00:10 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:00:18 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=209 15:00:18 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:00:22 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=294 15:00:22 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:00:31 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=210 15:00:31 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:00:34 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=295 15:00:34 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:00:44 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=211 15:00:44 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:00:46 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=296 15:00:47 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:00:57 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=212 15:00:57 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:01:00 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=297 15:01:00 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:01:10 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=213 15:01:10 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:01:19 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=298 15:01:19 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:01:24 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=214 15:01:24 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:01:32 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=299 15:01:32 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:01:39 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=215 15:01:39 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:01:46 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=300 15:01:46 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:01:53 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=216 15:01:53 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:01:58 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=301 15:01:58 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:02:10 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=217 15:02:10 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:02:14 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=302 15:02:14 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:02:21 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=218 15:02:21 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:02:29 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=303 15:02:29 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:02:32 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=219 15:02:32 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:02:40 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=220 15:02:40 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:02:42 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=304 15:02:42 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:02:49 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=221 15:02:49 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:02:55 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=305 15:02:55 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:02:57 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=222 15:02:57 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:03:06 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=223 15:03:06 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:03:10 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=306 15:03:10 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:03:14 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=224 15:03:14 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:03:23 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=307 15:03:24 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:03:26 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=225 15:03:26 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:03:35 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=226 15:03:35 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:03:38 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=308 15:03:38 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:03:44 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=227 15:03:44 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:03:52 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=309 15:03:52 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:03:53 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=228 15:03:53 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:04:03 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=229 15:04:03 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:04:05 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=310 15:04:05 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:04:12 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=230 15:04:12 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:04:19 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=311 15:04:19 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:04:22 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=231 15:04:22 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:04:34 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=312 15:04:34 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:04:36 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=232 15:04:36 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:04:48 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=233 15:04:48 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:04:49 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=313 15:04:49 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:05:00 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=234 15:05:00 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:05:02 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=314 15:05:02 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:05:15 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=235 15:05:15 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:05:17 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=315 15:05:18 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:05:25 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=236 15:05:25 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:05:30 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=316 15:05:30 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:05:35 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=237 15:05:35 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:05:45 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=317 15:05:45 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:05:47 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=238 15:05:47 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:05:59 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=239 15:05:59 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:06:01 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=318 15:06:01 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:06:10 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=240 15:06:10 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:06:15 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=319 15:06:15 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:06:21 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=241 15:06:22 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:06:29 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=320 15:06:29 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:06:32 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=242 15:06:32 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:06:43 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=321 15:06:44 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:06:45 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=243 15:06:45 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:06:58 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=322 15:06:58 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:07:01 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=244 15:07:01 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:07:12 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=245 15:07:13 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:07:13 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=323 15:07:13 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:07:25 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=246 15:07:25 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:07:26 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=324 15:07:26 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:07:37 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=247 15:07:37 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:07:40 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=325 15:07:40 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:07:53 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=248 15:07:53 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:07:55 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=326 15:07:55 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:08:10 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=249 15:08:10 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:08:11 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=327 15:08:11 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:08:26 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=328 15:08:26 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:08:27 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=250 15:08:27 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:08:36 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=251 15:08:36 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:08:40 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=329 15:08:40 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:08:46 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=252 15:08:46 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:08:57 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=330 15:08:57 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:08:58 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=253 15:08:58 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:09:09 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=254 15:09:09 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:09:11 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=331 15:09:11 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:09:22 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=255 15:09:22 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:09:24 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=332 15:09:24 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:09:34 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=256 15:09:34 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:09:36 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=333 15:09:36 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:09:50 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=257 15:09:50 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:09:54 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=334 15:09:54 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:10:04 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=258 15:10:05 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:10:06 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=335 15:10:06 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:10:19 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=259 15:10:19 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:10:21 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=336 15:10:21 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:10:30 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=260 15:10:30 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:10:34 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=337 15:10:34 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:10:45 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=261 15:10:45 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:10:47 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=338 15:10:47 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:10:59 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=262 15:10:59 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:11:01 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=339 15:11:01 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:11:08 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=263 15:11:08 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:11:13 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=340 15:11:13 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:11:21 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=264 15:11:21 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:11:25 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=341 15:11:25 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:11:33 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=265 15:11:33 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:11:38 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=342 15:11:38 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:11:44 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=266 15:11:44 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:11:50 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=343 15:11:50 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:11:55 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=267 15:11:55 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:12:02 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=344 15:12:02 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:12:06 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=268 15:12:06 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:12:15 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=345 15:12:15 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:12:17 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=269 15:12:17 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:12:28 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=346 15:12:28 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:12:30 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=270 15:12:30 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:12:41 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=347 15:12:41 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:12:42 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=271 15:12:42 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:12:55 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=348 15:12:55 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:12:57 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=272 15:12:57 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:13:09 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=349 15:13:09 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:13:11 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=273 15:13:11 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:13:23 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=350 15:13:23 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:13:26 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=274 15:13:26 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:13:33 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=275 15:13:33 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:13:36 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=351 15:13:36 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:13:40 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=276 15:13:41 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:13:49 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=352 15:13:49 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:13:53 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=277 15:13:53 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:13:59 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=278 15:13:59 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:14:02 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=353 15:14:02 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:14:07 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=279 15:14:07 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:14:16 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=280 15:14:16 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:14:23 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=354 15:14:23 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:14:25 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=281 15:14:25 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:14:33 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=282 15:14:33 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:14:36 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=355 15:14:36 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:14:41 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=283 15:14:41 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:14:47 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=356 15:14:47 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:14:49 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=284 15:14:49 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:14:58 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=285 15:14:58 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:15:01 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=357 15:15:01 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:15:05 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=286 15:15:05 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:15:13 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=287 15:15:13 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:15:15 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=358 15:15:15 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:15:20 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=288 15:15:20 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:15:29 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=359 15:15:29 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:15:31 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=289 15:15:31 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:15:41 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=290 15:15:41 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:15:43 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=360 15:15:43 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:15:52 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=291 15:15:52 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:15:55 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=361 15:15:55 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:16:02 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=292 15:16:02 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:16:07 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=362 15:16:07 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:16:10 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=293 15:16:10 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:16:17 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=294 15:16:17 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:16:20 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=363 15:16:20 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:16:25 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=295 15:16:25 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:16:32 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=296 15:16:32 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:16:34 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=364 15:16:34 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:16:41 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=297 15:16:41 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:16:51 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=365 15:16:51 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:16:51 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=298 15:16:51 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:16:59 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=299 15:16:59 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:17:04 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=366 15:17:04 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:17:07 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=300 15:17:07 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:17:15 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=301 15:17:15 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:17:18 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=367 15:17:18 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:17:25 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=302 15:17:25 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:17:30 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=368 15:17:30 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:17:32 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=303 15:17:33 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:17:41 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=304 15:17:41 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:17:43 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=369 15:17:43 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:17:50 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=305 15:17:50 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:17:57 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=370 15:17:57 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:17:59 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=306 15:17:59 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:18:07 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=307 15:18:07 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:18:10 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=371 15:18:10 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:18:15 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=308 15:18:15 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:18:24 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=309 15:18:24 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:18:26 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=372 15:18:26 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:18:31 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=310 15:18:31 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:18:38 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=373 15:18:39 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:18:40 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=311 15:18:40 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:18:50 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=312 15:18:50 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:18:55 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=374 15:18:55 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:18:57 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=313 15:18:58 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:19:06 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=314 15:19:06 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:19:08 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=375 15:19:08 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:19:14 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=315 15:19:14 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:19:23 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=376 15:19:23 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:19:23 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=316 15:19:23 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:19:32 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=317 15:19:32 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:19:35 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=377 15:19:35 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:19:43 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=318 15:19:43 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:19:49 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=378 15:19:49 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:19:53 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=319 15:19:53 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:20:01 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=320 15:20:01 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:20:03 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=379 15:20:03 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:20:10 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=321 15:20:10 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:20:16 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=380 15:20:16 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:20:18 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=322 15:20:18 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:20:30 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=323 15:20:30 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:20:30 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=381 15:20:30 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:20:39 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=324 15:20:39 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:20:42 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=382 15:20:42 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:20:50 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=325 15:20:50 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:20:58 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=383 15:20:58 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:20:59 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=326 15:20:59 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:21:08 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=327 15:21:08 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:21:11 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=384 15:21:11 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:21:18 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=328 15:21:18 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:21:25 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=385 15:21:25 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:21:31 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=329 15:21:31 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:21:38 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=386 15:21:38 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:21:43 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=330 15:21:43 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:21:51 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=387 15:21:51 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:21:54 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=331 15:21:54 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:22:04 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=388 15:22:04 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:22:06 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=332 15:22:06 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:22:15 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=333 15:22:15 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:22:19 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=389 15:22:19 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:22:24 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=334 15:22:24 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:22:31 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=390 15:22:31 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:22:35 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=335 15:22:35 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:22:45 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=336 15:22:45 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:22:53 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=391 15:22:54 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:22:55 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=337 15:22:55 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:23:04 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=338 15:23:04 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:23:07 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=392 15:23:07 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:23:13 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=339 15:23:13 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:23:19 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=393 15:23:19 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:23:22 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=340 15:23:22 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:23:32 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=394 15:23:32 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:23:34 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=341 15:23:34 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:23:44 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=342 15:23:44 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:23:46 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=395 15:23:46 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:23:53 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=343 15:23:53 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:23:59 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=396 15:24:00 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:24:04 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=344 15:24:04 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:24:13 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=397 15:24:13 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:24:15 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=345 15:24:15 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:24:23 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=346 15:24:23 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:24:26 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=398 15:24:26 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:24:33 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=347 15:24:33 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:24:39 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=399 15:24:39 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:24:42 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=348 15:24:42 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:24:53 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=349 15:24:53 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:24:54 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=400 15:24:54 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:25:02 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=350 15:25:02 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:25:06 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=401 15:25:06 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:25:12 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=351 15:25:12 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:25:19 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=402 15:25:19 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:25:21 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=352 15:25:21 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:25:32 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=353 15:25:32 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:25:33 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=403 15:25:33 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:25:41 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=354 15:25:41 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:25:45 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=404 15:25:45 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:25:50 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=355 15:25:50 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:25:58 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=405 15:25:58 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:26:00 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=356 15:26:00 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:26:09 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=357 15:26:09 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:26:13 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=406 15:26:13 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:26:20 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=358 15:26:20 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:26:25 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=407 15:26:26 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:26:30 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=359 15:26:30 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:26:39 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=408 15:26:39 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:26:42 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=360 15:26:42 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:26:52 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=361 15:26:52 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:26:54 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=409 15:26:54 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:27:02 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=362 15:27:02 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:27:06 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=410 15:27:06 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:27:12 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=363 15:27:12 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:27:20 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=411 15:27:20 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:27:21 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=364 15:27:21 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:27:33 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=365 15:27:33 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:27:33 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=412 15:27:33 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:27:42 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=366 15:27:42 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:27:46 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=413 15:27:46 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:27:56 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=367 15:27:56 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:27:58 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=414 15:27:58 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:28:06 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=368 15:28:06 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:28:11 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=415 15:28:11 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:28:14 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=369 15:28:15 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:28:23 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=416 15:28:23 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:28:36 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=417 15:28:36 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:28:49 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=418 15:28:49 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:29:02 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=419 15:29:02 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:29:15 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=420 15:29:15 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:29:29 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=421 15:29:29 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:29:44 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=422 15:29:44 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:29:46 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=370 15:29:46 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:29:57 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=371 15:29:57 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:30:00 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=423 15:30:00 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:30:17 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=372 15:30:17 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:30:17 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=424 15:30:17 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:30:29 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=373 15:30:29 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:30:32 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=425 15:30:32 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:30:39 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=374 15:30:39 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:30:48 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=426 15:30:48 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:30:50 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=375 15:30:50 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:31:02 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=376 15:31:02 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:31:04 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=427 15:31:04 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:31:13 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=377 15:31:13 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:31:23 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=428 15:31:23 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:31:26 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=378 15:31:26 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:31:35 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=429 15:31:35 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:31:38 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=379 15:31:38 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:31:48 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=380 15:31:48 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:31:50 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=430 15:31:50 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:31:59 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=381 15:31:59 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:32:03 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=431 15:32:03 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:32:10 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=382 15:32:10 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:32:17 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=432 15:32:17 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:32:20 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=383 15:32:20 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:32:29 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=433 15:32:29 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:32:36 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=384 15:32:36 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:32:43 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=434 15:32:43 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:32:47 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=385 15:32:47 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:32:57 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=386 15:32:57 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:32:59 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=435 15:32:59 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:33:09 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=387 15:33:09 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:33:13 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=436 15:33:13 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:33:20 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=388 15:33:20 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:33:25 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=437 15:33:25 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:33:32 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=389 15:33:32 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:33:39 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=438 15:33:39 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:33:43 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=390 15:33:43 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:33:53 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=439 15:33:53 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:33:57 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=391 15:33:57 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:34:08 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=392 15:34:08 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:34:09 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=440 15:34:09 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:34:18 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=393 15:34:18 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:34:24 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=441 15:34:24 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:34:28 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=394 15:34:28 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:34:37 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=442 15:34:37 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:34:41 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=395 15:34:41 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:34:53 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=396 15:34:53 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:34:54 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=443 15:34:54 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:35:04 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=397 15:35:04 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:35:10 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=444 15:35:10 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:35:15 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=398 15:35:15 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:35:24 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=445 15:35:25 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:35:29 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=399 15:35:29 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:35:37 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=446 15:35:37 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:35:42 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=400 15:35:42 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:35:50 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=447 15:35:50 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:35:55 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=401 15:35:55 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:36:05 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=448 15:36:05 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:36:09 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=402 15:36:09 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:36:18 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=449 15:36:18 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:36:20 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=403 15:36:20 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:36:32 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=404 15:36:32 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:36:36 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=450 15:36:36 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:36:42 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=405 15:36:42 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:36:50 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=451 15:36:50 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:36:53 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=406 15:36:53 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:37:05 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=452 15:37:05 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:37:07 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=407 15:37:07 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:37:17 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=408 15:37:17 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:37:19 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=453 15:37:19 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:37:29 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=409 15:37:29 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:37:32 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=454 15:37:32 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:37:41 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=410 15:37:41 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:37:46 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=455 15:37:46 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:37:56 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=411 15:37:56 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:38:02 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=456 15:38:02 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:38:10 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=412 15:38:10 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:38:15 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=457 15:38:15 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:38:24 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=413 15:38:24 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:38:31 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=458 15:38:31 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:38:33 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=414 15:38:33 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:38:42 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=415 15:38:42 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:38:44 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=459 15:38:44 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:38:54 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=416 15:38:54 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:38:57 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=460 15:38:58 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:39:06 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=417 15:39:06 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:39:10 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=461 15:39:10 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:39:16 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=418 15:39:16 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:39:23 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=462 15:39:23 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:39:27 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=419 15:39:28 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:39:39 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=463 15:39:39 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:39:41 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=420 15:39:41 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:39:56 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=464 15:39:56 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:39:58 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=421 15:39:58 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:40:10 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=465 15:40:10 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:40:14 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=422 15:40:15 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:40:24 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=466 15:40:24 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:40:28 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=423 15:40:28 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:40:39 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=467 15:40:39 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:40:41 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=424 15:40:41 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:40:55 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=468 15:40:55 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:40:57 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=425 15:40:57 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:41:08 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=469 15:41:08 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:41:11 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=426 15:41:11 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:41:22 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=427 15:41:22 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:41:25 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=470 15:41:26 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:41:36 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=428 15:41:36 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:41:43 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=429 15:41:44 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:41:48 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=471 15:41:49 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:41:54 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=430 15:41:54 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:42:02 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=472 15:42:02 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:42:05 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=431 15:42:05 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:42:17 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=432 15:42:17 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:42:18 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=473 15:42:18 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:42:32 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=433 15:42:32 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:42:48 [] [] [] [] ERROR oldingsRequestHelper Invalid RMAPI response status code = [504] status message = [Gateway Timeout] query = [https://api.ebsco.io/rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=473] body = [{"message": "Endpoint request timed out"}] 15:43:02 [] [] [] [] ERROR oldingsRequestHelper Invalid RMAPI response status code = [504] status message = [Gateway Timeout] query = [https://api.ebsco.io/rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=433] body = [{"message": "Endpoint request timed out"}] 15:57:48 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=473 15:58:02 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=433 15:58:03 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=474 15:58:03 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:58:18 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=434 15:58:18 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:58:19 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=475 15:58:19 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:58:29 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=435 15:58:30 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:58:34 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=476 15:58:34 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:58:41 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=436 15:58:42 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:58:51 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=477 15:58:51 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:58:57 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=437 15:58:57 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:59:06 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=478 15:59:06 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:59:09 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=438 15:59:09 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:59:22 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=439 15:59:22 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:59:24 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=479 15:59:24 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:59:38 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=440 15:59:38 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:59:45 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=480 15:59:45 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 15:59:56 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=441 15:59:56 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:00:04 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=481 16:00:04 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:00:14 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=442 16:00:14 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:00:20 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=482 16:00:20 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:00:28 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=443 16:00:28 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:00:43 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=483 16:00:43 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:00:45 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=444 16:00:45 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:00:55 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=445 16:00:55 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:01:01 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=484 16:01:01 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:01:04 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=446 16:01:04 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:01:19 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=447 16:01:19 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:01:21 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=485 16:01:21 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:01:32 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=448 16:01:32 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:01:38 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=486 16:01:38 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:01:46 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=449 16:01:46 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:01:56 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=487 16:01:56 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:02:02 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=450 16:02:02 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:02:17 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=451 16:02:17 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:02:17 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=488 16:02:18 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:02:30 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=452 16:02:30 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:02:34 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=489 16:02:34 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:02:52 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=490 16:02:52 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:02:53 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=453 16:02:53 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:03:09 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=454 16:03:09 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:03:13 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=491 16:03:13 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:03:22 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=455 16:03:22 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:03:26 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=492 16:03:26 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:03:31 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=456 16:03:31 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:03:40 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=493 16:03:40 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:03:42 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=457 16:03:42 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:03:53 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=458 16:03:53 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:03:55 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=494 16:03:55 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:04:02 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=459 16:04:02 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:04:08 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=495 16:04:08 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:04:10 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=460 16:04:10 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:04:19 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=461 16:04:19 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:04:23 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=496 16:04:23 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:04:29 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=462 16:04:29 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:04:36 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=497 16:04:36 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:04:39 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=463 16:04:39 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:04:51 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=498 16:04:51 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:04:55 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=464 16:04:55 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:05:04 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=465 16:05:04 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:05:14 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=466 16:05:14 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:05:20 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=499 16:05:20 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:05:25 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=467 16:05:25 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:05:34 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=468 16:05:34 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:05:38 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=500 16:05:38 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:05:44 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=469 16:05:44 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:06:00 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=501 16:06:00 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:06:01 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=470 16:06:01 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:06:12 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=471 16:06:12 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:06:14 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=502 16:06:14 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:06:26 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=472 16:06:26 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:06:28 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=503 16:06:28 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:06:46 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=473 16:06:46 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:06:52 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=504 16:06:52 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:07:02 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=474 16:07:02 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:07:14 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=505 16:07:14 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:07:19 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=475 16:07:19 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:07:39 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=476 16:07:39 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:07:41 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=506 16:07:41 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:07:49 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=477 16:07:49 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:07:59 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=507 16:07:59 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:08:08 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=478 16:08:08 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:08:10 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=508 16:08:10 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:08:23 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=509 16:08:23 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:08:29 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=479 16:08:29 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:08:39 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=510 16:08:39 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:08:46 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=480 16:08:46 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:08:58 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=511 16:08:58 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:09:04 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=481 16:09:04 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:09:08 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=512 16:09:08 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:09:19 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=513 16:09:19 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:09:21 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=482 16:09:21 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:09:32 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=483 16:09:32 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:09:40 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=514 16:09:40 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:09:52 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=484 16:09:52 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:10:04 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=515 16:10:04 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:10:14 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=485 16:10:14 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:10:17 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=516 16:10:17 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:10:26 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=486 16:10:26 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:10:30 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=517 16:10:30 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:10:38 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=487 16:10:38 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:10:56 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=518 16:10:56 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:11:00 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=488 16:11:00 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:11:16 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=489 16:11:16 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:11:26 [] [] [] [] ERROR oldingsRequestHelper Invalid RMAPI response status code = [504] status message = [Gateway Timeout] query = [https://api.ebsco.io/rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=518] body = [{"message": "Endpoint request timed out"}] 16:11:28 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=490 16:11:28 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:11:41 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=491 16:11:42 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:12:10 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=492 16:12:10 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:12:24 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=493 16:12:24 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:12:40 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=494 16:12:40 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:12:54 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=495 16:12:54 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:13:11 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=496 16:13:11 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:13:26 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=497 16:13:26 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:13:37 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=498 16:13:37 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:13:45 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=499 16:13:45 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:14:01 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=500 16:14:01 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:14:12 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=501 16:14:12 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:14:20 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=502 16:14:20 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:14:29 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=503 16:14:29 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:14:40 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=504 16:14:40 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:14:53 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=505 16:14:53 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:15:05 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=506 16:15:05 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:15:19 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=507 16:15:19 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:15:33 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=508 16:15:33 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:15:50 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=509 16:15:50 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:16:01 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=510 16:16:01 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:16:10 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=511 16:16:10 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:16:20 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=512 16:16:20 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:16:34 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=513 16:16:34 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:16:44 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=514 16:16:44 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:16:55 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=515 16:16:55 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:17:07 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=516 16:17:07 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:17:21 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=517 16:17:21 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:17:34 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=518 16:17:34 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:17:48 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=519 16:17:48 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:18:04 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=520 16:18:04 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:18:17 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=521 16:18:17 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:18:28 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=522 16:18:28 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:18:40 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=523 16:18:40 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:18:49 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=524 16:18:49 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:19:02 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=525 16:19:02 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:19:12 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=526 16:19:12 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:19:21 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=527 16:19:21 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:19:32 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=528 16:19:32 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:19:41 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=529 16:19:41 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:19:56 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=530 16:19:56 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:20:07 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=531 16:20:07 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:20:17 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=532 16:20:17 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:20:29 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=533 16:20:29 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:20:39 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=534 16:20:39 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:20:50 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=535 16:20:50 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:21:02 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=536 16:21:02 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:21:12 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=537 16:21:12 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:21:23 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=538 16:21:23 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:21:34 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=539 16:21:34 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:21:47 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=540 16:21:47 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:22:04 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=541 16:22:04 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:22:21 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=542 16:22:21 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:22:36 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=543 16:22:36 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:22:49 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=544 16:22:49 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:23:08 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=545 16:23:08 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:23:24 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=546 16:23:24 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:23:54 [] [] [] [] ERROR oldingsRequestHelper Invalid RMAPI response status code = [504] status message = [Gateway Timeout] query = [https://api.ebsco.io/rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=546] body = [{"message": "Endpoint request timed out"}] 16:26:26 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=518 16:26:40 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=519 16:26:40 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:27:00 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=520 16:27:00 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:27:17 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apie2esch1/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=521 16:27:17 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:27:31 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:27:32 [] [] [] [] INFO LogUtils Do delete query = DELETE FROM diku_mod_kb_ebsco_java.holdings WHERE credentials_id = $1 AND updated_at < $2; with params = [{1 = UUID: 4b89eb8a-3a13-4651-9713-ff81620d11d1}, {2 = OffsetDateTime: 2021-03-15T14:04:19.093453Z}] 16:38:54 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=546 16:39:06 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=547 16:39:06 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:39:17 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=548 16:39:17 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:39:28 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=549 16:39:28 [] [] [] [] ERROR ? Unhandled exception java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "" at java.lang.NumberFormatException.forInputString(NumberFormatException.java:65) ~[?:?] at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(Integer.java:662) ~[?:?] at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(Integer.java:770) ~[?:?] at org.folio.service.holdings.HoldingsServiceImpl.lambda$saveHoldings$41(HoldingsServiceImpl.java:446) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at java.util.stream.ReferencePipeline$3$1.accept(ReferencePipeline.java:195) ~[?:?] at java.util.stream.ReferencePipeline$2$1.accept(ReferencePipeline.java:177) ~[?:?] at java.util.ArrayList$ArrayListSpliterator.forEachRemaining(ArrayList.java:1654) ~[?:?] at java.util.stream.AbstractPipeline.copyInto(AbstractPipeline.java:484) ~[?:?] at java.util.stream.AbstractPipeline.wrapAndCopyInto(AbstractPipeline.java:474) ~[?:?] at java.util.stream.ReduceOps$ReduceOp.evaluateSequential(ReduceOps.java:913) ~[?:?] at java.util.stream.AbstractPipeline.evaluate(AbstractPipeline.java:234) ~[?:?] at java.util.stream.ReferencePipeline.collect(ReferencePipeline.java:578) ~[?:?] at org.folio.service.holdings.HoldingsServiceImpl.saveHoldings(HoldingsServiceImpl.java:453) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at org.folio.service.holdings.HoldingsServiceImpl.saveHolding(HoldingsServiceImpl.java:182) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at org.folio.service.holdings.HoldingsServiceVertxProxyHandler.handle(HoldingsServiceVertxProxyHandler.java:129) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at org.folio.service.holdings.HoldingsServiceVertxProxyHandler.handle(HoldingsServiceVertxProxyHandler.java:57) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.vertx.core.impl.EventLoopContext.emit(EventLoopContext.java:52) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.vertx.core.impl.DuplicatedContext.emit(DuplicatedContext.java:194) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.MessageConsumerImpl.dispatch(MessageConsumerImpl.java:177) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.HandlerRegistration$InboundDeliveryContext.next(HandlerRegistration.java:163) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.HandlerRegistration$InboundDeliveryContext.dispatch(HandlerRegistration.java:128) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.vertx.core.impl.AbstractContext.dispatch(AbstractContext.java:107) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.HandlerRegistration.dispatch(HandlerRegistration.java:104) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.MessageConsumerImpl.deliver(MessageConsumerImpl.java:183) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.MessageConsumerImpl.doReceive(MessageConsumerImpl.java:168) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.HandlerRegistration.lambda$receive$0(HandlerRegistration.java:54) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.netty.util.concurrent.AbstractEventExecutor.safeExecute(AbstractEventExecutor.java:164) [mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor.runAllTasks(SingleThreadEventExecutor.java:472) [mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.run(NioEventLoop.java:497) [mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor$4.run(SingleThreadEventExecutor.java:989) [mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.netty.util.internal.ThreadExecutorMap$2.run(ThreadExecutorMap.java:74) [mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.netty.util.concurrent.FastThreadLocalRunnable.run(FastThreadLocalRunnable.java:30) [mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:834) [?:?] 16:39:39 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=550 16:39:39 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:39:50 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=551 16:39:50 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:40:04 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=552 16:40:04 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:40:16 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=553 16:40:16 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:40:27 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=554 16:40:27 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:40:40 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=555 16:40:40 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:40:47 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=556 16:40:47 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:40:56 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=557 16:40:56 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:41:03 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=558 16:41:03 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:41:12 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=559 16:41:12 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:41:21 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=560 16:41:21 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:41:33 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=561 16:41:33 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:41:41 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=562 16:41:41 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:41:52 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=563 16:41:52 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:42:03 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=564 16:42:03 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:42:11 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=565 16:42:11 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:42:19 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=566 16:42:19 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:42:27 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=567 16:42:27 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:42:34 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=568 16:42:34 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:42:42 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=569 16:42:42 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:42:53 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=570 16:42:53 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:43:01 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=571 16:43:01 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:43:09 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=572 16:43:09 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:43:17 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=573 16:43:17 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:43:25 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=574 16:43:25 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:43:33 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=575 16:43:33 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:43:42 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=576 16:43:42 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:43:52 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=577 16:43:52 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:44:01 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=578 16:44:01 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:44:14 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=579 16:44:14 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:44:23 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=580 16:44:23 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:44:32 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=581 16:44:32 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:44:42 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=582 16:44:42 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:44:54 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=583 16:44:54 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:45:05 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=584 16:45:05 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:45:17 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=585 16:45:17 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:45:28 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=586 16:45:28 [] [] [] [] ERROR ? Unhandled exception java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "" at java.lang.NumberFormatException.forInputString(NumberFormatException.java:65) ~[?:?] at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(Integer.java:662) ~[?:?] at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(Integer.java:770) ~[?:?] at org.folio.service.holdings.HoldingsServiceImpl.lambda$saveHoldings$41(HoldingsServiceImpl.java:446) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at java.util.stream.ReferencePipeline$3$1.accept(ReferencePipeline.java:195) ~[?:?] at java.util.stream.ReferencePipeline$2$1.accept(ReferencePipeline.java:177) ~[?:?] at java.util.ArrayList$ArrayListSpliterator.forEachRemaining(ArrayList.java:1654) ~[?:?] at java.util.stream.AbstractPipeline.copyInto(AbstractPipeline.java:484) ~[?:?] at java.util.stream.AbstractPipeline.wrapAndCopyInto(AbstractPipeline.java:474) ~[?:?] at java.util.stream.ReduceOps$ReduceOp.evaluateSequential(ReduceOps.java:913) ~[?:?] at java.util.stream.AbstractPipeline.evaluate(AbstractPipeline.java:234) ~[?:?] at java.util.stream.ReferencePipeline.collect(ReferencePipeline.java:578) ~[?:?] at org.folio.service.holdings.HoldingsServiceImpl.saveHoldings(HoldingsServiceImpl.java:453) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at org.folio.service.holdings.HoldingsServiceImpl.saveHolding(HoldingsServiceImpl.java:182) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at org.folio.service.holdings.HoldingsServiceVertxProxyHandler.handle(HoldingsServiceVertxProxyHandler.java:129) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at org.folio.service.holdings.HoldingsServiceVertxProxyHandler.handle(HoldingsServiceVertxProxyHandler.java:57) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.vertx.core.impl.EventLoopContext.emit(EventLoopContext.java:52) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.vertx.core.impl.DuplicatedContext.emit(DuplicatedContext.java:194) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.MessageConsumerImpl.dispatch(MessageConsumerImpl.java:177) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.HandlerRegistration$InboundDeliveryContext.next(HandlerRegistration.java:163) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.HandlerRegistration$InboundDeliveryContext.dispatch(HandlerRegistration.java:128) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.vertx.core.impl.AbstractContext.dispatch(AbstractContext.java:107) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.HandlerRegistration.dispatch(HandlerRegistration.java:104) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.MessageConsumerImpl.deliver(MessageConsumerImpl.java:183) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.MessageConsumerImpl.doReceive(MessageConsumerImpl.java:168) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.HandlerRegistration.lambda$receive$0(HandlerRegistration.java:54) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.netty.util.concurrent.AbstractEventExecutor.safeExecute(AbstractEventExecutor.java:164) [mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor.runAllTasks(SingleThreadEventExecutor.java:472) [mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.run(NioEventLoop.java:497) [mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor$4.run(SingleThreadEventExecutor.java:989) [mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.netty.util.internal.ThreadExecutorMap$2.run(ThreadExecutorMap.java:74) [mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.netty.util.concurrent.FastThreadLocalRunnable.run(FastThreadLocalRunnable.java:30) [mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:834) [?:?] 16:45:39 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=587 16:45:39 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:45:50 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=588 16:45:50 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:46:01 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=589 16:46:01 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:46:13 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=590 16:46:13 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:46:32 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=591 16:46:32 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:46:44 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=592 16:46:44 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:46:52 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=593 16:46:52 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:46:58 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=594 16:46:58 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:47:05 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=595 16:47:05 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:47:12 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=596 16:47:12 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:47:19 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=597 16:47:19 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:47:27 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=598 16:47:27 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:47:34 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=599 16:47:34 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:47:44 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=600 16:47:44 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:47:50 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=601 16:47:50 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:47:57 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=602 16:47:57 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:48:04 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=603 16:48:04 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:48:12 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=604 16:48:12 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:48:19 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=605 16:48:19 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:48:26 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=606 16:48:26 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:48:33 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=607 16:48:33 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:48:40 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=608 16:48:40 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:48:47 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=609 16:48:48 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:48:56 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=610 16:48:56 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:49:03 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=611 16:49:03 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:49:11 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=612 16:49:11 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:49:19 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=613 16:49:19 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:49:26 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=614 16:49:26 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:49:34 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=615 16:49:34 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:49:41 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=616 16:49:41 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:49:48 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=617 16:49:48 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:49:56 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=618 16:49:56 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:50:06 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=619 16:50:06 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:50:14 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=620 16:50:14 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:50:21 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=621 16:50:21 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:50:29 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=622 16:50:29 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:50:37 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=623 16:50:37 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:50:46 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=624 16:50:46 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:50:55 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=625 16:50:55 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:51:02 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=626 16:51:02 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:51:12 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=627 16:51:12 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:51:21 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=628 16:51:21 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:51:30 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=629 16:51:30 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:51:39 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=630 16:51:39 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:51:47 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=631 16:51:48 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:51:56 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=632 16:51:56 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:52:05 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=633 16:52:05 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:52:21 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=634 16:52:21 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:52:28 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=635 16:52:29 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:52:37 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=636 16:52:37 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:52:46 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=637 16:52:46 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:52:55 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=638 16:52:55 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:53:03 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=639 16:53:03 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:53:11 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=640 16:53:11 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:53:20 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=641 16:53:20 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:53:29 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=642 16:53:29 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:53:37 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=643 16:53:37 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:53:46 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=644 16:53:46 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:53:58 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=645 16:53:58 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:54:09 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=646 16:54:09 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:54:18 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=647 16:54:18 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:54:26 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=648 16:54:26 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:54:35 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=649 16:54:35 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:54:44 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=650 16:54:44 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:54:52 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=651 16:54:52 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:55:05 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=652 16:55:05 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:55:13 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=653 16:55:13 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:55:22 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=654 16:55:22 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:55:32 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=655 16:55:32 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:55:41 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=656 16:55:41 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:55:49 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=657 16:55:49 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:56:02 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=658 16:56:02 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:56:13 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=659 16:56:13 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:56:23 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=660 16:56:23 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:56:33 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=661 16:56:33 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:56:44 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=662 16:56:44 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:56:54 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=663 16:56:54 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:57:03 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=664 16:57:03 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:57:13 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=665 16:57:13 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:57:23 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=666 16:57:23 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:57:35 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=667 16:57:35 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:57:44 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=668 16:57:44 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:57:54 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=669 16:57:54 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:58:04 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=670 16:58:04 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:58:14 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=671 16:58:14 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:58:24 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=672 16:58:24 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:58:34 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=673 16:58:34 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:58:44 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=674 16:58:44 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:58:55 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=675 16:58:55 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:59:05 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=676 16:59:05 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:59:16 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=677 16:59:16 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:59:25 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=678 16:59:25 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:59:35 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=679 16:59:35 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 16:59:52 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=680 16:59:52 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:00:03 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=681 17:00:03 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:00:14 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=682 17:00:14 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:00:25 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=683 17:00:25 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:00:35 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=684 17:00:35 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:00:46 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=685 17:00:46 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:00:58 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=686 17:00:58 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:01:14 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=687 17:01:14 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:01:25 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=688 17:01:25 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:01:35 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=689 17:01:35 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:01:47 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=690 17:01:47 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:01:57 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=691 17:01:57 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:02:09 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=692 17:02:09 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:02:20 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=693 17:02:20 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:02:30 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=694 17:02:30 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:02:41 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=695 17:02:41 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:02:53 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=696 17:02:53 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:03:06 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=697 17:03:06 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:03:16 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=698 17:03:16 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:03:26 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=699 17:03:26 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:03:37 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=700 17:03:37 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:03:48 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=701 17:03:48 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:04:03 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=702 17:04:03 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:04:14 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=703 17:04:14 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:04:19 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Current status for credentials - bf4bad18-cea5-4619-aefd-bdd1bf179f2c is Failed 17:04:19 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/ns273786/holdings/status 17:04:19 [] [] [] [] INFO actLoadServiceFacade Snapshot created recently: HoldingsStatus(transactionId=null, status=FAILED, created=2021-03-15 11:22:28.080, totalCount=0, totalPages=null) 17:04:19 [] [] [] [] ERROR actLoadServiceFacade Failed to create snapshot java.util.concurrent.CompletionException: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Snapshot created with invalid totalCount:HoldingsStatus(transactionId=null, status=FAILED, created=2021-03-15 11:22:28.080, totalCount=0, totalPages=null) at java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture.encodeThrowable(CompletableFuture.java:314) ~[?:?] at java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture.completeThrowable(CompletableFuture.java:319) ~[?:?] at java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture$UniCompose.tryFire(CompletableFuture.java:1081) ~[?:?] at java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture.postComplete(CompletableFuture.java:506) ~[?:?] at java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture.complete(CompletableFuture.java:2073) ~[?:?] at org.folio.holdingsiq.service.impl.HoldingsRequestHelper.lambda$finishRequest$6(HoldingsRequestHelper.java:241) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.vertx.core.impl.future.FutureImpl$1.onSuccess(FutureImpl.java:90) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.vertx.core.impl.future.FutureImpl$ListenerArray.onSuccess(FutureImpl.java:230) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.vertx.core.impl.future.FutureBase.emitSuccess(FutureBase.java:62) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.vertx.core.impl.future.FutureImpl.tryComplete(FutureImpl.java:179) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.vertx.core.impl.future.PromiseImpl.tryComplete(PromiseImpl.java:23) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.vertx.core.impl.future.PromiseImpl.onSuccess(PromiseImpl.java:49) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.vertx.core.impl.future.PromiseImpl.handle(PromiseImpl.java:41) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.vertx.core.impl.future.PromiseImpl.handle(PromiseImpl.java:23) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.vertx.ext.web.client.impl.HttpContext.handleDispatchResponse(HttpContext.java:354) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.vertx.ext.web.client.impl.HttpContext.execute(HttpContext.java:341) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.vertx.ext.web.client.impl.HttpContext.next(HttpContext.java:322) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.vertx.ext.web.client.impl.HttpContext.fire(HttpContext.java:289) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.vertx.ext.web.client.impl.HttpContext.dispatchResponse(HttpContext.java:251) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.vertx.ext.web.client.impl.HttpContext.lambda$null$2(HttpContext.java:415) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.vertx.core.impl.AbstractContext.dispatch(AbstractContext.java:96) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.vertx.core.impl.AbstractContext.dispatch(AbstractContext.java:59) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.vertx.core.impl.EventLoopContext.lambda$runOnContext$0(EventLoopContext.java:40) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.netty.util.concurrent.AbstractEventExecutor.safeExecute(AbstractEventExecutor.java:164) [mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor.runAllTasks(SingleThreadEventExecutor.java:472) [mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.run(NioEventLoop.java:497) [mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor$4.run(SingleThreadEventExecutor.java:989) [mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.netty.util.internal.ThreadExecutorMap$2.run(ThreadExecutorMap.java:74) [mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.netty.util.concurrent.FastThreadLocalRunnable.run(FastThreadLocalRunnable.java:30) [mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:834) [?:?] Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Snapshot created with invalid totalCount:HoldingsStatus(transactionId=null, status=FAILED, created=2021-03-15 11:22:28.080, totalCount=0, totalPages=null) at org.folio.service.holdings.AbstractLoadServiceFacade.lambda$populateHoldingsIfNecessary$4(AbstractLoadServiceFacade.java:107) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture$UniCompose.tryFire(CompletableFuture.java:1072) ~[?:?] ... 27 more 17:04:25 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=704 17:04:25 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:04:41 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=705 17:04:41 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:04:52 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=706 17:04:52 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:05:03 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=707 17:05:03 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:05:15 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=708 17:05:15 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:05:27 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=709 17:05:27 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:05:38 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=710 17:05:38 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:05:53 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=711 17:05:53 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:06:07 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=712 17:06:07 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:06:20 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=713 17:06:20 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:06:33 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=714 17:06:33 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:06:49 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=715 17:06:49 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:07:01 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=716 17:07:01 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:07:13 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=717 17:07:13 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:07:26 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=718 17:07:26 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:07:38 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=719 17:07:38 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:07:52 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=720 17:07:52 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:08:05 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=721 17:08:05 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:08:18 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=722 17:08:18 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:08:31 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=723 17:08:31 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:08:44 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=724 17:08:44 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:09:00 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=725 17:09:00 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:09:12 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=726 17:09:12 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:09:25 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=727 17:09:25 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:09:37 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=728 17:09:37 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:09:50 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=729 17:09:50 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:10:02 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=730 17:10:02 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:10:14 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=731 17:10:14 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:10:26 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=732 17:10:26 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:10:39 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=733 17:10:39 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:10:51 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=734 17:10:51 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:11:07 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=735 17:11:07 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:11:23 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=736 17:11:23 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:11:36 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=737 17:11:36 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:11:49 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=738 17:11:49 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:12:03 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=739 17:12:03 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:12:15 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=740 17:12:15 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:12:28 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=741 17:12:28 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:12:40 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=742 17:12:40 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:12:54 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=743 17:12:54 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:13:06 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=744 17:13:06 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:13:19 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=745 17:13:19 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:13:31 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=746 17:13:31 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:13:46 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=747 17:13:46 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:13:59 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=748 17:13:59 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:14:12 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=749 17:14:12 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:14:25 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=750 17:14:25 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:14:39 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=751 17:14:39 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:14:52 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=752 17:14:52 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:15:05 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=753 17:15:05 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:15:20 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=754 17:15:20 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:15:33 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=755 17:15:33 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:15:46 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=756 17:15:46 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:15:59 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=757 17:15:59 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:16:11 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=758 17:16:11 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:16:25 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=759 17:16:25 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:16:39 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=760 17:16:39 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:16:52 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=761 17:16:52 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:17:07 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=762 17:17:07 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:17:21 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=763 17:17:21 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:17:36 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=764 17:17:36 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:17:48 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=765 17:17:48 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:18:00 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=766 17:18:00 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:18:14 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=767 17:18:14 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:18:30 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=768 17:18:30 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:18:44 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=769 17:18:44 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:18:59 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=770 17:18:59 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:19:12 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=771 17:19:12 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:19:26 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=772 17:19:26 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:19:40 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=773 17:19:40 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:19:53 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=774 17:19:53 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:20:08 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=775 17:20:08 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:20:24 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=776 17:20:24 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:20:38 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=777 17:20:38 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:20:52 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=778 17:20:53 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:21:05 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=779 17:21:05 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:21:21 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=780 17:21:21 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:21:35 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=781 17:21:35 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:21:48 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=782 17:21:48 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:22:01 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=783 17:22:01 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:22:13 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=784 17:22:13 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:22:26 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=785 17:22:26 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:22:44 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=786 17:22:44 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:22:58 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=787 17:22:58 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:23:10 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=788 17:23:10 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:23:26 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=789 17:23:26 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:23:38 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=790 17:23:38 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:23:53 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=791 17:23:53 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:24:07 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=792 17:24:07 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:24:20 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=793 17:24:20 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:24:33 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=794 17:24:33 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:24:45 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=795 17:24:45 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:24:59 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=796 17:24:59 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:25:12 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=797 17:25:12 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:25:26 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=798 17:25:26 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:25:38 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=799 17:25:38 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:25:52 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=800 17:25:52 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:26:06 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=801 17:26:06 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:26:20 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=802 17:26:20 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:26:34 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=803 17:26:34 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:26:52 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=804 17:26:52 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:27:05 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=805 17:27:05 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:27:18 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=806 17:27:18 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:27:33 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=807 17:27:33 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:27:46 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=808 17:27:46 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:28:00 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=809 17:28:00 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:28:13 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=810 17:28:13 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:28:27 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=811 17:28:27 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:28:40 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=812 17:28:40 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:28:54 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=813 17:28:54 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:29:07 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=814 17:29:07 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:29:21 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=815 17:29:21 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:29:36 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=816 17:29:36 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:29:50 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=817 17:29:50 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:30:09 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=818 17:30:09 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:30:25 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=819 17:30:25 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:30:40 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=820 17:30:40 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:30:54 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=821 17:30:54 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:31:08 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=822 17:31:08 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:31:22 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=823 17:31:22 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:31:35 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=824 17:31:35 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:31:49 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=825 17:31:49 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:32:03 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=826 17:32:03 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:32:21 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=827 17:32:21 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:32:35 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=828 17:32:35 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:32:51 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=829 17:32:51 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:33:04 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=830 17:33:04 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:33:22 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=831 17:33:22 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:33:36 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=832 17:33:36 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:33:49 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=833 17:33:49 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:34:03 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=834 17:34:03 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:34:23 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=835 17:34:23 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:34:47 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=836 17:34:47 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:35:01 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=837 17:35:01 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:35:15 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=838 17:35:15 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:35:30 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=839 17:35:30 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:35:45 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=840 17:35:45 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:36:00 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=841 17:36:00 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:36:17 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=842 17:36:17 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:36:32 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=843 17:36:32 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:36:49 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=844 17:36:49 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:37:00 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=845 17:37:01 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:37:11 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=846 17:37:11 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:37:22 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=847 17:37:22 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:37:34 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=848 17:37:34 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:37:46 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=849 17:37:46 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:38:00 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=850 17:38:00 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:38:15 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=851 17:38:15 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:38:29 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=852 17:38:29 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:38:45 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=853 17:38:45 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:39:00 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=854 17:39:00 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:39:15 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=855 17:39:15 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:39:30 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=856 17:39:30 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:39:45 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=857 17:39:45 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:40:03 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=858 17:40:03 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:40:19 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=859 17:40:19 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:40:34 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=860 17:40:34 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:40:50 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=861 17:40:50 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:41:01 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=862 17:41:01 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:41:14 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=863 17:41:14 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:41:23 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=864 17:41:23 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:41:33 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=865 17:41:33 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:41:45 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=866 17:41:45 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:41:55 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=867 17:41:55 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:42:05 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=868 17:42:05 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:42:14 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=869 17:42:14 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:42:27 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=870 17:42:27 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:42:38 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=871 17:42:38 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:42:49 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=872 17:42:49 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:43:00 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=873 17:43:00 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:43:11 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=874 17:43:12 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:43:21 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=875 17:43:22 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:43:31 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=876 17:43:32 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:43:44 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=877 17:43:44 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:43:58 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=878 17:43:58 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:44:09 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=879 17:44:09 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:44:21 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=880 17:44:21 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=881 17:44:35 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:44:49 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=882 17:44:49 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:45:03 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=883 17:45:03 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:45:16 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=884 17:45:16 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:45:29 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=885 17:45:29 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:45:42 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=886 17:45:42 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:45:57 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=887 17:45:57 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:46:16 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=888 17:46:16 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:46:30 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=889 17:46:30 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:46:48 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=890 17:46:48 [] [] [] [] ERROR ? Unhandled exception java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "" at java.lang.NumberFormatException.forInputString(NumberFormatException.java:65) ~[?:?] at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(Integer.java:662) ~[?:?] at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(Integer.java:770) ~[?:?] at org.folio.service.holdings.HoldingsServiceImpl.lambda$saveHoldings$41(HoldingsServiceImpl.java:446) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at java.util.stream.ReferencePipeline$3$1.accept(ReferencePipeline.java:195) ~[?:?] at java.util.stream.ReferencePipeline$2$1.accept(ReferencePipeline.java:177) ~[?:?] at java.util.ArrayList$ArrayListSpliterator.forEachRemaining(ArrayList.java:1654) ~[?:?] at java.util.stream.AbstractPipeline.copyInto(AbstractPipeline.java:484) ~[?:?] at java.util.stream.AbstractPipeline.wrapAndCopyInto(AbstractPipeline.java:474) ~[?:?] at java.util.stream.ReduceOps$ReduceOp.evaluateSequential(ReduceOps.java:913) ~[?:?] at java.util.stream.AbstractPipeline.evaluate(AbstractPipeline.java:234) ~[?:?] at java.util.stream.ReferencePipeline.collect(ReferencePipeline.java:578) ~[?:?] at org.folio.service.holdings.HoldingsServiceImpl.saveHoldings(HoldingsServiceImpl.java:453) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at org.folio.service.holdings.HoldingsServiceImpl.saveHolding(HoldingsServiceImpl.java:182) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at org.folio.service.holdings.HoldingsServiceVertxProxyHandler.handle(HoldingsServiceVertxProxyHandler.java:129) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at org.folio.service.holdings.HoldingsServiceVertxProxyHandler.handle(HoldingsServiceVertxProxyHandler.java:57) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.vertx.core.impl.EventLoopContext.emit(EventLoopContext.java:52) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.vertx.core.impl.DuplicatedContext.emit(DuplicatedContext.java:194) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.MessageConsumerImpl.dispatch(MessageConsumerImpl.java:177) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.HandlerRegistration$InboundDeliveryContext.next(HandlerRegistration.java:163) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.HandlerRegistration$InboundDeliveryContext.dispatch(HandlerRegistration.java:128) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.vertx.core.impl.AbstractContext.dispatch(AbstractContext.java:107) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.HandlerRegistration.dispatch(HandlerRegistration.java:104) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.MessageConsumerImpl.deliver(MessageConsumerImpl.java:183) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.MessageConsumerImpl.doReceive(MessageConsumerImpl.java:168) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.HandlerRegistration.lambda$receive$0(HandlerRegistration.java:54) ~[mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.netty.util.concurrent.AbstractEventExecutor.safeExecute(AbstractEventExecutor.java:164) [mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor.runAllTasks(SingleThreadEventExecutor.java:472) [mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.run(NioEventLoop.java:497) [mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor$4.run(SingleThreadEventExecutor.java:989) [mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.netty.util.internal.ThreadExecutorMap$2.run(ThreadExecutorMap.java:74) [mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at io.netty.util.concurrent.FastThreadLocalRunnable.run(FastThreadLocalRunnable.java:30) [mod-kb-ebsco-java-fat.jar:?] at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:834) [?:?] 17:47:04 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=891 17:47:04 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:47:21 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=892 17:47:21 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:47:31 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=893 17:47:31 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:47:49 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=894 17:47:49 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:48:06 [] [] [] [] INFO oldingsRequestHelper RMAPI Service GET absolute URL is: /rm/rmaccounts/apidvcorp/holdings?format=kbart2&count=5000&offset=895 17:48:06 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database. 17:48:21 [] [] [] [] INFO HoldingsServiceImpl Saving holdings to database.