API po-lines/fundDistributions/validate REQUEST Body Media type: application/json Type: json Content: { "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#", "description": "Fund distribution amount validation", "type": "object", "properties": { "cost": { "description": "cost details associated with this purchase order line", "type": "object", "$ref": "../../mod-orders-storage/schemas/cost.json" }, "fundDistribution": { "description": "the UUIDs of the fund distribution records for this purchase order line", "id": "fundDistribution", "type": "array", "items": { "description": "a fund distribution record", "type": "object", "$ref": "../../mod-orders-storage/schemas/fund_distribution.json" } }, "additionalProperties": false, "required": [ "cost", "fundDistribution", ] }, } Example: { "cost": { "additionalCost": 0, "currency": "USD", "discount": 0, "discountType": "percentage", "exchangeRate": 1, "listUnitPrice": 50, "listUnitPriceElectronic": 50, "quantityElectronic": 1, "quantityPhysical": 1 }, "fundDistribution": [ { "code": "HIST", "fundId": "63157e96-0693-426d-b0df-948bacdfdb08", "distributionType": "percentage", "value": 50.0, }, { "code": "EUROHIST", "fundId": "e9285a1c-1dfc-4380-868c-e74073003f43", "distributionType": "amount", "value": 50.00, } ], } RESPONSE Body Media type: application/json Type: any Example: { "remainingAmount": 0.00, } API invoice-lines/fundDistributions/validate REQUEST Body Media type: application/json Type: json Content: { "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#", "description": "Fund distribution amount validation", "type": "object", "properties": { "subTotal": { "description": "Invoice line amount before adjustments are applied", "type": "number" }, "adjustments": { "description": "Defined in settings - the amount field will be editable and pro-rate toggle will be editable if enabled for that adjustment", "type": "array", "items": { "type": "object", "$ref": "adjustment.json" } }, "fundDistribution": { "description": "the UUIDs of the fund distribution records for this purchase order line", "id": "fundDistribution", "type": "array", "items": { "description": "a fund distribution record", "type": "object", "$ref": "../../mod-orders-storage/schemas/fund_distribution.json" } }, "additionalProperties": false, "required": [ "subTotal", "fundDistribution", ] }, } Example: { "suTotal": 100, "fundDistribution": [ { "code": "HIST", "fundId": "63157e96-0693-426d-b0df-948bacdfdb08", "distributionType": "percentage", "value": 50.00, }, { "code": "EUROHIST", "fundId": "e9285a1c-1dfc-4380-868c-e74073003f43", "distributionType": "amount", "value": 50.00, } ], } RESPONSE Body Media type: application/json Type: any Example: { "remainingAmount": 0.00, }